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Shawn Mendes sorprende a fans en el metro (Subtitulado en español) - Duration: 2:06.-------------------------------------------
SQUISHY is alive and moving !? SQUISHY secret camra- [RabbitPlay] - Duration: 10:28.SQUISHY is alive and moving !? SQUISHY secret camra- [RabbitPlay]
Airean el currículum de Margarita Robles para recordarle a quién debe su carrera | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 3:55.-------------------------------------------
Entrevista con la actriz Lidia Porto de GET SHORTY - Duration: 5:04.Hola a todos, que creen? Estoy aquí con Lidia Porto.
Si, ustedes la han visto en el programa GET SHORTY de EPIX
Lidia, dime cual es tu personaje.
Amara de Escalones
Escuchen ese acento, dilo otra vez.
Amara de Escalones.
Que tan parecida a ti es Amara?
Oh, ella es muy diferente a mi. Ella es increíble.
Es una mujer muy fuerte y manda a muchos hombres
a que hagan el trabajo sucio por ella. Es terrible y llena de glamour.
Como fue que conseguiste el papel?
Estaba caminando en Pahrump, Nevada, con mi estola de pelaje sobre el hombro cuando Davey me dijo
que tenia un personaje para mi, que si queria hacerlo, y yo le conteste que eso significaba
irme a vivir a Los Angeles de Pahrump Nevada y el me dijo que valdría la pena.
Así que lo hice?
Y que tal es trabajar con Ray Romano?
Romano y Chris O'Dowd son dos actores muy famosos.
Muy talentosos y chistosos. Tienen talentos increíbles, Ray Romano
se sabe las capitales de todos los paises del mundo.
Gracias por el tip.
Nadie le gana, se sabe todas las capitales.
Tu eres toda una actriz profesional que ha trabajado en la industria por mucho tiempo.
Aun así quisiera saber si actores famosos te intimidan?
Si me intimidan, pero tienes que ser profesional.
Quieres que ellos se sientan a gusto de trabajar contigo.
Especialmente cuando tienes que filmar una escena con Ray Romano
quieres que el este a gusto, pero si es difícil no te impresione alguien como el.
Alguien a quien has visto en la television y de quien ya eres fan
Tienes que controlarte
Si fuera por mi, yo estaría "Ay Dios Mío"! Déjame te cuento acerca de mis papas...
ellos están mas impresionados por el hecho de que yo estoy trabajando con Ray Romano
que por el hecho de que tengo un paper principal en una serie televisiva. Me dijeron, que bien, pero...
cuando podemos conocer a Ray Romano, y aunque yo nunca quiero poner a mis compañeros
en una posición difícil, cuando mi hermana vino a visitarme
si le pedi a Ray Romano que se tomara una foto con ella
o mis padres no me hubieran perdonado.
Tienes alguna historia comica que haya pasado durante la filmación?
Si, bueno, el hecho de que todos sufrimos con el clima seco
de Albuquerque y una de las historias mas chistosas sucedió cuando
estábamos filmando una escena muy seria y de pronto
todos empezamos a toser y no podíamos parar, tuvieron que traer al medico
quien nos trajo unos dulces para la garganta, pero no de los normales, sino de los grandotes.
es parte de vivir en Arizona, todos tuvimos sangrado de la nariz y
todo tipo de problemas relacionados con el clima.
Te voy a contar una historia para que veas
la diferencia entre Amara y Lidia, Amara como lo has visto en el programa,
se viste muy elegante y aunque yo me llegue a vestir asi
en los 80s, ya no lo hago.
Bueno, la historia comica paso un día que yo no estaba filmado pero fui a visitar la locación
y comi con mis compañeros, y estaba platicando con el encargado del sonido, Ken Srain
quien es muy bueno manejando el equipo de audio, estuvimos platicando como por 10 or 15 minutos
y que me pregunta si yo era nueva en el programa.
No me reconoció. No me reconoció para nada!
Lo cual es bueno porque si el programa se hace famoso puedo ir al
super mercado sin que nadie me reconozca.
Deja que yo me quite las pestañas postizas y veras que nadie me reconoce.
Un ultimo favor Lidia,
podrías hablar en español?
Amigos, no se les olvide suscribirse a mi canal.
Siganme en Twitter y en Facebook. Estoy como What the hell did she say?
Como Pintar - Warhammer 40k: REIVERS - ULTRAMARINES - How to paint (ENG-Sub) - Duration: 29:03.Greetings Wargamers & Players, Welcome to MiniatureWar I'm Meinkopt and in this painting guide we're going to see how to give color in a easy and quick way to a Primari Reiver from the Space Marines, with the scheme of the Ultramarines.
The first thing that we're going to paint all the power armor with a dark bluish grey tone for the layer base. In this case I'm using a bunch of blends to get this tone, but the more simple thing it's that you use the tones that are alredy created that are available.
So we start with this existing tones, the first thing that we're going to do it's to use Macragge Blue for the layer base.
We shall use very well diluted paint, giving various layers that you need to cover it.
Once the base it's dried completed, we proceed to give a generous layer of Drakenhof Nightshade in all the surface that we painted, trying to expand it well and don't create points where the paint gets stuck.
Now that the shade it's dried, we have the characteristic tone of the Ultramarines. In this point we have two optiones, one it's to create the work that GW does with this miniatures and it's to stand out all the edges of the armor or, in this case of this tutorial give a little of volume and light to the armor.
For this, we're using the base color and with the technique of degrading or well blur effect we apply the paint in the surface of the armor, in a way that we play to create a step from dark to the actual tone, to the light one, that it's going to be the base tone, creating a focal false light. For this I recommend that the paint it's diluted, so we can create well all the effect and not cover completely the base.
In this step now we're going to remark all the edges of the armor, so you can create the characteristic stand out of the miniatures of GW.
For this we're using two colors. First we stand out all the edges with Altdorf Guard Blue and then we go over it again with Calgar Blue, but only in the exposed zones or following the tone of the focal light.
If we wish to maximize some point of light in concrete in some edge, then we can use Teclis Blue or add some white to the Calgar Blue to bright it up.
It's important to use a brush with a long and fine point, this will make it easier for us in the process of bordered.
With the armor already put on, we start painting the straps and the cartridge belt. For this we're using Abaddon Black as the layer base and once dry we illuminate it with a slight degrading effect, blending Celestra Grey with Abaddon Black in a proportion of 80/20.
Then we stand out the edges adding more Celestra Grey to the mix, and leaving the proportion in 50/50.
In this step we're going to paint the metals in grey tones, like the parts of the weapon, the bag and the knife.
For this we're going to give a layer base of a mix of Leadbelcher with Abaddon Black. With this we shall have a darker tone as the base and it will create a more interesting light and degrading effect.
Once the layer it's dry, we give a layer of Nuln Oil and once it's dry we shall give a bunch of soft strokes with Ironbreaker Armor to create a light effect and worn out of the metal.
For the gold tones we're using for the layer base Balthasar Gold. Then once applied this base, we give it a wash with Agrax Earthshade and leave it to dry.
With the off gold tone, we start giving light so it will get a bright golden tone. For this we give layers like degrading or blurring with Gehenna Gold. Then we blend Gehenna Gold with Auric Armor Gold in a proportion of 50/50 to give the next light.
To emphasize with more strength the edges and points of light, we add to the mix a little of Ironbreaker Armor.
Lastly we shall paint the characteristic white mask of the reivers.
