Sunday, September 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 3 2017

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Hello, today I share



It is important to take care of our body is our sacred temple that deserves all

our selves, beyond beauty how important is their welfare.

Today there are millions of beauty products, but many are expensive and contain many chemicals,

so I would like to share some unexpected tricks that could save you time and money.


For beautiful hair.

If you have an oily hair, normal salt may work or even better sea salt.

Place 2 to 3 tablespoons of salt in your favorite shampoo and your hair will feel better.

It is said that sea salt plumps the hair roots by stimulating the scalp

and promoting shine and softness of hair.


For eyebrows and eyelashes thicker.

Do not throw the mask away old tabs, wash the container, check oil 25%

castor 50% vitamin E and 25% aloe vera.

Use the old brush to apply the mixture on eyebrows and eyelashes, do it every night

for a month before going to sleep.


For dark circles.

If you like coffee, you do not give erased, it turns out that you can refresh your skin under the

eyes, the mixture cleared with some coconut oil and place under the eyes during

15 minutes, applies this "mask" 2 or 3 times a week.


For a more beautiful nails.

Mix coconut oil with honey and add a few drops of lavender, this homemade mixture will make

have stronger and more beautiful nails, you can store the mixture in a paint container

polish, so you always accessible.


Cooler for underarms.

Does it seem strange?

They say that the raw potato does wonders with underarm skin.

Leave the potato slices in the armpits for half an hour.


To relieve sunburned skin.

There are lots of creams to apply "after sun", but in fact, you can go to your

own kitchen to find the cure and relieve heartburn.

Apply baking powder (you can dilute it with a little water) and apply it on the

burned area and leave it there for 10 to 15 minutes.


For dry feet and heels.

To put softer heels, diluted 1 deciliter of baking powder and 2 deciliters

2 deciliters vinegar in water, use it to wash the feet for 15 to 20 minutes,

dry off with a towel and then applies a softening lotion.


How to prepare your homemade mask.

Crushed avocado half, if you want you can add a teaspoon of olive oil,

Apply on face and leave on for 10 minutes, remove it with warm water.


Tonic to refresh the face.

If you want to feel good in your face all day, try this tonic with a sprayer.

You can produce it with water and aloe vera gel (you get it at the pharmacy if you do not know how to do

at home).

Pour into a spray bottle and carry it to cool during the day.


For a pleasant smell.

So that the hair smell good all day, try applying a little perfume on your

brush before brushing your hair.


For a firmer bust.

If you want to maintain firmness in your breasts, try rubbing it with Vaseline before going

to sleep every night, after two weeks you will notice that the skin will become more

elastic and moisturized feel some general firmest bust.

Do you have any idea of ​​all this ?.

Tell us about it in the comments !.

If you like this information interesting, share, subscribe to my channel, it's FREE.

just by clicking on the link below or the image of the middle of the screen and not

forget to turn on notifications.

and give us a great !, thanks I LIKE I hope in the next video.



II Jornadas Universitarias Cannabis y Salud – Vivo en Bahía Blanca - Duration: 46:00.

For more infomation >> II Jornadas Universitarias Cannabis y Salud – Vivo en Bahía Blanca - Duration: 46:00.


Goldman Sachs and Greece's decline - (VPRO documentary - 2012) - Duration: 50:15.

For more infomation >> Goldman Sachs and Greece's decline - (VPRO documentary - 2012) - Duration: 50:15.


147 TESA T80 (8 PIN DIMPLE LOCK) GANZUADO, SPP & GUTTED sub eng - Duration: 12:02.

Hello guys, welcome back

Today I have a TESA T80 for you

It is a very nice lock

8 pins, 6 lowers and 2 uppers, all actives, there they are the plugs

the uppers are sandwiched between: the second and third lower, the first upper one; and between fourth and fifth, the second upper

It is very similar to T60 lock

but I find it harder

I am not able to open all that I have

the fact that there are these two pins hinders me enough movement in the key way

sometimes inadvertently I overset one

the uppers are not difficult to set, but it's enough increase in difficulty to make me it harder

This is the only lock wit key I have

I show coding

as you see has a very short fourth, first and second are very short too

the third very long

and fifth and sixth of medium insertion

in the uppers, the first practically must not touch each other and the second binding for set

as I say it is a hard lock for me

I can open three of the six that have

we will try to open it and if we get we will gut it and see what is inside

Let's go there

I will use this commercial wrench from Madbob

and this home made pick

This is done by copying pick that sent me Pit

especially design for T60

that goes well with these cylinders

Let's go there

high tension

from front to back

first nothing

second one click

third a slight click


the second upper is binding

there makes a click and set

fifth does a click

sixth one click

first a light click

second one click, third a slight click

fourth nothing, fifth one click, sixth one click

as you see they ask much retouch, like the T60

drivers be the same as those of this

sixth one click


second nothing

first upper is set


we go to the fourth

there is the fourth

an audible click, setting the fourth others jump

It is also common in T60

they are very well done, and any rotational movement of the plug

It causes several jump

as happens now with the fifth

although this I think I've overset it

I release tension

first nothing, second

third one click

fourth one click

sixth one click

upper second is still set

first, second

third nothing

fourth is binding

That it is, its made a click

First nothing, second nothing, third

fourth, I had not set it well

first a slight movement

second is binding, does a click

first again

first and second are set

fourth seems set



by setting the first makes a click

and open, has been extended the opening because I overset the fifth

things that usually happens to me and this is why

these locks still resist to me, will gut it

and we see what is inside

Let's go there

well, let's see what is inside of the T80

Well, this is the plug, six lower and two upper

as you see, have double diameter, I do not know if seen, there you can see

Now we will see in the pins

and the body, too, chambers for six lower and two upper

we go with the key pins

lower key pins and drivers are equal as T60

key pins are two diameters, serrated and beveled end slightly

this combination makes them easily overset if not properly touch

and if overset they engage in the serration, and that makes a overset trap and does not recover so easily


are very well done is a real joy

to see and pick, there you have them

all have this the top of equal length, so

you can control what excel in keyway

the drivers are all equal, brass

serrated or double spool, equal to GEGE or T60

very nice, very well done, sweet

I do not know if they are slightly bevelled, sorry

I did not distinguish, do not know if you can see it

but they are very very nice

As for the highers

key pins are normal, as you see also with two diameters but normal

and the drivers, here they are, are very small, they are normal

They have two diameters to fit the spring and it will not move

which it comes in handy when assembling and disassembling the lock, by the way

this is or slightly longer than this

Oddly enough, these small dimensions that are sufficient

Can not open but do not set them

springs are from steel, as always

very powerful, TESA

and I just lost one

no, here it is ;-)

very nice

There, oops! Now I've lost :-(

then I will seek

Ok, so

this would have been the opening of TESA T80

I hope you liked it, it will be useful

and thank you very much for your time, greeting

For more infomation >> 147 TESA T80 (8 PIN DIMPLE LOCK) GANZUADO, SPP & GUTTED sub eng - Duration: 12:02.


Olympus Guardian Episode 15 - Duration: 20:02.

For more infomation >> Olympus Guardian Episode 15 - Duration: 20:02.


Baja California se mantiene en alerta roja por tormenta Lidia - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Baja California se mantiene en alerta roja por tormenta Lidia - Duration: 0:30.


Noticias Telemundo, 2 de septiembre de 2017 - Duration: 21:26.

For more infomation >> Noticias Telemundo, 2 de septiembre de 2017 - Duration: 21:26.


Como Pintar - Warhammer 40k: Marines de la plaga - How to paint - Plage Marine (ENG-Sub) - Duration: 25:08.

Greetings Wargamers & Players, Welcome to MiniatureWar, I'm Meinkopt and in this painting guide we shall see how to paint in a easy and quick way to the Plague Marines.

The choosen color scheme it's thinking so it will be easy to paint and a worthy nurgle appearance.

We start painting the metal parts in a bronze tone, that we're going to add later the aging effect.

First we give a layer base with Warplock Bronze and then when we applied this tone whenever we want, we shall give a wash with Nuln Oil.

Once the shade dried, we proceed to get the toasted bronze tone up. For this we can opt for the dry brush technique or in this case, we give soft strokes in a degrading way to create a more faded effect with the last layer.

The choosen tone for this effect it´s Hashut Copper.

I recommend to give straight lines strokes in a random way without covering completely, this will create a better effect.

Once we give the light, it´s time to apply a wash with turquoise diluted in a lot of water. Once this wash it´s dry, it will create a natural aging effect in the bronze.

Now it's time for the gray metal tones, like the chain mail, the weapon or whatever you want. We start applying a layer base with Abaddon Black mixed with Leadbelcher in a proportion of 70/30.

We're interested that the tone stays dark so it will help us to create a better effect of old metal.

Once applied all the base, we give a wash with Nuln Oil.

Now we shall give soft strokes with Ironbreaker Armor. I recommend to do this in a random way and with soft strones, we shall create a scratched and lacklustre metal.

Now we give a look of rusty to this metal that we just painted. We start with some random dots in the metalic parts. First with Mourfang Brown and then with an vivid orange tone over the places that we applied Mourfang Brown.

Then we dilute some Mourfang Brown with water and the same orange tone that we used to create the wash. This will be applied over all the metalic parts and leave them to dry.

In this step with the wash dried, we apply Agrax Earthshade over the metal, and this will help to get the tones well integrated and will let us create a better effect.

Once the shade it's dried, we take Ironbreaker Armor and give some very soft strokes over it, to stand out some of the more brilliant or no rust zones.

Now it's time for the armor, we choose a classic green tone that's easy and fast to paint. We only need two tones and a shade to completely work the armor with lights and shadows.

