Sunday, September 30, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 30 2018

very good we are here in a new video for the channel and this time of 10 advanced level pro gimmicks

they are not difficult to do and you will learn fast these tricks

For more infomation >> * 10 PRO TRICKS OF ADVANCED LEVEL! * FORTNITE! | * TRICKS & TIPS * - Duration: 21:30.


Fireflies but it's the Africa thing - Duration: 0:12.



For more infomation >> Fireflies but it's the Africa thing - Duration: 0:12.


El comentario de Moria Casán, tras que De Brito anunciara el regreso de Rial a Intrusos - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> El comentario de Moria Casán, tras que De Brito anunciara el regreso de Rial a Intrusos - Duration: 2:50.



For more infomation >> Armadas de la antiguedad,GRANDIOSOS DESCUBRIMIENTOS,DOCUMENTAL 2018,DOCUMENTAL,DOCUMENTALES HISTORIA - Duration: 44:56.


Exhibición Día de los Muertos en Chicago - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Exhibición Día de los Muertos en Chicago - Duration: 2:54.


POP ETC - Broken Record (Official Video)

For more infomation >> POP ETC - Broken Record (Official Video)


Regular Show Quips Part 1 Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - LUCAS FOX - Duration: 3:59.

PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!

You guys have all your assignments for the day oh and don't forget that tonight is game night. Oh yeah game night

What are we playing? Yes skips. What are we playing tonight? We will be playing drawsome. Oh

I love me some

Drawsome, who else is showing up to this dressing event?

I got a giant baby Gary and my cousin quips

What your cousin quips is really annoying yeah, man, he's always telling lame jokes. What are you guys talking about?

Come on, every other word out of that guy's mouth is some annoying joke. Yeah, some joke. That isn't funny. Come on guys

It's jokes, aren't that bad?

And then he said yes, I do

All right, seriously last one because I got to go

Finish my punch line. Oh, well, he's probably already heard my routine. Hey who's ready for some funny?

You guys all remember my cousin quips

Hey Benson, nice to see ya speaking of seeya. What did one ocean say to the other ocean? See ya later?

I don't get it


Well an ocean is a body of water and a sea is also I don't care a little more care would give you a little

more hair Zingo

Quips Pop's looking good. In fact, you look amazing. Just a compliment. Don't get a big head. Oops too late

And of course muscle man you love the jokes

Why do seagulls fly over the sea because if they flew over the bay, they'd be bagels

I got a whole bit about bodies of water. What'd you say you want another one? We didn't say anything

What did the lake say to the puddle? Yeah, come on quips. Let's get you unpacked

You probably want to wind down after your trip

Guess it's time to get this comedy show on the road and buy a comedy show. I mean me Zingo

Dude, he's even worse than last time. Yeah skips

Tell your cousin that if he can't stop telling jokes, then he's got to get out of here

I can't just do that. I had invited them here

No one told you to get rid of your brother Don when he visited that's because everyone loved him

I tried to get rid of him

All right, fine. I'll tell him so

Wow guys though scoffs I'm pretty serious. You guys should see a doctor

Well that reminds me. Why did the clown go to the doctor? He was feeling a little funny. I

Set up the extra card for you make yourself at home. Could I also make myself six feet tall handsome Zingo

Look quips. I gotta tell you something. Wait. I need to tell you something

I just really appreciate you letting me hang out Skip's uh-huh

I actually got fired from the comedy club and I needed to hang out with family and friends

This weekend is really gonna help me get my confidence back

Sorry didn't mean to get so serious. Don't worry. I'm gonna take a walk and come back funnier than ever Zingo

Who's ready for some drawsome

Give me something to write on man

Did you talk to your cousin oh, yeah

Knock knock who's there?


You're supposed to go radio. Whoo radio. Whoo! Radio not here. I come Zingo

It's funny because I said Zingo at the end and I see you brought a number-two pencil do pencils even go number two

Maybe after too many beans

You pencils leave any beans, I mean am I right guys

For more infomation >> Regular Show Quips Part 1 Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - LUCAS FOX - Duration: 3:59.


Thomas Liebe - Zahl - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Thomas Liebe - Zahl - Duration: 5:25.


How to Get Rid of Worms in Dogs And Puppies Naturally? - Duration: 2:22.

Hi, Mirko here from Healthy Pet Systems.

Today I will tell you 5 home remedies to get rid of worms in dogs and puppies naturally.

So let's start.

First one, carrots.

Chopping some carrots and mixing it with your dog's food, will help to deworm your pet.

Second, oregon grape.

This contains berberine, which is used to fight infections and to improve the immune


It also works as an antiseptic, so it is great for many things.

It can be used in drops and given to your pet twice a day, depending on its weight.

Third, enzyme supplements.

Enzymes are known for making worms get weak and destroying them.

Papain, which can be found in papayas and dried figs, contain these types of enzymes

and will help to get rid of worms.

Fourth, fasting.

Although it may seem harsh and not very nice, putting your pet on a fast, can help to eliminate

worms in its system.

By simply not giving it anything to eat for 24 hours, once a week, you will be helping

your pet to defecate worms and to prevent them from coming back again.

Without food, worms can't survive.

Fifth, wormwood.

This is a very effective home remedy for getting rid of worms and it has been used for many


You must be careful when using this, as it has some oils which your dog may be allergic


So do not overuse this herb.

To find out more, I created a great guide about the worms in dogs.

In it, you will find 11 symptoms dogs with worms have, 5 types of worms a dog can have,

guides on how to get rid of worms in dogs, what causes dogs to get worms,

and 5 home remedies for worms.

The link is down below in a description.

If you like this video, hit the subscribe button to receive more like it in the future.

And remember let's keep our pets healthy!


For more infomation >> How to Get Rid of Worms in Dogs And Puppies Naturally? - Duration: 2:22.


Amazing The Writing Studio Micro House For Sale | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Amazing The Writing Studio Micro House For Sale | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:59.


Letters to an Asexual #62 (Troll Variety Pack) - Duration: 12:58.

Hey folks, it's swankivy, and it's time for another Letters to an Asexual, this is number 62.

I realized that I hadn't got around to making a video for this month, and I try to post

a new one every month, so my apologies, I almost missed the month of September, but

here I am.

And uh, I decided that this time instead of offering a single letter where there's a bunch

of back and forth between me and the other person, I'm gonna share with you a series

of shorter messages, slightly more trollish.

It'll be fun.

Um, in a couple of cases, I didn't respond, because it was not, uh, necessary.

Um, and in a couple of cases I just uh, dismissed what they had to say very quickly.

So I have not one, not two, not five, but SIX of these very brief messages, kind of

to give some of y'all an idea of the um, sorta drive-by comment that we get.

Um, you know, not everybody who wants to talk about this subject is willing to go into um,

a nuanced conversation about it, of course.

Most of them just wanna make their snotty comment and drive away.

So, here's what some of those sound like.

Uh, I will open my message here.

And, um, we'll get into the first one.

All right.

This was left as a comment on I believe, yeah, on my Shit People Say to Asexuals video, which

as you may remember if you've seen it, is a collaboration between me and 15 other asexual-spectrum


So, um, this is directed at us.

"You guys are all such fucking losers, whatever label you wanna give yourselves.

You're all the same, just with slight twists on what kind of loser you identify as: LGTBIPAZ-aserisk-amber--ampersand-carat-percent


And uh, I responded to that and said, "LOL so in other words . . . 'GRARRR sexuality

is complicated and I don't like that there are words that reflect that so I need to take

time out of my day to tell them where I DRAW THE LINE!

I don't understand the point of people needing to talk about their sexualities or have words

for who they are so it's REALLY IMPORTANT to get on YouTube and tell them how ridiculous

and unreasonable I think they are because OMG this LGBT acronym is getting TOO LONG

TOO MANY LETTERS UGH people whose experiences aren't relevant to me don't need a word nooooooooooooooooooo.'

I think I got that translation pretty good but let me know if I left anything out."

And he actually replied to that and said, "It's pretty simple.

You have normal relations as nature intended, or you have degenerate ones.

(or in your case, no relations because you've got some mental issues)."

And I said, "Yeah, it is pretty simple.

You appoint yourself the spokesperson for what nature intends, assign people who don't

agree with you 'mental issues,' deliberately seek out the educational materials of people

you don't agree with so you can call them 'fucking losers' and shame them, and then

claim it's US who's looking for attention.

^___^ You're such a shitlord.

Go crawl back in your troll cave."

I think I blocked him at that point or maybe he just gave up.

Here's the next one.

And it just says, "Asexual equals fat virgin."

So I said, "Trollish YouTuber = so laughably insecure.

It's okay, honey.

I understand.

Projecting like this protects your squishy insides."

And this person responds with, "At least I have a husband and a family."

And I said, "You know, if you want to harass people and make them feel bad, it doesn't

work very well to snot at them about having THINGS THEY EXPLICITLY SAY THEY DON'T WANT.

You might want to ask yourself why you so desperately need to kick people that you perceive

as unfortunate (though we don't consider ourselves pitiable).

Like, really?

Do you go up to people whose clothes are threadbare and say LOL YOU'RE POOR?

Do you go up to people with disabilities and shout slurs at them and mock their mobility


Does that make your precious heart feel superior?

Seriously, ask yourself that."

They didn't respond to that.

And then I got a comment that I didn't bother to reply to, and they had a racial slur in

their username.

I may have reported them for that, I don't remember.

So they wrote, "wow, hundreds of fucking videos about your asexuality.

Is that your whole life?

Your whole life revolves about your untouched vag and how much of a prize it is.

No one is seriously messaging you wanting to date.

Maybe unless they are that desperate.

Half of these so called 'letters' have to be your own delusions.

No ones cares about you or your dried up snatch.

You look like a Woodstock reject.

You're not a real author or a spokesperson, just someone with no life that found a stupid

title to latch onto.

Get over yourself and get a real hobby."

They're so furious that we talk about ourselves in places that have nothing to do with them.

And here's another one.

"Really, the world doesn't give a fuck if you like cock, pussy, ass, mouth, ponies,

vagoos, traps boipussies or none of them.

It's not a big deal.

It's not a thing.

It's your buttfrustrated mind that pretends all the above quotes have any negative meaning

to you."

And I said, "Aw honey.

If it's not that big a deal, then just don't watch our silly little selves who are obviously

bleating about something completely insignificant!

Give your precious attention to what Really Matters.

We'll all be very impressed."

Here's the next one.

"Can't believe people care this much about a damn label.

In the real world no one cares who you are.

I bet you five dollars that you're going to be blaming the patriarchy on the fact that

you didn't get your job because 'asexual,' 'genderfluid,' and 'otherkin' weren't available

sex options on the résumé.

Grow up."

And I actually replied to that one, and I said, "Us: 'We're not sexually attracted to

anyone, and these are things people say to us.'




The viewers: Applauds you for this stunning demonstration of projection and unfortunate


And they replied to me and said, "Thanks Tumblr.

If I ask for anything is that you stay out of the real world and continue circlejerking

your self-diagnosed mental disorders on the internet."

Wait, I thought I was being shamed for not being able to function in the real world,

and now you're telling me I shouldn't--I don't know.



And here's the last one.

"I think there's a few reasons why these people aren't having sex."

Ooooh, burn.

And I said, "You're adorable.

Actually quite a few of the people in the video are asexual people partnered with non-asexual

people and have sex with their partners.