We use as the layer base Celestra Grey and once completely covered, we leave it to dry. We have to be careful to not cover the slots that imitate the skeleton structure of the mouth. If you cover this zone, then we can profile it with some black to recover the design.
To give it some light, we add White Scar to the Celestra Grey little by little to create an effect of light over the mask.
And with this simple steps and a little time we can paint an army of Ultramarines, cause this scheme of colors it's applicable to the new Primaris models, as the classic marines from always.
Hope that you liked this new painting guide, give it a Like if you do so it will ge really far. Suscribe if you're not to keep up to date with all our news, remember that you can follow us through our social media, Instagram, Twitter and our new group in Facebook.
Thank you very much for watching and till next time!
Word of Truth - Creation-------------------------------------------
Review of the SCHF1SM Survival Knife - Duration: 5:33.-------------------------------------------
Cyberpunk Investigator Game - Observer (Blade Runner meets Inception) - Duration: 10:06.High-tech, low-life.
The core definition of Cyberpunk is exuded from every pore of this adventure game's
A vast network of connections, screens and inputs under a smudged, scummy facade of drug
use, murder and the struggle to survive.
Observer puts you in the shoes of a detective named Daniel Lazarski in a stark retro-futuristic
vision of a cyberpunk reality, where life is enhanced with augmented vision and cybernetic
Daniel is an Observer, and has the unique ability to jack into the minds and memories
of other people to find out information relevant to his investigation.
It's setting and atmosphere is thick enough to cut with a knife, but what else does Observer
have to offer?
Is this just another walking simulator with cyberpunk themes or is it something more memorable
and interactive?
Let's take a look in this episode of Cyberpunk Curated.
The influence of 1980's sci-fi movies here is ever-present.
Clunky, brick-like electronics with archaic buttons and screens, and low-fidelity augmented
vision looks straight out of Predator, Alien or the game's most obvious inspiration,
Blade Runner -- the trendsetter of the Cyberpunk genre.
In most cyberpunk media, you can see bits and pieces of Ridley Scott's classic adaptation
of the Phillip K. Dick novel -- and Observer is no exception.
And as a bonus, we get a non-replicant Rutger Hauer voicing the game's protagonist.
The story kicks off with a mysterious phone call in the dark city streets set against
the growing fear of outbreaks of the Nanophage -- a technological plague that spreads through
cybernetic implants from person to person.
This contagion poses a major threat to such a tech-laden society, and the first precautionary
measure of such a case calls for entire buildings to go into lockdown until quarantined and
cleared -- such as the apartment building Observer is set in.
The soothing growl of Rutger Hauer's voice is your primary guide throughout the experience.
And though it sounds as if he's cold-reading a script at first, as you get to know and
understand the character, and his depth and past are slowly revealed, the awkward and
unusual way he acts begins to make sense.
The music and sound engineering is top-tier, right there among some of the best AAA games
on the market today.
While subtle at times, it perfectly sets the bleak and uncomfortable tone and atmosphere
of each sequence and never disappoints.
Atmosphere is easily the most striking and interesting thing about the game.
The world is distinctly realized through expert use of the Unreal Engine 4.
Many people have already compared its stark and realistic lighting and texture work to
the cancelled P.T. game -- where everything from computers, gadgets, vehicles and even
doors have a dark, lived-in and retro feel to it.
And there are often layers and layers of augmented reality circuits and other technological window
dressing in every corner.
There are two distinct tones this game takes.
In the real world, it feels like you're a futuristic detective in a grim but otherwise
grounded city.
But when you hack the mind of a suspect, it evolves into an ever-shifting virtualization
of their mind, with shades of the investigation of a serial killer's psyche in The Cell,
and Christopher Nolan's dream heist movie, Inception.
The idea that someone can intrude upon your deepest, darkest thoughts is a terrifying
There is a strong element of horror throughout.
In the real world it may come as brief hallucinations, someone standing behind you or the infamous
bird jump scare.
But inside another's mind, it becomes much more sinister.
Psychological horror, flashes of tragedy and abusive relationships, and the terror of being
hunted by some monstrous entity.
The epilepsy warning at the beginning screen is there for a reason.
The overwhelming and ever-present bombardment of distortion and feedback is sometimes nauseating
even for someone like myself who has a strong stomach for visual overload.
Irritating post-processing effects turn on unannounced when you haven't taken medicine
for a while, and some dream sequences are so visually intense that I even felt a little
Your mileage may vary here but some scenes literally had my camera shaking at a 45 degree
angle for seemingly no reason.
I checked other player's videos afterward as I was incredulous at how god-awful the
effect was during one sequence.
Sure enough, it wasn't supposed to be that bad, as you see on the screen here.
If you tend to feel sick at scenes of involuntary camera motion or low field of view, disorienting
effects or bright flashing lights, I do not, I repeat, DO NOT recommend this game.
There is very little action in Observer, instead it's laser-focused on atmosphere, tension
and suspense, broken up by simple logic puzzles and occasional brief conversations.
Dialogue options are primarily for flavor only and seem to affect gameplay little if
at all.
You only meet a couple denizens of this dystopian city, and most of them you only get to see
an eye or other part of their face through intercom cameras on front of doors.
Though this was probably a clever way to cut down graphics and animation costs during development,
the "less is more" rule applies here.
This dehumanizes the NPC interactions and in a way reinforces one of the themes of the
game: the dissolution and disconnection civilization faces in the advent of technology.
There are some basic puzzles to figure out.
Finding the hidden object or device that alludes to a passcode or a clue you need to advance
to the next set piece, et cetera.
More advanced than something like Gone Home or Everyone's Gone to the Rapture, but not
quite the brain teasers of The Disappearance of Ethan Carter.
You have a small set of tools like scanning, night vision for seeing in the dark, bio vision
for investigating blood, organs or other organic evidence and electromagnetic vision for following
circuits, finding electronics or hacking into the mind of a suspect or victim.
I have to commend the little touches the game developers did which add so much to the tension
and atmosphere of the game.
You can open up personal emails Deus Ex-style and read through information both pertinent
and extraneous about each person you're intruding on the life of.
Some residents have copies of a retro puzzle minigame you can take a break and play through,
and even the act of interacting with doors, closets and cabinets require you to slowly
pull back your mouse or controller joystick to open.
This small but effective design choice helps solidify the world around you and makes even
entering a mundane room full of tension.
At first glance this game has little more than the tropes and interactivity of what's
been loosely described as a Walking Simulator, but in the aforementioned "dream sequences"
where you've hacked into the mind of another person, there is a shift from walking around
and simple interactions toward a more horror-focused experience.
With shades of the nightmare sequences of the early Max Payne games.
Ranging from the odd to the downright disturbing, I both enjoyed and HATED these moments.
Sometimes they were very linear where you're walking down a literal corridor, others had
you sneak away from cameras or nightmarish creatures which are effectively scary and
had me on edge with the excellent organic sound engineering, which resembled a demented
groan right inside your ear you couldn't escape.
My issue with the dream sequences isn't just their overuse of post-processing, camera
shake and special effects, but the narrow, linear scenarios it leads you through, and
aside from the rare puzzle or two, they more often than not feel more like a virtual installation
like Dear Esther rather than a real gameplay experience that challenges you.
Is this a marvel of game design like some reviewers have praised it to be?
But in an expertly crafted aesthetic which ties graphics, setting, atmosphere and sound
design directly into gameplay, there is a lot to love here.
