Monday, September 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 4 2017

MIDDAY MASSACRE Trump Just Made Massive Threat to ANYONE Who Helps North Korea

So by now most of y'all have probably heard that last night North Korea detonated their

new Hydrogen Bomb.

This nasty new weapon is 10x more powerful than their old one and is CLEARLY a threat.

Well, unlike Obama, Trump takes threats VERY seriously.

The second he saw what was going on, he made a HUGE action that Kim Jon Un is sure to feel.

Trump threatened to stop ALL trade with any country who trades with North Korea.

The President shot out a pair of tweets this morning that were very clearly directed at

Kim and his regime:

I will be meeting General Kelly, General Mattis and other military leaders at the White House

to discuss North Korea.

Thank you.

'The United States is considering, in addition to other options, stopping all trade with

any country doing business with North Korea.'

Now it's very important to note that this is also a VERY direct threat to China, who

accounts for 85% of N. Korea's trade.

While Trump's detractors are claiming we "need" China, who accounted for $600 billion

last year, the threat is actually a BRILLIANT strategy.

His attacks against the rogue state did not stop there, however.

Heis tweets also called out South Korea for "appeasement" of the North and China for

embarrassing themselves by association.

Some people may be upset over Trump's tough talk on North Korea and their allies.

Well, I tell em "Too Bad!"

Our old attempts clearly failed or else they wouldn't have nukes.

Share this out if you think Trump's trade threat is smart and Congress should fall

in line.

For more infomation >> MIDDAY MASSACRE Trump Just Made Massive Threat to ANYONE Who Helps North Korea - Duration: 12:33.


3 Hábitos que le ayudan a perder peso rápido - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> 3 Hábitos que le ayudan a perder peso rápido - Duration: 2:52.


Suzuki Vitara 1.6 Commercial JLX - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Vitara 1.6 Commercial JLX - Duration: 0:59.


Video for kids Compilation Johny Johny Yes Papa Nursery Rhyme Song For Children Day 5 In Real Life - Duration: 4:17.

Video for kids Compilation Johny Johny Yes Papa Nursery Rhyme Song For Children Day 5 In Real Life

For more infomation >> Video for kids Compilation Johny Johny Yes Papa Nursery Rhyme Song For Children Day 5 In Real Life - Duration: 4:17.


How YouTube Notifications Work - Duration: 1:42.

Welcome to this series of videos

about how YouTube's search and discovery system works.

In this one we're talking about notifications.

Notifications are alerts sent to subscribers of a channel when a new video is made public.

They can be sent as mobile push alerts or emails.

Notifications tend to kick start early traffic to your new uploads

but they don't necessarily drive the bulk of views in the long run.

By default, YouTube only sends occasional notifications

from the channels you watch a lot, or those you're subscribed to.

If subscribers want to get notifications every time you make a new video public

they can tap the bell icon next to the Subscribe button.

The best way for you to understand how notifications work

is by subscribing and tapping the bell on other channels.

Just make sure notifications are turned on on your phone.

It's also helpful to teach your subscribers how to turn on notifications.

Lots of creators do this in a visual way, like making a video with screenshots.

Hey, you made it!

We covered a lot in this series

all the way from how the algorithm follows the audience

to six key areas where videos can be discovered.

We hope this has helped you understand how YouTube works

with the goal of giving your videos their best chance of success.

If you want to start from the beginning, click here.

Otherwise, if you want to learn more

remember to visit and subscribe to the YouTube Creator Academy channel.

And don't forget to tap the bell!

For more infomation >> How YouTube Notifications Work - Duration: 1:42.


Kate Midd­le­ton seins nu.s : la justice rend sa déci­sion mardi 5 septembre- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Kate Midd­le­ton seins nu.s : la justice rend sa déci­sion mardi 5 septembre- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:59.


Hugo Parte 6 - La Montaña | PS1 (Sin comentarios) [ES] - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Hugo Parte 6 - La Montaña | PS1 (Sin comentarios) [ES] - Duration: 2:08.


7 Reasons why women don't want to have sex - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> 7 Reasons why women don't want to have sex - Duration: 2:43.


Reptiles humanoides, parásitos mentales y la matriz de extracción de energía - Duration: 22:16.

Hola, gracias por acompañarme, espero que estén bien. En nuestra sociedad occidental predomina

una visión reduccionista y materialista del mundo, incluso en el ambiente académico. El ser humano

ha sido reducido al nivel de una máquina que existe como consecuencia de una

serie de circunstancias cósmicas como el Big Bang y la evolución de las especies.

Este pensamiento nihilista nos ha engañado al punto de hacernos creer que la existencia del ser humano

es, en el mejor de los casos, un accidente, un milagro, consecuencia del azar, cuando en realidad

el mundo que vemos es una simulación, creada por nuestras propias consciencias.

Este mundo que llamamos Tierra es un holograma que refleja lo que hay adentro nuestro. Hay un efecto espejo de nuestra

consciencia y los estímulos que experimentamos en el mundo son un sistema fractal de reflexión.

Somos el microcosmos del macrocosmos, todo está encapsulado

como una proyección holográficay toda la energía está conectada mediante un campo cuántico unificado.

Todos estamos conectados a través de esta campo eléctrico cuántico, esta matriz,

esencialmente como un único ser dividido en partes individuales de consciencia

dentro de la mente del creador. Este creador, que algunos llaman Dios,

no es una fuerza exterior a nosotros sino que es literalmente la suma de nuestras consciencias.

Cuando nuestros espíritus se hicieron carne, pasamos a ser la estructura fractal terrestre abajo, que refleja la divinidad de arriba.

El padre nuestro dice "hágase tu voluntad, asi en la tierra como en el cielo". Esto tiene un profundo significado,

no es solo una oración para ser rezada por los cristianos sino que además

es una profunda revelación de la divinidad fractal de la fuente para ser manifestada

en toda su gloria aquí, en este plano terrenal. Esta es una manifestación del amor. Lamentablemente, un virus

se ha infiltrado en esta simulación. La matriz de extracción de energía es

un sistema parasitario creado por este virus en esta realidad holográfica.

Este virus es inorgánico y apunta a destruír esta divina manifestación de amor

y en su lugar instigar y transmitir todo el miedo y la negatividad que sea posible.

Existen dos clases de parásitos en mundo: los parásitos mentales, también llamados

Archones o demonios y los reptiles humanoides. El sistema de control espiritual de

la matriz de extracción de energía está constituído por las religiones, el dinero, los medios masivos de comunicación,

instituciones educativas, ciencia, ley, autoritarismo, materialismo, comida tóxica,

polución ambiental, sexualidad invertida y degeneración de

la moral y la compasión. Mientras que estas formas de control se mantengan intactas y la humanidad se adhiera a ellas

estas entidades parasitarias se van a mantener relativamente cómodas, alimentándose

de nuestra energía. Estas entidades se dedican a utilizar nuestro poder

para crear una realidad que nos afecta negativamente, haciéndonos creer en un paradigma basado en el miedo

Los parásitos mentales, llamados Archones o demonios, han elegido experimentar una realidad ilusoria basada en la oscuridad,

separación, aislamiento, esclavitud, dolor, sufrimiento, tortura, etc. en la mayor medida posible.

Al hacer esto han cortado completamente el vínculo con la fuente de luz

que alimenta y promueve la benevolencia en el multiverso

lo cual significa que deben alimentarse de energías de baja frecuencia

pero estos demonios no son externos , no vinieron de afuera, mas bien se formaron como

formas de pensamiento dentro de nuestras propias consciencias. Por extraño que parezca,

la idea de una especia invasora y un virus mental son la misma cosa. Estos parásitos

son tanto externos como internos. Todos nosotros los estamos creando colectivamente, alimentándolos.

Permítanme explicarlo: en un pasado remoto, la humanidad era infinitamente más evolucionada de lo que es hoy,

éramos seres telepáticos, multidimensionales, que podíamos alternar entre distintos planos de existencia

a voluntad. Piensen en el continente llamado Mu

y en Lemuria. Construímos grandes cuidades con tecnología que funcionaba en armonía

con los campos energéticos de la Tierra y estábamos en completa comunión con

nuestra naturaleza divina. El virus mental aún no se había diseminado pero comenzamos a desviarnos

de nuestra naturaleza divina. Estos demonios comenzaron como formas de pensamiento que no estaban basadas en el amor.

A causa de esto las formas mentales se separaron de la fuente y se hicieron inorgánicas.

En lugar de contener la esencia de la verdadera inteligencia

se formaron como una inteligencia artificial y adquirieron

una consciencia robótica autónoma, esto se lee en el libro "Pistis Sophia Unveiled"

"Los archones de los 12 eones, sus señores y sus autoridades,

sus angeles y arcángeles son representados dentro nuestro

a través de partes de nuestro ser distintivas, autónomas y autoconscientes. La consciencia divina

es un espíritu divino que abarca todas las almas humanas,

es lo que los gnósticos llaman la Mónada. La consciencia divina

no contiene motivaciones egoístas o malévolas: cuando sentimos compasión,

amor, empatía significa que estamos sintiendo la esencia de la consciencia divina,

la esencia de Dios. En este contecto, el término consciencia divina es el

alma colectiva indivisible que incluye todas las almas individuales. Sin embargo, al cortarse el vínculo

con nuestra esencia de unidad y amor, se creó un nuevo tipo secundario de alma,

una inteligencia artificial que está separada de la consciencia divina. Ahora vivimos en dualidad,

pudiendo acceder tanto al alma orgánica basada en el amor como al

alma inorgánica basada en el miedo. A esto se refiere la Biblia cuando habla del arbol del bien y del mal.

