Sunday, September 30, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 30 2018

Si Omar Montes buscaba ser protagonista, por fin lo ha conseguido.

El cantante que se hizo conocido en televisión gracias a su relación con Chabelita Pantoja ha acaparado todas las miradas y la gente está comenzando a hablar de otros aspectos de su vida que igual no le gustan demasiado.

La que ha intentado desenmascararle en esta ocasión ha sido Steisy, extronista de 'MyHyV'.

La joven ha acudido como comentarista a 'Sábado Deluxe' y no ha tenido ningún reparo en desvelar la táctica que suele emplear Omar Montes para tratar de llegar a la fama de forma rápida y sin demasiados problemas.

Al parecer, utiliza la grabación de sus videoclips para acercarse a chicas que hayan salido en televisión y así llegar él a lo mismo. "Él, lo que va buscando, es no dar un palo al agua", aseguraba Steisy.

La extronista decidió relatar la forma en la que Omar Montes busca llegar a la fama: "A mí me llamó para hacer un videoclip e intentó liarse conmigo", comentó la joven.

"Cuando estaba yo en el programa fue Dosel (expretendiente) a un bolo en el local donde estaba Omar y le dijo que se había liado conmigo para que Dosel lo contase en el programa y así ir a grabar a 'MyHyV' cuando era mentira".

¿Será su táctica? Está claro que para Steisy se trata de una técnica para lograr la fama de una forma rápida, puesto que lo que buscaba con ella era volver a 'MyHyV' y así hacer que la gente le conociera un poco más.

Además, la que fuera tronista del programa del amor ha asegurado: "Luego lo intentó con Ylenia y con Isa Pantoja lo consiguió".

For more infomation >> Steisy trata de desenmascarar a Omar Montes: "Me llamó para hacer un videoclip e intentó liarse - Duration: 2:12.


El difícil momento que atraviesa Pilar Cox: Fue expulsada de un - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> El difícil momento que atraviesa Pilar Cox: Fue expulsada de un - Duration: 3:05.


PORTHAETHWY – Esyllt Ethni-Jones yn cyflwyno: - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> PORTHAETHWY – Esyllt Ethni-Jones yn cyflwyno: - Duration: 3:52.


The Most Ironic Photos Of All Time ! - Duration: 10:14.

This company is selling a shirt that says there are more than two genders

So how ironic is it that they're only selling it to two genders?

Male/female that is one and two instant fail

They clearly did not think this one through the irony in this video is too strong, Melissa

Williamson worries about the effects on her unborn child from the sound of jackhammers

Sorry to break it to Melissa, but it's not the jackhammers harming your child is the cigarettes you are smoking

You're just literally standing there in the picture

Smoking and then complaining that the loud noises might be harming your child

I think and this is what I think I think that Melissa can't sleep at night

And she doesn't really care about how it's affecting her child because she's sitting there and literally smoking in the picture

Where is the logic in this? Alright, there aren't any because it's ironic

There's an ad to fight against child obesity and to not take it lightly and right under that

McDonald's put up their own ad and they're like my kind of shopping spree. You got two bags one full of

Deliciousness and other one full of anxiousness. This is awfully ironic

I don't know if McDonald's did this on purpose

or if the child obesity at

Just didn't think this through but either way it's not working people who are trying to fight obesity, too

Now you're tempting them with McDonald's and people who want a McDonald's now they're feeling guilty about their options

No one wins in this situation fasteners, you know what I think store

I think you need to fasten your fastener sign with your fasteners that you're trying to sell before people will buy

Fasteners that they see on your fastener sign that's not fastened. How many times can you say fastened in one sentence anti chewing spray?

That's literally being chewed on by the dog if this is an irony, I don't know. What is maybe though

Maybe the dog chews enough

He will chew through to the liquid and then once he reaches the liquid he will stop chewing and this is the owners master plan

I have it all figured out genius safety begins with you. Good old hard-hitting safety. Let's begin with you

Mr. In my blue Honda this is ironic because they're promoting safety. Meanwhile, they're hitting somebody with their bus

I think they need to rethink the safety thing stops struggling with those stubborn plastic packages

Why would you sell a device to open up one of these?

stupid plastic

Packages and I'm saying stupid because they are stupid because they're so hard to open

Like are they really that afraid? They were gonna steal scissors like are people really going into stores and stealing scissors

Is there that much of a crime spree for scissors that they need to package them into this impossible to open package?


I'm going to not tangent now because I really don't like this packaging put your hands up if you agree with me

I see a lot of hands up

Yeah, I can see you. That's creepy. I can't actually see it. But I

Imagined it. But then why would they put a package opener into the package is supposed to open?

It's way too ironic that I don't even find it funny. I'm just upset healthy hands start here

I'm scared. It's so gross. I really hope it's automatic

Otherwise it completely defeats the purpose of healthy hands ain't nobody hands healthy. They touch all that dirt and grime

It's a cliffhanger get it cuz it's a Clif Bar that's hanging. That's me. Trying to be funny

I hope at least one person left. You know what there's a high chance that at least one person left

It's all a square knot everybody

Today, you're two warning choking hazard small parts, not for children under three years Wow

So this is a gift for a two-year-old and they gotta wait a year until they can open it worst birthday present ever

I do not have that type of patience. I can't even wait five minutes or something a year

You expect a two-year-old to have a year's worth of patience. They're children

They're not magicians

parking officers are those people that put tickets on your cars when you park in the wrong space quite annoying because

Sometimes there's nowhere to park. So you've got a park in the wrong space. You just gotta find a place

You know, I'm just gonna run in and buy something you come out. You got a parking ticket

But today the parking officer got a taste of his own medicine because he also couldn't find a parking spot

He also had to park somewhere else and now he's getting towed for parking in a no-parking zone. Just

Noah's Ark theme park destroyed in a flood Noah's Ark was supposed to survive the flood

Why are you not destroyed Oh Savannah

It's so slippery up in this place that the wet floor sign even slipped if the wet floor sign ain't surviving the slip

Ain't nobody surviving the slip don't walk on those wet floors

I mean they look kind of dry not gonna lie

Like look at those floors those floors look dry as the desert like I don't see any wetness on them week AF

Floor sign he had one job to be a sign and he ain't doing it right even on a dry floor follow us the quality

Parking what type of quality parking is that and that is coming from a very?

Unqualified Evan I can park better than that and that is saying a lot

The worst kind of advertising is when you can't do what you're advertising. I don't want to buy your service

I don't want this man or woman teaching me how to park

I'll keep my parking just the way it is lame clothes to ease congestion. Who did this?

Where's the logic?

Oh, yeah

Let's have everybody going into one lane when there's another perfectly fine open lane that people could also go into

Easing congestion. They opened up a Weight Watchers right next to Domino's. Yeah, it's like you go exercising and then you're tempted by the

Delicious smell of pizza all the time after you exercise. This is just torture

This is just mean know what honestly guys I gotta put up with this type of stuff

So on the way to the gym there is this bakery and it smells so good

and I have to smell that every day going into the gym and

Leaving the gym and then it usually smells like croissants but sometimes it smells like I'm not really sure what the smell is

It's like like a gingerbread smell maybe

Oh, it's so good

but I got really lucky because it's not like a baker you can buy things that I think it's like a

Factory bakery where they make it and they ship it somewhere else

So I just have to deal with it, but I can't actually go and buy all the deliciousness

They built a zoo for your lion

Look at all those caged humans. I guess this is what it feels like to be a caged animal at the zoo

The Lions are like how do we get to them? They look


Learn to fly here. Well, they are learning to fly. So you can't really blame them

I mean if I was learning to fly this might happen, that's why I'm not learning how to fly the plane looks like in pretty

Surprisingly good condition. Like they probably didn't get far off the runway

they just probably got off this high and then when it straight into the tree and

it was all good upon arriving to help me get my keys out of my car the

AAA guy locked his own keys in his car

I had to call another AAA got to get his keys out of the car

I mean this just proves the people a people like he's a human too

The people who get your keys out of your locked cars also lock their keys into locked cars for safety reasons

Please keep these lights on lights off, please

make up your mind like

What do I do in this situation this I don't know how to deal with the SEPA. This is your making

Okay, I need decisions made for me this ad for Ford Focus is ironically out of focus but in DuPage

Always open but then they have a closed sign you are not always open if you were closed

Sometimes that defeats the purpose of always open don't lie to us. Don't play with our hearts like that. We got feelings


People can sometimes be closed because people get sick but like don't play with my feelings like that

Unpaid internship as personal assistant fight against slavery is a charity based in London

We are working to fight the issues of human rights

Oh are you you're fighting against issues of human rights, but then you're asking somebody to work for you for free

Isn't that against human rights?

Just say I feel like if you work you deserve to be paid like I get it

sometimes like your new out of school and like they don't think you have the

Experience and you might want to work to get experienced but this is just super ironic

protesters banned a Jeff Sessions lecture on free speech

That ironic this dog has torn apart a book saying dog training for dummies

maybe the book wasn't working because

You clearly not trained your dog. They just smashed their stress relief bottle. Wow, that is stressful. That is

Exactly what it was supposed to help me with and now my stress is so much bigger now

What why would they put it in a glass bottle? They should have swear seen this quote from man stabbed

What are you gonna do? Stop me when you doubt the person you're arguing with?

Advanced parking solutions not very advanced if you ask me can't even park between the lines

We need some new instructors up in this collision

Investigation. I hope they didn't crash on the way to

investigating another collision that for sure got someone fired

I kind of just crash into a brake fence Water Street is literally a Water Street. That is quite ironic

And also, I'm terrified by this picture I took it chills down my spine. That's a lot of water

I hope these people were okay. Anyways, guys, I hope you enjoyed this video. I love you all so much

Stay awesome. Stay sweet and don't forget to be nice other

For more infomation >> The Most Ironic Photos Of All Time ! - Duration: 10:14.


Teresa and Nacha - (Part 46) 3 of 3 - [Engl Subs/Sub Esp] - Duration: 1:55.

Follow my finger

Perfect, Teresa, everything seems fine


Hi, Antonio, what are you doing here?

I have come to see a good friend

Do you mind if I continue with the exploration?

Go ahead. I leave you in good hands. I will return before finishing my shift

Don't leave without saying goodbye

No, not at all

How are you?

You can talk?


Do you know what your name is?

Teresa Ronda Montiel

Do you know what your profession is?


and you are Antonio

Very good, Teresa

Do you know why you are here?

For a patient, Hector Garcia

Exactly. You have been in a coma

You were in La Parra when that guy tried to make an attack, with an explosives belt

You stood in the middle, he hit you and he knocked you down

You hurt your head

The good news is that ... they have arrested him, thanks to you

And Nacha?

She hasn't moved from here all the time. Do you want me to call her?

Can you call her partner, please?

Teresa, my love ...

Good thing you're fine

I love you

For more infomation >> Teresa and Nacha - (Part 46) 3 of 3 - [Engl Subs/Sub Esp] - Duration: 1:55.


De Juanito a Juan: el mayor de los Urdangarin pasa a ser cabeza de familia - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> De Juanito a Juan: el mayor de los Urdangarin pasa a ser cabeza de familia - Duration: 5:51.


10 nombres de niñas de cuatro letras - nombres de bebé - - Duration: 1:13.

10 four letter girl names











Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 10 nombres de niñas de cuatro letras - nombres de bebé - - Duration: 1:13.


Mario Party 9 Step It Up - Mario vs Peach vs Wario vs Waluigi Master Difficulty | KOSisBOSS - Duration: 12:04.

Mario Party 9 Step It Up - Mario vs Peach vs Wario vs Waluigi Master Difficulty | KOSisBOSS

For more infomation >> Mario Party 9 Step It Up - Mario vs Peach vs Wario vs Waluigi Master Difficulty | KOSisBOSS - Duration: 12:04.


La técnica 'Papi Ricky' que aplicó Jorge Valdivia durante viaje de Daniela Aránguiz - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> La técnica 'Papi Ricky' que aplicó Jorge Valdivia durante viaje de Daniela Aránguiz - Duration: 3:37.


Erkenci Kus (Early Birds) Episode 14 Trailer (English Subtitles/ Subtítulos en Español/ ترجمة عربية) - Duration: 0:59.

