So, to understand
the work principle of the next modifier which named
Strand Gravity - let's select a preset
to get the sphere with the base configuration of
the hair.
Remove all unnecessary modifiers after
the Edit Guides and assign a Strand Gravity.
In the Gravity Vector you will see a parameter - Force.
With it you can control
the force of the gravity.
The next is the control of the Guides deformation
with using the curve and the texture.
Thus, with using this
modifier - you can receive
an interesting effect too.
And if you want to change the direction
of the gravity - just go to
the modifier sub-object and rotate the gizmo
in the desired direction.
The next modifier is Guide Clustering.
Unlike the Hair Clustering Modifier,
which is totally independent from the history of hair
being clustered,
in Strand Clustering, Ornatrix automatically find
the necessary guides and group them into the clusters.
This is useful - when you want to use
only the previously created guides in
Edit Guides for clustering.
In most cases - this method is best
convenient and intuitive.
I also want to draw your attention to the fact
that you can also carry out the other
operations with the clusters
In this modifier
unlike the Hair Clustering.
Let's assign it to
analyze the work of these operations.
The modifier is appointed over
the Hair From Guides.
As usual - in the settings you will see
the first option which relating to groups
in the Edit Guides, and then comes a tuning
effect of clustering using the Amount option.
Let's increase the amount of hair
in the Hair From Guides in order to
see better a clustering job.
Now come back to it
and twist Amount again.
If this parameter is zero, then
there is no clustering, and if slowly
to increase its value,
we will see how the beams of hair are created.
This effect is very useful in the creation of fur
or hair with a gel.
The next is the clustering changing with
the B / W texture.
Assign the Checker map to verify
how this option works.
And immediately noticing
that where the black color - clustering doesn't work
and where white - on the contrary.
If you turn on the following option -
which named Wisp Based Clusters and placed
in the tab which named Wisps -
then you can control the offset
of the chaotic partitioning strands
as well as their global size.
That is - to make the clusters more lush.
The next is the control of the size variation
by using the texture.
If you will assign the same texture Checker,
you will see - how to resize
the clusters in the black and white areas of the texture.
Then, there is twisting option that
allows you to make curls of clusters.
And it also has the ability to
manage influenced by a texture.
Assign Checker and see what happens.
And the last option in the modifier -
is control of curve influence
at the level of the tips or roots.
Remove the Strand Clustering
and proceed to the analysis of the Hair Clustering.
As you already understood - Hair Clustering is independent
by Guides history in the Edit Guides.
and it number of parameters is
less than in Strand Clustering.
The number of individual clusters is given by
with the option - Num.Clumps.
And if you put a small value, you will see
such this effect.
With Shape - you can adjust the shape of the beam.
Use UV Coordinates allows you to
use of UV coordinates instead
the world coordinates for the formation of clusters.
A Threshold allows you to adjust the distance
of the clustering with respect to the roots
based on UV-coordinates.
Also, as with other modifiers -
you can use the textures
to change the clustering influence.
For example, if you assign to the clustering
a Noise map with high contrast - you get
quite an interesting effect.
According to the clustering the analysis is complete.
The next is a Symmetry modifier.
This modifier allows you to create
a symmetric mirroring
of the certain parts of the hair.
Let's remove the all modifiers and leave
only the Edit Guides.
Go into it, and remove the part of the guides
and assign the Symmetry modifier.
As a result - we get a mirror part,
in this case by the X axis.
And the all changes
which we will do in the Edit Guides -
will automatically applied
to the symmetric part.
When using a symmetry -
be sure to use the option which named
Ground Mirrored Strands.
In order that the mirrored part
was attached to the surface without
use the additional
Ground Strands modifier.
Use Ignore Distance option allows
to set the distance - which takes place
ignoring mirroring.
That is, you can make not a fully
symmetrical object, but only part of it.
That's all I wanted to tell
about this modifier.
Go ahead...
And then, on the list - is a Strand Detail.
This modifier allows you to manage
of guides detail.
The small values - reduce the density of points,
but the quality of bending smoothness becomes worse,
and with the large values - on the contrary.
With the Strand Detail, you can
optimize the grid in a GameDev hair.
The Render Value options, allows
to define the number of dots per Render.
This is useful when you have a low-powered PC
and a big value of the points in the viewport
leads to a decrease in productivity.
The settings are quite simple in the modifier.
Therefore, I won't do a detailed analysis.
Go ahead...
The next on the list are - Edit Guides
and Ground Strands about which I spoke
in the previous lessons.
So I won't dwell on them.
And then there is - Hair From Mesh Strips Object,
about which I tell now.
For the analysis of this modifier
let's remove the sphere and create a plane.
Then click on the icon
which named Hair From Mesh Strips Object.
Then - icon will appear in the center of origin
which named Ox Hair Strips.
Choose it and start the analysis.
This modifier is used for
creating hair or guides on the surface of the object.
Whether it - Plane, cylinder, or any other.
Objects are added via the Add button
by simply clicking on them.
Removed through the Remove button.
Add Multiple button lets you immediately
add a few items from the list.
For example,
if you make a few copies
of the plane and will press the button -
you will get the hair at all these objects.
Let's look at the settings, and then I
will tell about how to use
Hair From Mesh Strips Object on the other objects.
Including those
which you can create in Zbrush.
The basic requirements for the grid object -
not complicated.
The grid shouldn't consist of
triangles or n-gons.
Since, at the time when we apply the modifier
the errors may occur.
Once you have applied
the modifier - you have the opportunity to
modify the grid
by any modifiers.
And also perform manipulation
with edges and vertices.
The main thing - don't forget the basic rule.
