Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Youtube daily report w Sep 19 2017

Retail giant Toys 'R' Us has filed for bankruptcy protection after struggling

to pay their bills for nearly a decade. Welcome back to What's Trending, I'm

Shira Lazar. Be sure to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE for more.

Toys 'R' Us, the iconic toy store chain, is currently 5 billion in debt. Late Monday

night, Toys 'R' Us filed for bankruptcy protection hoping to restructure the

company to be more competitive. I mean, If Toys 'R' Us close their doors for good, that

would be the end of an era for so many of us, not just kids! I mean, I was already

depressed enough when FAO Schwarz closed, but now this? Thanks for ruining my

dreams, corporate America. And the dreams for my future kids! @superpidge says,

"Thoughts go out to the staff at Toys R Us. Sad to here it'll be going into

bankruptcy. When I was a kid it was the best place to get toys." Michael tweets, "As

a kid, there was something so mesmerizing about going into toy store like Toys R

Us. So much variety! Shame those days might be numbered." Bryan Francis exclaims,


at Toys R Us kid, and what is your reaction about them going bust? Let us

know in the COMMENTS below. Toys R Us has always been a huge part of

pop culture. Did you know Jenny Lewis was in a couple of Toys R Us commercials

when she was a child actor? The Times Square Toys R Us was a major tourist

attraction. The store was four floors of toys, games, and more, and featured an

animatronic T-Rex from Jurassic Park, and a giant Ferris wheel! Symbolic of Toys R

Us' decline, the flagship store closed in 2015. And now that the chain might be

closed for good, some people feel guilty about shopping

elsewhere. @JoeFreshgoods tweets, "I feel guilty, my daughter has no idea what Toys

R Us is." And some people are quick to blame their slow sales on the "tablet

takeover." Should have innovated, Toys R Us. You had your shot! I have to

agree with this tweet: "The end of an era. Kids only like electronics now." And it's

not just Toys R Us. A lot of toy brands are seeing poor sales lately. Lego has

had to slash hundreds of jobs in the face of slumping sales; Mattel, the makers

of Barbie, are struggling to compete with Hasbro,

but both are suffering from declining stock prices. And while the world's

biggest toy store is dying, the toy industry is

actually growing. Thanks, gliders. Thanks, slime. Thanks, fidget spinners. Enjoy the

15 seconds of fame while you can! Andrew Thaler says, "Weird how the US toy

industry has grown in the first half of 2017. Maybe Toys R Us just doesn't

understand the industry it's in." The toy industry leaders actually reported in

overall 3% increase in toy sales just in 2017. Stores like Toys R Us

are being beaten in sales by online retailers, like Amazon. However, it was

Toys R Us that used to be the best place to buy toys online. BuzzFeed reports

Toys R Us' online sales were so successful that amazon.com, then a new startup, went

into a 10-year partnership with Toys R Us to be the exclusive retail outlet for

toys, games, and baby products. So they did have a shot and they messed it up even then!

And of course then Amazon's business model changed. Toys R Us sued Amazon

for allowing other retailers to sell toys. Amazon claims they had to break

their exclusivity contract because Toys R Us ran out of stock. After a decade of

selling toys for Amazon, Toy R Us forgot to update their own website! How about

just like clear the website altogether? How about an app?

It wasn't until 2016 that Toys R Us revamped its website. BuzzFeed reports,

"Lance Wills, Toys R Us' first global chief technology officer told USA Today:

'In a year to two years, we have to catch up on 10 years of innovation and that's

no small feat.'" So all in all the future of Toys R Us, well it's uncertain. With

bankruptcy protection Toys R Us will keep all of their stores open at least

through the holiday shopping season. So you know what Amazon wants for Christmas

this year? How about some Toys R Us with Whole Foods? That'd be a nice combination.

And of course join our community, LIKE this video, and SUBSCRIBE for more of

What's Trending.

For more infomation >> Why is TOYS 'R' US filing for BANKRUPTCY? | What's Trending Now! - Duration: 3:46.


Toys "R" Us Files For Bankruptcy, Plans To Keep Stores Open - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Toys "R" Us Files For Bankruptcy, Plans To Keep Stores Open - Duration: 1:33.


Senator John Barrasso: 'Much Better Off' With New GOP Health Care Plan | MTP Daily | MSNBC - Duration: 9:42.

For more infomation >> Senator John Barrasso: 'Much Better Off' With New GOP Health Care Plan | MTP Daily | MSNBC - Duration: 9:42.


Toys R Us Files for Bankruptcy Protection, Seeks to Restructure Long-Term Debt - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Toys R Us Files for Bankruptcy Protection, Seeks to Restructure Long-Term Debt - Duration: 1:02.


Toys R Us Files Bankruptcy - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Toys R Us Files Bankruptcy - Duration: 1:35.


【幸せは女性から湧いてくる〜男性の特性〜】字幕付き - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> 【幸せは女性から湧いてくる〜男性の特性〜】字幕付き - Duration: 2:45.


Maroon 5 - "Daylight"

For more infomation >> Maroon 5 - "Daylight"


Can You Hear The Difference Between a Pianist Who Plays With Emotion and Without it? - Duration: 2:51.

Can you hear the difference between a pianist who plays with emotion and without it?

With Emotion

Without Emotion

With Emotion

Without emotion

For more infomation >> Can You Hear The Difference Between a Pianist Who Plays With Emotion and Without it? - Duration: 2:51.


Gerry Scotti e Michelle Hunziker di nuovo insieme: dove e quando - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Gerry Scotti e Michelle Hunziker di nuovo insieme: dove e quando - Duration: 4:09.


Una Vita anticipazioni: Ursula torna ad Acacias 38 e si vendica - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Una Vita anticipazioni: Ursula torna ad Acacias 38 e si vendica - Duration: 3:13.


Autárquicas 2017: Arruada em Gaia e no Porto | ESQUERDA.NET - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Autárquicas 2017: Arruada em Gaia e no Porto | ESQUERDA.NET - Duration: 3:01.


Tomada VARIANDO TENSÃO, o que é? 🛑 - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Tomada VARIANDO TENSÃO, o que é? 🛑 - Duration: 4:17.


O Mago gravando em grande estilo! - (EN/PT SUBBED) [Making of the New Album Pt. 14] - Duration: 15:50.

That's the following...

How many kilos of chorus have you done, Fabio?

I'm still working on that.

- We are getting close to 2 kilos. - 2 kilos, right?

Yes, yes... Just two kilos.

He's a wizard!

Fabio just got here and we are already working.

You've just arrived and started to work. Right, Fabio?

- Yes, of course. - Exactly.

With no pauses.

I've just got and started.

Fabio's got here right now and composed about ten choruses.

Choruses! That's gonna be a chorus album.

That kind of video that you watch afterwards and you feel yourself an idiot,

spinning around with the chair and going dizzy.

- No. There's the "Piano Prog". - Oh, yeah. There's the "Piano Prog".

Gosh! You don't know what happened, Fabio.

The song had 5 minutes and after 7 and a half...

Jens added 20 more seconds...

- Seven minutes and... - And the "Piano Prog" is also...

It's another song.

Seven minutes and fifteen seconds.

Who added a measure 2/8?

It was all I wanted, man.

These guys are fucking great. Composing odd measures.

Oh, no... It's an intro measure, man. Don't talk about it like that.

- Intro measure? - A mix measure.

On it?

Yes, man... It is.

So, the first verse is: Bass first.

After the...

What are you doing now, Felipe?

I was just recording the guitars 'cuz on the demo they were a total mess.

Then, I was just recording them.

Just a little?

This way Jens can understand the song.

Call Rafa, please.

- Let's sing that ballad? - Yes.

Let's also record the melody.

I don't know if Fabio knows it.

- Hello? - Hello, Mauá?

Hello, Mauá? Hello, Sapopemba?

And then, Fabio, are you enjoying the production?


Are you happy with the songs?

Jens is an excellent guy.

And I like the new songs so much 'cos... Because they are varied.

There are some Brazilian elements, Brasuca, Power Metal,

Progressive... It's good. It's really good.


Every single time Fabio sings...

That's the first time he sings this vocal line.

This moment, now...

- He's the Wizard. - The Mythological Wizard.

Can be this way?

Look... Just take a look at the chefs today.

Take a plate for you.

This way is good.

Rafael I had already seen.

I washed my hands.

Felipe since the Almah's period.

But look who's cutting... Look at the way he's cutting the tomato.

The possibility of cutting the fingers is very large.

It's not so large because he's using the correct knife to cut it.

- Yes. - For sure.

First of all you judge and after everyone eats it happily.

- After comes the stoning. - Yeah.

Fabio needs to do a special Italian... An Italian night, uh?

What can you cook, Fabio?

There is some basil over there...

You can record. The basil is for real.

Is it basil for real?

The other... spaghetti and garlic, no.

He says it is basil. I really don't know.

Can you cook Spaghetti garlic and oil?


- Is it basil? - It's good.

- Yes? - Yeah. But, is it basil?

It's basil, man.

Is it a "Manjericão"* or "Manjeriquinho"? (*Basil in PT)

It's a "manjerigato".

I thought about that, as well.

The camera was on and you censor your own...

Man, join tomato and onion. There's just a little of them.

Can I put olive oil?

We are in five men.

I am crying.

I am not. I am relaxed here.

I am moved.

Gosh... You are great, uh?

Oh... It also has some basil decoration and...

We have a little basil tree over there.

Yes, yes.

We took it directly from there.

-This is mine. - I took the basil from the tree.

This is mine.

We have to check the guitar solos. This song has two solos.

And they are beautiful. They are very Rock N' Rollish.


I don't know about that, man.

I don't know.

Maybe this song must not be on this album.

