Saturday, December 22, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 22 2018

That's how it is. Sometimes things don't turn out the way you want.

That's how it is. Sometimes things don't turn out the way you want.

Here we sent two books to the printing office and one of them didn't come out as we ordered.

For more infomation >> IMPACTO VLOG 004 - Duration: 23:46.


Huawei Mate 20 Lite VS Huawei P20 Lite | Enfrentamiento | Top Pulso - Duration: 16:14.

For more infomation >> Huawei Mate 20 Lite VS Huawei P20 Lite | Enfrentamiento | Top Pulso - Duration: 16:14.


Llévame de viaje - Recorriendo España en bicicleta - Parte 13 (SUBTITLES) - Duration: 2:31.

I left Amorebieta with my heart as wide as a map

Lekeitio is a town that faces the "Cantábrico sea" with distinction

Here nature, history and its people

have conspired to create one of the most beautiful retreats of the "Vizcaina coast"

On dream roads along the coast I arrived Ondarroa

Here, the sea and the mountain are integrated in a dance of marine blue and green

Each day I'm overwhelmed by an impulse of freedom that captivate my five senses

I let myself fall in exciting zigzags

flowing like a river, tilting my head and looking for the look of the wind

My eyes fill with tears, and I feel a supernatural being

in front of the immensity of the ocean


Guahh!! Oh My God!

Zumaia is located in a beautiful bay where the Urola and Narrondo rivers converge

The locality woke up observing the elegant reflections that the clouds stamped in their evolution

Next to the breakwater I entered the streets of Getaria

where Juan Sebastián Elcano was born, the first man who sailed around the world

Casanova said: The man who wants to be educated

must first read, and travel later to rectify what he learned

To get to San Sebastian I chose for the road from Orio to Igueldo

a wonderful route in height with sublime views of the coast and the sea

The arrival to "La Concha beach" was spectacular

In Miner, the emblematic bicycle shop in San Sebastian

I had a very special talk

Life does not put you a guru in the Himalayas

at 11,000 km distance

so you can learn the secrets of being

No, life is wiser than all that

We don't know how to manage our emotions.

We don't know that we are limited by many false beliefs

For more infomation >> Llévame de viaje - Recorriendo España en bicicleta - Parte 13 (SUBTITLES) - Duration: 2:31.


'OT 2018': Alba Reche y María ven "desafortunada" la elección de Israel como sede de Eurovisión 2019 - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> 'OT 2018': Alba Reche y María ven "desafortunada" la elección de Israel como sede de Eurovisión 2019 - Duration: 2:20.


Como tener Carga Inalámbrica en cualquier teléfono Android - Duration: 3:48.

hello friends today let's see how to load wireless form telephones that do not have

wireless charge and let's see how it works These devices to charge without wires.

well then to have inlamamarca load we need first a receiving card like the one

You see, it's very very fine, this one you see puts which delivers up to 1 amp of maximum load,

Then I'll check if that's true.

and well there are basically two types one with the short cable like this that you see and another with

the longest cable, the longest cable you may put the sensor on

fingerprints if you have it back like me so I bought the short cable that is this

what do you see?

we are also going to need a load base wireless that is this that you see that should

obviously being powered by a charger and what you see puts that is capable of delivering

9 volts and 1.1 amps or 5 volts and a amps, to deliver those 9 volts

two things have to happen one you have to connect it to a fast charge charger but

will not deliver those 9 volts and the second is that the inlamabrica card must allow

fast charge to 9 volts thing that this that I have not allowed so I will charge the phone

at 5 volts and a maximum of one ampere

so we connect the base through the connector type c and connect the card to the connector

load we see that it has an adhesive to fix it to

phone but I will not use the sticker then I want to try the card in several phones

to see how it works anyway with the cover is not going to move so we put

the cover and being transparrente the card is seen but the thickness of the phone hardly varies

in this xiaomi my 8 that has the black case it goes totally unnoticed you have to look

a lot to realize unless you look the connector that there if you notice that there is

something connected

well I will use an application that is called ampere and what it does is measure consumption in

milliamps at the moment that charges the battery and also calculates the milliamperes to the

that the battery is being discharged like now that marks me about 170 mA approximately, what

I start loading and we have to wait until the application detects and marks about 700 800 milliamperes

approximately that is pretty close to amp that appears in the specifications,

for those who do not know much of milliamps maybe you will have noticed that when you connect the

phone to a computer takes a lot in charge the phone so if we put the application

in operation by connecting the phone to a pc we see that it marks about 340 milliamps

as much as I dial 400 so with the charger wireless would take half of

time with a pc and in a battery of size Current average of about 3200 mA charges a 50

one hundred in one hour so we have time enough to charge the phone at night

In some internet forum I read that putting these chargers did not work well the antennas

could not work the nfc good I've tried it on several phones and it works

perfect Obviously what we are going to lose is the

connectivity of the charging port so this type of devices I recommend it on phones

that with your daily use you arrive at night without load it during the day and load it calmly

when you are sleeping if you are one of those who usually connect your phone

to pc to share your pc files to phone or vice versa you can do it without connecting

by cable and I leave you a tutorial that is very easy to follow and in fact is what I do

I currently when I want to pass files photos or videos of the phone to the pc

Well, here's the proof of these chargers wireless that are pretty good for

decrease load port wear Well, practically every day we have

to connect and disconnect the charger I say goodbye until a next video.

For more infomation >> Como tener Carga Inalámbrica en cualquier teléfono Android - Duration: 3:48.


🔥🍪Abraham CJ ✖ Curly Lamb - CooKies W Sauce🍪🔥 - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> 🔥🍪Abraham CJ ✖ Curly Lamb - CooKies W Sauce🍪🔥 - Duration: 2:46.


Casado culpa a Sánchez de hacer de Moncloa un "centro de mando del secesionismo" - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Casado culpa a Sánchez de hacer de Moncloa un "centro de mando del secesionismo" - Duration: 3:12.





Nació con su cerebro empujando su cráneo pero este bebé superó todas las expectativas| Noticias 24/7 - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> Nació con su cerebro empujando su cráneo pero este bebé superó todas las expectativas| Noticias 24/7 - Duration: 10:42.


Belinda enciende las redes luciendo sexy vestido transparente - Duration: 1:46.

Belinda, es sin duda una de las cantantes más famosas de México, en donde es muy querida por sus fieles fanáticos, a quienes consiente con frecuencia con las sensuales imágenes que comparte en sus redes sociales.

La famosa cantante y actriz, dejó sin aliento a sus admiradores, luego de compartir en su cuenta personal de Instagram su última fotografía en donde se puede ver a Belinda luciendo un sexy vestido transparente, el cual deja al descubierto todos sus encantos.

En la instantánea, se puede apreciar la cantante sentada junto a un árbol de Navidad y con una pose muy sensual, por lo que captó la mirada de sus miles de seguidores.

