It's Alexis here at CORE.
I have some really exciting news for you.
We recently got contacted by somebody that's created an app for our clients that see health
care professionals out of network to get reimbursed by their insurance company.
That app is called Better and they already have a very high success rate, up to 80%.
And the way it works is you'll see either Megan or I up front and you get your superbill
from us with all the important information.
Obviously how much you've paid, the dates that you've been in, the codes need to be
on it, and then you take a picture with your phone and submit it into that app, and the
people at Better will help you get reimbursed.
So they do all the communicating with your insurance company for you.
They keep you updated during the process.
I've downloaded the app, and I don't know if you can see this.
It looks like this.
Like it's the little stylized B on a dark purple background, and for Apple, when you
try to find it you need to type in Get Better.
And it should come up at the very top.
For Android versions, come and ask me, and I'll send you all the important information
that you need to find it online, set it up for your desktop, set it up for Android.
They have a really great support staff that you can contact.
What else am I missing?
Oh, yeah, so, the way that they get paid is as soon as you get reimbursed, you'll get
your reimbursement and then they will send you a bill over, 10% of that particular reimbursement.
The great thing is that they can also go five years into the past and resubmit things that
you have already submitted, maybe unsuccessfully.
They can resubmit this for you.
Like I said, they do all the processing for you.
They keep you up to date what's happening in the process.
Anything else in the app is free.
So, go give it a try, and come tell us what your experience is with it.
Give us feedback of how that works for you.
If you have any questions, contact me or Megan.
That's all I got for you today.
I hope you have a great day, and come in see Stephen, come in see Jared.
Now you know how you can get reimbursed for your sessions.
For more infomation >> New App: Get Reimbursed From Your Insurance For Out of Network Claims - Duration: 2:37.-------------------------------------------
#Nachgefragt zum Thema Bürokratie für Gründer - Duration: 1:07.
Renault Twingo SCe 70pk Collection R&Go navig., Airco, - Duration: 1:11.
日産ノートe-POWER AUTECHは「こだわる大人の女性」にイチオシ! - Duration: 15:25.
Ciro diz que prefere enfrentar Haddad, e não Bolsonaro, no 2º turno - Duration: 4:35.
El Recluso | Capítulo 03 | Telemundo - Duration: 10:23.
ly on The Inmate...
Please, Daddy.
If Daddy Judge Morris doesn't pay us our money,
you'll be here so long
you'll forget you ever lived anywhere else.
que te vas a olvidar que un día viviste en otro lado.
What the hell are you doing here?
Relax, Dante.
I'm your lawyer. Nobody will suspect a thing.
I want you to put a scare into Dante Pardo.
I get the feeling you're hiding something,
and I'm going to find out what it is.
We just need you to bring order to the yard.
I see you've won over some Union guys,
and that's not easy.
My friend Fang here's the new floor manager.
How do you like that?
¿cómo ves?
He'll betray us all!
So you're the guy that moves the stuff now.
I'm going to play fair.
If you don't believe me, you'll see.
Don't play with fire
because fire here's only good for one thing.
I know where she is. Come on, Daddy.
That bitch!
No, don't. Daddy, Daddy, help me!
<i> Linda... Linda, where are you?</i>
<i> Linda? Jesus, what's going on?</i> <i> Linda, talk to me, please.</i>
I know where she is.
There's an abandoned ward in the prison.
They're holding Linda there.
Is everyone here involved? The warden, the guards?
-Most likely. -----, that's great.
I mean, it's great that you found her, but... that's great.
-I'll tell Morris. -No, don't, wait.
-How long? -I don't know.
If everyone is in on it, we need to be careful.
You ------. Why did you do it? Why?
-I was nice to you. -Just shut up.
Look, honey, you do some ---- like this again and you're dead.
Got it? If you ---- the bed, I'll kill you.
Even if it hurts me, babe. Even if it hurts.
Shut up!
Be nice.
Let's be friends.
We... friends.
------- kid.
I want you to understand we can't submit a file
with opposing opinions.
Frida, on your report, you used the word "psychopath"
to describe Saint.
Julian, do you agree with that?
Juan Pablo, or Saint, like the other inmates call him,
has never shown signs of being a psychopath.
He has neurosis, just like every inmate in here.
