Saturday, September 29, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 29 2018

 CHILPANCINGO, Gro. ( Dos años antes del caso Ayotzinapa, el semanario Proceso había documentado la confrontación que mantienen, hasta la fecha, los grupos delictivos La Familia Michoacana y Guerreros Unidos por el control de la zona norte de la entidad y advirtió sobre el recrudecimiento de la violencia que detonó masacres y desapariciones masivas de personas

 No obstante, a pesar de estos hechos que exhibieron un entramado político que involucró al exgobernador Ángel Aguirre Rivero, así como autoridades de los tres niveles y el Ejército con el narco, el gobierno de Enrique Peña Nieto no hizo nada para prevenir y evitar crímenes en la entidad

 Actualmente, la mayoría de políticos que estaban desplegados tanto en la zona norte, como en la región de Tierra Caliente, han sido asesinados como el exalcalde de Acapetlahuaya y exdiputado perredista de la 59 legislatura local, Roger Arellano y Elí Camacho Goicochea, exalcalde de Coyuca de Catalán y también exlegislador local del Sol Azteca

 Otros se autoexiliaron en Chicago, Illinois, como el exalcalde de Teloloapan y exdiputado de la misma legislatura, Ignacio Valladares y el exalcalde de Acapetlahuaya, Eleuterio Aranda El Solitario del Sur, quien heredó la administración municipal a su hermana Rosa Elvira Aranda, arropada por el dirigente de Movimiento Ciudadano (MC), Luis Walton Aburto

 En octubre de 2012, Proceso publicó el reportaje Guerrero: contagio narco de autoridades, basado en el panorama en el que las autoridades municipales de ese entonces asumieron sus cargos en la zona Norte, considerada como región clave en las rutas de la droga hacia el centro del país y los Estados Unidos donde se documentó la historia de Guerreros Unidos, una banda fundada por exintegrantes de la organización de los Beltrán Leyva y dirigida por un narcotraficante oriundo de Teloloapan llamado Mario Casarrubias

 En ese entonces, se hizo referencia a la forma en que los líderes de las "tribus" perredistas se hicieron de posiciones en la convulsionada zona norte al amparo y protección del defenestrado exgobernador Ángel Aguirre Rivero

 El grupo aglutinado en las corrientes Nueva Izquierda y Grupo Guerrero lo encabeza Sebastián de la Rosa, David Jiménez Rumbo y Evodio Velázquez, así como el exalcalde de Teloloapan y exdiputado federal perredista Marino Miranda, quien dejó como sucesor a su amigo, el exdiputado local Ignacio Valladares; éste a su vez designó como su suplente a Rogelio Lagunas, hermano de Bernardo Lagunas

 De igual manera, el exalcalde de General Canuto A. Neri y exdiputado, Roger Arellano Sotelo, prácticamente dejó como sucesor en el ayuntamiento a su jefe de la policía e intérprete de narcocorridos Eleuterio Aranda, El Solitario del Sur

 No obstante, para el gobernador esta trama que involucra a delincuentes y a las nuevas autoridades locales no es una historia desconocida

 En noviembre de 2010 empezó su campaña por la gubernatura en Teloloapan y en ese tiempo, según reconoció él mismo ante la prensa, fue invitado a una comida en el Rancho San Andrés, propiedad de Bernardo Lagunas Contreras y patrocinada por Santana Ríos Bahena –el primero empresario del ramo hotelero y aficionado a los caballos, y el segundo conocido productor de melón; ambos señalados por sus presuntos nexos con el narco-, de acuerdo con informes oficiales consultados por Proceso

 El encuentro, agendado por el actual senador perredista Sofío Ramírez, fue promovido por un grupo de políticos perredistas que triangularon posiciones en la zona norte para mantener sus cotos de poder

 Luego, el miércoles 10 de octubre de 2012 ante la disputa de Guerreros Unidos y La Familia Michoacana, se concentró en Teloloapan, en los límites con la región Norte y Tierra Caliente, el Grupo de Coordinación Guerrero, integrado por mandos de la Marina, la Policía Federal y autoridades civiles federales y estatales encabezadas por el exgobernador Ángel Heladio Aguirre Rivero

 Al día siguiente, el grupo de La Familia desplegó en el municipio varias narcomantas donde acusaron directamente al gobierno de Aguirre y el Ejército de apoyar a Guerreros Unidos

 El mensaje decía:  "Señor gobernador usted es infalible por ahora, sin embargo, su operativo Guerrero Seguro no funciona y su objetividad es nula, por la infiltración de sicarios activos del grupo Guerreros Unidos en su gabinete de seguridad y que operan desde su escritorio

Estos mismos son los que disturban el bien común de todos y sus funcionarios se prestan a actos ilícitos y pasan a formar parte de las estadísticas de corrupción acompañada de la extorsión de Refugio o Ramiro alias 'Cuco' excomandante de la Policía Municipal de Teloloapan, Reducindo alias 'El Caballo' así como varios elementos del 27 Batallón que hacen de este operativo llamarle, por así decirlo, operativo Guerreros Unidos, pues son sicarios disfrazados de policías estatales y militares

Pedimos un gobierno imparcial y real. La disputa es entre grupos y los funcionarios no tienen que ser partícipes en esta guerra generada por la traición y tratar de invadir nuestro territorio el ahora líder de los Guerreros Unidos Mario Casarrubias, que gracias a él muchos pagan con su vida

La Familia Michoacana defenderá Teloloapan y peleará su territorio por encima de cualquier grupo delictivo

Atte. La Familia Michoacana".  A cuatro años de la tragedia de Ayotzinapa y seis años de que Proceso publicó este reportaje, la situación en la zona norte, la Tierra Caliente y el resto de la entidad es la misma, los índices de violencia, corrupción y presuntos nexos de autoridades de los tres niveles y el Ejército con el narco

For more infomation >> La connivencia de las autoridades guerrerenses antes y después de Ayotzinapa - Duration: 5:08.


