Monday, March 26, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 26 2018

Pushing down the throttle on this car is just like getting kicked in the face by

a mule -- it just hits you all at once like ahh ahhhh Vette owners are always kind of made fun

of for being a bunch of old dudes who drive slowly. I'm kind of curious as to

what kind of miles per gallon I can get out of this thing if I drive it like an

old man. It's gonna take a lot of self-discipline to do that.

So this might seem slightly ridiculous but the boot on this car makes it incredibly practical.

Look at the size of everything that's in here -- fill up some sandbags for the

wedding and bring them back. I'm sure I can fit in the trunk

It's actually really comfortable -- bringing smiles to everyone's faces.

Really could use a beer right now.

Super practical vehicle.

Look at that big old bubble wrap. Still got room to spare -- can fit a whole lot more

stuff in there

Probably the most practical supercar on the market. So here are some things that

I've learned. So far day one trying to get as much mileage out of that car as

possible -- put in an eco mode that puts it into four cylinders. Superchargers still

operational because it kicks like a mule when you put your foot down about ninety

eight miles about twenty eight point six miles to the gallon with this car.

As I've been driving around the city -- day two, day three -- starting to see that average

drop. Its going to around eighteen point six being very very very leisurely in my

driving. It's hard do not want to hear this engine just -- aaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhh.

That's what it does. It's made to go fast it's fun when the back kind of

just goes, just whips out on you. I enjoy kind of rolling around town, the sound

system's good just jammin' out have to play 80's music. That just absolutely

needs to happen. A lot of Bon Jovi a lot of a lot of Bon Jovi a lot of David Bowie,

a lot of The Doors, Led Zeppelin Guns and Roses, AC/DC, just -- whoooh. Makes you feel good.

Love this car. Something about a V8 too, a V8 has soul. That supercharger next to it

Sounds so good

The crush of pure acceleration... This car is gonna bankrupt me and fuel alone, just

for all like the testing I'm trying to do with it.

Wow this is like a test of like how much can I get out of this car from a miles

per gallon perspective all right all right 25 dollars, half a tank is 40 a

full tank is 80 dollars now is it worth it? Bet your ass it is.

This thing's a fighter jet on four wheels. Part of me is just okay with this


You know what? At the end of a week living with the Z06

fuel economy is not that bad considering what you're getting. V8, with a

supercharger that puts out 650 horsepower 650 foot-pounds of torque.

It'll hustle, you could hyper mile it around twenty eight point nine miles per

gallon you're being ginger you want to hustle it around you'll get seven miles

per gallon if you want to just do city and highway and occasionally have fun

you'll get 14 but the real thing is it's amazingly practical.


For more infomation >> Corvette Z06 As A Regular Car (Fast Car Slow) - Duration: 5:46.


El mensaje de agradecimiento de Edna Chávez por el apoyo que recibió en 'March For Our Lives' - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> El mensaje de agradecimiento de Edna Chávez por el apoyo que recibió en 'March For Our Lives' - Duration: 2:57.


El poder de la fe: un hombre tarda 28 años en traducir La Biblia a su idioma - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> El poder de la fe: un hombre tarda 28 años en traducir La Biblia a su idioma - Duration: 5:45.


La procesión de La Merced: así comienza la Semana Santa en Guatemala - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> La procesión de La Merced: así comienza la Semana Santa en Guatemala - Duration: 4:20.



* Intro starts *

Get your engraver at or by clicking the link below. Discounted price. Only today.

Get your engraver at or by clicking the link below.

For more infomation >> THE BEST GIFS AND VIDEOS 😂🤔🤤 FUNNY COMPILATION 🍌🍑🍇 #19 - Duration: 6:43.


Vídeo coloreando con pinturas sobre rotulador y un poco de charla. - Duration: 4:52.

Hello, this is Patricia. It's been a long time since I talked in a video, because since I don't have

a lot of time and it takes me a long time to edit the videos, I end up making coloring

videos. I have some things to talk about so I am going to

take this opportunity while you see how I add some coloring with pencils to this image.

The first thing I wanted to tell you is that I have in mind to make more videos with

tutorials in which I talk, as long as I can, but, after thinking a lot about it,

like a lot, I decided to make them in English. I will always

add Spanish subtitles in all my videos so when you watch one of my videos and

you hear me talking in English and, after seeing how bad I speak in

English, please turn on the subtitles because they will be in Spanish.

As I said, I thought about it and I think it is the best, since everything I do

on the Internet, from my shop, blog, Facebook,

Instagram, Pinterest, etc, is always in english and I want to be

consistent in all media. Furthermore, it is much easier to change one

thing than seven. So this will be my last video with

spanish audio but, the same that this one has subtitles in English, the same that all

my videos had English subtitles,

from now on all of them will have Spanish subtitles.

If you have any question, of course, you can still ask me in Spanish.

I will always answer you in Spanish.

As for this video, this is only a continuation of

the coloring I made some weeks ago. The stamp and materials are

in the description. In what is left form the video I am going to answer one of the

most asked questions and it is what kind of paper do I use with markers.

I have in my mind to make a video showing the papers that

I use when I color but, if there is a paper that I always use with

markers, it is the cardstock from Hammermill called color

copy digital cover of 80lb. I don't know how many grams it is

It is written in the description. It works very well with alcohol markers,

either Spectrum Noir or Copic and I don't know, because I didn't

try other kind of card stocks, if it works much better, much worse or the same

than the cardstock design for the use of this kind of markers

It works for me, as you can see in the videos I can color well, and the

colors blend well. It is true that it is going to bleed to the other side but

that is going to happen with any cardstock. So if you want something that

is cheaper than Copic or Xpress paper, this one, if you can find it

at a good price, that usually in the United States

it is quite good, it is the best.

If you have been following my instagram account, the colored images with the

no line technique are colored with markers and pencils

usually prismacolor but it can be with polychromos too, depending on the

color sI need. Why do I do this? Basically for two

reasons. The first one is to give more depth to the coloring but,

what I really like is that I can make the paper texture to show

That is the main reason why I use the pencils. If you color with

markers, you don't need to use colored pencils after that if you don't want. That is the

main reason why I use them, there is no other.

I hope you found this video interesting. At least I wanted to explain a little why

or what is going to happen in the next videos. I will keep making

coloring videos only too. Thank you very much for watching and see you soon!

For more infomation >> Vídeo coloreando con pinturas sobre rotulador y un poco de charla. - Duration: 4:52.


El Chavo | Don Ramón y el Profesor Jirafales pelean por Doña Florinda - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> El Chavo | Don Ramón y el Profesor Jirafales pelean por Doña Florinda - Duration: 3:39.


A Rebellious Person Vs. A Principled Person//Una Persona Rebelde y Una Persona De Principios - Duration: 5:55.

welcome back to another video so I'm gonna be speaking about something very serious and I

already see you guys thinking oh like I'm not a rebellious person, I'm perfectly

fine but that's what I said and that's not

the case so recently God has been showing me

like slapping me in the face correcting me and I always pray before I talk about

something or post something I want God to fix that part of my life and he's

been doing that and I just hope that you guys receive from this video and for God

to open up your eyes like how he did to me so keep on watching. So nowadays

there are many people in rebellion and it's a sign of the end times a

rebellious person is someone who does not want to submit to their authority it

could be their parents it could be bosses mentors pastors and it's

rebellion against God but now God wants us to be principled

in this time of age a rebellious person would say I'm not going to listen I'm

not going to obey I'm not going to submit you don't tell me what to do it's a

person who does not want to be governed without law but there's a difference

between rebellion and sedition, sedition in the Bible says that it's a criminal

act and there are many criminals at church sedition is when someone

undermines the set authority set by God undermining means to talk badly or

wanting to overthrow the authority a seditious person does things in secret

and wants to take over the place of their parents their bosses their mentors

pastors and many more so in every place you're gonna see that God sets an

authority God is a God of order like for example in the house God set the man to

be the head of the house but if you go undermining the set authority you're

rebelling against God himself in the word of says that we are rebels by

nature we are rebels by actions and my words but that's why we need to die to

our flesh every single day and crucify our sinful nature the world is governed

by principles that God set and we want to be a

principled person in life at the edge of temptation to do something a principled

person would say no it's not the right timing at the edge of temptation to say

something a principled person would know not to say anything at all and recently

that's what God showed me that I should have been more principled in my spirit

so since the world is governed by principles and laws then the world needs

to be obedient and follow it for example the Sun we need to shine we need it to

be alive but if one day the Sun doesn't want to be obedient and obey when the

Creator created it then things wouldn't operate things wouldn't work you know I

wish I had a reminder every single day of how serious God is about being people

of his word so there are many people that they have this area of their life

principled but not in the other and then they ask God to bless them God is not

going to bless you anything if all of it is messed up that's why we need to

learn that God is not a God of our word what we want to do what our feelings

want what our emotions want we need to be of God of his word because he

is a principled God, in this generation it teaches us that the universe

revolves around you it's all about you and then that's when you see people say

it's my body I can do whatever I want with it it's my life I can do whatever

i want with it I don't need no Bible to tell me what to do so they're saying

that the owner of the thing determines what the things should do but you didn't

make the earth you didn't make nature you didn't even make yourself, God made

you, you are owned by a higher power and isn't it his right to do whatever he

wishes and then lots of people say oh but why does God allow pain

why does he allow suffering why does he allow this why what if you can do

whatever you want with your body why cant he do whatever he wants with his

creation those people are not principled that's why they're in rebellion

in Luke 10:18 it says that Jesus saw the devil falling from the sky like

lightning remember that Lucifer, Satan was in

heaven but right when he rebelled right when he sinned wanting to overthrow the

authority because he wanted to be just like God and no one could be just like

God, God took him out he doesn't tolerate sin in his kingdom so how is it that

people still continue in sin, hearing worldly music, watching pornography

cursing, going behind their parents back and that's a huge problem and trust me

I've been there I've been guilty of going behind my parents back but there's

a lot of youth that try to go behind their parents back their authorities back

to go with guys too smoke to do this and that and that's when we need to repent

before God we need to ask for forgiveness because we are ruling and

governing our self we are wanting what our flesh our feelings our emotions

want and if you notice you have been in rebellion or going behind your authorities