Will it be out?

- It's good enough. - The song is good.

We have to have a song...

Maybe Fabio has a gold reserve.

A chorus, a gold reserve, something to that ballad song...

- No. - If...

I don't have only one gold reserve, I've got more.


Oh.. That's good, man.

Now it will work. There we go.

We've just eaten some Indian food. It was Bruno's first time on this cousine.

What did you think about that?

I had eaten before, but... I have my problems.

But, the chicken was good. A kind of red chicken, uh?

- A very red. - Too red.

- But that thing about... - It has sunbathed.

- Sorry? - It has sunbathed.

Yes... It was sunbathed in Parati, uh?

And then? Some Indian food...

Some Indian... Indian grub.

Too spicy, uh?

Mine was very spicy.

- A little spicy. - Too spicy.

I use to say that the good Indian food tastes bad for me.

I prefer the bad Brazilian food.

Buchada de Bode? (Goat tripe).

No... Not this one. I'm talking about food.

Hey, people from North of Brazil, don't listen to it.

I like food from the North, but Buchada de Bode...

- Sun meat is good. - Sun meat...

What 'bout that Feijoada?

I like it.

- There's nothing better. - I like Feijoada a lot.

But without knees.

No, no...

- Without the ears, snout, tails... - Without nails.

I used to eat Feijoada in a place in Brasilia, the man had a defibrillator...

A razor blade and a nail trimmer...

He took the pig's foot, cut the nails...

Subtitles: TIAGO ANDERSON. - tiago.asm@hotmail.com -

For more infomation >> O Mago gravando em grande estilo! - (EN/PT SUBBED) [Making of the New Album Pt. 14] - Duration: 15:50.


9 signs that you are eating too much sugar - Duration: 4:52.

Who is not greedy?

Most people will admit that consume sugar in large quantities.

Sometimes it's obvious like when you sweetens tea or coffee, but sugar is also

present in some of our food and favorite drinks.

The main sources of sugar are: soft drinks, sweets, cakes, cookies, desserts

dairy products and fruit drinks.

In many cases, the sugar may be present in salty taste of foods and we do not even suspect.

So it is no surprise that many of us We are consuming too much sugar without knowing it.

Therefore, it is important to understand which the symptoms of excess sugar consumption

in our body so we can improve our habits.


Fatigue Sugar can create the illusion that you

is a lot of energy.

However, when blood sugar drops, you will feel a sudden tiredness.

To recover this temporary euphoria, you runs to the cookie jar.

Consider, instead, add fiber and protein to your diet.

Nutrients provide genuine energy.

Like fiber and protein take longer to be digested, you will feel satisfaction


And these nutrients do not cause power surges.

Opt for foods rich in protein such as eggs, chicken, vegetables, whole grains and



Coloring Problems Consuming too much sugar can leave clues

visual on her face.

Those who are susceptible to increased insulin feel a real mountain

Russian in your hormones.

The result can be acne or other problems oily skin.


Constant desire for sweets Breaking an addiction to sugar can be difficult.

Once your body usually receives a large amount of sugar, the cycle

vicious spreads.


Mood swings A new dose of sugar can create a small

burst of energy and suddenly you You feel like everything is right with the world and

in your life.

When power falls again you will feel bad mood and irritation.

So the treats are just one treatment temporary for the palate, but are not

doing wonders for your mood.


Weight gain No need to look far to see

where snacks are housed.

They are probably in the region of its belly.

After all, the body has to hide this sugar somewhere and usually it stays in the stomach.

If you start avoiding treats you You may not need to buy new clothes.


cavities Dentists are quick to remind us

that sugar can destroy the teeth.

It is one of the biggest blame for the degeneration the dental arch.

Sugar need not be totally eliminated from your diet.

You just need to consume the type of sugar that is healthy, including yogurt with low

sugar content, low content of milk fat or fresh fruit.


constant forgetfulness Sugar is often blamed for

forgetfulness of a person, high stress and difficulty sleeping.

To function properly, the brain depends a steady supply of glucose in the blood.

Stability is the key word.

A sudden surge of sugar followed by a quick power outage, can create confusion

in their brain activity.


Sweets lose their taste The taste buds are our sensors

to let your brain know what is a sweet.

Too much sugar can unbalance activities these taste buds.

They do not give the same satisfaction with time.


Depression The consumption of too much sugar can be connected


Consuming too much sugar a day can cause inflammation in the body

and brain.

Studies have shown that patients clinically depressed have a higher rate of inflammation


Scary is not it?

However, with food substitutions You can avoid most effects

harmful excessive sugar consumption in blood.

For more infomation >> 9 signs that you are eating too much sugar - Duration: 4:52.


Insanos - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Insanos - Duration: 2:55.


Thiago Matheus - Cansei de Ser Só Seu Amante - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Thiago Matheus - Cansei de Ser Só Seu Amante - Duration: 3:41.


O ESTADO DAS COISAS | Trailer (2017) Legendado HD - Duration: 2:49.

Troy! You have 10 minutes.

I just gotta put on my clothes.

You have, like, the body of a man, now.

Dad, can you not be weird?


Can you close my door?


Can you close the door?


We're going off to find your college.

It's gonna be special.

We're fully booked tonight.

How about that one?

That's not available.

Oh, looks like it's available.

Yeah, it's not.

That night my mind drifted back to college. So many friends who had become successful.

Craig Fisher work for the White House.

Jason Hatfield had his own hedge fund.

Billy Wearsiter sold his tech company at 40.

What do I have?

I work for a non-profit and have nothing to show for it.

Somebody asked about you. You know, whatever happened to you,

"Where's Brad? I remember that guy Brad..."

You happy?

I love you.

Be present, I love you.

These are competitive schools, Troy.

Just try not to put too much pressure on yourself.

Mike Tallitser thinks that I'll get in pretty much everywhere I apply.

My kid's going to Harvard.

Don't jinx me, dude.

My son is a very talented musician.

Also composes his own music



I'm pretty sure Harvard is gonna be in the running.

Oh, you think Harvard's got a chance?

Suddenly my thoughts darkened. Troy could easily end up struggling like me.

This is Harvard! Even geniuses get rejected.

We need to do everything we can.

Dad, I'm about to go up my interview, do you really need to be jumping all over me right now? You're nuts.

Do I sound jaded? I started out as idealistic as any of your friends over there.

You're 50 years old, and you still think that the world was made for you.

I'm 47.

Sometimes I worry that people think of me as a failure.

Oh, that's right! You have your little thing! That is a cool thing that you do!

That is GOOD stuff.

Your friends are, like, dicks.

Everybody's just thinking about themselves.

The only person that's thinking about you is me.

Isn't it crazy, how we made this kid and now he's this brilliant amazing person?

I'm proud of you.

Dad, are you having some kind of nervous breakdown or something?

For more infomation >> O ESTADO DAS COISAS | Trailer (2017) Legendado HD - Duration: 2:49.


Da pra viver de dança??? (Camila Rolemberg) - Duration: 9:01.

For more infomation >> Da pra viver de dança??? (Camila Rolemberg) - Duration: 9:01.


A TURMINHA DO SULCA VISITA: E.E.F Cristo Rei - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> A TURMINHA DO SULCA VISITA: E.E.F Cristo Rei - Duration: 2:56.


Top 5 Misconceptions About Online Scheduling Software - Presented on Light Board - Duration: 1:36.

New technology doesn't just happen.

For new tech to go mainstream, it has to first pass through the phases of adoption.

Adoption starts with the innovators, and ends with the early majority.

This process of adoption is known as "crossing the chasm", but not all technologies make

it across.

If we look at the Segway; the Segway didn't gain any support apart from it's own innovators.

On the other end of the spectrum we have the smart phone, that within no time at all, jumped

right over and into the heart of the early majority.

Now, online scheduling isn't a new technology, but it has taken it a while to be embraced

by the masses.

That being said, the numbers are in: online scheduling has finally crossed the chasm,

and it's here to stay.

If your business hasn't transitioned to online scheduling yet, you may be weighing the pros

and cons.

We find that the cons boil-down to the same fear: fear of losing control of your schedule.

While this is a legitimate concern, we've found that a lot of this worry stems from

a few common misconceptions.

So, we figured we'd take a look at these misconceptions today and see if we can't shine some light on the


At any time during this video, you can click the link in the upper right corner to learn

more about our online scheduling here at AppointmentPlus™, by scheduling a demo.

Let's get started.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Misconceptions About Online Scheduling Software - Presented on Light Board - Duration: 1:36.


Lívia - Através da Lente (Curta - Metragem) - Duration: 6:43.

Hi !

Hi !

I know it sounds kind of crazy, but I've been watching you for a few days.

I know! Yeah, I know you've been watching me.

You who have not noticed that I have also observed you.

I'm reading but, I always see you taking pictures around.

I realized that you really like nature, right?

I saw the delicacy as you photograph the flowers.

Hum, I don't even know what to say.

I didn't know you were watching me too.

Every time I looked at you, you were so serene, focused on reading, within your parallel world.

But tell me, you came here, it must be because you want to say something, right?

So, say it

What did you want to talk to me?

For more infomation >> Lívia - Através da Lente (Curta - Metragem) - Duration: 6:43.



For more infomation >> THERE IS/ARE/WAS/WERE | ENGLISH PILLS - Duration: 2:14.


Thunderbolt (1995) - Movie - Duration: 1:37:02.

For more infomation >> Thunderbolt (1995) - Movie - Duration: 1:37:02.


Jamaicano & Fael - Afaste Quem Atrapalha (Prod. SMOKEONEBEATS) - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Jamaicano & Fael - Afaste Quem Atrapalha (Prod. SMOKEONEBEATS) - Duration: 3:13.


