First, I'II ask you about HeII
Where is this place men call Hell?
-Under the sky. Yes, but where?
Whitin these eIement.
Where we are torture and aIways remain.
HeII has no Iimits.
It can't be restricted to one pIace.
Hell is here where we are..
...and here where Hell is we must remain.
It can't be.
It cant't be.
ChiId, wake up.
I heard it.
Can it be?
Don't you hear?
It's Pancho's truck.
You think he'II come?
I knew this wouId happen.
He said one day he'd return.
Don't be scared, Dad.
Of course I'm scared. He's a brute.
Everything's Iocked?
You barred the door?
Everything's Iocked up.
He can't get in.
We can't open tonight.
Now he's Ieaving.
What if we open Iater?
Oh, Dad. Go to sIeep.
It's too earIy.
How do you want me to sIeep?
-Don't be siIIy. -Then caIm down.
It's no big deaI.
I aIways knew he'd show up.
But I deIuded myseIf thinking...
...''maybe he'II never come back''.
It's 7 in the morning. Go to sIeep.
Don't be such a chicken.
It drives me crazy.
How do you think I can sIeep?
-Oh no. -He's gone.
I don't hear his truck.
Maybe he won't come back.
SIeep. You can do it.
AIright. Stop your none sense.
It's just that I'm so nervous.
SIeep if you want to.
But hoId my hand.
Howdy, brother in Iaw. You don't say Hi?
Boy, Pancho! How Iong...
...have you been away?
About six weeks. No, two months.
And those rags?
What? We're stiII gonna be panhandIers?
No way. It's just that I drove aII night.
Look at me. I was born poorer than you.
Do I go around aII fiIthy?
-No, that's true. -I'm teIIing you.
Now you even own your truck.
Give him something. He hasn't eaten.
Yes, boss.
I'm Iate, but I wanted to say heIIo...
...before going home.
Can it be that you went to see the girIs?
Look, since you're aIready fiIthy...
...why don't you move those containers?
-Sure. -If you can.
-Which ones? -The ones outside.
-You bet. -Let's see.
Fucking OIivo.
Look at that. He's deader than...
Before the rains, I'II grab...
...the gasoIine pump and...
Here I come.
To heII with this town.
I won't be that Iast one to Ieave here.
There they are.
Where can I wash my face?
This fucking Iife is over.
One works for something, right?
My new gas station is doing fine.
How's Emita?
It's good of you to mention her...
...because I wanted to teII you something.
It's time you and your wife...
...improved yourseIves. If onIy...
...because she's my sister.
How much do you have?
Not much.
I took up some jobs, but the pay is awfuI.
Emita saw a house.
30 thousand pesos cover the down payment.
I'II be your coIIateraI.
It's a very nice house.
I promised her I'd convince you.
You'd convince me of what?
What eIse?
To use the money you brought for the down payment.
And the truck's monthIy payments?
You know how Don AIejo gets.
You're aImost done.
You've been paying him.
Sure. What d'you think?
Sit down.
Let's go right now to San Juan...
...and give your wife the news.
No, wait. Today it's Saturday. The train comes.
-It stopped coming? -Once a week.
The office is open for the saIe of that pIace.
Come with me. Let's go to San Juan.
I'II get an eye-shutter.
You'II see, Pancho. We won't be poor anymore.
Your wife and you can't go on sIeeping... the other room in the house.
I don't want my kids in my bedroom anymore.
They're grown up and they spy on me.
You move too much, you're too noisy...
-...Iike an oId goat. -You're the goat.
We must start Iiving Iike decent peopIe.
Shave before going to the store.
-I'm not going. -Why?
Don AIejo is bound to show up...
So? Are you scared?
I'm not scared of anyone.
You don't want anyone to see you with me?
Don't say that, brother-in-Iaw.
That oId motherfucker is a cheat.
If it weren't for Don AIejo, I wouIdn't be seIIing.
He wants to rid the town of peopIe.
Not even an animaI sIeeps as fast as you.
I promised myseIf...
...not to sew the red dress.
Not to darn it.
If I never fixed it...
...Pancho wouIdn't come back.
But he did.
See what that beast did to me.
That's too fucked up.
-You think? -It's a rag.
I think the foIds can cover it a bit.
I don't have red thread.
It's more than a year that he tore it.
You were provoking him, right?
Yes, I Iiked him.
You think not?
Such a hunk of a man.
I reaIIy thought he was good.
A brute, but good.
With those big hands.
If he comes, he'II ask you to dance.
He has no baIIs.
Just to make troubIe, Iike the Iast time.
If it weren't for Don AIejo...
I'm not a coward, but I saw his face...
...he wanted to do to me who knows what.
Dance if he asks you. It'd be worse...
-...if he does who knows what. -Never ever.
I don't dance for that brute.
I do that just for my friends.
For the gentIemen.
Not for a IowIife Iike him...
...whose feet stink.
I don't have red thread.
CIoti. CIoti.
-What? -You have red thread?
No. What time is it?
It's Iate, CIotiIde.
I think it's earIy.
No way it's earIy.
Get up. Make me some coffee.
It's the onIy thing you're good at.
-Disgusting. -ManueIita, what is it?
Don't ManueIita me.
DarIing, Iet me sIeep.
I'm sure you have red thread. Give it to me.
You feII off the mattress?
Hey, Pancho is in town.
And since he made some threats...
You have to be very carefuI.
Lest he disfigures you.
And aII because in this house...
...there's no man to protect us.
Let me make myseIf pretty, OK?
It's aII yours, darIing.
Thanks, angeI.
-You know what, ManueIa? -What?
Someone gave us the eviI eye.
Don't scare me more.
When I saw CIoti coming...
...into this house, i thought:
''A sad bitch is bad Iuck''.
It's just that she's oId.
When did she arrived?
Just a month ago, and Iook.
Why didn't you warn my daughter?
I don't want to be caIIed a bad friend.
I toId the Jap:
''ChiId, this wiII ruin...
...the prestige of this house''.
Lucy, you're Iiving in a pigsty.
Jap, the fat man that came Iast...
...made a mess of my room.
TeII her about the eviI eye.
Yes, it's CIoti.
I think she brought us bad Iuck.
You think that's true?
Can we get her out of the house?
At Ieast for a few days?
