Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 20 2018

CreepyDay - OmLamis

Talk about damned or haunted objects

what comes to mind is a home

dolls, toys and vehicles

vehicles such as cars, motorbikes or buses can also be haunted or cursed

Rarely is there really a haunted car

that's why OmLamis tried to summarize

5 damned or haunted vehicles in the world

this is the first part waiting for the next part OmLamis version

Before proceeding please subscribe to the OmLamis channel first

To get the next mystery video update

Abraham Lincoln's Phantom Train

For starters, the story of a cursed or haunted vehicle

let's start with the Abraham Lincoln ghost train

We all know that the American president

Abraham Lincoln died from being killed

Lincoln's body and his son Willie were planned to be buried

and escorted using a train called The Lincoln Special

What makes this train creepy is, every April

This ghost train is seen crossing the same route

Many eyewitnesses said the same thing

Another oddity occurs also at the clock around the train

All hours suddenly stopped when the train passed

When the train passes, there is a mysterious sad and whistling music

Dr. Kevorkian's "Death Mobile"

For an investigator in the field of paranormal

it is natural to collect items that are about the supernatural

This is what Zak Bagans did

a paranormal investigator in the popular television series, Ghost Adventures

Bagans bought a white Volkswagen van for 32,500 USD

The white van is Dr.'s car Kevorkian Jack

With his car, Kevorkian has helped 130 people

met death by suicide

With the dark history of the van

Bagans plans to make the car an object of his new project

According to him, the car is surrounded by very strong sad energy

The Phantom Bus Of London

Besides the subway

there is still one more public transportation tool operating in the city of London

The transportation tool is a double decker bus

Double decker is so popular and iconic

This red public level bus has been around for a long time

but there is one bus that will never be forgotten, the Phantom Bus

The Phantom Bus is an ordinary public bus operating in London

The difference is, this one bus is a ghost bus that is unknown to the route and driver

In 1930 and 1990s

many people say seeing this ghost bus speeding up

at high speed every night at 1:15 a.m.

This bus always crosses the same route at Cambridge Gardens

without passengers, and who is unknown to the driver

Surrey, England's Ghost Crash

In England there is one horror story

about ghost accidents that haunt a street in Surrey city

A number of motorcycle riders who crossed the road

report to the authorities

that they saw a car turning wrong and had an accident in Surrey

But, after being searched by police, the car was not found

Not giving up, the police explored deeper into the area around the accident

Finally they managed to find the carcass in question

along with the bones of men who were reported missing since 5 months ago

Allegedly, the ghost who experienced this accident appeared on Surrey Street

in the hope that someone will find the body and be buried properly

The Jumping Car of Cape Town

In South Africa, 2004

a number of people were shocked and scared by a Renault Megane

Eyewitnesses said that the car's engine suddenly turned on and began to jump

There is no person behind the wheel, there is no key

and the handbrake that is pulled makes a lot of people afraid and starts away from the car

Do not want bad news about the car continues to grow

Renault then gave a statement

It was said that the strange behavior of the car was caused by bad cable conditions

causing electrical short circuit

However, the explanation still cannot explain how the engine can roar

as if someone were stepping on the gas pedal

That was the fifth most damned and frightening vehicle in the world

don't forget to wait for the 2nd part

For more infomation >> RENTAL BUNUH DIRI?? Kendaraan Paling Terkutuk dan Berhantu Di Dunia Part 1 - Duration: 6:58.


Liaison présumée avec Sébastien Farran : Laeticia Hallyday fait condamner Anthony Delon - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Liaison présumée avec Sébastien Farran : Laeticia Hallyday fait condamner Anthony Delon - Duration: 2:40.



For more infomation >> SOI CẦU XSMB MIỄN PHÍ NGÀY HÔM NAY 20/12 | NGUYỄN NGA XSMB | LO DE CHUAN - Duration: 12:29.


Winter Special Face Wash At Home//DIY Whitening Glow Face Wash// Get Fair,Clear,Smooth,Spotless Skin - Duration: 5:10.

Subscribe to my channel & be a part of Rani G Family

For more infomation >> Winter Special Face Wash At Home//DIY Whitening Glow Face Wash// Get Fair,Clear,Smooth,Spotless Skin - Duration: 5:10.


