Monday, September 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 4 2017

Happy Birthday Dear Rastogy

Happy Birthday Day to you.

The bomb has blown!

blow that one !

do it !

do it!

we are here to celebrate his birthday!

Happy Birthday Day to you Rastogi

Ashish Brother

Plan of watching the sunset is cancelled now! There is a big cloud.

his name is also Ashish

now we will go back

Honey Honey !

here are our bikes! now we will head back to home.

the road isn't that much good !

I feel like falling today !

Today I will complete this video!

hold it Ashish!

Happy Birthday Brother!

Happy Birthday !

here is another Rider!

Happy Birthday Bhai.

now we are going back to New Tehri

Get off now Ashish!


you have to.

make my video and give it to me!

I will publish on Youtube!

It's your Birthday Dude!

Journey continue!

road is very good !

Road is good !!?

Is it your first time ?


in this place. Yes

you can overtake them.

should I '?

if you think they are slower than you.

good driver

but not better than me

hiking mountain was the plan for the day

Interesting view

there is a diversion!

it's difficult to ride this road

but have you done that? yes, it's difficult.

in Scooty , it's slightly tough.

for neutral it's good!

tricky and easy

now I will show you something different.



House of Mr P.S Chauhan ji.

loot at that

nice one

get a side chide.

don't cry

it's not good !

here comes the mountain road.

let's go ! Speedup


speed is full!

full speed but still it's slow

I am not speeding up.

photoshoot is going on

friends are clicking their pictures with DSLR.

I don't have DSLR

i have a phone

it's ok

this road will take us to our home

on the left side, there is picnic spot.

if you have no helmet you can choose this to get rid of traffic police.

Sparsh Karnwal told me.

Sparsh is riding Scooty perfectly

now we will see Jail.

that is Tehri jail.

now we will go neutral.

save petrol


look at that rainbow, it's making shape

children have GF, and I am still single.


Ganesh chowk.

here is Krishna canteen, buy stuff from that shop.

one of the famous in New Tehri

is it good ??

absolutely yes!

it's mine!

he is the owner.

For more infomation >> Adventures Birthday | A day to remember ( A day in my life #9 ) - Duration: 1:01.


Forestmap | Online forest inventory - Duration: 3:16.

Visit web application map viewer at

Start selecting your area or parcel

ForestMap allows you to select your area on which you want to make the forest inventory really easily

There are 3 ways to select a plot: By freehand drawing, using a vector layer or by using its cadastral reference

Freehand drawing service lets you drawing the polygon vertices in a few seconds

Vector layer uploading service lets you selecting your area using a custom layer

Cadastral reference service lets you using a custom cadastral reference to select your area

Once the region of interest is selected you will need to indicate the tree species and the product

There are many species and products available

Then you will be redirected to our online store

You can create an account or login to finalize your order

The payment is 100% secure. You can pay by credit card or using a PayPal account.

A few minutes later... ForestMap will contact you via the email you provided for the delivery of results

You will receive a compressed file containing a few files

A PDF document with a summary of your parcel inventory is included in the result package

Also, a vector layer in shape format is included in the result package

The layer resolution is 25 meters

For more infomation >> Forestmap | Online forest inventory - Duration: 3:16.


La Soupe au Potimarron la recette ! - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> La Soupe au Potimarron la recette ! - Duration: 3:42.


$4.25 Survey Available Now

For more infomation >> $4.25 Survey Available Now


TOP 5 Nejbizarnější trendy a challenge - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> TOP 5 Nejbizarnější trendy a challenge - Duration: 10:05.


2番抜擢の2年小園躍進、侍がキューバ撃破 犠飛2本の清宮は苦悩「全然ダメ」 - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> 2番抜擢の2年小園躍進、侍がキューバ撃破 犠飛2本の清宮は苦悩「全然ダメ」 - Duration: 5:41.


How Do Draught/Draft Beer Systems Work - Beer Taps Explained - Duration: 2:02.

How do draught beer systems work?

All modern draught beer systems operate with the same principle:

Using a gas, beer is moved from a container, out through the draught tower's faucet…

…where the bartender pours you a cool one.

To achieve this, and serve a beer in perfect condition, a couple of components are required.

In a system using replaceable beer kegs, when you pull (or push) the tap on the faucet,

…the pressurised gas from a canister at

the end of the system, … …pushes beer out of a keg.

The amount of pressure used, is determined by the size of the installation, and the type

of beer being served.

When entering the keg, the gas passes through a coupler.

Different types of beers use different types of kegs, which require different types of couplers.

When affixed to a keg it connects to what's called the spear, inside the keg.

The gas from the canister pushes the beer from the keg out into the beer line.

Often CO2 is used, but for certain beers, such as dry stouts, nitrogen [N2] is needed instead.

Often, beer needs to be cooled, too.

The whole system, or parts of the system, can be cooled or insulated.

It is possible the keg is cooled or the beer line, depending on the distance the beer has

to travel to the tap.

If you want to know how – for instance – a beer engine works, let me know in the comments.

Subscribe and hit that bell to get notified when a new video drops.

And, if you can, hit that like button.

Because thanks to you and notably my patrons on Patreon, this channel is possible.

Click to see another video or subscribe.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> How Do Draught/Draft Beer Systems Work - Beer Taps Explained - Duration: 2:02.


НЕИЗЛЕЧИМЫЕ БОЛЕЗНИ ЗНАМЕНИТОСТЕЙ. чем болеют звезды голливуда - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> НЕИЗЛЕЧИМЫЕ БОЛЕЗНИ ЗНАМЕНИТОСТЕЙ. чем болеют звезды голливуда - Duration: 5:01.


Make your Accordion with Bootstrap CSS tutorial for beginners - Duration: 10:30.

In this tutorial we are going to understand how to introduce Bootstrap accordion as we

can see in this case.

Here it is.


Hello and welcome to another new episode of learning simplified.

In this tutorial today we are going to understand how to create bootstrap accordion that means

on clicking this particular font awesome icons

that we have imported from font awesome website; now here we can see that on clicking them

a drop down item descends down with some text into it.

So this is the particular that we are going to understand today and for that we are getting

into again and here we have to search

for bootstrap accordion.