His mental state's stable and he has a concept of reality
that's pretty appropriate for his context.
Actually, we've been working, and he's made great progress.
y sus avances son muy notables.
We have very different opinions.
He still has drug problems and still depends
on his godfather's control in the prison.
You're stereotyping him.
Relax, breathe. Don't argue.
It's normal to get heated up and say things without thinking
when you argue, but calm down.
We need to calm down.
Keep a cool head and listen to each other, Frida.
-Right... -Besides, this prison is
an example on a national level.
I don't understand why you're always trying to argue.
Why do we want to release someone who clearly isn't well?
Some wait for months for a temporary release, and nothing.
Why do you think Saint's case is a miracle?
We don't.
I have to go.
Here's my report justifying my opposition. Excuse me.
Pablito, you left your toys out, you have to put them away.
-Blanquita. -I'm here, babe.
Did you get me anything?
What are you doing here?
-What? -What are you doing here?
What are you doing here?
Look, I'll tell you something,
accepting your responsibilities is part
of adulthood, and I know you're an adult.
I know, man.
I want my money.
I know, I almost have it, almost.
-You always say that, Porfirio. -Really.
Give me a few days.
In this business, everyone has to pay their debts.
-I know. -Some pay with money, others...
-I'll pay you, man. -Easy, don't be scared.
Come on, man, go.
You have to water this one, or it won't grow.
I want my money.
You'll have it, I almost have it.
No need to come. I'll pay you.
By the way, Pablito and Blanca went to the market.
Sir, here's Silvestre.
You wanted to see me, sir?
Take a seat, Silvestre.
So, we have a problem. You know what I mean, don't you?
No, sir.
I don't know what problem there is.
You got reported twice this week.
You're not at your post,
so I want you to stay there at all times.
No excuses, okay?
You don't carry out your tasks, you're not at your post, why?
Yeah, they asked for my help at the cafeteria, so...
I had a thing that took longer...
What thing?
Well, a thing with an inmate
that took longer that I'd thought.
----, so you take orders from the inmates?
No, sir, I don't. No way.
It's just that...
It was more like a personal favor.
I messed up, I admit it. There's no excuse.
Well, I guess you don't do favors for every inmate, huh?
You're going to tell me right now
what favor you did for Mariano Tavares.
Look, sir, it's something more than a favor.
You won't do it, ------. I bet you won't eat that.
So, man?
What? You're sitting with your boss?
I run alone, I told you.
I'm one of you too.
-What's up, Picudo? -Hey.
Sit down, man.
You need anything?
-That's nice. -Cool, put it here.
Wait, wait.
What's that? Is that here?
Yeah, it's the old prison.
That's how I pictured it based on what I've heard.
-From who? -The vets, man.
They've been here all their lives.
They even say there's a ------- tunnel you can get out through.
Where's that tunnel?
I don't know, dude.
The old part begins where they locked you up.
ahí empieza la parte vieja de la cana.
If there's a tunnel, it'll be there.
There was someone who knew that story.
Pues yo sé qué perro se sabe bien esa historia.
Как снимать влоги, звук, камера Кейси Нейстат, Sony, Canon, Rode или Aliexpress - Duration: 4:35.
ITALIA vs SUDAFRICA ✪ Eserciti a confronto (2018) - Duration: 3:53.
Military Power Comparison
Italy vs South Africa
Total Population
Land Area (km²)
Defense Budget
Active Military Personnel
Nuclear Weapon
Armored Fighting Vehicles
Multiple Rocket Launchers
Self-Propelled Artillery
Towed Artillery
Attack Aircraft
Transport Aircraft
Trainer Aircraft
Attack Helicopters
Air force
Aircraft Carriers
Patrol Boats
Military Ranking
Houston we have a problem!
Hey guys!
It's Jana!
