Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 25 2018

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For more infomation >> Korean Mix Sad Hindi Songs 🌼 Cute Love Story 🌼 K-Mafia Mix - Duration: 3:55.


Toyota Noah Car Price In BD /Best Quality Car Showroom In Dhaka/Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> Toyota Noah Car Price In BD /Best Quality Car Showroom In Dhaka/Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 5:48.


Indoor Gardening Ideas to Beautify Your Space | Garden Ideas - Duration: 13:05.

For more infomation >> Indoor Gardening Ideas to Beautify Your Space | Garden Ideas - Duration: 13:05.


ひぐらしのなく頃に奉【けじめ編ラスト】の初ラジオ!!!!!!! - Duration: 1:54:42.

For more infomation >> ひぐらしのなく頃に奉【けじめ編ラスト】の初ラジオ!!!!!!! - Duration: 1:54:42.


HOTELette Austin Small Holiday Home with Stunning Traditional Style | Charming Small House Design - Duration: 1:40.

HOTELette Austin Small Holiday Home with Stunning Traditional Style

For more infomation >> HOTELette Austin Small Holiday Home with Stunning Traditional Style | Charming Small House Design - Duration: 1:40.





Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope 2 & 3 (New Live Action Film) *RE-UPLOAD* - Duration: 33:21.

FUTURE TRUNKS: I can't remember how things were before…

FUTURE TRUNKS: My earliest memories are from the inside of Capsule Corp.

FUTURE TRUNKS: On the outside…

FUTURE TRUNKS: The world was falling apart

FUTURE TRUNKS: A scientist, Dr. Gero, had created the world's deadliest super weapon

FUTURE TRUNKS: Two androids stripped of their humanity, given super human abilities

FUTURE TRUNKS: And programmed to kill

FUTURE TRUNKS: The androids wiped out earth's Special Forces in one day

FUTURE TRUNKS: Including my father

FUTURE TRUNKS: The world's strongest militaries rallied together but it was no use

FUTURE TRUNKS: Survivors around the world had to flee their homes

FUTURE TRUNKS: So my mom turned Capsule Corp into a stronghold for refugees

FUTURE TRUNKS: and started developing technology to defeat the androids

FUTURE TRUNKS: and create a cure for the deadly heart disease that killed Goku

FUTURE TRUNKS: Capsule Corp. was the last asylum on earth

FUTURE TRUNKS: And my mentor Gohan would risk his life time and time again

FUTURE TRUNKS: To save refugees and bring them back here to live

FUTURE TRUNKS: Group after group of hurting, hopeless, broken people

FUTURE TRUNKS: Seeing them filled me with rage!

FUTURE TRUNKS: First towards the monsters then at myself for doing nothing

FUTURE TRUNKS: I had to fight!!

TRUNKS: OK. You're gonna be okay, alright?

LITTLE GIRL: Please, I… I want my mom.

TRUNKS: Look, you're gonna be okay. You're going to be okay.

TRUNKS: Your family is okay.

TRUNKS: Your family… your family is okay.

TRUNKS: Okay, alright?

TRUNKS: Your family is okay, we just don't know where they are.

TRUNKS: Hmm. You're gonna be fine, just stay quiet, alright?

ANDROID 17: Boo!

TRUNKS: Everybody, run!

GOHAN: That's it.

GOHAN: Keep going.

GOHAN: Don't worry. You'll get it eventually.

GOHAN: You've got your dad's Saiyan genes.

TRUNKS: I'm never gonna be as strong as him!

GOHAN: You're so close!

GOHAN: And someday… You could be stronger than us all.

TRUNKS: Yeah… right

GOHAN: It's true.

TRUNKS: Here we go.

GOHAN: The greatest power comes in response to need.

GOHAN: And... You've never known a life where you didn't need it.

GOHAN: Things used to be different…

GOHAN: Back when our fathers were still alive…

GOHAN: Gaining power was more for the sake of pride.

GOHAN: Looking back it seems so silly…  Always arguing about who was stronger.

GOHAN: In the end… It didn't matter.

TRUNKS: Yes, because they're gone… And they're not coming back to save anyone.

GOHAN: You're right.

GOHAN: You're right.

GOHAN: So use that rage.

GOHAN: Alright, so try it again and this time and think of all the people you should've saved but couldn't.

GOHAN: And how that makes you feel.

GOHAN: Now, try again.

GOHAN: That's it!

GOHAN: Think about all the people you could've saved!

GOHAN: And how things would've been different if they had survived!

GOHAN: Think of all the loved ones that you had and you lost.

GOHAN: Think about your father!

GOHAN: Let it go, Trunks!

GOHAN: Let it go!!!

TRUNKS: How am I still so weak?

GOHAN: You're getting there.

GOHAN: It just takes time.

TRUNKS: What good does it do me, or anyone else? People are dying!

GOHAN: It's like I said. You can't gain without loss.

TRUNKS: Lose what? Don't you think I've lost enough, already?

TRUNKS: My friends, my family, everything. What more is there?

GOHAN: No! Those people were gone before you even knew them.

TRUNKS: Just teach me how to transform like you. I have to fight!

GOHAN: No! You have to train. You almost got yourself killed last time.

GOHAN: You're not ready.

TRUNKS: You know what? I'd rather die fighting than do nothing.

GOHAN: Time travel.

GOHAN: Uh… Bulma.

GOHAN: Is this some sort of a Hail Mary?

BULMA: You probably think I'm crazy.

BULMA: Everyone thought my dad was crazy, too.

BULMA: But he became the greatest inventor in the world.

GOHAN: Well, he wasn't trying to invent time travel. Plus, this is basically impossible since that much gravity would basically disintegrate a...

BULMA: A human body, but with enough training technically you could do it, or even Trunks

BULMA: Plus, this is just a prototype.

GOHAN: It seems like a long shot, but you know. I'm willing to do whatever it takes.

BULMA: I know, thanks, Gohan.

GOHAN: Hey, I used to love science as a kid.

GOHAN: Plus sounds like, you know, you could use some help.

BULMA: Well, if you insist.

BULMA: Maybe you could lift up this side for a bit while I work underneath.

GOHAN: Sure, Might as well put my body to good use if not my mind.


DAWN: Ma'am, we've just returned from the North City recon.

DAWN: We found the laboratory, but everything inside was destroyed.

DAWN: These hard drives were in the basement, but I'm not sure they're going to be much use.

BULMA: Damn!

BULMA: Most of data is probably destroyed.

BULMA: But even if we get a few files. I'll have tech run diagnostics and...

BULMA: Try to extract everything we can.

DAWN: We were also able to bring back a group of refugees and they need medical treatment.

BULMA: Take them to the infirmary and have Riley prep the IV's.

DAWN: We did… One of them is infected with the heart virus.

DAWN: But we set up a quarantine area, just like you asked.

DAWN: It'll be up in ten and Riley's prepping the latest vaccine now.

DAWN: Dax, get me a full inventory report and let the team know I'll be up in ten

DAWN: To go over the rest of the Intel.

GOHAN: What are the odds of the latest vaccine?

BULMA: It's hard to say we can only test a new vaccine when somebody comes in with the virus.

BULMA: And the symptoms are in the early stages.

BULMA: When did the symptoms start?

SOLDIER: The others in the group say it started a few days ago.

GOHAN: It that too late to save him?

BULMA: I'm not sure.

BULMA: The sooner I can start saving them, the sooner I can save your father.

GOHAN: My father?

GOHAN: But, Bulma. Is that really possible?

BULMA: It's the best plan that we have.

BULMA: It's not like things can get any worse than this.

BULMA: People are dying on the outside from the androids.

BULMA: And on the inside from the heart virus, at least he would know what to do.

BULMA: Gohan...

BULMA: He would be so proud of you.

DAWN: Ma'am, the quarantine room is ready.

BULMA: We don't know if this is contagious.

BULMA: Dawn, I need your team to sterilize their gear.

BULMA: And keep an eye on their vitals over the next week.

DAWN: We will, and, please let me know if you receive any data from the drives.

BULMA: I will, thank you Dawn

GOHAN: Is there anything I can do to help?

BULMA: Just make sure that you and Trunks keep your distance.

BULMA: I'll let you know how things go.

BULMA: Speaking of… Where is Trunks? Wasn't he with you?

GOHAN: He was, but he got mad and stormed off during our training.

GOHAN: When we got back I sent him to check in with you.

BULMA: Oh, God, I swear he's just like his father sometimes

BULMA: He told me he was going back out training with you and he left

BULMA: God knows where he went. Go find him… And make sure he's okay

GOHAN: Don't worry Bulma. I'll find him

BULMA: (Gohan Thinking) The sooner I can start saving them, the sooner I can save your father

BULMA: (Gohan Thinking) But with enough training technically you could do it, or even Trunks

ANDROID 17: Good morning sunshine

TRUNKS: Those were innocent people!

