Do you play a lot?
So you will really like our
We got to the following style:
Action-Adventure, Racing, Sports, Strategy, MOBA, RPG, Simulation
On the platforms:
Convinced Then run to download!
See you!
Обзор вейп новинок [Vape Leaks #51] - Duration: 9:26.SMPO MT Vape Pen Starter Kit
Steelvape Pocket Snail
Smokjoy SV AIO
Smok Priv One Kit
Innokin EZ.WATT Kit
ECT Kenjoy Elfin & Lit Plus Tank
Athena EOS20+/EOS40+
Hard Hitters Alliance Ubuntu RDA
Edge Mod Creations Type R RDA
MJTECH Tomahawk Kit
Joyetech CUBOID Lite Kit
Wismec Sinuous FJ200 Kit
Smoant GAIA
RNV Designs Katana & Miura Mechanical Mods
Steelvape Sanctuary Box Mod
Atmizoo The Ring Project
Noname Mods Check Mate
IS THIS CHALLENGE EVEN POSSIBLE? (Black Ops 2 NUKETOWN Spawn Room Only Challenge) - Duration: 19:52.-------------------------------------------
ПРАНК ПЕСНЕЙ НАД УЧИТЕЛЕМ | ESTRADARADA - Вите Надо Выйти - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
EXTREME DOWNHILL MTB - Downhill Mountain Biking Inspiration - Duration: 10:31.Extreme Downhill Mountain Biking: DH MTB tribute
For more Mountain Biking and Downhill MTB Tribute, subscribe to BlackDiamond.
Comment who will win at cairns UCI Downhill Mountain bike World championships - maybe Aaron Gwin will win?
Illuminati Exposed-------------------------------------------
Dove Cameron e Sofia Carson de Descendentes 2 são BFFs in real life? Inside OK!OK! - Duration: 6:35.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 E-THP INTENSIVE AUTOMAAT / CAMERA / TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Cheat Engine Tutorial Basic Lesson 4 - Using Pointers - Android and PC - Duration: 4:02.Welcome back video channeler to the fourth episode
of video tutorials on Cheat Engine
Today's subject is the use of pointers.
and as in the other cases, we use the tutorial
Cheat Engine
Skip the steps already completed and we go ahead
to that of our interest
In the previous lesson we saw how to find out
and use pointers to lock the current value in game
But as well as explains the Cheat Engine tutorial
knowing only the pointer, we have no way to
change its value at will.
For this tutorial has two buttons one for
change the value, another to change the pointer
As pointed out, it is not obliged to know the assembler
to use this technique, but it helps quite a bit
This tecnic, complete wich we see the previous lesson
because we can also change the
value, not just to block the change of value
We begin by finding the cheat as seen in the past
So we tie to the Cheat Engine tutorial process
was already a file with saves of CE, but no use this time
We insert the value to be found on Cheat Engine
Edit the value of the tutorial, simulating as
Usually the change of some statistics in a game
and continue research
we find a single address.
Following the tutorial
At this point, look for the code that reads
that address
and attach to process, the debugger
Now we are ready to take instructions
who read that address
We modify the field value of the tutorial
as you can see there are four alternatives
We have to figure out which of these is to use
here comes in game the assembler's knowledge
Looking at the newly opened window
It may notice that the statement highlighted in red
It contains the square brackets on the right
This means that we are "writing"
on that field, instead we have to find an instruction
that reads that value
among those present we see only one
You can see, this time, the brackets are on the left
then we can use the suggested pointer
for the next step
The tutorial tells us to look for that address as if it were
a value, however, changing the type to "hexadecimal"
So we use the address value just found
and we start the search
we find a single address
Now let's see how to use it
I added the address to the list just for clarity
but it is not necessary to continue
What should be done now is to use the button
"Add address manually"
click on the check "Pointer" and enter the value
of address just found
Now we can go and add it to the list
as you can see, we have created an address
pointing to the first address founded
In fact, as is indicated by the tutorial
They may also happen more complex cases
where the address to be entered must be calculated on
base of assembler's instruction
in this case you need a smattering of this
language and hexadecimal calculator windows
We complete the tutorial by changing the pointer
as required to the value 5000
I must be faster
We try again, closing this window that confuses me
Well we did, we can continue with the tutorial
but that's another episode
If you enjoyed the video please leave a "like"
and subscribe to the channel
Hello and to the next video.
it's the best flypaper ever!
no one flies can survive here!
it's an amazing place!
now i'm going to sit here
i am in a forbidden area, ssssstttttt
keep silence please
we cannot stay here!
oh no! they busted us!
Baby Watermelon with Wrong Slots Disney Cars 3 Learn Colors Finger Family Rhymes - Duration: 1:26.Baby Watermelon with Wrong Slots Disney Cars 3 Learn Colors Finger Family Rhymes
Edição Especial SortableArtist1(Os Melhores Lances do FIFA no xbox 360) - Duration: 2:55.The best throws of the FIFA in Xbox 360. Presents !
SortableArtist1 special edition
Thank you for watching,sign up for the channel.