We start creating the layer base, mixing this two tones, that will be Castella Green and Death Guard Green in a proportion of 50/50.

Once the base it's dried, we shall proceed to give a wash with Athonian Camoshade. This will give us a greenish and dirty background that will function perfectly with the armor of the Plague Marines or even to give to the skin a putrid appearance.

Now with the shade dried use use the blend of the base to illuminate the armor and give some volume. Here the fast strokes in a degrading way may create a interesting effect of worn out and dirtiness.

In this step we shall center in emphasize the edges and profiles of the miniatures, for this we shall use Death Guard Green and apply it whenever it´s possible with a detail and long haired brush cause it will get our job easier.

For the pustules that might have the armor, we give them a putrid yellowish appearance.

We start to give a layer base with Averland Sunset and then a wash over it with Casandora Yellow.

Once the shade it's dried, we proceed to paint over it, but only the superior half of the pustule with Yriel Yellow. Then when this layer it's dried, we use Athonian Camoshade and apply it in the edges that surround the pustule.

For the corrupted meat, in this we opt for various tones opposite to the general aspect of the miniature so they stand out.

We start giving a layer base of a mix of Screamer Pink and Xeros Purple in a 50/50 proportion.

Then once dried, we give it a wash with Druchi Violet.

To get the volume and light up, we start giving some strokes with a mix of the layer base and then adding Cadian Fleshtone to this mix to give the next lights The intensity and clarity that we want in the skin it will depend in the quantity of Cadian Flesh tone that we add to the mix.

And lastly for the bones and bone aberrations of the miniatures, we give a layer base with Leather Brown of Army Painter. Then we mix it with a little of Leather Brown with Ushabti Bone to stand out the bone tone.

And with this fast steps in little time you will have your Plague Marines to serve the great Lord Nurgle. Hope that you liked this new painting guide, give it a Like if you do so it will get far. Suscribe if you're not so you will keep up to date with our news. You can also follow us in the Social Media of Twitter, Instagram and in our new Facebook Group. Thank you very much for watching and till next time!

For more infomation >> Como Pintar - Warhammer 40k: Marines de la plaga - How to paint - Plage Marine (ENG-Sub) - Duration: 25:08.


Night fishing on bream. Catching bream from the shore. - Duration: 19:02.

For more infomation >> Night fishing on bream. Catching bream from the shore. - Duration: 19:02.


DIGIMON ADVENTURE - Brave Heart デジモン | Magi's Karaoke | - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> DIGIMON ADVENTURE - Brave Heart デジモン | Magi's Karaoke | - Duration: 5:46.


Vanessa Paradis et Lily-Rose Depp, leur ressemblance impressionne de plus en plus - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Vanessa Paradis et Lily-Rose Depp, leur ressemblance impressionne de plus en plus - Duration: 1:56.


Kate Middleton enceinte au même moment que sa soeur Pippa, un rêve qui va devenir réalité - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton enceinte au même moment que sa soeur Pippa, un rêve qui va devenir réalité - Duration: 2:13.


Capturer la sortie HDMI d'une console pour pas cher ?! (~30€) - Duration: 11:46.

For more infomation >> Capturer la sortie HDMI d'une console pour pas cher ?! (~30€) - Duration: 11:46.


ANDY'S ® - Como ellos quieren (G-REC #1) - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> ANDY'S ® - Como ellos quieren (G-REC #1) - Duration: 1:36.


1000 Subscribers Giveaway- ...

For more infomation >> 1000 Subscribers Giveaway- ...


ABANDONED Care Home in France [ ENG SUBS CC ] #Roadtrip France 2017 - Duration: 11:19.

My name's Takiany,

I'm 28 years old.

And I already told you that I wanted to travel Europe.

In the previous videos you saw

Hospital of the weeping baby

Château Martin

and Stromae Castle.

"Emergency service"

Service d'un......

[Oemmie] : ...d'urgence.

[Takiany] : Yes, something like that.

Oh my God, this location is awesome!

In this adventure I'll show you Château Gryffindor.

this would be a nursing home, according to the internet.

but, is that really true ?!

What the fuck is this?!

You're watching now

to the last part

of Roadtrip France!

Hi all, welcome to a new video today we're heading of to Château Gryffindor

also known as Château Social.

It would be somewhere in the woods over there.

So yeah, we need to cross the woods.

hopefully it's worth it...

And I'm walking with short pants...

through the nettles...

Before you say something... was my own choice to do this.

If Google maps is correct we would...


[Oemmie] : That way?

[Takiany] : Yes, straight ahead.

If Google maps is correct...

we would crossing a sport area.

It could also be a soccerfield, or a tennis court.

Maybe it was a good idea to mark the way in / out...

Ever we get away again.

We came closer to the Château while we walked into the forest.

we became stung by nettles a 1000 times. But we didn't care at all.

We can see the castle already.

I've a good feeling why they call this place gryffindor.

Harry potter's castle (hogwarts)

was also near a huge forest.

After searching for a long time and get stung by nettles for a 1000 times...

We finally seeing the Châ....


[Oemmie] : It's in renovation.

[Takiany] : Renovation?

Where do you see that?! That construction over there?!

[Oemmie] : Yes, the construction.

So, this was the sport area that we've seen on Google maps.

and it's totally overgrown.

That's Château gryffindor or so-- social.

The house over here looks still good.

We're full of thorns.

Probably we took the hard way to get here.

The square we were standing on was full of stuff that belongs to the building itself.

In front of the building was a construction.

Would this location be in renovation?

There was only one way to find out...

...and I bet that you already know what I mean.

The window was moving...

...It has to be the wind.

Okay, this graffiti is amazing.

It does remind me to Half life.

There's a way in here.

We can also use the fire stairs to get to other floors.

But yeah, I think this way in is easier.

It's in renovation but everything is demolished.

We're too late to see the beauty.

What the fuck is this?

Om my God, even the mirror is smashed.

We've seen some photos from a year or two ago...

...and they looked way different from what we're seeing here.

I think It's not longer worth it to cross all those woods for this.

The staircase is still nice.

Oh my...


This is so creepy.

It's a slide.

an old slide.

from a little boy.

There are some more photos left.

Oemmie thinks that this was a youth institution.

It could be...

See, there's a school bank over here

Earlier they gave classes here.

So, then...

it maybe was a youth institution.. the kids could also sleep here.


Oh, yeah, it's French for Kitchen.

[Oemmie] : Cuisine..

[Takiany] : Cui....

I still remember that one from Château Pink.

This was the kitchen.

It's so sad to see that everything in here is smashed to pieces.

I'm still thinking that they left everything in here,

but that everything in here is just vandalized,


So yea, these are just the leftovers.

Is this the infamous window?

It was moving right?

There's another corridor behind this door.

There's another stair.

[Oemmie] : keep in mind that we can't go back.

The door hasn't any handle.

[Takiany] : Probably the wind.

[Oemmie] : I think it's creepy in here.

[Takiany] : This is the other staircase, so nothing to worry about.

[Oemmie] : See, over here... Harry potter's room.

Chambre de harry potter "Harry Potter's room"

Yea, know I see... it's bellow the stairs..

This building..

..may be vandalized, but it's creepy in here.

This is a cabinet with some sliders.

But they're all empty off course.

Some bed sheets.

I think this was an isolating room .

isn't it?

[Oemmie] : Yes, it's ....

[Takiany] : Sound proofing.

But, isolating rooms doesn't have windows.

There's another staircase over here.

This has to be the way to the attic.

So yeah...

I think it's true, unless...


..It's just another floor.

There's a board like this on every door.

just like the one's you see in a prison.

Holy shit, there's a thing in here... uhmmm...

a hospital bed.

Probably this room was for the sick students.

It's a medical room...

...And a tank of oxygen.

These are..

some caps.

A small bathroom.

But I think it was more used to wash your hands.

In the next room are also some...

...houses and cards from Monopoly.

See what's written on this tin. Pieces monopoly

So yeah, earlier they've played games in this room as well.

Okay, it came to our minds that we're not able to see the library in this building.

Because, if you're watching to this picture.

This is how it looks like,

beautiful isn't it?

We've tried to find that room but it came to our attention that...

... this room has the same floor as on the picture.

A wooden floor like this one.

And guess what?!

too bad.

The doors...

...from that library,

they're here.

And what about that one.

This makes it all clear to us.

They've breaking out the library,

there's nothing left of it.

Everything was...


Not really stolen...

...Some door are still here,

it's just demolished.

Those little spaces are a place,

were all the students could take a shower.

They had to shower here.

This building is quite in bad state.

But... yeah...

... it still has a creepy atmosphere.

Oemmie's going to use the fire escape to go back down.

Is it safe?

[Oemmie] : Off course, it's a fire escape.

[Takiany] : Fire escapes could also be rusty.

And about this construction... I've no idea man.

That construction don't look that good.

I don't think that they're still renovating the place lol.

Oh my God, there's a basement on the side of the building.

You don't come along?

The basement.

From an abandoned institute in France.

I've never seen a basement like this.

This is all storage.

But this...

This painted part.

It looks recently done.

This was used for the gas and electricity.

Seriously I've never seen such a corridor in the basement.

And, I'm alone in here...

Oemmie's waiting outside.

This is so cool.

let's have a look over there.

It's a stair.

I think it will bring us back into the building.


This will bring us back into the building.

I'm going back, because my SD card is almost full.

There she is.

This was the building.

The basement was sick.

[Oemmie] : Really?

[Takiany] : Yes,

It was way different if you compare it with other basements.

It looks like a bunker.

For more infomation >> ABANDONED Care Home in France [ ENG SUBS CC ] #Roadtrip France 2017 - Duration: 11:19.


