Vlaardingen Oost
4 integratori che riducono la fame eccessiva - Duration: 2:13.Se la voglia ossessiva di cibo e il desiderio di alimenti ricchi di carboidrati o zucchero sono la rovina della tua linea, questi 4 integratori faranno al caso tuo.
Si tratta di integratori naturali, ricchi di benefici per la nostra salute, che hanno la capacità di ridurre la fame nervosa e ci impediscono di ingozzarci di cibo.
Olio di noce di pino,E' disponibile sotto forma di capsule e può ridurre l'appetito del 36% secondo uno studio statunitense.
Questo olio aumenta la produzione di colecistochinina, un ormone che ci aiuta a sentirci sazi dopo pasti piccoli. E' possibile acquistare queste capsule in erboristeria.
Enzimi, Gli enzimi digestivi possono garantire il funzionamento dell'intestino e un corretto assorbimento di carboidrati, proteine e grassi.
Quando il nostro corpo assorbe correttamente i nutrienti, il controllo della fame nel cervello si calma. Se presi assieme ai pasti, possono ridurre la fame.
Acido alfa lipoico,Una dose giornaliera da 250 mg di acido lipoico può ridurre l'appetito del 35% secondo uno studio condotto negli Stati Uniti.
Questo antiossidante regola i livelli di zucchero nel sangue, riducendo la sensazione di fame.
5-HTP,Il suo nome completo è 5-idrossitriptofano, ed è un amminoacido utilissimo nella produzione di seratonina, associata anche alla fame nervosa.
Una dose da 100-200 mg al giorno potrebbe portarci a consumare circa 400 calorie in meno, ma si suggerisce di consultare il medico per scegliere una dose adatta.
Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
#AskMBN - 76: Mastoplastica Additiva e Rimozione Protesi - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
Eterna Ágatha de Avenida Brasil revela aos 18 anos ser lésbica e conta reação dos pais - Duration: 6:17.-------------------------------------------
Vittorio Feltri: 40mila firme a favore di Matteo Salvini, ma i nostri giudici... - Duration: 3:15.Libero ha raccolto e pubblicato oltre 40 mila firme di lettori desiderosi di difendere Matteo Salvini dagli assalti della opposizione e soprattutto di una magistratura pendente, in buona o cattiva fede, a sinistra
Il numero delle adesioni a favore del ministro dell'Interno fa impressione e dimostra che questi gode della stima popolare, perché cerca, tra mille difficoltà, di realizzare i programmi della propria campagna elettorale
In particolare si batte con forza per disciplinare l'immigrazione selvaggia di cui l'Italia è vittima
Noi gliene siamo grati e lo incitiamo a non demordere. Invieremo il pacco delle lettere al presidente della Repubblica affinché prenda atto delle aspettative e degli umori della gente
Egli ne farà quello che gli pare, tuttavia tenga conto che il plico esprime desideri ben precisi: è tempo di smetterla di accogliere extracomunitari addossandone le spese a cittadini che faticano abbastanza per badare a se stessi
In queste ore si attendono i risultati prodotti dal cosiddetto decreto sicurezza
Sul quale già tira aria cattiva: la Corte Costituzionale è pronta a bocciarne alcuni contenuti con pretesti vari
Non ci stupisce, però ci irrita, il fatto che i supremi giudici non gradiscano certe leggi osteggiate dai progressisti
Sappiamo come le toghe la pensino in materia: non hanno intenzione di modificare lo status quo
Sono contrari a qualsiasi cambiamento poiché temono di dover sloggiare dai loro comodi uffici, dovendo altresì rinunciare a ricchi compensi
Speriamo di sbagliarci, ma è difficile: chi pensa male quanto noi ci azzecca sempre
di Vittorio Feltri
maca x power funciona - O outro lado do paraiso - Esta acabando - Maca X Power - Duration: 9:23.-------------------------------------------
Channing Tatum's crazy southern accent in Kingsman Golden Circle - Duration: 3:57.Hello. It's Jinger.
I live in Florida in the U.S.
It is at the very bottom of southern America.
Southern America has
a unique accent called a 'southern accent'.
When I first heard it
I was like 'What the heck..?'.
It was so different that
I couldn't even imitate.
Channing Tatum
in Kingsman Golden Circle
did a good job speaking with a southern accent.
I would like to share it with you guys.
Shall we begin?
Jinger English
It sounds like a bunch of wang wang sound to me.
And also
there is a thing about a southern accent.
They use y'all all the time.
It means 'you all'.
Honestly, it doesn't sound cool.
It sounds like a country people accent.
American people tend to think
a southern accent doesn't sound cool
and sounds unintelligent.
Channing Tatum has lived in
Mississippi and Alabama.
So he can speak with a southern accent.
But this it how he talks for real.
Florida is a part of southern America.
But there are a lot of retired people from other states.
People from all over the States.
Some of them have southern accents
some of them don't.
More people around me don't have southern accents.
But when you travel up
I heard more people speaks with southern accents.
But even though southern accents don't sound cool
it doesn't mean people are not cool.
You may think southerns accents don't sound intelligent
it doesn't mean people are unintelligent.
So you should never judge people
with their accents and pronunciations.
You can tell how intelligent a person is from
vocabularies and expressions
or how correct grammar is.
It's important to work on your pronunciations.
But it's not everything.
I hope you work on
vocabularies, expressions and grammar too.
Native speakers think
excellent vocabularies are more important than
perfect pronunciations.
Korean people tend to care too much about pronunciations.
Well, we care what other people think too much..
I don't blame them.
Because when I was a beginner
I judged people with their pronunciations.
But this is not the best way.
Pronunciations are not everything.
My name is Jinger.
If this video was helpful click LIKE and SUBSCRIBE.
See you next time.
Pankaj Mishra - Age of Anger - VPRO documentary - 2017 - Duration: 45:16.-------------------------------------------
APA JADINYA JIKA SHIROU DIADOPSI OLEH KOTOMINE KIREI ??? [MASUK PAK EKO] - Duration: 17:08.-------------------------------------------
FRUITS & VEGETABLES with NINJA KIDS – Toddler Learning Video - Duration: 5:24.Learn fruits and vegetables
A is for Apple
B is for
A is for Apple
Hey toddlers, I'm Billy Broccoli, what fun are we going to have learning fruits and vegetables. Lets see
Hehe, hi kids, I'm crazy Carrot. This is going to be fun
Ohh this kids crazy man!
My name Sassy Strawberry and I've been invited on the Mitch Show today. Hehe.
What are we going to do today, do you think it will be something fun?
