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Bad Piggies - Duration: 11:43.Hi, I'm Mike and today we have an unexpected but much needed project to complete, we need
to build a new enclosure and move the pigs, on our Wyoming life.
It's the first day of fall, and man, does it feel like it. It's about 8 am, temperature
is hovering about 42 degrees, although we are looking for a high today of 57. The rain
is moving in again and a bitter cold wind is blowing in from the south at anywhere from
20 to 30 miles per hour. It's not the best day to be working outside, but after I ran
around and did my chores this morning. I made my way toward the pig stall and found that
these guys have had some fun. They somehow figured out how to wedge their water nozzle
open and in doing so, made a nice big mess in their stall. It's beyond the point of
trying to clean it up, it needs to dry out and it's not going to be able to do it with
these guys still living in here. So today, we build a new stall and move them over.
The whole process starts with coming up with a plan.
Benjamin Franklin said, "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." It's a good
quote, and I think I have a good plan, or at least I hope I do.
This is the pig shed, its about 60 feet long and 16 feet wide, for the last few months
the pigs have been living in one end of the shed, in an area about 16 foot square. Inside
that stall of the shed the water has been spraying for a few hours and even though these
guys have been having the time of their life playing in the nasty mud, its imperative that
we get them moved as soon as possible. My plan is to build a new stall right next
to this one, then cut a hole in the wood wall between the two creating a door and allowing
them to move into the new stall. After they are all in the new stall, we will block of
the door to keep them in the nice new clean area.
In the area where we want to build the new stall, is a bunch of hay, we have been using
it for bedding for the pigs and pitching it over the wall to them, but now it needs to
be moved. Using the bobcat, I am able to pick up most of the hay and move it out of the
way, while leaving enough to be able to make a nice soft and warm floor for them to hang
out on in their new stall. With that done, its time to go and gather
materials to build a new wall to make a new stall. Luckily we have some left over lumber
over by the shop. We pick out a few 16 foot 2 by 6s and a few pieces of ¾ partlicle board
plywood. The wind can pick up and change direction at anytime, so its super important to make
sure you keep a tight hand on big pieces of wood like this. So I use my head and manage
to get the plywood loaded up. As I'm getting ready to head back over,
I spy the boss keeping an eye on me from the house. I think hes trying to tell me I forgot
something, he's probably right, I may have, but I'll figure it out later. Back at the
pig shed, we unload our lumber. Then head to the shop for some tools.
This is my dewalt wall, its where I store my battery powered tools. I have them all
here with chargers to keep the batteries fresh and we pick out and impact wrench, for driving
screws, a circular saw for cutting off boards and a reciprocating saw for cutting lumber
in hard to reach spaces. All those tools are taken out the gator and dropped off. Then
its back into the shop to grab some screws to fasten the wall to the existing posts.
After checking in with the stinky pigs, then I back the gator into the shed to get all
the tools close to where we are going to be using them.
The first problem we run into is the fact that one of the boards I brought over is too
short, I should have measured but that's ok, I have another board, I'll run and grab
it. Back with the new board, and off again to
grab a tape measure. Back with the tape measure, I can now get to cutting our bottom board
to length. After a quick cut with the circular saw, then we widen out the gap between two
of the existing bottom boards to allow the new board to slip between. This is actually
an unexpected surprise as its going to hold that bottom board very secure.
These boards are extremely warped from being outside but after another trip to the shop
to grab a clamp, I pull the board back up against the existing post, then quickly fasten
the board to the post using 4 inch screws. Back to the other end, I screw that in place
as well. Then we measure 4 feet up for our top cross
board and mark that on the post. The existing pig panel fencing is in the way, so we will
go back to the shop and grab a pair of bolt cutters come back and nip of the offending
piece of the fence. After attaching one end, I can lift up the other end and using the
clamp again pull the board tight against the post and secure it in place with the four
inch screws. This gives us two horizontal braces to hold
up our plywood, which we will attach next. After a bit of what my dad call finangling,
I'm not even sure if that's a word, I get the plywood up and into place. Some of
these projects would definitely benefit from an extra set of hands, but since its just
me, I have to figure it out. I'm a huge fan of using clamps as an extra hand. Once
its in place, we attach it with 2 inch screws. The other side is going to be a bit more work,
remember that preexisting brace piece that I praised earlier for adding a bit more security
to our new lower brace, well, now its in the way. Easily dealt with though, using the reciprocating
saw, I cut a notch to allow the plywood to drop over the brace, then cut it again, and
then move some dirt to get it even. After its in place, then its another round
of 2 inch screws to attach it to our braces. Then I add a vertical brace to the area where
to the two pieces of plywood come together, to help strengthen that area.
Now comes the icky part, I'm going to have to climb into the pigs nasty stall and move
their watering system from one stall to the next……that requires muck boots. Waterproof
and crap proof, these boots will save me from ruining a pair of cowboy boots and hopefully
a pair a jeans. Like superman changing in a phone booth, I am now ready to deal with
the nastiness. To keep the pigs from bugging me the whole
time I'm trying to do this, I'm going to put some food in their bucket to keep them
busy and hopefully not fall on my butt while I'm doing it.
Once they are occupied, I can disconnect the water and remove the screws that hold their
waterer in place and set it outside the shed before escaping myself.
After reattaching the waterer in their new stall, I hook it up, turn it on and test it
out and everything works just fine. I'll move around a little bit of the hay
to make sure I get all the floor covered as the next step is to move in the pigs. I head
back over into the nasty stall, and using the reciprocating saw, I cut a quick hole
in the wall, then attach some backing 2x6 to screw the door back into once I get them
moved into the new stall. A few of the pigs come right in, but that
food that I gave them to keep them busy is working against me, So I try to give them
some garden scraps to move them into the new area, but with the newest of it all they are
really interest so once again, its back into the nasty and pick up their bucket of food
and toss it over the wall into the new stall. Now they have no reason, besides super fun
mud to stay in the old stall and neither do I. My best bet is to wait and let them move
into the new stall which they do in their own time. Once they are all in, I can replace
the hole in the fence I cut and screw it in place, locking them in their new house.
Its nice, its clean, unlike the pigs themselves but they seem happy. I know they say happier
than a pig in mud. But this is a bit ridiculous. I'll wait a while for it to dry out, then
I'll scoop it out with the bobcat, replace some of the dirt, disinfect it and put in
more straw. Making two stalls, side by side that the pigs can move back and forth in.
Living in one while the other is being cleaned. Not a bad plan, Mr Benjamin Franklin.
