Dinosaurs Cartoons For Children 3D Dinosaur Animal Cartoon Video For Kids Lion Vs Dinosaur Fight
Anxious Eagle Creek evacuees can't go home yet - Duration: 1:39.-------------------------------------------
How to Get YouTube Views - Duration: 3:39.Hello Guys! Recently my dance classes talent show video hit over 13,000 views, which is completely mind-blowing might I add
The CAPA underdogs are coming for you PE
Everything's coming up dance!
Now that I've hit this number, I guess you could say I uh have um
Got some experience with making popular videos *cough*
So whether you make videos, watch them for fun or just accidentally stumbled upon this in the search for the latest Taylor Swift song conspiracy theory video,
here is my terrible advice at how to get views
I know nothing
It's everyday bro, with that Disney Channel flow
Oh wait a second, he got dumped by Disney didn't he?
lol nevermind
This is Team 10 dude, who the hell are flippin you!
These friends, keep talking way too much
Say I should give you up
Can't hear them though cause I....
I'm.... gonna swing
From the chandelier, from the chandelier
Hey Sia, do you like my hair?
All the time I turn around, brothers gather round, always looking at me up and down looking at my OH
Hey Guys, so today I'm going to tell you the story about how a man, tried to KILL ME
It all started when I went shopping down to Waitrose, to buy some ingredients,
so I could make organic pasta for dinner
In the street near a café outside, just as I was leaving
I saw a man. Properly dressed, around 40 years old, maybe not even that.
I'm sure you'll say I'm making this up but,
I saw a man, down on one knee, bent over
I continued to head to the carpark when I saw
that that man was down on the floor,
trying to tie his shoelace
which had come undone, right in front of me!
If I wasn't paying attention, i could have tripped over him and died!
Don't cry,
So guys, I can't believe it. The most despicable thing just happened! okay,
You won't believe it, but my family had lunch!
I know right, I can't believe it either
We've run out of Oreos.
Going into this challenge, I'm honestly feeling very nervous but, I'm really excited to how it turns out.
If I succeed maybe more people will want to push themselves and try out extreme napping
In conclusion, just make memes it's a lot easier
In all seriousness though, I finish school forever as of next Tuesday so for the next month of videos it's all going to be very sentimental,
vlogs and stuff like that.
For me and my friends, who I've been at school with for the last 5-10 years to look back on.
So this is kinda my last 'proper' video until October
If you guys enjoyed this video be sure to give it a big thumbs up
and if you want to subscribe to my channel, you can click my bubble over here.
Be sure to turn on that bell to get push notifications for whenever I upload a new video.
You can watch my last one over here, thanks for watching and I'll see you later!
New Danganronpa V3: Saihara and Kirigiri Bonus Mode Interaction English Subtitles (Turn On Captions) - Duration: 2:15.By the way, there is something I wanted to ask you Kirigiri-San.
... Is there something wrong?
Kirigiri-San, you were acting as a detective long before you were a high school student right?
Well ... it was many years ago that I first started working as an assistant.
F - For that long!?
I thought that being as high schooler was young for a detective. As expected of you Kirigiri-San.
... I'm sorry about this.
Someone worthless like me doesn't deserve the title of "Super High School Level Detective" like you do Kirigiri-San ...
I don't think so ... isn't it only because you had recognized abilities and accomplishments that you are here right now?
That's not it ... It's only because I accidentally solved a case that I was given this title ...
Even if it was by accident, isn't it true that you found the truth and solved the case with your own two hands?
That result can not be denied ... not even by yourself.
Besides ... you seem to be very reliable as a detective.
A while ago Hoshi-Kun and Pekoyama-San were running around the school with you ...
I'm sure, they were asking you to help them as a detective right?
Well ... they were just looking for a cat that got lost in the school.
I used to look for lost pets at work before, so I was used to it ...
So tell me, do you think that them depending on you is meaningless?
... No that's wrong. It's nice to be useful to everyone.
Then, you don't have to compare the two of us right?
Even if our titles are the same ... our way of thinking and our accomplishments as detectives are different.
I believe that I should be that way, when I search for the truth.
You have your achievements and you have your way of thinking, just like a detective ... isn't that true?