Here's the link that presents collapse Bootstrap.

Now if we click on to it you will get into a sample page.

In this particular case there is a button clicking which we can see that a

particular drop down item descends down and again on clicking it it disappears again.

So this is the thing that we need to know, and here the code is given.

Now the question is in this particular example we are practically using a button; that is

why a button has been introduced, but we have already employed some font awesome icons

over here.

And our demand is on clicking which this toggling action will will take place and text will

be descending down.

That is why while we will be copying from here.

We won't be copying this button class, all those things are set into our website and

all we need to do we need to copy only this part; data-toggle collapse..

So this is the first thing that we are going to copy and we are going to paste it into

index.htm in the first place where <i> class fa fa-envelope fa-spin is been


So all we're doing for the time we are just pasting it.

Now we can see that aria hidden is true; data-toggle collapse.

It is needed.

This is the only data attribute that will make all those data toggling

collapse action coming into reality.

Data target which is needed to specify a particular CSS selector; in this case

it is and ID practically.

And in this second position this thing will be copied as a whole.

Come back to our project and within this div class banner2, all we are

doing we are just pasting it.

There it goes.

Let's make a little bit of orientation here...

Click here we can see that all those things coming right into action.

All those text are getting observed over here and on clicking which we can see that these

data, text item is appearing and disappearing repeatedly

on clicking this particular icon.

That means we have successfully placed all those things over here.

Now the same things should be repeated for rest of these


Those are present here.

Copy them all.

Paste it here.

Now you have previously issued an ID with collapseExample and as I have told you earlier

in our tutorials that and ID is the fastest selector and it can be used only once.

Now you have created ID collapseEexample once, that is why you cannot use it again on the

same page.

So that is why you need to change this ID into,for say, I am changing

it into ID collapseExample1, now all we need to do we need to copy this thing again and

we need to paste it here.

There you go.

Now paste it and you can see that in case of ID we have used this collapseExample and

in case of data target we have used the same Id here.

That means we have to use this ID here.

So this is part 2.

Press control s, get back to your project, reload and you can see that ok, both of them

are working well now.

In the same manner we are going to copy this data-toggle and inside this <i> class we need

to paste them and we need to change this ID name as we have done


So we need to provide here too.

So that's it.

Now praise control s, get back to your project and reload.

Now let's check out what is the result of it

which has come out so far.


Everything is perfect in order.

So when we will be reloading our page will be looking like this.

And in this particular case if somebody cares to click into these icons then he will be

seeing all those texts, all those contents within these

particular divs.

Now the question is why should somebody click on to this?

I mean if you reload if you view it again all

you are Seeing over here is just some rotating icons.

These are indicating practically nothing here.

Everything looks like a blank and unfortunately and accidentally

if someone just clicks over it then he sees some contents.

This is not the ideal example that you want to show practically in your website.

So that is why you need to make some modification here, and all we're

doing now we are practically replacing this div class 'collapse' with div class 'collapse


We have replaced it in banner 4.

Now we are going to banner3.

Get back to your project and reload.

Now you can see that all your contents are getting visible.

Now someone will understand get this feature it is practically holding

some contents inside.

Now the question is again, the silly old customization.

Without customization nothing will come true.

Now if we just press F12 and select the arrow selector and

select this particular block we can see, here comes the attributes and properties and all

they are doing they are practically fetching their properties from body


Under which segment it is practically coming in?

These are the IDs over here as I have told you previously that iD is the fastest selector.

So we will be now targeting these particular IDs.

The first thing that we are going to do we are copying this ID.

Now we are getting back to banner2, and here..

Press control + s, get back to your project and reload

and now you can see that it is practically working.

So all we need to do we need to make some amendments over here.

We need to provide we need to make some experiments with all those attributes present,

all those properties over there.

Press control s get back to your project and reload and now you can see that it is

practically working.

Text align; we need to provide some text alignment; we are keeping it towards this center.

Here it is.

Now it is lying into the central position.

Now we need a particular background color.

For say, we are choosing a particular background color, for say choosing this one..

Now we are copying this colour code..


Press control + s, get back to your project, reload, ok now we are done with it.

Now we need to make some changes over here into this

color code.

Here it is.

Now we can see that we have practically customized this background this whole thing, in the same

manner all we need to do we need to change we need to apply all

those attributes over here and we need to make those necessary amendments those are

suitable for this particular part or this particular segment.

So that is why we are getting back and as if in this case, now

inside this Banner3 we are making these amendments; this is Banner3 actually and it is ID collapseExample1

and in case of background color, let's choose another

background color here.....

Press control s, reload and we can see that the same properties being observed over here.

In the same manner for this last part all we need to do we need to copy

this thing, banner4, paste it, ok now we are all set to go.

Press control s, go back to your project and reload and now you can see that everything

is working perfectly.

Now if you just click here you may see that everything is ascending or descending, that

means those are toggling contents on clicking those particular


Now another case, if you just look into our previous example there goes our cursor; it

is now changing itself into a pointer option.

So this is the last thing that we need to do..

In this particular case we need to mention some hover action.

I will copy it.

Get back to your banner3, paste it over here and in the same manner we are copying it.

And we are pasting it over here.

Get back to your project and reload now you can see that you are mouse cursor is now changing

in its property; from auto it is changing its property into some pointer option.

So this is the part that we needed to know in this tutorial.

Hope you have liked this tutorial.

If you have liked this tutorial then do not hesitate to hit

that red SUBSCRIBE button hope to see you guys in our next tutorial; till then, bye....

For more infomation >> Make your Accordion with Bootstrap CSS tutorial for beginners - Duration: 10:30.


Funny clip.HÀI HƯỚC NHẤT THẾ GIỚI.ảo thuật gia chuyên nghiệp.hài hước NHẤT p14 - Duration: 20:18.

For more infomation >> Funny clip.HÀI HƯỚC NHẤT THẾ GIỚI.ảo thuật gia chuyên nghiệp.hài hước NHẤT p14 - Duration: 20:18.


Walter Afanasieff, Dylan Rey ...

For more infomation >> Walter Afanasieff, Dylan Rey ...


