Monday, September 25, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 25 2017

Thanks for watching!

I really wanted to do a drawing like that, very sweet and affectionate

Taking advantage to say that yaoi is beautiful

Anyway ... here you have the result, thanks :)

No song used in this video is mine, credits to their respective creators

For more infomation >> VIVA EL YAOI [SpeedPaint Papuh] - Duration: 15:56.


Impactante testimonio en Cuarto Milenio de una superviviente del 11-M - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> Impactante testimonio en Cuarto Milenio de una superviviente del 11-M - Duration: 4:34.


ArtU's Photography Graduate...

For more infomation >> ArtU's Photography Graduate...


Nitecore SRT9 Flashlight Review. UV, Red, Green, Blue, & White Tactical Torch - Duration: 9:11.

For more infomation >> Nitecore SRT9 Flashlight Review. UV, Red, Green, Blue, & White Tactical Torch - Duration: 9:11.


How to make 3 Useful Things from 1 DC Motor || Creative Tube vs Make - Duration: 6:54.

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For more infomation >> How to make 3 Useful Things from 1 DC Motor || Creative Tube vs Make - Duration: 6:54.


BOOM: Mike Rowe Destroys Everyone Involved in NFL Protests | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:58.

Mike Rowe is no wallflower.

The outspoken TV star has defended blue-collar, working-class America since he hit it big

with his show "Dirty Jobs."

He's used that platform to launch a full-throated defense of traditional American values.

So it was not unexpected that Rowe would take a stand on the latest controversy around whether

or not NFL players should be standing during the National Anthem and President Donald Trump's

response to their behavior.

He made the post on Sunday.

It began with a question from fan Robert Amon: "Hey Mike – I know you avoid politics,

(thanks!) and I remember your rant on the Colt's leaving Baltimore.

(As a former Brown's fan, I feel your pain.)

But I gotta ask – what's happening to professional football, and what do you make

of Trump's comments about those who refuse to stand during the national anthem?"

In democracies, we the people get the government we deserve.

We also get the celebrities we deserve, the artists we deserve, and the athletes we deserve.

Because ultimately, we the people get to decide who and what gets our attention, and who and

what does not.

Right now, The NFL, the players who choose to kneel, the networks who choose to broadcast

their protest, the advertisers who sponsor the games, and the President of the United

States, are all eager for our attention.

And they are all using football to get it.

That's all well and good, right up to the point where it isn't.

In my view, this controversy really isn't about patriotism, social justice, racial inequality,

or free speech.

It's not even about the flag or the national anthem.

It's really only about one thing – what we will tolerate, and what we won't.

I was disappointed last night, to hear President Trump encourage owners to fire players who

refuse to stand for the anthem.

Not because I dispute the owners right to do so, and not because I would grieve the

dismissal of anyone who chooses to disrespect our flag.

I was disappointed because the President's comments presuppose that the owners are in

charge of the game.

They're not.

We are.

We decide what to watch, and that decision – far more than any other consideration

– will determine the what the owners choose to do.

And that in turn will affect what the players choose to do.

As the leader of the country, the President had an opportunity to remind us that The NFL,

the networks who broadcast their games, and all of the players – standers and kneelers

alike – work for us.

He might have also used the occasion to remind us that he too, serves at our pleasure.

I felt a similar bemusement when the Commissioner issued his response, followed by the President

of the Player's Union.

Their comments – along with the comments of many of the players themselves – were

perfectly reasonable, perfectly understandable, and perfectly in keeping with their first

amendment rights.

But they were also perfectly arrogant.

Because they too, presuppose that millions of fans will continue to watch them play a

game – no matter what.

Perhaps they're right.

Historically, football fans have shown a collective willingness to ignore and enable all sorts

of dubious behavior.

The players have agents and unions, the owners have money and power, and the fans are always

caught in the middle.

The resulting strikes and the constant uprooting of teams from broken-hearted towns proves

beyond all question the overall lack of regard for fans in general.

But here's the thing, Rob.

The fans of professional football are not powerless – we're just not yet offended

enough to turn the channel.

Should that ever change in a meaningful way – if for instance, a percentage of football

fans relative to those players who chose to kneel during today's games, chose to watch

something else next Sunday – I can assure you…the matter would be resolved by Monday.

what do you think about this?

Is Rowe on point?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BOOM: Mike Rowe Destroys Everyone Involved in NFL Protests | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:58.


¿Por qué estudiar tu Maestría en Gestión del Talento Humano en la ESPOL? - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> ¿Por qué estudiar tu Maestría en Gestión del Talento Humano en la ESPOL? - Duration: 1:39.


Powerful Panel Discussion Tip with Patricia Fripp #121: What Chair Do You Prefer at Panels? - Duration: 4:05.

What kind of chairs do you prefer to use in a panel discussion?

I was just at a conference, New Media Expo and they had several panels that were almost

like sofas, and they were very comfortable which led people to be very comfortable.

Now I have short little legs because Jeanie Robertson, who of course is our friend who

is 6 foot 2, always teases me because we were sitting on an airplane and she said, "Patricia,

your feet do not touch the floor!"

So, one, you have to be careful if the sofa is too deep, if you have someone who is short,

you really need pillows because if I go back, I look like a child when I sink in.

If you are going to have high stools, you have to tell women because if they wear short

skirts, it is very difficult to get up and down and look elegant.

If a woman is going to be on a high stool, either you need to rehearse doing it or probably,

well, you might have a dress or a skirt but you do not want it so that when you sit down

it shrinks right up to your bottom.

That will, of course, no one will ever hear what you are saying or probably anybody else.

If I know that, I am usually going to where slacks and you have to practice getting on

and off the stool.

I liked the sofa but this is what I noticed, this was a techy conference, New Media Expo

and I made notes, I did not even know you were going to interview me but this is fabulous.

If you are on a panel, ¬¬¬¬¬but there is no table, you are sitting on the sofa;

you do not want to show the soles of your shoes.

I even drew little diagrams in my notes of how the shoes were.

It is amazing what people did with their feet, they were all men.

There was one man and he was a superstar, to do television and radio, he was a star.

He was elegantly well dressed and he had fabulous shoes, in fact someone noticed on his shoes

and they were beautiful in colorful.

See, you are sitting on stage with nothing in front of you and so his feet were going…

And it is almost like I am hypnotized because of his little feet.

He was going up these beautiful, the edges were white and the top was like two colors,

tan and navy, they were beautiful shoes, but he kept going like this.

Because they had a white edge, it is almost like you could not hear what he was saying

and then the other people, the way they had the leg over something.

There was another one, they were showing the soles of their shoes.

So you have to sit, because if I am on a sofa and as I say, I have to sit closer to the

edge so that my feet can be on the ground.

That is what you have to practice.

But do not show, it is like you do not want to show the top of your head, you do not want

to show the soles of your shoes, especially if you have a label on or if they are very

well worn.

For more infomation >> Powerful Panel Discussion Tip with Patricia Fripp #121: What Chair Do You Prefer at Panels? - Duration: 4:05.


Fiverr Website basic introduction || Learning Code - Duration: 10:56.

welcome to this channel

hope you are well

This is Fiverr official website


For more infomation >> Fiverr Website basic introduction || Learning Code - Duration: 10:56.


💦Самогонный аппарат из автомобиля ГАЗ /Что только не придумают Кулибины #ValeryAliakseyeu - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> 💦Самогонный аппарат из автомобиля ГАЗ /Что только не придумают Кулибины #ValeryAliakseyeu - Duration: 2:00.


Meg Smith - "Girls Like You"

For more infomation >> Meg Smith - "Girls Like You"


Paid Content by Nemours Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children - Therapy Van Helping Patients - Duration: 4:19.







































































































































For more infomation >> Paid Content by Nemours Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children - Therapy Van Helping Patients - Duration: 4:19.


5 Creepy Japanese Death Poems - Duration: 3:11.

So I've been studying some Japanese Death poems as I finish up my short film, Dreadful


I'll talk more about that in the coming months.

But with National Poetry Day coming up, I'm doing this collab with Don't Turn Around,

where we'll be reading you some horror poetry.

I thought it would be fun to practice writing some Japanese Death Poems and put a CZsWorld

twist on it, so I'm gonna base each of these poems on some of my favorite horror anime,

and whoever can guess what they're from will win some kind of shoutout or something.

And stick around to the end where I'll narrate the Japanese Death Poem from my upcoming film,

Dreadful Misfortune.

Ichi I opposed the move.

Gazing on empty caskets.

He inquired aloud.

Aren't you afraid of dying?

I've been dead for some time now.


Monsters roam this world.

But justice will come swiftly, as with all monsters.

I know this monster because, in truth, I am that monster.


The ninth grade, class three.

Would be the last grade, for me.

As with those before.

A curse to grea t to ignore.

Ignore her, to live one more.


Twelve contestants play.

A twisted and fatal game.

When even peers lock.

Even friendship goes to shame.

She only has her, to blame.


The coffee's a bit strong.