If I will tell you something... I have to tell you everything...

Infact... I need to know everything...

together?... like us... like girlfriend- boyfriend?

They were completely into each other... do you understand?

You need to spend time with Can... since Emre is not in your way..

Emre said spend time with Can since the relationship won't last longer

What are you doing?

Taking a note...

Don't you see what is happening?...and I am aware she is controlling you

Who What are you talking about? Why would she control me?

She Controls you!!! she checks you...


We should run away... should we run away together? What do you think?

Where to ?

Where you want for example, Galapagos, where we can go together alone...

I want to be here....

To where?

Right here...

This place is enough for me...

For more infomation >> Erkenci Kus (Early Birds) Episode 14 Trailer (English Subtitles/ Subtítulos en Español/ ترجمة عربية) - Duration: 0:59.


Trenza escalera.,waterfall braid,waterval haar vlecht - Duration: 3:21.

Hi This me Amal Hermuz from Vivyan Hair Design

I wil show you today hoe to make Trenza escalera.,waterfall braid

as you see i had made dubbel Trenza escalera.,waterfall braid

i wil show you now hoe to make tripel Trenza escalera.,waterfall braid

thank you very much for watching

i wish you like it bybyyyyyy

For more infomation >> Trenza escalera.,waterfall braid,waterval haar vlecht - Duration: 3:21.



Agapornis male or female | Inseparable male or female | Lovebird male or female

Hello colleagues and peers, Welcome once again to a new video.

This time we are going to open on the channel a new section dedicated to lovebirds

or inseparable. Specifically, as you have could read in the title of the video I'm going

to explain how to know if a lovebug is male or female and therefore throughout this

I will give you some tips and tricks so you can know if your agapornis

Is it male or female. And without more ... we started.

In the world we can find many races of different lovebirds, but the types of

most common lovebirds that we usually have as pets are the agapornis Fischer, the agapornis

personta or agapornis roseicollis so that in this video we are going to focus only

in these three types of agapornis or inseparable. At first glance it is difficult to appreciate sex

of the agapornis since they do not present disformism sex between males and females, although there

some types of lovebirds like for example taranta lovebird or agapornis canus or

Madagascar which are species in which usually see at first sight differences between

a male and a female. But in the case of agapornis fischer, personatas or roseicollis

it is not usually appreciated so easily there are some tricks that I am going to comment now

that can help us know if our Lovebirds are males or females.

If we look at our lovebirds we can sexarlo through his behavior, already

that there are certain behaviors that they are more typical of males than of females,

although there are always exceptions that can lead to confusion so we can not

100% based on this method and ideally would put all the methods together

that I will explain throughout the video to be sure if our lovebirds

Is it male or female. In the case of males, these usually:

Rubbing and scratching very often with feeders, innkeepers, with the toys that we place them

or even without are papilleros and are accustomed to us, he may rub with us,

trying to masturbate what will indicate us clearly he is male and he has a lot

zeal. Also, males usually have less fear

than females, and tend to be more affectionate and nice. Hence, when we want

have a papillero agapornis is recommended that is a male since they are more docile

than the females. Also, during the agapornis breeding the

males do not usually incubate eggs although like everything there are always exceptions, but

usually the female is the only one that remains in the nest incubating the eggs and the male

stays out of the nest, and usually poses at the entrance of the nest or at a nearby innkeeper,

and in addition, he is continuously looking for food to later feed the female.

So the males are the ones who usually regurgitate food to the female, and therefore in this case,

the male would be the one on top and the female of the lower part.

Finally, males in heat are usually restless and emit small beeps

at the same time that they adopt an upright position to capture the attention of the female.

In the case of females, these usually: Be more territorial and aggressive than

males So when we try to caress them, we clean the cage or check the nest

in the breeding season, females by nature they will always get angry more, they will feel

bothered and will try to bite us. Also, if we bring a new lovebug for

know each other, females usually have a reject behavior and they show

more aggressive with the new agapornis, and in Most of the cases will try to hit him

to defend its territory, while the males are usually more distant and curious

and they do not usually bother seeing a new lovebirds. Also, the female during breeding, almost

she is always in charge of building and making the nest to your liking, so if we see that

Take the material that we place for you make the nest, mold it and take it away

to the nest we may be facing a female, since males rarely help to do the

nest. If during the agapornis breeding, we observe them

carefully and without disturbing them we can watch as the female crouches with her wings

between open and adopts the copulation posture or as it is usually called also, the position

of avioncito. This behavior is proper of the females in heat and usually emit

little sounds calling the male so that go to inseminate her. However, and I

I comment from experience the females in heat they also tend to climb on top of each other

imitating mating and can take us to the error. Also, if we give you leaves of palm trees

or some folio, the females usually make small strips of paper and put them under the

wings After mating the female will begin

to lay eggs until the laying is completed, usually usually put an egg every day

and will put a total of 5 to 6 eggs. Is very important that we check the nests daily

to check that you have put an egg and avoid or be aware that our lovebirds

do not have any egg traversed. If for some reason two eggs appeared a day

in the nest it is clear that we would be two females

Also, the females during the breeding of lovebirds, they usually spend a lot of time in

inside the nest by incubating the eggs or giving them heat to the young, they usually leave

to eat, drink and relieve themselves. Finally, in general, females usually

feeding the young more frequently than the male The male will eat and subsequently

will go to the female to regurgitate her food and it will take care of giving it to the new

offspring However, this does not mean that the male will never feed them

directly to the offspring, since there are males very good that also feed very often

to their chicks In some species like for example the personatas

or Fischer if you look at the eye ring, that is the small white ring that surrounds

The eye can make us a little idea of whether the lovebirds is male or female. The

males usually have this white hoop something else small and narrow, while the females

They tend to have them wider. Although this method It is not 100% reliable and will depend a lot

of the genetics of agapornis. In addition, the females usually have a size

somewhat larger than the males, but to give us account of this it would be necessary to compare

two agapornis in the same position and to be able be that they are of the same clutch, since as

the difference in size is not very pronounced it may lead us to error if we compare

two agapornis from different aviaries with one different genetics or different age already

that obviously an adult agapornis goes to have a size larger than a young agapornis

that has not yet been fully developed. And besides, we have to take into account the

position that they adopt in the innkeeper, since as I mentioned earlier, the males

tend to take a more upright posture and this can lead us to error and think that

the male is bigger. Also, most females usually

have a more rounded head and beak something wider and bigger, however if we

we fix in the head of the males does not usually be so rounded and it shows a small

difference between the forehead and the head, and besides, the beak is somewhat smaller.

Another method, although somewhat complex, is to observe the area of ​​the cloaca. If we look at the area

of the agapornis cloaca can help us to determine your sex, since usually

the females usually have something more bulky the area of ​​his abdomen and the cloaca.

Linked to the previous point, and above all the breeders of agapornis with more experience can know

if a lovebirds is male or female through of his cloaca. To do this, take the agapornis

very carefully and with the index finger or the little finger is palpated with great care

the area near the sewer to try see the shape of the pelvic bones.

In the case of females, the pelvic bones They are more rounded and are more separated

by nature so they can lay eggs without difficulty, so if after feeling

the pelvic bones we notice that the bones they are separated or open and there is space

enough so you can pass an egg probably we are before a female, but on the contrary,

the space between the bones is very small, that is, they are close together or stuck together and

we noticed that they are somewhat pointy maybe we are before a male.

This method is especially indicated for adult agapornis that have already developed

completely, because in young agapornis can induce us to error and even if the

agaponis has previously put some egg it will be easier to notice the difference

because it will have widened the pelvic bones, although as I say this technique requires

practice and experience. Finally and to finish the video, I want

tell you that in case you are not able to sexar your agapornis by the methods

that I have been explaining to you throughout the video you can also do it through an analysis

of DNA and with a reliability of almost 100%. In the case that you opt for this method,

You can do it in two ways: Well through a blood sample in

which will be enough with a few drops or through the pen that will be

much more comfortable. In this case, you should extract with a disinfected tweezer and with much

careful not to harm you and not to contaminate the sample, some feathers of your agapornis

mainly from the area of ​​the sewer and go placing correctly on the document

that the laboratory facilitates so that they can analyze it without problem. And after a few

days and after receiving and analyzing the samples, the laboratory will indicate us almost with total

security if our lovebirds or inseparable Is it male or female.

I hope you liked the video and I have served, if so, remember to share

for your social networks and whatsapp groups to help each other, if not yet

you have done it, I take this opportunity to invite you to subscribe to the channel and activate

the notification bell for you to receive a new video every week. And before finalizing

I take this opportunity to send a greeting to the compañera Julia and her agapornis and from here thank you

the collaboration provided since without your help this video would not have been possible. And how

always ... I wait for you in the next video.

For more infomation >> COMO SABER si un AGAPORNIS es MACHO o HEMBRA 🐤 TRUCOS INSEPARABLE MACHO o HEMBRA - Duration: 10:46.


Felipe Avello tras la muerte de Ítalo Passalacqua: "Nuestro vínculo siempre fue de mucho apoyo" - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Felipe Avello tras la muerte de Ítalo Passalacqua: "Nuestro vínculo siempre fue de mucho apoyo" - Duration: 4:17.


Indian top Muser Manjul Khattar New Famous Musically Musically Tik Tok 2018 - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Indian top Muser Manjul Khattar New Famous Musically Musically Tik Tok 2018 - Duration: 4:07.


America's got talent? more like JAPAN'S GOT TALENT - Duration: 9:35.

For more infomation >> America's got talent? more like JAPAN'S GOT TALENT - Duration: 9:35.


【三無】夜櫻 【原創曲 - 改】 - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> 【三無】夜櫻 【原創曲 - 改】 - Duration: 4:06.


anti-choice?? in THIS political climate ????? - Duration: 8:55.

hi guys! i'm j and welcome back to my channel.

so if you've been here for a little while you're probably aware of where i stand on

the abortion issue, as i have made many a pro-choice video stating my opinions, arguments,

and rebuttals to common anti-choice arguments.

if you haven't seen them all or wanna refresh what i've already said the link to my pro-choice

playlist is down in the description.

i'd suggest watching it before you try to comment an anti-choice argument, because

chances are i've already talked about it.

but, to be fair, the anti-choicers just keep coming up with more arguments.

some of them just astound me. for example, take this photo i stole off my lovely friend from

instagram, @prolifealtruism.

(i'll write that in the description too.

i'd consider checking her out.)

it shows a few comments that i think she herself received, but might have been from a different

account, i don't know, that ask pro-choicers not to use medical technology (i think they

meant terminology) to describe the fetus. because, of course, in a medical debate, we

wouldn't want to be using medical terminology. or at least, you know, the anti-choicers don't want

us using medical terminology, because if we actually use facts and accuracy, they might

have to come to terms with the idea that their entire movement is based on medical fallacies,

lies, and the desire to control female bodies, and that would just hurt their feelings.

another thing that came up recently was that the amazing kamala harris, the democratic

senator from california, recently asked brett kavanaugh a question.

i will put the clip in right here.

i'm not even gonna get into the whole brett kavanaugh situation, except for this, by the

way, because it's just, it's too much to think about.

yes, mr. i'm still a virgin, that's because there aren't any.

now, i posted this on my instagram page, and a few people brought some ideas up.

first of all, the selective service draft.

i personally believe that either the draft should be abolished or extended to include

all citizens, not just males, but that's not really the point.

the point is that ms harris was asking about medical laws, laws that let members of congress make

medical decisions on behalf of men. and the point is that brett "i have no drinking

problem" kavanaugh literally cannot come up with an example of a law that gives politicians

-- not doctors.

politicians -- medical authority over male bodies.

must be nice.

so someone else brought up circumcision, more specifically male circumcision being allowed

in the united states while female circumcision or fgm isn't.

i'm a strong believer that we shouldn't be circumcising babies, and that men should

be able to make the decision for themselves when they're older, especially since the

procedure is so much easier and less painful for adults.

but that's again another topic - the point is, the government isn't forcing all new

parents to circumcise their sons.

but the government is trying to force women to do what they want us to do.

anti-choice advocates and the government that it endorses doesn't believe that women should

have bodily autonomy.

they think we shouldn't have the rights to decide what happens to us during pregnancy

despite the fact that in a pregnancy, the women are the ones who are pregnant.

and therefore, the women are indeed affected by the pregnancy.

yeah, there's a fetus there.

