Monday, September 24, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 25 2018

By the side of the road the trees are dyed in the red of false ignorance,

feeling betrayed under the cold weather.

If you close your ears to the unpleasant news, you will miss the sound of the train as it leaves.

I take refuge in Amida Buddha.

In the wintry town of Asahi, my mother wore a horrified face as a bomber launched just off the peaceful nearby coast.

Our lives and fantasies are the remains of worldliness and escapism.

About seven million years ago, since the creation of mankind,

what has become of the bodies of all those who have died?

If it is the case that they are buried beneath the earth,

certainly anywhere throughout the world will be somebody else's graveyard.

It might not be a pleasant story but it truly saved me,

both skyscrapers and apartment buildings resemble gravestones.

Won't you take apart my depression, sadness and memories?

Though it may not be pretty, the tiny flower bloomed.

It only affirms your awkwardness.

Live like you don't have a choice and don't let yourself be named.

The trash thrown out, those who wound up dying in mourn,

the dreams of someone that never came true,

Each and all inexorably return to the earth they belong to.

And flowers will bloom atop their corpses.

The town strove to expel out the night,

and so under the night sky with grandiose clamor flames roared.

By the lit windows, the street lamps, and the city lights' grace, the town has finally conquered its loneliness.

Why do I feel so much lonelier now than when I wander through the countryside alone at night?

When I compare other's lives to my own, my happiness was undoubtedly uncertain.

Though it may not be pretty, if fake friends can make you laugh,

It only affirms my own failures.

On paths not chosen, there is no shame or honor.

That person you held tight, the sneers carried by the wind,

your victories that went by without praise.

Each and all inexorably return to the earth they belong to.

And flowers will bloom atop their corpses.

Even if people thrive in what was once a battlefield,

even if flowers are offered at the scene of a tragedy,

Even if in a lost town countless trees take root,

even if my late grandfather's offerings are swarmed by insects,

Laugh even when your life is full of emptiness.

Sing even when farewells only last but a moment.

On nights when you weep over the rotting life you embrace,

and in all you experience on this earth, offer a eulogy to life.

Though it may not be pretty, if life can make you laugh today,

It only affirms mankind's arrogance.

Live like you're running away from your inevitable fate.

These days we made each other laugh, the pain of days we got rid of,

and human life which can be cut off one way or another,

Each and all inexorably return to the earth they belong to.

And flowers will bloom atop their corpses.

For more infomation >> [Sub ENG/ESP] - [amazarashi]【Hana wa Dareka no Shitai ni Saku】(花は誰かの死体に咲く) - Duration: 4:46.


English for Beginners: Countable & Uncountable Nouns - Duration: 22:17.


My name is Emma, and in today's video I'm going to teach you about countable and uncountable nouns.

We can also call these "count nouns" and "non-count nouns".

So, let's begin by first talking about: What is a noun?

So, a noun is a word that is a person...

It can be a person, so: "Emma", that's a noun; "teacher", that's a noun.

It can be a place.

"Russia" is a noun.

"School" is a noun.

It can be an animal; a dog.

"Dog" is a noun.

The word "cat" is a noun.

It can also be a thing.

This marker...

The word "marker" is a noun.


And it can also be a feeling.

"Happiness" is a noun.

So, a noun is a person, a place, a thing, an object, an animal.

There are many things that are nouns.

What a noun is not is it's not an action, like a verb; it's not a description, like

an adjective; and it's not a preposition, like the word "on" or "off".


A noun is, like I've said before, one of these things.

So, in English...

Well, actually, first let's do something.

Let's underline the nouns just to make sure we have this concept.

So, my first sentence is: "Canada is a large country."

So let's underline the nouns, here.

Well, "Canada" is a place, so we know "Canada" is a noun; "is" is a verb; "large" - this

is a description; "country".

"Country" is a place; this is also a noun.

"My teacher is funny".

"Teacher" is a person, so this is a noun; "funny" is a description, it's an adjective,

it's not a noun.

"The dog", so we have "dog" is an animal; "cats", "cats" are nouns; and we have the

word, here, "friends".

The word "friend" is also a noun.


So, these are all nouns.

So, in English, we have two types of nouns; we have countable nouns and we have uncountable


It's important to know if a noun is countable or uncountable, because this is going to tell

us if we use words, like: "a" in front of the word, and it will also tell us which words

we cannot use with these words.

So... And whether or not we need to add an "s" to the end of the noun if there's more than one.

So, in this video, we are going to talk about countable nouns with many examples and uncountable nouns.

So, let's look at countable nouns first.

Okay, so we're going to start with countable nouns first.

So, the first thing you need to know with a countable noun is when we have a countable

noun, we need to put an "a" or an "an" in front of it.

So, for example: "I have a dog.

I have a computer.

I have a lamp.

I have a chair."

So, notice I'm putting "a" in front of all of these.

If the noun starts with a vowel sound, so for example: "a" is a vowel, "e", "i", "o",

"u" - these are all vowels.

And if it starts with a vowel sound, then we use "an".

"I have an apple.

I have an egg.

I have an ant."


So, we use this if the first...

The first sound of the word is a vowel.

So, the second thing you need to know is that with countable nouns a lot of the time we

can count them.


So we can often...

A countable noun is something you can count, or...

Usually it's something, or an animal, or, you know, a place - it's something you can


So, for example: "I have a book."

This is one book.

"I have two books.", "I have three books."

So, this...

You can count books and it's a countable noun.

"I have two chairs.

I have five dresses."

These are all countable nouns.

When we have more than one countable noun, so for example, here we have one, here we

have two.

If we have more than one-so two, three, four, five, six-we need to add an "s".

This shows us that there is more than one.

And also notice that we don't need this in front of the noun anymore.

So, we cannot say: "a books", because the "s" means there's more than one, so this would

not match. Okay.

What else do we need?

So, we need an "s" or an "es" if we have more than one of this type of object or noun.

Here's another example: "I have one sister.", "I have three sisters."

So, notice here, you can count the number of sisters I have, and so I've added an "s".

Now, we have some exceptions.

For example, the word "moose".

You can count the number of moose, but we never add an "s".


It's a strange exception.

In English, you'll notice we have a lot of exceptions.

We break rules a lot of times in English and that's okay.

It's the same with "fish".

You can count the number of fish, but we don't...

You change this word if there's more than one.

I can't say: "I have five fishes."


I would say: "I have five fish."

So, sometimes there are exceptions with count nouns or countable nouns.

Now let's look at: What is an uncountable noun, and how is it different?

Okay, so we've talked about countable nouns; now we're going to talk about uncountable

nouns or we can call them non-count nouns.


So that means the same thing.

An uncountable noun is a noun where you do not use "a" or "an" in front of it.


So, for example, an uncountable noun is "happiness".

I do not say: "a happiness".

Okay, so that's no.

So, we do not use "a" or "an".

We also don't add "s" or "es".


And the reason we don't add "s" or "es" is because the idea of uncountable is you can't

count it.

Now, there are many exceptions to this, but in general, an uncountable noun is something

you can really count.

So I want you to think, for example, of happiness.

Can you count happiness?

Can you say: "One happiness, two happiness; my friend has five happiness"?

You can't really count it.

It's the same with words, like: "sadness" or with, you know, "stress".

These are things that are abstract and they're things you can't really count.


So, because of that, we do not add "s" or "es" to uncountable words.

Another thing you'll find with uncountable words, and this is where it kind of gets a

bit tricky, is a lot of uncountable nouns are actually categories.

So, for example: "furniture" is an uncountable noun.

In English, you don't count furniture.

So, you would...

You would not add an "s" to the word "furniture"; it's always the same.

"I have furniture at my house."

I do not say: "I have a furniture."


In English, you can't do that.

You say: "I have furniture."

There is no "a" or "an".

It's the same with the word "clothes".

"Clothes" never changes; it always stays the same.

I cannot say: "I have a clothes."

I cannot say: "I have four clothes."


In English, we can't do this, and this is because these are categories.

It's the same with "money".

And a lot of students get really frustrated with this, because in their language, you

can count these things.

So, I understand that and I understand, you know, languages are very different, but in

English you cannot count these things in the same way.

They're considered categories.

So, in English, I cannot say: "I have five money."

And I also don't add an "s" to "money".

It always stays the same.

I can say: "I have a lot of money" or "I have no money", but I can't actually put a number

in front of money.

So, what can you do is...

We're looking at categories, there, but within each category there are things you can count.

So, for example: "furniture" is uncountable, but tables, chairs, desks, refrigerators,

ovens - these are all things we can count.

So, "furniture" does not have an "s", but these other words do within the category.

"Clothes", again, we never change it; it always is the same, but types of clothes we can have

as countable.

So, we can have five dresses, you know, 10 socks.

So, you can count a lot of clothes.

With "money", we don't...

Like I said, we don't add an "s", but we can count coins.


So we can count coins.

"I have five coins.

I have seven bills."

So, within the category, you can count, but the category itself we cannot put an "s" on

that because it is an uncountable noun.

A lot of the times different types of food and different types of drinks are also uncountable.

So, for example: "milk".

We do not count milk.

In English, we can't say: "I have one milk.

I have six milk."

What we can do is we can add a container to this word or we can add an amount, so that's


So, what we can say is: "I have a glass of milk."


Or: "I have five glasses of milk.", "I have two cups of milk."

So, "milk" itself never changes, but the quantity or the amount can.

It's the same with, for example, "juice".

"I have eight cups of juice", but "juice" itself...

The word "juice", we can never say "juices".


So that...

It doesn't change because it's an uncountable noun.

And we'll look at more examples of this in full sentences in a moment.

"Mustard" or "ketchup", these are more examples.

We do not say: "I have 10 or 20 mustards."


We can't count this, so we always keep it the same; or we can add a container or a quantity.

"I have five bottles of mustard."



And it's the same with these words, too.

"I have 10 pieces of furniture."

So, we can put a quantity in front, but the actual word itself is an uncountable noun.

So, let's look at more examples of this.

Okay, so we're going to do a little bit of practice; but before we begin, I want to again

say that there are many, many exceptions to what I am saying, meaning usually this is...

What I'm telling you is the truth or what I'm telling you is accurate, but every so

often there are some words that are not going to follow these rules.


So, when you come across these words, just remember: Don't get frustrated; English is

not a perfect language and not everything follows the rules, but we're trying our best.

So, let's look at some of these nouns and I want you to tell me: Are they countable

or uncountable?

The first one is "English".

English is a thing, it's a language, it's a noun.

Can we count English?


Would we say: "I have a English"?

Can I say: "Englishes"?


So, "English" is uncountable.


It never changes; it always stays the same.

You can say: "I like English."

There is no "a" in front of "English".

What about "student"?

Can you count student?