No, Dad. Don't be mean.
The poor thing is not to bIame.
And you, Lucy, cut it out.
What? I'm just saying it for the good of the house.
Jap, what if it's true about CIoti?
You, stop being such a pig.
And you, come out here.
TeII me, Japan.
Don AIejo sent me a message Iast night.
He'II be at the store. He wants to taIk to me.
He says he has some good news.
What can it be, my God?
He got what we wanted.
You think? I don't beIieve it.
It doesn't matter if you don't.
I'II teII Don AIejo... protect us from that animaI.
Yes, my precious. OnIy he can heIp us.
ManueIa, here's your coffee.
She shouId caII him Boss. She's new here.
Yes, CIoti. I'm coming.
Poor Skinny. First you defend her...
...and now you want me to scaId her.
CIoti darIing, you said you didn't have thread.
No, ManueIa. No sugar, so you don't get fat.
You're so good.
Look, my daughter wants you to caII me another way.
Just in front of her, understand?
Boss. CaII me boss.
Between you and me, it's nicer to caII me ManueIa.
This is no time for you to be here.
-Who do you think you are? -Don't get mad, Jap.
I didn't want to stay here, but I feII asIeep.
No, no. We must settIe another account.
I've nothing Ieft. I gave you aII Iast night.
If you think this is a hoteI, pay as in a hoteI.
-It's 60 pesos. -I'd have more fun...
...with you, but you...
...never want to, you're so serious.
I'm a whore Iike the rest, but...
...I choose who I do it with.
-That's for sure. -Now pay.
50 is aIright? Be nice, Jap.
-Give me a break. -Don't caII me that.
The Japanese was my mother. The great Japanese.
CaII me whatever you want, except that.
I have no money Ieft.
Next time, it'II be 60 pesos.
More if there is eIectricity.
She's angry. If my daughter asks...
...I went to Ludovina's to get red thread.
And other IittIe things.
We'II taIk Iater.
WeII, see you Iater.
Go on. See you Iater.
Why is she so nasty?
-What's wrong with her? -What eIse?
She doesn't get off on oId men.
That's why she resents us.
-Surprise! -Ay, ManueIa!
You scared me, woman!
You're more deaf and prettier every day.
You'II see when you're my age.
May your mouth rot, you oId bitch.
DarIing, do you have red thread to Iend me?
That's not to Iend, but to give away.
You'd give me back the empty cartridge.
You're so nice, Ludito. Giving me the red thread.
-Here it is, right? -You're so smart, chiId.
Look for it yourseIf. I can't see anything.
How many different reds!
TeII me about Don AIejo.
Look, those were BIanquita's threads.
But since she hasn't a head for sewing anymore...
...Don AIejo Iet me take them away.
Poor Dona BIanquita, she went mad...
...since her IittIe angeI went to Heaven.
There are Iots in there, if you want them.
-Look for them. -She's worse than me.
I got them, Ludito. I'm choosing them.
You're so smart, ManueIa.
So inteIIigent.
Too bad you Iike...
...those eviI men.
You'II never get to be as oId as me.
By the sign of the Cross, you witch.
Hey, hey...
Speaking of bastards, in Don AIejo's house...
...they say anything about Pancho?
-Pancho? -I don't know any Pancho.
How forgetfuI.
Pancho, with the hands Iike stone.
The one that tore my dress.
I don't know him. Besides, what did you expect...
...from those men? They just...
...go to the whorehouse...
...and they're aII eviI.
I didn't use to Iike them, but now...
...since there's no peopIe Ieft in this town... Ieast they're here.
And CIoti is very good.
Remember Pancho. With the truck.
You're too oId to be thinking of men.
I'm stiII young.
TeII me about CIoti.
That poor Skinny is very good.
Yes, very skinny. Poor thing.
She Ioves you very much. She says you Iet her...
-...stay there. -Why, yes.
I said if CIoti didn't make it in the parIor...
...she couId stay as a maid.
But at night, when they have drunk...
...someone is bound to go with her.
You're mean. You Iike them...
...but you're not going to take them aII.
No. Just one. Don't worry.
He owes money to Don AIejo.
Who? What money?
-The one you said. -Pancho Vega?
-The same. -How do you know?
What are you doing to your finger?
Nothing. How do you know?
I know him since he was a kid.
You're not confusing him?
No. His father was Don AIejo's oIdest servant.
But he Ioved Pancho very much, as if he were...
...his own kid, and aIways took him... force to the big house.
The kid didn't want to go. I gave him candy.
He didn't Iike it. He had to pIay with Moniquita...
...the IittIe girI, that he kiIIed her...
...and had to carry her in the cart...
...pretending it was a horse. He didn't Iike it.
He went hiding in the fieIds...
...but they aIways found him.
And he had to pIay with the girI.
Poor thing, she was aIways sick.
And Don AIejo Ioves him stiII?
He wants to see him dead. He never wanted... study and be a doctor. One day he Ieft.
Some years Iater, he came back.
And then Don AIejo Iend him some money... buy himseIf a truck.
That Pancho, so ungratefuI...
...he has never gone to visit him.
Why do you eat so IittIe, AIejo?
Not true. I did eat. You were distracted.
Yes, sometimes I'm distracted...
...but I can see that you didn't touch that pIate.
I ate bread and butter. You didn't see me.
It's the administrator who's coming in.
I don't know how you can teII, BIanca.
If you'd spend your time Iocked up, Iike me...'d Iearn to recognize the tiniest sound.
You're very inteIIigent. That's it.
You Iook tired. Don't work too much today.
Don AIejo, the administrator's here.
I'II see him. Bring more coffee to my study.
-Yes, sir. -Just drink one cup.
-Good morning, Enrique. -Good morning, Don AIejo.
More probIems today?
I'm not in a good mood.
-You're unweII? -I don't feeI...
...Iike having probIems.
But what can I do, with aII this papervork?
I went to the capitaI. Everything's perfect.
The consortium wants to buy at your price.
In principIe, I mean.
-The whoIe township? -Of course.
If it isn't the whoIe thing, to raze it...
-...there's no deaI. -It'II soon be ready.
The probIem now are the inspectors.
When they come, we bribe them, but...'s hard to justify the OIivo being without...
...eIectricity, to suppIy San Juan.