[ENGLISH COVER] Butterfly - BTS (방탄소년단) - Emily Dimes 영어 커버 - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> [ENGLISH COVER] Butterfly - BTS (방탄소년단) - Emily Dimes 영어 커버 - Duration: 5:23.


Hotel Jerome, An Auberge Resort in Aspen, USA (North America) - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Hotel Jerome, An Auberge Resort in Aspen, USA (North America) - Duration: 5:02.


Guitar Hip Hop

For more infomation >> Guitar Hip Hop


I Made Hot Chocolate in a TOILET & Drank it | Chef Pete - Duration: 6:10.

Chef Pete here and today you've probably noticed if I'm not in my kitchen and

that's because when you're as good with food as me then you can turn any room

into a kitchen, even a toilet! And I'm going to prove that to you today by

making a hot chocolate in there. First step is to make the chocolate liquid, now

I've got my chocolate powder but I'm not going to pour it straight into the cup

slash toilet, no that is amateur, I'm going to use my body to turn this chocolaty

goodness into a liquid. Wish me luck.

That went down my nose, it came down my nose

Now my bathroom is covered in chocolate powder

all I can smell is chocolate.

I think we need a bit more because we're making quite a lot of hot chocolate

Second ingredient

The body's core temperature is about 37 degrees Celsius

or 98 degrees Fahrenheit which just so happens to be the perfect temperature to

mix hot chocolate powder at, so just shake it about a bit while we wait for

the hot chocolate mixture to heat up in my body to the perfect temperature I

received this in my p.o box and again it says please open in a video so I guess

I have to open it in the video again!

They sent me 5 dollars, thanks for that, and a bunch of letters

Why have you sent me 5 dollars? I don't live in America I live in England

So, this person's sent me like a

blueprint of a challenge idea I should do where I stick a cactus to a cricket bat

I'm guessing I hit myself with it I think so you guys are more crazy than me

dear Peter, I have set up plans you might be interested in for a video PS there is

five dollars in the bag so do my idea for the five you know you want it I

think he's trying to bribe me. The floor is getting really sticky because of that

chocolate powder. If you guys knew how much clearing up I had to do after

each Chef Pete episode I film. I spend more time cleaning up than actually

making the video. Anyway I think our hot chocolates nicely warmed up and reached

its optimum temperature so let's add it to the toilet

That's good stuff!

I mean if you ignore the fact that it just looks like someone ate a really

dodgy curry last night, it's actually pretty tasty!

what's a bit annoying is this is the highest it will go if you add any more

liquid then it just like drains out which is which means that we don't get

much hot chocolate but we'll make up for that with whipped cream what's also good

about making food and drink in a toilet is it's actually healthier because

compared to normal mixing bowls this one is covered in all the nutrients and

stuff from all your previous meals er if you get what I'm saying

now it's time to add the whipped cream but before we do that I want to do a

little experiment and see if I can fit a whole can of whipped cream in my mouth

I don't think it all went in my mouth, I think I spilt a bit

Oh imagine if you died by being suffocated by whipped cream, man what

a way to go out.

Let's fill the hot chocolate

Finally, marshmallows

and now for the moment of truth has this all been worth it

let's find out doing a taste test... now I think this mug might be too big to scoop

the very bottom and actually get liquid. Yeah no hot chocolate in there I need a

smaller mug. Well the cream is tasty.

Feels like I'm unblocking a toilet

here we go my hot chocolate made in the toilet which is the healthiest way to

make hot chocolate as you know and be sure to subscribe so you'll be the first

to watch whenever I do something that no human has ever done before and no human

probably wants to do and probably won't ever be done again anyway taste test

it's a bit watery

I mean the marshmallows are pretty good

I mean for something that's come out of the toilet it's not too bad.

Finally, one of the benefits of using a toilet and not a mixing bowl means that it

minimizes the amount of cleaning you have to do after because of this.

clean as a whistle

Well if you enjoyed this then please give a thumbs up and

subscribe for new videos every Thursday and Sunday this again was a very very

weird video they might just keep getting weirder thank you for watching goodbye

For more infomation >> I Made Hot Chocolate in a TOILET & Drank it | Chef Pete - Duration: 6:10.


[ENGLISH COVER] Butterfly - BTS (방탄소년단) - Emily Dimes 영어 커버 - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> [ENGLISH COVER] Butterfly - BTS (방탄소년단) - Emily Dimes 영어 커버 - Duration: 5:23.


I made PVC fujara! :D - Duration: 6:45.

I've just finished making a PVC fujara


More PVC! (you never have too much of it)

It looks like this and is made of...

1: A PVC pipe which is a length of...

1,05m length. I guess.

Length length -_- AND diameter of

32mm if I remember well

And I think I do. This one time.

2: A smaller PVC pipe which length and diameter I do not know, but it was laying around so I took it

3: Corks... Eee... Two corks.

The Cork nr.1

with a nice florisitic pattern

which we are probably not going to see...

Or maybe we will...

But not as well as we could...

Oh, there's some wine leaves on him or something

cuz it's a wine cork.

And here's a Cork nr.2. Yyy...

The same problem as in a bass recorder (water gathering in pipe)

Also a cleverly

Duct tape, The Silver Tape

Which I wrapped in a skin strap. Of course with an use of Hot Glue

Cuz Hot Glue is a second

most importnant material in The-world-of-making-everything

(Just after a duct tape)

Yeah, I wrapped it in a strap so it would not be seen that it is a duct tape.

Here I also used a strap

Of course there was a silver tape also.

Here I used a piece of steel pipe

which diameter I also do not know.


And it sounds like this:

And as it is a PVC pipe...

It's quite modifiable


We can take

Some other PVC pipes

Connecting pieces are the best

As using connecting pieces can let us to make some more interesting...

More PRACTICAL! Shapes of

instrument lengthening than

a straight, long pipe which ends somewhere far away

and we can't close it with our hand. So... CONNECTING PIECES <3

We put it in *wsshhh*


Actually with this piece it is finely tuned to D or A (I never know how does it work with overtone flutes like fujara)


It made no big change, so

let's take more PVC pipe!

And again we put it in... If... We're... Strong enough...

I do not, as I'm vegan which makes me anemic... Nope.

But, erm, PVC's sometimes are hard to connect

So THIS THING was created

It looks very emm... Well... Majestic

But yeah



Tu dudu

So, well, yeah, but... *breath out*

PVC's we could add infintely

As PVC's have those wonderfull connectors

I shall add one more

Honestly I do not know if this will

make any sound. I mean... It will, but the sound

will be very quiet.

So I'll move closer to phone

Daaamn this sounds... Tibetan'ish if I can say so. I feel like it would work well with proper throat singing :D


And what if...

It didn't change a lot. So yeah

We can actually add PVC's infinitely

and in fact this will soon be really hard to hear

But we can add'em aye?

And due to the attributes of PVC

We can also play it another way around

It does not didge well

Yeah. Not really.

Not really, for

the both out holes

are very very small so the air

doesn't flow out well and it does not didge

Oh and hey we could possibly also kaval it

Well... This way you can make a sound of anything so... Whatever.

I HAVE CREATED!!! An instrument. I will possibly

make it prettier and nicer and make holes in it

although I am a bit affraid of that, for I feel like i may fck it up

If I make something with it, I'll share it


For more infomation >> I made PVC fujara! :D - Duration: 6:45.



hi I'm Lisa and today I wanted to talk about idiom to give somebody a run for

their money. recently this idiom has been popping up

a lot so, that's how I decide what to make videos about - something that I see

often - I talk about it. so the idiom to give somebody a run for their money

works something like that. Chinese smartphone companies are giving major

corporations like Samsung or Apple a run for their money

at least in Russia . every other person has their phone instead of iPhone or

Samsung. because they're cheap and they are as good as these ones. so to give

somebody a run for their money means to challenge somebody to make it difficult

to win , to make winning difficult for other competitor. to create this

competition, to actually you know to compete. basically it's not about the

money it's about having a skill the ability to compete and being as good as

the person that you are competing with. it comes from horse racing so when you

put money on the horse you want this horse to compete so you want a run for

your money so don't challenge me to go to karaoke

with you because I will not give you the run for the money it will not be fun I

cannot sing, well I can but, it's terrible so no I'm not a competition

there will not be any pleasure ,so yeah to give somebody a run for their money

is connected with like, getting value getting pleasure from competing it's not

negative . or like John... John ? John is not the best at snowboarding but he will

give you the run for your money , you know he will try his best and You two will

enjoy the process yes so I hope it's clear because I

really like this idiom I really like this phrase and

I should have written down places where I heard it from but the one that I

remember is the Kendrick Lamar's song love

so to remember this idiom you can go and listen to that song get into the lyrics

and try to understand what the song is about or at least what the chorus is

about. thank you for watching I hope it was helpful , leave any suggestions for

the videos that you want me to make in the comment section below thank you all

for watching, happy September I guess... yeah and I will see you in my next video


I probably should tell who I am in the

beginning of the videos because yeah I'm not doing the best job

of advertising myself

ok, that's enough I think

For more infomation >> IDIOM: GIVE A RUN FOR THE MONEY - Duration: 3:30.


how i deal with HRT acne - Duration: 6:24.