We aren't pig farmers, we don't raise pigs. Well, technically I guess we do, but
we don't keep a sow, or a mom pig and we definitely don't keep a boar, or a daddy
pig. We buy what are known as weaner pigs when they are about a month old. Then we raise
them for about 6 months until they are big, then they go off to a usda meat processing
facility and come back to us as bacon and pork chops and ham and all that goodness which
we sell at farmers market and direct to customers. I have a ton of respect for pig farmers, they
are a lot of work, but now we are done for the day with them, and we just beat the rain.
I've gotten a shower and now its off to pick up Kenzie from school before I come back
and start another project. Not sure what that will be, but I'm sure its waiting behind
the next gate or fencepost. Do me a favor and find us on facebook. We
post stuff on there you cant find anywhere else and I don't want you to miss a thing.
If you really care about where your food comes from hit subscribe and join us on our journey
to let you see it all in a new way. Thanks for doing that, have a great week and
thanks for joining us in Our Wyoming Life
Biography in Sound: MECHAGEN - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
My Natural Fitness Body Transformation | Rémi Channel Trailer - Duration: 1:55.Hey there, my name is Rémi, welcome to my channel!
When I was a teenager, I was
extremely skinny, I was very insecure; the only thing that was working in my life
was my school. I was a bookworm. School was the only thing that I was
good at. Everything else was suffering, my social skills were bad, my body looked
just not how I wanted it to be like. So it was a very painful part of my life and
when I turned 20, that's when I decided to change it all
I started going seriously into training and food, how it all worked together.
Going on the streets, practicing talking with girls, practicing just in general just
to be able to talk with other people and today I am proud and happy to say that I
have overcome those adversities. I now have the body that I want, I can talk to
the people I want to talk, I can date the girls I want to date. I pretty much live
my life on my own terms today. Adapting fitness as part of my lifestyle has been
the game changer. And after having gone through this transformation, I believe adapting
fitness as part of your lifestyle will get you to the highest quality of
life you can achieve. And therefore my goal with this channel is to help you make
fitness become a lifestyle, one video at a time. I'll be posting workouts, cookbook
sessions, tutorial videos about for example how to lose weight, how to gain
muscle mass, and even miscellaneous ones, like how to increase your productivity,
how to meet girls, how to be more confident in talking to people in
general, how to overcome social anxiety, how to attack your fears for example,
pretty much whatever video it will take to help you make fitness become part of your
lifestyle and to live life on your own terms! I'll be posting weekly videos, so
make sure to hit the subscribe button and the bell to get notifications of
future videos to come. Alright guys, see you!
Edgar Wright's "Hot Fuzz"-------------------------------------------
GF Vip 2, Predolin e le parole contro Malgioglio che potrebbero costargli care - Duration: 3:45.-------------------------------------------
My Sister's Baptism! - Duration: 2:24.-------------------------------------------
Oroscopo Paolo Fox settimana: classifica a Mezzogiorno in Famiglia - Duration: 4:36.-------------------------------------------
Farming Simulator 17 Mchale Block Cutter - Duration: 10:43.HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You The Mchale Block Cutter With This Tools You can shovel Silage Straw Grass And hay I haven't test Grains.
Models Available 1.3m Compatibility: skidsteer and tractor 1.6m / 1.6 High Lift Compatibility: tractor and telehandler / tractor 2.0m Compatibility: telehandler and wheel loader
To test The BlockCutters i will Use CLAAS ARION 640 Trima + 4.1p Front Loader Bobcat TL 470 Zetor 7711 And Game Stock SiloKing Forage Mixer
If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb
TAG: QUEM Á MAIS PROVÁVEL? | WHO'S MORE LIKELY? - Duration: 6:17.-------------------------------------------
Thomas and Friends Wooden Railway Video for Kids | Charlie's Knock-Knock Jokes | Sodor Storytime - Duration: 9:13.Knock-Knock!
Who's there?
Colin Who?
Colin all enigines! Colin all engines! Be on the lookout out for knock-knock jokes!
Who's there?
Percy who?
Percy-vere and you'll go far!
Who's there?
Toby who?
Toby or not Toby, that is the question!
Who's there?
Arthur who?
Arthur anymore knock knock jokes these are hilarious!
Knock knock!
Who's there?
Hank who?
You're welcome!
Who's there?
Annie who?
Annie more of these knock-knock jokes? I love them!
Knock knock!
Who's there?
Claire who?
Claire the way I'm coming through!
Hey Hugo, knock-knock!
Who's there?
Hugo who?
Hugo your way, and I'll go mine
Hey Sam, knock-knock?
Who's there?
Sam Who?
Sam guy that knocked on the door last time!
Hey Rocky, knock-knock!
Who's there?
Rocky who?
Rocky-bye baby on the treetop!
Hey Dustin, knock knock!
Who's there?
Dustin who?
Dustin time for more knock-knock jokes!
Hey Harvey, knock knock!
Who's there?
Harvey Who?
Harvey just gonna stand around and tell jokes all day?
Hey Neil, knock knock!
Who's there?
Neil who?
Neil down to the king of the knock-knock jokes!
Hey Philip, knock-knock!
Who's there?
Phillip who?
Philip on lots of diesel you have a long way to go today!
Hey Iron 'Arry knock knock!
Who's there?
'Arry who?
'Arry up and tell us more knock-knock jokes!
Who's there?
Charlie who?
Charlie horse!
Who's there, Diesel?
Diesel who?
Diesel teach you to tell knock-knock jokes!
Hey Charlie, knock-knock!
Who's there?
Oliver who?
Oliver troubles are over, help has arrived!
Hey Diesel, knock knock!
Who's there?
Duck who?
Just Duck! Here come the Great Western Railway engines!
Hey Mavis, knock knock!
Who's there Charlie?
Mavis who?
Mavis be the last knock knock joke I tell for a loooong time!
TG TUONO TELEGIORNALE SU YOUTUBE ANDROID VS IPHONE - Duration: 5:25.-------------------------------------------
Giulia De Lellis in lacrime al Grande Fratello VIP: confessa il suo tormento - Duration: 3:56.-------------------------------------------
Daniele Bossari: la confessione sulla sua vita al GF Vip - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
Top Luoghi abbandonati che non crederai esistano - Duration: 2:19.-------------------------------------------
How To Download Pes 2018 Repack Full Direct Download - Duration: 2:49.Hello everyone, I am Berkant
How To Download And How To Install Pes 2018
İndirebilmek için açıklama bölümünden verceğim linke tıklayıp ordan indirebilirsiniz
You can click on the link to download it from the description section to download it here
5 part Compressed
Normal 24 GB Dir
This 10 GB
Click Here 1 Part
Yes download started
After downloading all the files
We are going to come in and click our files right (with Winrar)
After this process is over, I go to setup
The process is over
After the process is finished
We are entering into the incoming folder
Click on setupa to open it
Now we press up key to get the keyboard
install a click
Proceed we click
We choose the place to crack
We call it install, and after this process is over, we can click on the shortcut on the desktop and play the game
[HUN] Hókavölgy képregény és Shiney and Alex magazin - Gyükér Zsófia interjú [ENG sub] - Duration: 13:18.Hello Everybody!