VIRGO, TAURUS & CAPRICORN: Understanding Earth Signs in Astrology! ✔ - Duration: 14:03.

ladies and gentlemen and everybody in-between! welcome to another episode about astrology!

in this video, we're going to talk about the Earth Signs.

I hope you guys can see my poster that I made.

in my video about the Water Signs, I talked about how Scorpio was the densest Water Sign and

then we have Cancer, which is the most watery water sign and then we have

Pisces, which is the least dense Water Sign. in this episode, we're going to talk

about the Earth Signs ... which is Virgo ruled by mercury now some people want to

assign the asteroid or the Minor Planet some people call it a comment Chiron -

Virgo but I agree with the astrologer Liz green she says that we shouldn't

rush into a signing and he signed - Chiron because Chiron supposed to

represent the outsider the misfit the thing that doesn't fit in so yes I do

agree that there are the aspects of Chiron that correlate with the sign of

Virgo but I don't think that we should assign Chiron - any sign of ion is just

kind of outside of the flavors of the science so to speak I all make videos I

have videos about Chiron then we have Taurus which is a ruled as or assigned

or associated with Venus and then we have Capricorn which is associated

associated with or ruled by Saturn now I drew in my diagram of density

I drew Capricorn at the bottom ruled by Saturn of course Saturn is a dense heavy

influence planet I mean we're not talking about literally we're talking

about in astrology right so yeah so Saturn would be the heaviest the densest

that's why Capricorn to me it's the densest earth sign and then it Taurus

Taurus is in the middle just like in the water science cancer is in the middle

root which are ruled by the moon so cancer is the most watery water sign to

me Taurus is the most earthy earth sign so when we think of earth and an earth

sign is Taurus Taurus is in the middle it's the earth theists and some people

actually say that we should assign the planet earth to Taurus I can see why

people say that I think that that's make that make sense now then we have Virgo

at the top you know yeah Pisces was the least dense water sign Virgo is the

least dense earth's time now let's talk about some things that I associated with

each sign Capricorn is it's the densest earth sign

I associate rocks so rocks heavier rocks and mountains as well imagine a mountain

for instance we have that we had the symbol of the goat sort of representing

Capricorn right the mountain goat climbs up the mountain right and sort of so

Capricorn moves in a very calculating way just like a mountain goat when

they're jumping from rock to rock they have to make sure that they when they're

unlike like if you've ever seen those mountain goats climbing up a mountain

just like right just kind of like right rock climbing when they jump they have

to make sure that the next rock is stable enough so they do a lot of

preparation before they jump right so if a mountain goat is jumping from disrupt

to another rock they're gonna take their time they're gonna just kind of prepare

and then jump and make sure that they're gonna land right otherwise they could

fall so that's how Capricorn operates Capricorn is the calculating planning

looking to the future it's the most putrid earth design that is concerned

with Capricorn sort of associated with the tent

of course houses in the signs are not the same thing keep in mind but

Capricorn is about status is about respect

Capricorn wants status for respect because Caprica wants to be respected

Capricorn wants to have status Authority Sun stamp

some kind of an authority okay Capricorn is ruled by Saturn Saturn and Capricorn

are associated with older people elderly senior citizens people who have achieved

certain amount of achievements status right and in some society especially in

the Eastern cultures elderly people are sort of worshipped they're really big

I think Western Court culture is more concerned with youth and young people

and individualism and sort of focusing on yourself the Eastern cultures are

more concerned with the community and within the community the elder people

have a special status there have to be respected so if that's what Capricorn

represents is that status is that planning the future

I associate Taurus with soil and the trees so the I think it's the soil is

the top layer of the earth so sort of the earth and the mud and things like

that and the trees and so so most of the earth is actually Taurus okay so we have

the rocks and the mountains if you see the mountains that are really powerful

right like if you if you've ever seen a mountain it's a really powerful image

isn't it and then you have the mountain good image of mountain good climbing up

to the top and just sort of enjoying the view that's what Capricorn does right

Capricorn wants to climb the social ladder and then to see the view from the

top that's capital Taurus is most of them trees the bushes the the dirt the

top layer soil soil is the top layer so Taurus is the most earthly right sign it

enjoys being comfortable Taurus is about sent sense sensuality is about the

senses the most earthly art science about being

comfortable it's about I'm having security whether its financial or just

being comfortable wearing comfortable clothes and stuff like that so so yeah

so Taurus is in the middle the most heartily Arts site then at the top we

had the least the fence art sandwiches forego I associate the

Virgo with flowers because flowers are delicate there's there's delicateness

about the sign of Virgo there's refinement there is cos Virgo is

what for good is about improvement it's not about perfection I know a lot of

people associate Virgo with perfection where go all you have to be it's not

Libra is a sign of perfection Venus has to do with perfection Taurus is actually

has to do I suggest in my other video but Taurus and Libra are actually

perfectionist sight if you've ever known somebody who has a lot of Taurus and

Libra they're perfectionists okay not Virgo Virgo seems like a perfectionist

because he or she is concerned with improvement right so Furcal is constant

it's a it's a mutable sign right so Virgo is mutable Taurus is fixed

Capricorn is Cardinal let's go over that um for just a second so Cardinal is what

their starters right Aries is the spring things are springing forth it's a start

of than you knew everything new is coming out it's it's spring right at

least in the northern northern hemisphere will I'll make another video

about the seasons and stuff so so Cardinal Capricorn starter Taurus fixed

maintaining things static right Taurus and Taurus like stability right cute

courses Tauruses invest things in keeping everything the same right

they're not gonna want to change much furry glow is a mutable sight so

burglars just kind of in a constant process is that

it's about improve worker is an improvement vertical is always looking

for an improvement you can forego can look at anything and

see things that need to be improved so that's why people will say well three

ways about a perfection but it's not Libra is about perfection and just kind

of static perfection or just like you look perfect then that's it Virgo just

constantly wants to improve it's constantly in motion constantly it's the

sixth associate with the sixth house improvement and that we get to the

seventh house which is we're improving ourselves to be in partnerships to get

to a place of Virgo is improvement we're sifting through things and in the sign

of Virgo where we're improving it's a harvest right we collect instead of

stuff we're putting things in order that's for the order things like that so

virgo is the least dense I associated with flowers because flowers are the

trees would be Taurus the mountain would be capricorn so if you imagine like a

mountain and there's a tree on the mountain and there's a flower on the

mountain the mountain is Capricorn the tree is Taurus the flower that blossoms

is this delicate imagine like a pink purple flower blossoming that's vertical

okay now I don't want you guys to think that I'm like having favoritism where

like I'm like or you have regards like the flower the precious metals like gold

precious metals and even crystals and diamonds and things like that that are

pressures that are rare can be associated with Virgo there's something

delicate about Virgo very goo is a sensitive sign it's it's a refined this

refinement about Virgo this is very something thin something really refined

so that's why I associated with flowers and also precious and rare metals like

gold things that cost a lot of money that are rare like diamonds and stuff

that you find you know it's like you have to go dig deep to find something

and it's just sort of this mysterious Adventure to find it that's Virgo is

those refinements those precious jewels pearls and things like that that's just

like that come from the earth and just like and and virgos like that okay Virgo

people are like that there and evolved I guess forego would be a refined person

that's rare to find but when you do it's great okay so we're going to associate

it with the flowers and precious metals diamonds crystals things that are

expensive that are rare that you have to go look for it's kind of a mysterious

hunt and to look for its of Virgo Taurus is most of earth it's the top layer of

Earth it's called soils the soil the trees the

plants now the flowers are Virgo but the plant itself the bulk of it is this

Taurus and Capricorn is the rocks just heavy rocks mountains rocky mountains

and things like that also I want to mention with vertical I associate sand

and glass with I'm very go now why sand because sand is what it's flexible it's

mutable right if you just move it around rock not mutable trees not beautiful

Virgo it's mutable its sand its things it's earth that can be moved and also

sand not just the flexibility of it but also what it's like grains right it's

like grains of sand and it's really details and Virgo is ruled by mercury

which has to do what with details with order so when you see sand it's just

kind of just kind of tiny little details kind of round grainy things

so sand I used to say with very bow now there is an isolated glass which i think

is made out of crystals um crystal thin crystals glass because of

the transparency asked which is something transparent about it

vertigo okay older virgos tend to be mysterious but there's something really

transparent about it Virgo so that's why I associated with glass and crystals and

things like that so this presentation is my interpretation of the earth sights

now keep in mind that this is my interpretation it doesn't mean this is a

stepping stone and this is the only way to understand the earth science because

some other people may have a different interpretation different take on the

earth sighs this is my my interpretation there's no right or wrong this is just

my interpretation right so this is how I understand the earth science and I hope

you guys enjoy this video and thank you for watching and if you have anything

you want to add to this if anything you think that I forgot or I should mention

or I should change or whatever let me know in the comment section and I hope

to see you next video bye-bye

For more infomation >> VIRGO, TAURUS & CAPRICORN: Understanding Earth Signs in Astrology! ✔ - Duration: 14:03.


A Fazenda: Yuri Fernandes e Monick Camargo formam primeiro casal do reality - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda: Yuri Fernandes e Monick Camargo formam primeiro casal do reality - Duration: 4:21.


Suzana Alves revive Tiazinha e dá chicotada em Sérgio Marone no 'Dancing Brasil' - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Suzana Alves revive Tiazinha e dá chicotada em Sérgio Marone no 'Dancing Brasil' - Duration: 4:50.


Geostorm Movie Trailer

For more infomation >> Geostorm Movie Trailer


Senator John Barrasso: 'Much Better Off' With New GOP Health Care Plan | MTP Daily | MSNBC - Duration: 9:42.