hi I'm Ashton and I've been on testosterone for about five months now

and my skin hates me um as you can see I do have a lot of acne I don't know how

obvious it is but it's there hello but I do a pretty decent job of like making it

heal fast I used to have a really tough time with my skin

specifically because I do have dermatillomania so I pick at it a lot

but I'm gonna show you what I do for my very acne prone skin as a trans guy

because when I started T I was like how am I going to do with the acne

there's going to be a lot I don't know what to do because I never did anything

with my face so let's go so the first thing I do whenever I clean my face I

use these little oil absorbing sheets they kind of look like the things I use

for cleaning my flute pads and I know like zero of you play flute whatever but

you just kind of like put it on your face and it absorbs the grease from your

face because when you're on T, literally your skin gets so greasy and I

hate it. so this is what I do like before I wash my face, before anything, and you

just kind of... for me, my forehead is the most greasy spot so I will do this and

get it off I learned about these from a trans guy called Aaron he's one of the

people that run the You're So Brave podcast, which I would 10 million percent


sometimes I'll use this even without doing anything else like it even if you

don't wash your face after before whatever it's still going to help it I

always feel like a lot cleaner once I do it and those are like they're not even a

name-brand they're like a store brand you don't need like good expensive ones

they're literally just sheets paper and they all do the same thing next I use

like a face wipe these are oil free because my skin gets very oily but

they're meant to take away oil and dirt in your skin and it smells like

grapefruits so it's really nice

although I am like five months on T, I'd say

my skin is pretty clear especially compared to some trans guys I've seen um

of course other people do have it worse than me I do have it worse than some

people it depends on your skin and how your skin is but my skin is very oily

and these things do help a lot. pre-T my skin was rarely oily at all, like I had

fairly good skin um it could be dry at times which did not help my

dermatillomania... I normally wait like 10 or 20 minutes

after I wash my face so that it dries to do a prescription cream that I have for

acne I got the prescription cream at my three-month after T checkup so this was

like two months ago and my doctor prescribed it to me because I was

beginning to get acne it wasn't as bad as it is now I don't know if you can

even see it but on my forehead like that it's fit it's not nice so my doctor

prescribed me clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide

topical gel you can do it like one or two times a day you just dab it onto

your skin at problem spots so that's what I'm going to do now

because I have acne and that's not something I'm trying to hide there's a

bad one right there um then I picked at a bunch, so it's now a giant scab so

that's nice um often times I will also like use a hairband to pull back my hair

but I forgot to do that so I literally have a pimple like in my hair what fun

so I just kinda dabbed it all over my face I know I look very odd right

now and then I rub it all in I have a mirror to this side of me if you can't

see it which is why I'm looking sideways I do my best to avoid picking at my face

when it's possible I do have dermatillomania I've talked about it before so it's

not something it's easy for me but there are things that I can do as I mentioned

in my tips for helping deal with dermatillomania video and I'll use those

and I do my very best to avoid picking at my face and this is where I am now my

skin is fairly clear you know I don't put on makeup or concealer or anything

so what you've seen in my videos is how my skin looks even though I am somewhat far

away from the camera so you can't really see every imperfection I promise I have

tons but I do this little routine once or twice a day and my skin is honestly

not that bad. im gonna go back to my desk now. and that's what I do to take care of my skin um as I said

because I am on testosterone, my skin is very oily / greasy and when you start T

you will very likely experience that as well, it is like one of the most common

symptoms like oh I have awesome acne Wow mm-hmm I also have a little bit of acne

on my chest and some on my back which I've never experienced before which is

also due to T but I just wash my body in the shower like I don't use cream on

that or anything um if you're also on T and you've had issues with skin care

let me know please tell me what you do um yeah that's all I really have to talk

about I know this was probably a pretty short video but here we are anyway so

I'm good bye I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day and I will talk to you

later maybe

For more infomation >> how i deal with HRT acne - Duration: 6:24.


English for Spanish Speakers 45 - 'I must go' or 'I must to go'? (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:55.

Hello once again everyone, and welcome back to 'One English Tip in One Minute

for Speakers of the Spanish Language'. In these videos I discuss, in detail, each

week, one common English mistake made by those who speak Spanish as a mother

tongue...and this is video number 45, or the 45th video.

Ok, so again: I totally appreciate the fact that you are working to improve

your English. It's are very cool, smart and -- in today's increasingly globalized

world -- practical thing to do. In these videos I show you a slide, and on the

slide there are two sentences: One is the correct way a native English speaker

would say it, the other is the wrong way that a native Spanish speaker might say

it. Your job is to decide which one is correct. Please do that now. Read

the sentences, listen to me read the sentences, pause the video, think about

your answer and I will discuss the answer in the slide that follows this slide.

Okay, so how did that go? Did you struggle with this? Did you

get it wrong? Did you take a wild guess and happen to get it right, and not know

why? Well hopefully now you know why as I explained it in the slide. You have

to start studying this a little bit. To start you off on that path - this is a very

simple beginning -- I've given you three sentences to study from. You should

memorize those sentences in their entirety, you should drill them into your

head by reviewing and reviewing, and you should put into practice what you've

learned through speaking or writing or both...and just keep that process going

until the bad English is out of your head and the good English is in there,

and hopefully to stay.

Okay, just a few final things. First, if you liked the video, I hope you will click

on the thumbs up below. Second, I hope you will consider subscribing to my channel

as these videos come out every week like clockwork. Third, I have a course, an

online course, called 'Fifty Common English Mistakes' and if you follow the link in

the description box below you will get half off the it will cost the

equivalent of 10 euros. Next I have a website that I'm continuously developing,

so I hope you will pay that a visit. I also have a Twitter feed which is:

@epicenglishtips so I hope you will follow me on Twitter. Finally, if

there's anything that you want me to discuss -- any problems or questions that

you have -- please write them in the comments below and I will do my best to

address them. OK, that's it. Thanks for watching. See you next time.

For more infomation >> English for Spanish Speakers 45 - 'I must go' or 'I must to go'? (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:55.


DALLA VOSTRA PARTE -Formia ,acqua solo per un' ora al giorno .i cittadini protestano : DENUNCIATI - Duration: 8:44.

For more infomation >> DALLA VOSTRA PARTE -Formia ,acqua solo per un' ora al giorno .i cittadini protestano : DENUNCIATI - Duration: 8:44.


Honda Civic 1.5 i-VTEC SEDAN 182 PK Turbo EXECUTIVE- -AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 1.5 i-VTEC SEDAN 182 PK Turbo EXECUTIVE- -AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:58.





Will We Reach The Goal For Houston? - Duration: 0:58.

Houston still needs help.

Let's send another 25 grand there today.

So here's the deal, I'm gonna match the first 1250 people

who send a donation to local charities in Houston.

Go to that'll redirect you

to the JJ Watt's fundraiser.

It's almost at $20 million.

Give 10 bucks at least and then just post a receipt

on your Instagram, tag me,

not because I want the tags or anything,

but so that my staff can go and count how many people,

and I'll match the first 1250 people,

we'll get 25 grand there.

And you know we should all be thankful for our blessings.

Those people are going through a lot of stuff

down there in Texas and now it's spreading of course,

all over, the disaster.

So, donate 10 bucks or more,

post it on your Instagram,

tag @tailopez so my assistants can count it up.

First 1250 people I'mma match.

Let's get 25 grand to 'em tomorrow or this week OK.

Thanks so much.

For more infomation >> Will We Reach The Goal For Houston? - Duration: 0:58.


SKAM | last young renegade (2015-2017) - Duration: 2:33.

We live in a society

because we need each other.




Fear spreads.


Fortunately, love does too.

It's you and me against the world.

For more infomation >> SKAM | last young renegade (2015-2017) - Duration: 2:33.


12 GENIUS Beauty Hacks You NEED To Know! - Duration: 12:03.

hey everyone its Adrienne and welcome back to my channel today I have a very

special guest this is Lauren she's my really good friend who just moved to

California and started a YouTube channel I was like girl we got to do a video

together so for sure today we are doing genius beauty hacks makeup hacks that

you guys seriously need to try out I'm not kidding each one of these were

things that like were discovered by doing them or someone told me them and I

tried them and they actually worked really well so these are all like

totally foolproof we love them and incredible yeah they're gonna be good

it's some good ones on there so also we did a video on Lauren's Channel we did

like testing as seen on tv products we won't say I've wanted to do forever so

you'll have to go check that out subscribe to her show her some love and

tell her that I sent you she's new to YouTube and she's doing a great job so I

turned it out before we get started leave me a comment down below right now

letting me know your favorite beauty product even if you're a dude what is it

deodorant lipstick I think my favorite beauty product is highlighter so yeah

let me know right now and out further ado let's get into the hacks are you

guys so the first Beauty hack is to use either micellar water or some sort of

makeup remover put it on to a cotton round and hold it on your eye for two

minutes this is going to seamlessly take your mascara off I always have a huge

issue with like removing mascara I feel like I love those makeup wipes for the

rest of my face but mascara just gets so like stuck where eyelashes and honestly

it's taken me a really long time to figure out like a foolproof way to take

all of it off without also feeling like I'm like ripping out my eyelashes yes I

feel like rubbing makeup wipes on time is like not okay I don't know yeah all

you do is hold it for two minutes and then you just wipe it right off in a kid

you not it'll look like spider like it looks like your eyelashes just fell off

onto the pad but it's all your mascara and then after that you can like go in

with the makeup wipe and just get all the remnants off but at least most of it

has like already come off in its arm so you super cool

yeah so the next beauty hack I kind of found because you know we like to kill

your hair but sometimes it just takes so long to curl your hair nobody got time

for that nobody got time not like please so what we've done is I've called this

lazy girl curls way that you do this is instead of curling all of your hair and

separating into section blood left you put it up into a ponytail try to do the

highest ponytail that you can cuz you want to have the most hair hanging out

at the ponytail so essentially what you're doing you're just taking one-inch

pieces out of your ponytail and curling that you want to make sure you've curled

away from your face like you kind of split the ponytail in half but it takes

about 10-15 minutes curl a whole ponytail and then you just kind of pull

it out and it looks perfect like kind of like natural curls I went back and added