And this date's gone on too long.

City lights so dim.

Walk me home, they look so grim.

Leaving half of me with him.


The ink of this scribe, is only seen in the eyes,

of shinigami, who possess glowing white eyes.

Dreadful misfortune, runs dry.

The voice you heard in this video was Don't Turn Around.

Click the link right here to listen to the epic horror poem that I helped narrate on

their channel.

Remember to subscribe to CZsWorld for new horrors every week, ring that deathbell for

notifications and I'll see you in the next one.

Assuming, we both survive.

For more infomation >> 5 Creepy Japanese Death Poems - Duration: 3:11.


PUBG Fun Stream • Sub Games & more - Duration: 2:08:54.

For more infomation >> PUBG Fun Stream • Sub Games & more - Duration: 2:08:54.


"Dying" to get to Valaheim [Valnir Rok] [2] - Duration: 17:22.

We need to drop some stuff.

Wood. Drop this wood. [grunt]

No! It's the bear again why?!

Run! Run! I can't run! No bear! [dying grunt]

[wolf howling]

I hate my life.

What's up Monkey Tribe! Thank you for joining me in another episode of Valnir Rok.

We're back here right where we started. Umm... well, not started. Left off I said.

Near the lake where we got our water from and I finally figured out how

to drop stuff from my inventory so we can get our weight back. All I had to do

was relog since the last episode and it let me drop all my stuff.

Look how derp I look when I run sideways. Like, my hand... haha.

The things that I notice... and check out this rock that's attached to my hip.

Ooo, look how pretty it looks!

Screenshot. There's a rock attached to my hip that's

a thing. So, I've just been over here collecting some fibrous plants and

waiting for you guys to come back and join me so that we can go do our first

quest "Dying to get to Valaheim". We're gonna enter the Grove of Horgr. Let's

look at our map again. Are we still heading in the right direction? Wait a

second now it doesn't show up. Wait is that my quest over here?

No, cuz before it used to show a little circle right there. Maybe you have to activate

the quests? Hmm... oh wait, this is highlighted. Bookmark. Now is it on my map? Yay, okay.

We're heading in that direction good stuff. Rock and roll. [grunting noises] Primal monkey.

There's wolves around. It's getting kind of dark too. I wonder if we can craft a spear

or something to protect ourselves. Let's see if that's a thing. We know how to craft our

pick. We know how to craft... let's see we need more rope probably. Let's put these

fibers in here. Wait, what's the recipe for rope? Maybe this is what we need...

fibrous plants. Yeah, that's the stuff. So the stuff that we were collecting by the

lake is totally different. Okay we got a stone. We were collecting

thatch by the lake. Now we have these which we can create [gasps] pots?

Oh, no. Green dye, brown dye. So we can color stuff? Cool.

We just need these. Craft max. Three. Okay... so that's rockin' and rollin.

Oh I still hear that wolf. What's a woodruff? Let's just collect fibrous plants

and stuff and sticks. Where's that stick? Stick? Tree... I know I saw a stick... Okay.

Screw you stick. Wait, there. Got it. And stone and stick. We're still heading in

the right direction. Let's just collect fibrous plants and sticks on our way up

to our quest and then I'll bring you guys back when we get a little bit closer.

Oh baby, what's this place? Oh... we're going the wrong way.

We gotta go back. I think Horgr is up there. I like my little like... derp

hand when I run haha. I don't know why I get so amused by these stupid things. Oh,

there's a road sign. Okay it probably says... okay there's a building up there I

think that's Horgr. So let's head that way. What is this? Just

a stump? Can we get anything from you? Ooo item, [gasp] Oww! Oh no a bear! Run away! No! Noooo!

Why game?! Run! Noooooo! What is this? Respawn point.

Okay, our body should be up right over this hill. It's getting night

time so now it looks like we're a little chilly. Ooo clay. I think it's right

along this road. Where's the stupid bear? Oh, I don't like... We need to craft some

clothes or something. How do we get clothes? Maybe we should focus on that so we

don't die of freezing to death. Probably fibrous plants.

At least the resources are like... really plentiful. You know what I mean? There's

like stuff everywhere. Woodruff isn't really what we need but we'll pick it up anyways. It looks like fibrous plants.

Ohhhh. Okay we'll get a stick. Make some more of these. Five more? Craft max.

Five. Now if we drop these into this crafting menu would we be able to see

like.... clothes? That's not what I wanted. Clothes, here we go. A solid and simple

tunic. Needed resources is... we haven't learned it. Undiscovered. Maybe it's rope?

No. Fabric? Ooh baby let's use... let's make some fabric. Undiscovered. Fabric

discovered. Is it fabric that we need?

If we drag fabric over there. Now... oh yeah fabric and thread. We did it!

Yes. Craft. Okay let's see if that keeps us from freezing to death.

Put clothes on... yay! Look how amazing we look.

I can't see it in the dark but we look pretty amazing. Alright now that we're

not freezing to death let's see if we can go get our body back. Is our

stuff here? Yay! Loot! Take all. Did we get it? Okay we got our stuff back amazing.

And there was something in here. There was like a sword in here. Stay away from

me bear. Did we end up picking that up? No, doesn't look like it. I swear there was a

sword in there. We need to drop some stuff. Wood. Drop this wood.

[screams like a little girl]

No! It's the bear again! Why! Run! Run! I can't run! No bear!

[wolf howling] I hate my life...

Okay we're going in. Go! Go! Go! Never again stupid bear. Screw the stuff that I was

trying to get. I'm gonna come over here. Oh I'm weighted down. Stay away from me...

bear.... I hate you. Okay let's put on our thing. Let's drop the board's like I was

trying to do. No, right click. Drop. Okay, we can run again. We'll put those in our

thing. Can we make a spear now? Is that a thing? Umm... sharpened stick or a seax. Let's just

make a sharpened stick. Craft. That'll give us a little bit of protection right?

We got a stick now. Suck it bear! This probably does nothing to a bear, but

still. Where'd he go? There he is. He's got quite a large aggro range. We need to

get past in order to get to our quests don't we? No, it's this way.

Okay screw the bear we're going this way to our quest. Ooo, look it's all foggy over

here. Does that mean this is our quest area? There's a little camp. Hello little camp. Prepare to die.

Oh I found it! [screams] Ohh! I'm getting attacked by a wolf! Suck it wolf! [grunts]

Okay... cool. Knock me down. Get some! Get some! I'm

bleeding! Get some! Get some of my little stick! Oh. Oh.

Serpentine. Serpentine. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me game?!

I get killed by bears, I get killed by wolves... after I just found the quest okay...

We're back. On the beach. Again. For the fourth time this episode. Okay can we craft a

better spear on the way there so we can deal with the stupid wolf? That would be

great. Get some fibrous plants. Get some stones.

Is this a fibrous plant? Yes. Okay. If we can craft like a stone tip spear instead

of just a regular ol sticky doodle I should be able to get him. It doesn't

look like it. Just sharpened stick. I just want to make another one or two... one of

those... okay that's good... that's fine. Oww! What?! Another bear! Why?! Run! Run!

Oh no! Oh no! No. No! [panic] Stay away! [cries]

Why do you hate me?! [grunting] [fighting] Oh my god...

RIP. I'm dying to get to Valaheim... Yes I am... Yes I am....

And we're back! And it's

finally morning. We have been avoiding wolves and bears like they're the plague

all night while we were gathering our supplies and we actually learned some

new stuff. We got, what? Undefined. Undefined? Okay. We got a hatchet and a

stone knife now and I think if we cut open some stuff with the stone knife we

should be able to get some common boots. So I was looking around... and oh yeah by the

way, screw our old stuff. Because gathering throughout the night we

already got all of our stuff back that we lost in our five mozillian bear

attacks and wolf attacks. Ohhhhh, there's some rabbits that's what I was looking for.

We need to skin some rabbits. Get some! In order to get some hide maybe. Can we

kill you? Oh! Don't run right into the boar. Look how many boars there are.

Rabbit. Did we get him? Where'd he go? Stay away from me boar.

No, we didn't get him. Can we get this goat? Is this goat gonna be scared of us?

Get some, with our stick! Oh... he's not even fazed. He's just like

that tickles monkey. Missed... Okay... Slowly but surely. There's a cart over

there. I want some boots. Oh get stuck! Get stuck! I'm following you. Are you gonna

get tired the goat? Ugh. Fine, screw you goat. How about you goat?

You want some? Are you the same goat? You want some? One of these goats is gonna

get it

Look at this house. Okay. Maybe I'm not gonna get any boots.

There's so many animals around and I can't kill any of them with my stupid

stick. Awe, my tool broke. I thought it said that I killed it.

Dagnabbit! Can I punch you to death? I probably can. Okay goat...

be nice to me. Just die. Or not, it's cool. I'll just miss.

I'll be patient this time. I'll just follow you til' you get stuck-ish. Just kidding.

Gotcha. See you gotta mess with them. I'm getting

good at running and hitting. Got him. I'm gonna run straight into a bear aren't I?