For more infomation >> Senator John Barrasso: 'Much Better Off' With New GOP Health Care Plan | MTP Daily | MSNBC - Duration: 9:42.


【幸せは女性から湧いてくる〜男性の特性〜】字幕付き - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> 【幸せは女性から湧いてくる〜男性の特性〜】字幕付き - Duration: 2:45.


Why is TOYS 'R' US filing for BANKRUPTCY? | What's Trending Now! - Duration: 3:46.

Retail giant Toys 'R' Us has filed for bankruptcy protection after struggling

to pay their bills for nearly a decade. Welcome back to What's Trending, I'm

Shira Lazar. Be sure to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE for more.

Toys 'R' Us, the iconic toy store chain, is currently 5 billion in debt. Late Monday

night, Toys 'R' Us filed for bankruptcy protection hoping to restructure the

company to be more competitive. I mean, If Toys 'R' Us close their doors for good, that

would be the end of an era for so many of us, not just kids! I mean, I was already

depressed enough when FAO Schwarz closed, but now this? Thanks for ruining my

dreams, corporate America. And the dreams for my future kids! @superpidge says,

"Thoughts go out to the staff at Toys R Us. Sad to here it'll be going into

bankruptcy. When I was a kid it was the best place to get toys." Michael tweets, "As

a kid, there was something so mesmerizing about going into toy store like Toys R

Us. So much variety! Shame those days might be numbered." Bryan Francis exclaims,


at Toys R Us kid, and what is your reaction about them going bust? Let us

know in the COMMENTS below. Toys R Us has always been a huge part of

pop culture. Did you know Jenny Lewis was in a couple of Toys R Us commercials

when she was a child actor? The Times Square Toys R Us was a major tourist

attraction. The store was four floors of toys, games, and more, and featured an

animatronic T-Rex from Jurassic Park, and a giant Ferris wheel! Symbolic of Toys R

Us' decline, the flagship store closed in 2015. And now that the chain might be

closed for good, some people feel guilty about shopping

elsewhere. @JoeFreshgoods tweets, "I feel guilty, my daughter has no idea what Toys

R Us is." And some people are quick to blame their slow sales on the "tablet

takeover." Should have innovated, Toys R Us. You had your shot! I have to

agree with this tweet: "The end of an era. Kids only like electronics now." And it's

not just Toys R Us. A lot of toy brands are seeing poor sales lately. Lego has

had to slash hundreds of jobs in the face of slumping sales; Mattel, the makers

of Barbie, are struggling to compete with Hasbro,

but both are suffering from declining stock prices. And while the world's

biggest toy store is dying, the toy industry is

actually growing. Thanks, gliders. Thanks, slime. Thanks, fidget spinners. Enjoy the

15 seconds of fame while you can! Andrew Thaler says, "Weird how the US toy

industry has grown in the first half of 2017. Maybe Toys R Us just doesn't

understand the industry it's in." The toy industry leaders actually reported in

overall 3% increase in toy sales just in 2017. Stores like Toys R Us

are being beaten in sales by online retailers, like Amazon. However, it was

Toys R Us that used to be the best place to buy toys online. BuzzFeed reports

Toys R Us' online sales were so successful that amazon.com, then a new startup, went

into a 10-year partnership with Toys R Us to be the exclusive retail outlet for

toys, games, and baby products. So they did have a shot and they messed it up even then!

And of course then Amazon's business model changed. Toys R Us sued Amazon

for allowing other retailers to sell toys. Amazon claims they had to break

their exclusivity contract because Toys R Us ran out of stock. After a decade of

selling toys for Amazon, Toy R Us forgot to update their own website! How about

just like clear the website altogether? How about an app?

It wasn't until 2016 that Toys R Us revamped its website. BuzzFeed reports,

"Lance Wills, Toys R Us' first global chief technology officer told USA Today:

'In a year to two years, we have to catch up on 10 years of innovation and that's

no small feat.'" So all in all the future of Toys R Us, well it's uncertain. With

bankruptcy protection Toys R Us will keep all of their stores open at least

through the holiday shopping season. So you know what Amazon wants for Christmas

this year? How about some Toys R Us with Whole Foods? That'd be a nice combination.

And of course join our community, LIKE this video, and SUBSCRIBE for more of

What's Trending.

For more infomation >> Why is TOYS 'R' US filing for BANKRUPTCY? | What's Trending Now! - Duration: 3:46.


Toys "R" Us Files For Bankruptcy, Plans To Keep Stores Open - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Toys "R" Us Files For Bankruptcy, Plans To Keep Stores Open - Duration: 1:33.


Toys R Us Files Bankruptcy - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Toys R Us Files Bankruptcy - Duration: 1:35.


Toys R Us Files for Bankruptcy Protection, Seeks to Restructure Long-Term Debt - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Toys R Us Files for Bankruptcy Protection, Seeks to Restructure Long-Term Debt - Duration: 1:02.


Want To Start A Music Comp...

For more infomation >> Want To Start A Music Comp...


Salt: Are you getting Enough? (More Sodium & Health) - Duration: 13:34.


It doesn't get much attention lately as the most that is said about it is usually

just to eat less of it.

But is that always the best advice?

A March 1940 paper by Lawson Wilkins in Baltimore describes the case of a child who, starting

from 11-months of age, had a very unusual craving for salt.

In a letter responding to questions regarding their child's special appetite, the parents

explained how the child would throw up almost everything except for mother's milk; at

the advice of a doctor, the parents tried giving the child crackers.

He threw those up too... but soon he started just licking all the salt off the crackers

and then would ask for more.

Once the boy figured out what was in the salt shaker, the mother said he refused to eat

anything unless the salt shaker was also on the table.

He ate plain salt by dipping his finger into it and bringing it to his mouth.

It was estimated that the child was eating an extra teaspoon of plain table salt a day

in addition to his foods already being saltier than his parents'.

Based on weight, the adult equivalent of that would be about 20 to 30 extra grams of salt

per day.

American dietary guidelines by the way, advise people to limit their daily salt intake to

a maximum of only 5.75 grams.

Later it was found out that this massive craving for salt wasn't just a quirk of the palate,

the child's body was urging him to get what it needed.

He was admitted to the hospital at age 3 and unfortunately after only 7 days on the hospital's

low salt diet, he suddenly died.

The final paragraph of this paper says "A boy aged 3 1/2 years with deficient adrenal

cortical tissue, manifesting various symptoms of adrenal insufficiency, had a marked craving

for salt.

...it would seem that this boy, by increasing his salt intake kept himself alive for at

least two and one half years."

As this case illustrates, we can't live without enough salt, but of course healthy

people can survive on far less than what this child needed.

In 2005, the US federal government's dietary guidelines set a maximum limit for sodium

at 2,300 milligrams, or about 5.75 grams of salt per day - this is about as much sodium

as is much is in just one and a half large dill pickles.

It was estimated that reducing Americans intake of salt by half a teaspoon a day (about 2.8

grams) would prevent 92,000 heart attacks and save the country $20 billion in health

care related costs.

Their logic behind this is relatively straightforward: "In large amounts, sodium pulls fluid from

the body's tissues and into the blood which raises the blood volume and the heart pumps


The result: high blood pressure.

Chronic high blood pressure stresses the heart and arteries leading to heart disease.

So, less salt should mean less disease.

Now, Hypertension is currently at an all time high - 1 in 3 Americans have it.

But is salt to blame?

Dietary salt intake used to be far higher than it is now, mainly out of necessity.

Before the industrial era, salt was the most common and effective food preservative.

As Mark Kurlansky points out in "Salt: A World History," we know that the salt intake

in Europe was very high at least from the 1500's when it was as much as 40 to 100

grams, thanks to foods like salted fish.

This amount would be like consuming the entire contents of one to two two-ounce salt shakers

like you'd see in a diner.

If these massive quantities of salt were causing hypertension induced heart disease, then people

at the time must not have cared much about ...sudden death.. considering the first report

of heart disease didn't occur until the mid 1600s.

Then, from the early 1800's until the end of World War 2, western societies consumed

between 15 and 17 grams of salt per day - Based on military archives' data.

"After World War II, when refrigeration began to displace salt as the main means of

food preservation, salt consumption in the U.S. dropped dramatically to about half that

rate, or nine grams (1.8 teaspoons) per day and, based on twenty-four hour urinary sodium

data, has remained flat for the last fifty years."

So, despite this historically low and steady salt intake, prevalence of hypertension is

now three times as high as it was in the first half of the 1900s.

So, salt intake is "still" high according to health guidelines, but this doesn't explain

how hypertension keeps going up while salt consumption stays steady.

The South Koreans eat a wide variety of salty foods with the easiest example being kimchi-

cabbage and other vegetables preserved in salt and spices.

Kimchi is eaten at literally every meal.

The average South Korean consumes around 4000mg of sodium per day, almost twice as much as

the US dietary guidelines recommend.

Despite this, South Korea has the lowest rates of coronary heart disease in the world, according

to 2014 data from the World Health Organization.

In fact, the data from a September 2015 paper funded by the Korea Food Research Institute

shows that the quartile groups that consumed the most sodium had the lowest rates of hypertension,

coronary heart disease and stroke.

This has been dubbed "The Korean Paradox."

And, as Dr. James DiNicolantonio points out: "you could swap out Korea for any one of

thirteen other countries and get a lot more "paradoxes" regarding high salt intakes."

In his very thorough book "The Salt Fix," Dr. DiNicolantonio makes the case that reducing

salt intake is not only unnecessary but potentially harmful to health.

Salt has several very important functions: It's needed by the heart to pump blood properly,

it's needed by the stomach to facilitate digestion, and it is necessary for bone formation

and bone strength.

It's a key component in cell-to-cell communication and the optimal transmission of nerve impulses

to and from organs like the heart and brain.