Today's video is about the very well-known and popular Hungarian horse comic.
I had the oppurtunity to meet the Author and Artist: Zsófia Gyükér, and I would like to share this with you.
Tell us a bit about yourself, what should we know about the Artist of this comic?
I was born in Miskolc, in the year 1991.
I have been drawing since age 2, mainly horses, dogs and I like drawing people too
or anything that pops into my mind.
Since 2010 I live in Kistarcsa.
I graduated in Savaria University Centre of Eötvös Loránd University, Szombathely – and qualified as a Visual Representation Artist.
I work as a Graphic Artist.
I write and draw Szofi's adventures since 2012.
How did you make up the comic?
Mainly the story comes from my personal experiences.
At first the characters were simple sketches…
…Then I thought I should really write and draw this entire comic, and hadn't stop till 108 pages.
Then I didn't know this is would be a series, but then it turned out to be a comic book series…
…More and more characters were „born"…
…Now we are here.
Could you summarize what is the „HÓKAVÖLGY" (ENG: „BLAZE VALLEY") comic book series about?
Stories of Szofi and friends, or horses around her…
Mostly the members of the Hókavölgyi Sportegyesület (ENG: Blaze Valley Sport Association).
The horses and ponies of Patavölgy (ENG: Hoof Valley) are also part of the adventures, in especially when the world championship is held in their land.
For example Szeder and Bodza live there.
But mostly it's about life in Hókavölgy (ENG: Hoof Valley).
I like drawing personal stories, but I also get ideas from my friends, or just the people around me and their moments.
Funny, sad or any kind of moments or scenes that can happen to us in our own lives too.
Many people told me that in the world of Szofi and her friends can show the features of our society because real human things happen in the stories – but with horses and ponies,…
…because only horses and ponies are the comic characters.
How do you create the comic?
I often sketch with graphite pencil.
I have a lot graphite sketches at home, unseen in the books but maybe good for (further) ideas.
If something pops into my mind, I quickly draw it.
I rarely write conversation plans, and even if I do, only tiny bits of thoughts.
If I hear or see something funny or simply catching comversation or situation,…
…I sketch or write in the moment I see or hear it.
Or I have to remember the situation till getting home.
Technically the pages of the comic book are drawn into certain sized graphite frames on my papers…
…with graphite pencil.
I sketch up the final vision the way I think it should look – with graphite pencil.
With felt pen I line it along.
Then digitally I colour the pages with simple Paint and Photoshop.
The interesting fact in making this comic is
that it hasn't got its final form right until moment we hold the books in our hands,…
…Because even when lining along the pages with pen,
the conversation and even the facial expressions have a chance to change according to what I feel at the moment I work on them.
So the real final version is in the books, on the shelves.
Who are the characters? Tell us a bit about them.
Szofi is the main character of the comic book series, she is an eventing pony girl.
She lives with her mother, Pipacs…
…and with her stepfather, Atlasz.
Her boyfriend is Nimród, who is a slalom horse.
Some of the Hókavölgyi Sportegyesület (ENG: Blaze Valley Sport Association) horses are…
Pufka is a clown pony girl, stunt pony.
Ozil, who is the mate of her – not her boyfriend, her mate – stunt horse.
Emilke, boyfriend of Pufka, he is the manager assistant.
Juhar is the manager.
Some of the slalom horses…
Nóz – though we haven't seen him YET in the „HÓKAVÖLGY" (ENG:„BLAZE VALLEY") comic book series
Of the eventing horses I would like to mention…
We have some more stunthorses, for example…
"The Three Graces" - as they are called so by many - Tiara, Diara and Kiara
We also haven't met him, but he is an association member too: Tornado the world-famous stunt horse - he is a Friesian horse.
Amazing, tall stallion, husband of Pixi.
Pixi is one of the stunt horse coaches.
The other stunt horse coach is Szerafina.
I would also like to mention the flat racing horses.
Szikla is the flat racing coach.
Flat racing horses are Jácint…
…and Polek too.
I accidentally missed the eventing horses' coach, Rodion.
These books have even more and more horses and ponies in them…
…For example at the beginning of 2016 I had more than 50 characters already.
Not just the sport association has more members but anywhere we go we meet new ones.
From the land of Patavölgy (ENG: Hoof Valley) we know Szeder…
…and Bodza…
…who are twins, and very good friends with Pufka.
Can we "meet" with you in the comic series? Or can you indentify yourself with someone?
Szofi is actually my own self, and character, mostly, she is the eventing pony girl who is the main character.
Pipacs is my mother.
I can be found in more horses, for example in Szerafina the stunt horse lady, and in the little clown pony, Pufka too.
In different characters I show my different "sides" as well.
For example Szerafina is a very serious mare, who mostly holds herself back.
She can be funny and loves to fool around, but she hardly shows this side of her to anyone.
Pufka is my playful personality. Loves to play, laugh and of course to fool around as much as she can.
A very happy little clown pony, she shows the side of me, when I'm loosen up.
What are your plans for the future with your comics?
I would love to continue Szofi's adventures as long as I can.
And I really hope that the fans who like or even love to read the books..
…Will show the comics to their little ones too…
…Or continue reading even when they get older.
There are fans who actually continue reading these adventures even now, when they grew up.
I hope that even more and more people will like reading my comic book series.
Where else can we find the „HÓKAVÖLGY" (ENG: „BLAZE VALLEY") comic book series' horses and ponies?
We can find them in the „SHINEY and ALEX" magazines – into which we soon take a look.
Szofi and the other horses from Hókavölgy can be found here as „HÓKAVÖLGY" cards to collect.
Four cards are in every issue of these magazines, two-two pieces of each different character.
The important „HÓKAVÖLGY" card is the only which is „alone", and can be found with rules in the first issue.
This, in my hands, is the second issue…
…And this is the first issue, released in April.
By the way, Szofi and Shiney are cousins.
Shiney and Alex live in Patavölgy (ENG: Hoof Valley)
On the cover you can see which cards are in the actual magazine issue.
What else can find in the magazine?
In the „SHINEY and ALEX" magazine we can read few pages long comics.
Fun riddles, labyrinths, and also interesting facts to read about horses.
In the comic we can meet with Shiney and Alex mostly, but from the third issue some Hókavölgy horses are coming too.
Shiney and Alex are the main characters as the title shows it too.
Shiney is a cute pony girl, and Alex likes her much.