For example, if we choose any
plane, assign Edit Poly and move the
any of the vertices.
On the other plane - assign FFD modifier and
on the third - the Twist modifier,
then the modifier guides will repeat
this modified form.
That is - you can even do a simulations
with the Cloth modifier and thus
animate the hair.
Now I won't show this, because for
the simulations and dynamics - I will record an another.
So we solve this =)
Go ahead.
The next item which named Selection - allows
to alternate choice of the so-called strip
of the one of the added objects.
If you will navigate to the sub-object Strip and select
e.g., the first plane.
Then press the Next button -
you will see - as an option
will switch to the next.
Thus, you can quickly
switch between the different objects.
The next is the Distribution option,
which allows you to distribute your hair
on the grid - in three ways.
The first way - Per Vertex Distribution
allows you to generate one hair
by each boundary vertex.
That is, if along the way by strip you have 5
vertices - you will receive a 5 hairs guides
at these edges.
The second way - Uniform Distribution
generates hairs evenly along the border with
distributed intervals.
And the third way - Random Distribution
generates hairs along the border
at random intervals.
By clicking on one of the ways - you
will immediately notice the difference between them.
The next option is the Hair Per Strip,
which controls the number of hairs on one
polygonal strip.
View Hair% - the percentage of hair display
in the Viewport.
Obviously, if you will put 100% -
you will see the total amount of hair in it.
And the next is the management options
of the direction of the hair strand.
There are several parameters influence on the strips.
It Rotate, Flip and Flip in some
particular direction.
Up and down, left and right, back and forward.
I usually use only the Rotate
and it is enough to me.
Using the Rotate looks in that way.
Choosing a subobject which named Strips,
Then - any of the modifier guides
and by click on the button - Rotate Strip Direction
turn guide in either direction.
Thus - we set the general direction
of the hair bundle at the object.
Also, you can rotate once
the all modifier guides and change the overall
direction for the all objects.
The Flip option simply mirror
the direction of the guides.
The next is the parameter which allows
to adjust the number of points for
the smooth curve.
Let's imagine, if you will take the first plane,
and will apply the Meshsmooth to it a
and raise a little higher the central vertices,
that was such a smooth bend -
we will see that the hair which created by using
the Hair From Mesh Strips Object modifier
haven't a smooth shape.
In order to fix it -
go to the modifier settings
and increasing the number of points
in the hair parameters.
For example, let put value = 50.
Thus - you get more
smooth bending and the high quality shape.
If you will turn on the following option
which named Mat.Id as Str.Groups -
the modifier will be used
the Face ID for each object
to create a group of strands.
The option which named Inherit UVs from strips
allows to use of the UV coordinates
for generating UV to the hair strand.
And the last three parameters - allows
to manage the hair offset relative
each other and the object on which they are located.
Let's imagine - we don't want to make the hairs
are coplanar with each other.
To do this - increase the value of the parameter
which named Global Value and edit the curve.
Now let's see - how
create Hair Strips by using
the base of the other objects.
Create a cylinder.
Then modify it like as this.
And now, using the edges of the object -
you can create the hair with applying a modifier
Hair From Mesh Strips Object.
Create this modifier and
add this object.
You will immediately see that the hair doesn't repeat
the direction of the edges.
And it can be corrected by using the Rotate option.
Hide the object and see what happens.
Now you can use an any
Ornatrix modifiers to impart more
realistic look.
For example - add the Strand Length and
set a variation of the length, and then assign
the Render Settings and adjust the thickness of the hair.
Now let's create a sphere
and export it for using in Zbrush.
And now I'll tell you how to use the
special hair brushes by Simon Chapman
to get the custom objects to create the hair.
You can download the special brushes
by the link in my blog which named
Hair Brush from Zbrush.
You will immediately go to the
Simon Chapman gumroad page, where you can
download this brushes.
By selecting this brush and pressing the M -
you can choose the different types of hair meshes.
I usually use Hair Flat.
Then, in the Strokes settings
in the Curve Function option - I use mirroring
by horizontally for Falloff
and a bit of editing a curve.
And now - if you draw a curve, then
you will get the desired strips
to create the Ornatrix hair.
If you want that your hair mesh
don't snap to the sphere - as it is now, and was created
in the space on the plane -
That so go to the Picker and choose in Depth
Once Z option.
Thus, you will be able to draw
hair strips in a single plane.
Every time when you want to add more
the one strip of hair - Press ALT
and click on the object.
Once you have created the right amount
of the strips - go into Subtool and push
Group Split.
Then, by using the move tool - you can create
any form.
Then - make export to the 3dsmax.
And now you can use these strips to create
the hair by using the Hair From Mesh Strips.
As a result - we get hair which repeating
the shape of these plane stripes.
Thus, using the toolkit
of the Zbrush - you can create more
elaborate hairstyles, floating hair and so on.
Also, you can use this
sphere to create an interesting shape.
Convert it to Editable Poly,
remove the top and bottom.
Then compresses it using the Scale and do
the ResetXForm.
Create Hair From Mesh Strips Object and apply it on
this sphere.
If hitched direction of hair -
go into the Stripes and make the Rotate.
Adjust the amount of hair,
and we get a form like this.
Also, you can use this modifier
to create a braid.
About the creation of them I told on the livestream
for CGAllies.
In Materials4Tuts you can find
a link to it.
By following the link - you get just as
the moment - where I talk about the creation of braids
by using a special script
by Reza Asaie.
For non-Russian-speaking subscribers
and for those who are interested
in creation of the braids -
I will record another detailed lesson.
Now I won't dwell on
this topic and continue analyse
of the other modifiers...
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