... That's right. I will, cherish this moment.
Sorry for saying those depressing things. People are always, trying to cheer me up.
Hibernate Tip - How to bootstrap Hibernate with Spring Boot - Duration: 2:38.Hi,
I'm Thorben Janssen from thoughts-on-java.org
with a new Hibernate Tip.
Today I want to show you how to bootstrap Hibernate with Spring Boot.
That is extremely easy and doesn't require a lot of explenations.
So, let's get directly into the IDE.
You just need to add the Spring Boot JPA starter to your classpath,
and Spring Boot handles the bootstrapping for you.
You also need to add a database-specific JDBC driver
to the classpath of your application.
In this example, I use PostreSQLs JDBC driver.
Please check your database documentation for more information.
In the next step, you need to define your data source
with a few properties in the application.properties file.
This example configuration defines a data source
that connects to a PostgreSQL database on localhost.
If you add an H2, HSQL, or Derby database on the classpath,
you can safely omit the configuration, and Spring Boot starts
and connects to an in-memory database.
You can also add multiple JDBC drivers
and an in-memory database to your classpath
and use different configurations for different target environments.
That's all you need to do bootstrap Hibernate in a Spring Boot application.
You can now use the @Autowired annotation
to inject an EntityManager.
OK, that's it for today.
If you want to learn more about Hibernate,
you should join the free Thoughts on Java Library.
It gives you free access to a lot of member-only content
like an ebook about the Java 8 support in Hibernate,
a printable PDF version of this Hibernate Tip,
lots of cheat sheets and a video course.
I'll add the link to it to the video description below.
See you next week for a new Hibernate Tip
and if you like today's video,
please give it thumbs up and subscribe below.
KSNT News at 10 End - Duration: 0:29.-------------------------------------------
CAT AND BABY KITTY CAT go to CAT SCHOOL ! A NEW CHALLENGE for harmful kitten - Duration: 5:38.Hello, you are on the channel Come on Let's go.
And today we again conduct time with our cat
Hey, Ryzhulya, are you awake whether?
Mrrr ...
Hello Ryzhulka.
Annie, well, I sleep!
Ummm ...
Well Ryzhulka enough sleep, I'm bored, let's talk.
Well Ryzhulya!
I'll poglazhu!
Annie, I'm sleeping.
I can not help it.
Oh, you're with the guys, hello friends.
I'm sorry, just something This autumn the weather.
Yes, Ryzhulya, in this weather everyone wants to sleep.
As you do not want to go to school, more often it rains.
Guys, you remember Ryzhulyu We like it for a long time shown.
Who knows who this Ryzhulya, Write in the comments
right now.
It seems to me now! I go to sleep.
Well, do not go to sleep, let's better 's look the best comments.
Guys, our very Murka very happy with the new
It's all thanks to you.
So, thank you very much for help.
And, thank you wait this video, for the past
It happened over a week ago.
And we all congratulate the first training week.
Hopefully autumn weather not prevented fun meet
with school friends and with new powers to take
for study.
Guys, hello. Hi baby.
I've heard you're talking about school said.
Yes, and you that know something about school?
Well, we do not have quite the same school like people, but I also
I went to class.
Wow, I did not know.
Tell me please.
Well, in our school cat usually older train
MPP ...
Yes, I remember how it was.
Mom, come on heaps, I Now to Murka got to go.
And I won some sleepy.
So, when I learned, Mom kept hunting lessons and
A Murza taught lessons communicating with people and rules
Wow, that's great.
Now, when there was a Murka, I am also a senior and
so I can become a teacher for her.
And what are you going to teach Murka?
Well, today we will have a lesson good behavior and protection
A couple of days will be my favorite self-defense lesson.
Guys, write a Who is your favorite lesson
at school.
Can we see your today's lesson
good behavior and protection grain?
Of course, it is only 2 different lesson.
Went to Murka.
Today we have a lesson in the henhouse.
Wow, hello MPD!
Oh, Murochka, hello!
Oh, Baby!
I feel shy in front of the children do.
Do not be afraid, but go and say hello!
Is that the greeting on do you think?
Murka, well you give.
We've already passed.
And it is here that?