Please don't be aggressive boars.

Okay, he shouldn't have too many hits left. I got him a good amount of times.

My tool broke again? Can I get him with my axe? Yes, I did it! Okay it only took a

million years. Now can we skin him with our knife? Oh no. He dropped stuff.

Loot. Oh yeah we got skins! We didn't even have to skin him with our knife. Okay now

can we make our boots out of this? Uhh... oooo, we can make a fur hat. That's a thing. How

about threads? No. Fibers? No. What is this? Ooo leather. Craft. Maybe we make our boots

out of leather huh? Yes! Leather and threads? Oh we need two

leather... Oh my gosh. Now I gotta kill another stupid thing. Come here rabbit.

He's a squirrely one. [grunts] Super hard to hit. Got one. Okay I only

had to hit him once though to get his stuff. Boom. Boom. Leather. Boom. Now we can

get some amazing boots.

Yay! Common boots! Good decent leather boots. I don't know what they do

but now we have boots and I am super happy about that. Yes, okay now we just

need pants at some point in the future or maybe the next episode. Let's head to

the quest to finish off today's episode though. We need to activate our quest

again or what? After we die? Reactivate. Map? Or did we already do that? Okay it

looks like we did that quest when we went over there and died. Now we have to

sacrifice the amulet at the rune stone which is way over there. Okay.

I guess that's gonna be it for today's episode. In the next one

we'll go over and sacrifice the amulet. We'll end it off here at this amazing

lake. We always end up at a lake don't we? What are these things? Thatch and

fibers? Okay we'll just hang out here and collect some stuff in between episodes

and... yeah if you liked, hit that like button with those opposable thumbs and

subscribe to join the tribe to catch more of these and I'll catch you guys in

the next one. Peace out! I'm getting our boots all wet.

For more infomation >> "Dying" to get to Valaheim [Valnir Rok] [2] - Duration: 17:22.


REVELATION 3: PHILADELPHIA AND LAODICEA (program 2 of 2) - Duration: 20:50.

For more infomation >> REVELATION 3: PHILADELPHIA AND LAODICEA (program 2 of 2) - Duration: 20:50.


What Teen Wolf does not mean to the cast - Duration: 0:31.

"didn't Teen Wolf mean to me?

I didn't learn how to be a butcher."

"Well Teen Wolf wasn't my Masters degree."


It didn't mean safety."

"Adult kittens."

"Cast regular.

A lot of money."

"Teen Wolf wasn't going to school half the year and then working at Burger King."

"I wasn't a oceanographer."

"It wasn't not awesomely amazing-er.

It also wasn't vampires.

That's true."

For more infomation >> What Teen Wolf does not mean to the cast - Duration: 0:31.


Kjøret fortsetter! | Vlog 38 - Duration: 12:44.

good morning, it's monday

new week. I'm going indoor rollerskis

very soon

will start the week at it's "best"

on the rollerski treadmill

grandpa is also coming

it gotta be though

but it's okay to get a hard training session

the legs needs it

looking forward to start and

get a very good start of the week

and I hope it will be good


grandpa had to go a bit early

he went to the doctor

so I had to fix it by myself

but I hope I got a few clips.

I did 6 periods

and my body gave me good response

so that's good

Now I'm going home, the clock is almost 9 am

gonna eat a good breakfast and relax before I'm going to treatment

we take it from there

but it was a good training session

and good to be finished after a brutal start on the week

but now I'm looking forward to relax


Of course I made potatoes

but I made it...

I burned them...

very happy with myself

I've been waiting for them to be finished


then they got burned

come here Ane

it's funny, cause I made dinner today


it maybe don't looks so good but it's healthy

and Ola is not happy

he don't wanna eat what I made

he's very angry now

you liked it? it was okay...

It's wednesday and we're ready for the worst day this week

we're ready for "Bråtesten"

it's a competition we have

been running since we were young

we have some records from the past years

and we're ready for a new one

with start numbers

and we gonnaa compete against our own records

my record is 20:18

I have been a bit tired the few last weeks so I'm excited if I can make it

but if I can come close to 20:00

I'll be happy

and we'll see

it's one of the worst trainig session in the autumn

so I have to focus in my head

and run as fast as I can

I'm looking forward to be finished

we're finished

I'm happy. New record

and had a good session

and I'm happy with the result as I said

the most important was to get a new record and have a good training session

No I'm going home to eat pancakes relax and go to bed

cause I'm tired

but how did it go for you?

we don't need to talk about it

then it doesn't matter and I'm happy

your less happy

everyone can't be happy at the same time

Now I have to get home fast

So I can relax

and I runned with stones in my hands

but I had to

throw them away

and try to run fast

and it worked

good morning

new day, new opportunities

it's saturday and the plan is interval

5 x 9 minutes and the one behind the camera looks tired

that's true

so that's the plan today

I'm not sure how many is joining us but some said they were coming

that's good

A quality session and we can push to the outermost

that's good for everyone

so let's go interval

how did it go?

I'm so tired


went well

I am

"cake" now

5 x 9 minutes

high pulse

25 kilometers

no, 20 km

that's good

I don't know if it's good or bad

but I got tired so that's good

and now

I was supposed to say that I were going to chill in the sun


I'm not. I think I will lay on the couch for the rest of the day

will relax until monday

I can't even breathe


I wanted to flush on you there

I know. That's why I hold the camera like this

the legs is possible. NOO

Now it shines

we have been driving, that's why i wash it

It got dirty up the last road

very dirty over Smistad

It was dirty on the last round

I'm going in to watch cycle world championship

enough tractor for today

enough tractor for this time

what do you think guys?

It's a cool car

It's like a tractor

the choise of car is harder after this one

I agree. I mean you should have one like this

I think I can

join "Rednecks" then

It's a hard choice

We're in my new training room

it's not finished

this wall is the one we wanna paint

and the suggestion with most likes

is to hang up a picture of Ola

So I wanna hang up

his head right here

and count meters

so we can throw dart

dart throwing to hit Ola

10 points for hitting in the middle

that's the plan

No, I'm just kidding

I think we will be nauseous if we have a picture of him here


just kidding

many good suggestions

it was hard to decide

but I think I wanna eighter

hang up picture of some nice skitracks

or weights

that was good suggestions

or I will hang up

a picture of

some big international athletes

I think I will go for one of them

but I have to discuss with my dear mum

she's the one that's supposed to do the job as well

I hope that when I go to Molde tomorrow

and will be gone for a week so I hope that mum can do some more job here


my mum is in london the next week

so maybe in a few weeks

many good suggestions and I will pick one of the 3

I think we can finish off the week here

I'm now doing training

No I'm just kidding

just finish the vlog now

thanks for this time

then we finish the week here and

next week I'm going to Molde

then I have to film by myself....

but now I gotta pack my bag

and I see you next week!

For more infomation >> Kjøret fortsetter! | Vlog 38 - Duration: 12:44.


What Teen Wolf means to the cast - Duration: 1:07.

"Now you're going to make me cry."

"It's a tough question.

I meant so much.

But most importantly, I'll keep it short.

It meant you, the fans.

So thank you for everything and I'm so glad I was along for this ride."

"Teen Wolf was an opportunity for me, it was an experience that I'll never forget.

I made family, I've learned so much.

It was my college.

I'm just so thankful."

"It meant family, it meant empowerment."

"This show has completely changed my life in the best way possible, and I have been

through the best and worst of times, and the greatest times and changed and grown as a


"It just means family to me.

I'm friends with everyone on the show.

I always will be."

"It's been an unbelievable experience."

"I've literally grown up on this show."

"I'd just turn 18 and this was the first real big thing that I got.

It shaped me.

It's been with me forever.

I love you Teen Wolf, I love you fans."

For more infomation >> What Teen Wolf means to the cast - Duration: 1:07.


CHP Investigate Armed Toll Booth Robberies - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> CHP Investigate Armed Toll Booth Robberies - Duration: 1:09.


[Pedal Pumping] Stiletto Boots Driving - Duration: 14:22.

For more infomation >> [Pedal Pumping] Stiletto Boots Driving - Duration: 14:22.


How to Animate for Beginners (Easy Steps) - Duration: 2:46.

So Today i am going to teach you how to animate You may watch your favourite shows like one

piece When you watch those and think how do they

flow so well Today i am not going to teach you how to do

that but i am going to teach you how to animate

First of all choose the right program so here i have adobe flash cs3 This is a great

program but unfortunately the company discontinue this program

So i recomment you to go to your favourite site and download it as it is much better

Just open it up Here you see many option i go with action script 2.0

At the bottom there are options the size of the frame i am going with it because it is

hd It also have frame rate obviously the more

frame rate your video have the more detail your video got

I am going to make it 10 to make it much easier as you can see at 10 there is one frame

it is very simple you have to select your brush and draw it

I am going to draw a stick figure on my first frame

now click on the next frame I recommend you to click on onion skin to

see you last frame as it help to draw much better

now you have to keeep drawing until you get what you want

Now i want to test it For testing follow me See the video is working smoothly It is a

simple example This is the basic You can also add background just by creating

a new layer now we can test it As you can seee animation

is pretty simple I am going to do some more example so be with


For more infomation >> How to Animate for Beginners (Easy Steps) - Duration: 2:46.