Belinda acompañó la publicación del siguiente texto: "El mejor regalo!! La amo LunaMini2" y los comentarios por parte de sus fieles fanáticos no se hicieron esperar, por lo que en cuestión de minutos recibió cientos de comentarios.

Y es que Belinda es una de las artistas favoritas de los mexicanos, a pesar de ser de nacionalidad española, pues en sus diversas participaciones en producciones televisivas más emblemáticas de México se ha robado el corazón de su público, quienes no dejan de elogiar la belleza de la intérprete.

For more infomation >> Belinda enciende las redes luciendo sexy vestido transparente - Duration: 1:46.


Como dibujar un OSO PANDA kawaii facil para niños | Dibujar OSO PANDA - Duration: 4:43.



For more infomation >> Como dibujar un OSO PANDA kawaii facil para niños | Dibujar OSO PANDA - Duration: 4:43.


Nueva sede Confuror 2019 - Duration: 2:21.

Hello there, friends

today we bring you a very important new

looking forward to enhance your experience

in the next Confuror.

One of the lead convention centers in Guadalajara

opened its doors for us

providing larger facilities

perfect for our event needs.

With comfy rooms

and more and better elevators,

just what we were waiting for.

New venue's location is better

than the one previously arranged

because now we have a front view to the emblematic

Guadalajara's Minerva monument.

Unlike the Hilton Hotel

this new venue is larger, better equipped

and above all, ready to host many attendees

so no one stays out

What are you waiting for?

pack your things

and get ready for the next Confuror

For more infomation >> Nueva sede Confuror 2019 - Duration: 2:21.


Arrimadas: "Ayer fue el día soñado por Torra: una Cataluña gobernada por CDR" - Noticias de hoy - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Arrimadas: "Ayer fue el día soñado por Torra: una Cataluña gobernada por CDR" - Noticias de hoy - Duration: 2:50.


Calendario de adviento #22: Realismo Mágico - Duration: 1:44.

Happy December 22, I hope you're doing very well!

Today's genre is Magical Realism and one of my favorite books from this genre is

The Astonishing Color of After by Emily X. R. Pan.

I think this book hasn't been translated to spanish, I hope they do it soon because it's an incredible story.

In this one we follow a girl whose mother kills herself and after this she becomes a bird.

And this is where the Magical Realism comes in.

So our main character will have to travel to Taiwan

to meet her maternal grandparents since she never got the chance before.

And she'll uncover some secrets from her mother's past

which will also make her relationship with her family becomes closer.

And obviously all this will be mixed in with magical elements

that will serve as analogies for what's happening in her life.

And for the movie, one of my favorites is Big Fish.

In this story we have a man who for all his life has told fantasy stories to his son.

Until his son gets tired of it since they're too fantastical to be believable.

So this creates a breach between father and son until, eventually, his dad nears to his final days.

And the son will start rummaging in his dad's past until he discovers the truth behind the stories he told for his entire life.

And thanks to the magical elements in this movie, everything is visually pleasant and the whole story hits home.

And it makes you suffer but also enjoy it a lot.

That's it for today, don't forget to share your favorites from this genre in the comments down below.

Thanks for watching this video and I'll see you tomorr0w in the next one. Bye!

For more infomation >> Calendario de adviento #22: Realismo Mágico - Duration: 1:44.


Abstinencia | Cortometraje (2018) - Duration: 7:09.

I am very pleased to see new faces

There´s still only a few of us, but

it´s good that people

are starting to recognize they have a problem

and looked for help.

It is very commendable that you came here

to open up...

and to admit that something´s not quite right.


we will reach great results.

You have already taken a mighty big step,

simply by coming here.

Tomorrow, your loved ones will be grateful for it.

We have a new member with us today.

Please, tell us your name and what it is you´re looking for here.

Well, my name is Oscar...

Hello, Oscar.

Yeah.. Hi.

Well, I first learned about

this therapy group...

from my ex-wife.

She kept saying I should seek treatment for my...

...little problem.

I didn´t really see it as a problem at first, not at all.

But I started noticing other people did,

and that I might harm someone close to me.

Well, I´m not sure "harm" is the right word.

Is it?

Anyway, my...

...ex-wife was affected by this issue.

Me, I´ve been holding myself back for, like, three days now

and I believe, with some help,

that I might recover...

or not.

I never thought this was so...

so common.

To be honest, I thought I was the only one who had it.

Even more nowadays, what with all these vegetarian and human rights movements and ecology and whatnot.

My coworkers took it as a joke at first.

I´d even chase them around and they´d be like

"Who ate my burger?" "Who ate my burger?"

"It was Oscar!".

But after the first incident...

they started looking at me funny.

I dont know,

at first it was as if they didn´t believe it.

But after witnessing some of my more...

violent episodes...

there was no doubt.

My ex-wife was right,

I guess.

I need to be cured

assuming my condition can be cured at all.

I want to heal, doctor.

I´m sick of people running away from me when they hear about my little problem.

I feel like an outcast.

Sometimes I think it´s my fault, sometimes I don´t, and my ex...

Hi, my name is Alejandro

Hello, Alejandro.

Hi. Well... It´s been nearly...

twelve days, four hours and forty five minutes since I last relapsed.

Outstanding! Great job, congratulations!


Anyway, thanks to the

Doctor´s eight-step method

method I´ve been able to appear in public places again.

. I´ve been reintegrating myself into society little by little.

The cops don´t bother me as much either,

which is great because prison foods sucks, to be honest.

I also stopped having arguments with my dog.

More than anything,

this program finally made me realize

I can begin seeing people for what they really are,

which is... human beings, and not...

well, you get it.

Thats great. We understand you, Ale

This is why it´s so nice to share our experiences and reassure ourselves that we can get better.

That is the first step, because we use the eight-step method,

and the eight-step method...

Never fails!

Alright, I´ve got a little group activity prepared for you,

and I am going to need you to fill out a few forms.

So, I´m going to go get them from my office and I´ll be right back.

Excuse me.

"We got the eight-step method"

"Never fails"

Ok, we´re all set...

"Rehabilitation Center for Anthropomorphs"


For more infomation >> Abstinencia | Cortometraje (2018) - Duration: 7:09.


iPhone XS Max | Givaway Of christmas day 2018 - Duration: 2:21.

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For more infomation >> iPhone XS Max | Givaway Of christmas day 2018 - Duration: 2:21.


Live PD: Weirdest Stop Ever, Bro (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Live PD: Weirdest Stop Ever, Bro (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 2:38.


Citroën Berlingo 1.6 HDI 90pk Automaat luxe uitvoering nieuwstaat | 24 December geopend tot 15.00 u - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.6 HDI 90pk Automaat luxe uitvoering nieuwstaat | 24 December geopend tot 15.00 u - Duration: 1:06.