(disclaimer - i am a full supporter of medical terminology in a medical argument, and if

that happens to offend you, feel free to take your head out of your ass.)

the fetus it happens to be inside the woman's body. and the woman has the right to make

the decision about her own body. and that includes what she allows to be inside of it.

i really don't see how i can make this any clearer.

women's rights is letting women choose. it's trusting women.

it's not denying women their right to bodily autonomy. it's letting women give birth if they

so choose. it's letting women give their child up for adoption if they so choose. it's letting

women get an abortion, if they so choose.

because contrary to popular far-right belief, pro-choicers don't want every single pregnant

person to get an abortion.

that would be horrible! that would be so unethical of us! do pro-choicers want the government

to be able to control everyone's bodies and not give them a chance to make their own

choices for their own future as a parent?

no! that's what anti-choicers wanna do! they're worried we're stealing their agenda!

don't worry.

you can keep it.

and that's why pro-choice is for choice.

it's not pro anything else but choice.

literally the only thing we want the government to do is not tell us what to do.

not force us to do things that we don't want to do.

what kind of world would we live in if people didn't have the rights to their own bodies?

this isn't the handmaid's tale.

(recently got hulu, recently started watching it.

read the book before. it's quite disturbing, but the cinematography is really good)

the world is not governed by the bible. it's not governed by a bunch of men in suits


who sit around and do nothing all day but think about how they can't wait to go home

and perform "the ceremony."

this world is a world where women can read and write. this is a world where women can cast votes and

run for office, where a game of scrabble isn't illegal.

and the world is not governed by your opinion.

and it's not governed by mine.

it's governed by fact.

medical, scientific, legal fact.

because women are smart.

we can read. we can write.

we can vote, we can run for office we can go to college.

all things that until very recently in human history, we weren't encouraged or even allowed

to do. and yet, despite proving that we're smart enough to help choose the leaders of

our nation or be the leaders of our nation, we're apparently still not smart enough

to choose what happens to our own selves.

reproductive rights are human rights.

the right to choose abortion is a human right.

it has nothing to do with the child.

no one gets an abortion to spite the fetus.

no one gets an abortion just 'cause they weren't feeling up to a pregnancy anymore.

no one carries for eight months and then decides, eh, never mind. okay?

abortion is a very difficult choice.

a lot of the times it's emotional.

sometimes it's not even what the pregnant person planned on happening, but it's necessary.

for herself. for her own safety, for her own health.

that's literally all we're asking.

"oh, but little j elizabeth who doesn't know anything about the real world, what if

YOUR mother had decided to abort YOU?"

okay, random person on the internet who's for some reason very concerned with my mother's

uterus, my mother is a catholic and pro-choice doctor who was mentally and physically healthy

as well as financially stable at the time of her planned pregnancy with me, because

she and my father, who is also a catholic and pro-choice doctor, had decided to have another kid.

unfortunately, that's not the case for every pregnant woman out there.

and i say "catholic and pro-choice doctor" because yeah, they're religious, but they're

also educated on medical issues, so naturally they're pro-choice.

because that's what the facts support.

you can't force every single pregnancy into a cookie-cutter problem that the solution

is childbirth. because the world just doesn't work like that.

humanity isn't a flow chart with just one arrow.

everyone's situations are different.

and if you're trying to pretend like they aren't under the guise of morality, you either

don't realize that not everyone is exactly the same as you, or you don't know what morality is.

my morality is focused on human rights.

that includes women's rights.

i believe that women should have a choice in their education.

i believe that women should have a choice in their government.

i believe that women should have a choice in who they marry.

i believe that women should have a choice in their own financial matters and i believe

that women should have a choice in their own occupational endeavors.

i believe women have these rights instead of someone simply telling them what they can and

can't do.

it's very, very simple, non-controversial statements, right? but for some reason, as soon as you

tack on "i believe women should have a choice in what happens to their own body" to the

end of that list, you've lit the match and the misogynists explode.

women are smart.

trust us.

we know what we're doing.

doctors know what they're doing, more than politicians know what doctors do.

so what to do if you're concerned someone you know might get an abortion?

well, if you're not the person with the MD who they're paying, or if you're not the one

who carries the fertilized egg in your very own womb, i'd suggest staying the hell out of it.

keep it safe, keep it legal, keep us educated, keep us protected.

thank you guys for watching and i'll see you in another life.

For more infomation >> anti-choice?? in THIS political climate ????? - Duration: 8:55.


Man Utd news: Insiders believe Arsenal executed transfer 'masterstroke' - Duration: 2:11.

 That is the shock view amongst some Old Trafford insiders. With six months left on Sanchez's Arsenal contract, Manchester United swooped in and offered a swap deal including Henrikh Mkhitaryan

 At that point, United signed a player who had scored 80 goals in 166 appearances for Arsenal

 But the Chile international has had a torrid time at Old Trafford.  His last league goal was on March 31 and he has scored just three times since making the move

 On Saturday, Sanchez travelled with the United squad to West Ham but was surprisingly not among the 18 players selected to feature

 And Mourinho claimed the decision was based on "Options, just options." But according to the Independent, Sanchez's time at United has turned sour

  And the report says there are sources at Old Trafford who feel Sanchez may be "burned out" and that Arsenal pulled off a "business masterstroke" by offloading him

 Speaking earlier this month, Mourinho said he remained hopeful Sanchez would rediscover his form

 "I hope so. I hope we can see it," said Mourinho.  "He had a good pre-season, he had a good start to the season

 "Then he had a small injury that kept him out and then he came just one day before Tottenham, and he comes into the game with the result 2-0

Let's see from now. "He is committed, he is focused. He works hard. I believe he will improve

For more infomation >> Man Utd news: Insiders believe Arsenal executed transfer 'masterstroke' - Duration: 2:11.


Trenza escalera.,waterfall braid,waterval haar vlecht - Duration: 3:21.

Hi This me Amal Hermuz from Vivyan Hair Design

I wil show you today hoe to make Trenza escalera.,waterfall braid

as you see i had made dubbel Trenza escalera.,waterfall braid

i wil show you now hoe to make tripel Trenza escalera.,waterfall braid

thank you very much for watching

i wish you like it bybyyyyyy

For more infomation >> Trenza escalera.,waterfall braid,waterval haar vlecht - Duration: 3:21.


Mario Party 9 Step It Up - Mario vs Peach vs Wario vs Waluigi Master Difficulty | KOSisBOSS - Duration: 12:04.

Mario Party 9 Step It Up - Mario vs Peach vs Wario vs Waluigi Master Difficulty | KOSisBOSS

For more infomation >> Mario Party 9 Step It Up - Mario vs Peach vs Wario vs Waluigi Master Difficulty | KOSisBOSS - Duration: 12:04.


Why I'm A Real Stock Market Coach (and Who Else is a Fraud) - Duration: 3:40.

why I'm the only legitimate stock market coach David Jaffee from where I make around a million dollars every single year by

trading options you can go to and enter in your email

address and receive $400 worth of free training the reason I say

that I'm the only legitimate stock market coach is that I put the work in

I am fanatical and OCD about being the best trader that I possibly can be and I

make a lot of mistakes but I learned from those mistakes and reduced them so

that I can be better in the present moment and in the future in 2017 I made

around 72% in 2018 I made a few dumb mistakes and I've learned from them

and I am not up almost a million dollars but I will use the knowledge that I

gained in order to be a more profitable trader in the future I'm the only trader

who posts are full trading statements every single month and also screen

recordings that showed their entire transaction history nobody else does

this and the reason is it's incredibly hard work there are hedge funds that

don't make money every single month and they have all the connections all the

pedigrees they have all the technology and then there are other people who

engage in fraudulent marketing like Timothy Sykes or warrior trading these

people are trading fraudulent products while the people who are trading Forex

they have spent a lot of money in building up their lead generation system

and using fake social proof and buying media appearances to give them the

appearance of credibility and they just defraud innocent people who are very

gullible who are looking to make quick money so you can go that route and try

to be like Timothy Sykes and build up your personal brand and actually defraud

people or you can try to learn the only legitimate strategy that will teach you

how to be a successful and profitable trader and that strategy is selling

option premium and being the casino and not trying to be a gambler and not

trying to be a price guesser again let me repeat that the way to make money in

the stock market is by being the casino and selling

Chim premium and not trying to be a gambler and guess future price movements

so all those people who use technical analysis and day trading and trade

futures and forex and penny stocks every single one of them lose money with 100%

certainty I have never met a successful day trader the only way is to put the

probability profit in your favour and make very good decisions and mitigate

your risk and sell option premium that's it and the reason why I say that I'm the

only legitimate stock market coach is that I care so much about my students

I'm here to be of service to you and whether you agree with my message or not

in this moment I am telling you everything that is on my mind and

everything that I believe and if you don't agree with me I completely respect

that but I'm telling you everything that I believe at this moment in an attempt

to help you and whether you want to use that help or you want to reject that I

completely that's up to you and I respect whatever you decide but I'm just

telling you that you can go to enter in your email and

receive free training please like comment share and subscribe to this

channel you can leave a comment below I respond to everyone's comments and if

you have any questions let me know and thank you I appreciate your attention

For more infomation >> Why I'm A Real Stock Market Coach (and Who Else is a Fraud) - Duration: 3:40.


I Sought the Lord & He Answered Me (with mandolin) - Duration: 6:48.

I Sought the Lord & He Answered Me September 30, 2018

I sought the Lord, and He answered me He delivered me from all of my Fears.

The storm winds raged, and He silenced them He delivered me from all of my fears.

The lions roared, in the dead of the night You set me on high from my violent foes.

I wandered off in my prideful ways So gently, you convicted my soul.

The Lord is near to the broken of heart He heals the crushed and forlorn.

If you have sinned Jesus waits for you To forgive and restore your soul.

Oh, what He's said, He surely will do Oh, love the Lord!

He cherishes you.

He longs for you in the still of the night Go swiftly to Him, His heart waits for you.

My mind grew dim, so He anointed me, And restored the joy of my life.

Watch the skies, for He's coming soon To sweep you up and into His arms.

(shofar plays) I sought You, Lord, and You answered me

You delivered me from all of my fears.

For more infomation >> I Sought the Lord & He Answered Me (with mandolin) - Duration: 6:48.