¡Polémica! Gignac anota, pero en fuera de lugar - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> ¡Polémica! Gignac anota, pero en fuera de lugar - Duration: 1:29.


KAWE 🥀 VAYZ - QUERÍAMOS VOLAR - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> KAWE 🥀 VAYZ - QUERÍAMOS VOLAR - Duration: 3:11.


Dragon Ball GT "Mi corazon encantado" en Flauta Dulce - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball GT "Mi corazon encantado" en Flauta Dulce - Duration: 2:20.





700WHP Honda Civic!!!! - Duration: 1:42.

- Making 700WHP at 27psi, this Honda Civic SiR was making some quick passes at the CSCS Season Finale (Test & Tune). Sept 16th 2018 at Toronto Motorsports Park in Cayuga. - We hope to see this B-series monster again in the future!

For more infomation >> 700WHP Honda Civic!!!! - Duration: 1:42.


Indonesia: The number of deaths after an earthquake of 7.5 increases - Duration: 1:50.

Huge destroyed houses and vehicles scrap piles and corpses that's what

that a series of earthquakes and a tsunami have left in indonesia a sequence of

tragic events started to develop on September 28 when

several earthquakes the strongest of magnitude 61 and 74 rocked the province

indonesia of central Celebes including its capital for the subsequently a

tsunami hit the area the figure of fatalities already ascends the 450

people according to local media the spokesperson of the national agency of

disaster management sutopo purwo nugroho said in wheel of

press on Jakarta that there are also 540 injured and 29 missing according to data

provisional the magnitude 7 earthquake 5 shook the island of Celebes located in

northern indonesia at six o'clock in the afternoon - local time - after a few

hours before another earthquake of 6 or degrees causes the death of a

10 person injured and the collapse of several buildings in the same area where

minutes later the tsunami hits this news will be updated as

report the official reports by the Indonesian government either in the

description of the video or in a new delivery of the subject we appreciate your

preference remember to subscribe for stay informed with the most

highlighted in the international arena

For more infomation >> Indonesia: The number of deaths after an earthquake of 7.5 increases - Duration: 1:50.


WHAT I´M MADE OF By Crush 40 | Sonic Heroes - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> WHAT I´M MADE OF By Crush 40 | Sonic Heroes - Duration: 3:41.


Fiat 500 1.2 Lounge / Panoramadak - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Fiat 500 1.2 Lounge / Panoramadak - Duration: 1:05.


dragon ball fights - Duration: 1:18.

H A ! it's time to put an end to all of your villainy... today, I end u!!!

I Would love to see you try...

Guess I should just do that...

(... wht time is it now?)

So uhhh... u going to attack or wht?

u just wait u V I L L A I N !

I am gonna destroy u... and all ur E V I L ways!

(is it now...?)

(D A Y Y U M ! he'll attacc!)



Why did u move away from me? (cuz... reasons)

That was a close one... phew...

it's time to start my super ultra mega Haha funny technique

That will end your life!

uh ma gaaaaaaawd...

Are u going to attack me or wht!?

H A don't you worry, I am going to attack...

any second now... (welp, I saw that coming...)

For more infomation >> dragon ball fights - Duration: 1:18.


Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Spider Hulk vs Venom Rescue Spider Ham - Duration: 13:26.

Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Spider Hulk vs Venom Rescue Spider Ham

For more infomation >> Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Spider Hulk vs Venom Rescue Spider Ham - Duration: 13:26.


Conservative CNN commentator says Kavanaugh is becoming a disaster for GOP in the suburbs - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Conservative CNN commentator says Kavanaugh is becoming a disaster for GOP in the suburbs - Duration: 1:27.


3 Scary Dog Worms Types, With Pics - Duration: 1:45.

Hi, Mirko here from Healthy Pet Systems.

Today I will show you 3 scary dog worms types.

So let's dive in.

First type, roundworms.

These types of worms are usually contracted during pregnancy, nursing and in feces.

These types of worms are known for causing some severe infections in both puppies and

adult dogs.

Second type, heartworms.

Mosquitoes are known to spread these types of worms in canines, by biting them.

Some heartworms have been measured at 14 inches long and they can be found in the heart or

arteries of your pet.

These worms can really affect your pet's health.

Third type, whipworms.

It is common for animals to get these worms from contaminated dirt or soil.

They can also get infected with these worms, by trying to cleanse themselves.

While these types of worms are not as serious as other types of worms, they do suck blood

and can grow in numbers.

To find out more, I created a great guide about the worms in dogs.

In it, you will find 11 symptoms dogs with worms have, 5 types of worms a dog can have,

guides on how to get rid of worms in dogs, what causes dogs to get worms, and 5 home

remedies for worms.

The link is down below in a description.

If you like this video, hit the subscribe button to receive more like it in the future.

And remember let's keep our pets healthy!


For more infomation >> 3 Scary Dog Worms Types, With Pics - Duration: 1:45.


تحميل لعبة دريم ليج 2019 مهكرة من ميديا فاير 🤡😱 - Duration: 1:36.

intro prog egypt

music prog egypt

welcom now we will download dls 2019 hack

from medaifire <<link download in descroption>>

تحميل لعبة دريم ليج 2019 مهكره

now go to link download

then skip add


skip this ads

now the link in medaifire

opp + data + apk

now you will install this and will playing it whit hack mode

if you don't can install you can write the problem in comentes box

don't forget to subscrib in channal ,please

For more infomation >> تحميل لعبة دريم ليج 2019 مهكرة من ميديا فاير 🤡😱 - Duration: 1:36.