back you need to pray Father I come before your

presence I was governing and ruling myself I was feeding my flesh I was

doing whatever my body my feeling my emotion want and I leave and I stop

now I declare that you lead the way in the right path away from sin rebellion

sedition and transforming my life into a principled person so guys that was the end of

this topic but before I leave I want to speak to those people who have not

declared Jesus as their Lord and Savior if you choose today to go after Jesus

not the devil to follow the right path and not the wrong path to leave sin to

leave rebellion to leave sedition then repeat after me Heavenly Father I

recognize I am a sinner and that my sin separates me from you I repent of all my

sins and confess Jesus as my Lord and Savior I believe God the Father rose

Jesus from the dead Lord come into my heart come into my life the day I die

when open up my eyes ill be in your arms amen

so God bless you all and I see you in my next video bye

For more infomation >> A Rebellious Person Vs. A Principled Person//Una Persona Rebelde y Una Persona De Principios - Duration: 5:55.


RELAXING WHISPERS to sleep. |Italian ASMR - Duration: 17:29.

For more infomation >> RELAXING WHISPERS to sleep. |Italian ASMR - Duration: 17:29.


Return of The Forgotten 6 Universes, Did "ALL" Erased Universes Come Back? - Duration: 3:06.

Hello and welcome back all my dragon ball theorist the burning question in everyone's

mind upon the return of the erased Universes is, Did the original 6 Universes that were

erased also come back?

Android 17 asked the Dragon to please restore all of the Universes that were erased so does

that mean only for this tournament or all time!

Sometimes funny things happen when you make a vague wish and from a writers point of view

there could be so much to offer from returning the forgotten 6 Universes.

New villains and Arcs and opens up a world of ideas.

Do I want this to be the case?

Of course but first lets look at why the 6 Universes were erased and is it ok with Zen-oh

for them to come back.

The reason Whis states is the Omni King's mood was a little bit spoiled and all of them


Whis who is vague as always and doesn't give an exact real reason because this doesn't

tell us why.

We now know that Zen-oh does put some thought into what he erases.

So did these Universes have a low mortal level too?

Were they troublesome and fighting too much?

There has to be a specific reason why Zen-oh erased these exact 6 Universes.

Nothing would suggest for it to be totally random and they got the bad luck of the draw.

Also If Zen-oh already predetermined that there could be only one wish and that someone

would need to be virtuous enough to consider the other Universes.

Then he must know that how this wish is worded would mean the original 6 Universes could

be brought back as well.

He would of foresaw that outcome.

So he is most likely okay with them coming back as a result of someone making this wish.

Besides he could easily just erase these 6 Universes again if there is a good reason


The way I see it though there is no reason for these 6 Universes to not be wished back.

The wish is clear please restore "ALL" of the Universes that were erased.

I do want to point out that Frost was erased separately and even he did return.

Makes you wonder if anything else that was erased separately did also come back.... but

that is another topic.

To sum up is this definite they are back?

Well with an 8 month break till the movie comes out there could be so many things in

the works that only makes sense for them to be back.

While we won't know for sure till latter and remember this Saiyan in the movie is from

a different time.

These Universes were erased long ago so it does start to seem as if these pieces are

starting to add up.

The movie very well could be about this Saiyan from one of the forgotten 6 Universes that

were erased long ago.

It does have a very nice ring to it.

I wanted to get this video out today since I had so many comments asking this question

if the 6 previous Universes could be back and please let me know what you think as I

always love to hear you theories in the comments below.

If you enjoyed this video don't forget to hit that like button and please subscribe

to support the channel and turn on that notification bell to keep those theories coming!!

For more infomation >> Return of The Forgotten 6 Universes, Did "ALL" Erased Universes Come Back? - Duration: 3:06.


1st Ave. Construction Update (week of 3/26/18) - Duration: 1:23.

Buckle-up Coralville, we're finishing we're finishing first!

Hi this is Scott Larson I'm

assistant City Engineer for the city of Coralville and I'm here to give the

weekly update on the first Avenue project that extends from Sixth Street

to Ninth Street. Last week we implemented the northbound lane closure on First

Avenue and that has allowed the contractor to make progress on removing

some of the existing pavement along the east back of curb line. Later this week

or early next week we expect the contractor to start placing temporary

concrete paving that will be utilized by northbound traffic during the next phase

of construction. Also this week we closed the inner eastbound left turn lane on

Fifth Street to address some of the congestion issues we were seeing at that

intersection, partially due to the northbound lane closure that was

implemented last week. As always we encourage everyone to sign up for

construction and traffic updates at

or get project information in general at thank you.

See you next time until then check or follow us on facebook

for updates. Drive safely!

For more infomation >> 1st Ave. Construction Update (week of 3/26/18) - Duration: 1:23.


Minutni Vlog: Day Nine - Duration: 1:13.

Minute Vlog: Day Nine

Hello to all! I'm at Aton

ready for training

a healthy mind in a healthy body


and the quote I chose for today reads

The thing always happens that you really believe in;

and the belief in a thing makes it happen.

I think nothing is accomplished

until you truly believe it.

it was said by Frank Lloyd Wright

and now I would like to know what is your opinion of that quote

in comments below. see you tomorrow.


For more infomation >> Minutni Vlog: Day Nine - Duration: 1:13.


BBB18: guerra entre favoritos; Gleici manda indireta para Kaysar | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> BBB18: guerra entre favoritos; Gleici manda indireta para Kaysar | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 5:23.



so on my lab oh man for smash video this wonderful individual left a comment

saying what would a Nintendo labo stage be like would it be like one of the

stages we've seen in the past or what it means is something completely new and

different so my initial dots were a lab low stage would be like kind of like

someone building in the background and they kind of make creations that come to

life into like the foreground where you guys are fighting let's say for example

a kid is in the background of the stage and he's building like the robot thingy

so after he finishes building the robot thingy it comes into the foreground

where you guys are kind of playing on and it causes havoc and whatnot that

would be so cool and hopefully if we don't get lab ulm and playable hopefully

on the stage he does something like he's a hazard or something he messes with you

I still want mr. Lapham and playable but if he appeared as a stage hazard I'd

just be happy to see him in the game and the only reason I wanted to talk about

this a little bit was because we all da lab oh man would be an amazing character

and of course if he was in the game he would have his own stage now that goes

without saying but I kind of wanted just to kind of talk about what would it be

like for all I know I mean they probably might do something even better than what

I think you know so I mean we don't know but it's kind of fun just to talk about

now for the final destination form of the stage maybe they could just put

something like see the thing is I really don't know what they could put for

something so can because whatever they choose for the final destination form

it's going to be something generic or something unique like I know the final

destination form of hyrule temple it's really cool because you can see hyrule

temple in the back like they seriously could put anything just for the final

destination form they could just put like a cardboard rectangle or in this

call it a day but if they're just going to have like one platform I mean

hopefully it does something create a fight they could use the fishing rod

maybe if they did this this would be kind of cool so I'm gonna put it on the

screen that you guys can see you can make like this kind of piano thingy well

it's a piano you can make this with Nintendo lab oh so far a stage what

would be really cool is that if they kind of had it at a perspective where

you're fighting on the keys that would definitely be interesting and creative

the only thing that would be a little weird is you know if you're jumping and

stuff and the keys aren't going down but I mean I kind of want them just to do

something you know like that because it's creative and you know it's

something that I would enjoy seeing like the high rule final destination form

because I just think it's so amazing how they put that small

detail it's funny because the first time I saw a Nintendo lab oh I was thinking

this would have nothing to do with smash it just can't it's too childish and

people probably won't like it but once I saw the lab woman concept it's like it

opened a window of ideals that 100% could be used and smash because smash

knows how to honestly implement anything like and make it look really good like

seriously sometimes smash represents characters so good it makes me want to

go try their game even if I don't end up liking it just because like I see them

in Smash it makes me want to try their game so if Smash represents a Nintendo

labo in a good way then maybe I'll go and buy it but let me know in the

comments what do you guys think a Nintendo labo stage would be like in

Super Smash Brothers for a Nintendo switch we should hit that like button if

you're hot for Super Smash Brothers for Nintendo switch and subscribe for more

details and updates on Super Smash Brothers for Nintendo's switz thank you

guys so much for watching bye



[Szok] Meghan Markle czeka sporo wyzwań! Nie chce zawieść królowej! || LVTszok - Duration: 6:22.