Why I Hate The Law Of Attraction!! - Duration: 8:38.

hey what's up everybody happy Sunday it's me Shara Prophet and you know

last night I was having a really interesting conversation with one of my

girlfriends I'm blessed to be friends with some of the most intriguing

intelligent insightful and powerful women on the planet and we have these

like in-depth conversations all the time like almost every day

and it's just like thought-provoking ideas just be you know streaming and

popping up so last night I'm talking one of my girlfriends hey misty poo and

we're having this conversation about energy and attracting things to you and

we're talking about you know when you're faced with obstacles or like if you

having an argument with your friends or your family member or something like

that and what that means and so I was explaining to her that its attraction

you know energy meets us where we are we're vibrating at a certain frequency

then that energy is gonna meet us so for example like if you are walking to the

through the door of a store right and somebody's walking in front of you and

they don't hold the door for you they the door slammed in your face and you

run into the door and you you know smack yourself in the forehead you know that

could possibly show up as you not showing yourself love and kindness you

know and that might be odd some people like I love myself I'm kind of myself I

take care of myself but there are certain situations that show up in

people's lives that are just so like wow why did why would that happen you know

out of nowhere why would that happen I don't know where why would I just run

into the door like that and like smack myself in the forehead

it is the universe's way of saying hey wake up there's something in you that's

vibrating at a certain level that you might need to look at if you

have a really intense argument with a loved one or a good friend or your

spouse you know and this is kind of an ongoing kind of a thing you may want to

ask yourself you know instead of pointing at them like you're wrong

you're wrong you may want to ask yourself in what ways am I doing this to

myself you know in what ways am i attracting these types of interactions

with people we are always taught to check the temperature in an external

room you know but we're never taught to check our internal temperature you know

so I like to encourage people to check in with themselves throughout the day

you know if you're just sitting around and all of a sudden you feel like a wave

of different emotional your mood shifts just like while all of a sudden feeling

frustrated or why not all of a sudden feeling anxious worried or exhausted

what was I thinking about right before I felt that emotion this is something that

we should do throughout the day because what that causes you to do is it causes

you to sit with yourself and really take that internal inventory and decide for

yourself how do I shift this how do I adjust the temperature within me so that

I am able to control my immediate environment so that I am able to attract

the things that I want to experience right now in this moment it's our

responsibility and let me tell you something it sucks I freaking hate this

part of the law of attraction it's part of the law of attraction that I love

obviously when everything is going well and I'm attracting the money that I want

I'm attracting the relationship someone I'm attracting the men that I want I'm

attracting all the experiences that I want but when I attract something that

does not feel good to me and then I know what I know about energy and vibration

and how it works it pisses me off that oh my god

else I gotta look at something else I gotta let go I gotta release

I gotta cleanse I got a heal so we're not taught that part of the law of

attraction we're not people don't really talk about that you know people always

say oh do you have negative vampire you have energy vampires in your life or do

you have negative people showing up in your life it's like if I do then I need

to look at the ways in which I might be leaking my own energy you know where am

i giving up too much of my time to other people that I'm not showing myself the

type of true love and kindness and attention that I need to show myself if

I'm finding that people in my circle or people that I love aren't giving me what

I need then that means I'm not giving it to myself you know so that's true

self-care that's true self-care you can get as many manis pedis you know get

your hair done you can go shop as much as you want to that's the surface level

self-care but real self-care is checking in with yourself on a constant basis day

in day out you know all throughout the day

that's real self-care that's really checking in and making sure little baby

share it is okay now once you have those things come up and you know what it is

and it shows up for you and you've identified that paradigm or that

blockage or that thing that is getting in the way of what you want to

experience then it's your job to connect the dots all the way back to the very

very first time we had that experience what it felt like what was going on

around you who was there who was involved and then it's up to you to take

that mirror of that moment in time and break that shit and say you know what

I'm done with it I don't need that anymore

so the next time it comes up instead of you reacting to it and I'm talking to

myself because recently I have had i've been presented with opportunities to see

myself and other people and other situations and

and thern interactions and it pissed me off because it's like shit that's me I

gotta do the work you know I got to do the work but it's also exciting because

you get a chance to shift and all this is all the law of attraction is is God

taking form in the physical realm to show you when you're vibrating at that's

all the law of attraction is it's just spirit God source create or whatever you

want to call it is coming into form and saying here you go this is what you

wanted this is what you vibrating that does this was going on inside of you

right now I'm showing you if it feels good and it looks good or it doesn't

feel good and it doesn't look good and if it doesn't feel good and it doesn't

look good then that is probably the thing that's blocking you from getting

what you truly desire what you really want so that's just God showing up like

God will show up in a man or a woman that's not treating you right God will

show up in a job that you hate God will show up in a financial situation that

you can't break free of God will show up in a friendship that is just tumultuous

and Coonskin you know constantly arguing God will show up as a jealous friend to

show you're asked where you were vibrating at you know it's all about us

it's all about intention is all about us paying attention is intention and paying

attention to what's going on inside of you

so I will challenge everybody to check in with yourself day in and day out just

throughout the day take a deep breath what am i doing how am i feeling if

you're sitting on the toilet okay how am I feeling right now I feel what just

happened do that before you BAM react or BAM you know go do something wild or

wacky and crazy to get your ass in trouble you know what I'm saying or have

you having a backpedal and apologize you know so that's true self-care I wanted

to share that with you all I love you all so much have a wonderful Sunday

peace out

For more infomation >> Why I Hate The Law Of Attraction!! - Duration: 8:38.


Kavanaugh's Chances Just Went From Bad To Worse Because Of One Piece Of Paper - Duration: 3:29.

Democrats produced a smoking gun.

A third woman stepped forward to accuse Brett Kavanaugh of se*xual misconduct.

But what she claimed could be the final nail in his coffin.

A Third Woman Steps Forward Michael Avenatti – the lawyer who represents

p*orn star Stormy Daniels – spent days claiming he found a new accuser that would bring down

Brett Kavanaugh.

On Wednesday, he finally showed his cards.

Avenatti produced a declaration from government employee Julie Swetnick.

Swetnick graduated high school in 1980, three years before Kavanaugh.

She claimed in her declaration that Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge were there when

she was ga*ng ra*ped.

Swetnick wrote: "In approximately 1982, I became the victim

of one of these "ga*ng" or "train" ra*pes where Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh

were present.

Shortly after the incident, I shared what had transpired with at least two other people.

During the incident, I was incapacitated without my consent and unable to fight off the boys

rap*ing me.

I believe I was drugged using Quaaludes or something similar placed in what I was drinking."

Swetnick also claimed Kavanaugh helped drug girls with alcohol and pills so they could

be ga*ng-r*ped.








The Story Falls Apart Critics quickly picked apart this story.

They noted Swetnick was three years older than Kavanaugh.

That meant she attended weekly high school house parties as a college student.

They also questioned the fact that Swetnick continued to attend these parties despite

the fact she knew g*ang ra**pes occurred.

In addition, Swetnick never accuses Kavanaugh of se*xually assaulting her.

She claims she only heard about Kavanaugh being there or performing degrading acts on

women from other people.

Swetnick claimed these parties went on every weekend of the school year.

But no one told a parent, teacher, or law enforcement.

Kavanaugh went through six FBI background checks—which included interviews with past

associates as part of the process.

No one ever mentioned ra*pe parties.

Kavanaugh strongly denied the charges.

He said, "This is ridiculous and from the Twilight Zone.

I do not know who this is and this never happened."

Trump Fires Back Swetnick's claims are not credible.

They are smears.

Donald Trump took aim at Avenatti and blasted him for being a fraud.






Critics contend Avenatti produced an even less credible accuser than Christine Ford

and Deborah Ramirez.

Trump recognized these accusations for the smear campaign that they are.

Senate Republicans should follow his lead and confirm Kavanaugh.

We will keep you up to date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

For more infomation >> Kavanaugh's Chances Just Went From Bad To Worse Because Of One Piece Of Paper - Duration: 3:29.


Hillary Clinton Jokes About Her Emails in Horribly Unfunny Sitcom Appearance - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Hillary Clinton Jokes About Her Emails in Horribly Unfunny Sitcom Appearance - Duration: 4:32.


Mark Judge Blows Lid Off Accuser's Story, Categorically Denies All Wrong-Doing - Duration: 3:13.

In a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Mark Judge — the high school friend of Brett

Kavanaugh's who was implicated by new accuser Julie Swetnick — called the new charges

"bizarre" and insisted he had nothing to do with them.

Swetnick's allegations are by far the strangest of the lot, something that has not been helped

by the fact she's represented by Stormy Daniels lawyer Michael Avenatti.

According to a statement provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Swetnick claims she "attended

well over ten house parties in the Washington, D.C. area during the years 1981-1983 where

Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh were present."

She says she "witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause

girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could be 'g*ang ra*ped' in a side

room or bedroom by a 'train' of numerous boys.

I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties

waiting for their 'turn' with a girl inside the room.

These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh."

"In approximately 1982, I became the victim of one of these 'ga*ng' or 'train'

ra*pes where Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh were present," the statement continued.

During the incident, I was incapacitated without my consent and unable to fight off the boys

ra*ping me.

I believe I was drugged using Quaaludes or something similar placed in what I was drinking."

In a statement, Judge Kavanaugh said, "This is ridiculous and from the Twilight Zone.

I do not know who this is and this never happened."

Mark Judge had a similar reaction when he submitted a statement to the Senate Judiciary


"The allegations in the Swetnick affidavit are so bizarre, that even while suffering

from my addiction, I would remember actions so outlandish," Judge wrote.

"I categorically deny them."

Judge has previously acknowledged suffering from drug and alcohol addiction.

"I will cooperate with any law enforcement agency that is assigned to confidentially

investigate these allegations," he added in the letter, categorically denying he even

knew Swetnick.

JUST IN: "I will cooperate with any law enforcement agency that is assigned to confidentially

investigate these allegations," Mark Judge says in letter to Senate Judiciary Committee.

Beyond the fact that the story sounds plagiarized from the most ridiculous pulp fiction novels

one could find and that it comes with the baggage of the man Tucker Carlson so aptly

dubbed the "creepy po*rn lawyer," there are other issues with the story.

For instance, Swetnick graduated from high school in 1980 — a year before she started

attending these "ga*ng ra*pe" parties and two years before she herself says she

was assaulted.

Also, while one would just as soon not ask the question, what sort of individual attends

more than one "g*ng ra*pe" party or hangs around any gathering where known principals

in "g*

Both of these are very serious issues with the whole accusation, and hardly the only


"Bizarre" is indeed the right word for it, as it is for so many things involved with

the Kavanaugh case.

Judge's letter in isolation would not necessarily be all that damning.

In concert with everything else, however, it puts into stark relief just how "Twilight

Zone" this claim really is.

#MarkJudge #AccuserStory #BrettKavanaugh

For more infomation >> Mark Judge Blows Lid Off Accuser's Story, Categorically Denies All Wrong-Doing - Duration: 3:13.


The Most Ironic Photos Of All Time ! - Duration: 10:14.

This company is selling a shirt that says there are more than two genders

So how ironic is it that they're only selling it to two genders?

Male/female that is one and two instant fail

They clearly did not think this one through the irony in this video is too strong, Melissa

Williamson worries about the effects on her unborn child from the sound of jackhammers

Sorry to break it to Melissa, but it's not the jackhammers harming your child is the cigarettes you are smoking

You're just literally standing there in the picture

Smoking and then complaining that the loud noises might be harming your child

I think and this is what I think I think that Melissa can't sleep at night

And she doesn't really care about how it's affecting her child because she's sitting there and literally smoking in the picture

Where is the logic in this? Alright, there aren't any because it's ironic

There's an ad to fight against child obesity and to not take it lightly and right under that

McDonald's put up their own ad and they're like my kind of shopping spree. You got two bags one full of

Deliciousness and other one full of anxiousness. This is awfully ironic

I don't know if McDonald's did this on purpose

or if the child obesity at

Just didn't think this through but either way it's not working people who are trying to fight obesity, too

Now you're tempting them with McDonald's and people who want a McDonald's now they're feeling guilty about their options

No one wins in this situation fasteners, you know what I think store

I think you need to fasten your fastener sign with your fasteners that you're trying to sell before people will buy

Fasteners that they see on your fastener sign that's not fastened. How many times can you say fastened in one sentence anti chewing spray?

That's literally being chewed on by the dog if this is an irony, I don't know. What is maybe though

Maybe the dog chews enough

He will chew through to the liquid and then once he reaches the liquid he will stop chewing and this is the owners master plan

I have it all figured out genius safety begins with you. Good old hard-hitting safety. Let's begin with you

Mr. In my blue Honda this is ironic because they're promoting safety. Meanwhile, they're hitting somebody with their bus

I think they need to rethink the safety thing stops struggling with those stubborn plastic packages

Why would you sell a device to open up one of these?

stupid plastic

Packages and I'm saying stupid because they are stupid because they're so hard to open

Like are they really that afraid? They were gonna steal scissors like are people really going into stores and stealing scissors

Is there that much of a crime spree for scissors that they need to package them into this impossible to open package?


I'm going to not tangent now because I really don't like this packaging put your hands up if you agree with me

I see a lot of hands up

Yeah, I can see you. That's creepy. I can't actually see it. But I

Imagined it. But then why would they put a package opener into the package is supposed to open?