'Asexual' means 'not sexually attracted to anyone.'

But your hilariously uninformed knee-jerk compulsion to imply that we're not getting

laid because LOL ugly is noted.

If that's what you have to tell yourself so you don't have to think about asexuality being

a real thing that describes people you know and encounter in life, do whatever you have

to do so you can sleep at night."

And they replied to me, and said, "It appears I have struck a nerve.

" Sure ya did bud.

Again, tell yourself that if you need to sleep at night.

Um, on that last one, it's really, uh, curious to me that so many people will feel like they

accomplished something or ooh, I triggered you!

Ohhh, triggered!

Like, what are you talking about?

I responded to you.

Am I winning because I made a video that made you talk to me?

I mean, at what point is any kind of response at all evidence that you upset someone, or

you uh, influenced someone to think something?

I just, I'm really confused about what they think the game is if they always seem to think

they won it.

Heh heh.

Yeah, basically, anytime I respond to someone and they're just like "ooh, I touched a nerve,

ooh I really got under your skin, looks like, looks like I upset you, looks like I triggered

you!" it's like, hmm, why are you, why would you be proud of that if that was true?

But I mean, did you not want me to respond to you, or, I don't know.

Maybe part of it also is that some of my responses are longer than theirs.

And so they're assuming I'm over here in a frothing rage, and I'm like, mmm, really no,

I mean, I'm able to use your ignorance as a teaching tool for other people, and um,

you know, thanks for providing the example of the kind of things that ignorant people

say in this world to people like us.

Of course, there are also a bunch of people who say, like, I demonstrated that no one

cares about this, but clearly, people care enough that they're always ranting about it,

they're seeking us out to tell us that we need to be shamed, we need to get our mental

insh--issues checked out, we need to shut up, or we need to assimilate into society,

or we need to accept that we're degenerates, um, it's stuff like this that uh, really makes

me wonder why it is that uh, anybody thinks nobody has a problem with asexual people,

I mean, it's just hundreds, and thousands, of comments in my, in my YouTube videos, in

my OKCupid, anywhere that I talk about being asexual, I'm always getting harassment like

this from, you know, people who want me to feel bad about it.

And uh, I mean, that's, that's telling, isn't it.

Um, so if anyone watching this is, has ever been of the opinion that people don't really

care about asexuality, uh, when it comes to living and let live, uh, it's very clear people

have a really hard time with it, and that they, they really wanna harass us over it,

they consider us one of a group of people that you know, needs to be shamed for our

sexuality, and um, you know, you also see some victim blaming there, like "well MAYBE

if YOU weren't all over the Internet talking about it," it's like, I should be able to

talk about my experience without getting attacked.

It's not my fault that I'm getting attacked because I, I talked so much, I made a video

every month, oh my goodness.

Um, but.

Anyway, uh, that's the end of my drive-by comments, uh, I should also say that for the

first time in a couple of years I guess, I'm gonna be doing a talk at a college, next month,

so um, hopefully if I'm able to get a recording of uh, the discussion and the talk that I

give, um, when I go to Massachusetts next month, um, I'll be able to share on the channel,

um, and I'm gonna be talking for LGBT History Month, uh, as part of our program, I'm gonna

discuss, uh, asexuality in the context of the larger community and its past, present,

and future.

So hopefully, that'll be, you know, a really valuable discussion, and I'll be able to show

you a much more prepared talk than just me reading my hate mail like I usually do, so

I'll see y'all next time.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Letters to an Asexual #62 (Troll Variety Pack) - Duration: 12:58.


Imran khan -i am knightridah whattsapp status - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Imran khan -i am knightridah whattsapp status - Duration: 0:49.


Gazebo - I Like Chopin (1983) Videoclip, Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 4:08.

Remember that piano

So delightful, unusual

That classic, sensation

Sentimental, confusion

Used to say

I like Chopin

Love me now and again

Rainy days never say goodbye

To desire when we are together

Rainy days growing in your eyes tell me where's my way

Imagine your face

A sunshine, reflection

A vision of blue skies

Forever, distractions

Used to say

I like Chopin

Love me now and again

Rainy days never say goodbye

To desire when we are together

Rainy days growing in your eyes tell me where's my way

Rainy days never say goodbye

To desire when we are together

Rainy days growing in your eyes tell me where's my way

Rainy days never say goodbye

To desire when we are together

Rainy days growing in your eyes tell me where's my way

For more infomation >> Gazebo - I Like Chopin (1983) Videoclip, Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 4:08.


Don't waste your time: Micro Fishing Rods - Duration: 9:51.

Okay, guys

I've got a lot of

Pretty strange rods and reels here.

We've been doing a lot of this micro fishing stuff with these little tiny

funny-looking rods

Today we're going to talk about if these are toys or if these are tools

how well do they actually work?

and should you spend your hard-earned money on something like this

these days our time is precious to us and

Wasting our time is oftentimes wasting our money.

So should you waste your time with micro rods?

stay tuned to find out

First up you guys have seen this before

the Emmrod now. This is a knockoff M rod from China

I got for around 35 bucks

Took about a week to ship to me

And it doesn't come with the reel the reel is my own this is a

This is an Ocean City 350. It's a vintage reel it actually doesn't have any anti reverse

It only has you know, it's really weird. Okay

Anyways, it didn't work very well with this rod

This rod is actually pretty difficult to work because there's no you know, there's no actual rod on here

How do you work your lures? How do you work your bait? How do you set the hook?

No, you don't spring it out like that. I tried it didn't work very well

now I tried using this while shore fishing and

I would much rather use a regular rod. It was very difficult. Very frustrating

Now when you saw me using this on the M rod episode it looked like I was catching a lot of fish really fast

But what you didn't see was all the cuts that we had to make because it was so frustrating to use

It's a novelty rod

Novelty for fun. That's about it.

If anyone out there owns an Emmrod and loves it

explain to me how you use it effectively because it didn't work very well for me

next one

You--I know you guys have all seen this one

the little pen rod

Really really portable right? really portable,

but let me tell you guys about something

This is how you set it up.

You unscrew this

Put this back in and then screw it back in just like the standard rod

Take a look at this.

I mean this was what 15 bucks on Amazon

This is plastic.

This is plastic.

The knobs are plastic

Even maybe the bolt is plastic too- no it's metal.

This is plastic

the drag Center right here

Now let me tell you guys something that you might not know

You can't even cast this thing. It's really hard to even cast this thing because when you cast it this wheel

The-- when you cast it the handle will spin around like crazy.

That's just how the rod works. That's how the reel works

In my opinion : toy

does not work very well

Now these can't all just be toys right? some have gotta work, right

if-- they don't just make it just for novelty, right?

Let's take a look at this one

This one I ordered from a China company as well

for very cheap, I think like five bucks


I mean you can look at the guides, plastic, cheap

But I think this will be pretty effective at the creek

At least has got some length to it, you know, this emmrod has no length to it. It's very unsensitive

This one

Works pretty well. I haven't showed you guys on camera, but this one works pretty well, and it's just as portable as the M rod

Look how short this handle is

Tiny, this thing is almost size of my hand,

but you can put whatever reel you want on here

I think what you should put on here is a small little light-- a light little reel right here

This was a nice little cheap one that I think will-- it works pretty well

much better than the other ones these two are definitely

Novelty. Okay this one?

It's okay

Now, this is my favorite one.

That I have not shown anybody yet

straight from China

The instructions are all in China [Erin] In China?

The instructions are all in Chinese

This one

This one,

okay, so first of all, it collapses like this and then

Clicks on like that

The way you release the line is you push this little trigger right here and this is how you hold the rod

Like this

you push the trigger

That let's line out. Okay

And it extends to probably three feet, four feet

It's a left-handed rod so you ca-- this is how you cast

you put your finger down on the trigger

Bring it above your head


and then when you press it again, it stops the line from coming out any more.

So this has a lot of control

Whoo, this is a fun one and I have not whoo dang. This thing casts far

I have not tested this on fish yet, but I

Use this to tease my dog right here

Kira will run around trying to eat this thing and I get to practice my casting and retrieving speeds

this thing's nice because I can actually use this and the rod is actually long enough for me to feel the fish and set the


Again, I wouldn't target mega fish with this because this is not a great material

You can always tell that these rods

if they're cheap or not by the guides here if they're plastic or not what the material is made of how the

How each segment is connected together and this is definitely better than than this one at least the segments. I

think this rod was about

$35 online

Again it's a pretty portable rod

That I actually cannot wait to use on the field

And it collapses really easily

and then you push this button right here

it's in half and then you store it away

There we go and it's stored away

So that's my quick little review of the of my collection right now

You've got to be careful with the micro rods that you choose to buy

I found that it doesn't really

price of the rod does not necessarily equate to the quality of the rod

Because something like this cost me

this this was pretty expensive actually compared to this

But I would much rather use this one

my suggestion for you is to buy multiple different ones and

field-test them all

It's kind of hard to tell by just picture a lot of times

I like to feel out to see how I like it, but when that's not available for me to feel it out

I just order a couple of them and I see which one I like best

But this one is by far the worst. This is by far the worst. It's like I might as well be using the bamboo

Skewer at this point. It's probably one step above the bamboo. Skewer. Anyways, I'm curious to hear from you guys

Which one of these rods do you have yourself?

Which one of these rods would you like to try for yourself?

Which let us know in the comments below which one you want to see us use next in an episode?

We were thinking about doing a vs

Episode where we compare something like this versus something like this and we have a fish off. What do you think? Let us know?

Oh, You know what? I forgot to tell you guys. We have a brand new suggestion box at

So basically, we're a big community here. Right guys. I'd like to consider us a community. I like to consider us all friends here, right?

We need to be able to talk to each other

We need to be able to communicate ideas with each other and a lot of times

It's kind of difficult to answer all the comments in the in the comment section

but this suggestion box

You guys can type in whatever kind of suggestions you have any kind of ideas that you have?

Stuff that you don't like about our show. Tell us about it

we need to know we need to each other and the suggestion pops--and the suggestion po--- [laughs]

and the suggestion box is the place to do it. That's at

I Also want to take this time to let you guys know

We've got two brand-new tutorials "what knots to tie and when"

it's a great guide that teaches you

specific knots for specific rigs and specific lures

This is going to be really helpful to any kind of beginner who doesn't know

We also have a brand-new one called "best pier fishing lures and how to use them."

These are my top favorite lures and

My top favorite lures to use on the pier when to use them how to use them and what size to go for

These are great crash courses

We offer a lot of helpful information at to not only beginner fishermen to anyone who wants to learn

So visit if you need help

See you guys

For more infomation >> Don't waste your time: Micro Fishing Rods - Duration: 9:51.


MILLIONAIRES SHORTBREAD - Chocolate Caramel Slice - Duration: 6:26.

A big, big welcome to Steve's kitchen. I can't believe I haven't made a caramel

slice before on the channel, it's almost the national dish here in Australia but

I had a message just a week or so back from a long-term subscriber Kelly

OB̤̈r̤̈ṳ̈m̤̈ä̤ï̤c̤̈ä̤n̤̈ gуαl87 and she said 'have I ever made a millionaire's shortbread?' Well I

didn't even know what it was but it turns out it's virtually the same as

what we call a caramel slice. Now Kelly I'm going to show you how to make it,

it's very simple but I am going to gold plate it at the end because after all 'it

don't mean a thing if you ain't got some bling'

We're going to start with our base

which is super simple I start with my soft brown sugar and my

lightly salted butter, which I've slightly melted in the microwave. Now I'll

put all the ingredients up on the screen so you know how much to use. I'm just

going to whisk that together until it's nice and creamy. Then I'm going to add in

my all-purpose flour and I'm going with shredded coconut, I would normally use

desiccated coconut, which is a little bit sweeter but I haven't got any, shredded

works just fine and we're just going to mix this together until we get a nice

smooth dough. I've got a 9 inch or 24 centimeter square tin, which I'm just

lining with a little bit of paper. I've used some butter just to hold it down.

