পিতা মাতার মর্যাদা।Pita Matar Morjada by Allama Saidi Bangla Waz new
Bangla Waz new
islamic waz
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bd waz
Birdwatching in Wildlife & Bir...-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 350 e Limousine Lease Edition 15% Bijtelling, MemoryPakket - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 d Limousine Automaat Business Solution - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 350 e Limousine Lease Edition 15% Bijtelling, Wide-Screen - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Coupé Business AMG Line Automaat Technology, Burmester - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E220 d Automaat AMG Line, Ambition pakket, Widescreen - Duration: 0:45.-------------------------------------------
Nuova Ford Fiesta - Protezione e sicurezza | Ford Italia - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 108 ACTIVE 1.0 e-VTi 68PK 5-DRS * AIRCO * LMV * BLUETOOTH * - Duration: 0:49.-------------------------------------------
CORTEI A BARBA!!! Dicas e tutorial como tratar da barba (ENG SUB) - Duration: 25:11.God morning guys and welcome to another vlog
Today, I´m going to give you some tips on how to take care of your beard
And then I will go to the physiotherapy, well, I will do some exercicies at home
so that you can come along with me, like I told you
And today, for the first time, I´m going to try to walk with both feet on the ground
with the help of both crutches, but before all of that
I´m going to cut my hair and my beard, that are really needig it
So, see you in a minute
And "Pumbas"!!! There it is guys
It seems I lost almost 10 years and like you can see
I cut my hair and beard
I cut half of my beard, because it was this big
This time I decided...I used to cut my beard straight on the sides, front and under, like this
This time I cut it in an angle
More like a type of beard like the 300 spartans
to try something new and because I needed to remove some
Big part of it, because this fase where I
Well, when I had the plaster on the foot, Icouldn´t take care of the beard
And that made her act strange. I have been taking care of it every day for a month now
And even now she was getting all over the place, she was big
the beard was completely out of control, so I decide to give her a big cut
So that now she can grow again and start to "behave her self"
To see if my beard gets back to normal, because, she was out of control and ther was nothing I could do
I tried everthing and it was impossible to make her look good
I would get out and after a litle bit she would be all over the place
When I finished taking care of her, she would look nice, but after some minutes she started do get crazy
the size would get smoler, she would get curly, and so, I decided to take of half of the beard
Lets see how she grows now, because the size I took off takes 2 month growing back
Let´s see...but I´m very pleased with the cut at the barbershop
Thats somthing, that is always dificult to trust
Because we visualize somthing in our minds and when we go to some barbershops
we get skeptic when it is a new barber, because we don´t know how will oe will not cur our beard
if it is going to look like we wanted and a beard is not like the hair
the hair we can change style and transform it and he grows faster
but with the beard that doesn´t work like that
well, I personally don´t get crazy when someone gives me a bad haircut
Because I know my hair will grow fast again and after 15 days correct it and re-style it
Or at least make ir look better that how they cut it
but with the beard it´s not like that
you are to far away
that´s better
a litle bit more...to fit everything
there we go, done!!!
well, some tips I want to give you for your beard, and for some that might ask
how I take care of my beard
what I usually do to my beard or for someone who want´s to grow a beard
Some tips I can give you, first, be patient
That´s the most important one beacuse growing a beard has it´s ups and downs
At the start when she is small it looks ok
but when the beard starts to get bigger than 1.5cm
that´s when the beard starts to look careless
And it gets to a point where you look in the mirror and start thinking about cutting it off beacuse it looks bad
Keep it calm guys, trie to keep the beard and don´t cut her off
because after that, will come the best part
After it looks careless
And you will have people tell you to cut the beard completly off like it hapened to me
but don´t do it, stick to your quest
And don´t cut your beard, let it grow and at the end you will see that it payed of
then, during the process, normally people say that letting a beard grow it´s itchy
and it´s boring, and hot...that´s not true, if you take care of it, OK?
if you take care everyday of your beard, it won´t get hot, or become itchy
it won´t happen as long as you take care of her everyday
but yes, it cakes time. For those who think to have a beard you need to be careless
and a short beard gives you work, it´s exacly the oposite, a big and wellcared beard
it´s a lot of work, believe me
it´s a daylly care that you will have
and you have to keep that in mind, that you will lose some extra minutes each morning
taking care of your beard but i assure you, she won´t itch or get hot
So, to get started, the first thing we will need
I have here some of my stuff
I use 3 difrente brushes. This one I use for the mustache
This one has two sides, one larger and one closer that I normaly use in 2º place
Because the first one is this one
the first brush I give to my beard, after I showered, is with this larger one
Kỹ thuật máy tính|Hướng dẫn tải File Bios cho Mainboard ASUS H61M-E - Duration: 10:56.-------------------------------------------
DESPACITO - SIDE EFFECTS - EFFETTI COLLATERALI - Duration: 2:07.-------------------------------------------
How to pronounce the ng /ŋ/ sound | American English Pronunciation - Duration: 2:25.Hi! Today we're talking about the ng sound. This is a very important sound in
English because -ing is a very common suffix. So it's important to know this
sound and to know the difference between this sound and the sound of just -in.