LIVE | League of Cancer | I had to kill myself for this video ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | - Duration: 1:31:44.

For more infomation >> LIVE | League of Cancer | I had to kill myself for this video ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | - Duration: 1:31:44.


My Story - How I became a disciple of Jesus Christ - Duration: 6:52.

Hey guys what's up this is Tom welcome to ChurchVid.TV where it's all by helping

YOU live life abundantly as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Today I thought I would

just share my personal story with you about my faith. My story begins

thirty-one years ago - Ugh I'm old! - I was born in Bogota Colombia and at the time

my mom was struggling to provide for me and my older brother so she made an

incredible sacrifice and put me up for adoption when I was about six months old.

After that I grew up in northern New Jersey as an only child, where I became a

fan of the New York Giants! You know growing up my mom made sure that we

always went to church on the weekends. Going to Mass I always remember being

bored. I can remember at one point making fun of the priest because the way he

would do the Eucharistic prayer. It would be like, "the body....of...Christ" and I was

just like, "oh my gosh!" I remember making fun of this priest while my mom as we were

leaving church one day and I remember her being like "Shh!" because she was

afraid that he heard me - he probably did - So as a young middle school boy I did

the only thing I could think to do to not be bored at church, I became an altar

server. I became a Jedi. I mean hey it was something to do during church. One of my

fondest memories of being an altar server is looking out into the

congregation and seeing my father there smiling at me and I knew he was proud of

me. Fast forward to high school I went to Catholic school all my life and I

remember my dad being so proud of me getting into this competitive school but

like any teenager I didn't always show my dad that respect he deserved.

I remember him driving me to the bus stop and he would ask me "how was school yesterday?"

"Fine..." "What'd you learn?" "...I don't know... "What are you gonna do today?"

But I always knew that my father loved me. When I was a freshman in high school, my

father died. He died of a blood clot to his lung that he suffered after having

surgery because he had fallen and broken his ankle a few weeks earlier. I can

remember going to the hospital and it was so surreal. I remember the doctor

coming out and apologizing to my mom and to me saying, "I'm sorry we did

everything we could..." and in that moment I just remember quietly in my heart saying

"God I've heard people call you Father, you can be my father now" and it wasn't

this great grandiose voice in my head, I see the light, and there's the angels but

instead it was just this still quiet voice that I knew God had heard my

prayer. A few months later my campus minister invited me to go to a youth

rally and I was like, "More Church? Heck no!" but then he said, "There'll be girls there..."

and I was like, "Church? Heck yes!" I remember getting off the bus at this conference

and people were like, "Welcome to STEUBENVILLE!" I was like these people are crazy!

I remember crowds of teenagers being

like, "We love Jesus yes we do we love Jesus how about you?" and I just thought

they were all weird. But as the conference continued, I started to hear

the speaker's talk about God in a way I never heard before.

I heard that God had a plan for my life. I heard that his plan was not for me to

be lame or weird, but instead God wanted me to be who he created me to be and to

be that well. God wanted me to succeed God wanted me to be the best version of

myself. And so, Saturday night at this conference we had Eucharistic Adoration

and while a lot of people around me were crying or they were laughing but they

were just having these emotional experiences, I could remember

specifically not feeling anything inside. I felt peaceful but at the same

time I wasn't sure of what was going on as real. It was in that moment that I

remember looking just above the altar where Jesus was, I saw my father looking at me

just like he looked at me when I was an altar server; with pride and I knew I was

wearing supposed to be. Now throughout high school, I struggled to live out my

faith. One of the most difficult areas for me to live out my faith was in my

relationship with girls - not that I was a playa or anything - but I remember purity

being a struggle because I wanted so badly to love others, but I didn't have

any other way to express it then through my body. And so I was challenged to show

love in a way that also was respectful of someone else. Two years later, I

returned to the same conference and I met a girl. This girl was unlike any

other girl I met before. She was so full of her own faith in God

it was incredible. That year we continued talking on AOL

Instant Messenger - old people snapchat - and then we returned to that conference

again, but this time as leaders. And it was on the leadership team that we got

to know each other even more and we started dating. We dated throughout our

senior year of high school and ended up going to the same college together.

It was in college with this girl by my side that my faith went to the next

level. I found a group of friends that wanted to share their faith with others

and so we formed a band, we started leading confirmation retreats, and it was

just an amazing season of my life with respect to ministry. Junior year of

college I got engaged and we were married as soon as we graduated but with

marriage and children quickly after, my faith had to mature even more. Today my

wife and I have been married for almost ten years we have five children and God

has challenged me every day to grow in my faith. To grow in patience, to grow in

love, to grow in loving others. And it's through my children and through my

family that God shows me even more how He loves us like his children. I hope

that this testimony gives you hope. I hope that this testimony gives you

perspective, that no matter what season you're in right now, God is with you and

God's plan for you never changes. God wants us to be the best version of

ourselves and he wants us to recognize the only way for us to do that is in him.

Through him we have to cling to the Lord for his help because he wants what's

best for us and although we spend the majority of our lives running away from

him he is always there. He never leaves us, so my brothers and sisters wherever

you're at with your faith right now if you're super close to God then praise

Him. If you're far away from the Lord and you could care less what he has to think

then I pray that you would give him a chance.

Because when you give God a chance that's when you begin to live life

abundantly. Peace!

For more infomation >> My Story - How I became a disciple of Jesus Christ - Duration: 6:52.


Uomini e Donne: i concorrenti vengono pagati? Le rivelazioni di un ex membro - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: i concorrenti vengono pagati? Le rivelazioni di un ex membro - Duration: 3:53.


Tempura Udon Noodles - Duration: 6:24.




Hey guys, so this time I'm going to make udon.

[Dried sardines] Home-made udon noodles are so much better than pre made noodles

[Kombu] and the ingredients are actually very, very simple.

[Bonito Flakes] It's just salt, water, and flour.

[Tempura Flour] So if you get a chance, please give it a try.

First, I'm going to make the noodles.

Sift the flour in a bowl.

Dissolve salt in water and mix it into the flour.

Knead the flour and make it into dough.

Put the dough in a bag and step on it.

The more you do this, the better the texture will be.