DESTINY 2 GAMEPLAY PLAYTHROUGH PART 2 - Duration: 12:48.just super emotional I almost shed a couple of Tears except I didn't yeah
well it's not a bird just shoot the bird
so yo what's going on its your man DoolbagJohnson just fucking playing some more
destiny 2 - I know I see it my dudes half dead and he's walking around and like
his health is just fuckin buggin out and of course there it is
do you hear that that's the fucking train gone by the classic no matter
where I am here I always got a train in my fucking front yard I hope this is
something because my dude but hobbling around for a hot minute here but uh oh
it's my ghost I think or it's a fucking dead no he's giving me
yummy health oh yeah Ari was a ghost shell well fuckin I'll take the free
help oh and I got a weapon well it's a little fuckin shitty looking but
whatever alright there's someone talking I it turns up I can't hear the dialogue
alright I'm definitely gonna have to put a headset on cuz I got to turn this up
and you're gonna start echoing back in your headset really bad probably you
hear that shit yeah that's not gonna work
alright well I'm gonna oh I can't even double jump what a puss I got I gotta
put my headset on here it's only I'm sorry but you're gonna have to deal with
it that's life suppose me a bit anyway
Wow uh all right I gotta check my microphone level now Kenny wait are you
still able to hear me Wow all right I usually when I because
I'm using a USB mixer with a regular condenser mic plugged into it so usually
when I plug in a headset to the controller at the false to that but I
unplug the microphone off of this headset but I didn't know if it was
going to fuck me up or not I don't know I do notice that I have no mo
thank you for the news oh god I can't even jump high enough to get over this
thing oh my god I'm stuck in this fucking hole right now and it's got the
damn violin music and shit like no make me cry oh I climbed the wall alright
good job bud you did it you made it oh
holy shit stain yeah this dude actually he's never fucking done anything before
they sucked the light out of him and all of a sudden he's like I don't even know
how to walk oh yeah this guy talking about
oh my ghost sounds pretty Haggard
okay well that happened
the shitty outskirts I mean the city outskirts oh I'll try to find the ammo
thank you for the help I'll look behind me I love how he's
trying to help me but he's like really not grasping the fact that I can not
hear I need to be very careful and I am in a restricted zone boo or sub some
moschini I have a gun with ammo now and right
away there's some head has to shoot at oh shit
alright dis music alright this musics not suited for this type of environment
here it's getting a little hostile and we still got like fucking violins going
hey I'm gonna stab this guy in his lip hey you like that biatch oh come on
I keep trying to double jump and my dude can barely even do a single Chuck yeah
that's usually my Jam's but my dude can't even jump over a twig right now
yeah what the fuck was that were you uh was that your vape thing or whatever
that thing was like ah that's fucking hardcore what buddy whoa I got ammo for
my Hank Hannah now nice oh my god can sprinting in - whoohoo he's starting to
get his confidence back someone's balls dropped again super emotional I almost
shed a couple of Tears except I didn't
yeah well what's that a perk just shoot the bird Oh
oh fuck totally just fell off a cliff and died don't ask it really looks like
I can go down there once way better all right I'm trying to shoot this bird all
right apparently I can't shoot the Falcon I don't know let's follow it and
see what happens so you coming off of a ps3 onto this I'm sure this looks
fucking ridiculous to you but I will say it still looks ridiculous compared to
the ps4 version of the first one so they did a fucking great job on the visuals
to which it's funny cuz this game you'd think this this game doesn't seem to
have HDR supported on it which honestly I wouldn't fucking be able to tell
because the colors are so damn vivid on this game anyway I literally it looks
like it but it has HDR anyway which also kind of leads me to believe that HDR is
not entirely all fucking cracked up to be
like sometimes blues and greens really seem to pop out that's about it like it
doesn't really similarly is doing a whole lot because if you could tune your
TV properly in the right in the first place you're gonna get those really
vivid colors anyway I just I mean I think it was it's a very much so a
gimmick to get fucking money really I mean at the end of the day it's people
like all man it's like Dobby vision you know it's
hilarious how they're advertising like oh well now they have Dolby vision HDR
blah blah right well you need a 12 bit panel for that and almost every single
TV on the market even the really really expensive ones only have 10 bit panels
anyway if that it's either an 8 bit or a 10 bit so realistically this Dolby
vision shit that they're putting in these TVs is still just HDR 10 with the
name Dolby vision on it like literally it's it can't display it any differently
anyway oh yeah I mean they needed something to tack on to fucking 4k 1080
P TVs I just missed that jump and I'd know it
oh maybe I didn't die oh well I didn't know that I will say that my 4k TVs look
sharper than my 1080p TV so that's good enough for me but my 1080p TVs looked
just damn fine to me too in fact like in like a living room type
environment you're sitting so far away from the TV usually it's not that big of
a difference really anyway half of the time it's really like how could you
could actually get the picture dialed in but I'm not a cutscene I'm trying to
hear what they're saying here hold on
this bitch just gave me a gun I'll take it thank you
whoa well alright alright looks like I'm making moves here
I know that hold on this fat dude doll is talking victory as with all things is
yours to play oh my god you're killing me with your vapor thing dudes fucking
lips are on fire I love to see what it's like to make out with that guy he's got
like like the most ridiculous bottom lip but he's got like the most ridiculous
cleft lip on the tops weird I guess his Gauls friend so this is
interesting I feel like the way they're talking to each other like this dude
he's like right-hand man's like maybe not a shithead and like I have a feeling
the bad guys might also be good guys I'm not really sure yet either that or this
guy is just like he sounds like he's a good guy but he's really a dick what
sounds nice
I'm not like I I think he's like trying to like tell Gaul like a man like we've
been trying to do you know reshape our society and now you're gonna come in hot
like a dick they're gonna fight back man like I think that's you know cuz I was
talking so much I really didn't hear much of what he said but I kind of
that's the vibe I got oh oh shit it's the fucking the speaker oh shit yes so
this game is legit this is a real fucking story people you guys see what
I'm fucking going with here okay fucking I finally we got a real story going on
all right guys it's been another fucking fun-ass time with some destiny I will
catch you on the next one peace I just wanted to thank you for watching
this video if you liked what you saw pop that thumbs up button go ahead and hit
the subscribe button if you have not done so already follow us on Facebook
Instagram Google+ give us some Twitter love my friends and we really enjoy when
you guys leave us
Cypher "Quem é que vai dizer?" | M.Jeff | O2 | Czr | Linkyz | Nêmesis | (Clipe Oficial ) - Duration: 8:23.-------------------------------------------
Jornada do Herói ~ Oitavo Passo ~ Provação - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
Reagindo ao assistir o videoclipe Corpo Sensual - Pabllo Vittar | Ativa/desativa legenda - Duration: 6:03.-------------------------------------------
BROWNIES de CHOCOLATE | Repostería Clásica | by MARIELLY - Duration: 3:24.-------------------------------------------
Libby, the new Library App for eBooks & Audiobooks - Deerfield Library eTutor - Duration: 5:06.Hi!
In this video I'm going to show you how to set up and use Libby, the library's new
app for eBooks and eAudiobooks.
Libby is available on iPad, iPhone, and Android devices.
If you're using a Kindle, Paperwhite or Kindle fire, check out our other videos, linked
If you've used OverDrive before, you'll find Libby much easier, simpler, and friendlier.
It's an all in one app to checkout and read or listen to library materials.
Search for Libby by OverDrive in your App Store.