For example in the word "thin": the in sound is there. The -in is a simple sound,
it involves the sound coming completely out of your nose, there's
no air coming out of your mouth and, it's just the tongue is touching the top
of the mouth. So it's just "mmm" and there's a voice turned on and the air is
flowing out of the nose. So the problem is that most people when they say -ing
they don't do the G part. So the G part involves the tongue, the back of the
tongue lifting up and the throat muscles tightening. So instead of "thin" you say
"thing" and it's voiced, the voice is still activated and the sound is high
coming through the nasal passage. "Thin" low sound, "thin", and "thing" "thin" and "thing".
So make sure you're aware of your tongue you're aware of your throat muscles. Some
other examples are "sing" "ring" and "laughing". Anything that has that ing has
this ng sound. Becoming aware of your tongue making sure that its back of your
tongue is coming up to the top of your mouth for the G and the throat
muscles are tightening and the sound is coming up more into the nasal passage.
That's the trick for the ng sound! Go ahead and record your voice compare it
to a native speaker. Keep practicing and thank you for watching!
banana..!! Simple & crazy & Fun Life Hacks & Fun tricks [HOWTO] - Duration: 5:47.banana .. !! Simple & crazy & Fun Life Hacks & Fun tricks [HOWTO]
Soluzioni problemi audio dei PC 🔉 (supporto ufficiale Dell) - Duration: 2:23.-------------------------------------------
Bizim Hikaye / Our Story Trailer - Episode 1 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:08.Whoa! We are walking here. Can you not see? Jerk!
I am so sorry. I am so sorry. Are you alright?
Well, I don't understand why we took him here. People will start talking.
- He is very handsome, isn't he? - He'll hear you, stop.
I think he likes you. Didn't you see how he looks at you?
How many people live here?
Did I do something to...
Good morning. We brought your washing machine.
No, we didn't order any machines. The adress must be wrong. # Please accept this, Barış #
What? Did the jerk from yesterday send this?
Oh my...
This is brand new.
I was gonna say... If you are avaliable tonight, could we go somewhere?
- Good morning. - Oh! You?
- Filiz! Why don't you give it a chance? - Why would I?
I think there is something indescribable between us...
..a pull. You don't have to remain this strong.
Just give me a chance.
- Are you done? - We are not. Our story has just begun, Filiz.
[ ЛЕСНЫЕ ЗВЕРИ для ДЕТЕЙ ] Развивающий МУЛЬТИК для ДЕТЕЙ - лесные ЖИВОТНЫЕ. Как говорят животные. - Duration: 3:13.-------------------------------------------
JamesPayneDrums.com - Feet Position On The Pedals' lesson preview - Duration: 0:38....of course it's harder, again, to control it because we have to work on a
wider range of motion and that's the main problem for all the drummers
everybody is just like oh yeah you know I'm just going to go here and boom I've
solved my problem and then after some years there's who has pain in the knees who
can't play without a trigger and so on...
পিতা মাতার মর্যাদা।Pita Matar Morjada by Allama Saidi Bangla Waz new - Duration: 52:31.পিতা মাতার মর্যাদা।Pita Matar Morjada by Allama Saidi Bangla Waz new
Bangla Waz new
islamic waz
waz bangla
bd waz
TIKI TAKA -PORRO E GRETA MENCHI E MUGHINI CRITICI SULLA PROPAGANDA POLITICA - Duration: 1:25.-------------------------------------------
QUINTA COLONNA - SCHIAFFI SI E SCHIAFFI NO TOSCA D' ACQUINO - Duration: 2:30.-------------------------------------------
TG5 -FINLANDESE STUPRATA E PERCOSSA CON UNA PIETRA DA UNO STRANIERO DEL BANGLADESH - Duration: 1:20.-------------------------------------------
YouTube TV Now Available-------------------------------------------
পিতা মাতার মর্যাদা।Pita Matar Morjada by Allama Saidi Bangla Waz new - Duration: 52:31.পিতা মাতার মর্যাদা।Pita Matar Morjada by Allama Saidi Bangla Waz new
Bangla Waz new
islamic waz
waz bangla
bd waz
Cell Block Bistro-------------------------------------------
The father doesn't understand why women spend money! [Hello Counselor / 2017.09.11] - Duration: 18:10.Most people come on this show
wanting to change their bad habits.