It's way too ironic that I don't even find it funny. I'm just upset healthy hands start here

I'm scared. It's so gross. I really hope it's automatic

Otherwise it completely defeats the purpose of healthy hands ain't nobody hands healthy. They touch all that dirt and grime

It's a cliffhanger get it cuz it's a Clif Bar that's hanging. That's me. Trying to be funny

I hope at least one person left. You know what there's a high chance that at least one person left

It's all a square knot everybody

Today, you're two warning choking hazard small parts, not for children under three years Wow

So this is a gift for a two-year-old and they gotta wait a year until they can open it worst birthday present ever

I do not have that type of patience. I can't even wait five minutes or something a year

You expect a two-year-old to have a year's worth of patience. They're children

They're not magicians

parking officers are those people that put tickets on your cars when you park in the wrong space quite annoying because

Sometimes there's nowhere to park. So you've got a park in the wrong space. You just gotta find a place

You know, I'm just gonna run in and buy something you come out. You got a parking ticket

But today the parking officer got a taste of his own medicine because he also couldn't find a parking spot

He also had to park somewhere else and now he's getting towed for parking in a no-parking zone. Just

Noah's Ark theme park destroyed in a flood Noah's Ark was supposed to survive the flood

Why are you not destroyed Oh Savannah

It's so slippery up in this place that the wet floor sign even slipped if the wet floor sign ain't surviving the slip

Ain't nobody surviving the slip don't walk on those wet floors

I mean they look kind of dry not gonna lie

Like look at those floors those floors look dry as the desert like I don't see any wetness on them week AF

Floor sign he had one job to be a sign and he ain't doing it right even on a dry floor follow us the quality

Parking what type of quality parking is that and that is coming from a very?

Unqualified Evan I can park better than that and that is saying a lot

The worst kind of advertising is when you can't do what you're advertising. I don't want to buy your service

I don't want this man or woman teaching me how to park

I'll keep my parking just the way it is lame clothes to ease congestion. Who did this?

Where's the logic?

Oh, yeah

Let's have everybody going into one lane when there's another perfectly fine open lane that people could also go into

Easing congestion. They opened up a Weight Watchers right next to Domino's. Yeah, it's like you go exercising and then you're tempted by the

Delicious smell of pizza all the time after you exercise. This is just torture

This is just mean know what honestly guys I gotta put up with this type of stuff

So on the way to the gym there is this bakery and it smells so good

and I have to smell that every day going into the gym and

Leaving the gym and then it usually smells like croissants but sometimes it smells like I'm not really sure what the smell is

It's like like a gingerbread smell maybe

Oh, it's so good

but I got really lucky because it's not like a baker you can buy things that I think it's like a

Factory bakery where they make it and they ship it somewhere else

So I just have to deal with it, but I can't actually go and buy all the deliciousness

They built a zoo for your lion

Look at all those caged humans. I guess this is what it feels like to be a caged animal at the zoo

The Lions are like how do we get to them? They look


Learn to fly here. Well, they are learning to fly. So you can't really blame them

I mean if I was learning to fly this might happen, that's why I'm not learning how to fly the plane looks like in pretty

Surprisingly good condition. Like they probably didn't get far off the runway

they just probably got off this high and then when it straight into the tree and

it was all good upon arriving to help me get my keys out of my car the

AAA guy locked his own keys in his car

I had to call another AAA got to get his keys out of the car

I mean this just proves the people a people like he's a human too

The people who get your keys out of your locked cars also lock their keys into locked cars for safety reasons

Please keep these lights on lights off, please

make up your mind like

What do I do in this situation this I don't know how to deal with the SEPA. This is your making

Okay, I need decisions made for me this ad for Ford Focus is ironically out of focus but in DuPage

Always open but then they have a closed sign you are not always open if you were closed

Sometimes that defeats the purpose of always open don't lie to us. Don't play with our hearts like that. We got feelings


People can sometimes be closed because people get sick but like don't play with my feelings like that

Unpaid internship as personal assistant fight against slavery is a charity based in London

We are working to fight the issues of human rights

Oh are you you're fighting against issues of human rights, but then you're asking somebody to work for you for free

Isn't that against human rights?

Just say I feel like if you work you deserve to be paid like I get it

sometimes like your new out of school and like they don't think you have the

Experience and you might want to work to get experienced but this is just super ironic

protesters banned a Jeff Sessions lecture on free speech

That ironic this dog has torn apart a book saying dog training for dummies

maybe the book wasn't working because

You clearly not trained your dog. They just smashed their stress relief bottle. Wow, that is stressful. That is

Exactly what it was supposed to help me with and now my stress is so much bigger now

What why would they put it in a glass bottle? They should have swear seen this quote from man stabbed

What are you gonna do? Stop me when you doubt the person you're arguing with?

Advanced parking solutions not very advanced if you ask me can't even park between the lines

We need some new instructors up in this collision

Investigation. I hope they didn't crash on the way to

investigating another collision that for sure got someone fired

I kind of just crash into a brake fence Water Street is literally a Water Street. That is quite ironic

And also, I'm terrified by this picture I took it chills down my spine. That's a lot of water

I hope these people were okay. Anyways, guys, I hope you enjoyed this video. I love you all so much

Stay awesome. Stay sweet and don't forget to be nice other

For more infomation >> The Most Ironic Photos Of All Time ! - Duration: 10:14.


OOPS! Fox News Poll Shows Voters Don't Think Republicans Care About America - Duration: 4:07.

Recently FOX News did a viewer poll were they were hoping to show the country just how unlikeable

the Democratic Party is and, you know what, they did a pretty decent job it because only

44% of the respondents believed that Democrats put the country over their party, whereas

43% said they put party over country.

So, by only a one point margin, people said no Democrats love the country more than they

love their party.

That's pretty bad for the Democratic party, right?

I mean, if FOX News presented that information to us, that would make them look really bad,

but the reason you're not hearing more about his poll is because the numbers are actually

even worse for Republicans.

According to FOX News' own numbers, 36% of voters say that Republicans put country over

party, that they care more about the United States than they do this thing called the

Republican Party, but 52%, a majority of people in this country, say, no, the Republican Party

absolutely puts their party over their country.

Now, here's why all of this is important, first and foremost, think back to a few of

the recent campaign slogans that Republican presidential candidates have used.

We had McCain and Palin, 'Country First'.

Yeah, the voters don't buy that anymore.

Donald Trump, 'Make American Great Again', which we now understand is make me even richer

than I was before I ran for president.

It has nothing to do with making America great and the majority of people in this country

understand that while only a third think Republicans actually care about the United States of America.

That is a remarkable poll and if I were a Republican strategist or a Republican politician,

I would be freaking the hell out right now and you know why?

Because we've got mid terms just a few weeks away and when you have a majority of voters

questioned by FOX News, who say that your party values the party over our country, yeah,

that spells certain doom for you in November.

That's not exactly something you can turn around in the next six months, especially

with what you're doing with Brett Kavanaugh.

You wanted to confirm this guy even though there were multiple women coming out on a

daily basis for the last week, accusing him of sexual misconduct, and you didn't care.

Every time a new woman came out you would still say, "Well it doesn't matter, I'm still

gonna vote to confirm him anyway, because it's not about country, it's about party",

and the American public has been paying closer attention to what's been happening than they

really ever have before, and I think that's why we're getting a little bit of this awakening

is that people are paying attention.

You know, we're kind of weeding out the fake news, except for FOX, but even though FOX

is the highest rated cable news show, if your highest viewed program only gets three million

viewers a day.

It seems like a lot especially compared to everybody else, but when you consider there's

almost 330 million people in this country but only three million watch one FOX program

each day, eh, not really that influential are you?

None the less, people understand, people are paying attention, and people know exactly

what the Republican Party is all about and that is going to be revealed, it's gonna be

seen in the results that start coming out during the mid terms.

I personally can't wait to see it because these Republicans need a wake up call.

They need to understand that their party is not the most important thing in this country,

in fact it's one of the least important things in this country and the American voters are

ready to prove that to them.

For more infomation >> OOPS! Fox News Poll Shows Voters Don't Think Republicans Care About America - Duration: 4:07.


Maja Sablewska i Michał Szpak spotkali się po latach twarzą w twarz. Znamy kulisy rozmowy - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Maja Sablewska i Michał Szpak spotkali się po latach twarzą w twarz. Znamy kulisy rozmowy - Duration: 5:24.



going on guys Patrick here bringing you a brand new video today we got another

killer video for you guys full of information today

we're be talking about the Bitcoin price that could indicate a reverse so broad

to be looking at XRP battling aetherium for that second spot again and tons of

other news that went on in the cryptocurrency space but guys before we

get start with that if you want to enter a chance to win some free Bitcoin all

you guys have to do is number one be subscribe to channel and have your

notifications turn on number two give this video a thumbs up and number three

leave a comment down below say something related to the video also if you guys

are interested in making money trading cryptocurrencies even while the market

is down make sure you check out the link in the description or the first link in

the comments for the cryptocurrency trade alert group we've had tons of

successes with an over 90% success rate in the group with our trades we have all

coin trades and Bitcoin leveraged trading so independent of what type of

trading you like to do there is something in there for you I also just

recently announced the trading ball we're gonna be using so a lot of very

exciting news happen we've had people make up to two Bitcoin in one single day

and countless other people make an extra hundred 500 1000 dollars in one day

absolutely life-changing and I post every single trade that I am in I post

that in the group so if you guys want to see the trades that brought me from zero

to six figures in cryptocurrency all of those trades every trade I'm in is going

to be in the group now let's get started with the news alright guys so the first

article comes from who blow so who blow created a Bitcoin inspired timepiece

that can only be purchased with BTC now correct me if I'm wrong I'm not a

hundred percent sure on this but I don't know if there's been any other luxury

item that has been inspired by Bitcoin or cryptocurrency we know that obviously

you can buy a Lamborghini put a big Bitcoin sticker on it and it becomes a

Bitcoin Lamborghini but that's not really a Bitcoin inspired Lamborghini it

wasn't made my Lamborghini that'd be cool if they did though that'd be really

really cool again if you're watching this Lamborghini for some crazy reason

definitely should do that you probably get a lot of sales on it it's a good

business move to kind of try to bring cryptocurrency into or the

cryptocurrency community into watches and specifically who blow now the price

of this is not known you have to actually go through and register just

be able to inquire about the cost you as a customer you'll have to register them

their data with OSL there that's for the company that who blows partnering up

with OSL in order to in order to inquire about the cost we're gonna have to wait

and see personally I'm a big watch fan I have a Rolex mil galas right here and I

have a Submariner somewhere else and I wanted to use this article to ask you

guys watching this video right now how many of you guys are into watches so let

me know in the comments down below if you are into watches and would you

consider buying this if obviously you had enough BTC I guess would this would

this be something that you would be interested in let me know in the

comments down below now some more bullish news well Congress calls for

clear cryptocurrency regulation in letter to the SEC well I guess there's

gonna be bullish depending on who you're talking to depends on what you believe

but personally you guys know watching this that I believe regulation is going

to be huge in cryptocurrency adoption I believe it's going to open that's gonna

open an avenue for a lot more people to come in they're gonna come in more

comfortably they're gonna come in you know with confidence in their investment

and of course gonna get institutional investors and investors and a lot of big

players a lot a lot of you know big players with a lot of money have been

sitting out of cryptocurrency at least to our knowledge because of the fact

that there are no clear regulations and if they don't know how it's going to be

regulated it's way too risky for them to come in with you know the lot of money

that they have and risk running into some issues so I think this is good

conch we're seeing Congress call for clearer regulation hopefully it does

come out hopefully that does open the floodgates for a lot more people to join

the market with confidence that way we know how things are going to be treated

we know how things are going to be regulated a lot of people don't like

this I know I hear a difference of opinion all the time and 100% I agree

with you guys it'd be great if there didn't have to be a new regulation my

standpoint of real regulation is good come solely from an adoption step one

what I think it's going to take to get to mass adoption and I think there are

paths a steps in the middle that not everyone is going to agree on but I

think regulation is going to be one of them and I think Congress calling for it

in though you know they wrote the SEC to in order to you know ask for it

basically I think it's definitely a good and a good indication that we might see

more coming now apparently 36% of BTC in circulation is lost I can't say I'm

surprised but that makes Bitcoin technically more scarce than we

originally thought so obviously we know that Bitcoin there is a limited amount

of 21 million total that could ever have you can't inflate it there's no

inflation that's one of the best parts compared to fiag compared to the u.s.