Once the dough becomes somewhat flat, fold it and repeat this process a few more times.

Some udon stores do this step for more than an hour to get a better texture.

Oh, hi Haku. What's up?

Then, rest the dough for about an hour.

While resting the dough, let's prepare other ingredients for tempura.

Shred the carrot.

Cut off the tip of eggplants and make it into a fan shape.

Rub off the hair of okra with salt

and make some holes so they don't explode while deep-frying.

Cut off the tip of the tail and squeeze the liquid out of it.

Then, cut the muscle strings

and press them so the shrimp doesn't curl while deep-frying.

Now, let's flatten the dough like this.

Make sure to coat it with flour.

Then, fold it and cut it into noodles.

Or, you can just use pasta machine if you have one.

Let's make the soup.

Add dried sardines, kombu, and water in a pot.

Right before it starts boiling, take them out.

Add thick bonito flakes and boil it for a few minutes.

Turn off the burner and add thin bonito flakes

and wait for about 5 minutes until they all sink.

Filter the soup with a paper towel.

Add a teaspoon of soy sauce and pinch of salt.

You can also just buy soup powder and mix with boiling water as well.

Now, add water to the tempura flour and make batter.

Coat the ingredients with flour first and then batter.

Oil temperature should be 180°C.

Boil the noodle for about 10 minutes.

Place everything in a bowl to finish.


Ah, that was good.

[calling Haku]

I got some, um, chicken.

I can cook that for you.

For more infomation >> Tempura Udon Noodles - Duration: 6:24.


Honda Civic 1.6I ES CVT VTEC AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 1.6I ES CVT VTEC AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:54.


Kia Sportage 2.0i-16V X-ecutive ECC-Airco Cr.Control Trekhaak Onderhoudsverleden - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 2.0i-16V X-ecutive ECC-Airco Cr.Control Trekhaak Onderhoudsverleden - Duration: 0:59.


Kia Picanto 1.2i-16V ISG SportsLine ECC-Airco Cr.Control Keyless 15"LMV 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.2i-16V ISG SportsLine ECC-Airco Cr.Control Keyless 15"LMV 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 0:59.


Mazda 626 2.0i Exclusive - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mazda 626 2.0i Exclusive - Duration: 0:54.


Kia Picanto 1.0i-12V ISG ComfortLine Airco Navigatie Bluetooth 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0i-12V ISG ComfortLine Airco Navigatie Bluetooth 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 0:54.


TOP 5 Nejbizarnější trendy a challenge - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> TOP 5 Nejbizarnější trendy a challenge - Duration: 10:05.


3 Red Flags That Your Salesperson Will Fail - Duration: 4:20.

- We're at the point right now at Experiment 27,

where we've gone through a lot of sales people.

We've added four to the team,

and we're about to hire two more.

And what I've learned so far

through out this sales process,

is there's a lot of turn over in sales,

and there are a lot of bad sales people.

So, what I wanted to talk about in this video

are the things to look out for early warning signs,

how to know if a sales guy is going to succeed

at your company, or not succeed before they actually fail.

Number one is responsiveness to messages.

So, we've had a couple sales people in the past,

one specifically that I'm thinking of,

where we were texting back and forth

before he got hired, before we made the offer letter,

he didn't respond to messages for about 30 days,

then came back with some sob story,

and we hired him anyway when he came back,

and that guy ended up leaving the company

within a month and a half.

Them not responding to texts early on,

especially in that job search process,

will lead to more negatives down the line.

For instance, this last sales guy

had a really bad habit of rescheduling

client calls last minute.

So he would have his whole calendar filled,

and he would have to reschedule those calls.

And, of course, when you reschedule that client call,

there's that chance that they won't reschedule

on the calendar, and you'll have lost that deal.

Red flag number two with sales person

is them wanting to run the calls super early in the process.

Meaning they wanna push you off the call.

We've had a couple sales guys that were

extremely entrepreneurial, which is great,

it's something we hire for at Experiment 27,

people that wanna run their own business someday,

people that wanna run their own plan,

make their own process.

But the red flag here is when somebody

hasn't really read the sales manual,

or has only read the manuals,

and hasn't really been on too many calls with the founders,

and then wants to takes the reigns themselves.

It's great that they feel that way,

but I still make sure that either me or Robert

are on the sales calls, at least for the first,

even the first few months.

I used to think it was the first couple days,

or even the first couple weeks we had to be on the calls,

but what I learned is in order

to make sure they're actually selling the right thing.

Founders have to be on the sales calls

for at least the first few months

on every single sales guy,

until you get a good sales director.

Our sales director right now is still being on boarded,

so I still like to have me and Robert

on the calls, where a lot of the times

it's three of us on one call,

like me, the sales director, and the sales person,

or Robert, the sales director, the sales person.

To just make sure everything is put together.

Because one thing we realized

is the founder has this insane power to pull deals

out where deals shouldn't be.

The same with partnerships.

Trying to find agency partnerships

and making sure that the agencies

will actually send you projects.

The founder has so much more power

there than a regular sales guy.

I think it's because the founder understands

the struggle to actually get to a place,

and is not just gonna come up with some random pitch,

and just try to get that instant dollar.

The founder's gonna be thinking about,

what is this client gonna look like in six months?

How unhappy are they gonna be

if what I'm telling them is not true?

Which actually brings us to the third and final red flag,

which is the sales guy is not selling the right product.

At Experiment 27, we sell lead generation

for digital agencies,

which at it's base is a pretty simple concept.

We find people that are interested in mobile app

development projects, or brand name projects,

or advertising projects,

and we send them over to our clients.

Very, very simple, and yet,

we've had sales people tell our clients

that they're getting extremely hot deals

that they're ready to sign right away

with no sales needed from their end.

We're getting them these insane 100 times ROI.

One of our sales guys told a client

that we're gonna get them

a hundred times ROI within one year.

Just all this random stuff that slips through the cracks.

And what I thought originally when

this started popping up was it was not enough training,

but what I'm learning now is there's just

a type of sales guys that will say

whatever it takes to close a deal,

and those are not the type of sales people

that we want on our team,

and probably not the type you want on your team,

because it leads to a lot of churn issues later on,

and a lot of refunds.