Breaking News, President Trump Latest News Today, trump-attacks-nfl-again - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> Breaking News, President Trump Latest News Today, trump-attacks-nfl-again - Duration: 5:59.


Ultime notizie: Limone, anti-tumorale e non solo: la dieta per perdere i kg di troppo | K.N.B.T - Duration: 11:28.

For more infomation >> Ultime notizie: Limone, anti-tumorale e non solo: la dieta per perdere i kg di troppo | K.N.B.T - Duration: 11:28.


Republicans Make Their Healthcare Bill Even Worse To Win Over Senate Holdouts - Duration: 4:25.

Republicans in the U.S. Senate only have one week left to pass their disastrous health

care law before they have to finalize the budget and get that passed with or without

this health care legislation that they have tacked on as kind of an amendment-type thing

to the bill.

It's not a standalone; it's part of the budget bill.

But since they continue to lose Republican support so far with Collins, Murkowski, McCain,

and now even Ted Cruz and Rand Paul saying they're probably not going to support this

piece of legislation, Republicans in the Senate have decided that if we can't win your vote

with good policy, we're going to win it with bribery, and that is exactly what they're


Late Sunday night, Republicans in the Senate came back, started rewriting some portions

of this health care law to include massive giveaways in the form of tax breaks to the

states where the senators who oppose the legislation come from, specifically, Maine, Alaska, Arizona,

possibly even Texas.

Basically, what they're trying to do here is say, "If you pass this legislation, we're

going to give you a little bit more money for your state.

You know, here, it's not a bribe because it's part of the legislation, but once it gets

passed, there's all of this money on the table, and I guess you should probably walk away

with that and take it back to your state."

Now this, again, perfectly legal form of bribery is one of the lowest insults that you could

possibly imagine for these senators who are opposed to the current version of the health

care law, because their opposition has nothing to do with the fact that they're not getting

anything for their states.

It has to do with the fact that they're not completely comfortable with passing a piece

of legislation (1) that half the Senate hasn't even read yet, (2) that the president doesn't

even know what's in it, (3) that doesn't have a CBO score, and (4) and most importantly,

that it's going to kick off 32 million people from their health insurance and result in

tens of thousands of deaths by the year 2027 due to people not having health insurance

coverage to be able to go treat conditions.

That's what makes them a little leery to sign on to support this legislation, and if

the little bit of money that you're offering them is enough to go ahead and make them sign

off on it, I doubt it's going to be enough to save their careers because it's pretty

much a given that some of these Republicans who are opposed to it, some of them who are

a little bit more moderate, will end up losing their jobs as a result of this vote once it

turns out that this thing is as horrible as every analyst who's looked at it has said

it is.

This legislation, according to analysis, is going to kill people.

People will die from this legislation.

That is the intent of it.

It's not like, "Oh, accidentally we had some casualties here."

Stripping people of their health insurance coverage, 32 million people to be exact, including

20 million children, yeah, they're going to die.

If you can't afford your EpiPen because your insurance no longer covers it because you

don't have insurance and you have an allergic reaction, you die.

If you have diabetes and you can't afford your insulin because you don't have health

insurance anymore, you die.

If you have asthma and you have a severe asthma attack, but you don't have an inhaler because

you couldn't afford it because you don't have insurance, you can die.

That's the bottom line here, folks.

That is what we're dealing with.

This isn't hyperbole.

This isn't conflating the argument.

This is what happens, and it still happens to people every single day in this country,

and Republicans want it to happen even more, but a few of them have enough sense ... Some,

they're only doing it for political reasons.

Others, because maybe they're trying to save their legacy.

Whatever the reason at this point, this piece of legislation should be the only thing that

dies when we talk about health care coverage in the United States.

For more infomation >> Republicans Make Their Healthcare Bill Even Worse To Win Over Senate Holdouts - Duration: 4:25.


Nextfit IX Zip Convertible Car Seat Review - Duration: 9:19.

So today I'm excited to show you the brand new Chicco Nextfit IX Zip.

So they did make some improvements off the last model and we're going to show you what

those are.

But first a car seat is a safety device.

This is designed to keep your child safe in a car accident so first I'm going to go over

those safety features that they have in the Nextfit.

So they do get excellent ratings for convenience features but also for safety ratings which

is awesome.

So first they have steel reinforced frame and those are going to run down the frame

of the car seat and forcing it so that its substantial in the event of a car accident.

Now they also lined the inside of the frame with EPS foam.

EPS foam is designed to absorb the energy in the event of a car accident and kind of

break absorbing that energy.

So that is an awesome feature as well.

Lastly the last safety feature thats awesome is the fact that it's easy to install.

Now upwards of 90% of car seats are actually installed incorrectly and that makes those

safety features basically invalid.

Like you're not utilizing those features if your not installing it correctly.

So they've integrated a SuperCinch installation system in here that I'll show you a little

bit about how that works but because it's easy to install makes it that much safer.

So this car seat has a pretty good weight range.

You can start using it as little as 5 lbs.

So you can bring your baby home from the hospital in this seat.

Now rear facing you can go up to 40 lbs which is pretty average for rear facing weight capacity

and then forward facing you can start using at 22 lbs up to 65lbs.

Now 22 lbs is a minimum not recommended.

You want to keep your child rear facing as long as possible reaching those limits of

the seat.

Whether that be the weight limit or the height limit.

And the reason for that is in the event of a car accident if they were riding rear facing

then their neck and spine are completely supported by the back of the seat and that's going to

reduce the chance of a head or neck injury and obviously that's the most important.

Now the great thing about this car seat is it is packed full of conveniences for parents.

Now the first one is installation now like I mentioned before if your car seat is installed

correctly it makes it exceptionally safer.

So we like that they made it easy and they did that through their SuperCinch technology

and thats integrated in the latch system.

Now as you can see this latch had this cool little storage and I love that, so if you're

not using it, its tucked out of the way and it's not getting in the way of other installation

but then it's also integrated.

So you would do rear facing here and just move it up this track to move it into the

forward facing belt path.

And I love that cause there is no confusion its not going to twist the wrong direction

and this just makes sure it's going to be installed correctly.

Now the SuperCinch is cool.

You're going to click in both of your latches.

So its even labeled with which part to pull first so this one said pull first and you're

just going to pull that in the same direction as the webbing and then once you get over

to the second side its labeled with pull 2nd and you're just going to pull that straight

out which is not typical for latch or seat belt.

Typically you want to go in the same direction but this one is actually really easy to pull

and get a solid installation.

So I love those features just to make installation easy every time.

They also added a feature to make it easy to install using the seat belt.

Now one thing to know the latch system and all latch systems out there typically have

a weight capacity of about 65lbs.

So with this one you have to stop using it once your child reaches about 40 lbs or typically

when you go forward facing then you need to start installing using the seat belt.

Now you're going to do that by using this belt path here for forward facing and then

for rear facing you're going to use it right down here.

So you're going to feed your seat belt through there but you need to lock it into place.

Now you can use the re-tractor in your car which is typically what most people do unless

you have a lock off in the car seat.

So with this one it's the lock sure system and you're actually going to slide your seat

belt up through here locking it into place.

Super easy!

Now this was an improvement with the IX over the last model and I do love that cause it's

easier to engage.

They also integrated 9 recline positions and they're easily adjusted here on the front.

Now I prefer my adjuster on the front, cause typically when you're rear facing you don't

need to change the level and that is it would be exposed in the back for rear facing.

It when they're forward facing that I want to play with it.

I want them to seat upright when we're going around town and then when we go on a road

trip I'd like to be able to recline it so they can nap.

Now typically when you do that you will have to loosen your straps and reinstall but it's

easier cause you don't have to take it out all the way.

So I do like that it's in the front.

Just something to consider.

So they have these 9 recline positions here and then they also have an easy to read bubble

level indicator.

And it's clearly going to show for rear facing you just need to have it in this blue section

right here and then forward facing in this red section.

So it makes it super easy to see if the recline is appropriate for your child.

Now they added a lot of conveniences for harnessing which I love.

So first it has 9 headrest positions now this is new to the IX it's also easier to engage

which I love.

So you just squeeze on this orange and lift.

Often times when you're doing this integrated headrest it kinda gets stuck.

But this one is super smooth and easy to engage.

I love that!

But then also down here they have the exposed harness adjuster which is very easy.

This one they did something a little bit different I can't really tell the difference but it

is super easy to tighten.

When you're loosening it it's a little bit sticky, but tightening it is solid which is

so cool.

Now they also have a zip off cover.