Baby, this here water is spilled.
Murka Okay, come in line Build on growth.
And we begin to do.
Ha ha ha, what you are cute.
Good Murka.
So this is our bowls food.
you look Murka?
oh, what is it?
Hey, kid, what is it?
Hey, Murka, as well, come on!
What is that behavior?
I wanted to tell you about the rules of conduct for
food and spoil you, naughty.
See Murka, here bags grain, and we, cats should
to protect him from all pests.
Remember Me?
Hey, Murka, queer, and Well climbs!
I am who I say Get out!
At the same guys you look, What example did you tell them ?!
Sorry, kid, I'm just so I like when you're with me
I promise to try.
Look to me, and you'll get.
Go to the grain.
Murka See, here it is, a passage through which the mouse
making their way to the grain.
Baby, can you help?
MPD is not, thank you, I can handle.
So, our task is not prevent the infiltration
mice to the grain.
Hey, Murka, you listening to me? Oh, those kids!
Yeah Baby, listen!
Here corn grain and mouse it is impossible.
Because our chickens then there will be nothing to eat.
Murka, what have you done!
Quickly memorize all!
Yes, it is well done.
Now go to check.
Come on, do not be afraid.
I'm not scared, just a little here place.
I climbed now.
Oh oh oh...
Do not be afraid Murka, I'll derzhu.Davay, to climb to the top.
Use claws, my daughter!
No, no, I'm not helping.
The kid can handle it.
Come on, this foot here.
And tightens.
Help the hind paws.
So, everyone!
Murka in place.
Now she is responsible for grain.
And the lesson is over now.
Hey, wait a minute how over?
And how Murka?
It's okay, Annie.
I am here to guard a little mouse, and then the kid to replace me.
You'd better come later on self-defense lesson.
Hmm, well.
You have a very interesting lessons.
The boys sure come.
Well, then today all for now and see you soon.
Nespresso - The fisherman - Duration: 2:03.NESPRESSO PRESENTS THE FISHERMAN
I'm a coffee farmer and I love fishing.
Mathias always wants to go fishing.
When he doesn't want to do his homework I tell him he can't go fishing.
He then usually tells me he won't do it unless I take him fishing.
And that's the same, day in day out.
It's not just about the fishing.
It's about enjoying the river and the wildlife.
Everything that comes with going to the river or ravine.
It isn't something you're taught. It's something you're born with. It's in your blood.
The shell of the coffee cherry which is the first thing to come off in the machine
ferments in the water.
And the bean has a slime that we call mucilage
which we would wash off and pollute the rivers with.
If you wanted to go swimming in the river you had to leave your shoes on.
That's how pollute the water was.
The Community Mill has had a great impact on the community.
We're helping to keep the rivers clean and preserve the environment as a whole.
Independent farmers can make a difference too.
Bad Kid Steals Candy! Johny Johny Yes Papa Nursery Rhyme Song with Michael and Maya Funny Skit IRL - Duration: 3:36.Bad kid Johny eats cookie
Enjoying the yummy cotton candy
Johny is caught and tries to hide it behind his back
Johny Johny
Yes mama
Eating Sugar
No mama
Telling Lies
No Mama
Open Wide
Give me that!