dollar there's no inflation when it comes to it fantastic now out of the 21

million there are a certain amount in circulating supply you got a coin to

coin market cap the circulating supply stands at 17 almost seventeen point

three million at the moment of writing this article now apparently 36 percent

of that is lost and it's lost likely lost or on mind so that is actually

pretty insane that means that six point two to six million BTC it's technically

unavailable making it more scarce than we originally thought so I wanted to

know your guys thoughts on this if you think this is the case let me know in

the comments down below do you think this is true do you think it obviously

it's written in the article a study was done in order to find this out but who

knows 36 percent sounds really really high but on the other hand I'm sure

there are wallets they're very very large wallets out there from you know

2010 2009 2011 whatever it may be those early early days when someone might have

put in you know $100 back then thinking it was funny thinking it was a joke

whatever it was have a huge wallet worth God knows how much it's worth right now

right and they just don't know where it is

or they don't have access to it or they just you know just poof vanished um so

that type of stuff again with the fact that the the price change that we've had

recently and how cheap it was back in 2010 for people to get in I wouldn't be

surprised if there are some very large wallets that aren't available and that

people can't get asked to or they've lost or whatever it is that they aren't

able to access so part of me wants to believe that 36 percent part of me does

not want a billion probably believes a 36 percent part of me thinks 36 percent

is not really true now charlie lee the official Charlie Lee

actually posted something on Twitter you said there will be almost 21 million

bitcoins in existence there isn't even enough BTC to go around for every

millionaire to own one so before you buy another coin like coin included try to

own at least one BTC first once you have one BTC buy all the shit coins you want

now I don't think he's calling Li only he's calling like Quinn oh shit Quinn

because you know Charlie founder of like point but still basically what he's

saying is it's very very limited get yourself some Kryptos so you can see the

crypto gains later right basically what I try and you know I and then obviously

I'm not a financial advisor this is not financial advice but just what I try to

suggest what I try to explain to people what I'm doing probably the best way to

say it try to try to explain people what I'm doing I'm just trying to gather

obviously I wasn't in 2010 I wasn't here in 2011 to be picking up bitcoins then

otherwise things might look a little different you know maybe I would begin

that hula watch and be drivin the Lamborghini but either way I'm trying to

accumulate now because we are still so early in the game and with a very

limited supply once we get mass adoption these these these crypto currencies are

going to be worth a lot especially if especially the good ones right

especially they're not chick coins especially the good ones they're going

to increase in value if you believe in cryptocurrency and the and if you

believe there will be mass adoption then you can't disagree with the fact that

once we get a lot more people in and the demand increases in the supply you know

caps off the value is gonna have to go up right now Bitcoin the price of

Bitcoin you guys saw in the title you guys probably interested the price of

Bitcoin that would make that would you know make us look a little more bullish

now personally I want us to break 10k for me to be convinced that we're fully

in a bullish market while so far Bitcoin price has made a second straight monthly

loss in September not the greatest right you might be

looking at this in big Patrick I thought I thought this was going to be good news

what is this I don't want to hear bad news if I wanted to hear bad news I

could just open up my blog folio right that's what we all think right now it's

very true if you open up your blog folio now compared to January or

December yeah it it's pretty bad it's pretty bad for all of us either way what

it's looking like right now is Bitcoin has created this some technical

announced the bitcoin has created some very basic technical and now says that

anybody could do has created a lower highs so far and that's the trend we

have continued to happen now one thing we noticed is that 6k has been holding

very very strong stronger than I think most people including myself expected

initially I personally expected over here for us to have a lower low as well

however it looks like we are sort of balancing off 6k now we've seen some

billionaire investors and even Tom Lee say that they don't believe it's going

to hit lower than 6k anymore they think it's found its bottom they don't think

there's going think there is what's called seller fatigue at UM at the

bottom at 6k now so you're asking what price should we look at in order to you

know start looking a little more bullish well right now if we want to see things

looking a little more bullish we would have to break the recent the recent

lower high which was seven thousand four hundred and twenty nine dollars it's

what we had right here if we want to look bullish want the pattern to start

looking a little better well we can't just come down here because that would

start making a lower low again a lower high again sorry so that's a lot of

lowers and a lot of high is just being said together so we're gonna create

another lower high if we bounce to start going to 6k again however if we do have

the reversal and break above seven thousand four hundred and twenty nine so

roughly around seven thousand four hundred to seven thousand five hundred

then we will have broken the pattern of creating lower highs and might start the

reversal so definitely something to keep in mind guys obviously always looking at

the price always looking at the patterns and doing technical analysis is what

basically happens in the trade alert group with all the trading going on I

also try to constantly update people on the technical analysis on what I am

looking at and what things are looking like in the coming weeks / month so if

you guys want to be updated on that as well of course make sure you do check

out the first link in the description or the first link in the comments but like

I said so far the second straight month of losses

things might start looking a little better at the end a lot of people

expecting q4 obviously to be better than what we've had in the first three Q's

the first three quarters of the year anyways let's take a look at the crypto

currency market cap really quick two hundred and twenty three billion dollars

with Bitcoin dominance at 51.2% we take a look at some of the biggest gainers we

have nebulas actually killing it up 21 almost 22 percent then we have red coin

who's also been having a very nice week loom point dragon chain and so on and so

on if we continue to scroll down if I can figure loads there we go eventually

I'd say it's probably split forty sixty sixty percent in green today forty

percent red but a lot of small gains and small losses either way some of the

biggest losers scroll all the way down eternal token 6.5 percent vivix down six

percent are chained gas gas again have that crazy spike up so it's coming back

down from that and yet basically sixty percent is in the green why is my

computer spazzing out I don't know but sixty percent is in the green so overall

I guess technically that would make it a green date now let's refresh this cuz I

want to see the battle between okay so looks like XRP and aetherium looks like

it's back to theory or number two XRP number three not too long ago this

morning actually when I woke up and I check the price well x RP was that

number two again and aetherium was at number three that's 1xrp was at the high

right here now apparently having a little bit of a sell-off sowed back down

to 58 almost 59 cents it was over 60 cents when it was at number two

obviously what we've seen so far every time every time x RP manages to pass a

theory of either theorem has a run to take its number 2 spot back or x RP

doesn't hold that position and starts having a little bit of a drop now again

I want to ask you guys again will x RP pass aetherium this time so I asked us

every time it happens every time the battle happens they are closed again

usually what happens eventually they start spreading out again and aetherium

usually takes a little bit of her lead before you know x RP comes back and

closes the lead now things are looking very very close we have a twenty three

point two billion dollar market cap and a twenty three point eight things are

looking very very close who do you think is gonna end

on top by the end of the day or starting tomorrow which of which cryptocurrency

do you think is going to be at number two is it going to be X RP is it going

to be a theorem so far people have been voting for x RP more than they've been

voting for aetherium for good reason a lot of good news coming out for it

you know x RP here you guys can see again it took the number two spot again

one of following a 7% price surge like I said they were over 60 cents and now

they're coming back down but let me know in the comments what you guys think who

is going to be number two tomorrow I guess let's say start at tomorrow I'm

gonna read every come and see what you guys think who's gonna be at number two

now really quick guys let's do the Bitcoin giveaway because it is Sunday

and I pick the video talking about Bitcoin time travelers price prediction

that was a really cool story so if you guys haven't checked out that video I

highly recommend doing so but let's see who wins some free Bitcoin today let's

hope it's not spam so Romer Soto congratulations you are the winner are

you the winner up no you're not the winner here okay

that's spam why did I why I unfortunately you don't win with spam

what a shocker um okay Judith riot is spam again I

thought I saw an email in there so it look like spam again all right the

technique congratulations you are the winner after three tries the technique

is the winner so all you have to do to claim is leave a comment down below

letting me know you're here and letting me know you're here to claim your bake

I'm also gonna need your Bitcoin wallet address would certainly help as well now

guys if the technique does not claim it within the next 24 hours I'm going to be

picking a new winner from this video so all you guys have to do to enter is

leave a thumbs up and leave a comment down below and also be subscribed of

course to check back in to claim the free bake from the guys that's gonna be

if this video hopefully you guys did enjoy like I said don't forget to leave

a thumbs up and leave a comment down below it or a tensor a chance to win

some free Bitcoin and of course please subscribe and have your notifications

turned on so you can check back in to see if you did win so you can go ahead

and claim it but guys thank you so much for watching see you guys tomorrow for

another video



WILL WE EVER CURE CANCER? - Duration: 2:40.

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The Best Lipstick| Makeup Slime ASMR You EVER Seen #675 - Duration: 10:43.

The Best Lipstick| Makeup Slime ASMR You EVER Seen #675

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After Non-Stop Trump Bashing Wanda Sykes Loses Her Audience - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> After Non-Stop Trump Bashing Wanda Sykes Loses Her Audience - Duration: 2:28.


Mario Party 9 Step It Up - Mario vs Peach vs Wario vs Waluigi Master Difficulty | KOSisBOSS - Duration: 12:04.

Mario Party 9 Step It Up - Mario vs Peach vs Wario vs Waluigi Master Difficulty | KOSisBOSS

For more infomation >> Mario Party 9 Step It Up - Mario vs Peach vs Wario vs Waluigi Master Difficulty | KOSisBOSS - Duration: 12:04.


Perfume - JPN Special (1080p Live, Subtitled, 2012) - Duration: 6:48.

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For more infomation >> WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL | FIRST VIDEO | JAYDE - Duration: 1:07.


Teresa and Nacha - (Part 46) 3 of 3 - [Engl Subs/Sub Esp] - Duration: 1:55.

Follow my finger

Perfect, Teresa, everything seems fine


Hi, Antonio, what are you doing here?

I have come to see a good friend

Do you mind if I continue with the exploration?

Go ahead. I leave you in good hands. I will return before finishing my shift

Don't leave without saying goodbye

No, not at all

How are you?

You can talk?


Do you know what your name is?

Teresa Ronda Montiel

Do you know what your profession is?


and you are Antonio

Very good, Teresa

Do you know why you are here?

For a patient, Hector Garcia

Exactly. You have been in a coma

You were in La Parra when that guy tried to make an attack, with an explosives belt

You stood in the middle, he hit you and he knocked you down

You hurt your head

The good news is that ... they have arrested him, thanks to you

And Nacha?

She hasn't moved from here all the time. Do you want me to call her?

Can you call her partner, please?

Teresa, my love ...

Good thing you're fine

I love you

For more infomation >> Teresa and Nacha - (Part 46) 3 of 3 - [Engl Subs/Sub Esp] - Duration: 1:55.


Sunflower 🌻 Cover - Duration: 0:16.

But I'm a sunflower A little funny if I was a rose maybe you want me if I could I change

overnight I'd change into something you like

For more infomation >> Sunflower 🌻 Cover - Duration: 0:16.


张雨生的《大海》被误会了20年,想不到背后竟隐瞒如此悲情的故事! - Duration: 16:57.

For more infomation >> 张雨生的《大海》被误会了20年,想不到背后竟隐瞒如此悲情的故事! - Duration: 16:57.


金秋十月谁最旺?12生肖十月运势出炉! - Duration: 17:18.

For more infomation >> 金秋十月谁最旺?12生肖十月运势出炉! - Duration: 17:18.



Agapornis male or female | Inseparable male or female | Lovebird male or female

Hello colleagues and peers, Welcome once again to a new video.

This time we are going to open on the channel a new section dedicated to lovebirds

or inseparable. Specifically, as you have could read in the title of the video I'm going

to explain how to know if a lovebug is male or female and therefore throughout this

I will give you some tips and tricks so you can know if your agapornis

Is it male or female. And without more ... we started.

In the world we can find many races of different lovebirds, but the types of

most common lovebirds that we usually have as pets are the agapornis Fischer, the agapornis

personta or agapornis roseicollis so that in this video we are going to focus only

in these three types of agapornis or inseparable. At first glance it is difficult to appreciate sex

of the agapornis since they do not present disformism sex between males and females, although there

some types of lovebirds like for example taranta lovebird or agapornis canus or

Madagascar which are species in which usually see at first sight differences between

a male and a female. But in the case of agapornis fischer, personatas or roseicollis

it is not usually appreciated so easily there are some tricks that I am going to comment now

that can help us know if our Lovebirds are males or females.