ANDROID 17: There's no such thing

ANDROID 18: But it's so cute that he thinks so

TRUNKS: Damn you!!!

ANDROID 18: Besides

ANDROID 18: It's your fault they're all dead

ANDROID 17: He just couldn't die alone. Pathetic.

ANDROID 17: It's time to join your friends

ANDROID 17: Damn it!

ANDROID 17: Where the hell were you on that one?

ANDROID 18: Hey. You were the one who wanted to play games

ANDROID 18: Or is it only fun when you win?

BULMA: Damn it! Gohan, this is exactly what I was afraid of

BULMA: He's so head strong

BULMA: I should have known better

BULMA: This is my fault

BULMA: What was I thinking? Letting him go out there with you

BULMA: How could you possibly protect him? You could barely fend for yourself against them!

BULMA: Vegeta wasn't strong enough, even with the others

BULMA: So stupid to think that you could possibly

GOHAN: But, Bulma, I'm… I'm sorry. I… I never thought that he'd go out on his own

BULMA: You were supposed to stay with him!

BULMA: The only reason I agreed to let you train him is because I can't stop him from flying off

BULMA: And he needs to be able to protect himself

BULMA: Every time he leaves I'm terrified that he's not gonna make it home alive

BULMA: I should've seen this coming

BULMA: Those monsters have taken everything from us, Gohan

BULMA: Our friends

BULMA: Family

BULMA: Vegeta

BULMA: Everyone

BULMA: We can't let them take away Trunks, too

BULMA: If I lose Trunks, I'll…

GOHAN: I'm not gonna let that happen. I promise you

GOHAN: He's gonna be okay

GOHAN: I'll watch Trunks while you get some rest

ANDROID 17: Did you see that?

ANDROID 17: Man, I'm good!

ANDROID 18: Don't be so smug

ANDROID 18: It gives off the wrong idea that it was a challenge

ANDROID 18: Besides

ANDROID 18: You missed one

ANDROID 17: Nice shot

ANDROID 17: But you're still losing

ANDROID 17: And they're getting harder to find

ANDROID 18: You ever wonder what we'll do when they're all gone?

ANDROID 17: Play a different game

ANDROID 17: Fine

ANDROID 17: I guess we should figure something out, though

ANDROID 17: Otherwise we're going to die of boredom

ANDROID 17: Hey. We could always build more of us

ANDROID 18: Do you even know how?

ANDROID 17: No, but it can't be that hard

ANDROID 17: If humans figured it out

ANDROID 18: Don't forget the first we did was kill the guy who created us

ANDROID 17: He had it coming

ANDROID 17: God, they're stupid

ANDROID 18: They created us

ANDROID 18: Then have the nerve to call us the monsters

ANDROID 17: That's the best part. They created us to kill

ANDROID 17: So technically, we're just following their programming

ANDROID 18: I don't feel like we are

ANDROID 18: I guess we can only be certain once we get rid of every last one of them

ANDROID 18: And I got dibs on the next one that comes our way

ANDROID 17: OK, deal

ANDROID 17: But only if we keep looking for blondie first

ANDROID 18: Just let it go already

ANDROID 17: They couldn't have gone far from here

ANDROID 18: I'm tired of walking around looking for them

ANDROID 17: You don't have anything better to do

ANDROID 17: Besides, they're only gonna get in our way

ANDROID 18: Fine

ANDROID 18: Let's just get it over with

ANDROID 18: Since he loves playing hero so much

ANDROID 18: We'll make him come to us

ANDROID 17: Alright… What's the plan?

ANDROID 18: I saw them go this way, So, we'll just keep shooting until he shows up

BULMA (INTERCOM): Emergency! The Androids are attacking West City and headed towards Capsule Corp.

BULMA (INTERCOM): Remain calm and evacuate to the underground bunkers immediately

Security team, prep the building for lockdown then head to the bunkers, I'll meet you there

BULMA (INTERCOM): And Gohan, give em hell

ANDROID 18: So predictable

ANDROID 17: Just when I was starting to get bored

ANDROID 18: I called dibs

ANDROID 17: Fine.

ANDROID 17: Knock yourself out

ANDROID 17: Where's little side kick?

ANDROID 17: Too hurt to come out and play?

ANDROID 17: Here we go again

ANDROID 17: I didn't mean for you to literally knock yourself out

ANDROID 18: Shut up!

ANDROID 18: He's more powerful than he used to be

ANDROID 17: Stop making excuses!

ANDROID 18: I'm not done with him, yet!

ANDROID 17: Yeah, but you're not getting anywhere either

ANDROID 17: This is boring

ANDROID 17: Come on!

ANDROID 17: Let's attack him together

ANDROID 17: Let's finish this

TRUNKS: Gohan...

TRUNKS: Gohan, wake up!

TRUNKS: Gohan, wake up!

TRUNKS: Gohan!

TRUNKS: Gohan!

GOHAN: think about all the people you should've saved but couldn't

GOHAN: Think about all the people you could've saved

GOHAN: And how things would've been different if they had survived

GOHAN: Think of all the loved ones that you had that you lost

TRUNKS: Gohan!

TRUNKS: No, Gohan! TRUNKS: Gohan!

GOHAN: Think about your father!

GOHAN: Let it go, Trunks!

GOHAN: Let it go!!!

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope 2 & 3 (New Live Action Film) *RE-UPLOAD* - Duration: 33:21.


Michael Avenatti destroys 'Trump sycophant' Alan Dershowitz: 'What happened to you?' - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Michael Avenatti destroys 'Trump sycophant' Alan Dershowitz: 'What happened to you?' - Duration: 1:21.


A Smile can Change Your Life! Brighter Image Lab Press on Veneers Review! Amazing Results! - Duration: 4:16.

hi guys so this is just a review that I'm going to do on my brighter image

lab press on veneers that I got I got them about a week and a half ago

and I've been kind of slow about getting to a video but I really did want to do

a review because when I went on youtube to check them out I didn't really see a lot

of reviews so I'm kind of adding to that to help you guys if you do decide to get

them because it could be a smile of mine

basically they look completely natural and the process was super easy anyone I

talked to was super accommodating probably got a little tired of me because on the

little text to ask questions thing on their webpage I asked probably 10

different times about how is the process going is there anything i need to do do i

need to send it any more pictures anything like that and they were always

willing to help me and it was just kind of they were really accommodating to

anything that i might have needed but i'll take them out so you can see what

my teeth look like beforehand but just one more idea of what they did look like

before my lips are chapped and when i take them out sorry this is kinda gross you can see I

have a lot of discoloration oh my teeth and I have silver caps on both sides I

also have silver caps on the bottom so I am super happy with how they turned out

so I'm looking to kind of now I'm going to look into getting my bottom arch done to

cover those because I do really like how my top arch turned out and I'm really

happy with it but back on my teeth basically yeah I mean they're straight I

did have braces for three years but I just have a lot of discoloration I had a

root canal there so my tooth was two different colors that was a root canal

so the truth is entirely fake so it was just kind of I found these online I was

like oh that would be a great way to kind of whiten my teeth up because of my

fake teeth I am unable to use like white strips or anything like that and my

teeth are under sized they're about three percent under sized according to the

brighter image lab people so this way I

kinda pop them back in I get the size of my teeth they're supposed to be and they're all white

and they're going to stay white as long as I take care of them obviously and I

love how they look as for questions like can I eat with them in I can eat with them in

I have before but most of the time I choose not to just because I want to

preserve the quality of them but if I was like at a business lunch or anything

like that or with like a potential employer I would be totally fine eating

with them in I've just normally chosen not to just because I'm comfortable

taking them out in front of my friends that I have no problem with that and then as

for being able to talk with them in I'm sure you could tell i can talk very

easily i have had them for a week and a half but like i said earlier i had

braces for three years so I was already used the idea of kind of like retainer

so I had no troubles even initially talking with them in but as for the

retainer these are way thinner than my retainer they feel like I have nothing

on I never even notice them sometimes I forget that there in and I go where is

it but they're actually in and they're it's really thin and I just love how it

feels I love how it looks I'm so happy with how it turned out and like I said

I want to get my bottom arch done so bad now because I love them so much and

I'm just so much more confident in myself and it's really just kind of

changed who I am because i used to walk around kind of like this and shy

and kind of hide myself but now i'm happy to talk to anyone give them a big

old smile and I'm just my confidence has increased so much so I'm really happy

with how they turned out but that's basically it I mean if you want to see one

more time

that's with them in out you can see all of my silver teeth which was what one of my

biggest insecurity was my silver teeth showing in like pictures or anything

like that and then back in they look like perfect teeth so thank you so much

brighter image lab you really have changed my life and I couldn't be happier

For more infomation >> A Smile can Change Your Life! Brighter Image Lab Press on Veneers Review! Amazing Results! - Duration: 4:16.


Gorgeous Stunning Silver Lake by B&B Micro Manufacturing - Duration: 4:34.