Meghan Markle czeka sporo wyzwań! Nie chce zawieść królowej!

Meghan Markle (36 l. ) zadebiutowała u boku Królowej Elżbiety II (91 l. ) w trakcie obchodów Dnia Wspólnoty Narodów.

To był dla niej ważny sprawdzian, ale najtrudniejsze jeszcze przed nią.

Opactwo Westminster w Londynie kilka dni temu.

To było nabożeństwo z okazji Dnia Wspólnoty Narodów,

organizacji, która zrzesza niepodległe kraje w przeszłości należące do brytyjskiego imperium kolonialnego.

Honorowe miejsce zajmowała oczywiście królowa Elżbieta II.

Obok niej siedział książę Karol z Kamilą i książę William z Kate.

A w drugim rzędzie dokładnie za królową,

pomiędzy księciem Harrym a młodszym synem Elżbiety II - księciem Andrzejem, ona. Meghan Markle.

Narzeczona Harry'ego po raz pierwszy oficjalnie wystąpiła u boku brytyjskiej monarchini.

Jak wypadł jej debiut? Poradziła sobie?.

Trzeba przyznać, że Meghan Markle całkiem nieźle udźwignęła to wyzwanie.

Prezentowała się nienagannie.

Wybrała na tę okazję granatową prostą sukienkę i płaszcz w kolorze kremowym spod igły brytyjskiej projektantki Amandy Wakeley.

Do tego proste szpilki i beret z pracowni Stephena Jonesa.

Równie nienaganne było jej zachowanie.

Co do słowa zaśpiewała brytyjski hymn Boże, chroń Królową oraz dwie pieśni kościelne,

wszak od niedawnego chrztu przynależy już do kościoła anglikańskiego.

Po mszy przywitała się z dziećmi przed kościołem.

Oczywiście w odpowiedniej kolejności po Williamie, Kate i Harrym.

I choć niektóre z brytyjskich gazet zarzuciły jej, że wzoruje się, a nawet papuguje po księżnej Kate,

to wzór wybrała dobry, bo egzamin z pierwszego publicznego wystąpienia z królową zdała bezbłędnie.

A wkrótce przed nią kolejny egzamin.

Narzeczona księcia Harry'ego stara się o przyznanie brytyjskiego obywatelstwa.

Złożyła już stosowne papiery, fotografie, odciski palców i podpis.

Teraz będzie musiała zdać pisemny test Life in the UK,

czyli Życie w Wielkiej Brytanii z wiedzy o historii, kulturze i polityce.

For more infomation >> [Szok] Meghan Markle czeka sporo wyzwań! Nie chce zawieść królowej! || LVTszok - Duration: 6:22.



For more infomation >> Вязание крючком. КАРДИГАН . РАЗБОР УЗОРА+СХЕМА+ВЫКРОЙКА+ОПИСАНИЕ - Duration: 11:56.


Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace Cover With Unconditional Love ! - Duration: 2:09.

Make me a channel of your peace Where there is hatred let me bring your love

Where there is injury, your pardon Lord And where there's doubt, true faith in you

Make me a channel of your peace Where there's despair in life let me bring

hope Where there is darkness, only light

And where there's sadness ever joy Oh, master grant that I may never seek

So much to be consoled as to console And To be understood as to understand

To be loved as to love with all my soul Make me a channel of your peace

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned and In giving of ourselves that we receive

And in dying that we're born to eternal life

For more infomation >> Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace Cover With Unconditional Love ! - Duration: 2:09.


Kinder Joy Kinder Surprise Eggs Unboxing Kinder Eggs for Kids Children - Duration: 5:28.

Kinder Joy Kinder Surprise Eggs Unboxing Kinder Eggs for Kids Children

For more infomation >> Kinder Joy Kinder Surprise Eggs Unboxing Kinder Eggs for Kids Children - Duration: 5:28.


"전국에는 3 만 명의 사람들이 없습니다 ... 독특한 '성'|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> "전국에는 3 만 명의 사람들이 없습니다 ... 독특한 '성'|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 5:31.


DIY Cat Bed || Pet Heating Pad - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> DIY Cat Bed || Pet Heating Pad - Duration: 2:35.


한예슬은 밝은 민소매 드레스를 입고 '비현실적인 다리'를 드러냈다. (그림|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> 한예슬은 밝은 민소매 드레스를 입고 '비현실적인 다리'를 드러냈다. (그림|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:10.


가장 좋아하는 "막내 자매"를 소중히하는 그루비 룸 팀 형제|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> 가장 좋아하는 "막내 자매"를 소중히하는 그루비 룸 팀 형제|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:53.


Hindi| Jio Prime Membership End after 31st march 2018 |continue benefit next 3 month after end prime - Duration: 3:39.

if my work is good then please subscribe me

if got any information then like the video and share with friends

any question create then comment me

follow me facebook,twitter,instagram

For more infomation >> Hindi| Jio Prime Membership End after 31st march 2018 |continue benefit next 3 month after end prime - Duration: 3:39.


'워너원' 측 사과 요구한 육지담 "입장정리 끝나…상대방 입장 기다리는 중"|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> '워너원' 측 사과 요구한 육지담 "입장정리 끝나…상대방 입장 기다리는 중"|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:56.


Tory Lanez Type Beat

For more infomation >> Tory Lanez Type Beat


Halo Neuroscience REVIEW: Good in theory but I have to WARN YOU - Duration: 8:03.

- Morning trainiacs!

Working out erryday in the pain cavern.

Got a bit of a moderately sized workout today.

Think it's gonna be about a 70 minute bike workout,

and then I was supposed to do a run

workout later in the day,

but I said to Coach Pat,

"Uh, dude, I think I'm doing most of my run workouts

at night, in the morning as a brick workout."

Bonus pain!

And who remembers these, the Halo Neuro Sport headphones?

I think I know my opinion about them.

I'll give them to you today.

(upbeat music)

So yesterday, I started reading this book.

This is "Running Rewired" by Jay Dicharry?

Dicharry? Dicharry.

Jay is the physiotherapist, trainer, something like that,

like the "let's make sure you're healthy" coach

for Linsey Corbin, and he helped get her

through her stress fracture and come back

and actually PR on the run course in Kona.

I just started reading this last night,

and right at the start of the book,

it says that to become a better runner, yes,

you may need more miles, but more importantly,

you need to run more efficiently

with proper form and a strong body,

and the key to that is training your body

with neuroplasticity, being able to rewire

the firing patterns that your brain sends to your muscles

so that you can move in a more efficient way

than your body naturally wants to move,

and the whole big, hairy premise

behind these things is all about neuroplasticity.

So I'm gonna give them another shot,

and we'll talk about them right after this workout, okay?

(inhales) Oh, it's gonna be something.

It's gonna be something.

(upbeat music)

This day calls for the stinkiest of hats.

(upbeat music)

(exhales) Okay, that was a 25 minute run after a 102 bike.

Bike had a lot of heavy gear work,

and the 25 minute run was 2.85 miles, uh, 4 1/2 kilometers,

and I ended at 9.3 miles an hour for 30 seconds.

Patrick Lange does that for an entire marathon.

Okay, so let's talk about these

Halo Neuroscience headphones.

I've had these since just after Kona.

Really interesting premise.

Tim O'Donnell uses it.

Sarah Piampiano uses it,

and the premise behind it is that these pods here

activate the motor cortex of your brain,

which is in between the ears, coincidentally,

and it primes your motor cortex to fire quicker,

to have more feel of your running stride

or quick movements that you're doing.

I looked it up, and there are, legitimately,

studies that say that transcranial direct stimulation,

which is the technology in this,

does actually improve motor function.

Your reaction time is quicker.

Your body awareness is quicker.

Your balance is quicker.

However, what it also says is that the voltage,

or like the tuning of what you actually activate

in your brain is really, really specific.

Now some of the reasons that I didn't really know

what I wanted to say about this are

because there aren't that many studies

that actually link this to improved performance.

The studies that Halo has on their website

are very clearly Halo-funded and Halo-designed,

so it's not like there were independent studies

that I could look to and be like,

"Oh, yeah, like this is totally legit."

And that said, because these are $500,

I wanted to really confidently say,

one way or another, what you should do.

Now, a couple of things about it, specifically as well,

that made me go like, "$500? Really?"

is you have to connect it to your phone

via Bluetooth to actually make it work.

Okay, fine, dandy.

It's very tough to connect.

It ends up disconnecting.

You gotta reconnect, and you end up

with Halo Sport Neuro something listed

like six times in your Bluetooth connections on the iPhone.

It doesn't necessarily connect to your head very well.

You've gotta make these things

like absolutely soaked to get a good connection,

and then you've gotta really press it down

to the point that it's hurting

to get that connection in your phone

to the point that you can start it.

However, if you hold that down really, really hard,

then hit start, and then close the app,

you can release it, and it's a lot more comfortable,

and it'll go through the entire 20 minute cycle,

and you're all good, no big deal.

The last thing that was a real piss-off was

you gotta connect it via Bluetooth,

but you can't actually listen to music via Bluetooth.

You have to listen with a cord.

I didn't like that.

That just bugged me,

but "Does it work?" is the big question.