Teachers do this all the time; they count the number of students in their class.

"There are 10 students in my class", so "students" is countable.

So, if I want to count students...

Maybe there are five students, so I could put a five here.

And if there's more than one, what do I have to do with a countable noun?

We add an "s": "students".

What about this word: "bottle"?


Like, a bottle of water.

Can you count bottles?

Yes, you can.

So, we consider "bottles" countable.

"I have one bottle.", "I have five bottles."


So, in this case, imagine I have one, I can say: "I have a bottle."

It's a countable noun.


Can we count water?

"Water" is considered uncountable.


Now, you might be yelling at your computer, saying: "But I can count water!

I can!"

And you might have water, here, and say: "Look, this is a water."

But this is actually not a water; this is a bottle of water.

"Water" itself we don't count.

We count water in bottles, or in litres, or in jugs.

So, "water" itself is uncountable.

We do not add an "s".


It is uncountable.

But "bottle" or "a bottle of water" is something we can count.


Can we count cellphones?

Cellphones are countable; they are a countable noun.

So, if we have more than one cellphone...

If we have two cellphones, we're very lucky - we can add an "s".

What about "shoe"?

"Shoe", we can actually say "shoes".

Shoes are countable.

"I have shoes."


I have...

"I have one shoe.

Here are two shoes, three shoes, four shoes", so we can count shoes.

We often talk about "a pair of shoes", but we can also count shoes individually.

What about "sadness"?

Can you count sadness?

Can you say: "Oh, that man, he's really sad - look, he has 100 sadnesses"?


We cannot count sadness; it's a feeling.

It's something we can't really count.

This is uncountable, so we do not add "a".


I can say: "I have sadness"; there's no "a" in front of it.

Last one we're going to look at here: "coffee".

So, coffee...

Remember food...

Or food and drinks are often uncountable.

We can talk about a cup of coffee, but we're counting the cup.

Coffee itself we consider uncountable.

So, usually we don't say "coffees".

Okay, but again, there's always exceptions and sometimes people use...

You know, they might go to a restaurant and actually...

They might say: "I'll have a coffee", so you might actually hear that.

It's going against the grammar rule, but people are starting to say things like that.

I don't want to confuse you more, but in terms of the grammar rule, "coffee" is uncountable.


So now let's look at a couple other words we use which are important when we're learning

about countable and uncountable.

Okay, so we've talked about countable and uncountable nouns.

Now, there are some words we use with only countable nouns and other words we use only

with uncountable nouns.

So, right now we're going to learn about "many" and "much".

So, let's start with "many" because it's a little easier.

"Many" is used with countable nouns, and it means a lot.

So, for example: "I have a lot of friends.

I have many friends."

So, it's when we're not giving a specific number.

"I have five friends" I can say, but I can also say: "I have many friends."

Maybe I have 10 dogs.

That's not true, but imagine that.

That's a lot of dogs, so I can say: "I have many dogs."

We use "many" for countable nouns.

A way to remember is, like I said before, you use "an" or "a" with countable nouns,

and "many" has "an" in it.

That's a little memory trick.


So if you want to remember: "many" - oh, "an", "an"; we use "an" for countable nouns - we

use "many" for countable nouns.

"Much" is used for uncountable nouns.

So, "much" means the same thing.


It means a lot, and we use "much" for uncountable.

So, for example: "money".

I told you before money is uncountable, so we could say: "I don't have much money.

I don't have much furniture.

I don't have much coffee."


So, "much" is used with uncountable nouns.

Now, a lot of students get really stressed about this, and they say: "'Much', 'many',

'count', 'uncountable' - ugh, this is terrible.

I don't remember any of it."

Here is the trick.

This is good to learn, but if you don't know and you're really stressed, you can use "a

lot" for both countable and uncountable nouns.


So: "I don't have a lot of money.

I don't have a lot of friends.", "I have a lot of friends.

I have a lot of money."


So, if you don't know, use this.

So, we've learned a lot today about countable and uncountable nouns, and this is something

that requires a lot of practice.


So, I invite you to come check out our website at, and there you can actually

do a quiz where you can practice identifying countable and uncountable nouns, and using

these in sentences.

So, I highly recommend you take our quiz.

I also recommend you subscribe to my channel, because there are a lot more resources on

all sorts of different topics, related to grammar, vocabulary, writing, reading, and

many more. So, thank you for watching, and until next time, take care.

For more infomation >> English for Beginners: Countable & Uncountable Nouns - Duration: 22:17.


誰說柚子皮只能當帽子戴?媽媽創意十足,打造「柚基尼」讓兒子穿上大秀熱舞! - Duration: 7:45.

For more infomation >> 誰說柚子皮只能當帽子戴?媽媽創意十足,打造「柚基尼」讓兒子穿上大秀熱舞! - Duration: 7:45.


khushkhabri Ab Samundri Sa Faisalabad Jana kaa Lia Raabta Kra 2018 All Informational - Topic - Duration: 0:53.

All Informational - Topic

Ameer Muavia Singer

khushkhabri ab Samundri sa Faisalabad jana kaa lia Raabta All Informational - Topic

khushkhabri ab Samundri sa Faisalabad jana kaa lia Raabta All Informational - Topic

khushkhabri ab Samundri sa Faisalabad jana kaa lia Raabta All Informational - Topic

khushkhabri ab Samundri sa Faisalabad jana kaa lia Raabta All Informational - Topic

khushkhabri ab Samundri sa Faisalabad jana kaa lia Raabta All Informational - Topic

khushkhabri ab Samundri sa Faisalabad jana kaa lia Raabta All Informational - Topic

khushkhabri ab Samundri sa Faisalabad jana kaa lia Raabta All Informational - Topic

khushkhabri ab Samundri sa Faisalabad jana kaa lia Raabta All Informational - Topic

khushkhabri ab Samundri sa Faisalabad jana kaa lia Raabta All Informational - Topic

khushkhabri ab Samundri sa Faisalabad jana kaa lia Raabta All Informational - Topic

Ameer Muavia

khushkhabri ab Samundri sa Faisalabad jana kaa lia Raabta All Informational - Topic

For more infomation >> khushkhabri Ab Samundri Sa Faisalabad Jana kaa Lia Raabta Kra 2018 All Informational - Topic - Duration: 0:53.


귀염둥이 '피켓'의 맹활약 예고한 '신비한 동물사전2' 새 포스터 5장 - Duration: 2:29.

권길여 기자 = 오는 11월 개봉되는 판타지 영화 '신비한 동물들과 그린델왈드의 범죄' 제작진이 새로운 떡밥을 공개했다.

최근 영화 '신비한 동물들과 그린델왈드의 범죄'의 제작사 측은 그간 공개되지 않은 인물 포스터 5종을 풀며 전 세계 팬들을 설레게 만들었다.

이번에 공개된 포스터에는 주인공인 뉴트 스캐맨더(에디 레드메인)와 퀴니 골드스틴(앨리슨 수돌), 겔러트 그린델왈드(조니 뎁) 등의 모습이 담겨있다.

뒤돌아 무언가를 의미심장한 눈빛으로 바라보고 있는 '마법 동물 학자' 뉴트 스캐맨더의 표정이 인상적이다.

담담해 보이면서도 불안한 듯한 그의 눈동자가 이번 편에 위험천만한 일이 벌어짐을 예고한다.

뉴트 스캐맨더의 코트에 숨어 그와 함께 무언가를 응시하고 있는 '마법 동물' 피켓의 모습도 눈길을 끈다.

피켓이 주요 인물 외 유일하게 이번 포스터에 나와 그가 이번 편에서 맹활약 할 것으로 보인다.

1편에 이어 데이빗 예이츠 감독이 메가폰을 잡은 '신비한 동물들과 그린델왈드의

범죄'는 '미국 마법 의회'에서 탈출한 그린덴왈드를 잡기 위해 뉴트 스캐맨더가 투입되는 흥미로운 이야기를 그린다.

뉴트 스캐맨더가 어둠의 세력에 맞서 잘 싸워나갈 수 있을지 귀추가 주목된다.

For more infomation >> 귀염둥이 '피켓'의 맹활약 예고한 '신비한 동물사전2' 새 포스터 5장 - Duration: 2:29.


Игра для детей Воздушные шарики. - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Игра для детей Воздушные шарики. - Duration: 1:55.



Hey guys!

It's Jana!

And today we got to do some laundry.

I actually do not have that much, just a couple for the kids and a couple for us adults.

And that's it.

So it should be relativity quick and easy so yeah!

So go ahead and hit subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.

Let's get a little bit of our laundry done today.

Alright guys the laundry is done and put away.

There really wasn't that much to do so that's fantastic.

I do need to get all the bedding and towels done soon.

So I will be doing that.

I hope this motivated you to get some laundry done today.

Go ahead and hit subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.

And I will see you next time.



Adenium seedling (with english subtitle) - Duration: 9:14.


these are my adenium plants

these flowers are from that branches which are coming out from the main trunk

and these fruits are generated from these flowers which have many seeds in it

you can see the fruits are all grown up and exploded and now we can see its seeds

here I am trying to transform these seeds to plant, so I am using only sand in this pot

instead of this, you can use cocopeat or wooden husk

these seeds have 2 feathers in its 2 sides, with help of which it it can fly form one place to another.

you can plant these seeds by removing its 2 sides feathers or leave it as it is

but remember that 1st day you have to give water properly and after that, you cant give excess water, you have to give a little amount of water then

because if you give large amount of water then the adenium root's will be rotten

here the plants are coming out from those seeds but not as much as I planted the seeds

the reason of this I think the watering capacity of the sand is very strong so many seeds are rotten

so the seeds which I have kept for more experiment I will plant those on this mixed cocopeat and wooden husk

these are very light weighted so the water capacity is not strong. so the chances of the rotten seeds are less

now I am planting these previous newly born plants in these small pots using this cocopeat and wooden husk

now you can see this time which seeds I am planting in this cocopeat and wood husk here plants coming out more than the previous time but not all of them

but after planting these plant in this small pot the plant's growth is very good

now we can understand that some seeds were not healthy so they weren't coming out

even so, I suggest that these adenium plants are best to plant in cocopeat and wood husk

you can buy this adenium seeds from any nursery or from online.

For more infomation >> Adenium seedling (with english subtitle) - Duration: 9:14.


English for Beginners: Countable & Uncountable Nouns - Duration: 22:17.


My name is Emma, and in today's video I'm going to teach you about countable and uncountable nouns.

We can also call these "count nouns" and "non-count nouns".

So, let's begin by first talking about: What is a noun?

So, a noun is a word that is a person...

It can be a person, so: "Emma", that's a noun; "teacher", that's a noun.

It can be a place.

"Russia" is a noun.

"School" is a noun.

It can be an animal; a dog.