Now just pour all the dough into the tray and then using a spatula

I just want to flatten this out and get it nice and even. Now lastly I'm just

going to take a crank handle spatula and just level over the base of the

shortbread. I've just preheated my oven to 180 degrees Celsius that's 350

Fahrenheit, we're going to pop this in and bake it for 15 minutes until we've got a

lovely biscuit base. Now I've taken that out after 17 minutes, different ovens

will affect differently, I wanted a beautiful golden brown on top.

We need this to completely cool down before but the caramel on top, if you put

it on there while they're both hot you tend to get not

such a nice division, so I'm going to let this cool down and then I'm going to

chill it a little bit in the fridge. Whilst the base cools down let's get to

make our second layer, the caramel, which is also very simple. Put my soft brown

sugar into a saucepan and some lightly salted butter, we're then just going to

heat this on the stove and let the sugars start to dissolve. In with that

sweet butter we're going to add two cans of 395 grams that's about 14 ounces, of

sweetened condensed milk. That's going to make this wonderful caramel sauce. Now

I'm just going to heat this on the stove until it starts to simmer and just keep

warming that till you get this wonderful, silky, caramel sauce. Now we can take that

off of the stove, bring it over to our base, which is now cooled down and then

we can take that delicious caramel sauce and pour it over the base. Give that a

little wobble and then this goes back in the oven, same temperature, 180 degrees

Celsius 350 Fahrenheit. We're going to bake this for about 20 minutes until we

get a lovely golden brown. I almost left the caramel in a little bit too long

there. I'm quite happy, it's still perfectly good, it's a little bit

flirting with the edge of burnt but it still looks great. I want this now to

cool down completely before we put our chocolate layer on top. Now you get to

choose the chocolate you like to put on top. I'm going with a milk chocolate, it's

a 290 grams, about 10 ounces, which I'm going to melt in a double boiler. I'm going to put

about an inch of water in a pan, a bowl on top and we'll use that to melt

the chocolate, I just think it works really well. Add about a tablespoon of

oil in with your chocolate and that will just make the chocolate a little softer,

so that when you cut it, it won't crack and now we've got this beautiful molten

chocolate. So now we're going to pour that chocolate over the top of our

caramel slice

and then evenly spread it over the top of our caramel there. Normally with

caramel slices I like to do a little wavy effect on top of the chocolate, I'm

going to leave it fairly flat because I want to put some gold bling on at least

one or two slices of this. So let's let this chill down and come back in a

moment. Now when the caramel slice has set,

we're going to trim off these Salvage edges and then I'm just going to take a

knife and maybe cut this about a couple of inches wide and then we can just cut

this into strips and there you have the perfect caramel slice. Now I trimmed the

edges off the caramel slices and made them into these beautiful individual

caramel slices, look how gorgeous they look. Now you can see this one on the top

here is actually covered with 24 karat gold, real gold by the way. I was going to

film putting the gold on, man it was difficult. There's this tiny, tiny little

thin gold leaf that you've got to put on top of the chocolate and it's bending

and blowing all over the place. Took me ages and many, many sheets to get that on

there. If you haven't had gold on food before it does work, it hasn't got a

great flavor, a little bit metallic if anything but we've got the bling now,

we've got our millionaire shortbread. So I'm going to give this a little try now.

Thank You Kelly for the idea, tuck in to a millionaire's shortcut, cut a little

bit off I'm not going to eat the whole thing.

Cutting through the gold, how pretty is that? I did promise I'd bling it up,

millionaires shortbread or what we like to call a caramel slice. One of my

favorite coffee shop treats when I'm out in Australia. Here goes,

give this a try.

The taste is pure gold in more ways than one and this is so good. Of course you

don't have to put the gold plating on it, a straightforward caramel slice is so, so

delicious. I hope you'll make them, give me some feedback, send us some

photographs, if you decide to gold plate them definitely send me a picture. Be

good and I'll see you for another Steve's kitchen very shortly,

take care.

For more infomation >> MILLIONAIRES SHORTBREAD - Chocolate Caramel Slice - Duration: 6:26.


Kavanaugh's Ex-Girlfriend Erupts on 'Offensive and Absurd' New Allegations - Duration: 3:49.

In a statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee, the woman named in a fourth anonymous accusation

against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh vigorously denied that Kavanaugh behaved in

the manner alleged, The Washington Times reported.

The allegations had been made by the mother of a witness to the incident in a letter to

Colorado GOP Sen. Cory Gardner, according to the Denver Post.

It dated back to 1998, during Kavanaugh's time with the Ken Starr investigation in Washington,


"Her friend was dating him, and they left the bar under the influence of alcohol.

They were all shocked when Brett Kavanaugh shoved her friend up against the wall very

aggressively and sexually," the letter read.

"There were at least four witnesses, including my daughter."

The letter contained no name or return address when it arrived at Sen. Gardner's office

last Saturday.

"Upon receiving the anonymous letter, we immediately notified the Senate Judiciary

Committee, which is handling the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh.

The letter was shared with both Republican staff and Democrat staff," Gardner's office

said in a Wednesday statement.

On Friday, however, the woman who was dating Kavanaugh at the time — Dabney Friedrich,

currently a U.S. District Court judge in Washington D.C. — repudiated the contents of the letter.

"I write in response to a phone call I received this evening from Mike Davis, Chief Nominations

Counsel for the Committee.

In our phone call, Mr. Davis read an anonymous letter sent to Colorado Senator Cory Gardner

dated September 22, 2018," the statement to the Judiciary Committee read.

"Mr. Davis asked me (1) whether I dated Brett Kavanaugh in 1998 and (2) whether he

ever shoved me against a wall.

Mr. Davis also emailed me the attached letter and asked me to provide an immediate and written

response to the Committee.

"As I informed Mr. Davis, I dated Brett Kavanaugh in 1998.

To the extent the attached letter is referring to me as the 'friend [who] was dating him,'

the allegations it makes are both offensive and absurd," it continued.

"At no time did Brett ever shove me against a wall, including in an 'aggressive and

sexual' manner.

When we dated, Brett always treated me with the utmost respect, and we remain friends

to this day.

I have never observed (nor am I aware of) Brett acting in a physically inappropriate

or aggressive manner toward anyone."

reported on this anonymous letter sent to Senator @CoryGardner describing Kavanaugh

drunkenly assaulting a woman

The woman dating Kavanaugh in 1998, Dabney Friedrich, says Kavanaugh never attacked her

and always treated her with respect.

Here's her letter to investigators: So, we have an anonymous letter to a senator

with odd misspellings (including that her daughter was "wondering what to due about

it") versus the word of a federal court judge who dated him and was allegedly the

target of this inappropriate behavior.

Judge Dabney Friedrich of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, who dated

Kavanaugh in 1998, denied the allegations in an anonymous tip sent to a U.S. senator

that suggested Kavanaugh had "shoved" his ex-girlfriend "against a wall."

This again brings us back, realistically, to two accusations (unless you believe the

strange tale that came out of Michael Avenatti, which — well, the mere name Avenatti is

sort of the imprimatur of a farce, and his involvement in this is yet more proof).

One accuser has testified, the other initially refused to but is now saying she might.

The key here seems to be throwing as many accusations as possible in Kavanaugh's way.

Eventually, the reasoning goes, he will have to withdraw his nomination.

Kavanaugh has not withdrawn yet, and thus far, the Trump administration seems to be

backing him up.

Perhaps most ominously for the Democrats, this latest allegation makes their case look

even shakier.

Whether this changes anything remains to be seen, but this can not be seen as a positive

augury for those looking to run out the clock on the Kavanaugh nomination.

#NewAllegations #KavanaughsExGirlfriend #OffensiveandAbsurd

For more infomation >> Kavanaugh's Ex-Girlfriend Erupts on 'Offensive and Absurd' New Allegations - Duration: 3:49.


장윤정이 구 남친 노홍철에 대해서 언급했다. - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> 장윤정이 구 남친 노홍철에 대해서 언급했다. - Duration: 1:37.


LEAKED FIRST LOOK At Mysterio In Spider Man Far From Home SET VIDEO - Duration: 3:28.

what is good YouTube warstu here with a video on spider-man far from

home so just like I said before guys Mysterio is going to be in the

spider-man far from home movie and a Lee image and set video of Mysterio was

actually just recently reported on the internet via a very good source daily

spider-man on Instagram down below I'll give accreditation to where the actual

regional source came from and it is showing you an image of a long purple

cape green suit and yellow gloves scene that was shot in Prague at the carnival

scene just like I said guys the carnival scene it was all set up it was a

Mysterio obviously manipulating something showing illusions now in this

video clip I'm not sure if I'm going to show it but if I don't show it I will

link you to where you can find it it's basically a scene of what looks like to

be Peter Parker potentially but you can't really tell make it out but it

most likely will be him with someone playing Mysterio it's not really a

hundred plan confirmed it is if it is Jake Gyllenhaal but when you see these

images it looks like Jake Gyllenhaal it's very interesting that now they are

actually in Italy in Venice that these images come out from Prague now I don't

understand why they've come out now because these images should have came

out a while ago but I did tell you guys that these images would be coming out

and they are not official images but they are good as official because they

are quite high res I've managed to find some high-res images so I will put them

in a thumbnail so guys let me know are you hype for the spider-man far from

home movie that comes out next year that obviously gonna start promoting it in

December of somewhere around then but why because it makes sense it's six

months before the movie comes out but you really can tell the details now we

don't know if Mysterio is going to have the fish bowl helmet but it clearly is

Jake Gyllenhaal but this could be a stunt double and I've seen some comments

saying is it Jake Gyllenhaal can't tell because there's the hairstyle there's

the beard but as I had shown you before guys that was an image of Jake

Gyllenhaal on set in London though no one else reported it I'm pretty sure

it's there though a few Instagram accounts that reported

it I'm pretty sure he was the image in London but it would make sense from

before Mysterio to follow spider-man around maybe I don't know if it does

make sense because there was a leak plot where the storyline was potentially that

someone stole something and that's the main kind of storyline for this it would

make sense if when a stark tech got stolen whilst obviously Peter Parker was

in Europe but then you got a factor in that we do have like when if the pouch

would potentially be in it happy Hogan's in it

we got Maria hill and also we've got Nick Fury so it's gonna be interesting

how this actually plays out guys let me know about the first image do you think

this is Jake Jill no because it's not 107 being affirmed that Jake Jim though

is actually in the movie yeah although there's been hints here and there no

one's actually officially come out and reported it 100% it's like always guys

please like subscribe and comment that'd be awesome we do have a twitch channel

now so if you could support that channel that will be awesome and I will catch

you in that next video very soon catch ya later

For more infomation >> LEAKED FIRST LOOK At Mysterio In Spider Man Far From Home SET VIDEO - Duration: 3:28.