I would say that if you were looking for

the tip of the spear, the absolute most sophisticated,

technologically advanced gear that you can get,

yeah I'd go for it.

I do find that when I do, say, one-legged drills,

my balance is a little bit better.

I do have a feeling, could be the placebo effect,

I've a little bit more body awareness

when I'm on the treadmill like I was today.

You do that 20 minute priming session,

and apparently for 60 minutes after that,

these effects are going to help you,

and then because your body is firing

in that neuroplasticity kinda way

where your brain is ready to accept new muscular patterns,

that is going to then translate into better form

when you're out on the racecourse,

and apparently it's going to solidify

those connections between your brain and your muscles

so you have less chance of bonking.

But was it like I put these on and all the sudden

turned into a superhuman and could confidently say,

"You guys have to try this. It's phenomenal."? No.

So for $500, I really struggled for a lot of months

with what I was gonna do with these.

To be perfectly honest, they said,

"Hey, we wanna sponsor you. Can we sponsor you, Taren?"

I said, "Well, let me try these out,"

and I'm actually giving up a fair bit of money

because I can't recommend these so heavily.

That really willingness to sponsor

also sends a bit of a red flag

that maybe a bunch of the people out there

have their opinions sponsored for.

I'm not saying that's the case.

I'm just saying, "I gotta watch out for you guys."

Give them a try. They're not awful.


I don't know.

I'm sorry, Halo.

I like you guys; you were nice too.

Later, trainiacs.

Subscribe below for more triathlon gearhead reviews.

For more infomation >> Halo Neuroscience REVIEW: Good in theory but I have to WARN YOU - Duration: 8:03.


My WATERCOLORS from PATY BECKER WORKSHOP + her DEMO 😃🎨 - Duration: 12:04.

For more infomation >> My WATERCOLORS from PATY BECKER WORKSHOP + her DEMO 😃🎨 - Duration: 12:04.



For more infomation >> TOP 25 MOST ORIGINAL KPOP GIRL GROUPS - Duration: 9:43.


TOY BOXING in Unity - Duration: 9:19.

lately I've seen a lot of hype over scriptable objects and rightly so

scriptable objects allow you to write data-driven components that are both

modular and highly reusable they promote an approach to game code architecture

that reminds me a lot of the solid principles in case you aren't familiar

the solid principles are five design principles that lead to among other

things a very modular code base this is an important concept in the corporate

world because business applications typically require clear divisions

between the many modules that need to work together yet still remain separate

as game developers we can model our own design process after this by designing

components that can be dragged and dropped into any scene yet still

function with complete autonomy let me show you a quick example to illustrate

my point let's imagine we're starting a new project from scratch we'll create oh

I don't know a first-person puzzle game like The Witness we need to start

prototyping the key game mechanics as quickly as possible in order to test the

viability of our game idea so let's slap together a really simple

level using some placeholder prefabs and the player controller found in unity

standard assets alright this is a great start but I just want to tweak a couple

things for instance when I jump I feel like I'm playing a first-person shooter

I think our puzzle game is going to be a little more slower paced so let's kick

up the gravity modifier just a little bit

okay much better next I'm starting to feel like the mouse movement is a little

too sensitive again this is really feeling like an FPS but I'm going for a

more story-driven cerebral experience so let's make some adjustments to mouselook


all right this is much better to be honest I'll probably end up tweaking it

more as I start adding puzzles and game mechanics but that's not a big deal

because all I need to do is change a couple values in the editor and that's

the beauty of it right someone over at Unity did all the upfront legwork in the

code so that future developers like myself could take advantage of an

extremely easy to use an insanely flexible component that works right out

of the box Ryan Hipple of Schell games give a great presentation at unite

Austin 2017 called game architecture with scriptable objects in his talk he

mentions his three pillars of game design modularity editability and debug

ability modularity is achieved through writing components that are autonomous

for example the player controller that we just looked at

works just fine on its own but it's flexible enough to interact with other

components as well edit ability is achieved through writing components that

are data-driven again looking at the player controller its behavior is

controlled via data that can be manipulated via the editor and lastly

debug ability is achieved through writing components that can be tested in

isolation if the player controller is acting funny we can easily just drop it

into an empty scene and figure out what's going wrong without any other

components muddying up our testing now don't get me wrong I'm not saying that

any of this is new or revolutionary in fact I've written plenty of components

that meet the three pillars without even thinking about it but because I wasn't

thinking about it it probably took me a lot longer to get there than it would

have had I been more deliberate that's why nowadays as much as makes sense I

try to design my model behaviors to be autonomous data-driven components that I

can drag and drop into any scene with the expectation that they'll work right

out of the box now this concept has become such a topic of discussion on our

discord server that we even given it a name we call it toy boxing but I can't

take credit for the name that honor goes to Jason's story who you may know as a

piece of fruit on skort Jason is actually working on a

collection of modular components or toys that he's planning to release as an

asset what you're seeing here is a small subset of that collection working

together to make some pretty impressive looking examples each game object is its

own component that's responsible for a single task luckily for us

Jason was gracious enough to grant me access to an alpha version of his asset

so we're going to use it to flesh out our first-person puzzle game here's the

same scene I showed earlier but with a more sophisticated level design that I

slapped together with pro builder walking around the scene we can see that

I've left a few places open for puzzle mechanics this opening right here seems

like the perfect place for some sort of door so let's start with that

first I'm just gonna create a game object called room one so we can keep

our hierarchy organized and now let's see what sort of toys we've got to play

with well look at that there's a doors folder with a couple of prefabs already

made for us door double slide sounds promising so I'll just drop it into my

scene and see what we've got to work with not bad it even fits perfectly

within this gap hmm it's almost like I've planned this and I'm waiting a

script or something well alright two meta let's see what kind of options it

has looks like we can control the state and add handlers to a few events we can

even control the open and close speed I'm going to position the main camera in

front of the door so we can see what this looks like in action

hey check it out in play mode we'll get access to open and close buttons that we

can use to test out the door this is something that Jason likes to call

batteries included the idea is that each of these toys should be able to work

without any prior configuration to finish up room 1 we're going to need to

add some sort of mechanism to trigger this door let's return to the features

folder well wouldn't you know it there's an interaction feature that also has its

own prefabs folder invisible trigger looks like just the toy we need now

let's take a look at what options it has

just like our sliding door it has configurable event handlers let's cause

the door to open ontriggerenter and close the door on trigger exit

now a quick test Wow could that have been any easier and the rest of the

scene was just as easy to prototype luckily for you you can get access to

the finished scene as well as the code examples from my other videos for just

$5 on patreon plus you'll be supporting the creation of content just like this

well hopefully I've made it easy to see just how powerful it can be to design

your model behaviors as autonomous data-driven

toys that when working together are worth more than the sum of their parts

if you enjoyed this video please leave a like and a comment let me know what you

thought and for more unity tutorials just like this one please subscribe with

notifications on see you in the next video

thank you to all my supporters on patreon and a special shout-out to our

star and Yakov

For more infomation >> TOY BOXING in Unity - Duration: 9:19.


Johannas Story - Truth about Reiki and New Age ( WITH MUSIC VIDEO ) - Duration: 16:51.

Two special men from Last Reformation visited me.

It was real Jesus, he touched my head !

I will be a person who will speak out the truth about occult things.

My name is Johanna.

I'm a disciple of Jesus.

I live in Germany.

And here, I want to tell you my testimony

where Jesus sets me free

from all the lies of the new age world.

In second corinthians

4 verse 6

the Bible tells us about a light of knowledge

of God's glory in the face of Christ.

I pray, that my testimony will be this light for you.

In my early childhood

my parents brought me to a medium.

And from this day on, I was fascinated by a lot of occult things.

My life was full of different types of illnesses. For example

I suffered from Morbus chron (Chrons disease),


food allergies, fear attacks.

Eye problems, Dizziness, Nausea.

That started from my early childhood.

I was running from one doctor appointment to another and searching for remedies for my pain.

But there were a desire always in my heart to be healed

and I also wanted to help others who suffered like me.

At this point I heard about Reiki.

In the new-age world they tell you this lie

that it is all about God's energy who can flow through you

and your hands and heal you and others.

I found a Reiki Master.

She taught me how to do meditation and did different impartations on me.

She told me

how to open my chakras, so this energy can flow through me

and I will not get ill when I lay hands on sick people.

I didn't know at this point that I opened doors for the enemy to come into my life more and more.

I learned different healing techniques and I was so fascinated by this,

so I also decided to do the second grade of Reiki.

There I learned how to meditate on secret symbols to get into peoples mind and impart healing power.

In my experience with this, there were absolutely nobody who got healed.

From this day on, the nightmare started !

I remember a dream, where one of my dead friends,

who died on an accident, visited me in my dreams.

There was a fight going inside of me.

I decided to study theology

because I was so fascinated by the Bible, and the stories about Jesus

who healed the sick and cast out evil spirits.

They were suddenly voices in my head, who told me, that it was good for me to live beside the cemetery,

so I moved there.

The voices told me one day to go for a walk in the cemetery and choose a grave for myself.

I was so scared !

So I was searching for help at different therapists

but they all couldn't help me.

It was going so worse, that this voices inside of me told me

that it was okay for me, to hurt myself with a knife or even kill myself.