Gorgeous Stunning Silver Lake by B&B Micro Manufacturing

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Stunning Silver Lake by B&B Micro Manufacturing - Duration: 4:34.


P͇l͇a͇y͇l͇i͇s͇t͇ Musica Rilassante Bellissima ❣️ Musica Molto Rilassante - Musica Soft Rilassante - Duration: 1:00:37.

For more infomation >> P͇l͇a͇y͇l͇i͇s͇t͇ Musica Rilassante Bellissima ❣️ Musica Molto Rilassante - Musica Soft Rilassante - Duration: 1:00:37.


What Is The Best Slingshot Ammo and Size? - Duration: 7:52.

happy Tuesday last week many subscribers asked what is the best ammo for my

slingshot so today we're on our way to field test of two of different types of

ammo and determine what is the perfect ammo to use

last week we saw how to use our slingshot but we didn't talk about what

type of ammo to use there are basically two types of ammo steel and glass there

is another category but we'll call that the environmentally friendly ammo and

we'll leave that for another time in another video many claim that glass

marbles are the best and most inexpensive type of ammo to use ranging

from flunking to hunting and competition while the others claim that steel ball

bearings do the same job and are equally impressive there are pros and cons to

both so today with the help of my lovely wife Miss April we will shoot the stuff

out hi babe are you excited for today's video oh yeah absolutely excited so what

do you think the outcomes gonna be do you think the marvel is gonna be the

cat's meow or will ball bearings prove to be the king of ammo we will set up

targets at 30 feet down range as this seems to be the average agreed-upon

distance for both glass and steel for both plunking hunting and competition

the targets are standard targets aluminum cans water bottles and

ping-pong balls will hit the target three times and examine the impact there

are other considerations that is said to be factors so we will include them as

well the length of the draw how far you can pull it back the type of bands used

flat or tubes over the top or through the fork over the top is said to cause

the ammeter curved wall through the fork says it doesn't oh and there is some

science to all this such as wait trajectories speed and mass of the ammo

but that's all really boring stuff so let's put all that into the description

below so if you want to look at it you can I'm not discounting that those

variables come into play but if they do this a very small amount I believe that

this is a grey line between preference and fact now let's get started

all right so looking at this we've got three hits 30 feet away that's what the

half inch

oh my arm God look at this I got a hand slap Oh

with the ball

looks pretty cool and everything the dinky little thing did handy to use but

owl I got smacked with the band here on my

hand and here on my neck don't shoot for scrap

on the regular sling

all right okay with the marble I had more accuracy and say the three one here

here and here and actually penetrated better than

the half-inch Daisy

well there you have it it appears that the only real difference is the size of

the ammo smaller animal pissed and not hit as hard and the larger animal kills

at every time the paintballs are the funnest to use and you can see the

impact right away let us know in the comments below what was your thoughts on

the ammo and what was your favorite part of this video please like and share this

video with a friend and also subscribe to this channel since you're already

there go ahead and click that Bell icon so that you get notified of any updates

and if you have any video suggestions leave them in the comments below

I'm Berlin Bert I'll see you next time


For more infomation >> What Is The Best Slingshot Ammo and Size? - Duration: 7:52.


History Quiz! - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> History Quiz! - Duration: 1:14.


Khoảnh khắc Maxcos Train the Trainer - K2 - Phần 3 - Duration: 7:14.

For more infomation >> Khoảnh khắc Maxcos Train the Trainer - K2 - Phần 3 - Duration: 7:14.


Rođendanska pesma | Srećan rođendan Branislava | Birthday Song | Pevaj sa Sandrom - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Rođendanska pesma | Srećan rođendan Branislava | Birthday Song | Pevaj sa Sandrom - Duration: 2:08.


Фестиваль "З країни в Україну". Рубежное. 2018. Обзор. Субтитры - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Фестиваль "З країни в Україну". Рубежное. 2018. Обзор. Субтитры - Duration: 1:49.


Grande Fratello Vip: il look di Ilary Blasi divide i telespettatori | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello Vip: il look di Ilary Blasi divide i telespettatori | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.


Viaggio Angelico - Musica Rilassante Per Viaggiare Con Gli Angeli - Relax Per Dormire Con Gli Angeli - Duration: 1:01:41.

For more infomation >> Viaggio Angelico - Musica Rilassante Per Viaggiare Con Gli Angeli - Relax Per Dormire Con Gli Angeli - Duration: 1:01:41.


How can I know if something is a sin? | What is Sin - Right and Wrong | GotQuestions.org - Duration: 4:03.

Today's question is, "How can I know if something is a sin?"

In this video I'll answer that question from a biblical perspective.

Afterwards, as always, I'll share some helpful resources, so stick around until the end.

There are two issues involved in this question, the things that the Bible specifically mentions

and declares to be sin and those the Bible does not directly address.

Scriptural lists of various sins include Proverbs 6:16-19, Galatians 5:19-21, and

1 Corinthians 6:9-10.

There can be no doubt that these passages present the activities as sinful, things God

does not approve of.

Murder, adultery, lying, stealing, etc.—there is no doubt the Bible presents such things

as sin.

The more difficult issue is in determining what is sinful in areas that the Bible does

not directly address.

When the Bible does not cover a certain subject, we have some general principles in His Word

to guide us.

First, when there is no specific scriptural reference, it is good to ask not whether a

certain thing is wrong, but, rather, if it is definitely good.

The Bible says, for example, that we are to "make the most of every opportunity"

Colossians 4:5.

Our few days here on earth are so short and precious in relation to eternity that we ought

never to waste time on selfish things, but to use it only on "what is helpful for building

others up according to their needs" (Ephesians 4:29).

A good test is to determine whether we can honestly, in good conscience, ask God to bless

and use the particular activity for His own good purposes.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God"

(1 Corinthians 10:31).

If there is room for doubt as to whether it pleases God, then it is best to give it up.

"Everything that does not come from faith is sin" (Romans 14:23).

We need to remember that our bodies, as well as our souls, have been redeemed and belong

to God.

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you

have received from God?

You are not your own; you were bought at a price.

Therefore honor God with your body" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

This great truth should have a real bearing on what we do and where we go.

In addition, we must evaluate our actions not only in relation to God, but also in relation

to their effect on our family, our friends, and other people in general.

Even if a particular thing may not hurt us personally, if it harmfully influences or

affects someone else, it is a sin.

"It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your

brother to fall....We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and

not to please ourselves" (Romans 14:21; 15:1).

Finally, remember that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, and nothing else can be allowed

to take priority over our conformity to His will.

No habit or recreation or ambition can be allowed to have undue control over our lives;

only Christ has that authority.

"Everything is permissible for me—but not everything is beneficial.

Everything is permissible for me—but I will not be mastered by anything"

(1 Corinthians6:12).

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,

giving thanks to God the Father through him" (Colossians 3:17).

Want to learn more?

Subscribe so you don't miss the next video!

Visit GotQuestions.org for more great content.

And check out the details section below this video, there is one book I recommend, along

with several related articles.

If you'd like to learn about Bible Munch, or if you're interested in Bite-sized devotionals,

subscribe to Bible Munch on YouTube, it's linked right here.

Now remember, Got questions?

The Bible has answers, and we'll help you find them!

For more infomation >> How can I know if something is a sin? | What is Sin - Right and Wrong | GotQuestions.org - Duration: 4:03.


I Am A Hand Model For A Living | Get Real | Refinery29 - Duration: 4:52.

Yes, I have held an apple before.

Plenty of coffees.

Phones, makeup, lipstick, lots of nail polish.

For the past decade hand modeling has been my full time job.

It really is funny work.

I'm Adele Uddo and I am a parts model.

Parts modeling is short for body parts modeling so I mainly do hands but I've done lips, legs,

feet, eyes, chest, even ear lobes.

I am generally known as a high-end hand -- Dior and Christian Louboutin.

Most parts models have a side gig.

There's just a handful of us, so to speak, that do it full time.

It's sort of a you know underground-ish subculture of modeling.

It's something that I sort of fell into.

I certainly didn't plan for a career in parts.

I had been told a few times, mainly by my grandmother, that I had nice hands

so I went on a casting once and ended up booking this big job, and thought,

you know, maybe my grandmother is onto something.

What they typically look for is like, the shape of the hand: Long fingers, thin wrists, great skin tone is crucial.

If you look good cropped, you've got a career.

I love parts modeling in that I can be, like, viewed by millions of people and still remain private

and anonymous.

For many years I felt almost ashamed to be a parts model and I think it was ultimately because

I was raised by this hippie feminist mother and her friends.

I felt like I was somehow betraying them by becoming this objectified body parts model.

There was this girly part of me that just wanted to express myself and wear lipstick

and somehow I felt guilty when I did that.

I really love what I do, and I'm grateful for what I've been able to do.