And I am standing in my kitchen my really really dirty kitchen
because my faucet broke
husband is at the store right now he took the faucet head to see
if we could find another hose that will fit but there was a little plastic piece
on the pipe here that was like a fastener and it totally snapped the
other day so yeah we had water all under the sink and everything so we had to
take everything out I just threw it in this big bin right here and it's been a
couple days so yeah there was a few dishes so I gotta figure out how to do
the dishes without a faucet
so I had an idea that I'll just get a bucket and
fill it up with water in the bathtub and fill the sinks up and just we'll see
what happens I don't see why that would be a problem
but I did have I did tape up the faucet so that we didn't accidentally just out
of habit turn it on and get water all over the place
So go ahead and hit subscribe thumbs up check all the links down below
let's do the dishes without a faucet today sure
alright guys the kitchen is clean there are still a few dishes in the sink I
didn't want to deal with hand-washing and getting another bucket of water but
it worked of course it did it was just a bucket of water and we rinsed off all
the dishes got them in the dishwasher I had to turn the water back on
to run the dishwasher of course but yeah we'll survive we're trying to find the
part it's not working out too well
may have to get a new faucet oh they're so expensive
oh well it is what it is gotta be able to do dishes and wash your hands and stuff
so thank you so much for watching
go ahead and hit subscribe thumbs up check all the links down below
and I will see you next time
Nightcore - Taki Taki (DJ Snake ft Selena Gomez, Cardi B, Ozuna) || Lyrics - Duration: 3:19.
this video includes lyrics on the screen
Continúa la búsqueda de niño desaparecido | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:37.
Buscan ladrón que roba vestido con peluca rubia | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:36.
Padres denuncian que su hijo fue abusado | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:59.
Ladrones atacan mujer con gas pimienta | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:46.
Captan en video brutal agresión en gasolinera | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:20.
The most delicious raspberry cake - Duration: 2:41.
Ingredients for 12 servings: lemon juice - 4 tablespoons, vegetable oil - 150 ml, flour - 200 grams, sugar - 200 grams, baking powder - 2 tsp, sour cream - 150 g, eggs - 4 pieces, raspberry - 3-4 berries for each cupcake
eggs and sugar whip with a mixer
vegetable oil
sour cream
squeeze lemon juice
strain the juice pour into the dough
sift the flour and baking powder through a sieve
wash raspberries, give the juice of berries to drain
add berries to the dough
gently stir with a spoon
use a baking dish and a paper cake base
insert the paper base for the cake into the baking dish
pour the dough into a 2/3 shape
bake for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees
Buscan pandilla que roba computadoras portátiles | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:37.
We did something crazy! | 【ENG SUB/SUB ITA】 - Duration: 8:39.
Thank you so much for coming!!
Sorry i didn't say Hi to you immediately!
I was starting becominh jealous hahaha
Hi!!! How are you??
Who is it?? - It's us!
What do you mean by "us"? - Vanira and Wataru!
What do you mean by that????
Open the door and see it by yourself!
oh my god! - We came here!
We are recording the video!
And Angela is my partner in crime
because we agreed
in all this!
What is this???? I can't believe it!
You made me a surprise! - I told you
we had to go to Nagoya
We actually went there, but then
we made a loooong trip!
Hi Wataru!!
Say Hi to our viewers!! - Hi !!
You want us
to have an heartattack - I was scared of that!
6LACK - Pretty Little Fears ft. J. Cole (Lyrics) - Duration: 4:01.
6LACK - Pretty Little Fears ft. J. Cole (Lyrics)
La Dra. Ford testifica ante el congreso | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 5:15.
Patrullero salva adicto de una sobredosis | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.
Familiares buscan muertos abandonados en Jalisco | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:56.
Photokina 2018: Canon EOS R - Duration: 1:23.
Renault Captur TCe 120pk Dynamique EDC Camera, R-link, Climate, Trekhaak, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:09.
Volvo V90 D3 150PK | R-DESIGN | AUT. | NAVI | PDC | SPORTSTOELEN | - Duration: 0:56.
Volvo XC40 T5 247PK AWD | AUTOMAAT | R-DESIGN | PILOT ASSIST | LUXE | - Duration: 1:15.
New App: Get Reimbursed From Your Insurance For Out of Network Claims - Duration: 2:37.
It's Alexis here at CORE.
I have some really exciting news for you.
We recently got contacted by somebody that's created an app for our clients that see health
care professionals out of network to get reimbursed by their insurance company.
That app is called Better and they already have a very high success rate, up to 80%.
And the way it works is you'll see either Megan or I up front and you get your superbill
from us with all the important information.