I was going insane.

And my Reiki Master brought me to a lady who was supposed to speak with angels.

She told me, that I feel so bad because of my old Karma and she went into my body.

When I accepted Jesus, the enemy showed his real face.

One day the Holy Spirit came into my room and from this day on

I knew, what was evil and good in my life.

When I wanted to let go of all these occult things, the fight began !

There were a lot of people trying to deliver me

they prayed hard, but it didn't work. And I felt that I had to go through hell.

There were times where I wanted to eat and suddenly my body moved by itself and throwed my foot away !

And suddenly my whole body was freezing and I couldn't move.

All the time I believed that Jesus - my Savior - is stronger

then all these demons in my head, in my body.

But fear was still a big part of my life.

The New Age world still attracted me so much, so I went to Chinese masters of Qi Gong and Tai Chi

and I did acupuncture and took homeopathy.

When I watched a movie of the Last Reformation

I suddenly had to cry

because I saw how Jesus delivered people.

I cried to God and one day he answered my prayers.

Two special men from Last Reformation visited me.

The first night they arrived I couldn't sleep.

I felt that my whole past was all over me.

Demons attacked me.

I had pain, a lot of fear.

Everything from a past came back.

"Freedom, you get out you witchcraft, you leave her..."

The morning after we prayed together

and we invited the Holy Spirit

suddenly the manifestation happened.

I decided for myself that I wanted to bury my old life with baptism, because I know there's

a strong power about baptism !

After this, the Holy Spirit guided me through my life

and I decided to forgive all the people who hurted me,

and I repented of everything again and again.

When I wanted to go into this bathtub the demons didn't let me.

"You can do it for jesus, in Jesus name, you can do it."

"So we gonna baptise you on your own faith, yeah? In jesus name, yeah?" "I'm so afraid."

I knew all time that Jesus is strong enough to do this.

I felt like I want to I want to end my whole life.

So, I started to repent of everything again.

I felt like there was strongholds in my life. They wanted not to let me go.

When they prayed the manifestation happened and happened over and over again and it was getting

so worse that I was a feeling that I had no control of over everything.

I was laying down for hours

and I had no control over everything.

I have to tell you one thing again:

I decided that I want to have my Bible with me and one demon suddenly

wanted to throw this Bible away, so I tell you that it is real:

Demons hate water baptism and demons hate Bible, because the Bibel

is full of truth in God's words.

So I repented of everything again over and over and the Holy Spirit was leading us to really special moment.

Before I got delivered I suddenly got this beautiful picture where I saw myself

free, full of joy, jumping around and rejoicing the Lord !

You see me? I am totally free !

"Oh Jesus, Halleluja." Oh, Jesus came into the room I need to tell you after like many hours of deliverance. I was laying down forever I thought I can't do it by myself

praying to God, and he delivered me. And suddenly I felt something on my head. Can you believe this?

It was real Jesus, he touched my head.

I seem to be a little bit crazy but you know I am so overwhelmed. I can't tell you, because, you know.

When Jesus is coming into this room and he sets me free from all my demonic things. Thank you Jesus!

It was awesome, because before everything happened, God woke me up one morning

and he told me words of knowledge.

He gave me a prophecy. And he said: I will put my guard before your mouth

until this day comes where I speak and everything will be true.

He told me that he will send two special men

- Servants -

to my place to help me.

And all this happened.

It is amazing !

He told me, that I am called to step out of snakes and scorpions.

And that I will be a person who will speak out the truth about occult things.

For more infomation >> Johannas Story - Truth about Reiki and New Age ( WITH MUSIC VIDEO ) - Duration: 16:51.


Scott Wallace for Congress | I'm Running - Duration: 2:31.

With all the chaos and dysfunction, we need someone

representing us in Washington who will stand up to

Donald Trump and the Republican Congress.

So I thought, wouldn't it be great if Bucks County Commissioner, Diane Marseglia, would run for Congress?

Me? I was honored, but I told Scott I love my current job too much

You know what?

I thought he should run.

Me run?

You bet! Now more than ever we need people to run because they're ready to dedicate

their time and energy to our country and help change things in Washington.

Scott grew up in Bucks County.

His father ran a chicken hatchery. His mother was president of Planned Parenthood of Bucks County

Scott was a hard worker right from the start.

Pumping gas, working as a carpenter's assistant, and flipping burgers at the local Burger Chef.

After Haverford College and Villanova law school, Scott clerked for a federal judge from Bucks County.

Then off to Washington to make a difference. He worked with Democrats and Republicans as general counsel for the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee,

where he helped America uncover the damage done by Agent Orange in Vietnam and help secure

disability compensation and Veterans job training. On the Senate Judiciary Committee, Scott led negotiations with the House on major crime legislation,

The Missing Children's Act, and laws to help runaway and homeless youth.

But nothing's more important to Scott than family. The Wallace family has a long history of public service.

As Secretary of Agriculture, Scott's grandfather helped save American farmers during the Dust Bowl and depression of the 1930s,

and then went on to serve as Vice-President to Franklin Roosevelt.

Scott's father served in World War II and was among the first American troops into Auschwitz after it was liberated.

Scott's wife Christy served as a U.S. Diplomat, representing our country around the globe, including danger zones like El Salvador.

She's the daughter of a career Marine, a Pearl Harbor survivor.

For the last two decades Christy and I have been running a charitable foundation

to do things like empower women, fight climate change, and create the clean energy jobs of the future.

None of us can just sit on the sidelines while Donald Trump and the Republican Congress

hand over our nation to billionaires and corporate special interests.

We're losing something about who we are as Americans and what we stand for.

So with support from Diane and other local leaders, we're moving forward.

I hope you'll join my campaign to bring real change to Washington.

For more infomation >> Scott Wallace for Congress | I'm Running - Duration: 2:31.


How I got STER'd - Duration: 8:03.

Hello you beautiful Mindfits, this is Path Welch here your Mindset Coach. I

wanted to jump on and say hello say happy Monday to everyone today. I'm in a

really fun mood actually and I wanted to come on and talk to you about how I got

ster'd up and I'm gonna explain to you what that acronym means in a little bit.

If most of you know me you know that I love to post memes, inspirational quotes,

daily guidance every day and when you're posting a daily guidance you post the

date which is you know which is what I do and yesterday I made a posting and

yesterday was March 25th and so today when I was going to read my posting I was

reading the date and I said oh my goodness today Monday is March 26 not

yesterday. Yesterday was the 25th and so it really- just it really made me

laugh it really really did. I and that's when I realized I got ster'd and so

what STER means is it's a process of when you're in a

zone and when you don't realize who you are what you're doing when you're doing

it and actually what is happening because the most important

thing is just about delivering it it's what your message is and what your

passion is and so STER means is a selflessness it's when you are so

aligned with whatever it is that you're deeply moved about and

passionate about you become Selfless and you want to share that with others and

that intent there just means so much to you and then when you're

being selfless then the timelessness comes through. You

don't even realize - oh maybe what day it is

what time it is or what moment you're in... all you're focused on is what's in

your heart and time just kind of goes away and then it becomes Effortless.

effortless is being able to not think about those thoughts that are in

your mind or limiting beliefs that may prevent you from delivering your message

or from delivering your value or for delivering your worth because it's just're in your zone and you're able to tap into what's truly in

your heart and be able to really just put out that message and oh "hi Alistair"

hello yes absolutely so when you get in that zone then that richness just comes

through you and you're connected to source and you're connected to this

higher awareness this higher power that's going to be able for you- to

deliver that message and I don't know um if many of you know about what FLOW is

and you know the Flow Genome Project Jamie Wheal and of course the

awe-inspiring Jason Silva talk about Flow a lot... athletes you know

professional athletes must find their Flow they must be able to overcome their

mental... anything that's mentally blocking them from being able to physically

perform at their optimal level and you know I'm definitely no professional

athlete I do love to play tennis and softball but I'm not a professional at

it bu Flow is something that is a process that we all can tap into and so

that's how I got STER'd and you know realizing today when I woke up and

wanted to read my daily guidance and share that with you guys I realized that

I made a mistake yesterday and what I could have done was let myself fall into

that monkey mind and think to myself oh my gosh I'm so embarrassed you know I

made a huge mistake everyone's going to be laughing at me maybe I'm not meant to

do this I have you know I could have gone down that alternate universe you

know of self-doubt and lowered my confidence and thought that I'm gonna

just revel in this mistake feel bad about it and put myself in a corner and

have a really really bad day I mean these are the choices that you make and

when we make mistakes they're actually strengths because if you change your

thought and you reframe your thought and say to yourself you know this is not a

mistake this is actually a funny learning opportunity and that's the

narrative that you're going to change and then that's going to affect your

feelings and your emotions and our actions are derived from our feelings

and our emotions and if I would have rent went down that rabbit hole of

self-doubt and worry and embarrassment and feelings of I'm not good enough to

do this everybody's going to be talking about me or laughing at me

certainly I could have employed those thoughts into my head and then it could

it could have turned out very very differently today but when you're able

to realize and have a healthy mindset by just reframing your thought you can

actually turn it into a very valuable opportunity and keep moving forward and

learn from it and then your confidence of course is going to maintain and

sustain and it's actually even going to build even to a higher you know elevated

awareness and that's where we want to be you know that's where we want to go

I mean life can be really really hard we face so many you know different things

and so many challenges and everything everything is a learning

opportunity that is why we're here we're here to learn we're here to grow we're

here to keep our confidence up no matter what we're going through and find our

value and tap into that and our passion so that really really can make our

dreams into a reality and really achieve the things that we want to pursue and

then also align ourselves with our goals to success so I hope that really

helps you know when you feel like you've made a mistake turn it into a learning

lesson and you'll keep moving forward so if you have any blocks that are

preventing you from being able to reframe and shift your mindset

from a negative thought into a positive one that's going to affect your feelings

and put you into motion if you're having struggles with that... which we all do

reach out to me send me a private message we'll connect and we'll see what

limiting beliefs you may have adapted to or blocks or maybe anger or anxiety or

worry we can all face those and we can face those together...all right

so I hope everyone is having a great day and I will see and talk to you

guys next time have a great day bye-bye

For more infomation >> How I got STER'd - Duration: 8:03.