Đừng ăn quỵt, lấy tiền của cụ bà 80 tuổi bán há cảo, súp cua nữa được không? - Duration: 42:55.

For more infomation >> Đừng ăn quỵt, lấy tiền của cụ bà 80 tuổi bán há cảo, súp cua nữa được không? - Duration: 42:55.


This guy's love for the holidays is spilling over to his neighbors - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> This guy's love for the holidays is spilling over to his neighbors - Duration: 1:27.


How to Care Aloe Vera Plant to get flowers every Winter Season - Duration: 4:11.

All my gardening friends Welcome to Veggies Home Kitchen Garden.

As you Winter Season and December month in progress.

Where in your home different colors of winter season flowers blooms.

Also flowers blooms on Succulent plants.

It's imaginable beauty of your garden.

Every year month of December, Aloe Vera flowers blooms.

Today's video about beautiful flowers on Aloe Vera plants.

My gardening friends watching this video.

If you do not subscribe my channel.

Press subscribe button.

To make a long lasting happy friendship.

Let's start now.

As my gardening friends seen healthy Aloe Vera plant in big size container.

Normally container size is 22 inch.

Another Aloe Vera plant in 12 inch container.

Check out the healthy Aloe Vera plant.

Here some more Aloe Vera in 10 inch pot.

Last 5 years I have big size healthy Aloe Vera plant.

After that some many baby plants.

Here you seen healthy Aloe Vera plant.

If you care your Aloe Vera plant.

The result small baby plant in container.

After that I transplant into small pot.

Every December to January flowering spike comes out.

Here you have seen flowering spike.

The height the flowering spike is 3 to 4 ft.

Here you have seen another Aloe Vera flowers spike.

Multi color beautiful flowers of Aloe Vera.

Color of flowers is light orange and yellow.

You also have seen another Succulent "Mother of Thousand Plant".

They are on flowers buds too.

That's why I say when flowers blooms on Succulent plants.

It's imaginable beauty of your garden.

Next video on Mother of Thousand plants.

It's all about when you care your Aloe Vera plant every year.

Aloe Vera also medical plant having so many benefits.

Next video about Aloe Vera uses in winter season.

Flowers so far do not use as medical purpose.

As decoration Aloe Vera flowers uses as cut flower.

Aloe Vera flower spike place in glass bottle to add water in it.

It's really beautiful flowers.

Hope so my gardening friends like this video.

Kindly like and subscribe my channel to keep in touch next coming videos.

Bye Asim Nawaz from Veggies Home Kitchen Garden.

For more infomation >> How to Care Aloe Vera Plant to get flowers every Winter Season - Duration: 4:11.


IQ Option Never Ever Loss Strategy | How to Convert Losing Trade in Winning/Profit | Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 12:45.

IQ Option Never Ever Loss Strategy | How to Convert Losing Trade in Winning/Profit | Urdu/Hindi

For more infomation >> IQ Option Never Ever Loss Strategy | How to Convert Losing Trade in Winning/Profit | Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 12:45.


RENTAL BUNUH DIRI?? Kendaraan Paling Terkutuk dan Berhantu Di Dunia Part 1 - Duration: 6:58.

CreepyDay - OmLamis

Talk about damned or haunted objects

what comes to mind is a home

dolls, toys and vehicles

vehicles such as cars, motorbikes or buses can also be haunted or cursed

Rarely is there really a haunted car

that's why OmLamis tried to summarize

5 damned or haunted vehicles in the world

this is the first part waiting for the next part OmLamis version

Before proceeding please subscribe to the OmLamis channel first

To get the next mystery video update

Abraham Lincoln's Phantom Train

For starters, the story of a cursed or haunted vehicle

let's start with the Abraham Lincoln ghost train

We all know that the American president

Abraham Lincoln died from being killed

Lincoln's body and his son Willie were planned to be buried

and escorted using a train called The Lincoln Special

What makes this train creepy is, every April

This ghost train is seen crossing the same route

Many eyewitnesses said the same thing

Another oddity occurs also at the clock around the train

All hours suddenly stopped when the train passed

When the train passes, there is a mysterious sad and whistling music

Dr. Kevorkian's "Death Mobile"