But he has no will to change at all.
Since you're the one who takes care of the finances,
we think you should just refuse to give him money.
I've tried that. But if I don't,
he locks himself up in the room and doesn't come out.
He says, "I should just disappear.
- I should go out and die." / - That's the worst.
Since he says that, I get worried.
So I just end up giving him the money.
You've worked hard for that money together.
Isn't it heartbreaking?
Of course it's heartbreaking.
Then don't give it to him.
Then he gets upset.
You should rest on Sundays.
But you go with him to keep your eyes on him?
There are many pawn shops nearby.
He might sell our car so I get worried.
My children ask me to go with him because
they're worried, too.
What do you do while he gambles?
I just stand there.
I just stand behind him.
Then when I get tired, I sit by a slot machine.
Then someone comes and tells me to get up.
So I would just put in a quarter and play once.
Have you ever hit a jackpot?
I did once.
I put in 70 cents.
How much did you win? (Really?)
I put in 70 cents and the number 100 came up.
I thought I won $100, but the man next to me
told me that I won $1,000.
With 70 cents.
How did that feel?
He's smiling for the first time.
(That's what gambling is about)
So what? He lost $2,000.
So he lost $2,000 and you won $1,000 that day?
Do you eat meals while you're there?
You don't eat either?
You could leave for a moment to eat.
I don't eat until I get back home.
If she didn't go with him
he could've lost a lot more money.
He's too gullible so I have to go with him.
He trusts people too easily.
Did something happen in the past?
He lent $30,000
to an acquaintance who never paid him back.
Oh my.
One time, he decided to close our supermarket
and start a phone business and lost $80,000.
He lost money even without gambling.
How do you relieve stress, ma'am?
I just go window shopping.
Couldn't you buy something you want?
You should. Your husband spends money easily.
I have to save up.
He spends it all anyway.
That's why at least I should be frugal.
If I start to spend money too then...
That's why I can't play at the casino.
I want to, but I can't.
Oh, do you want to play?
She's hit the jackpot once.
She wants to save that in her heart.
Sir, you said there's nothing she can spend money on
but she must have things she wants to buy.
She's been working hard all her life.
I'm sure she wants to enjoy her life, too.
Don't you feel bad for her?
I do, but...
I told her to find a hobby of her own
while she's home.
But she said no.
There's nothing more I can do.
You said earlier that
you can't let her spend $1,000 for herself.
Can she have a hobby that costs $1,000 a week?
No. Why would a woman need to spend that much?
How can you have a hobby without money?
Every hobby costs money.
She should spend reasonably.
You should spend it reasonably.
I am doing it reasonably.
Your wife said she likes to gamble, too.
Let me ask you this.
Your son is working very hard right now.
Time has passed and he's a lot older.
Just like you do now, he spends
$1,000-2,000 every weekend on gambling.
How would that make you feel?
That's definitely wrong.
He shouldn't gamble.
(Why not? x100)
I don't know what better thing will come out then,
but I think that's wrong.
We're asking you why.
I've done it myself.
What's so bad about it?
- Because you lose money? / - What's bad?
It makes you lose money so it's bad.
Then you shouldn't gamble either.
He'd be spending his own money, too.
Well, that...
They should just be satisfied with me gambling.
What do you mean?
So you know that it makes you lose money.
- But you keep... / - He can't stop.
So it's an addiction.
You should admit that it's an addiction.
It's definitely not an addiction.
So he...
This is a serious problem.
An addiction is when a man spends many nights
there to gamble.
I only play for a day and come back home.
That's not an addiction.
Half of the money you spend is your wife's.
Imagine if she were to gamble and you watch.
- How would you feel? / - He said that's wrong.
That's of course wrong.
(How did you end up like this, dad?)
What was your dad like before he gambled?
He was very loyal to his family.
We went on family trips and we ate as a family.
Since he gambles every Sunday
we don't get to eat as a family often.
We don't get together often anymore.
Right. As their grandchildren grow up
they should spend time with their grandchildren,
so you must be quite concerned.
He said he's married now.
She can't tell her father-in-law to stop and
she can't talk to her mother-in-law about it.
She must feel uncomfortable.
We live with my parents
and she's pregnant right now.