I have good eyes
you have horrible eyes
Peaking to see if Maya is nearby
Johny pulls out his hidden candy jar
Johny Johny
Yes Mama
Eating CANDY
No Mama
are you telling lies
No Mama
Open wide
Ah Ah Ah
you give that to me or you are grounded for 3 months
Johny Johny
Yes papa
eating cookies
No papa
telling lies
No papa
Open Wide
Ah Ah Ah
I rightfully own this Cookie Now
Guys, don't forget to Like, Comment and Subscribe to this video but I have to go get my cookie back now BYE
People deserve to have the opportunity to go to University or TAFE if that is their path - Duration: 15:03.Thanks Mr. Deputy Speaker Deputy Speaker last night my grandfather passed
away he was born in 1932 and he was incredibly intelligent the smartest
person I ever met but there was never any risk that he'd be able to go to
university there's never any prospect of that he left school as a child and
became a fireman on a steam train and later when he started his business his
own business now he was incredibly successful and his business that he
founded is still running today and I think it is fantastic that people
of his generation are able to do well with out the same opportunities that
people of my generation have made but I also think that it would have been
incredible had he had those same opportunities I'm a first in family to
have gone to university like a lot of people on the Labor Party side of this
Parliament and like a lot of people who are at universities today I've got
opportunities two generations after my grandfather but they're also
opportunities that my mother never had that my father never had they left
school at grade 10 as was normal at the time again never any suggestion that
they would go to university again very intelligent people who started small
businesses who worked very hard who have worked very hard their whole lives but
just have not had the same opportunities and yet there I was finishing school in
the 90s and off to James Hook University to start a degree and why why was I able
to do that that's because if labour reforms to higher education it was
because of Gough Whitlam reforms and it was because of Bob Hawks reforms you
know I just heard the coalition member who spoke before me in this debate try
to appropriate Bob Hawke and John Dawkins and the reforms that they made
in the 1980s and try to compare this bill to those reforms as though that is
a rational thing to do but it is not Deputy Speaker
those were reforms under which students are asked to pay a small college
Dushan a small contribution into the public purse to help defray the cost of
university to increase availability of funding for universities this bill this
bill seeks to implement Liberal Party ideology where they think students
should pay more they just think students should pay more and you heard why
because of what the the member before me said he said because students are the
principal beneficiary of higher education and this bill seeks to
increase the overall proportion of the costs of universities study paid by
students to the highest proportion it has ever been since Gough Whitlam freed
up higher education in this country and at the same time this bill unlike Bob
Hawks reforms unlike John Dawkins reforms seeks to cut funding to
universities this is a bill that is aimed at putting up fees for no other
reason in the Liberal Party thinks people should pay more because that's
what they reckon and at the same time they want to deliver funding cuts to
universities it's a disgrace to be doing it and it's a definitely a disgrace to
be appropriating labor heroes like both walking doing so mr. Deputy Speaker to
argue that students are the principal beneficiaries of university education is
I think really revealing on the part of the coalition member who spoke before me
not even the coalition's not even the minister's own documents argue that
students are the principal beneficiaries even the leadership of the Liberal Party
acknowledges that the public benefit of university education is greater than the
private benefit that accrues to individuals but the member argued
that that students are the principal beneficiary so let's talk about that mr.
Deputy Speaker is a student who becomes a Community Legal Centre employee
working in an Aboriginal legal service for family and domestic violence victims
and survivors the primary beneficiary of their legal
education they're not earning much we're taking longer to pay off their Hicks
debt they're doing the right thing by their community are they the principal
beneficiary is the engineer who ensures that the bridges that we drive over
every day they share the principal beneficiary of university education our
emergency department doctors who save lives
they get paid well absolutely of course they do but are they the principal
either the primary beneficiary of university education university
education is good it is not the only good and it's not better than vocational
education and it's not better than a life in business but it is nonetheless
important and people deserve to have the opportunity that comes with being able
to go to TAFE or go to university or do neither and go into business whatever
they see as their path they deserve that opportunity and it is an utter nonsense
to suggest that increasing the amount of private debt that people have to take on
in order to get a university education will not affect that choice it is an
utter nonsense to suggest that a 33 year old woman with
two kids who is thinking about how she can improve her qualifications so she
can make more of a contribution will not be affected in deciding whether to go to
university by the prospect of an even greater private debt private amount of
debt that she would be taking on then under current settings it is an absolute
nonsense to suggest that the parents of a working-class kid in Western Sydney
would not think twice about encouraging their kids to go to university if the
consequence was decades of debt for those kids it's also mr. Deputy Speaker
and nonsense to think that the couple in their
mid-30s with a massive higher education debt won't find it harder to save for
house deposit particularly given housing market in Australia at the mo
do you really think does anyone really think that greater levels of debt this
greater burden that they carry through their life higher education debt won't
make them think twice about going to their local small business and buying a
coffee or buying locally supporting small businesses because of course
people aren't just one thing out just hex debt hours they're also small
business consumers there are customers they're also parents they're also
hopefully homebuyers this is a bill that seeks to do several objectionable things
it seeks to increase the fees that students are asked to pay on an entirely
spurious ideologically driven basis it seeks to decrease by a corresponding
amount the public funding provided to universities and then seeks to further