just a few more wisps but seriously - yeah one minute I watched you do it and

it was like really good so the next Beauty hack also has to do getting

mascara off big surprise I hate getting mascara off but it's kind of - trickle

off of the last one another thing to do to get the parts of mascara that are

like closest to your lash line they get all chunky and like stuck I don't know

if you guys can relate but I like coat on the mascara and so I have like a lot

to remove so even when I get all of it off there's always right by the lash

line just like little chunks a great tip for getting rid of that is to take a

q-tip and put it in makeup remover organ-like micellar water anything that

takes off makeup and you kind of just like twirl it onto your eyelashes to

like get that last stuff out and you can even kind of rush it underneath and just

like wisp it out I don't even know how to explain it but it works really well

and my roommate showed me both those mascara hacks I'm honestly so grateful

for Ruby is now taking off my mascara isn't so daunting and that's a really

good one yeah so definitely do that okay so this next one I discovered when I was

in a pinch I was running late and you know when you put you turn on and then

you put a black shirt on the worst did you get those lovely little lines going

down your whole shirt and it ruins the whole morning routine getting any so in

order to get rid of those deodorant stains those deodorant marks that you

get when you put on dark clothing grab one of your fuzzy hangers got it we can

do it grab a fuzzy hanger like

and literally rub this on the stain rub it on the deodorant like if it's like

lines you know it's like usually kind of demo on means yeah so demo on you just

rub it right on the line just kind of do it over and over he kind of gotta like

get at it but it will disappear seriously like Photoshop magic it's

awesome like she did this I did that I was like what like you would just expect

that I know I kinda was like I don't really believe this thing right I don't

really believe you and I picked it up and I just sat there rubbing out it I

was like it's gone wow so this next tag is for cleaning makeup brushes because I

don't know if you guys realize this but first of all makeup brushes

literally carry so much bacteria in them because you put them all over your face

you keep like all these products on them and they just sit there like building up

bacteria so not only do you obviously want to get the makeup off of the

brushes but you want to make sure you're killing like any germs in there because

one of the major causes of acne is actually like not washing brushes so

here's an awesome FAQ for how to easily wash your brushes without like buying

some sort of brush wash you literally take dawn soap or any sort of like

kitchen soap and then mix it with conditioner I don't know why but the

conditioner kinda just like makes it soft because it's actually like your the

bristles or hair so you want to treat them gently but then you want to use the

soap that has like antibacterial and you kind of just like swish those around I

like to put it on the brush and then take like a towel that I don't care

about and just literally like swish the brush on it until all the stuff comes

out and it's crazy how much makeup you'll find coming out of the brush like

that you didn't even realize we're still there it's pretty gross but it's also

like so these bones necessary so on that note I also have Beauty blenders and I

never fully understood like how to wash them the best way I kind of would just

like let them get really gross and then throw them away we don't want to not

three so now I've discovered this awesome hack for cleaning them way more

easily and again my roommate showed me this so you take your Beauty Blender and

normally people would like you soap or whatever run it under water but I have

found that if you actually use like some sort of cleansing gel or makeup remover

like face wash and actually use that to wash it off it washes out so much more

meant to remove main pump that onto the sponge swish it under the water and be

like squeezing it out over and over and keep doing that until literally the

water runs clear and the Beautyblender has no makeup on and it's like

unbelievable I didn't think mine was so disgusting it

was like so gross it was fully covered in foundation like it was like brown and

it used to be orange but like I did this and it looked brand new and I didn't

even know that was possible also it smells like soap from then on

it's actually killing the germs because you're using soap and makeup haha oh

good yeah so good so the next hack is if you're ever like in a rush or in a pinch

and you don't have any blush or anything and you want to add a little bit of

color to your cheeks all you need is a little bit of Vaseline

and some lipstick mm-hmm what you can do is essentially like make your own blush

just by rubbing them together it doesn't even have to be Vaseline it can

pointment lip or you may want chapstick like

anything like a little bit like right eventually if you just rub that together

you can kind of just create like a little bit of color a little bit of pink

a little bit of red all right this next hack I've actually done before in a

previous video but I just want to reiterate it cuz it's like so easy and

so helpful so if you guys are still into like liquid matte lipsticks one major

suggestion for I know like the dryness of it always bothered me it would like

feel so disgustingly dries so a really really easy life AK that I swear works

and it still looks matte is wearing chapstick or like Lippmann underneath

the matte lipstick because then the matte lipstick dries but you still have

like a layer of moisture on your lips I can't explain it but it literally

doesn't feel dry like you can actually move your lips around but it still looks

mad it looks matte but yeah it feels good it look good so the next pack is

not so much even a hack but something that I highly recommend because I have

been using it recently I used some eyelash extensions and it's just way too

expensive to upkeep and just really annoying and so my roommate again thanks

roommate actually discovered this like incredible eyelash serum like I was so

skeptical at first and then I saw her eyelashes after like 12 weeks and they I

asked her if she had extension where they were so long on fleek so basically

it's this eyelash serum called lash boost it's by Rodan and Fields and I can

put all the info down below on how to get yours it's not like a

traditional online shop you actually go through like a vendor so I can put her

information down below and you guys can contact her and get it but like

literally I kid you not it changed my life basically you just put a little bit

of the serum on your lash line I do it like before bed every night and it it

repairs and heals and like grows your lashes it's unreal I didn't think that

like a serum it's a serum and like old you guys might have heard of Latisse

that's a very popular one but that one's more expensive than this and I was so

skeptical but I have gone through everything with my eyelashes i wear fake

ones i ripped him out like they were so damaged and like short and stubby yeah i

started using the cerumen i'm not even kidding babe grew so much longer already

and i've only been using it freely come on i only recommend check out the

description box to order yours i'll let you know how and love it alright so the

next hack is in case you don't have primer or you don't want to go buy any

primer here's a really cheap free way to do it at home all by myself

go into your freezer and grab an ice cube and rub that all over your face and

what it does is it closes your pores it reduces redness you actually feel like

it's like nice tight like yeah glow dewy glow it has like the same effect is what

primer does which essentially primer is like filling your pores so that the

makeup isn't filling your pores that you won't get as much like acne and also

it'll like last longer because it's not being sucked into your face it's kind of

like a coat on your face and then makeup so ice shield yeah I like the cold water

and ice like tightens your pores up already and so it's kind of just

preparing your face for like a day of makeup and it'll last longer and it

sounds weird but it's actually like it's cool yeah it works and in your freezer

like yeah and it feels good okay so this next tag is also to make your eyelashes

appear longer and fuller even if you don't have that long and full of lashes

so I actually use this L'Oreal like primer base thing before mascara but

like if you don't want to go buy a primer like that cuz it's kind of

unnecessary you can actually take a mascara wand and dip it in either like

baby powders out at all baby powder or like like setting powder and just brush

a little bit on to your lashes before you put mascara on and it'll just make

them and be a little bit longer because they're actually being coated with

nothing they're like a little bit thicker just

realize that whatever mascara you use the wand is going to get like some of

that powder on it so just be like cleaning the wand or just have it be a

mascara that you don't care if it gets like powder in it I don't know but yeah

really good easy hack for like longer lashes so I'm someone who does I don't

know if you do this but I do my eye makeup first before I do my face makeup

just because I like sparkly eye shadows and sparkly eye shadows tend to fall

yeah and I always find myself like having to rub really hard underneath my

eyes but a really good solution and after you've done your eye shadow and

there's a little bit of fallout just stick a little piece of scotch tape and

kind of just dab it underneath your eyes and you don't have to rub you know

sometimes it hurt to have to like rub really hard to get it out there this is

an easy way to just slowly pick it up I personally like I don't do my eyeshadow

first and so I've already done my concealer and my foundation and I don't

know why I just do it that way but they are perfect hack because even for me

like if there's fallout I can use the tape instead of like rubbing my makeup

off ruining it yeah yeah are you guys that was twelve expensing beauty hacks

that you guys need to try I'm not kidding like they all really work and I

love all of them so go ahead and try them out let me know if you do you can

follow me on Twitter Instagram attack me in any sort of post that you guys share

and thank you again for watching this video give it a thumbs up if you liked

it don't forget to go check out Lauren channel check out the video we did and

subscribe to her show us some love from me and you guys and yeah that is it for

this video I love thanks so much thank you for watching and be part of my life

and I'll see you in my next video

For more infomation >> 12 GENIUS Beauty Hacks You NEED To Know! - Duration: 12:03.


Kahoot Main Theme Song but 100x worst - Duration: 1:05.

Save me


Please, Please

I want to fucking DIE


Save me

Please, Please

Set me on fire

Why the fuck did i make this

My ears are bleeding

I'm fucking dying


*Pots & Pans fucking eachother while recording on the first flip phone to recording audio*

I got lazy okay,,

For more infomation >> Kahoot Main Theme Song but 100x worst - Duration: 1:05.


AgarIOHub Popsplit Wins & Fails [PRACTICE] - Duration: 15:02.

Today I'm just practicing Popsplits and vanish pops, I hope you enjoy watching! :D

For more infomation >> AgarIOHub Popsplit Wins & Fails [PRACTICE] - Duration: 15:02.


WOLFE - Through With You [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:39.

You will never know How far this goes

You'll find little ground Merry-go-round

You will never know How far this goes

You'll find little ground Merry-go-round

You will never know How far this goes

You'll find little ground Merry-go-round

You will never know How far this goes

You'll find little ground Merry-go-round

Oh I should have known from the start That I was in a singing shiver

With you With you

Oh I couldn't guess from the way How you kiss me back, now I'm through

With you With youuu

For more infomation >> WOLFE - Through With You [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:39.