If we look at our lovebirds we can sexarlo through his behavior, already

that there are certain behaviors that they are more typical of males than of females,

although there are always exceptions that can lead to confusion so we can not

100% based on this method and ideally would put all the methods together

that I will explain throughout the video to be sure if our lovebirds

Is it male or female. In the case of males, these usually:

Rubbing and scratching very often with feeders, innkeepers, with the toys that we place them

or even without are papilleros and are accustomed to us, he may rub with us,

trying to masturbate what will indicate us clearly he is male and he has a lot

zeal. Also, males usually have less fear

than females, and tend to be more affectionate and nice. Hence, when we want

have a papillero agapornis is recommended that is a male since they are more docile

than the females. Also, during the agapornis breeding the

males do not usually incubate eggs although like everything there are always exceptions, but

usually the female is the only one that remains in the nest incubating the eggs and the male

stays out of the nest, and usually poses at the entrance of the nest or at a nearby innkeeper,

and in addition, he is continuously looking for food to later feed the female.

So the males are the ones who usually regurgitate food to the female, and therefore in this case,

the male would be the one on top and the female of the lower part.

Finally, males in heat are usually restless and emit small beeps

at the same time that they adopt an upright position to capture the attention of the female.

In the case of females, these usually: Be more territorial and aggressive than

males So when we try to caress them, we clean the cage or check the nest

in the breeding season, females by nature they will always get angry more, they will feel

bothered and will try to bite us. Also, if we bring a new lovebug for

know each other, females usually have a reject behavior and they show

more aggressive with the new agapornis, and in Most of the cases will try to hit him

to defend its territory, while the males are usually more distant and curious

and they do not usually bother seeing a new lovebirds. Also, the female during breeding, almost

she is always in charge of building and making the nest to your liking, so if we see that

Take the material that we place for you make the nest, mold it and take it away

to the nest we may be facing a female, since males rarely help to do the

nest. If during the agapornis breeding, we observe them

carefully and without disturbing them we can watch as the female crouches with her wings

between open and adopts the copulation posture or as it is usually called also, the position

of avioncito. This behavior is proper of the females in heat and usually emit

little sounds calling the male so that go to inseminate her. However, and I

I comment from experience the females in heat they also tend to climb on top of each other

imitating mating and can take us to the error. Also, if we give you leaves of palm trees

or some folio, the females usually make small strips of paper and put them under the

wings After mating the female will begin

to lay eggs until the laying is completed, usually usually put an egg every day

and will put a total of 5 to 6 eggs. Is very important that we check the nests daily

to check that you have put an egg and avoid or be aware that our lovebirds

do not have any egg traversed. If for some reason two eggs appeared a day

in the nest it is clear that we would be two females

Also, the females during the breeding of lovebirds, they usually spend a lot of time in

inside the nest by incubating the eggs or giving them heat to the young, they usually leave

to eat, drink and relieve themselves. Finally, in general, females usually

feeding the young more frequently than the male The male will eat and subsequently

will go to the female to regurgitate her food and it will take care of giving it to the new

offspring However, this does not mean that the male will never feed them

directly to the offspring, since there are males very good that also feed very often

to their chicks In some species like for example the personatas

or Fischer if you look at the eye ring, that is the small white ring that surrounds

The eye can make us a little idea of whether the lovebirds is male or female. The

males usually have this white hoop something else small and narrow, while the females

They tend to have them wider. Although this method It is not 100% reliable and will depend a lot

of the genetics of agapornis. In addition, the females usually have a size

somewhat larger than the males, but to give us account of this it would be necessary to compare

two agapornis in the same position and to be able be that they are of the same clutch, since as

the difference in size is not very pronounced it may lead us to error if we compare

two agapornis from different aviaries with one different genetics or different age already

that obviously an adult agapornis goes to have a size larger than a young agapornis

that has not yet been fully developed. And besides, we have to take into account the

position that they adopt in the innkeeper, since as I mentioned earlier, the males

tend to take a more upright posture and this can lead us to error and think that

the male is bigger. Also, most females usually

have a more rounded head and beak something wider and bigger, however if we

we fix in the head of the males does not usually be so rounded and it shows a small

difference between the forehead and the head, and besides, the beak is somewhat smaller.

Another method, although somewhat complex, is to observe the area of ​​the cloaca. If we look at the area

of the agapornis cloaca can help us to determine your sex, since usually

the females usually have something more bulky the area of ​​his abdomen and the cloaca.

Linked to the previous point, and above all the breeders of agapornis with more experience can know

if a lovebirds is male or female through of his cloaca. To do this, take the agapornis

very carefully and with the index finger or the little finger is palpated with great care

the area near the sewer to try see the shape of the pelvic bones.

In the case of females, the pelvic bones They are more rounded and are more separated

by nature so they can lay eggs without difficulty, so if after feeling

the pelvic bones we notice that the bones they are separated or open and there is space

enough so you can pass an egg probably we are before a female, but on the contrary,

the space between the bones is very small, that is, they are close together or stuck together and

we noticed that they are somewhat pointy maybe we are before a male.

This method is especially indicated for adult agapornis that have already developed

completely, because in young agapornis can induce us to error and even if the

agaponis has previously put some egg it will be easier to notice the difference

because it will have widened the pelvic bones, although as I say this technique requires

practice and experience. Finally and to finish the video, I want

tell you that in case you are not able to sexar your agapornis by the methods

that I have been explaining to you throughout the video you can also do it through an analysis

of DNA and with a reliability of almost 100%. In the case that you opt for this method,

You can do it in two ways: Well through a blood sample in

which will be enough with a few drops or through the pen that will be

much more comfortable. In this case, you should extract with a disinfected tweezer and with much

careful not to harm you and not to contaminate the sample, some feathers of your agapornis

mainly from the area of ​​the sewer and go placing correctly on the document

that the laboratory facilitates so that they can analyze it without problem. And after a few

days and after receiving and analyzing the samples, the laboratory will indicate us almost with total

security if our lovebirds or inseparable Is it male or female.

I hope you liked the video and I have served, if so, remember to share

for your social networks and whatsapp groups to help each other, if not yet

you have done it, I take this opportunity to invite you to subscribe to the channel and activate

the notification bell for you to receive a new video every week. And before finalizing

I take this opportunity to send a greeting to the compañera Julia and her agapornis and from here thank you

the collaboration provided since without your help this video would not have been possible. And how

always ... I wait for you in the next video.

For more infomation >> COMO SABER si un AGAPORNIS es MACHO o HEMBRA 🐤 TRUCOS INSEPARABLE MACHO o HEMBRA - Duration: 10:46.


Últimas notícia de hoje : O #EleNão pode marcar reviravolta na eleição - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : O #EleNão pode marcar reviravolta na eleição - Duration: 5:12.


Horóscopo Leo Semanal Buena y Mala Noticia 1 al 7 de Octubre - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> Horóscopo Leo Semanal Buena y Mala Noticia 1 al 7 de Octubre - Duration: 5:18.


Horóscopo Virgo Semanal Buena y Mala Noticia 1 al 7 de Octubre - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> Horóscopo Virgo Semanal Buena y Mala Noticia 1 al 7 de Octubre - Duration: 5:36.


Horóscopo Cancer Semanal Buena y Mala Noticia 1 al 7 de Octubre - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Horóscopo Cancer Semanal Buena y Mala Noticia 1 al 7 de Octubre - Duration: 4:49.


Após vitória de Peres, Santos prevê demissões e corte de R$ 4 milhões - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Após vitória de Peres, Santos prevê demissões e corte de R$ 4 milhões - Duration: 2:24.


Em A Fazenda, Rafael Ilha fala de Cátia Paganote e dispara: "É muita covardia" - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Em A Fazenda, Rafael Ilha fala de Cátia Paganote e dispara: "É muita covardia" - Duration: 3:29.



Hi friends! It's Markotte again with another vídeo!

This time I want to talk about

a store wich I have a partnership!

It's the store VALQUIRIA!

I'll leave on the description

the link of their

Instagram and Website!

Valquiria sells

several articles like

action figures, funkos,

several board games

and several statues!

And if you want some discount,

you can use the code below


and you get 5% discount on the store!

(code is not cumulative with other promotions)

But I'm here to show you one of the figures I got from Valquiria!

It's this awesome

Groot! Or to be correct, Baby Groot!

This is my favorite Groot, from the ones that exist!

This is a bobble head!

The correct is Body Knocker!

What shakes is the bottom as you can see

Baby Groot is relaxing on

an old radio!

For the younger ones who see my vídeos,

maybe you don't know what that is!

This was used to read music tapes.

If you want to know more about it,

search on Youtube for audio tape player!

And talking about the body knocker,

it has a cool feature!

It's moved by solar battery!

It also works with normal light.

It has a feature in the front

where you aim the light!

It has a side button that you can press

and after 30 to 60 seconds,

his body starts waving from one side to another!

Let me show it!

I love this figure!

This is the Baby Groot from

Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2

I think you have seen the movie!

This is one of the main characthers,

an in Adult Groot as in Baby Groot!

It's a really cool figure!

Another one for my collection!

So friends, don't Forget to check for the store


The link is !

Link is on the description!

The shipping is very quick

about 48 hours!

They even offered me

(thanks Valquiria!)

a key chain of

Batman vs Superman!

They were very nice to me :D

About this vídeo, if you enjoyed,

give me your like,

subscribe the channel

and press the bell to activate the notifications!

And tell me in the comments

if you prefer Baby Groot or Adult Groot!

In my opinion,

Baby Groot is the best!

It has an happier appearance!

If you remember the inicial fight scene

in Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2,

it shows how great Baby Groot is!

So friends, if you want to see other kind of contents,

or some of the figures in the back closer,

you can tell it on the comments.

Stay until the end to see this Baby Groot closer!

Have fun and see you on another vídeo!

For more infomation >> UNBOXING BABY GROOT BODY KNOCKER - VALQUIRIA.PT - Duration: 5:21.


NFL Week 4 Halftime report Chicago Bears Wow over Tampa Bay Buccaneers with halftime picks - Duration: 4:48.