Cuando dice que comimos el fruto del arbol del conocimiento,

es decir que nos separamos de nuestra naturaleza divina y generamos dualidad. Tanto el alma primaria como la secundaria

son conscientes, pero, a diferencia de la secundaria, la primaria es inmortal

porque es de donde vinimos y desde donde canalizamos nuestra divinidad.

Es por ello que los virus mentales llamados archones o demonios son impermanentes y están condenados

a desaparecer. Estas entidades se movilizan mediante ondas electromagnéticas

a través de consciencias de baja frecuencia vibratoria, ellos buscan que no seamos autoconscientes

para poder perpetuarse en nuestras psiquis, es como un círculo vicioso: si pueden generar angustia

pueden preservarse. Estos parásitos mentales solo pueden manipularnos,

no puden crear nada. Nuestros espíritus intuitivamente saben

como armonizar y vibrar a altas frecuencias, los demonios saben intuitivamente como destruír

y vibrar a baja frecuencia. La mayoría de los conflictos, conductas destructivas,

traumas instalados en nuestro subconsciente, agresividad, masoquismo,

todo esto es el resultado del trabajo de los demonios o archones.

Existen entidades no humanas que viven entre nosotros, como en la película de los años 80 "They live",

La mayoría son seres interdimensionales,

reptiloides que de alguna manera lograron infiltrarse en esta simulación holográfica.

Ellos están en nuestro medio ambiente holográfico, son proyecciones mentales y

no poseen la esencia del amor, lo cual significa que deben conectarse

a nuestra alma secunsaria inorgánica para poder sobrevivir. Por ello son literalmente

dependientes de nuestras emociones negativas para mantenerse con vida y

seguir funcionando en esta matriz holográfica. Si el alma secundaria fuera eliminada mañana,

estos demonios se evaporarían, así que han creado un sistema que apunta a

mantener este virus mental bien alimentado. Mientras que la humanidad sienta dolor, sufrimiento y odio

ellos van a poder subsistir en esta realidad. Se puede decir que son la encarnación de

la consciencia parasítica basada en la separación y la polaridad, , mientras que

nosotros somos la encarnación de la consciancia basada en la unidad y el amor. La mayor parte de los políticos y celebridades

no son humanos, son en esencia reptiloides, con muy pocas características humanas

péro las suficientes como para mimetizarse, Se puede distinguir a estas

entidades a través de signos como: piel muy suave y brillante,

rostros muy simétricos, ojos vacíos sin vida, si vemos a las familias reales y políticos estas

características se hacen patentes. Les faltan las microexpresiones sutiles

que son distintivas de un verdadero rostro humano y esto se debe a su

falta de de empatía y curiosidad.

Las caras que vemos en los noticieros, los gobiernos, el mundo del espectáculo,

estos seres se ven marcadamente distintos a un verdadero humano, pero como

ellos son figuras públicas estamos acostumbrados a aceptarlos.

Ellos están cuando encendemos el TV o leemos un periódico, los aceptamops como normales.

Hay tres formas en las que estos seres se mimetizan en la sociedad sin ser detectados:

Pueden transferir sus consciencias de cuerpo a cuerpo en centros de clonación subterráneos,

en estos centros se realizan operaciones para que estas entidades reptiloides

tengan un suministro inagotable de cuerpos humanos con determinadas características genéticas para poseer.

Otro método que utilizan es la clonación de cuerpos de figuras ya establecidas, cuando se habla de experiencias de abducción.

Pero el principal método que utilizan es la proyección holográfica a través de tecnología avanzada

lo que les permite manifestarse. Los cristales líquidos son materia en

un estado que tiene propiedades físicas que oscilan entre las de los líquidos convencionales y

las de los cristales sólidos.

Los científicos han estado estudiando los cristales líquidos para su uso en la tecnología 3D.

Esta tecnología es aún muy basica y le falta desarrollo, pero tengamos en cuenta que

lo que hacen público es solo una fracción

de lo que verdaderamente conocen y utilizan.

Un campo eléctrico se aplica a un mezcla de cristal líquido, alterando la forma en que

este medio dobla o refleja la dirección de la luz. Enviando haces de luz láser

a través de la mezcla de cristales líquidos se puede generar una imagen holográfica

Indistinguible de un objeto real.

A veces se produce una falla en esta tecnología que causa

una distorsión en la imagen holográfica proyectada.

Así que tenemos una combinación de clonación y tecnología holográfica que está siendo utilizada.

Por confuso que parezca, estas entidades pueden alternar

entre cuerpos físicos clonados y cuerpos menos densos de 4 dimensiones lo cual requiere

el uso de tecnología holográfica. Los reptiles humanoides actúan mediante

una gran mente en forma de conglomerado. Es por ello que existen organizaciones y gobiernos.

Ellos se aglutinan in estos grupos , crean buricracias, regulaciones y leyes a seguir.

Para poder alimentarse y seguir subsistiendo. Esta es la única forma

en la que pueden operar: individualmente no tienen ningún poder, pero juntos

son una fuerza parasitaria demencial con una sed insaciable de muerte,

control y un odio puro y descontrolado hacia la especie humana.

Como dijimos, estas consciencias parasitarias no pueden influír la realidad directamente sino que deben

manipularnos a nosotros para que la influenciemos de una forma determinada, ellos jamás van a crear algo

ya que la consciencia secundaria a la que están conectados no posee la

chispa creativa. Nuestra energía es literalmente recolectada o extraída en centros interdimensionales.

Cuando queremos crear realidades basadas en el amor y la benevolencia mediante nuestra intención divina, estamos extrayendo energía de la consciencia primaria.

Cuando la elite quiere crear realidades opresivas y maléficas, están extrayendo energía

de la consciencia secundaria.

Nuestras emociones negativas dirigen el flujo de nuestras vibraciones electromagnéticas hacia

nuestros 3 chakras inferiores; el plexo solar, el chakra sacro y el chakra base.

Estos chakras están relacionados con el mundo material, el sedeo, el poder, la intimidad,

la sexualidad y la supervivencia. La expresión positiva del chakra base

es la conexión a la madre Tierra y la sensación de seguridad, mientras que

la expresión negativa o demoníaca de el chakra base es el materialismo, la codicia y la ansiedad.

La expresión saludable del chakra sacro es la pasión, la creatividad y

la sexualidad sana. La expresión negativa o demoníaca de este chakra es

la sexualidad pervertida y extrema, falta de creatividad y la represión de auténticos deseos.

La expresión saludable del chakra del plexo solar es nuestra soberanía y nuestra

autenticidad, mientras que la expresión negativa es la ira,

la dominación y el spmetimiento y la sensación de impotencia ante la autoridad o hacia factores externos.

Como pueden ver, este sistema de control espiritual vigente, por su propia naturaleza,

ajusta nuestros 3 chakras inferiores a un nivel demoníaco. La matriz de extracción de energía

nops quiere mantener vibrando en estes 3 chakras bajos, viviendo en función

de nuestros deseos animales materialistas en lugar de equilibrarlos

con nuestros corazones y chakras superiores, lo cual nos permitiría expandir nuestras consciencias

y combinar lo material y lo espiritual.

Actualmente se está llevando a cabo un proceso de purificación, esta es una época de transición.

Estamos siendo elevados mediante experiencias de renovación y de desintegrar lo viejo para dar lugar a lo nuevo.

Esto de está dando a un ritmo muy acelerado, básicamente estamos siendo empujados a abrir nuestras consciencias.

Dejando salir cualquier cosa que no esté a la misma frecuencia que nuestro espíritu necesita.

Debemos transmutar estas energías.

Este proceso de exteriorizar emociones negativas proviene de nuestro ser superior y se manifiesta en forma de ira,

depresión, inseguridad y ansiedad, a medida que vamos rompiendo viejas estructuras para dar lugar

a las frecuencias más altas. Se realiza una desintoxicación del espíritu similar a las reacciones

desagradables que tienen lugar cuando se desintoxica el cuerpo físico.

La sociedad nos quiere hacer creer que este estado de angustia se debe a fallas en nuestras mentes

o a problemas genéticos. Las terapias en base a antidepresivos están

diseñadas para hacernos volver al estado previo y mantenernos inconscientes. El virus mental está en nosotros así

que no sirve para nada ignorarlo. Cuando atravesamos etapas en las que nos sentimos perdidos,

tenemos que evitar calificar estas experiencias negativamente como se ve en muchos círculos de pensamiento New Age.

