Sunday, September 30, 2018

Youtube daily report w Sep 30 2018

I won, I won! Yes!

My name is Anthony and I'm proud to say

I'm still addicted to Fortnite.

So last time you guys interviewed me

I was having issues with my girlfriend about my addiction

And she pretty much told me

I had to choose between her or Fortnite


Where we dropping boys?

At this point I've spent my whole life savings on V-bucks.

So I've had to resort to 'desperate' ways to get more money.

Hi, uh, excuse me ma'am.

I was wondering if you wanted to donate money to the V-Bucks Foundation.

It's a charity dedicated to helping a poor person

buy skins- I mean clothes, clothes.

Uhm, let me check.

A lot of people think that me playing Fortnite

for 13 hours a day is unhealthy.

And they're probably right.

But who needs exercise when you can have happiness instead?

To me, Fortnite is more than just a game.

It's a community. And thanks to Fortnite

I've made so many new friends.

"Hi, Los Angeles Superior Court, how may I assist your call?"

Hi, uhm, I was just wondering..

How can I go about legally changing my name to 'Ninja'?

Fortnite has had a huge impact on my life.

And it completes me.

For more infomation >> Addicted to FORTNITE [Part 2] | Strange Addiction - Duration: 2:49.


Bill Maher Slanders Kavanaugh and His Daughter in the Most VILE Way Possible - Duration: 1:33.

The left has no humanity.

They have lost it all, and what they are doing to attack Judge Kavanaugh, is reprehensible.

No corroborating witnesses, no evidence, no dates, times, nothing…But they have declared

him guilty and a monster.

And now, HBO talk show host Bill Maher is calling him a liar, claiming a federal judge

lied before Congress and put on an act.

Maher went so far as to say, he does not even think his young daughter offered to pray for

Dr. Ford.

Disgusting people.

Make sure you #VoteRed in midterms.

We can not allow these people to have any sliver of power.

On Friday's broadcast of HBO's Real Time, host Bill Maher stated Supreme Court nominee

Judge Brett Kavanaugh was "acting" during his appearance before the Senate Judiciary

Committee and said, "I also do not even believe that his 10-year-old daughter said

let's pray for that woman."

Maher said, "So, this performance he put on yesterday, I always say, you know, acting

is not that hard.

I have always said that about Hollywood.

You can say that, and then reality television came along and showed it's true.

It's not that — anyone can do it."

He added, "I am just saying, I believe that was acting, and I also do not even believe

that his 10-year-old daughter said let's pray for that woman."

Maher also stated that Senator Lindsey Graham's (R-SC) statement during the hearing was "a

performance also."

For more infomation >> Bill Maher Slanders Kavanaugh and His Daughter in the Most VILE Way Possible - Duration: 1:33.


#你有透視嗎?(感情聖化要理問答130問) - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> #你有透視嗎?(感情聖化要理問答130問) - Duration: 4:35.


tijolo de barro em maior produção TECNOLOGIA PRIMITIVA BRASIL - Duration: 10:18.

For more infomation >> tijolo de barro em maior produção TECNOLOGIA PRIMITIVA BRASIL - Duration: 10:18.


Memória de Santa Teresinha do Menino Jesus e da Sagrada Face (Homilia Diária.966) - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Memória de Santa Teresinha do Menino Jesus e da Sagrada Face (Homilia Diária.966) - Duration: 5:44.


Rafael ilha Expõe o Voto do Grupo Água e Cátia se IRRITA e o que diz CHOCA a todos - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Rafael ilha Expõe o Voto do Grupo Água e Cátia se IRRITA e o que diz CHOCA a todos - Duration: 1:58.


Que Sorte a Nossa - Paula Mattos (Marina Noélia e Penalva cover) - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Que Sorte a Nossa - Paula Mattos (Marina Noélia e Penalva cover) - Duration: 3:30.


Governor Baker visits Big E as fair comes to an end - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Governor Baker visits Big E as fair comes to an end - Duration: 0:59.


La chavista Celaá nos toma por una recua de asnos e intenta colarnos que la prensa acosa por puro .. - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> La chavista Celaá nos toma por una recua de asnos e intenta colarnos que la prensa acosa por puro .. - Duration: 6:44.


Estamos Aqui - LAS VEGAS - parte 3 e 4 - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Estamos Aqui - LAS VEGAS - parte 3 e 4 - Duration: 5:17.


Gasolina parada no tanque perde a validade. Fique atento! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Gasolina parada no tanque perde a validade. Fique atento! - Duration: 1:00.


Esprema 1 Limão em uma Colher de Azeite de Oliva e 5 Minutos Depois Veja o Milagre que Acontece! - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Esprema 1 Limão em uma Colher de Azeite de Oliva e 5 Minutos Depois Veja o Milagre que Acontece! - Duration: 3:26.


GRITTO - Como Sempre Eu Tô Inteira (EP Completo) - Duration: 12:23.

For more infomation >> GRITTO - Como Sempre Eu Tô Inteira (EP Completo) - Duration: 12:23.


DARK MATTER HISTORY - Duration: 5:10.

you may have heard of dark matter

it makes up 26% of the universe and is still very mysterious

we do not know what it is composed of

there are several experiments that are trying to prove where that matter comes from

if they are particles, are fluids, if they are errors in calculations.

you may think this is a recent issue

however it has been studied for several decades as we will show in this video

we will speak the history of dark matter

where did the first observations come from and where did this great mystery come from


And there cosmologists all right? here who speaks is the Vini channel Singularity

in this video we will see the history of dark matter

in the 1930s the astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky observed the rotations of galaxies

which formed a coma cluster, a group of more than a thousand galaxies

located 300 million light-years away

he estimated the mass of these galaxies based on the light they emit

he was surprised to find that if his estimate was correct

Given the speed of the galaxies, they should separate

the agglomerate needed 400 times more mass

of what had been calculated to hold together

something mysterious seemed to be acting in the process

a dark matter not observed, seemed to be adding masses to the galaxies

only 0.25% of the agglomerate matter was visible

the idea of dark matter was largely ignored until the 1970s

when the astronomer Vera Ruben observed something that gave him the same thought

studied the speed of the stars moving around the center of our neighboring galaxy, Andromeda

she anticipated that stars at the edges of the galaxy should move more slowly than the center

because the nearest stars should feel more gravitational force

however she found that the stars on the edges of the galaxy moved as fast as those in the middle

this would make sense she thought if the disk of stars visible

surrounded by an even larger circle made of something we can not see

something like a matter

other astronomical observations have since confirmed that something strange is happening

in the way that galaxies and light move through space

it is possible that our confusion stems from a failure of our understanding of gravity

Vera herself said she preferred this idea

however if it is true that dark matter really exists we are already able to see its effects

in 1998 the scientists of the experiment DAMA

a dark matter detector in the NAS deep in the Gran Sasso mountain in Italy

observed a promising pattern in their data

the rate at which the experiment detected a signal of possible dark matter particles

changed throughout the year rising to its peak in June and decreasing to the lowest points in December

however there are some gaps

the particles observed by the detector may be something other than dark matter

it will be difficult for any experiment to convince scientists

that they found dark matter

this may happen when several experiments began to see the same

but it will depend on what they find

but there is no reason to believe that there is only one kind of dark matter

visible matter the quarks, gluons and electrons what composes everything around us

together as the whole zoo of particles and fundamental forces

including photons, neutrinos, Higgs bosons at last

make up only 5% of the universe

the rest is dark matter making up 23% and dark energy with 72%

imagine the scientists in the dark matter world studying ordinary matter

the visible matter make up a small fraction of what exists outside

dark matter scientists would guess its variety?

the world we know is very diverse, why would dark matter be any different?

scientists have wondered if the particles could unite in dark atoms

which interacted through dark electromagnetism, could dark chemistry also exist?

scientists began to look for dark matter particles predicted in the dark sector

science is a constant process of changing perception of reality

she bases herself on facts not on mere opinions

in science it is important to carefully describe each element that we can analyze

the search for the universe leave us small but very humble


Subtitles: Vinícius Dutra

For more infomation >> DARK MATTER HISTORY - Duration: 5:10.