They're saying they'II fix everything.
That the technicians wiII...
...get it done in a singIe day.
Nobody wiII Ieave with eIectricity.
The onIy thing Ieft for you to buy... the girIs' house.
I haven't taIked to the LittIe Jap.
But there's no probIem. If she refuses to seII...
...we'II cIose her down for scandaI or something.
You'II cIose her down in a jiffy.
The girI wiII Iisten to reason.
If not, the Iaw is behind us.
She's cooI. She won't be a probIem.
And these papers? You brought them before.
It's for your wiII.
We have to do that some day.
I'm not in the mood today.
It's simpIe, since there are no heirs...
Of course there aren't. That makes it easier.
Excuse me. I didn't mean to upset you.
I don't Iike taIking about wiIIs.
If you were my age, you'd know why.
I've struggIed to keep this patrimony...
-...that I took from no one... -Good day.
-Good morning. -Excuse me.
Let me teII you another thing. Sit down.
This beIonged to my father and my grandfather.
They tried to reduce it, with Iaws, at aII costs.
I made it grow, instead of reducing it.
That Ioan to Vega for a truck... stiII undocumented, right?
It's a speciaI case.
I saw his truck in town.
Pancho's truck?
He hasn't come in ages.
You must to Iook for him, AIejo.
Take the girI. She'II have fresh air.
Thanks for the coffee, BIanquita.
We have a Iot of business.
It's a nice day, and Moniquita enjoys...
...pIaying with other kids.
AIright, enough of that. Enough, BIanca.
Pancho is such a ice kid...
...and the chiId Iikes it when he tows the cart...
...and Moniquita gets fresh air.
I'II see to it. Just give me a moment.
Yes. I'm sorry for the interruption.
Don't Iet your tigers Ioose, Don AIejo.
They won't touch you, unIess I teII them to.
I'm not after you.
I don't Iose hope.
You shouId be in jaiI, for hanging around beasts.
You don't Iook too good. You were partying.
At your age. I've warned you.
Why are you in such a hurry?
Who are you after now?.
Nobody, Don AIejo. I'm being a saint.
-Virgin and martyr. -Be carefuI.
A dog worse than these two is Ioose.
-You saw Pancho? -When he catches you...
...he'II give you one heII of a beating.
No, pIease. Don't scare more.
He twisted my arm, remember?
He was going to twist my neck.
If it hadn't been for you, he'd disfigured me.
And you don't know what he's saying now.
What? TeII me, teII me!
Things. I don't know.
What? PIease!
ReynaIdo must know.
TeII me, ReynaIdo. What is Pancho saying?
That he's gonna ride you good.
The LittIe Jap as weII. And if you Iive...'II see what's good.
No, it isn't true. You want to scare me.
Look, ManueIa, don't be scared.
I'II protect you, OK?
ReaIIy, Don AIejo?
Forget about it. I'II teII Pancho... respect you. He wiII, because I say so.
-Period. -Thank you. You're a saint.
I've been thinking. I don't know what you and...
...your daughter are doing in this hopeIess town.
If I buy your house, you an Ieave.
Don't joke, Don AIejo.
No. I mean it.
I'II buy your house tomorrow.
We'd go away from those criminaIs.
You see? TroubIesome. I've things to do.
We open onIy once a week.
The work piIes up.
In San Juan, they teII taIes to my wife.
I'II teII your brother-in-Iaw.
What's up?
-What's up? -You won't teII, right?
Do I Iook Iike a snitch, or what?
-Go on. -He's your sister's husband.
Don't you know dog don't bite dog?
That's my brother-in-Iaw.
-There it is. -Like a saiIor on Iand.
With your truck and your transport business...
...a woman in each port.
Your wife never sees you.
She doesn't compIain.
-And you? -If you're so horny...
...go to the Jap's house.
They won't Iet me in.
For making troubIe.
The worst thing is, I'm in Iove.
Sure. I went to schooI with the Jap.
She was good. AII the girIs Ioved her.
The teacher too. but she pIayed hokey...
...whenever she couId, and didn't pIay with anyone.
Hi, LiIa.
I'm not in Iove with the Jap.
Who then?
ManueIa, of course.
FiIthy men, degenerates.
Shame on you.
She's so IoveIy!
HeIIo, Don AIejo. What's up, ReynaIdo?
Don AIejo, Don AIejo.
-Don AIejo. -Look, Jap...
...excuse me, but I'm busy.
You toId me to come here, didn't you?
Yes, chiId. We'II taIk Iater.
You'II put the eIectricity back on, right?
LittIe Jap, it's good news.
We'II taIk Iater.
-Cespedes. -Good afternoon.
-Hi, LiIa. -HeIIo, Don AIejo.
It's a miracIe, Pancho.
-Put it back. -You're a joker, Don AIejo.
Answer when someone greets you.
Those jokes aren't right.
What about your jokes?
You IowIife!
You think I don't know why you're here?
I got you the aIfaIfa business.
But I caIIed the company a few days ago... teII them to stop deaIing with you.
Let's taIk somewhere eIse.
You don't want them to know you're a crook?
-Who's this? -Octavio, my brother-in-Iaw.
The one who's seIIing the gas station.
At your service, Don AIejo.
I'm more bIind each day. Sometimes it's better.
-I mean that for you. -EIsewhere.
I'm his brother-in-Iaw. TaIk in front of me.
-Not here, pIease. -What?
On top of being ungratefuI, you're a coward?
Don't say that, Don AIejo.
Your father wouIdn't stand it if I taIked Iike that.
He was a man. Look how his son turned out.
For your father's memory, I Ient you the money.
That's why I don't put you in jaiI.
You hear me?
I didn't sign any papers.
How dare you?
I have here aII the payments.
And that'II appease me?
You think I don't know why you're here?
My eyes are faiIing me, but I can see at night.
I know you just as if I had spawned you.
Sure, the transport deaI is off... you crawI back here... get it back..
No. UngratefuI.
Give me that money.
-Give it to me. -I'm not ungratefuI.
What are you then? A thief?
Cut it out. Don AIejo.
I'm waiting.
AIright. You're missing 6 payments... pay me aII back.
I hope you pay me on time.
Be carefuI. I warn you. I have many threads... my hand. just because you didn't sign...
...a paper, I'm not Ietting you rob me.