Now this is only going to be in the zip version, so you can get a little bit cheaper version

without that zip feature but I honestly think it's worth it when you consider how long you're

going to be using this seat and every time you take off that cover to wash super easy

you're just going to zip it off and it's even machine washable.

You will have to line dry but that makes being a parent much less messy and we all know we

need that.

Now they also have these comfort flex cushions down here and that's designed to keep the

harness up after you uninstall your child so that next time you go to put them in you're

not loosing those straps underneath their bum and it just makes harnessing that much


Now the reason we do these videos is to help educate you so you can make the right buying

decisions for your new baby.

Now I am a CPS Certified Tech which stands for Child Passenger Safety Technician and

yes thats the same training that those fireman and police officers get.

So if you're local come on in and we can check out your installation in person we also have

a couple more CPS Techs here in the store but if you still have questions and you cant

come in then leave us a comment below or even send us an email at we

love to answer those questions for you.

Now with this seat what's included.

Now you get this cool cup holder and this you can move from one side to the other depending

on where it's most convenient.

Usually compared to your door or which side you're installed on.

And it also comes with an infant insert and this you should use from 5 to 11 lbs.

Now once your child reaches 11 lbs you do need to take that insert out.

With the Chicco Nextfit it is a bit on the heavy side it's also a little bit bulky so

you're going to have trouble getting three car seats in a row if thats what you need,

so something to consider.

The things that we love about this car seat.

First of all costumer ratings are excellent, that means parents are happy with it after

they purchase which is a good indicator that it's a good car seat.

Also I love the recline I love how easy it is to use and how easy it is to read.

I love that you can just zip off this cover for easy cleaning and the machine wash-ability

and I love the latch system I do love that you have these storage compartments and that

it is integrated.

It just takes the guess work out of installation and that to me is always a plus.

So the Chicco Nextfit IX Zip retails for $349.99 or if you want that budget friendly version

without the zip feature that one is $299.

Now you can purchase those in store or online at where everything ships for

free and we even price match so it doesn't have to cost you more.

Now if this video was helpful and you enjoyed it give us a like or even subscribe to our

YouTube channel where we have a lot more informational videos.

For more infomation >> Nextfit IX Zip Convertible Car Seat Review - Duration: 9:19.


ILIFE A4S - short showcase - GEARBEST 2017 HD - Duration: 2:14.

Daily / schedule cleaning plan - starts everyday at 10 o clock

76mm slim design

The noise is less than 65dB, no worry about noise problem

Large cleaning area: 180 - 200 square meters

OBS sensors, 1 set wall sensor, 5 IR receivers on the body

A4S is looking for a docking station at the moment ;)

Sometimes it takes some time to find it... ;)

For more infomation >> ILIFE A4S - short showcase - GEARBEST 2017 HD - Duration: 2:14.


(FREE) Lil Uzi Vert x Trippie Redd Type Beat - "Mars" | Free Type Beat I Rap/Trap Instrumental 2017 - Duration: 3:31.

(FREE) Lil Uzi Vert x Trippie Redd Type Beat - "Mars" | Free Type Beat I Rap/Trap Instrumental 2017

For more infomation >> (FREE) Lil Uzi Vert x Trippie Redd Type Beat - "Mars" | Free Type Beat I Rap/Trap Instrumental 2017 - Duration: 3:31.


Why is Australia a Continent and Greenland is Not? - Duration: 5:44.

As we seen in the last video there are several different ways of thinking about how many

continents there are, with the most widespread models ranging from 5 to 7 continents. However,

in most English speaking countries, as well as other nations around the world, the 7-continent

model is taught. Using this model, the continents of the world in order of size are: Asia, Africa,

North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia.

Compared to the other contents Australia is quite small, with even the tiny Europe being

1.32x bigger. Also unlike Eurasia, Africa and the Americas, Australia is unconnected

to other land masses. But despite this it is still considered a continent instead of

a massive island. Because of this the title of worlds biggest

island goes to Greenland found sitting on the opposite end of the world, and this begs

the question: Why is Australia a continent and Greenland is an island?

It turns out that there are no official conditions that each continent has to meet in order to

be considered a continent, which explains why there are so many different models of

thinking when it comes to how many continents there are.

However, there are several largely accepted factors that classify different regions of

the world as continents. These factors include historic recognition, size, tectonic independence

from other continents, unique flora and fauna, cultural uniqueness, and local belief in continental

status. Australia was discovered during the age of

sail making it seem a lot bigger than it might seem today. At the time sailing around the

island could take months of continues sailing (*a modern sail boat apparently would take

3 months nonstop) and for the Dutch and British explorers who mapped the continent this would

be comparable to sections of other continents they would have passed on the way. The British

explorers might have subconsciously compared the size of Australia to the British isles

and concluded it was a continent rather than a island.

Greenland on the other hand at the time was never explored in the same way, due to glaciers

and the harsh conditions of the region. While Australia is significantly larger than

Greenland, Greenland often appears larger on maps because of the distortion caused by

proximity to the North Pole. (*A similar effect can be observed with Alaska.)

Australia is 7,692,024 km² in size making it 3.6x the size of Greenland at 2,166,086

km². This is a considerable difference but does not seem as stark when Greenland is compared

to the second largest island New Guinea which is 2.8x smaller at 785,753 km², or when compared

to a large island like Great Britain which is 10x smaller than Greenland. 209,331 km²

Australia rests on its own tectonic plate called the Australian Plate. Greenland, on

the other hand, sits on the North American tectonic plate. Meaning it is not geologically

separate from Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

Australia certainly has its own unique flora and fauna, with native animals like kangaroos,

wombats, and Tasmanian Devils which are not found elsewhere in the world.

In contrast Greenland has fifteen unique species of plants, but its fauna, such as reindeer,

polar bears, and arctic foxes, can also be found elsewhere, such as in Canada.

Australia's historic aboriginal culture is also quite unique. the country is also

more "Western" in ideology than most other countries in the South Pacific, making it

a unique culture in its geographic area. The locals consider themselves to live on both

an island and a continent, fulfilling the last of the criteria.

Meanwhile Greenland does have its own distinct culture, as it is considered part of the larger

North American arctic culture. Finally, Greenlanders do not, for the most part, believe that they

live on a continent. They consider themselves to be islanders.

In conclusion: these definitions of a continent are shaky at best, as for instance looking

at a map of tectonic plates, you can see that Europe sits on the Eurasian Tectonic Plate

along with most of Asia. So only cultural difference and a feeling of separateness makes

it a separate continent. Similarly, India has its own tectonic plate as well—but in

this case, a sense of similar culture and flora and fauna makes India part of Asia rather

than its own continent. (although it is sometimes defined as a sub-continent)

It seems that to be a continent, an area must fulfil most of this unofficial criteria. In

this case, Australia succeeds where Greenland does not, drawing a line between what makes

the smallest continent and the largest island.

One of the biggest differences between Australia and Greenland, other than their obvious climate

differences, is population. Australia has over 22 million inhabitants, making it the

55th most populous nation in the world. Greenland, on the other hand, has just over 57 thousand

inhabitants, making it the 205th most populous nation in the world. However, if population

determined continental status, Antarctica would not be considered a continent, either.

Australia and Greenland have quite a few features in common. People living in both countries

largely live along the coast due to nearly uninhabitable land covering each of the countries—in

Greenland, the natural barrier is an ice cap, while in Australia it's a desert. Australia

is an island in the South Pacific, roughly 7.75 million square kilometres (about 3 million

square miles) and the sixth largest country in the world. Greenland is an island that

sits between the Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic Ocean. It is just over 2.16 million

square kilometres (834K square miles), making it the twelfth largest country in the world.

Greenland is the largest island after Australia—so why isn't it considered a continent, too?

For more infomation >> Why is Australia a Continent and Greenland is Not? - Duration: 5:44.


Quick thoughts on... - The Vulcan Hello (Discovery episode 1) No spoilers - Duration: 10:11.

Hello everybody, yesterday the new Star Trek TV show has started on CBS All Access,

called Star Trek Discovery.

I have just watched the first episode, and I would like

to share with you my opinions about it.

Please note, the videos I am going to make right now about Discovery are not going to

be my typical 10-15 minutes long "Quick thoughts on" videos, but they're going to

be sure, and absolutely spoiler free.

I will do "proper" videos about these episodes after the whole first season will air,

so that everybody gets a proper chance to watch it themselves.

So.... where to begin?

I think it's fair to begin with the look of the show.

Some people will love it, some people will hate it, some

people will love SOME aspects and HATE others.

It looks like a cross between the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica and the Kelvin Timeline


And to me it's a bad thing.

Nothing looks like it belongs to the era 10 years before

the original series.

I kind of like the look, but it is absolutely inappropriate if it makes


There are many annoying visuals.

Tilted angles, which look like somebody accidentally banged the camera and the operator didn't

notice it or care, but I guess it was intentional.

There are also lens flares.


Was there ANYBODY who liked them in the JJ movies?

The sets.

The sets are absolutely illogical.