Volkswagen Transporter 1.9 TDI 102pk opknapper 2500 ex btw | 24 December geopend tot 15.00 u - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Transporter 1.9 TDI 102pk opknapper 2500 ex btw | 24 December geopend tot 15.00 u - Duration: 1:06.


Christmas vs. X-Mas - Day 10 - Duration: 0:46.

I don't know I feel like there was this whole trend of people getting mad that we were

taking the Christ out of Christmas and putting the X in it for xmas but I'm

pretty sure that the X is just a Greek symbol for Christ so it's really the

same thing Christ-mas Christmas Xmas and again it

goes into this whole like war on Christmas thing where people are like oh

we can't have the Christ in Christmas cuz that doesn't make any sense we

needed to be out of there so we don't offend anyone and we don't talk about

beliefs when Christ was the reason for Christmas in the first place though they

did have pagan holiday traditions point is did I google this No do I want to

no. Do I care that much about X-mas?

have fun during the holidays

For more infomation >> Christmas vs. X-Mas - Day 10 - Duration: 0:46.


What Ole Gunnar Solskjaer told the Manchester United squad in the first training meeting - Duration: 2:11.

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer reminded Manchester United's squad of their 'unbelievable' quality

and described the group as world class during his first training session as caretaker boss,

Metro can reveal.

The Norwegian arrived in Manchester late on Wednesday night but was the first through

the door at United's training ground on Thursday morning to take first-team training

at Carrington.

Solskjaer gathered the squad before the session began and told the group that he was honoured

to be taking charge of a 'world class' set of players, Metro understands.

The 45-year-old singled out Paul Pogba and David De Gea as proof of the squad's quality,

describing the Spaniard as the best goalkeeper in the world and the midfielder as a 'World

Cup winner'.

Mourinho had lost the trust of the majority of the dressing room by the time of his sacking

on Tuesday and felt Nemanja Matic and Romelu Lukaku were the only players he could confide


Ed Woodward, the club's executive vice-chairman, wanted a caretaker manager that 'understood'

United's traditions and felt that Solskjaer could unite the squad and supporters in the

remainder of the season.

The Norwegian will be working with Sir Alex Ferguson's former assistant Mike Phelan

as his number 2 at the Theatre of Dreams and he contacted Phelan late on Tuesday to discuss

taking the role.

The mood at the Carrington in recent months has been described as toxic but Solskjaer's

appointment has re-energised the squad by injecting a feel-good factor back into training.

Solskjaer's first game in charge is against his former side Cardiff City and the United

squad even jokingly promised to beat the Bluebirds for their new boss after he was sacked by

the club in 2014.

Despite a chaotic 48 hours, Solskjaer attended United's staff Chrismas Party on Wednesday

night and urged those present to do everything they can for the players to put 'smiles

back on faces'.

Solskjaer will be unable to call upon Romelu Lukaku in Wales after the Belgian was granted

compassionate leave.

Pogba is expected to be reinstated into United's starting line-up after being left out for

Mourinho's final game in charge last Sunday at Anfield.

For more infomation >> What Ole Gunnar Solskjaer told the Manchester United squad in the first training meeting - Duration: 2:11.


Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTi EcoFlex S/S Edition (96pk) Airco/ Cruise/ Elek. pakket/ Isofix/ Deelbare achterb - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTi EcoFlex S/S Edition (96pk) Airco/ Cruise/ Elek. pakket/ Isofix/ Deelbare achterb - Duration: 0:53.


Zeit zum Smashen Super Smash Bros Ultimate Blind Deutsch Let's Play - Duration: 35:08.

For more infomation >> Zeit zum Smashen Super Smash Bros Ultimate Blind Deutsch Let's Play - Duration: 35:08.


NARUTO MANGA REVIEW | Ninjas sind cool 🐱‍👤 MANGA REVIEW - Duration: 6:56.

Ninjas are the coolest Warriors out there super sectret special moves, silent killing

is all in their repertior.

And about exactly these kind of warriors Masashi Kishimotos Manga Naruto is based off.

In the year 1999 Naruto was published in the Shonen Jump Magazin and amazed the masses


At the moment it is the 4th most successful Manga of all time with 220 Million copies


The Story is the point, its all about the young Ninja contender Naruto Uzumaki.

A really nasty kid which is looked down to by the people in his village because inside

him their resides the Ghost of the 9 Tailed Fox which a few years ago almost completly

destroyed his village.

The Kyuubi as it is called was stopped by the Head of the Village called Hokage, he

gave his life and that of his woman to protect the village and his kid.

And this Kid was Naruto.

Growing Up without Parents it is clear why Naruto has this attention defeicit syndrom

und always does stupid things so people know hes here.

His only desire?

Naruto wants to be Hokage so all look up to him.

His way is prettry hard, first of all he has to clear his school and learning isnt his


When the story goes on he gets into a team with kakashi hatake an expierienced ninja

and leader of the Group.

Sasuke Uchiha a genius in Ninja Art which belongs to the famous Uchiha Clan which is

famous for its Strong Doujutsu the Sharingan.

But Sasuke has a dark side he wants to kill his brother, who killed all of his clan members.

And last but not lelast we have Sakura Haruno a kunoichi a girl Ninja which loves Sasuke.

At the same time she is the love interest for Naruto.

This team is meant to be a failure.

Together they expierence a lot of adventures.

Until the great Plottwist comes and Sasuke leaves the Village to be a Partner of Orochimaru

an apostate Ninja of the Village, just to get closer to his goal.

But this isnt all another evil organisation is in search for the Ghost of the 9-Tailed

Fox and 8 other Ghosts to conquer the World.

Sasukes brother is part of this Organisation.

Its all followed by a Timeskip where we can see all Characters 2 years later as more adult

versions of themselve.

Die Story goes on with a lot of Plottwists but here in Naruto Shippuden as it is called

after the timeskip it all gets kinda longbreathing and somehow curious.

No one really knows who is good and who is bad.

To clash into and endfight against an Enemy no one ever has heard of or seen something.

The Story started strong with a lot of emotions hidden inside it and was really good.

But with to much antagonist entaglements and frustration the story looses his ground and

the pacing is overall bad.

Some Characters dont get enough screentime and the deepness of the story goes loose.

Personally i myself think about the last arc not as bad as the most people.

But sadly the second halftime of Naruto wasnt as good as the first Part which is really

sad because it had a lot of potential til the end.

Characters should have gotten more deeper roles in Naruto, storyparts should have been

get a better telling and an overall clearup of all the antagonists.

Here a little spoilerwarning for the end of Naruto.

First of all we have Orochimaru as an Antagonist than Sasuke gets to him as well as a Puppet

for Orochimaru, but in the end Orochimaru ends up being a Puppet for Sasuke.

Than there is the Secret Organisation Akatsuki, where we get to know Pain, which is made the

mightiest enemy in the story, but than we get to know that Pain or Yahiko which his

real name is, ist in reallity dead and just a puppet by his long time friend Nagato the

new antagonist.