I'll take a hard look at it // Holyoke Town Hall - Duration: 5:18.

I love my job.

It is -- it is -- I love you, too.

It is the honor of a lifetime to have the chance

to go to Washington to fight on behalf

of the people of this state.

And I am so deeply grateful to every one of you who helped elect me in 2012,

and I hope you do it again in 2018.


We cannot be a Party, we cannot be a people,

that focuses only on what happens once every four years.

These midterms matter.

They matter.

Now hold on.

They matter.

Think about this, what's coming up in these midterms.

We get a majority in the House, in the Senate, then we actually can put legislation in place

to bring down the student loan debt burden.


We can do that.

We can make changes.

We can pass laws.

We can pass laws to protect people with pre-existing conditions.

We can pass laws to put money into rebuilding our infrastructure.

Now look: Donald Trump, I don't know if he'll sign 'em,

but by golly, we can show what we are ready to do.

And we can push it across for him to take a look at it.

Make him look at it.


And I understand the importance of the majority.

I understand, and I'm a team player.

You know, this is why, back in, gosh, back in March, my campaign made a contribution

to every state Democratic Party in the country so that they could start then on the field

operations, to help turn out that vote.

I want to see Democrats in every race, in every district, in every state -- you don't

get what you don't fight for.

I want Democrats out there fighting.


But let's face it: Donald Trump is taking this country in the wrong direction.

Working people have taken one punch to the gut after another.

And I am worried down to my bones about what Donald Trump is doing to our democracy.


Washington was broken long before Donald Trump ever got there.

But it has gotten a whole lot worse.

And then this week, I watched 11 men, who were too chicken to ask a woman a single question.

I watched as Brett Kavanaugh acted like he was entitled to that position,

and angry at anyone who would question him.

I watched powerful men helping a powerful man make it to an even more powerful position.

I watched that and I thought: time's up.

Time's up.


It's time for women to go to Washington and fix our broken government,

and that includes a woman at the top.


So here's what I promise: after November 6th, I will take a hard look at running for President.


I think we can do it -- I think we can turn this country around.


Thank you.

You know, I'm just going to say one more thing to all of you:

running for office is the ultimate act of optimism.

It means I believe that together, we can make the changes that we need to make.

So thank you all.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> I'll take a hard look at it // Holyoke Town Hall - Duration: 5:18.


Joy Division - I Remember Nothing (Lyrics) - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> Joy Division - I Remember Nothing (Lyrics) - Duration: 5:55.


Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Spider Hulk vs Venom Rescue Spider Ham - Duration: 13:26.

Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Spider Hulk vs Venom Rescue Spider Ham

For more infomation >> Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Spider Hulk vs Venom Rescue Spider Ham - Duration: 13:26.


Zbox Unboxing Monsters Horror Theme September 2018 Subscription Box Review - Duration: 13:23.

Zbox Unboxing Monsters theme September 2018 Subscription Box Review - I think we'll start

with a reign of terror, because this month�s box is all about MONSTERS!

With a box full of freakishly, spooky specials, you won�t want to store this one under the


From Frankenstein to Dracula we lift the coffin lid on some of the most dangerous and fearsome

Monsters in pop-culture history!

If it�s MONSTROUS merch you�re looking for, then this is the box for you but whatever

you do, watch out for things going bump in the night!

Thank you for watching guys if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up and

smash the subscribe button it would really help us out and stay tuned for more geeky


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Zbox Unboxing Monsters theme September 2018 Subscription Box


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For more infomation >> Zbox Unboxing Monsters Horror Theme September 2018 Subscription Box Review - Duration: 13:23.


Lindsay Lohan Instagram Live PUNCHED: Trying To "Save" Child Refugees from Syria in Moscow - Duration: 2:35.

Lindsay saw a Syrian family on the streets of Paris and tried to get them a hotel room

and offered them money.

They refused so she thought they were trafficking children.

She then tried to take the children with her and the mom pushed her to the ground... all

on live

Around 2am, Lohan, who is in Moscow, went live on Instagram and told her viewers there

was a Syrian refugee family she is worried about.

(Please note: We have no idea if this family is Syrian or refugees.)

While filming live, she approaches the family, who appear to be sleeping rough, and asks

them to tell her their story so that she can help them.

She then asks if they're cold and offers to take care of them.

When the family doesn't move, she offers to take all of them.

he then says that the adult man cannot come.

Lohan then repeats her offer of a hotel room, and says she will give them cash for a hotel


The family get up and Lohan starts arguing with them over a blanket that the family had

been sleeping on.

Lohan then starts to follow the family, and accuses them of trafficking children.

Lohan continues following them and says: "This is not Arab; you're ruining Arab culture by

doing this.

You're taking these children; they want to go.

I'm with you; the whole world is seeing this right now.

I will walk forever.

I will stay with you; don't worry."

Lohan tries to reach out for the boy's hand, the mother appears to punch her, and Lohan

falls down onto the ground, crying.

The video then ends with Lohan crying and saying: "I'm, like, in shock right now.

They were trafficking.

I was just, like, so scared.

I literally can't; I don't think I can ever change what I want."

Can you literally can't with Lindsay Lohan being a white saviour by "saving" child


Sound off in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe!