The game plays with your expectations, and offers some surprising moments of genre-shifting.
Though its stealth sequences aren't nearly as fleshed out as Thief or Dishonored, the
investigation segments are weak compared to the Sherlock Holmes series, and conversations
don't seem to matter in the grand scope of things, this game doesn't try to compete
with those head-on.
It's a surprisingly refreshing small-scale and tightly-knit experience you can complete
in a handful of hours, and although it may not offer much replayability, the journey
will likely stick with you for years to come.
There are some very annoying and physically disorienting scenes which I found unenjoyable,
so about two thirds of the game I enjoyed greatly, and about one third I had to endure.
With the caveat that a 6 hour game at about 30 US dollars may not be the right price tag
for some, and a big warning should be heard by those prone to motion sickness or epilepsy,
I recommend Observer if you want a thick cyberpunk experience and can overlook its thin game
In my arbitrary scale, I give Observer three and a half Rutgers out of five.
Learn Colors for Kids Finger Family Toy Car Vehicles Special Transport Mcqueen Tayo Poli Compilation - Duration: 7:57.-------------------------------------------
Sadio Mane apologises to Ederson for kicking him in the face - Duration: 3:17.Sadio Mane apologises to Ederson for kicking him in the face which led to Liverpool striker being sent off at Man City
SADIO MANE has apologised for injuring Manchester City keeper Ederson in their horror clash. The Senegalese winger took to Facebook to express his concern for the incident that cost him a red card in Liverpools 5-0 loss at the Etihad.
The accidental collision between Sadio Mane and Ederson. Mane posted: I hope and wish Ederson a quick recovery.
I am so sorry he was hurt during our accidental collision on the pitch and am sorry for him that he could not complete the match because of it. I pray he heals fast and is back playing very soon!.
Mane was dismissed on 37 minutes after his high foot collided with his opponents face. A worried Etihad crowd looked on as Ederson needed lengthy treatment. But wasnt taken to hospital and returned to watch the final stages.
The Liverpool players sending off was not intentional, according to City boss Pep Guardiola.
And Reds manager Jurgen Klopp, looking at losing his man for three games for dangerous play, said Mane didnt see the onrushing Ederson as he was focusing on the ball and their unlucky collision was an accident.
Mane and Ederson are on a collision course midway through the first-half.
The two men were odds-on to smash into each other.
They did clash – and Ederson was very much the worse for wear.
The Manchester City keeper required extensive treatment on the pitch.
Ederson was stretchered off but not taken to hospital.
Meanwhile, Liverpool talisman Mane received a red card. But he added: Im sure enough people will find a reason to say its 100 per cent a red card.
Sadio is very, very upset. He was shocked about the situation. In the game everybody thought the goalkeeper was seriously injured.
Ederson showed off his battle scars on his way back to his Manchester city centre hotel. Im not sure what happened but he was running around after the game so not as serious as everybody thought.
Brazilian Ederson later posted a photo on social media of himself making a thumbs up gesture, with a dressing covering a cut on the right side of his face.
SQUISHY is alive and moving !? SQUISHY secret camra- [RabbitPlay] - Duration: 10:28.SQUISHY is alive and moving !? SQUISHY secret camra- [RabbitPlay]
Kidney Disease Treatment With 5 Natural Food - Duration: 10:31.Kidney problems can Cause difficulty Urinating
Puffiness Around The Eyes and swollen Feet and Hands a
Person who has Kidney problems Is also at Higher risk of developing Heart disease
Well You cannot Control
Hereditary and Some environmental Factors you can Still Lower Your risk of Kidneys disease by Making Healthy diet and Lifestyle Choices a
Well-Planned diet can Help prevent Many Cancers to treat Your Kidneys disease medications are needed
Medical Treatment Is a Simple Safe and effective option However
Certain Foods can Also Help Improve Kidneys Health and Boost the effectiveness of your metabolism
Here's a list of Some of The best Foods and herbs to eat If Your goal is to prevent and cure Kidneys disease
One Apples
Apples are Good for detoxifying and cleansing The Kidneys as They are high in fiber and anti-inflammatory properties also
Apples Help prevent Urinary tract infections and Thus May Help Reduce The risk of Kidney Stones at
The same time Apples are Great for Reducing Cholesterol
protecting Against Heart Problems decreasing Your risk of cancer and Helping Prevent Constipation
Have an Apple each day to keep Your Kidneys functioning properly
you Can Enjoy This Crunchy and Juicy Fruit Raw in Baked Desserts or as Applesauce or Juice
according to a research Published in the Journal of The American Society Mythology a Healthy diet consisting of Fruits Vegetables nuts
Low-Fat Dairy Products and Whole Grains and Low in Salt Red meat processed meat and Sweetened Beverages can Help Prevent Kidney Stones
- Cauliflower
Before we continue this video do not Forget to subscribe my Channel to see other useful Health videos?
This Cruciferous vegetable Is high in Vitamin C and Contains a Good amount of folate and Fiber
It also has Compounds like in devil's
Glucosinolates and Thiocyanates That Help The liver neutralize toxIc Substances that Can otherwise damage cell Membranes and dna
When consumed on a Regular Basis Cauliflower can Reduce inflammation and Lower Cholesterol Levels due to its
antioxidant and Anti-clotting Properties
Cauliflower can Be Eaten Raw With dipper in Salads
you can Also Try Steamed Boiled Fried Roasted or Baked Cauliflower Dishes
However Being High in purines that Lead to the accumulation of uric acid
Cauliflower May Not be suitable for Those Suffering from gout and Kidney Stones
3 fish
Fish Contains Omega-3 Fatty Acids That Reduce Inflammation in the Body and Hence protect the Kidneys from Various Diseases
Also Fish Is a Good source of High quality Protein
according to a 2008 study published in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases
Consumption of fish Helps Lower Abnormal Levels of Protein and urine in People Suffering From Diabetics
The Types of fish That are best for the Kidneys are Salmon rainbow trout mackerel Herring and tuna
The American Diabetes association and The American Heart Association Recommend Having two to three servings of fish each Week
You Must eat Steamed Baked or Roasted fish Instead of Fried fish to reduce Kidney problems
for Egg Whites
Egg Whites Are Recommended for People With Kidney disease due to their low phosphorus content and high quality Protein
High quality Protein Contains an Essential amino Acid Which is Necessary for the Kidneys to function properly at
The same time When high quality protein is metabolized in the body It produces less waste product
you can Use Egg Whites to Make Omelets or Sandwiches or eat Hard-boiled Eggs Without the Yolk
People With Kidney problems Should Avoid eating Egg Yolks
High Protein Intake tail is not Recommended as It can cause Extra Burden on the Kidneys
5 olive oil
Olive oil is good for Your Heart as Well as Your Kidneys This oil is a Great source of oleic acid
anti-Inflammatory Fatty Acids That Lower Oxidation and promote Kidney Health also
It is rich in polyphenols and antioxidant Compounds That Prevent inflammation and Oxidation
Virgin and Extra Virgin olive oil Contain Higher Amounts of
Antioxidants Than Regular olive Oil so use one of those to get the most Health Benefits