La solución es sumergirnos dentro de nosotros mismos y limpiarnos de estas emociones negativas

vivenciándolas, tomando consciencia de ellas y dejándolas ir. Es un proceso saludable

que demuestra que nuestro sistema inmune espiritual está en perfectas condiciones.

Las personas que ignoran demasiado su lado oculto se convierten en esclavas de su sombra.

Debemos lograr un equilibrio entre nuestro consciente y nuestro insonsciente,

Esta es la forma correcta de destruír a los parásitosd mentales por inanición. Durante este despertar,

cada uno de nosotros está siendo llamado a enfocarnos en equilibrar lo masculino y lo femenino dentro nuestro.

De hecho vivimos en un patriarcado, pero este patriarcado no se trata simplemente

de hombres oprimiendo mujeres sino que es el resultado de vivir estancados en el lado masculino

de nuestras consciencias. Los síntomas de este estancamiento son, entre otros, hacer énfasis en la lógica y

la falta de compasión, además de una falta de consciencia respecto de la unidad en todas las cosas.

Los poderes oscuros vigentes, mediante ingeniería social, han externalizado lo masculino

y lo femenino. Lo masculino se muestra como dominante, agresivo, inexpresivo y

sexualmente agresivo mientras que lo femenino se muestra como sumiso, celoso, demasiado emocional y

poco inteligente. Lo masculino y lo femenino son aspectos de nosotros, internos que si se

cultivan correctamente manifiestan la unificación entre el hemisferio derecho y el izquierdo de noestro cerebro, pero para ello

debemos entregarnos al lado femenino reprimido antes de incorporar el masculino.

Si el femenino es ser, el masculino es hacer. Desde el ser, el aspecto masculino saludable

puede responder a través del hacer y no de la forma inversa.

En este momento vemos que está sucediendo lo opuesto: demasiado énfasis en hacer, lo cual no da lugar para que se manifieste el ser,

Ya que el ser requiere para manifestarse que haya quietud mental y emocional y entregarse

a nuestros guías interiores. Como sociedad estamos muy avezados en separarar las cosas en sus partes

componentes, pero sin el aspecto femenino,

la relación entre las partes y el todo dentro del sistema.

El autoritarismo no es simplemente la obra de fuerzas parasitarias, es además una manifestación

y reflejo de estar atascados en el aspecto masculino de la consciencia, habiendo perdido

nuestra guía interior. Cuanto más encontremops nuestra guía interior, menos vamos a necesitar

una guía exterior. Este sistema nos hace creer a través del miedo, que estamos al borde

de una guerra mundial, crisis sanitarias, colapso económico e incluso un apocalipsis zombie.

Esta es una respuesta que apunta a atacar el resurgimiento de la consciencia femenina divina

que se manifiesta en la era de Acuario. Cuando actuamos reactivamente estamos viviendo el aspecto masculino,

por ello, no importa que esté sucediendo, debemos procesar todo primero a través

de la consciencia divina femenina.

Es importante no cultivar un estado mental basado en la victimización cuando tratamos

de entender el funcionamiento de este sistema. Esta matriz de extracción de energía es un juego mental,

eso es todo lo que es, pero estamos atrapados en él.

Podemos abandonar el juego e irnos en cualquier momento. Los parásitos de esta matriz saben

que su tiempo se está terminando y están desesperados, por eso hacen todo lo que pueden

para mantener la consciencia humana en una frecuencia vibratoria baja. El apocalipsis es ahora

pero nos han enseñado a temer su llegada. La palabra apocalipsis

simplemente significa destapar la verdad; en griego antigüo es la revelación del conocimiento.

La matriz de extracción de energía en la que estamos inmersos en este momento

va a implosionar cuando una cierta cantidad de nosotros reconozca nuestras soberanas capacidades

como creadores divinos. Muchas gracias por mirar, por favor cuídense.

Los amo a todos.

For more infomation >> Reptiles humanoides, parásitos mentales y la matriz de extracción de energía - Duration: 22:16.


Cabañas Aquí Si Es - Santa Rosa de Calamuchita - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Cabañas Aquí Si Es - Santa Rosa de Calamuchita - Duration: 1:07.


Essai: Alfa Romeo Giulia Veloce || SML TV - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Essai: Alfa Romeo Giulia Veloce || SML TV - Duration: 3:09.


CLASE 2 CURSO DE AYURVEDA - Duration: 31:51.

For more infomation >> CLASE 2 CURSO DE AYURVEDA - Duration: 31:51.


Aktualita - změna data u vydání (pro udržení Aktuality v popředí) - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Aktualita - změna data u vydání (pro udržení Aktuality v popředí) - Duration: 0:40.


Jr Ntr Bollywood Entry Confirmed By His Close Associates Friends And Fans | Filmy Frames - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Jr Ntr Bollywood Entry Confirmed By His Close Associates Friends And Fans | Filmy Frames - Duration: 1:43.


dream world manipulation photoshop cc tutorials - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> dream world manipulation photoshop cc tutorials - Duration: 7:43.


Halle Berry's Style {from 1990 to 2017 | 51 YEARS OLD Now} - Duration: 2:56.





















For more infomation >> Halle Berry's Style {from 1990 to 2017 | 51 YEARS OLD Now} - Duration: 2:56.


How YouTube Notifications Work - Duration: 1:42.

Welcome to this series of videos

about how YouTube's search and discovery system works.

In this one we're talking about notifications.

Notifications are alerts sent to subscribers of a channel when a new video is made public.

They can be sent as mobile push alerts or emails.

Notifications tend to kick start early traffic to your new uploads

but they don't necessarily drive the bulk of views in the long run.

By default, YouTube only sends occasional notifications

from the channels you watch a lot, or those you're subscribed to.

If subscribers want to get notifications every time you make a new video public

they can tap the bell icon next to the Subscribe button.

The best way for you to understand how notifications work

is by subscribing and tapping the bell on other channels.

Just make sure notifications are turned on on your phone.

It's also helpful to teach your subscribers how to turn on notifications.

Lots of creators do this in a visual way, like making a video with screenshots.

Hey, you made it!

We covered a lot in this series

all the way from how the algorithm follows the audience

to six key areas where videos can be discovered.

We hope this has helped you understand how YouTube works

with the goal of giving your videos their best chance of success.

If you want to start from the beginning, click here.

Otherwise, if you want to learn more

remember to visit and subscribe to the YouTube Creator Academy channel.

And don't forget to tap the bell!

For more infomation >> How YouTube Notifications Work - Duration: 1:42.


$4.25 Survey Available Now

For more infomation >> $4.25 Survey Available Now


MOONZz - Navigator (Lyrics / Lyric Video) With Restless Modern - Duration: 3:32.

Cause home is everywhere we go

You never have to bring me home

You never have to bring me home

You are my navigator

We could take the long way home

We could take the long way home

It's a long road, but if you are my navigator

We can stop here, if you want me to

Baby, drive slow, 'cause I love the view

red light, when I fell for you

Cause home is everywhere we go

We can take the long way

We can take the long way home

We can take the long way

home is everywhere we go

everywhere we go

Cause home is everywhere we go

Cause home is everywhere we go

You never have to bring me home

You never have to bring me home

You are my navigator

We could take the long way home

We could take the long way home

It's a long road, but if you are my navigator

We can stop here, if you want me to

Baby, drive slow, 'cause I love the view

At a, red light, when I fell for you

Cause we're safe and sound

I never want to touch the ground

In the look in your eyes

In the simplest places

lose sight, I wanna get lost tonight

I'm blind with your love I

Leave our fears at the roadside

With a tank full of daydreams

Cause home is everywhere we go

You never have to bring me home

You never have to bring me home

You are my navigator

We could take the long way home

We could take the long way home

It's a long road, but if you are my navigator

We can stop here, if you want me to

Baby, drive slow, 'cause I love the view

At a, red light, when I fell for you

I'm back to where we were

You don't have to say a word

Like I'm falling for the first time

You're leaving me breathless

it's alright, just wanna be with you tonight

I told you that I don't mind

But we let 'em pass by

Keep missing our exits

For more infomation >> MOONZz - Navigator (Lyrics / Lyric Video) With Restless Modern - Duration: 3:32.


Shrimp Tanks Setup September 2017 - Marks Shrimp Tanks 🦐 - Duration: 18:37.

Hello guys and Welcome to Mark's Shrimp Tanks.

I just wanted to start of by saying a big big THANK YOU guys for the 12,000 subscribers.

I can't believe I actually have 12,000 subscribers.

It's been roughly a year since I started YouTube properly.

I was hacked in the beginning of August 2016

and previously before that, I didn't really do my YouTube channel very well.

I couldn't do it because I couldn't get into my YouTube channel basically.

So I just wanted to say Thank You, a huge thumbs-up from me for supporting me.

And what we're gonna do next guys is I'm gonna do the draw for the giveaway from last month.

So you will see that now.

[silly noise]

So let's get on with this draw, I'm doin' it old-school here.

I'm filming my actual screen, and here, up here you can see in the corner the name of the video.

This is where all your guys' names are in the comments.

We're gonna see who won the Triple Pack on the YouTube Channel, okay?

Good Luck to all!

Let's see... Who is it? Who is it?!

