Saturday, September 23, 2017

Youtube daily report w Sep 24 2017

• From panicking over allergies, to being judged by someone's whole family, the Planet

Dolan crew re-enact some of the best true stories from our subreddit "Most embarrassing

thing that's happened to you on a date" – I'mMelissa} and today I'll be your


10 – thomas555999777 Zaraganba The most embarrassing thing that happened

to Zaraganba on a date was when he took a girl to the movies.

Everything was going great until his date began to have an allergic reaction to an ingredient

in the popcorn.

She started choking and going blue in the face and wheezing.

Zaraganba was young and had no idea what to do.

So instead of staying calm and getting help, he panicked, and fainted on the floor next

to her.

Luckily they both recovered physically, but he will always carry the mental scars from

that day.

9 - pastaterrylord Nixxiom Nixxiom had just started studying at college

when he met a girl and asked her on a date.

She asked if they could go to the most expensive restaurant in town.

He hesitated but said 'sure, why not'.

When he got to the restaurant, the girl had already arrived and ordered the most expensive

food and drinks.

Halfway through the night, she randomly started accusing Nixxiom of being emotionally abusive

and wasting her time.

All of the other diners overheard and looked at him in disgust.

She stormed out and Nixxiom was forced to pay for the entire meal.

He didn't even have a chance to eat anything.

8 – King_Kasshoku Grgak One summer, Grgak and Melon were having a

lovely dinner at a restaurant when Grgak's sister and young niece happened to walk by.

His niece jumped up to give Grgak a hug, but accidentally kicked him straight in his nuts.

When he turned around to walk it off, he stumbled into a pole that smashed into his dong.

He screamed and pulled his pants down to make sure he hadn't done any serious damage to

his equipment, forgetting that he was in a restaurant full of people.

Surprisingly he was okay, and managed to laugh it off and enjoy the rest of his meal.

7 – ygaz SpinalPalm, Proton, Gooby SpinalPalm and his girlfriend Princess Proton

were supposed to be going on a double date with Dolan and Gooby.

At the last minute, Dolan was unable to go, so the three of them went bowling.

When Spinalpalm went to the counter to book a lane for three people, the man behind the

counter decided to announce over the loudspeaker that Spinalpalm was on a date with two girls.

Everyone in the bowling alley cheered and clapped, but the three of them face palmed

and had a very awkward bowling session.

6 –Brodes22 Ladybot, Sharpie Ladybot and her girlfriend Sharpie once went

on a date to a movie theatre to see the movie Taken 3.

During the movie, Ladybot excused herself and went to the bathroom.

When she came back from the bathroom, a guy had taken her seat.

She yelled, "What the hell are you doing with my girl!?"

She looked closer only to realise she had screamed at an elderly man AND she was in

the wrong cinema.

She bumped into the old man after the movie, who found it very funny and told Sharpie everything.

5 –The_Milk_Man1034 Hellbent Hellbent once went on a date that went really


Shortly after the date, he had to have an operation that left him in hospital for a

few months.

When he finally got out of the hospital, he asked the girl out again and she said yes.

They went to a Chilly's and things were going well.

Hellbent's stomach started making noises but he kept trying to ignore it.

Just after their meals arrived, Hellbent couldn't hold back any more and vomited blood all over

the table and passed out.

He woke up in the hospital and texted his date to say sorry.

He never got a reply.

4 -Sarahbeara13 Snewpee Snewpee was dating someone once, who decided

it was a good idea to break up with her in the middle of a meal at a fancy restaurant.

The person told Sneewpee that they didn't want to see her anymore, and she started crying.

The waiters were still bringing them food to their table while she tried to hide her


Suddenly all the other diners started clapping and yelling 'congratulations'.

They thought that Snewpee and her date had just got engaged, and that's why she was


She left in the middle of the meal, confused and upset.

3 – Lobster_Bodyslam Ramona Ramona and a girl she was dating at the time

went on a date to a restaurant they had heard good things about.

After the date, they were driving back to her house, which was about 35 minutes away.

Ramona's stomach started rumbling, apparently something was not agreeing with her.

She decided to let out a quiet fart to relieve herself, but that's when it went horribly


She accidentally pooped her pants.

It was the longest drive she ever had to endure, and by the time they arrived at her apartment,

her date had figured out what happened.

Luckily they had a good laugh about it, but she will never live it down.

2 – Kookiegirl199 Doopie When Doopie was in 8th grade, she agreed to

go on a date with a boy for Valentine's Day.

When she met him at the cinema, things got awkward when she realised he had brought his

whole family with him.

His mom asked him "Why would you go out with a skinny girl like her, you should get a wider

girl who has a better appetite."

Doopie insisted that she has a great appetite, she just doesn't get fat easily.

Then his brother started accusing her of stealing soda from him at school.

Her date and his family gave her the most evil glare.

Needless to say she never saw him again.

For more infomation >> EMBARRASSING DATES | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 7:02.


JAGUAR F-TYPE 2018 | REVIEW - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> JAGUAR F-TYPE 2018 | REVIEW - Duration: 1:21.


Cooking an Egg on the Grou...

For more infomation >> Cooking an Egg on the Grou...