She's having a hard time as it is already.
I am sure it is tough living with my parents.
Let's meet his wife.
It must be tough living with them.
When he returns from the casino
things are very serious at home.
When I'm home with my in-laws during the day...
It's already uncomfortable living with my in-laws
but it's worse since it's gloomy at home.
I don't know what to do.
Your mother-in-law must be having a hard time.
That's right.
She has to do chores at home and
she babysits her daughter's baby right now.
Does your sister-in-law gamble, too?
No. She has a job.
She has to babysit once she gets home from daycare.
She has to clean and prepare dinner.
My mom is very frugal.
She doesn't throw away empty bottles.
She exchanges every bottle for money.
She always finds the cheapest place to buy goods.
She's very frugal.
But he goes out and gambles away so much money.
Imagine how tough it must be for her.
Does your father-in-law help out around the house?
Not really.
He doesn't even work that hard during the day.
He doesn't?
When it's midnight
he begs her to go home.
But what karaoke place closes at midnight?
Right. It's open until late at night.
When customers come at midnight, he sends them away.
When customers want to stay longer
he just kicks them out.
You've heard your daughter-in-law talk.
Aren't you embarrassed?
What's there to be embarrassed about?
And you don't feel sorry either?
Why would I be?
Did I ask her for money? Did I ask for my son's?
That's not what we're talking about here.
As the grownup in the family
you're wasting away your money every week.
But you're telling your son who watches you do it
that he shouldn't do the same.
Then you shouldn't do it either.
Their daughter is here, too. Let's talk to her.
What's your biggest concern?
I have a 28-month-old daughter.
My sister-in-law will give birth in 2 months.
I'm afraid that our children will be influenced
by what their grandfather does.
Of course.
Children end up mimicking what their parents do.
My mother is very organized
and I am organized, too.
My father likes to play games and so do I.
We just end up becoming like our parents.
Children are the mirror.
Children are parents' mirror.
I don't know how much money you have,
but if you lose, let's say, $4,000 every month
that's not a small amount of money.
Aren't you worried about your later years?
I'm preparing for our later years, too.
We should ask his wife about that.
What is he doing to prepare for your later lives?
I don't know.
He's not preparing for it.
He's probably relying on his wife for that.
Don't you wish he would spend that money
on you instead?
If you had that money, how would you spend it?
I'd like to travel overseas and rest.
For a month or two.
I want to travel as a group.
You want to buy some things, too, right?
You said he lost about $400,000-500,000
in the last 15 years at the casino.
The production staff made a list of what you two
could've done with that money instead.
It would cost $10,000 to spend a month in Hawaii.
Going on a cruise to South America.
That would cost about $30,000.
To South America for a month.
The hotel in the sky.
It's a private jet.
Traveling around the world for a month.
- How much is that? / - $300,000.
- They could've done all those things. / - Oh my.
But instead, you wasted it all on slot machines.
What a waste, sir.
Didn't you ever wonder why you live this way?
Didn't you ever decide you should quit?
I've thought that many times.
I didn't even pee in the direction of the casino!
But even then
when I laid down in bed after work
the slot machine would
appear before my eyes.
The moment I hit jackpot! Coins pouring out.
I couldn't stop thinking about it.
Sometimes I stayed up all night.
I couldn't sleep one bit.
All night.
So it's close to the weekend...
Does your heart start to race?
Then why do you say you're not addicted?
You can't really say I'm addicted.
People play for days and nights.
It's not about how many days you gamble.
Slot machines appear before your eyes.
That means you're addicted.
(He can't even admit that he's addicted)
It's not about you not peeing in that direction!
You go there and pee at the casino.
You go to the sauna, too.
You know it's a problem, but you can't fix it.
Have you thought about talking to a counselor?
I don't think it's that bad yet.
I do realize that I should go less.
We talked to an expert regarding your symptoms.
He gave us this advice.
Let's take a look.
Considering his income, he is spending
an excessive amount on gambling.
His family is suffering from this problem,
but he can't stop.
That means he is addicted to gambling.
He hasn't been able to quit for years, but
he's actually going more often now.
I think it'll be hard for him to quit
without seeking help from an expert.
Right. Since he's going more often.
He's going more often and spending more money.
How do you feel now?
The expert is right,
but I don't think I can quit at once.
I will gradually reduce the number of days I gamble.
No, no.
You'll quit when you're completely broke.
It won't go that far.
But you don't sound so confident.
You should seek help.
You shouldn't be embarrassed about it.
'Why would I go talk to a counselor?' Don't be.