"Dog" is a noun.

The word "cat" is a noun.

It can also be a thing.

This marker...

The word "marker" is a noun.


And it can also be a feeling.

"Happiness" is a noun.

So, a noun is a person, a place, a thing, an object, an animal.

There are many things that are nouns.

What a noun is not is it's not an action, like a verb; it's not a description, like

an adjective; and it's not a preposition, like the word "on" or "off".


A noun is, like I've said before, one of these things.

So, in English...

Well, actually, first let's do something.

Let's underline the nouns just to make sure we have this concept.

So, my first sentence is: "Canada is a large country."

So let's underline the nouns, here.

Well, "Canada" is a place, so we know "Canada" is a noun; "is" is a verb; "large" - this

is a description; "country".

"Country" is a place; this is also a noun.

"My teacher is funny".

"Teacher" is a person, so this is a noun; "funny" is a description, it's an adjective,

it's not a noun.

"The dog", so we have "dog" is an animal; "cats", "cats" are nouns; and we have the

word, here, "friends".

The word "friend" is also a noun.


So, these are all nouns.

So, in English, we have two types of nouns; we have countable nouns and we have uncountable


It's important to know if a noun is countable or uncountable, because this is going to tell

us if we use words, like: "a" in front of the word, and it will also tell us which words

we cannot use with these words.

So... And whether or not we need to add an "s" to the end of the noun if there's more than one.

So, in this video, we are going to talk about countable nouns with many examples and uncountable nouns.

So, let's look at countable nouns first.

Okay, so we're going to start with countable nouns first.

So, the first thing you need to know with a countable noun is when we have a countable

noun, we need to put an "a" or an "an" in front of it.

So, for example: "I have a dog.

I have a computer.

I have a lamp.

I have a chair."

So, notice I'm putting "a" in front of all of these.

If the noun starts with a vowel sound, so for example: "a" is a vowel, "e", "i", "o",

"u" - these are all vowels.

And if it starts with a vowel sound, then we use "an".

"I have an apple.

I have an egg.

I have an ant."


So, we use this if the first...

The first sound of the word is a vowel.

So, the second thing you need to know is that with countable nouns a lot of the time we

can count them.


So we can often...

A countable noun is something you can count, or...

Usually it's something, or an animal, or, you know, a place - it's something you can


So, for example: "I have a book."

This is one book.

"I have two books.", "I have three books."

So, this...

You can count books and it's a countable noun.

"I have two chairs.

I have five dresses."

These are all countable nouns.

When we have more than one countable noun, so for example, here we have one, here we

have two.

If we have more than one-so two, three, four, five, six-we need to add an "s".

This shows us that there is more than one.

And also notice that we don't need this in front of the noun anymore.

So, we cannot say: "a books", because the "s" means there's more than one, so this would

not match. Okay.

What else do we need?

So, we need an "s" or an "es" if we have more than one of this type of object or noun.

Here's another example: "I have one sister.", "I have three sisters."

So, notice here, you can count the number of sisters I have, and so I've added an "s".

Now, we have some exceptions.

For example, the word "moose".

You can count the number of moose, but we never add an "s".


It's a strange exception.

In English, you'll notice we have a lot of exceptions.

We break rules a lot of times in English and that's okay.

It's the same with "fish".

You can count the number of fish, but we don't...

You change this word if there's more than one.

I can't say: "I have five fishes."


I would say: "I have five fish."

So, sometimes there are exceptions with count nouns or countable nouns.

Now let's look at: What is an uncountable noun, and how is it different?

Okay, so we've talked about countable nouns; now we're going to talk about uncountable

nouns or we can call them non-count nouns.


So that means the same thing.

An uncountable noun is a noun where you do not use "a" or "an" in front of it.


So, for example, an uncountable noun is "happiness".

I do not say: "a happiness".

Okay, so that's no.

So, we do not use "a" or "an".

We also don't add "s" or "es".


And the reason we don't add "s" or "es" is because the idea of uncountable is you can't

count it.

Now, there are many exceptions to this, but in general, an uncountable noun is something

you can really count.

So I want you to think, for example, of happiness.

Can you count happiness?

Can you say: "One happiness, two happiness; my friend has five happiness"?

You can't really count it.

It's the same with words, like: "sadness" or with, you know, "stress".

These are things that are abstract and they're things you can't really count.


So, because of that, we do not add "s" or "es" to uncountable words.

Another thing you'll find with uncountable words, and this is where it kind of gets a

bit tricky, is a lot of uncountable nouns are actually categories.

So, for example: "furniture" is an uncountable noun.

In English, you don't count furniture.

So, you would...

You would not add an "s" to the word "furniture"; it's always the same.

"I have furniture at my house."

I do not say: "I have a furniture."


In English, you can't do that.

You say: "I have furniture."

There is no "a" or "an".

It's the same with the word "clothes".

"Clothes" never changes; it always stays the same.

I cannot say: "I have a clothes."

I cannot say: "I have four clothes."


In English, we can't do this, and this is because these are categories.

It's the same with "money".

And a lot of students get really frustrated with this, because in their language, you

can count these things.

So, I understand that and I understand, you know, languages are very different, but in

English you cannot count these things in the same way.

They're considered categories.

So, in English, I cannot say: "I have five money."

And I also don't add an "s" to "money".

It always stays the same.

I can say: "I have a lot of money" or "I have no money", but I can't actually put a number

in front of money.

So, what can you do is...

We're looking at categories, there, but within each category there are things you can count.

So, for example: "furniture" is uncountable, but tables, chairs, desks, refrigerators,

ovens - these are all things we can count.

So, "furniture" does not have an "s", but these other words do within the category.

"Clothes", again, we never change it; it always is the same, but types of clothes we can have

as countable.

So, we can have five dresses, you know, 10 socks.

So, you can count a lot of clothes.

With "money", we don't...

Like I said, we don't add an "s", but we can count coins.


So we can count coins.

"I have five coins.

I have seven bills."

So, within the category, you can count, but the category itself we cannot put an "s" on

that because it is an uncountable noun.

A lot of the times different types of food and different types of drinks are also uncountable.

So, for example: "milk".

We do not count milk.

In English, we can't say: "I have one milk.

I have six milk."

What we can do is we can add a container to this word or we can add an amount, so that's


So, what we can say is: "I have a glass of milk."


Or: "I have five glasses of milk.", "I have two cups of milk."

So, "milk" itself never changes, but the quantity or the amount can.

It's the same with, for example, "juice".

"I have eight cups of juice", but "juice" itself...

The word "juice", we can never say "juices".


So that...

It doesn't change because it's an uncountable noun.

And we'll look at more examples of this in full sentences in a moment.

"Mustard" or "ketchup", these are more examples.

We do not say: "I have 10 or 20 mustards."


We can't count this, so we always keep it the same; or we can add a container or a quantity.

"I have five bottles of mustard."



And it's the same with these words, too.

"I have 10 pieces of furniture."

So, we can put a quantity in front, but the actual word itself is an uncountable noun.

So, let's look at more examples of this.

Okay, so we're going to do a little bit of practice; but before we begin, I want to again

say that there are many, many exceptions to what I am saying, meaning usually this is...

What I'm telling you is the truth or what I'm telling you is accurate, but every so

often there are some words that are not going to follow these rules.


So, when you come across these words, just remember: Don't get frustrated; English is

not a perfect language and not everything follows the rules, but we're trying our best.

So, let's look at some of these nouns and I want you to tell me: Are they countable

or uncountable?

The first one is "English".

English is a thing, it's a language, it's a noun.

Can we count English?


Would we say: "I have a English"?

Can I say: "Englishes"?


So, "English" is uncountable.


It never changes; it always stays the same.

You can say: "I like English."

There is no "a" in front of "English".

What about "student"?

Can you count student?

Teachers do this all the time; they count the number of students in their class.

"There are 10 students in my class", so "students" is countable.

So, if I want to count students...

Maybe there are five students, so I could put a five here.

And if there's more than one, what do I have to do with a countable noun?

We add an "s": "students".

What about this word: "bottle"?


Like, a bottle of water.

Can you count bottles?

Yes, you can.

So, we consider "bottles" countable.

"I have one bottle.", "I have five bottles."


So, in this case, imagine I have one, I can say: "I have a bottle."

It's a countable noun.


Can we count water?

"Water" is considered uncountable.


Now, you might be yelling at your computer, saying: "But I can count water!

I can!"

And you might have water, here, and say: "Look, this is a water."

But this is actually not a water; this is a bottle of water.

"Water" itself we don't count.

We count water in bottles, or in litres, or in jugs.

So, "water" itself is uncountable.

We do not add an "s".


It is uncountable.

But "bottle" or "a bottle of water" is something we can count.


Can we count cellphones?

Cellphones are countable; they are a countable noun.

So, if we have more than one cellphone...

If we have two cellphones, we're very lucky - we can add an "s".

What about "shoe"?

"Shoe", we can actually say "shoes".

Shoes are countable.

"I have shoes."


I have...

"I have one shoe.

Here are two shoes, three shoes, four shoes", so we can count shoes.

We often talk about "a pair of shoes", but we can also count shoes individually.

What about "sadness"?

Can you count sadness?

Can you say: "Oh, that man, he's really sad - look, he has 100 sadnesses"?


We cannot count sadness; it's a feeling.

It's something we can't really count.

This is uncountable, so we do not add "a".


I can say: "I have sadness"; there's no "a" in front of it.

Last one we're going to look at here: "coffee".

So, coffee...

Remember food...

Or food and drinks are often uncountable.

We can talk about a cup of coffee, but we're counting the cup.

Coffee itself we consider uncountable.

So, usually we don't say "coffees".

Okay, but again, there's always exceptions and sometimes people use...

You know, they might go to a restaurant and actually...

They might say: "I'll have a coffee", so you might actually hear that.

It's going against the grammar rule, but people are starting to say things like that.

I don't want to confuse you more, but in terms of the grammar rule, "coffee" is uncountable.


So now let's look at a couple other words we use which are important when we're learning

about countable and uncountable.

Okay, so we've talked about countable and uncountable nouns.

Now, there are some words we use with only countable nouns and other words we use only

with uncountable nouns.

So, right now we're going to learn about "many" and "much".

So, let's start with "many" because it's a little easier.

"Many" is used with countable nouns, and it means a lot.

So, for example: "I have a lot of friends.

I have many friends."

So, it's when we're not giving a specific number.

"I have five friends" I can say, but I can also say: "I have many friends."

Maybe I have 10 dogs.

That's not true, but imagine that.

That's a lot of dogs, so I can say: "I have many dogs."

We use "many" for countable nouns.

A way to remember is, like I said before, you use "an" or "a" with countable nouns,

and "many" has "an" in it.