But even Nagato is just a Puppet for Obito Uchiha the real man behind Akatsuki, and a

childhood friend of Kakashi Hatake.

At least we think he is the real leader but in reallity he ends up being just the puppet

for Madara Uchiha, the strongest Uchiha ever lived from far in

the Past.

But even he is nothing more than a Puppet for a Girl which evolved the whole Chakra

thing in Naruto.

Everywhere just Puppet Enemys.

The Story should have gone another way.

Technically Naruto is really beautiful, Masashi Kishimoto made some really nice Panels.

And this is really helpful by getting the mood up even if the end of the story kinda


In the End i have to say i still liked Naruto very much even with the knowledge about the

end of the story i would tell everybody to read this Manga.

It has some exciting Storyplots, nice Characters and some cool fights, but you have to endure

the end and that will be hard.

I hope you liked my little Review and if the answer is yes, show it to me with a thumbs

up or leave a subscription here if you still dont have.

Until the next time i whish you a good time bye :D

For more infomation >> NARUTO MANGA REVIEW | Ninjas sind cool 🐱‍👤 MANGA REVIEW - Duration: 6:56.


How to get free Google play gift cards codes ***Google Play Ulyrics*** - Duration: 4:00.

How to get free Google play gift cards codes ***Google Play Ulyrics***

How to get free Google play gift cards codes ***Google Play Ulyrics***

For more infomation >> How to get free Google play gift cards codes ***Google Play Ulyrics*** - Duration: 4:00.


Bird Box Review (2018 Netflix Movie) - Duration: 0:55.

I'm an idiot that reviews movies and today I'll be reviewing, Bird Box:

In this movie, there are scary things and if you look at them, you kill yourself:

The film features academy award winning actress Sandra Bullock, whose never been in a bad scene:

Subtle character actor Machine Gun Kelly:


The writing is okay, with some cheesy moments I don't like and some alright moments that

I do: The characters are also pretty generic and

I'm only ever gonna remember one of them: But I am VERY impressed that the monsters

are never shown directly and the string of tense sequences kept me entertained throughout

the movie.

Another thing I like is that crazy hooligans aren't affected by the monsters so people

are even more suspicious of each other than usual:

The movie also has some pretty cool shots.

If I had to rate this I'd give it 70 Sarah Paulson dance moves out of 100 Cyrus the virus


For more infomation >> Bird Box Review (2018 Netflix Movie) - Duration: 0:55.


Solå - Bby - Duration: 2:43.

you can call me honey you can call me baby

you can call me darling i don't mind

i usually do but when i'm with you

it's suddenly fine

you can be my baby you can drive me almost crazy

i don't know why i don't mind

i usually do but when i'm with you

it's suddenly fine

all i feel when you're near

is that i need you here closer

all i need is to be closer

closer to you

all i feel when you're near

is that i need you here closer

all i need is to be closer

closer to you

you can always call me but please don't just ignore me

i don't know why i would mind

don't usually do but when i'm with you

it's not really fine

i feel so small around you like it means too much

to lose you i don't know why

but i mind don't usually do

but when i'm with you it's not really fine

all i feel when you're near

is that i need you here closer

all i need is to be closer

closer to you

all i feel when you're near

is that i need you here closer

all i need is to be closer

closer to you

closer to you

For more infomation >> Solå - Bby - Duration: 2:43.


Na dobre i na złe, odcinek 727: Bart zażąda od Marcina, żeby zostawił Julkę - Duration: 13:25.

W "Na dobre i na złe" Bart (Piotr Głowacki) uratuje Marcinowi (Filip Bobek) życie, ale potem postawi poważne żądania.

W 727 odcinku "Na dobre i na złe" neurochirurg zażąda od Molendy,

żeby zostawił Julkę (Aleksandra Hamkało) w spokoju! Co wydarzy się dalej?

Czy Artur pożałuje, że nie zabił rywala podczas skomplikowanej operacji?

I czy Burska zostawi narzeczonego dla nowego kochanka? Poznaj szczegóły nowych odcinków "Na dobre i na złe".

W 727 odcinku "Na dobre i na złe" Marcin wybudzi się ze śpiączki i pierwsze co zrobi, to wyzna Julce miłość.

Dobrze wiecie, że od dawna próbuje ją poderwać.

Teraz po bliskim spotkaniu ze śmiercią postanowi być z nią całkowicie szczery.

Podobnie jak z Arturem, który uratował mu życie. -Uratował mi pan życie - powie Marcin.

-Nie chcę żadnej wdzięczności. Wszystkich pacjentów traktuję tak samo - wyzna Bart.

-Ale nie kusiło pana? - zapyta Molenda sugerując, że Artur mógł go po prostu zabić na stole operacyjnym.

-Nikt by się pewnie nie zorientował, gdyby coś poszło nie tak... Wiem, jak bardzo mnie pan nienawidzi.

-Jedna grzeczna, acz stanowcza prośba: zostaw Julkę w spokoju - powie Bart.

-Profesor Bart mnie o coś prosi? Nowość - zakpi Marcin. Co wydarzy się dalej?

W 727 odcinku "Na dobre i na złe" Marcin najwyraźniej zlekceważy prośbę swojego wybawczy.

W tych okolicznościach Bart poprosi Julkę o poważną rozmowę

podczas której będą musieli ustalić podział obowiązków nad synkiem.

Czy Burska zosawi narzeczonego dla niedoszłego kochanka? Marcin łatwo się nie podda!

Wiktoria i Adam z "Na dobre i na złe" rozdzieleni przez śmierć...

Niestety widzowie "Na dobre i na złe" będą musieli jakoś przeboleć zakończenie jej burzliwej

miłosnej historii pary chirurgów z Leśnej Góry. Na otarcie łez jak zwykle scenarzyści przygotowali kolejne

zaskakujące zwroty akcji w sferze życia prywatnego lekarzy z "Na dobre i na złe".

W nowym sezonie "Na dobre i na złe" uzależnienie Barta od leków osiągnie taki pukt zwrotny

że Julka będzie musiała podjąć drastyczne kroki. Artur – zmuszony przez narzeczoną

- zacznie spotkać się z psychoterapeutką, ale wcale nie będzie łatwym pacjentem.

Z kolei Marcin zrobi wszystko, by na nowo zbliżyć się do Burskiej.

Krok po kroku, anestezjolog spróbuje odsunąć Julkę od Barta…Już w 713 odcinku

"Na dobre i na złe" wróci do tematu pocałunku, który na niej wymusił.

Przeprosi i zapewni, że to się nie powtórzy, ale będzie kłamał w żywe oczy.

- Stawiasz jasne granice i szanuję to. Nie masz się czego obawiać z mojej strony.

Lubię cię, nie będę udawał, że nie. Ale jak kumpelę, przyjaciółkę. Tyle... - powie nieszczerze Molenda.