Una Vita: la partenza di Juliana e Leandro, addio o arrivederci? - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Una Vita: la partenza di Juliana e Leandro, addio o arrivederci? - Duration: 3:35.


Quem Matou Kurt Cobain? - Os Mistérios de Hollywood - Parte II - Duration: 11:29.

For more infomation >> Quem Matou Kurt Cobain? - Os Mistérios de Hollywood - Parte II - Duration: 11:29.


Alvorada com Omar Nascimento - 24/09/2017 - TERRA SECA - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Alvorada com Omar Nascimento - 24/09/2017 - TERRA SECA - Duration: 2:12.


Luciano Huck nega ter apagado fotos com Aécio Neves: 'Não haveria razão' - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Luciano Huck nega ter apagado fotos com Aécio Neves: 'Não haveria razão' - Duration: 4:47.


Gf Vip 2, Ignazio Moser consola la De Lellis, Andrea Damante geloso? - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Gf Vip 2, Ignazio Moser consola la De Lellis, Andrea Damante geloso? - Duration: 3:47.


Amir Tsarfati: Calendarul lui Dumnezeu şi adevărata semnificaţie a Sărbătorii Trâmbiţelor - Duration: 8:16.

For more infomation >> Amir Tsarfati: Calendarul lui Dumnezeu şi adevărata semnificaţie a Sărbătorii Trâmbiţelor - Duration: 8:16.


Someone has always been there before you | daily sprout 359 - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Someone has always been there before you | daily sprout 359 - Duration: 0:49.


Giulia De Lellis criticata: il paragone coi gay che non piace - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Giulia De Lellis criticata: il paragone coi gay che non piace - Duration: 3:50.


Fire Damage Estimate Spokane Wa 509-723-7258 Fire Damage Estimate Spokane Wa - Duration: 1:10.

Fire Damage Estimate Spokane. We live our life according to schedules.

We plan meetings, birthday parties, hair appointments and family get-


Unfortunately, the one thing we can NOT plan, or predict, is when Mother Nature will turn

on us with full,

merciless force.

While we can't stop her from causing unbelievable devastation, we can make it look as though

nothing ever happened!

That's where we come in.

Our dedicated team of diligent experts will swoop in to save the day in a moment's notice,

whether your home or business is suffering at the hands of water OR fire damage.

We'll clean up and restore your

property to its predisastrous condition, leaving no stone unturned and no area unattended to.

Fire and water damage can be devastating, which is why we're at your service 24/7,


You can't schedule disaster,

but you CAN add us to your phone book immediately for resounding peace of mind, for the long


For more infomation >> Fire Damage Estimate Spokane Wa 509-723-7258 Fire Damage Estimate Spokane Wa - Duration: 1:10.


Incidente osé al Grande Fratello VIP, la reazione di Giulia è inaspettata - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Incidente osé al Grande Fratello VIP, la reazione di Giulia è inaspettata - Duration: 3:48.


Bruder Jakob und die besten Kinderlieder zum Mitsingen und Bewegen ❤ Boingus - Duration: 9:22.

For more infomation >> Bruder Jakob und die besten Kinderlieder zum Mitsingen und Bewegen ❤ Boingus - Duration: 9:22.


Análise e Palpite Rodada 25 do Brasileirão | Prognósticos de Futebol 24/09/2017 - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Análise e Palpite Rodada 25 do Brasileirão | Prognósticos de Futebol 24/09/2017 - Duration: 2:31.


Ellen Rocche exibe decote e gordurinha extra no desfile da Rosas de Ouro - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Ellen Rocche exibe decote e gordurinha extra no desfile da Rosas de Ouro - Duration: 2:25.


Furacão Maria se afasta de maneira gradual das Bahamas e de áreas povoadas - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Furacão Maria se afasta de maneira gradual das Bahamas e de áreas povoadas - Duration: 4:01.


Luiza Valdetaro posa de lingerie e mostra corpo escultural em ensaio de revista - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Luiza Valdetaro posa de lingerie e mostra corpo escultural em ensaio de revista - Duration: 2:44.


Snuper Hello Korea Episode 1 [EngSubs / Sub Español] - Duration: 32:41.

[In a cold day of winter]

[Where snowflakes form an icy kingdom]

[Six boys make their appearance]


WS: Lavaball! (?) LavaBall! (?

TW: Let's introduce ourselves! 2, 3...

Higher than Super!! Hello, we're Snuper!!


WS: The last time we come here it wa summer, and now it's winter

SB: Now that it's winter, what will they have prepared for us?

SHN:On the summer trip they made us measure our strength competing

SHN: so now they will give us some 'healing time'!

SB: ¿Thermals waters?

[Tell us that this is a 'Healing Trip']

Stafff: The theme of today's journey is '' Travel in Sequence ''

Staff: The guy who makes the best will be in the first place

WS: Then I want to be a girl!

SHN: Me too!

[¿A female competition?]

Staff: I'll give you the card for the first mission.

TW: ''Selection of the Dream Team in sledging ''

TW: There are four types of snow sets in total. The teams will be "Top, Middle and Bottom" (two people in each) and will be formed in ascending order.

Staff:The 'Top' team will have a privilege at the end of the game

SB: I have a doubt! Will the food be different from the last time?