Sometimes I judge myself for not being deep enough, you know, I've wanted to contribute

more to society than nice nail beds.

I'm not too precious with my parts.

I have learned to take pride in my work and to take it more seriously than I used to.

But I also want to have a life and use my hands.

I garden, I hike, I swim, I dance.

I would say that when your body becomes sort of an object it's harder in some ways to inhabit it.

Because my body parts are literally under a microscope, a macro lens -- and everything

shows -- I think I scrutinize myself more than actually I have felt scrutinized by the industry.

I admit to obsessively moisturising.


Five-ish to 15 times-ish

a day.

So every year I'm going through at least a gallon of lotion.

I created a lotion actually, Essentiel by Adele.

Sort of out of necessity because I had to keep my skin in shape for these macro close-up

photographs where it's literally down to the cuticle.

So I ultimately wanted, like, a premium face lotion I could afford to put all over my body.

I don't believe you need

a bazillion bottles in your bathroom, I believe it can be a lot more simple and more effective.

It's not that difficult. It ultimately comes down to ingredients.

I don't really consider myself a great cook but I can cook a good lotion.

I don't think you can really miss that there's sort of an inherent absurdity to what I do.

I'm always surprised at how natural the hands look when I'm hand doubling for someone because

it's such an unnatural process.

I'm, you know, underneath someone's arm pit like trying to gracefully put my hand on the side of their face.

Parts modelling is what I do, it's not really who I am.

It's part of who I am, and I've learned to appreciate it.

But yeah, I don't take it all so seriously.

Now I realize we can be many things, many parts

we can have even conflicting parts of ourselves; I can be superficial and deep, you know, it's not an either or.

Thanks for watching.

To see more videos like this, click here. To subscribe click here.

For more infomation >> I Am A Hand Model For A Living | Get Real | Refinery29 - Duration: 4:52.


I WANT the Audi e-tron. - Duration: 5:30.

- Hey guys, this is Austin

and this is the brand new Audi e-tron.

Now, Audi was awesome enough to sponsor

our trip out here to San Francisco for the launch event

and I've got to say I want one.

Like, I really, really want one.

The e-tron brand has been around for a couple of years now,

primarily on the A3 e-tron.

It's a cool car, but it is a plug-in hybrid

whereas this is fully electric.

Something I really appreciate about the e-tron is

that it actually doesn't look ugly.

Now, that might sound like a backhanded compliment,

but a lot of electric cars straight up

do look like science projects.

This looks like a classic Audi

with a little bit of an electric flair.

One of the easiest ways to spot

that this is an e-tron and not a standard Audi is

going to be with the grill.

Now, it looks similar, but the main difference here is

that it actually isn't a full grill.

So in fact, this is the only area

that will actually open up and that's purely based

on how you need to cool the battery

or stuff like the air conditioning.

When you're on the freeway, it can all close up,

and this is going to be fully aerodynamic.

Take a look inside the e-tron,

what you're going to find is something

that is very much classic Audi

but with a lot of nice tech touches.

So you get all kinds of information up on here.

For example, you can get a giant high-resolution Google map,

or you can get some more of the performance data,

some more of the economy stuff,

as, of course, you're driving an electric vehicle

and you want to be able to see

how efficiently you're driving.

There's a bunch of different things

that you can do with virtual cockpit.

But that, my friends, is just the beginning.

You also have two additional screens

here in the center console.

This is going to be the main display.

It works for things like your navigation

and it does have this nice little Haptic touch feature,

which is shared with not only this display,

but also the one in the backseat.

This is where you're going to do

primarily most of the stuff in the vehicle.

You can pull up like car play, your settings,

whatever you want to do,

and below that is where you can control

all of the different climate control stuff

and a couple of other settings.

So if I want, I can say, just turn up the fan,

can set the dual zone climate control.

Or you can do a couple of other things,

like, say, open your garage door

or turn off the screens altogether.

Unfortunately, we're not actually connected

to the Internet right now but if we were,

I could show you that Alexa is built into the e-tron.

Now, this is a new partnership with Amazon

and it's the full version of Alexa,

which is using LTE to be able to ask it,

well, pretty much anything you want.

So in theory, you can say on your way home,

hey, Alexa,

start my

garage door opener?

Something really cool that's sadly not coming

to the US is the virtual mirror.

Now, right now, it's going to be exclusive to Europe

mostly because of the regulations here,

but essentially it replaces

the standard mirrors with cameras.

Now, what this means is that not only is

it going to help with aerodynamics,

but this little section right here is going to be

replaced with an OLED display,

which will then show you what's going

to be going on behind you.

On top of that, it will even adjust the view

based on how quickly you're driving.

So, say you might see a little bit of a wider view

on the freeway or a little bit of a tighter view

when you're on a side street or whatever the case is.

But it's going to be fully adjustable

and it's a fricking camera and a screen

in your side mirror thing.

I want it.

The star of the show here is

definitely the electric powertrain.

Now, you actually can kind of see this from the outside.

So underneath the floor of the cabin is

going to be the full 95 watt hour cell.

There is a lot of engineering that goes

into that battery cell.

So on top of being about the largest capacity

that you can get on any electric vehicle right now,

there's going to be a lot of safety

and, importantly, a lot of cooling inside.

So the entire bottom of the battery is

all going to be liquid-pooled and on top of that,

this crash structure around it is hugely important

because, you know, if someone hits your car,

you don't want your batteries to be impacted.

So not only is there is going to be

an actual crash structure on the side of the cell,

but each individual battery cell,

there are going to be 36 of them that take up

the actual battery space,

they're all going to be individually protected

with a very strong steel frame.

There's not a final US range number available

for the e-tron yet since it won't be going on sale

until next year but based on the European cycle,

you should expect 200 plus miles on a charge.

And that combined with the ultra fast charging

should mean that, well, I don't care,

that's fine, that's plenty for me.

The e-tron will charge up to 150 kilowatts.

Now, as far as I know, that's about the quickest

electric vehicle car that you can find.

At a full 150 kilowatt hour charge,

what you can do, is you can get this thing

from 0% to 80% in 30 minutes.

The e-tron is powered by a pair of electric motors,

one on the rear axle, one on the front.

Now, in addition to giving you

the full Audi quattro experience of all wheel drive,

you're going to be getting some pretty decent power.

So the finalized figures aren't in just yet here in the US,

but you should expect somewhere

in the neighborhood of 350 to 400 horsepower.

And importantly, since it is an electric vehicle,

you're going to have a lot of torque

and it's going to be instant.

There's also a boost mode on board.

So if you want just a little bit of extra power,

or say you're trying to outrun Marquez or something,

not that I would ever do that in an e-tron,

then there's actually going to be a little bit

of extra power for a few seconds,

which you can engage either by putting the car in sport mode

or if you really floor the throttle,

there's actually a button on the backside of the pedal,

which will then give you just a little bit

of extra juice for a few seconds.

Even though it's an electric vehicle,

you're not giving up a lot of practicality.

So this has standard air suspension,

which you can see is currently lowering all the way down.

You have a couple inches of play,

whether you want to go off road

or you want to go into dynamic mode,

which is the fun mode.

You should drive it in fun mode.

And if you really want to go crazy with it,

this can actually tow up to 4,000 pounds

if you get the tow package,

which I just kind of want to try

because, you know, an electric car that's fast,

and roomy, and can tow?

I'm just really trying to sell my fiance on this

right now so just between us, just roll with it, okay?

What really impresses me with the e-tron is

that it feels like it is the full package.

Sure, you're getting an electric vehicle,

but it's also a luxurious Audi with all

the bells and whistles and, importantly,

all the functionality that you would expect.

I was kind of surprised to say this,

but I'm glad that Audi really sponsored our trip out here,

because I legitimately want an e-tron.

For more infomation >> I WANT the Audi e-tron. - Duration: 5:30.


Why I Knit Trailer | Debbie Bliss | LoveKnitting - Duration: 0:25.

I love knitting for people that I love

I like the challenge

It's that warm fuzzy feeling

You can do anything

and that's why I knit

That's why I knit

Yeah that's why I knit

And that's why I knit

For more infomation >> Why I Knit Trailer | Debbie Bliss | LoveKnitting - Duration: 0:25.


Why I Knit | Debbie Bliss | LoveKnitting - Duration: 1:56.

What I love about hand-knitting is, it's an area where you can

not only create the shape,

but also you're creating the fabric as well.

and I still find that really exciting, even though it's been like forty years

since I first started doing it, I love it.

I think what's nice about getting together with others knitters is that,

there's lots of shared experiences.

We always talk about what we're knitting

and we can show each other and

if we're in really bad shape, show the troubles and how to get out of them.

When my eldest daughter was born

she had to go straight onto a ventilator

straight into intensive care,

you couldn't put clothing on because she had the wound that was healing,

there were tubes, wires, everything coming out of her

and all you could do was put blankets on her

and this is the blanket that I made to go on her.