you can Use olive Oil to make Salad dressing and in Your everyday cooking it'S also Good for dipping Bread or marinating fish or vegetables
Here are the top ten symptoms of Kidney disease that you must now
One Changes in Urinary Function
The first symptom of Kidney disease Is a Change in your urine Airy Function
The Change may be in the amount and Frequency of the year in you pass
Other Changes May include One getting Up at night a Few Times to urinate
To urge to urinate more often but not Able. To. Do so When using the restroom
Three urine That is darker Than Usual
for urine that is Foamy or bubbly five urine that Contains Blood
six Feeling pressure or having difficulty Urinating
7 bing or a Burning Sensation During Urination
- Swelling in the body it's the Kidneys Job to remove waste and Extra Liquid from the body
When this Does not Happen the extra fluid and Water Buildup Causes Swelling
This can Be in the Hands Feet Ankle Joints face and Under The Eyes
you May also notice dimpling of The Skin after being pressed for a Few Seconds 3 severe fatigue and Weakness
When the Kidneys do not Function properly
There is a High Chance of Feeling Fatigued most of The time
you May Feel tired Exhausted or Generally Lack Energy Without Any Known reason
2 common Causes of These Symptoms are nema an accumulation of waste products in the body
Healthy Kidneys make a hormone Called a Report in med Aids production of Oxygen Carrying Red Blood Cells
Damaged Kidney Make Less of This hormone
Eventually Leading to a decreased Red Blood cell count
Also When the Kidneys do not Function properly it's harder for Your body to get rid of Harmful toxins and Substances
This can Lead To loss of appetite
Excess toxins in the Body and loss Of appetite make you less Energetic
for dizziness if Kidney disease Causes anemia You May Suffer from Frequent
Dizziness Which Is a Feeling of Lightheadedness
Unsteadiness or loss of balance
This happens Because anemia can Prevent Your Brain from getting enough Oxygen
It can Further cause Memory problems trouble concentrating and difficulty Sleeping If
You are suffering from Sudden dizziness and Poor Concentration
Take It Seriously and Get a Medical Check-up
Unexplained back Pain
Unexplained Aches and Pains in the back as Well as Sides of Your abdomen can Be Symptoms of Undiagnosed Kidney disease or Kidney Infections
When Kidneys do not Function properly you May experience pain Stiffness and Fluid in the Joints
Pain in the lower back and Groin can Also Be Caused by Kidney Stones in the urethra
Polycystic Renal disease an Inherited Kidney disorder Which Causes Fluid-Filled Cysts in the Kidneys can cause pain in the lower back
Sod or abdomen if You experience severe cramping That Spreads from the lower back into the Groin consult YouR doctor immediately
6 skin Breakouts and itching
Sudden Skin Breakouts Rashes irritation and excessive itching are also Symptoms of some Types of Kidney Conditions
Improper Kidney Function and contributes to buildup of waste products and toxins in the Body leading to many Skin problems
Another Effect of Poor Kidney Functioning Is an imbalance of calcium and Phosphorus in the Blood Which can Lead to excessive itching if
you're otherwise Healthy Skin Suddenly Show Signs of Breakouts Rashes and intense itching see your doctor
7 ammonia Breath
Kidney disease can Also cause a Metallic taste in the mouth or ammonia Breath
This happens Because Poor Kidney functioning leads to an increase in the level of urea in the Blood
Irri is Broken down to
Ammonia in the Saliva That's causing urine like Bad Breath Known as ammonia Breath
It can Also cause an undesirable Metallic taste in the mouth Which can Make Food taste different
Nausea or vomiting
vomiting and Poor appetite are Very common Gastrointestinal Symptoms Among People Suffering From Kidney disease
Nausea and vomiting Most Often occur When you get up in the morning as
The Kidneys are not Able to filter Harmful toxins out of the blood It leads to an
accumulation Of excessive urine the trojan in the bloodstream
This stimulates The gastro intestinal
mucosa and Causes Nausea and Vomiting if
You are still Experiencing Nausea and vomiting After Taking Medicines and Necessary preventive Measures
consult a doctor Before The condition Becomes worse
9 feeling cold Most of The time This is another symptom of anemia Which could be caused by Kidney disease
you May Feel cold Without Any Known reason even When in a warm environment
At Times you may even have a Fever with Chills if You Feel cold Much of The time Along with dizziness and weakness
Consult YouR doctor
10 shortness of Breath
Shortness of Breath Can Also Be a Sign of Kidney disease
Improper Kidney functioning Leads to extra Fluid Buildup in the lungs
Shortness of Breath Can Also Be due to anemia caused by Kidney problems
in Addition a Buildup of potassium in the blood that is not filtered out by the Kidneys may cause Abnormal Heart Rhythms
Entrevista con la actriz Lidia Porto de GET SHORTY - Duration: 5:04.Hola a todos, que creen? Estoy aquí con Lidia Porto.
Si, ustedes la han visto en el programa GET SHORTY de EPIX
Lidia, dime cual es tu personaje.
Amara de Escalones
Escuchen ese acento, dilo otra vez.
Amara de Escalones.
Que tan parecida a ti es Amara?
Oh, ella es muy diferente a mi. Ella es increíble.
Es una mujer muy fuerte y manda a muchos hombres
a que hagan el trabajo sucio por ella. Es terrible y llena de glamour.
Como fue que conseguiste el papel?
Estaba caminando en Pahrump, Nevada, con mi estola de pelaje sobre el hombro cuando Davey me dijo
que tenia un personaje para mi, que si queria hacerlo, y yo le conteste que eso significaba
irme a vivir a Los Angeles de Pahrump Nevada y el me dijo que valdría la pena.
Así que lo hice?
Y que tal es trabajar con Ray Romano?
Romano y Chris O'Dowd son dos actores muy famosos.
Muy talentosos y chistosos. Tienen talentos increíbles, Ray Romano
se sabe las capitales de todos los paises del mundo.
Gracias por el tip.
Nadie le gana, se sabe todas las capitales.
Tu eres toda una actriz profesional que ha trabajado en la industria por mucho tiempo.
Aun así quisiera saber si actores famosos te intimidan?
Si me intimidan, pero tienes que ser profesional.
Quieres que ellos se sientan a gusto de trabajar contigo.
Especialmente cuando tienes que filmar una escena con Ray Romano
quieres que el este a gusto, pero si es difícil no te impresione alguien como el.
Alguien a quien has visto en la television y de quien ya eres fan
Tienes que controlarte
Si fuera por mi, yo estaría "Ay Dios Mío"! Déjame te cuento acerca de mis papas...
ellos están mas impresionados por el hecho de que yo estoy trabajando con Ray Romano
que por el hecho de que tengo un paper principal en una serie televisiva. Me dijeron, que bien, pero...
cuando podemos conocer a Ray Romano, y aunque yo nunca quiero poner a mis compañeros
en una posición difícil, cuando mi hermana vino a visitarme
si le pedi a Ray Romano que se tomara una foto con ella
o mis padres no me hubieran perdonado.
Tienes alguna historia comica que haya pasado durante la filmación?
Si, bueno, el hecho de que todos sufrimos con el clima seco
de Albuquerque y una de las historias mas chistosas sucedió cuando
estábamos filmando una escena muy seria y de pronto
todos empezamos a toser y no podíamos parar, tuvieron que traer al medico
quien nos trajo unos dulces para la garganta, pero no de los normales, sino de los grandotes.
es parte de vivir en Arizona, todos tuvimos sangrado de la nariz y
todo tipo de problemas relacionados con el clima.
Te voy a contar una historia para que veas
la diferencia entre Amara y Lidia, Amara como lo has visto en el programa,
se viste muy elegante y aunque yo me llegue a vestir asi
en los 80s, ya no lo hago.