For an investigator in the field of paranormal

it is natural to collect items that are about the supernatural

This is what Zak Bagans did

a paranormal investigator in the popular television series, Ghost Adventures

Bagans bought a white Volkswagen van for 32,500 USD

The white van is Dr.'s car Kevorkian Jack

With his car, Kevorkian has helped 130 people

met death by suicide

With the dark history of the van

Bagans plans to make the car an object of his new project

According to him, the car is surrounded by very strong sad energy

The Phantom Bus Of London

Besides the subway

there is still one more public transportation tool operating in the city of London

The transportation tool is a double decker bus

Double decker is so popular and iconic

This red public level bus has been around for a long time

but there is one bus that will never be forgotten, the Phantom Bus

The Phantom Bus is an ordinary public bus operating in London

The difference is, this one bus is a ghost bus that is unknown to the route and driver

In 1930 and 1990s

many people say seeing this ghost bus speeding up

at high speed every night at 1:15 a.m.

This bus always crosses the same route at Cambridge Gardens

without passengers, and who is unknown to the driver

Surrey, England's Ghost Crash

In England there is one horror story

about ghost accidents that haunt a street in Surrey city

A number of motorcycle riders who crossed the road

report to the authorities

that they saw a car turning wrong and had an accident in Surrey

But, after being searched by police, the car was not found

Not giving up, the police explored deeper into the area around the accident

Finally they managed to find the carcass in question

along with the bones of men who were reported missing since 5 months ago

Allegedly, the ghost who experienced this accident appeared on Surrey Street

in the hope that someone will find the body and be buried properly

The Jumping Car of Cape Town

In South Africa, 2004

a number of people were shocked and scared by a Renault Megane

Eyewitnesses said that the car's engine suddenly turned on and began to jump

There is no person behind the wheel, there is no key

and the handbrake that is pulled makes a lot of people afraid and starts away from the car

Do not want bad news about the car continues to grow

Renault then gave a statement

It was said that the strange behavior of the car was caused by bad cable conditions

causing electrical short circuit

However, the explanation still cannot explain how the engine can roar

as if someone were stepping on the gas pedal

That was the fifth most damned and frightening vehicle in the world

don't forget to wait for the 2nd part

For more infomation >> RENTAL BUNUH DIRI?? Kendaraan Paling Terkutuk dan Berhantu Di Dunia Part 1 - Duration: 6:58.


Merry Christmas - Hindi IT | Karaoke | Trans Music | Beno I Hindi (Official Video) - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Merry Christmas - Hindi IT | Karaoke | Trans Music | Beno I Hindi (Official Video) - Duration: 2:14.


Budapest Gambit Traps: Chess Opening Tricks to Win Fast | Best Checkmate Moves, Strategy & Ideas - Duration: 6:59.

In today's chess video, I am going to show you some secret little chess traps which will

help you win more games.

You need to watch this till the end because I also have a really interesting chess Puzzle

for you all.

Let's see if you can solve that.

So without further ado, let's get started with Chess Talk.

Hello Chess Friends, I am Jeetendra Advani.

Firstly Congratulations, our Chess Talk channel now has more than 200k subscribers.

I would like to thank each and every one of you for your incredible support.

This wouldn't have been possible without you all.

And In case you haven't yet subscribed, then hit that Red Subscribe button, below this

video, right now. Okay, so the tricks I am going to show you now can be played by Black

in the Famous Budapest gambit variation.

So let's get straight into it.

White starts with the Queen's Pawn opening.

We respond with knight to F6.

White plays C4, the Indian game.

And then we play pawn to e5, turning this into the Budapest defense.

Now from here, the most obvious move will be to take this pawn.

But there is another popular move that you might see from white and that is pawn to d5.

He is trying to expand his control of the center and gain some space on the queen's


In this position, our strategy would be to bring out our dark-squared Bishop and attack

this weak F7 square.

And It's always better, you know, to get your bishop out of this pawn chain first and then

you can push this pawn forward to develop your other bishop.

Anyways, now its highly likely that your opponent would look to pin your knight by bringing

out his Bishop to g5.

And that's exactly what you want to see because you have a secret little trap here.

You are simply going to forget about your queen and move this knight to e4.

If your opponent tries to be greedy and he grabs your queen without much thinking, then

he will be shocked to see your next move - which is going to be bishop to f2.