We're using an iPad, but the app will work and look the same on all devices.
When you first open the Libby app, scroll down and click "Find My Library."
The app will use your location to find the nearest library in the system.
If it's correct, hit yes.
If not, click no and you'll be prompted to search for your library by name or zip code.
Next you'll need to enter your library card.
Click Add Your Card on the right side of the screen.
Select your library from the drop-down menu, and enter your library card number.
Then click "Sign In."
Libby has two main sections--the Library, which is synonymous with "My Media Mall,"
where you can browse and select books,
and your shelf, where you can see your checkouts, holds, and activity.
At any point while using Libby you can toggle back and forth between these sections
Let's go back to our Library and find a book to check out.
You can scroll down through the various collections.
Or scroll up and click the magnifying glass to search our catalog.
As you type, Libby will suggest search terms for you.
If you find a book you want and it's available, you can click "Borrow."
Confirm this on the next screen by clicking borrow again.
The title will automatically download for offline reading.
You can click "open book" right from here or keep browsing or go back to your shelf.
Let's click "open book."
Then you can swipe to the left to page through the book.
At any time click the center of the screen to pull up your menu,
where again, you can toggle between the library or your shelf.
Notice that it brings you back to the last page you left off on, in this case, our search
If you're looking for a book that's already checked out, click "place a hold," and confirm
on this next screen.
You can keep browsing, or edit your hold.
With Libby you have lots of navigation options.
So, click back into the book you're reading by clicking in the center book logo at the
bottom menu.
Or go to your shelf to see your current checkouts and holds.
Returning to any of these sections is just a click away.
The best part about Libby is that it's truly an all in one browsing and reading app.
No need to use complicated menus to switch to different confusing sections of the app.
And Libby with never sign you out unless you sign out yourself or delete the app.
You can also listen to electronic audiobooks in Libby.
Look for the headphones logo and click borrow.
The whole audiobook will automatically download for offline listening.
Then "open audiobook."
[eAudiobook: "Random House Audio presents, "Blue Nights" by Joan Didion"] Checkout our
YouTube page for more videos on using Libby, including more detailed audiobook instructions.
Thanks for watching!
Check out of some of our other informational videos and if you have any questions feel
free to give us a call.
EXTREME DOWNHILL MTB - Downhill Mountain Biking Inspiration - Duration: 10:31.Extreme Downhill Mountain Biking: DH MTB tribute
For more Mountain Biking and Downhill MTB Tribute, subscribe to BlackDiamond.
Comment who will win at cairns UCI Downhill Mountain bike World championships - maybe Aaron Gwin will win?
Sboxing - Cooler Master Masterkeys Lite L - Duration: 1:25.Hello everyone I'm Alex from Wanna Tell, and i'm here to show you a Review-Unboxing
of the keyboard Cooler Master's Mastekeys Lite L.
Just a few words on this keyboard.
It's an economic keyboard, that you'll find with a price between 30 and 40 euros, with a minimal design.
It has a 16 milion colors LED RGB illumination, with different illumination options.
The Keyboard has Mem-Chanical keys,
which means is a membran keyboard that shouls simulate mechanical keys, even with the sound.
As we will show you afterwards, the kayboard has the fn key like in laptops
which will be used with the F keys to change the illumination mode.
And now, we'll see what's inside this box.
The package as you can see has been delivered in perfect conditions,
here's a little scotch which we'll need to cut in order to open the box.
And now let's see.
Oh fuck!
What are you doing there? Come here you cunt.
Here I am.
As I was saying, there's a little scotchy-thing and nothing else.
We can open it.
Here it is, the Masterkeys Lite L.
Fuck, I knew that I should not buy from Game Shop!
⑨の日 SPECiAL【東方紅魔郷PV】 Shoukon Rengoku, Reien no Zetsu「EastNewSound」【Vietsub/Engsub】 - Duration: 5:48.My skin, slightly dirty, throbs during a sleepless night.
I melted away countless times. Imaginary pleasure forms a chain.
The remains of my tan throb. This love is so worthless.
A fever burns my brain. Don't look at me like that!
Can I believe? My love breaks…
Hey, I'll be a good girl. Look!
I want you to hug me, to praise me. Hey!
Why… why are you looking away?
I want to be loved.
I burn, scorchingly.
I'm pitiful and laughable
And I clumsily dance…
I indulge in pleasure,
A cunning fool.
I want you to invade me
Until I turn to water.
The black sun, sinking in the darkness of the night, pierces.
My scars do not heal. I rot away, starving for love.
I chew at dregs. Resistance is futile.
Whisperings from the abyss: "I just wanted to be loved."
I have a nightmare of being hugged by a worn-out doll.
Hey, I'm a bad girl! Look!
The black bonds are all piled up. Hey!
If you're gonna clean me up do it quickly!
What am I doing now?
What was I doing?
I'm foolish and ugly.
My thoughts were violated.
Joy distracts me.
My body's all flushed.
I want you to invade me
Until I vanish into the air.
The days just go round and round and add up,
Resting upon my burning emotions, my burning pain.
I haven't vanished yet? Not yet? Hey… hey!
No! no, no, no… no!
It hurts… it's hot…
But is it really cold?
I don't know, I don't know…
My violated body
And the scars I gouge at
Hurt, hurt, hurt so much, hurt, hurt, hurt…
"Come on, love me!"
I want to be loved.
I burn, scorchingly.
I'm pitiful and laughable
And I clumsily dance…
I indulge in pleasure,
A cunning fool.
I want you to invade me
Until I freeze again.
RIBI SACHI - 960 Cảm Xúc Mùa Hè - Trọng Hiếu ft Tronie Ngô | Sony Xperia XZ Premium | Selfie Cực Đã - Duration: 4:08.-------------------------------------------
6 tips sencillos y originales para sacar provecho a un plátano - Duration: 6:43.-------------------------------------------
MOD - Duration: 2:35.-------------------------------------------
203 CENTIMETRI DI FELICITÀ - Duration: 10:09.-------------------------------------------
👄😘👍COMMENT RENDRE LES LÈVRES ROSES NATURELLEMENT EN 5 MINUTES - ROSIR LES LÈVRES A LA MAISON👌 - Duration: 7:28.-------------------------------------------
Pikmi Pops By Moose Toys-------------------------------------------
Volvo S60 T3 152PK Geartronic R-Design - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Kia Picanto 1.1 R-SPORTBYKIA / NM:078 / 130 - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4 TSI Business R - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
Protest against political assassination of Gauri Lankesh at Bengaluru Town Hall on Sept 6th 2017 - Duration: 10:16.-------------------------------------------
Anúncio | Advertisement - Duration: 2:01.Welcome
Do you play a lot?