I love knitting for people that I love,

and to have it on the needles

and feel the fibre

and knowing that someone is going to really love it when I give it to them.

That's why I knit.

I love the unlimited possibilities of

creating something beautiful

using just some needles and some yarn.

I like the challenge, the challenge is half of it for me

but at the end of the day

I love to give things to people.

I love to be able to

give a piece of myself to other people

and yeah, that's why I knit.

There is nothing else I've done

that gives that same lovely, warm, fuzzy feeling

and you have that from the moment you start choosing what to make,

to the moment that you see it being used.

And that's why I knit.

For more infomation >> Why I Knit | Debbie Bliss | LoveKnitting - Duration: 1:56.


Jak wymienić bęben hamulcowy i szczęki hamulcowe w RENAULT CLIO 2 Hatchback [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 8:41.

Remove the rear wheels.

Use a hammer. Use a flat screwdriver. Remove the hub bearing protection cap.

Use a drive socket No.30. Unscrew the wheel hub fastening nut.

Remove the brake drum.

Use a pliers. Take out brake pad retainer springs from the holes.

Disconnect the parking brake cable. Use a pliers.

Remove the brake shoe assembly kit.

Install the assembly kit onto new brake shoes, repeating the procedure in reverse order.

Connect the parking brake cable to the parking brake lever. Use a pliers.

Install the brake shoes on the working brake cylinder on the bracket and on the brake-support plate bracket.

Install the retaining springs on brake shoes. Use a pliers.

Use a hydraulic press with mandrels.

Use a circlip remover.

Use a drive socket No.30. Screw the hub nut.

Install a new hub bearing protection cap.

For more infomation >> Jak wymienić bęben hamulcowy i szczęki hamulcowe w RENAULT CLIO 2 Hatchback [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 8:41.


Supreme Court Nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh: 'I'm Not Going Anywhere' | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Supreme Court Nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh: 'I'm Not Going Anywhere' | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC - Duration: 4:53.


Improving Inspection Access to Post-Tensioning Tendons in Spliced I-Girder Bridges - Duration: 6:47.

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration

Improving Inspection Access to Post-Tensioned Tendons in Spliced I-Girder Bridges

Notice: Personal protection equipment (PPE) should be worn during inspection and construction operations.

A series of videos has been produced to encourage the design and detailing of post-tensioned

concrete bridges to accommodate nondestructive evaluation.

This video considers enhancing inspection access to post-tensioning tendons used in

the construction of spliced I-girder bridges.

The bridge shown in this video is comprised of approach spans and a three-span continuous

unit crossing a navigational channel.

The approach spans are built using simple span prestressed concrete I-girders.

Spliced girder construction is used to construct the three-span navigational unit.

Post-tensioning tendons are used to join precast concrete I-girder segments

into three-span continuous girders.

The 3-span navigational unit has side span lengths of 175 feet

and a main span length of 250 feet.

The 47 foot wide cross section of this bridge is comprised of four girder lines.

78 inch deep I-girder segments are used in the constant depth portions of the unit.

Haunched girder segments varying from 78 inches to 144 inches are used over the channel piers

to provide appropriate negative moment capacity.

A typical construction sequence of the 3-span unit begins with the erection of the haunched

girder segments on the channel piers.

Temporary supports are required to stabilize these girder segments.

The side span girder segments are erected next

with one end supported on the expansion joint piers.

The other ends of these girder segments are suspended from the haunched girder segments

using strong-back beams.

The main span drop-in girder segments are then erected, being suspended at both ends

by strong-back beams.

Closure joints, usually 2 feet in length, are cast between the ends of the girder segments.

Post-tensioning tendons are pulled from one end of the unit to the other

through ducts cast into the girder segments.

The tendons are then stressed, making the girders continuous.

The profiles of full-length post-tensioning tendons in spliced girder bridges typically

follow a series of reversing parabolic curves.

Tendon anchorages are located in end blocks, distributed over the heights of the girders.

The tendon profiles move to the bottom of the girders near the middle of the side span

and then move to the top of the girder over the channel pier.

Leaving the channel pier, the tendons again travel to the bottom of the girder

at mid-span of the main span.

From that point to their other end, the profiles are symmetrical

with respect to the center of the 3-span unit.

Difficulty accessing the anchorages of the post-tensioning tendons arises from the close

proximity of the approach span girders to the ends of the 3-span continuous girders.

Here the tendons of the navigational unit have been stressed, permanent grout caps installed,

and tendon grouting has been completed.

A concrete pourback is cast over the anchorages to provide another layer of corrosion protection.

The girders of the approach spans are then erected.

A small gap, sufficient to accommodate expansion of the superstructure,

is typically provided between girder ends.

This small gap limits access to the ends of the post-tensioning tendons

for inspection and evaluation.

Access could be obtained by increasing the gap between the ends of the girders.

This would require, however, a very wide pier cap and side curtain walls

to offset negative aesthetic impacts.

Access to inspect the tendons of the 3-span unit can be improved by using

alternate post-tensioning tendon details.

Rather than using full-length tendons, the continuous unit can be constructed using individual

tendons in each span.

These tendons overlap at the channel piers to provide continuous prestressing.

These tendons are often called "Laced Tendons" as they lace the spans together.

The laced tendons anchor at the ends of the continuous girders similarly to full-length tendons.

The first span tendons move to the bottom of the girders near the middle of the side

and then to the top of the girder over the channel pier where they deviate horizontally

and anchor on transverse faces of the haunched girder web stiffeners.

The main span tendons begin at anchorages on the side span faces of the web stiffeners.

The tendons drape to the bottom of the girder at midspan,

and anchor on the far side of the next haunched girder web stiffener.

The tendons of the third span are symmetric to those of the first span.

A primary detail to be developed when using laced tendons is the haunch girder web stiffener.

Full-length tendons require web stiffeners that are sized to stabilize and strengthen

the web as vertical reactions are transferred to the bearings.

When laced tendons are used the web stiffeners must also be designed to accommodate tendon anchorages.

The length of the web stiffeners must be increased in order to develop the horizontal deviations

of the tendons from the centerline of the webs to anchorage locations in the web stiffeners.

Protective pourbacks covering the anchorages are required, but can be detailed to permit

a variety of non-destructive evaluation methods.

This approach to improving access to post-tensioning tendon anchorages has been championed by the

Washington State Department of Transportation.

The haunched girder segments shown here are those of the Manette bridge.

For more infomation >> Improving Inspection Access to Post-Tensioning Tendons in Spliced I-Girder Bridges - Duration: 6:47.


Voting in Rhode Island, 380 Years of 'I Voted' - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Voting in Rhode Island, 380 Years of 'I Voted' - Duration: 3:35.


"Above End" Episode 12 - Vineyard pt.3 - Planet Coaster - Duration: 32:00.

Hello everyone!

Welcome on Above End!

In episode 12 I will be continuing on my vineyard.

If you havent seen the last episode from Wikz, check out his channel.

Link in description.

But in this episode I will be completing the vineyard entrance.

Aswel a small shop on the side of the main building.

I do really like how this building is starting to look.

For me it's the best building I created yet in Planet Coaster.

As you will see during this episode the back side will not be done yet.

This will in a later episode.

The next episode will be again on the channel of Wikz.

After this episode I will be returning to my vineyard, but something underneath the building...

Thank you very much for watching! Cya in the next video!

For more infomation >> "Above End" Episode 12 - Vineyard pt.3 - Planet Coaster - Duration: 32:00.


Nightcore - Take Me - Duration: 2:44.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Take Me - Duration: 2:44.


Self Care Strategies For Parents - Duration: 13:18.

As a parent, you're always taking care of your kids. Who's taking care of you?

Self-care strategies for parents, today at Live on Purpose TV. We're so busy

taking care of our kids. Sometimes we neglect one of the most important things

about taking care of ourself. Which seems kind of important because who else is

going to do it? Great, If not us. That really is one of our number-one jobs. And

I've shared this example many times before about when you're flying on an

airplane and the oxygen masks. So, we all know that example. You put your own mask

on first. This is so true in parenting. Yeah, we have to find ways to take care

of ourselves. But it's so tricky because parenting is an all-consuming job. We've

got a lot of ideas. We're going to share some of them here with you today.

Starting with, "Be intentional about this." Don't expect your kids to just offer you,

"Oh mommy, do you need a little bit of you time? You know, could you use just a

little downtime for a minute? We'll just take care of ourselves for a

bit." That's unreasonable, right? So, you need to plan for and make arrangements

for and get it on your schedule to do some kind of respite care. Yeah, you know

it's surprising. A lot of the times there are other mothers in your

community who are feeling similar. I've seen a lot of moms that they do a

couple of different things. Maybe they'll have a group. Everybody brings... I used to

do this with some friends. Everybody would bring a sack lunch for their kids.