That's a little memory trick.


So if you want to remember: "many" - oh, "an", "an"; we use "an" for countable nouns - we

use "many" for countable nouns.

"Much" is used for uncountable nouns.

So, "much" means the same thing.


It means a lot, and we use "much" for uncountable.

So, for example: "money".

I told you before money is uncountable, so we could say: "I don't have much money.

I don't have much furniture.

I don't have much coffee."


So, "much" is used with uncountable nouns.

Now, a lot of students get really stressed about this, and they say: "'Much', 'many',

'count', 'uncountable' - ugh, this is terrible.

I don't remember any of it."

Here is the trick.

This is good to learn, but if you don't know and you're really stressed, you can use "a

lot" for both countable and uncountable nouns.


So: "I don't have a lot of money.

I don't have a lot of friends.", "I have a lot of friends.

I have a lot of money."


So, if you don't know, use this.

So, we've learned a lot today about countable and uncountable nouns, and this is something

that requires a lot of practice.


So, I invite you to come check out our website at, and there you can actually

do a quiz where you can practice identifying countable and uncountable nouns, and using

these in sentences.

So, I highly recommend you take our quiz.

I also recommend you subscribe to my channel, because there are a lot more resources on

all sorts of different topics, related to grammar, vocabulary, writing, reading, and

many more. So, thank you for watching, and until next time, take care.

For more infomation >> English for Beginners: Countable & Uncountable Nouns - Duration: 22:17.


9/24/18 8:48 PM (I-90, Liberty Lake, WA 99019, USA) - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> 9/24/18 8:48 PM (I-90, Liberty Lake, WA 99019, USA) - Duration: 4:59.


Difficoltà nel girare il collo ※Con i sottotitoli ★30 - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Difficoltà nel girare il collo ※Con i sottotitoli ★30 - Duration: 1:53.


老朋友再次送來一船寶貝,美得知後怒斥:怎能拿我們的錢去幫中國 - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> 老朋友再次送來一船寶貝,美得知後怒斥:怎能拿我們的錢去幫中國 - Duration: 4:47.


Tensione sul rene Trattamento con il cervello Informazioni sulla lettura ※Con i sottotitoli ★39 - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Tensione sul rene Trattamento con il cervello Informazioni sulla lettura ※Con i sottotitoli ★39 - Duration: 1:50.


Cartoon - Jealous Best Friend | AmoMama - Duration: 1:51.

I must confess, Jill

I spoiled your life

I was jealous of you

Well done


Why does she have such a good fortune?

Why does she have such a good fortune?

Why her, but not me?

My Jealousy became stronger than our friendship

And I crossed the line

It's his mistress

She confessed to me herself

You believed me, but not him

Because we were best friends

You didn't answer any of his calls

Because I was around

Yeah, you married another man

You have kind and grandchildren

And I was jealous of you since childhood

Oh God! Why does she have such a good fortune?

And my entire life I spent in loneliness

But I know that Jack is always in your heart

And that's why you're here today

You must not want to see me again?

Jill acted in a way that jealous Linda would never understand

And what would you do?

It doesn't matter how many wrongs you have done, because it never brings you happiness

For more infomation >> Cartoon - Jealous Best Friend | AmoMama - Duration: 1:51.


兩次扔掉鐵飯碗,做演員後崩潰到想跳樓,他後悔過嗎? - Duration: 23:11.

For more infomation >> 兩次扔掉鐵飯碗,做演員後崩潰到想跳樓,他後悔過嗎? - Duration: 23:11.


Trump says he will meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un soon - Duration: 2:49.

We start with what appears to be "job done" for President Moon Jae-in,... at least for


Working as the middle man,... the South Korean leader has successfully threaded the diplomatic

needle,... prompting his American counterpart Donald Trump to agree to a second summit with

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Presidents Moon and Trump also put pen to paper on their revised free trade deal on

the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

Shin Se-min reports from New York.

The on-again, off-again talks between North Korea and the United States are officially

back on.

At Monday's summit between Presidents Moon Jae-in and Donald Trump,... a tease on the

next encounter between the leaders of North Korea and the U.S.

"Expressing his unchanged high expectations for President Trump, Chairman Kim Jong-un

expressed hope to meet with President Trump at an early date to conclude the denuclearization


And President Trump,... also pledging to meet with the North Korean leader very soon.

"I think within a fairly short period of time we'll be announcing where it'll be, the

location to be determined but we're both very much looking forward to having it.

We are in no rush.

We're in no hurry.

We've made more progress than anybody has made in… ever,… frankly with regard to

North Korea."

But one thing he revealed,.... their next meeting will not be held in Singapore like

the first.

Such a development on North Korea,... made possible as President Moon worked on bringing

back a deal between Pyeongyang and Washington -- which had been on ice since their last

summit in June.

Presidents Moon and Trump also saw eye-to-eye on their bilateral free trade deal.

The two sides inked an amended version of their six-year old FTA,... promising efforts

to implement the revised trade pact at an early date.

With the signing, Seoul will double the number of American cars that meet U.S. safety rules,

not Korean ones, to 50-thousand,... while Washington will maintain 25-percent tariffs

on imports of South Korean-made light trucks until 2041.

"Shoring up their ties on diplomatic issues with North Korea and on the bilateral economic


One thing we know for sure from the summit between the leaders of South Korea and the

U.S.,... is that there will be a redux of the Singapore summit,... hopefully pushing

efforts to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula in the right direction.

Shin Se-min, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> Trump says he will meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un soon - Duration: 2:49.


Tiger Woods & Girlfriend Erica Herman Kiss | - Duration: 3:37.

Tiger Woods & Girlfriend Erica Herman Kiss |

Tiger Woods has just won The Tour Championship.

After finishing up on the 18th hole, Woods was greeted by his girlfriend, Erica Herman.

Woods gave an emotional a post-match interview before heading toward the clubhouse.

Along the route, he met up with Herman.

Herman, who was also wearing a red shirt, looked so happy to congratulate her beau, who had a huge smile across his face.

Herman flung her arms around Woods' neck and the two shared a lengthy embrace and an "I love you." After pulling away from one another, they locked lips.

You can see a couple of still shots of the couple's special moment below.

Woods and Herman have been dating for more than a year.

The two have been spotted on various dates together, grabbing sushi in California and even hitting up a baseball game.

They took their relationship public — officially — when they attended the Presidents Cup last fall.

Herman was wearing a "Player Spouse" badge as she spent time with her main man.

Herman, 33, has accompanied Woods to many other events since that time.

Back in December, for example, Herman was seen with Woods' two children at the Hero World Challenge in the Bahamas.

Sunday was no different, as Herman proudly supported her boyfriend as he earned his first PGA Tour win in five years; it has been 1,876 days since Woods' last win, to be exact.

As for the seriousness of the couple's relationship, a source previously told People Magazine that Woods wasn't planning on getting married again (he split from his first wife, Elin Nordegren, in 2009).

"No one has signed any paperwork.

It's not like they're pledging their lives to each other.

But she's really nice and Tiger likes her.

Tiger doesn't like to be alone… But he doesn't like to settle.

Not anymore.

So when he's with someone, he really needs to be into her," a source told People Magazine in April.

For more infomation >> Tiger Woods & Girlfriend Erica Herman Kiss | - Duration: 3:37.


Många företag har hållbarhet som central affärsidé - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Många företag har hållbarhet som central affärsidé - Duration: 2:04.


Cleaning company sales call script to seal the deal the first time. - Duration: 18:11.

- Very warm welcome to tonight's Live,

and tonight, I'll be going through the sales process.

How you can

basically figure out

if a customer is actually just after a cheap job

and you know they're probably just gonna

cause loads of troubles in any case.

The sales script, and what questions you can ask them

to find out what they're after, truly after,

and what kind of customer they are, and what to ask

to find out what kind of charges they are used to.

So, if you don't know me by now,

I'm Ilze Whiteman, The Cleaning Coach,

and I'm the creator of the Cleaning Coach Training Academy.

So, what I'm gonna do tonight is

literally take you inside the cleaning magnet system

because this is like one of the lessons I teach in there.

Just to give you a rough idea,

obviously, how to find out what your customers are after

so, you know, you don't get those customers

that are literally just after price

and then they end up being problems afterwards,

and they don't appreciate you or your cleaning.

So, firstly, remember even if you afterwards

watch the replay, please remember to just say hi down below.

Please remember just to let me know

where you're from and say hi.

So, I like lots of hearts, so send love, and some thumbs up.

So, I'm gonna take you now inside my training academy.

So, basically, this is just the magnet course,

and what I'll be actually doing is,

you can see all the lessons in there,

is taking you through,

basically, how to choose the sales process

and how to sell yourself without being salesy,

and into this lesson one.

So, I'm just gonna run you through,

obviously, if you go into it,

then you'll see the details.

Obviously, the video and then you get your worksheet,

your download for every lesson.

First thing, when they ask you and says,

"How much do you charge?"

You should, like I say, you should be aware already

that they might be one of those

that's literally just price orientated.

They're gonna expect you to do loads of work

and work your bum off,

and they're gonna probably constantly complain

'cause they're never gonna be happy.

What you can say to them is,

the first sort of sentence is,

"For us, it's not about getting as many clients

"as we can to a certain standard,

"to charge them less of a price or to charge a lot less,

"and we do charge a lot more

"than other cleaning companies normally charge

"because our standards are so much higher.

"So, our clients tend to be more

"quality-focused than quantity focused."

And whatever their response to that is

is gonna be your answer,

because if they are literally just after price,

they're gonna go, "Okay, thank you, nope, no thank you."

Because you're already saying like,

"We're gonna be more expensive."

And there is nothing wrong with being more expensive

because you know what you deliver cleaning-wise,

and you charge accordingly.

There's no point working for peanuts

if you clean really, really well.

So, then if it's obviously a customer

that is after price only, you will get

the okay, thank you very much, and bye.

If it's somebody, obviously,

that is seriously after a really good cleaning service,

and they will appreciate you, they will say,

well, you can then say to them,

"Okay, fair enough, yeah, yeah, I appreciate that.

"I would still like a quote."

Then, it's a different story.

So then you can say to them,

"Okay, we don't give quotes over the phone, ever.

"And we never sort of give a price without

"seeing the property first and meeting you first,

"So we can see if we're a good fit for each other."

And then, basically, just ask her if you can meet.

"When is a convenient time for me to come have a look?

"Let's meet each other, have a chat."

And by doing that, you're making them feel comfortable,

at ease, and that you care about them.

Because you're gonna take that extra effort.

Just do, like I say, you already know

that customers are a little bit warmer in that sense.

And then what you can then ask her is,

why are you looking for a different cleaning provider?

Why have you called me today?

Just to find out more about you before I come and see you.