[I will order it again this time.]

Staff: Let's go to the location of the first mission.

An exciting descent in a field covered with snow

Time to choose the position and the sled

Selecting the place for a brilliant victory.

SHN: The one who wins will be the one who chooses the places

Woosung is the first to lose

Only remaining Sangho VS Suhyun

Suhyun is the winner

[Selecting the place for losers]

SHN: Your first, where do you want to go? [Selecting the place for the losers]

SNH: If it's possible, I want to be on the inside ...

SNH: If it's possible, I want to be on the inside ...

SHN: Alright, alright! You're so cute!!

WS:I will slip first and prepare the way for you

SHN: ¿¡Where do you want to go !?

SHN: Then here will go Sangho

SHN: I feel that Sangil is good at this, so he will go in the last lane

SHN: Sebin too! Since he is fast, I will send him to the lane at the other end

SHN: Now, Taewoong, which I appreciate a lot

[Always worrying about the leader Taewoong] SHN: Now Taewoong. I want him to do well ...

SHN: Since I want him to do well, he will go right here!

SHN: Since I want him to do well, he will go right here!

-But in the same way he will go to the final lane-

-But in the same way he will go to the final lane-

The places have already been chosen

Human Sandwich

They should glide on the mountain and throw themselves one above the other in order of arrival, forming a human Sandwich.

The last person to arrive will automatically form part of the 'Lower Team'

-Sliding at full speed-

Where are you going Leader?

Those in the middle lane have the advantage

Woosung came first

Snuper sandwich is being created

[¡Save me! T-T]

Suhyun:5, Sebin:4 Sangil:3 Sangho: 2 Woosung: 1 Taewoong: 'Lower Team'

WS: Aish! I thought I would not get out alive!

TW: ¡First place! WS: Aish! I thought I would not get out alive!

TW: ¡First place!

SG: This game was to choose the first eliminated!

-The first choice for the 'Lower Team', Taewoong!-

TW: Oh, but it's because that place was awful!

TW: If suhyun had not given me that place I would not be last ...

TW: Si suhyun no me huiera dado ese lugar no estaría último... SNH: ¡Taewoong, Tú ya no puedes seguir con nosotros!

2) Catch the flag You must slide down the hill and take the flag. If the flag is already taken, you must form a line behind the person who arrive before you.

The last person to arrive will be part of the "Lower Team"

WS: ¡Taewong we love you!

TW: ¡Thank you!

[I love you too guys] TW: ¡Thank you!

Waiting for the output signal

A quick start

Enjoying the speed

Sebin caught the flag

Woosung and Suhyun clinging to Sebin's back

WS: I arrived first with Sebin but Suhyun won against me!

WS: I was clinging to him but they pushed me [Enjoying the thrill of victory]

SNH: Woosung you're out

WS: Why!? If I come first than all of you!

-The real side of Snuper is coming out...-

SH: The truth, Woosung took Sebin first, but he took his hand

SG: Then you took him but you let go

-This requires watch the clip-

-Sebin took the flag and Suhyun took the back of Sebin-

-Woosung took him first before Suhyun-

-He still clings, though Sangil took his back from Suhyun-

-In the middle of the verdict-

Staff: Because it is a somewhat confusing situation, Taewoong will be the one to decide.

Staff: Because it is a somewhat confusing situation, Taewoong will be the one to decide.

TW: Why do you come so suddenly?

-Happy to have been first-

TW: I have already made the decision [Woosung or Sangho Who will be the person chosen by Taewoong?]

WS: ¿Ya te has decidido? [Woosung o Sangho ¿Quien sera la persona escogida por Taewoong?]

WS: Already have you decided? SNH: Really? Are you sure?

TW: I already chose with my heart

- Who will join the 'Lower' Team with Taewoong? -


- Sangho and Taewoong confirmed! -

- Sangho y Taewoong are toghether now! -

3) Throwing Rings Slip and once down, try to throw the hoops at the pin.

The last one to be able to hit the hoops, will be part of the 'Middle Team'

More than speed, the important thing is to throw the hoops

(Sangho / Commentator) Who do you think will be first?

TW: If you ask me, I think it could be Sebin

SNH: For me in the test of the rings, the one that will do worse is Sangil, since it looks something difficult.

TW: I think only getting to be first is something difficult, more for us!

- Going down without paying attention to the signal -

- Sliding through the landscape and cool breeze -

- In order of arrival: Suhyun, Sangil, Sebin, Woosung -

WS: I can't see!

- Failures in direction and speed control -

- Sebin forgot a hoop on the way -

- If they hit a ring inside the pine, you will win -

TW: Let's see how it will go to Suhyun

TW: I think this will take a while ... Surely about 10 minutes

SG: This is very difficult...

SNH: That one has gone anywhere ...

WS: I feel this is good

- Woosung feels it's the winning shot - WS: I feel this is good

SG: Has not anyone succeeded yet?

SHN: Don't hit it! Don't hit it!

SG:You're passing the line! You're passing it! - Trying to sabotage the maknae -

SG: You're passing the line! You're passing it!