Obviously how much you've paid, the dates that you've been in, the codes need to be
on it, and then you take a picture with your phone and submit it into that app, and the
people at Better will help you get reimbursed.
So they do all the communicating with your insurance company for you.
They keep you updated during the process.
I've downloaded the app, and I don't know if you can see this.
It looks like this.
Like it's the little stylized B on a dark purple background, and for Apple, when you
try to find it you need to type in Get Better.
And it should come up at the very top.
For Android versions, come and ask me, and I'll send you all the important information
that you need to find it online, set it up for your desktop, set it up for Android.
They have a really great support staff that you can contact.
What else am I missing?
Oh, yeah, so, the way that they get paid is as soon as you get reimbursed, you'll get
your reimbursement and then they will send you a bill over, 10% of that particular reimbursement.
The great thing is that they can also go five years into the past and resubmit things that
you have already submitted, maybe unsuccessfully.
They can resubmit this for you.
Like I said, they do all the processing for you.
They keep you up to date what's happening in the process.
Anything else in the app is free.
So, go give it a try, and come tell us what your experience is with it.
Give us feedback of how that works for you.
If you have any questions, contact me or Megan.
That's all I got for you today.
I hope you have a great day, and come in see Stephen, come in see Jared.
Now you know how you can get reimbursed for your sessions.
#Nachgefragt zum Thema Bürokratie für Gründer - Duration: 1:07.
Renault Twingo SCe 70pk Collection R&Go navig., Airco, - Duration: 1:11.
Funny Tema and Mom Pretend Play with Magic toys tools ride on Cars and repair Power Wheels cars - Duration: 2:48.
Funny Tema and Mom Pretend Play with Magic toys tools ride on Cars and repair Power Wheels cars
We Don't Trade Lives - Duration: 0:21.
*Ritual Combat*
*Advanced Upright Man Enters*
*Upright Man Teaches the Australopiths advanced building techniques*
*Upright Man uses advanced combat techniques, as he is trained in the Martial Art Dambe*
*Australopiths evolve*
3 Surprising Beauty Benefits of Vodka For Oily Skin | Skin Care Secrets - Duration: 4:08.
If you love watching
Glamrs videos
and would like to be notified
every time we drop a new one,
please bash that bell icon below.
We've all chugged vodka down our systems plenty of times.
But did you know,
Vodka has various beauty benefits?
Many many centuries ago,
Vodka was used more for medicine and less for enjoyment.
Surely, guzzling down this spirit might not help your waistline,
but vodka will definitely come handy if used in the right way.
Hi, I'm Rosalyn and today I'm going to reveal
3 amazing beauty benefits of none other than - Vodka!
I'm sure
after watching this video,
Vodka will become a part of your beauty regime.
Toners are a must for every beauty routine
especially if you have an oily skin type.
They help control excess sebum production
and also deeply cleanse the skin.
Try out this breakout preventing vodka based toner
which is super easy to make
and also delivers great results.
All you need is:
1 tbsp of vodka,
3 tbsp of water,
3 tbsp of watermelon juice,
3 drops of patchouli essential oil
Vodka makes a great homemade toner
as it works as an astringent which helps unclog pores
and brightens your skin.
Adding watermelon juice will help reduce excess oils
and cure skin problems such as
acne, early signs of ageing, etc.
In addition the patchouli essential oil
will encourage new cell growth
and reduce the appearance of scars.
This magical toner
will help maintain skin's pH balance
and protect it from further damage.
I personally love DIY beauty days
as they give me the feels of a spa
from the comfort of my home.
So on days when you have a dull or tired looking skin,
this vodka infused recipe is a must try.
The ingredients of this mask are enriched with vitamins
and antioxidants that instantly rejuvenates the skin
and brings back it's radiance.
You will need
2 tbsp of rice flour,
1 tsp of sandalwood powder,
1 tsp of lemon juice
and 2 tbsp of vodka.
Leave it on for 10 minutes and then rinse it off.
You'll notice that you skin get's back it's glow
and feels soft.
Due to humid weather conditions
and constant sweating,
wearing closed footwear
can result in unpleasant foot odour.
So, this DIY will help you keep your feet clean
and fresh at all the time.
Add some vodka to a cup of cold water.
Take some cotton and swipe it along your feet.