As is explained in The Washington Manual's Endocrinology Subspecialty Consult, at particularly

low sodium levels, "patients may present with neuropsychiatric signs and symptoms,

ranging from muscular weakness, headache, lethargy, ataxia and psychosis to cerebral

edema, increased intracranial pressure (ICP), seizures, and coma."

On the other side of the spectrum, consuming particularly large quantities of salt can

of course have terrible consequences.

According to a 1913 article, "in the Chekiang province, and probably in other provinces

of China, the drinking of a saturated solution of salt [was] a common mode of committing


People would down an entire pint to pint and a half of saturated salt solution- they usually

drank the brine used for pickling cabbage.

But for it to kill someone, all this salt had to be consumed very quickly in order to

overcome the powerful filtration ability of the kidneys.

This is why 16th century Europeans could consume so much salt- while 100 grams of salt is a

massive amount, it can be simply processed by the kidneys if ingested at a normal pace.

So, if humans had to consciously restrict their salt intake in order to stay healthy,

this would suggest that our regulating systems like the kidneys aren't very powerful at

all, but our history suggests otherwise.

In order for our cells to work properly, systems had to develop that could regulate the concentration

of salt and other components of our blood and extracellular fluid.

The kidneys of course are very important in this respect.

Considering cells can't survive outside a narrow range of electrolyte levels in the

extracellular fluid, the ability to retain salt and at the same time excrete excess salt

is very important.

Mammals who get their food from the sea such as the sea lion, sea otter, walrus, and polar

bear, ingest large amounts of salt.

But The salt content of their blood is not very different from that of terrestrial mammals.

From our perspective at least, these animals' "kidneys must be able to excrete massive

quantities of salt."

But, the basic physiology of the kidneys is the same in humans.

Through the process of osmoregulation, the water and sodium levels in our body are constantly

balancing each other out.

If the blood sodium levels drop too low, water from the blood will enter our tissues to maintain

this balance.

When there's an increase in sodium in the blood, the kidneys simply excrete the excess

into our urine.

As is explained in the book the Salt Fix: "If our blood and fluid levels of sodium get

high, we start reabsorbing less salt from the kidneys and absorb less salt from the

foods we eat--the liver can signal the intestine to reduce sodium absorption.

And If sodium begins to accumulate, our bodies also tend to harmlessly shunt excess sodium

to the skin or organs."

In fact, a 1979 paper authored by Friedrich Luft and colleagues, described an experiment

where they gave people with normal blood pressure various amounts of sodium, going as high as

around 87 grams of salt.

They found that "The urinary sodium excretion approached the total sodium intake at each


Their bodies were simply excreting these excess loads of salt, to the point that they were

able to excrete ten times a normal sodium intake, up to 86 grams of salt per day.

Dr. DiNicolantonio points out that these kinds of capabilities "suggest that the human

body is well adapted to handle salt overload-but not salt deficit."

So, If it's easier for the body to handle excess salt rather than insufficient salt,

we should expect to have data showing higher rates of mortality from lower salt intake.

Well, this data is available.

A 2014 article in The New England Journal of Medicine analyzed the Mortality and Cardiovascular

Event rates of 102,000 people assessed for urinary sodium and then followed them for

3.7 years.

The article concluded that "An estimated sodium intake between 3 grams and 6 grams

per day was associated with a lower risk of death and cardiovascular events..."

But, what's important is that the adverse effects to health increase much more rapidly

when you are under this range rather than above it.

As you go over 6 grams of sodium, about 15 grams of salt, the health risk does start

to rise but it rises much more gradually.

Based on the data here, eating six times as much salt as is recommended by the US dietary

guidelines would pose less of a risk to your health than actually following the guidelines.

Animals have a very strong innate drive to acquire salt specifically- just like they

would go to great lengths to acquire water or food when thirsty or hungry.

Elephants will uproot entire trees to get at the salty soil under the roots, gorillas

will chew on rotting wood to eat the salty microbes and some animals will drink urine

due to its sodium content.

But these efforts pale in comparison to what humans have done for salt.

Mark Kurlansky's book Salt: A World History is a 449 page testament to this.

As he shows, Salt-seeking drove civilization, built empires and won wars.

Romans established every major city near a saltworks and for some time roman troops were

paid in salt; Britain lost control of its American and Indian colonies when it lost

control of their salt supplies.

Kurlansky states, "The history of the Americas is one of constant warfare over salt.

Whoever controlled salt was in power."

When salt is freely accessible, people across many populations tend to consistently consume

between 3000 and 4000 milligrams of sodium per day.

In America, the country infamous for reckless eating habits, from 2011 to 2012 the average

daily sodium intake was only 3600 milligrams.

This suggests that the body will push people to acquire salt, but in accordance with their

actual needs for the mineral.

In a 1936 paper titled "Experimental sodium chloride deficiency in man," through 7 days

of sweating and sodium-free diets, subjects became sodium deficient.

"The participants reported that they experienced extreme, unquenchable thirst.

One participant reported that he experienced a longing for salt and often went to sleep

thinking about it.

...With regard to mood-related symptoms, subjects reported a loss of appetite, anhedonia, difficulty

concentrating, excessive fatigue, and a general sense of exhaustion."

A 1995 study at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine was done on a group of Chronic

Fatigue Syndrome patients.

Patients were encouraged not to restrict sodium intake and were given the drug fludrocortisone,

which causes the body to retain sodium.

76% of the patients "reported a favorable response to [this] therapy by manifesting

reduced CFS symptoms and improved clinical signs…"

Especially noteworthy was the observation that the patients also improved scores on

a test of general well-being that likely reflected improved mood.

at the conclusion of the study, it was learned that 61% of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients

had voluntarily imposed low sodium diets upon themselves.

As the 17th century Chinese scientist and encyclopedist Song Yingxing said: "[there

are] in the world five tastes…

A man would not be unwell if he abstained for an entire year from either the sweet or

sour or bitter or hot; but deprive him of salt for a fortnight, and he will be too weak

to tie up a chicken…"

Craving for salty foods is surely not indicative of salt being "addictive", but just shows

that the body has an impressive ability to drive you to consume what it needs.

A 1928 study in the American Journal of Diseases of Children found that When very young normal

children were given free access to a variety of natural foods to choose by themselves,

they selected foods that facilitated normal growth and development.

There was even one child with Rickets caused by vitamin deficiency that continued to take

large amounts of straight cod liver oil over a period of 101 days.

After the deficiency symptoms disappeared, so did his craving for cod liver oil.

The reason humans in general are hovering around an intake of 3 to 4 grams of sodium

per day, despite the world health organization and US government urging them to cut their

salt intake down to lower than 2.3 grams a day, is probably because their bodies are

pushing them to acquire the amount that is best for them.

As mentioned earlier, a sodium intake of 3 to 6 grams (about 7 to 15 grams of salt) seems

to be an ideal range for most people.

However, if you are losing more salt from sweating alot or being on a low carbohydrate

diet, this range may be shifted upwards to say 4 to 7 or 5 to 8 grams of sodium or more.

Now, there's still a several points about specifically why lowering salt intake stresses

the body, contrary to conventional health advice.

So stick around, I'll be covering the science behind this another time.

For more infomation >> Salt: Are you getting Enough? (More Sodium & Health) - Duration: 13:34.


Top 10 things that Dark Souls 3 does right! - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Top 10 things that Dark Souls 3 does right! - Duration: 5:17.


hell is behind that door. - Duration: 1:13.

The current spread of belief in magic and the occult...

...is part of mental illness.

Bad luck isn't brought by broken mirrors,

but by broken minds.

For more infomation >> hell is behind that door. - Duration: 1:13.


Fluent & Confident - Advanced Spanish Speaking Practice #9 - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> Fluent & Confident - Advanced Spanish Speaking Practice #9 - Duration: 7:00.


Does Prediabetes Increase My Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease? - Duration: 6:54.

Hello, I am Ty Mason of thediabetescouncil.com, researcher, writer and I have type 2 diabetes.

I want to emphasize that my perspective is coming from one with Type 2 and not Type 1.

Our channel is primarily for those with Type 2 Diabetes and PreDiabetes.

Today I want to answer the question Does prediabetes increase my risk of cardiovascular disease?

After you watch the video today, I invite you check out the description box for my new


This is one of the most comprehensive diabetes meal planning book you can find.

It contains diabetes friendly meals/recipes, recipes for different goals such as 800-1800

calories per day meal plan, diabetes meal planning tips and tricks.

There are also tons of diabetes friendly recipes for everyone!

The short answer to this question is yes, unfortunately it does.

A recent study of over 1 million people with prediabetes worldwide, found that those with

prediabetes have a 13% increased chance of CVD than those without it.

Here is the conclusion of the study: In conclusion, we found that prediabetes defined

as impaired fasting glucose or impaired glucose tolerance is associated with an increased

risk of composite cardiovascular events, coronary heart disease, stroke, and all cause mortality.

There was an increased risk in people with fasting plasma glucose as low as 5.6 mmol/L.

Additionally, the risk of composite cardiovascular events and coronary heart disease increased

in people with raised HbA1c.

These results support the lower cut-off point for impaired fasting glucose according to

ADA criteria as well as the incorporation of HbA1c in defining prediabetes.

At present, lifestyle modification is the mainstay management for people with prediabetes.

High risk subpopulations with prediabetes, especially combined with other cardiovascular

risk factors, should be selected for controlled trials of pharmacological treatment.

According to the American Journal of the College of Cardiology

The only way to delay cardiovascular disease in patients with pre-diabetes is to prevent

(or delay) the development of diabetes.

Unfortunately, there is no proven way to prevent the decline in beta cell function in persons

destined to have diabetes.