SB: I'll go

- Success in the middle of nowhere? -

- Taking off the gloves to be serious -

SHN: This bothers me! Now I will go - Taking off the gloves to be serious -

- Will he get it with bare hands? -

- So close but failing -

SNH: I almost entered

- In the center of attention -

so close T-T

WS: I'll try it in this way

Will he achieve this by changing his pose? WS:I'll try it in this way

Will he achieve this by changing his pose?

- Entered without problems -

TW: Congrats!

- Can Sebin also hit? -

- Perfect Triumph -

- Only Suhyun and Sangil remain -

- Will Suhyun be victorious? -


- Can he hit? -

- Sangil triumphed -

SNH: Sangil won !? SB: Sangil won?

- Suhyun is part of 'Middle Team' -

4) Build a snowman They must slide down and make a snowman

The winning snowman will be chosen by those who have already lost the game previously. The one who gets the lowest score will become part of the 'Middle Team'

The last lap

SHN: Who do you think will make the best snowman?

TW: I think Sebin will do better

SNH: I think Sangil can do a good job

WS: I do not think we need to go fast

- It is more important to make a quality snowman before descending with speed -

What is this person doing?

Flashy Woosung has come down

Adding points with his skills

Ready to make the snowman

- Woosung, throwing yourself on the snow right now? -

WS: I'm the snowman!

SB: Sangil, this is not a snowman, is it a cheese cake?

Sangil's snowman passed the test!

Sangil's snowman passed the test!

Woosung approaches with a big snowman

It will be accepted if it is not broken

Destroyed with full force

Making a face at the snowman

Harder than the previous one

WS: I'm making a house! A happy house!!

Confirmed Teams

'Lower Team': Sangho y Taewoong Confirmed Teams

'Middle Team': Woosung y Suhyun 'Lower Team': Sangho y Taewoong Confirmed Teams

'Top Team': Sebin y Sangil 'Middle Team': Woosung y Suhyun 'Lower Team': Sangho y Taewoong Confirmed Teams

If your heart enjoyed the snow ...

... Now let's go to the city of ice

... is ready for the next mission. In the Ice Kingdom, the Ice Palace ...

They just arrive, and their eyes go to the gift boxes

SHN: What are these boxes for?

Staff: The ice sculpture that you see in front of you, is a ping pong table

Staff: The game will be in turns, and the boxes contain 'paddles' of ping pong

SG: Ah! Then we must first choose...

SB: This is the only pink box ...

- Pink Box + Mint Green Box -

SB: I think this are the best

SG: ¿Are you sure?

WS: I choose the yellow box

SHN: Do you keep the yellow one? Then I want ... No, wait!

SB: ¡Choose this box!

SB: Keep this box!

SHN: Should I choose this?

SHN: Should I choose this? WS: Yes that's ok Las cajas restantes son para el último equipo

- The remaining boxes are for the last team -

Staff: From the 'Top Team', start to open the boxes

SG: Let's start from 'Hanim' Team (? (He meant the team 'Hanom' that is the '' Lower Team '' xD)

Enjoying the error of Sangil

TW: Well, I'll start by opening it.

SB: We will start from Taewoong

TW: A shovel to pick up trash. Alright alright

SNH: It's alright! It's Alright! TW: A shovel to pick up trash. Alright alright

SNH: It's alright! It's Alright!

SG: A dustpan?

-In Denial- SB: Aish! Why do we have to play with these things !?

TW: I can only play with the box

[I am a man playing ping pong with a box] TW: I can only play with the box

SHN: Then use the box!

TW: I'd better use the dustpan ...

SHN: This guy likes to talk! TW: I'd better use the dustpan ...

SHN: ¡This guy likes to talk!

SGH: I go next

SGH:Badminton Racket!

[Testimonials from an expert in badminton] SB: I've played Badminton before, that racket is great!

SB: I've played Badminton before, that racket is great!

SHN: I'm next

- Letting Woosung see first -

- I'll only know by looking at you ❤ -

SHN: I'll know if it's good seeing your face - I'll only know by looking at you ❤ -


SHN: It's something good? [Overacting]

- Curious ... What's there? -

Mini ping pong paddle

WS: It's a Mini ping pong paddle

WS: I'm next

Everyone is amazed at the same time

TW: Should I go against Woosung?

Normal ping pong paddle

SG: The two of them have ping pong paddles...

SGH: Then they will get... the slippers!!

SHN: The slippers! SGH: Then they will get... the slippers!!

SHN: The slippers!

[Somehow I feel sad ...]

SG: What!? What is it? What is it?

[ As they said before, Slippers! ] SG: What!? What is it? What is it?

[ As they said before, Slippers! ]

SB: Well, now it's my turn.

Pot lid

Staff: The 'Top Team' has the privilege to be first, so win this round automatically

Staff: depending on the outcome of the game, the teams will change positions

Staff: Each team will have a different food plate that will be waiting for it


We will get revenge ...

WS:To start the game you have to 'serve'.

Who will do it?

WS: 1, 2, 3... SHN: 1, 2, 3...

- None of them threw the ball -

- Creating tactics -

- Woosung starts the game! -

- Big mistake -

- The first one to get 10 points wins - SB: 1 to 0

- The first one to get 10 points wins -

- This can not continue like this. -

We will not let them win ...!