How to Break Your Social Media Addiction - Duration: 10:32.

The famous management consultant,

Peter Drucker, once said, "Tell me

"what you value, and I might believe you,

"but show me your calendar and

"your bank statement, and I'll show

"you what you really value."

And it's true.

While I might say that I value truth,

justice, and always eating my spinach,

a detailed look into those two troves

of information would yield quite different answers.

Digging into my bank statements would reveal an enormous

amount of money spent of coffee,

and wooden gnomes from eBay, and a look

at my calendar, not my Google calendar,

but an actual real-time log of

my life's events, if such a thing were possible

to build, would shed light upon way more time

than I care to admit, spent scrolling through Instagram,

and Twitter, and other social media apps.

And I would bet that if we were

to look at your calendar, we would see

something similar, if not worse.

Comparisons aside, though, I think

it is safe to say that most of us,

myself included, spend more of

our time and attention than we would like

to on these apps, if we were to look

at our lives from a more rational birds-eye view.

And that is why, today, I wanna give

you some tips for breaking your social media addiction.

Whether you actually call it an addiction,

or whether you're in denial.

Now, as astute and long-time viewers

of this channel may know, I am a big fan

of the author Kyle Newport, especially

his book Deep Work, which

actually has a chapter called Quit Social Media.

Given that fact, you may be surprised

to know that I'm not gonna recommend quitting social media

in this video.

At least, not right up front, and

that's because I'm an advocate

of moderation, and I also recognize

that social media can bring a lot of benefits,

but along with those benefits come drawbacks,

and as the ex-Facebook data scientist,

Jeffrey Hammerbacher once said,

"The best minds of my generation are thinking

"about how to make people click ads."

And of course, to make you click

those ads, those minds also have

to think about how to keep you

on their platforms for as long as possible,

which means that, at the very least,

these things are meticulously engineered

to be huge time-sinks, but that isn't the

only criticism you can level against them.

They also can make you a less happy person,

as repeated research has shown.

When you're spending a ton of your time scrolling through

these feeds of meticulously crafted posts

that show the highlights of people's lives,

including people that you probably know

in real life, and you're comparing them,

sometimes subconsciously, to your own life,

the entire thing, warts and all,

you can start to make comparisons

that really put a damper on your happiness.

So the question is, how do you use

these tools, and treat them like tools,

to get their benefits, while avoiding the drawbacks.

Let's start off with something

that is very easy to do, kill your notifications.

Notifications are like that ringing bell

that made Pavlov's dogs salivate,

only instead of giving you food,

they deliver a quick dopamine rush

in the form of a new comment, or DM,

or post from someone else.

Now, there is nothing wrong with checking

these posts, or answering your DMs,

but when you look at them in response

to a notification, you are establishing a habit,

you are establishing a craving,

and when those notifications come,

in the future, you're going

to have fewer mental defenses for avoiding them.

And the problem, here, is that

these notifications have no respect

for your time, or the fact that

you need long, uninterrupted periods

of concentration to actually get your work done.

So go into your phone's notification settings,

for each and every social media app

that you have, and destroy those notifications.

Secondly, I'm going to suggest

that you redesign your phone's home screen

to remove all social media apps from it,

and this is something that I actually did recently.

You may have seen the video that

I put out just a couple of months ago,

on my iPhone home screen, but even

that home screen layout has now gone the way

of the dodo, because it had social media apps on there.

I think Twitter was on there, and Instagram was on there.

And at the time, I kind of justified it,

because, as a content creator,

I use those platforms for my work.

But I am also a consumer, on those platforms,

and more often than I liked, I found

myself scrolling through them,

wasting my time, so I just got them

entirely off my home screen.

I created an entire second page

of apps on my phone, and I buried all

those social media apps inside of folders.

So if I wanna go to one, I have to look for it.

It's a very intentional thing.

Now, if you are on an iPhone, like me,

there is one thing you have to do,

beyond just shoving those apps into folders,

You have to actually turn off Siri's suggestions,

as well, because, in my case, when

I would swipe down to search for a different app

that wasn't on my home screen,

I would always see Instagram and Twitter sitting

there, which is basically the same thing

as having them on the home screen.

So if you are on an iPhone, you can go

into the settings, you can go into Siri app suggestions,

and you can disable them on an app-by-app basis.

Now, to suggest another option

that would actually negate the need

to do all of that, what if you

only used social media on your computer?

The problem with social media apps

on your phone, and one of the biggest things

we're trying to get away from, here,

is that they can become pervasive

throughout your entire life, and

that's because your phone is in

your pocket, or in your purse, all day long,

meaning you have constant, easy access to these tools.

But if you were to delete all these apps

off of your phone, you'd still be able

to use most of them on your computer,

in a more deliberate manner.

Maybe some of them are a little bit hard

to access, like Snapchat.

I'm not even sure if you can get

to that on a computer, but most

of them do have a desktop site,

and in fact, my friend Martin

even found a way to post his photos on

his Instagram profile using a desktop computer.

So if you're finding yourself

mindlessly opening Twitter, or Snapchat,

or Instagram, on your phone all the time,

try deleting those apps from your phone,

and just using them on a computer, for awhile.

See how that works out for you.

Now, going back to that problem

of social media becoming pervasive,

throughout your entire life, the next suggestion

I have is to deliberately only use

it at a specific time of the day.

Treat social media like you treat Netflix,

or video games, or anything else

that you only do at specific places and times,

and if you wanted help enforcing this,

you could use a Website and app blocking tool,

like Freedom, which is the one that I use,

and this has been a very helpful tool for me.

I use it to block all sorts of social media sites,

things like Reddit and Hacker News,

and all kinds of other places that

I tend to waste time on, during

my mornings, so that way, instead

of procrastinating during those hours,

I'm writing, or I'm reading, or I'm

actually getting my work done.

Now, so far, all we've talked about is the binary choice

of using these social media apps

at specific times of the day or not using them,

but this next tip actually kind

of gets into the middle ground,

because social media tools and apps are

actually collections of many different features.

Take Facebook, for example.

Facebook has the news feed, but

it also has the messenger tool,

and it also has the events tool,

and the groups tool, and some of

those tools might actually be very useful

to you, like messenger, or the groups,

while others, like the news feed,

may be completely valueless in your life.

So instead of asking yourself,

"Should I block it or should I use it?"

what if you blocked certain features.

And if you use a tool like Todobook,

you can actually block the news feeds

of most major social media platforms,

and other Websites, like Reddit and Hacker News,

so you can only use the more useful functions,

and when you go to look at the news feed,

you're gonna see a to-do list,

reminding you of things that

you're supposed to be doing, instead.

Okay, so we've talked about all

of the rational middle ground answers,

and now we're going to get to the question

of, should you quit social media?

Or should you at least stop using

certain social media platforms

in the way that you are currently using them?

So in his book, Deep Work, the author,

Kyle Newport, talks about

something called the "any benefit approach",

which is something that people use

to justify using social media tools.

They basically say, if there's any benefit

that I can get out of this, that might improve

my life, no matter how small of an improvement

it may make, I am justified in using it.

And, as he writes in the book,

"The problem with this approach,

"of course, is that it ignores all the negatives

"that come along with the tools in question.

"These services are engineered

"to be addictive, robbing time

"and attention from activities that more directly support

"your professional and personal goals."

So if those goals are a priority

for you, then you should seriously ask

yourself, "Do I need all the social media accounts

"that I currently have?"

And you can also get more granular than that, as well,

such as asking, "Do I need this particular app on my phone?"

For example, I don't keep the Pinterest app

on my phone, because I find that

it's just a time-waster, there,

but I haven't deleted my account entirely,

because I do find it to be a useful repository

of design, inspiration, and ideas,

that I can go look at, when

I wanna, say, redesign my Website.

But, on the other hand, I found,

recently, that Snapchat offered

me no value, whatsoever, so I actually went

in and deleted my account, there.

And that brings me to my final tip,

here, which is for people who feel

that they are truly addicted to the social media platforms.

If of all the other tips in this video haven't helped

you so far, if you just can't resist opening

these apps and wasting your time on them,

then try a 30 day serious social media detox.

Get completely away from all of it.

And the first step to doing that would be deleting

those social media apps off of your phone,

blocking the Websites on your computer,

making it generally as difficult as possible to access them.

Keep in mind that your ability

to maintain self-discipline is highly influenced

by your environment, so just like

somebody who's on a diet and trying

to avoid junk food needs to get all the junk food out

of their house, you need to get all

of the access to social media out

of your immediate vicinity.

And then, once that 30 days is up, you can start

to slowly reintroduce these tools back

into your life, and see if you can use

them in a way that does benefit you,

but doesn't cause you to waste too much time.

And then, once you've gained back

that time that you were previously wasting,

scrolling through your Facebook and Instagram feeds,

you may want to dedicate some of

it to improving your creative problem solving skills,

as well as your skills in the fields

of math, science, and computer science.

And if that's something that you do want

to do, you should check out Brilliant.

Brilliant is a math and science enrichment tool

that takes an incredibly active approach to learning.

So when you go into their courses,

you're going to be immediately thrown

into challenging problems that force

you to really work to find the solutions,

and in addition to being a very effective way

to learn these subjects, this approach

also makes you a universally better problem solver,

because you have to apply effort

and creativity, rather than just

passively intaking the material,

like you would in a lecture-style class.

Within Brilliant's library, you're gonna find courses

on calculus, on math for quantitative finance,

on probability, on science topics,

like gravitational physics, and computer science topics,

like algorithms and machine learning.

In addition, you're also going

to find an incredibly detailed wiki

that covers problems from all across

their courses, so when you get stuck

on something tough, you can go do

some in-depth learning there, and

there's also an awesome community area,

where people from around the world are

constantly helping each other out,

and challenging each other.

So if you wanna start learning

for free, today, then head on over

to, which

you'll find in the description down below.

And if you're one of the first 83 people

to sign up with that link, you're

also gonna get 20% off your annual premium subscription.

I wanna give a big thanks to Brilliant

for sponsoring this video, and being a huge supporter

of this channel, and, as always, guys,

thank you so much for watching.

If you enjoyed this video, hit that like button,

to support this channel, and you can

also subscribe right there,

to get new videos every single week.

You can also click right over here

to get a free copy of my book on

how to earn better grades, find one more video

on this channel right over here,

or follow me on Instagram, over @TomFrankly.

Thanks for watching, and I will see you in the next one.

For more infomation >> How to Break Your Social Media Addiction - Duration: 10:32.