And the moms would have a nicer lunch together and they'd all play. But then

we'd also do other times where we trade kids, so that I can have my very own time.

And then other times that I'll take their kids, so that they can have their

very own time. And this up an important part. You not only

want to find ways to... I think sometimes you just need to be alone. You know, find

ways to be alone. But also find ways to connect with other adults. Because it can

get really hard in parenting unless you reach out and become, you know, foster

some friendships. Especially with someone who might

have children in a similar stage and age as you have. I'm over here chuckling just

a little bit. Because of experiences that we've had. And I know you probably have

too. I remember when our son was. I think three. Vicki was in another room trying

to have a little bit of alone time. Yeah. She said, "Honey, I just need a little

privacy." Well, he comes trotting out to me. I'm in the other room and he says, "Daddy,

mommy needs privacy. Where is it?" He's three, right? I said "Go back and tell

her, it's all gone." Because it can feel that way sometimes, right? Get intentional

about how you're going to structure that. And it's not going to happen by default. So,

be intentional, plan it, work it into your day, work it into your plan, this is

important for your kids. And if you feel selfish doing it, remember the very best

thing you can give your kids is a healthy happy mom. Right. Or dad, or dad.

Mm-hmm. You know a lot of these ideas or how to get away on your own. But I think

that with our children, we need to find ways to bring some relief to ourselves

while we're in the act of active parenting. Because that's the majority of

our day. So, one of the things I was thinking of. A lot of women find respite

by journaling. Just talk about your feelings. Take a few minutes to journal.

And that's a really good way to take care of yourself. And this could be while

the kids are... Yeah, while they're watching something or playing something or you've gone out side. A lot of

times I used to go sit on the stairs and watch the kids play and do my own thing.

Another one is playing some music. Have some light-hearted fun music playing in

the background. You know, usually that cheers me up to

hear some upbeat music. I think that has some developmental benefits to the child

as well. Music is an interesting thing. Now, let me put it in a little caution

here. Because sometimes we just want to match our mood with our music. So, if

we're feeling angry, we wan to listen to some angry

music, right? This is... Typically, what we gravitate toward... Be aware that music has

the power to change your mood. And sometimes you can choose the music on

purpose that matches the mood you want to set. Right. Now, it won't feel natural

right at first. Because well I'm in a bad mood, I don't want to listen to this

happy music. But what happens is that music will help to retune you (Shall we

say?) to a new frequency. And it can be a way to elevate your mood. Another thing

you can do is go for a walk. Now, if you can do this in nature, it's even better.

But go out and get outside. Yeah. Get outside. You know, there's a lot of

the times that I used to just use walking. Either with a friend or with my

kids. I've done it before where I've had the kids in the stroller. I think I was...

Even one time I brought my own stroller, my kids were in school but my friend had

two toddlers. So we would go walking and I'd push one. But I think if you can go

for a walk, get some physical movement in. And the outdoors do wonders to our soul.

So, get outdoors when you can. The car doesn't count by the way. If you can... Well,

I can see outdoors, right? Get out, breathe some air, move your body around. This has

a lot of physiological benefits which have a direct impact on your psychology

as well. And your kids are going to enjoy it. Now, another one is finding a hobby you

like. This is really tricky because I think sometimes your hobbies have to

morph with your stage, your kids stage, your stage of life. And find a hobby. Find

something that you enjoy. I remember my mom telling a story how... When she was

just... My mom had six kids and in nine years. I think it was. So, there was a lot

of kids. And she was just kind of going crazy and she used to love needlework,

handwork, anything. And she said, "I'm just I'm not going to do it. I just don't have

time for it anymore." And after about, I think it was like

three weeks. My dad came to her and said, "You need to do some

needlework." Because she just is... She wasn't behaving the way she

normally would. If mom ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. Yeah. So,

find some sort of hobby that you enjoy. Even if it's for a small, a small little

something. But find something you can enjoy. You bring up an important point,

Vicki. Because many of the things that we're sharing with you are going to take

some effort. Yeah. And some intentional purposeful action to pull it off. Because

I was just going to come in with my next point which is get some regular exercise.

It is. When are you going to do that? Well, that's a pretty good question. And make

sure it's a question. Because sometimes our questions get turned into statements

disguise as questions. "When am I going to do that?" Like you can't, right? Just notice

if that's where your mind went with it. It's a pretty good question. "When am I

going to do that?" Which goes back to one topic that we have

constantly talked about. And that is build a community. Whoever your community

is. They might help you get to the point where you can take a few minutes for the

exercise. So, your community might include your spouse, if you're married. It might

include neighbors. Whoever it is that's on your team. You collaborate with them.

Well, I want to do this myself. Really? Can we just get past needing to do it

ourselves. We're not the toddlers, alright? They're the ones. Let me do it

myself. No, use your team. You are doing it yourself, if you engage your team or your

resources to allow you to do this. Right. It is you that's doing it. And it's going

to take some work. It's worth the effort. And I could even share studies with you

about how taking time for yourself or exercising regularly actually increase

your productivity. Mm-hmm. You'll be able to do more and better if you'll do these

things than you can do without them. So, don't get stuck in that trap of "When

would I do that?" Make sure it's a question. When would I do that? And then

get to work on it. You know, another thing that really helps us

boost our energy and how we're feeling is actually to do a very... Just do

something small. But do some sort of small kind act. Now, it could be as easy

as quickly as just writing a note for a friend. Or taking a plate of cookies to

someone. And you'll be surprised at how much that fills your bucket to just do

some small... Now, I know you moms are so busy.

Don't overdo it. Don't, you know, put yourself way out on the ledge or just

something huge or outlandish. Just something small. Find some way. You'll

find that, you feel better if you just reach out to someone in an act of

service or kindness. This changes the focus and actually enhances your own

mental health. And so, this is almost paradoxical. Yeah.

Because to really take good care of ourselves, we need to forget about

ourselves a little bit and reach out. Mom's do this all the time. But it's

usually within the realm of me and my children here, right? So, we're talking at

this stage about looking beyond that. To your community, to people who could

really benefit from a little plus from you. Another thing you can do. Now, this

kind of sounds interesting but maybe it's okay to just give yourself

permission to have a blue moment. They're going to happen aren't they? Yeah. So, go

ahead and plan for and say, "You know, I'm going to go ahead and feel blue for the

next 12 minutes." You know, I don't know. Whatever it works for you. And just

give yourself a moment to feel blue. You know, sometimes we try so hard to be

someone we're not. Go ahead and be in the moment. If that's what your blue is. And

then plan for another something. One way maybe to counteract that is choose one

thing during the day. One thing that you know you're going to have to do either

way. Or that you're going to get to do. And just really savor it. Maybe you're

going to really savor your shower this morning.

That is the one thing I am going to savor, my shower. You might have to lock

the door but you're going to savor your shower. Or maybe you're going to savor

one other activity that you get to do or the dry. After you've dropped off your

child. You're going to savor that quiet moment driving

back home. When you say savor, Vicki. That brings to my conscious mindful being

present in the moment. I remember a time when our kids were little and I was

doing the dishes. This was at a time we didn't even have a dishwasher. And I

remember thinking, because one of my coaches had told me, "Hey, be present. Be in

the moment. If you're doing the dishes, enjoy doing the dishes." And I'm like, "What?"

Is that even possible? But it's really interesting when you bring yourself to

that present moment, so whatever task you're doing you can put yourself into

that savoring mode by being very present and conscious and aware. And so, as I'm

doing the dishes, I'm feeling that warm water on my hands. And thinking, "Well, that

feels nice." And I'm noticing the dishes as they glisten as I take them out of

the the rinse. Well I know this sounds a little nutso. But you're doing so many,

very mundane routine things every day. Be in the moment, savor that, enjoy the

present. Which brings me back to the thing that I wanted to kind of wrap up

with here today. And that's a perspective. This is a time, this is a season of your

life and of your kid's life. And by the way, this is their childhood. Yeah. You

know how we all go back to, "Oh, well in my childhood this and that happened." This is

their childhood and they don't get two of them. So, let's enjoy it. Have a

perspective that this is a gift. There is a rich experience in front of you every

day. As you enjoy this stage of life and stay positive and stay conscious and

connected to your kids. Conscious parents make a huge difference. We're going to help

take care of you too. We're on your parenting team now. We've got other

resources that we would love to share with you. Connect to that right over here

with the parenting power up. That sound good?

For more infomation >> Self Care Strategies For Parents - Duration: 13:18.


Grande Fratello Vip: il look di Ilary Blasi divide i telespettatori | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello Vip: il look di Ilary Blasi divide i telespettatori | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.


I READ MY INSTAGRAM DM'S - Duration: 9:48.

For more infomation >> I READ MY INSTAGRAM DM'S - Duration: 9:48.


Hyundai Getz 1.4I CROSS | AIRCO | - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Getz 1.4I CROSS | AIRCO | - Duration: 1:06.