That's check and mate in just 5 moves. Going back, even if he recognizes this checkmate

threat, he is still in big trouble because remember, he has to prevent this mate and

at the same time, he has to save his bishop also.

So he might come up with something like bishop to e3, but after bishop takes, pawn takes


Queen h4 check, white plays pawn to g3, which is the only legal move he has.

We can then simply take this pawn with our knight.

Pawn can't take because of this pin.

So all in all, you are in a very superior position.

White's king is out in the open and you have so many attacking options.

You should easily win it from here.

Now let's go back and see another cool variation.

In this position, most players as white will look to capture this pawn to gain an early


Your strategy is going to be simple.

You will keep adding attackers to this pawn and white will keep adding defenders so that

he can hold on to this pawn advantage.

Firstly, since he is attacking our knight, let's move it to G4, attacking this pawn.

White will look to defend so he brings out his knight.

Let me show you a quick trap that you can setup from this position as well.

First, you can play d6, offering to trade off pawns.

White will most likely take this because it's a great opportunity for him to get rid off

this weak doubled pawn.

After white takes, you can take back with your bishop.

Now in this position, most average players start to get very uncomfortable with this


Hence, you can expect a move like h3 or g3.

If he plays anything like this, then he is gone.

Let me show you how.

After h3, you will play the killer move, knight captures f2.

You are double attacking the queen and the rook, so he will have to take with his king.

But that's a blunder because after bishop to g3 check, it's a discovered attack on the

queen and unfortunately for white, the king cannot go back to support.

So king will take the bishop and we will simply grab the queen like this.

And you should easily win it from here. Okay, Now let's go back and see another interesting


Now instead of playing d6, we can continue to attack this pawn, so we bring out our knight

to c6.

Again, this time white defends with his bishop.

Now we will develop our dark squared bishop and give a check.

The king can't move, he obviously can't block with his queen, and if he blocks with this

knight or bishop, then he will lose a defender to this pawn.

So the only option he has is to block with this knight.

Knight to c3 is not such a good idea because if the bishop takes, then he will have to

recapture with his pawn, which will ultimately destroy his pawn structure.

So white will have to play knight to d2.

From here, we will continue attacking this pawn, this time by bringing out our queen

to e7.

A very common continuation from white would be to push these pawns forward with the idea

of trapping this bishop.

So white will start off with pawn to a3.

This is what we were looking for.

From here, we can setup another deadly checkmate, which is called the Kieninger Trap.

For the moment, we will ignore this bishop and instead, capture this pawn with our knight.

And if white decides to take your bishop, then he can pack his bags and go home because

knight to d3 will be a beautiful smothered checkmate.

Going back, even if white does not take your bishop and takes your knight instead, like

this, then you can simply take back with your knight.

Still, white cannot take your bishop because this checkmate threat still exists.

So the best move for white would be to play e3, defending the d3 square with his bishop.

After this, bishop takes knight check, and Queen takes back.

And now if you look at the board, it's almost even stevens.

So even if white plays everything correctly, still you won't be behind in the game.

You should definitely try out this trick in your games because most chess players will

fall for these traps.

Do let me know in the comments how it worked for you.

Okay, so It's puzzle time.

But before moving onto today's chess puzzle, I request you to show your support and Like

this video.

We are targeting 2000 likes on this video, so come on guys, hit that Thumbs Up button

right now.

Okay, so here's the puzzle.

In this position, It's your turn and you need to find the Best Move continuation for White.

I will give you a hint this time, it's a checkmate in 8 moves.

If you are able to find the solution

to this puzzle, then share it in the comments below.

Whoever gives the correct answer with the perfect explanation, I will be pinning that

comment at the top so that everyone can see it.

All the Best Guys!

Let's see how many of you can solve this.

Well, Don't forget to Like & Subscribe to this channel.

And for some interesting chess tips, tricks and puzzles, you can like my Facebook page

and follow me on Instagram.

Links are in the description box below.

Thanks for watching and I shall see you in my next video.

For more infomation >> Budapest Gambit Traps: Chess Opening Tricks to Win Fast | Best Checkmate Moves, Strategy & Ideas - Duration: 6:59.


李麗芬《莫生氣》【電影武林怪獸宣傳推廣曲 Kung Fu Monster OST】官方高畫質 Official HD MV - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> 李麗芬《莫生氣》【電影武林怪獸宣傳推廣曲 Kung Fu Monster OST】官方高畫質 Official HD MV - Duration: 2:00.