Let's say you're hurting here.
You're diagnosing yourself saying it's not that bad.
That's dangerous. You shouldn't decide on your own.
Why don't you go seek help at least once?
I will do my best.
Please put off going to the casino
and go to Hawaii with your family.
We'll have plenty of time to go to Hawaii.
Why would you put that off?
Go to Hawaii with your family first.
Save up money for Hawaii first. How's that?
I will try my best.
You'll go talk to a counselor, too, right?
(Please keep your words!)
You were courageous enough to come here today.
What do you ask from your dad?
He said that he would try.
Mom has a hard time going to the casino every week.
I hope he remembers that
and cuts back on the days he gambles.
Please tell your husband what you want.
I wish you wouldn't go.
Not at all.
I will do my best.
(He sounds like he means it)
Thank you.
When it gets worse, you won't be satisfied
with slot machines anymore.
You can't go backward.
Think about how you were 15 years ago.
You've changed since then.
It has gotten worse.
Please remember that the change will accelerate
and it will get worse faster.
Please tell us if it's a concern or not.
I think it's a concern.
The first topic was too serious.
I don't get to see my mother often.
You live with your family.
I wish you'd make more memories with them.
I think it's a concern.
Please press the button if you think it's a concern.
(What does the audience think?)
Sounds like the casinos.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Time's up.
Sir! That sounded like the casinos, right?
Right? Didn't that excite you?
Please say a word to your son.
Please show him what a great dad you are.
I am on television thanks to you.
I will do my best to gamble less.
Maybe just once or twice a year.
That's great.
I will do my best.
I give you my word.
A word for your wife, too, please.
She's always been there for you.
Don't cry.
(His son gets emotional, too)
You've gone through so much.
I will do my best not to go from now on.
Give her a kiss on her cheek.
Just do it, sir.
It'd be great for them to go just once a year.
Lastly, ask us anything.
Please choose the dates now.
Twice a year. What months? And how much?
You can't say $100,000 each time.
That won't work.
That's dangerous.
Half of 2017 has passed already.
Once in mid-September.
Once on Christmas Eve.
How much will you spend?
I will only be going twice a year.
(How much is he going to spend?)
$3,000 each time.
That's a lot.
I'd only be going twice a year.
Can you accept that, ma'am?
$3,000 each time?
That's a little too much.
How much would you allow?
(We hope he gambles even less than that someday!)
He hasn't accepted it yet.
You promised to go twice a year.
(Today marks the first day of an important change!)
Results, please.
Many people participated.
I think it'll be over 150.
(Many people pressed the button)
(How many votes did they get?)
(They got 170 votes)
Aaradhya Bachchan Is A Carbon Copy Of Aishwarya Ray Bacchan That You Won't Believe! - Duration: 5:18.Aaradhya Bachchan Is A Carbon Copy Of Aishwarya Ray Bacchan That You Won't Believe!
Just. A Chill Mix [Best Of Popular EDM] - Duration: 46:50.Bvd Kult & Will Heggadon - Island
GAMPER & DADONI - Crossing Lines
Savi - Losin Myself (feat. Ida da Silva)
Gianni Marino ft. Luna May - Make You
Arcando - Is It Possible (feat. MenEnd)
Dropout - No Scrubs (feat. Wendy Sarmiento)
Loving Caliber - You Are The Solution (Chez Remix)
Trinix - Midnight
Sander W. - Alive feat. Alexandra (Jiinio Remix)
BVRGER - Cyber Love (House Flip)
LU2VYK & River - Castaway
Silience - Over You
Quarterhead - Habits
Truth x Lies - Wanderlust
42:26 Jelle Slump - Wanderlust (feat. Aidan O'Brien)
Draw Tip Tuesday - Duration: 2:23.Welcome To Draw Tip Tuesday!
Here's your weekly dose of inspiration to build a creative habit.
One drawing at a time.
Brought to you by Sketchbook Skool.
Today we'll use a fineliner, a color pencil, watercolors, water and a brush.
Sometimes you just don't feel inspired.
You have no ideas.
here's a tip that can really change your mindset: start making marks.
pick up a pen and just doodle.
Draw lines, do a bit of stippling, draw random shapes, draw circles and make them stick together,
just make some marks.
This is not a drawing you're making, you're just moving your pen around and it might help
you bring new ideas to your sketchbook.
That's what happened to me…
I was making marks and then hatched a little, then crosshatched, and suddenly I looked at
the oval shapes I had been drawing.
I thought, hey what if i would combine these?
That totally looks like a pineapple!