So you will really like our
We got to the following style:
Action-Adventure, Racing, Sports, Strategy, MOBA, RPG, Simulation
On the platforms:
Convinced Then run to download!
See you!
Обзор вейп новинок [Vape Leaks #51] - Duration: 9:26.SMPO MT Vape Pen Starter Kit
Steelvape Pocket Snail
Smokjoy SV AIO
Smok Priv One Kit
Innokin EZ.WATT Kit
ECT Kenjoy Elfin & Lit Plus Tank
Athena EOS20+/EOS40+
Hard Hitters Alliance Ubuntu RDA
Edge Mod Creations Type R RDA
MJTECH Tomahawk Kit
Joyetech CUBOID Lite Kit
Wismec Sinuous FJ200 Kit
Smoant GAIA
RNV Designs Katana & Miura Mechanical Mods
Steelvape Sanctuary Box Mod
Atmizoo The Ring Project
Noname Mods Check Mate
IS THIS CHALLENGE EVEN POSSIBLE? (Black Ops 2 NUKETOWN Spawn Room Only Challenge) - Duration: 19:52.-------------------------------------------
ПРАНК ПЕСНЕЙ НАД УЧИТЕЛЕМ | ESTRADARADA - Вите Надо Выйти - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
EXTREME DOWNHILL MTB - Downhill Mountain Biking Inspiration - Duration: 10:31.Extreme Downhill Mountain Biking: DH MTB tribute
For more Mountain Biking and Downhill MTB Tribute, subscribe to BlackDiamond.
Comment who will win at cairns UCI Downhill Mountain bike World championships - maybe Aaron Gwin will win?
The Best Beach Club in Abu ...-------------------------------------------
There's a Good Chance Your Meteorologist Doesn't Suck, Here's Why - Duration: 4:24.We blame meteorologists for a lot.
They ruin camping trips, golf trips, days at the beach.
Why are they always wrong?!
I'm going to say something controversial here.
Weather forecasting isn't bad.
It's actually really accurate.
Bare with me.
To get a prediction on the weather, someone has to measure humidity, wind speed, rain,
sun, clouds, dew point, and a hundred other things all over the world.
It's crazy to think about the amount of data we need just to say if it's going to
rain on Thursday.
To paraphrase a famous astrophysicist -- "the weather is under no obligation to make sense
to you."
And yet, we keep trying.
For most of the 20th century, weather forecasting was mediocre because we didn't have two
things, satellites and supercomputers.
Once we got those, we really knocked it out of the sunny ballpark.
In 1972, we could predict temperatures in a range of plus or minus 6 degrees (~3C).
Like it's going to be "in the 60s (15-20C)" Now it's 2 to 3 degrees (~1C).
There's a big difference between the high 60s and low 60s.
And, we get rain right about 82-percent of the time.
That's fantastic, considering we didn't even know what a cold or warm front was 100
years ago.
Like I said though, satellites and supercomputers.
Satellites made weather forecasting amazing.
The first sat to take pictures of clouds over the US was TIROS-1 in April of 1960.
In the first week it spotted a typhoon.
That was huge.
Tropical storms, hurricanes, typhoons -- they were difficult to detect before satellites.
We've launched dozens of weather sats in the last 57 years, with the newest making
the originals look like the Stone Age.
Now we can see cloud patterns, spot tropical storms as they form, see heat maps, and even
see differences between "clouds, water vapor, smoke, ice and volcanic ash."
It's insane.
But as we got more data, it started to just… be too much for our puny human brains to fathom.
Around the turn of the last century numerical weather monitoring was first attempted.
It applied physics of the atmosphere to weather.
Meteorologists divided the world into a grid of small imaginary boxes, and calculated the
weather in each box and how it would affect the boxes around it.
. And it turns out, this is kinda impossible without a computer!
It took a 1920s mathematician three months to predict 24 hours of weather.
Supercomputers can run many millions of these grid calculations per second.
Each time they use real weather data and create a simulation of what could happen.
Humans could not do this… not even close.
Daily, NOAA's supercomputer pumps through data equal to more than twice the entire printed
collection of the Library of Congress.
Even still, weather models (or simulations) aren't perfect.
There are lots of them used by different organizations all over the world, and they're always tweaking
'em based on new research…And yet, the supercomputer can only get so far.
Humans have to be part of the equation.
The National Weather Service says humans improve rain forecasting by 25-percent, because let's
be clear, computers only know what we tell them.
They can't infer or guess; they just calculate.
And it's not like before sats and supercomputers we knew nothing like Jon Snow.
Before space travel, we used (and still use) radar, balloons, and weather stations spread
across the country and the ocean.
And before electronics, people could look at the sky or read almanacs!
Red sky in the morning sailors warning, has to do with atmospheric thickness, red light
scatters the least -- so it can make it through the thicker air of a possible stormfront.
Stars below a 40 degree angle twinkle normally, but stars overhead don't.
When the higher-up stars start to twinkle… rains a-comin'!
Not to mention people kept records of weather on days of the year -- knowing the history
helps us predict the future, but it's not very precise.
Almanacs are bad weather predictors.
And snow in April doesn't mean global warming is a hoax.
Weather is big and complicated and global.
We're still figuring it out.
In the end, stop raining on your local meteorologists parade.
Climate and weather are different things, btw.
I'm not even going to touch that today, But if global warming is real, then is NASA
Because Antarctic ice is growing!
Find out more about it in this video.
Do you love your local meteorologist?
Tell me your thoughts in the comments, and please take a second and subscribe to the
Thanks for watching, fam!