Infezioni delle vie urinarie: quali sono i rimedi naturali più efficaci? - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Infezioni delle vie urinarie: quali sono i rimedi naturali più efficaci? - Duration: 2:26.


Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham Jump On Trump Impeachment Train After He Signs Budget Bill - Duration: 2:49.

On Friday, Donald Trump signed a 1.3 trillion dollar spending bill after he promised us

that he was going to veto that 1.3 trillion dollar spending bill.

After he announced his intent to veto this, he then gave a press conference where he said

"I'm not going to do anything like this again.

Yeah, I'm going to sign this but you're on notice here.

This is totally the last time I'm ever going to do this so you need to straighten up and

fly right there, congress."

And, immediately, in a collective form of duh moment, republican voters and republican

Donald Trump supporters realized that they had been conned.

It was a beautiful, beautiful moment, and I don't want to get into how horrible this

budget is because it absolutely is, but what was great about it was that collective light

bulb going off over the head of Donald Trump's supporters.

Including people like Ann Coulter, and Laura Ingram who, after Trump signed the budget

bill, basically said that he was going to be impeached.

Ann Coulter said that when Trump said I'll never do something like this again, she responded

by saying, "Yeah, because you'll be impeached."

Even the Drudge Report had to come out and attack Donald Trump for his fake veto threat.

Donald Trump just alienated a ton of his closest allies because he is a fraud.

He is a con-man.

If you go through some of the comments on Twitter on these stories, the Trump voters

now understand that.

They admit, "Yeah, we got conned by this guy, we thought we were getting a negotiator, instead

we're just getting a lap dog who rolls over for congress."

As soon as Trump says something horrible and racist, all these people are going to back

on his side again, so I'm sure his advisors are trying to come up with something stupid

for him to say to get the Coulters and the Ingrams and the Drudge Report folks back over

on his side.

But, at least for this brief moment, Ann Coulter is in favor of impeachment.

Laura Ingram, is in favor of impeachment.

All because they finally realized, if only for a second, that they and all of the Trump

voters in this country had been conned by Donald Trump who is not a negotiator, he's

not a good business man and he sure as hell isn't a good politician.

For more infomation >> Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham Jump On Trump Impeachment Train After He Signs Budget Bill - Duration: 2:49.


Claire McCaskill "I understand the point" Hillary Clinton was trying to make - Duration: 0:31.

He's quoting Hillary Clinton, who also said,

"So I won the places that are optimistic, diverse,

dynamic, and moving forward."

Were these comments from Hillary Clinton helpful to you?

No probably not.

You know, I understand the point she was trying to make.

But it felt like she was criticizing Missouri voters.

"You didn't like black people getting rights, you don't like women, you know, getting jobs."

"Whatever the reason was, he stirred that up."

I think it certainly is being taken out of context.

For more infomation >> Claire McCaskill "I understand the point" Hillary Clinton was trying to make - Duration: 0:31.


Gołębie pocztowe i ozdobne + Moje oczko i rybki !! - Duration: 12:01.

For more infomation >> Gołębie pocztowe i ozdobne + Moje oczko i rybki !! - Duration: 12:01.


(Free) The Weeknd - "Come Thru" Ft. Trouble | Edgewood | Type Beats I Free Type Beat l Instrumental - Duration: 3:29.


For more infomation >> (Free) The Weeknd - "Come Thru" Ft. Trouble | Edgewood | Type Beats I Free Type Beat l Instrumental - Duration: 3:29.


Jarosław Kret jest skłócony z bratem i własną matką. [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 2:02.

Jarosław Kret jest skłócony z bratem i własną matką.

Jarosław Kret w relacjach z kobietamiJarosław Kret choć bardzo się stara,

nie należy do ulubionych przez widzów prezenterów pogody.

Trudno stwierdzić główny powód jego małej popularności, może po prostu widzowie wolą oglądać młodszych dziennikarzy mniej zabawnych.

Po za tym Kret od lat słynie ze swoich specyficznych relacji z kobietami.

Najlepiej wiedzą o tym jego byłe partnerki Agata Młynarska i Beata Tadla.

Agata Młynarska dopiero po kilku tygodniach od rozstania z Kretem, dowiedziała się z wywiadu Jarka dla Vivy,.

że  właśnie ją zostawił bez słowa i już nigdy nie wróci.

For more infomation >> Jarosław Kret jest skłócony z bratem i własną matką. [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 2:02.


DBXV2:Top 5 BEST Dragon Ball Super MODS[ToP] - Duration: 3:37.




Jiren[Full Power]

Ultra Instinct Goku

For more infomation >> DBXV2:Top 5 BEST Dragon Ball Super MODS[ToP] - Duration: 3:37.


I migliori infusi per regolare il nervosismo e l'ansia - Salute 365 - Duration: 7:47.

For more infomation >> I migliori infusi per regolare il nervosismo e l'ansia - Salute 365 - Duration: 7:47.


Bazzi - Honest (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:01.

Hi, glad you're here :) ❤️

Bazzi Honest

Bazzi Honest Lyrics

For more infomation >> Bazzi - Honest (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:01.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-SPORT Org. Nederlands - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-SPORT Org. Nederlands - Duration: 0:59.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I ASPIRATION Automaat - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I ASPIRATION Automaat - Duration: 1:00.


Program Pierwszy (Jedynka) - 2 bloki reklamowe i kolejne zapowiedzi z 24 października 2017 roku - Duration: 10:20.

For more infomation >> Program Pierwszy (Jedynka) - 2 bloki reklamowe i kolejne zapowiedzi z 24 października 2017 roku - Duration: 10:20.


Hanging with Queretaro Vandals - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> Hanging with Queretaro Vandals - Duration: 4:34.


The Detour On TBS

For more infomation >> The Detour On TBS


Kaysar pinta as unhas de preto e Caruso decide seguir o brother - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Kaysar pinta as unhas de preto e Caruso decide seguir o brother - Duration: 2:08.


Matteo Salvini apre al reddito di cittadinanza - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> Matteo Salvini apre al reddito di cittadinanza - Duration: 6:48.




Anna Lewandowska (29 l. ) niewątpliwie zrobiła karierę w Polsce, ale chyba to przestało jej wystarczać.

Trenerka właśnie udzieliła wywiadu dla niemieckiego Deutsche Welle i opowiedziała o swojej rozpoznawalności w Niemczech.

Razem z Ewą Chodakowską (36 l. ) są najbardziej znanymi trenerkami fitness w Polsce.

Od lat sukcesywnie poszerzają swoją działalność.

Wydają płyty z treningami, organizują grupowe treningi, wyjazdowe szkolenia, a także produkują zdrową żywność.

Ostatnio Ania wypuściła także na rynek aplikację na telefon komórkowy, która oczywiście służy do ćwiczeń.

Nic więc dziwnego, że wraz ze wzrostem jej aktywności, rośnie ciągle liczba fanów Lewandowskiej.

Tak dzieje się w Polsce, ale sportsmenka pochwaliła się, że staje się coraz popularniejsza także i w Niemczech,.

gdzie na co dzień mieszka razem z Robertem Lewandowskim (29 l.

Do tej pory to on był gwiazdą w Niemczech, ze względu na swoją doskonałą grę w piłkarskim klubie Bayern Monachium, a Ania stała w jego cieniu.

Teraz to może ulec zmianie, bo z ostatniego wywiadu z Anką w Deutsche Welle wynika, że cieszy się ona sporym zainteresowaniem w Niemczech.

Kiedy jestem w Monachium jest o wiele spokojniej.

Mogę spokojnie wyjść do restauracji, bardziej myślę tu o czasie,.

jaki mogę spędzić z moim mężem, bo w Polsce zdecydowanie trudniej jest wyjść z Robertem - opowiada.

- To, czym się zajmuję, spotyka się w Niemczech z zainteresowaniem.

Miło mi, że książka, którą napisałam w Polsce, została przetłumaczona na niemiecki.

Właśnie dostałam propozycję popracowania nad kolejnym projektem wydawniczym i to mnie cieszy.

Czasem ktoś podchodzi do mnie na ulicy i mówi - O, Ania, nie rozumiem nic po polsku, ale mam Twoją płytę i trenuję z Tobą.

Czy będzie coś po niemiecku? Dla mnie to jest motywacja, żeby działać też tu.