✅ Steelseries Rival 600 Gaming Mouse Review - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> ✅ Steelseries Rival 600 Gaming Mouse Review - Duration: 2:57.


Nightcore - Taki Taki (DJ Snake ft Selena Gomez, Ozuna, Cardi B) || Lyrics - Duration: 3:10.

this video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Taki Taki (DJ Snake ft Selena Gomez, Ozuna, Cardi B) || Lyrics - Duration: 3:10.


Why do rappers romanticize death? | Ali Shaheed Muhammad | End Well Symposium - Duration: 2:48.

There are a lot of rappers who sensationalize or romanticize the idea of dying as a way

to maybe immortalize who they were if they can die a magnificent death.

And I think unfortunately the way it comes out is very destructive and not constructive.

And it's one of those things where when people come into my studio, I challenge their


Like, what's your purpose?

What's the end result of these words and this feeling that will live on maybe another

100 years beyond you?

What value do you think they have now?

What value do you think they will have then?

And people who come into my studio with that sort of approach hate when I ask those questions

because it's challenging their artistic whatever.

And this delusion of grandeur given by "I'm an artist."

We're human beings and we're a community.

And these buildings one day will crumble and dust will cover them.

And someone will uncover them and want to know something about their past to understand

how they can move on as a society and grow.

And so to sensationalize and take death for granted in that way is nothing to be learned

from that, other than you guys were foolish in 1990-2017.

So I make it an effort to try and challenge.

And because I'm older, when the 19 year olds come in with that green and I'm fearless

and I don't care about anyone else, and I'm not going to curse here, and the expression

from that perspective, I try to educate them and challenge them in a healthy way so that

they can value life and speak about the idea of dying in a different way.

For more infomation >> Why do rappers romanticize death? | Ali Shaheed Muhammad | End Well Symposium - Duration: 2:48.


Teamwork updates to Microsoft 365 | Microsoft Ignite 2018 - Duration: 22:40.

hello again and welcome to Microsoft Mechanics live so coming up we're gonna

take a look at the latest updates to accelerate modern teamwork using

Microsoft 365 starting with the work that we're doing to empower different

kinds of workers across different industries the completion of Skype for

business capabilities coming into Microsoft Teams to deliver it completes

medium and calling solution deeper teamwork experiences to transform

collaboration and for IT my favorite part I'm going to show you new controls

for security compliance the team management and more before we get

started please everybody give a warm welcome to Lori Wright general manager

for Microsoft 365 welcome Thank You Jeremy great to be here so we're seeing

some really big shifts in the way that people are actually getting work done

today today and working together what is your team to need to address

these shifts well we recognize that the way that people work around the world is

truly changing people work on more teams than ever before their work is more

distributed than ever before and so we built Microsoft teams less than two

years ago as the hub for T work in Microsoft 365 and what we're doing now

is we're expanding this across a whole new set of scenarios so that it truly is

for every worker out there great so can you tell us about some of the recent

announcements that we've made this week yes we had a lot of announcements

hopefully some of you got to see the general session we did yesterday but

I'll start with one of the more exciting areas we announced which was for first

line workers and when you think about first line workers there are 2.5 billion

of these people in the workforce and they actually represent 80% of the

global workforce right and these are the factory workers and the retail clerks

and the people who don't traditionally have dedicated offices or dedicated pcs

and they work in shifts and they typically just have a move

phone and so you know what we are doing now is we want to give them the same

advantages that traditionally have been given to knowledge workers where the

capabilities the technology technological advantages that they can

take advantage of as well right this really helps us then to customize and

extend teams capabilities even more broadly the other great thing is that

we're also infused in some AI some intelligence pretty much across all of

Microsoft services and teams is is also doing this but what are we doing to

translate all the intelligence work into teamwork well so we're investing in AI

scenarios across Microsoft 365 one example of how this comes to life is in

chat translation I'm sure many of you out there have seen and we're able to

translate a chat in real time into 40 languages this really breaks down

communication barriers for people who are working in different parts of the

world and you know have speak different native tongues and so this is the the

benefit of AI another strong example of this is in our cloud meeting recording

that we announced went GA this week as well

and what this does is it takes meeting content sends it up to the cloud unlocks

all of it and breaks it down so that meeting can be transcribed and

searchable after the after the fact and it also includes facial detection so

it's really cool to be able to jump to different points of different speakers

in the time line and so this is all again an AI capability lots of other

examples as well but there's a real differentiators and teams and I know a

lot of people are probably used to using email or share point maybe Yammer how do

we support those different modalities really as we think about introducing new

ways of working together well we're bringing our collaboration

experiences closer together across the Microsoft 365 portfolio one of the

examples of this we announced this week also was we're going to take Yammer and

bring that into teams as a tab and we're also doing that with SharePoint pages so

that will also be a tab and so these are ways that we're bringing the portfolio

closer and of course everything's underpinned by secure

right here did we get through sharepoint and everything else in Microsoft 365 yes

so all of this is enterprise-grade you know security compliance and

manageability ok so let's dive a bit deeper on the

work that we're doing to deliver teams to workers in different different

professions great ministers all right so since the earliest days of Microsoft

teams many of you all of you raised your hands in the audience you're using teams

one of the strongest verticals that we have seen is for education teams is

being used very very widely in education for classroom coordination and for

assignments and so one of as we look to broaden now one of the areas that we're

going into as I mentioned is first line workers and so what we're doing there is

that if you think about there's two different views there's a manager view

and an employee view and for managers they often need to create shift

schedules and they need to share these schedules out with their teams and then

these first-line workers need to be able to communicate back with their manager

and to be able to say yes or no on a shift and so we're making teams easily

customizable where it can be work to manage shifts both for the manager and

for the employee all right so what does it look like then for the employee to

start using some of these things let me show you pictures yes okay so I'm gonna

pick up a phone here which is the primary device for most first line

workers you see here I have a shifts icon I can click this shifts icon and I

can see all of the shifts that I have been assigned to work that day well the

29th is my birthday and so I don't want to work on my birthday so I'm gonna

click that and I am going to ask to swap that shift with a click of a button I

can say swap and see the different team members who are available to work that

day and so I'll go ahead here and let me pick Adele she looks great all right so

Adele the request has been sent off to my manager and hopefully Adele can pick

up that shift for me so that's an example of chefs now another great new

first line cape of we have here if I go back home is that I

can see when messages have been sent to me by either the company or by my

manager and in this case you know I'm a grocery clerk and I can see that there's

been a an outbreak of e.coli in romaine lettuce no I need to super important

lead up to action and really make sure that everybody gets that message yeah I

mean equal I probably not a lot of fun for anyone so so we'll get the lettuce

off the shelves and we need to have it done by noon today okay so that's an

example of being able to communicate in a you know very important way out to the

staff now one last thing I'm going to show you here on first Lane workers is I

can go up to the clock and with a simple click of a button I can hold it down and