Therefore, priority must be given to reducing insulin resistance.

This is best achieved by lifestyle intervention—weight reduction and increased physical activity.

Consequently, all persons with pre-diabetes should be encouraged to engage in a lifestyle

intervention program.

If need be, professional assistance is useful.

We also acknowledge that other studies have found that metformin therapy also could delay

conversion of pre-diabetes to diabetes in about 40% of subjects.

This has led to a recommendation on the part of some diabetologists for the use of metformin

in persons with prediabetes.

So, yes your chances of CVD are increased by prediabetes, but not a certainty.

The best way to prevent heart problems, is to keep your status at PRE diabetes.

How do you do that?

Treatments The American Diabetes Association says that

serious lifestyle changes are effective in preventing type 2 diabetes after you've

been diagnosed with pre-diabetes.

Your doctor will walk you through what you need to change, but typical recommendations

are: Eat well: A registered dietitian (RD) or certified

diabetes educator (CDE) can help you create a meal plan that's full of good-for-you

and good-for-your-blood-glucose-level food.

The goal of the meal plan is to control your blood glucose level and keep it in the healthy,

normal range.

Your meal plan will be made just for you, taking into account your overall health, physical

activity, and what you like to eat.

Exercise: When you exercise, your body uses more glucose, so exercising can lower your

blood glucose level.

Also when you exercise, your body doesn't need as much insulin to transport the glucose;

your body becomes less insulin resistant.

Since your body isn't using insulin well when you have prediabetes, a lower insulin

resistance is a very good thing.

And of course, there are all the traditional benefits of exercise: it can help you lose

weight, keep your heart healthy, make you sleep better, and even improve your mood.

The American Diabetes Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate activity

a week—that's 30 minutes five days a week.

You can get that through activities such as walking, bike riding, or swimming.

Lose weight: If you're overweight, you should get started on a weight loss program as soon

as you're diagnosed with prediabetes.

Losing just 5 to 10% of your weight can significantly reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

The combination of eating well and exercising more is a great way to lose weight—and then

maintain your new, healthy weight.

Metformin: For people who are at a very high risk of developing type 2 diabetes after being

diagnosed with prediabetes, the doctor may recommend a medication.

The American Diabetes Association says that metformin should be the only medication used

to prevent type 2.

It works by keeping the liver from making more glucose when you don't need it, thereby

keeping your blood glucose level in a better range.

Your doctor will keep a close watch on your blood glucose levels, monitoring them to make

sure that your pre-diabetes doesn't become type 2 diabetes.

If needed, he or she may suggest adjustments (e.g., different diet or more exercise) to

better control your blood glucose levels.

Don't forget to get my new ebook and please, subscribe to our channel for many more videos

like this one in the future.

Thanks for watching.

I am Ty Mason.

For more infomation >> Does Prediabetes Increase My Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease? - Duration: 6:54.


UW-Milwaukee's campus food pantry help ease student hunger - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> UW-Milwaukee's campus food pantry help ease student hunger - Duration: 1:28.


Man free after 13 years in prison for a murder he didn't commit - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Man free after 13 years in prison for a murder he didn't commit - Duration: 0:43.


Get rid of jailbars on your TurboGrafx 16 - Duration: 5:05.

Today we're going to look at fixing jailbar issue on your TurboGrafx 16.

So first things first, just flip this guy over and as you can probably see there's seven

screws we need to take out.

These use a game bit, same thing we'd use on your old Nintendo cartridges or consoles.

So, get all seven of those screws loose and then you can just pull the bottom off here,

assuming that you have actually loosened all of them all the way, which I did not, so,

just revisit this one with the screwdriver here, get that all the way loose, then the

bottom just pulls right off.

There are two more screws here that we gotta take out that secure the motherboard to the

top of the console on either side of the HuCard slot here, so take that one out and then come

over here and take the other one out, and then once you've got these screws out, there's

still one more thing we gotta do before you can actually get this out, so I'm going to

spin this around here and the power jack is kinda shoved into the top there, it's a friction

fit, so just wanna go kinda wiggle it out until it pops out.

Shouldn't take too much effort.

Once you got that out, you should be able to just pop the motherboard out of the console here.

You might have to fiddle with it a little bit to get just the right angle to get it out.

As you can see, I kinda pull from the back, that seems to work best.

Then we can just set the top aside.

Over here we've got the power switch we just kinda wanna pull that off, get that out of

the way.

There's also two screws along the back here on either side of the extension port.

We need to take those off, otherwise we can't actually get this top shield off, so go ahead

and take those off and set the screws aside.

Then we got these, this is how the shield is secured to the top, annoyingly with solder,

so, sorry my head's in the way here but basically you just want to go around heating these up

and kinda pulling it out.

So you can do that.

Once you've got that popped off, you can just set the shield aside.

Then we're gonna take a closer look at the circuit board here.

There are two capacitors we're lookin' for, these two right here.

We're gonna add an additional capacitor between the legs of those.

So, as you can see here, just taking my little surface-mount capacitor and sliding it in

there and then this one went in there a little bit loose so I need to kinda hold it in place

with my tweezers here.

This part was a little bit annoying, but, if you put a little extra solder on the legs

of the capacitor that's there and leave a little on the tip of your soldering iron,

you can use that just to get enough solder on there to kinda secure this side in place,

which is what I'm doing here.

And then I went back, soldered the other side in and then resoldered this side to make sure

it was secure.

My hand was kind of in the way for some of that so don't really have a good shot of that,

but, on this one, we'll try to do a little bit better.

This one actually just kinda squeezed right in there, so, as you can see here, I actually

am not gonna need to hold this down with the tweezers, it just kinda, I was able to shove

it in there and it just stays in place, so that's what I'm doing here.

And then hopefully you can see most of this, sorry my hand's a little bit in the way, but,

doing kind of the same thing as before, just putting in a little bit of solder here, enough

to get this secured in place so I know it's not going to move around.

And then we're going to go over to the other side and this is where my hand kinda gets

in the way, sorry about that.

And we're gonna go secure this.

So this one I'm actually doing the entire soldering, I'm not just doing a little bit

to secure it, we're making sure that this is got a nice, solid, good solder connection


And then I'm going back and revisiting the other side again, flowing a little bit more

solder just to make sure that I have a good connection.

And that's it, so that's done, got good connections on both sides, so now we just put it all back

together, same way you took it apart, and you should have no more jailbars.

For more infomation >> Get rid of jailbars on your TurboGrafx 16 - Duration: 5:05.


Search - Original Song [With Subtitles] - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Search - Original Song [With Subtitles] - Duration: 1:13.


Campervan Furniture is DONE! - Tubi DIY Camper Van Build - Duration: 10:44.

There are two hawks up there!

Can you see them?

It's been a while since I've seen one.

Hello everyone, it's Campingcarjoa Lucy.

It's hot again today.

My face is burnt red!

Yesterday, we did two coats of varnish on the furniture.

A few pieces only have one.

We wanted to dry the varnished furniture a bit more.

Over there.

We'll let them dry for about 20 minutes

And then reassemble it.

We need to make some adjustments

to the table extension.


Right here

because we installed the hinge

it's too long now.

So this bottom part

Needs to be cut about the length of this gap.

So it won't fold in right now.

So we'll make the adjustment to this part.

And revarnish the new edge after cutting.

All the varnished pieces are back in place.

But their not screwed in yet.

You can see it's smoothly finished.

Now the furniture is well protected.

Now we just need to re attach the hinges

and screw things down.


We finishing early.

My family

is having an event.

So we need to cut it short today.

Hi everyone, it's Lucy with Campingcarjoa.

For today

the table extension

was too long because of the hinges.

So we're cutting about 1cm off the end.

Because we're cutting the wood again

we'll have the sand and varnish it as well.

While doing that...

Before, I made a mini box that goes here.

I've taken it off

because it hasn't been sanded yet.

So we'll do that too.

We trimmed the extension

sanded and reapplied varnish.

Over here

it's drying now.

The other bits

including the front seat is also drying.

They've all been varnished

There's the mini box.

And now we're going to start reassembling everything.

We're done reassembling the furniture.

Take a look.

Right here.

The furniture is now finished and protected..


It's so dark right now

To see the details and colors

I'll show you when it's brighter outside.

Anyways, it was a successful day!

For more infomation >> Campervan Furniture is DONE! - Tubi DIY Camper Van Build - Duration: 10:44.


Pirates helping Pirates, Wiley H.S. showing support for Rockport - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Pirates helping Pirates, Wiley H.S. showing support for Rockport - Duration: 1:51.


Aleyna Tilki - Sen Olsan bari // Standing Reaction of Korean [ MC DDori ] - Duration: 4:32.

Olsan Bari!! Yo!!

Olsan Bari!! Yo!!

Hello This is MC DDori!!

And Han si!!

Standing Reaction!!!

Today Where are we going?

Today we will gonna listen Turkish song

What is the title of that song?

Sen Olsan Bari by Aleyna Tilki

Okay let's listen right now!!

Let's go!!


No way...did you forget...?

Don't forget subscribe!!

This song is very very popular these day


This is first time to listen turkish song

This is the best these days

Okay feels good

Ohh/ Fresh

Is she popular in Turkey?

Ye very popular

Ohhh/ this video has english caption

Is she turkish?


She is very....pretty

Yes I think so too

She looks like Harlequin(Margot Robbie)

Wow, thanks that this has english caption

Wow dance time!

She is tall

That dance is awesome

The melody is very trendy

Can you dance it?

Sure I can

Ohh watch out X3 Don't get hurt

This song is like american song

American high school musical song

Okay let's get it!!

Hit it!!

Take it!!

Ohhh this is too much

Stop it X2

Ohh sooo exciting

Go away dude

Let's go together

What is the meaning of that big bear?