There was a nice practicality about the bridge of all the main starships we have seen on

the previous shows, but no, they need to have dramatic lighting, in which no human would

ever want to work for more than a few minutes.

Instead of normal computers with normal monitors, they have a lot of touch screens, which

are see-through, which is absolutely impractical.

But I guess they thought it looks cool?


Just no.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, oh mamma mia, mamma mia, mamma mia let me go!


What the actual fuck were they thinking?

They have absolutely DESTROYED my favourite race!

They look like cartoon bulls!

They are just UGLY!

Everything on their ship is just one big NO!

Even their language.

It' neat they tried to make it more realistic (I guess) and forced the actors

to speak Klingonese, but none of them can do it.

They don't sound like warriors talking, they sound like cats puking out furr balls!

I HATE everything they have done to the Klingons.

The tech.

They communicate using personal holograms.

Which makes no sense.

Like every "artistic" decision, it makes no sense.

For example in one scene, when a hologram Sarek talks to the real Burnham, he, the hologram,

sits on the table in her room!

Seriously, did anybody use their brains?

The characters.

I remember 3 characters from this episode - Lt. Saru, Michael Burnham and

Captain Georgiou.

Let's start with the captain.

Is she supposed to be a robot?

Because she is a much better robot than Data from The

Next Generation.

She is talking with an incredibly monotone voice.

I have no clue if this is how the actress talks normally, I have never seen

her in anything else before, or if this was the director's decision, but she sounds like

she's on vallium.

Imagine my voice, just a hundred times worse.

Saru - I didn't like him in the trailers, but to be honest, he might be the

best thing I have seen in this episode.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he's anything special,

but he is so ...refreshing.

You can see Doug Jones actually enjoys playing the part, and

even his lines are much better than they seemed from the trailers.

And last but not least - Michael Burnham.

So, this is our main character?

I mean she is supposed to be a hero, right?

Because she starts this episode as a reckless brat,

then becomes a ... well let's say that within 5 minutes she commits 2 crimes and for every

one of them she would deserve a long time in prison,

maybe even the death penalty.

I HATE her.

And for some reason I am supposed to like her?


She is a horrible person!

The story.

Well what can I say without getting into spoiler territory?

I will do it this way.

The first 20 - 25 minutes the story is a Star Trek story.

For the first few minutes I really thought I will love it.

Sure, there were changes which pissed me off, but the overall tone

seemed very Star Trek - like, so maybe I could get used to it.

It started as a story of exploration.

We as the audience have explored both the universe, and the characters and the relationships

between them.

And this part was genuinely great.

They paid homage to a scene from Star Trek: The Motion

Picture, which I thought was very respectful, and the whole sequence FELT correctly.

If this was the tone of the show, I would honestly love it.

Then the tone changes and we jump from the original

Battlestar Galactica to the rebooted Battlestar Galactica.

We jump from scenes where people behave like Star Trek people do, to scenes of people

arguing, screaming at each other, and doing things

which I don't really want to talk about because I don't want to spoil it.

And then I realized one thing.

After a few minutes I realized that I actually opened my web browser and started to check

my emails.

I was BORED.

And I stayed bored until the end.

The episode ends on a cliffhanger, and my original plan was to watch the first two

episode back to back, but instead I switched it off

and started to work on this video.

I'm sorry, but this is EXACTLY the reason why I hated the new

Battlestar Galactica.

If I see people doing things for which they should be immediately punished,

but they get away with it, my suspension of disbelief is gone and boredom kicks in.

The music - OK, there was some music.

It was highly forgettable, it was basically just random

generic background noise.

There were no recognizable themes or motifs, the only memorable

thing was the little bit when they reused the main theme from the original Star Trek.

And the opening credits.

I don't know if you have seen them or not, they are on youtube, but let me tell it

to you this way - they don't belong to Star Trek.

They would be great as opening credits to some

making of documentary, or maybe to something that HBO produces, I got a little Games of

Thrones vibe out of them.

OK, that's it, rant over.

During the first half of this episode I thought this will be a 7 or maybe

even 8 out of 10, but then the second half came.

Now, my ratings right after I've seen the episode

are 3 / 10.

Yes, THAT low.

And I am definitely NOT looking forward to watching the next episode.

Anyway, I plan to watch it again when the full series will be aired, I am actually curious

to see if my rating will go up, but right now I am very

negatively surprised by the opening.

So let me know what did YOU think down in the comments section, did you like it or hate


I mean I don't know if I'm too old for this or what

is going on, but all of the other reviews seem to be

surprisingly positive.

Anyway, I still plan to make videos about the second season of the original

series, and probably something else so until then, thanks a lot for watching, and bye.

For more infomation >> Quick thoughts on... - The Vulcan Hello (Discovery episode 1) No spoilers - Duration: 10:11.


REVELATION 3: PHILADELPHIA AND LAODICEA (program 1 of 2) - Duration: 21:08.

For more infomation >> REVELATION 3: PHILADELPHIA AND LAODICEA (program 1 of 2) - Duration: 21:08.


Pirates of the Caribbean

For more infomation >> Pirates of the Caribbean


UWM's Center for Celtic Studies brings a bit o' joy to Milwaukee - Duration: 1:16.

I'm John Gleeson, founder and director emeritus of the Center for Celtic Studies

here at UWM. There's nothing in the Celtic world that goes on here in

which were not involved one way or another. We get phone calls.

Everything from recipes for soda bread, to an Irish name for my dog. Not only in

Milwaukee, but we get calls from around the country. An important part of our

program here is the study abroad program. The students, some of them may not have

even been out of Wisconsin. And UWM was the first university to get a

grant from the Irish government for the study of Irish language and culture. So

we were the pioneers — we set the ball rolling, if you like. And we're very lucky,

as I said, we get support from the local families who have children in the dance

schools or children who are musicians. If we didn't get the support that we do,

I would think that the center here, its days would be numbered. Milwaukee would

be a quieter and a sadder place without a functioning Celtic studies center.

A thousand thanks, and long may it continue.

For more infomation >> UWM's Center for Celtic Studies brings a bit o' joy to Milwaukee - Duration: 1:16.


888live - Entrevista com Kara Scott - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> 888live - Entrevista com Kara Scott - Duration: 5:34.


Manhã Leve | Conheça as características da osteoporose! - 25 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 21:47.

For more infomation >> Manhã Leve | Conheça as características da osteoporose! - 25 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 21:47.


🔴🔵 [Afro-House] - M.KING - Andrômeda - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> 🔴🔵 [Afro-House] - M.KING - Andrômeda - Duration: 4:19.


Manhã Leve | Descubra os mitos e verdades da gestação! - 25 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 19:03.

For more infomation >> Manhã Leve | Descubra os mitos e verdades da gestação! - 25 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 19:03.


Manhã Leve | Conheça a história do Daniel, um artista plástico com deficiência! - 25 de setembro - Duration: 24:36.

For more infomation >> Manhã Leve | Conheça a história do Daniel, um artista plástico com deficiência! - 25 de setembro - Duration: 24:36.


EXERCICIOS SIMPLES PARA PERDER BARRIGA RAPIDO! Como Perder Barriga e Queimar Gordura! Treino Em Casa - Duration: 9:42.

For more infomation >> EXERCICIOS SIMPLES PARA PERDER BARRIGA RAPIDO! Como Perder Barriga e Queimar Gordura! Treino Em Casa - Duration: 9:42.


Powerful Panel Discussion Tip with Patricia Fripp #121: What Chair Do You Prefer at Panels? - Duration: 4:05.

What kind of chairs do you prefer to use in a panel discussion?

I was just at a conference, New Media Expo and they had several panels that were almost

like sofas, and they were very comfortable which led people to be very comfortable.

Now I have short little legs because Jeanie Robertson, who of course is our friend who

is 6 foot 2, always teases me because we were sitting on an airplane and she said, "Patricia,

your feet do not touch the floor!"

So, one, you have to be careful if the sofa is too deep, if you have someone who is short,

you really need pillows because if I go back, I look like a child when I sink in.

If you are going to have high stools, you have to tell women because if they wear short

skirts, it is very difficult to get up and down and look elegant.

If a woman is going to be on a high stool, either you need to rehearse doing it or probably,

well, you might have a dress or a skirt but you do not want it so that when you sit down

it shrinks right up to your bottom.

That will, of course, no one will ever hear what you are saying or probably anybody else.

If I know that, I am usually going to where slacks and you have to practice getting on

and off the stool.

I liked the sofa but this is what I noticed, this was a techy conference, New Media Expo

and I made notes, I did not even know you were going to interview me but this is fabulous.

If you are on a panel, ¬¬¬¬¬but there is no table, you are sitting on the sofa;

you do not want to show the soles of your shoes.

I even drew little diagrams in my notes of how the shoes were.

It is amazing what people did with their feet, they were all men.

There was one man and he was a superstar, to do television and radio, he was a star.

He was elegantly well dressed and he had fabulous shoes, in fact someone noticed on his shoes

and they were beautiful in colorful.