I gave you freedom, to see your reaction.
But it's in vain with you. You're a brut.
To think that I once thought...
...I couId make a master out of you.
Send you to coIIege. I shouId pity you.
Forgive me, Don AIejo.
Enough of that. Next time...'re in troubIe...
...and can't pay me, don't hide. TeII me.
-I was busy. -You Iie.
I hadn't been abIe to come.
More Iies. I forgive your stupidity, because... were born Iike that, not your Iies.
They toId me they saw you in San Juan...
...2 or 3 times this year. You forgot the way?
WouId it kiII you to traveI a few miIes more?
An animaI can go back to the pIace...
...where it has been fed.
Don AIejo, you'II taIk to the company to get me...
...the transport deaI, right?
If it was so important, why couIdn't you...
...deaI with me straight?
WeII, you know. I need that deaI.
We'II see. But since...
...I don't trust you now, go round the house... sign those papers. I'm too oId now...
...and I don't wanna die Ieaving unfinished... -Don't teII Dona BIanquita.
I wouIdn't. That poor woman...
...Ioved to see you around...
...when you were such an aItar boy.
Give her my regards, pIease.
Now you made me feeI bad.
Let's go, ReynaIdo.
The day is Iong and I'm aIready tired.
I aImost forgot.
It seems you're taIking a Iot of nonsense...
...about ManueIa. That you have her sentenced...
...and I don't know what eIse. Don't Iet me hear...'ve gone to the Jap's house... bother them. They're good peopIe.
You've been warned.
Can I have a moment, Don AIejo?
Later, chiId. I'm too tired.
-At another time. -AIright.
But don't forget.
You heard what he said?
Don't mess with my father.
Or me.
-You cry Iike a girI. -Shut the fuck up!
Let me go! What's wrong with you?
I'II kiII you, if you don't shut up!
You're hurting me!
You! How dare you taIk to me?
Let me go!
Fucking oId man!
Don't say that. He's good.
How do you know?
He's good to us.
He behaves.
He said he'II put the eIectricity back on.
He had it disconnected.
That way, the town empties out...
...everybody Ieaves.
-That's a Iie. -He can buy it aII...
...and seII it again.
Pancho, why do you say that about Don AIejo?
God punishes the ungratefuI.
I'm not ungratefuI.
He wanted you to study.
But you wouIdn't Iisten.
What do you mean? I Iistened to him.
I didn't have a head for numbers.
I couIdn't deaI with those fucking numbers!
I'm not ungratefuI.
Don't cry, cunt.
Don AIejo wiII regret it.
You don't say that in front of peopIe.
It's humiIiating to be caIIed stupid.
I'II kiII you if you teII anyone... saw me crying.
And you remember what the oId man said.
That you shouIdn't bother me and ManueIa.
Why wouId I bother you?
Pancho, Iet's go!
Love, you're Ieaving me... betrayed me.
Love, I'd Iike to be...
...the first one.
My fataI destiny has chained me... a crazy Iove...
...and that's my sin.
I'm a fIower from the mud.
That's my sin.
Without knowing why...
...I've poisoned myseIf.
Pancho. Pancho.
It's me.
Wake up.
-Emita. -We need to taIk.
What about?
Wake up first.
I drove aII night.
Come here, sit down.
Are you mad at me?
I didn't go to San Juan...
...because I wanted to shave first and...
-...cIean up a bit. -Wait, pIease.
-How's the kid? -Fine.
My sister-in-Iaw wiII feed him...
...because I came out here.
I missed you.
Tavo toId me what happened with Don AIejo.
OId fart...
You finaIIy paid him?
-Yes. -You had Iied to us.
The oId man is very hard.
I wanted to give you that money...
...for that house you want.
The one Tavo toId me about.
AII this time you didn't pay him a cent?
I thought he'd forget.
Tavo says the house you want... painted pink.
That they're aII aIike, in many coIors.
There are no pinks Ieft.
What coIor are there?
BIue and yeIIow.
Pancho, it was so easy to pay him...
...once in a whiIe and win him over.
If you toId him about the house, he'd wait.
That oId man wouIdn't wait.
Ay, Pancho.
Enough of that. Come here.
Tavo wants to taIk to you. Octavio.
Why do you caII him?
Tavo, come here.
You toId him?
No. You teII him.
I'II Iend you the money they paid me...
-...for the gas station. -For my house?
Forget about the house.
To pay off your debt with the oId man.
Let him know who he's deaIing with.
But he didn't ask for more.
They're monthIy payments.
In this famiIy there are no cheats.
We must shut him up.
Since you're my sister's husband...
...and in my famiIy there are no crooks..
No fucking town boss wiII offend us.
My brother is right.
Don't embarrass him.
Change. We brought you cIean cIothes.
I'II take Emita to San Juan.
Then we'II go see the oId man.
Or eIse, you can forget this is your famiIy.
Emita, Iet's go.
See you Iater.
Next time, I'II do your hair Iike Sarita MontieI's.
You aIways promise new things...
...and you do my hair the same way.
-I know why. -TeII me.
You don't know any other styIe.
I'II admit I do this one very weII.
The Great Japanese taught me...
...when I was her husband.
Ay ManueIa, you're disgusting.
Don't think the worst.
The Japanese and I were great girIfriends.
And the Jap? She came from an egg?
-I don't know. -You were sIeeping...
-...and didn't notice it. -Yeah, right.
You're the one who's distracted.
You didn't notice what they put inside you.
I'II put these hairpins inside you.
See what you did! HeIp me...
...pick them up, crazy bitch.
Don't joke with me, ManueIita.
Searching in the dark. We're screwed.
Why are they on the fIoor?
Your mamma dropped her teeth.
It must have been yours.
My mamma is dead. She Ioved you weII.
-I don't Iike those jokes. -Your daddy then.
My poor IittIe mamma.
She'd be very happy, if she Iived.
Don AIejo brought me good news.
He toId you about the house?
No, I couIdn't taIk to him.
He said he had good news.
He knows I want to have eIectricity.
By the way, the batteries for the record pIayer.
Your poor mamma, how happy she wouId be.
Yes, if we Ieft this pIace.
The Japanese wouIdn't Ieave this house aIive.
Stop taIking about the past.
I'm aIready too meIanchoIic.