Rumori del corpo da non sottovalutare - Duration: 5:32.Rumori del corpo da non sottovalutare
1. Scricchiolio alle gambe: Questo rumore può essere causato da diversi motivi, come ad esempio:
Affaticamento muscolare, compresa la possibile congestione sanguigna, e logorio delle articolazioni del ginocchio da carico eccessivo.
Caratteristiche anatomiche dei legamenti e del menisco che, nonostante non alterino la mobilità delle gambe, producono scrocchio percettibile.
Intense giornate di movimento, soprattutto quando il corpo non è abituato.
Nella maggior parte dei casi gli scricchiolii non indicano nessun disturbo. Tuttavia, quando sono accompagnati da dolore o gonfiore, è necessario consultare un medico.
In questi casi è importante sottoporsi a una visita, poiché il rumore potrebbe essere dovuto alla rottura di un legamento o del menisco o persino alla presenza di artrite.
2. Russare continuamente: Si russa in seguito alle vibrazioni delle vie respiratorie quando l'aria passa attraverso la bocca o il naso.
Anche se è molto comune, i medici ricordano che di solito questo fenomeno è causato dall'ostruzione o un blocco nel naso (narici sottili), nella bocca o nella gola.
Le cause più frequenti per cui si russa e per cui è conveniente visitare un medico sono:
Perdita della muscolatura nella gola. Obesità. Reazioni ai farmaci. Eccessiva ingestione di alcol. Vie nasali bloccate. Curvatura del setto nasale.
3. Schiocco della mandibola: In alcuni casi lo schiocco della mandibola può indicare lo spostamento dell'articolazione temporo-mandibolare, in altri può essere dovuto all'artrite della stessa articolazione.
Può anche essere dovuto al bruxismo (inconscia abitudine di digrignare i denti), a carie o forti tensioni dei muscoli del viso.
In tutti questi casi si consiglia di rivolgersi allo specialista.
4. Ronzii nelle orecchie: Molte volte il ronzio nelle orecchie scompare senza bisogno di cure.
Tuttavia, quando è continuo e non va via facilmente, si consiglia di consultare un medico specialista.
Potrebbe essere dovuto a un'infezione o una malattia nella parte interna dell'orecchio.
5. Forte scrocchio delle ossa quando ci addormentiamo o ci svegliamo
Tra i rumori del corpo, questo appare all'improvviso. In genere si tratta di scatti brevi ed estremamente irritanti. In questi casi le cause precise sono sconosciute.
6. Scrocchio delle spalle: In questi casi lo scrocchio può indicare diverse condizioni, come ad esempio:
Tendinite, infiammazione dei tendini dovuta a traumi o eccessiva usura. Borsite, infiammazione nella borsa o cuscinetto tra l'osso e i tendini della spalla. Usura nella cuffia dei rotatori della spalla.
7. Scrocchio del gomito: Lo scrocchio del gomito può indicare problemi nell'articolazione e può essere causato da diversi fattori, come:
Cattiva nutrizione, che altera la composizione delle ossa e delle articolazioni. Infezioni localizzate.
Alterazioni metaboliche. Lesioni causate da forti urti. Mancanza di attività fisica, così come eccesso di sport eseguito in modo improprio.
Se il rumore persiste e genera anche dolore e infiammazione, è consigliabile rivolgersi a un medico specialista per trovare una soluzione. Soprattutto nel caso in cui le articolazioni si bloccano.
8. Scrocchio della gola: I rumori del corpo a livello della gola possono essere più seri di quello che si pensa. Talvolta, infatti, possono essere il sintomo di disturbi neurologici che colpiscono i tessuti, come nel caso del Parkinson.
Oltre a ciò, possono essere causati anche da un ispessimento della cartilagine della tiroide, ma in questo caso il rumore scompare da solo e il fastidio diminuisce.
Qualora i rumori del corpo siano siano accompagnati da infiammazioni o dolori, è importante seguire un trattamento adeguato. In questi casi è bene andare dal medico ed evitare l'automedicazione e le diagnosi scorrette.
RET Metro Hoekse Lijn Vlaardingen Oost New Metro Line Rotterdam August 21 #HoekseLijn - Duration: 7:22.Vlaardingen Oost
The sims 4 machinima series - Alive | Ep.1 | SUBTITLES ONLY - Duration: 34:41.Amaya: Whew! All this carrying and unpacking is finally done.
And here you thought this was going to take all day.
Trey: Seeing that you have one up me and woken me up close to 5 am in the morning...
And here we are done. Which is literally now noon... So... Yeah, it did take up "most" of my day.
Amaya: Trey... Lighten up, Okay? It wasn't that bad and we finished up at noon. Which is a more reasonable time...
So, let's go in and settle down.
I can order a pizza and we can hook up your video game console and play together, how does that sound?
Trey: Eh... I rather relax for a bit mom. Thanks for the offer though.
Amaya: Okay, that's fine too. Now come let's go inside.
The sun is beaming on my forehead and it's starting to get on my nerves.
Well? How is it?
Trey: It's okay... I guess.
Amaya: Why don't we go up to see your new room?
Well? Is it to your liking? I tried to make it just like the way you had it from your old room.
Trey: Hm...
It's not perfect, but with a few adjustments, I could make it like how it used to be... Maybe...
Amaya: Trey... I know that things are hard for us, for the past couple of years and this is your last year in high school.
I am sorry for pulling you out of the place that was dear to us. But time moves on and we must also do the same.
Trey: I understand mom,
I just wasn't expecting to leave it all behind during my last year of high school.
I don't feel like starting back from point A all over again...
Amaya: Trey, honey please cheer up.
Sometimes in life things just don't go the way we had in mind. This will be your last year in high school.
I want you to start fresh, make some friends and make the most of it.
Trey: Heh, You make it sound as if this is going to be easy for me.
Amaya: Well, who knows? It may or it may not be. You will never know unless you try Trey.
Trey (narrating): Well, this is the start of my next chapter in life.
As you are aware, my name is Trey Michaels.
I am a seventeen-year-old who is about to finally write the last page of his chapter in high school.
That's right, I am a senior and you know? I thought I had everything planned out for me.
Graduate at my old high school. Get a job at that small convenience store downtown,
play video games and live with my mom for a couple of years until I can get off my feet.
But all of that had changed the moment mom here, decided that we should move out and into a new city on my last year of high school.
The high school that I was totally comfortable in. The reason being? Well...
Three months ago my mom was assigned to a new case dealing with the drug trafficking that is happening within this town.
She is one of the best cops this police force has.
From a Cadet to a Lieutenant within a couple of months during within those seven years of the force.
Many high profile cops are in this case and a lot of them had failed to crack down this case or dropped off from it.