Przygnębiona problemamu w związku Julka nie będzie obojętna na jego zaloty.

Choć Artur obieca Julce, że zamierza zmienić i odstawić leki, Burska nie do końca mu uwierzy...

- Poradzę sobie, obiecuję - powie Artur, po czym stwierdzi, że w dniu ich ślubu będzie już czysty jak łza.

Julka i Marcin z "Na dobre i na złe" będą coraz bliżej.

Poza tym da o sobie znać ciemna przeszłość Marcina i przez lekarza

szpital zostanie wplątany w aferę związaną ze śmiercią znanego biznesmena.

Zupełnie jak w przypadku Wiktorii i Adama, który także miał na sumieniu grzeszki z młodości.

Groźby Julki w "Na dobre i na złe" podziałają na Barta do tego stopnia

że w 713 odcinku zgłosi się na terapię do psychoterapeutki doktor Iwanowicz (Katarzyna Skotnicka).

Gdy przed szpitalem w Leśnej Górze zakochani wpadną na Marcina

który pochwali Artura za decyzję o podjęciu leczenia. - To jest duży, ważny krok...

- Terapia to fantastyczna sprawa, nic lepszego nie mogłem zrobić

- zapewni Bart, ale w jego głosie da się wyczuć fałsz.

W 713 odcinku "Na dobre i na złe" Artur nie będzie wcale łatwym pacjentem.

A wszystko dlatego, że nie zdaje sobie sprawy w jak niebezpiecznym kierunku

zmierza zatracając się w uzależnieniu od leków. - Jestem lekarzem, neurochirurgiem.

Miałem na studiach zajęcia z psychiatrii i generalnie ogarniam swoją głowę, naprawdę!

- Wyobrażam sobie, że ciężko być lekarzem dla samego siebie? - zapyta go doktor Iwanowicz.

- Ja mogę, bez problemu! Profesor wyzna w końcu, że w pewnym momencie przyjmował silny lek przeciwbólowy

- fentanyl i to w dużych ilościach. Ale nadal będzie pewien, że nie potrzebuje wcale pomocy.

Terapeutka jednak go zaskoczy… - Zdaje pan sobie sprawę, że ten środek jest bardzo niebezpieczny?

Jest pan neurochirurgiem. Pana stan psychofizyczny ma bezpośredni wpływ na życie lub śmierć innych ludzi.

Jeśli nie podejmie pan leczenia, będę musiała zawiadomić pana pracodawcę, że stanowi pan potencjalne zagrożenie.

- Ale... ja nie jestem uzależniony, nie zgadzam się z tym! - powie wreszcie Bart.

- To, że się pan z tym nie zgadza, nie znaczy, że to nie może być prawdą...

Tymczasem Marcin zrobi wszystko, by na nowo zbliżyć się do Julki.

Przeprosi ją za pocałunek sprzed kilku miesięcy. Okłamie ją, że jest mu głupio.

- Stawiasz jasne granice i szanuję to! Nie masz się czego obawiać z mojej strony.

Lubię cię, nie będę udawał, że nie. Ale jak kumpelę, przyjaciółkę. Tyle.

- To dobrze. Bo chyba czasem potrzebuję przyjaciela...

Gdy Julka wspomni o terapii Barta, Marcin posunie się do wyjątkowej podłości, by ją zdobyć.

Spróbuje przekonać Burską, że życie u boku narkomana to prawdziwa katorga.

- Mogę coś powiedzieć? Tak z perspektywy kogoś, kto wie co nieco o walce z nałogiem?

Czekają cię trudne tygodnie, miesiące. To Bart ma problem, ale ty jesteś przy nim, cierpisz razem z nim...

- Beze mnie on z tego nie wyjdzie - odpowie Julka. - Wiem.

To świetnie, że go wspierasz! Ale musisz też pamiętać o sobie...

Żeby być dla kogoś dobrym wsparciem, trzeba samemu ładować akumulatory.

Jak najczęściej. To cholernie ważne. Inaczej nie starczy ci sił na długo...

W 713 odcinku "Na dobre i na złe" Julka da się nabrać na pełne troski słowa wsparcia Marcina.

Nie zauważy, że Molenda chce ją w ten sposób odsunąć od Barta i zniszczyć ich miłość.

Czy w porę się ocknie? A może da się uwieść Marcinowi i zostawi Artura w chwili gdy najbardziej jej potrzebuje?

O tym widzowie dowiedzą się w kolejnych odcinkach "Na dobre i na złe".

For more infomation >> Na dobre i na złe, odcinek 727: Bart zażąda od Marcina, żeby zostawił Julkę - Duration: 13:25.


Man Utd news: Jurgen Klopp and Pep Guardiola real reason Jose Mourinho was sacked - Owen - Duration: 3:01.

 That is the opinion of former striker and now BT Sport pundit Michael Owen. The Portuguese was relieved on his duties on Tuesday morning

 The decision was made by the United board after last Sunday's defeat at Liverpool meant this was the club's lowest ever points tally at this stage in the Premier League era

 **PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** Speaking before United's trip to Cardiff, Owen was never quite convinced by the initial appointment

 "There's no surprise with it, it's been a horrific time lately and pretty much over the last few years since he's taken over," he said

 "I was never convinced I must admit, I said so right from the very start when he [Mourinho] took over

" Owen also believes that Mourinho was probably not the club's first choice, an opinion that may shock some supporters

 "The problem was that Liverpool  appointed Jurgen Klopp, Man City appointed Pep Guardiola and who else was there big enough?" he added

 "I didn't think it was a fit, I think Manchester United are a team that like to attack, attack with pace, I just didn't ever see the fit

 "I don't think it ever worked or clicked and it hasn't since Sir Alex Ferguson so a change was on the cards

" Owen was also joined in the studio by former England and United team mate Wayne Rooney

 The DC United striker believes it was the correct call to end Mourinho's time at the club

 "Yes [it was the right decision to sack Jose Mourinho], I think something had to change," he said

 "I think it was the right decision and now the club have given Ole [Gunnar Solskjaer] the job until the end of the season and they will see how he does while they search for a new manager and they try and make sure they get the right manager this time

 "I think to be a successful football club you need everything to be right, the staff at the training ground, the groundsman needs to feel happy

 "That relationship between the staff and some of the players wasn't great."

For more infomation >> Man Utd news: Jurgen Klopp and Pep Guardiola real reason Jose Mourinho was sacked - Owen - Duration: 3:01.


Viltrox M50 Speed Booster, Pros and Cons - Duration: 7:00.