Lower Team: 4 Middle Team: 5

Almost tied with the other team

The charm of an unpredictable ping pong game on ice

- Taewoong super concentrated and Woosung responds without hesitation -

Lower Team: 5 Middle Team: 6

- Woosung serve, Taewoong will be able to return it well? -

- 'Ace' of ping pong on ice, Taewoong! -

- Woosung with sharp vision, Taewoong the 'Ace' -

Interesting back and forth between these two, until it is time for Sangho ...

Lower Team : 6 Middle Team: 8

2 more points and Woosung and Suhyun team wins

Taewoong attacks the corner of Suhyun

Lower Team: 6 Middle Team: 9

Hurry up please ....

Where will the ball fall?

Lower Team: 6 Middle Team: 10

The game starts again

Sangil is the team's black hole?

Showing the properties of the 'black hole' ...

Top Team: 0 Middle Team: 1

TW: That will not do much Sangil, just go ...

WS: I think we'll eat well today.

Sebin trying to pull out his inner skills

Top Team: 0 Middle Team: 2

Will the attack on Sangil work?


We can do it!

or at least let's try..

TW: This will end 10: 0

- Woosung starts the game, but Sebin makes a Home run -

- More and more distance with the points ... -

TW: Really, they can't do it!

- Speechless... -

El maknae recargandose positivamente con sus 'Fighting'

TW: This is the last round - The last round -

TW: This is the last round




- Suhyun stars -

- Cleanly, 'Top Team' loses! -

SH: Bring those headbands here !!

Putting each other the new headbands

WS: It looks very cute! aah, it looks great - These bands look better on us ❤ -

- Two evil people enjoying the worst situation of these two ... -

TW: Sure if we touched the small paddle of ping pong we would have achieved...

Will it be that I will achieve it? .... It is not so!

- Now there is a new 'Leader' - WS: Now I should go in the middle, right?

- Now there is a new 'Leader' -

I was happy for a while ...

WS: Let's say goodbye

[Olympic Games (???? in Pyeongchang (??? 2017] WS: Let's say goodbye

[Olympic Games (???? in Pyeongchang (??? 2017]

WS: Snuper has finished with the Ping Pong tournament

WS: Snuper has finished with the Ping Pong tournament

WS: thanks to all who have tuned this so far.

See you at the restaurant ❤

- The cold of this winter Could not stop our moment of fun -

- In the Kingdom of snow and ice There is always opportunity to have fun -

- Being together we can spend a warm winter -

Food for the 'Top Team', Food for 'Middle Team', Food for 'Lower Team'

SG: waaaa ... Should we sit here? - Sit in the appropriate place -

- Sit in the appropriate place - SG: Get out of my place SG: waaaa ... Should we sit here?

SB: Anyway, can we eat eel?

TW: The eel looks delicious

- Let the love between the two grow -


- No taste compares to this! -

- Photographing the moment -

SHN: oh! Today you will be the photographer? - Photographing the moment -

- Photographing the moment -

- Prepared Hands -

- What are you doing now? -

All: What are you doing!?

SHN:We can eat the eel now, right?

SH: Wait!

WS: Why are you going to start eating? We will do it first

WS: I have not tried eel for a long time SHN: Yes, me too.

WS: I have not tried eel for a long time SHN: Yes, I have not been an eel for a long time. Hey, eat now!

SHN: Yes, I have not been an eel for a long time. Hey, eat now!

- My words are law - SHN: Yes, I have not been an eel for a long time. Hey, eat now!

- My words are law -

Shyly challenging him after ordering them what to do ...

SHN:It's delicious. - A soft taste that melts in your mouth -

- A soft taste that melts in your mouth -

TW: This is really delicious, never try something like that.

TW: I will eat this first

SGH: Me too.

WS: We were born in a good world!

- Then try not to talk and let me enjoy -

- When the restaurants appeared .... The world became better -

WS: I'm so busy that I can not even get out ... - When the restaurants appeared .... The world became better -

SB: But last time I invited you to eat kimchi!

WS: I don't remember...

- Playing dumb - WS: I don't remember...

- Playing dumb -

SG: Woosung, I'm sorry for you ...

SHN: ''I'm sorry for you''?

WS: ''I'm sorry for you''? SHN:''I'm sorry for you''?

SG: Yes ... I'm sorry for you, but stop trying to look pitiful ...

- Do not try to pity us -

- Enjoying evil -

SHN: Do you want some eel?

TW: Yes, I want!

SHN: Here.

- Giving him garlic that looks like fish - SHN: Here.

- Giving him garlic that looks like fish -

- Giving him garlic that looks like fish - TW: Thank you

- Giving him garlic that looks like fish -

- Just kidding! Here is the real fish -

TW:I wonder if you can give me some sauce?

WS: We ... Why would we do that?

TW: I am sorry...

- Can not you eat because your shoulders are tired? - WS: My shoulders are tired ..

Taewoong is on the way but can not eat yet

WS: Oh yeah, right there

WS: I have not done eel for some time, so I do not know how it will come

WS: Tastes good?

SNH:It's a bit crunchy ... and crab flavored (??

SHN: ¿How does that look like crab if they are totally different?