And the way that we combat that

is recording sales calls.

Our sales trainer looks it over,

gives feedback to the actual sales person themselves,

and the sales person can also use our language.

So when me or Robert or the sales director

says something super interesting,

the sales person that's on the call can then

play that back and use that in their own training

to better themselves.

If you found value in this video,

be sure to like it to encourage this type of content,

subscribe for more B2B sales training,

and if you need marketing support for your digital agency,

check out


For more infomation >> 3 Red Flags That Your Salesperson Will Fail - Duration: 4:20.


Preparing Natural Hair for a Protective Style | Vlogtember #4 - Duration: 5:42.

hi it's early early in the morning and I'm going to start this very intense

moisture routine with a hot oil treatment so warming up in here which is

already pretty warm I put my kettle on and then I put the water in here first

so then I went in and put in two teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil two

teaspoons of virgin coconut oil and this is solid it is not completely liquefied

four teaspoons of grapeseed oil 2 teaspoons of vitamin E oil and one and a

half teaspoons of jojoba oil and that is just warming up in here and before I apply it

to my hair my goal is never to drench my hair in the oil it's just to cover each

section so I don't need more than this I am going to apply it to my hair and then

I'm going to run errands and leave it on for at least 4 hours before moving on to

the next step I am going to cleanse and I want to mostly strip my hair so that I

don't have any build-up going into this protective style so I'm gonna use the

Cantu tears shampoo and I'll probably lather twice to ensure that I get most of

the oil off before moving on to my deep conditioning step for deep conditioning

today I'm using the Camille rose Naturals coconut water penetrating hair

treatment because it's one of the most more moisturizing deep conditioners I

currently own and it's just gonna give me really really intense deep

conditioning I'm gonna sit under my hooded dryer for 15 minutes let that

kind of soak in steam in a little and then I'm gonna wait about five minutes

certain to cool down hop in the shower and rinse that out so now that the deep

conditioner is rinsed out I just need to prep my hair for drying and I'm going to

use the Camille Rose Naturals fresh curl as my leave in and I'm going to use just a

bit of grapeseed oil as an oil and then the top everything off I'm going to

apply the Camille Naturals Curlaide moisture butter and I

just need to let my hair air dry in several twists

um and then I just wait for it to dry and then in the morning I'll put them

back in twist to make sure they still dry as the rest of the way before I go

see my stylist so she can braid my hair

and this is the finished style if you are in my insta story than you've

already seen this my cousin is my stylist she is an actual

hairdresser an actual hairstylist she works in a shop so if she does braids

for me I go to her house anything else I'll go to the shop for but because she

does not provide that service for her clients don't she doesn't do that

service for me in her shop but she definitely doesn't mind doing braids for

me so she did the braids and then I did the beads myself when I got home and

it's just like a mixture of beads and bobbles I just kind of eyed it I kind of

just put some things together and that is the entire look

I intend to wear these cornrows for a full four weeks hopefully I do have a

maintenance video coming I want to go ahead and wear these for a week and

actually film me doing the maintenance so that video will post sometime in the

next week I hope you enjoy this video there will be links to the products

below as well as on the accompanying blog post check out my Instagram Twitter

Facebook and my blog and I'll see you next time thanks for watching guys

For more infomation >> Preparing Natural Hair for a Protective Style | Vlogtember #4 - Duration: 5:42.


❌ Cancelling Plans In English ❌ Useful Vocabulary & Expressions - Duration: 8:55.

Hello I'm Emma from mmmEnglish! Have you ever made a plan

with someone, but then realised that you need to change the plan or cancel it?

In English, you need to be careful about the language that you use to make sure that

you're doing it politely. Now, there's lots of reasons why you would need to

change your plans or cancel your plans in English.

Perhaps you genuinely can't meet someone because something more important or

urgent has come up. Perhaps you've double booked yourself

- and that means that you've made two appointments at the same time without

realising it, so you need to cancel one. And other times you might just be

feeling lazy or you just don't feel like meeting them. But of course, you don't

want to offend someone by telling them that! Cancelling plans can be a little

uncomfortable, a little awkward. So in this lesson I'm going to give you some

useful expressions that will help you to change or cancel your plans in English!

Now, these expressions will be useful for formal appointments that you've made,

like, at the doctors or the dentists, with a work client or a colleague, your child

school principal or even a Skype lesson with a new English teacher!

But they can also be used informally as well, when you've made plans to have a coffee with

friends or meet a date for dinner or even to cancel or change a meeting time

with a new friend that you've met online. So, the first thing you'll need to do is

"break the news" and this idiom means to tell someone something - especially if

it's something that they're not expecting to hear or it's bad news.

To "break the news" start with something like "I'm calling because..." or

"The reason I need to speak to you is..."

So if you're at a professional office, for example, you

could say "I need to cancel or change my appointment." If you're talking to a

colleague that you don't know that well, you could say "I won't be able to attend

the meeting on Thursday." But with a colleague that you do know well, you

might say "I can't make it to the meeting on Thursday." It's a little more informal.

And, with a friend you could say "I can't make it to dinner on Friday."

Now, these expressions are great if you're cancelling or rescheduling in a

reasonable amount of time, you know, with enough notice. But let's be real,

sometimes we aren't as organised as we want to be and we need to change or

cancel an appointment without much warning, right? Perhaps the meeting or the

appointment is tomorrow or it's even the same day! So then, you really should

include an apology. It's polite to include an apology any time that you

change plans but if you do it at late notice you must apologise and you can do

that simply by adding an introduction to your sentence. "I'm really sorry, but... I need to cancel."

"I'm so sorry for the late notice, but... I need to cancel."

"My apologies, I need to cancel." Now, that 's quite formal, that last example - best in an email or in

a very formal situation. So, to "soften the blow" and that idiom means to make a bad

situation less serious. To "soften the blow"

you could add "I was really looking forward to it!" Now this helps to reassure

the person or tell them that you're upset that you can't make it and that

you still want to meet them at some stage in the future.

"I was really looking forward to dinner on Thursday." "We were really looking

forward to meeting you!" "I was looking forward to seeing your new office!"