And then it will be, obviously, they'll always say,

"Well, my cleaners let me down,"

or, "I've never had a cleaner."

Alarm bells. (chuckles)

Because you should know then

if they've never had a cleaner,

it's gonna be harder for you,

especially if you charge a bit more.

If they say, "Well, we've had a cleaning service."

Then you know you can charge your normal going rates.

If they just say cleaner,

they're probably not gonna be used to your prices

if you charge higher prices as a cleaning service.

But what you could do in that sort of situation is,

I always sort of say you have to column yoke your customers.

So, column A, column B, column C.

So, column A will be your, sort of, very first clients,

the ones who you are very reluctant to put the price up

'cause you're the closest to them.

But you should put your prices up.

But they'll be on the lower category,

but you can bring your customers in as a funnel.

So, if the customer says, "Oh, my cleaner,"

you know that that's somebody that didn't have insurance,

they're literally just sort of off the street.

So, then you know, you can still get that job

but you just have to go in a little bit lower

'cause they're not used to high cleaning charges.

If they say a cleaning service,

then you know, okay, you're good to go with your price.

You know how to then level your price out.

And if they said, "I've never had a cleaner," good luck.

Because you then have a lot of work

educating them how cleaning works, how pricing works,

what to do, what not to do, and certain things.

They are gonna have no idea.

Take them on, fair enough.

But just remember they won't be used to

your actual, your high prices,

and they probably will go, "What?

"Cleaners charge four pounds an hour, don't they?"

I've had that one actually quite a lot in my business.

So, and then, obviously, once you're sort of at that stage,

you can ask them, okay,

so how many hours did that cleaner or cleaning company

spend at your house?

Obviously, they'll give you an answer,

but you're already, by that answer,

they're gonna give you sort of a rough idea.

If you want, you can ask them, how much did you pay,

if you want.

Even if they give you an answer,

the likelihood of them actually telling you the truth

is probably zero.

Because, they gotta want to,

well actually, if they've got any sales experience,

they're gonna say low,

because they want the lowest price possible,

because obviously you want to,

as much as possible, be within their budget,

and although you're gonna tell them that,

you're still gonna charge what you charge.

But there's ways around obviously getting into that,

or getting around that.

If they've had a cleaner or a cleaning service

or they've just had no cleaner ever before,

so, then you know how to handle that situation.

Then you'll know the amount of hours

they're after already, so you know if it's two hours.

Say for instance, they say two hours.

Then you know for a fact,

obviously, they're calling you for a reason.

They're not happy, they've been let down,

and most cases, it will be

well, we're not happy with the standards.

So, what I would suggest, if they say two hours,

you go in at two and a half hours.

However, your first two cleans, remember,

always have to be a lot longer because,

it doesn't matter how many companies call you and say,

"Look, I've had a professional company in.

"Can you now come and clean?"

Don't ever believe them.

Don't ever think, I'm gonna charge less

because a professional company's already been in,

so it's gonna be clean.

Because, believe me, there's so many companies out there

that say they're professional

and then deliver very bad standards.

So, it's just getting around that.

But you're gonna have quite a lot of information already

on how to quote for that job

and how to be able to do it in the correct way so,

for them to know as well,

you're sharing, you're finding out,

you're emotionally, sort of, connecting with them.

Try to sort of get that question in twice about

what are you not happy with,

or what did they do that you're not happy with?

And listen, and then you have to ask a question.

Like, if she says, "Well, they weren't very good."

And then, you'll sort of say, "That's really horrible.

"That's not very nice.

"So, what was it exactly that they did?"

Blah, blah, blah.

Asking that question's over,

and then once they give you an answer,

answer with a question to really get to the point.

And then she'll, I mean, one of our customers once said,

"Well, I found out she nicked a bag of sugar,"

after about four questions.

And you're like, "What an odd thing to take."

But any case, some people do.

So, but it's just literally trying to find out,

because you need that, whatever she wasn't happy with,

to then include into your email

that you're gonna send afterwards.

I actually give you examples of the emails

in my magnet system, but it's very important

that when you email her after this appointment

and after you've gone to see her,

to actually email her and say, right so,

focus on the bits why she really wasn't happy,

and once you make that emotional connection

with her there, you're near enough there.

Well, not near enough, you probably are there

because customers are looking for an emotional connection.

It's like Coke.

I mean, Coke is such a massive big company

and they advertise all the time,

but, you know, Coke doesn't, they don't advertise Coke.

They don't say, "Here's Coke, buy it."

They advertise Coke because

it's the feeling of family and fun that Cokes,

that Coke gives you.

So, that's what they advertise, the feeling.

And that's what you need to get over

with your cleaning service.

It's not, we clean, here we go.

It's the feeling that your cleaning service provides,

and if you connect with a lot more people

on that emotional level,

you will find getting customers a lot easier.

And also, you're gonna make that connection with them,

which means you're basically gonna blow their minds

because you're so much different

than anybody else out there,

and they will tell a lot more people.

Trust me, this works.

So, once you've done that,

obviously, you'll comment on how horrible it is

that she's gone through that

and that no customer ever have to go through that again,

and that you apologize that there are cleaning services

out there that basically, they do this to people.

When are you available today for me to come and see you?

Now, I know what you're really thinking probably,

but hang on a minute,

but, I don't have time to do it today

and I don't have time, this and this.

You have to make a certain amount of time available

in the evenings for this.

I'm not saying necessarily during the day,

because if you can't during the day,

you can't, you really can't.

'Cause you can't let your current customers down

to go and see new customers.

But it's a case of trying to get

at her house as soon as possible after that phone call.

Because her head is there, she's buying.

She's deciding she wants,

you're making that connection,

the quicker you can get her to the

"Yes, I'll pay you this much, come and clean for me,"

the quicker you can make that transition,

the better your chances.

It's probably about 90%, or 100% better than if you say,

"Okay, I can't see you for two or three days."

So, by then, she's had other cleaning companies in,

and by then, it's not an emergency anymore.

That point where she's making that phone call,

that's the important stage.

So, even if you can schedule something out

or do something different to go and see her

as soon as possible, do it.

And obviously, it depends on her availability.

Guys, remember, if you've got any questions

in the meantime, ask them,

and I'll answer some questions afterwards.

After I've gone through the sales script.

And then, you basically just say to her,

right so, when is the best time for you

for me to come and see you?

Because you want to make it as, sort of,

about them as much as possible, rather than about you.

You never say, oh, I'm busy, or whatever.

It's not about you, it's about them.

So, then when they say, "Okay, well, I get home tonight,

"say, for instance, five,

"You know, so I can do after five."

And then you'll sort of say,

"Okay, well actually, I'm seeing another customer

"at, sort of, seven, so I'm sure it'll be perfectly fine

"if I could maybe come at half six,

"is that convenient for you?"

Then if she says yes, then fine.

You organize it for half six.

But if she says no, then you say,

"Oh, okay, so what other evening can you do?"

And she says, "Well, maybe tomorrow night."

And then, you never say okay. (chuckles)

You say, "Let me check my diary."

Because remember, you're busy.

You're very, very busy.

If you just have all this time to spare,

then at the end of the day,

they're gonna think, okay, so, hmm, yeah.

You need to, sort of, obviously say to them,

"Look, I'm very busy, I'll check my diary."

And then, obviously, arrange for a time to go and see her.

And then you need to make very, very sure

that you get her email address.

Now, one thing

I did wrong, and a lot of my managers did wrong,

for running my cleaning business was actually the fact

that of getting that first email address wrong.

Writing it down wrong.

It's a very easy mistake to make.

So, he best thing you can do is actually ask them,

can you email me, or can you text me?

Because obviously, they, probably in most cases these days,

they're texting or phoning you on your mobile,

so you'll have their number already.

So, you can just say I'll text you and you text me,

but can you please text me your email address

because I need to send you a confirmation about our meeting.

And just to make sure it's still alright with you,

and that you agree that I can come and see you,

and just for you to agree, obviously,

for me to email you just a confirmation email.

Obviously, I've never had a no.

So, they'll obviously send you an email address,

but at least you won't get it wrong

and then you have to, embarrassingly,

have to phone them back and say,

oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't get your email address.

Because, in this email, is a very important email,

because obviously you're gonna state there:

Thank you very much for calling us.

We look forward to seeing you this day and this date.

In the meantime, here's a checklist.

And this checklist is basically for them

not so much to check,

not for them to see what you're gonna do,

it's more to show authority, to show you're different.

Completely different, because you're gonna wow her.

Because I bet you, well, nobody else is gonna,

sort of do this apart from people

in this sort of cleaning coach group.

So, nobody else knows about this,

and I've never heard or seen

any other cleaning company do this.

But you're sending that checklist

over to them to say look at me.

So, you're making that impression,

and you're already saying, before you've even seen them,

look how good I am.

Isn't that awesome?

So, you're giving that impression,

and then just ask them fill it out.

If they don't fill it out,

hey, just take one with you in any case,

on the walkthrough.

But, if they do, brilliant.

So it's just for them to see and for you to build authority.

And if they do fill it in,

you can then liaise through obviously.

Sort of tailor that checklist to them.

Obviously, that checklist is very thorough.

Remember, inside my private group

is the Domestic and End of Tenancy Checklist

that you can use,

include and make it your own.

And then, obviously, you need to finish

the call, or the sales call,

before you go and see her with two very important questions.

Because you need to make sure

that she understands you don't just jump for customers,

and you don't just go and do any customer.

You choose your customers,

which in the ideal world, that's what you need to do,

because you need to choose your customers,

'cause otherwise you're gonna get the customers

that's gonna make your life hell

and you're gonna feel like quitting every five minutes.

Because, I remember I used to in the beginning,

literally, it's so frustrating.

They don't appreciate you,

they really don't even care about you.

It's not personal, but I used to take it personal.

I don't know if you do do,

but please, don't take it personal.

But that's what happens.

So then, you just gotta ask them,

obviously make sure you're gonna obviously say

about the emailing, "I'm gonna email you.

Do you give me permission?"

Yes, blah, blah, blah.

Then you say to them,

"So, if you don't mind me asking you one last question."

Although there's two, you're gonna say that.

Obviously, one last question,

and she'd obviously say sure, she's not gonna say no.

Then you just say to her,

"If I turn up, say, for instance, you don't like my car

"or you don't like my hair,

"or you don't like the shirt I'm wearing,

"or you don't me, or you don't like the way I talk,

"do you promise me that you'll be open and honest with me

"and tell me that you don't like me,

"or you don't like what you're sort of seeing?"

Because what you want to create is that honesty

and you want to say to her, "Look, I'm transparent.

"You're in safe hands.

I will look after you

because I want you to tell me if I'm not good.

And I want you to tell me if I need to change my car

if you don't like it."

