Violence is a problem that affects lots of countries.
Latin America is the continent with the highest rates in times of peace.
Almost 135 thousand people were murdered
last year in Latin America and the Caribbean.
We walked around some streets in São Paulo to ask the population
what generates violence?
I'm 18 and I don't know a world without violence.
Violence brings inequalities that don't come to mind
when we think about it.
An inequal society.
Money, money disputes,
and the rich.
The upper classes are locked inside their own homes,
inside their apartments, their mansions, their condos.
Just like beggars are stuck in alleys,
because otherwise they'll die by the hands of the police.
Unequal societies usually are the most violent ones.
Prejudice, discrimination, inequality...
We feel hunger, we feel cold,
we have needs, and gotta do something about it.
The violence perpetrated by the ghetto
isn't a byproduct of the ghetto alone, it's a reflection of the violence
they've been subject to for years.
Behind violence there is poverty.
There's no punishability and the laws are weak.
The laws are friendly towards the criminals,
which creates terrible impunity.
When we think of violence scenarios,
we only think about the intent of the agressor,
not the inequality system they exist in.
We, citizens, have only three basic needs:
health, schooling and housing.
When we dehumanize people,
we contribute to the increase of violence.
Prejudice generates violence.
The only person who can say they're subject
to racism is the one suffering it.
Racism is violent by design.
If there was no racism, there'd be a lot less violence.
But I can never prove to people
that I'm being discriminated when I'm on the streets
at around noon, someone bumps into me,
and avoids me.
I see violence daily, every time I leave home.
"Against the wall, on his back, he waits,
sweating more over fear than outrage.
'Where's your stash, you piece of shit'?
He's slapped for having no answer.
The man in the uniform isn't even schooled,
but he claims to be the law,
and only acts that away against the nobodies."
The answer is right there, under our noses.
We have a nefarious legal system,
and it's a byproduct
of Latin America's structural violence.
Violence makes for a scared country,
one that's already in a dangerous state.
The fear of the Brazilian people is having serious consequences
over the people's opinions and over politics.
That lack of respect the government shows to its citizens.
It's straight-up war. I mean, it's called "war on drugs",
but as we all know, you can't declare war on a substance.
It's a war against people.
By exterminating youths who lives in the ghetto,
which includes myself, it's where I speak from,
that's what you get.
That, and the end of the dreams of those living there.
Overcrowded prisons, overcrowded youth detention centers.
That's what violence creates.
as it slowly kills mothers.
I lost my son in March 2015.
Up to that point,
I didn't know the pain caused by violence.
In my case, it was police violence.
It's a product of violence in its purest form.
The way the police force was established,
the way it was never properly reformed,
and the way Brazilian police has violence as part of its daily routine.
The police force is always on a spotlight.
Because of the military government, the police nowadays is stigmatized.
The lack of respect to diversity.
Not seeing what your brethren need.
Human beings have empathy. Living in society is in their nature.
Our current, corrupt
social context is erasing that.
Sexism, which is still very much present.
As a black woman from the ghetto,
I experience various levels of violence.
When we decide to break up with a man
and he doesn't accept it.
That results in violence.
They don't accept it, they want us to live with them,
want us to be their property.
But we are not "properties" of our husbands.
How do we deconstruct this in a culture
that has normalized violence and racism?
Look what violence and sexism does to us.
Violence creates sexism.
Piling up, pulsating, incentivating, impulsionating
Strengthening, adding more love
Representing, ennobling, aggrandizing,
Empowering, inspiring, validating
All of its worth
This is the 1 out of 6 videos
that are part of the program Tackling Violence,
that aims to understand what causes violence within the public and parts involved,
promoting inovative practices and effective strategies against it.
It intends to promulgate relevant academic reports
as well as listening to the ones who are most affected by violence.
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