And with an idea like that, you can jump right onto the next page and fill it!
You can make a fun pattern to fill up your page.
Use the color pencil to color the basic shapes.
You can draw the shapes in different directions and create a repeating pattern.
Then on top of that, use your pen lines.
You can work neat and make all the shapes equally large and slow down on the pen work.
I'm a bit sloppy as I'm eager to fill this page and to see what it looks like.
Now, mixing media, let's also add a little bit of watercolour.
I am using a lot of pigment and not too much water, so I can make brush strokes and use
the texture the brush will give the paint.
I think this is a very fun pineapple pattern but it feels like something's missing.
This could use a bit more color and vividness, so i'll use an orange and a red color pencil
to add a background of random pencil strokes.
It kind of works!
I wonder with what other shapes or subjects you could fill a page like this!
I hope you've gotten some ideas and will dive right in to create a repeating pattern
inspired by doodles!
And if you need more inspiration and ideas, head on over to SketchbookSkool.com and join
one of the classes today!
Should you really vaccinate your kids? - Duration: 1:01.once I thought that
vaccines are safe and good for my children
because they prevent them
to get diseases that can kill them
then someone I know told me
she doesn't vaccinate her kids
because it can cause autism
she opened my eyes
I was like oh my gosh!
holy shit!
how come
people actually believe such a bullshit?!
a whole bunch of scientific researches
proved again and again
that there is no connection
between vaccinations and autism
and that in general
vaccines are safe to use
but it doesn't really matter
what kind of harm you believe that vaccines make
what can be possibly worse than a dead child?!
what kind of parent says
I prefer my kid to die
rather than have autism or whatever
fucking vaccinate your kids!
ALOO KABAB - VRAT UPVAS NAVRATRA RECIPE-NAVRATRI ALOO KABAB | नवरात्रि आलू क़बाब | BY VIJAYALAKSHMI | - Duration: 3:28.Hi this is vijaya & welcome to Vijaya's recipes
Today we'll make an another fasting recipe i.e Navtarti Aloo Kakab
Its very to make and require very minimum ingredients
So let's make Navtarti Aloo Kakab
To make Navtarti Aloo Kakab we've pressure cooked 3 potatoes for 2 whistles and peeled them
3 tsp Barnyard Milet ( Sama Rice)
3 Chopped Green Chilli, 1 inches Chopped Ginger
1/2 tsp Rock Salt preferably used in Fasting & 1/2 tsp Pepper Powder
So let's make Navtarti Aloo Kakab
Grate the boiled potatoes
We've grated the potatoes now adding green chillies
Ginger paste
Rock salt
Pepper powder
Mix it well
Pour Sama Rice into the plate
Making balls of potato mixture
Dip and coat the potato mixture ball into the rice
Similarly we'll prepare the remaining balls and dip into Sama Rice
Here we have prepared all the potato balls now we'll deep fry them
Oil is heat up in the pan, now we'll fry the potato balls
We've fried Aloo Kakab for 5 mins on medium flame until they become brown
Now we'll serve them into plate and will fry all the Aloo Kakabs
Our Navtarti Aloo Kakab is ready, we'll serve this into plate
Here we have Navtarti Aloo Kakab is ready, we'll serve it with coriander chutney
If you don't eat coriander chutney in fasting, you can avoid it
You can enjoy the kabab's like this
If you like our today's recipe then do try this
We've given detailed method of preparation and ingredients
Do like and share our videos also subscribe to our channel.
And for more such recipes, please visit our website "www.vijayasrecipes.com"
Thanks for watching
Pirates of the Sea | Chhota Bheem Full Episodes in Tamil | Season 1 Episode 6A - Duration: 12:03.-------------------------------------------
[CC] My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Battle For Sugar Belle (English) - Duration: 3:14.We'll take a walk down by the river
Watch the sunset from the field
We'll plant the seeds of love together
And water 'em right for a really good yield
Sugar Belle, sweet as pie
You're the apple of my eye
A cherry blossom in a field of rye
And when the heifer's milked and fed
And the pigs are in the sty
Won't you be there by my side?
Oh, oh, oh, ah-oh
When you appear before me
My heart stopped beating
Stars crossed the sky
To come see what I was seeing
You were the one
That made me believe I could fly
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Birds could not sing
A song that's as beautiful
I'd do anything
That's irrefutable
'Cause you are the sun
Painting my heart in the sky (Whoa-oh, oh)
Sugar, Sugar Belle, whoa-oh
When will you tell me that you feel the same?