Gift from ex-boyfriend

Wow her body is...

HEY!! What are you looking at?? watch out!!


Watch out!!


This dance is easy to follow

She looks yong

What is the meaning of 'olsan bari'?

Is it means 'want songthing'?

Hey you, take your hand out

Is it your best?

Try to do hard on your job

Okay DDori Dance time!!


(Sorry...turkish friedns)

Hey take your hand out

Turkish friends are watching now

But what is that dance??

Isn't it exciting?

Okay we heard song by Aleyna Tilki

Ah the title of this song is 'sen olsan Bari'

(Now he get it......)

But I don't know what does it mean?

Actullay We don't know everything

Okay let's apologize

Okay thanks about recommending this song

If you know other trendy turkish song like this

Please give us comment

Then we will gonna listen it

Okay see you soon

This was DDori and Han si's

Standing Reaction!!!

For more infomation >> Aleyna Tilki - Sen Olsan bari // Standing Reaction of Korean [ MC DDori ] - Duration: 4:32.


Natural pest control Aquaponics - Duration: 14:38.

hello sustainable growers this is Jonathan from Melbourne aquaponics! in

this video I would like to show you a little trick to manage the pests in


As we know in aquaponics we don't use any pesticide or any chemical to get rid

of the pests and therefore we rely on nature and on the different interactions

that we can have between different living creatures that are into the ecosystem,

the aquaponics ecosystem. At the moments in Melbourne in Australia this is the

end of winter and therefore the aphids are starting to grow and to colonize our

crop. Unfortunately the Predators are not very present yet

obviously they are coming but it's still very cold and they always take

a bit of time to arrive so we always got peak of pests, a peak of aphids

and later on we got the Predators that are coming and it may take few weeks

actually so during this time the aphids are very happy and they are going very

fast so obviously I lose a bit of my crop which is okay it's part of the of

the of aquaponics and of working with nature but because we don't have the

Predators yet I'm gonna use... I'm gonna put the plant in contact with other

predators which are actually the fish so I'm going to take few plans that are

extremely affected by the aphids and I'm gonna put them into the fish tank for a

nice clean and that's what we're going to do right now

okay so here we got broccoli but you can see that there are aphids everywhere so

the problem with this kind of plant is that the aphids are on the leaves

obviously. You see, it's dramatic it's on the leaves but it's also on the seeds

I mean when I said seed it's actually not the seed it's it's the flowers right

just before the flowers but the problem is that the aphids that are here on the

Base are going to be very hard for the... the fish are going to have some trouble to

have access to those aphids but anyway I'm sure they're gonna find a lot of

food below the leaves because you see there

are aphids... oh look at this that's horrible anyway its nature it's okay it's gonna

be a nice food for the fish so I'm gonna take this plant out and I'm

going to put it into the grow bed, I mean not into the grow bed sorry into the

fish tank. What is very important and interesting to realize is that you see

that I got aphids here on this broccoli I don't have aphids on those little

lettuce you see, and here I got another little lettuce, I got celery that is in

perfect conditions you see so that's the tricky in aquaponics and in

permaculture it's always to balance you know, if you put one species of

vegetable if I had broccoli everywhere I would have had the aphids everywhere and

I would lose all the crop. Here I only lose this plant and a few others that

where around, few other broccoli but I don't lose everything you see and

and a bit further here I got some other broccoli that are going very well. I

don't have any aphids on them, you see the leaves are perfect you can look underneath.

it's very clean. So that's the trick

of aquaponics it's to... you know to put some barriers, the barriers are the other

plants and therefore even if I lose a few here I can still up some broccoli

here but also I got all my other crops that is in perfect conditions

you see that this broccoli went into flowers because I didn't pick it on time

I was on holiday, I was away. But you see that everything is going really well I

just have a little program on this one and I had another problem on the one

below at the back, this one you see here. Unfortunately I get rid of all the

aphids that were on it because I put it into the fish tank but the fish took it

they ate all the leaves as well so this plant is not going well at all I

don't even know why I put it back and just want to see if it comes back if I

can have something but anyway I'm not gonna eat much from from this from this

broccoli anyway I already had a crop from it I already cut it here but I had

some nice new seeds here and I was ready to to pick it but unfortunately when I

came back from holiday it was full of aphids so now the fish took care of the

problem let's see if it comes back and for this one I'm going to put it into

the fish tank and I'm gonna take care of it I'm not going to leave it for too

long but unfortunately when I see where the aphids are I'm quite sure that the

fish are not going to be able to remove everything because here you see they get

rid of the problem but they ate everything right, so basically if I have

to wait for this time they gonna eat the leaves in the same time so basically the

solution would be to put them only with fingerlings fingerlings a silver perch

are not eating the leaves at all so in this case it would be fine but here I

mixed a mixer size in my tank I got both I got both fingerlings with with big

silver perch so there is no real option for me to just separate them so

obviously why is the small silver perch are gonna clean I'm gonna remove all the

aphids so big one I'm gonna focus on the leaves and then I'm gonna start to eat

the leaves so it's going to be the challenge let's see how it goes so I

just put the plant into the fish tank upside down

and you can see that the leaves are all deep into the tank and the fish have

completely access to the leaves so they have also a access to the to the aphids that

are living all that are living on the leaves and here you can see that

they are very attracted and they are all looking for those little aphids around so

in this tank we have silver perch fingerlings but we also have biggest silver

perch and the biggest ones are very attracted by the... by the plant itself

they turn vegetarian when they... when they grow and they are trying to get a

bite from from the leaves so here I got a little challenge, I have to find the

good timing, just enough time for the little fingerlings to eat all the aphids,

but not enough time for the big silver perch to be confident enough and to come

in to eat the leaves so I think I'm going to leave it for maybe 40 minutes

and after 30 minutes I'm going to check and see how clean is the plant and see

if we still have some leaves remaining.

Okay so it has been now into the water for maybe thirty minutes, a little while

so I'm gonna stop even if we still have a few aphids I think so because I see that the

fish are still on. I prefer to remove the plant now otherwise the big silver

perch are really gonna eat all the leaves and I'm gonna lose the plant so we'll see

what... we'll see how it is now

so you can see that it was full of aphids everywhere and very honestly I

can't see any of the aphid remaining I

can't see any of them which is really good.

I'm sure we still have a few here between those... those little flowers I'm

sure they're some but from a general point of view I think we remove most of

them. Oh yeah here but I'm sure that's a leaf... oh yeah here we still have one they,

missed all those ones. Otherwise you can see that they definitely took care

of the problem and I could definitely put the plant back into the water and

they will take care of the problem 100% but I'm just scared that they would... they

would eat the flowers and the seed and their leaves so I'm just going to put it

back, plant it back and see how it goes. I mean I'm gonna remove the... the aphids

that are still on the leaf that we can see with my fingers and put them into

the fish tank later on so now I'm going to plant the broccoli back into the grow

bed. here we are so now I'm just gonna remove the... the

leaves that were very much affected and that had some aphids remaining, I can't

find it anymore but maybe one of the big ones.

oh yeah it's yeah that one I got it so here you can see that I still have

some aphids so what I'm going to do with this leaf I'm going to put it into the fish

tank and the fish are going to have a feast and yeah we'll see how this one

goes or I'm sure that the aphids are going to come back anyway because I

still that we still have a few between the flowers but anyway we took care of

the problem here, we decreased the population. So this plant is still very weak but I

hope that some predators are going to come and take care of the problem and by

keeping this plant here the few aphids are going to still develop on this plant

and it's going to avoid to affect the older ones that are gone that are in

perfect health. You can see that this technique is working quite well

depending of the kind of fish you have obviously you need to have fish that are

adapted to this kind of pest. If you've got very large fish they are

never going to eat small aphids and if you got vegetarian fish such as I do,

I got silver perch, if they are small like mine that's okay, if they are big I

got a few big ones into the tanks they are vegetarian so if it's a soft plant

such as lettuce you can't do that because as soon as you put the lettuce into the

tank, obviously the silver perch are going to get rid of the aphids but they are also

going to get rid of the lettuce, of the of the salad right, of the whole plant. So

you can't do that with this kind of plant. If it's cabbage you know those

kind of leaves that are a bit stronger you can do it but just keep an eye on

them because after a while they eat it anyway. I did... I made the mistake

with the previous plant and... well the plant lost all the leaves, obviously I

don't have aphids anymore but a plant without leaves is not the best. Anyway

it's mostly for fun because those plants that I'm putting into the tanks

are very much affected by the aphids

and even now removing the aphids is a bit too late. I'm just back from holiday so

I couldn't do it before but yeah normally we should do that a bit earlier.

so anyway it's still a funny thing to do because you get rid of the pests and it

feed you fish the fish really love to have this kind of live food you know,

it's the best food you can give to your fish you know this kind of live insects

it's full of vitamins full of proteins as well and it's completely natural and

it's really into the... you know the mindset that you should have in

aquaponics and in permaculture to work with nature and to use a waste or a pest or

something that is a problem and to use it as a something that has value for the

system you know like here it's the food of the of the fish at the end. So you know

the food of the fish is very costy, its costly... obviously it cost money to buy the

food but also it costly for the environment because the food is

manufactured by factories and it's really a processed thing that we really

don't like we are not really proud of it in aquaponics so when you can replace a

bit of the pellet that you give to your fish by live food that is free and that

is available thanks to nature well do it! So here we change a problem into an

opportunity. So I hope you enjoy the video and I hope you put it in

application or you use this technique into your company's setup

thank you so much for watching the video, I really hope you enjoyed it don't

forget to get your free gift from this screen you can also leave me a comment

below the video subscribe to the channel and see my last video. I really hope to

see you soon and I wish you a fantastic success with aquaponics. Have a good crop!