Max the other stallion likes Pinky very much…
Max and Alex like to compete…
…And because of these things there are some unexpected but also funny situations in the comics.
So this is how they live their life so we can laugh too.
There are many kind of riddles in the magazine.
My goal was to create solvable tasks, I mean if someone goes along these, the riddles created to be completed, not always easy, but enjoyable…
…And they give a positive experience for children, or even for adults, it depends on who holds the magazine in her/his hands.
I think it's important to have a good experience while solving things.
I hope they like what they see too while browsing through the pages.
The magazine has very colourful pages, girls and boys can finds parts as well what they like.
Many kind of riddles with many kind of colour harmonies.
Where can we find the books, if we would like to begin reading the entire story?
The „LÓBARÁTOK" (ENG: „HORSE FRIENDS") can be bought from the Lapu Bt.
The „SZOFISZTORIK" (ENG: „SZOFISTORIES") can be bought from the Napraforgó Könyvkiadó.
In every third month a comic book is released.
The actual „HÓKAVÖLGY" comic book can be found on the shelves of the Inmedio and Relay newsstands.
From me, as I am the Publisher, you can also buy the books and subscribtion is also possible.
For more information please contact me through the SHINEY and ALEX Facebook site in message…
…Or please write an e-mail to shineyandalex@gmail.com
In the comic books after the pages of the comic story there is a (Hungarian) description about subscribing, and also, a data sheet.
The „SHINEY and ALEX" magazines can also be bought on the shelves of the Inmedio and Relay newsstands.
YET no possibility for subscribtion for the magazines, but from me, as I am the Publisher, you can also buy them
contacting me throught the site and e-mail mentioned before.
Important fact...
...all of these books and the magazines are available and also, can be ordered from the Nagy Lovas Kft.
Personally you can buy the „HÓKAVÖLGY" and „SHINEY and ALEX" in their shop at Budapest Kőbányai street 41/c
or you can order these from their webshop at www.nagylovas.hu
Beside your comics, what else are you working on?
When I have some spare time I work on my graphite series titled „Pillanatnyi nyugalom" (ENG: „Momentary Calmness").
In this series of horses or horse details I would like to
portray the animals in that ONE moment when they are in a certain and calm position.
If you haven't really been around horses you must know...
...they never really stay still, they almost always moving even if just slightly…
…So I would like to show that ONE tiny little moment when they stop for just a bit, and do not move.
I draw these pieces when I am relaxed and calm too, though that's not so frequent.
This would be my goal to show this in my drawings in this graphite series.
To me it's very personal.
I don't just simply copy a photo, I try to live in a calm, peaceful moment while creating the actual piece.
And, when I don't work this graphite series, I work on commissions.
Portraits of humans, dogs are ordered from me and many other kind of portraits too.
On commissions I work with graphite pencil - or when it's a colourful drawing –
I use pastel mixed with watercolourpencil, it depends on the idea of the costumers.
I like using watercolour too, though I use it less times than the other techniques I mentioned before
not the watercolourpencil is used by me to create paintings, I use the watercolour painting itself.
I like this technique very much, I just use it less often.
Well these were what I would have liked to ask, thank you very much for answering my questions.
Thank you very much for the invitation and for your attention.
Was glad to be here, byebye!
…more information about us, for You: - on the SHINEY and ALEX Facebook site - at shineyandalex@gmail.com by e-mail
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Bad Piggies - Duration: 11:43.Hi, I'm Mike and today we have an unexpected but much needed project to complete, we need
to build a new enclosure and move the pigs, on our Wyoming life.
It's the first day of fall, and man, does it feel like it. It's about 8 am, temperature
is hovering about 42 degrees, although we are looking for a high today of 57. The rain
is moving in again and a bitter cold wind is blowing in from the south at anywhere from
20 to 30 miles per hour. It's not the best day to be working outside, but after I ran
around and did my chores this morning. I made my way toward the pig stall and found that
these guys have had some fun. They somehow figured out how to wedge their water nozzle
open and in doing so, made a nice big mess in their stall. It's beyond the point of
trying to clean it up, it needs to dry out and it's not going to be able to do it with
these guys still living in here. So today, we build a new stall and move them over.
The whole process starts with coming up with a plan.
Benjamin Franklin said, "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." It's a good
quote, and I think I have a good plan, or at least I hope I do.
This is the pig shed, its about 60 feet long and 16 feet wide, for the last few months
the pigs have been living in one end of the shed, in an area about 16 foot square. Inside
that stall of the shed the water has been spraying for a few hours and even though these
guys have been having the time of their life playing in the nasty mud, its imperative that
we get them moved as soon as possible. My plan is to build a new stall right next
to this one, then cut a hole in the wood wall between the two creating a door and allowing
them to move into the new stall. After they are all in the new stall, we will block of
the door to keep them in the nice new clean area.
In the area where we want to build the new stall, is a bunch of hay, we have been using
it for bedding for the pigs and pitching it over the wall to them, but now it needs to
be moved. Using the bobcat, I am able to pick up most of the hay and move it out of the
way, while leaving enough to be able to make a nice soft and warm floor for them to hang
out on in their new stall. With that done, its time to go and gather
materials to build a new wall to make a new stall. Luckily we have some left over lumber
over by the shop. We pick out a few 16 foot 2 by 6s and a few pieces of ¾ partlicle board
plywood. The wind can pick up and change direction at anytime, so its super important to make
sure you keep a tight hand on big pieces of wood like this. So I use my head and manage
to get the plywood loaded up. As I'm getting ready to head back over,
I spy the boss keeping an eye on me from the house. I think hes trying to tell me I forgot
something, he's probably right, I may have, but I'll figure it out later. Back at the
pig shed, we unload our lumber. Then head to the shop for some tools.
This is my dewalt wall, its where I store my battery powered tools. I have them all
here with chargers to keep the batteries fresh and we pick out and impact wrench, for driving
screws, a circular saw for cutting off boards and a reciprocating saw for cutting lumber
in hard to reach spaces. All those tools are taken out the gator and dropped off. Then
its back into the shop to grab some screws to fasten the wall to the existing posts.
After checking in with the stinky pigs, then I back the gator into the shed to get all
the tools close to where we are going to be using them.
The first problem we run into is the fact that one of the boards I brought over is too
short, I should have measured but that's ok, I have another board, I'll run and grab
it. Back with the new board, and off again to
grab a tape measure. Back with the tape measure, I can now get to cutting our bottom board
to length. After a quick cut with the circular saw, then we widen out the gap between two
of the existing bottom boards to allow the new board to slip between. This is actually
an unexpected surprise as its going to hold that bottom board very secure.