6 months on T - frustrated with looking young - Duration: 11:32.-------------------------------------------
Sept 9 Daily Tip - You Can't Mass Produce Professional Coaches - Duration: 2:15.Trac here folks, your Noble Savage with your tactical business tip for this
week. I'm here to help you cut through the confusion that comes with trying to
build a sustainable business in our space which is the gym boutique
business all right I'll just leave it for now all right so we're talking about
leadership today and to be a leader in this industry you gotta be able to build
a team all right there's the only way to have a pack moving forward so if you're
watching this video you probably need a coach to help you out with your business
and if you're watching this video you probably needed them at least six months
ago all right but just like Special Forces soldiers you can't mass-produce
coaches it's a very highly specialized field it takes a lot of experience takes
a lot of know-how it takes a lot of relationship building and maturity to do
this job and so you have to start off with recruiting the right stock because
not everyone even not everyone that you take through the process is gonna make
it out on the other side of this pipeline and so the better stock of
prospects that you start off with in this kind of coaching candidacy process
the better you'll be off in the long run okay so we know that our apprenticeship
will last anywhere from 3 to 6 months and we know that it takes at least about two
years for a coach to get to a professional level okay same thing in
Special Forces their training cycle lasts at least a year and depending on
their specialty it could be another six months before they they reach a team
okay but once a person does get through they have all the tools they have all
the skills necessary to start to operate in this field and so if you don't have a
coach yet that's in with your team it's it's time to start right now like
literally you need to put up some job postings so that you have some some
prospects you can start to sift through alright so get out there cut through all
the bullshit and get to what you need to do to build a sustainable business
Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.4 T - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Volvo XC90 2.5 T AWD Automaat * 7 Personen / Leer / Trekhaak * - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
The Deadliest Cars Ever Made - Duration: 4:50.How deadly is your car?
You probably don't spend a lot of time thinking about it.
Luckily, there are people who compile statistics to show which cars are the deadliest on the
road now — and throughout history.
So how safe is your ride?
Here's a look at the deadliest cars ever made.
Kia Rio
If you had the Kia Rio in your deadliest current cars office pool, you're the big winner — unless
you spent that money to buy a Kia Rio, in which case, you're probably not reading this
because you're dead.
According to the latest study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, the Kia Rio
sedan had the second highest death rate among all cars between 2012 and 2015, with 102 deaths
per million registered vehicle years.
That's actually an improvement from the last time the Institute compiled these statistics:
between 2009 and 2011, the Rio topped the list with 149 deaths per million registered
Nissan Versa
For the years 2009 through 2011, the Nissan Versa had the distinction of claiming not
one, but two spots on the Institute for Highway Safety's top ten deadliest cars list, with
the sedan and hatchback versions combining for a whopping 201 deaths per million registered
vehicle years.
The quote-unquote good news?
The Versa only appeared once in the top ten for the years 2012 to 2015, with the sedan
alone accounting for 95 deaths per million registered vehicle years.
So, that's… progress?
Hyundai Accent
While the Kia Rio landed one model on both of the most recent lists of deadliest cars,
and the Nissan Versa charted with two models, the Hyundai Accent outdid both of them by
appearing on the charts with three distinct models.
For the years 2009 to 2011, both the four-door and two-door versions ranked among the top
four deadliest cars, with 204 combined deaths per million registered vehicle years.
And from 2012 through 2015, it was the four- door sedan and the station wagon models charting
in the top 15, with 167 combined deaths per million vehicle years.
Now all they need to do is introduce a pickup truck version of the Accent to really corner
the market on killer cars.
Chevy Corvair
One of the most infamously dangerous vehicles of all time, the Chevy Corvair rolled off
the assembly line and into the firing line back in 1959.
The Corvair had a major problem: the rear swing axle caused drastic over-steering, making
it wildly unstable, especially on corners.
Chevy compensated for this by deliberately under-inflating the tires, which worked fine
right up until when the owner noticed, and put air in them.
Engineers designing the car requested that a simple anti-roll bar be added to the design,
which would eliminate the problem.
But Chevy purposely left them out, citing production costs.
Once this was revealed in Ralph Nader's 1965 book, Unsafe at Any Speed, Chevy was the target
of hundreds of lawsuits, and sales of the Corvair dropped like a rock, eventually forcing
the company to discontinue the line entirely.
"The Corvair took the punishment and asked for more!
Yes sir, the Corvair is as good as she looks!"
Ford Pinto
Hey, remember how Chevy intentionally allowed the Corvair to be a death trap because it
was cheaper?
Well, that's just a simple practical joke compared to the case of the Ford Pinto.
After numerous reports that a design flaw caused the fuel tank to explode on contact
during accidents, Mother Jones revealed that Ford ran a cost analysis and decided it was
cheaper to just settle wrongful death lawsuits after the fact than to actually fix the car.
Needless to say, this didn't exactly go over well with the car-buying public, and the wave
of bad publicity forced Ford to cease production of the car.
"I just bought myself a little freedom.
I bought a Yugo!
"At $3990 Yugo is freedom everyone can afford!"
The Yugo was the cheapest mass production vehicle ever offered for sale in America.
We're not just talking about the cost, though.
This thing was a complete pile of crap, prone to all sorts of ridiculous problems, including
literally shaking itself to pieces.
Any time you got inside a Yugo, you were putting your life on the line.
At any moment, every single piece of equipment in the vehicle had a chance for a catastrophic
Even so, the Yugo still found innovative ways to fatally fail: in 1989, a woman was killed
when a gust of wind lifted her Yugo into the air and flung it over the side of the Mackinac
Bridge into Lake Huron.
That's… horrifying.
Chevy Corvette
Known among car enthusiasts as the deadliest car of all time, the Corvette has the highest
recorded death rate of any car tracked by the IIHS.
But much of that has to do with the drivers, and less with the car.
A high-speed performance machine, the Corvette is designed to drive fast first and worry
about safety later.
Historically, people who buy Corvettes tend to drive them fast, which has led to a great
many fatalities due to accidents at excessive speeds.
It's no surprise, then, that the vast majority of people killed in Corvettes have been men
under the age of 30.
"Just keep pumping that throttle.
Keep giving it gas!"
Thanks for watching!
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미주리 에빙 외곽의 세 광고판 THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Bollywood Actress - Guess The Bollywood Actress | Guess Bollywood Actresses From Childhood Pictures - Duration: 5:54.Please Check Video Description For More Details
Canada Demands Republicans Drop Anti-Union Laws In NAFTA Negotiations - Duration: 4:07.Donald Trump had promised the United States that he was going to get rid of NAFTA, it
was a horrible deal, one of the worst deals ever.