One advantage of waking up super early to come out and do a video

No one I mean no one is out here right now

So we'll finally get into it but I consider the pose and the cons of the speed-boost off

So as we know when you put glass into an adapter instead of just doing a pass-through adapter

It can degrade the image quality somewhat now I think Botox does a really good job at not degrading the image quality

too much

I mean, here's an older adapter and here's the Ville Tax adapter

If you really pixel peep you will see especially in photos that there is a slight loss in image quality

Now that's something to keep in mind when you're doing photography or video because we're trying to get high quality

Images so if you don't like that hid and sharpness. This might not be the adapter for you

The next con is that weird battery draining issue

I have no idea what is causing that

But for some reason if you leave the adapter on your camera for too long, it will actually drain your battery

No, it's not too bad. It's only if you like leave it overnight

It's not gonna like drain an entire battery in two or three minutes

but it is something to think about because the m50 has a

Notoriously bad battery life if you don't have that many batteries or you forget to take it off

You're not gonna be very happy to be having to charge your batteries before you go out and shoot

now my last video I was talking about how much it would love to use EFS lenses on this with the 4k thatwe have

Pretty much a super 35 4k and that's not entirely accurate but it's not entirely inaccurate the fact is that Kanan brand?

EFS lenses will not walk with the speed boost off. They have an extra little tab off of the back of them

Now you can modify them

But I'm not going to suggest to you that you cut apart your lens in order to modify it to fit on a speed booster

But a lot of other lenses like the Sigma 18 to 35 F

1.8 will actually work with the speed booster because it's an EF mount not an EFS mount

Even though it is only an aps-c body

Also the Tokina 11 to 20 will still walk with the speed booster

So you could use those two lenses and any of the other EF mount

Aps-c lenses with the speed booster on the Canon M 50 so you could potentially get close to a super 35

4k form the m50 using the speed booster. So is that a pole or a con?

I guess it's a con that you can't use EFS lenses

But it's a blow that you can use EF mount aps-c lens us

Now the final con that I found when using it with my 50 millimeter 1.8

which is the only EF lens I have is it makes the autofocus a lot louder and

I'm not really sure why it does this it makes it sound loud and grindy

But for using lenses like that is a b-roll lens

I mean

You're not gonna be using audio

That's not going to be that intensive for be also it might not be that big of a deal for you

But that is a definite con

Especially since I know a lot of them 50 shooters, they'll fust EF lens is going to be the 50 millimeter 1.8

So if you're going to be doing a lot with audio on top of the camera with a 50 millimeter


You need to think about that because it is quite a bit louder than a normal adapter now

Even though it makes it loud the autofocus is super fast. I mean it is way faster than my commlite adapter

I'd love to see how it compares to the Canon mount adapter

But compared to the adapter that I have been using and been perfectly happy with it is just way

Faster, so that is not an issue. The autofocus is going to be fast and accurate


Almost lost the list that I had of my poison cards

No, another thing that's actually a poem and a con at the same time

Is that the tripod foot for the adapter actually will walk when you're using the cage now? Why is that possibly a con?

Well, it also makes your arca-swiss on the bottom of your cage not walk properly

So it's kind of a toss-up

If you're not using the Uncas twist on the bottom of your cage, then it's not a big deal

But it will walk with the cage

Which is I know a concern for me and a lot of other 150 she does now

of course the main two things that does fuss is it increases our field of view this is

huge I mean taking something like a 50 millimeter 1.8 and taking it from a 1.6 clop to a

1.1. Clop that is

Massive for me. The nifty 50 was almost too tight

I like shooting a bit wider cuz I'm usually shooting handheld and tighter lenses without I ass and just don't do that

Well for handheld video and I just never liked grabbing it out

and the other thing that it does is it increases your effective aperture by one stop now, there were a lot of

Mathematical scientific things, but since I'm not that good at making scientific videos

I'm gonna leave that to someone else who knows a lot more about the mathematics and the equation of how the speed booster walks

but what I can do as a video guy is show you that there is actually a

noticeable bump in brightness and you do get a lot more out of a one pointed aperture and it does bring it closer to


Now the sky is actually starting to change color because the Sun is going to be lysing any

Minute now and so before I close out this video, I'm gonna do some sunrise beetle

More than the kids are up so our sunset be all is gonna have to wait for another day

I hope you enjoyed this video

If you found it helpful

Please give me a like subscribe to the channel for more content like this and i'll see you all in the next video

For more infomation >> Viltrox M50 Speed Booster, Pros and Cons - Duration: 7:00.


How I Met My Muggles - Ep. 17: Ben vs. the Universe - Duration: 2:55.

Firsts of all, Tara, nobody gives a crap about your fun facts and your Slavic pots

and your ancient runes and all that other stuff so give it a rest, will you.

People, let me share with you this life lesson: life is a bitch.

No matter how hard you try, no matter how much effort you put into it,

It's still gonna screw you over. Again and again and again.

You'd think that hard work and talent would count in the end, but oh no!

It's just a mixture of connections and freaking luck.

Or in my case bad luck.

Honestly, at this point ... I don't know.

What else do you want me to do, you stupid universe?

I've been training, working like a house elf all through Hogwarts ...

And what do I get? A bunch of empty reply letters and maybes.

But hey, you should never give up on your dreams, right?

Screw this bullshit. Screw all of it.

The only people that say these sort of things are the ones that have it all.

It's easy to follow your dreams when you've already made it.

You know what? I've been trying. I've been trying for five freaking years

and I'm tired and I'm pissed off.

And you know what? I give up.

I guess it's just never gonna happen for me

I could do something else with my life. It's not like Quidditch is the only thing I'm good at.

Oh, wait.

But why should I be good at something else?

I devoted the better half of my life to Quidditch. I lived for Quidditch.

It's just not fair!

I need another drink.

It was all just a bad joke.

For more infomation >> How I Met My Muggles - Ep. 17: Ben vs. the Universe - Duration: 2:55.


Kayden - I Promised (Türkçe Çeviri) - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Kayden - I Promised (Türkçe Çeviri) - Duration: 3:56.


Best Friends Choose Each Other's Holiday Party Outfits - Duration: 8:00.

For more infomation >> Best Friends Choose Each Other's Holiday Party Outfits - Duration: 8:00.


Exploring Abandoned WWII Deep Shelter 21-12-2018 - Duration: 15:35.

why still a boys we're enough of world war ii bunker this is actually used as a

narrator my friend how many people do this hold it as on how to 2,000 people

2,000 people just amazing 2,000 people down here on the wall in this tunnel

system it's crazy alright let's show you what this place

is all about based on our we were waiting on this movement on the other

side wall

was designed for

this is

pretty sure you can get if I remember right knee there's a tunnel

this is you know it's gonna be done time I would know like stone just to keep

them elephanta to stop a reef and collapse

she made up this bit here on the side that's probably why they continue being

snobbish those people which grouping of course that Johnson name you mean

because you can look at all the cute 2000 people back to you so I'll give you

all its systems inspect in there oh yeah

let's foil temple sort of things

this should have been a thing I'll bet that so they could have a little city

was more freaked out in that mental hospital because it's on the 9th Danny I

would spend hours down here Michelle

this one's been bricked up we've everything beyond it


this and all this paint and stuff they were children that sort of fellow

not something

this is instructor so that's all new so you'd have to go around you have to go

and check every single thing up top surveys look at a concrete it so much

For more infomation >> Exploring Abandoned WWII Deep Shelter 21-12-2018 - Duration: 15:35.