For more infomation >> Lindsay Lohan Instagram Live PUNCHED: Trying To "Save" Child Refugees from Syria in Moscow - Duration: 2:35.


Oto jak zmniejszyć piegi, brązowe plamy i blizny-HFL - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> Oto jak zmniejszyć piegi, brązowe plamy i blizny-HFL - Duration: 6:22.


Homestuck - Going - Kurloz, Disciple, John (CC) - Duration: 1:19.

Hello? Hello? Is anyone there? Can anyone hear me?

If you're there, run! Run!

It's time to go and see what's happening up there

Jacqueline, what about me?

And so Jacqueline hands Thomas to the Voodoopunks to be executed


No! No…. are you insane?

I'm doing no such thing

Jackie, it's the story. You have to

I don't have to do anything, Lloyd

For heaven's sake, he's barely old enough to drink

He's misguided, but he doesn't deserve to die

Well that's a new sentiment…

We've used him enough

Used me for what?


Lloyd, this isn't up for discussion

Thomas, you're coming to the surface with me

The war should have been over by now

The soldiers should be incapacitated, but…

Something's gone wrong

Jacqueline, what did you do?

I think something very bad…

And so...


And so as Jacqueline and Thomas head to the surface

We go several hours into the past where a legion of soldiers have assembled at Crier's Blvd

Beneath where a rampaging John O'Brien has inexplicably turned against the other government soldiers

For more infomation >> Homestuck - Going - Kurloz, Disciple, John (CC) - Duration: 1:19.


[Eng Sub] Mike Angelo's moment with friends - Duration: 1:25.

Mike is coming

Try to bend down more

Only for this special dish, it costs 100,000 baht

This is for Mike

Oh, 100,000!! It's a great honor

What is this?

Golden flowers

He said it's decorated with golden flowers

It's sunflower

It's marigold

It's really golden flowers

Can you make it quick? My arm is getting pain.

Hold on, I'm splitting it half for chermarn.

You first?

I take...

I'm sorry that the beef is overcooked

the smaller side

Oops, I dropped the roe

1 2 3

Aw, I dropped the rice

the rice too

How is it?

How is it?


My turn

spread the roe this way


How is it?


All foie gras is dropped

Why is your hand shaking?

How is it?

Is it good?

Glad, just good ingredients. It's impossible to make it unpalatable

Beef with foie gras are delicious

Have you never ordered this menu?

Usually, I have it in another restaurant

Uh oh


but this restaurant is more delicous

It's too late

He is like eel, slippery is an eel

Eel means


She said you're eel

just kidding

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] Mike Angelo's moment with friends - Duration: 1:25.


Sarah Ferguson back in the firm: Queen embraces Fergie ahead of Princess Eugenie's wedding - Duration: 2:52.

 Fergie was blacklisted by the Royal Family after a series of toe-curling faux pas, including the moment the flame-haired Duchess of York was snapped having her toe sucked by her American lover John Bryan in 1992 and the infamous tabloid sting that saw her seek £500,000 in exchange for a meeting with Prince Andrew

 Since then the Duchess of York has tried to embrace a flurry of opportunities to claw her way back into the fold - and it seems the Queen is now happy to allow it

 Princess Eugenie's wedding to Mr Brooksbank in two weeks appears to have balmed tensions between the duchess and her in-laws

 The 58-year-old, who has gushed over Instagram to her 107,000 followers about being the mother-of-the-bride, has no-doubt thrilled the monarch and Prince Philip with invites to the lavish bash on October 12

 It was around the time Eugenie's engagement was announced in January that the royals began to soften towards the duchess

 In June, she was pictured completing an enthuastic curtsy to the Queen from afar at Royal Ascot before being pictured in the royal box laughing and joking with the 93-year-old while watching the horse racing

 She also followed in the Queen's footsteps after her special meeting with Sir David Attenborough by meeting the veteran documentary maker herself months after

 The mother-of-two was also invited to spend a weekend with the Queen in her Balmoral residence in 2013

 Sarah has spoken about her frosty relationship with the Queen following her divorce from Prince Andrew in 1996

 She told one interviewer about the divorce: "When I met Her Majesty about it, she asked, 'What do you require, Sarah?' and I said, 'Your friendship', which I think amazed her because everyone said I would demand a big settlement

 "But I wanted to be able to say, 'Her Majesty is my friend', not fight her nor have lawyers saying, 'Look, she is greedy'

 "I left my marriage knowing I'd have to work." Princess Eugenie's upcoming wedding no doubt has the duchess positively beaming

 Following the wedding on October 12 the couple will ride through Windsor in a carriage

 They will travel a shorter route than the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Princess Eugenie and Mr Brooksbank were engaged on holiday in Nicaragua in January, 2018

For more infomation >> Sarah Ferguson back in the firm: Queen embraces Fergie ahead of Princess Eugenie's wedding - Duration: 2:52.


Dave's Kitchen Ep.4 Daejeon Vlog & Sung Sim Dang | 대전 여행 & 성심당 후기 - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> Dave's Kitchen Ep.4 Daejeon Vlog & Sung Sim Dang | 대전 여행 & 성심당 후기 - Duration: 6:50.


Ford Fiesta ST (2013-2018): owner's review - Duration: 12:28.

The sixth generation Ford Fiesta has been in production since 2008.

But the ST package became available only in 2013.

There have been tons of reviews of this car, both three-door European version and five-door

version that is sold here in the States.

So I am not going to talk about driving dynamics, how great this car in tight turns on B-roads.

Instead, I will be focusing on my ownership of this car.

I owned it for almost a year.

I used to own Toyota MR2 Spyder third generation with soft top, very fun car, but it started

to get older, the top started to break apart.