Fabulous Bender Boys - JITH - 2006 - (I was a photographer at this live concert) - Duration: 59:28.

For more infomation >> Fabulous Bender Boys - JITH - 2006 - (I was a photographer at this live concert) - Duration: 59:28.


Bow Tie 'til I Die - Duration: 43:35.

For more infomation >> Bow Tie 'til I Die - Duration: 43:35.


The Lost Trailers Country Band - JITH - 2006 - (I was a photographer at this live concert) - Duration: 37:41.

For more infomation >> The Lost Trailers Country Band - JITH - 2006 - (I was a photographer at this live concert) - Duration: 37:41.


Ricky Skaggs - JITH - 2004 - (I was a photographer at this live concert) - Duration: 55:54.

For more infomation >> Ricky Skaggs - JITH - 2004 - (I was a photographer at this live concert) - Duration: 55:54.



For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0i 67PK COMFORTPLUSLINE NAVIGATOR | RIJKLAAR INCL.METALLIC LAK - Duration: 0:53.



For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0i 67PK COMFORTPLUSLINE NAVIGATOR | RIJKLAAR INCL.METALLIC LAK - Duration: 1:08.


Dele Alli: Tottenham star speaks out about shocking Arsenal bottle throwing incident - Duration: 2:15.

 The England international was struck in the second half as he went to take a throw in

 Alli appeared unscathed by the incident as tempers boiled over. Having regained his compose, the former MK Dons midfielder made a gesture to Arsenal fans signifying Tottenham's 2-0 lead

 The 22-year-old had got the on the score sheet in the second half with a sublime dink over Petr Cech

 Son Heung-min had bagged Spurs' opener.  Speaking after the clash, Alli said he was chuffed to reach the semi finals

   "It is what it is," he said when asked about the bottle throwing incident. "It made the goal a bit sweeter and the win

 "We knew how important it was today, a big test. "It was a strong performance in the end

 "Son is a passionate guy and brings his character out on the pitch. He's one of the fastest players I've seen, I didn't have a doubt he would finish

 "When I went through for my goal I knew I had to time my run and keep my composure

" BBC pundit Dion Dublin labelled the Arsenal fan who threw the bottle 'mindless'

 "It's sad to see," Dublin said.  "It's mindless. Why would you do that? "It must have had water or something in it to reach Dele Alli

 "Why would you risk being idiots? "Just support your club, don't do ridiculous things like that

 "Let's not give it any more time discussing it."

For more infomation >> Dele Alli: Tottenham star speaks out about shocking Arsenal bottle throwing incident - Duration: 2:15.



For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0i 67PK COMFORTPLUSLINE NAVIGATOR | RIJKLAAR INCL.METALLIC LAK - Duration: 1:11.


Arsenal legend explains which player Matteo Guendouzi is most like - Duration: 2:16.

 Unai Emery's summer signings have, in the main, impressed at the Emirates.  One of those has been Matteo Guendouzi

 The 19-year-old was thrown straight into action at the start of the season and has made 21 appearances in all competitions so far

 He has settled into life in the Premier League with ease, adding a new dimension to the Gunners' midfield

 Arsenal legend Robert Pires has previously called fellow new signing Lucas Torreira a "warrior" and the Frenchman had no qualms with using the same word to describe Guendouzi

  Speaking to the i paper , Pires explained what Guendouzi has done since he has arrived in the Premier League

 He said: "Of course, for Arsenal fans, for journalists and for some people he has been a great surprise, because nobody knew him when he signed for Arsenal

But he's a great player, he's very talented and he's very confident.  "For me, it was not a surprise because I know him

He plays simple, he runs a lot, he's like a warrior. I think he's like Lucas Torreira

 "For Arsenal it's very important to have a player like Matteo Guendouzi. He's a good player and I think he can make a success with Arsenal

I hope so." Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from football

london via the free app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> Arsenal legend explains which player Matteo Guendouzi is most like - Duration: 2:16.



For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0i 67i COMFORTPLUSLINE NAVIGATOR | RIJKLAAR INCL. METALLIC LAK - Duration: 0:53.