These boards are extremely warped from being outside but after another trip to the shop
to grab a clamp, I pull the board back up against the existing post, then quickly fasten
the board to the post using 4 inch screws. Back to the other end, I screw that in place
as well. Then we measure 4 feet up for our top cross
board and mark that on the post. The existing pig panel fencing is in the way, so we will
go back to the shop and grab a pair of bolt cutters come back and nip of the offending
piece of the fence. After attaching one end, I can lift up the other end and using the
clamp again pull the board tight against the post and secure it in place with the four
inch screws. This gives us two horizontal braces to hold
up our plywood, which we will attach next. After a bit of what my dad call finangling,
I'm not even sure if that's a word, I get the plywood up and into place. Some of
these projects would definitely benefit from an extra set of hands, but since its just
me, I have to figure it out. I'm a huge fan of using clamps as an extra hand. Once
its in place, we attach it with 2 inch screws. The other side is going to be a bit more work,
remember that preexisting brace piece that I praised earlier for adding a bit more security
to our new lower brace, well, now its in the way. Easily dealt with though, using the reciprocating
saw, I cut a notch to allow the plywood to drop over the brace, then cut it again, and
then move some dirt to get it even. After its in place, then its another round
of 2 inch screws to attach it to our braces. Then I add a vertical brace to the area where
to the two pieces of plywood come together, to help strengthen that area.
Now comes the icky part, I'm going to have to climb into the pigs nasty stall and move
their watering system from one stall to the next……that requires muck boots. Waterproof
and crap proof, these boots will save me from ruining a pair of cowboy boots and hopefully
a pair a jeans. Like superman changing in a phone booth, I am now ready to deal with
the nastiness. To keep the pigs from bugging me the whole
time I'm trying to do this, I'm going to put some food in their bucket to keep them
busy and hopefully not fall on my butt while I'm doing it.
Once they are occupied, I can disconnect the water and remove the screws that hold their
waterer in place and set it outside the shed before escaping myself.
After reattaching the waterer in their new stall, I hook it up, turn it on and test it
out and everything works just fine. I'll move around a little bit of the hay
to make sure I get all the floor covered as the next step is to move in the pigs. I head
back over into the nasty stall, and using the reciprocating saw, I cut a quick hole
in the wall, then attach some backing 2x6 to screw the door back into once I get them
moved into the new stall. A few of the pigs come right in, but that
food that I gave them to keep them busy is working against me, So I try to give them
some garden scraps to move them into the new area, but with the newest of it all they are
really interest so once again, its back into the nasty and pick up their bucket of food
and toss it over the wall into the new stall. Now they have no reason, besides super fun
mud to stay in the old stall and neither do I. My best bet is to wait and let them move
into the new stall which they do in their own time. Once they are all in, I can replace
the hole in the fence I cut and screw it in place, locking them in their new house.
Its nice, its clean, unlike the pigs themselves but they seem happy. I know they say happier
than a pig in mud. But this is a bit ridiculous. I'll wait a while for it to dry out, then
I'll scoop it out with the bobcat, replace some of the dirt, disinfect it and put in
more straw. Making two stalls, side by side that the pigs can move back and forth in.
Living in one while the other is being cleaned. Not a bad plan, Mr Benjamin Franklin.
We aren't pig farmers, we don't raise pigs. Well, technically I guess we do, but
we don't keep a sow, or a mom pig and we definitely don't keep a boar, or a daddy
pig. We buy what are known as weaner pigs when they are about a month old. Then we raise
them for about 6 months until they are big, then they go off to a usda meat processing
facility and come back to us as bacon and pork chops and ham and all that goodness which
we sell at farmers market and direct to customers. I have a ton of respect for pig farmers, they
are a lot of work, but now we are done for the day with them, and we just beat the rain.
I've gotten a shower and now its off to pick up Kenzie from school before I come back
and start another project. Not sure what that will be, but I'm sure its waiting behind
the next gate or fencepost. Do me a favor and find us on facebook. We
post stuff on there you cant find anywhere else and I don't want you to miss a thing.
If you really care about where your food comes from hit subscribe and join us on our journey
to let you see it all in a new way. Thanks for doing that, have a great week and
thanks for joining us in Our Wyoming Life
2018 volvo xc60 redesign • Volvo Xc 60 7 Seater - Duration: 3:24.2018 volvo xc60 redesign • Volvo Xc 60 7 Seater
Biography in Sound: MECHAGEN - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
My Natural Fitness Body Transformation | Rémi Channel Trailer - Duration: 1:55.Hey there, my name is Rémi, welcome to my channel!
When I was a teenager, I was
extremely skinny, I was very insecure; the only thing that was working in my life
was my school. I was a bookworm. School was the only thing that I was
good at. Everything else was suffering, my social skills were bad, my body looked
just not how I wanted it to be like. So it was a very painful part of my life and
when I turned 20, that's when I decided to change it all
I started going seriously into training and food, how it all worked together.
Going on the streets, practicing talking with girls, practicing just in general just
to be able to talk with other people and today I am proud and happy to say that I
have overcome those adversities. I now have the body that I want, I can talk to
the people I want to talk, I can date the girls I want to date. I pretty much live
my life on my own terms today. Adapting fitness as part of my lifestyle has been
the game changer. And after having gone through this transformation, I believe adapting
fitness as part of your lifestyle will get you to the highest quality of
life you can achieve. And therefore my goal with this channel is to help you make
fitness become a lifestyle, one video at a time. I'll be posting workouts, cookbook
sessions, tutorial videos about for example how to lose weight, how to gain
muscle mass, and even miscellaneous ones, like how to increase your productivity,
how to meet girls, how to be more confident in talking to people in
general, how to overcome social anxiety, how to attack your fears for example,
pretty much whatever video it will take to help you make fitness become part of your
lifestyle and to live life on your own terms! I'll be posting weekly videos, so
make sure to hit the subscribe button and the bell to get notifications of
future videos to come. Alright guys, see you!
Young Sheldon – New Come...-------------------------------------------
Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T Acenta Connect & Design Pack - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
(CC ENG) [46CM] EP.3 Jung Sewoon, Lee Gwanghyun Have Fallen Into The Pictorial! - Duration: 17:26.subbed and translated by metamongmashite do not take out translations without permission
(Gyenggi-do Hwaseong)
GH: Hello!
GH: I can't do things like this!
GH: Where are we now, Sewoon~?
GH: Yes, we're now in a dinosaur museum (in Gyeonggi-do Hwaseong)
GH: We've become a good opportunity for a magazine called 'Singles'
GH: Sewoon hyung and I have come to Hwaseong (in Gyeonggi-do)!
GH: Now here, is an empty hollow field
GH: I'm very excited!
GH: Hyung, are you excited?
SW: I'm now~ Very wet with memories (t/n: idk if this is the right translations tho lol)
SW: This wide field!