I have now started my shift so I'm officially on the clock and then if I

wanted to I can stop my shift or I can take a break at any point in time that's

good but you're on the clock now just so you know so let's keep going so you

mentioned that teams is now a complete meeting and calling solution as well

we've been on this journey to really incorporate all of the Skype for

business capabilities into teams how's that worked out then what are the

additional capabilities that we can look forward to as we upgrade to Microsoft

teams well last year as many of you know we announced our vision for intelligent

communications and since that time we have seen really really great momentum

and in fact yesterday we announced that teams is the fastest growing business

app in the history of Microsoft today we have over three hundred thousand three

hundred twenty nine thousand to be precise organizations who are using

teams it is used by eighty seven of the Fortune 100 and we had Accenture

recently crossed the mark of our first customer that has over a hundred

thousand monthly active users right and he's done a lot in terms of all the

updates as well right yes we have okay so with our intelligent communications

vision we knew the first thing we needed to do was publish a road map and say to

get from Skype for business two teams we needed to do these things and we've

delivered all of the features that we put out on that roadmap that was over 90

feature and then we also innovated on top of

that with features like blur and translation and things of that sort

today teams is ready for messaging calling meeting needs for customers

around the world we are helping customers we're providing assistance to

customers who want to upgrade now through fast-track and we're also

starting for companies that don't traditionally have IT departments

pushing out automatic migrations if you will to help those companies get over to

T's great great so this is really impressive in terms of all the updates

even since our last show we had we had on Michaels showing some things and

we've also had Dan Stevenson recently on but I know that a few months back we've

added a lot more since then can we take a look at some of the recent recent

updates that we've made to teams yes yes ok so let's do it I'll do

another demo here I'm gonna start out a lot of people here familiar with the the

basics of teams but I can go up here into my teams to see teams and channels

and so I'm gonna start here in the business review channel and scrolling

here my colleague Praveen has sent me a message in a language I don't

necessarily understand can you speak Mandarin in German but that's not one of

those two that look like Mandarin or German okay so what I can do Microsoft

teams can help and with a simple click of a button just like that

and that's works for 40 languages 40 languages around the world not bad so

that's that is a feature the next thing I just love to point out is across the

top here you see all of the different tabs that are built in well a lot of

these like OneNote very commonly used application is integrated right here

into teams and so I can be able to see the shared notebook of everything that's

going on within this team I can also go over straight into power bi and have all

the features the power bi right here within teams where I can drill into this

content or the data you know move the data around do what I need to do to

understand the analytics yeah I can also go over here to stream and see you know

all the different videos that to this team and these are just a couple

of examples tabs across yeah that's one of my favorite features and teams

because all these tabs are customizable so regardless of how your team works you

can customize what people see and what the team needs effectively therefore you

can have different views for any different type of team and you can just

add tabs with the with the plus sign there and completely customize your

experience that's right and then you know if you don't if you want to go

shopping we have a Microsoft store here you can go down to the store and you can

see the hundreds of third-party applications that we have right here

that you can add in as a tab into team this is an integration ok so that's a

little bit around everything around tabs so now let me show you one of the things

let me go back into this team and I'm going to show you a meeting recording

this is the feature that we have called meeting recording and I can start here

and I've missed this meeting but I want to catch up on it and understand

everything that I need to know that happened in the meeting but I really

don't have time to watch the whole thing so what I can do here by starting it is

one if for accessibility reasons as well as if I'm just in a noisy place I can

turn on closed captioning and have yeah boy still text correct correct so voice

detect cognitive services happening here I can also go and search and say just

you know what's important what did I miss where where did I get action items

to sign so I can type my name and looks like here's the two points where my name

was mentioned in the meeting and so I can go and check that out and see what I

need to go do very cool imagine all the hours we'd save just by fast forwarding

to those action items with our names on them in a caption meeting like this

awesome that's right so that's a little bit about meeting recording now let's go

down and take a look at a meeting that's already been scheduled this is a meeting

that my colleague Ferran has scheduled with me and so let me go ahead and join

this meeting directly within teams I hit the join button and what I have here now

is the pre join screen and so I can turn my video on or off I can turn my mic on

or off I can choose different devices but this is the new feature that we also

just made generally available this week where you see two of me in the

background here what's up yeah all right let me let me get rid of that okay

so I've now turned on background blur and with that my background disappears

and they're told and so this is about eliminating just drag on all the

distractions all the mess that we might have behind us in our offices the cat

that does acrobatics behind you or all the machines that were maybe we imaging

behind this look at that and there's the one and only Ferran Roper all right so

Ferran could do the same thing he can blur on his end as well and you see how

blur works very good stuff yeah so that's blur and then one other

thing that's worth a brief mention here is calling so full calling capabilities

are now built into teams as well you see all of my contacts here that I could you

know call any of these individuals but I also just have the standard dial pad

that we all knows I can go out here I can dial any phone number in the world

and I do this through either a Microsoft calling plan or through direct routing

and direct routing lets you basically bring your own calling plan with your

existing telco and connect things up now I see I can click over to voicemail as

well and you see I have a voicemail from Angela Donahue well instead of playing

it out loud right now all I can do is take a quick look and

see that it's been transcribed for me I know what Angela wants I don't have to

play it so transcription is there now as well and I know that Angela's a real

device buff so one of the other things that I love about teams is using who ah

who is truly one of my favorite parts of teams I'm so I go up here and I do a

slash command and you see all the slash commands that are available it's a short

way to navigate around in the app if you just do slash you can see everything

that's there so I'm gonna say who and then I'm gonna say who knows about

devices because I need to find the devices expert in the organization well

it comes back and it looks at all the different activity that's happening and

it tells me that Angela and Christian are the two people who are

having the most conversation around devices and so I'm gonna pick Angela and

go ahead and send her a chat and when I do that here I see Angela's very

prescient and has already read my mind and knows that I'm using that predictive

chat technology coming alpha and so here I can open up and see this presentation

that Angela has sent me on our new devices partners and these are now we

announced a new certification program for third-party devices where each of

these partners are building so that teams you can run great reliable teams

experiences across all of these different partners right I know a lot of

people are maybe they've outfitted their meeting rooms with custom hardware from

other providers they've designed their rooms around them how are we supporting

those types of devices well one way we're doing this is by helping connect

the existing video endpoints that are out there and we're doing this through a

set of cloud video Interop partners Polycom is the first they announced

their ga in market with their CBI solution this week and then blue jeans

and peck sub will also be announcing GA here in the next couple of weeks and

where would I go then to find more information about this I've got one of

these rooms well we just launched a new website also another exciting step Ford

this week you can go to slash teams and you'll be able to see all of

the devices that are available across our third parties and you can even buy

these devices directly from the store as well great stuff so Lori let's switch

gears here I think there are a few system admins and Microsoft 365 admin is

among us so let me talk about some of the security compliance capabilities and

for that I'm gonna take over and I'm going to show a couple of things here

first one of my favorite capabilities across SharePoint and office 365 of

Microsoft 365 is data loss prevention so here we're seeing an early look at DLP

working inside of teams you know I've got I've got some some information here

that I probably shouldn't be sharing like a social security number credit

card information and when I do that what's going to happen is it's going to

block the message and I can click in and see why it's been blocked in here I can

see obviously shouldn't be sharing credit cards or

social security numbers and the nice thing is beyond that this the person

that's receiving that message is gonna say that see that it was blocked because

it has the sensitive information in it so all of this is really using DLP and

that's that labeling and classification engine behind the scenes to be able to

make sure that sensitive information doesn't doesn't leak out one of my

favorite things here with well god a lot of my favorite things here with teams

are all the updates to the admin center so let me show you a couple of things

there so this is the new teams and sorry Microsoft teams Skype for business admin

Center a bit of a mouthful but a very powerful admin center just to show you a

couple of things here so there's a new manage teams note here that you can use

but I'm gonna click into users because what I want to show you is something

that you can do around user management that's brand new first we can see all

the different users that we have in our team if I click on a dell vance for

example i can use this to see what what adel what team she's on and i can also I

can also use the edit command here in the team's upgrade and I'll expose a

brand new brand new set of options here so typically as you make the transition

from Skype for business to Microsoft teams you have an islands mode that lets

users kind of use either one but now you've got the team's only option so you

can upgrade to teams and you can also will be producing group policy settings

that will also allow the client-side configurations to work there as well now

let me show you a couple other things here that are that are pretty cool so if

I go into manage teams you'll see that I have all my teams here enumerated nice

list of all the teams the membership everything in there and I can go and

edit the teams I can I can also do some things in terms of going in directly

into the team itself and what I want to do is maybe somebody leaves the company

I want to assign different ownership to the team go for a member to owner maybe

if the owner of previous owner of the team has left I can do all that right

here from this console so very very powerful stuff in terms of managing the

team's experience and one of my favorite things in a row

so we've got some others if you're using dynamic groups and as your ad and I

hopefully everybody is Niki's it for devices or users but let me show you

what that looks like on the user side it's a nice thing let's say I'm

operating a hospital you never know what can happen when

you're filming Microsoft Mechanics so you have to operate hospitals and use

some side gigs sometimes so here I'm gonna click into the Portland hospital

and you'll see that I've got this dynamic group and it's got dynamic

membership roles now when I click into those dynamic rules what I'll see here

is that any department that starts with Portland anybody that's got that in

there as your ID attribute is going to be joined to this team that means that

as I hire people as people leave my organization that teams going to

dynamically grow and contract with those new hires into teams so everybody's

provisioned directly into the teams they should actually be in and one last thing