what we do here this go back I cannot believe this I don't pick them week 1

against Green Bay Packers I picked them week 2 I picked them week 3 and then

they go to play the Tampa Bay Buccaneers I thought for sure the Tampa Bay

Buccaneers were gonna play a good game hello Chicago Bears we know you are good

team we just thought the defense was good what in the world are we

watching Bears fans out there 35-to3 whoo now that's a football game I had to

make a video and give you all some love this is freaking phenomenal Wow sorry

Buccaneers fans I'm just giving those Chicago Bears some love how do you like

my fixer-upper bedroom here whoo actually we are in my walk-in closet

future future walk-in closet whoo cuz you know where the bedroom is

it's in that mess it's in that mess as we don't care alright alright enough for

the fun so Chicago Bears are just racking up points they're doing super

well going it's a halftime since a bangles the Atlanta game is a 28-21 game

right now and when I said that was going to be a close game I had the Cincinnati

Bengals picked for my straight up pick and the points so that's a close game

right now the Detroit Lions 10 to 13 about a minute going into halftime very

back-and-forth game the Buffalo Bills Green Bay game I said Green Bay Packers

will win this game by 14 right now it's 13-0 going into halftime and the

Philadelphia Eagles Tennessee Tennessee was on the board first but now it's a 10

to 3 game Eagles are flying high Houston Texans could win their first game this

year and they will not go in for hopefully they will go one in three

because right now they are beating the instant the incident the incident the

Indianapolis Colts 14 to 7 Wow I thought it would be a lot closer we

got the Miami Dolphins playing and the New England Patriots it's a zero in a

17-point game and the Patriots are on Miami's nine with 30 seconds to go

before half-time will they score will see Jets Jacksonville Jaguars are in

officially and over halftime right now zero to 16 I've had the New York Jets is

an upset it's not going good for the Beast right now

Jacksonville Jaguars are on the board 16 to 0

check back I might even do an update if we have some good games for this

afternoon we have the Cleveland Browns Oakland Raiders

I have Cleveland Browns to win that game we got Seattle Seahawks airs

I took Seattle Seahawks to win that game we have the New Orleans Saints at the

New York Giants as everybody knows I took the New Orleans Saints to win and

then we have the 49ers San Francisco 49ers the LA Chargers I have the LA

Chargers for a win and then tonight we have for our Sunday night game the

Baltimore Ravens which is going to be a great game against the Pittsburgh

Steelers I took Baltimore Ravens whoo

hope you're all having a great Sunday I'll get back to y'all's comments

sometime today or tomorrow whoo beast out here wow what a Chicago

Bears came that is unreal unreal Super Bowl balloon maybe because we know how

the Vikings they were saying Vikings were Superbowl bound but could the Bears

be are you guys going keep scoring whoo yes I am at halftime yet we're like 2

NFL Week 4 Halftime report Chicago Bears Wow over Tampa Bay Buccaneers with halftime picks week 4 NFL picks NFL WILD CRAZY PICKS UPSETS FOR WEEK 4 NFL PICKS ATS LETS WIN MNBeast NFL My Y.T.D year to date record on straight up picks 30-16-2 My A.T.S against the spread record 27-19-2 pushes My NFL games Confidence points 274 30-16 NFL picks and predictions 2018-2019 NFL WEEK 4 GAMES Thursday Night NFL National Football League Minnesota Vikings vs. L.A. Rams 31-38 Sunday NFL Games 2018 Miami Dolphins vs. New England patriots Houston Texans vs. Indianapolis Colts Cincinnati Bengals vs. Atlanta Falcons Buffalo Bills vs. Green Bay packers Detroit Lions vs. Dallas cowboys New York jets vs. Jacksonville Jaguars Tampa bay Buccaneers vs. Chicago Bears Philadelphia Eagles vs. Tennessee Titans Seattle seahawks vs. Arizona Cardinals,Cleveland Browns vs. Oakland Raiders San Francisco 49ers vs. L.A. Chargers New Orleans Saints vs. New York Giants Baltimore Ravens vs. Pittsburgh Steelers Monday Night Football Kansas City Chiefs vs. Denver Broncos

minutes and 17 seconds to halftime Wow that gives you all up whoo

NFL Week 4 Halftime report Chicago Bears Wow over Tampa Bay Buccaneers with halftime picks week 4 NFL picks NFL WILD CRAZY PICKS UPSETS FOR WEEK 4 NFL PICKS ATS LETS WIN MNBeast NFL My Y.T.D year to date record on straight up picks 30-16-2 My A.T.S against the spread record 27-19-2 pushes My NFL games Confidence points 274 30-16 NFL picks and predictions 2018-2019 NFL WEEK 4 GAMES Thursday Night NFL National Football League Minnesota Vikings vs. L.A. Rams 31-38 Sunday NFL Games 2018 Miami Dolphins vs. New England patriots Houston Texans vs. Indianapolis Colts Cincinnati Bengals vs. Atlanta Falcons Buffalo Bills vs. Green Bay packers Detroit Lions vs. Dallas cowboys New York jets vs. Jacksonville Jaguars Tampa bay Buccaneers vs. Chicago Bears Philadelphia Eagles vs. Tennessee Titans Seattle seahawks vs. Arizona Cardinals,Cleveland Browns vs. Oakland Raiders San Francisco 49ers vs. L.A. Chargers New Orleans Saints vs. New York Giants Baltimore Ravens vs. Pittsburgh Steelers Monday Night Football Kansas City Chiefs vs. Denver Broncos

NFL Week 4 Halftime report Chicago Bears Wow over Tampa Bay Buccaneers with halftime picks week 4 NFL picks NFL WILD CRAZY PICKS UPSETS FOR WEEK 4 NFL PICKS ATS LETS WIN MNBeast NFL My Y.T.D year to date record on straight up picks 30-16-2 My A.T.S against the spread record 27-19-2 pushes My NFL games Confidence points 274 30-16 NFL picks and predictions 2018-2019 NFL WEEK 4 GAMES Thursday Night NFL National Football League Minnesota Vikings vs. L.A. Rams 31-38 Sunday NFL Games 2018 Miami Dolphins vs. New England patriots Houston Texans vs. Indianapolis Colts Cincinnati Bengals vs. Atlanta Falcons Buffalo Bills vs. Green Bay packers Detroit Lions vs. Dallas cowboys New York jets vs. Jacksonville Jaguars Tampa bay Buccaneers vs. Chicago Bears Philadelphia Eagles vs. Tennessee Titans Seattle seahawks vs. Arizona Cardinals,Cleveland Browns vs. Oakland Raiders San Francisco 49ers vs. L.A. Chargers New Orleans Saints vs. New York Giants Baltimore Ravens vs. Pittsburgh Steelers Monday Night Football Kansas City Chiefs vs. Denver Broncos

For more infomation >> NFL Week 4 Halftime report Chicago Bears Wow over Tampa Bay Buccaneers with halftime picks - Duration: 4:48.


Mario Party 9 Step It Up - Mario vs Peach vs Wario vs Waluigi Master Difficulty | KOSisBOSS - Duration: 12:04.

Mario Party 9 Step It Up - Mario vs Peach vs Wario vs Waluigi Master Difficulty | KOSisBOSS

For more infomation >> Mario Party 9 Step It Up - Mario vs Peach vs Wario vs Waluigi Master Difficulty | KOSisBOSS - Duration: 12:04.


Horóscopo Geminis Semanal Buena y Mala Noticia 1 al 7 de Octubre - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Horóscopo Geminis Semanal Buena y Mala Noticia 1 al 7 de Octubre - Duration: 4:51.


Lista de documentos para ser contratado - Duration: 19:11.

For more infomation >> Lista de documentos para ser contratado - Duration: 19:11.


Mano Menezes avalia derrota do Cruzeiro e diz que resultado foi justo - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Mano Menezes avalia derrota do Cruzeiro e diz que resultado foi justo - Duration: 3:20.


10 nombres de niñas de cuatro letras - nombres de bebé - - Duration: 1:13.

10 four letter girl names











Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 10 nombres de niñas de cuatro letras - nombres de bebé - - Duration: 1:13.


Maja Sablewska i Michał Szpak spotkali się po latach twarzą w twarz. Znamy kulisy rozmowy - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Maja Sablewska i Michał Szpak spotkali się po latach twarzą w twarz. Znamy kulisy rozmowy - Duration: 5:24.


Is Masturbation Good or Bad | Does NoFap Work? - Duration: 7:53.

Matt: Fapping wanking rubbing went out shaking the sausage whatever you want to call it

have you ever wondered does masturbation hurt your chances with women can

masturbation actually decrease your chances with hot girls and does no FAP

even work I'm at artisan from the attractive man and this time I'll answer

the question does masturbating hurt or help your chances when it comes to

meeting and attracting women

to be assertive we've done all the testing you know what

works well I have to go sharpen my pencil if you know what I mean according

to statistic brain calm 95% of men admit to masturbating 55 percent of myths to

masturbating weekly and 40 percent admit to masturbating daily that's a really

big percentage of men so pretty much all of us know about it and most of us do it

on a regular basis according to the same source even women are in on the action

89% of women actually admit to doing the deed

that's right men women like to rub one out - well let's see what medical

science and psychology has to say first why do men jerk off in the first place

studies have shown that masturbation has the following effects on men it can

relieve sexual tension it can relieve stress it can help you sleep better

improve self-esteem and body image and can even improve certain sexual problems

most doctors also encourage masturbation saying that it can increase overall

sexual health however this must be done in moderation

doing too much of it can have harmful physical and mental effects now on to

the real question does it limit or decrease your chances with women first

of all you need to understand that when you masturbate a drop in testosterone

does occur it's nothing that significant that would affect your overall health

but masturbating in general can have an effect when it comes to your chances

with women first of all it definitely can deplete your motivation have you

ever heard the saying never leave the house with a loaded gun I've been going

out with a loaded gun he's not talking about a gun it means masturbate before

your date that saying was basically made to prevent guys from thinking about sex

all the time the belief was that if you kept thinking about getting into her

pants you would probably mess up and throw off

your game the problem is that after you orgasm your testosterone levels drop

along with your neurotransmitters and dopamine levels that have already fully

rewarded you with the feeling that you've just had sex

your body has already perceived that you've finished your instinctive role as

a man to procreate thus severely depleting your motivation

to actually go out and meet real women and that kind of mental state you'll be

less motivated to actually go out and approach women or to even go on dates

and you'll probably just end up staying home I wish I could say that's never

happened to me keep in mind that testosterone is your manly hormone

involved in developing certain sexual characteristics such as growing a beard

having a deeper voice and developing muscle mass so even if you actually do

will yourself to go out and meet women you might appear less manly due to

you're depleted testosterone level plus if your desire and motivation to have

sex is a little bit lower than usual you may not have that same seductive look in

your eye when you're talking to women one of the biggest aphrodisiacs for a

woman is to feel desired by a sexually confident man you see women love it when

a man that they like is turned on by them which is a lot harder to do after

you've just rubbed one out what I recommend is that you hold off on

spanking your monkey if you're planning on going out to meet women that includes

dates too it'll feel more confident more manly and more motivated if you have a

fully loaded gun the gun metaphor actually makes a lot of sense plus if

things go great and you end up back at your place you can release all you want

and remember to practice safe sex by the way guys if you're not already

subscribed to this channel hit the subscribe button because we have a lot

of really awesome videos coming out and make sure to also hit that Bell icon so

that we can notify you of upcoming videos another problem is that it can

actually make you desperate for instant gratification like I said before

masturbation and then of itself is not harmful it's actually a healthy practice

and a lot of doctors recommend it but as in most things in life too much of a

good thing can actually become bad for you

you see dopamine and serotonin are regulated to give you pleasure in

connection to your experience masturbating too much especially to

Impractical stimuli like fantasy pornography stop watching porn can

actually Hotwire your brain to only respond to what it's used to so then

when it comes to actually doing the real your mind and body will either feel

desperate to get an instant orgasm and you'll come too early or reject the

feeling and leave your penis flaccid we've all been there and both those

scenarios are no fun so what I recommend is that you only masturbate once or

twice a week and try not doing it to pornography

instead try fantasizing about women that you've actually slept with if you think

of women that you've already been with and you imagine those past sexual

experiences it can actually boost your confidence

and self-esteem if you're fantasizing about your own past memories and you

know sexual conquests and better yet don't masturbate at all the real thing

is a lot better trust me I tried it once by the way if

you watch porn and you're wondering you know what are the effects on porn on

your psyche and just your overall health I create a whole video on that here on

YouTube and there's a link down in the description last but not least

masturbating can decrease your self esteem and your self-worth

when down the wrong way if you use it to escape reality or mask negative emotions

that's where it can take a wrong turn you see when masturbation is linked to

depression or anxiety it can actually worsen those feelings afterwards just

like using harmful drugs or alcohol to forget depression masturbation can

become highly addictive and damaging to the psyche

after you finish stroking your salami you should actually feel feelings of

success and achievement which you know are good things and actually make you

feel more confident and have higher self-esteem if however your self-love

session is followed by negative feelings of sadness guilt shame depression or

anxiety that can lead to devastating mental damages this is what usually

starts the downward spiral of clinical depression and addiction so what I

recommend is to never masturbate when you're feeling depressed or after you

experience a loss in your life and don't use it to escape reality instead try

something like exercise or a good hobby to help you get negative thoughts off

your mind so remember if you want to masturbate just don't do it before

you're about to go out of meet women and don't do it before a date

don't watch pornography instead fantasize about actual experiences

that you've had make sure you don't get carried away and do it all the time

that's just a time waster anyway and don't do it when you're depressed or as

a way to escape reality now if you want to meet a real woman who is willing to

lend a helping hand then I created a free confidence cheat sheet that gives

you 18 ways to increase your confidence fast these are methods based on science

and psychology this will help you ease your nerves under stressful situations

like approaching beautiful women click the image in the bottom right of this

video right now to download your free confidence cheat sheet there's also a

link down in the description and if you're not subscribed then hit that

subscribe button and if you want us to personally teach you how to meet women

then check out our bootcamp schedule i'm matt artisan from the attractive man and

i'll see you in the next video

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