Jak mieć wyższą emeryturę - Duration: 10:54.

For more infomation >> Jak mieć wyższą emeryturę - Duration: 10:54.


間違えてた!手動サイレンのグリスアップ!【がらくた日誌2018/9/25】 - Duration: 4:05.

Here! good evening!

Today is…

Well, the rotation got lighter!

Why was it heavy ...

I made a mistake on this part.

Oh~ It is natural that it is heavy.

I think that there is no problem this time!

Well then, thanks for watching the video!

For more infomation >> 間違えてた!手動サイレンのグリスアップ!【がらくた日誌2018/9/25】 - Duration: 4:05.


Everlast - 𝐁𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭. - Duration: 0:58.

Never been done by someone like me.

Had to be first. It was my only option.

But it wasn't just for me you know.

I broke the ground.

My will, my strength

obliterated what was set in stone.

and now I sit on this throne.

Slip, move, and counter.

Who we got next? It don't matter.

Dictate the pace. All fears are erased.

Let 'em see how it's done. Let 'em watch the real one.

Had to teach them my worth.

Had to choose to be first.

For more infomation >> Everlast - 𝐁𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭. - Duration: 0:58.


Toyota Noah Car Price In BD /Best Quality Car Showroom In Dhaka/Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> Toyota Noah Car Price In BD /Best Quality Car Showroom In Dhaka/Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 5:48.


Why I choose to buy organic food - Organic September - Duration: 12:53.

Hello Jackie Elton from Green Natural Living in today's video I want to talk

about why I choose organic it's September or the end of September here

in the UK and it's getting very autumnal very much a nip to the air in the

mornings and the fires on most days now and in September we have a whole month

of promoting organics so it's organic September here in the UK it's there's

various different organic companies that get involved and it's coordinated by the

Soil Association and it's great for promoting organic products of all types

now the thing is and it's towards the end of October and I've been meaning to

do this all month but it's just been a little bit hectic once I got the kids

back to school it just seems to have been non-stop and for me organic is

something I use every single day it's part of my life really every single day

and it's not just for September it's every day so I thought what I would do

is tell you why I buy organic and mention some of the things that I do buy

and for more information I'll pop a link to the soil associations website in

the comments so you can get more details there.So why do I buy organic? Organic

helps the environment in so many ways and it also helps people in so many

different ways so for me buying organic really does help the planet in a very

practical way so for example in organic farming you have to have a healthy soil

it's the only way it works basically so a healthy soil leads to healthy plants

and healthy animals this means that they're less susceptible to diseases to

pests and generally grow better so therefore if we look at animals so I buy

a lot of organic dairy products so you can see in the background there's a pot

of Yeo Valley organic yogurt so for animals organic farming is better

for their welfare farmers can't give them antibiotics on a daily basis to

ward off illnesses they have to make sure that they're naturally healthy so

they have to feed them a good diet many organic farms will have their cows out

in fields eating grass and again for organic meat I know everybody doesn't

isn't keen on eating meat but for organic meat pigs are kept outside and

they're kept really really healthy and happy so that they have a strong immune

system because you can only give sort of antibiotics if an animal's ill whereas

in traditional farming methods when they kept indoors and they're fed not great

food then they also feed them antibiotics to keep them healthy until

they slaughtered basically so organic farming is better for animals and by

having healthy soil which is the basis as I said of organic farming and a

healthy soil actually holds more carbon dioxide within its structure and then a

soil that's pumped full with artificial fertilizers and things like that so the

soil has more invertebrates in it and has more microbes in it it has more

organic matter in it and this means that it can trap more carbon dioxide which if

you're looking at climate change and wanting to help with that is a really

really good thing to do apparently red on your soil is a soil Association

website that healthy soil actually holds five times more carbon and then forests

do now I don't know the specifics of that whether it's the amount of healthy

soil that we have versus the number of forests we have or whether it's a per

area of each I don't know I'd need to research that more so if we're looking

at helping climate change then actually going for organic can really really help

because more carbon if we get more soils healthy more carbon will go into those

soils and out of the atmosphere which would be really good for people for far

farming organically is far better for them because they aren't being around

pesticides and things like that so for example organic cotton this this dress

is pretty organic cotton from sea salt so organic

cotton is mostly farmed in places like India and Africa I think some is in

America maybe but by getting organic cotton and supporting people that grow

organic cotton it means that the workers aren't being exposed to those pesticides

because obviously in those country in sort of Africa and India definitely the

health and safety for those farm workers isn't as good so some die from and some

villagers died and from exposure to pesticides if it gets into the water and

things like that so it's really good for people in that way the people are

farming it also organic cotton in particular uses far less water again I'm

assuming that's because the soil is healthier it holds more water and things

like that and also the farmers get a better living growing organic cotton

it's more sustainable living and there's high profits for them so that they

actually can live better and then traditional cotton and things like that

so um that's another positive so we've got positives for the soil which holds

more carbon and we've got positives for the animal welfare

we've got positives for farmers and actually do the farming of the products

and then we have health for people that are eating organic food the statistics

say that there are less antibiotics and pesticides in organic food and that

dairy products organic dairy products have more omega-3 I think oils in them

and so that means you've got more nutrients that your concern

if you eat organic then we've got the wildlife so there's lots of publicity at

the minute about bees and I love these I love sitting in my garden watching bees

but there's a lot going on about trying to ban certain pesticides to help bee

population and again it's not just bees but organic farming has I'm not quite

sure the percentage but has more wildlife generally on those farms than

non-organic farms so that's insects butterflies birds I'm

assuming small mammals so it's great and that there are more it helps wildlife

and recently in London there was a big march for wildlife so going choosing to

support the organic farming industry by buying their products means that again

you are supporting wider environmental issues such as diversity and wildlife

and things like that so I think that's covered the main

things I was wanting today to say today but one of the things is how do you know

if a product is organic so I've got some products here so you see this is an

organic hand cream and it's from Neal's Yard remedies and you can see here if I

hold where am I there you go you can see that that's the soil SH

Association logo on that which means it's definitely organic again this is

from my cotton dress and you can see there there's a Soil Association logo

and also it's saying about organic farming no GM keeps soil healthy less

greenhouse gases more habitats for wildlife no nasty chemicals and that's

sort of on the ticket from sea salt and then another organic logo

you might see is this one here the little leaf can you see that and this is

something I tried new for organic September so this is a chili relish it's

really lovely I got it from ethical superstore I did a bit of a haul and

then I have organic apples and you can see both logos on that Apple packet and

what else we've got some products over here on the organic hazelnut and

chocolate spread by essential just very nice you can see there there's the leaf

logo and then on my Yeoh Valley I buy a lot of video value products so I have

their yoghurt i buy their milk their butter occasionally the rice cream and

where's there they go you can see both logos there so there's a leaf on there

and then up here there's a Soil Association so anything that's organic

has to meet certain standards so that's why they are independently inspected to

make sure that they're not using antibiotics that make sure they're you

know that they're basically meeting all the criteria and so if you want to know

more about soil Association and the the sort of things organic farms have to do

to basically be able to put that logo or that logo on the products then again I

will put a link in the description below so that you can read all about it

so also it's part of organic September if you're quick eg in the next couple of

days then you can print off some coupons so I've got a coupon there for sixty P

65 P off yo Valley organic natural yoghurt and on the back another product

I use regularly is organic clippety so I've got 50 P of that so

and it's worth going on to the organic September website which again I'll put

in the links below and yeah so do you use organic products if you do tell me

your favorite products in the comments below because it might be a product I

don't know about in which case I love finding out that new organic products

and I love trying them hence as I say I tried this this September and I tried

some lovely organic soups or if there's somewhere that you like to get organics

from and let me know they are becoming more widely available so I do shop it

online so for example as ethical superstore that has a big organic range

and you can get them from health food shops and depending on what supermarket

you go to you can get organic products from there and then there are also

vegetable box schemes so there's lots of places that you can get organic from it

might just take you a little time just to find out what there is locally but

just have fun doing it you know have fun finding out these new things and trying

these new products um so yeah so if you've enjoyed this video please do give

it a thumbs up so more people to see it and as I say tell me below if you're

using organics and what your favorite products are and if there's anybody you

know think they would like to see this video then share it on as well and don't

forget to subscribe to my channel and you know if you want to then click for

notifications but and then then you'll see all my other videos as I produce

them but that's it for me now so happy organic September and I'll see you again

soon okay thanks a lot bye bye

For more infomation >> Why I choose to buy organic food - Organic September - Duration: 12:53.


Nunca É Tarde Para Aprender: Miguel, o avó estudante | Babbel - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Nunca É Tarde Para Aprender: Miguel, o avó estudante | Babbel - Duration: 4:25.


Noob Playing for $1000 in Fortnite! - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> Noob Playing for $1000 in Fortnite! - Duration: 10:03.