See, you are sitting on stage with nothing in front of you and so his feet were going…

And it is almost like I am hypnotized because of his little feet.

He was going up these beautiful, the edges were white and the top was like two colors,

tan and navy, they were beautiful shoes, but he kept going like this.

Because they had a white edge, it is almost like you could not hear what he was saying

and then the other people, the way they had the leg over something.

There was another one, they were showing the soles of their shoes.

So you have to sit, because if I am on a sofa and as I say, I have to sit closer to the

edge so that my feet can be on the ground.

That is what you have to practice.

But do not show, it is like you do not want to show the top of your head, you do not want

to show the soles of your shoes, especially if you have a label on or if they are very

well worn.

For more infomation >> Powerful Panel Discussion Tip with Patricia Fripp #121: What Chair Do You Prefer at Panels? - Duration: 4:05.


Manhã Leve | Saiba como funciona o jejum intermitente - 25 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 18:15.

For more infomation >> Manhã Leve | Saiba como funciona o jejum intermitente - 25 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 18:15.


UWM's student investors help Elmbrook Humane Society thrive - Duration: 1:18.

Most of the money that student investment programs manage is internal

to their university or it's a donor's gift and that money is not one that can

run out the door if you do a poor job. But in the Elmbrook Humane Society, this is a

one-year contract that is renewed. It has been renewed each year. So not only does

it provide a real meaning because you're helping someone in the community — but you

know you can be fired. And as part of the coursework

we're helping analyze the performance of the fund, the asset allocation, creating

an investment policy statement. We have an investment lab — it's called the David O.

Nicholas Applied Finance Lab. David gave $2.5 million for that.

It's endowed — that means we're actually going to have that lab forever. Having

support with gifts hasn't just changed the program — the program could

not be around without it. I am so grateful for the people who have supported this

program, which is making such a huge impact on the students, who would then go

out into the community and make a big impact on the community. And guess what,

then they give back to the students again, and it just continues on this

wonderful feedback loop.

For more infomation >> UWM's student investors help Elmbrook Humane Society thrive - Duration: 1:18.


MAQUINATE 2 | Krippy Kush (Parodia) [SUBTÍTULOS] - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> MAQUINATE 2 | Krippy Kush (Parodia) [SUBTÍTULOS] - Duration: 1:22.


Como descargar e instalar power director 15 2017 - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> Como descargar e instalar power director 15 2017 - Duration: 6:00.


Judocas marcam presença na 8ª Copa Ajef - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Judocas marcam presença na 8ª Copa Ajef - Duration: 1:59.


Apresentando o GSuite for Education - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Apresentando o GSuite for Education - Duration: 3:16.


BINGO: O REI DAS MANHÃS - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> BINGO: O REI DAS MANHÃS - Duration: 2:37.


Audio Engineering Course: C1-P2 - Principles of acoustics - Duration: 32:50.

Hi everyone and welcome to Kristal Cross Music Production

This is Part 2 of the First Chapter of the Audio Engineering Class and I called it "Acoustic Principles"

We're going to cover a lot of important themes, also very underrated by a lot of people who deal with music production

Why do I know that? Because I was one of them. I had beed underrating the things I'm gonna tell you for years

I had to learn them afterwards and I had first-end experience of not knowing this stuff correctly

One of the consequences is that the studio I'm in (sooner or later I'll make a video-tour), had been built with wrong principles which led to disappointing results

Unfortunately I did that before I knew enough, so I want you to spare this mistakes to those who want to build a proper studio or just a home-recording one investing some money and time, to improve the room's acoustic

Good, let's begin!

When a sound is generated by a source, independently from the context and other factors, it'll follow this pattern:

The sounds starts from the source and reaches your ears, but only a part of it really reaches directly your ears

For the most part will bounce across the room on every reflecting surface it encounters and then will come to your ears, mixed with the other that reaches you directly

Same thing goes for a microphone, instead of your ears

There are various kinds of reflections and happen wherever there's any kind of reflecting surface

Inside the room, they can last for a fair amount of seconds

In most cases, dealing with rooms the size of an apartment, generally this refractions last less than a second

But there are cases in which they can last much longer. Think about an auditorium, for instance. In that case the reverberation time will be much longer. We're talking about many seconds

On the other side, we have an electric signal. When it's emitted (with some exceptions, there are many variations)

Theoretically when an electric signal is emitted, runs through a predefined medium that in most cases is a cable

From the source to the end point, it crosses a well predefined medium. In just one direction, inside a very narrow space without any variation and refraction

A sound the comes to an end point, emitted from a source, without external intervention... Almost

It's obviously a simplification, but you get the idea

In acoustics, sound moves three-dimensionally and as I said earlier will bounce on every reflecting surface that finds in its way and it'll bounce for a theoretically infinite number of times

Until it fades, clearly

Now pay attention, this is important: even with today's knowledge and technology, it's impossible to calculate mathematically and empirically every single sound reflection in a room

This means that once you "scientifically" calculate a room's response to a sound source, it'll have to be adjusted "by ears" by a human being, because the result will be "unpredictable"

The calculation can be done in a very professional and precise way, but there will always be a certain degree of unpredictability

A room's acoustic is determined by three factors: time of reflection, relative strength and the frequency balance

Look around you in this very moment, imagine you have a microphone in front of you: you're talking and the mic captures your voice

As I said earlier, a part of the sound emitted by your voice will directly reach the mic. Another big part of it will spread across the room, will bounce of the surfaces and will reach the mic with a certain delay

And this is called naturally "Delay"

Some surfaces sound encounters are not reflective but absorbent and those cause the sound to lose intensity as it hits them

But remember what we said about the wavelength in the previous lesson

Lower frequencies have a very wide wavelength and that means that if the absorbent surface is not big enough, it won't be able to hold those frequencies

That means if sound encounters let's say a curtain, or some pillows, only the lower frequencies will bounce back and the higher ones will be very attenuated

Or less attenuated, depending on the absorbing material but the point is that the wave will start with high and low frequencies and come back loaded with low frequencies

To tell you the truth, there would be a fourth factor that is "Movement". This interests us relatively, because we're dealing with a fixed source that emits sound and a fixed capture device that captures it

But it's ought to be mentioned, and to explain it better we can bring the so called "Doppler Effect" into play

And to explain the Doppler Effect, we can make the most classic example made in these cases: the Ambulance's Siren

Or a Police Car's Siren

As an ambulance approaches you, it seems that the siren's pitch get higher as it moves closer to you. As the ambulance moves further the pitch will seem lower

This is due to the fact that sound has its own speed of propagation through air, which is 340m/s

If the sources travels at a higher speed sound cannot compensate and the final effect will be a pitch variation

And this causes the Doppler Effect: as a source draws nearer fast, the pitch will seem to become higher. As the source passes by and travels further, it'll seem lower

But I repeat, it doesn't concern what we're studying now, because in a studio, sound sources are still

As we mentioned earlier, acoustics are a science. And this science is in the service of music, in the service of sound and sound we perceive with our human ears

And that means that the scientific conclusion of acoustics, don't guarantee the results we hope for

What you make to achieve good acoustics, cannot be done "universally" and won't work in all circumstances. Depending on the human ear, every room shall be treated differently based on what you're going to record

For example, if you have a room in which you want to record dialogues, it must have specific characteristics

It must be very silent, very intelligible and a very low reverberation

But if the room you're working on, will be a concert hall it shall be treated differently because it'll have other necessities

In some ways, opposite to the ones you'll find in a room to record dialogues

So keep in mind that this science, must always be applied to human perception. So there ins't an unambiguous and universal answer to the request "make this room sound great"

Because the room will sound great, depending on the applications, depending on the use you'll make of it

Now let's cover one of the most important topics: one of the most common problems that you can find in the average-sized room

Rooms you can find in flats, or in places we usually live in

The problem of "Standing Waves"

What are those "standing waves"? As we said in the previous episode, the human average hearing range goes from 20Hz to 20KHz

That means the wavelength of the frequencies that cover the human hearing range goes from 17mm to 17m

Now suppose that the distance between two parallel walls is 4m

4m is the exact half of the wavelength of a 42.5Hz sound wave

Which is more or less the lowest note of an electric bass guitar

Between these two parallel walls, a phenomena will take place: as we said, this 4m wavelength is the half of a 42.5Hz wave

While this wave bounces back and forth, the sequence of high pressure and low pressure will be stable. This means that we'll have high pressure on the surfaces and low pressure in the middle

And this will become a loop, given the distance is the exact half of the wave

The wave doesn't change , we will always have the same wave-form

This will result in the room resonating to that frequency. Every note of that frequency will have an emphasized high pressure and a hollow low pressure

Not in every single case, but for the most part this will surely happen and we'll have a longer reverberation time for that very frequency

This will happen also for the integral multiples of that frequency

This causes various problems to hearing, because the sound we're going to listen to won't be a good sound "representation" inside this closed environment