President Signs The FIRST STEP Act. What's next? | 12/22/2018 - Duration: 4:29.

>>> Overshadowed in the shutdown

fight and white house staff

departures, today bringing a

rare moment of bipartisan and a

big victory for president trump

as he signed the criminal

justice reform bill.

The new allows federal inmates

to leave prison earlier and

eases guidelines on mandatory


The bill bringing together both

sides for a rare moment of

bipartisanship in the oval


>> This has brought to the

friendships I'll cherish for the

rest of my life.

I'm now texting buddies with van


>> I will work with or against

any Democrat, with or against

any Republican because there is

nothing more important than


So thank you, sir.

>> With me now, van Jones


You just saw him there in the

oval office.

Van, congratulations, I know how

hard you worked on this.

We just heard you talking there

in the oval office.

You have been a big supporter of

this criminal justice reform


Tell me why and about the

journey getting to this point


>> I for 25 years have been

working on criminal justice,

youth justice and I've been

working on this issue for 5

for most of that time both

political parties were afraid to

admit what everybody knows, we

spending way too much people,

it's a human waste of genius and


And in red state like Georgia

and Texas, Massachusetts,

California, it began from the

grass roots people began to push

back for a better model.

I wanted to do everything I

could to get that to the federal


Jared Kushner's father went to

prison and Jared understands

what people are going through

and he decided to fight.

A lot of people got mad at me

because I said I'm willing to

work with him on that issue.

They said it will never happen,

you will never get there, trump

will sell you down the river and

it was the opposite.

We got 87 votes to 12 in the

you can't get 87 votes to Chang

a post office name these days

and we got 87 votes in the

I think yesterday we got 358

votes to 36.

The country is just fed up with

the nonsense.

But it took a little bit of

courage to break that log jam

and now it's broken.

This bill is going to help a

will the of people but it's a

first step act.

I think you're going to see a

lot of bills at the state level

now, city bill and --

>> And it sadly is a rare

example of bipartisanship.

You heard Mike Lee say, "I'm not

texting buddies with van Jones."

>> Crazy.

>> In your view what does this

bill get right and what is it


>> The "New York Times" said it

the biggest criminal justice

breakthrough in a generation.

100% of people behind bars if

they stay out of trouble can now

come home a little bit earlier.

100% of the women behind bars

can no longer be shackled when

they're pregnant but half of the

people behind bars can get job

ready and come home even


Also, they've land up some of

the bad sentencing laws and all

that stuff.

But we got way, way, way more to


>> That there's a lot of news

today but this is very

important, the president signing

this bipartisan bill on criminal

justice reform.

Van Jones, thank you home.

For more infomation >> President Signs The FIRST STEP Act. What's next? | 12/22/2018 - Duration: 4:29.


Talking About The Club :3 Club Meeting! The Pink Rabbits Club! | Club Meeting #2 - Duration: 20:56.

---The Pink Rabbits Club---

Q: What server is TPRC on? A: Cookie Canyon!

Q: How many members? A: We're always growing so I can't say exactly how many we have!

Q: How active is TPRC? A: VERY active!! We're always recording and doing activites!

Q: Is there any requirements? A: Nope! We're not strict at all!! Of course you have to at least ike animals and feel okay with wearing pink XD

Q: Does this club have drama? A: We've had drama in the past but now the club is officially DRAMA FREE!

Q: When are you on? A: Can't say! The schedule is always changing depending on what we're doing that day!

Q: How do I join? A: Just mail "Annabelle Birchcastle" to join! Or you can meet me! I'm usually at my home Golden leaf stables ;)

Q: Is this a club I need to commit to? A: Nope! As I said we're not a strict club or anything! We love having members but if the club isn't for you that's alright!

If you have anymore questions let me know In the comments! Or you can mail "Annabelle birchcastle" in star stable online :)

For more infomation >> Talking About The Club :3 Club Meeting! The Pink Rabbits Club! | Club Meeting #2 - Duration: 20:56.





Hyundai i10 1.0i Comfort Cruise/Airco! - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i Comfort Cruise/Airco! - Duration: 1:07.


Kim Porter's Son Quincy Dedicates New Music Video For 'Christmas Time' To His Late Mother – Watch - - Duration: 3:05.

Kim Porter's son, Quincy Brown, released a Christmas-themed music video on Dec. 21 and in it, he included a special sweet tribute to his late mom

   Kim Porter's son Quincy Brown, 27, expressed his love for his late mother by paying tribute to her in his new music video

The actor released the video, called "Quincy's Christmas Time (Official Holiday Video)" on Dec

21 and included a sweet and loving message to Kim at the end of it. "I love you, Mommy – Quincy," the simple but touching message read in white text over a black background

 In addition to Kim's tribute, Quincy's video had other heartfelt moments and shows him bringing in the holiday spirit by surprising three different families involved in the Best Buddies organization with festive Christmas trees and decorations

"I love to see people smile. That's the best gift. Thank you @bestbuddies & @googlepixel for helping me spread some extra love over the holidays

♥️, " Quincy captioned an Instagram post that shared the video.    Quincy, whose biological father is Albert Joseph Brown III and was adopted by Diddy, expressed his thoughts about the holiday, the first one without his mom, in the middle of the video

"It's holiday season, it's Christmas time. People let it overwhelm them because you know there's gifts they've got to give people, places they want to go and we should just take a step back and realize the simplicity of what the holidays brings," he said

 Kim passed away suddenly on Nov. 15 and since then, Quincy has expressed his grief on social media with photos and messages

Shortly after her death, he posted a pic with Kim and left a heartbreaking caption

"I am broken…& the only thing that makes sense right now is that you were way too good for this silly world we live in

I love you so much MOMMY. Please give Mee-Maw the biggest hug and kiss for me. ♥️💔♥️," the caption read

For more infomation >> Kim Porter's Son Quincy Dedicates New Music Video For 'Christmas Time' To His Late Mother – Watch - - Duration: 3:05.


Michigan Woman Makes a Miraculous Full Recovery After Being Taken Off of Life Support - 247 news - Duration: 5:28.