So, that's when they decided to bring the big gun in... My mom and a few other cops.
Mom didn't even let me have a say in the matter of whatever I wanted to go with her to this new town or not.
She does have her reasoning for taking me with -
Trey: (Gasp) !
Amaya: I'll get it!
Callen: Hello, there. Welcome to Brindletown Bay. We are your neighbors from across the street.
My name is Callen Neal, this is my wife Cara Neal and our Grandson, Cody Neal.
Cara: Pleased to meet you.
Cody: Hi! I'm Cody!
Amaya: Uhm. Hi...?
My name is Amaya Michaels.
Callen: I saw you moving in from our window. I thought you would need some help with settling in.
That's kind of you. Me and my son, Trey had just finished. I can offer you guys refreshments though.
Cara: That will be nice dear. I did bring along a fruitcake. I had just baked not too long ago. Consider it as a welcoming gift.
Cody: Yes! Grandmother Cara's fruitcakes can put any fruitcake to shame
You haven't tried fruitcake until you have tried "Grand" mama's fruitcake.
Cara: (chuckles) Cody, please... You're embarrassing me.
Callen: Oh! hello, young man.
Trey: Erm... Hi.
Cody: You must be Trey! Hey! My name is Cody!
Trey: Yeah... That's my name.
Cara: Such a young & handsome looking man. My name is Cara neal and the man beside me is name Callen.
Would you like to try some of my fruitcake with us?
Trey: No thanks Fruitcake is not my go-to sweet tooth...
Cody: Oh on come bud, My grandma's fruitcake is amazing! You'll enjoy it!
Trey: If you say so...
Cara: (Giggles) and a shy one.
Amaya: Trey! Stop being rude to our new neighbors.
Here are your drinks, Ice cold sweet tea.
Callen: I'm sorry, I'm afraid that I cannot drink sweet tea.
Amaya: Do you want me to dilute it with some water or I could get you something else?
Callen No, Its fine. Thank you.
Cara: So what has brought the two of you in settling into Brindletown bay?
Amaya: Well, I am on a new work field for my job.
Callen: Oh, that is awesome.
Cara: That must be wonderful
Amaya: Yes. It really is. Me and my son was in a bad situation for quite some time.
I was thinking about transferring and moving if things did not turn over on a new leaf.
Luckily, my boss did it for me.
Trey: Mom? I think I am going to go up to my room and finish unpacking.
Amaya: Oh? Okay then... I'm sorry please forgive my son. He's not much of a people's person.
Callen: It is alright Miss Michaels. Cody was like that a few years back.
Cara: Speaking of, Cody? Do you mind helping Trey with his unpacking?
Cody: Sure! Miss Amaya? Do you mind?
Amaya: I don't mind. I am sure Trey would appreciate the help.
Trey: (sighs) Finally... Peace and quiet.
Cody: Hey Trey!
Trey: (gasp) !?
Trey: C-Cody?! What are you? What are you doing in my room?
Cody: Well... Your mother told me to come and help you. So, I am. But...
It looks like to me, that you are already finished.
Trey: Yeah, So you can go back downstairs now if you want.
Cody: Hey, no need to be so harsh.
I am just going to take a wild guess that the real excuse was that you wanted to be alone?
Trey: ... (sighs) Yeah... I guess you can say that.
Cody: mm... No, Worries. I do the same thing at times when I wish to be alone.
Trey: So, if you know that I wish to be left alone. Could you please leave?
Cody: No can do buddy.
Trey: (groans)
Cody: I'm sorry but, I have to take the ladies orders. They want me and you to get along.
So let's get along. After all, you will be joining my school tomorrow.
You're gonna need someone to show you the ropes around and I'm the person who can do that.
Trey: (sighs) I guess...
Cody: So, Where'd ya come from?
Trey: I'm from willow creek.
Cody: Ohhh. That's nice, I use to live there when I was just a kid. That town has some of the best cherry blossoms.
Trey: Yeah... They were pretty to look at.
Cody: Hm... Hey, you play with void critters as well?
Trey: Eh, I sort of a collection of them. I don't collect them anymore... Ever since my brother...
Cody: You have a brother?
Trey: I had.
Cody: Oh? Where is he at?
Trey: Can we just focus back on the topic of this void critter talk?
Cody: Oh... Okay. We can.
Cara: Cody? It's time for us to leave!
Cody: Coming! Hey Trey, it was nice talking to you.
I'll see you on the sidewalk tomorrow with a couple of my friends. I am sure you will get along with them.
Trey: Yeah... looking forward to that. (mumbles) Not really...
Amaya: Thank you for coming. Feel free to come visit anytime.
Callen: Thank you, Amaya, I hope you and your son will visit our home as well.
Cara: Yes, I look forward to it as well. I do bake more than just fruitcakes you know.
Amaya: Sounds like a winner.
Callen: See you later Mrs. Michaels.
Trey: Well... I don't know what you are doing up there bro...
But as you can see. Me and mom moved to a different town, starting over on a new life... A life without you.
Just why did you have to leave me? Leave us? Just Why?
Let's just get this school year over with...
There's Cody and I guess his friends?
Cody: And that is how I beat Lord Draken yesterday, he was a hard boss but I got him.
Cody: Ha! Took you long enough.
Cody: Cut it out Jun. I don't play MMOs often and you know that!
Jun: Still, man, you have a lot to learn you scrub!
Cody: Yeah, let's play another round of NBA and see who will be calling who's the scrub then?
Sam: Uhm... Guys? Not trying to but into your conversation, but that kid over there? Is kind of staring.
Cody: Oh?
Trey: Okay, Trey... Maybe I should like to calm down and try to go to school without them realizing that I am here.
Cody: Trey! Hey, wait up!
Trey: Damn it! (sucks his teeth) Oh, Hey Cody...
Cody: I'm sorry about that I didn't see ya there.
Trey: Yeah... Me neither. I meant towards you.
Cody: Why don't you come over and introduce yourself to the gang?
Trey: Eh... I'm good.
Cody: Oh come on Trey, they won't bite.
Trey: (sighs) Alright...
Cody: Hey, so this is my new friend Trey, Trey Michaels he just moved here yesterday.
Sam: My name is Sam, Sam Skyler.
Jun: If he's not the definition of what a geek looks like? Then I do not know what is.
Sam: WOW! Then that means you two have something in common then! ... You're both geeks.
Trey: (grunts)
Nicolás: Forgive my friend for his random outburst. He just does not know when to put a lid over his mouth.
My name is Nicolás and the one who called you a nerd is named Jun.
Trey: I see... Well, it's nice to meet all of you.