For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0i 67PK COMFORTPLUSLINE NAVIGATOR | RIJKLAAR INCL.METALLIC LAK - Duration: 1:08.



For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0i 67PK COMFORTPLUSLINE NAVIGATOR | RIJKLAAR INCL.METALLIC LAK - Duration: 0:53.



For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0i 67PK COMFORTPLUSLINE NAVIGATOR | RIJKLAAR INCL.METALLIC LAK - Duration: 0:53.


Hice un ovni que vuela! / I made a UFO that flies! - by crystian - Duration: 1:44.

well, its 23:30...31 o clock, of february 13rd 2009

i'm just finishing the prototype, the one that i've been working for so long

i've been working on it for about 3 years

... and well, let me introduce, its practically finished

... and here it is...

Yes! its a flying object, an "UFO" (unidentified flying object), known as ufo,

there are some few details but ...

there's a fly bothering... err... sorry

err... well, i need finishing a few details...

that is my work table, here is where i assembled, i want you to see it .

(... upps the zoom ...)

ohh, this annoying fly


is it rising up?!, what does it do?? NOOO! its taking off the ship!

it flies!, it works!, it works!

oh god! im gonna get rich!, FUCK YEAH!

NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! the prototype!


i dont know!, you were complaining!


For more infomation >> Hice un ovni que vuela! / I made a UFO that flies! - by crystian - Duration: 1:44.



For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0i 67PK COMFORTPLUSLINE NAVIGATOR | RIJKLAAR INCL.METALLIC LAK - Duration: 1:08.



For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0i 67PK COMFORTPLUSLINE NAVIGATOR | RIJKLAAR INCL.METALLIC LAK - Duration: 1:12.


Hayami Kanade - SR Episode [Idea list of the darkness ] - Duration: 3:32.

-- Office --

Good work today.

It seems your meeting went longer than usual.

Would you like a break?

I was just waiting for you.

I don't have any engagements.

Producer-san, you've been busy lately, correct?

So... Honestly, I feel left out.

Like I've lost my purpose...

Though, I can't get in the way of your work...

I shouldn't say selfish things.

No matter how lonely I may feel....

Just kidding!♪ It's my special way of greeting you.

Please, don't be too worried.

Though, the bit about intention is true, you know.

Or, were you expecting me to be that kind of noble, earnest woman?

If that's the case... I'm truly honored.

But I'm glad.

Were you to be too mindful of me, you'd be more open to my whims and there would be no end to it, correct?

I'd like to go somewhere on our next day off.

There's no need for luggage.

I'm requesting this from you as my Producer.

I'm counting on you.

-- Library --

Novels, films, plays... Even material about scenario creation...

Phew, looking for it in this fashion gets you drawn into all sorts of things.

Do you have any other recommendations?

In order for me to improve my acting skills for my next job...

If there's something I'm lacking, you better than anyone else will know, correct?

Ah, wait.

It's a library, so we should speak quieter...

And that means we need be move closer.

Yes... That close♪

Fufu, it's as if we're playing hide and seek.

In a dim place, just the two of us.

Having a secret talk nobody can hear...

It's quite the situation.

So, Producer-san, can you tell me?

The piece that I'm missing, in silent words...

Whisper them to my ear.

I'll be fine if my acting is this good?

My, this isn't acting. It's strategy.

They're my true colors, laid bare for you... Fufu♪

But I'm happy. Your words give me confidence...

I feel I can take the next step.

I'll steal your glimpse,

Look forward to my acting♪

For more infomation >> Hayami Kanade - SR Episode [Idea list of the darkness ] - Duration: 3:32.


How going back to uni changed Jim O'Reilly - Duration: 1:51.

To have completed tertiary studies – I think that's remarkable, and if I

can share that with somebody else, even a young person, and for them to think

Jimbo's pretty remarkable, I'd be immensely flattered. I think that was

good that we were both studying and we had you know a bit of a different

timetable and so it worked out that you know either one of us were here to do

pickups and drop-offs for school; either one of us were here to cook dinner and

there have been quite a group of mature aged mums and dads so it's been a very

close-knit group. I felt as a mature aged student we could really benefit

the younger generation who were coming straight out of high school with

a bit of life skill, but then I also found in my degree that the younger

generation actually helped me with my conceptual thinking because I think like

a 52-year-old man, and I'm in a group of five or six students that are you know

17, 19, 20, 21, 22, and it's been great to get their thoughts and insights and the

way that they look at life and that greatly enhanced my learning experience at uni.