is I know this is a request that we get from a lot of people is templating and

kind of doing work to make sure that we can provision teams and automated ways

using scripting maybe calling API through PowerShell whatever you want to

do and we've done a lot of work here in terms of building teams using scripted

automation so for example if you want to hook into HR systems or do other work

you can actually template eyes teams put in content personalize those teams this

is all brand-new stuff you can see it's in preview that we're adding to

Microsoft team so there's a few things a few of my favorite teams things but you

know we've done a lot more than this right we have I think you know one is a

great demo we might when I hire you on the demo team if you have some spare

time but otherwise like we're barely scratching the surface here in terms of

all these great features you know for both our users and for our admins it's

really awesome to see all that's happening here with teams very cool so

lots of really good updates really to help hopefully help bring teams together

Thank You Lori for the tour of all the different additions to teamwork but

what's next on the horizon well you know we're always working on the next thing

and I look forward to coming back for the next show and telling you all about

it but for now I'll tell you that the things that we're really really focused

on are continuing with the extensibility of teams and also making sure that

across Microsoft 365 it gets smarter and smarter and is really helping teams

around the work better together right I think I've

answered the question but for those of us who are looking to get started with

teams where do they go to learn more I think the easiest place is office comm /

teams here you can find anything that you need related to teams we have a free

version where you can get started or you can go ahead and start in the

full-featured paid versions as well so lots of options out there on office comm

/ teams thank you and also be sure to check out our recent shows on Microsoft

teams as well as stream on Microsoft Mechanics thanks for watching subscribe

to our channel we'll see you next time and good bye for now

For more infomation >> Teamwork updates to Microsoft 365 | Microsoft Ignite 2018 - Duration: 22:40.


Römer 12 - Lebe so, wie Gott es gefällt – Joyce Meyer – Persönlichkeit stärken - Duration: 25:30.

For more infomation >> Römer 12 - Lebe so, wie Gott es gefällt – Joyce Meyer – Persönlichkeit stärken - Duration: 25:30.


Angelo, Francesco Renga Cover by Luke Faith Singer - Duration: 4:44.

watch, like and... sub my Channel...

Happy Birthday, my son... my sun!!!

watch, like and... sub my Channel...

watch, like and... sub my Channel...

watch, like and... sub my Channel...

watch, like and... sub my Channel...

watch, like and... sub my Channel...

watch, like and... sub my Channel...

watch, like and... sub my Channel...

watch, like and... sub my Channel...

watch, like and... sub my Channel...

For more infomation >> Angelo, Francesco Renga Cover by Luke Faith Singer - Duration: 4:44.


Bruno Cardoso :: Somos Muitas - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Bruno Cardoso :: Somos Muitas - Duration: 2:20.


tijolo de barro em maior produção TECNOLOGIA PRIMITIVA BRASIL - Duration: 10:18.

For more infomation >> tijolo de barro em maior produção TECNOLOGIA PRIMITIVA BRASIL - Duration: 10:18.



For more infomation >> EM MACEIÓ, 20 MIL VÃO AO #ELENÃO: CAMPANHA MISÓGINA, DIZ MANIFESTANTE - Duration: 3:15.



For more infomation >> EU NÃO SOU NADA I CLARICE LISPECTOR # VRATATA - Duration: 3:03.


Addicted to FORTNITE [Part 2] | Strange Addiction - Duration: 2:49.

I won, I won! Yes!

My name is Anthony and I'm proud to say

I'm still addicted to Fortnite.

So last time you guys interviewed me

I was having issues with my girlfriend about my addiction

And she pretty much told me

I had to choose between her or Fortnite


Where we dropping boys?

At this point I've spent my whole life savings on V-bucks.

So I've had to resort to 'desperate' ways to get more money.

Hi, uh, excuse me ma'am.

I was wondering if you wanted to donate money to the V-Bucks Foundation.

It's a charity dedicated to helping a poor person

buy skins- I mean clothes, clothes.

Uhm, let me check.

A lot of people think that me playing Fortnite

for 13 hours a day is unhealthy.

And they're probably right.

But who needs exercise when you can have happiness instead?

To me, Fortnite is more than just a game.

It's a community. And thanks to Fortnite

I've made so many new friends.

"Hi, Los Angeles Superior Court, how may I assist your call?"

Hi, uhm, I was just wondering..

How can I go about legally changing my name to 'Ninja'?

Fortnite has had a huge impact on my life.

And it completes me.

For more infomation >> Addicted to FORTNITE [Part 2] | Strange Addiction - Duration: 2:49.


Bill Maher Slanders Kavanaugh and His Daughter in the Most VILE Way Possible - Duration: 1:33.

The left has no humanity.

They have lost it all, and what they are doing to attack Judge Kavanaugh, is reprehensible.

No corroborating witnesses, no evidence, no dates, times, nothing…But they have declared

him guilty and a monster.

And now, HBO talk show host Bill Maher is calling him a liar, claiming a federal judge

lied before Congress and put on an act.

Maher went so far as to say, he does not even think his young daughter offered to pray for

Dr. Ford.

Disgusting people.

Make sure you #VoteRed in midterms.

We can not allow these people to have any sliver of power.

On Friday's broadcast of HBO's Real Time, host Bill Maher stated Supreme Court nominee

Judge Brett Kavanaugh was "acting" during his appearance before the Senate Judiciary

Committee and said, "I also do not even believe that his 10-year-old daughter said

let's pray for that woman."

Maher said, "So, this performance he put on yesterday, I always say, you know, acting

is not that hard.

I have always said that about Hollywood.

You can say that, and then reality television came along and showed it's true.

It's not that — anyone can do it."

He added, "I am just saying, I believe that was acting, and I also do not even believe

that his 10-year-old daughter said let's pray for that woman."

Maher also stated that Senator Lindsey Graham's (R-SC) statement during the hearing was "a

performance also."

For more infomation >> Bill Maher Slanders Kavanaugh and His Daughter in the Most VILE Way Possible - Duration: 1:33.


#你有透視嗎?(感情聖化要理問答130問) - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> #你有透視嗎?(感情聖化要理問答130問) - Duration: 4:35.


tijolo de barro em maior produção TECNOLOGIA PRIMITIVA BRASIL - Duration: 10:18.

For more infomation >> tijolo de barro em maior produção TECNOLOGIA PRIMITIVA BRASIL - Duration: 10:18.


Tin Nóng 01/10/2018 - ĐỤNG ĐỘ XẢY RA TẠI Đ,ÁM T,ANG TRẦN ĐẠI QUANG với NGUYỄN TẤN DŨNG và TỔNG TRỌNG - Duration: 39:07.

For more infomation >> Tin Nóng 01/10/2018 - ĐỤNG ĐỘ XẢY RA TẠI Đ,ÁM T,ANG TRẦN ĐẠI QUANG với NGUYỄN TẤN DŨNG và TỔNG TRỌNG - Duration: 39:07.


Rick Grimes || Farewell (Season 9 Teaser) - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Rick Grimes || Farewell (Season 9 Teaser) - Duration: 1:56.


Destiny 2: So, You Suck at Gambit - 7 Tips to Get Better At Gambit - Duration: 13:06.

Now that Malfeasance has been released upon the world, a lot of you are going to be playing


Some of you are good at Gambit.

Some of you could use some assistance.

In today's video, I wanna go over some gameplay tips on how to improve your Gambit skills.

Most of this is going to be for those in solo queue or maybe duo queue.

I would say the number one wrong thing I see people doing is going for 15 motes when it's

either not necessary or just horrible timing.

Now don't get me wrong, a well timed or well coordinated 15 drop can be very obnoxious

for the other team, especially when it's solos vs. solos.

But I see too many people with a complete lack of awareness trying to go for 15 motes

just because they wanna drop a big guy on the other team.

Spoilers, it dies to a melting point and 2 shotgun shots, it's not that hard to kill

on its own anyway.