Cody: We should get going. I don't want to get a tardy during the first three weeks of school.
Sam: You really want that perfect attendance huh?
Or just too much of a wanna be "male role" model for the school.
Cody: What can I say? They serve chocolate cake to both an honor roll and perfect attendance student.
Who doesn't like cake!?
Nicolás: Well, I guess I could raise my hand up for that one because I am not much of sweet tooth eater.
Jun: Nah, you're just no fun.
Nicolás: I'll remember that the next time you need help with your homework
Jun: Hey!
Nicolás: So, Trey, Cody had told me you collect void critters?
Trey: I use to.
Nicolás: I see. What type of void Critters do you own?
Trey: I would have to check. I don't really recall how many void critters I've own.
Nicolás: Hm. Okay then. If you do check your void critters and don't need any you want.
Let me know and I'll trade you for a legendary one.
Jun: Void critter. Smoid critter. Do you collect those things? Please... Trey? Do you play any MMOs any particular ones?
Trey: I do play World of Gauntlets.
Jun: Wait, you do!? Dude! What server are you on?
Trey: Uhm…
Is that a cat?
Sam: What? You sound like as if you've never seen a stray cat before.
Trey: It has been a while since I seen a cat.
Jun: Were you really hiding underneath a rock all this time, bro?
Nicolás: Jun!
Trey: Yeah, I guess I have been. Fact is: We don't have stray animals roaming around where I use to live.
Sam: Well, they're pretty common here. At least at Whiskerman's port.
There used to be a cat lady here who took care of them all, but she moved out and some of them got free.
Trey: Damn... That's pretty messed up.
Cody: Yeah, it is. That poor cat lady...
Nicolás: Oh god... Someone help me shield Jun's eyes.
Sam: Why?
Trey: Who... Is... That...?
Jun: That... Right there... Is the Beautiful goddess herself... Cecilia Williams.
Nicolás: And Jun's biggest crush as well as the entire school.
Cody: Yeah! Cecilia is one of those popular girls. She hangs around with Jun's little sister, Gabriela and Angelina.
Cecilia is like the second popular girl in school, but she is also known to be the high school's sweetheart.
That nickname is due to her sweet nature and basically that "Idea" student towards the school.
An all A honor roll student, friendly and helpful to everyone!
Sam: Yeah, Miss goody "two" shoes.That's because she looks like an Angel on the outside that doesn't mean she's one on the inside...
Jun: Oh? Is someone Jealous?
Sam: Who's said I was jealous?
Jun: Well maybe you should try slapping on some makeup for once and wear bright colored outfits and who knows?
You might be accepted in school.
Sam: Well, maybe I don't want to be accepted by you, narasstic lunatics! Did ya ever think about that?!
Nicolás : Guys, chill!
Cody: Yeah you guys, no need to Argue.
Trey: Cecilia, huh...?
Cody: Pretty big huh?
Trey: Yeah.
Nicolás: Well Trey, welcome to Brindleton high. The only high school in Brindleton Bay.
Sam: And be good riddance with this place...
Trey: Is she still mad?
Jun: Eh, she'll be fine. Truth be told. Sam hasn't gotten along with anyone at the school except for us three.
Trey: So she's a loner...
Cody: Sam will be okay when school is over. For now Trey, we need to bring you to counselor's office and get you settled in.
Nicolás: Well, me and Jun will be heading to class. I hope you two don't mind.
I don't want to get another tardy pass because of him.
Cody: Alright, We will see you two later.
Alright, Mr.Michaels let us proceed towards the school counselor.
Cody: Hello, Mrs.Clark this guy here is a new student. His name is Trey Michaels.
Mrs.Clark: Greetings Mr. Michaels and Mr.Neal, My name is Mrs. Clark. I am the attendance guidance.
I assume you two are here to look for Miss Wellington?
Cody: He is. I'm just showing him where to go.
Mrs.Clark: You are always generous to the student bodyguard here Cody.
The school counselor is not here today and sadly, she won't be here for awhile.
Cody: Oh... Aw man.
Mrs.Clark: A family matter is going on for her and she must attend there.
Cody: Then Who should we go to, to get Trey's schedule?
Mrs.Clark: Principal Brunswick is filling the role for Miss Wellington.
Cody: Yikes…
Mrs. Clark: He is in his office, you may enter.
Cody: Looks like you are on your own for the time being Trey.
Trey: So you're leaving me?
Cody: I got no say on the matter. Mr.Brunswick doesn't like seeing two students coming into his office.
especially if the other one does not have any business with him. Besides, I have to get to class. I only have two minutes to get there before the bell rings.
Trey: Alright... Thanks for your help, Cody.
Cody: No problem. Just mind your manners around the principal. He can be a bit of an "Ice King".
Mr.Brunswick: Riley, we have gone over this countless times.
It is every month, every week, every new school year. You always somehow get into some type of trouble...
Riley: Hey, what can I say? Trouble just seems to follow me the moment I step foot into this forsaken place.
Mr.Brunswick: So, what you are saying is: You will not condolence for your actions then, Miss Doorman?
Riley: Nope.
I don't see what's the big deal about not being able to have a quick smoke.
Not like I was doing it inside the school.
Mr.Brunswick: But you were in our school grounds, Miss Doorman. (sighs)
Look Riley, my patience with you is now at its end.
Your Guardian does not even show up when I call her about your misbehavior.
Riley: It's because I don't live with her.
I'm not her problem anymore.
Mr.Brunswick: And you're also not the school's problem anymore.
I'm sorry Miss Doorman, but you are now expelled from Brindletown high's school grounds.
Riley: What...?
Brunswick: I have given you countless chances to redeem yourself Mrs.Doorman. And every chance I had to offer you.
You've ruined those chances to redeem yourself. You have no one to else blame for this mess but yourself.
I cannot have a problem child roaming my hallways and giving the rest of my students a bad influence.
Now, any other question you would like to ask?
Riley: Sure! When can the hell can I get my stuff and get the fuck out of this place?
Mr.Brunswick: NOW!
Mr.Brunswick: I swear... Student these days
Trey: Uhm...
Mr.Brunswick: Oh. Come in, come in...
Trey: Yes sir.
Mr.Brunswick: I apologize that you had to hear and see all of that.
Trey: It's fine.
Mr.Brunswick: Hm… Are you a new student?
Trey: Yes. My name is Trey Michaels. I will be attending this school starting today...
Mr.Brunswick: Hmm... Trey Michaels (mumbles to himself), oh. Here we are. Yes, you are a transfer student from Oxford high school in willow creek.
My name is Principal Brunswick as you can see I am the temporary guidance counselor. At least until our guidance counselor comes back.