GTA 5 2018 BEST Graphic MOD 4K NaturalVision Remastered REALISTIC GRAPHIC GTA V MARRIAGE COUNSELLING - Duration: 11:39.

the man Tracy yo

Amanda Amanda better not be not in my house fuck you Mike I'm paying that turd

150 bucks an hour to fuck my wife in my own bed Michael I'm sorry bro she said

you hadn't arranged you and I are gonna have it arranged but arrange your

fucking funeral really sorry bro hey yeah out of my way Michael calm down

what the fuck is going on nothing happened it was a misunderstanding

fucked up brick in my bed bullshit it wasn't like that you win

fuckin I mean in this role just get this mother you okay homie what happened guy

bounced my wife is what happened which guy the guy up paid a teacher tennis

tennis coat news you know back in the hood yeah we kind

of watched up with a pail man oh yeah I'm a cuckold a snob in a fucking push


yeah look man

hey let's just keep on boom

the fuck is he doing pushy spirit but fucking every cock fuck man I think we

lost today he lives somewhere up in the canyon we'll find him

where'd that slimy little white fucker go

it's this track here that's his car right there little freaks up there look

who goes doing all right for himself hey asshole

he ran up or we could settle a debt he's about to have a real clear idea where

I'm coming from there's a winch in the back of the truck

fat a cable to one of those supports up there you finna pull this deck down and

that brick pulled my marriage down now you really gonna be this fucking

dramatic you know whatever I told you I caught the session bud but there were a

lot of freakin sessions but I'm thinking you were working on more than just her

backhand Mandy's backhand has come a long way bro

but sometimes it's got to get worse to get better yeah well maybe I should come

up there practice my backhand on your face but your negative energy is

seriously bringing me down oh I hope it is spud we hooked up man you come into

my attic my money and nail my wife are you fucking kidding me I'm gonna stick

up my hand and say that was uncool but my bad

seriously how fucking magnanimous may I please offer you my applause fuck fuck

and we'll see how you like with someone fucks with your shit oh hey wait you got

the wrong

here we go

come on fuck man fuck oh we did it fuck his ass yeah fucking but what's we

really trying to pull that dude house off the fucking Hill yeah we were trying

to teach him a fucking lesson I'm not asking this pistol bitch ass

last man maybe I'll keep it on the court and out of my wife yeah he's not taking

our house fires back to that motherfucker hey it's a service to the

fucking community

hey you hit me mr. de santé what the hell that's not my house

bullshit oh ho ho I couldn't afford a place like that I would tennis coach I

hit balls for a living I was just hiding there oh I'm scared

lady just fucking terrified shit we got some campus owners home

you kidding me shit you do something I'll try again try you got a piece now's

the time to use

we managed to lose them

hey let's go let's leave them behind

how much business gap between us

where are we on this

fuck man jeez ass over me about that dude

go finish him let's go back there

hey let's go let's leave them behind we managed to lose them

mr. battle man we gotta move

we got a book mango

this a misunderstanding motherfucker pop dude

fuck off hey the assays is cooked okay we go back to my house think about this

we better lose these guys I don't think they're gonna fire it was self-defense

fuck man shit you good behind this wine get a few knocks you okay but you did

good kid I'm cool man I mean you mentally mentally oh man

I'm fuckin ex my heart a puff like that in years oh yes fucking a Bubba man you

sound kind of Manny you just been greenly about a Mexican underworld

ambassador to Los Santos trust me we handled it wherever the fuck Martin

Madrazo is I've known worse we just handed a few low ranking clowns we sit

on it we see what happens kid there's no you second guessing no

good man whoa yeah do something for a change

man you know what you are wasted sitting by that fucking fool man whoo hey thanks

for the help out there today kid I had no idea was gonna get that hot she

pulling houses off the hill saw show has a weird we're fucking with people yeah

well I thought I was through with all that shit I don't know what the hell's

going on oh shit I think we're about to find out

you know who I am Do You Know Who I am do you now oh you

you I think so gun I know who you are I know where you live who are you

Oh Franklin license

no Franklin maybe he'll mr. de Santa here

Who am I I think Martin Madrazo good boy now maybe get him and living off a

background man mr. Madrazo mr. madrazo is a legitimate businessman

he was wrongfully accused of running a Mexican American gang and a narcotic

ring but the charges were dropped because of the witnesses came up missing

smart ahead now Michael got a question for you significant Marcus water home

down the hillside invite wood Hills the owner was banging my wife well there

was a strange house for a tennis coach take it straight clearly yeah well

Natalia will need a hotel while you fine as their rear veils watching sure good

and I'm guessing here that their rebuild will be somewhere in the 2.5 million

range of course great

that's nice come on amu I never better so what now looks like I'm gonna have to

postpone my retirement fuck I mean I'm mortgaged up to my eyeballs look I only

know one way to make money I'm gonna have to give an old friend a call

Western I think he's in town somewhere might

have to track him down just give me a little alone time all right all right


For more infomation >> GTA 5 2018 BEST Graphic MOD 4K NaturalVision Remastered REALISTIC GRAPHIC GTA V MARRIAGE COUNSELLING - Duration: 11:39.


Seungju and Yunho Challenge your boyfriend! [ENG SUB] - Duration: 10:51.

Below we will tell you today's content, what is it?

I'm going to do your hair honey

You can test how well he is doing it

Today, if you get screwed up, your face will change as you do it

SJ:let's start

YH: Yes, I'm going to start

Honey, will not there be something that hurts, right?...

right. But I'm not going to tangle your hair don't worry


Honey, this is Pacific(?)...

Honey, where are the tongs?

where are it~ ?


Of course

haa ok

This is cute guys?

Ok, thank you

Honey is doing my hair~

Honey i'm nervous

YH:are you nervous?

My hair already looks weird

YH: No, no

SJ: no?

SJ:Are you trying not to tangled?

YH: Of course

SJ:You know is getting more weird, right?(his hair)

YH:Honey right now I'm so overjoyed.



Please contact us if you would like to ask our Yunho to make you a hairstyle change

although I would not

Honey I'm sorry

Why do you suddenly sorry?

Honey~ It must have been less than one minute.

YH: Ok, I'm sorry


Our old Japanese serpent (idk..:v)

Honey you have to tighten them


YH: Honey assassination(?)~ (I think he is means that he (sj) exaggerate, but the literal translation is assassination)

it really hurts

it really hurts

YH:in this way is sad

YH:honey, I have not finished yet

I will trust our Yunho

i believe in you

I believe...?

captions: Is that true?

Uh, you did it again.

Is this your specialty?

Ho! you did again

Honey, you did it twice today.

I will count.


YH: No honey, where is "that"?

SJ: I sacrifice myself for today's content?

YH: i know

Honey, i believe you will do good

Honey, I have a idea in my head


SJ:Honey why do you laugh?

YH:Don't worry i will do it pretty

SJ:What worries me is what you are saying

YH:I will do it pretty


YH:I will not have to ask for the next time.

SJ: Honey~ I'm sorry, do it well

YH: honey, your hair..

SJ:Honey, it's cosmetic.(I think it means that his hair is like that because of cosmetics)

YH:This is not a good wax.

SJ:Are you blaming others? (the wax)

SJ:what is this?

SJ: you have to dry a little bit

SJ:Check the temperature...

YH: Don't touch it

op:Seungju oppa why are you so nervous?

SJ:No i believe in him guys

I'm not nervous I'm not nervous at all

I'm ok

Guys, even if you don't mind, I'd appreciate it if you liked it.

YH: I didn't finish yet

SJ: I thought you were finished

op: Seungju Your look handsome SJ: Thank you

SJ:the completion of style is the face, right?

SJ:It's look good.. hoo is not finished yet

YH: You look handsome honey

SJ: it's finished

SJ:This is all honey..?

Captions: No way..

SJ: You surprised me

SJ: You are going to finished here?

SJ: Honey YH:Honey~ SJ:Its not finished right?

SJ: No way

SJ: you're not going to do it more weird rigth?

SJ:What is that?

SJ: Honey, will you do it when you work in a beauty salon?

SJ: You're going to finished here? really?


YH: don't touch it

YH: I'm sorry honey

SJ: Why do you hit my eye?

YH: I tell you to not touch it

YH: I will do it

SJ: its hurts

SJ: My eye really hurt

YH: Honey i'm sorry

why I live this way.

SJ:Honey where is a person who throws the spray that way

YH:I sprayed on the side of your head

ok..(captions: (i truest in you) )

SJ: Honey

SJ: is going well right?

op: Your hair looks better when you comb it down

SJ: It's the first time I hear that my hair looks better that way

SJ: How much..

SJ: Are you going to hit me?

Captions:I still remember

YH: HE?! Honey!~

YH: it was your fault

SJ: Honey I'll do it.

SJ: Honey is not too much spray?

SJ:It is not too high ?

YH: it's supposed to be like that

SJ: that's all? YH: No wait honey

SJ: The next time Seungju and Yunho

SJ: Honey the spray make the hair tangled

YH: Tan~

SJ:Are you a new hairstyle master?

SJ: Honey invented a new one?

SJ: You finished?

SJ:I need you to fix my bangs here.

YH: No is finished now

Op:Your hair is stirred

YH: Who say that?

SJ: The next time do it to Yunho

SJ: Honey sit down, lets do it now

SJ: Let's do it

SJ: I will put all your hair up

YH:What do you think?

SJ: Honey..

SJ:Honey, it looks like someone is pull it down on this side

YH: No~

SJ:Don't you think the same? you should lift it a little on this side

SJ: Its finished?

SJ:I'm done. Honey?

SJ:Did you take 20 minutes for make my hairstyle?

SJ: Thank you~ haa.. it hurts

SJ: It really hurts

SJ: Honey, there's a saying that says

SJ:I lost all the words.

YH: Honey you look handsome

SJ:Honey how is supposed that i will finish the broadcast in this way?

SJ: honey, Honey, can I go wash my hair?

SJ: Can i wash my hair? I look like a grandfather

SJ: Honey

SJ:If i did this hairstyle Honey, will gone right away

YH: I look more handsome (YH was reading a comment)

YH: You wanna washed?

SJ: mmm

YH: Yunho, Where is Seungju? Seungju is right here

YH: Honey im sorry i did it wrong

SJ: It look good?

YH:Honey i did it wrong

YH: Im doing the broadcast

SJ: But where is my seat?

YH: Guys what are you doing

For more infomation >> Seungju and Yunho Challenge your boyfriend! [ENG SUB] - Duration: 10:51.


Bush Just Took FIRM Stand On Kavanaugh And People Are Furious About What He Had To Say - Duration: 5:16.

Controversy regarding Judge Kavanaugh during the past few weeks has exploded.

Everyone is divided into their own sides of the aisle.

The opinion of one high profile politician could sway public opinion in a different direction,


The Daily Caller reported, "Former President George W. Bush still supports

Brett Kavanaugh after the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on s*exual assault

accusations against the Supreme Court nominee.

Politico asked Bush on Thursday if he still supports Kavanaugh's nomination.

"Yes, he does," Freddy Ford, Bush's chief of staff, said.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified on Thursday that Kavanaugh groped her and held his hand

over her mouth at a high school party in the summer of 1982.

Kavanaugh categorically denied the allegation and accused Democrats of conducting a coordinated

smear against him.

In addition to his on the record support, Bush is also reportedly wh*ipping votes for

Kavanaugh's confirmation.

Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Jeff Flake of Arizona, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska

have all received calls from Bush in recent days urging them to support Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh served as an associate counsel in the White House and then staff secretary during

Bush's presidency.

When Kavanaugh was first accused of s*exual misconduct by Ford, Bush said, "Laura [Bush]

and I have known and respected Brett Kavanaugh for decades, and we stand by our comments

the night Judge Kavanaugh was nominated: 'He is a fine husband, father, and friend — and

a man of the highest integrity.'"

Business Insider reported, "According to The Post, in recent days,

Bush has contacted at least some of the senators seen as swing votes — Democratic Sen. Joe

Manchin and Republican Sens. Susan Collins, Jeff Flake, and Lisa Murkowski — to discuss

their votes as Kavanaugh faces multiple allegations of se*xual misconduct.

The Post's report suggests Bush decided to contact the senators because they are less

likely to be swayed by President Donald Trump.