Well, actually, you'll probably say tough

if they don't like your car.

But, obviously, remember always to turn up in a clean car.

But, it's just to reinstate

the trust us, you're in safe hands.

I'm gonna take care of you.

I'm not gonna do what your other cleaning company did,

or what your other cleaner did.

So, just really

emphasize on the You're Safe, right?

So then, obviously they're gonna say yeah, sure.

I don't think I've ever heard a no.

And then, you ask them,

"So, do you mind then,

obviously, when I do some and see you,

do you mind then if I maybe can tell you

if I think we're not gonna be a good fit for each other?"

And obviously, she's gonna say yes.

And once again, what that's saying is

we're important, we're good, we're authority.

We choose our customers

and therefore, you might not be chosen.

It's as simple as that.

And so, you're just sort of reinstating the fact

that you're special, you're different

and your price is gonna be higher

because you're more professional,

and the way you do things is more professional.

Then, you just say, again,

so, okay, say, for instance,

"Vickie, thank you very much for your time.

"Thank you for calling your cleaning service.

"I really look forward to seeing you tomorrow,

"this day, this time."

And obviously, remember they need to text you their address,

just so you know where to go.

And then just say bye.

And it's literally your first call

when a customer gets into your business

that will make all the difference

on how you deal with customers,

and how you make them feel,

and how you connect with them on that emotional level.

Good luck on your sales bit.

You can go through it again and, if you're interested,

like I said, that's one of the lessons

inside my Customer Magnet System.

Really get that emotional connection with your customers.

So, that's it from me tonight, guys.

I'll see you later, bye.

For more infomation >> Cleaning company sales call script to seal the deal the first time. - Duration: 18:11.


Breaking News - Jack Nicklaus backs Tiger Woods to eclipse his 18 majors - Duration: 6:28.

Whether it be the 42nd Ryder Cup starting in Paris on Friday or the Masters beginning at Augusta in 199 days' time, it is impossible not to look at Tiger Woods' stupendous return to the winner's circle and wonder what the walking miracle man will conjure up next

A story that began as a golfing curio in January when he took baby steps back into the big arena now has not only the sporting world in its grip but people who never read the back pages of newspapers from one month to the next

If you hadn't cancelled all plans this long weekend, the temptation to do so now must surely be irresistible

And he's playing for the opposition! The European galleries are known for their sportsmanship but this might be the first Ryder Cup where a man wearing stars and stripes gets almost as much applause as someone wearing blue and gold

Jack Nicklaus was so overcome with excitement on Sunday he could not help but look beyond Versailles to the majors

The great man now believes it is possible that Woods will win another five before he is done and overtake Nicklaus's own total of 18

'Maybe Tiger's got another 40 majors to play. Out of 40, can he win five of them?' said Nicklaus, leaving not much doubt what he thinks

'He's playing well enough.' As unrealistic as another five majors sounds is it really any more outlandish than the idea that someone could have four back surgeries and come back as good as new at the age of 42? More far-fetched than a man making mincemeat of Rory McIlroy 16 months after being found by the side of a Florida highway, drugged out of his eyeballs as he sought relief from the crippling, constant pain? 'I'm very proud of him,' said Nicklaus, and no wonder

Woods hasn't just taken the second chance offered to him in life, he has seized it with all his might

He has taken the opportunity to redefine how we look at him not just as a golfer but as a person

Where once he walked past his fans without a second glance, now he is smiling and acknow-ledging their support

After every round he signs plenty of autographs, something that would not have even occurred to him when he had his head down and didn't give a second's thought to smelling the roses

Sure, there will be people who cannot get past the philandering, sullen beast of old, and that is understandable

But the rest of us are enjoying this wondrous re-enactment of the Scrooge fable in a golf context

To witness the cacophonous stampede as he came down the 18th hole at East Lake was to be taken back to his early days, when he took golf to a place it had never been

Who could have dreamed he would take us there again? Fuelling Woods' desire to improve his image and his return to the top are the fact his kids, 11-year-old Sam and nine-year-old Charlie, have reached the impressionable age

'I think they understand a little bit of what dad does now,' said Tiger. 'I hadn't won any tournaments they could remember, so this is a bit different for them

The Open this year was great where I had a chance, I had the lead, and they felt that atmosphere

They know what their dad can do on a golf course now. 'At lot of times they equated golf to pain, because even when I played I came home hurt,' said Woods, who has had four back operations

'Now they're seeing a little bit of the joy. They're seeing how much fun it is for their dad to be able to do this again

' In fact, they are seeing how much fun it is for all of us that he is able to do this again

The final frontier in his recovery, of course, is to win majors once more. One thing in his favour is the aura is back

Even someone as experienced with crowds as McIlroy couldn't cope on Sunday, losing his swing completely in the midst of the fanaticism that accompanied Woods extending his lead over the front nine

Even Justin Rose, who gutsily birdied the last to win the $10million FedEx Cup bonus, couldn't lay a glove on Woods in the final round

Looking at the major venues next year, there must be every chance. In April it is Augusta National, where Woods has won four times and finished in the top five on seven other occasions

The US PGA, which moves to May next year, will be held at Bethpage Black on Long Island, New York, where Tiger won the US Open by two strokes in 2002

The US Open will be at Pebble Beach the following month, where he achieved the greatest of all his victories, a 15-stroke triumph in 2000

You get the picture? The Open will be at magnificent Royal Portrush, where he has never played but which he is just going to love

If he is not moved the needle for the first time since 2008 after that enticing quartet, he isn't catching Nicklaus

So much to look forward to next year, then. After so long when the Woods story was all about looking back with regret, the future gleams with possibility

It begins this week at Le Golf National. The man who used to sit almost resentful at Ryder Cup press conferences is now the man of the hour

The golfer who used to look upon the biennial dust-up as something of an inconvenience has the chance to be the hero who makes all the difference

Wouldn't that be symbolic of the caring, sharing, rebooted version of the peerless Tiger Woods?

For more infomation >> Breaking News - Jack Nicklaus backs Tiger Woods to eclipse his 18 majors - Duration: 6:28.


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English for Beginners: Countable & Uncountable Nouns - Duration: 22:17.


My name is Emma, and in today's video I'm going to teach you about countable and uncountable nouns.

We can also call these "count nouns" and "non-count nouns".

So, let's begin by first talking about: What is a noun?

So, a noun is a word that is a person...

It can be a person, so: "Emma", that's a noun; "teacher", that's a noun.

It can be a place.

"Russia" is a noun.

"School" is a noun.

It can be an animal; a dog.

"Dog" is a noun.

The word "cat" is a noun.

It can also be a thing.

This marker...

The word "marker" is a noun.


And it can also be a feeling.

"Happiness" is a noun.

So, a noun is a person, a place, a thing, an object, an animal.

There are many things that are nouns.

What a noun is not is it's not an action, like a verb; it's not a description, like

an adjective; and it's not a preposition, like the word "on" or "off".


A noun is, like I've said before, one of these things.

So, in English...

Well, actually, first let's do something.

Let's underline the nouns just to make sure we have this concept.

So, my first sentence is: "Canada is a large country."

So let's underline the nouns, here.

Well, "Canada" is a place, so we know "Canada" is a noun; "is" is a verb; "large" - this

is a description; "country".

"Country" is a place; this is also a noun.

"My teacher is funny".

"Teacher" is a person, so this is a noun; "funny" is a description, it's an adjective,

it's not a noun.

"The dog", so we have "dog" is an animal; "cats", "cats" are nouns; and we have the

word, here, "friends".

The word "friend" is also a noun.


So, these are all nouns.

So, in English, we have two types of nouns; we have countable nouns and we have uncountable


It's important to know if a noun is countable or uncountable, because this is going to tell

us if we use words, like: "a" in front of the word, and it will also tell us which words

we cannot use with these words.

So... And whether or not we need to add an "s" to the end of the noun if there's more than one.

So, in this video, we are going to talk about countable nouns with many examples and uncountable nouns.

So, let's look at countable nouns first.

Okay, so we're going to start with countable nouns first.

So, the first thing you need to know with a countable noun is when we have a countable

noun, we need to put an "a" or an "an" in front of it.

So, for example: "I have a dog.

I have a computer.

I have a lamp.

I have a chair."

So, notice I'm putting "a" in front of all of these.

If the noun starts with a vowel sound, so for example: "a" is a vowel, "e", "i", "o",

"u" - these are all vowels.

And if it starts with a vowel sound, then we use "an".

"I have an apple.

I have an egg.

I have an ant."


So, we use this if the first...

The first sound of the word is a vowel.

So, the second thing you need to know is that with countable nouns a lot of the time we

can count them.


So we can often...

A countable noun is something you can count, or...

Usually it's something, or an animal, or, you know, a place - it's something you can


So, for example: "I have a book."

This is one book.

"I have two books.", "I have three books."

So, this...

You can count books and it's a countable noun.

"I have two chairs.

I have five dresses."

These are all countable nouns.

When we have more than one countable noun, so for example, here we have one, here we

have two.

If we have more than one-so two, three, four, five, six-we need to add an "s".

This shows us that there is more than one.

And also notice that we don't need this in front of the noun anymore.

So, we cannot say: "a books", because the "s" means there's more than one, so this would

not match. Okay.

What else do we need?

So, we need an "s" or an "es" if we have more than one of this type of object or noun.

Here's another example: "I have one sister.", "I have three sisters."

So, notice here, you can count the number of sisters I have, and so I've added an "s".

Now, we have some exceptions.

For example, the word "moose".

You can count the number of moose, but we never add an "s".


It's a strange exception.

In English, you'll notice we have a lot of exceptions.

We break rules a lot of times in English and that's okay.

It's the same with "fish".

You can count the number of fish, but we don't...

You change this word if there's more than one.

I can't say: "I have five fishes."


I would say: "I have five fish."

So, sometimes there are exceptions with count nouns or countable nouns.

Now let's look at: What is an uncountable noun, and how is it different?

Okay, so we've talked about countable nouns; now we're going to talk about uncountable

nouns or we can call them non-count nouns.


So that means the same thing.

An uncountable noun is a noun where you do not use "a" or "an" in front of it.


So, for example, an uncountable noun is "happiness".

I do not say: "a happiness".

Okay, so that's no.

So, we do not use "a" or "an".

We also don't add "s" or "es".


And the reason we don't add "s" or "es" is because the idea of uncountable is you can't

count it.

Now, there are many exceptions to this, but in general, an uncountable noun is something

you can really count.

So I want you to think, for example, of happiness.

Can you count happiness?

Can you say: "One happiness, two happiness; my friend has five happiness"?

You can't really count it.

It's the same with words, like: "sadness" or with, you know, "stress".

These are things that are abstract and they're things you can't really count.