SW: Isn't it just good?
SW: I think it's better than 'earth' (t/n: It's a word play. Since the city's name is 'Hwaseong' (also means Mars in Korean))
(Ing?! (what other nonsense is this?))
GH: Right The next destination is 'Jupiter'
SW: It's similar with 'earth' (alien??)
GH: To hatch a dinosaur's egg
GH: I have to put on makeup
GH: dress up and prepare for the hatch
VJ Starship: But you're hatching an egg, why do you need makeup?
GH: To hatch it coolly! (t/n: I don't understand this kid anymore lol)
GH: Haha! (embarassed)
GH: I can't do things like this! (I'm screwed ㅋㅋ)
Staff: Later both of you will have to act emotional
GH: Like this~
(Doing emotional acting?)
GH: I really studied (face expression) yesterday
SW: I'm somehow~ While doing a lot of pictorial shooting,
SW: I'm still concerned about
SW: how to make it natural
SW: Although a lot of lacking and awkward pose still come out frequently,
SW: I think it will be the future task
SW: We gotta do it!
(High five!)
VJ Starship: When Gwanghyun shot his profile picture,
VJ Starship: He took off the necklace he's never taken off before!
GH: Oh! Right~
GH: Really. This necklace's been very long!
SW: Daniel~
GH: Oh! How do you know?
SW: Lee... Lee Daniel!
GH: My baptism name is Lee Daniel
SW: Lee Daniel~!
GH: I miss Daniel hyung (because he keep on saying it)
GH: Then this watch!
VJ Starship: Did you not take it off since high school?
GH: Oh! Correct~
SW: Since he was born
GH: I've been carrying this since I was born...
VJ Starship: If you have to give this watch too Sewoon hyung, would you do that?
(Huh?! Am I not mishearing?)
VJ Starship: Can you give it as a gift?
SW: Up till here~
GH: I... I will... give one... I... ca- can buy one
(Hamster Gwanghyun stuttering with his word ㅋㅋㅋ)
GH: I... I can buy him one!
GH: The exact same watch!
SW: When a person lies, they blink their eyes a lot
GH: Ah~ Was I blinking my eyes?
SW: Yeah! You are almost like this! (t/n: SEWOON-AH HAHAHAHAH)
GH: Because this one is being used,
GH: If I have to give a gift, I have to give out a new one (of course)
SW: This one is more meaningful because you're using it (ㅋㅋ)
GH: Do you want to use it, hyung?
SW: If you give it as a gift, I will use it well~
GH: Fine! I will think about it!
GH: I cherish it a lot~
GH: Can I really find a real dinosaur egg while shooting for pictorial?
SW: This is where the dinosaurs lived? (seriously curious)
GH: There's a dinosaur under your feet even now!
GH: Spontaneously?
They're about to film a greeting video for the fans,
but a lot of eyes are looking ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
GH: How embarrassing~
(looking around~ x2)
GH: One, two, three!
Failed! (1st try)
GH: One two three! Hello, we are Sewoon and Gwanghyun!
Failed! (2nd try)
GH: One two three! Hello!
Failed!! (3rd try)
GH: One two three! We are- (Failed!! (4th try))
GH: We are Sewoon and Gwanghyun!
SW: We've come to have a pictorial shooting for Singles' August edition
GH&SW: Please wait for it! (Success!! (finally))
(God of Dancing King of Dancing)
VJ Starship: What kind of dance is this?
SW: It's a dance called 'Ant'~
GH: Hyung, can I ask a question?
GH: Do you know what's the English of anteater? x2
SW: Is there supposed to be something funny about it or~ GH: It's supposed to be funny...
SW: Really?
SW: What's the English for anteater? (asking to VJ hyung)
Anteater~ (emphasizing the R pronunciation)
OH~~ (that was kinda cool)
GH: AnteateRR SW: Anteart- beat! (anteater + heartbeat)
SW: Everyone, please look at the weather for once!
SW: Isn't it sunny?
GH: A rain dropped, though??
SW: Thunder~
GH: A thunder clapped~
GH: It's not sunny!
SW: It's very romantic!
SW: It's very romantic here!
VJ Starship: Ah~ you're putting more in~
GH: Ah~ since when are you filming my insoles?
GH: Yeah!
GH: Can I remove the insoles?
Staff: Ah~ so cute!! (even the stylist fell for Gwanghyun's charm)
SW: Isn't the slipper so pretty?
(Everything in the world looks pretty in Sewoon's eyes now)
(Look pretty here~ Look pretty there~)
(Has Sewoon fell to the beauty of slippers? ㅋㅋ)
(Me too me too bragging about slippers ㅋㅋ)
VJ Starship: Owh~ I thought you're in a living room or something!
GH: I'll introduce my house to you!
GH: That's the main door of my house!
SW: I'm going for busking now~
GH: Knock knock! (A guy who knocks at his own house!)
GH: You see here? These are our rice fields, over than 10.000 meters square
GH: Here, we grow rice and crops
GH: That's my house's pet~
GH: These are my house's slippers~
VJ Starship: What's the name of the companion dinosaur over there?
SW: It's cutie! GH: It's Ppi-ppi!
VJ Starship: Do you use shoes in the living room?
GH: Wait! I come to play in the yard!
VJ Starship: Which one is 'living room' and which one is 'yard'?
GH: There! There~ until the place where there are pets is the yard
GH: This place is the living room!
VJ: But now you're wearing shoes in your living room!
GH: Oh right! So this is the 'yard' and there is the 'living room'
GH: Earnestly, the egg-cracking has started! (finally)
(Gwanghyun cracking a dinosaur's egg in the front yard of his own house!)
GH: What I mean by 'egg' is 'the picture'. It's a phrase (t/n: according to Gwanghyun lol)
GH&SW: Fighting! (Spreading happy energy to the staffs before shooting!)
GH: I can do this! (never-ending energy ㅋㅋㅋ)
SW: Tension! Tension! GH: Tension! SW: Tension! Tension up!
GH: Gwanghyun can.do.this!
GH: Should I just walk straight?
Photographer: OMG! Staffs: Oh my, oh my (t/n: SAME HEREEEEE)
(Sewoon fell because his shoes are slippery)
??: Are you okay? SW: Yes~ I'm alright! (brightly)
(So lucky he doesn't get hurt!)
GH: Wow~
GH: He... He looked like he was posing!
VJ Starship: Wasn't it very funny that your hyung fell just now?
GH: But he pretended like he was posing~
GH: I also did a pose at the end~
(Gwanghyun who is trying out a bold pose!)
(Ing!!??? What is this? Titanic?)
(Getting the direction freely~)
(Getting a grip of each other ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)
(Sewoon & Gwanghyun's pictorial shooting has run smoothly!