You need to be able to read the game state and plan accordingly.

You will be much more effective as a solo player who drops in 5 or 10 motes, than someone

trying to constantly go for 15 and dying to an invader or worse, PvE.

It's also ok to deposit 8 motes or 12 motes if the amount of time it'll take to bank them

means you won't miss your chance to bank, specifically for invasion timings.

If you go for those extra motes, but then the enemy banks first and invades, you can

potentially lose all of those motes.

If you have 9 and your team has 16 banked, it's ok to miss out on that medium if it means

you can beat the enemy to an invasion.

There's no real way to know how far along the enemy team is in terms of physically putting

motes into the bank, you dunno where they ALL are on the field, you just need to be

faster than they end up being.

You can generally tell if they're in the middle of killing adds though if their white bar

is moving up somewhat quickly.

If the white bar is NOT moving, then they are likely in transition to deposit.

However, you don't want to just constantly go for small amounts either.

Grabbing 5 and then running back every time, again, unless coordinated ahead of time, will

leave your team vulnerable to the PvE part of the game, especially in the mid game when

there are invaders showing up.

This means adds are dying slower, which means your next wave isn't spawning as quickly,

which means you might be falling behind.

Phalanx are annoying, but they're not super hard to kill by themselves.

I actually think the Knights are the most annoying by themselves, but Phalanx always

have the ability to just insta-kill people too.

Be aware of who has motes around you.

If you just reached a mote threshold, 5 or 10, let other people pick up the motes around


You're a lot better off with a 7 and a 5 as opposed to a 8 and a 4.

People really like picking up motes in gambit and I will frequently just stay in the back

killing adds and picking up nothing to ensure that at least 3 people get 5.

Spreading motes too thin early is bad because you want your first wave of motes to send

a bunch of stuff to the enemy.

Next, always be watching the scoreboard to get a feel for when invasions will happen.

If your team has banked 17 motes and the enemy team 0, but both of your white bars are the

same length, that means if you don't drop another 5 motes at the least, they are going

to drop a lot on your team at once, invade, and slow you down.

The opposite also applies: if you're getting sent a ton of stuff, you need to make a big

clear of everything in the middle and slam in 25 motes to get the first invasion.

The start of a match will often set the pace for the rest of it.

The white bars tend to matter a bit more than the total banked because there's not a whole

lot you can do about motes already in the bank.

Enemy team has a small white bar?

Maybe hold off on the invade for a few seconds to bait them getting some motes.

Invading when they have nothing will slow them down, but it won't waste it completely.

Speaking of invaders, they are not invincible.

Yes, you might find Sleeper annoying, but you can bait them and kill them.

You should constantly be looking at the scoreboard to check the status of an invasion.

If your team is holding a lot of motes and the enemy just banked, you can bet that they

are coming with an invasion.

Use this timing to your advantage and spread yourself to another part of the map.

The invader typically does not spawn spawn on the same side where PvE is happening, in

fact, I don't think I've ever seen an invader spawn that way, so you know they aren't going

to spawn there, meaning there are only 2 places where they will be spawning in.

If PvE is on the right side, move towards an area where you can look at both mid and

left at the same time.

It's harder to do this on some maps compared to others, but you should never be caught

off guard by an invader timing while you're building up motes.

Realize that an invader is coming and get to cover.

If your bank is open or you're able to quickly drop in your motes before the invader has

a chance to do anything, then go for it if you get a chance, otherwise, it's better to

try and fight or at the very least, run away behind cover.

The majority of invaders I've fought will plant themselves with Sleeper and keep firing,

not moving.

Use this to your advantage.

Bait their shots, try to keep moving back and forth to bait them into shooting you and

HOPEFULLY someone else from your team will come along and get them from another side.

Try not to fully peak unless they actually take a shot at you because they will be pre-firing


You want to bait that shot, then peak out for some damage.

If they're not using a long range weapon, then you need to play things a little differently,

but making sure your positioning is good should be priority one.

Next, don't be afraid to use your super in PvE to catch up or get ahead.

With things like Sleeper currently dominating the invasion side of the game, supers are

not as important for invading, although they're still good.

If Sleeper is ever nerfed to where it doesn't one shot headshot someone in a super, this

will probably change and I'll just say right now, if you think Sleeper is bad, there are

other weapons that just may be even worse.

If you have a super and a good opportunity to kill a lot of adds, you should probably

just do it, especially if you haven't been invading.

Every second you aren't using your super is another second that you could be building

towards another.

If you can chain supers, your ability to clear adds just goes through the roof and a lot

of the time, you can generate a minimum of 4 orbs, which if they're big orbs, will fill

a large chunk of a super meter.

If you're running tether, then you can easily get to the point where you tether almost every


If you're starting to get close to the primeval, maybe save it for something I'm gonna talk

about soon.

For example, in this clip, my teammate pops Arcstrider at the start of the round.

Always let the super do all of the killing so that they can generate orbs.

They're going to kill everything in the area anyway and this frees up your time to go collect


We now have an overall mote lead and I plant the first small blocker.

The enemy team realizes that we're ahead and try to overcompensate by burning all of their

motes with nothing in reserves.

This means that at a minimum, they need to traverse to the other side of the map, kill

some dudes, get 5 motes, run back and bank before we back anything else.

However, this is where greed can become a problem.

Instead of going to bank their motes, this player who has 14 wants to get a 15th for

a large guy.

This is the wrong play.

Due to this delay of banking, the enemy team was able to collect enough motes to get them

to 25, allowing them to invade first.

Not only this, but the guy with 15 goes to attack the invader on their own.

They are fortunate that they get the kill, because if they didn't, we would've been set

really far back.

This invasion also delays our next spawn wave because everyone gets scared, plays passive

and does not kill any enemies, allowing the enemy team to potentially invade us AGAIN

back to back had they been fast enough.

If the guy with 14 banked those motes, WE could've invaded first and maybe gotten a


However, even though it worked out, that is still not a play I would recommend to anyone.

The enemy team pulls ahead after we had a lead, but when we get OUR invasion, our invader

cleans up 19 of their motes, putting us back in the lead.

You can't count on these things happening though.

If the guy with 15 motes dies, that's a set back, if our invader dies right away, that's

a set back.

In the wise words of Artosis: when you are ahead, get more ahead.

When you're winning, win more.

Listen to the Drifter.

If he says "you can summon a Primeval," odds are you need to drop what you're doing and

just bank your stuff.

The only time I think it's acceptable to delay the drop of the Primeval with regards to motes

is if you can hit the next tier of motes within a couple of seconds of the call out.

Otherwise, just drop those motes in right away.

Do not wait for the next wave to spawn, do not run around looking for enemies, bank them,

especially if you're first to summon because the catch-up mechanic is going to beat you

into the ground much more than an ogre is going to mess up the enemy team.

With regards to the Primeval boss, focus Wizards first and do not use big cooldowns on the

boss right away.

The main boss is very strong when it first spawns and supers will not do a lot of damage.

Use them to shred the wizards away instantly because they hurt WAY more than the boss itself


Also, be aware of the other enemies that spawn in during the waves.

You'll likely have some form of sniper, acolyte or thrall coming with the boss wave and combined

with an invader, can really hurt you.

Take a couple of seconds during this intro to kill them and get them out of the way.

As for the boss, you don't need to wait until 6 or 7 stacks.

With a team that has some idea of what they're doing, even as a stack of randoms, you can

shred the boss with only 2 or 3 stacks.

See this clip here, a Warlock drops their Well of Radiance, which is the international

sign for "it is time to nuke the everloving crap out of this boss right now," especially

considering that there are no other adds on the field.

If done correctly, you can burn the boss as the enemy invader is entering your side of

the field.

In terms of build and loadout, it depends on what you want to be doing.

It is very difficult, if not impossible to solo carry in gambit.

You can go all in on an invader build, Sleeper, sniper, pulse rifle, but your enemy killing

potential is not as high.

You can go all in on a slayer build, hand cannon, shotgun, tractor/Whisper or maybe

something like Riskrunner or a Skullfort Striker Titan, but that leaves you vulnerable to the

PvP side.