He was going to renegotiate it and make it better, make it actually work for the United
That's ambitious talk, and it's something that resinated very well with American workers,
but so far the negotiations that have taken place between the US, Canada and Mexico aren't
necessarily going in the United States favor.
You know why?
Because republicans in this country have spent decades since the time of Ronald Reagan trying
to destroy labor union in the United States.
I'm not just saying that as why we need to protect American workers.
I'm saying that because Canada has specifically said during these renegotiations that part
of any renewed NAFTA contract, or NAFTA 2.0, has to include a provision that would eliminate
all of those republican sponsored right to work laws here in the United States.
Canada is pissed off about how we've treated labor unions and working people in the United
States and they're trying to use NAFTA to get us to treat our workers better, to pay
them batter wages, to allow them to unionize.
While it's great that Canada is doing it, it's also pathetic that we have to have an
outside country come in as if we were some kind of third world country telling us how
we need to treat our workers.
They're absolutely right about it.
We should abolish these right to work laws because what it does is it prevents workers
from unionizing, which prevents them from being able to collectively bargain for higher
wages, better benefits, better healthcare packages, better vacation packages, or better
worker protections, safety in the workplace.
Unions run that and when you take that away you take away the voices of millions of American
workers who cannot stand together without some organization holding them together.
Republicans don't like that unions tend to favor democratic politicians and that is why
they enacted these right to work laws to effectively kill labor unions in the United States.
Before Reagan came into office we had a robust middle class in this country, and close to
50% American worker union membership.
Today, dying middle class, and less than 12% of American workers are a member of a union.
That is not a coincidence folks.
There is a direct correlation between the decline in the middle class and a decline
in union membership in the United States.
That graph showing those, it goes hand-in-hand.
When one declined the other one went right there with it, and Canada understands that.
They're trying to tell us that you've got to take better care of your workers by listening
to them because that's all this is about.
Canada's not coming forth and saying, "You've got to pay them more.
You got to pay them higher wages.
You've got to be nicer to them or work on better work place protections so they don't
get injured on the job."
All Canada is saying at this point is that you have to give them a voice, give them an
opportunity to have a voice.
There's nothing wrong with that folks.
Canada is 100% right on this and it is once again pathetic that we as a country have to
have somebody else step in to help protect American workers.
That should be the job of the federal government, but it's a job that they abdicated back in
the 1980s when they elected their first celebrity president in Ronald Reagan.
It's something that continues to this very day.
Amber Run - Hurricane - Duration: 3:09.Love me now or love me later
I can't say that I don't mind
But I know what it's like to lose yourself In a moment that feels much bigger than us
It's always blood then rust, it's rust then rain And oh I know you feel the same
It's always skin then sheets, then skin again. Your love is like a hurricane
I want to peel away our summer skin I want to see if we're the same
'Cause I'm desperate for your adoration I'm holding onto a hurricane
Pin me down and hold me closer I want to look straight in your eyes
Because I dont know where I'm going Who I'm with, or if you're going to be coming too
It's always blood then rust, it's rust then rain And oh I know you feel the same
It's always skin then sheets, then skin again. Your love is like a hurricane
I want to peel away our summer skin I want to see if we're the same
'Cause I'm desperate for your adoration I'm holding onto a hurricane
Oh I want you
It's always blood then rust, it's rust then rain
Your love is like a hurricane
Let's Introduce Famous South Indian Actors And Their Popular Sons! - Duration: 3:37.Let's Introduce Famous South Indian Actors And Their Popular Sons!
Blood & Diamonds Part 1: History - Duration: 13:08.Hey there modern vegans and vegan curious its Margaret and welcome back to ModVegan.
Today on ModVegan I'm gonna be talking about diamonds. Because diamonds
are forever, diamonds are a girl's best friend, and diamonds are behind some of
the most corrosive conflict that our world has ever known.
I'm fascinated by any time our personal values come in conflict with our
traditions. And I think this is a case where that definitely happens. We value
love and friendship and commitment and so we celebrate that commitment with
diamonds. Where does that connection come from? Why do we decide that diamonds
are the perfect way to express that commitment? And how does using something
like a diamond come into conflict with our greater values? It's a question
that's really worth pursuing. Many of you probably are aware of the issue of
blood diamonds or conflict diamonds, so you may be familiar with that idea. But
the history of diamonds goes so much deeper than that that I think it's
really worth exploring. And so I hope you'll join me on this journey as we
discuss the history of diamonds, the advertising campaign that has gone into
creating the world of diamonds as we know it today, and also modern
alternatives to diamonds that I think are a lot more ethical and friendly to
your wallet and to your ethics than traditional diamonds. This is a three-
part series. In part 1 today we're going to be talking about the history of
diamonds. Please join me for this journey. Let's get to it.
If you have a diamond
ring on your finger right now as you're watching this, you can consider yourself
one of the most lucky people in history. Not because these things are
exceptionally rare - they are not. But they used to be.