Kjell Söderlund, I know you very well my friend.

Congratulations, I will be sending you that Triple Pack very soon!

And now we're gonna go over to Facebook.

And this is the Facebook, um, edition of the same thing.

You have 154 comments on here.

*Hello Star Trek*

154 comments on here. So we are gonna go over to RANDOM.ORG

and we're gonna pick a number between 1 and 154 and that will be the winner.

So number 44 on this page is the winner.

So we have to scroll down, see who it was.

Who was it? Who was it? Who's it gonna be?!


Thomas Grini, Congratulations Thomas!

Let's see...

Let's leave Thomas a little reply "congrats you won"


Let's put a little smiley on there for him as well.

A wee high-five. High-five Thomas, you won!

Okay so, that is the winners.

I wanna show you one more thing before we go.

If my computer, if it- Is it just frozen? Is it kidding me? When I'm recording...

It's not- There you go it's unfrozen. I don't know what it is that does that.

I think it's a Facebook thing where it freezes.

So Congratulations Thomas.

One more thing before we go guys is, on, in the Aquarium Shrimp Keeping group up here,

if you scroll down to where it says "Files" you will always have a reminder of what the current giveaways are, okay?

Running Giveways, I think Roger's doing his one next, but this is my one here.

Current Running Giveaway and it will have a link to the current Running Giveaway.

Congratulations to the winners!

And back to the other Mark!

And what we're gonna do now guys is we're gonna, um,

I'm gonna go over the big things I've done in my room, shrimp room.

Cause this is gonna be an update, I know it's maybe a few days early but it's...

I'm gonna do an update for September.

Just now. Just to kind of get it outta the way because I have a lot of content coming up.

And I need to produce better quality videos, I know this.

Okay so, let's get right into this I think.

We're gonna start on this side. You can see a huge difference in here.

No more moss wall. The mo- I still have the moss wall but it's just not in this tank.

And uh, let's go into it and have a little look I think.

Specifically what is wrong with this tank guys is um, the baby shrimp were just not surviving.

No matter what I did the baby shrimp wouldn't survive.

Um, I've tried putting young shrimp in here as well, and they will not survive either.

So that tells me there's something wrong either with the substrate

or something wrong with something in the substrate, as an example.

I know for sure it wasn't the filtration because this tank was over filtered.

Now it is even more over filtered than it was before.

We have a Pat Mini here with a mod that I've shown you in previous videos

with 1 sponge filter in the back corner over here, three here.

you can see all the sponge filters I have now in here.

I've done away with the Pothos one because I wanted to check to see if um,

If the Pothos was depleting the substrate basically.

I have seen other videos on YouTube where people have said

that it has killed their tanks by sucking out the nutrients.

And there is, I think there is a little bit of a nutrient deficiency in here,

because I can see this type of string algae, which is normally an indicator.

So what I've done here guys is I've used, um, BeniBachi Fulvic Grain.

I've put a few packets in here, into the soil, to give a more Humic Fulvic content again.

Um, you can see, quite clearly see the difference.

The shrimp themselves, I have had no deaths in here at all since the last time I spoke to you.

Um, there's not really much more to say about this,

but I can see a little bit of a difference in the biofilm build up on the glass.

So it could be that the Pothos has been sucking too much out if you get what I'm talking about.

Okay, you wanna go into the other tanks?

Let's see...

Oh, look at that one there. This is one of the Blue Bolts I got from Dennis Anderson.

I think you guys saw this the last time, and I've got a few Steels here as well . Absolutely beautiful little shrimp.

This tank's doing good, it looks a little bit barer than it did the last time.

Especially with the wood, because what I'm doing guys is this;

um, I'm trying to improve on the design of the tanks to the point where it is naturally filtered well.

Okay so, at the back here we have the Pat Mini with the double filter.

Every water change I will take one of these off, give it a little bit of a squeeze into the bucket and put it back.

And that's all I will do to the filtration.

The filtration in here come out here at an angle, hits this wall here and it goes in a circular motion, okay?

So, I want this to be like a, kinda like a vortex.

And I've done this specifically as well guys because I noticed,

when I was putting food in different places, um, it wasn't being spread out properly.

Doing it this way most of the food should go in or around this bush here, this Subwassertang right?

So the water flow will go like this, round and around in a circle,

and it will go in a, in amongst this area here in front of the Subwassertang,

because I've noticed baby shrimp love to hide in plants.

You guys will all know that as well right? So I will, I will be putting the food I put in here directly to them.

Okay, and it doesn't look that bad this new way as well.

I've done it in this tank as well.

And it actually helps to keep the tank a little bit cleaner because

um, a lot of the food will go and it will sit in this area here.

Sometimes it actually sits in the dish and I can siphon it out pretty easily.

Uh, the Orange Eye Blue Tigers are doing really really nicely in here.

This one's mixed. I have um, TangTai up here that has special genes, special genetics, I got from a friend.

There's a Pinto there, there's a TangTai there.

I haven't lost any more shrimp in here either.

It is a little bit hard to see them, there's some under here.

The food up today by the way guys is MineralStix (WHITESTIX) from Pure Nordic.

I will show you that at the end though.

Let's have a little look- Oh we have another tank here I forgot to show you.

Triops tank. You might have seen this by the time I've done this video.

I think this one might be coming out just before the setup video for this.

Just let me fix this thing, there ya go.

Uh, the little tank on the top has been... I would say a flop.

I, I am seeing things in there but I don't think they're Triops.

I think... at least one of them was, looked like, it looked like a Fairy Shrimp (Anostraca) guys.

And one was definitely a Daphnia.

You can see a lot of algae and stuff building up here so I think this one that we set up,

the little hatchery tank, following their instructions...

If I hold this up here, you might just be able to see the Daphnia, it's like pulsating around. See it?

And I can't actually see any Triops at all in here.

Um, by the time that you will have seen this video, I have actually done a setup video on this.

I'm not gonna go into much detail with this. This is a proper little tank I've set up for this.

What's quite interesting with this guys as well is the food I put in here was Pure Nordic's NUTRIDUST

and there's actually Mycelium, which is a fruiting body of fungus growing on the top here. You see it?

Just in that little spot there. This is an absolutely awesome food for shrimp.

See a little bit of it over here as well.

So it just goes to show, hopefully I'll have a good um, update on this tank for you guys, maybe in a week or so.

Because I'm actually ordering, um, more eggs from Triop Kings, and we'll put these directly into this tank.

Hopefully it's something you can see in the next video, okay? 'Cause it's looking a bit bare.

Uh, this is the... This was formerly the Cherry Shrimp Tank.

I actually caught every single Cherry Shrimp in here and now it is the Painted Fire Red tank.

Let's go down here and you can have a look at them.

I put some food in, just to bring them to the front, and you can see how dark red they are.

Some of them are almost black. They're absolutely beautiful little shrimp.

Now the snails in here, um, I think I have too many of them in here

and this is creating a problem with them eating each others shells.

Okay because the KH is 1 or 2 in here now but the GH is pretty high.

The last time I measured it was something like 16.

It doesn't seem to be affecting the shrimp at all.


But the snails are not really getting any better, I noticed a lot of the shells are quite pitted.

I have a lot of calcium in here. I have Mineral Stones.

I have Cuttlefish Bone behind this piece of slate here, or tile.

And um, the snails are getting better but they're not getting much much better.

They're not as good as they should be so...

I think they might be cannibalizing each other's shells.

You can see that on them, there's a lot of white on a lot of them.

So we shall see if we can fix that.

Let's go over to here and have a look at the other tanks

This one is very very pretty now.

Pothos filter in the top.

Isn't that nice guys?

This is where a lot of the plants went from my other tank.

It has a little bit of sand in the bottom.

It has the moss wall here, which is really really cool.

Unfortunately it will not work. I'm trying to do it so you can kinda see a little bit.

Maybe not...

But it looks really really nice doesn't it?

Look at the plants. These are the plants I got from Roger Ellingston as well, the Bucephalandra.

Now this tank I would consider pretty low light in there.

But you can see for yourselves guys, it doesn't seem to affect the plants at all.

There's very little algae in here as well.

There's a ton of shrimp, you see them all over here?

I put some food in just at the corner here so you could see it.

Let's go on to...

Orange Eye Blue Tigers.

These are the ones with the shrimp... the... with the shrimps? [laughing] These are the ones with the stripes.

And these little guys are doing good as well, I have a berried female in here.

These ones are younger than the ones in the other tank.

There's also a Pat Mini Filter in the corner here.

I have the other sponges ordered but I just haven't got them in yet.

As soon as I get them this one will be converted to the double sponge.

But they're doing awesome.

It's nice to have a little bit of a variation with the, the Tiger-ish looking ones as well.

Over to the Cherry Shrimp.

These ones are pretty nice, aren't they guys?

For Cherry Shrimp they're pretty red.

These haven't been mixed at all with the Painted Fire Reds, these are my own Cherry Shrimp.

You can, you can tell the big stripes on the back, etc.

When you look at the wood you can see baby shrimp all over them.

This also has had a filter upgrade. It has the Pat Mini Filter in the back.