I took down the top probably only a couple of times the last year, so I figured out I

need a new car, something as small, as nimble, as fun as the MR2.

The Fiesta comfortably fits four people, five people in a pinch.

The Fiesta has real trunk compared to MR2.

And, obviously because it is a hatchback, I can fold down the rear sits.

Overall, one may think I made a good choice: I replaced an older car that was a two-seater

having pretty much no trunk with a new car that can fit four of five people and has bigger

trunk, it is more versatile, it is a hatchback.

I can move bigger items in it if I fold rear seats.

But it seems that Ford quality is not the same as Toyota quality.

We can start right from the body panels.

For example, the bumper sags a little bit, it needs to be pushed up to look proper.

You see, this shutline is wider than it should be.

And if you look on the side you can see that wider gap on the front gets narrower and narrower

on the side.

And the gap on the side is wider on the top and narrower on the bottom.

We can see the same thing on the back: the gap on the top between the bumper and the

body is wider than the gap on the bottom.

Again, the bumper slightly sags, it needs to be pushed up.

The left light cluster is properly aligned with the bumper, completely flush, as it is

supposed to be.

The light cluster on the right is misaligned.

I can feel it when I wash the car.

The seat cushion is a bit too short, I wish it were longer a palm on the hand.

These are regular seats, these are not the Recaros.

You can pay extra $2000 to get Recaro seats, which have much higher bolsters on the cushion

and on the seatback.

I figured that the Recaros are way too restrictive, I sit in them like a swaddled baby.

These regular seats are good enough for daily driving, and I am not planning to autocross

this car anyway.

The driver's door is misaligned, so I need to shut it really hard to close it.

The interior handle, this piece of plastic, is not installed correctly: I can see plastic

latches from the backside, and there is a gap, and it wobbles.

The steering wheel is leather-wrapped, which is nice.

It consists of several pieces of leather, the left part is flush with the top part,

which is how it is supposed to be.

The right part kind of bulging, has a tiny one millimeter bulge.

I can feel it when I hold steering wheel like this, at 10-2 or 9-2 position which usually


These are small things, but they give the impression of quality control at Ford factory

compared to Toyota factory.

I never felt anything like that on a Toyota car.

And those stalks, left and right.

This is my third Ford car, and I've driven some other Fords, for twenty years those stalks

haven't changed.

It is the same feeling, when you push it, it almost breaks.

Is it too hard to take a stalk from a Toyota or Mitsubishi, take it apart and figure out

what materials they use, how it is made.

On Japanese cars the stalks move like butter, on a Ford they always move like they are going

to break right away.

The shifter feels very light compared to the Toyota MR2.

The throws are longer, but the shifts themselves are very light except for the very last moment

when the gears are about to engage, and then it kind of hits the wall.

It feels like you are trying to punch a piece of paper with a pencil, you keep pushing,

and the pencil finally falls through.

You can come with your own analogy, but that is how it feels.

You are moving from the 1st into 2nd, and it goes smooth and light, and when the gears

on the 2nd are about to engage, it kind of hits a wall.

And you really need to force it through to engage the 2nd.

This means that quick starts: 1st, 2nd, 3rd - are very hard.

Especially considering that this car has six speeds, the MR2 has five speeds.

The MR2 starts to pull from about 1500 RPM up to 7000 RPM, this one starts to pull from

about 2500 RPM in my opinion and the redline is about 6000 RPM.

The powerband is narrower, more gears, it is a front-wheel drive car, so you have to

start careful and gentle to avoid wheelspin.

All that means that you need to work the shifter really fast on this car, faster than on the

MR2, and you cannot because it just does not engage as quickly and as nicely.

If you look at the clutch pedal on the left you can see that it has an interesting shape.

It is not that it is bent, but it is wide.

It is not a plastic cover, it is an aluminum lightweight part, which is wide.

The reason for this is when you press it, the toe of your shoe hits this arm.

So they made it wider to protect your shoe and your toes.

Another problem that I have with the Ford Fiesta ST is seating position.

I am 5'10'', I don't think I am somehow different from lots of other people.

I don't have special physique.

But I was having hard time finding the seating position so I could reach the steering wheel,

I could see the instruments, I could reach pedals, and I could reach the fifth gear without

leaning forward.

And the compromise that I found: I can see the instruments, and I can reach the steering

wheel and the pedals, but I do lean forward when I am engaging the fifth.

This is a big no-no on a manual transmission.

The seat and the steering wheel do not help, because the steering wheel moves up and down,

but it cannot move forward, I cannot pull it out and I cannot push it in.

The compromise that I found is not perfect.

Another thing: this box for your wallet or maybe cell phone, some other stuff.

It also has USB ports.

Who put this box on a car with a stick?

What they were thinking about?

I am in the 1st, I am engaging the 2nd, and I am hitting the box with my elbow!

Then 3rd, and 4th again, ouch!

Seriously, what they were thinking?

I figured out that I need to tuck my elbow in, and I am doing motion like this with my

elbow tucked into my body.

That is not perfect.

This is the entertainment unit, the head unit.

Now what sources can I choose from?

These are all my sources that I have right now.

I have AM, FM, I have Sirius, there is CD, standard Bluetooth.

There is also another protocol, another input, which is called AppLink.

There are two big parts: one on the head unit side, another on the mobile device side.

It works either through USB or Bluetooth, which are transport protocols.

Then, for each icon on the screen of the head unit there should be a running app on the

mobile device.

Every time I sit in the car, I turn it on, and every time it goes to my mobile device,

scan is, finds which apps support AppLink, starts them ALL SIMULTANEOUSLY.