For centuries, diamonds were something that belonged on the heads of the
crowned heads of Europe. They were something that Maharaja's and royalty
the world over had. They were not something for normal people and the
reason for that was not so much because they were exceptionally prized - they
actually weren't - other kinds of gemstones were more prized than diamonds
were, but diamonds were extremely rare. They were hard to find and they usually
showed up in in places like India. And that's really
the only place you could get them. And so for centuries, about 1 or 2 pounds of
diamonds were discovered each year and those usually made their way into the
collections of wealthy people around the planet, but they didn't make their way
into the hands of normal people. That all changed in the middle of the 19th
century with the discovery of the kimberlite deposits in Kimberley South
Africa in about 1866. The Kimberlite deposits in Kimberley, South Africa, were
discovered and this changed everything. Diamonds were suddenly being found in
the 1 or 2 tonnes per year versus 1 or 2 pounds before. Diamonds went from being
something exceptionally rare, to being so common that nearly everyone could
probably have one. But there were some individuals who saw this opportunity and
realized that this was a wonderful chance to capitalize on something that
was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. One of the people who did this was Cecil
Rhodes, and he was probably the most famous of these new diamonds
entrepreneurs. He arrived in Africa in the 1870s and immediately saw what was going on
in Kimberley and was amazed at what he found. He was also devious enough to
figure out that it wouldn't be a good thing if all of these diamonds made
their way onto the world market all at once. What would happen if all of these
diamonds were readily available to people? It would cause Diamond prices to
drop significantly. Everyone could afford a diamond. And this was not something
that Rhodes wanted to happen, so what he did is he got together with some friends
and he started to purchase land from farmers and to take it forcibly
from native South Africans, and to take this land and turn them into diamond
mines. He would look for places that were likely to have kimberlite deposits and
purchase existing mines and start to create a cartel. And he went on to create
one of the most famous or infamous cartels in history, one of the most
successful monopolistic organizations that the world has ever known which
today is known as De Beers. Now the De Beers brothers were a couple
of South African farmers. Then Rhodes bought their mine from them he paid them
6,400 British pounds, which was a fantastic deal for him, since they
discovered millions of dollars worth of of diamonds on these people's property
later, but the farmers at the time were quite content to sell their land to him
and hightail it out of town. He got their land and created more mines. That was
just the very beginning for him. He purchased many many mines after that. He
also went on - if you're familiar with Rhodes at all you've probably heard of
the Rhodes Scholarship, you may have heard of Rhodesia which is now Zimbabwe,
which was an entire country that he basically used to enrich himself by
taking the land away from its native inhabitants and lining his own pockets.
Rhodes certainly was an explorer and a hand of the British government - he helped
to expand imperialism and he was extremely successful in the things that
he did. He died at the age of 48, but his ideas did not die with him - sadly - and his
stranglehold on the world diamond market only grew after his death. The De Beers
company was later purchased by the Oppenheimer's, and it is still today one
of the largest cartels in the world. All diamond prices in the world are pretty
much set by De Beers, although now they only control about 60% of the market.
They used to control closer to 90% of the world diamond market, but they still
help to establish a lot of the prices, and they do this by buying up all the
diamonds that are available in the world market as much as they can, and then
controlling the prices from there through some of the ways that they sell
diamonds around the world. Of course, Russia and Canada are also large players
on the diamond scene today as well, but all of these companies in a way owe some
of their structure to the De Beers company and to the history that Rhodes
set in place when he first purchased those mines in South Africa. Now a lot of
conflict has been started because of diamonds. You could argue that the first
and second Boer Wars in South Africa were started because of diamond
discovery, and the fact that the British Empire immediately saw the value of this,
thanks to people like Cecil Rhodes. They saw the value of the diamonds and
gold in South Africa and in Zimbabwe - former Rhodesia - they saw the value of
those things and they wanted to get this land and get this power and they were
willing to fight for it. And there's plenty of
to suggest that the wars fought in South Africa - the Boer Wars - were largely
influenced by this rise in raw minerals in South Africa and the
discovery of these amazing deposits like the kimberlite mines and also of course
gold as well. What does all this history have to do with us today? Well it turns
out a great deal. It shows the conflict has been part of
the discovery of jewels for many many years,
and it also shows that there is a relationship between current conflicts
and past conflicts and the way that this all works. Diamonds have funded conflict
for a long time, arguably going back to the Boer Wars, but in the end of the 20th
century this became even more pronounced. We've all probably heard about the blood
diamonds coming out of Sierra Leone, Angola, the Congo, places like this that
have funded the conflicts in their areas using diamonds. You might wonder exactly
how this works. If you're not familiar with it, what happens is that rebel
leaders will take over land from its native inhabitants, they'll push
farmers and other people off of the land, begin farming diamonds there if
there weren't existing diamond mines - they will then use those raw materials
in order to purchase guns and ammunition. And in some ways it's a bit of a
never-ending cycle. A lot of these revolutionaries might have started out
with some sort of revolutionary principles or some idea about changing
their government - maybe they just wanted a power grab - but eventually it always
seems to end in a never-ending fight for these resources. I've seen in my own
experience a very similar story play out in Latin America. I did my master's
degree on Colombia and the drug war there, and it's very interesting to see
how in Colombia as well what may have started out as a civil war eventually
led to a never ending guerilla war where groups just fought over control of drug
manufacturing facilities and drug manufacturing areas and and areas where
drugs were grown, where coca was grown. So that's something that you see in in
South America. And you see a very similar story playing out in
Africa, but with diamonds instead. Of course, Columbia also has emeralds and
gold. That story has also been very similar. Again, a lot of these raw sources
of wealth are often used and exploited by people in order to fund conflict. Why
is that? Well, the answer is that whenever you have something that is almost
inherently worthless and you can make it worth a lot just by controlling the
supply, you have a very powerful weapon in your hands. You see this with diamonds
- after the discovery of Kimberley, diamonds were plentiful. They may have
been just like any other gemstones so it's not the diamonds would have been
worthless, but after the discovery of Kimberley and other mines in South
Africa, it soon became apparent that a diamond shouldn't be worth much more
than any other precious gem. If you think about sapphires or even jewels like
topaz's, they shouldn't be worth much more than those even if they're perfect
clarity, cut, etc. There's not much reason for them to be worth much more than that,
and so the way to make money off of that product is to control the supply. It's
very similar to the story with drugs. It's very inexpensive to make and manufacture
something like cocaine, but what happens is if you can control the supply then
you can make more money off of it. And a lot of that control in in the case of
drugs is done by making drugs illegal. By making drugs illegal, we help to control
the supply that is able to hit the market, because obviously you have people
capturing drugs and taking them off the market. And a very similar story
plays out with diamond smuggling. By having diamonds bought up by these large
cartels, they are able to control the amount of diamonds and to agree upon the
amount of diamonds that go out into the market. And, as we'll see in the next
episode, there's a way in which some of the control of blood diamonds and some
of this this additional regulation actually helps to support the price of
diamonds, which helps, again, the cartels. So it's a very interesting story.
It's something you should always keep in mind when you see a product that is not
inherently useful - you think about something like water, and this is the
classic economic example, you know - when is water worth more
than diamonds? Well when it's more scarce. Because even though water may be more
useful to you, if it's very abundant, it's not that valuable. Same with diamonds.