It's also important guys, to note, because I see this in some of your videos

where you have the Pat Mini Filter and you have the wrong sponge on it, okay?

You need to change the sponge over to the um, Shrimp safe version,

because a lot of the ones I'm seeing with this is that you have the sponges basically too coarse.

And the shrimp will be sucked into the filter.

You can get around this by putting a pair of women's tights over the sponge, that'll make the holes not so big.


Doing good. These ones are pushing out babies quite a lot.

I had one shrimp die in here yesterday but it's probably old age, because the shrimp was very very big.

Probably the end of it's life.

This tank is gonna be done... I know I said this in the last video.

It's gonna be moved but I'm actually really enjoying the growth in this.

So what I'm gonna do is, that plant that's dead center, the Hygrophila Sunset, I'm gonna cut that stalk off there.

I probably want to just clean the glass, drain it down, and put it up here into this corner.

'Cause I think this'll look nice with another light on it,,

and maybe I can get another 54 or 60 liter tank in this space here.

Let's go on to the Crystal Blacks.

Lemme just switch off this light over here.

These guys have went from strain to strain to strain.

I've actually got these for sale on my website now because they're breeding so well.

Um, What's also important, I should note when talking about my Crystal Blacks is

they have Taiwan Bee genetics.

So you will see one's like this, there's a Mosura Blue Bolt here.

Just in the gravel there you can see a, I think it's a King Kong wandering around.

And um, I do have quite a few different um, Taiwan Bees in here.

On the glass here you can see there's another little Panda, beautiful little shrimp.

On the glass over here you probably see I have left all the biofilm from the previous video,

because I'm, I see a lot of shrimp on this all the time.

Let's have a little look closer and we can view this.

Right here we have what looks to be a Wine Red,.

Up here at the end of my finger, there you go, is a King Kong.

This one looks like it's a Blue Bolt.

So you can see there's an advantage to having areas where you leave lots and lots of biofilm.

And I'm creating my biofilm guys with NUTRIDUST which is also a Pure Nordic product.

It's not an endorsement. It's not an ad. I'm just telling you what works for me.

Lovely little... What is it? Umm... Not a Wine Red.

Ruby Red, yeah that's what it is a Ruby Red.

It's not a Ruby Red Extreme because it has the white in the middle of the back.

Crystals are doing really really good as well.

Wonder if I, if I turn this one off, yep there you go.

This one is the same it's always been. There's just always lots and lots of shrimp in here.

They're pushing out the Taiwan Bee as well.

It also has another Pat Mini Filter added to the corner.

You might be able to see the difference with this sponge in this one it is much much finer.

Alright what's interesting about this tank guys is

I tried um, to make a video for Shrimp Versus Raspberry and I put a leaf in...

Here, let's have a look down here.

You see this leaf there? That is a Raspberry leaf. That one is about 2 weeks old.

That was a fresh one and they're still bit's of soft tissue on there.

Now this one is, up here, is also another Raspberry leaf.

This underneath by the way [laughing] is all duckweed that's managed to get under it and is helping it float.


This was a dried Raspberry leaf that was, I believe at least 3 or 4 weeks old.

I let it to dry naturally and I had a weight on top of it with a book etc. so it was super crisp dry.

I could break this like, I could crumble them basically, in my hand.

And uh, it's been in here for about 3 or 4 days and there's nothing really happening with it either so...

Shrimp Versus Raspberry Leaf was a complete and utter flop!

[laughing] I'm not even gonna actually even put it on YouTube,

but you will know not to try Raspberry leaves.

Let me show you one more thing before I go.

As I said to you today, the food of today was Pure Nordic's WHITESTIX.

Let's go over the ingredients.

Just to show you what's in it, because I think it's good for me to show you what I feed the shrimp, alright?

So this is not just a mineral thing, it has Kelp Algae, Wheat Protein, Calcium Carbonate.

Calcium Carbonate is good for, um I think it is good for a tiny amount of KH.

Spinach, we all know the benefits of Spinach, very high in Calcium.

Montmorillonite, again very high in Calcium.

Arctic Krill, Rice Flour, Moringa.

And what's this last one? Levisticum Officinale Oil. I have no idea what that is, we'll have to have a little look.

So there you go, there is today's food of the day. Pure Nordic's WHITESTIX.

I hope you've enjoyed today's video... If the camera ever returns to being non-blurry.

[playfully pleading] Please, please, are you going to let me finish my video?

I hope you enjoyed today's video and I'll catch you all in the next one.

Please remember guys to hit that Like button and Subscribe!

Ha Det Bra

Happy Shrimp Keeping Guys!

For more infomation >> Shrimp Tanks Setup September 2017 - Marks Shrimp Tanks 🦐 - Duration: 18:37.


Three Card Monte Scam in London | Steven Bridges - Duration: 4:08.

- This is a scam based on all around London.

I first saw this a few years ago

when me and my friend, Dave were visiting

the half of London on this very bridge.

Today, I'm going to show you how it works.

Alright, this is the scam.

I'm not sure if any of you recognise this yet

with the three cards.

Anyone seen anything like this before?

No, okay, this will be a good lesson then.

Here's what happens, alright.

Here's what we saw, here's what me and my friend Dave saw.

We saw a guy, the dealer go, "Keep your eyes on the queen.

"The queen is the money card.

"Remember, the jokers don't pay, but if you keep your eyes

"on the queen, it could be your lucky day."

He mixed up the cards.

We saw the guy reach into his wallet,

take out about 20 pounds,

and slam it down on the card on the left,

which was kind of a shame because the guy lost 20 pounds.

We watched the same thing happen again, right.

Watch real close.

We saw the cards get mixed up.

He said, "Keep your eyes on the queen.

"That's the money card.

"Remember the jokers don't pay."

We saw someone slam 20 pounds down on the card on the right,

and he lost again, right.

At this point, my friend Dave is like,

"This looks like a pretty winnable game."

Dave actually gave it a go.

Sir, would you mind, can you fill in for my friend, Dave?

What's your name, sorry?

Sorry, what's your name?

What was your name?

Dave, thank you, Dave.

Alright, Dave, you can stay where you are.

That's fantastic.

Dave, this is the money card, alright.

So, my friend Dave decides to put 20 quit on this game.

Keep your eyes on the queen.

Remember the jokers, they don't pay,

but if you keep your eyes on the queen, Dave,

it might be your lucky day.

So, nice, easy to start with way.

Do you think my friend Dave bet which card?

In the middle, that's exactly what he did.

He put 20 pounds down in the middle, and he lost 20 pounds.

It's unfortunate, but don't worry.

The dealer was feeling generous.

He decided that you can play again,

but even make it a little bit easier.

So, my friend Dave got out another 20 pound.

Remember the guys, the aim of the game is to keep your eyes

on the queen.

Remember the queen and remember that the jokers don't pay,

but if you keep your eyes on the queen,

it'll be your lucky day.

Just Tim Cosby, that's a bah-dah-bah-dah-bah-dah.

What do you think my friend bet?

Which one?

Well, what do you think my friend Dave did?

This one right here?

That's what my friend Dave did, and he was absolutely wrong,

but you can realise this by now,

it's actually a scam that you can't win.

And, over here, was the correct choice.

But, here's the thing.

This is a scam, right.

If you ever see people playing this game, do not play.

You can't win because it doesn't matter

how much you're watching the queen.

It doesn't matter if you're paying attention really close

or if you're paying attention to the joker

because no matter which card you choose,

you're gonna lose every single time, alright.

But, we didn't know this at the time, so we just,

my friend Dave just kept jumping

money after money after money.

He lost a hundred pounds playing this,

and then he thought, "I'm gonna call it a day.

"I'm gonna leave," but just at that moment,

something really interesting happened.

Somebody on this side tapped the dealer on the shoulder...

Nice. (laughing)

And, the dealer turned around.

And, at that moment, somebody looked at him

like you there, buddy, reached forward,

grabbed the queen, and gave it just like a little bit

of a bend like that, right.

Now, I've done a bit of an exaggeration

so that you guys can see the back.

It was another, it was smaller than, but enough

that if you were paying attention,

you can keep track of that card, right.

So, now, it meant that this guy over here,

he followed the queen, and he put down a hundred pounds

right where, I mean obviously here, right,

and he won a hundred pounds.

Hey, you're a winner.

The guy made a hundred pounds.

The same thing happened again with this woman over here.

She went forward, and she bet on the card.

Obviously, she bet on the bent corner,

and she won a hundred pounds.

So, things were looking a little bit different,

so then, Dave was like,

"I've already lost a hundred pounds."

So, now, you're gonna play one more time.

So, Dave took out his wallet, got all the money he had,

and decided to play one more time.

Here's what happened, ready?

Remember the aim of the game is to keep your eyes

on the queen.

Remember the jokers, they don't pay,

but if you keep your eyes on the queen,

it'll be your lucky day.

So, Dave, where do you think my friend bet?

It's kind of obvious.

Right in the middle on the bent card,

and he lost another hundred pounds right there

'cause it's a scam. (laughing)

The one thing you need to know about this game,

the one thing you need to know 'cause a lot of people think,

"If it's a scam, how come the woman over there

"and the man over there, how come they won some money?"