One Eyed Mask is a great PvP item, but Hallowfire Heart is a fantastic PvE item.

It's all about what you excel at.

Again, you will NOT be able to solo carry, there are simply too many roles in Gambit

for you to do them all at once, this is not regular PvP.

As for bows, stop.

Stop using them.

Just stop it.

Do not use a bow.

99% of people should not be using a bow.

I don't care if it's your highest level item, I don't care if you got the most kills that

one time, do not use a bow.

Right now, pulse rifles are really strong all around, PvE and PvP.

They can contest at most ranges and best of all, can compete with a Sleeper at most ranges.

If you're solo, you're probably thinking that you're going to need to do a little bit of

everything and a pulse rifle is definitely going to help you, at least while they're

really strong.

Anyway, those are all of my tips on Gambit.

If you have your own tips, drop them in the comments.

Good luck on your Malfeasance quest hunt, thanks for watching, I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Destiny 2: So, You Suck at Gambit - 7 Tips to Get Better At Gambit - Duration: 13:06.


Scripture Reveals Mary's Role in the Church 4 of 7 My Mother's Virtue - Duration: 15:23.

Scripture Reveals Mary's Role in the Church 4 of 7

September 30, 2018

Lord Jesus, thank You for the beautiful insights into Your mother.

Please open our hearts and minds to receive from You all that you want us to have.


Ezekiel told me last night that the Lord had another message for the Channel.

This was when I was just in the final mixing stages of I Sought the Lord song.

So, here I am asking for the other message and Jesus reminded me I forgot about Him in

the Temple as a child.

So, that will be the message after this.

But here is what He wanted to say about His mother, that I really didn't give Him a chance

to say when I did the third teaching.

Jesus began, "I am so glad you asked, and I did want to share with you something from

your last teaching.

"My people, do you not know that everything in the Scriptures is loaded with meanings?


That is, more than one meaning to each episode.

This situation, the wedding at Cana, was presented to you as an illustration of the power of

prayer—not even in words, but prayer of the heart.

I have told this to you before.

The sigh of your heart for the plight of others is a powerful prayer going straight to the

Throne Room.


Because within the heart, I dwell.

And it is the seat of your soul and selfless sincerity.

"It was the intention of My mother's heart and her distress over the couple's lack that

prompted her to approach Me.

I wanted you to see how very moved with care she is over your situations that bring distress.

I wanted you to see the selfless love and concern she has for all of you.

"And yes, I wanted you to see that she has been appointed by Me as a mother and intercessor

for mankind.

'Who is My mother, My brother, My sister?

He or she who does the will of My Father in Heaven.

These are true mothers, brothers, and sisters to Me.'

"Yet it is only fitting that the spotless one who brought Me into this world, who kept

her purity of heart, who was faithful to the very last drop of her being when she witnessed

My crucifixion, never once calling out to Abba, "Save Him, Father!"

Never once did she disagree with My mission and what must be fulfilled in Scripture.

"Growing up in the Temple, she knew the Messiah must suffer rejection and die at the

cruel hands of the Romans.

She knew that only Romans could crucify and that what was written: 'I am poured out

like water, and all my bones are out of joint; my heart is like wax; it is melted within

my breast; my strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to my jaws;

you lay me in the dust of death.

For dogs encompass me; a company of evildoers encircles me; they have pierced my hands and


Psalm 22:14-16

And to complete the Lord's thought here, Mary knew that only the Romans could crucify.

And that what was written in Psalm 22 would have to be accomplished by the Messiah.

Jesus continued, "She knew this Psalm well, because it was regularly recited in the Temple

in anticipation of the Messiah.

There were men who knew the Messiah must suffer, but they looked forward to His deliverance,

perhaps even a miracle of deliverance, to prove that I was indeed the Messiah.

"Those who believed were vindicated when I rose from the dead and they heard of it.

I appeared to many of them, for their hearts were broken.

I commissioned them to carry on the work.

Yes, many of the Pharisees and priests converted.

"But My Mother knew I must first undergo this suffering.

She lived with this prospect looming in her heart all of her days, knowing that someday

she would have to offer Me on that Cross.

"You have no idea what she went through for you, My people, no idea at all.

And that is why it is such a terrible offense to Me when people reject her motherly love.

"The Devil continually looked for ways to bring her down.

He couldn't stand the idea that a woman had more favor and power from God than he did.

And he couldn't stand the idea that she was mothering the Apostles and being looked upon

as a mother to the family of God.

"He also engineered a deep split in the Church through the behavior of wicked men posing

as My Apostles.

And then, at just the right time, used a movement based on legitimate sins of the hierarchy

to introduced this false doctrine about worshiping Mary and that the dead in Christ could not

pray for you.


All of them lies.

Cleverly executed by the Master Deceiver.

"And now, I have come to restore her to her rightful place in the Church.

But anyone who brings her up is automatically marked as deceived and an idol worshipper.

Yet their reward is not lost with Me in Heaven.

They have been faithful to bear witness to the truth.

"When you give your lives to Me, very often you must break with family tradition and lifestyles

that are prohibited to a Christian, because they are not healthy for you.

But in the process, you inherit more relatives than you ever had before.

"The bond of Christian family love is very strong, because it is grounded and rooted

in Me.

Of course, My mother would be your mother, even as an elderly woman in the church is

called 'mother'.

This is a moot point and a complete waste of time to argue over.

"But understand that there was more than one reason I entrusted her with you.

She is all the things a leader should be: loving, strong, uncompromising, sacrificing,

filled with the knowledge of God and Heaven.

And most of all, so totally committed to her children that she, too, gave her only Son

for the salvation of the world.

"And she has not missed a day in her Office.

Rather, she has grown in status and responsibility over the centuries, as she has been so very

faithful in caring for mankind, who I saved.

"So, I have given her special gifts to handle the volume of prayer and supplication she


She is well aware at all times of your situation, through the Holy Spirit.

She is also aware of your temperament, what you would probably do—and what she knows

I want you to do.

"And therein lies her secret: My mother knows Me better than anyone—other than the Holy

Spirit and the Father.

"She knows what pleases Me, and therefore she does not always present your petitions

to Me, unless they are pure and without selfish motive.

Rather, she works with you until you have overcome these faults.

She observes your character and nudges you in your conscience to do the right thing.

"When you fall, she is there to wipe the tears from your eyes, to tend to the wound on your

knee, so to speak.

A consoling word to you.

After all, she consoled Me in all My trials.

She was My advocate, anticipating outcomes and preparing solutions, praying to the Father

and listening to His counsel.

She was never far from Him.

She was, rather, always aware of His Presence within her, and cultivated that inner union

of hearts that is so precious to His Heart.

"She looks after those who have really blown it in their lives and are afraid to turn to

Me for forgiveness.

She paves the way for reconciliation, and very often when they are praying the Rosary,

I appear to them.

Through her intercession and intervention, she has saved countless souls that were headed

for Hell.

Just through her prayers and good counsel.

"Just like the Good Vinedresser, she intercedes and asks permission to take a desperate soul

under her mantle, and I yield to her and give that soul to her to work with.

I give them another chance.

"So he said to the keeper of the vineyard, 'Look, for the past three years I have come

to search for fruit on this fig tree and haven't found any.

Therefore cut it down!

Why should it use up the soil?'

'Sir, the man replied, 'leave it alone again this year, until I dig around it and

fertilize it.

If it bears fruit next year, fine.

But if not, you can cut it down.'

Luke 13:7-9

"This indeed is My mother's mandate, to take those who had not born fruit and give

them loving attention to help them rise up to serve."

As an aside, dear ones, I noticed this is from the Gospel of Luke, which makes a tremendous

amount of sense.

Because it is known that much of this gospel came from Mary as she sat with Luke and shared

with him the life of Jesus.

She explained many secrets to Luke things unknown in the other Gospels.

So, it comes as no surprise that this very role of hers, to dig around and fertilize

a soul so they will bear fruit, would be in his gospel.

Jesus continues, "Her tenderness penetrates the hardest hearts and brings them to repentance.