The antiseptic properties of Vodka
destroy odour-causing bacteria and fungus
and also maintain skin's moisture levels.
So the next time you write off vodka
as just another bar staple,
give these 3 beauty tricks a try!
If you have any further queries,
do drop them comment section below.
Until next time stay tuned and stay Glamrs!
Drone LOST at Sea! Crossing the EQUATOR! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep.192 - Duration: 35:07.
Get free v bucks fortnite 2018 PS4 | How to get free vbucks fortnite season 6 | Fortnite v-bucks - Duration: 3:45.
Đồng hồ nữ chính hãng Rhythm AF1623LR-GL-T sự lựa chọn tuyệt vời cho bạn gái - Duration: 1:05.
Adopted As A Baby, A Farmer Digs Into Her Culture - Duration: 4:26.
(upbeat classical music)
- [Dennis] If you plucked people from all across the country
and said we have a farm, the image that they have
of who's that farmer would not be Kristyn Leach.
- My name is Kristyn Leach,
and I'm a farmer in Winters, California;
and I grow predominantly Korean and East Asian herbs
and vegetables.
(gentle music)
I was born in Daegu, Korea; I was adopted as an infant;
I grew up on Long Island in New York.
The regional cuisine of Long Island is pizza and bagels,
so that's what I was just sort of raised on.
I just had never really explored Korean heritage,
but I did get curious about the food.
Oh wait, this is a really good little one.
I worked on organic farms when I was a teenager,
and so I just thought like, oh, well, I know how to grow
plants, maybe I should grow some of these plants
from Korea just to better understand this place
where I'm from.
I went back to Korea for the first time since I left.
I spent just like three weeks traveling around
and was learning from all of these farmers
and visiting different farms.
It felt like a pretty profound way
to actually engage with identity
because it answered for me a sense of
what place I could find within, like,
a bigger story of Korean history.
(upbeat music)
I practice a style of farming that's referred to
as natural farming in Korea and Japan.
Everything on the farm is grown organically,
and, essentially, it's the way just like peasant
subsistence farmers farm.
Some of the heritage crops that we focus on here are
the Korean sesame leaf,
the flavor is kind of licore-y and minty.
Chamoe, Korean melon, is somewhere between like a cucumber
and melon in flavor; it's really, really crunchy.
Chili peppers, a really beloved staple,
and Japanese eggplant, just a small, baseball-sized
eggplant; it's super dense and really creamy.
Three times a week, I'll usually head to the Bay
to make a delivery.
(upbeat music)
Namu Gaji is a restaurant in the Mission District
in San Francisco, all of the produce goes directly
to their restaurant.
- Hey, Kristyn!
- Hey, how's it going?
And their chefs and cooks figure out
how to kind of design a menu around it.
- My name's Dennis Lee. I'm the chef and owner
of Namu Gaji in San Francisco.
(upbeat classical music)
Right now we're doing a really nice, simple
grilled eggplant dish with a really heavy dusting
of minced perilla.
We're doing a nice melon salad right now
with watermelon and Korean melon.
We have a chili oil that we serve with our ramen
that has Korean chilis from the farm.
It's a restaurant that's operated by Korean Americans,
so you see that in what we do.
The way that our relationship works with Kristyn
is totally unique because it's tied to who she is.
To be able to support an Asian woman
and co-create a platform to express ourselves
and share our story with people, that's pretty special.
- The food that Dennis is making
allows itself to just be really original,
and it doesn't feel like it's trying to just reproduce
a mold of what is Korean or what is Asian-American.
I'm learning about, like, my lineage;
I'm trying to figure out a sense of belonging.
The experience of adoption is so complicated.
I feel really grateful to have farming
be the way that I interact with my culture.
TQ - The Kingdom (Feat Glasses Malone) [Official Music Video] - Duration: 3:49.
The Kingdom
We built this city
from a lot more than rock 'n' roll
From way down in your soul...
Dig deep and you can feel it
Covered in the blood
from the floor to the ceiling
I can feel it in my spirit
When u know u just know...
all on my backbone
weighing me down
But I got a message for thine enemies
Boy you know we run this town!
When the walls of Jericho
tumble down to the sea
We rise up!
Like sons of man screaming victory...