Trey: I see.
Mr.Brunswick: Well here is your school schedule. I will walk you to your homeroom since the bell is about to ring and all.
Trey: Okay.
Miss Springs: Okay, you guys. You all need to settle down.
Gabriella: I wonder where Cel is?
Angeline: Probably at home... I didn't see her come to school today and it's not like we're in the same homeroom anymore.
Gabriella: Yeah... That's true.
Mr.Brunswick: Miss Springs.
Miss Springs: Oh! Mr.Brunswick!
Mr.Brunswick: Good morning Miss springs,
you have a new student who will be joining your homeroom
and history class from this point on. His name Is Trey Michaels.
Miss Springs: Oh. Well, welcome, Trey. My name is Amanda Spring. I am going to be your homeroom teacher as well as your history teacher.
Like you, this is also my first time here at this school. So we have something in common (giggles)
Trey: Hello... Miss Springs.
Mr.Brunswick Good luck Mr. Michaels. I hope that this school year will be a good one to you.
Hopefully, you don't visit my office regularly.
Miss Springs: Well, Trey let me introduce you. To your fellow classmates.
Everyone? Attention all!
Angeline: Who is he...?
Gabriella: Not someone I saw before.
Miss Springs: Everyone? I know that we are all starting your last year of high school fresh,
but allow me to introduce you all to Trey Michaels.
He will be your new classmate for your homeroom and might have some classes with you all. So,
if any of you have any classes with Trey, please be a considerate classmate and help him out.
*The class goes back to talking as ignoring what the teacher just said.*
Miss Springs: go on and take a seat, Trey.
Trey: Yes, Miss Spring.
Angeline: Ugh, and here I thought the new kid would be good looking.
Him though? He looks like he came from something that came from that cartoon called "Dumbo"
Gabriela: You and your boy talk. With that kind of attitude, you will never get a boyfriend.
Angeline: Honey, Please.~ If I want too I can snatch any guy in this school off their feet.
Gabriella: Then why not start with the new guy?
Angeline: His presence sickens me. I rather not have the attention of that dweeb over there.
Gabriela: Then I guess your comment is invalid.
Angeline: Hmph.
Sam: (whisper) Psst, Trey, hey Trey!
Trey: Eh? Wha? Oh! Sam!
Sam: Sam's the name. Don't wear it out...
Trey: So you have this homeroom?
Sam: Uhm... Yeah? Can't you see that? Or are you trying to strike some type of conversation with me?
Because if you are? You're pretty bad at it.
Trey: Yeah... I guess you can say I am not good at communicating with others. In fact. I'm pretty bad at it.
Sam: Yeah, no worry I'm bad at it as well.
Angeline: Oh please, You won't be just bad, but trash as well… If you keep being associated with the weirdo.
Trey: What...?
Sam: Yeah, Uh-huh. Good Morning to you too Snowflake.
Angeline: Excuse me?
Gabriella: Angeline.
Angeline: So your name is Trey, right?
Trey: Yes.
Angeline: Well Trey, Welcome to Brindleton high. Since you're new here.
I will give you some enlightenment advice from someone who's been here since freshman year.
See that girl you are talking too right now? Yeah, you should like, stay away from her like the rest of us do.
She's trash. Unless you associate with Trash.
Students: (giggles)
Trey: Who was she?
Sam: Oh, that's Miss frost queen or what I like to call her, Frost Bitch. Her real name is Angeline.
She's friends with the girl you and Jun were oogling about.
Trey: Cecilia?
Sam: (sighs) Yeah...
Trey: Gonna guess that you, Cecilia and her friends have some beef among each other?
Sam: Well yes and no. Look, I am not the one to typically sit there and judge people by their clothes, looks and all but...
Trey I'm sure you've had a time, at least in middle and high school. Where you have Have seen schools having their own little "groupie" and these "Groupies
Or "clicks" I should say, tends to collide with other clicks? You know? The ones who are on top of the pyramid look down upon others.
I'm considered a low class to the bunch of the popular kids in this school. The lowest you can get.
Trey: I get what you are saying..
Sam: Good. Now I don't have to explain any further then what I had too.
Sorry to rain on your parade, but this school is nowhere near perfect as people try to make it sound.
Trey: Yeah no kidding, my first day here and I had witnessed a student getting expelled.
Sam: Wait, what? Who?
Trey: I think her name was Riley...?
Sam: Wait, Riley? As in Riley Doorman?
Trey: Yeeeah...
Sam: Oh my, Wow they FINALLY expelled her! After all these years!
Trey: So, she really was a troublemaker?
Sam: Oh, don't get me started on that troublemaker. The stuff that girl had done in this school?
She should have been packing her bags and out the door, for these last couple of years, she had been here.
Trey: What did she do?
Sam: Oh, for one she's a delinquent. Not only that, but there were also very bad rumors that was revolving around Riley, and I mean really bad rumors.
Trey: Ehhh, I see...
Sam: Do you have any idea on why she got expelled?
Trey: I came in on them at the last minute sooo...
Sam: I see. Well good riddance to her. If you ever see Riley around Trey, I advise that you stay away from her.
Riley is bad news... She brings trouble wherever she goes. So, what class do you have next?
Trey: I have science and you?
Sam: Ugh, Geometry...
Trey: Heh, good luck to you.
Sam: Yeah, same to you Trey. Nicolás and Jun should be in the next period you are going to. So, have fun.
Trey: Alright, thanks.
Nicolás: Oh, There's what's his face.
Jun: Trey? Oh... Hey! Trey!
Trey: Ugh... Great. And here I was hoping, that they actually were not here. But they seem to be everywhere. (mumbles)
Jun: Trey! Come sit with us!
Cody: Well, at least we all have PE together.
Nicolás: I'll say.
Jun: Hey, I am wondering.
Cody: What's that Jun?
Jun: Why is Trey by his lonesome?
Nicolás: Well, he probably needs time to come out of his shell.
Cody: Hm... Yeah maybe. There's no need to be shy around us though.
Sam: You can't force yourself into people's space, Cody...
Jun: Hmm... Oh. I got it!
Everyone expect Trey & Jun: What?
Jun: Alright. Why don't we go to the lighthouse a.k.a deadgrass isle?
Trey: Deadgrass Isle?
Nicolás: Yeah, there's an old lighthouse there. We usually visit there at least once a week.
Cody: My grandfather visits there on a regular basis.
Every elder in this town makes it as it's their duty to keep the lighthouse
and the owner of the lighthouse's place clean and tidy.
Jun: There are also some rumors. At night, spirits of pets and wild animals hunt and roam the whole island.