Like an angel on a candy cane
Or the sunlight shining through a drain
Sugar Belle, when I look in your eyes
I see the color blue
And it reminds me of the sky above
Uh, which is also... blue
Hey, hey, hey, yeah
Be my sugarplum
I will be your watermelon
Every time you smile
I can feel my heart a-swellin'
Blood is rushing from my head to my hooves, yeah
I start movin' when I'm feeling that groove, yeah
I've been writin' this song for you
Searchin' for the perfect rhyme
For the words I want to say
Somethin', somethin', somethin', somethin'... Be mine
Every day I see you
I know you could be the one for me
Feel my heart a-beating like
The rain upon a bumblebee
Don't you see that I could, uh-oh, uh-oh
Whenever you are near me, I'm so... uh-oh
Sugar Belle!
Roses are red and violets are blue
Sugar, Sugar!
My love is burning hot like a cheese fondue
Sugar Belle!
Sugar Belle!
Sugar Belle!
Sugar Belle!
Sugar Belle!
Sugar Belle!
Sugar Belle!
Bizim Hikaye / Our Story Trailer - Episode 1 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:08.Whoa! We are walking here. Can you not see? Jerk!
I am so sorry. I am so sorry. Are you alright?
Well, I don't understand why we took him here. People will start talking.
- He is very handsome, isn't he? - He'll hear you, stop.
I think he likes you. Didn't you see how he looks at you?
How many people live here?
Did I do something to...
Good morning. We brought your washing machine.
No, we didn't order any machines. The adress must be wrong. # Please accept this, Barış #
What? Did the jerk from yesterday send this?
Oh my...
This is brand new.
I was gonna say... If you are avaliable tonight, could we go somewhere?
- Good morning. - Oh! You?
- Filiz! Why don't you give it a chance? - Why would I?
I think there is something indescribable between us...
..a pull. You don't have to remain this strong.
Just give me a chance.
- Are you done? - We are not. Our story has just begun, Filiz.
T Shirt Animation Manipulation | Photoshop Tutorial - Duration: 3:17.-------------------------------------------
How to make easy videos for your business | 3 simple hacks - Duration: 4:26.do you want to do video content for your business but you're just overwhelmed
with all the moving parts that come with video there's equipment
there's editing and let's not forget actually looking presentable and taking
a shower but what if I told you there was a way to make video content simple
in today's video I'm sharing my secret sauce to simple video content hey guys
my name is Trena if you are new here and welcome to another episode of just the
tips on this channel I provide tips and tutorial videos to help you use video
content in YouTube in your business strategy I make youtube and video
possible for even the novice video creator let me know down in the comments
section below are you creating video content for your business right now or
are you just way overwhelmed about everything and you have no idea where to
get started let's chat in the comments section now let me share with you how
you can start making video content simple so the first way to make video
simple is to talk about what you're passionate about and what you're an
expert in you obviously have some type of content that you want to share you're
selling something whether it's of course or your services or your copywriting
whatever you're selling you're passionate about so talk about that one
it'll be easy to talk about because you're the expert in it and two you're
passionate about it and it's going to show through the camera people are gonna
be much more likely to connect with somebody who's sharing about something
they're passionate about and that's what you really want to focus on when
starting with video content this type of video content makes it really easy to
get on camera because you're not worried about what you're saying you're just
sharing your knowledge and you're showing how passionate you are about it
the second way you can make video content easy is just like getting
started with equipment you already have when you start to worry about a DSLR
camera an external mic a lens things can start to get overwhelming you don't know
where to plug things in you don't know what setting that camera should be on so
start with your cell phone those cameras on your cell phones are
just as good as any other camera at these this day and age and that's where
I get started don't use this be cameras though use the backside of
the camera just because it gives a better quality you're more comfortable
with this equipment so it's going to make a video a lot easier and by using
your phone if you have an iPhone you can edit your video right on your phone
using iMovie and then upload it right to YouTube so simple one device to film
edit and upload so start to think about how you can really simplify that filming
process the third way to make video much simpler is to let go of being perfect
and be yourself people are gonna connect with you a lot
quicker and a lot more often if you just show your true self I know from
experience when I first started creating my video content I didn't connect very
well because I was so worried about being perfect making sure I was saying
my words right making sure I didn't look weird or strange but in over two years
of doing this I realized you gotta let your freak flag show he's just gonna
show who you are people aren't gonna connect with a perfect robot they
connect with somebody that they relate to they don't mind if you trip over your
words they don't mind if you have an eccentric personality or you move a lot
on the screen they connect with you as a person so don't be afraid to show your
true personality and let that pressure of being perfect on video No
are you ready to start creating some amazing video content for your YouTube
channel make sure you grab my youtube channel checklist I will link it right
here in this card and down in the description box below it is a 10 step
checklist to make sure your channel on YouTube is set up properly so all the
backend stuff to make sure people can actually find your channel and start
watching your brand new amazing content if you know someone else who is
struggling with video content and they really want to do it make sure you share
this video by clicking any other social share buttons down below so you can
share it on Twitter Facebook Pinterest whatever your favorite platform is don't
forget you can subscribe to this channel for more tips and tutorials on video
content by clicking that circle button right there and thank you so much for
watching I really appreciate it and I will see you in the next video bye
محمود درويش: الباحث الدائم عن الإنسانية - Duration: 4:51.♪
The permanent seeker of humanity
"Write down: I am an Arab"
A few words that marked an entire Arab generation and its shattered identity.