Then for each of those apps it shows an icon on the screen.

It is all nice and it works until I start using my cell phone.

For example, I am switching to Flipboard and start reading.

While I am doing this, the Android system on my cell phone decides that it does not

need Slacker anymore, it pushed it out of RAM, and it disconnects from the head unit.

Now the head unit is in panic: should it restart?

I am saying "Yes", let's try to restart.

Now it restarts Slacker, and because Flipboard is running, and Spotify is running, there

is not enough memory...

Oh, it worked now.

Sometimes it works, other times it does not.

It is very flaky.

If you have any AppLink apps and you are planning to use them, you need a cell phone that has

lots of RAM, which is capable of running all these apps simultaneously.

You better not switch to any other apps.

This is a big architectural issue of AppLink, I think.

I think this is bad design.

It is very flaky.

My only hope that Android Auto or Apple CarPlay, which Ford promised for all 2016 models with

Ford Sync 3, will work much better.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta ST (2013-2018): owner's review - Duration: 12:28.


Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee Caught On Live Video Secretly Handing Envelope To Ford's Lawyer - Duration: 5:10.

Now, this is very, very odd!

Chicks On The Right reported that during this morning's twisted testimony from the Democrat

Party's newest darling Christine Blasey Ford something was caught on video that has

the nation up in arms.

And it's not the actual testimony.

It's something that happened in the background.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, who is not even a senator and has no business being at

the hearings, can be clearly seen handing Ford's attorney an envelope.

An envelope which he quickly acknowledges and conceals in his jacket pocket.

Now let me ask you.

Why is a sitting Congresswoman even talking to this woman's attorney let alone handing

him an envelope?

And what could be in that envelope?

Instructions, a thank you letter, and an autographed picture, or maybe what sounds more probable…


We can only guess at this point and I am sure with a timid bunch as the Republicans are

we would not know anytime soon.

According to the Congresswoman's press office, the envelope was simply unopened stationery

notes given to counsel for Dr. Ford from women who wanted to enter the hearing room but were

not allowed to enter.

Why do I find this explanation so hard to believe?

Here is a reminder of who Sheila Jackson Lee really is via Legal Insurrection:

"A woman named Jean Marie Simon was scheduled to take a United Airlines flight, booked into

First Class using miles.

"Then she realized that United had bumped her from the seat, and given it to Texas Rep.

Sheila Jackson Lee."

The reactions of both United and Jackson Lee were sadly predictable.

"United blamed the passenger, in a convoluted claim that the passenger had canceled the

seat from her mobile phone app and then immediately re-booked.

The passenger rejected that claim, as the Houston Chronicle reports:

"After thoroughly examining our electronic records, we found that upon receiving a notification

that Flight 788 was delayed due to weather, the customer appears to have canceled her

flight from Houston to Washington, D.C. within the United mobile app," United said in a


"As part of the normal pre-boarding process, gate agents began clearing standby and upgrade

customers, including the first customer on the waitlist for an upgrade."

"Simon denies that she canceled her ticket.

She sent a reporter a screenshot of the United website showing only one "inactive" reservation

– a flight to Houston in August to visit her daughter that she had to cancel because

of Hurricane Harvey.

"A United official said screenshot does not show the December flight as canceled because

she ultimately took the flight….

"She said the plane took off at 12:50 p.m. and she arrived home that night, still upset.

Simon wrote a letter to airline's CEO and posted it on Facebook and Twitter.

A "resolution manager" called her Saturday morning and apologized at least a half-dozen

times, she said.

She said she wants a formal, written apology from United.

"It's just impossible to suspend disbelief and swallow that story that I canceled my

flight," Simon said.

"United has suffered a string of customer relations gaffes this year.

"In June, a woman said she was forced to give up her 2-year-old's $969 seat on a

flight from Houston to Boston and hold him for roughly three hours because the airline

sold the seat.

"In April, Dr. David Dao was forcibly removed from a United Express flight in Chicago to

make space for crew members headed to Louisville, Ky.

"The airline announced policy changes after that incident and its CEO, Oscar Munoz, has

promised a "culture shift toward becoming a better, more customer-focused airline."

"Jackson Lee did not see this as a mere dispute, issuing a statement that the woman

complaining was racist: "Since this was not any fault of mine, the

way the individual continued to act appeared to be, upon reflection, because I was an African

American woman, seemingly an easy target along with the African American flight attendant

who was very, very nice," Jackson Lee said in the statement.

"This saddens me, especially at this time of year given all of the things we have to

work on to help people.

But in the spirit of this season and out of the sincerity of my heart, if it is perceived

that I had anything to do with this, I am kind enough to simply say sorry.


Sheila Jackson Lee is not an upstanding citizen.

In fact, she is far

For more infomation >> Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee Caught On Live Video Secretly Handing Envelope To Ford's Lawyer - Duration: 5:10.


Get involved in Historical Photographic Techniques / s02e05 - Duration: 6:29.

Hi! Here's Aleksandra Wolter

and Historical Photographic Techniques.

Today I would like to explain

how you can get involved in growing this channel

and in making new videotutorials,

and what can you gain from this.

Beside satisfaction off course.

Some of you have probably noticed, that some time ago

I've started a campain on a crowdfunding platform - (it's a polish

My goal is to raise funds for making new videotutorials

on new historical and alternative photographic techniques

on regular base.

Why the idea on crowdfunding and why Patronite

The idea was suggested to me by one of my first Patrons

who asked me if he could send me a check every month

and I, when the savings from his checks allow,

will make new videos on photography.