Bueno, la historia comica paso un día que yo no estaba filmado pero fui a visitar la locación
y comi con mis compañeros, y estaba platicando con el encargado del sonido, Ken Srain
quien es muy bueno manejando el equipo de audio, estuvimos platicando como por 10 or 15 minutos
y que me pregunta si yo era nueva en el programa.
No me reconoció. No me reconoció para nada!
Lo cual es bueno porque si el programa se hace famoso puedo ir al
super mercado sin que nadie me reconozca.
Deja que yo me quite las pestañas postizas y veras que nadie me reconoce.
Un ultimo favor Lidia,
podrías hablar en español?
Amigos, no se les olvide suscribirse a mi canal.
Siganme en Twitter y en Facebook. Estoy como What the hell did she say?
Meg Smith - "Girls Like You"-------------------------------------------
Charge My i Phone With ANYTHING Part 2 magic prank - Duration: 2:54.I'm going to see if I can charge my phone off of your bike yeah kid you not
welcome to the magic crash sure where I crash people's daily routine today we're
at a college so I can do part two of the charge you in come this way charge my
cell phone with anything actually in fact can I use you he's got a book I'm
going to charge my cell phone using college student yeah
knowledge is power do you know where the financial aid office is sorry do you
know where financial aid is is it this way okay Oh perfect is that a iPhone 5
oh that's even better can you just tap it real quick cool cool thank you see
it's charging my phone when you tap it that coffee bean or the Starbucks here
watch touch this real quick it's a coffee yeah it has the energy and it's
like the acid from the bean let's try that again
not cool thank you you got to get to class do you have any like food or
anything in the bag my phone just died is this citrus and see if you just put
it in just like that yeah cool so you may want to keep on to that just in case
thank you so much is that a water bottle sir watch shake your water bottle now
watch touch the tip of it to the charger yeah with that hand no with the with the
bottle yeah what it actually charges see ya bye check it out
can you just just real quickly I just want you to just tap your pumpkin spice
latte to my cord yeah just tap it
it's charging isn't that cool I'm going to see if I can charge my phone off of
your bike yeah kid you not that's a bunny hop I know that one now here let's
try it here's my here's my phone it's about to die and can you lift up just
the front I'm going to try to spin the will tell me for it is it really are you
kidding me I'm not kidding it literally just turned on really let's try to get
crap it is charging no way thank you for tuning in to another magic ratchet video
be sure to hit that thumbs up comment below I'll see you guys next time on the
magic crasher you have a daily routine and it's my job to crack it
Game of Thrones | Gangsta's Paradise - Duration: 2:06.Don't fight in the North
or the South.
Fight every battle, everywhere,
always, in your mind.
Everyone is your enemy,
everyone is your friend.
Every possible series of events is happening all at once.
Death is the enemy.
Live that way and nothing will surprise you.
The first enemy and the last.
But we all die.
The enemy always wins.
And we still need to fight him.
Everything that happens will be something that you've seen before.
You and I won't find much joy while we're here,
but we can keep others alive.
We can defend those who can't defend themselves.
"I am the shield that guards the realms of men."
The Long Night is coming
and the dead come with it.
If we don't put aside our enmities and bound together, we will die.
And then it doesn't matter whose skeleton sits on The Iron Throne.
If we die, we die.
But first, we'll live
If you have to fight, win.
Renault Mégane Estate 1.2 TCe GT-Line GT-LINE Bose I Multisense rijmodi I 8.7inch scherm I Parkeers - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Nissan 300 ZX 3.0i V6 TWIN TURBO | 283 PK | 2 SEAT SWB | DEALERONDERHOUDEN | - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai Santa Fe 2.7I V6 4WD STYLE AUTOMAAT, LPG, Trekhaak, Leder, etc etc - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai Santa Fe 2.7I-24V 4WD COUNTRY LPG-G3 Leer 18inch Trekhaak Cruise Clima - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Genius Hour Day 2 Update (ASL Video) (CC) - Duration: 0:44.-------------------------------------------
Review of the SCHF1SM Survival Knife - Duration: 5:33.-------------------------------------------
✅ALIEN COVENANT Inspired Makeup: XENOMORPH Alien HALLOWEEN Makeup Illusion in 4k - Witte Artistry - Duration: 6:16.what's up makeup minions I'm Kim Witte from Witte Artistry and welcome back to
my youtube channel! if you are new here please hit the subscribe button below to
become part of the Witte Artistry family! I decided I had to do a xenomorph alien
illusion makeup because alien covenant was awesome. so let's get started. if you
would like behind-the-scenes access and also special perks feel free to support
me on patreon. carefully following a reference image I am using an eyebrow
pencil just to map out sort of like the skeleton of a xenomorphs body and then
I'm using grey wolfe body paint and I'm going to be going over the entire alien
that I have drawn out. I also have an Instagram page if you guys are
interested, but I am just outlining all of the sticks I have created with the
eyebrow pencil and now I'm sort of fleshing out what would be the Xenomorph's
muscles. in order to do this you kind of just gradually add more color
over the stick in the areas that would have a thicker muscle; so like the
shoulder would be thicker and the thigh would be thicker than the stick. create a
long thin wire for the tail and then wipe off any mistakes. the Xenomorphs
hands are really long so I created like a triangle and added long spindles/ they
have three fingers? yes three fingers and then a thumb. document your makeup
progress. the process of adding grey is really just a layering game you just
want to add more and more layers till it looks thick enough and then you're going
to start creating the shadow. so using black Wolfe's body paint I am starting
off by underlining all of the shape that would cast a shadow. I'm just outlining
all of the deep areas his ribcage, his weird little hip bones, the outside of
his tail and the undersides of his arms and legs.
the xenomorph that I'm referencing has sort of like a helmet shaped head with
like a ribbed cylinder underneath it so just draw that in with black. but here's
where the magic happens: take a wet brush and go over the edges of all of the
black lines you have drawn and sort of just smudge out the black into the gray
areas. this will create a very natural shading gradation and I'm going over the
head with the same technique. repeat this process all over his little tiny
body. after all that is blended out you must go back in with some black and
darken up the darkest areas again: this is the underside of any of the limbs and
also the ribby thingies in his head. outline the jaw and don't forget to go
under his back spikes. deepen those ribs with black body paint. underneath the
Xenomorphs shoulder crescent they have sort of like hollow areas so draw those
and then also outline areas on the forearms the biceps on the thighs and
just separate them with sort of little bit of striations if you would like to
be accurate to the movie make sure you're following a reference image but
you also are following a reference image from the same movie over the years the
Xenomorphs design has actually changed them some of them don't have back spikes
some of them have like mesh netting on their heads other ones have like these
weird razors on their tail and some of them have the ribbed indentations that I
made on my arms and legs but other ones don't. time to make your little
xenomorph pop so I am using white body paint by wolfe to create all of the stark
highlights I am going over the edges of all of the shapes that would be catching
the light .make sure you keep a consistent light source: mine is kind
of coming from above my left shoulder and you just want to outline the edges
of all of the shapes with white. the aliens themselves are actually kind of
slimy and it's sort of like an exoskeleton of a bug so it's like hard
and shiny and gross, so you can actually keep your highlights
pretty stark and they'll still look realistic and true to character. create
some creepy little claws and do the same to the hands. this is my favorite part
because you get to add little tiny baby teeth to your little xenomorph and I
just love it, so use white body paint and then outline it very carefully in black.