So, because of that, we do not add "s" or "es" to uncountable words.

Another thing you'll find with uncountable words, and this is where it kind of gets a

bit tricky, is a lot of uncountable nouns are actually categories.

So, for example: "furniture" is an uncountable noun.

In English, you don't count furniture.

So, you would...

You would not add an "s" to the word "furniture"; it's always the same.

"I have furniture at my house."

I do not say: "I have a furniture."


In English, you can't do that.

You say: "I have furniture."

There is no "a" or "an".

It's the same with the word "clothes".

"Clothes" never changes; it always stays the same.

I cannot say: "I have a clothes."

I cannot say: "I have four clothes."


In English, we can't do this, and this is because these are categories.

It's the same with "money".

And a lot of students get really frustrated with this, because in their language, you

can count these things.

So, I understand that and I understand, you know, languages are very different, but in

English you cannot count these things in the same way.

They're considered categories.

So, in English, I cannot say: "I have five money."

And I also don't add an "s" to "money".

It always stays the same.

I can say: "I have a lot of money" or "I have no money", but I can't actually put a number

in front of money.

So, what can you do is...

We're looking at categories, there, but within each category there are things you can count.

So, for example: "furniture" is uncountable, but tables, chairs, desks, refrigerators,

ovens - these are all things we can count.

So, "furniture" does not have an "s", but these other words do within the category.

"Clothes", again, we never change it; it always is the same, but types of clothes we can have

as countable.

So, we can have five dresses, you know, 10 socks.

So, you can count a lot of clothes.

With "money", we don't...

Like I said, we don't add an "s", but we can count coins.


So we can count coins.

"I have five coins.

I have seven bills."

So, within the category, you can count, but the category itself we cannot put an "s" on

that because it is an uncountable noun.

A lot of the times different types of food and different types of drinks are also uncountable.

So, for example: "milk".

We do not count milk.

In English, we can't say: "I have one milk.

I have six milk."

What we can do is we can add a container to this word or we can add an amount, so that's


So, what we can say is: "I have a glass of milk."


Or: "I have five glasses of milk.", "I have two cups of milk."

So, "milk" itself never changes, but the quantity or the amount can.

It's the same with, for example, "juice".

"I have eight cups of juice", but "juice" itself...

The word "juice", we can never say "juices".


So that...

It doesn't change because it's an uncountable noun.

And we'll look at more examples of this in full sentences in a moment.

"Mustard" or "ketchup", these are more examples.

We do not say: "I have 10 or 20 mustards."


We can't count this, so we always keep it the same; or we can add a container or a quantity.

"I have five bottles of mustard."



And it's the same with these words, too.

"I have 10 pieces of furniture."

So, we can put a quantity in front, but the actual word itself is an uncountable noun.

So, let's look at more examples of this.

Okay, so we're going to do a little bit of practice; but before we begin, I want to again

say that there are many, many exceptions to what I am saying, meaning usually this is...

What I'm telling you is the truth or what I'm telling you is accurate, but every so

often there are some words that are not going to follow these rules.


So, when you come across these words, just remember: Don't get frustrated; English is

not a perfect language and not everything follows the rules, but we're trying our best.

So, let's look at some of these nouns and I want you to tell me: Are they countable

or uncountable?

The first one is "English".

English is a thing, it's a language, it's a noun.

Can we count English?


Would we say: "I have a English"?

Can I say: "Englishes"?


So, "English" is uncountable.


It never changes; it always stays the same.

You can say: "I like English."

There is no "a" in front of "English".

What about "student"?

Can you count student?

Teachers do this all the time; they count the number of students in their class.

"There are 10 students in my class", so "students" is countable.

So, if I want to count students...

Maybe there are five students, so I could put a five here.

And if there's more than one, what do I have to do with a countable noun?

We add an "s": "students".

What about this word: "bottle"?


Like, a bottle of water.

Can you count bottles?

Yes, you can.

So, we consider "bottles" countable.

"I have one bottle.", "I have five bottles."


So, in this case, imagine I have one, I can say: "I have a bottle."

It's a countable noun.


Can we count water?

"Water" is considered uncountable.


Now, you might be yelling at your computer, saying: "But I can count water!

I can!"

And you might have water, here, and say: "Look, this is a water."

But this is actually not a water; this is a bottle of water.

"Water" itself we don't count.

We count water in bottles, or in litres, or in jugs.

So, "water" itself is uncountable.

We do not add an "s".


It is uncountable.

But "bottle" or "a bottle of water" is something we can count.


Can we count cellphones?

Cellphones are countable; they are a countable noun.

So, if we have more than one cellphone...

If we have two cellphones, we're very lucky - we can add an "s".

What about "shoe"?

"Shoe", we can actually say "shoes".

Shoes are countable.

"I have shoes."


I have...

"I have one shoe.

Here are two shoes, three shoes, four shoes", so we can count shoes.

We often talk about "a pair of shoes", but we can also count shoes individually.

What about "sadness"?

Can you count sadness?

Can you say: "Oh, that man, he's really sad - look, he has 100 sadnesses"?


We cannot count sadness; it's a feeling.

It's something we can't really count.

This is uncountable, so we do not add "a".


I can say: "I have sadness"; there's no "a" in front of it.

Last one we're going to look at here: "coffee".

So, coffee...

Remember food...

Or food and drinks are often uncountable.

We can talk about a cup of coffee, but we're counting the cup.

Coffee itself we consider uncountable.

So, usually we don't say "coffees".

Okay, but again, there's always exceptions and sometimes people use...

You know, they might go to a restaurant and actually...

They might say: "I'll have a coffee", so you might actually hear that.

It's going against the grammar rule, but people are starting to say things like that.

I don't want to confuse you more, but in terms of the grammar rule, "coffee" is uncountable.


So now let's look at a couple other words we use which are important when we're learning

about countable and uncountable.

Okay, so we've talked about countable and uncountable nouns.

Now, there are some words we use with only countable nouns and other words we use only

with uncountable nouns.

So, right now we're going to learn about "many" and "much".

So, let's start with "many" because it's a little easier.

"Many" is used with countable nouns, and it means a lot.

So, for example: "I have a lot of friends.

I have many friends."

So, it's when we're not giving a specific number.

"I have five friends" I can say, but I can also say: "I have many friends."

Maybe I have 10 dogs.

That's not true, but imagine that.

That's a lot of dogs, so I can say: "I have many dogs."

We use "many" for countable nouns.

A way to remember is, like I said before, you use "an" or "a" with countable nouns,

and "many" has "an" in it.

That's a little memory trick.


So if you want to remember: "many" - oh, "an", "an"; we use "an" for countable nouns - we

use "many" for countable nouns.

"Much" is used for uncountable nouns.

So, "much" means the same thing.


It means a lot, and we use "much" for uncountable.

So, for example: "money".

I told you before money is uncountable, so we could say: "I don't have much money.

I don't have much furniture.

I don't have much coffee."


So, "much" is used with uncountable nouns.

Now, a lot of students get really stressed about this, and they say: "'Much', 'many',

'count', 'uncountable' - ugh, this is terrible.

I don't remember any of it."

Here is the trick.

This is good to learn, but if you don't know and you're really stressed, you can use "a

lot" for both countable and uncountable nouns.


So: "I don't have a lot of money.

I don't have a lot of friends.", "I have a lot of friends.

I have a lot of money."


So, if you don't know, use this.

So, we've learned a lot today about countable and uncountable nouns, and this is something

that requires a lot of practice.


So, I invite you to come check out our website at, and there you can actually

do a quiz where you can practice identifying countable and uncountable nouns, and using

these in sentences.

So, I highly recommend you take our quiz.

I also recommend you subscribe to my channel, because there are a lot more resources on

all sorts of different topics, related to grammar, vocabulary, writing, reading, and

many more. So, thank you for watching, and until next time, take care.

For more infomation >> English for Beginners: Countable & Uncountable Nouns - Duration: 22:17.


Hot Grow – Conheça os seus efeitos, quais são os seus benefícios e também veja qual sua fórmula. - Duration: 10:49.

For more infomation >> Hot Grow – Conheça os seus efeitos, quais são os seus benefícios e também veja qual sua fórmula. - Duration: 10:49.


Libid gel – Saiba que este produto pode mudar a sua vida e veja também como ele faz isso. - Duration: 10:54.

For more infomation >> Libid gel – Saiba que este produto pode mudar a sua vida e veja também como ele faz isso. - Duration: 10:54.


Asia Cup 2018: Shoaib Akhtar Praises Team India For Its Performance In Match Against Pakistan | - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Asia Cup 2018: Shoaib Akhtar Praises Team India For Its Performance In Match Against Pakistan | - Duration: 1:20.


ИГОРЬ ШЕЛКОВСКИЙ. Документальный сериал "Художник говорит" - Duration: 21:55.

Documentary series The artist speaks

We do not have big studios,

we do not have big large collectors,

we do not get big fees for our works.

Everything is small,

tiny, like in the tundra.

Like we are all living in the tundra.

Episode 3 Igor Shelkovsky

The eastern art influenced me more

than the western art.

The Chinese, and especially Japanese

value nature very highly.

They depict the nature with special signs,

through special techniques.

And I always liked it, I really could relate to it.

The eastern art is an image, always an image;

it's poetry of some kind.

I thought, what if I make a sculpture of a cloud,

because the sculpture is something solid,

and the cloud is like this...

Well, I made this sculpture.

It implies a play with space:

the parts that are closer to us are painted darker,

so they go to the background,

while the lighter-colored parts stand out,

in this game of volume and color...

That means a striking effect can be achieved

with the simplest techniques.

A vase with flowers...

I wanted to make this vase and flowers so transparent

that we see only their outlines,

no volume, no planes...

When we look at the picture,

we see right through it,

but the drawing still remains.

Everything is transparent.

It's like a forest,

especially when there are no leaves,

we see through it...

I remember that our teacher of literature

took us there the first time,

and we went to Abramtsevo by train.

I even have a long walking route there,

it is about 12 kilometers.

Every time I get out of the train,

I go along my paths, along my route...

There, I was struck by the beauty of nature.

We went there in the autumn,

it was cold but there was no snow yet,

only some thin ice on the puddles

and on the river.

I fell in love with these landscapes, I did not even imagine

that one day I would be lucky enough to live among this nature.

Later, I lived and worked there every summer.

I made all these first sculptures there, before I left.

I remember there was a terrible thunderstorm once,

and I ran towards my house in the rain.

It was there that I got some new ideas...

I am not eager to sell my works.

If they are sold, it's just a matter of chance.

Why I prefer not to part with works

that are somehow significant to me?..

Or I try to create a second, a third work like this,

to keep it for myself.

If I have this work, then I see it,

I can continue something, some of these ideas.