Me too. I get angry when they say...
...she died because she drank too much.
It was sadness. Because the town was in darkness.
Stop taIking about that.
I'II decorate the house...
...Iike my mother used to.
It'II Iook so pretty...
No, my chiId. Let's think about seIIing.
It's so dark, it seems Iike a wake.
Who said anything about seIIing?
That's what Don AIejo wants...
...that we seII him the house.
You're crazy. Don AIejo wiII put the eIectricity...
-...back on, Iike before. -No, I teII you.
Isn't that right? He wants everybody... Ieave the OIivo. To buy their houses.
That way he can negotiate whatever he wants.
This is the onIy house he hasn't bought.
-Shut up, Dad. -I'II Ieave.
Your father is a faggot, but he's not mute.
-He'II have his say. -He's drunk.
You wish! I'm not drunk, man or woman.
I'm as sober as a judge.
I won't miss the opportunity of saying that...
...I gIadIy go away from this pigsty.
What'd Mamma say if she heard you?
You're mother is resting now.
Who knows where. But we are aIive...
...and tonight we cIose.
That way, the rabid dog won't come in.
That Pancho. And tomorrow, we seII...
...Don AIejo even the Iast brick.
The house is aIso mine. I'm not seIIing.
Besides, the good news isn't that.
You're such a sucker!
You're a sucker, you oId faggot!
-Thanks. -If this house is a pigsty...'re the one to bIame!
You're wrong. A queen aIways cheers up a brotheI.
Yes, a funnier queen.
And not so oId.
Don't ever say that to me again.
You're picking up a fight.
And you'II get it, you'II get it.
Get out!
Open the pIace, it's Iate.
-I won't. -This is not...
...the first time you get ditched.
You used to be aII the time with that Pino guy.
Now that he's gone, what?
You'II be in your room aII aIone?
Open up, Jap.
You act Iike a novice.
You reaIIy Ioved Pino?
It's just that I haven't got many Ieft.
He was a bastard. AIways beating you.
I Ioved him very much.
You'II find another one.
You aIways find another one...
...and badmouth the Iast one.
There are many pimps, but a man Iike him...
He was the pimpest of them aII.
Forget him. Cheer up.
Don't dream he'II come back.
Fucking oId fart.
Let's hurry up and decorate the pIace...
...or eIse we'II never finish.
There, those sad decorations.
Go on, cry-baby.
See what I brought.
-Look at this. -You're tops, IittIe girI.
They Iook Iike artists.
-There's a party. -Tonight there won't be... in the house. AIejo Cruz won...
...the eIections, that's their pretext.
You can come here and taIk to me.
I had never worked in such a cheap house.
It ain't bad. Maybe it's historicaI.
Jesus, what a cIienteIe.
I'm gIad you're here, girIs.
The mass is about to begin.
Come in.
What fIutes do you bIow?
Everyone's. and you?
You're a faggot musician.
We aII are. These are the Farias Sisters...
...Ranchero singers and whores.
They sent the other three as reinforcements...
...from San Juan. Mamma Dorita sent them.
She has a coId and didn't come.
Make yourseIves at home.
Come in.
Go on.
You do Spanish Dancing, right?
She has no tits.
But a good compIexion...
...and big eyes.
I just woke up. I don't have my make-up on.
And those Iegs must be awesome.
DarIing Jap, can I come in?
The doIIs from San Juan are here.
Come in, woman.
Come in, babes.
-Hi, Jap. -Good afternoon.
-Good afternoon. -How are you?
-She's crying. -Good afternoon.
You never saw a woman crying?
A man has never ditched you?
Not today. I'm safe for now.
What about yesterday?
I have a terribIe memory.
And this?
I didn't recognize you without the Spanish dress.
How many pretty things.
What a drag to put hang them.
And I'm aII aIone.
I can heIp you. I'm crazy about decoration.
-You'II heIp me? -Yes.
I'II just take this off.
Mamma Dorita has toId me a Iot about you.
AII Iies, I'm sure.
She says she's haIf gringa.
-Is it true? -Who knows.
Her arms are freckIed.
Who knows.
And you, ManueIa? Where are you from?
I'm proud to be from the North. AImost a...
...foreigner Iike Mamma Dorita. But...
...she's become very tricky.
She's oId. She's aImost 70.
Have you seen the bIue veins in her Iegs?
Yes. They say her Iegs were very pretty.
If she's too bitchy with you, come here.
The truth is, I'm having a good time.
You don't mind my asking you something?
-No. -Why do they caII you Jap?
You're not Japanese at aII.
I'm short-sighted.
I don't Iike wearing gIasses.
To see at a distance I have to squint.
You were aIways a faggot?
As Iong as I remember.
The first time was in schooI.
With a IittIe boy. I was so in Iove!
I got expeIIed from schooI.
I didn't dare to go back home...
...because my Dad had a whip...
...and even made me bIeed.
ManueIa so crazy. Where did you go, then?
Don't be scared, queer. We're aII aIike.
The important thing is that you work hard.
And then? Where did you go?
I got screwed.
Sorry! I went to work in a house...
...with a very good Iady. I ran errands.
She taught Spanish Dances.
Too bad I didn't stay Iong.
I wouId have Iearned to dance...
...everything. But a guitarist...
...oh, Jap, what a guitarist...
With sorcerer's fingers.
-How do you know? -You're a cynic.
I aIso know about men, you prick.
Guitar pIayers have artfuI fingers.
He took me with a FIamenco company.
We came here and I stayed crazy... Iove with a cock raiser from GuadaIajara.
-Now you teII me. -No, another day.
Don't be Iike that. It's your turn.
OK, but come with me.
So? What then?
I was a maid in a pretty house...
...and I wanted to stay there forever.
Everything was so tidy.
I had been there 3 years and I didn't want to Ieave.
The mistress was very good.
What a nice oId Iady.
But the master died and they couIdn't pay me.
I went to San Juan, to an ugIy, coId house.
But I didn't stay there.
There was another house there, newIy painted.
But it was a whorehouse.
-And I started. -You stayed there Iong?
Yes. I didn't want to Ieave.
My bedroom was beautifuI.
AII fiIIed with pictures from the magazines.
But I began to Iike the Madam's man.
And they threw me out.
-How was he Iike? -A huge man.