Peak Week Day 2: Upper Body Workout & Body Fat Testing! - Duration: 10:39.

Hey guys today is Monday August 21st, and I am

Five days out from my competition

Getting real y'all it's getting real. Right no just on my lunch break. about to have me some flounder, zucchini noodles, and sweet potato

Not the prettiest, but this is what I'm having

See I just want to check in

Yesterday I felt extremely tired after doing a lot of nothing I went to church

And then when we got home I met my sister at Kohl's do a little shopping

But didn't get anything because while I was there. I just got really tired

So looked around a bit came home and rested for a bit


Yes, I did get in some cardio, and like a full body workout so I plan on doing another like circuit today

And doing a light weight, but a lot of reps

about to eat

Check in with you guys later


Think that Eclipse viewing is over

Eleven good

Left legs over there by that no way

All right guys so here

Are my results?

From my body fat testing and this was with standard female 31

5 3. I'm not sure what the PT stands for

But yes, I my weight is 120 2 point 6, and it is reading my body fat percentage at eleven point seven

Which is ridiculous I

Don't think that's right this time last year

Was it 17 percent when I got ready for my show

I'm trying to think earlier this year

I don't know what month. It was but I was 24 percent body fat, and I don't know

How much I liked anyway? I just I don't know because I used

By yourself anyway, let's finish looking at this this is what it has my trunk is fifty nine point six pounds I

left one four point six

Everything is pretty much. You know some are oh, this is muscle right here

You mean this is that what's my legs having more fect?

Yeah, I don't I'm not sure I take that I use been using avatar nutrition

To like give me my macros and keep up with my weight in the body fat and it measure me at

This morning at 18% in the last week I was at seventeen percent, so it's fluctuating


Yeah, I don't know you live in I feel like if I was eleven percent body fat be way more shredded

And I don't feel like I'm that shredded so I don't know, I'm going in here and get my cardio. Are you?


I don't know if I'm gonna show the footage from where I actually get

Recorded my body fat being tested because the angle was terrible, but we'll see I might include some clips so alright

I'll check in with you guys later

For more infomation >> Peak Week Day 2: Upper Body Workout & Body Fat Testing! - Duration: 10:39.


10 POPULAR MINECRAFT SKINS! - Top Minecraft Skins - Duration: 10:41.

Hey there!

What's going on guys?!

As I said in a my 10 Funny Minecraft Skins video recently, the Top 10 Minecraft Skins

series on my channel is one of my most popular and

features some of my most popular videos.

A lot of you have subscribed due to it and I have found a way to make the series interesting

for myself to make again.

This week's video is going to featured 10 Popular Minecraft


These are some of the most popular skins on Planet Minecraft.. which is, of course, my

favorite site for skins.

These aren't the MOST popular skins ever but just

10 really popular Minecraft skins that I personally like.

I hope you enjoy this video and thanks for watching!

Let's get started..


To start off, we've got this Link skin from The Legend of Zelda.

Last updated 5 years ago, this skin is, obviously, quite old.

Over the time it's been on PlanetMinecraft it has over 72 thousand downloads and 195

thousand views.

It also has almost 300 diamonds on PlanetMinecraft which is pretty much the equivalent to likes.

If you've been playing Minecraft for a long time, or even

a short time on servers, you've probably crossed paths with somebody who has this skin.. or

a skin similar to it at the very least because it's a very popular one!

Given the popularity of YouTuber DanTDM, his skins are, of course, very popular too.

In this instance, I just picked one skin.

This isn't the skin with the most downloads for

DanTDM but it's my favorite of the ones I saw, or one of the favorites, so I'm just

featuring this one.

With over 13.6 thousand views and nearly 7 thousand downloads, this

skin has clearly been seen by a lot of people and used by a lot of people.

There is a version of DanTDM's skin with over 12,600 downloads on PlanetMinecraft too.

That one has brown hair.

But yeah, given the popularity of him, I figured I'd throw in a DanTDM skin into the video.

This skin that I'm showing you now is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles skin.

This skin specifically is Leonardo.

However, you'll also be able to find the Michelangelo, Donatello,

and Raphael skins on the download page.

The Leonardo version of this skin has nearly 17,000 downloads.

I'm very curious how many people also downloaded or just downloaded the

other turtle versions of this skin too.

I really want to know the actual amount of downloads this has in total.

I'm sure that number is pretty high given the overall popularity

of this skin and the overall number of downloads the Leonardo skin has on it's own.

I just want to mention that I really like the level of detail that has gone into this

skin too.

It's really cool.

I actually featured this on a much older video on my channel when I was making my Top 10

Minecraft Skins series all the time.

Next up, I have another YouTuber skin.

This one happens to be LDShadowLady.

Perhaps in the future, if I make more Popular Skins themed videos, I'll add some more YouTuber

skins into the video.

I just need to know which YouTuber skins you think I should add.

Regardless, YouTuber skins are obviously, like I said earlier, going to be popular.

Just as was the case with DanTDM, LDShadowLady's skin is going to be popular too.

Lizzie does have a pretty cool skin though.

I like the hair color, to be honest.

But yeah, that is Lizzie, or LDShadowLady's skin.

Another popular Minecraft YouTuber skin.

Next up, I have an Iron Man skin.

This skin has almost 19,000 downloads and 54,000 views on Planet Minecraft.

There is actually a more popular Iron Man skin on the site too.

That one features Iron Man in the Mark V suit.

This skin here features Iron Man in the Mark VI suit.

I personally like this one better.

I think it's a bit more detailed and I don't know, I just like it a bit better.

That's no knock on the other skin either.

That one is clearly very popular as it's one of the most downloaded skins ever on

Planet Minecraft so yeah.

I just added this skin because I like it.

Both very popular popular skins with lots of views and downloads.

Sticking to that Marvel theme, this is a Deadpool skin.

This skin has over 42,000 downloads and 131,000 views.

Personally, Deadpool is probably my favorite Marvel character.

Well, I guess Iron Man is up there too.

But I really like Deadpool.

Like with the Iron Man skin, there are plenty of Deadpool skins to choose from.

I chose this one and it happens to be the most downloaded Deadpool

skin on Planet Minecraft so it's very popular.

It was created 4 years ago but last updated 2 years ago.

I assume it was updated with the Minecraft 1.8 skin change.

That would make sense to me.

This is a very detailed and really nice looking skin.

I actually really like this skin.

If I were to use a Deadpool skin, I'd use this skin.

But I'm not gonna use a Deadpool skin so I'm not gonna use this skin.

Since I've been showing all-time popular skins, I wanted to throw in a popular skin from the

last 7 days, or a week.

And this is the most popular skin on Planet Minecraft over the

last 7 days.

This skin was made by Planet Minecraft user Beverly.

It's got 60 diamonds in just 7 days which is actually really great.

With 700 views and 95 downloads in only 7 days, well, that's a lot.

If you guys want to see some videos just featuring popular skins over the past week or whatever,

let me know.

That may be something I would be interesting in creating for you guys.

That's an idea.

I just came up with an idea while writing this script.

Good for me.

I'm coming up with ideas.


I like funny skins.

I like random skins.

I like funny and random skins.

I suppose that's why I like this skin.

Maybe not like super funny.

But it is definitely random.

I'm not sure what made this person create this skin in the first place.

But this is a gumball machine skin.

The skin creator, coldfeets, has a quite long backstory for the


I'm not going to read it for you but you can read it if you want on the Planet Minecraft

post for this skin.

Again, just random skin, a funnyish skin.

And it's got nearly 36,000 downloads, 127,000 views, and

960 diamonds.

Yeah, It's insanely popular.

It's crazy.

Next up, I have a skin that is popular for some obvious reasons.

The first reason is, well, it's a pokemon skin.

Pokemon is, of course, insanely popular in itself so people

will be looking for Pokemon skins.

The second reason is that it's shaded nicely.

Shading is important for skins.

So that's a big one.

And finally, it just looks nice.

Yep, that's some high-quality reviewing right there.

But in all seriousness, this skin isn't necessarily as popular as some of the really really super

popular skins in this video but it's go a very respectable

4,700 downloads and 52,000 views.

So it is certainly popular enough for me to add into the video.

I mean, it's not like I have any real criteria anyways so... yeah.

The final skin is this Lazer skin.

You can figure out what the reference for this skin is by looking it up.

I mean, it is a pretty easy Google search.

Shoop da Whoop.

Old meme.

But regardless, let's just examine and talk about the skin.

There is an illusion with this skin that will make the eyes follow you wherever you go.

Ya know, like those painting illusions or whatver do?

Well yeah, that's what this guy does.

It's creative.

There are multiple versions of this skin too.

This one is the 3rd version and it is in a suit.

It's also incredibly popular.

It has over 57,500 downloads.

It's been viewed 179,000 times.

And it has 226 diamonds.

It's very popular.

So yeah, it fits my criteria.

Ya know, since these are supposed to be popular skins.

I think you understand.

I hope you understand.

I know you understand.

Imma Firin' Mah Lazer.

That's the meme by the way.

That's gonna do it for this one guys!

Thank you all so much for watching!

I hope you enjoyed!

As I said, I've worked out some ways to make this series enjoyable for me to

create again.

I don't know how many people will want to watch it after it not being on my channel

consistenly for a while but I'm gonna create the videos anyways.

I have some ideas that are similar to this video

that I'm going to be creating.

I've also already compiled some funny skins so you can look out for more 10 Funny Minecraft

Skins videos coming in the future as well.

If you have any ideas, feel free to suggest them in the comments but I can't actually

garuntee I'll create the video you suggest.

Some people get upset that I don't do their video suggestions so I have to say that.