Trey: Wait, What!?
Sam: It is just a rumor though... Besides it is a school night
so it's not like we're gonna stay at that place until eight p.m or so.
Trey: So, what's so special about this lighthouse?
Jun: It's really just one of our hang out places.
Cody: Yeah... What makes it special is that the island is so far offshore.
It's like how a new student comes to a new school and no knows nothing about this new environment and people.
Sam: The island does represent all of us as if we do not have a place in school society...
Nicolás: Despite all of its ghost haunting rumors, It's actually quite calming and beautiful place.
Not a lot of people our age visits there. So we made it one of hanging out spots.
Trey: I see…
Cody: Hey! Grandpa!
Callen: Cody. I see you have brought all of your friends to the lighthouse with you.
Cody: It wasn't my Idea, Jun wanted to bring Trey and the others here.
So, What are you doing here? Wait... is that a new painting you've put up?
Callen: Why yes. This is supposed to be the famous captain and his dog.
I had it buried in the garage and thought it would be a good idea to bring it here.
Nicolás: That's a nice painting of them. Do you know the artist?
Callen: I'm afraid not.
Trey: Is this suppose to be some type of museum or something?
Callen: Well, I guess you can say that. Fifty years ago a man and his dog use to live on this island.
He was a Captain who was also known to be the king of the seas. Him and his crew no matter how bad a weather might be, he would set sail across the vast sea.
It was thanks to this lighthouse, that the captain and his crew got to their destinations safely every night.
Sadly one night the light in the lighthouse stopped working and the ship that was transporting a large amount of cargo ended up in a shipwreck.
Sam: Oh man...
Jun: That's sad...
Callen: Every crew member and being on that ship had died. However, there was one crew member that had refused to get on that ship.
He saw the crash in a dream. You could say that he had lived well enough to at least tell the story of this tragic incident.
Tourists did say that they have sightings of the ship out in the vast ocean. But that is all but a fable story tale, at least the "ghost ship" rumors.
Cody: That's a nice story grandpa, but we're not exactly here for storytelling.
We wanted to show Trey the lighthouse and hang up there for a bit.
Callen: Well, that's fine. I need to go there myself and tidy up the place.
It's my turn clean that dusty the place out anyway.
So how about this? Why don't all of you help me? After that, we can grab a couple of burgers and shakes. On the house.
Jun: Oh man, that sounds nice! I'll take it!
Nicolás: Yeah, I could go down with some season salt fries with hot melted cheese on it.
Sam: A shake sounds nice.
Cody: Yeah! I can totally go for a burger!
Trey: You guys... Can go ahead without me. I have to get back home.
Jun: Aww, come on Trey. We won't keep you out for that long.
Trey: I have some more unpacking to do and do some homework.
Callen: Alright, Trey. I understand... Moving into a new town can be rough on a person. Did you want a ride home?
Trey: No, I'm good. I can take the fairy on the way back.
Callen: Alright then.
Trey: Damn... I don't know if I can get used to this. It just isn't the same. I don't want to be here...
Feels like I am just not going to fit in at all. And you had to leave me... Of all the people that I care about in this world.
Jermaine (Trey... It will be okay. You will be okay. Life isn't fair to all of us at times... Live a long life and enjoy it to its fullest).
Trey: Yeah... You said it as if it is so damn easy to live a life without you...
You really did break me and mom, big brother... Just why did you had to leave us so damn early?
Puppy: (Whimprs)
Trey: What in the world was that...?
Trey: .... What are you?
Alan Walker - Diamond Heart (feat. Sophia Somajo) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:19.Alan Walker - Diamond Heart (feat. Sophia Somajo) [Lyrics]
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Necrons Tactics - How to Win With Necrons - Duration: 2:13.This is part one of a five part series of videos covering core necron tactics
showing you how to win with necrons
Nick speaking and welcome to this video and if you're new to the channel and you
would like to keep up to date with the wonders of Warhammer 40k then please
subscribe and hit the bell button so you don't miss an upload over the last few
years I have been sharing some necron tactics and strategies that people have
been using to get great results with their necron armies so if you've been
having some bad results on the table now is the time to change that it starts
right now in today's video if you have had trouble
winning with this codex it's not your fault
this codex is slightly under powered compared to many codex's outs there
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to have the special rules that a lot of armies have to make their armies
competitive necrons in eighth edition are not really in a good place playing
this codex is hard work however you can turn that around you can show your
friends show your local gaming club that you can win with your army over the next
coming days I am going to share the core tactics that you need to win with
necrons we're going to be talking about necron
dynasties what Necron detachments to use what are the best units on the table and
the strategies to playing a necron army I've been working very hard getting to
know the necron codex playing the army as much as possible and I am going to
share a step-by-step guide of my experience on how to get the most out of
the book now if you're new to the channel make sure you subscribe
hit the IDICBeer icon and check out that video there to find out more
strategies on how you can win with necrons
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Harry wants to move VLOG - Duration: 12:26.You scared me.
I liked your song.
Where are we Harry?
In Örebro.
Good morning.
Mommy, can you make me a cute hairdo.
Absolutely, would you like to show our hotel room first?
-Our messy hotel room. -Yeah, it gets like that when we stay somewhere.
This is me and Harry's bedroom.
I'll move over here to catch the light.
It's a bit of a mess.
That's the name of the hotel. We stay at Grand Hotel.
Grand Scandic hotel, did you sleep well?
Yes, very.
This is where mom and dad slept.
-What time is it? -9:40 AM.
Let's have breakfast.
We're on our way out to do Örebro.
Do Örebro? It's Sunday and everything seems to be closed. But we'll see some sights, we have 2 hours.
-That round button? -Yes.
Quick steps.
That balcony is semi finished.
Oh, imagine taking a step out on that.
This is nice.
Yes, but we feel small.
Let me show how small we are.
We're tiny.
It's raining all of a sudden. We were going to a playground but we'll head back to the hotel instead.
-I want to have a fan meet now. -We'll have it in a few hours.
-Ok that's good. I hope a lot of people show up. It's fun.
-You think so? -Yes, it's lots of fun.
-My pants. -Oh, how did they end up there?
I forgot that I put them there.
No... I'm just joking.
You bought it.
It's 1:30 PM, the kids have relaxed in front of the TV for a while. Axel bought pizza for us.
Family pizza, it's tasty.
At 3 PM we have a meet up for viewers at the hotel. And we're heading back to Stockholm after that.
She's right.
What if you said; No, she's wrong.
I don't want to go home.
Don't you?
I want to move here. Would you like that Alma?
Yes, I'd like that. And a teddy bear could come every day in a box from back home.