The report indicates Bush called the senators before Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford,

who has accused him of se*xually assaulting her when they were teenagers in the 1980s,

testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday.

Flake announced on Friday that he would vote to confirm Kavanaugh.

Shortly after releasing his statement, Flake was confronted by survivors of se*xual assault

as he headed to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Kavanaugh worked for Bush during the 2000 presidential-election recount in Florida.

Three years later, Bush nominated Kavanaugh into the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit.

Kavanaugh was Bush's White House staff secretary until 2006, while his confirmation to the

court was delayed.

Bush voiced his support for Kavanaugh in July when Trump tapped the judge as his choice

for the Supreme Court seat.

"He is a fine husband, father, and friend — and a man of the highest integrity,"

Bush said of Kavanaugh.

"He will make a superb Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States."

Bush reaffirmed his support of Kavanaugh after Ford's allegation surfaced, saying he and

his wife "stand by our comments."

Kavanaugh has denied the allegations of se*xual misconduct against him.

The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday heard hours of emotional testimony from Ford

and Kavanaugh.

The Senate is expected to vote on his confirmation on Friday afternoon."

Judge Kavanaugh's history with the president goes way back.

After he finished his clerkship in the Supreme Court he worked with Ken Starr in 1997 as

Associate Counsel in the Office of the Independent Counsel.

Some of his colleagues included the likes of Alex Azar and Rod Rosenstein.

While at the White House he dealt with many different types of constitutional and legal


He even partook in the investigation into the death of Vincent Foster.

During this investigation, Kavanaugh was criticized for investing money that came from the federal

government into investigations of so-called conspiracy theories that were partisan.

Several years later in December 2000, Judge Kavanaugh started working with President Bush

regarding the ballot recount issues in Florida.

Shortly thereafter, he was brought on as an associate by the White House Counsel, who

at the time was Alberto Gonzales.

He worked on the scandal surrounding Enron, the nomination of now Supreme Couty Justice

John Roberts, as well as the nomination process of Miguel Estrada which was ultimately unsuccessful.

A few years later, he started serving as an Assistant to the President and the White House

Staff Secretary.

He had succeeded Harriet Miers.


For more infomation >> Bush Just Took FIRM Stand On Kavanaugh And People Are Furious About What He Had To Say - Duration: 5:16.


YUGI H5 - NHỮNG DECK BÀI LẦY LỘI của các thanh niên Đồng đoàn VN - Thầnbà YugiH5 - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> YUGI H5 - NHỮNG DECK BÀI LẦY LỘI của các thanh niên Đồng đoàn VN - Thầnbà YugiH5 - Duration: 10:23.


Magia Record | Felicia's Halloween Costume | (Translated) - Duration: 3:01.

Yachiyo: .............

Yachiyo: Come on, hasn't it been long enough...?

Yachiyo: The Halloween play is over, so why don't you get changed?

Felicia: No! I still wanna be a cow!

Yachiyo: Oh, dear... What to do...?

Iroha: Those clothes are dirty, so I'd like to wash them...

Felicia: No!

Felicia: I still need to get a ton of cows on a farm and make a cow kingdom!

Felicia: Moo-hahaha!

Tsuruno: Aaand now she's turned it into a game...

Yachiyo: In that case...!

Yachiyo: Come on. Take! It! Off!

Felicia: Nooooo! Stop it!

Yachiyo: If you would just change out of that--!

Felicia: Why?!

Felicia: What gives you jurisdiction over what I wear?!

Tsuruno: Woah, Felicia used a big word..!!

Yachiyo: Do you even know what it means?

Felicia: It's like - when someone has a ton of rules you gotta follow.

Tsuruno: Ooh... That's pretty good...

Yachiyo: Tamaki-san, do you have any ideas...?

Iroha: For how to get Felicia-chan to change her clothes...?

Yachiyo: Yes...

Iroha: Hmm...

Iroha: Maybe she'll just get tired of wearing it while we're out grocery shopping?

Yachiyo: Get tired of it, huh...?

Yachiyo: Well, as long as she's changed by dinner time, it's fine. We'll see...

Felicia: I want meat!

Yachiyo: I didn't ask.

Tsuruno: Dinner... Meat...

Tsuruno: Oh?!

Tsuruno: Master, Iroha-chan!

Iroha: What is it, Tsuruno-chan?

*whisper whisper whisper*

Yachiyo: .............

Yachiyo: I see. That sounds good.

Iroha: We're home!

Felicia: Meeaat!

Yachiyo: Get changed, first.

Felicia: Eh...

Tsuruno: This is where I come in!

Tsuruno: Felicia!

Felicia: Whattaya want?

Tsuruno: Today we're having beefsteak!

Felicia: Really?! Awesome! Meals are really all about meat!

Tsuruno: But there's one problem.

Felicia: A problem?

Tsuruno: That's right... Felicia, you're a cow, right?

Felicia: Yeah, I'm a cow!

Tsuruno: So...

Tsuruno: That means you can't eat meat!

Felicia: Huh?! Why?! I wanna eat meat!

Tsuruno: Because, cows...

Felicia: Cows...?

Tsuruno: Cows can't eat other cows!!

Felicia: Eeeeeh?!

Iroha: Sorry, Felicia-chan, but we'll have to eat without you...

Yachiyo: I'll get the pasture ready for you.

Felicia: Grass isn't meat!

Felicia: *sniff* ... Meat... Cow... Meat...

Felicia: Oh! Oh oh oh!

Yachiyo: Hm?

Felicia: That's right, that's right, cow time is over for today!

Iroha: (What is cow time?)

Felicia: So now I'm back to being a humaaaan!

Felicia: Now I can eat meat!

Yachiyo: .............

Yachiyo: Pff - fufu. That's right.

Iroha: Then - shall we get ready for dinner?

Tsuruno: Felicia, you help too.

Felicia: Wellll, if I haaaave to!

For more infomation >> Magia Record | Felicia's Halloween Costume | (Translated) - Duration: 3:01.


Disney Mickey Mouse 90th Anniversary Blind Bag Collectible Mini Figure Unboxing Review - Duration: 6:09.

Disney Mickey Mouse 90th Anniversary Blind Bag Collectible Mini Figure Unboxing Review

- Celebrate 90 years of Disney magic with the Mickey's 90th Anniversary Blind Bag figures!

Each figure stands 2.25" tall and comes packaged in

a surprise foil blind bag with special packaging in honor of Mickey's birthday!

Unwrap the blind bag to reveal the new addition to your Disney collection!

Collect Mickey

Mouse through the ages with these highly detailed posed figures including: Plane Crazy Mickey,

Steamboat Willie Mickey, Pie Eye Mickey, Technicolor Mickey, Comic Mickey, Sorcerer's Apprentice

Mickey, Mousketeer Mickey, Clubhouse Mickey, and Classic Mickey.

Each figure is sold separately and comes in a fun mini size.

Assortment includes: Plane Crazy Mickey, Steamboat Willie Mickey, Pie Eye Mickey, Technicolor

Mickey, Comic Mickey, Sorcerer Apprentice Mickey, Mousketeer Mickey, Clubhouse Mickey,

and Classic Mickey.

Thank you for watching guys if you enjoy this video please give it a thumbs up and smash

the subscribe button it would really help us out and stay tuned for more geeky adventures.

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geeky news, wrapped up in pop cultcha references from the 80s and 90s join us on a daily basis

for brand new videos each and every single day! we review toylines from MARVEL, DC COMICS,


I also like NECA and Diamond Select products too.

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for watching my videos I really appreciate it!

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#Disney #MickeyMouse #Mickey90 #MysteryBox #unboxing #review

Disney Mickey Mouse 90th Anniversary Blind Bag Collectible Mini Figure Unboxing Review

mickey mouse,disney,90th anniversary,blind bag,mini figure,unboxing,review,supersorrell,disney

store,target exclusive,Mickey Mouse 90th Anniversary,mickey mouse 90,Mickey's 90th Anniversary Blind Bag

figures,mickey's 90th anniversary mystery minis,mickey 90th anniversary target,Plane

Crazy Mickey,Steamboat Willie Mickey,Pie Eye Mickey,Technicolor Mickey,Comic Mickey,Sorcerer

Apprentice Mickey,Mousketeer Mickey,Clubhouse Mickey,Classic Mickey

For more infomation >> Disney Mickey Mouse 90th Anniversary Blind Bag Collectible Mini Figure Unboxing Review - Duration: 6:09.


十句超現實句子:你可以善良,但不能軟弱 - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> 十句超現實句子:你可以善良,但不能軟弱 - Duration: 3:01.


League Of Legends on MacBook Pro with MacOS MOJAVE - Duration: 2:34.

is it possible to play league of legends with the macos mojave if you want to

know everything stay tuned after the intro

hi everyone welcome to MADpack where we unpack your next product and hey if it's

your first time here don't forget to subscribe to this channel on this

channel we only talk about technology so if you like this type of content I hope

to see you in the next one so first of all this video will be very very small

because few of you guys asked me is it possible to play League of Legends with

the MacOS Mojave installed on your macbook pro because it was more than one

person asking for the same question I decided ok maybe they are more person

searching for that so let's do a video about it so I installed the League of

Legends I never play League of Legends you know my life and I installed on my

macbook pro and I think it will continue in that way so what I'm saying is basically

I install in my macbook pro League of Legends it took a while it was giving me

some errors I'm going to show you during the time that we are talking about it I

play just the first part it was working but after it starts crashing when I was

using the mouse it starts jumping everywhere so if you want to know this

opinion and like I said to you guys this is a very very quick video I don't

recommend it all to install the MacOS Mojave if you play League of Legends the

experience is horrible it's not possible to play because it arrive in the moment

I thought ok let me try this once again but it was always crashing and I

definitely don't recommend at all that you play League of Legends with the MacOS

Mohave so if you are thinking to update your macbook pro to the MacOS Mojave I

really recommend you to don't install the MacOS Mojave otherwise you're going

to be stressed and after you have all that work that you have to reinstall the

old versions of the High Sierra so I hope that I answer your questions and I

hope that you are happy with that because I've done this video just for a

few of you guys that asked me to do this video about the MacOS Mojave with

the League of Legends before you go don't forget to subscribe to this channel if you don't

have to scrub until now share this video with your family and

friends gonna be a little smash that thumbs up and like I said in all my

videos you already know the answer I see you in the next one

For more infomation >> League Of Legends on MacBook Pro with MacOS MOJAVE - Duration: 2:34.


How to Get Rid of Worms in Dogs And Puppies Naturally? - Duration: 2:22.

Hi, Mirko here from Healthy Pet Systems.

Today I will tell you 5 home remedies to get rid of worms in dogs and puppies naturally.

So let's start.

First one, carrots.

Chopping some carrots and mixing it with your dog's food, will help to deworm your pet.

Second, oregon grape.

This contains berberine, which is used to fight infections and to improve the immune


It also works as an antiseptic, so it is great for many things.

It can be used in drops and given to your pet twice a day, depending on its weight.

Third, enzyme supplements.

Enzymes are known for making worms get weak and destroying them.

Papain, which can be found in papayas and dried figs, contain these types of enzymes

and will help to get rid of worms.

Fourth, fasting.

Although it may seem harsh and not very nice, putting your pet on a fast, can help to eliminate

worms in its system.

By simply not giving it anything to eat for 24 hours, once a week, you will be helping

your pet to defecate worms and to prevent them from coming back again.

Without food, worms can't survive.