Okay, so you've broken the news, you've cancelled your plan and you've

apologised. So now, you need to explain why you cancelled. It's polite in any

situation to offer a reason why you have to cancel. But you might not want to

explain all of the details, especially if you don't know the person well, it might

be a personal reason or it could be embarrassing! At times like this, you can

use the expression "Something's come up." "Something has come up." Now, this is a good

expression to cancel an appointment with someone that you don't know and most

English native speakers will understand this expression. They'll understand that

it's not possible for you to attend the meeting or the appointment and there is

a reason but you don't want to explain why and that's perfectly acceptable!

Especially with formal appointments in a professional context or with people that

you don't know well. "Something's come up and I need to reschedule." It's perfectly acceptable!

But don't use this expression with friends or close colleagues because

they might feel a little offended that you don't feel comfortable enough to

explain why. Usually with friends, you can be a little more honest, right? So if you

don't mind explaining why you had to cancel or change the plans, you can

simply explain why. "I was really looking forward to dinner on Thursday, but I'm

flying to Sydney on Wednesday night for work." "I'm really, really sorry. I've had

such a busy week and I've double-booked myself!"

"I've been feeling under the weather all day. Is it okay if we postpone dinner until I'm feeling better?"

So now the last thing that you need to do is reschedule your

appointment - to make another time. Since you're the one who's cancelling or

changing the plans, you should try to reschedule the meeting by offering some

suggestions. "Can we reschedule? I'm free at 3 p.m. on Friday." "Can we try for

Tuesday instead?" It's a little more informal. Now these ones are better for

appointments, more formal appointments. "Is it possible to reschedule?" "Can I make a

new appointment time?" So do you want to see some examples of all of these elements together?

"I'm so sorry, Sarah. I was looking forward to catching up on Friday, but my boss has asked me to work late,

so I won't be able to make it. Can we reschedule to Monday?"

"My apologies, but I can't make our meeting this afternoon. Something's come up. Are we able to

reschedule to next week?" "Hi Farah! I'm really looking forward to meeting you on

Skype, but I have to apologise because I need to cancel our meeting. I was

confused by our time zone difference, so I need to reschedule

to later in the evening. Is 7pm okay for you?"

Well that's it for this lesson, I hope that you've learned a few new useful expressions

that can help you to cancel appointments or change meeting times in English.

Make sure that you subscribe to the mmmEnglish channel right here

so that you never miss a lesson! You can do that just by clicking that red button there.

And don't go anywhere just yet! There are lots and lots of other lessons here on

the mmmEnglish channel, like this one or this one.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you next lesson. Bye for now!

For more infomation >> ❌ Cancelling Plans In English ❌ Useful Vocabulary & Expressions - Duration: 8:55.


Andy's National Trust Travel Blogs: Trerice, Cornwall - Duration: 13:29.

right well today's natural trust property is in Cornwall near to nuclear

and it's through rice housing gonna go and see what we can find

first obstacle is going to reduce Hill with combined rubble so we're going to

try to up gotta help unravel not the best combination to have

how I love from oh I came around here now it's no problem

task right thing yeah I think this before no not been here before there's a

map in there was a bit of information but this is the little map where we sort

of suggest yeah yeah sure I mean have you got any mobility I mean not very

good well they great on the front door we'll

see a sort out they'll go in the house okay it's possible do the some of the

upstairs as well alright thanks so you're here for right

left of the corner gets to the front door drink that's where the greeter is

yep so you can go straight through Central Corridor and they'll sort out

back listing the house and when you're in the rear courtyard you got all these

level access ways so please know Blair fantastic avoid the back of the tea

rooms there okay because it's quite steep and unless you get a plain chicken

and wall them might be fun going down a steep slope on we rebel level a young

good not good and now the man doesn't show it but

there is a path that goes right to the end there slips down there only not gone

okay lovely okay thank you thank you thank you

helps or two

we love trouble that's the furnace how's that oh look

look at the garden

elizabethan not gone

over here hopefully we'll God unfortunately you

can only do downstairs in yes and I realize that yes same everywhere room I

know to shame that we do 1572 they did not deliver in but if you want to but

absolutely we can do that and no but the way is obviously you can see what's what

a little bit way there is the restaurant in the lose yeah and then the door into

the Great Hall which is probably being agree we're going to be able to

annihilate just here on your life just food archway here

yeah all right I'll stop there it thank you

and this is the shop

oh it's my furious

it's nice I got wing mirrors that's good that's

handy that our young nun from the English Civil War

20% off garden sculptures

probably you can set that for the organic food ah well that's probably or

we can see as far as a house some great horn rape animal speaker done what a pro

guys you know what they're going is we're going to have a look of a problem

with a hill

go to do psych the halo brass rubbings all right okay yes I won't have a

problem with ahead no way I will get up what

there's not yet yes steep hills great wine

this is the program I can't read it

way to way to scaling scaling lon taste away up down there with Chavez on

grass and yeah it's lovely housing the main first made

on the first and second time bookshop

that is the back of the restaurant put a pot of just cottager gonna win ages

probably don't want to go down that don't get back up oh what's that police

lesson eight over there says that it's a grasp made no one not very difficult to

get round can't go in what ever number shot good big step and there we are

well there we go that's two rice near to nuki in Cornwall done and dusted tick so

I enjoyed that even though it was limited in what I could do and where I

could go it's such a glorious day today during in my head anyway having the nut

we're going to go up now to our next one and I'll cut you young resume for

another one bye for now


For more infomation >> Andy's National Trust Travel Blogs: Trerice, Cornwall - Duration: 13:29.