(we rise up)
Yea tho I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death
whom shall I fear?
If thine is the kingdom
then mine is the kingdom!
The wicked are many
and they travel in droves.
And if you don't know
you better guard your soul!
Cursed are the plenty
when they lose control...
That's why I keep my go getter with me...
Everywhere I go!
All on my back bone...
weighing me down
But I got a message for thine enemies
Boy you know we run this town!
When the walls of Jericho
tumble down to the sea
We rise up!
Like sons of man screaming victory...
(we rise up)
Yea tho I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death
whom shall I fear?
If thine is the kingdom
then mine is the kingdom!
In a game where they barter sex for success
Where real niggas voices get suppressed
And being too urban get you black balled
I'm still here with my words and my black balls
And they black as Michael Blackson
What would you do for that lights, camera, action
To be a star
six-figure car
Not wait in line
outside that bar
Ain't no price on my manhood
You gave yours away like some can goods
Now in the mirror bro you can't look
And even with the millions you a straight hook
Meanwhile my soul's still intact
If GOD got my back then no one can stand against this
Raise my sword to sky
Victory is mine
enamigos all defense-less
When the walls of Jericho
tumble down to the sea
We rise up!
Like sons of man screaming victory...
(We rise up)
Yea tho I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death
whom shall I fear?
If thine is the kingdom
then mine is the kingdom!
The Kingdom
The Kingdom
'Murphy Brown' Revival: Cast Spoilers for Season 11 | - Duration: 9:57.
'Murphy Brown' Revival: Cast Spoilers for Season 11 |
The new season of Murphy Brown is finally here.
The show is returning for a revival tonight at 9:30 p.m.
Eastern on CBS — the first time the show has been back since it ended in 1998 after a 10-year run.
This isn't a reboot but a straight up continuation.
The revival is being advertised as Season 11 of Murphy Brown. THIS IS YOUR SPOILER WARNING.
Do NOT continue reading if you don't want to know any information about the new season.
Murphy Brown originally premiered in 1988, where she portrayed a recovering alcoholic who was considered "difficult" but also inspiring.
The show was real, raw, and confident.
It lasted for 10 years, ending in 1998.
And now, 20 years later, the show has been revived by CBS.
Most of the cast is returning, and a few new people will be joining.
And there's also going to be a special guest star tonight, but their identity hasn't been revealed.
Guesses on the person's identity range from Dan Quayle to Hillary Clinton or even Michelle Obama.
'FYI' Is Gone.
In the new season, the characters' old show, FYI, is gone.
We're listing it here because FYI is practically a character itself.
But the characters will still be on a news show. Murphy, Corky, and Frank are tired of being off the air, angry about the election, and so they started a new show.
Replacing FYI is Murphy in the Morning.
It's a new morning news shows on a broadcast channel very similar to CNN.
Many Favorites Are Returning.
Thankfully, most of the cast favorites are returning.
Joe Regalbuto is back as investigative reporter Frank Fontana.
Faith Ford is back as a more mature Corky Sherwood.
And in true Corky fashion, she boasts at one point about wearing Ivanka Trump pumps to a women's march because they were on sale.
Grant Shaud is back as Miles Silverberg.
(Sadly, Miles and Corky are no longer married.
Some reviewers say this is confusing because they also act like they were never married in the first place and don't talk about a divorce.
But since it's been about 20 years, maybe the divorce happened a long time ago.
Paste says they don't mention it because the characters were put together after executive producer Diane English left, and she didn't like the decision.).
Charles Kimbrough is also back as anchorman Jim Dial, but his role is recurring this time since he — and the character — are mostly retired.
Murphy Brown's Son Is All Grown Up.
Many people still remember that touching moment when Murphy Brown's son was born.
Now Avery Brown is all grown up.
Avery is portrayed by Jake McDorman, who was previously on CBS' short-lived Limitless.
Avery anchors a morning show on the Wolf Network, which is essentially Fox News, and he's a liberal commentator on the show.
So he and his mom are directly competing.
More New Characters Are Appearing Who Could Become Fan Favorites.
Tyne Daly is joining the cast as Phyllis.
She jokes at one point that she spent 20 years on the NYPD, which is a callback to Cagney & Lacey.
Her character inherited Phil's Bar.