A few words that turned the poet into a star, a refuge for the dreams and
aspirations of Arab youth
But the poet refused to utter those words in any Arab countries
For what would make an Arab boast about his Arab identity to another Arab
in an Arab country?
It is a paradox to with which Mahmoud Darwish refused to comply
In order to understand Mahmoud Darwish and his struggle to overcome such paradoxes,
one must consider the world as he lived it.
Mahmoud Darwish was born in 1942 in al-Birwa to a family living off the land.
Forcibly exiled to Lebanon, he returns to Palestine clandestinely
only to find his village completely destroyed.
Present but not here, that is the first paradox that Darwish encountered:
he does exist, but his existence is not recognized
His inability to defend himself against racial discrimination left a bleeding
wound within him
"If you write poetry ever again I will prevent your father from working"
said the military governor to a young boy, merely thirteen years-old,
who dared recounting the Palestinian plight to his classmates.
It suffices me that I am angry, And it is anger that starts fire.
Mahmoud Darwish was profoundly influenced by his grandfather, who taught him the
meaning of resistance and fighting for one's rights,
and who bequeathed him his proclivity to challenging oppression and injustice.
He was given the surname of "poet of the Resistance", but he refused
for his poetry to be considered as merely an act of resistance to liberate the land:
he wanted to liberate Man in the first place.
For every land its birthdate, For every dawn its encounter with revolt.
The second paradox was for Mahmoud Darwish, a Palestinian,
to join the Israeli Communist Party in 1961.
The ensuing harassment by the occupation authorities made him leave Palestine
for Moscow.
There, he faced yet another contradiction, that between the image of a "poor man's
paradise", as Moscow was often described,
and the reality of a city haunted by fear.
Unable to support this discordance, he left for Cairo
Cairo where he mingled with leading writers and novelists during his time
at al-Ahram newspaper.
Later, Darwish decided to move to Beirut which had become
a promising laboratory for different intellectuals and revolutionary ideals,
and a shelter for intellectuals fleeing the censorship of Arab regimes.
With the beginning of the Lebanese war, he struggled with the
Palestinian organizations' plans
aiming to establish a new homeland in Lebanon instead of Palestine.
Soldiers are often killed without knowing who was the winner!
And with the invasion of Beirut by the Israeli forces, Darwish left for Paris.
Beirut is a witness to my heart, and I desert its streets and myself.
In Paris, he drafted the text of the Declaration of the Palestinian State.
He yearned for a democratic state, based on liberty,
a state contrasting with the Arab regimes.
When the possibility of going back to Palestine became a reality again,
he felt that his national and moral duty was to end his exile.
Darwish took part in the last Intifada using his words.
In his besieged house he declared:
"Language seemed to keep the soldiers away,
since my only power is that of language"
The language of Mahmoud Darwish praised Man and his basic will to live
his humanity, away from fear and subjugation,
To live the way he wishes to live, to be what he wants to be,
not what others want him to be.
The distance between courage and fear is but a dream
A dream?
I am the lord of the dreams!
(says the dictator).
Around my palace do not dream of anything but food!
Mahmoud Darwish died before witnessing the determination of Arab youth to free
this dream from the dictator's palace.
He was the poet who suffered from the paradoxical reality:
between homeland and exile,
between dreams and reality,
between freedom and oppression,
between the victim and the humanity.
He wanted to destroy empty slogans, for:
"We have on this earth what makes life worth living"
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How to Offroad truck simulator android games. android mobile games apk, mobile games-alwayshappy - Duration: 13:14.gaming channel subscribe
How To Make Popcorn Machine at Home With Recycle Can - Duration: 3:29.How To Make Popcorn Machine at Home With Recycle Can
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