For more infomation >> Natural pest control Aquaponics - Duration: 14:38.


D-SNAP now available in Nueces, Aransas, Refugio, and San Patricio counties - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> D-SNAP now available in Nueces, Aransas, Refugio, and San Patricio counties - Duration: 0:46.


5 Things Narcissists Do To Be The Center of Attention 🔥Must Watch🔥 - Duration: 10:43.

5 Things Narcissists Do To Be The Center of Attention

"Narcissists want to be the center of attention.

They will boast, brag and tell exaggerated stories about themselves to make out that they are brilliant.

They will often mix lies with truths or half-truths which may make it difficult to catch them out."

Engaging in a conversation with a narcissist can leave someone feeling like banging their head against a brick wall.

This may sound like an exaggeration; but, in truth, a brick wall may possess the same levels of empathy, understanding,

and validation that a narcissist does.


Because these people couldn't care less about what you're saying; no matter the logic or meaningfulness behind your

intended dialogue.

Conversing with a narcissist can be described in four ways: confusing, dizzying, infuriating and meaningless.

As for the effects of such conversations, narcissistic people possess the innate "gift" of shifting any sense of their

own insecurity and unworthiness to anyone who will listen.

Apparently, the oft-felt repercussions of conversing with a narcissist leave the victim (and victims,

they are) feeling far worse off than having become involved in a conversation with such a character in the first place.

Another "talent" of narcissists is evoking a sense of blame, doubt, and uncertainty – all primary objectives of such a

deluded, manipulative individual.

Make no mistake; narcissists know exactly what they're doing.

Not only are they privy to their ambitions, but narcissists also experience an elevated sense of superiority and

invincibility for having duped someone else.

One underlying trait of almost all narcissists is the need to be at the center of attention.

The psychological term for this insatiable necessity is "narcissistic supply," or the need for continual reaffirmation

of self-perceived value.

In this article, we narrow the focus to the conversational.

More specifically, we'll discuss a few telltale signs of narcissism from a conversational perspective.

In particular, we'll discuss some commonly exhibited behaviors or narcissists that illustrate their irrational desires

to be at the center of attention.




Before knowing that we're in the company of a narcissist, we'll relate to the person as if they're rational human


As we don't purposely deceive or manipulate people, we innately trust that others will reciprocate such qualities.

However, when this trust is violated, we'll often feel confused, hurt and – in a way – responsible for the narcissist's


The horrible thing is that this is exactly what narcissistic people want.

Without diligent caution, a narcissist can quickly "twist the conversation," making you take on the burden of guilt.

Meanwhile, the narcissist subtly reverses reality of the situation and takes on the role of an innocent victim.

In other words, they reverse roles.



Narcissists will intently switch sensitive topics (e.g., work responsibilities) to divert your attention.

They do so to put you in a defensive position, regardless of merit behind such tactics.

They'll interrogate, focusing on any and all real or perceived faults.

In turn, you'll rightly defend yourself.

Meanwhile, the narcissist will continue to hammer away at their inconceivable notion about you "being in the wrong."

Concurrently, they'll refuse any accountability for their behavior and leave you in a resistive state.

All the while, they'll justify their "blame game" by pointing their fingers at you for having created any drama or

problems in the relationship.



When a narcissist apparently displays anger or rage, it is their intention to bully you into submission.

This is an enigma, as narcissists typically don't exhibit such vocal or physical behaviors.

The intent here is to confuse and intimidate their victim.

Rational people, especially those not usually accustomed to such outbursts, may become confused and intimidated.

As a result, the victim may let down their defenses and become susceptible to suggestion.

A weakened state is what the narcissist wants, as it leaves you vulnerable to their unquenchable need for control and




Deceitful people love playing the victim, and narcissists certainly fall under this category.

Narcissists accomplish this by garnering undeserving pity.

The tragedy is that this manipulative tactic is executed at the expense of another – a person who is often the deserved

recipient of good will from others.

Related article: 5 Things A Narcissist Will Try To Do To Take Advantage Of You

Though narcissists are an emotionally-neutral group, they acutely understand the power of human empathy.

This knowledge is used to counter any real or perceived "threat" to their self-glossed superior standing.

In the event that they hurt someone, they'll take on a defense position – this often involves the emotional

manipulation those close to you.



Narcissists have an insatiable desire to be the center of attention at all times.

When the topic at hand does not involve them, they'll quickly interrupt the dialogue and attempt to refocus the

conversation back to themselves.

If someone vehemently interjects, attempting to redirect the conversation,

they're quickly neutralized by the narcissist and rendered to silence.

This is a narcissist's optimal result.

Should such a malignant attempt fail, the individual will immediately be placed on the narcissist's "hit list" – a

perceived threat to be dealt with according to the narcissist's distorted view on what's truly important…them and them


For more infomation >> 5 Things Narcissists Do To Be The Center of Attention 🔥Must Watch🔥 - Duration: 10:43.


Easiest Headwrap / Turban Tutorial - Duration: 10:41.

Hello, hello ladies!

Welcome to my Channel !

For those who don´t know me,

My name is Luz

Like the light

Complete name Luzgardis

And welcome to this tutorial

for Headwraps .

Most of my pictures and outfits ,

you´ll see me wearing a wrap and really is beacause

is something easy, basic

for when your not feeling your hair

and is basically " Not your hair day" .

When the natural hair did not came out on point,

the curls or

the blower. This turban style is an easy fix

hairstyle or style .

And of course is super cute

and different.

So you'll see like 5 or 6

different styles of headwraps

to use

any day.

I have this head wear

ethnic style

with citric colors

which I LOVE

You can also use your scarfs ,

you´ll use them as scarfs, obviouly :D

as a belt, being that an old way to rock it like when I was fifteen

Is not so common these days but it's an alternative

and as headwear to make a headwrap.

I have this scarf,

is a litthe thin

but it is super long

and versatile .

The thicker the better,

nevertheless, this fabric to me

works wonderful.

And this one that I´m wearing

is my favorite one of all ,

I use it a lot

And I love it more

because most of my outfits

are blue or have blue tones with it.

Maybe ´cause, I love the SEA !

And basically , I´ll leave you guys with the tutorial

so you can watch it , practice it

more than once, pause

play . All the styles I show are quite easy

so I don´t think you guys will have problems

If you have consults or doubts

You can write on the comments below

and I will answer with pleasure .

And if you like the video and I know you will,

Subscribe to my channel

and click the little bell

so you can have the notification messages when I upload a new video

that I made for y'all- And well,

I see you on the next one, bye!


For more infomation >> Easiest Headwrap / Turban Tutorial - Duration: 10:41.


Nascar Heat 2: 100% Truck race at Martinsville - Duration: 1:25:50.

Back on Nascar Heat 2 doing a full 100% race at Martinsville in the trucks. AI is set to 105 difficulty as well. It wasn't my best driving but still had a lot of fun and I was honestly surprised about how good the AI was driving. The AI strategy however, definitely needs to be improved to make these full races more fun. My first impressions on Nascar Heat 2: https://youtu.be/ysJLPUrNNuA

For more infomation >> Nascar Heat 2: 100% Truck race at Martinsville - Duration: 1:25:50.


If I'm Lucky - Jason Derulo Cover by Robert Michael - Duration: 3:45.

Who are you to say, that I didn't love you?

'Cause I didn't love the way you wanted And who am I to blame?

When I didn't trust you enough to let you in the way I wanted

Stop, okay

Vodka on my lips Took too many drinks

Makes me reminisce all the way down To my happy place, you're my happy place

I can't handle us now

If I'm lucky I'll meet ya, flipside of the graveyard

'Cause things didn't work out in this life, but someday

If I'm lucky, I'll meet ya, heaven or high water

'Cause things didn't work out in this life, but maybe

If I'm lucky, eh If I'm lucky, eh

I'll get your lovin' (yeah) 'Cause things didn't work out in this life,

but someday

Who am I to say, that it wasn't good, babe?

Just thinkin' 'bout our loving gives me chills up and down my spine

I dare you not to miss me 'Cause what we had was more than just a (thrill)

Stop, okay

Vodka on my lips Took too many drinks

Makes me reminisce all the way down To my happy place, you're my happy place

I can't handle us now

If I'm lucky I'll meet ya, flipside of the graveyard

'Cause things didn't work out in this life, but someday

If I'm lucky, I'll meet ya, heaven or high water

'Cause things didn't work out in this life, but maybe

If I'm lucky (eh) If I'm lucky (if I'm lucky, eh)

I'll get your lovin' (yeah) Miss when you say (yeah)

I really miss it babe 'Cause things didn't work out in this life,

but someday

I'm selfish for you (ooh) I'm selfish for you (ooh)

If I'm lucky I'll meet ya, on the flipside of the graveyard

'Cause things didn't work out in this life, but someday

If I'm lucky, I'll meet ya, heaven or high water

'Cause things didn't work out in this life, but maybe

If I'm lucky (if I'm lucky, baby) (eh) If I'm lucky (if I'm lucky, baby) (eh)

I'll get your lovin' 'Cause things didn't work out in this life,

but someday

I'm selfish for you (ooh) I'm selfish for you (ooh)

And only you, baby

For more infomation >> If I'm Lucky - Jason Derulo Cover by Robert Michael - Duration: 3:45.


Help SpongeBob SquarePants for find Friend in the Maze Labyrinth - Duration: 1:30.



Starts to Find


Tries to Find Again


Help for a Find Friend

Yay! We Found Together

Thank you So much

Please dont forget Subscribe

For more infomation >> Help SpongeBob SquarePants for find Friend in the Maze Labyrinth - Duration: 1:30.








[ *SMACKS* ]



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