decrease the public funding provided to universities mr. Deputy Speaker I
understand that the the previous speaker claimed that there were no cuts to
higher education which is frankly amazing incomprehensible thank you thank
you remember fiscal and incomprehensible proposition given that the government's
own budget papers ignored that this is a 2.8 billion dollar cut or 3.8 billion
dollars in fiscal terms the government's budget papers acknowledged that this is
a cut and in fact it is a cut and of course the other highly objectionable
problem with this bill is the proposition that we should reduce the
threshold at which Hex payments kick in down to a much lower threshold much
lower threshold mr. Deputy Speaker
so that when people are earning not much more not much more than the minimum wage
and a long way from average weekly earnings they will start to pay an
additional tax to the to the government they'll start to pay to the Commonwealth
a contribution for higher education and I've seen the press this morning
reporting on government media that suggests that this is great it's going
to mean we recover more debt as the call-off
seems to ignore one little aspect of income contingent loans doesn't it
Deputy Speaker the income contingent aspect of them because of course the
point of these income contingent loans is that if you never earn a high income
and by high income I'm talking $54,000 Deputy Speaker I'm not working one
hundred and eighty thousand dollars if you never earn a high enough income to
make the contribution then you never pay it you might see that people might just
like to describe that as bad debt I see that as the liability not arising in the
first place because you don't get this lauded private benefit that the
government carries on about you're really trying to tell me that someone
only $42,000 is somehow enjoying an amazing massive windfall because they've
had a higher education it's a ridiculous proposition if people want to claim that
it is somehow good that we are recovering higher tax higher taxes from
people on low incomes and go ahead but I will not support that mr. Deputy Speaker
I will not support the argument that says that graduates who earn $42,000
should pay higher taxes than non graduates on the basis of some perceived
private benefit that they have obtained now mr. Deputy Speaker it's not just a
question of the regressive nature of that arrangement though that is obvious
it's also a work force issue for those not-for-profit organizations who say to
people look you will pay you much less but you'll have the satisfaction of
making a contribution now whether it's social
whether it's community legal whether it's medical or pharmacy or whatever you
might do for a community organization where you might actually take a
significant discount and the amount of income that you get and yes that might
mean that it takes you longer to pack your hex ultimately as you move up how
are you going to say to people well you know you should still come and work in a
lower paid job even though it's going to be much more expensive and difficult for
you to do so and I noticed that there's not much focus and attention being given
on the gender ramifications of this bill but the fact is this reduction of the
threshold is more likely to affect women women are more likely being part time
worker in low paid work this is this is absolutely a gendered impact bill and we
should be considering in those terms because this will have an effect on
women's ability to get a higher education it'll have an impact on their
ability to be able to manage the cost of living after they've got that higher
education mr. Deputy Speaker labor opposes the fee increase we say that it
is unreasonable that it forgets the impact on the individual students and it
is oblivious to the impact on the broader economy because of the impact it
will have on household consumption by graduates who have high debts we oppose
the cuts to the Commonwealth Grants Scheme we do not support cutting public
funding to higher education but at this point in time you know it's really
interesting last year higher education was part of the International exports
sector that had a record trade of twenty three billion dollars and one of the
reasons that we do so well in our international education exports is
because of the high quality of Australia's universities and our
countries in our region know this China knows that Japan knows it our competitor
universities are getting the benefit of additional public funding of additional
investment what's Australia doing to this really important export product
sorry export service we're going to cut funding to it we're
going to make it harder for it to be a quality service that's what Australia is
going to do under this bill and that's yet another reason why it's so
ridiculous we're concerned about the performance contingent funding for
universities we we support performance-based funding in principle
but reducing the the funding by seven and a half percent and then using that
as a pool to pay for the performance pay for performance indicators which are as
yet unknown is the wrong way to have gone about doing this so on top of the
the cuts to higher education public funding there's then a further reduction
of seven and a half percent of the funding which will be put into a pool
which will be contingent on as I said as yet unknown performance indicators that
is very problematic the bill also goes to a reorganisation of scholarships for
postgraduate course workplaces mr. Deputy Speaker I think most people would
agree that the current distribution of Commonwealth support places Commonwealth
supported places for postgraduate study needs review and needs to be rearranged
but there are significant difficulties with just without consultation about how
that should be done and without apparently really formulating the actual
policy mechanisms by which that will be done just announcing and legislating and
hoping the rest will fall into place later so we're concerned about that as
well in relation to some bachelor courses obviously this is something that
it requires a lot of discussion and negotiation with the vocational
education sector to ensure that there's not inadvertent cannibalization there in
respective enabling courses we are gravely concerned that taking away the
loading and putting that turning it into student fees will limit the opportunity
for people to take enabling courses and will therefore limit the number of
people from low socioeconomic backgrounds who get to go to higher
education mr. Deputy Speaker will oppose the bill Oh
nfl -thể thao | Giải bóng bầu dục quốc gia | Pissed Off Bengals Fan Throws His Hat at Andy Dalton - Duration: 2:00.Please subscribe and Share for Channel. Thanks
Let's Play GOOKA 2: the Mystery of Janatris |26| - Multi-imbecilic {EN} - Duration: 12:16.Nothing in here.