Why do small rooms sound worse? Because the standing waves that will create between parallel walls, will be placed "in the middle" of the human hearing range

If we have a huge room, we won't have particular standing waves issues. Because the frequencies interested, won't be in our hearing range

If the room's small, this frequencies will be in the middle of our hearing range. In the middle-low section, for the most part

Standing waves don't happen only between parallel surfaces, they happen every time the distance between reflection turns into a loop

Ironically it can happen even between not parallel walls, if a refraction goes in a loop diagonally and not perpendicularly

Remember that the floor and the roof are reflecting surfaces and commonly the most parallel of all

Where there is a standing wave, a phenomena known as "Flutter Echo" takes place

To experiment it, run a test: try to clap your hands in an average-sized room, without much furniture in it, and you'll hear an odd sound. A very peculiar vibrating one

It's a very annoying effect due to the fast refractions that move back and forth of a specific frequency

This obviously doesn't help hearing. And what's the solution to this standing waves phenomena? Simply, you shouldn't have parallel surfaces

Even those who don't have direct experience, should have seen pictures of well-known studios and should have noticed that their rooms are shaped oddly

They are not regular and have been built specifically for that matter. To minimize the problem of standing waves

This should make you realize that cubic rooms, are the worst possible scenario and should be completely avoided

Because in that kind of room, all surfaces are parallel and are all equidistant so you'll have a huge problem of standing waves which cannot be easily solved

A parallelepiped room is by far the most common and doesn't surely have the same issues as a cubic one, but the standing wave problem would be present in this one too

So always prefer irregular-shaped rooms. But pay attention:

Having an irregular-shaped room, with no parallel walls, doesn't guarantee you not to have standing waves. Because they're not created just by waves bouncing perpendicularly

They happen when waves go into a loop and bounce within the same distance

The could happen in scenarios you have never thought about, or maybe because of things you placed inside the room afterwards

So, in the end, the room's planning and design is a very important thing (for those who can afford it). But even if you have the money to do so, a good design is almost never enough and a good acoustic-treatment is needed in every circumstance

Its function is to reduce the reverberation time and minimize the standing waves problem

According to the principle where if surfaces can be made more absorbent, the refractions' intensity will be lower

You have different materials to do so: soft things like carpets, curtains, sponges, mineral wools, specific chemical sponges like pyramid-shaped polyurethane

They all have a function within this matter, but beware: listen carefully because no one applies this correctly

You must know that porous materials absorb low frequencies only if their thickness is at least half the wavelength of that specific frequency

That means that unless you have a stable porous surface that measures 17m in thickness, which is practically impossible, those materials will absorb only medium-high frequencies. Only the high ones in some cases

If the only acoustic treatment is composed of porous materials of any kind, placed on the walls without the predisposition of any other treatment, it'll absorb only the highest frequency

Leaving the lowest ones free to create standing waves "as they please" and you'll have a room that sounds muffled, dead and with the same low-frequencies problems

Believe me, I know that because I made this mistake first-hand

Porous materials are not a good solution to the standing waves issue. They are useful in other situations

To solve that problem, you have other means: like the membrane panels

They are composed by a flexible-wooden panel 18mm thick, placed in a sealed gap 300mm thick, that will resonate at low frequencies absorbing their energy

Depending on how you build this panel, it'll be quite specific for a certain frequency, but we'll see it in a minute

If you place in the cavity some mineral wool (that is the most common in this case), you'll have a wider absorption of low frequency, not specific for a narrower range, the so called "bass trap/broadband"

And if place some holes in the external casing, exposing the absorbing material, this panel will also absorb some high frequencies too

And we'll have a panel that covers, more or less, the whole human hearing range

We were talking about the panel that covers a very specific range and I'll tell you this: those panels can be "tuned up"

To respond specifically to a frequency. This is very useful if you have a standing wave problem that is precisely localized on a frequency and its multiples

You can build a panel that has a great effect on that frequency and even if it's less effective on the other ones

Now, let's stop talking about the building methods of self-made tools for acoustic adjustment, because I wouldn't push my self too far

There is a lot of information that can be found online, there are a lot more things to say, a lot more kinds of panels that can be built... Every kind of solution available

I don't know this matter that much, and know that there are people who made a job out of this topic. People that design and make acoustic treatments for recording studios and such

It's a very complex matter to go into and I made just some examples but I don't want to go deeper because this is not my field of expertise

I told you just what you need to now to grasp the importance of it

Now, there is another method to deal with refractions and stationary waves, and with other parts of acoustics that interest us

This method is called "Sound Diffusion" (Diffusion)

Standing waves happen between parallel surfaces, the more the waves repeat, the stronger the standing wave

The diffuser breaks the surface's regularity, according to a well-studied and precise pattern

Here you can see an example. Things like that are extremely useful to break the incoming high-intensity wave in many low-intensity ones

Let's stop here. There are many kinds of diffusers, almost in a greater number that the absorbing panels

Based on the discussions I read online and how some people speak about it, I can say that there are as many kinds of diffusers as many absorbing panels

Let's cover another very important topic, since many people are confused about it: acoustic treatment is completely different from "Acoustic Isolation"

Acoustic Isolation has not the same goals as Acoustic Treatment, because acoustic treatment deals with the room's insides: how it responds to ear's perception

Acoustic Isolation aims to stop the sound from going from the inside to the outside or vice versa

Generally, what's used and made for acoustic treatment doesn't work for Isolation

If you stuffed your room with pyramids or egg cartons hoping to stop the sound from propagating outside... Well, you're wrong

You'll lower the number of high-frequency refractions, but this won't work for low-frequency that will roam freely to the outside

Many materials used for acoustic isolation, can be the same for acoustic treatment but they're not used to build the same things

The purpose and the way of using them, will be much different

An effective Isolation comes from materials that reflect the sound energy. Concrete, bricks, plasterboard, dense wood, metal, glass, or other specific materials for that purpose

Have a high mass and are not porous

The three conditions for isolation are: mass, structural continuity and "no opening"

For mass is simple: for every doubling of the mass, you'll attenuate the sound by 6dBs

Structural continuity means not only not-porous, so the material shouldn't let the sound to pass through, but also means that every single bit of the room should be isolated

Every room's surface must be treated: walls, floor, ceiling, doors, windows, EVERYTHING

And "no opening" means that this work must be meticulously done. A single mistake could nullify a great deal of work and money invested

Now, there are different methods for a good isolation. We'll see some of them, just so you know

The construction techniques to isolate change based on the surface:

For walls: independently from the material we want to use, it's better to have two thin walls instead of a thick-single one

We must remember that isolation is achieved through sound reflection and sound reflection happens between cavities and gaps too

That means that having more reflecting surfaces, will help to minimize the sound going outside

The more the reflections, the better. And the surfaces should have as much mass as possible

Often a double plasterboard wall proves to be a good solution, and it's one of the most common ones

And it's even more effective if you uncouple the surfaces. And the image you see here, should give you a hint on how to build it

Now the ceiling: the hard part on isolating it, is to put as much mass as possible on it. Unlike the walls or the floor, this "thing" we're gonna build shall hang above our heads

The problem will be to hang it safely, without any danger. In this case, pay attention: you can isolate the walls, you can isolate the floor, but if you're not completely sure of it, don't isolate the ceiling by yourselves

The risk of it falling down on your head is to high, so ask a professional to do it

The procedure is very similar to the one for the walls: the double-layer of plasterboard applied on the ceiling, generally works great

Regarding the floor, the procedure is a bit different: one of the most common techniques is the "floating floor"

The ideal would be pouring concrete on a metal support, laid on isolating disks or springs

But this is not always doable because of the costs, or the weight of the structure. For example, if you live in a flat on the second floor, you couldn't do it unless you want your home to fall down

The alternatives would be wood, plasterboard and mineral wood work just fine according to similar principles like for walls and ceiling

About windows and doors: this is really complicated and I decided not to show you because it's virtually undoable for beginners

Isolating doors and windows is quite hard and quite expensive. I noticed how many suggest just to buy them pre-made

It could seem expensive, but considering buying materials and hours of work, it's more convenient to buy them instead of making them

To conclude, this second part has been very long but despite its duration, this is just a smattering

The info I gave you is rather partial, but also very important to understand. If you want to go further, if you want to design something properly this isn't just enough

You can look it up deeper on the internet, books or with professionals who work in this field that can make you achieve better results

What you just heard is only a tiny part

But know you know some concepts, and many don't know anything about this topics and the dangers that are related to

And I wanted to do something about it

So guys, don't underestimate acoustic correction. It's really one of the most important things to consider

And with the right knowledge and the right materials, it can be done effectively and chap

Well, that's all for now. As usual you'll find down here in the description the link to download the pamphlet regarding this part of the class

If you want to have a written landmark, that will surely come in handy

Subscribe to the channel, if you haven't already. Leave a like if you want to support me and this audio-engineering class I'm trying to bring on YouTube as good as I can

Alright, I'll see you in the next video. Good luck with your work! Bye!

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