It's a noble idea and a noble goal.

I've never even tought about asking you (my Followers) for funding new videos.

So I decided to search for a method for doing it officially.

And so I found

that allows you, my Followers

that are called Patrons,

who want go over "likes" and want to be involved,

who want to support the channel

by giving small amounts of money to the author on a regular, monthly base.

And I don't talk about some big money.

We're talking about 10 or 20 PLN (3 or 5 EUR) each month.

It's less than a latte in Starbucks :)

The chemistry and other stuff for alternative photography aren't cheap

but this way after some time I can raise funds

that allow making new videos on new alternative photographic techniques.

On gum bichromate or cyanotype on glass

or whatever you imagine.

And when there are enough Patrons that give up one latte each month for supporting my channel,

it can come out that I can give you a new technique each month

or maybe even more often.

I care that my channel stays free for everyone

without adds, popups and other disturbing things.

And gives me freedom from sponsors and advertisers.

Theres no piecework and noone tells me what to do.

I'm choosing themes, with your help offcourse,

the materials I'll use,

and I choose the deadline.


One could ask "what will I get for supporting you?"

New tutorials, new techniques, new videos - that is obvious.

But that's not all.

My Patrons (the persons who support me using

can always count on my when having problems with photography,

they can also suggest me the subject of next episodes

or ask me for a particular photographic technique.

For example: you are supporting me on with some monthly pledge,

and you're interested in kallitype or Van Dyke brown

or whatever alttechnique else,

you can tell me aboout that and I try to make a video on this technique for you.

The Patrons can also be invited to take part in a photography workshop led by me,

if you want offcourse,

or they can get a gift that'll be a collectible handmade print made by me,

that meets all standards of collectible photography.

All that informations, my goals and available pledges

and what you can get,

There also are different paying methods, such as PayPal or credit card.

all that can be found in the description of my campaign

that adress is

The link is in the descriptopn below.

Another method of supporting me and growing this channel

is by buying any collectible handmade print from my series MyWoods.

I decided to donate the whole income from this series

to making of new videos and tutorials for you

and growing this channel.

So my dear Followers,

if you want more of this:

visit my Patronite campaign and consider supporting my channel,

or buy a print from the MyWoods series :)

See you soon! :)

For more infomation >> Get involved in Historical Photographic Techniques / s02e05 - Duration: 6:29.


Hyundai Tucson 2.0i Style - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson 2.0i Style - Duration: 1:04.


Hyundai ix20 1.4i i-Motion - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4i i-Motion - Duration: 1:04.


Hyundai ix20 1.4i i-Motion - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4i i-Motion - Duration: 1:04.


Farmers Say Trump's Bailout Has Done Little To Save Them From His Tariffs - Duration: 3:41.

Farmers in the Midwest of the United States are starting to understand that Donald Trump's

bailout, that he's offering them because of how badly his tariffs have hurt them, the

bailout's really not gonna do a single thing to prevent massive economic losses and possibly

the loss of their entire way of life due to the massive tariffs that he put in place.

Here's what farmers in the Midwest have recently been saying.

They've been saying that it's not fair, I'm a corn farmer, yet most of the benefits go

to soybeans, which China's the biggest importer of soybeans from the United States so they

get most of the money.

Well that's not fair to the corn farmer over here, whose goods are also being taxed to

hell and back with tariffs.

He can't sell them.

They're losing more money and yet they're bailout is only a couple pennies per bushel.

That's not enough to help them survive.

It is the same with other crops.

Wheat in the United States, that's also been hit pretty bad with tariffs.

They only get a couple cents per bushel.

That's not gonna put these people back on easy street, it's not gonna help them feed

their family.

It's not gonna help their farm survive and that's what they're now telling reporters.

Even soybean farmers are saying that what the administration has offered and what they're

trying to do is not enough to fix what Trump broke.

And that's the important thing.

Trump broke it and they know it.

And while there are still plenty of them out there who say I'm willing to die for Donald

Trump's trade wars, more of them aren't.

More of them want to preserve their way of life.

You know, fourth, fifth generation farmers, one day their kids are gonna take it over.

This is their way of life.

This is their culture.

It's the only thing they've ever known.

It's the only thing they want to know and they've made a pretty good life doing it.

Until Trump came along.

He single handedly destroyed so many small farms here in the United States, and when

I say destroyed, past tense, it's because yes, we have already had farms in the United

States have to close their doors.

Shut down because of this.

They shut down before the bailouts came.

Even now with the bailouts, that's gonna cost U.S. taxpayers 12 billion dollars, they're

telling us that it's not good enough.

It doesn't do enough.

It only helps one small group of people and to be honest most of that 12 billion dollars

is probably gonna go to those conglomerates, excuse me, farms out there.

You know, the ones owned by the big corporations.

So it's actually more of a corporate bailout then anything else.

But let's keep pretending that it's gonna help the small mom and pop farmers out there,

who hire four or five farmhands each year.

Oh, but also don't forget that we've cut back on the Visa Program from the federal government

so they can't even get their temporary seasonal foreign workers to come over here anymore,

so even if things were working as normal and we didn't have the trade wars, they still

wouldn't have enough workers to actually do the jobs on their farms.

So, yeah, American farmers are getting it from both angles here and they understand

and hopefully will hold accountable the Trump Administration for doing this to them.

Because every single ill that these people are facing right now comes from a policy put

in place solely by Donald Trump and his administration.

For more infomation >> Farmers Say Trump's Bailout Has Done Little To Save Them From His Tariffs - Duration: 3:41.


Toyota Corolla Verso 1.6 VVT-i Linea Sol - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla Verso 1.6 VVT-i Linea Sol - Duration: 0:51.