Ahora podrás cantar con Aitana o Amaia de 'OT 2017' - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Ahora podrás cantar con Aitana o Amaia de 'OT 2017' - Duration: 2:28.


Selena Gomez deixa o Instagram por ataques: 'Comentários negativos podem ferir' - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Selena Gomez deixa o Instagram por ataques: 'Comentários negativos podem ferir' - Duration: 3:39.


Mais meninas e meninos precisam se vacinar contra o HPV - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Mais meninas e meninos precisam se vacinar contra o HPV - Duration: 4:33.





'O ex-presidente Lula ainda tem prestígio', diz Michel Temer - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> 'O ex-presidente Lula ainda tem prestígio', diz Michel Temer - Duration: 3:01.


Jump Force MADARA UCHIHA de Naruto Shippuden en el Juego???? - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Jump Force MADARA UCHIHA de Naruto Shippuden en el Juego???? - Duration: 5:17.


Cómo prepararse para la próxima crisis económica mundial - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Cómo prepararse para la próxima crisis económica mundial - Duration: 4:06.


P͇l͇a͇y͇l͇i͇s͇t͇ Musica Rilassante Bellissima ❣️ Musica Molto Rilassante - Musica Soft Rilassante - Duration: 1:00:37.

For more infomation >> P͇l͇a͇y͇l͇i͇s͇t͇ Musica Rilassante Bellissima ❣️ Musica Molto Rilassante - Musica Soft Rilassante - Duration: 1:00:37.


A Fazenda: Após briga, Vida Vlatt procura Gabi Prado para pedir desculpas e surpreende - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda: Após briga, Vida Vlatt procura Gabi Prado para pedir desculpas e surpreende - Duration: 3:46.


Porażka Gessler. Nie chcą jej ciuchów w Hiszpanii - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Porażka Gessler. Nie chcą jej ciuchów w Hiszpanii - Duration: 3:00.


間違えてた!手動サイレンのグリスアップ!【がらくた日誌2018/9/25】 - Duration: 4:05.

Here! good evening!

Today is…

Well, the rotation got lighter!

Why was it heavy ...

I made a mistake on this part.

Oh~ It is natural that it is heavy.

I think that there is no problem this time!

Well then, thanks for watching the video!

For more infomation >> 間違えてた!手動サイレンのグリスアップ!【がらくた日誌2018/9/25】 - Duration: 4:05.


Em A Fazenda, João Zoli rouba beijo de Gabi Prado e torcida pelo casal cresce - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Em A Fazenda, João Zoli rouba beijo de Gabi Prado e torcida pelo casal cresce - Duration: 4:27.


Patatas a la importancia. receta 100% española y de abuela - Que Viva La Cocina - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Patatas a la importancia. receta 100% española y de abuela - Que Viva La Cocina - Duration: 3:08.


Últimas notícia de hoje : HADDAD CRESCE FORTE NO SUL - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : HADDAD CRESCE FORTE NO SUL - Duration: 2:59.


Polski film oficjalnie kandydatem do Oscara - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Polski film oficjalnie kandydatem do Oscara - Duration: 3:19.


A Smile can Change Your Life! Brighter Image Lab Press on Veneers Review! Amazing Results! - Duration: 4:16.

hi guys so this is just a review that I'm going to do on my brighter image

lab press on veneers that I got I got them about a week and a half ago

and I've been kind of slow about getting to a video but I really did want to do

a review because when I went on youtube to check them out I didn't really see a lot

of reviews so I'm kind of adding to that to help you guys if you do decide to get

them because it could be a smile of mine

basically they look completely natural and the process was super easy anyone I

talked to was super accommodating probably got a little tired of me because on the

little text to ask questions thing on their webpage I asked probably 10

different times about how is the process going is there anything i need to do do i

need to send it any more pictures anything like that and they were always

willing to help me and it was just kind of they were really accommodating to

anything that i might have needed but i'll take them out so you can see what

my teeth look like beforehand but just one more idea of what they did look like

before my lips are chapped and when i take them out sorry this is kinda gross you can see I

have a lot of discoloration oh my teeth and I have silver caps on both sides I

also have silver caps on the bottom so I am super happy with how they turned out

so I'm looking to kind of now I'm going to look into getting my bottom arch done to

cover those because I do really like how my top arch turned out and I'm really

happy with it but back on my teeth basically yeah I mean they're straight I

did have braces for three years but I just have a lot of discoloration I had a

root canal there so my tooth was two different colors that was a root canal

so the truth is entirely fake so it was just kind of I found these online I was

like oh that would be a great way to kind of whiten my teeth up because of my

fake teeth I am unable to use like white strips or anything like that and my

teeth are under sized they're about three percent under sized according to the

brighter image lab people so this way I

kinda pop them back in I get the size of my teeth they're supposed to be and they're all white

and they're going to stay white as long as I take care of them obviously and I

love how they look as for questions like can I eat with them in I can eat with them in

I have before but most of the time I choose not to just because I want to

preserve the quality of them but if I was like at a business lunch or anything

like that or with like a potential employer I would be totally fine eating

with them in I've just normally chosen not to just because I'm comfortable

taking them out in front of my friends that I have no problem with that and then as

for being able to talk with them in I'm sure you could tell i can talk very

easily i have had them for a week and a half but like i said earlier i had

braces for three years so I was already used the idea of kind of like retainer

so I had no troubles even initially talking with them in but as for the

retainer these are way thinner than my retainer they feel like I have nothing

on I never even notice them sometimes I forget that there in and I go where is

it but they're actually in and they're it's really thin and I just love how it

feels I love how it looks I'm so happy with how it turned out and like I said

I want to get my bottom arch done so bad now because I love them so much and

I'm just so much more confident in myself and it's really just kind of

changed who I am because i used to walk around kind of like this and shy

and kind of hide myself but now i'm happy to talk to anyone give them a big

old smile and I'm just my confidence has increased so much so I'm really happy

with how they turned out but that's basically it I mean if you want to see one

more time

that's with them in out you can see all of my silver teeth which was what one of my

biggest insecurity was my silver teeth showing in like pictures or anything

like that and then back in they look like perfect teeth so thank you so much

brighter image lab you really have changed my life and I couldn't be happier

For more infomation >> A Smile can Change Your Life! Brighter Image Lab Press on Veneers Review! Amazing Results! - Duration: 4:16.


How to Be Happy with Yourself | The Nobody Gives a Sh*+! Rant - Duration: 3:40.

We all have those days, you know, the ones your life doesn't seem to have a direction that makes sense

You feel like you're not where you wanted to be by now and you don't want to make the wrong decision

So you just write it out until an answer comes along you're feeling like a sad panda right now, huh?

Well, hold on to your fucking tissues because I'd like to introduce to you a new and exciting way of thinking nobody gives a shit

From the makers of fuckit comes a new approach that will revolutionize the way you think about life

I recently found a little illustration that opened my eyes to a whole new approach to life. I would love to credit this illustrator

so if you know the illustrator, please please please comment below because

I couldn't find anything but a whole bunch of old reddit threads so I am useless in it

It says there are two ways to look at life first

You see a sad little blue person and a little storm cloud and it says nobody gives a shit

but directly below it is an illustration of a happy person bursting out of an explosion and he says

Nobody gives a shit now instantly. I set back in my chair and thought oh


God, okay. I know where glass is on a regular basis and that was a little dramatic

But you get the point

I felt like I had found my life's purpose and my life's purpose was to spread the gospel of nobody gets to shit

Here's how it works

This is you now don't be offended that I chose this life to be you. I don't think you're lazy or slow

I just think this guy is super cute

And so are you this is someone else an equally cute little mouse and these fuzzy balls?

Represent your choices in life now, as long as you keep your balls to yourself and don't throw your balls at other people's faces

It's not a big deal what you do with them. Nobody gives a shit

It's only when you start making other people deal with your balls that it becomes a problem

You are allowed to make mistakes in your path. You are allowed to not know what you want to do with your life

You are allowed to work part-time jobs until you find something that works for you

You are allowed to change jobs every seven years until you thought that got a little intense, but you get the point

Yes, people will be offended by your balls. Some people may even be worried about your balls


At the end of the day your balls are yours and you shouldn't be ashamed of them do the damn thing make an accomplishment

Oops, and task is okay get up and do again and you know

I just want you to feel empowered in your own life if you aren't hurting anyone if you're happy if you're

Respectful of your mind and body and at ease if you are taking care of your own business

Nobody should give a shit nobody and I mean nobody has a right to make you feel like you're inadequate

Because you lead a life that they don't understand that is ridiculous. That is insanity

That is the making of a very boring world if someone tries to make you feel bad about where you are in life

You just laugh in their face and say hahaha

Nobody gives a shit

Your opinion of me is none of my business and then shoot mind bees directly into their eyeballs

it works or just

Coffin them until they leave you alone

That works too

Alright guys, that's all I've got for you today. Mmm. Peace babycakes. I love you

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