StreamChat Fuzimi: Multi-imbecilic (probably referring to Skineri referring to the game as multidimensional due to Gooka's hand going through walls in the previous episode)
I've got the idea of looking to the bandit's hideout, but there is probably nothing there and at this point it isn't worth the backtracking.
Skineri: I'll bet that you can't jump through that rock! Me: Funnily enough, I just did. Check the recording (slowmo and zoom), I went too much to the left and Gooka went straight through the rock during the fadeout.
Fuzimi: Oh, my whipped cream just melted. Too hot.
My orientation in this town still sucks donkey balls.
Fuzimi: Even through she has been cold for several days now. (wait, is he still talking about the whipped cream, or something else? :D )
Also normally I don't use walkthroughs like that, but with this game, there is simply stuff I could never figure out in a million years (because the game is retarded and somewhat unfinished).
Skineri: Well, it's a chance for a necrophile! (and this was the point where I realized they were talking about Lidra :D )
Experiment - Marihuana, LSD, heroin.
I didn't read the door guy's mind, let's try it.
I don't think I can.
What a perfect place for an invisible wall.
Wait, maybe I can use the telepathy on the door ... AGAIN. :D
Unfortunately, doesn't work.
"He's knocking on his head" - probably a welcoming gesture.
Fuzimi: That had to be some good material.
Also I would like to say I'm sorry that I said there are no dragons in the lore. Both games have been based on books - "Gooka and the Dragon People", and "Gooka and Yorimar" respectively. So there are dragons or something. It's a duology.
And a part of my body is now inside the counter.
Skineri: At least it isn't inside his ass.
Let's try it out without the anti-alcohol potion first.
Fuzimi: (Skineri understood that, so he has a small, meaningless plus from me)
We need mulah. :D
Let's see how it works (starts actually counting how much money is gained and lost)
Fuzimi: Stop betting on everything, and start betting on only one color...
Fuzimi: I see, Skineri, that he really doesn't know how to play (the roulette).
Fuzimi: No Temp, YOU don't know how to play it Me: I know that I don't know! :D
Fuzimi: That note was for Skineri. Read the interpuncture properly. (yes, I would, if he was typing it properly or at all sometimes...)
I just found out that I can bet more than one coin.
Skineri: I bet that it is going to be red this time around. Me: Well, I just have to load the game then. :D *both of us explode in laughter in the Czech version*
I'm a millionaire! :D
Skineri: You're a gambler.
Me: Also I can't play poker and other bullshit.
Also I don't like beer. Rum with cola tastes so much better.
Fuzimi: You're addicted.
I'm sorry, but you didn't win!
Such bad luck... but if I bet some more coins, I'm sure I'll win everything back, if there is luck on my side!
Fuzimi: He doesn't even drink beer, Skineri hit him with something, he isn't a normal human being!
I'm trying to find out if there is some anti-save scumming seed or not.
It seems to be actually random. Did the devs do a good job, for the first time?
Meanwhile Skineri has been trying to convince me to bet on numbers, because he's "sure".