Let me see your arms.
But.. daddy was filming with the GoPro.
I'm filming with this.
Two cameras?!
You're filming with two cameras.
We do that often.
Is it cool to have many tattoos?
I don't have that many, I have a few more.
What are you doing with them?
Giving them away. Look, this is what they look like.
Who are you giving them to?
You're sweet.
Last walk in here.
Have you checked everywhere?
-Yes, but you're better than me. Have a look. -I will.
It's empty.
Good, let's go.
3,2,1,0.. I will press the button.
We're ready to meet viewers in a room full of light. There's a line with people here. Hi everyone!
Harry is pumped. He wants to give tattoos.
Let's head in Harry, we'll see them all.
We've already met some people and it's 3 PM now, the time we were going to start.
Alma would you like to come with me and see what it looks like out there?
Hi everyone! Please tell me if you don't want to be part of our vlog. We're filming.
It's a lot of people. Hey! Hey! Fun to see you all!
It's 4:30 PM and we can see the end of the line. Harry is tired.
Tired, operated, mischievous and crazy.
Would you rather have a cat or a dog?
Cat, cat, cat. We all say cat.
We've been driving for ten minutes from Örebro on our way to Stockholm.
Harry is fast asleep. How are you Alma?
Here we are, with lot's of presents, from our viewers.
Toys, candy, shopkins, slime, drawings and love letters.
We've read them all, thanks! We want to stress that there's no need to bring things for us to our meet up's.
You're welcome with empty hands.
It's suer cute, but we don't expect anything.
Some asked us to open the gifts in a video but it feels like we open boxes all the time.
We chose to open them off cam. There will be a new "opening mail" video on our channel soon.
And we can't open presents all the time.
That's right. Stay tuned if you like to see when we open stuff.
Harry didn't want to film today. He was so pumped ahead of the fan meet
And his energy levels got lower and lower during the meet up.
He was so tired at the end. He was all over the place.
He needs some time off filming.
He's taking a break.
We have several Question of the Day, that we got from viewers we met, we're going to answer them.
Jayden and Neo is asking how many countries we've been to?
Let me see.. Spain.. Jamaica..
Singapore, Malaysia and Cape Verde. Together as a family.
Cheer Maja is wondering if we have any hobbies?
Work out.
Work out when I have time.
Filippa is asking where we'd rather live, a house or an apartment?
Cornelia is asking; who's your favorite singer?
Benjamin Ingrosso.
Harry's too.
Studio Barnhus.
The Beatles.
Studio Barnhus?
They're great.
Villemo is asking how many loom bands we've been given by fans?
Well see, one...
..fourteen, fifteen, sixteen.
16 loom bands.
From Örebro. We haven't counted before. Fun question though.
Wilma is asking; What's Alma and Harry's favorite toy?
Yes, that's Harry's favorite.
My favorite is my bicycle.
Klara is asking where we'd like to live if we didn't live in Stockholm.
A house in Spain.
That sounds fun.
-A house in Spain sounds great. -We let Alma decide.
Si sangria.
Thank you for watching this video!
Please leave a thumbs up or down. Comment, post questions and take care until next time. Bye! Bye!
Wheels On The Bus | Cartoons for Babies | Nursery Rhymes for Kids by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:57.The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round,
Round and round,
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All through the town.
The wheels on the tractor go round and round,
Round and round, round and round,
The wheels on the tractor go round and round,
All through the town.
The wheels on the fire tractor go round and round,
Round and round, round and round,
The wheels on the fire tractor go round and round,
All through the town.
The wheels on the tax go round and round,
Round and round, round and round,
The wheels on the tax go round and round,
All through the town.
The wheels on the stroller go round and round,
Round and round, round and round,
The wheels on the stroller go round and round
All through the town.
The wheels on the train go round and round
Round and round, round and round,
The wheels on the stroller go round and round
All through the town.
The wheels on the motorcycle go round and round
Round and round, round and round,
The wheels on the motorcycle go round and round
All through the town.
The wheels on the train go round and round
Round and round, round and round,
The wheels on the train go round and round
All through the town.
The wheels on the bike go round and round
Round and round, round and round,
The wheels on the bike go round and round
All through the town.
The wheels on the monster truck go round and round
Round and round, round and round,
The wheels on the monster truck go round and round
All through the town.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round, round and round,
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All through the town.
النسخة القديمة من هجوم العمالقة || Attack on Titan Chapter 0 - Duration: 6:21.-------------------------------------------
KOREAN CHOCOPIE & MONGSHELL MUKBANG *IN KOREAN* 🇰🇷 초코파이 몽쉘 먹방 *한국말로* - Duration: 16:22.Hi everyone it's Yumillou ! Since many of my Korean subscribers asked me to do a mukbang in Korean
Today i will do it in Korean !
If my pronunciation is weird or if i do a lot of mistakes, please understand
So what we are eating today is that
One of my Korean subscribers asked "can you eat Chocopie and Mongshell please?"
so today, i will have both !
we have whipped cream mongshell, sticky rice cake chocopie, cheesecake flavored mongshell
my beloved cheesecake <3
and this, i bought this out of curiosity at GS25 convenience store
white chocolatta, it's a snack
and to drink, my favorite soy milk
bon appétit !
what should we start with? should we have this?
sticky rice cake chocopie
I'm not personally the type of person that enjoys eating Chocopie normally
But it's been a while since i've had some so...
so i'm really excited!
shall we try it?
it looks like that... foreigners might not be familiar with this
first it's like a chocolate cake like snack?
it's not really a snack but it's kind of that feeling?
let's try it
it's so good
the special thing about it is that inside it's not a marshmallow but
it's a sticky rice cake, i like it
this is good !
it's very sticky
it's good
wow this is good ! i've never had this before !
this is delicious
I really like this one, whipped cream Mongshell
looks like that
this scent... we have something similar in my country
the smell is the same !
omg whipped cream
this one is really soft
i love the taste of this chocolate
it's slightly melted so i think it's even better
between Mongshell and Chocopie the feeling is very different
should we try the cheesecake one? wow smells like cheese
oh it's good
there's a strong cheese flavour
the texture is amazing, it's very soft
this one is very nice and unique, because of the rice cake
this one is very sweet
the whipped cream one is sooo soft
it melts
i love it
i think this is my favorite, the whipped cream one
i don't know if it's because it's kinda melted
but the whipped cream one is amazing !
shall we try this? white chocolatta
it looks like that
it's so cool
at first it's super crunchy and after you put it in your mouth it just melts
it's good!
it's really like i'm eating white chocolate
it really melts
it's nice
wow the more you eat the sweeter it gets for real
the cheesecake one...
is alright but
it's kinda dry
it's still tasty though
*reading this inscription*
the whipped cream one is definitely my favorite
last bite !
i'm full
It was really good i enjoyed everything
but my favorite was the whipped cream Mongshell
it's soft, sweet and delicious, i love it
So that's gonna be it for this mukbang
if you enjoyed this video don't forget to like & subscribe today and have a sweet weekend <3
byeeee <3
One Little Finger | Momo Beats Cartoons | Videos For Children by Kids Channel - Duration: 2:30.One Little Finger - Momo Beats
Channing Tatum's crazy southern accent in Kingsman Golden Circle - Duration: 3:57.Hello. It's Jinger.