Photographer: Here comes the obstacle!
Photographer: Don't you guys know what running start is?
Photographer: Yes! That's it! So after you square off~
Photographer: What's the word for that~
SW: (We were) too hillarious!
GH: No, we have to do it coolly~
Photographer: (Sewoon) you were cool!
Photographer: (Gwanghyun) you were too-
GH: I will do it coolly!
Photographer: (Sewoon) You just have to go on to look cool~
GH: Okay~ (If Sewoon hyung is the only one who look good)
Photographer: What on earth was that pose lol
VJ Starship: (bursting out loud)
Photographer: Stop~
Photographer: Change your clothes and come back~
SW: Yes!
VJ Starship: Gwanghyun, your jump was-
GH: That? It must be weird~
GH: Look at the spot! (The spot where we landed on)
VJ Starship: Were you okay when you fell?
SW: I was deliberately striking a pose~
SW: I didn't fell~
GH: Are you really okay?
VJ Starship: Sewoon jumped well but Gwanghyun's jump
SW: I have confident in jumping!
GH: I don't have the jump force what should I do...
(Suddenly jumping lol)
SW: Jump more boldly!
GH: Wah~ I'm sweating!
(Raising their hands on the street!)
GH: Done~!
SW: I have changed my clothes!
VJ Starship: Suit you well~!
GH: I have to remove my thigh (fat) a bit~
GH: Look at Sewoon's back view for once!
GH: Isn't that art? (t/n: INDEED!!)
(Sewoon who waits for the younger brother)
Let's go!
VJ Starship: He said your back view is an art
SW: Me?
SW: I feel burdened He's a suspicious friend~
GH: No no
(Strokes) SW: Oh! Where are you touching at!
SW: Be careful of the butt~
GH: Ah! I knew you're gonna say that!
SW: Ayy~
SW: First time wearing accessories!
GH: Because I have metal allergies~
GH: I'm not using anything~
GH: It's okay, because it's only for a while! (for the shooting purpose)
Staff: Right, because it's only for a while~
Staff: No! If that's so~
Staff: Because this (mine) is silver~ The next shooting will be on the court (because of his allergy) (joking)
GH: The next shooting is on the court (funny just by thinking about it)
VJ Starship: Have you ever worn a necklace jewelry before?
GH: Yes, this one Because the stylist hyung gave it to me
VJ Starship: Whether it's gold or iron, Gwanghyun can tell when it walks on his neck!
GH: Yes, then it's instantly obvious. For real.
GH: Whether it's silver or iron
GH: Gold, unfortunately, doesn't give any effect to me
(Honey will fall from your eyes that are looking at your younger brother~)
SW: It was fun~ (the pictorial shooting)
SW: Are you waiting for your younger brother?
SW: Yes
SW: I'm waiting for friend Lee.Gwang.Hyun!
Staff: Please tell me immediately if there's a problem~! (with the necklace)
GH: Yes! Got it
Photography: Do you have allergy?
GH: I'm allergic to metal
Photographer: That's a king's sickness (t/n: because kings always wear gold only so he's 'allergic to metal')
GH: Not, it isn't~
Photographer: Is it okay if it's all 24K?
GH: Yes, correct! Photographer: Woah~
Photographer: Then~ that's a king's sickness~
Photographer: We'll spill(?) GH: Yes
Staff: Wait a sec~!
VJ Starship: Does your hyung get into accident a lot?
GH: That's Sewoon's hyung only-charm!
Staff: Let's do this! GH: Yes!
GH: Fighting!
GH: Oh~ It's good, though? It's fluffy, though?
SW: Oh~ GH: Oh~ Nice!
GH: Like my room in my house!
SW:Oh! It's a spider~
GH: If you get bitten, you'll become a spiderman!
SW: Don't look at me x2
(Gwanghyun showering hyung with aegyo) SW: (not responding...)
SW: Don't play around while shooting
(At the end! He fell for his younger brother's cuteness)
SW: You're not supposed to play around during the shooting~
GH: We're being serious now!
SW: I said, don't play around while shooting!
(Feels good because his hyung receives his jokes ㅋㅋ)
GH: I'm not double-chinned, right?
Photographer: You're still good with double chin, though?
(Happy by the photographer's compliment :])
Photographer: Have you been searching? Is it because I'm the one taking pictures today?
SW: Yes! I found it through the internet!
GH: This is a motive called 'ChiChi' in Israel's traditional clothes (t/n: please correct me if I'm wrong)
VJ Starship: What kind of?
GH: The stylist has said it himself
GH: In Israel's traditional clothes, this clothe's motive is called 'ChiChi'
GH: It's that kind of cloth~
(Here~ There's even a hole on the side of the cloth. Isn't it impressive?)
VJ Starship: *gasps* You... can't do that...
Photographer: We'll take a look. If Sewoon can't do it (handstand), you have to do it
GH: You have to do well! Fighting!
SW: Oh~ Kinda scary, though
(Gwanghyun playing around with hyung :])
SW: Wait Ah~ It's scary~ T.T Staff: So cute~ (t/n: IKRRR)
Photographer: You're doing great~
(shocked) GH: Almost hit my face (in dialect)!
SW: I can't control this, Gwanghyun-ah~
GH: You can do this~
(Sewoon doing all his best for a good cut)
GH: Wow~ Done in 3 shots~ Indeed! Jung.Se.Woon!
SW: During Produce 101, we had a chance to do handstand!
SW: But after seeing Gwanghyun, I thought that I have to do this!
Photographer: It's fine! x2
Photographer: It's fine, guys, stop!
Photographer: Are you holding a leaf in your left hand?
Photographer: That leaf... That's right! Do it like that~
Photographer: Make your eyes comfortable!
Photographer: Yeah, just be comfortable
Photographer: Done~!
GH&SW: Thank you!
Staff: Change your clothes~!
(Doing a running match in the middle of this ㅋㅋㅋ)
(Pet Ppi-ppi)
GH: Like this? Photographer: Yes!
GH: I'll do it cutely!
GH: Oh yeah!
Photographer: How pretty~
(Good... everything is burnt out)
GH: The weather is extremely hot!
GH: Manner legs!
GH: I'm fine without doing that!
GH: I don't need to do the manner legs!
GH: I have adjusted it!
SW: I don't know what to do!
Photographer: You've done well~!
SW: You've worked hard!
(Hello~) (The shooting is done~)
VJ Starship: Why are you smiling like that? SW: Because it was fun
(Suprise V App for the fans!)
GH: Should I ride on the triceratops?
(Hiding hamster-hyun ㅋㅋㅋ)
(He's hiding but he can be seen ㅋㅋㅋ)
(In the middle of taking selcas)
(Hamster Gwanghyun's under the tree to avoid rain)
VJ Starship: It's been very dry for a few days!