Fifth, wormwood.

This is a very effective home remedy for getting rid of worms and it has been used for many


You must be careful when using this, as it has some oils which your dog may be allergic


So do not overuse this herb.

To find out more, I created a great guide about the worms in dogs.

In it, you will find 11 symptoms dogs with worms have, 5 types of worms a dog can have,

guides on how to get rid of worms in dogs, what causes dogs to get worms,

and 5 home remedies for worms.

The link is down below in a description.

If you like this video, hit the subscribe button to receive more like it in the future.

And remember let's keep our pets healthy!


For more infomation >> How to Get Rid of Worms in Dogs And Puppies Naturally? - Duration: 2:22.


Offroad Racing Horizon Hovercraft Event Forza Horizon 4 Episode 2 - Duration: 13:59.

Welcome to mikegolden Games and welcome back to Forza Horizon 4 this is gonna

be the second episode so it's just less episode I did like maybe four races just

to kind of get more used to the game i unlock this house this is the free house

I guess you get for completing like the first few missions of the game and man

look at my new Jeep I got it's a 2012 Jeep Wrangler and I believe it's a

Rubicon but I got the Jurassic Park skin for it because why not it looks pretty

good even though yeah it's not screen accurate or anything because to chief JK

and not a chief of IJ but still it's still a great looking Jeep let's get out

of the road here it's actually autumn now where it before in the last episode

okay what am i running on something is scraped what whoops that is a rock we're

good we're good let's get back on the road over here so we're gonna be doing

some off-road races in this episode and for the next episode I'm thinking we'll

take a look at the James Bond car packs I just whipped out on and man those cars

look good but the Aston Martin db5 it actually has the bullet screen that

comes up from the rear window and you know basically to protect James Bond

from getting shot it works it pops up in the back it is freaking awesome

apparently the Lotus you can actually drive on water with that one

it looks freakin awesome so we'll check that out later

with this cheap I'm losing control I'm losing control I actually installed I've

swapped out the v6 for the 6.2 liter Hemi so this is a massive engine in this

Jeep Wrangler man look at the horizon festival looks

beautiful so as I would say though this is only a few races after what you guys

saw in the last episode so we're not too far in the game you know just getting my

feet wet getting them used to the game since it's been quite a while since I've

played whoa oh okay I didn't know that was gonna dip down there I thought it

was a roundabout broke my mirror off it's fine we're the chief we got really

great visibility but anyways yeah so like I said we're going about three

miles to get to the race location so I'll see you guys once we get there it's

quite a bit of a drive Oh 514 feet beautiful jump just smash it through all

these men whoops I just ran over a chicken look around this way here no

problem no problem at all beautiful morning in Britain today though it's a

beautiful looking game a look at the houses you can actually see inside the

houses - that is really cool

mark as we are getting close to the race location now or just about 500 yards

away from it we will be starting the race suit and the Sun is coming up so

that should make it for a little more easy to see through while driving let's

get up here and begin the race and she looks freaking awesome

okay we'll create a blueprint you're off the road off road right there look at

that Jeep Wrangler Rubicon on the cover right there anyways we're gonna go with

the off-road slow or fast small engines tool I think - a class for a real

free-for-all I think my car's a so we'll stick with a class alright so for this

racing event it is dirt racing series in off-road vehicles up to a class I

believe that's what my Jeep is rated at right now it's up about 780 I think

anyways it is gonna be during a heavy rainstorm so this should make for an

exciting video I hope you guys will enjoy it

there's my Jeep Wrangler right there and I also unlock this Ford Raptor as well

let's get this thing started oh man look at that Jeep dad looks

freaking beautiful I got a little bigger tires on it as well we are good to go

gerrae went to walker or trail your winning easily and now tougher driver

Tyra's want to challenge you would you like to raise the difficulty from

average to above-average and receive 50% to extra credits no that's alright I've

already gotten like 60% difficulty so I don't want to raise it any more

okay 55% so what word it's pretty difficult is the way it is so I do have

simulated damage on but you got to be careful about crashing these Ford

Raptors are going to give us a run for our money I just got to be careful with

the handling

okay we got this we got this so far so good

get a slows down a little bit got it okay come on for rapid get out of my way

that's so much horsepower under this hood though you should be able to keep

up with them no problem oh boy that's a little rough that's a little rough oh

it's more like bumper cars than racing on that right get some water crossings

nice we're 21 percent progress without a little heat move out of the way

out of the way dude move out of my way coming through thank you like I said

steady use nothing

drifted drifted drift it come on baby come on there we go there we go she's

gotta keep her steady

there we go rain is really coming down part now does make it a little tougher

for traction but I do have these off-road tires so we should be good

it's the off-road racing tire compound this Jeep is really modified so it

should be good oh man that sign was going all over the

place they're just about 50% progress completed race it boys move out of the

way thank you oh boy coming up quick we're coming up quick

on the weight Lamborghini

who knows a post one

got to be careful around these corners move chickens we're back on the pavement

pavement I can't even talk right now gotta try and catch up here now we are

ahead of the pack right now feather the pedal here we go done it got a sharp

right turn coming up here gonna have to be careful with this one

and break it break it break it break it come on come on done it I went a little

slow around that corner there but it's wet out I don't want to spin myself

around then I would probably end up losing the race right now we're in first

place to go so that is it oh you got a rainbow back there and I gotta pay

attention almost crushed there's a rainbow back there here we go 124 miles

an hour in the chief Wrangler boo man so we're about three seconds ahead of the

pack not too bad yeah we're at 800 which I've believed 801 turns it into an

s-class so we are literally fully maxed out for the Jeep Wrangler unless we want

to bump ourselves into s-class which then we'll be racing against like

monster vehicles but it'll be insane I do have a supercharger a roofs

supercharger installed on this thing as well it's pretty nice

fifteen thousand credits for that race nice and 4500 and closer nice Oh

I just don't watch something I think rear spin emote unlocked nice whoo the

next thing we get is a car alright so once we hit a hundred thousand followers

we get winter unlocked like this is worth the ticket to the next Road

alright so for the next race in this episode we're gonna do the behemoths

showcase I think we get to drive a hovercraft I have no idea so we'll see

around little around garroting gun it whoops

run run button

actually let's take a look at the cheap in first person look how crisp the

graphics are though this is freaking beautiful now I am playing in 4k again

but I'm recording in 1080p because again my CPU isn't powerful enough to do both

in 4k so I do really need to upgrade my CPU some time but it's gonna be a while

it's gonna be a while oh man look at that beautiful scenery oh that bridge

down there is that the bridge from Harry Potter - right did your destination

man look at our Jeep it is all covered in dirt right now so we'll cut it there

okay so it looks like we're getting a Toyota okay there's the hovercraft that

is badass

alright so we're gonna take the Toyota and race the hovercraft I would have

liked to drive the hovercraft I know it feels like you're just getting started

but this Showcase is as good an opportunity as you'll get to have some

fun screaming your name all right let's start the event all

right here we go oh man this is such a beautiful looking game

all right let's gun it holy crap we'll get that dang it it's smashing through

everything I can't get anywhere near that thing that's gonna crush me oh

shoot Oh oh look at that job okay okay you got to

keep it straight got to keep it straight there we go we're good good oh man this

thing is flying right now yeah 120 miles an hour

slow down slow down slow down slow down don't want to crash into the wall

gun in it right now got another jump coming up hey and how much horsepower

does this thing have holy crap were jumping right over the hovercraft

oh let's see what first-person looks like oh man that is beautiful like

serious this is freaking gorgeous listen that engines like super Church for those

close one damn now where are we going now we're

gonna take a right over here holy cheese let's go back in third person really

quick come on baby gun it would be good I think the engine might be a little

damaged through the suspension all the crap that thing is just drifted

around that corner there come on baby gun it oh man look at the suspension

though out of this thing this thing is freakin sick

hopefully guys are enjoyed the episode by the way we're those deer something

oh man it's gonna be the

all medical mouths man that thing freaking books it holy

crap come on baby come on let's get up this


oh man this thing really goes quick Oh hit that a little hard okay I gotta

rewind that I smashed up the front steering that's not good though right

here and slow it down a bit there we go oh look at that turn there

yeah I did mess the staring up a little bit somewhere try that a huge jump that

we took I done messed something up on this thing come on baby you you're good

keep going keep going we're slowing down that's not good

gun it gun it I'm going quick I think I beat it yes first place nice four wheels

beats to funds in a big air mattress any day of the week I never doubted you

first one second about what less than one second if you look at the 0.55 that

was close

ten thousand nine hundred credits nice

well don't stop now what am I going to tell people if our brand new showcase

champion doesn't qualify for the horizon winter season it's almost winter time

already damn we just started on him oh man that was freakin sick look at that

beautiful scenery there okay guys so I'm gonna leave this episode here I hope you

guys enjoyed it hit that like button have a great day guys and see you next

time and be sure to consider subscribing if you haven't already take it easy guys

what is this guy doing he's like ghost inside me right now

it's kind of creepy

For more infomation >> Offroad Racing Horizon Hovercraft Event Forza Horizon 4 Episode 2 - Duration: 13:59.


Luísa Sonza RECUSA a viajar com JAIR BOLSONARO | Youtube News - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Luísa Sonza RECUSA a viajar com JAIR BOLSONARO | Youtube News - Duration: 1:15.


Estamos Aqui - LAS VEGAS - parte 3 e 4 - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Estamos Aqui - LAS VEGAS - parte 3 e 4 - Duration: 5:17.



very good we are here in a new video for the channel and this time of 10 advanced level pro gimmicks

they are not difficult to do and you will learn fast these tricks

For more infomation >> * 10 PRO TRICKS OF ADVANCED LEVEL! * FORTNITE! | * TRICKS & TIPS * - Duration: 21:30.


MILLIONAIRES SHORTBREAD - Chocolate Caramel Slice - Duration: 6:26.

A big, big welcome to Steve's kitchen. I can't believe I haven't made a caramel

slice before on the channel, it's almost the national dish here in Australia but

I had a message just a week or so back from a long-term subscriber Kelly

OB̤̈r̤̈ṳ̈m̤̈ä̤ï̤c̤̈ä̤n̤̈ gуαl87 and she said 'have I ever made a millionaire's shortbread?' Well I

didn't even know what it was but it turns out it's virtually the same as

what we call a caramel slice. Now Kelly I'm going to show you how to make it,

it's very simple but I am going to gold plate it at the end because after all 'it

don't mean a thing if you ain't got some bling'

We're going to start with our base

which is super simple I start with my soft brown sugar and my

lightly salted butter, which I've slightly melted in the microwave. Now I'll

put all the ingredients up on the screen so you know how much to use. I'm just

going to whisk that together until it's nice and creamy. Then I'm going to add in

my all-purpose flour and I'm going with shredded coconut, I would normally use

desiccated coconut, which is a little bit sweeter but I haven't got any, shredded

works just fine and we're just going to mix this together until we get a nice

smooth dough. I've got a 9 inch or 24 centimeter square tin, which I'm just

lining with a little bit of paper. I've used some butter just to hold it down.

Now just pour all the dough into the tray and then using a spatula

I just want to flatten this out and get it nice and even. Now lastly I'm just

going to take a crank handle spatula and just level over the base of the

shortbread. I've just preheated my oven to 180 degrees Celsius that's 350

Fahrenheit, we're going to pop this in and bake it for 15 minutes until we've got a

lovely biscuit base. Now I've taken that out after 17 minutes, different ovens

will affect differently, I wanted a beautiful golden brown on top.