I live in Florida in the U.S.
It is at the very bottom of southern America.
Southern America has
a unique accent called a 'southern accent'.
When I first heard it
I was like 'What the heck..?'.
It was so different that
I couldn't even imitate.
Channing Tatum
in Kingsman Golden Circle
did a good job speaking with a southern accent.
I would like to share it with you guys.
Shall we begin?
Jinger English
It sounds like a bunch of wang wang sound to me.
And also
there is a thing about a southern accent.
They use y'all all the time.
It means 'you all'.
Honestly, it doesn't sound cool.
It sounds like a country people accent.
American people tend to think
a southern accent doesn't sound cool
and sounds unintelligent.
Channing Tatum has lived in
Mississippi and Alabama.
So he can speak with a southern accent.
But this it how he talks for real.
Florida is a part of southern America.
But there are a lot of retired people from other states.
People from all over the States.
Some of them have southern accents
some of them don't.
More people around me don't have southern accents.
But when you travel up
I heard more people speaks with southern accents.
But even though southern accents don't sound cool
it doesn't mean people are not cool.
You may think southerns accents don't sound intelligent
it doesn't mean people are unintelligent.
So you should never judge people
with their accents and pronunciations.
You can tell how intelligent a person is from
vocabularies and expressions
or how correct grammar is.
It's important to work on your pronunciations.
But it's not everything.
I hope you work on
vocabularies, expressions and grammar too.
Native speakers think
excellent vocabularies are more important than
perfect pronunciations.
Korean people tend to care too much about pronunciations.
Well, we care what other people think too much..
I don't blame them.
Because when I was a beginner
I judged people with their pronunciations.
But this is not the best way.
Pronunciations are not everything.
My name is Jinger.
If this video was helpful click LIKE and SUBSCRIBE.
See you next time.
Jerry Springer Show (September 29, 2018) - Duration: 3:24.-------------------------------------------
It's TIME for SUPER LAUGH! - Best FUNNY CAT videos | Cats And Dogs - Duration: 9:54.Please Don't forget to: LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE for the Upcoming New Funny Videos
Alan Walker - Diamond Heart (feat. Sophia Somajo) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:19.Alan Walker - Diamond Heart (feat. Sophia Somajo) [Lyrics]
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My Significant other Birthday! "No Gift" Walang Pera! | Pinoy Abroad | New Jersey - Duration: 25:30.Ginger
what are you doing under the table?
Here is my Ginger
Hi there Ginger!
Hi Guys!
Good morning!
I woke up early today
Here I am so ready
I'm wearing my jogging pants
I plan to jog
but look at the weather
cold and raining
Oh not raining anymore, but it was raining awhile ago
I should go jogging
I will try go to the park to jog
Hi guys!
we are here now at the park
uhm walking, jogging early
you see this
we need to get connected with
the nature
to de-stress
I worked too hard
I always work overtime
I don't get enough rest
today is my first day of my vacation
I have five days vacation
so because it is
first day of my vacation
I'm going to make the most of it
so here I am, doing jogging
it's nice walking in the park
it lessen
it freshen up your mind
your body
it enlightened
your thinking
how do say it in proper way?
it's windy, oh my gosh
it was raining last night
it was raining last night
you can see the water on the cement
this park has a big area
not so many people in here yet
so lets just take a walk
we really need to connect with the nature
it de-stresses yourself if you see
trees, all kinds of green
it enlightened your mind
Oh they have public restroom
so if you come here you
and you need to use a restroom, it is available for you to use
for women
and onto the other side is for Men
I felt good
the air is fresh
and it's cool, not warm
ah they have little trail over there
but i am afraid to walk there by alone I might get snatched
so today
September 28thit's Brian's birthday
I do not have birthday gift for him
I wasn't able to shop
what I need to buy, because I was so busy at work
so I didn't think
what kind of gift to buy for him
so I don't have gift
so we will see
I might stop at the store to buy something for him
But really is it important to buy a gift?
to your spouse, as a couple
what do you think guys?
is it really important to give gift?
Ok I will answer my own questions
Yes and No
to give gift to your spouse
to your partner
some of them they prefer just to eat out
just a simple celebration
they would prefer to celebrate at home
you cook for him or for her
they are contented with it
they are contented
if you cook for him
others they prefer to receive gifts
so it depends on you
so its totally depend on you, if you give a gift
Previous years
past years
Of course we exchange material gifts
material gift
any kind of gifts
but for us
right now
we are past on that stage of gift giving
for me material gift is not important
for me is all about how do you care for each other, and being appreciated
how do you care for each other
for me that is more important
that is only my opinion
there are couple that they like to gift each other
so it all depends on you
so I do not have gift for Brian, but we will see
Maybe i will just cook for him
or eat out
i'm gonna treat him for breakfast or lunch
Oh they have little hut here
here's the lake
here is the lake
Oh wow!
They have koi fish
oh its beautiful!
look at this
they're big
look at the yellow
they have yellow koi fish
very pretty!
lets go and see the lady
she's feeding the fish
they're big!
Oh I love that yellow one right there
and orange my favorite color
right there
today I had lots of things to do
we have gathering coming up
i'm inviting
my friends and co-workers
I have to do grocery shopping
I'm going to cook pancit
it's like potluck
my other friends are going to bring some food also to the house
im thinking maybe going to cook morcon
but it takes a lot of time to make it
but we will see
if I still have power to do it
I full schedule today
grocery shopping
prepare what to cook for tomorrow
Take Brian to lunch
for his birthday
I have a busy schedule today
Okay i am here at the grocery store
i"m looking for a
sugar free cake
I don't see any sugar free cake
everything has sugar in it
ok lets go to vegetables section
sugar snap pea for pancit
and cabbage too
sauce for lasagna
I need big jar
when its Friday
lots of people doing grocery
you will see at the cash register
there will be a long queue
okay i have lasagna noodles
I only do this once in a while
it's my day off
it's my vacation
so I had to make the most of it as we speak
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