Nik Dodani is joining the cast as Pat Patel.
Dodani's past credits include Atypical, where he played Zahid in 16 episodes.
In Murphy Brown, the character Pat is a social media director.
In episode three, David Costabile will play the White House senior advisor Ed Shannon (who is essentially a Steve Bannon clone.
Adan Rocha plays Dreamer, Miguel, in Episode 2, who will be hired by Phyllis to help at the bar.
CBSFaith Ford as Corky Sherwood, Candice Bergen as Murphy Brown, Merle Dandridge as Diana Macomber, Grant Shaud as Miles Silverberg, and Joe Regalbuto as Frank Fontana.
Merle Dandridge plays Diana Macomber.
Faith Sandberg is playing Mary Vernon.
Some Favorites Won't Be Back.
Network President Stan Lansing also won't be back.
He was played by Garry Marshall, who passed away in 2016 at the age of 81.
And the fate of the father of Murphy's son isn't known.
It seems no one knows if Robin Thomas will one day return to play Jake Lowenstein one day.
Murphy Is Mad About the State of the Country.
Just like in the original series, many storylines in the Murphy Brown revival are mirroring current events.
Murphy Brown can't stand the President, the President's press secretary, the press briefings, and a Steve Bannon "clone." In the premiere, Trump refers to her as "Old Murphy" in a tweet.
In one of the first episodes, she even brings a press briefing to a complete halt.
Interestingly, there is one scene in Episode 2, NPR shared, where they use clips from one of Sarah Huckabee Sanders' press briefings, cut with shots of Murphy and other actors playing reporters.
In episode 3, Paste Magazine shared, Murphy will get a chance to interview the Steve Bannon clone, and she talks about how he's a dinosaur clinging to relevance.
Her stellar reporting skills are able to unmask him.
One concern that reviewers have shared is that Murphy may be portrayed as the only reporter willing to speak the truth.
But time will tell if that's the case.
Fortnite V bucks PS4 Free skins | How to get free v-bucks fortnite | Free vbucks fortnite 2018 - Duration: 3:41.
Farm Animals Song | Momo Beats | Kindergarten Cartoons For Babies - Duration: 1:57.
Farm Animals Song - Momo Beats
Hush Little Baby | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs for Children | Kids Cartoons | Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:48.
Hush, little baby, don't say a word
Mama's gone a buy you a mockingbird.
And if that mockingbird won't sing,
Mummy is gone a buy you a diamond ring.
If that diamond ring turns brass,
Mummy is gone a buy you a looking glass.
And If that looking glass gets broke,
Mummy is gone a buy you a billy goat.
If that billy goat won't pull,
Mummy is gone a buy you a cart and bull.
And if that cart and bull turn over,
Mummy is gone a buy you a dog named Rover.
If that dog named Rover won't bark,
Mummy is gone a buy you a horse and cart.
And if that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little boy in town.
So hush little baby, don't you cry,
Daddy loves you and so do I.
Tristan Thompson Throws Shots at Boston, Philly, Toronto | - Duration: 2:42.
Tristan Thompson Throws Shots at Boston, Philly, Toronto |
No LeBron? No Problem.
Cleveland Cavaliers forward Tristan Thompson is still walking around with a ton of confidence in his team despite being without LeBron James for the first time since 2014.
And although the public consensus is that the Cavaliers won't be very good with the absence of James, Thompson doesn't seem to really care.
You can't erase history, and that's a fact.
So despite everybody's opinions on the Cavs' 2018 season, Thompson wanted to make it very clear that technically, the Cavs are still the kings of the East until further notice.
Now, that can all get swept away this season if they are dethroned, but as of right now, they are the team that represented the Eastern Conference in the NBA Finals last season.
"They Ain't Got Much to Say".
It's kind of hard to argue with what Thompson is saying.
No matter what happens beyond the years of LeBron's time in Cleveland for his second-stint, the Cavs have some jewelry to show for it while the Sixers, Celtics, and Raptors do not.
So the trash talk is not out of line.
In fact, it is encouraged.
While it is doubtful that the Cavs shock the conference and actually give one of these three teams a run for their money, at least the trash talking will make it very interesting in the long run.