But yeah, if you're new to my channel thanks for checking out this video and feel free

to check out some other videos too!

If you're not new to my channel, thanks for watching another video!

Make sure to subscribe, click the bell, and turn on notifications so

you always know when I upload a video!

Thank you all, once again, for watching!

I hope you enjoyed!

I'm outta here!

See ya!

For more infomation >> 10 POPULAR MINECRAFT SKINS! - Top Minecraft Skins - Duration: 10:41.


Guitar build - 03 - Laminating The Body Blank - Duration: 8:09.

I'm planing the blank to a thickness of 1-3/16". With the top being 5/8" there'll be enough thickness to the body.

For more infomation >> Guitar build - 03 - Laminating The Body Blank - Duration: 8:09.


ON TO A NEW ADVENTURE - Bali Vlog #4 | Elize in Wonderland - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> ON TO A NEW ADVENTURE - Bali Vlog #4 | Elize in Wonderland - Duration: 4:22.


📦 August ScrawlrBox Unboxing + Scrawlr Challenge🎨 - Duration: 7:40.

Hello everbody and welcome back to my channel!

In today's video I will be unboxing the August Scrawlrbox, full of supplies.

Let's open it!

First item is the IsoSketch, next we have two Spectrum Noir illustrator markers, then

a Stabilo Point 88 fineliner, a Derwent shaped eraser, and a Derwent Precision Mechanical

Pencil set.

In the package there's also a candy and a sticker, as usual.

And last but not least, the art of the month and the paper.

I really, really like the featured art.

It looks very neat and since I love Egyptian mythology a lot, this is perfect.

It was made by Rob Turpin, an illustrator and designer from the North of England.

You can check his social medias right here.

Now, let's learn about those supplies and test them!

The Derwent set is composed of a mechanical pencil, some extra leads in a box and 3 extra


This Precision Mechanical Pencil 0.5 has a metal barrel, designed for optimal grip and


It has a smooth laydown of graphite, suitable for fine detail and cross hatching technique.

As far as the swatch goes, it's quite a standard pencil, although I found that the lead was

not very resistant.

It broke twice under medium pressure.

I also tested the eraser, it doesn't stay in place when you use it a bit strongly, BUT

it seems great for little details.

Now on to the IsoSketch, which I found really intriguing.

This is a drawing tool that makes it easy to draw 3D shapes.

It combines all the templates and stencils needed to create perfect isometric drawings


This is really easy to use, at least for the basic cube shape.

The instructions behind the packaging were useful, and it really is super quick to draw

the desired shape.

I've only tested another shape as well, but there is a ton of possibilities.

The Spectrum Noir illustrator markers are like the regular ones except they have a new

combination of nibs.

One is a bullet nib, for details, and the other one is a brush nib, for smooth and natural


They give perfect blendable and streak free coverage.

For the swatch I found that they were nice to use but the paper being quite thin, they

bled quite a lot.

It's not as streak free as they say, but it might be because the paper.

Next, we have the Stabilo Point 88 fineliner.

It is specially formulated to sustain long cap-off time.

The felt tip provides a smooth writing and is perfect for sketching and outlining.

The variations of the lines are quite good considering the type of nib, the paper made

the ink bleed a bit.

And lastly, we have the Derwent shaped eraser.

Perfect for those that prefer a different grip, they are easy to hold and control.

It did work fine, it didn't smudge and it's quite compact so it doesn't wobble... if you get what I mean.

But it leaves quite a lot of shavings.

Okay now that the testing is done, let's have a look at the scrawlrchallenge of the month.

And this month, the theme is: imagination palace.

I like it!

And this is my first rough sketch of what I'm going to do.

As usual, the rest of this video is sped up as I sketch, outline and colour my artwork.

I will see you at the end, enjoy!

And done!

So, what are

my final thoughts on the supplies?

I was pretty happy with this box and the scrawlrchallenge, I had a lot of fun.

But, what I would say is, the supplies were not that extraordinary, apart from the IsoSketch.

I really enjoyed using it, I think it's very helpful and easy to work with.

I haven't tried all the stencils but I know I will!

I was happily surprised by the Stabilo pen. It did not smudge at all with the eraser

or the markers. SO that's a good thing.

The Derwent pencil I didn't really like.

The lead was a bit too fragile for my use.

It's not bad, but I have a better one already.

The eraser performed okay, I feel like I did use quite a lot of it already, so I'm not

sure of its durability.

I was happy to try those markers because I had heard of them.

I like the combination of a detail nib and a brush nib.

The streaks were quite visible but it's not really an issue for me, however I think the

colors were a bit too muted for my taste.

And that's it for my review, I hope you liked it and that you also loved the artwork.

Thank you so much for watching, if you liked the video please leave me a thumbs up and

subscribe to my channel.

I will see you next week, BYE!

For more infomation >> 📦 August ScrawlrBox Unboxing + Scrawlr Challenge🎨 - Duration: 7:40.


Moc Mil Grau - O Novo Preço do Busão (Paródia - O grave bater - Mc Kevinho) - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Moc Mil Grau - O Novo Preço do Busão (Paródia - O grave bater - Mc Kevinho) - Duration: 3:12.



One, two, three

- Rio de Janeiro... - Hey everybody!

Rio de Janeiro is still beautiful

Rio de Janeiro is still

Did you forgot the lyrics?

I don't know this song

Boy, you lying

- Hey guys - Hello, It's Damon


Damon and Jo

I'm an americanized brazilian

and I'm an americanized brazilian

- What? - Im an "brazilianized" american

and today

Actually, nevermind. I'm just an american

I was born in Rio but grew up in the US

and he had nothing to do with Brazil until I started teaching him Portuguese

with my rusty Portuguese

But I'm enjoying brazilian culture so much

Everyone knows about it in the comments

the brazilian viewers know that i like Açaí

- Look at him - That i like rice and beans

You are speaking portuguese

- Even though... - That i like portuguese

Even though you speak with my little Carioca's accent

This must be very weird to them

"Estranho" (weird/strange)


What are we doing today?

Today we are going to test if you know Cariocas slangs and expressions

Of course, I know a couple expressions like "Gato", "Gata"

The most important words

There's always "Gatos" and "Gatas" in Rio de Janeiro

"Gatinho" please...

Just so you all know, I left Brazil when I was 5 years old

so, these slangs are slangs I've learned in the past. Meaning they must be a little old

But there's a couple new ones

Are you going to teach me old portuguese?

Like, the one my grandmother taught me. Maybe.

You guys...

Leave a comment down below with the most up-to-date slangs

from Rio...

- And from other states - Because I only have her to teach me portuguese

so, when I make mistakes is her fault.

And I only have my little grandmother

Just kidding, we have you guys

- Are you ready? - Yes

Is going to be like a carioca slang challenge.

Damon vs Damon challenge!

Damon vs Damon!

Damon "conto" (tells)


Shut it, Jo.

First carioca slang: Parada


A stop


Parada means a bus stop

It is a bus stop. But there's another meaning to the same word

like... you'll have to guess

Ok, give me a sentence

Ok, in a sentence, like...

No way! If I tell you a sentence you'll know

Let's go to the "parada" tonight

"Balada" (club), "parada"

Let's stop at the beach tonight

You get half a point, yes

Let's go to that "parada"

- It's like, to that thing - A bar?

To that event

To that "parada"

Then we'll go home

It can be a club

- Let's go to that "parada" - Correctly, you were right Damon!

You get half a point

It can also be like

I'm going to solve that "parada"

I got to see that "parada"

If any "parada" happens, let me know. Send me this "parada"

The word can be applied to almost everything

What are you trying to tell me right now?

I'm trying to tell you that you can use "parada" to any sense.


Here's the "parada" (deal)

I got to stop at the Açai shop

No, here's the "parada", I want to eat Açai right now.

Is this a "parada"?

It's a thing every carioca says


I need a new teacher

You guys



It's someone who's... Sinistro

It's someone who's sinic


Is it an adjective?

Like, yes.

Like, no.

Yes, It is.

Is it?

Ok. Someone who's "sinistrio"


Is a religious person.

"sinistrio" Is someone who's


Someone "sinistro" is someone who's into astrological signs


Last night was "sinistro"

- It was so good - It was great

that It was "sinistra"

It was like, wow, killed It

It was crazy crazy

It was really cool

really cool

Damon vs Damon

Damon is losing

This one you'll know

Is my like...

boobie is out?

Puxa saco

You are one

"Um saco" I know that one

You are "um saco" as well

Puxa saco

There's another expression like this, like

Maybe is "um saco", you are "um saco"

you are "um saco"

"Saco" means a annoying person

A "puxa saco" is a person who...

Pull your "saco" (balls)

Likes to be annoying


"chateado" (upset)

Pulling your balls

Literally pulling me?

No, like, you're there, wanting to know about something

Oh, please! Tell me!

I'm a "puxa saco"

for example, he only took a good grade

he only took a good

he only took a good

He only took a good grade because he's a "puxa saco"

Kiss ass

Like... brown noser

Someone who always wants to be the know-it-all.

Got to be like, I know this! I know that!

Monica, from FRIENDS


Wait a second, I don't know if i got that right

Is "puxa" someone who's pull the "saco"? Is it a verb?

You got to give me the nomenclature, if is it a verb, adjective, pronoun, noun

Is a noun, a person who's very annoying

- So, someone - You are

No I'm not

No, what I mean is, in general

I always took good grades but I wasn't

Puxa saco...

Maybe "chato" (boring) but not "puxa saco"

- I'm "chato"! - Puxa saco!


It can be a verb as well: Stop pulling my balls

It doesn't matter what if you pull it. It's not going to work


"Maneiro" is like...

Do you really don't know this one?