Only the truly reprobate escape her care—not because she gives up on them, but because

they want nothing to do with her or holiness."

A an aside, why shouldn't that be so?

If she's filled with the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is the One who brings us to


That makes total sense, because He would guide her in how to touch them.

And He would be present to move on their hearts.

Jesus continued, "Oh, there is so much I want to tell you about this holy woman, so much.

She is the very epitome of the word, 'Mother'.

Countless souls have repented at her gentle touch and rededicated their lives to Me."

Well, come to think of it, I would like to share with you that there have been times

when I was SO disgusted with myself, I just could not face the Lord.

And those would be the times that I would go running to her mother-shelter.

I could feel her cloak wrapping my in peace as I repented and confessed.

And asked for her intercession.

And I can't even tell you what happened.

All I know is, I got my peace back!

And the sense that I wasn't hopeless.

There was hope.

And very shortly after that, I would encounter Jesus.

He would approach me.

And I have to say.

I know it was her intercession who brought Him quickly to my side.

Looking back on this and knowing that the Lord is always with us when we repent, He's

ready to receive our repentance - maybe that's not accurate.

Maybe what Mary did was restore belief in myself, or restore the knowledge of God's


But she does something when I really blow it.

Turn my heart to a place where I can be before Jesus, and not slink down a hole...

Which is what I feel I should do, with a rock covering it.

It's a Grace.

It's a beautiful Grace that's been given to her, that prepares the way for her Son.

Going back to what Jesus continued to say.

"Countless have chosen the path of holiness because of her example of faithfulness to


Countless souls have sought her in times of really blowing it badly, because they know

that if she works with them, they will be pleasing to Me and escape from the habits

of sins that hold them captive.

"I love to talk about her.

I love her so very tenderly, and there is not one soul that can hold a candle to her

spotless example."

Well, I can just hear it now.

The protests of people who will say, "Scripture says that there's not ONE that is without


Not even one."

Well, I"m not going to pass judgment on Mary, that's for certain.

But I will say one thing.

I did notice in the Scriptures that it says that she was distressed over the loss of Jesus

in Jerusalem.

What mother wouldn't be??

Good grief!

And maybe that distress is the one thing in her life that came the closest to some kind

of a sin.

Or unbelief or lack of faith.

Perhaps that.

Perhaps that could be said to be the one sin in her life.

Still, it's hard for me to see that as sin, because even Jesus, in the Garden of Gethsemane

asked the Father to take this cup from Him.

Even He was anxious over the role that He was playing in salvation.

Totally committed.

'Not My will, but Thine be done.'

Totally committed, but still.

In extreme distress over what He was about to go through.

And wishing that the cup could be passed.

You could call that a sin.

Which you can't—because He was sinless!

So, we can't call that a sin.

What can I say?

Let's try not to be too legalistic.

And let's not be wearing a Pharisee hat.

And I just want to take a moment to thank you so very much for your prayers for my music.

They definitely, definitely are being heard by the Lord.

And thank you also for looking after our other needs.

The Lord bless you abundantly for your kindness to us and the poor.

For more infomation >> Scripture Reveals Mary's Role in the Church 4 of 7 My Mother's Virtue - Duration: 15:23.


Lingke Family version of the animation dubbing contest began!| Xiaoling toys - Duration: 8:59.

Lingke Family version of the animation dubbing contest began!| Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Lingke Family version of the animation dubbing contest began!| Xiaoling toys - Duration: 8:59.


White House denies limits of FBI investigation - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> White House denies limits of FBI investigation - Duration: 1:04.


Mini Kitchen &Chinese flag fondant cake | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 7:01.

Mini Kitchen &Chinese flag fondant cake | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Mini Kitchen &Chinese flag fondant cake | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 7:01.


Amazing The Writing Studio Micro House For Sale | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Amazing The Writing Studio Micro House For Sale | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:59.


Search for missing hiker moves into day 6 - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> Search for missing hiker moves into day 6 - Duration: 0:35.


[CC日本語] Plan with Me October Bullet Journal Spreads - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> [CC日本語] Plan with Me October Bullet Journal Spreads - Duration: 3:18.


Gorgeous Stunning Heather's 37′ Gooseneck Tiny House by Mitchcraft Tiny Homes - Duration: 3:55.

Gorgeous Stunning Heather's 37′ Gooseneck Tiny House by Mitchcraft Tiny Homes

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Stunning Heather's 37′ Gooseneck Tiny House by Mitchcraft Tiny Homes - Duration: 3:55.


Learn to appreciate what you have | BJ Miller, MD | End Well Symposium - Duration: 1:09.

My goal in life is to appreciate what I have but while I still have it.

That's the trick.

Most of us are really good at appreciating something right when we've lost it.

And that's poignant and gorgeous and fine.

But wouldn't it be great if we appreciated it before we lost it, while we still had it.

Whether it's a body, or a relationship, or a thought, or an identity, or whatever

it is.

So I just wanted to end with that appreciation of what death, annoying as it is, offers us

something too.

And any fuller view of the subject has to include that.

For more infomation >> Learn to appreciate what you have | BJ Miller, MD | End Well Symposium - Duration: 1:09.


Nightcore - Taki Taki (DJ Snake ft Selena Gomez, Ozuna, Cardi B) || Lyrics - Duration: 3:10.

this video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Taki Taki (DJ Snake ft Selena Gomez, Ozuna, Cardi B) || Lyrics - Duration: 3:10.


Why do you want to live? | Tracy Gaudet, MD | End Well Symposium - Duration: 3:22.

We need to stop starting from what's wrong and begin to totally change the conversation

and say what do you want your life for, whether you have a moment or a decade?

What do you want to live for?

What really matters?

And if we started from that place, imagine what could happen.

So because I'm so shy and reserved, I jumped up and I said "Oh I have to say something!"

And as I shared that reflection about this slide in that meeting, a couple months later,

I was in another meeting and a woman came up to me, who has since given me permission

to share her story, and she said "I wanted to introduce myself, I was in the DODVA meeting

with you and you talked about that slide.

That changed my life."

I was like really?

Tell me more.

Well, I have a chronic condition and I have to see my physician every 3 weeks.

And she said I don't enjoy it, it's a pain, but I'm very compliant."

You could just tell she was very type A and she was a very over-achiever in her career.

"So I go and I do it because I'm supposed to."

But I left that meeting and I started thinking I've never asked myself that question.

We don't usually ask ourselves that question until the end of life, as we've been talking


So she said "I started reflecting on what do I want my health for?

Why do I want to live?

And she says "you know what I decided", and this will give you a sense of her personality,

she said "in 3 years, I'm going to turn 50, and I decided I want to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro."

I said "Whoa. Really?"

She said "Yes.

So the next time I went to see my doctor I go in and he says, 'Ok, let's talk about

your labs.'

That's what we do, we talk about your labs.

And she said 'No.

She said 'No, I don't want to talk about my labs.'

He said, excuse me?

That's what we do.

We talk about your labs, we treat your meds, you come back.

She said "Nope.

I want to talk about how you can help me get to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro.

And this guy was like Whoa.

But kudos to him, after a few moments he recalibrates and he gets her thing.

And she said guess what, Now I cannot wait to go to my doctor's appointments.

She said "Guess what, for years he's been telling me that stress plays a role in my

condition, and for years he's been telling me I should incorporate stress reduction or

meditation and for years I've been telling him, No way, I do!

That's what I do."

She said guess what I do now.

"I meditate an hour every day."

Not so her disease will be better, so she can live the life that she's now identified.

So she can get to the aspiration.

So a couple of years later, I was in a restaurant and she was there and she came running over

to me, I did it I did it, I went to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro.

For more infomation >> Why do you want to live? | Tracy Gaudet, MD | End Well Symposium - Duration: 3:22.


#35. Antiperspirants for blister prevention – do they work? - Duration: 1:01.

- Hey, it's Rebecca here with this week's

60-second blister tip.

This week it's all about antiperspirants.

Do antiperspirants work at preventing blisters?

Well, yes in theory, they do.

But the ones that help the most irritate the skin

and they're just not available.

You can't buy them at the chemist.