SW: It's my diet trick!
VJ Starship: Do you do aerobics?
SW: It's not aerobics~ It's a special exercise!
SW: This is a very special type of exercise!
VJ Starship: What dance is this?
SW: A very useful dance to reduce cheek fat~
VJ Starship: Why is it an arm exercise to reduce cheeks?
SW: When you're focusing, the nerve that comes out (will burn the fat)
(Embarassing just by looking at it...)
SW: Then let's do it together for once!
(Dancing to that now?)
SW: I want to try having this hair for once
SW: It's well-set!
VJ Starship: I heard that the best shot of your picture has come out~
GH: Really~?
GH:I haven't seen it. Not even once!
GH: Later I'll give a bow to the photographer
GH: Finally, we've wrapped up the August edition for Singles!
SW: Once more, bigger! GH: Wow!
SW: Can you see the view? GH: It's really good!
SW: Here I feel like having a healing while doing the shooting
SW: Because we're filming together with the nature, how do you feel, Gwanghyun?
GH: First of all, isn't it a good opportunity to -
GH -shoot in a good place?
GH: I think I've also learnt a lot of different kinds of experience!
GH: What about you, hyung?
SW: First of all, since I'm shooting with Gwanghyun
SW: I keep on smiling during the shooting
SW: I struggled a bit to endure it
SW: But since we're shooting together,
SW: I am more willing to do it
SW: I'm also thinking if the good chemistry and energy come out or not
GH: This 'Singles' August edition, really
SW: The atmosphere (in the site) is also friendly
SW: So the progress can go quickly
SW: I think it was a joyful shooting
SW: If we can keep on shooting in the future,
SW: I will think of this day a lot
SW: And I think I can get a lot of money also
GH: Ah! Also The interesting part!
SW: It is expected to rain today
SW: The rain did not pour!
GH: The rain did pour a little
GH: But when we shot, it didn't pour at all!
SW: Right!
SW: You've worked hard~ GH: You've worked hard~
SW: (everyone) you've worked hard!
SW: We both will appear in 'Singles' August edition GH: August edition!
SW: Please anticipate it a lot and give lots of love~!
GH: Thank you!
SW: Thank you~
GH: Good bye! SW: Good bye!
VJ Starship: So there's this kind of set~
GH: The camera is here! SW: Oh! There is a camera here!
SW: I was just looking around naturally and-
SW: Ppi-ppi ya!
SW: Ppi-ppi ya, I will come back soon~
GH: Why can't you say anything, Ppi-ppi ya?
SW: Ppi-ppi ya, I will come back soon. Let's see each other later! I'm going now!
GH: That was our house's pet, Ppi-Ppi
GH: How long have we been raising Ppi-Ppi?
GH: Yes, we've been raising her for 60 years
VJ Starship: 60 years?! GH: Yes. She can't speak!
subbed and translated by metamongmashite
Acid attack at Stratford tube station - Duration: 1:44.Acid attack at Stratford tube station
Bose QuietComfort 35 Wireless Headphones with Case - Duration: 5:58.-------------------------------------------
Peppa Pig Full English Episodes #001 Peppa Pig New Compilation 2017 Non Stop No Credits - Duration: 42:33.Peppa Pig Full English Episodes #001 Peppa Pig New Compilation 2017 Non Stop No Credits
Captivated/Причарований [TLC] - Duration: 2:25.
There's a skewed maple by the window
A very nice birdie sits on it
Listen, darling, how that birdie sings
That love can do nothing good
That love, that love
can do nothing good
Whether this love is a gift form God?
Or was it simply whispered by devil?
Even if you don't want, you must love,
Even if you don't want, you must endure,
Even if, even if you don't want,
you must endure.
I was told by fortune-teller long time ago
That I'm bounded to be crazy of black-browed girl
That because of her I will not see the world
And so my young years will be gone
And so,
and so my young years
will be gone
Roost 36 A Family Size Farmhouse on Wheels | Beautiful Tiny House Design - Duration: 3:16.ROOST 36 A FAMILY SIZE FARMHOUSE ON WHEELS
Simblissity's 204 Sq Ft Beautiful Stone Cottage | Tiny House Listing - Duration: 4:26.SIMBLISSITY'S 204 SQ FT BEAUTIFUL STONE COTTAGE
Slime Song // Three Funny Sisters - Duration: 1:23.Like a small bowl
On a table
About to make a big mess
Hope I'm able
To clean it up
So my mom doesn't get mad
I might have only once chance
To make this thing rad.
And all those products I didn't use
Had to go to the store to get some glue
I will mix them well tonight
Can you guess what I'm making right?
This is my slime song
Going to make it strong song
Use Elmer's Glue song
Going to get a bowl song
It's going to make a big mess song
Going to use some Borax
And I don't really care if it's too sticky
'Cause I've still got a lot of activator left with me.
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UNBOXING VIDEO: Woma python! | Jafar K - Duration: 4:45.Good morning my friends!
I am very pleased to announce that,
I just received this small box which contains
a Woma python.
Now we 're gonna do the "unboxing".
With that being said,
I would like you to visit my YouTube channel,
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And of course, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE for more because there is more stuff to come!
And with that being said, let's get started.
Lets see what's inside.
Let's have a close look to this little creature!
So, let me share this happy moment with all of you, the viewers!
Ready, steady, go!
This small box contains our today's special guest.
Time is money so, let's open it!
Who knows what may come up ... he he he.
Beeb, beep! :P
Here we are!
I dont know if you can see inside the box.
Something is moving around :P
Apocalypse, now!
Woohoooo that is pretty much it!
So, woma python gentlemen,
Hatched in August '17.
It's a young baby as you can see.
Very calm and docile species.
Curious as well ...
Woma pythons are really UNIQUE snake species
Notice the head, it's totally different than other pythons'
Let's have a closer look.
Head (amongs others) make them unique !
Very calm little baby ..
Cool pattern and colors..
See for yourself ...
This unique species live in Australia.
Recommended to everyone.
I' ll definately make a "care video" in the future.
Let's get close to the camera for you to see the clear and bright colors
Very docile once again ..
Ideal option for "first snake"
I already enjoy this snake
It's the latest addition to my collection
I hope you find it interesting!
That's all folks!
I' m gonna put it in it's tank.
Its a temporary one, not the final of course
Hold on a sec ...
Here we are
Water bowl is missing, just for video purposes only.
I will add it just after we 're done with the video.
OK, this is pretty much it!
As i said, its truly a species that rocks!
Thanks for watching my video!
Don't forget to visit my channel,
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Feel free to leave a comment or a question, whatever!
and of course SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE!
C u next time, bye!
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