"Maneiro" is a person?

Actually "Mano" is a person

Ah! "Mano do céu" (Dude!)


What does that means?

"Mano do céu" is like Oh my God! But that's a recent one

I'm not going to guess it because I don't really know

Yes, you only know old slangs

Only grandma's slangs


Manoel is a name

Of a man who's name is Manoel


"Maneiro" is the person in a "boate" (club)

I mean on the boat, like a sailor



"Maneiro" means like, really cool

"Maneiro" dude!

I'm carioca

I didn't know that word Jo

Really? I'm still teaching you? What a great moment

"Maneiro", for example

Adjective that means something interesting, cool, beautiful

Like, Jo you're "maneira"

I know right?




That's us

"Pô" is the "Por" verb

Yes, but no.

This verb is so funny by the way everybody


It's like... "Pô"


I taught you that. Good!

"Não tem porra nenhuma aqui!" (There's no fucking deal here!)

This is also really carioca-like

This way to say this in any sense

But I can't say that in like, a interview

If you're from Rio, yes you can

"Porra mano!" (Fuck, dude!)

"Caraca!" (Damn!)


No, this is like "Poxa"


I like that one


You are learning!

"Tá ligado"


- "Tá ligado" - It's great

Tá ligado?

You say these things sometimes and I stand there by your side like...

You are making excuses

- Tá ligado? - Tá ligado.

It's Ok, all right


- Tá ligado - Tá ligado

For example, I'm at the Açaí shop

I ask like, give me a bowl of Açaí. "Tá ligado?" (You got it on?)

I wouldn't say that

But why not? When should I say it then?

I said to her that it wasn't my fault, "tá ligado?" (got it?)

like, do you understand?

Am I being clear?

Oh, ok

Are you paying attention to what I'm saying?

Like, when you teach me something, "não tá ligado" (I don't understand)

Like, didn't work.

It did not

I called you and you did not answer

There's just a bit more

There's dirty pics

I've learned a lot this time


I truly don't remember any of which I learned today

What's up "Malucos"?

You at home, leave other slangs in the comments

So we can make a Part 2, maybe.

If you respond well, we make a Part 2

But first I think I need lessons about the brazilian slangs

because then I can learn and well explain to this creature over here

She says that every portuguese video

Because I want you all to think I'm an expert

And who's taking portuguese classes?

- Not me - It's not you

Are you taking or not?

I don't now

That's all you guys! Until next time!

Subscribe you guys! We are trying to get to 1 million subscribers!


We hope so

A day when the times are better

another one

For God sake! I hope so!

Next video


Rio de Janeiro is still beautiful!

Exposure needs to be set up

- It's good - Yeah, It's good

For more infomation >> LEARNING BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE SLANG 🇧🇷 - Duration: 9:00.


Entrevistei o "Mania de Corrida" na #10milhasGaroto - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Entrevistei o "Mania de Corrida" na #10milhasGaroto - Duration: 1:34.


147 TESA T80 (8 PIN DIMPLE LOCK) GANZUADO, SPP & GUTTED sub eng - Duration: 12:02.

Hello guys, welcome back

Today I have a TESA T80 for you

It is a very nice lock

8 pins, 6 lowers and 2 uppers, all actives, there they are the plugs

the uppers are sandwiched between: the second and third lower, the first upper one; and between fourth and fifth, the second upper

It is very similar to T60 lock

but I find it harder

I am not able to open all that I have

the fact that there are these two pins hinders me enough movement in the key way

sometimes inadvertently I overset one

the uppers are not difficult to set, but it's enough increase in difficulty to make me it harder

This is the only lock wit key I have

I show coding

as you see has a very short fourth, first and second are very short too

the third very long

and fifth and sixth of medium insertion

in the uppers, the first practically must not touch each other and the second binding for set

as I say it is a hard lock for me

I can open three of the six that have

we will try to open it and if we get we will gut it and see what is inside

Let's go there

I will use this commercial wrench from Madbob

and this home made pick

This is done by copying pick that sent me Pit

especially design for T60

that goes well with these cylinders

Let's go there

high tension

from front to back

first nothing

second one click

third a slight click


the second upper is binding

there makes a click and set

fifth does a click

sixth one click

first a light click

second one click, third a slight click

fourth nothing, fifth one click, sixth one click

as you see they ask much retouch, like the T60

drivers be the same as those of this

sixth one click


second nothing

first upper is set


we go to the fourth

there is the fourth

an audible click, setting the fourth others jump

It is also common in T60

they are very well done, and any rotational movement of the plug

It causes several jump

as happens now with the fifth

although this I think I've overset it

I release tension

first nothing, second

third one click

fourth one click

sixth one click

upper second is still set

first, second

third nothing

fourth is binding

That it is, its made a click

First nothing, second nothing, third

fourth, I had not set it well

first a slight movement

second is binding, does a click

first again

first and second are set

fourth seems set



by setting the first makes a click

and open, has been extended the opening because I overset the fifth

things that usually happens to me and this is why

these locks still resist to me, will gut it

and we see what is inside

Let's go there

well, let's see what is inside of the T80

Well, this is the plug, six lower and two upper

as you see, have double diameter, I do not know if seen, there you can see

Now we will see in the pins

and the body, too, chambers for six lower and two upper

we go with the key pins

lower key pins and drivers are equal as T60

key pins are two diameters, serrated and beveled end slightly

this combination makes them easily overset if not properly touch

and if overset they engage in the serration, and that makes a overset trap and does not recover so easily


are very well done is a real joy

to see and pick, there you have them

all have this the top of equal length, so

you can control what excel in keyway

the drivers are all equal, brass

serrated or double spool, equal to GEGE or T60

very nice, very well done, sweet

I do not know if they are slightly bevelled, sorry

I did not distinguish, do not know if you can see it

but they are very very nice

As for the highers

key pins are normal, as you see also with two diameters but normal

and the drivers, here they are, are very small, they are normal

They have two diameters to fit the spring and it will not move

which it comes in handy when assembling and disassembling the lock, by the way

this is or slightly longer than this

Oddly enough, these small dimensions that are sufficient

Can not open but do not set them

springs are from steel, as always

very powerful, TESA

and I just lost one

no, here it is ;-)

very nice

There, oops! Now I've lost :-(

then I will seek

Ok, so

this would have been the opening of TESA T80

I hope you liked it, it will be useful

and thank you very much for your time, greeting

For more infomation >> 147 TESA T80 (8 PIN DIMPLE LOCK) GANZUADO, SPP & GUTTED sub eng - Duration: 12:02.



Before we begin, I invite you to subscribe for free and activate notifications.

Hello, today I share



It is important to take care of our body is our sacred temple that deserves all

our selves, beyond beauty how important is their welfare.

Today there are millions of beauty products, but many are expensive and contain many chemicals,

so I would like to share some unexpected tricks that could save you time and money.


For beautiful hair.

If you have an oily hair, normal salt may work or even better sea salt.

Place 2 to 3 tablespoons of salt in your favorite shampoo and your hair will feel better.

It is said that sea salt plumps the hair roots by stimulating the scalp

and promoting shine and softness of hair.


For eyebrows and eyelashes thicker.

Do not throw the mask away old tabs, wash the container, check oil 25%

castor 50% vitamin E and 25% aloe vera.

Use the old brush to apply the mixture on eyebrows and eyelashes, do it every night

for a month before going to sleep.


For dark circles.

If you like coffee, you do not give erased, it turns out that you can refresh your skin under the

eyes, the mixture cleared with some coconut oil and place under the eyes during

15 minutes, applies this "mask" 2 or 3 times a week.


For a more beautiful nails.

Mix coconut oil with honey and add a few drops of lavender, this homemade mixture will make

have stronger and more beautiful nails, you can store the mixture in a paint container

polish, so you always accessible.


Cooler for underarms.

Does it seem strange?

They say that the raw potato does wonders with underarm skin.

Leave the potato slices in the armpits for half an hour.


To relieve sunburned skin.

There are lots of creams to apply "after sun", but in fact, you can go to your

own kitchen to find the cure and relieve heartburn.

Apply baking powder (you can dilute it with a little water) and apply it on the

burned area and leave it there for 10 to 15 minutes.


For dry feet and heels.

To put softer heels, diluted 1 deciliter of baking powder and 2 deciliters

2 deciliters vinegar in water, use it to wash the feet for 15 to 20 minutes,

dry off with a towel and then applies a softening lotion.


How to prepare your homemade mask.

Crushed avocado half, if you want you can add a teaspoon of olive oil,

Apply on face and leave on for 10 minutes, remove it with warm water.


Tonic to refresh the face.

If you want to feel good in your face all day, try this tonic with a sprayer.

You can produce it with water and aloe vera gel (you get it at the pharmacy if you do not know how to do

at home).

Pour into a spray bottle and carry it to cool during the day.


For a pleasant smell.

So that the hair smell good all day, try applying a little perfume on your

brush before brushing your hair.


For a firmer bust.

If you want to maintain firmness in your breasts, try rubbing it with Vaseline before going

to sleep every night, after two weeks you will notice that the skin will become more

elastic and moisturized feel some general firmest bust.

Do you have any idea of ​​all this ?.

Tell us about it in the comments !.

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and give us a great !, thanks I LIKE I hope in the next video.



Spice Girls - ACCESS HOLLYWOOD - 161107 - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Spice Girls - ACCESS HOLLYWOOD - 161107 - Duration: 4:08.


[ENGLISH COVER] Butterfly - BTS (방탄소년단) - Emily Dimes 영어 커버 - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> [ENGLISH COVER] Butterfly - BTS (방탄소년단) - Emily Dimes 영어 커버 - Duration: 5:23.




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