SNH:It is a fact (??

SHN:This team already ate eel

SHN: Then it occurred to me that they try the duck meat, but with a game

SB: Good, good, good, good

SHN: Do you want duck meat? SB: Yes

WS: Sangil, which is $ # 9 / + * ( I don't understand anything, sorry: v)

SG: No, it's alright ...

- Cool boy -

SHN: It's proud, it's because of pride! - Cool boy -

SG:Thanks to me, you are there and now you're making excuses ...

SHN: Get to the point...

SB: Then I will play the game alone

TW: If you let me try some eel ....

WS: I already gave you a while ago SHN: We gave you some time ago

- My stomach can't resist, I need eel -

TW:A while ago ... Suhyun gave me the eel's tail, and now ...

TW:I want it to be free swimming in my stomach

SHN: I don't think I'll give you points ...

WS: I will give you 5 points for that, 5 points out of 10.

TW: Thanks.

SHN: Next!

- Have not you used that phrase before? - SNH: Can I try a little?

- Have not you used that phrase before? -

SHN: You're just saying that? With that you can not eat

- The other team will just continue eating? - WS: These guys...

- The other team will just continue eating? -

SB: I want to taste the fish tail

SB: When you eat, you must make noise to prove it is delicious

- Sebin gets extra points for that! - SHN: You're so close to getting it!

- Sebin gets extra points for that! -

SH: Dance, can you dance?

SHN: Sangil, do not you want to try?

SG: Should I try too?

SG: I'll try to eat it all in one bite

- Naughty Hands in action -

- Failed -

SHN: Should I make a commercial shoot?

SG: This ... this is ... very, very delicious ...

SHN: Tastes good?

SB: So tasty

SHN:The next game will be count to 31

WS:Should we make it cute?

- In this version of the game, getting to 31 is good -

WS: The person who reaches 31 can eat - In this version of the game, getting to 31 is good -

TW: From where do we start?

WS: Let's start from Sangil!

WS: eliminated

WS: You must do it in a cute way

SG: Ah, ¿really?

WS: What did you say?

WS: Ah! very well done! How cute!!

SHN: Ah! you can't say it once!

TW: But he just said 6

SNH: No, it's because I just said a number

TW: Ah, that's why it is?

SH: Taewoong shows his potential twice a year nothing more ...

WS: It is rare that these things happen

SHN: Let's continue with Sangil

- That wasn't good -

- Perfectly sweet -

SG: He did very well

SHN: But how does he look so cute doing it?

- I'll give you 10 of these because you are infinitely cute -

- Take this -

TW: Well done! well done!

WS: You're out

TW: That was awful

The second round will be non-cute

WS: Finished

TW: Well done Sangho!

SB: I'm a fool...

SG: You did well anyway

Feeding him after he won

SHN:There are still abalones

SHN: But I do not like them

SHN: I'll give the ablons to anyone who makes a poem in syllables

SHN: Only one of you can win

- Eating without listening to what's going on -

SHN: Jeon! - Eating without listening to what's going on -

SB: From the beginning, I really liked you

SHN: Bok!

SB: I want to see you, I love you.

WS: Sangil, are you ready?

SB: Let it start fast! help him!

SHN: Alright, Jeon!

SG: Your Majesty!!

WS: You will not say, 'God bless you', right?

SHN: Bok!

SG: God bless you very, very much

Staff: Team 'Top', What do you think of the food?

SHN: For me it was better than I thought

SHN: Being together enjoying makes me happy

Staff: After you finish eating we will move to the next location.

- Now after moving, the sequence ends here! -

- Now after moving, the sequence ends here! - staff: and positions can change again

- Enjoy before you leave again -

WS: Bring the meat here

SHN: Then the meat ... WS: Bring the meat here

- They hear nothing -

- Enjoying the food until the end -

The second half of the journey begins

It's winter, but there are pools with infinite heat

There is no time to rest!

A unique game where they will use all their forces

Hasta cuando Snuper tendra que jugar apasionadamente...?

Do not miss the next winter sequence!

For more infomation >> Snuper Hello Korea Episode 1 [EngSubs / Sub Español] - Duration: 32:41.


YouTube TV Now Available

For more infomation >> YouTube TV Now Available


VWの「R計画」着々と…新型SUV T-ROC にも310馬力スポーツ仕様 - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> VWの「R計画」着々と…新型SUV T-ROC にも310馬力スポーツ仕様 - Duration: 1:45.


EMBARRASSING DATES | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 7:02.

• From panicking over allergies, to being judged by someone's whole family, the Planet

Dolan crew re-enact some of the best true stories from our subreddit "Most embarrassing

thing that's happened to you on a date" – I'mMelissa} and today I'll be your


10 – thomas555999777 Zaraganba The most embarrassing thing that happened

to Zaraganba on a date was when he took a girl to the movies.

Everything was going great until his date began to have an allergic reaction to an ingredient

in the popcorn.

She started choking and going blue in the face and wheezing.

Zaraganba was young and had no idea what to do.

So instead of staying calm and getting help, he panicked, and fainted on the floor next

to her.

Luckily they both recovered physically, but he will always carry the mental scars from

that day.