We need this to completely cool down before but the caramel on top, if you put

it on there while they're both hot you tend to get not

such a nice division, so I'm going to let this cool down and then I'm going to

chill it a little bit in the fridge. Whilst the base cools down let's get to

make our second layer, the caramel, which is also very simple. Put my soft brown

sugar into a saucepan and some lightly salted butter, we're then just going to

heat this on the stove and let the sugars start to dissolve. In with that

sweet butter we're going to add two cans of 395 grams that's about 14 ounces, of

sweetened condensed milk. That's going to make this wonderful caramel sauce. Now

I'm just going to heat this on the stove until it starts to simmer and just keep

warming that till you get this wonderful, silky, caramel sauce. Now we can take that

off of the stove, bring it over to our base, which is now cooled down and then

we can take that delicious caramel sauce and pour it over the base. Give that a

little wobble and then this goes back in the oven, same temperature, 180 degrees

Celsius 350 Fahrenheit. We're going to bake this for about 20 minutes until we

get a lovely golden brown. I almost left the caramel in a little bit too long

there. I'm quite happy, it's still perfectly good, it's a little bit

flirting with the edge of burnt but it still looks great. I want this now to

cool down completely before we put our chocolate layer on top. Now you get to

choose the chocolate you like to put on top. I'm going with a milk chocolate, it's

a 290 grams, about 10 ounces, which I'm going to melt in a double boiler. I'm going to put

about an inch of water in a pan, a bowl on top and we'll use that to melt

the chocolate, I just think it works really well. Add about a tablespoon of

oil in with your chocolate and that will just make the chocolate a little softer,

so that when you cut it, it won't crack and now we've got this beautiful molten

chocolate. So now we're going to pour that chocolate over the top of our

caramel slice

and then evenly spread it over the top of our caramel there. Normally with

caramel slices I like to do a little wavy effect on top of the chocolate, I'm

going to leave it fairly flat because I want to put some gold bling on at least

one or two slices of this. So let's let this chill down and come back in a

moment. Now when the caramel slice has set,

we're going to trim off these Salvage edges and then I'm just going to take a

knife and maybe cut this about a couple of inches wide and then we can just cut

this into strips and there you have the perfect caramel slice. Now I trimmed the

edges off the caramel slices and made them into these beautiful individual

caramel slices, look how gorgeous they look. Now you can see this one on the top

here is actually covered with 24 karat gold, real gold by the way. I was going to

film putting the gold on, man it was difficult. There's this tiny, tiny little

thin gold leaf that you've got to put on top of the chocolate and it's bending

and blowing all over the place. Took me ages and many, many sheets to get that on

there. If you haven't had gold on food before it does work, it hasn't got a

great flavor, a little bit metallic if anything but we've got the bling now,

we've got our millionaire shortbread. So I'm going to give this a little try now.

Thank You Kelly for the idea, tuck in to a millionaire's shortcut, cut a little

bit off I'm not going to eat the whole thing.

Cutting through the gold, how pretty is that? I did promise I'd bling it up,

millionaires shortbread or what we like to call a caramel slice. One of my

favorite coffee shop treats when I'm out in Australia. Here goes,

give this a try.

The taste is pure gold in more ways than one and this is so good. Of course you

don't have to put the gold plating on it, a straightforward caramel slice is so, so

delicious. I hope you'll make them, give me some feedback, send us some

photographs, if you decide to gold plate them definitely send me a picture. Be

good and I'll see you for another Steve's kitchen very shortly,

take care.

For more infomation >> MILLIONAIRES SHORTBREAD - Chocolate Caramel Slice - Duration: 6:26.



For more infomation >> EM MACEIÓ, 20 MIL VÃO AO #ELENÃO: CAMPANHA MISÓGINA, DIZ MANIFESTANTE - Duration: 3:15.





Death Stranding - another look - Duration: 6:38.

That little guy is a tardigrade

an animal smaller than the head of a pin

Don't underestimate them

Tardigrades have been living on this planet a lot longer than we have

about 500 billion years

They can make a living anywhere on Earth, frigid peaks of the tallest mountains,

cauldrons of erupting volcanoes, in the deep ocean vents at the bottom of the sea

Tardigrades are so tough they can survive naked in the vacuum of space

But maybe we've spent too long trying to figure all this out with theory

You're a scientist, Brand

So listen to me when i say that love isn't something we invented.

It's observable, powerful.

It has to mean something

Love has meaning, yes. Social utility, social bonding, child rearing...

We love people who have died.

Where's the social utility in that?


Maybe it means something more, something we can't yet understand

Maybe it's some evidence, some artifact of a higher dimension that we can't consciously perceive

I'm drawn across the universe to someone I haven't seen in a decade, who I know is probably dead

Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space

Maybe we should trust that even if we can't understand it yet.

For more infomation >> Death Stranding - another look - Duration: 6:38.


Arizona State Route 86 West on Tohono O'odham Nation Reservation to Why, Arizona, GP032517 - Duration: 26:05.

25 September 2018

Driver's Side View

N Tucson-Ajo Highway

Arizona State Route 86 West

US Border Patrol 4x4 Pickup Truck, K44597

Mile 81

Mile 78

Quijotoa 15, Tucson 87

US Border Patrol Truck sits

Indian Route 21, Pisinemo

Wahak Hotrontk

San Simon Village

San Simon

Hickiwan Wash

Tohono O'odham High School

San Simon Health Care Clinic

Entering Tohono O'odham Nation Reservation

Why, Arizona

For more infomation >> Arizona State Route 86 West on Tohono O'odham Nation Reservation to Why, Arizona, GP032517 - Duration: 26:05.


Gazebo - I Like Chopin (1983) Videoclip, Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 4:08.

Remember that piano

So delightful, unusual

That classic, sensation

Sentimental, confusion

Used to say

I like Chopin

Love me now and again

Rainy days never say goodbye

To desire when we are together

Rainy days growing in your eyes tell me where's my way

Imagine your face

A sunshine, reflection

A vision of blue skies

Forever, distractions

Used to say

I like Chopin

Love me now and again

Rainy days never say goodbye

To desire when we are together

Rainy days growing in your eyes tell me where's my way

Rainy days never say goodbye

To desire when we are together

Rainy days growing in your eyes tell me where's my way

Rainy days never say goodbye

To desire when we are together

Rainy days growing in your eyes tell me where's my way

For more infomation >> Gazebo - I Like Chopin (1983) Videoclip, Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 4:08.


What do you think you cannot do? - Duration: 6:12.

hello friends I'm dragonate I'm not wearing my ring welcome back to another

dragonate reading your answers video last week I asked you what was the

question again it was what do you think you cannot do you guys answered and I'll

be reading them in this week's video today right now basically but first of

course we need a new question for this week so let's get that going your new

question is going to be what do you dislike about YouTube just in general

about watching videos about being on the site just whatever what do you dislike

about YouTube let me know in the comments below and I'll read them next

week now let's see what you think you can't do Coco thinks you can't like his

elbow but of course you can watch did it

also a few people seem to really like me using the green screen so here's the

green screen I hope you enjoy it because apparently my the behind my room real

room real life is trash or something so never mind about that I'm kidding but

but and enjoy the ridiculous green screen that we have going on here for

reasons and meets who says ballet my dream job it's a bit off compared to

normal person so if I started to do ballet I would get bad problems and

maybe a permanent injury well that I I guess I completely understand I'm not

gonna argue with that one okay but I'm sure at least some of the dance moves

you you'd be able to do some of them at least maybe I don't know I don't really

know what that entails Julie so says public speakings you wouldn't be able to

do it in front of people not a camera every time I have tried I pass out so I

know at this point I cannot and then about my shirt she always thinks of Renn

fayre Renaissance Fair when she sees those silk like shirts and glad to be

here and make this news as well I'm glad you're here after the public speaking

honestly I never thought I'd be able to do something like that either like I I

never I never never thought that I would be any kind of a teacher when I grew up

when I was in school and everything but now as you guys know I coach parkour so

obviously I'm teaching the classes and stuff and it's really really interesting

because I'm actually a shy person so it's kind of weird how that works and

everything but yeah I guess it helps to find something

that makes you comfortable in the moment I guess well if I were to just like go

on stage and talk in front of a group of people there'd be no way I could do it

when I'm coaching though it's completely different I don't know why I don't know

how to how to explain that but yeah and DLT dad thinks he can't do nothing as

long as he just as long as I put my mind to it pact this makes perfect so here's

nothing the background for you it's just dark blackness because you can't do

nothing actually that that would be the one thing you probably couldn't do is

nothing and my mum says I don't think I can do

parkour right now I can barely walk without help hard to do this kind of

stuff with a walker yes I probably would be but I don't think I could do the

swing embarrass flips or even the jumping required even if it wasn't using

a walker and walking again without any help

well you never know maybe maybe I I'm sure if if you didn't have those things

I'm sure it could be possible and finally Fluffy's not too sure if it

feels like you can't do most things but I don't think that's true

I cuz you you can do a lot of stuff your art is definitely very good and I think

that's something you're very amazing at and aside from videos and games that you

play and stuff I haven't seen too much else from what you could possibly do so

I can't say otherwise but your art is extremely amazing like your drawings and

stuff they're really really amazing and Benny says rip me sports I'm really not

the best in this but I try my best well that's all you can really do right

try your best do your best if it's not something you like don't do it don't

care whatever if you have to do it for school I guess you know that that's a

different story but otherwise when I was in school I I never liked sports either

actually I still don't really like sports but I think more like team sports

and stuff because I love swimming I love to run and I love climbing so it's not

you know physical activity that I don't like it's just that

team sports things like soccer basketball football things like that I'm

no good at and I don't really like very much but of course now I also do parkour

which was never something I thought I'd be doing when I was younger although it

was something I always wanted to do when I found out I could take classes and

such I decided to do it and that's where I am now as for something that I cannot

do there's lots of things that I always

think I can't do usually it's not something just kind of in general

because I don't really think think about that I guess but when it comes to pork

all right I see some tricks that people do or you know how well they do a

certain trick and I'm like I could never do that that's never gonna happen which

isn't really true and I think at some point that'll kind of change and I think

for the most part you could do anything as long as you put your mind to it and

you give yourself the right attitude and that kind of thing it could be possible

definitely very possible but that would be matter of whether you want to do it

or not because if it's something you want to do or want to try then all you

have to do is focus on it and work hard at it but if you don't really care for

it it's not gonna happen most likely and that is okay too

and that is it for this video so thank y'all so much for watching I hope you

all enjoyed thank you for your answers once again I will see you again next

week don't forget your question which is again what do you dislike the most of

all YouTube or well what do you dislike about YouTube leave your answers in

comments below and I'll read them next week also I haven't done this in a

little while but Humble Bundle has some some new bundles obviously going on of

course they have a game development book bundle pack and they have a humble

publisher weekend sale so they have a sale for that they have another ebook

bundle about learning to code and a Doctor Who comic book bundles right

there is a Doctor Who bundle we got we got all these books and stuff right

there comic books I should mention go take a

look at that if that's something you're interested in I know a lot of people

really enjoy Doctor Who so yeah that's that thank you all so much for watching

I hope you all enjoyed and I will see you again next week have a wonderful day

wonderful week bye bye and Godbless

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