ever so slightly I'm adding a translucent layer of white to his head
to sort of create a ribbed pattern. what alien would be complete without some
green slime? all of this is just a layering game so after you put down the
blacks you blend them out and then you add some more black and then you add a
highlight and then you just kind of blend out the highlight and then repeat
the process by underlining and outlining everything in black again. so that's just
what I'm doing here. using a combination of my wolfe skinz palette body paint and
also a medium brown eyeshadow from my BH Cosmetics 120 color eyeshadow palette, I
am creating an illusion that the alien has weight and it is in fact hanging off
of my skin and clinging to me. This is very easily achieved by using a thin brush
and just creating sort of v-shaped lines coming off of his claws and toes. just
using a light gray eyeshadow I am creating a drop shadow for the xenomorph.
this is really what makes it look 3d this part can be tricky though, I found
it a little difficult to know where the shadows would come off of, but just keep
this in mind that they're always going to reconnect to the parts that are
touching your skin and also the shadows will be darker at the parts touching
your skin. to create an accurate drop shadow I basically just looked at a
picture of a lizard climbing in the Sun. just add your last couple highlights and
you are done! thank you all so much for watching this video I really appreciate
it. feel free to subscribe to my youtube
channel for more videos like this and don't forget to hit the little bell next
to it so you don't miss any new videos. I hope you guys like this alien covenant
inspired makeup tutorial! I had a lot of fun and I will see you guys next
Cyberpunk Investigator Game - Observer (Blade Runner meets Inception) - Duration: 10:06.High-tech, low-life.
The core definition of Cyberpunk is exuded from every pore of this adventure game's
A vast network of connections, screens and inputs under a smudged, scummy facade of drug
use, murder and the struggle to survive.
Observer puts you in the shoes of a detective named Daniel Lazarski in a stark retro-futuristic
vision of a cyberpunk reality, where life is enhanced with augmented vision and cybernetic
Daniel is an Observer, and has the unique ability to jack into the minds and memories
of other people to find out information relevant to his investigation.
It's setting and atmosphere is thick enough to cut with a knife, but what else does Observer
have to offer?
Is this just another walking simulator with cyberpunk themes or is it something more memorable
and interactive?
Let's take a look in this episode of Cyberpunk Curated.
The influence of 1980's sci-fi movies here is ever-present.
Clunky, brick-like electronics with archaic buttons and screens, and low-fidelity augmented
vision looks straight out of Predator, Alien or the game's most obvious inspiration,
Blade Runner -- the trendsetter of the Cyberpunk genre.
In most cyberpunk media, you can see bits and pieces of Ridley Scott's classic adaptation
of the Phillip K. Dick novel -- and Observer is no exception.
And as a bonus, we get a non-replicant Rutger Hauer voicing the game's protagonist.
The story kicks off with a mysterious phone call in the dark city streets set against
the growing fear of outbreaks of the Nanophage -- a technological plague that spreads through
cybernetic implants from person to person.
This contagion poses a major threat to such a tech-laden society, and the first precautionary
measure of such a case calls for entire buildings to go into lockdown until quarantined and
cleared -- such as the apartment building Observer is set in.
The soothing growl of Rutger Hauer's voice is your primary guide throughout the experience.
And though it sounds as if he's cold-reading a script at first, as you get to know and
understand the character, and his depth and past are slowly revealed, the awkward and
unusual way he acts begins to make sense.
The music and sound engineering is top-tier, right there among some of the best AAA games
on the market today.
While subtle at times, it perfectly sets the bleak and uncomfortable tone and atmosphere
of each sequence and never disappoints.
Atmosphere is easily the most striking and interesting thing about the game.
The world is distinctly realized through expert use of the Unreal Engine 4.
Many people have already compared its stark and realistic lighting and texture work to
the cancelled P.T. game -- where everything from computers, gadgets, vehicles and even
doors have a dark, lived-in and retro feel to it.
And there are often layers and layers of augmented reality circuits and other technological window
dressing in every corner.
There are two distinct tones this game takes.
In the real world, it feels like you're a futuristic detective in a grim but otherwise
grounded city.
But when you hack the mind of a suspect, it evolves into an ever-shifting virtualization
of their mind, with shades of the investigation of a serial killer's psyche in The Cell,
and Christopher Nolan's dream heist movie, Inception.
The idea that someone can intrude upon your deepest, darkest thoughts is a terrifying
There is a strong element of horror throughout.
In the real world it may come as brief hallucinations, someone standing behind you or the infamous
bird jump scare.
But inside another's mind, it becomes much more sinister.
Psychological horror, flashes of tragedy and abusive relationships, and the terror of being
hunted by some monstrous entity.
The epilepsy warning at the beginning screen is there for a reason.
The overwhelming and ever-present bombardment of distortion and feedback is sometimes nauseating
even for someone like myself who has a strong stomach for visual overload.
Irritating post-processing effects turn on unannounced when you haven't taken medicine
for a while, and some dream sequences are so visually intense that I even felt a little
Your mileage may vary here but some scenes literally had my camera shaking at a 45 degree
angle for seemingly no reason.
I checked other player's videos afterward as I was incredulous at how god-awful the
effect was during one sequence.
Sure enough, it wasn't supposed to be that bad, as you see on the screen here.
If you tend to feel sick at scenes of involuntary camera motion or low field of view, disorienting
effects or bright flashing lights, I do not, I repeat, DO NOT recommend this game.
There is very little action in Observer, instead it's laser-focused on atmosphere, tension
and suspense, broken up by simple logic puzzles and occasional brief conversations.
Dialogue options are primarily for flavor only and seem to affect gameplay little if
at all.
You only meet a couple denizens of this dystopian city, and most of them you only get to see
an eye or other part of their face through intercom cameras on front of doors.
Though this was probably a clever way to cut down graphics and animation costs during development,
the "less is more" rule applies here.
This dehumanizes the NPC interactions and in a way reinforces one of the themes of the
game: the dissolution and disconnection civilization faces in the advent of technology.
There are some basic puzzles to figure out.
Finding the hidden object or device that alludes to a passcode or a clue you need to advance
to the next set piece, et cetera.
More advanced than something like Gone Home or Everyone's Gone to the Rapture, but not
quite the brain teasers of The Disappearance of Ethan Carter.
You have a small set of tools like scanning, night vision for seeing in the dark, bio vision
for investigating blood, organs or other organic evidence and electromagnetic vision for following
circuits, finding electronics or hacking into the mind of a suspect or victim.
I have to commend the little touches the game developers did which add so much to the tension
and atmosphere of the game.
You can open up personal emails Deus Ex-style and read through information both pertinent
and extraneous about each person you're intruding on the life of.
Some residents have copies of a retro puzzle minigame you can take a break and play through,
and even the act of interacting with doors, closets and cabinets require you to slowly
pull back your mouse or controller joystick to open.
This small but effective design choice helps solidify the world around you and makes even
entering a mundane room full of tension.
At first glance this game has little more than the tropes and interactivity of what's
been loosely described as a Walking Simulator, but in the aforementioned "dream sequences"
where you've hacked into the mind of another person, there is a shift from walking around
and simple interactions toward a more horror-focused experience.
With shades of the nightmare sequences of the early Max Payne games.
Ranging from the odd to the downright disturbing, I both enjoyed and HATED these moments.