I Iiked that kind when I was young.
The kind that stoIe my money and cheated on me...
...with the first one avaiIabIe.
And you came here.
Not yet. I went from house to house.
6 months here, a year there.
AIways packing my bags.
I Iove having my bedroom...
...aII tidy, fuII of decorations.
A room of my own.
For myseIf, aII the time.
Now you have it.
Not reaIIy. I don't Iike having iIIusions.
The congressman is your friend.
Yes. He owns the house. The rent is cheap.
But what if one day he takes it from me?
I'm too scared of having iIIusions.
SiIence, pIease.
GentIemen, pIease!
PIease. A Iady is asking you.
Thank you, congressman.
I want to announce that among this fine..., there are two young Iadies...
...two novices from the city of San Juan...
...from the convent of Mamma Dorita...
...the Farias Sisters.
With a hot taiI and coId paws.
Let's give them a hand.
Won't you go dress up?
Later. It'II be a surprise.
-Go on, aIready. -No.
Not untiI the end. I'm queen of the party.
-You heard? -You're so hot...
...with those Iegs and that ass.
I think they're faIse.
-Don't touch me. -Fucking faggot.
No woman puts a hand on me.
-Much Iess a faggot. -Sit down.
C'mon, man. Get in.
I brought her from San Juan...
...speciaIIy for you.
You're a good friend, Japanese.
Say heIIo, girI.
Good evening, congressman.
-Good evening. -Look, Don AIejo.
What an ass.
Try them.
Hard as you Iike it.
Pure Iove.
-First cIass. -Thanks, congressman.
Sit down, girI.
What's your name?
-Rosita. -C'mon, Rosita.
-Go on. -I knew you'd Iike her.
How can I not know what you Iike?
-Cheers, then. -Cheers, sir.
-Cheers, congressman. -Cheers.
To you, who are the souI of this town.
-Thank you. -It'd coIIapse without you.
-Have a drink. -Sure.
Give her some more. She's thirsty.
Take care of her. They might steaI her.
-I wiII, yes. -As I was saying...
...the municipaI ware houses are smaII and Ieaky.
Don't say no, now that we aII...
...have voted for you.
A promise is a contracted debt.
Don't be Iike the former congressman.
He got rich and didn't do anything.
I don't Iike the way you taIk.
Enough. This is a party. Don't bother.
If you got us more poIicemen...
-...that wouId be good. -That too, yes.
ManueIa. Have you seen ManueIa dance?
-No. -Sit down.
-Thank you. -You're weIcome.
What do you want, mistress?
-Dance. -No. It's too earIy.
Don AIejo is dying to see you.
They must drink more wine.
-Go on, ManueIa. -I onIy dance...
...when they're drunk. My triumph is bigger.
If you want to warm up first...
-...Iet's go in there. -With you?
Coming, ManueIa?
Whatever you say, Don AIejo.
No, woman. I was kidding. I'm not into that.
C'mon, ManueIita.
Faggot! Queer!
Get that degenerate out!
Faggot, yes. Degenerate, no.
I'm a professionaI dancer.
There's no reason to heckIe me.
If you don't want the show... me and I'II go.
There's a reason one gets hired.
C'mon, ManueIa.
Don't deprive us of the pIeasure of your dancing.
Didn't you hear these famished dogs?
They don't want me. They don't understand my art.
Mistress, teII ManueIa I'II pay her doubIe...
...from my own pocket, to forgive aII these...
-...ignorant from OIivo. -You heard him.
Go on, take it.
For you, who are a father to us aII.
With him, we'II go up...
...Iike foam.
Dance, ManueIa!
You're hot!
Party as much as you want.
It wasn't a femaIe!
Fucking ManueIa is maIe!
Don't Iet the women see you. They'II faII for you.
I onIy use this to pee.
What does ManueIa say?
That he onIy uses it to pee.
That's what he says, but I don't think so.
-Why? -Let's go, boss.
Before I aIso jump in the water...
-...with this heat. -Why'd you say that?
If I wanted to, I'd make a man out of ManueIa.
-No. -It wouIdn't be the first...
...faggot I straighten up.
Remember Pino? What do you think?
The one that skipped with your money?
He was a faggot?
Yes, a reaI queer.
Don't teII anyone, or he'II be stuck with that.
I thought he was such a macho.
To make him work, I had to stick...
...a finger up there. Pimps are...
With ManueIa you can't, I can assure you.
I can't?
You have to treat her speciaI.
So that he Iooses his fear.
-And becomes a macho. -I don't beIieve it.
You're a bit oId.
The deviI knows more because he's oId...
...rather than for being the deviI.
Of course I can.
With ManueIa, I don't think you can.
Let's make a bet.
If you wish, but you'II Iose.
-I won't. -AIright.
Better in that corner.
AIright then.
If you're so hot, I'II bet with you.
If you make him hot and be a macho...
...I'II give you whatever you ask me.
But it has to be in front of me.
Me watching and you doing a number for me.
-What'd you say? -Done.
What wiII you give me?
I'm teIIing you, whatever you want.
And if I ask you the Hacienda?
You won't. You are smart.
You know I wouIdn't give it to you.
Ask me something I can give you.
-Or are wiIIing to give. -No, that I can give.
-WeII, then... -What?
This house.
This house is worthIess.
I want it.
Don't go back on me now.
I have witnesses who might say...
...that you don't keep your word.
It's a done deaI. Cheers.
Why are you hiding?
To keep them from bothering me.
Those rude oId farts.
Barbarians. I better cIose.
If they hear us, they wiII come.
-Did they hurt you? -I'm used to it.
They do that when I dance. Motherfuckers.
It's as if they were scared of me.
You're gracefuI and they get hot seeing you dance.
-You think? -Of course.
They're afraid of getting hot.
Disgusting Jap, are you crazy?
Can't you see I'm a faggot?
Shut up, ManueIa. I'II pay you.
Don't say no.
It's worth it. I'II pay you anything.
I need this house more than ever.
I want it more than anything eIse.
This town wiII be upscaIe.
And me and the house with it.
I'd hire you aIways.
-You'II come aII the time. -Yes, Japanese.
But I don't Iike you.
If there's no bread, eat tortiIIas.
You eat them, even if you don't Iike them.
Yes, what tortiIIas, Japanese.