9 - pastaterrylord Nixxiom Nixxiom had just started studying at college

when he met a girl and asked her on a date.

She asked if they could go to the most expensive restaurant in town.

He hesitated but said 'sure, why not'.

When he got to the restaurant, the girl had already arrived and ordered the most expensive

food and drinks.

Halfway through the night, she randomly started accusing Nixxiom of being emotionally abusive

and wasting her time.

All of the other diners overheard and looked at him in disgust.

She stormed out and Nixxiom was forced to pay for the entire meal.

He didn't even have a chance to eat anything.

8 – King_Kasshoku Grgak One summer, Grgak and Melon were having a

lovely dinner at a restaurant when Grgak's sister and young niece happened to walk by.

His niece jumped up to give Grgak a hug, but accidentally kicked him straight in his nuts.

When he turned around to walk it off, he stumbled into a pole that smashed into his dong.

He screamed and pulled his pants down to make sure he hadn't done any serious damage to

his equipment, forgetting that he was in a restaurant full of people.

Surprisingly he was okay, and managed to laugh it off and enjoy the rest of his meal.

7 – ygaz SpinalPalm, Proton, Gooby SpinalPalm and his girlfriend Princess Proton

were supposed to be going on a double date with Dolan and Gooby.

At the last minute, Dolan was unable to go, so the three of them went bowling.

When Spinalpalm went to the counter to book a lane for three people, the man behind the

counter decided to announce over the loudspeaker that Spinalpalm was on a date with two girls.

Everyone in the bowling alley cheered and clapped, but the three of them face palmed

and had a very awkward bowling session.

6 –Brodes22 Ladybot, Sharpie Ladybot and her girlfriend Sharpie once went

on a date to a movie theatre to see the movie Taken 3.

During the movie, Ladybot excused herself and went to the bathroom.

When she came back from the bathroom, a guy had taken her seat.

She yelled, "What the hell are you doing with my girl!?"

She looked closer only to realise she had screamed at an elderly man AND she was in

the wrong cinema.

She bumped into the old man after the movie, who found it very funny and told Sharpie everything.

5 –The_Milk_Man1034 Hellbent Hellbent once went on a date that went really


Shortly after the date, he had to have an operation that left him in hospital for a

few months.

When he finally got out of the hospital, he asked the girl out again and she said yes.

They went to a Chilly's and things were going well.

Hellbent's stomach started making noises but he kept trying to ignore it.

Just after their meals arrived, Hellbent couldn't hold back any more and vomited blood all over

the table and passed out.

He woke up in the hospital and texted his date to say sorry.

He never got a reply.

4 -Sarahbeara13 Snewpee Snewpee was dating someone once, who decided

it was a good idea to break up with her in the middle of a meal at a fancy restaurant.

The person told Sneewpee that they didn't want to see her anymore, and she started crying.

The waiters were still bringing them food to their table while she tried to hide her


Suddenly all the other diners started clapping and yelling 'congratulations'.

They thought that Snewpee and her date had just got engaged, and that's why she was


She left in the middle of the meal, confused and upset.

3 – Lobster_Bodyslam Ramona Ramona and a girl she was dating at the time

went on a date to a restaurant they had heard good things about.

After the date, they were driving back to her house, which was about 35 minutes away.

Ramona's stomach started rumbling, apparently something was not agreeing with her.

She decided to let out a quiet fart to relieve herself, but that's when it went horribly


She accidentally pooped her pants.

It was the longest drive she ever had to endure, and by the time they arrived at her apartment,

her date had figured out what happened.

Luckily they had a good laugh about it, but she will never live it down.

2 – Kookiegirl199 Doopie When Doopie was in 8th grade, she agreed to

go on a date with a boy for Valentine's Day.

When she met him at the cinema, things got awkward when she realised he had brought his

whole family with him.

His mom asked him "Why would you go out with a skinny girl like her, you should get a wider

girl who has a better appetite."

Doopie insisted that she has a great appetite, she just doesn't get fat easily.

Then his brother started accusing her of stealing soda from him at school.

Her date and his family gave her the most evil glare.

Needless to say she never saw him again.

For more infomation >> EMBARRASSING DATES | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 7:02.


JAGUAR F-TYPE 2018 | REVIEW - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> JAGUAR F-TYPE 2018 | REVIEW - Duration: 1:21.


Saab 9-5 2.3T ARC 02 Leder Clima Cruise - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Saab 9-5 2.3T ARC 02 Leder Clima Cruise - Duration: 1:00.


Opel Astra EDITION 1.0T 105PK - 17 inch - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra EDITION 1.0T 105PK - 17 inch - Duration: 1:00.


Fiat Bravo 1.4 T-Jet 120pk Dynamic, Navigatie, Climate controll - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Fiat Bravo 1.4 T-Jet 120pk Dynamic, Navigatie, Climate controll - Duration: 1:01.


VWの「R計画」着々と…新型SUV T-ROC にも310馬力スポーツ仕様 - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> VWの「R計画」着々と…新型SUV T-ROC にも310馬力スポーツ仕様 - Duration: 1:45.


It's Official The NFL Is The Worst - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> It's Official The NFL Is The Worst - Duration: 5:11.