Diamonds can be useful for industrial purposes, but other than that they don't
have much intrinsic value. And so it's easy to control and manipulate their
value based on supply and demand, as we'll get into next time when we discuss
the advertising campaigns that have led to the rise of diamonds as this
universal symbol of love and affection. This has been a difficult subject to
research. I must say that reading the history of these stories about what
happened in Sierra Leone and conflicts like that that have been created by
diamonds, it's really worth reading about I would encourage all of you to to do
more research on this. And I'm gonna put some links in the description box below.
I also encourage you to read the article on ModVegan.com I have references
that will take you to certain articles that will explain this in more detail.
It's a difficult topic, but one that I really hope that you guys will take a
look at. If there's anything that I would like to come out of this video, it's that
you will be more interested in this and want to learn more. I'm always amazed at
the popularity of diamonds, especially among women, and it's something that
concerns me. And it's something that I really hope that women, in particular,
will take a look at and decide that this is something that they don't want in
their lives, or that they want alternatives in their lives instead.
Which is why I'm gonna be talking about that in future episodes. But I think much
in the same way that I advocate for veganism - because we don't need to kill
animals in order to eat food, that's not necessary, and it's not desirable - it's
the same with with diamonds it's not necessary to dig these rocks out of the
ground and to enable these large cartels to make money off of human misery it's
something that I hope all of you will take a bit of a closer look at. And in
our next episode on Wednesday, I'm gonna be talking about the advertising
campaign that really led to the rise of diamonds in the first place. I hope
you'll join me on this journey. Thank you so much for watching. If you like this
video, please give it a thumbs up, subscribe and like this page on Facebook -
if you're watching on Facebook - and I will see you in my next video.
Take care, bye.
Tape 0: Dark Life | Tapes S1E0 | Realms - Duration: 1:41.Hey, I am Robert.
Robert Realms.
Whatever device you're listening to on, welcome to my life.
I know what's puzzling your mind.
What brought you here?
Why are you even listening to a person you don't even relate to.
To be honest, everything has a reason.
Right in front of you, lies a big black screen.
I call it my Life.
Empty, dark and full of hopelessness, Believe it or not.
Each one of us shares this lonely life.
We all have that one black empty hole, engraved deep within our hearts.
Well, before I begin, there are two rules you need to follow.
Just two plain, simple, straight forward rules.
Rule number one, you listen.
You do not interrupt me.
And rule number two, just make sure you follow rule one.
Just for the sake of a disclaimer, this might change your perception about everything around
Let's get into it.
레드벨벳 Red Velvet[4K 직캠]루키 Rookie,인천 한류 관광 콘서트@170909 Rock Music - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
Amazing Tiny Log Cabin Makes For A Snug And Romantic Retreat - Duration: 2:07.AMAZING TINY LOG CABIN MAKES FOR A SNUG AND ROMANTIC RETREAT
Nightcore - Release The Hounds【Satellites On Parade】 - Duration: 3:10.Give us your gold!
Release the hounds, they'll never make a sound Release the hounds, your time is coming
We base our lives on history And all we know is what we've been told
Keep our lives in disarray and we just turn the other way
And all we know is what's set in stone
So long!
I hope you thought about the price of what you've done
You'll sleep oh so soundly
Release the hounds, they'll never make a sound Release the hounds, your time is coming
We base our lives on history And all we know is what we've been told
Their wretched souls are here to stay - turn our nights to misery
And all we know is what's set in stone
All I know is what we've been told All I see is the Earth beneath my feet
Everything is crumbling around me Nowhere to go
So long, I hope you thought about the price of what you've done
Cold hands, this single match will bring this all back to square one
Release the hounds, we'll burn this fucker down
Release the hounds, we're fucked.
Donald Trump singing Rap God by Eminem - Duration: 0:43.Uh, summa-lumma, dooma-lumma, you assumin' I'm a human
What I gotta do to get it through to you?
I'm superhuman Innovative and I'm made of rubber, so that
anything you say is ricocheting off of me and it'll glue to you and
I'm devastating, more than ever demonstrating How to give a motherfuckin' audience a feeling
like it's levitating Never fading, and I know the haters are forever
waiting For the day that they can say I fell off,
they'll be celebrating 'Cause I know the way to get 'em motivated
I make elevating music, you make elevator music
"Oh, he's too mainstream."
Well, that's what they do when they get jealous, they confuse it
"It's not hip-hop, it's pop," 'cause I found a hella way to fuse it
With rock, shock rap with Doc Throw on "Lose Yourself" and make 'em lose it
레드벨벳 Red Velvet[4K 직캠]빨간 맛 Red Flavor,인천 한류 관광 콘서트@170909 Rock Music - Duration: 3:53.-------------------------------------------
Trauer um Dennis Huth Schwerer Schicksalsschlag für die Geissens - Duration: 2:15.-------------------------------------------
Teletubbies Tiddlytubbies Toys Shuffle and Giggle Ping Unboxing - Duration: 3:02.today on surprise and play
it's a tiddlytubby
shuffle and giggle ping
oh my gosh she's so cute
let's see him walk
where are you going?
that's not funny ... ha ha ha
tickle tickle tickle
surprise and play!
hi everybody
I'm Chocolate Chip
are you ready for a surprise?
open your eyes
who is that?
it's a telebubby
it's a tiddly tubby
it's a tiddlytubby
her name is Ping
it's a tiddly tubby
and all the characters from the teletubbies
There's the other ones
one two three
oh that's mi mi, ping
and that's tinky winky
dips, laa laa and po
and these are plush toys
he he he
she giggles
shuffle and giggle Ping
and she crawls
let get her out of the box
here you go
it's just like noo noo
oh the box?
Looks like noo noo you're right
and just like from noo noo
like the box that noo noo came in right?
can't wait!
he he he
it's Ping
oh my gosh she's so cute!
he walks
she's crawling
where are you going?
oh no he's going to fall
no she's coming back to see you
he's so cute!!!
he he he
she's giggling
let's see him walk
he's so cute
he's crawling
hi baby
he he he
he's laughing
come to me
he loves me
it's ok baby
he he he
that's not funny
he he he
tickle tickle tickle tickle
you're so cute
thanks for watching
click subscribe
thumbs up
i heart you
see you next time
and we're gonna have fun
surprise and play
awe he's so cute
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