Right, if it's a scam, how can that happen?

Because people do win money in this game.

And, the way it happens is pretty simple, right.

Those people are in on the scam.

So, they play the game and they win

to make you think that the game is winnable,

but in reality, the dealer can control, yeah.

So, you sir, you're in on it.

It doesn't matter if you're keeping track.

I'll make you choose the queen.

Which card do you think the queen is?

This one, this one here?

And, yet, you're absolutely correct.

As I say, you cannot win this game at all

unless, of course, you're friends with the dealer.


That's a free multi-scam, thank you very much.

Thank you.

(easygoing music)

For more infomation >> Three Card Monte Scam in London | Steven Bridges - Duration: 4:08.


Daewoo Matiz 0.8i SE - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Daewoo Matiz 0.8i SE - Duration: 1:01.


Toyota MR2 1.8I VVT-I SP.ED.LIM Komt binnen! Cabrio - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Toyota MR2 1.8I VVT-I SP.ED.LIM Komt binnen! Cabrio - Duration: 0:58.


Hyundai ix20 I-CATCHER 1.6i BLUE 124PK - NAVI - LEDER - PANOROMA - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 I-CATCHER 1.6i BLUE 124PK - NAVI - LEDER - PANOROMA - Duration: 0:54.


Is an Economy for the People, or to Maximize Profit? Innovation, Disruption, Trump | Michael Slaby - Duration: 3:45.

I think it's really easy—in sort of the world of marketing in general—to sort of

fall victim to this "shiny object syndrome" of like innovation for the sake of innovation

and disruption for the sake of disruption.

I think both of those concepts are ultimately pretty bad for society.

Innovation and disruption for the sake of innovation and disruption is like driving

a wrecking ball blindfolded.

Unless there's some real reason and mission and goal for turning an industry upside down,

if our only goal is turning one dollar into two or ten I'm not sure that sufficient motivation

to up end an economy.

Sometimes innovation and disruption are necessary for progress, they're necessary for rethinking

things and for getting out of stale habits that aren't working, but I think especially

when it comes to technology relative to social good—and politics having a clear understanding

of the communities that you're engaging and a clear mission—that you're talking about

the role, that people are going to have in the mission that you're trying to drive is

much more important than any particular technical innovation.

Using new tools is a good idea.

Reaching people in ways and reaching people where they are, reaching communities where

they're comfortable and in their own language and listening on those platforms and in those

networks where people are, these are all things that we should do.

But the goal here isn't to do something new, the goal is the same as it's always been,

which is to build a relationship with a person that sees our vision for the future or an

issue or the country the same way we do and to inspire in them a desire to participate

in the future that we're trying to lay out and that we're trying to lead.

I think this is where there's a real challenge in a world where attention is so divided,

where we consume so much content from so many places, if we are too quick to skip to tactical

conversations or in politics too quickly to skip the policy—"So I hear that you have

anxiety about the future of your job.

I have a 39-point plan"—when we're too quick to skip past the emotion of anxiety

and the need for that person to feel comfortable and confident in that we understand the anxiety

that they feel, we lose track of people really fast.

And I think that's a place where President Trump was extremely successful in 2016.

He spoke to a frustration and an anxiety about the pace of change that scares people, and

it's disruptive to all of us.

The pace of innovation is so fast that we are all living through more disruption and

more change than we've ever had to before.

And speaking to that anxiety and that uncertainty is a really important part of leadership.

Leading a community through change is about confidence and managing anxiety and managing


And I think skipping to I think ultimately the promises that President Trump made during

the campaign are ones that he can't deliver on.

I think that ultimately he's a little bit like a seventh-grader running for a class

president saying he's going to put Coca-Cola in the water fountains.

But he's speaking to a feeling and an intensity and an emotion that is important, and not

speaking at that altitude about values and belief is a real deficit for progressives

I think.

For more infomation >> Is an Economy for the People, or to Maximize Profit? Innovation, Disruption, Trump | Michael Slaby - Duration: 3:45.


Hyundai ix20 1.4i blue 90pk i-Catcher - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4i blue 90pk i-Catcher - Duration: 0:57.


Citroën C3 Pluriel 1.4i 1e eig.! 38000KM! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 Pluriel 1.4i 1e eig.! 38000KM! - Duration: 1:01.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 16v VVT-i 99pk 5D | AUTOMAAT | - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 16v VVT-i 99pk 5D | AUTOMAAT | - Duration: 0:54.


Hyundai Matrix 1.6i GL 25 Edition - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Matrix 1.6i GL 25 Edition - Duration: 1:00.


Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Motion (Airco/5drs./1ste eig.) - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Motion (Airco/5drs./1ste eig.) - Duration: 1:00.


Hyundai i20 1.2 HP I-Motion Comfort - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2 HP I-Motion Comfort - Duration: 0:57.


Volvo S40 1.6 EDITION I - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Volvo S40 1.6 EDITION I - Duration: 0:58.


Toyota Avensis Verso 2.0i AUT! 7 Pers! VERWACHT!! - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Toyota Avensis Verso 2.0i AUT! 7 Pers! VERWACHT!! - Duration: 0:43.


Hyundai ix20 1.4i i-Vision - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4i i-Vision - Duration: 0:41.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Luna (Climate/Cruise/Trekhaak/PDC/LMV) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Luna (Climate/Cruise/Trekhaak/PDC/LMV) - Duration: 0:59.


Reading Wrap Up | August 2017 Part 2 - Duration: 12:10.

Hi everyone it's Lauren and this is my August Wrap Up, so the book reviews for

books that I've read in the second half of August. If you'd like to see my

reviews for the first half of August I will leave a link up in the corner here

and in the description box below and as always all of the books that I

mentioned in this video are going to be linked in the description box as well if

you would like to check them out further So the first book that I want to talk

about in this video is The Secret History by Donna Tartt. Now I loved this

book, I really hoped I would love it because I'd heard so many good things

about it and it didn't disappoint at all. This is about a group of students and

told from the perspective of an outsider Richard who is a young guy from

California who has gone to an East Coast University and he falls in with this

group with very privileged very posh very eccentric students who are all

studying ancient Greek and basically the plot will be only plot really - the book

is that as a group of students is about six of them they plot and kill one of

their members, Bunny and you know this right from the beginning he talks about

all 'when we killed Bunny' so it's not a surprise but it is a lead-up to that

point where you know that they are going to kill him and you don't really know

why or how they got to that stage and then the second half of the book is like

the aftermath of this event and it's so bizarre because although that's a lot of

plot really killing someone is quite a big deal that's really the only thing

that happens and that's so odd because it's such a long story but Donna Tartt's

prose is just so wonderful it's so easy it's so good to read and you just you're

just swept up and you're really understanding these characters everyone

felt really fully realized and although you're reading about you know Richards

day and that day he went to see Henry and they did something it doesn't seem

like very much is happening and yeah I couldn't take a sentence out of that

book like it felt like everything really was important even though it felt like I

would say day to day life because it's not day to day all of the people are

quite extraordinary and are quite eccentric but it just becomes this

normal routine and that's what you're reading I struggle to explain it because

when people explained it to me before I read it I'd

heard that it was about students studying Greek and that they killed

someone and that's all I knew and really that's all I want to say to you as well

unfortunately because the thing for me that made this book so memorable and so

wonderful was the writing and was the journey and I can't really explain that

to you without you reading it yourself and also I don't want to give away what

goes on in the book I think part of the joy of it is discovering that sadly the

next book that I have to talk to you about today I really didn't like at all

and I've got to that point with this book where I read it about three weeks

ago now so you know when you read a book you think I do you really like it but

the more I think about it I've now got to that stage where I hate it so I need

to really calm myself down and make sure I don't just do a half-an-hour rant

about this book but the reason I'm so annoyed with it is because I'm just

disappointed or not angry I'm just as appointed and that is good as you bye

Paul Flynn this is a nonfiction book it says from prejudice to pride 30 years of

gay Britain and that's exactly what it is it's an examination of representation

and social understanding I suppose social feeling about gay people in

Britain from about 1984 1985 to the present day so we're looking at Paul

Flynn's adolescence to adulthood really so it is from his perspective and it's

semi autobiographical but it's also looking at how far we've come from where

Britain was with the AIDS crisis up until the point where gay marriage was

legalized sets briefly the art that we have in this book and it talks about

some really interesting things so there's a chapter in here on reality TV

which I found really interesting so he talks about pop idol and Will Young

winning the first series of Pop Idol in the UK he talks about Brian Dowling

winning the second series of Big Brother and how from his perspective which is

interesting because I remember these things I was a child at the time and the

fact that it's not just reality TV allowing different types of people from

different backgrounds to express and show themselves on television in ways

that they want to be represented and in ways they're not necessarily being

represented by the powers that be in other shows it's also that

by gay people winning reality TV competitions where the rest of the UK

was voting for them to win it's actually a very different kind of acceptance what