Widać, że Ania bardzo liczy na poszerzenie swojej działalności na niemiecki rynek, ale tylko czas pokaże, czy jej się to uda.






Marc Anthony enseña a bailar a Will Smith | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Marc Anthony enseña a bailar a Will Smith | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 0:45.



For more infomation >> TECNOLOGÍA VIMANA LLEGADA DE OTROS PLANETAS - Duration: 8:46.


BBB18: guerra entre favoritos; Gleici manda indireta para Kaysar | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> BBB18: guerra entre favoritos; Gleici manda indireta para Kaysar | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 5:23.


ODD SQUAD | Oro Saves the Day | PBS KIDS - Duration: 2:36.


Just a moment, sir.

I made the cure in the book, but it didn't work.

[sigh] To cure a case of tentacle feet,

first measure two cups of dragon sweat.

So I did exactly like it said.

[glass breaking]


Hold up the ruler,

then pour the dragon sweat

onto the number two.

Then I catch the extra liquid in the two cups below.

That's not how you use a ruler.

You use a ruler to measure how long something is,

not to measure liquid.


You use containers like gallons and pints and cups--

and not just any cup!

It has to be specific measuring cups.

What's going on here?

What's going on is this guy's got tentacle feet,

and I'm trying to help,

but I'm NOT a doctor,

and THIS doctor seems way more interested

in tacos and flatbread sandwiches!

In Ooga's defense, she makes an excellent point.

And I make an excellent flatbread sandwich.

That reminds me. I'm totally outta mayonnaise.

Off to the store. Back in a bit!

[laughing] Did she seriously just leave to buy mayonnaise?

We'll deal with that later.

What're we going to do about him?

Fixed up that Yellowstone problem.

I just need you to...

Whoa. Need a hand?

That would be amazing.

Looks like we're measuring liquids.

Good thing I always carry these.

Is that dragon sweat?

Exactly. We need two cups.

This is a one-cup measuring cup,

so let's fill two of these to the top.



I'll open the door. You throw.

Got it.


Sir, you're going to wanna rest those legs.

You call me in the morning.

That was impressive.

Why don't you try out the medical department for a while?

Sure, as long as I can still keep my repair job.

Things are a little slow in my department,

so I can do both.

I don't see why not.

Done and done!

What's next?

For more infomation >> ODD SQUAD | Oro Saves the Day | PBS KIDS - Duration: 2:36.


Participantes mudam visual no BBB18 e sister dispara: "Duvido um milagre na Gleici" - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Participantes mudam visual no BBB18 e sister dispara: "Duvido um milagre na Gleici" - Duration: 3:32.


BBB18: Kaysar pergunta se Jéssica vende a 'perseguida' e irrita fãs | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Kaysar pergunta se Jéssica vende a 'perseguida' e irrita fãs | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:14.


Os grandes benefícios do magnésio - Duration: 8:43.

For more infomation >> Os grandes benefícios do magnésio - Duration: 8:43.


"Se eu for embora amanhã, vou bonita", diz Ana Clara em dia de beleza - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> "Se eu for embora amanhã, vou bonita", diz Ana Clara em dia de beleza - Duration: 2:07.


BBB18: Gleice chora ao lembrar que é muito pobre | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Gleice chora ao lembrar que é muito pobre | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:04.


Santa Receita | Torta de Páscoa por Roberto Augusto - 26 de março de 2018 - Duration: 23:53.

For more infomation >> Santa Receita | Torta de Páscoa por Roberto Augusto - 26 de março de 2018 - Duration: 23:53.


10 cibi che danno un odore gradevole al tuo corpo - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> 10 cibi che danno un odore gradevole al tuo corpo - Duration: 4:36.


El presidente Puigdemont también es nuestro - Duration: 10:20.

For more infomation >> El presidente Puigdemont también es nuestro - Duration: 10:20.


Marcos Palmeira - Agrofloresta é a Busca Pelo Equilíbrio do Homem com a Natureza - Duration: 5:51.

Agrofloresta do Futuro (Agroforestry For Future)

and reNature Foundation


An Inclusive interview

with the Guardian Marcos Palmeira

For the Agroforest Crew

Let's talk about Agroforest, we know that you are also a Rural Producer


You have toured several places in Brazil like riverside communities, quilombolas, rural properties.

How do you see agroforestry as an alternative for young people have job or business in countryside?

I think agroforestry, everything I've seen, everything I've experienced is really the revolution that we can do, you know?

It is to recover degraded areas with the production of food, both for you and for the Animals that will live there.

I was with Ernst, with Pedro Paulo, I am also implementing agroforestry now in the Vale das Palmeiras. It's a project for 2018. It's a strong project.

An Integration of agroforestry with Dairy Cattle. Which I think is one thing that can work out very well.

The cows are eating over there, eating underneath, finally adding that.

I think the result that Ernst showed to us in 30 years,

from a totally degraded area that he lived in the South of Bahia and now he has a farm that where it is the only place that rains.

So there's the galley, there's a neighbor who talks about this guy's in there, it's spiritism, they believe in other things

and they do not understand that it's nature, in fact, it's the nature that's responding to you, the nature that's offering all.

So I think it's amazing, I'm a fan of agroforestry and it's not just a fan as an ideology,

because I believe it can really make a recovery transformation, along with the production of food that we need.

For more infomation >> Marcos Palmeira - Agrofloresta é a Busca Pelo Equilíbrio do Homem com a Natureza - Duration: 5:51.


Monthly Expenses In Canada 2018 (As an International Student) [Vlog #6] - Duration: 9:10.

hi welcome aboard in this log I will talk about all the marriage expenses in

Canada as an international student before going to Canada or anywhere in

the world for study or accommodation purpose it is very important that we

should know all the above expenses because we have to survive where we can

see all the category expenses like a room or apartment rent grocery expenses

and where we can buy cheap stuff food expenses that we eat outside and

restaurants or in cafes and how much dollar will be spent in all that stuff

rent grocery food public transport easy while making an estimated living

expenses chart living expenses like accommodation and grocery can be managed

or brought by sharing a flat in case of students who opt not to stay in

university hostels working a part-time along with studies is another option

there are many universities which allow students to work part-time especially in

Australia New Zealand and in Canada we will discuss these major things

instead of tuition fee like renting grocery transportation data package and

food I am NOT talking about fee it's depend on University and college and

also depends on course apartment and room rent also depends on province to

province and city to city because some cities are much expensive but I

mentioned it transportations fares are different in every city in Canada but

average pays I show you Canada is one of the fastest emerging

economies in the world and is comparatively affordable for students

from overseas however there are few cities such as Toronto Montreal vancouver

which are very expensive because of their multinational lifestyle

although there are few cheap cities like Mississauga st. John's

Edmonton 'aaa' Hamilton and Kitchener - too you can get easily a reside there

and also sufficient chances to get a part-time job an international student

can cut down living expenses by sharing accommodation and buying goods from a

less expensive grocery stores as you will see type of accommodation plays an

essential role on the sum of all students cost of living in Canada let's

discuss these expenses through a spreadsheet so I divided the student

into two types first one is middle level students who always spend less than

others because they have to manage all the

expenses with their University or college fee second one is average or

rich student they spend little bit more than a middle level student first we

talk about renting an apartment some student love to reside in apartments so

minimum so minimum apartment rent is 450 450 Canadian dollar with all utilities

and obviously a rich and average turned one accommodate in furnish and large

apartments so so they spent 700 per month included all the utilities now

some student save their money always cuz they have to pay their fee so they always

spend less and save money and they try to find cheap rooms so they pay 350 rent

offer room as per month including all the identities

while the other hand some average students love their

privacy completely so they reside in a personal room and pay 450 per month with

all your duties included now let's move on cos we expense definitely this

category student finds cheap stores to buy across way like Walmart so they

spend around two hundred for grocery for a month while the other hand an average

and rich student buy much grocery than a middle-level student so they spent

around $300 okay now let's talk about transportation fares transportation

fares are different in Camden cities if we get a bus pass then fares cut down a

bus pass minimum around $75 for a month and our rich children also use this bus

pass and use uber sometime in a month as well so they spend around $100 let's go

and data Packagey is very useful thing that we must need it is required because we

use Google Maps and do calls with family friends in a month or in a week

so a middle-level student used cheap and less data package so I mentioned it

around $30 in a month while an average and rich children spent $45 because they

usually use internet and entertain from social medias also do video calls with

family and friends now last one is food obviously men wish they hang out

sometime in a month we can't study and work every time should give rest in

relaxation or mind so should go in cafes or in restaurants

and have some burger pizza and coffee - so middle-level students spend very less

again because they have to save money and spend around $15 in a month

an average student spend openly they eat outside are they eat outside three to

four times in a month so so they spent around $30 these were all the major

expenses which our student have to spend to survive

so let's total all the expenses a middle level students spent around seven $770

with apartment and with room it cut down to the $670 and an average in which

to spend eleven hundred and seventy five per month with apartment and with room

spend nine hundred twenty-five per month now you have to decide which lifestyle

you want because it's financial matter if you are rich then you can manage your

college fee and university fee through your guardians support while other hand if

you are a middle level student you have to save your money you can also save

this category but it's totally up to you viewer i will make a video on this topic