But Thompson and the rest of the team must know that they gave these other three squads some good bulletin board material as the 2018 season approaches next month.
My first video!(Q&A) - Duration: 6:42.
Need to work on my intro...
Need to work on my intro...
Need to work on my intro...
Need to work on my intro...
Need to work on my intro...
still not right...
知名摇滚乐歌手臧天朔去世 终年54岁 - Duration: 4:57.
Jerry Springer Show (September 28, 2018) - Duration: 3:01.
Panthers Teammates React on Twitter to Signing of Eric Reid | - Duration: 3:58.
Panthers Teammates React on Twitter to Signing of Eric Reid |
The Carolina Panthers made the move it seemed many NFL teams weren't interested in, as they announced the signing of safety Eric Reid Thursday.
The former San Francisco 49ers safety opted to kneel with Colin Kaepernick during the national anthem previously and although incredibly talented, remained unsigned after playing 13 games in 2017.
Carolina's decision to add the 26-year-old was purely a football decision, and it's unknown if he will continue to kneel in his return to the league.
Matt Bonesteel of the Washington Post revealed back in March that Reid stated at the time he would not protest the national anthem if signed by an NFL team.
The news of Reid's signing led to plenty of reactions pouring in, so let's take a look at what some of the media, players, and fans had to say about it.
NFL Players Association President, Former Player Eric Winston.
Comments From Panthers WR Torrey Smith.
Torrey Smith Tweets.
Panthers LB Shaq Thompson.
Eric Reid's Brother, Justin Sounds Off.
Former NFL CB Charles James.
Danny Kannell Takes a Shot.
Jimmy Traina Thinks Timing Is Everything.
First Take's Molly Rose.
Ian Rapoport Reveals Reid's Collusion Case is Unchanged.
Saying What Many Are Thinking.
Eric Reid's NFL Career.
The former 49ers safety made the Pro Bowl in 2013 as a rookie after being the No.
18 pick overall pick out of LSU.
Over his five seasons with San Francisco, Reid played in 70 games and totaled 319 combined tackles, 34 passes defensed, 10 interceptions and two forced fumbles.
While Reid had an exceptional rookie season in which he racked up 77 tackles, 11 passes defensed and four interceptions, he was unable to replicate that success statistically in any following season.
Even still, the young safety has plenty of upside and should be a solid addition to the Panthers' secondary.
Nightcore - Taki Taki (DJ Snake ft Selena Gomez, Cardi B, Ozuna) || Lyrics - Duration: 3:19.
this video includes lyrics on the screen
Angel & Cordelia | I'm Lost Without You - Duration: 3:59.
Do you ever wonder...
Do you ever think about...
If we'd met up that night...
- And had a change to... - All the time.
- She's afraid. - I'm more afraid of her dying than she is.
I wanna jump through the big swirly hole thingy and save Cordelia.
But we might never be able to get back!
It's Cordy.
You've become a truly extraordinary woman.
If I lose the visions, I wouldn't be able to help you anymore.
You wouldn't need me.
That's not why I need you.
You're important.
I need you back.
Cordelia, do you have any idea just how precious you are?
Thank you, thank you, thank youuuu!
Are you still...
You can't fire me.
I'm vision girl.
I love you.
You two are so obviously connected.
You finish each other's sentences and you laugh at the same jests.
- When he grieves, when he is hurting... - Her heart breaks for you.
Cordelia: Were we in love? Angel: Were we in love?
We were.
- I'm fine! - I'm not leaving till you open the door.
Get some rest.
- You need to rest. - I need Cordy.
Wherever she is...
Whatever she's going through.
Cordelia, don't make me move you.
How about you stop being angry at me?
How about you stop pretending to give a damn about my feelings!
I don't even know who you are anymore.
I'm lost without you.
- You just forgot who you are. - Remind me.
I can tell you who you were.
A guy who always fought his hardest for what was right,
Even when he couldn't remember why.
And that's the guy I fell in...
- You did it to save me. - And I'd do it again.
I'm in love... with Angel.
I can't leave without telling him! I won't.
This is happening to you because of me.
Because of me!
So I can't leave you, Angel.
I won't.
It's gonna be a long while, till you work your way out.
But I know you well enough to know you will.
And I'll be with you until you do.
And you're welcome.
Thank you.
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