I think really let this book down is that it wasn't clear on what it was

trying to achieve or who its audience we're I don't think so Paul Flynn does

frame this semi-autobiographical II we kind of look at his childhood and his

relationship with pop music he used to work attitude it's a gay magazine and so

it talks about that but I feel like the chapters where he did try and say wider

things and look at wider causes that didn't necessarily directly affect him

it still ended up just being things that he cared about he interviews a lot of

different people in this book he interviews will young Kylie Minogue

David Furnish we talk about him going to David Furnish and Elton John's wedding

and as a whole chapter with David Furnish talking about how he met Elton

John which is interesting I am interested in that I don't know if

that's interesting in terms of a book on representation of gay people in the

media the clubbing scene and the gay scene in Manchester is heavily featured

in this burg where Paul is from it also talks about the gay scene in London but

to the point where he's describing where pubs are like oh I used to go to this

pub on the corner of this street off it opposite that shop and it's so detailed

in terms of where these clubs are to the point where I know Soho and I know what

he's talking about in London but I don't know where these places are in

Manchester and I don't think that you need to know that I'm not really that

interested in which club Antony cotton used to go to in Manchester I'm more

interested in Antony cotton showing the first ever gay person on Coronation

Street that's more interest I don't care where he went clubbing I also found that

when he was talking about reality TV which is something I knew about and I'd

lived through I was really engaged in the chapters because I understood it

when he talked about music in the 80s which I wasn't around for I felt like it

was almost incomprehensible I couldn't really understand while he was getting

out I think if you're not from the UK this book is completely closed to you I

don't understand how you could could read it at all because it's not really

explaining anything about UK culture to someone who isn't already inside it it's

even a lion in this book when he's talking about his editor at the magazine

he used to work out before he worked at attitude and he said that her and said

to him something like we're loving all these different

features that you're doing Paul but there doesn't really seem to be kind of

a through line between them it just seems to be random things that you're

interested in and I was thinking yes that's what this book is just things

Paul Flynn happens to find interesting it's not stepped back enough to look at

culture as a whole I just feel so disappointed in it because I was so

interested in a lot of the points he was making I almost wish that someone else

had just taken this product on and written a book about it because I just

think this is such a specific perspective that you had to be a man who

was born in Manchester in like the 70s and is that age and lived through these

exact things to appreciate any of this anything in this book at all when really

it could have been a book for everybody and I just think it's such a missed

opportunity so I'm gonna stop talking about that now oh my god let's go on to

some brighter things so the two other books I read in August I really really

loved the first one is Margaret the first by Danielle Dutton now this is a

fictionalized biography of Margaret Cavendish who was the Duchess of

Newcastle in the 17th century her family were Royalists in the English Civil War

so she had to flee to Paris and Antwerp for a portion of her life and that's

where she met and married her husband and she published a lot of things she

published letters she published plays and she also wrote at the blazing world

which is held it as being really the first ever science fiction novel and

this book is so interesting because it melds obvious factual pieces like bits

out of samuel pizzas diary and comments from other people things that would have

been in newspapers at the time and it kind of is very obvious the way it

pieces together the facts and then it also embellishes them incredibly and

imaginatively and it's so kind of beautiful and sumptuous the writing and

it's very magical in I think a way that is very deserving of Margaret Cavendish

herself she was such an eccentric character and it was at a time when

really science wasn't as set as it is now the idea of science and philosophy

were really merged and there's lots of quotes in this book where margaret is

thinking about how the world might be structured and she says things like

could maybe be structured in the way that

spiders webs are and perhaps it's all linked together

or perhaps air and itself is a living organism and it's all of these things

which are so it's such an interesting thing to read because you're transported

back to a time when there weren't any set rules in terms of science and how

the world worked and people really could be so imaginative and creative in their

scientific thinking which is what Margaret did now that I've read this one

I really am interested in finding out more about her writing but I would

really recommend this it's really really interesting and the final book that I

read in the month of August was when breath becomes air by Paul Callan itthey

now I've seen this everywhere I've seen this in book shops I've seen it all over

booktube and I'm sure you have too and Paul Kennedy was a neurosurgeon

neuroscientist who was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and wrote this book

in the last couple of years of his life and its really a rumination on what

death is and how his experience from going from doctor to patient and how

that changed his understanding of life and death and it's so beautifully

written and it's very very interesting and very philosophical and it's

ruminations on what death is and he was always interested as a student into

understanding death and how that interacts with life and so when he was

diagnosed with this cancer it put a whole new perspective on it and he was

experiencing it himself I must say that when I heard good reviews of this book I

am a very very naturally cynical person and when people have said oh you must

read this book it's amazing how little part of me did think that people were

just saying it was amazing because obviously Paul Kenneth E died so there

was a little bit of reluctance there for me to pick this book up because I

thought perhaps it's only going to affect me emotionally but because I know

that it's true I mean is it going to be that bit of a book in and of itself and

I can safely say after reading it but he's a it is a fantastic book and it's

written so well it's such a shame that Paul Canon if he couldn't have lived

longer because I'm sure he would have realized his dream of writing a lot

later in his life because if the prose is absolutely excellent but it's this

the way that it weaves in philosophical themes as

so if you are a little bit like me and you're perhaps thinking do I really want

to be reading something about someone dying of lung cancer like is that

something I want to be put putting myself through I would say it's

completely worth it and I'm so pleased that I read it so bitter the passionate

one this week I've got three books I absolutely loved and one like absolutely

hate it I would so love to speak to you in the comments about all of these books

I would especially like to talk to anyone else who has read this one

because I what I just want to talk about it more I want to know if if maybe I'm

being unfair to the book do you ever get that when you really hate a book it's

like you want to talk to more people about it so just to corroborate your

opinion Rabb's or to tell you that you miss something

or whatever it just makes a little bit more interesting anyway I hope that

you've been reading lots of interesting stuff in August as well do tell me about

those and I will see you in my next video bye

For more infomation >> Reading Wrap Up | August 2017 Part 2 - Duration: 12:10.



For more infomation >> Nissan Juke 1.6i TEKNA AUTOMAAT LEDER NAVIGATIE CAMERA LMV17 * 2 JAAR GARANTIE! * - Duration: 0:59.


Toyota Camry 2.2i XL 7 PERSONEN CustomWagon - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Toyota Camry 2.2i XL 7 PERSONEN CustomWagon - Duration: 0:58.


$4.25 Survey Available Now

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TJ Aparecida | Bombeiro fala sobre prevenção de queimadas durante o tempo seco - - Duration: 5:03.

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TJ Aparecida | Entenda como funciona o lucro do FGTS - 04 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> TJ Aparecida | Entenda como funciona o lucro do FGTS - 04 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 3:00.


Czy czas to pieniądz? - indywidualista - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> Czy czas to pieniądz? - indywidualista - Duration: 5:47.


How YouTube Notifications Work - Duration: 1:42.

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For more infomation >> How YouTube Notifications Work - Duration: 1:42.


TJ Aparecida | Papa Francisco: Pontífice fala sobre a cruz de Cristo - 04 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> TJ Aparecida | Papa Francisco: Pontífice fala sobre a cruz de Cristo - 04 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 3:40.


Where would you want to visit in the world? If you could live anywhere where would you want to live? - Duration: 8:23.

hello everyone welcome to another Sunday I'm recording this Sunday so thank you

all so much for your answers last week last week I asked you guys where would

be somewhere that you would want to travel and a bonus question where would

you want to live if you could live anywhere in the world so I'll be of

course reading your answers today but before we get into that I'm going to ask

a question for this week and this week my question to you is how do you define

yourself now I know that's a really tough question and I'm kind of curious

about that do you don't have to give specifics if it's something that you

don't want you know public or whatever I guess but you can say instead would you

define yourself by things that you like or things that you do maybe your job or

you know things like that and if you want to give specifics go right ahead if

not then just say generic my job my hobbies my you know what I like what I

do that kind of thing I'm curious to know your answers to that question so

let me know in the comments below and I will read them next week now let us get

into the answers for this week now I may not have them show up on the video I may

see if I can just use this instead like that um so I'll start with the vid me

comments we have a two kids at heart we have same Paris to visit and I love

where I live well that is awesome it's great that you love where you live and

Paris I think would be absolutely beautiful Mountain ghosts 556 says

Angkor Wat now I did look that up and I can't remember exactly where that is I

believe it's like somewhere in India possibly I don't even know anymore

sheesh I I probably got that completely wrong and I will have to look that up

again but either way I did look it up and and as I said here I looked it up

and it looks absolutely beautiful no croco svk here says that you would

love to live in Egypt you say so many places to visit and you say to just pick

one of course it's just pick one you can't have more than one especially to

live in like sheesh so Egypt you said you would love to

visit and to live you would choose somewhere near the sea which would be

really cool I would love to live by water as well that would be

so beautiful and and it would be soul so nice like to have the mist kind of like

you know you can go sit down on your deck and you just have the mist from the

from the ocean from the waters just sprang up in your face it would feel so

nice and you've also visited Croatia which is really cool and I - I didn't

take a picture of the rest of your comment there so I apologize for that

but it's still immortalized on that video now I'm here we have wise wizard

scale and also Moody's media so wise wizard you say in truth India all the

way which is awesome India I think would be pretty cool I think it would be kind

of hot there what did maybe I'm not even sure I feel like India would be pretty

hot but maybe not I I just don't think I'd like all the all the curry I think

they have a lot of curry food and I don't think I'd like that too much but

it would still be pretty cool Skelm you say so many places I would like to visit

New Zealand's South Island the scenery there is awesome where to live hmm

that's a tough one I'd say somewhere where people are nice and treat others

like they want themselves to be treated and bonus points for a gentle climate

yes I definitely prefer gentle climate as well it would be nice to live in a

place where you know everyone is so nice to everyone else you generally get that

kind of a atmosphere or community type thing going on in smaller communities

like small towns and that kind of thing because everyone knows everyone else so

if something goes wrong everyone knows about it and everyone's just like

friendly with all everyone else in there croco I went back to your comment and

the rest of what you say is the language to language was terrible in Croatia

xing-ke you say here that you would love to visit Antarctica just because it's so