Sometimes they were very linear where you're walking down a literal corridor, others had
you sneak away from cameras or nightmarish creatures which are effectively scary and
had me on edge with the excellent organic sound engineering, which resembled a demented
groan right inside your ear you couldn't escape.
My issue with the dream sequences isn't just their overuse of post-processing, camera
shake and special effects, but the narrow, linear scenarios it leads you through, and
aside from the rare puzzle or two, they more often than not feel more like a virtual installation
like Dear Esther rather than a real gameplay experience that challenges you.
Is this a marvel of game design like some reviewers have praised it to be?
But in an expertly crafted aesthetic which ties graphics, setting, atmosphere and sound
design directly into gameplay, there is a lot to love here.
The game plays with your expectations, and offers some surprising moments of genre-shifting.
Though its stealth sequences aren't nearly as fleshed out as Thief or Dishonored, the
investigation segments are weak compared to the Sherlock Holmes series, and conversations
don't seem to matter in the grand scope of things, this game doesn't try to compete
with those head-on.
It's a surprisingly refreshing small-scale and tightly-knit experience you can complete
in a handful of hours, and although it may not offer much replayability, the journey
will likely stick with you for years to come.
There are some very annoying and physically disorienting scenes which I found unenjoyable,
so about two thirds of the game I enjoyed greatly, and about one third I had to endure.
With the caveat that a 6 hour game at about 30 US dollars may not be the right price tag
for some, and a big warning should be heard by those prone to motion sickness or epilepsy,
I recommend Observer if you want a thick cyberpunk experience and can overlook its thin game
In my arbitrary scale, I give Observer three and a half Rutgers out of five.
Subaru BRZ Review - Duration: 11:12.Hello, today we're gonna see the Subaru
(Hello what is this)
Also :D, this
Idk why
Let's just get it
It said something about drifting
Let's drive it on stock
Noice looks and sound
Every car is now electric :|
Like many of the starter cars they don't give you that much money, I'm gonna cut it to when I get enough money :P
Have I forgot to mention it's a new update? I'm sorry. :|
I probably have enough money for this
Any way let's see what this car can do at it's best (Turbocharger not included)
You get the usual
(l0l n0 m0ney skrub)
So I'm back with enough money, so lets do this
(Yeah, drift inside, that's just great)
(What? I don't need Turbo.)
Let's go to the track and see if it actually drifts
As you can see, I suck at driving, but this can drift like it said
Ok let's see it's rough top speed (I won't spend 75,000 dollars OK?)
(I'm not wasting your time now-ish)
(ALMOST 270!)
About 270!
(Hello viewer)
So, I hope you found this video helpful, and if you did, your welcome!
(This is not very accurate :|)
Let's Read Umineko Episode 3 Pt 15 'An All Nighter' - Duration: 31:18.Teacher's fucked. She's going to go hunting.
"and became lightning spears of exactly the same size as the originals" -What
She's fucked.
It's not over.
Let me guess
Yeah they're not going to be able to stop that.
Rest in piece Beatrice you did good.
That's not going to help.
Damn shouldn't have gotten rid of that shield
Yeah I think the spear through her body probably would hurt a little bit more.
She going to turn into how she was like in the garden.
Because that would be nice. I like that Beatrice better.
Wait wait wait. That's odd this might not actually be her mother. This might just be a servant because that's the type of language is very weird.
But it's implying that Beatrice has some leverage and if I have it right and if that's the case. Then she would have a high seat in the family. So that language is very odd that she uses.
God it's going to be shit.
Fuck off
I swear if it's hard...
I guess I'll have to come up with an extraordinary answer I guess oh goodie.
I just enjoy them.
Hmmm that's an interesting way to phrase it.
eh it's not really my kinda thing.
How many groups did they separate into?
ALL TIME LOW - Live at Pinkpop Festival 2016 [FULL CONCERT] - Duration: 54:43.-------------------------------------------
GTA 5 Online: "SOLO" MONEY GLITCH 1.41 (Money Glitch GTA Online) GTA 5 Money Glitch 1.41 - Duration: 3:21.Hey everybody what's going on! welcome back to another video!
and in today's video we are going to be talking about a new
Insane gta 5 money glitch! which is too easy and fast!
Also this is a solo money glitch so you don't need any friends to help you out!
Which makes it even more awesome! Anyways before moving on, make sure if you
enjoyed this video to slap that like button with your fist
comment below your thoughts! and subscribe for more!
So to start this off let me showcase how this money glitch works
Basically a bunch of glitchers and modders grouped up under the name Genius Theft Auto
And they found a very insane way to force the rockstar games cloud servers to send money
to Anyone they choose!
Not only money, they can also force the servers to multiply the RP amount of someone's character
and basically they can also send any amount of ranks to anyone they want aswell!
Whats more insane is the way they keep this glitch unpatched, is that whenever someone
gets the money they chose, it appears as minus in the maze bank account, and thats what they
call as the "Anti-Ban" feature! with this feature and having a minus amount
helps delete any fingerprints from rockstar which helps not to get caught and not get
banned! Pretty insane am i right?
Now the reason i made this video, is to help spread the word about these modders and to
give you the guide of how You can get free money and Ranks without being banned, in a
few simple steps! and its working for Xbox one & xbox 360 & ps3 & ps4 and the PC platform!
so these guys made a website which is located at:
in that website they automated the process of forcing the rockstar cloud servers to send
money to whoever uses that site!
easy steps and easy process. First thing you need to do is to choose your
platform you can use "Auto detect" if you feel lazy
second step is to type your gamertag ID or your PSN ID
Make sure its correct before proceeding And then choose how much money you want in
the 2nd box and third of all, choose the rank
take a note that you can only choose 9 billion and a maximum rank of 999 and thats for more
after that click on "Generate" and the console of the website will appear at the left side
of the screen and keep an eye on the process and if there is any errors it will tell you
what to do, and if everything is alright, you should see a "Success" message at the
end of the process
This method can be done while you're both online or offline from GTA so it won't really
Also before finishing off let me tell you that i'll make a giveaway
This giveaway is solely made to prove that this method is working
and it consists of 5 gamertags that can choose whatever amount of money under 9 billion
and whatever amount of rank under 999
but in order to qualify for this giveway, you need to do something in return
First step: like this video Second step: subscribe to my channel
Third step: Comment your gamertag id with the platform and the amounts you need.
If you don't wanna do that, no problem, feel free to do it by your own from the site which
i mentioned earlier which is located at:
And thats it for today's video, hope you guys had a great time!
will see you on the next time And im out!
How to Design a Constant Contact Newsletter by Mark Mikelat - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
The video of dominos - Duration: 2:57.-------------------------------------------
Kokerbin Rock Getaway Day 2 - Duration: 8:19.Got up to a cold morning on the second day of the Kokerbin Rock Getaway
So what's the first thing we need to do?
Blessed are the firelighters eh Dave?
Phil's that kind of guy who is low-energy... Doesn't wanna hold it
Good on you John get that ready get a coffee down us
So what have we got here Leones? Our first injury
Leonie's trying to sneak off and she can't get the car started.
The key won't turn in the ignition so we'll give it a go.
Steering wheels locked
Ah beautiful!
What is she?
I'll get you a nice long shot out of focus
There you go. What is she? Legend! Well done Leone's.
What's a favourite pastime of 4 wheel drivers?
We love checking out each other's rigs
He's got his trailer brakes here. Yeah yeah
Is that diff lockers?
That? Dunno?
Yeah probably..