Hurricane pushes long-suffering Puerto Rico to the edge - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Hurricane pushes long-suffering Puerto Rico to the edge - Duration: 0:36.


(Ep-1) Lets play SIREN Live gameplay with Trixz2007 - Duration: 1:19:07.

For more infomation >> (Ep-1) Lets play SIREN Live gameplay with Trixz2007 - Duration: 1:19:07.


Someone has always been there before you | daily sprout 359 - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Someone has always been there before you | daily sprout 359 - Duration: 0:49.


UNC's national championship basketball team won't be visiting White House - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> UNC's national championship basketball team won't be visiting White House - Duration: 0:27.


UNC's national championship basketball team won't be visiting White House - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> UNC's national championship basketball team won't be visiting White House - Duration: 0:24.


Fire Damage Estimate Spokane Wa 509-723-7258 Fire Damage Estimate Spokane Wa - Duration: 1:10.

Fire Damage Estimate Spokane. We live our life according to schedules.

We plan meetings, birthday parties, hair appointments and family get-


Unfortunately, the one thing we can NOT plan, or predict, is when Mother Nature will turn

on us with full,

merciless force.

While we can't stop her from causing unbelievable devastation, we can make it look as though

nothing ever happened!

That's where we come in.

Our dedicated team of diligent experts will swoop in to save the day in a moment's notice,

whether your home or business is suffering at the hands of water OR fire damage.

We'll clean up and restore your

property to its predisastrous condition, leaving no stone unturned and no area unattended to.

Fire and water damage can be devastating, which is why we're at your service 24/7,


You can't schedule disaster,

but you CAN add us to your phone book immediately for resounding peace of mind, for the long


For more infomation >> Fire Damage Estimate Spokane Wa 509-723-7258 Fire Damage Estimate Spokane Wa - Duration: 1:10.


Vietnamese parents react to BTS "DNA" ENG SUB - Duration: 4:13.

-Tuan is wearing pyjamas, why don't you film him

-She (me) tried scaring me saying if I was offensive the fans would kill me

-If they kill me you wouldn't have a mother, who are you trying to scare

-Only chinese people

-These are korean not chinese

-They're all the same

-Honey you have to watch this. These are the guys your daughter loves

-Wow there's a whole lot of them

-I'm watching and can't see the difference between them

-I'm saying they look alike, but she doesn't want to listen (again me)

-She says she "knows them"

-But I didn't say they were ugly. I said they were handsome just in a soft way

-Don't even know if they know how to cook rice (LOL)

-Because they're just dancing and singing around

-Is it done yet?(jk)

-Only listening to half the song ahah

-He wants to go and listen to live bands

-We're filming and you want to drink...

-Can't I drink while filming?

-You can drink xD

-It's good

-Are you filming Davy? (Eleven year old son to the other couple)

-But Davy you have to watch who's good and who's bad

-How many are there? I just see a bunch of them

-2, 4, 6, 7

-Why don't you girls go and dance like them? (My vietnamese dance group lol)

(I just had to laugh at that)

-Perform whenever we have- -Because they can't (thx mom) -Why not? Of course they can

-These boys have to be around 14, 15 years old

-No they're not (Thank you)

-They've completely washed their faces, there's not any pimples

-That's because they're eating so much kimchi (lol dad)

-But eating too much kimchi gives you pimples (don't listen to my mom)

-Do you like this kind of music Davy? (he's not listening lol)

-Davy, do you like the music?

-Do they sing well for you?

-Is it good? -Seen it before...(not interested) -He's seen it

-Did you like it?

(He's too busy gaming lol)

-(to davy) Can you and your friend dance to this?

(still doesn't care)

-All the boys have pretty faces

-They all good looking, but it's not in a masculine way. More like a soft and feminine

-See they all look feminine

-They're all using make up of course they would look like girls

-A lot of that is natural skin! (gotta defend my babies)

-No -It's true! I've seen it!

-No way, on stage they're all putting on make up

-They're putting as much makeup like you Hanhan

-Of course they're using makeup! But their skin is really good!

-How could you know? (really mom) -I'm saying they're pretty!

-Isn't done yet? (impatient) -IT'S NOT DONE

-Back in the days I was way more good looking than them (omg) they all have monolids

-Because your dad was good looking is the only reason you mom followed him, or else you wouldn't be here today (lol)

-Monolids aren't pretty (SORRY ABOUT MY DAD)

-It's comments like those I tried to warn you about

-Those korean guys are expensive, fixing their eyes

-You can't be rude (scolding him, yay mom)

-What they're fixing is their own choice, but she's already told us not to so please

-But it's expensive

-(Threatning) I'm so going to cut away dad's voice, because if the fans get to hear this they will all-

-lol how are they supposed to understand (rip dad)

-Do you really think i'm going to let it be in vietnamese, i'm going to translate it to english

-translate it to korean ahah

-Tuan is so scared he's been quiet this whole time ahahah

-Wooo clap your hands! -Very good, very good!

For more infomation >> Vietnamese parents react to BTS "DNA" ENG SUB - Duration: 4:13.


9 Easy Homemade Asparagus Recipes | Tutorial to Make Asparagus Recipes at Home #1 - Duration: 11:06.



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