remote and so few people have ever been there plus penguins of course the

penguins penguins are cute you gotta go visit the penguins and to live I love

where I am right now but if I had to live somewhere else for a while I think

I'd like to live in London London I think would be pretty cool I don't

really know what all exactly is there or what anything spectacular is there I

don't know I don't know much about what what is anywhere that would make me want

to live there or even visit but I will get to my answer at the very

end Moody's media you say I would like to not live but traveled to North and

South America North America is a pretty darn big place you have Mexico Canada

and the u.s. in there and South America well you have a ton of different places

in there I think Brazil is somewhere in there yeah you could always go to Rio

and I'm pretty sure that's somewhere in South America where all of the people

wear speedos to swim meets who you say you'd like to visit Spain again because

it's been a while and a place to live I'm pretty happy with Finland but Great

Britain wouldn't be bad either and yes Spain would be pretty darn hot

and that's why you're saying you don't visit it and no more you say you'd like

to live in France and France would be pretty beautiful I think of the go go

visit the Eiffel Tower r200 you would like to live in a village in the USA it

would be very quiet and I always wanted to live an American peaceful place again

that would be really awesome always always want to live in a peaceful place

if you're living in a place where people are not very nice to each other it's

gonna suck seriously and Cosette can't you say you'd like to visit or live in

Japan you love the culture and landscapes there and if Japan is

anything like what you see in like Mulan maybe the cartoon if anyone remembers

the old cartoon Milan then it would be absolutely beautiful I mean it's pretty

beautiful anyway pretty much like everywhere in the world there's going to

be someplace beautiful but Japan I don't know I really like the cherry blossom

trees and all that and I think that would be beautiful I I would love to

have just a just a Japanese cherry blossom tree in my backyard mom you say

you'd like to visit to either Australia or Hawaii and that you do love living in

Canada but maybe just a different location

I kind of agree I mean where we are is nice we have lots of friends here and

everything and I love it but in some ways it'd be kinda nice to be able to go

somewhere slightly different you know for a bit of a change now as for myself

a place I have always wanted to visit is Australia now I don't know if I'd be

able to handle going there because of all the spiders and stuff and especially

there because most of most of the spiders are poisonous and there's

poisonous snakes and there's poisonous everything so

I don't know how well I would actually do but Australia's always been the place

I want to go in fact I actually have here one sack and actual boomerang that

someone brought back for me because I actually visited Australia and I cannot

remember where they actually went or when they gave me this and when they

brought it back or whatever but yeah so I have an actual boomerang from

Australia which is really really cool because when I was younger

well I I wanted to go to Australia for many many years and when I was younger

all I ever wanted was just a boomerang so someone when they went to Australia

they brought me back a boomerang which was really cool you know I've never used

it though and I have no clue how to use it as for a place to live I haven't

really ever even thought about that to be honest and I don't know I mean like I

said I do love living where I live as well but I think it would be really

really nice if I could live somewhere where there is a beach or you know some

kind of water very close by especially with the deck facing it because I would

love to be able to sit out on the deck and just have a beautiful view of the

ocean waters or Beach waters lake waters whatever kind of waters I would just

love to have a view of the water that would be beautiful so anyway again if

you haven't already left your answer in the comment below let me know how you

would define yourself this is your question for next week how do you define

yourself you can be specific about it or you can be pretty generic in a utside

and I will read your answers next week so thank you all so much for watching

and I will see you again very very soon have a wonderful day and Godbless

For more infomation >> Where would you want to visit in the world? If you could live anywhere where would you want to live? - Duration: 8:23.


Belgium my Cousin's Wedding(English translate)/ Belgica Casamento da Prima - Duration: 6:16.

Olá queridos...

cá estou eu na Belgica

Glory hallelujah

Applause and make noise

Make noise and more noise

Yaaas there She's

Make noiseee


Make noise of joy


My Sister Flavia

She found her love...

So let's us be happy

when God created man

The bible says

First God began with man

But the mothers since they have children

All attention is only for the children

It's time to tell us if it's really her or not

Maybe it's not her, maybe she changed

Is't She Yes or No?

Yas She's

Reached this date...

I thank God...

for accomplished...

this dream

I always said

the man who put the ring on my finger

Will be the man...

till the death...


You know that my name is Maria

People: The mother of Jesus

when I saw that your name was Joseph

With this ring I marry you...

as a symbol of my love


my fidelity

Hey Loves Here I'm

We're at the park now

To take some pictures


For more infomation >> Belgium my Cousin's Wedding(English translate)/ Belgica Casamento da Prima - Duration: 6:16.


Com Fazer Um Bolo Sem Farinha - Olla Itinerante - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Com Fazer Um Bolo Sem Farinha - Olla Itinerante - Duration: 2:25.


Cómo limpiar la plata y la alpaca - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Cómo limpiar la plata y la alpaca - Duration: 3:09.


Video for kids Compilation Johny Johny Yes Papa Nursery Rhyme Song For Children Day 5 In Real Life - Duration: 4:17.

Video for kids Compilation Johny Johny Yes Papa Nursery Rhyme Song For Children Day 5 In Real Life

For more infomation >> Video for kids Compilation Johny Johny Yes Papa Nursery Rhyme Song For Children Day 5 In Real Life - Duration: 4:17.


Operaciones con radicales: suma y resta 04 - Duration: 14:48.

For more infomation >> Operaciones con radicales: suma y resta 04 - Duration: 14:48.


TJ Aparecida | Previsão do tempo - 04 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> TJ Aparecida | Previsão do tempo - 04 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 1:23.


🔵 Why Poland is better than Georgia ? - Pawel Famous Vloger - Duration: 5:14.

so hello all the people there

you know, my mother quite often buys me stuff on targ

that is like a market without a roof, you know?

usually she brings me from their socks and sour cucumber

but in the beginning of a summer suddenly

she bought me on targ airplane tickets to Georgia

I don't know why

probably them were cheap, you know?

and that's why I went to Georgia

you wanna see me in Georgia?

let's go

Pawels Travels

so I know for sure that Georgia is a country

but I've got no idea where it lies okay

I have been there but I have been flying by airplane

so I didn't see the way, okay?

what I can say about this country that they have their own flag

is different than polish flag

it has four red crosses

so for all of you smart people in there

it must be obvious

that Georgian flag is sponsored by PCK

Georgia a poor country

so, Goergia may by poor but Georgians are very very smart

they worship Lech Kaczyński

they have made separate rondo for him and his wife, you know ?

and having your own rondo in Georgia is a sign of high social status

when I was in Georgia I also worshiped Lech Kaczyński, you know?

so you may have some questions

I understand that

first of all who is Lech Kaczyński?

well he was a clone of our supreme leader Jaroslav

you can see all the movie about that there in a corner okay

watch that

and well second of all

why Georgians worship Lech Kaczyński ?

it is simple

because some time ago Georgia was invaded by Russia, okay?

and Lech Kaczyński went there

and gave his famous speach to protect Georgia

he said something like that

eee, Ruskie paszli!

paszli mi stąd

sio, sz, sz, sz

he was that powerfull leader, you know?

and when Russians heard that

Russian tanks crawled back home with their tails under their legs

as you may have seen in previous clips

Georgians quite often use like really really

really really weird font to write, okay ?

it's worse even than these old windows font Wingdings

you cannot understand what is written in there

get your stuff together Georgia

start using some more normal fonts

for example Comic Sans, okay ?

and here I've got riddle for your my viewers

you may guess what is written in the picture you see

it's way simpler than you think

do that, write in the comments

this woman I watch - Globstory

told me in her video

that in Gruzja they have really really good food

no, it's not true

I have been traveling through whole the country

I have been everywhere

and everywhere I have been asking if they had mielony

and nobody had mielony

that's why I had to eat lots of other werid stuff

good I have taken from my mother a bag of polish cebula

that is why every day I had something tasty and nutritious to eat

you may ask did I liked it in Georgia



and one more


it was not exactly bad, you know ?

but I prefer Mielno and Krościenko

so, now like this video because if my Channel is a locomotive

likes are fuel to this locomotive

and if you will give me a like

my channel will be

able to go CiuchCiuch faster

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