how to save and manage tuition fee and living expenses in 20 hours

video let's move on other expenses which are also important but first one is

clothes before coming to Canada we should bring much cloths from our country

because clothes are much expensive in Canada so bring all the clothes from

your country and don't bring snow clothes from your country because

temperature become so high in winter in Canada around - 5 to - 10 in

January the temperature was very low in wennipeg around - 22 degree so I

recommend don't get winter jacket and snow shoes now when you come in Canada

you can you can buy here from warehouses and second thing is books you need books

when you study in college or university but I'll recommend don't need to buy

books because why we spend around $1,500 per semester on the books we can save

these dollars just note every lecture given by the professor if you need notes

anything related to your study bro get it from the internet everything

available on the internet every type of notes everything for that you need

second last is electronics must be required obviously you need a laptop if

you have a good specified laptop or mobile phone in your country you can

bring these things and you have to carry a university adapter as well because all

can please electricity and again does country electricity are different if you

want to buy a gadget in Canada then it's also good choice now last thing is my

suggestion you should have a bicycle in Canada if your university or college

isn't far away from your residence you can use your bicycle benefit is you can

save this amount if this video was helpful please appreciate my work if you

need any help any suggestion you can comment down all send me emails please

must share these precious information to others you can follow me on Instagram

don't forget to subscribe for upcoming student related videos take care and

best of luck

For more infomation >> Monthly Expenses In Canada 2018 (As an International Student) [Vlog #6] - Duration: 9:10.


Wix Code | Colors with On Click Event and Specifications with On Mouse In & Out - Duration: 16:05.

Two Wix Code tutorials at once !!! Color change with On Click Event and specifications

with On Mouse In and On Mouse Out. Here we go...

Hello people, how are you? Today I'm going to show you how to make

this color change effect with click, a very cool and super simple

feature to run on Wix Code.

Another very cool feature is Hover Effect, which is also useful for many applications.

You hover over reference points and it shows a contextual box

with additional information about your product, or any item on the pages of your site.

And let's speed up because today are 2 tutorials in a single video...

As you all know, this is the conventional Wix editor.

I put here a logo to represent my product, below a title for the user

to know what it is and below the name of the colors.

I will show you how I edited the layers in Photoshop by making the color differentiation of

the same product.

Then I saved each layer in a PNG file (with transparent background), keeping the same

size in all images: 800x400 pixels.

The idea is this, identical images with varying colors in some details...

For this to happen I will include some buttons above these names to make it more intuitive

for the user.

Always remember to enable Developer Tools when using codes

on your site.

Click here, enable the Toolbar too because we're going to need it...

After this entire preparation, we will add the images of the product, you already know

the way...

In your library, after uploading, select the images in the order you want

to add.

That way you already leave the positions organized, I start with the white, then

the yellow, red, blue and black.

With the images added, attach one at a time within a track in the same position:

190x290 pixels.

After that rename the "ID's" of all the images to have more control at the time of

writing the codes, this one of white color I will rename with "1050RSWhite".

I do the same with the other images, attach within the range in the same position, rename

the "ID's" and from the second image enable "Hidden On Load" in the Wix Code

properties box.

You must hide the overlapping images so that only the first one (white) appears

when the page loads.

Do the same procedure on the other images, attach in the same position, rename the "ID's"

in the Wix Code properties box and enable "Hidden On Load" on all of them.

Once finished, your overlapping images will look strange due to

the opacity of the "Hidden On Load" feature, it is normal...

The title below is a simple text to induce the user to perform the color change

and now in this space we will include the buttons to give action to the color exchange...

Click Add / Button / Icon Buttons...

Drag into the strip and set the size as you've saved in your image editor,

position it so it's aligned horizontally or vertically, will depend on your


The button I am going to use is this one in the preview, I drew 5 buttons in "normal state" and

5 buttons in "hover state".

To change the appearance just click on "Change Icon" and change the images in the 3

options: Normal, When Hovering and Clicking.

We start with the white color obviously, after changing the appearance do not forget to add

a Tooltip to the Button.

With the layout of the first button finished, do not forget to rename the "ID" of the

icon button in the Wix Code properties box.

Choose a distinguished name as it will be used in your line of code

Then duplicate the first button and do the same, change the images, add

a Tooltip in the button configuration box and rename all the "ID's".

In Preview, your buttons should look like this when hovering

over and logically, only the first image (the white one), which will appear

because the rest are "Hidden On Load" enabled.

Going back to the editor, it's time to put code on the page.

Open the code page in the lower right corner of the browser and to give

"Click Event" action is very easy:

Select the first button (white) and in the Wix Code properties box, click

the [+] button in the "onClick:" event.

Add the letters [o and n], after the "underline" and before the "click"

A line of code has been added below in the "Page" tab, the next step is to give action

to the "Event" added.

I begin by clearing the references of the "Event" between the parentheses and in the comments area

I write:

"$" followed by the letter "w" and between brackets press keys; [Control + Spacebar]

and select the corresponding object, in this case my white motorcycle.

I add a point and choose the action that is "show", delete the option of animation and closing

with [ ; ].

I duplicate this same line of code 4 times, copying and pasting and rename

the items according to the ID's of the images.

Then change the action according to the corresponding "Event", hiding the other items

with "hide".

Do the same with the other buttons, select, check the "ID's" and add the

event by clicking on the [+] button of the "onClick".

Enter the lowercase [o and n] letters and edit the event in the code window according to

its action button.

Make a copy of the previous codes and change only action, which is to hide the first

image and show the second one.

Repeat the same procedure for the other buttons by copying and pasting the codes after

manually adding the event.

Just follow the order to hide and show the items respectively that does not give error...

Lastly, save and publish your site. Make sure everything is working properly

by clicking the buttons and check that the color change is taking place as expected.

Take advantage of that and check the code before closing your browser, if everything

is ok, click Publish again...

Quiet to do, do not you think? What else gives work is the preparation

of the images, I could make this video using simple objects, it would last for about

2 minutes, but when the design is bad, it messes up the code.

There is more, hold on... Let's go Technical Specifications now !

As you can see, it's just a page with a logo and text inside a strip...

What we will need initially is to add 2 images, the bike in a single color

in its original size, 800x400 pixels, positioned strategically and with its due "ID"...

After adding another image with dots in specific places, is nothing more than

a Photoshop layer, I'll show you how I did...

I added points in strategic locations above the product image and saved in PNG with transparent


Returning to the Wix editor, I named this image with its "ID".

Even when it is not necessary, get into the habit of identifying objects...

The next step is to add the boxes where the descriptive texts will be allocated.

Then attach the texts inside the boxes and edit them according to their layout and presentation.

Align the two objects and position them on the page...

Duplicate the box with the attached text and edit the other specifications according to the need

of your presentation.

Remembering that these text boxes will only appear when you hover over the specific points,

then make the best possible distribution so that it does not compromise your


The next step is to add rows that make the connection between landmarks

and text boxes. Go to Add / Shape / Lines and drag to your strip.

Click the element angle button and drag until you find a favorable position

to link the waypoint to the text box. Then adjust the length

of the line between the two elements.

Duplicate the line and do the same procedure with the other boxes and reference points,

set the angle and distance between elements for all other specifications...

Once finished, group the text boxes with the lines.

Name the groups in the Wix Code properties box, choose distinguished names

as they will be used in the lines of code.

Layout set, it's time to add the Container Boxes, go to:

Add / Box / Boxes Containers and drag one of the boxes to attach to your

layout. Set an appropriate size to add

your link...

Then duplicate the added box and position above all landmarks.

Do not forget to click on "Change Design" and "Personalize" so that your Container Box is

completely transparent, as the On Mouse In and On Mouse Out effect will be triggered

from these boxes.

Rename your Container Box in the "ID" field there in the Wix Code properties box and

repeat the process of customizing all other boxes.

In this video I am only demonstrating 3 examples, but in the site you will be able to check

the functionality of all other reference points in full operation.

The link is in the description...

It's time to add code to our layout. The first step is to enable "Hidden on

Load" in all grouped text boxes.

If you need to use the same space to add other boxes, add more boxes on top

and enable "Hidden on Load" simultaneously.

To give effect to our layout, select the container box, do not enable "Hidden

on Load" because the element already has the transparency properties.

Click the [+] button of the Event "onMouseIn" and add the letters [o and n] just after the

"underline" and before the word "mouseIn".

Do the same in the Event "onMouseOut", add the letters [o and n] after the "underline".

2 events have been added in our codepage, we will edit the lines according

to our need.

Delete the suggestions within the parentheses and write the code in the comments;

Start with: "$ + w" and enter the parentheses [Control + Spacebar] to select

the corresponding element.

Then type "." And choose "show" followed by "()" and ";".

Copy the line of code and paste in the event "onmouseOut", changing only the action from

"show" to "hide".

Click Preview and test your code.

If everything is OK, repeat the procedure by adding the events from the Container

Boxes inside the Wix Code properties box.

Then edit the code by copying and pasting the previously edited lines and just

rename the groups within the line of code.

Repeat this procedure for each specification added on your page and you will get a

result like this...

Very easy... For you who are starting now in the world

of programming, I will leave the link with the information to follow you and implement

these codes in your Wix website.

Do not forget to subscribe to the channel, like in the video and follow me there in social links.

Strength and honor !!!

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