How To Rap: 3 Ways To Use Repetitive Rhyming - Duration: 4:18.

what's up guys it's Dono so I got a question that was basically asking about

using the same words to rhyme with themselves in rap I think I got this

question right but basically I interpreted as rhyming the same word

with itself within your lines and kind of how you can do that and what it means

so I think what he means is something like this divert attention away from the

lost souls without control you forget they've also got souls while those two

lines technically rhyme using the same word can come off really lazy and

unskilled and it's really easy to get called out for it so if you're going to

end up rhyming with the same word you're going to want to use something a little

bit more clever I always advise you to write how you want but you know most

people are going to want something that sounds a little bit better and the best

way to do this is through intentional use of repetition instead of just

rhyming that same end word with itself once so you're going to most often see

rhyme repetition in the chorus this is a really great place to have repetition

stand out because it makes your chorus a little bit easier to remember and even

though it can be repetitive it can also drive the message home so here's an

example of something you might see I lost her eye but she used to be mine

I lost her eye but she used to be mine I lost her eye but she used to be mine

now I wonder why while I wished she would still mine now that might be a

little bit too heavy on the nose to really be that engaging but in a chorus

is more likely where you're going to see something like this in a way that

actually works now like I just showed you you still need to be mindful because

if you go too heavy with exact repetition it can easily become really

boring but it's also a good place that you can actually use repetition in a way

that sounds good now another way that you'll see repetition pretty frequently

used in a way that also sounds pretty good is by ending every line with the

same word by having the word before it I'm this is one way that you can get

that repetition but still have the rhyme you know doesn't come right at the end

it comes close enough that it still sounds pretty good let me give you an

example you aint the one who's about to win boy I'll leave your bones without

the skin boy you don't know where I even been boy you ain't a top so don't add

no spin boy so here what we got is just this set of lines where you're using a

lot of repetition in rhyming at the end but you're also using the same word for

the very end this is a really common occurrence where you'll see people

rhyming with the same line one thing to keep in mind is that you will want to

make sure that the word before rhymes so that you can maintain this pattern

otherwise it might come off a little bit you know unstructured and just random

one other way you might see people who end up rhyming using the same words at

the end is if they're trying to make some kind of wordplay pop out while in a

lot of cases it's technically not the same word than it might be a homophone

instead you're gonna see that doing this can make wordplay stand out a lot more

because there's a lot more focus brought into the double meaning let me give you

a quick example I've got a pick myself up because I'll

fall quick summer season changes turn to fall quick while the use of fall

has a different definition in both lines the pronunciation is exactly the same so

it comes off sounding exactly the same so that's another way that you can use

repetition using the same rhymes without it coming across super basic so

hopefully that gives you some ideas for how to use you know the same word to

rhyme with itself if that's something you want to do without coming across you

know lazy or unskilled that's all I've got for this video so as always if you

have any questions comments topic you want me to cover throw them down in the box

below or get to them as soon as I can beyond that I've got a full 30-day rap

course I have a link to that down below and I've got a website rap

where you can get some more resources that's all I've got and I'll see you

next time don't forget to subscribe so you can stay up to date on the videos

and if you have any questions comments or topics for me to cover leave them

down in the box below and I'll get to them as soon as possible see you next


For more infomation >> How To Rap: 3 Ways To Use Repetitive Rhyming - Duration: 4:18.


[HIGHLIGHT] 바닐라 어쿠스틱 (Vanilla Acoustic) - 너만 생각나 (Only You) (It's You OST Part 3) - Duration: 1:00.

I love you

Is that love?

That's just burdened each other

I don't interest in such love

For more infomation >> [HIGHLIGHT] 바닐라 어쿠스틱 (Vanilla Acoustic) - 너만 생각나 (Only You) (It's You OST Part 3) - Duration: 1:00.


【東方Vocal/Psytrance】 Sweetest Paranoia 「Amateras Records」 【JAP Subs】 - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> 【東方Vocal/Psytrance】 Sweetest Paranoia 「Amateras Records」 【JAP Subs】 - Duration: 5:22.


no.21 Children of Zodiarcs Japanese and English subtitles - Duration: 31:25.

Hi, I am Aesop!

Children of Zodiarcs

Let's play it!

Let's see...Which one?

This one!

It's been some time since the last time


Let's listen to their story

Alright, We can go to next mission at last

You again!

Big Papa? This?

Huh, He's level 20

It's good, I think...


Oh! Good!


to draw all Blitz...

She can't draw it though...

It's not bad

Okay, Draw!

She doesn't have very useful cards, so draw cards


Ouch! Bleed!

It's 10

Awesome! She did it with her counter attack


Let's see...

What can I do?

I want to heal them...

I'll play it

I don't need to discard his card...

I prefer drawing to discarding

It didn't work

Adding shard dice is good


Oh. It can give Regen to us

It's strong

But I think to play this one is fit for now

By the way, we can skip our turn now

This game is updated recently

Oh! It's fast

Her knives are too precious to him...

Ugh! How many these cursed dice!

Not bad

I'll reroll them just in case


And next!

That is him

It's too far

Take a step forward first

And Draw cards, I wonder?


What a healing


It's better to play one adding Regen to us, I think

AH! Discard dice!

Not bad


What should I do?

Nahmi is fit for it

Let's give priority to take out them



I feel like My Japanese are getting worse recently




It hurts!

Yet Regen are stronger than Bleeding

She can likely do it...

From 41 up to 65...

So Let's punch him with Nahmi

It's good to use her knife though

There are lots of stars amazingly

I don't need holding it

This healing cards' range?

A cross

A Eruption card...

Should I use it now?

Leech...I decided



I think it's better to take out him than healing now

But I don't think It's good to go into Overcharge mode...

This one is too precious...

Okay, Overcharge mode is not bad

To begin with, I don't know he is definitely gonna be in Overcharge

He's not going to be in it

It's so painful

Cursed dice are gone. Good

And the rest of them are a few

It's short a bit

What can he do?

Should he use this card?

I need more damage to take out him easily


I'm aiming at

Not bad


Guard anyway

Ah, I want to draw cards

The enemies didn't move!

When do they move?

I should stay here and see their act

He's moving

Oh! They're moving!


It hurts!!

All of them are moving!

I have no choice but fight them right here


What is this?

Ah, it can add a new turn to a person

Adding evasion

Yeah! Good job

Oh! Upgraded. Good


What should I do?

I'll take a step back

We can wait their coming to us more now

Ah-...She can likely take out one...

If it is, Let's do this

Ah, No bleeding

No bleeding...

They might heal him...

Ugh! The fat's coming!

It hurts!

It hurts

What should I do?

He should take a guard now?



Hope to be added discard effect

Not bad


New card!