The only thing I can complain about,

is that I don't make large works.

I cannot make them in the conditions of this studio.

Because the sculpture is good

when it physically affects you with its scale,

its size.

Add the sun, add the green lawn and the blue sky.

All this together forms the art.

And here I am, I hit a ceiling.

If I ever get the opportunity,

yes, I would like to make them very big.

I deliver an idea, I deliver a project,

and then it's the society that has a say.

For at some point,

a sculptor has to come into contact

with the society.

For example, I designed a monument

to the victims of Stalinism.

Here is the idea.

There is a huge, absolutely even surface

somewhere in the Siberia or the Far East.

Several heads are growing in this field.

Some rose from the ground completely,

some are visible partially,

and some are just beginning to come up.

It is implied that there, under the ground,

millions of people are hidden somewhere.

Yes, it's partly a personal story.

I am…

my mother and father fell victims

to political repressions.

I was told to say that I had no father

and that my mother lived in another city.

So I cheerfully answered to everybody who wanted to know.

Then it turned out

that almost half of my classmates

had their fathers executed in repressions.

Our mothers lived in the town of Maly Yaroslavets,

at 101 kilometers from Moscow.

Everybody hid it and I did not tell anyone,

I was not interested in talking about it.

When my mother returned from the camp,

she did not say anything either.

She just wanted to forget it all.

She thought that it was some random

absurd episode in her life;

that other prisoners were probably guilty

but my father was absolutely innocent.

My mother had been granted a respite

so that she could give birth,

and then she was also arrested

as a member of the family of the enemy of the people.

First I lived in the camp nursery,

then my grandmother took me with her,

and since then I've been a Muscovite,

I only lived in Moscow, at Staraya Ploschad.

Then the war began.

The houses were half empty,

because people left during the evacuation.

My grandmother and I lived in this empty house…

water flowing down the walls...

Grandmother gave me rotten potatoes as a treat,

I ate them like a cake, they were sweet,

a little blackened but sweet and tasty.

When I go to pay for my studio,

which is close by,

sometimes I turn nostalgic,

going along Solyanka Street and in this entire neighborhood.

But my mother came to visit us in secret;

she used to stay for two or three days.

In one of these visits, she brought me to the Tretyakov Gallery.

It was something so fantastic for me,

I've never seen so many paintings,

so many golden frames.

Next time, I went there with one of my friends.

After that, I often visited the gallery.

I looked at all the socialist realistic art,

such as paintings by Johanson…

At first, I was a fan,

I adored this style.

And then when I began to grow up,

every time I heard that a work of art was criticized,

I immediately took the side of the artist.

I immediately fell in love with Levitan's works,

and later I learned about Vrubel,

then Konstantin Korovin,

they were also criticized all the time.

One day, there is a rumor about an exhibition

of Matisse paintings in the Pushkin Fine Arts Museum.

We immediately ran there after classes.

Indeed, I saw "Flowers in a blue vase" by Matisse.

A man with a curly head, a white collar

and a black tie was there.

He looked at us.

He addressed us, saying "Do you like it?"

The conversation started, we talked and talked...

It was the artist Semenov-Amursky.

At the end, he asked:

"Do you want to see works by an interesting artist?

Come on Sunday by twelve o'clock."

We arrived at twelve on Sunday,

and we stayed till midnight,

looking at his works.

By the way, many of them are here.

That's how our friendship began.

Yes they are all good, I like them all...

their composition stirs up emotions;

even their theme can inspire emotions...

I made frames there for that painting;

I began to make frames myself.

I organized four of his exhibitions,

two in France and two here.

He himself denied that he was my teacher,

but of course, I studied with him

and imitated him in many ways.

We were friends until I immigrated.

In sculpture, I was a beginner.

Everything was interesting, I was inventing everything.

And in painting, they taught me so much,

in the art school and before that,

and Semenov-Amursky taught me.

I already knew everything,

and I was not so interested any more.

Sculpture is generally more intellectual,

you make a decision at first,

and then you saw or cut,

you do something with your hands.

I began to make sculptures because I was finally free.

Before that, I lived in the same room with my mother,

if I started to work there,

where would be debris end dust everywhere.

Mother would be angry,

and neighbors would complain about the noise.

From 1971 on, I had a separate studio,

so I could work and make noise.

location downtown. People came to visit me…

Lenya Sokov, Sasha Kosolapov.

We arranged exhibitions with discussions;

that means the artists brought their works,

I cleared the walls,

the artists exhibited their works,

and then we would discuss them.

Everyone criticized the other.

It was interesting.

This was the best time for me here in Moscow.

I could work and live here freely.

I worked like this until 1976,

when I fled to France.

After 8 months, I suddenly received a letter,

informing me about a studio

and inviting me to go and take a look, then give my answer,

and begging not to refuse in advance.

I did not refuse, I went to take a look at it,

and when I saw it, well, I liked everything,

so I immediately agreed.

And since then, I still have my studio there.

My studio in Elancour is my best creation.

There are plenty of my works there, too,

and they all interact between them.

All this has accumulated in the last thirty years.

I participated at an exhibition,

they mentioned my address in the catalog

and then I started getting letters,

I could go and visit art shows every day.

Interesting life began for me.

And then, in about half a year,

this Swiss Jacques Melkonyan arrives,

says: "Let us publish a magazine"…

So this epic AZ project began.

I always considered this magazine

as a magazine for everybody.

Anyone could get published if they were interesting,

by their concept if not by their work.

Every 1970s artist whom we knew personally…

the Gerlovins, then the Tupitsyns,

they were in the US by that time...

The magazine's central area of focus was,

of course, conceptual avant-garde...

It all was very difficult,

because we could not correspond by mail,

so we had to send letters with someone,

in a roundabout way.

The letters did not reach their destination or they arrived too late.

There was a fear, too, everybody was afraid...

But nevertheless, we collected the content.

Most importantly, we asked the artists

themselves to write for us.

The most interesting texts were written by the artists,

Kabakov, Bulatov, Chuikov...

Because these texts are documentary evidence.

When an art critic looks from the outside, it's one thing,

but when an artist writes from the inside,

what he sees in his own works, it's quite another.

My idea was to make a kind of a multi-magazine,

not just for one group of readers…

a magazine for everyone!

The most interesting thing is

that it did not become obsolete, even today.

It is a novelty for many people

to whom I give this magazine now;

I have some copies left…

Well, if we managed to publish seventy issues instead of seven,

there would be a lot of interesting things...

The seventh issue was already published,

we had a literary issue.

The KGB did not really pay attention

to artists at the time, they lost interest…

But writers and literature represented

a real anti-soviet subversive action.

So they decided to close our magazine completely,

they summoned everybody once more,

and there were serious threats. they summoned everybody once more,

and there were serious threats.

Well, after the seventh issue,

I decided to stop publishing it myself.

The KGB's luck did not hold

because the Soviet Union collapsed,

perestroika began, and it turned out

that all their efforts were in vain.

Right after the magazine, I opened my own gallery,

even two galleries in Dusseldorf and Cologne.

I began to exhibit my works

and I also had two galleries in Paris.

I had no time to be bored, there was work to do.

After the magazine, I began to live like a normal Frenchman.

I married a Russian woman who lives and works here.

And we began to live here and there, alternately.

The city is always city,

especially if we consider it as an abstract idea...

I can live in Moscow; I can live in any city.

Well, it is like this.

It is finished, we can glue the "R" on it.

It was very interesting here,

much more interesting than in France,

in terms of art and in terms of exhibitions.

I enjoyed going to all the Moscow exhibitions,

and I still visit them.

France seems to be fallen asleep now,

so far as art is concerned.

They show old works of art there,

it is very cool and interesting,

all kinds of interesting exhibitions one after another.

And the modern art...

you just look at it and shrug your shoulders...

There are Germans, there are French.

Russians have their special features, too. There are Germans, there are French.

Russians have their special features, too.

But we can see the differences only if we look from a distance.

They are not visible in close up.

We should not cause divisions.

Why should we boast that we are the best?

We are not the best.

It is just some kind of Russian swagger,

saying that we are great and special.

We should not be great, we should be normal.

We have chosen the simplest of the layouts,

the rest will stay here.

It looks like it is drowning in whiteness,

and we need to look closer to distinguish these forms.

A large-scale abstract sculpture

that you can go right through.

We should place a sign plate somewhere,

saying that people are allowed to touch it.

Really, why shouldn't sculptures be touched?

I would like to see it on a square, in the center of a square,

with cars and trams riding by,

city people walking all around...

For more infomation >> ИГОРЬ ШЕЛКОВСКИЙ. Документальный сериал "Художник говорит" - Duration: 21:55.


Macho Power Caps – Conheça aqui todos os benefícios que ele pode proporcionar. - Duration: 12:01.

For more infomation >> Macho Power Caps – Conheça aqui todos os benefícios que ele pode proporcionar. - Duration: 12:01.


Clima azeda entre Marina Ruy Barbosa e Bruna Marquezine em evento e as duas nem se olham - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Clima azeda entre Marina Ruy Barbosa e Bruna Marquezine em evento e as duas nem se olham - Duration: 3:39.


Após romance relâmpago, Ludmilla e Gabriel de Jesus não estão mais juntos - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Após romance relâmpago, Ludmilla e Gabriel de Jesus não estão mais juntos - Duration: 3:46.


'Tu cara me suena': El programa regresa a Antena 3 con su séptima edición - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> 'Tu cara me suena': El programa regresa a Antena 3 con su séptima edición - Duration: 1:44.


Antonia Fontenelle detona Anitta após cantora "ceder a pressão" de se posicionar contra Bolsonaro - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Antonia Fontenelle detona Anitta após cantora "ceder a pressão" de se posicionar contra Bolsonaro - Duration: 6:05.


Lulu Santos curte fim de semana romântico com namorado - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Lulu Santos curte fim de semana romântico com namorado - Duration: 3:03.


【YGOAIO】Numbers 39 Kibō'ō Hope No 39 希望皇ホープ - Duration: 28:43.

Numbers 39 Kibō'ō Hope

Future Numbers 0 Mirai'ō Hope

Future Numbers 0 Mirai'ō Hope Future Slash

Numbers 39 Kibō'ō Hope Roots

Numbers 98 Zetsubō'ō Hopeless

Chaos Numbers 39 Kibō'ō Hope Ray

Shining Numbers 39 Kibō'ō Hope One

Shining Numbers 39 Kibō'ō Hope the Lightning

Chaos Numbers 39 Kibō'ō Hope Ray V

Chaos Numbers 39 Kibō'ō Hope Ray Victory

Numbers 39 Kibō'ō Beyond the Hope

Numbers 99 Kibō'ōryū Hope Dragun

Numbers 93 Kibō'ō Hope Kaiser

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