If you are doing very light activity

and it's not that hot, a little bit of antiperspirant

might reduce sweating just a little bit

to mean that you're less prone to getting blisters.

But on the whole, in full on athletic environments,

and especially when it's hot and sweaty,

an antiperspirant just isn't gonna cut the mustard.

It's not going to work, you need to move on to something

a bit more, something with a bit more oomph.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> #35. Antiperspirants for blister prevention – do they work? - Duration: 1:01.


আমি যেমন জানি তোমরা যদি তেমন জানতে তাহলে বেহসি বেশী কাঁদতে কম কম হাসতে | Abdur Razzak | 2018 - Duration: 3:23.

AK Computer Network

Have Done This Video

For more infomation >> আমি যেমন জানি তোমরা যদি তেমন জানতে তাহলে বেহসি বেশী কাঁদতে কম কম হাসতে | Abdur Razzak | 2018 - Duration: 3:23.


jump in the caac ( turn on CC, flash warning ) - Duration: 0:22.




I got a gUN

no gorls

gorls gotta dIE


wake up in no huEHUEHUEHUHUE


I can :)

i cant :(

baby jesus

you and your 🅱enis


knife gorl





multiplus.chr deleted successfully

For more infomation >> jump in the caac ( turn on CC, flash warning ) - Duration: 0:22.


This Little Piggy. Favourite animal songs for preschoolers from kindyRock - best songs for kids! - Duration: 2:36.

This little piggy has a round little nose

a round little nose, a round little nose

this little piggy has a round little nose

and it's round little nose goes

oink oink oink

and it's round little nose goes OINK

This little piggy has two pointy ears

two pointy ears, two pointy ears

this little piggy has two pointy ears

a round little nose

and his round little nose goes oink oink oink

and his round little nose goes OINK

This little piggy has a nice full tum

a nice full tum, a nice full tum

this little piggy has a nice full tum

two pointy ears

a round little nose

and his round little nose goes oink oink oink

and his round little nose goes OINK

This little piggy has beautiful toes

beautiful toes, beautiful toes

this little piggy has beautiul toes,

a nice full tum

two pointy ears

a round little nose

and his round little nose goes oink oink oink

and his round little nose goes


This little piggy has a wiggley tail

a wiggley tail, a wiggley tail

this little piggy has a wiggley tail

beautiful toes

a nice full tum

two pointy ears

a round little nose

and his round little nose goes oink oink oink

and his round little nose goes

oink oink oink

and his round little nose goes


For more infomation >> This Little Piggy. Favourite animal songs for preschoolers from kindyRock - best songs for kids! - Duration: 2:36.


Ed Sheeran, Boyce Avenue Acoustic - Greatest Hits Pop Songs 2018 | Best Pop Songs Ever - Duration: 1:21:31.

For more infomation >> Ed Sheeran, Boyce Avenue Acoustic - Greatest Hits Pop Songs 2018 | Best Pop Songs Ever - Duration: 1:21:31.


MILLIONAIRES SHORTBREAD - Chocolate Caramel Slice - Duration: 6:26.

A big, big welcome to Steve's kitchen. I can't believe I haven't made a caramel

slice before on the channel, it's almost the national dish here in Australia but

I had a message just a week or so back from a long-term subscriber Kelly

OB̤̈r̤̈ṳ̈m̤̈ä̤ï̤c̤̈ä̤n̤̈ gуαl87 and she said 'have I ever made a millionaire's shortbread?' Well I

didn't even know what it was but it turns out it's virtually the same as

what we call a caramel slice. Now Kelly I'm going to show you how to make it,

it's very simple but I am going to gold plate it at the end because after all 'it

don't mean a thing if you ain't got some bling'

We're going to start with our base

which is super simple I start with my soft brown sugar and my

lightly salted butter, which I've slightly melted in the microwave. Now I'll

put all the ingredients up on the screen so you know how much to use. I'm just

going to whisk that together until it's nice and creamy. Then I'm going to add in

my all-purpose flour and I'm going with shredded coconut, I would normally use

desiccated coconut, which is a little bit sweeter but I haven't got any, shredded

works just fine and we're just going to mix this together until we get a nice

smooth dough. I've got a 9 inch or 24 centimeter square tin, which I'm just

lining with a little bit of paper. I've used some butter just to hold it down.

Now just pour all the dough into the tray and then using a spatula

I just want to flatten this out and get it nice and even. Now lastly I'm just

going to take a crank handle spatula and just level over the base of the

shortbread. I've just preheated my oven to 180 degrees Celsius that's 350

Fahrenheit, we're going to pop this in and bake it for 15 minutes until we've got a

lovely biscuit base. Now I've taken that out after 17 minutes, different ovens

will affect differently, I wanted a beautiful golden brown on top.

We need this to completely cool down before but the caramel on top, if you put

it on there while they're both hot you tend to get not

such a nice division, so I'm going to let this cool down and then I'm going to

chill it a little bit in the fridge. Whilst the base cools down let's get to

make our second layer, the caramel, which is also very simple. Put my soft brown

sugar into a saucepan and some lightly salted butter, we're then just going to

heat this on the stove and let the sugars start to dissolve. In with that

sweet butter we're going to add two cans of 395 grams that's about 14 ounces, of

sweetened condensed milk. That's going to make this wonderful caramel sauce. Now

I'm just going to heat this on the stove until it starts to simmer and just keep

warming that till you get this wonderful, silky, caramel sauce. Now we can take that

off of the stove, bring it over to our base, which is now cooled down and then

we can take that delicious caramel sauce and pour it over the base. Give that a

little wobble and then this goes back in the oven, same temperature, 180 degrees

Celsius 350 Fahrenheit. We're going to bake this for about 20 minutes until we

get a lovely golden brown. I almost left the caramel in a little bit too long

there. I'm quite happy, it's still perfectly good, it's a little bit

flirting with the edge of burnt but it still looks great. I want this now to

cool down completely before we put our chocolate layer on top. Now you get to

choose the chocolate you like to put on top. I'm going with a milk chocolate, it's

a 290 grams, about 10 ounces, which I'm going to melt in a double boiler. I'm going to put

about an inch of water in a pan, a bowl on top and we'll use that to melt

the chocolate, I just think it works really well. Add about a tablespoon of

oil in with your chocolate and that will just make the chocolate a little softer,

so that when you cut it, it won't crack and now we've got this beautiful molten

chocolate. So now we're going to pour that chocolate over the top of our

caramel slice

and then evenly spread it over the top of our caramel there. Normally with

caramel slices I like to do a little wavy effect on top of the chocolate, I'm

going to leave it fairly flat because I want to put some gold bling on at least

one or two slices of this. So let's let this chill down and come back in a

moment. Now when the caramel slice has set,

we're going to trim off these Salvage edges and then I'm just going to take a

knife and maybe cut this about a couple of inches wide and then we can just cut

this into strips and there you have the perfect caramel slice. Now I trimmed the

edges off the caramel slices and made them into these beautiful individual

caramel slices, look how gorgeous they look. Now you can see this one on the top

here is actually covered with 24 karat gold, real gold by the way. I was going to

film putting the gold on, man it was difficult. There's this tiny, tiny little

thin gold leaf that you've got to put on top of the chocolate and it's bending

and blowing all over the place. Took me ages and many, many sheets to get that on

there. If you haven't had gold on food before it does work, it hasn't got a

great flavor, a little bit metallic if anything but we've got the bling now,

we've got our millionaire shortbread. So I'm going to give this a little try now.

Thank You Kelly for the idea, tuck in to a millionaire's shortcut, cut a little

bit off I'm not going to eat the whole thing.

Cutting through the gold, how pretty is that? I did promise I'd bling it up,

millionaires shortbread or what we like to call a caramel slice. One of my

favorite coffee shop treats when I'm out in Australia. Here goes,

give this a try.

The taste is pure gold in more ways than one and this is so good. Of course you

don't have to put the gold plating on it, a straightforward caramel slice is so, so

delicious. I hope you'll make them, give me some feedback, send us some

photographs, if you decide to gold plate them definitely send me a picture. Be

good and I'll see you for another Steve's kitchen very shortly,

take care.

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