Take a heal us just in case

Awesome, Adding shard dice

ugh! Their healing are dreadful

Ouch! Even he is in Guard

I want to take out one of them with her Burn

I hope

If there are stars, ATK + 10

I don't know whether if stars will come out

Let's try



Let's add a new turn to her

Right now...

It's coming to us

She can take out him by her Eruption...


But She can do it in this way!



This is your end!

HAHAHA! It's deserved

We won


It's time to take a break here

Thank you for watching! See you soon!

For more infomation >> no.21 Children of Zodiarcs Japanese and English subtitles - Duration: 31:25.


Everyday make-up tutorial - Duration: 1:32.

Hey. this is how I do my everyday makeup. Enjoy! :)

First, i'm going to brush then clip my hair out of the way.

Now, I'm going to use Tanya Burr's eyebrow palette to fill in my brows.

I use the darkest shade.

I follow the natural shape of my brows.

Then using a spooly, I brush my brows through.

Now I'm going to use another Tanya Burr cosmetics product. The face palette.

There are 3 products. A bronzer, A blusher and a highlighter.

First, im going to bronze.

Then add some blusher to the apples of my cheeks.

Then I'm using ANOTHER Tanya burr product. One of her illuminating powders in the shade Champagne sorbet.

Now using a smaller brush I'm going to highlight my brow bone, the tip of my nose and my cupids bow.

Now im using the falsies push up mascara on my top and bottom lashes.

Now using a Gosh liquid lipstick in the colour candy floss, im going to apply it to my lips.

Brush my hair.

All done!

For more infomation >> Everyday make-up tutorial - Duration: 1:32.


Invest 150/- And Get Super Income_ AutoFill_ Live Payment Proof ||150/- రూపాయలతో వేలు సంపాదించండి || - Duration: 13:56.

welcome to "Scam finder" channel

For more infomation >> Invest 150/- And Get Super Income_ AutoFill_ Live Payment Proof ||150/- రూపాయలతో వేలు సంపాదించండి || - Duration: 13:56.


Indie Rock Royalty Free Music

For more infomation >> Indie Rock Royalty Free Music


Como fazer fogo - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> Como fazer fogo - Duration: 6:28.


MOQUECA de BRETZEL #8 - No trem de Bonn a Munique - Duration: 5:42.

Hi, guys!

It's friday night, and I'm about to travel

for the first time using the german rail system.

Right behind me, is Bonn's central station, the hauptbanhof (main station).

Where the city trains, the regional and the international trains meet.

And is here where I start my journey to Munich, on the south of the country.

Come with me?

Let me take a look at the departures...

Just found mine: Koblenz-Mannheim. It goes to Sttutgart.

But I hop off in Mannheim.

From Mannheim I'll take another train.

The train was a little bit delayed, but I'm in.

And now I just have to wait to shift trains in Mannheim.

The best thing I found here?

An electrical outlet!

It's through these rails that Germany transport their goods, their machines and people.

Just Deutsche Bahn transports 6.5 million people a day through the rail system.

Yes, I'll show you how are the bathrooms in the train.

Look how much space it has!

So much bigger than the ones in the airplanes.

Here is the toilet.

That all known warning signs.

A mirror.

A sink, where, for sure, there's boiling water, as typical.

I loved this light, by the way.

Simple, but with more space.

For people who has my height, this is very important.

I just learnt something even more important.

If you press this button, you lock the bathroom.

So, it's simple, but spacious. For those who has 1.83 meters, as me, this is nice.

Now I press here, and it opens!

It's like magic!


The landscape is beautiful, but I'm getting sleepy.

But I can't sleep 'cause I gotta shift trains.

I don't wanna wake up in Sttutgart.

I just got to Mannheim.

I'm almost losing my train. : - O

GOT IT! : - )

At least now I can sleep.

Because I don't need to change trains anymore. The last stop of this one is Munich.

And that...

And that untill I found out about the free internet they have here...

Now I'm in Munich, guys.

The trip was more comfortable in this second train.

There were more space for my legs and the train was faster.

Altogether, it took 5 hours to get to Munich from Bonn.

I'm in Munich's main station (hauptbahnhof),

and it looks like an airport. It's big!

So, now I got to my destination.

And that's all for today.

I hope you guys have liked the trip.

I'm back next week! Byyyyye!

Hello, from Germany! Best regards! Bye!

For more infomation >> MOQUECA de BRETZEL #8 - No trem de Bonn a Munique - Duration: 5:42.


Japão vence Austrália e se classifica para a Copa do Mundo de 2018 || TENTEN TV - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> Japão vence Austrália e se classifica para a Copa do Mundo de 2018 || TENTEN TV - Duration: 5:39.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 4 EYLÜL 2017 | SPOR AJANSI GS GÜNDEMİ | KEREM İNAN & TANER KARAMAN | Youtube - Duration: 16:36.


Clube de luta gera polêmica ao adotar crianças órfãs para praticar MMA || TENTEN TV - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Clube de luta gera polêmica ao adotar crianças órfãs para praticar MMA || TENTEN TV - Duration: 4:08.


Mistão perde para Londrina e Fluminense dá adeus ao bi da Primeira Liga || TENTEN TV - Duration: 10:22.

For more infomation >> Mistão perde para Londrina e Fluminense dá adeus ao bi da Primeira Liga || TENTEN TV - Duration: 10:22.


Learn Colors With Vehicles For Kids And Spin The Fidget Spinner With Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 46:53.

Do you know your A-B-C's

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABC's 26 letters from A to Z

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABC's Next time won't you sing with me.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABC's 26 letters from A to Z

26 letters from A to Z

One little, two little, three little numbers

four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers

ten little numbers...




Four little numbers...




Eight little numbers...




Ten little numbers…

One little, two little, three little numbers

four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers

ten little numbers...




Four little numbers...




Eight little numbers...




Ten little numbers…

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain And washed the spider out

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

And the itsy-bitsy spider Climbed up the spout again

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain And washed the spider out

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

And the itsy-bitsy spider Climbed up the spout again

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain And washed the spider out

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

And the itsy-bitsy spider Climbed up the spout again

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