It's always been a dream of mine to walk across the stage and receive my

degree and it's an incredible confidence boost. I have much better relationships

with my adult children who are going through uni or who are now working because

of my university experience. If your kids can see that mum and dad can do it

it just gives them a bit more vision and hopefully it inspires

them to pursue education, because I believe

education is the currency of the 21st century

For more infomation >> How going back to uni changed Jim O'Reilly - Duration: 1:51.


The Cat In the Hat Knows a Lot About That! - Batteries Not Included / Checking the Boxes - Duration: 24:58.

For more infomation >> The Cat In the Hat Knows a Lot About That! - Batteries Not Included / Checking the Boxes - Duration: 24:58.


Đừng ăn quỵt, lấy tiền của cụ bà 80 tuổi bán há cảo, súp cua nữa được không? - Duration: 42:55.

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CreepyDay - OmLamis

Talk about damned or haunted objects

what comes to mind is a home

dolls, toys and vehicles

vehicles such as cars, motorbikes or buses can also be haunted or cursed

Rarely is there really a haunted car

that's why OmLamis tried to summarize

5 damned or haunted vehicles in the world

this is the first part waiting for the next part OmLamis version

Before proceeding please subscribe to the OmLamis channel first

To get the next mystery video update

Abraham Lincoln's Phantom Train

For starters, the story of a cursed or haunted vehicle

let's start with the Abraham Lincoln ghost train

We all know that the American president

Abraham Lincoln died from being killed

Lincoln's body and his son Willie were planned to be buried

and escorted using a train called The Lincoln Special

What makes this train creepy is, every April

This ghost train is seen crossing the same route

Many eyewitnesses said the same thing

Another oddity occurs also at the clock around the train

All hours suddenly stopped when the train passed

When the train passes, there is a mysterious sad and whistling music

Dr. Kevorkian's "Death Mobile"

For an investigator in the field of paranormal

it is natural to collect items that are about the supernatural

This is what Zak Bagans did

a paranormal investigator in the popular television series, Ghost Adventures

Bagans bought a white Volkswagen van for 32,500 USD

The white van is Dr.'s car Kevorkian Jack

With his car, Kevorkian has helped 130 people

met death by suicide

With the dark history of the van

Bagans plans to make the car an object of his new project

According to him, the car is surrounded by very strong sad energy

The Phantom Bus Of London

Besides the subway

there is still one more public transportation tool operating in the city of London

The transportation tool is a double decker bus

Double decker is so popular and iconic

This red public level bus has been around for a long time

but there is one bus that will never be forgotten, the Phantom Bus

The Phantom Bus is an ordinary public bus operating in London

The difference is, this one bus is a ghost bus that is unknown to the route and driver

In 1930 and 1990s

many people say seeing this ghost bus speeding up

at high speed every night at 1:15 a.m.

This bus always crosses the same route at Cambridge Gardens

without passengers, and who is unknown to the driver

Surrey, England's Ghost Crash

In England there is one horror story

about ghost accidents that haunt a street in Surrey city

A number of motorcycle riders who crossed the road

report to the authorities

that they saw a car turning wrong and had an accident in Surrey

But, after being searched by police, the car was not found

Not giving up, the police explored deeper into the area around the accident

Finally they managed to find the carcass in question

along with the bones of men who were reported missing since 5 months ago

Allegedly, the ghost who experienced this accident appeared on Surrey Street

in the hope that someone will find the body and be buried properly

The Jumping Car of Cape Town

In South Africa, 2004

a number of people were shocked and scared by a Renault Megane

Eyewitnesses said that the car's engine suddenly turned on and began to jump

There is no person behind the wheel, there is no key

and the handbrake that is pulled makes a lot of people afraid and starts away from the car

Do not want bad news about the car continues to grow

Renault then gave a statement

It was said that the strange behavior of the car was caused by bad cable conditions

causing electrical short circuit

However, the explanation still cannot explain how the engine can roar

as if someone were stepping on the gas pedal

That was the fifth most damned and frightening vehicle in the world

don't forget to wait for the 2nd part

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