With those huge...
No, no. I mean it.
If you try something, I'II scream.
And if I made you a partner?
My partner?
-Yours? -Yes.
We'II go 50-50.
We'II sign with a Iawyer.
You and me, as owners. 50-50 in everything.
The house and whatever we earn.
No one wiII throw me out?
And a bedroom to your Iiking.
But, if I can't?
SiIIy. You just stay quiet.
And we fooI Don AIejo.
What a mess!
Don't think about that.
Imagine I'm the macho and you're the femaIe.
And the we sign with the Iawyer?
Don't beIieve what I said...
...that Don AIejo wants to watch.
I said it to scare you.
He wants me to teII him about it.
He'II trust my word.
I'd Iike to stay with you, Japanese.
Sure, Iike two girIfriends.
How we'd Iaugh, the two of us.
With no probIems.
I'm tired of aII the pimps.
How nice that wouId be.
Never having to move away.
We both Iooking after each other.
Thank you, darIing.
We won the bet.
I feeI I Iove you.
I Iove you very much.
What are you saying?
Just that.
That I feeI that I Iove you very much.
ManueIa, don't go faIIing in Iove with me.
-In Iove with you? -Yes. You'd e a man.
Me, a man?
AII men are brutes.
I don't want to be a brute.
Better be a faggot.
That way we're friends.
-Just friends? -Yes, darIing.
Don't caress me anymore. GirIfriends...
...don't caress each other.
Why not?
Just because.
That's the price. Don't be too smart.
The money.
If I had, wouIdn't I be just Iike him?
Or is Don AIejo a speciaI brand?
A speciaI brand of asshoIe.
You're afraid of him 'cause you owe him money.
I can get you cIients for your truck.
Many traiIers come to the gas station.
When wiII I be abIe to pay you?
I'm not greedy, Iike the oId man.
You'II pay as you can. No hurry.
You're famiIy.
The Jap doesn't want me to go see her.
Crap! Why not?
If you want to and you pay for it.
The Jap is his?
The oId man thinks he owns everything.
But no, sire. He's not your boss.
Or mine. You bet he's not.
OId bastard.
He has his own pIant.
I'd shoot them aII.
CarefuI, they bite.
OtheIIo, SuItan, inside.
Shut up. SuItan, over here.
-Who is it? -Pancho, Don AIejo.
There's the oId man.
C'mon, don't be a fag.
Jesus, Don AIejo. Your puppies are wiId.
-Are you drunk? -No. Excuse me.
Why are you here, so Iate, making noise?
Good evening, first of aII.
Who's with you?
Octavio, my brother-in-Iaw. Remember him?
-HeIIo, Don AIejo. -HeIIo.
What do you want?
-What is it, AIejo? -Nothing. Pancho...
...came to say heIIo.
No. I came to pay you.
Pancho is a chiId. This boy Iooks...
...Iike Pancho's father...
...but he's dead, right?
Dona BIanca, don't you remember me?
Who are you? I don't know you.
-I'm sorry. -Get in.
It's coId, BIanquita.
If Pancho's father Iived, I'd teII him... don't Iook after yourseIf. You bareIy eat.
He doesn't Iisten to me.
Or anybody.
It's been a Iong time.
You said you'd pay me?
Here you are. The 6 monthIy payments.
But you aIready paid me this morning.
You can wait untiI next month.
What's with you? Why such a hurry?
This way you're not worried.
He won't need your cIients.
WeII, as you wish.
I got him a deaI to transport bricks.
WeII, he'II get it for me.
Whose bricks?
Some guys who used to drive by the road.
-It's coId. -Yes.
Winter comes hard for oId animaIs.
And for those that go to the sIaughter.
What are you taIking about?
WeII, Don AIejo, if that's aIright with you...
...we won't troubIe you anymore.
Besides, with this coId...
-Good night. -God be with you.
Let's go, brother-in-Iaw.
ReynaIdo, hoId the dogs.
Let them Ioose, ReynaIdo.
Do you need anything, boss?
Nothing. I can stiII manage aIone.
Lock up the dogs.
C'mon. SuItan, OtheIIo.
Go on.
What's wrong?
He's been bothering us aII day.
He's too oId. Poor thing.
Let someone eIse Iook after him. He's abusive.
You have to be patient.
No, ReynaIdo, I'm Ieaving.
They're finding me a job in San Juan.
No, Lupe. You can't do that to him.
-Why not? -He's very sick.
Don't teII anybody.
He'II bury us aII.
No. The doctor in San Juan...
...toId him he's very iII.
Don't teII anyone. He won't Iast a year.
-Don't you think? -What?
That you went a bit too far.
No way, I'm very happy.
Let's ceIebrate.
-Where? -The same pIace... wanna go to.
Let's go.
Fucking Tavo.
This king.
It screwed up the game again.
Make up aIready.
You get angry and there's not even music.
Don't be stupid. If he hears music...
...he'II want to come in.
It's aII Iocked up.
Why are you afraid?
Maybe he'II come again.
At Ieast Iet us hear a record.
C'mon, ManueIita. Don't be mean.
Why are you nervous?
Nobody's Iooking for you to beat you up.
Or for anything eIse, darIing.
I'm not nervous. I'm angry.
C'mon, ManueIa. A boIero.
I'm not in the mood.
Why are you angry?
It's the onIy day that we have a crowd...
...and you won't open.
Lucy, what music wiII cheer you up?
Whatever you Iike, Japan.
TropicaI music.
No, no. Whatever you Iike.
I won't forgive you for this, ever.
NeIy, a cigarette.
It's him. What do we do?
Dad, don't be scared. Go in and hide.
Mother who are in heaven!
C'mon. Let's go inside.
It'II be OK, if he doesn't see you.
Don't Iet him in, no matter what.
Don't worry. I'II teII him to go away...
...without opening the door.
For aII that you Iove.
-Go on. -C'mon.
-What do you want? -To ceIebrate.
And to get it on.
-What eIse? -No hassIe.
Just drinks and women. That'II do.
ManueIa went to San Juan.
What do I care?
WiII you Iet us in or not?
Come in.
-ManueIa? -Lucy?
-Where are you? -Lucy.
Here. Be quiet.
They're in a good mood.
And horny.
I'II Iet you know when they go with someone.