Have you got all the maps and everything? Me neither. I've got to get them.
Tell you what! The Canning Stock Route...I'd still be out there!
Not only is Dave a very skilled trip leader he's also a highly trained bush cook!
And ah, this old bloke Ken He showed me bush toast. Here we go bush toast gang
by chef Dave.
Oh look at that see that nice fibre there? That black bit?
Okay Dave, packs on the move? Yes, packs on the move.
So, we're all ready to roll now. Dave's giving everyone a final chat.
Here we go, Eril's firing. Dave's warming up. My girl's ready
Well not far up the road what do we come across? A minor obstacle.
Is it a hard bottom? Yeah. Ok.
I'd walk through it but I'll go first. I'll sacrifice...
No, I think we sacrifice the young ones. Matt!
Unless you are in crocodile country, it's always best to walk through and check the bottom.
You never know what's happened there, could have washed out, broken sections and
you don't want to find that out when you're in the middle of the waterway. So we called for volunteers
Phil has agreed to do the deed
Now smile!
I needed both hands on the wheel for the water crossing so Lee took over the filming
and I must say! She captured the excitement of the moment with her high powered commentary!
We can see the cars coming through now we thought we might
be getting a bit bogged ...but no...
It's fine
And that's the next one through folks. Thank you Eril. he goes! Oh yeah!
My friend and four wheel drive enthusiast
Yes, yeah, and what was that? Bloody awesome!
He's never met a river crossing he didn't like
As you can see, we're driving along here after we went across the...
bit of water there. And you can see Caroline Rock and the Samphire communities
and the guys up ahead there.
The geology out there in the wheatbelt is quite amazing and so is the signage
Here is young Dave giving us destructions that I've missed out on
No, we've come through this way... along here, then we turned right and gone up here...
come around and of course we are here now. Beautiful. Go along there and this is the bitumen road
Go along there and this is the bitumen road
I think Kellerberrin Road...bitumen. Right. stop at a little rest area and then we'll go across and down to a lake.
Oh beautiful. Sounds good. Thanks Dave.That's alright.
We stopped for morning tea near Mt Stirling.
John, you're getting to look like a plumber. (Laughter...oh dear)
It's not easy is it getting in and out of these things?
Can you believe it? Out came the gadgets again?
That's the pressure release so if something's gonna happen that let's go.
Here's Mr. Gadget... and his mate.
Now what's this? That was a kettle. That's the kettle. And how much does this cost?
A bit. There's the flame thrower that they lit the fire with. You get what you pay for, Rona.
and then you crank it up and how much is this? How much is this?
I think I paid about $140.
Yeah right...It's not that that is the issue probably...the gas is very expensive.
The convenience. Yeah...
It's called Jetboil. Jetboil? Oh OK...
Sponsored by Mr Gadget himself. What do you mean Mt Gadget?
After a cup of coffee and a full rundown on Mr. Phil's gadgets,
we took off and in no time at all
Here we are at Toapin Weir.
Looks like you can have a fire here
No sign saying no camping
Wow, seems to be a lot of lovely flowers here
so well worth a visit.
And there was a lovely clean toilet
wash basin and soap!
So here we are at the weir
It's not for the faint-hearted. Here they come limping up the hill
I think that's the best one I've ever seen.
Oh look at that!. That's fabulous isn't it?
You can see the water coming
down all the rocks into this area.
That's where we drove in.
And there's a collection point, you can see down there
As you can see here's the walls built over here on the side of the weir where they're channeling water down here.
Looks rather slippy.
Not sure about this
So after a bit of a look around
we hopped in the cars and made tracks.
We were on our way home and we were in search of
somewhere for a bit of lunch.
Downtown York.
We're at Mad Mo's Cafe
Following Lee in.
Well that's usually meaty... let's have some chips
After we had our feed in York we jumped back in the cars and we turned the horses for home
and so before we knew it we're back at the muster point and it was time for
fond farewells. Would you go again, Matt? Absolutely. I loved it. Okay
Phil thank you so much. Thank you.
You're part of the team now. Cuddles, cuddles...thank you so much. No worries. I loved it. Good.
See you Eril.
What a fantastic two days we had. I highly recommend Kokerbin Rock
Beautiful. A nice reserve. You can't take dogs unfortunately or fortunately
depending on whether you're a dog lover. Anyway thank you for coming along with us.
I hope you've enjoyed it. Please like, comment below and/or subscribe,
if you can find it in your heart
OK, that's it. Goodbye from Rona's Roadshow. See you next time.
5 Optifine Cape Designs! - Top Minecraft Capes - Duration: 4:27.Hey there!
What's going on guys!
I'm back with another 5 Optifine Cape Designs video for you guys!
Before I get started, I just want to mention that soon, probably in a few
weeks, I'm going to be starting up my second channel again!
This time it will be mostly for streaming so I can seperate my streams away from this
I'll mention it again in future videos!
Again, probably not going to start for a few weeks due to my schedule
over the next couple of weeks!
But I wanted to let you know.
Alright, lets get started with the video...
Oh, and these capes were all submitted on last Saturday's video.
Two Cape videos again this week.
To start off we've got a cape that was submitted by Kazu, or however you say that.
They said that this is "just a little something they made."
So I actually think this is a really nice looking cape.
The colors on it that are combined through fades and the design within the cape is actually
pretty cool.
We've seen the design before, probably but the overall colors and fades make this
cape look really cool.
Next up, I have this cape that is described as a "demon crying blood."
The comment even says "Its fire!."
Um, yeah, I mean, I can see a demon in there.
Crying blood I can see too, I guess.
I mean, if you weren't looking for that, I'd say that you could still see a pretty cool
design anyways.
The cape combines grey, black, and red to form a design.
So yeah, there's that cape.
One thing in videos I don't do enough is add in some colorful capes.
I feature mostly black, white, and red type capes.
Or at least, I feature a lot of them.
Not really any bright colors or anything like that.
This cape that was submitted by EbenPlayz is a pretty colorful one.
Or at least some brighter colors.
It has some cyan or blue, some purple, and some pink in the cape.
So yeah, colors.
The next cape was submitted by Sqlty Orkql.
They call this cape an "I'm Watching You Cape."
So yeah, as you end up seeing, the two rectangle designs end up forming to look
sort of like eyes that are supposed to be watching you.
I suppose if you didn't notice that, it still, like the cape earlier, forms a decent design.
It's some blue rectangles on a white background.
So yeah.
Nice one.
To finish off, I have a purple cape with a withered heart.
I feature a lot of heart capes in my videos.
A lot of people submit heart capes and of course they're very popular.
I actually really like this one.
It's a bit different compared to a lot of the heart capes that I feature.
So I guess that's why this one stands out to me a bit.
It's a bit more unique than I've become used to seeing
in a heart cape.
I really like the extra little detail on it.
So that's gonna do it for me guys!
Thank you all so much for watching!
Feel free to submit your capes in the comments of this video!
Again, I'll be having another 5 Optifine Cape Designs video on Monday too!
So you can submit capes on that video too!
Please make sure to go subscribe to my second channel and turn on notifications so you know
when I start up over there again!
Thank you all so much for watching!
Be sure to also subscribe, click the bell, and turn on notifications on this channel
so you never miss an upload!
If you're new to my channel, feel free to check out some of my other videos!
If you're not new to my channel, thanks for watching another video!
Thank you all, once again for watching!
I'm outta here!
See ya!
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