Well, I think that's enough, we spent almost an entire episode on it.
Me: Oh, look at the barkeeper, his hands are cleaning the air, because he is like 30 centimeters away from touching the counter! Skineri: He's playing on a virtual piano!
The Queen of the Night/Space Rocks - Duration: 24:02.-------------------------------------------
So this is the channel intro I guess - Duration: 1:41.If this is anything to go by, this will be a truly wholesome experience.
I think this building is pretty neat.
Except the doors.
I don't think that's an optimal design decision.
After about 5 minutes of pressing buttons to no avail, I think we're ready to open the doors
*Furiously mashing every key to take order*
(Camera is side effect of such a method)
*Still hammering keyboard* (Just take my word for it plz)
I don't understand how I did it, but k.
(Side note, this is a Mexican restaurant :^)
What do I get to play?
Cooking Mama pc edition?
Mario Party-esque action?
Personal Trainer:Cooking lite?
It's arrows.
Just arrows..?
*In awe of newfound roblox cooking skills*
She looks like she''s in so much pain
Her Arm
That Smile
Her transparency
And her painfully unsuccessful restaurant.
I don't appreciate my only 2 customers giving me this kind of rep
I can only respond in one way.
password is qwertyuiop plz take this joke from me
4 दिन में डैंड्रफ या रुसी को दूर करके बाल कैसे बढ़ाये | How to Grow Hair & How to Remove Dandruff - Duration: 2:41.How to grow your hair faster and longer and how to stop hair fall by remove dandruff on your hair
yes in this dandruff remove video i'll tell you about how to get rid from dandruff within 4 to 7 days using natural hair products means COCONUT OIL MAGICAL HAIR GROWTH TREATMENT
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Ashton Kutcher publie un premier cliché trop mignon de son fils Dimitri - Duration: 2:06.-------------------------------------------
Как управлять энергией денег. Простая техника привлечения денег - Duration: 2:37.-------------------------------------------
Stats don't tell full story on Dez Bryant's night vs. Giants - Duration: 1:59.Stats don't tell full story on Dez Bryant's night vs. Giants
FRISCO . Sometimes the box score doesn't tell the full story and that is the case with Dez Bryant's performance in the Dallas Cowboys' 19-3 victory over the New York Giants on Sunday night.
The star receiver had what would appear to be another forgettable game against the Giants. He finished with two catches for 43 yards on nine targets — not much better than his one catch games vs.
the Giants last season. But, again, the box score is deceptive at times. It makes no mention of Bryant drawing a pass interference penalty against Giants cornerback Janoris Jenkins in the second quarter of what became a Cowboys' touchdown drive.
It makes no mention of quarterback Dak Prescott missing an open Bryant on a slant in the end zone in the first quarter. Bryant felt he had a much better game than the stat sheet suggested.
"I honestly do," Bryant said. "I feel like I got some good film going against them.
But, hey, we got the 'W.' It's going to get better. It's just the first game." Bryant and Jenkins were a marquee matchup going into the game and the two jawed constantly throughout the night.
On paper, it might appear Jenkins had won again but Prescott and the Cowboys weren't scared to throw his way as Bryant's nine targets suggest.
Bryant urged reporters to go back and watch the film because, in Bryant's mind, Jenkins "caught some breaks." "Yeah, just go watch the film," Bryant said. I made him fall once. That was a touchdown. I felt like he got lucky tonight.
He caught some big breaks and that's how it goes. We got the W." Bryant did have the longest offensive play by the Cowboys on the night, a 35-yard reception late in the third quarter.
Tight end Jason Witten led the team in receptions with seven for 59 yards. Terrance Williams led them in receiving yards with 68 on six catches.
Chloe Worries about Nadine - Duration: 0:25.Chloe: Got awfully quiet.
Chloe: Nadine!
Chloe: Ah! Nadine!
Nadine: What?
Chloe: Aauggh! Why didn't you answer?
Nadine: I didn't hear you.
Nadine: Did a lot of shooting just now.
Nadine: My ears are ringing.
Chloe: Ah, you- ah, you took them all down?
Nadine: Ja.That's why you hired me.
Nadine: Besides, they started it.
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