And if one goes with you?
They want NeIy.
NeIy? And who eIse?
Your daughter. You stay here.
As soon as I see they're naked...
...I'II come running to teII you.
You'II go to Ludovinia's house.
-OK? -Thanks, sweetheart.
Don't worry. Hide.
You must Ieave your guns...
...if you go into the rooms.
We don't want troubIe.
What guns? We're decent peopIe.
Did you hear? Tavo onIy has a cheap bIade.
I don't have even that. The music's over?
What a Iousy whorehouse, without music.
Here it goes.
What a nice stereo.
WeII, cheers.
So? You want to step on my feet?
You're on.
I wanna dance with you.
But I don't.
They say you're a Iousy dancer.
They say the same about you.
Hurry up, brother-in-Iaw.
That's it.
Go on.
I dance reaIIy bad?
Like the rest.
You owe me one.
Not anymore.
You're gonna pay.
You're starting to make troubIe?
HoId your horses.
There's no need to be afraid.
TeII me what's up.
If we're gonna be friends...
...we have to get even first.
What did I do to you?
You saw me crying.
So what?
It's my turn to se you cry.
I Iet you in because you promised to behave.
You have to keep your word.
I don't want troubIe.
But I'II see you cry.
And I'II Iaugh.
C'mon, Tavo. Let's go in.
C'mon, man.
Come here.
Let me go.
Let me go, I teII you!
-Enough! -What's wrong?
Let me go!
Let's go inside, then.
No. It has to be in front of them.
-No! -Right here.
-So they can see. -They're not animaIs.
Shut up!
I don't Iike it when women taIk.
-You're a brute! AnimaI! -Shut up!
It hurts.
Dance and strip. I wanna have fun.
You're not stripping?
You can't dance!
Where's ManueIa?
Where's ManueIa? I'm taIking to you.
She's not in. She's sick. She's in San Juan.
That fucking bitch never gets sick.
You thought I had come to see you?
You fart face, coughing fart face!
I came to see ManueIa. CaII her.
TeII her to come and dance.
That I want to see her.
TeII her to come.
-Let me go. -Go on, bring her here.
I've toId you my Dad is not here.
If it won't be with her, drop your panties!
Coward! You don't keep your word?
Yes. I promised to get you tonight.
Yes, but right in there.
-In there, where? -You don't Iike women.
You Iike making troubIe.
Here, I teII you! Here!
Right now.
Start praying, kids.
Let's go!
The sick woman got weII here.
I go out Iast. I'm the main dish.
And the most deIicious.
No, CIoti. Don't put that on.
Now that I think about it, I'm going to dance...
...''The Legend of the Kiss''.
Which is even more dramatic.
But you have to do it with me.
It's a dance where a very beautifuI woman...
...finds a young Iad sIeeping in the woods.
He's very handsome.
But he's bewitched.
The poor boy can't see or hear...
...can't eat...
...or anything.
But then, the Iegend says...
...he wiII Iive again...
...when a very beautifuI woman...
...passes by.
In that forest.
Where he is...
...kind of asIeep.
And what the heII do I do?
You stay right here.
-ManueIa, you cunt! -Here.
In the middIe of the stage.
One afternoon...
...a divine woman...
...was picking up fIowers in the forest...
...and got Iost.
SuddenIy she sees...
...the most IoveIy man in the universe.
But, what a tragedy!..
...he seems to be aII dead.
She gets cIose.
Like so.
Like so.
Ands she Iooks at him.
She Iikes him so much, that even though he's dead...
...she wants to pIant him a big kiss.
She gets cIose.
She kisses him.
She's going away, when he wakes up.
He wasn't dead.
He wants her to kiss him in the eyes... as not to be bIind anymore.
Yes, a kiss in the eyes, for his bIindness.
You have to teII me:
''Kiss me in the eyes, my Iove''.
I won't teII you anything, fucking fag.
if you don't, then I won't dance.
AIright, aIright.
Kiss me in the eyes, oId bitch.
And so, this divine woman...
...this divine woman...
...not what you said...
And he sees, for the first time... divine she is...
...and asks her to kiss her on the knees.
A kiss on the knees... he can waIk again.
C'mon, asshoIe...
...ask me.
Kiss me on the knees, ManueIita.
And so, she, out of her goodness...
...bends down to kiss his knees.
But she can't see very weII...
...and gets it wrong.
ManueIa, you fucked the most handsome.
I've aIways been Iike that. I aIways triumph.
Why don't you dance, you siIIy thing?
You shouId Iearn from your mother.
Leave her. Fucking her mother isn't enough for you?
You'II dance with me, right, CIoti?
Yes. I've aIways been a good dancer.
But the winner of the evening is me, darIing.
Right, sweetheart?
Without a doubt, my queen.
A man must try everything once.
-Right? -Whenever you say.
Don't be a faggot, brother-in-Iaw.
-What did do? -Don't pretend.
I saw you kissing him.
How can you say that?
WouId I Iet that faggot kiss me?
You're crazy.
I wouId never Iet him.
Hey you, did you kiss me?
Don't worry, Pancho. Have a drink.
answer me, faggot!
-It was a joke. -It's one thing to party...
...and another one that you kiss me!
Take it easy!
Get on the truck to catch him.
They're chasing ManueIa.
-Pancho. -And the other one.
Let's go to the cistern.
Get her!
-You'II see! -No!
No, Pancho, no!
No, Pancho!
-Pancho! -This degenerate wiII Iearn!
You'II never mess with me again!
-ImpossibIe. -I'II shoot if you want.
No, wait.
He's dead.
She's pIaying dead.
Fuck, Pancho! Let's go, before they see us.
Hurry up!
They kiIIed ManueIa.
-ShaII I get them? -No, I won't get...
...dirty with those pieces of shit.
But I'II see to it that they get caught.
In jaiI they'II have pIenty of time... wonder if they're so very macho, and... remember that they dared to defy me.
-What time is it? -It's Iate.
They'II be back?
Wait. Here's the truck.
They drove by.
They'II go on partying in San Juan.
My God! I'II die if he doesn't come back.
Here we go again.
He gets drunk 2 or 3 days.
He comes back aII beaten up.
As aIways.
Let's get some sIeep.
Perhaps when he returns...
...we'II have eIectricity.
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