ᴅɪᴘʜʏʟʟᴇɪᴀ ɢʀᴀʏɪ - Duration: 1:06.

My obvious mistakes can be seen no longer

Ah, they're getting scattered by the wind

Ah, they're getting wetter with dew




Dear petal before me, bearing the thick scent that deceived me...

For more infomation >> ᴅɪᴘʜʏʟʟᴇɪᴀ ɢʀᴀʏɪ - Duration: 1:06.


WHAT I´M MADE OF By Crush 40 | Sonic Heroes - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> WHAT I´M MADE OF By Crush 40 | Sonic Heroes - Duration: 3:41.


Últimas notícia de hoje : DATAFOLHA: SUPLICY SEGUE LÍDER PARA SENADO COM 26% - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : DATAFOLHA: SUPLICY SEGUE LÍDER PARA SENADO COM 26% - Duration: 4:03.


Kids Against Hunger brings together churches and volunteers from all over the Quad Cities - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Kids Against Hunger brings together churches and volunteers from all over the Quad Cities - Duration: 0:46.


Get involved in Historical Photographic Techniques / s02e05 - Duration: 6:29.

Hi! Here's Aleksandra Wolter

and Historical Photographic Techniques.

Today I would like to explain

how you can get involved in growing this channel

and in making new videotutorials,

and what can you gain from this.

Beside satisfaction off course.

Some of you have probably noticed, that some time ago

I've started a campain on a crowdfunding platform - (it's a polish

My goal is to raise funds for making new videotutorials

on new historical and alternative photographic techniques

on regular base.

Why the idea on crowdfunding and why Patronite

The idea was suggested to me by one of my first Patrons

who asked me if he could send me a check every month

and I, when the savings from his checks allow,

will make new videos on photography.

It's a noble idea and a noble goal.

I've never even tought about asking you (my Followers) for funding new videos.

So I decided to search for a method for doing it officially.

And so I found

that allows you, my Followers

that are called Patrons,

who want go over "likes" and want to be involved,

who want to support the channel

by giving small amounts of money to the author on a regular, monthly base.

And I don't talk about some big money.

We're talking about 10 or 20 PLN (3 or 5 EUR) each month.

It's less than a latte in Starbucks :)

The chemistry and other stuff for alternative photography aren't cheap

but this way after some time I can raise funds

that allow making new videos on new alternative photographic techniques.

On gum bichromate or cyanotype on glass

or whatever you imagine.

And when there are enough Patrons that give up one latte each month for supporting my channel,

it can come out that I can give you a new technique each month

or maybe even more often.

I care that my channel stays free for everyone

without adds, popups and other disturbing things.

And gives me freedom from sponsors and advertisers.

Theres no piecework and noone tells me what to do.

I'm choosing themes, with your help offcourse,

the materials I'll use,

and I choose the deadline.


One could ask "what will I get for supporting you?"

New tutorials, new techniques, new videos - that is obvious.

But that's not all.

My Patrons (the persons who support me using

can always count on my when having problems with photography,

they can also suggest me the subject of next episodes

or ask me for a particular photographic technique.

For example: you are supporting me on with some monthly pledge,

and you're interested in kallitype or Van Dyke brown

or whatever alttechnique else,

you can tell me aboout that and I try to make a video on this technique for you.

The Patrons can also be invited to take part in a photography workshop led by me,

if you want offcourse,

or they can get a gift that'll be a collectible handmade print made by me,

that meets all standards of collectible photography.

All that informations, my goals and available pledges

and what you can get,

There also are different paying methods, such as PayPal or credit card.

all that can be found in the description of my campaign

that adress is

The link is in the descriptopn below.

Another method of supporting me and growing this channel

is by buying any collectible handmade print from my series MyWoods.

I decided to donate the whole income from this series

to making of new videos and tutorials for you

and growing this channel.

So my dear Followers,

if you want more of this:

visit my Patronite campaign and consider supporting my channel,

or buy a print from the MyWoods series :)

See you soon! :)

For more infomation >> Get involved in Historical Photographic Techniques / s02e05 - Duration: 6:29.



For more infomation >> DATAFOLHA NO RIO MOSTRA PAES COM 25%, GAROTINHO, 15%, ROMÁRIO, 14% - Duration: 2:46.


Undertake Shorts #1 Bad time (PT BR) - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Undertake Shorts #1 Bad time (PT BR) - Duration: 4:35.


powitanie na nowej stronie ŚWIAT CISZY - Prezes ZG PZG (język migowy) - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> powitanie na nowej stronie ŚWIAT CISZY - Prezes ZG PZG (język migowy) - Duration: 2:16.


8° Encontro: Abertura - Duration: 3:41.

We are in the eighth meeting of this energy and health as we had talked about from that

meeting we are going to change a little the way the dynamics of the meeting first we will

leave it to people to raise doubts about health you are free to make any comments any question

and also through testimony of some people how the treatment works and in the second

part we will do some more basic exercises so that you can find out how the energy train

works and if she wants if the person wants to enter we can forward the room to class

of person and acupuncture also if necessary the person proves that we will check the results

of the treatment So before starting I would like to mention some cases that are on the

site and people will be able to confirm for the treatment videos the cause of psoriasis

and the case of the parkinsonr I'll ask Marcos to put the video in comparison

of Maria Clarice She had commented that

I managed to move little hands and the other hand was very slow Then she could not move

both hands equally nor a hand was had more difficulty and in the sixth session for the

8th session we can see the comparison I'll already put the video will wake up soon will

have a very large difference

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