 A Michigan couple received a Christmas miracle a few weeks early.  After suffering a heart attack over the summer, Michele Deleeuw remained in the hospital, unconscious for three weeks, WDIV Local 4 reported

Her husband Karl eventually had to make the difficult decision, recommended by doctors, to take her off of life support when her condition did not improve, according to the news outlet

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 But Karl and the doctors were left speechless when Michele suddenly regained consciousness

 "I truly believe she is a depiction of a miracle," he told WDIV of his wife.  In August, Karl called 911 after his wife started having a heart attack, WDIV reported

At the time of his phone call, Karl believed that Michele — who quickly lost consciousness and was barely breathing — had died

 =auto" width="640″ height="360″ frameborder="0″]  Though Karl, 58, did not know how to perform CPR, the 911 operator walked him through the resuscitation procedure, and instructed him to lay Michele, 57, flat on the floor to begin chest compressions on her, before Sterling Heights paramedics arrived and took over

 Prior to being resuscitated and rushed to St. John Macomb Hospital, Michele had been without oxygen for 15 minutes, NBC said

 "When my father called me after she was rushed to the hospital, was that he felt that she was dead

It was the most earth-shattering phone call of my young life," the couple's daughter, Myles De Leeuw, 24, told NBC

"It was horrible to see my mother on more IVs and tubes than you can ever imagine

"  When her condition did not improve, Karl allowed doctors to pull the plug on his wife, which he told NBC was the "hardest decision of my life

"  Despite the less-than-likely odds (Michele had 5 percent brain activity and 25 percent heart capacity), she began breathing on her own

Two days after being placed in "comfort care" for patients who are expected to die, Michele woke up, and soon after, began talking

 "She told the nurse she's hungry," Karl told NBC . "I said, 'Well, feed her' … Two days later she was sitting up in bed feeding herself

"  Although she was initially confused after waking up and had blockages in her veins, Michele underwent open heart surgery, and speech and physical therapy, and is now almost fully recovered

 "I don't think I've really processed everything that had happened in the last four months," Michele told WDIV

"I just thank God I was saved… I know it means something good is going to come of this

"  On Tuesday, she received the "Survivor Coin" by the Sterling Heights Fire Department

The coin, which was presented at an event that honors heart attack survivors and their responding personnel, is a token of her remarkable accomplishment

 As for Karl, who brought his wife home from heart surgery on their 26th anniversary, he is still stunned by his "miracle lady

"  Explaining how their relationship has overcome obstacles through "for richer or for poorer" and "in sickness and in health," Karl said he is confident that his marriage can withstand anything after this experience

 "For me though, I don't think there are a lot of couples who can pass the last one," he told NBC

"'Til death do us part."

For more infomation >> Michigan Woman Makes a Miraculous Full Recovery After Being Taken Off of Life Support - 247 news - Duration: 5:28.


Christmas Shark Song - Duration: 3:40.

Jazzy Puppet The Christmas Shark Song

Swimming through the sea

to find a Christmas tree

but all that I could see

was Santa Shark swimming at me!

Oh! Santa Shark Santa Shark

Doo doo doo doo doo

Santa Shark oh Santa Shark

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

Santa Shark Santa Shark

Doo doo doo doo doo

Christmas Sharks oh Christmas Sharks

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

Swimming through the sea

to find a Christmas tree

But all that I could see

was an Elf Shark swimming at me!

Oh cute Elf Shark cute Elf Shark

Doo doo doo doo doo

Cute Elf Shark cute Elf Shark

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

Cute Elf Shark cute Elf Shark

Doo doo doo doo doo

Christmas Sharks oh Christmas Sharks

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

Swimming through the sea

to find a Christmas tree

but all that I could see

was a Reindeer Shark swimming at me!

Oh Reindeer Shark Reindeer Shark

Doo doo doo doo doo

Reindeer Shark oh Reindeer Shark

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

Oh Reindeer Shark Reindeer Shark

Doo doo doo doo doo

Christmas Sharks oh Christmas Sharks

Doo doo doo doo doo

Swimming through the sea

to find a Christmas tree

but all that I could see

was a Stocking Shark swimming at me!

Oh Stocking Shark Stocking Shark

Doo doo doo doo doo

Stocking Shark oh Stocking Shark

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

Oh Stocking Shark Stocking Shark

Doo doo doo doo doo

Christmas Sharks oh Christmas Sharks

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

Swimming through the sea

to find a Christmas tree

but all that I could see

was a Grinch Shark swimming at me!

Oh Grinchy Shark Grinchy Shark

Doo doo doo doo doo

Grinchy Shark oh Grinchy Shark

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

Grinchy Shark Grinchy Shark

Doo doo doo doo doo

Christmas Sharks oh Christmas Sharks

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

Thank you so much to my friend Mari

for drawing the beautiful background in today's video!

If you want to see a video of how she made it

You can find a link down below in my bio. Hooray!

To watch another fun video, click one of those boxes up there.

I hope that you have a beautiful day and remember to always be kind! Bye friends!

For more infomation >> Christmas Shark Song - Duration: 3:40.


Hyundai Tucson 2.0i Style Zeer stoere auto - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson 2.0i Style Zeer stoere auto - Duration: 0:52.


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For more infomation >> Free Young Dolph Type Beat - "Billboard" | Hard Trap Instrumental - Duration: 3:38.


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For more infomation >> Honda Insight 1.3 i-VTEC 98pk CVT Trend Parrot - Duration: 0:51.


Bethenny Frankel is seen in New York for first time after nearly DYING - Daily News - Duration: 4:45.

Bethenny Frankel was spotted out in New York City for the first time since her near death scare last weekend after eating soup which contained some type of fish

 Frankel, 48, nearly died after suffering a severe allergic reaction to fish that landed her in the hospital over the past weekend in Massachusetts

The Real Housewives of New York star later revealed the reason she is still alive is because of her new boyfriend, Paul Bernon

   'He saved my life', the RHONY star, 48, tweeted while discussing the major health scare with fans on Twitter

  Frankel kept thinks low-key on Wednesday in the Big Apple, in a cream-colored puffy coat with a fur-lined hood and grey sweatpants

 She appeared calm after what she described earlier in the week as an ordeal that left her 'unconscious

' Frankel went on the jaunt just two days after revealing Bernon is the reason she's still alive today

  Speaking with People, a source backed up the reality star giving credit to her beau for keeping her alive

'It was that serious,' said the insider. 'Her blood pressure was through the roof and she was unconscious

She went into anaphylactic shock. Her boyfriend friend saved her life.'  Share this article Share Frankel and Bernon went public with their romance in October, and were seen last month enjoying an outing in the Hamptons along with the RHONY star's daughter, Bryn

  The reality star shared the news of her horrible health scare with fans, over social media on Monday

  Frankel said she had an extremely allergic reaction over the past weekend after consuming fish

She had to be rushed to a hospital in Massachusetts in order to save her life.'I have a rare fish allergy

Sunday, I had soup, itched & was unconscious for 15 mins then to ER & ICU for 2 days w BP of 60/40,' Frankel tweeted

'I couldn't talk, see, thought I had a stroke & dying & told if 5 mins later I'd be dead

911 & EPI saved me. I'll never not carry an #epipen.'She also tweeted to a fan that the allergy is 'very unusual & confusing' so she keeps it to herself as it's 'hard to describe

'  The Blast obtained the dispatch audio for the medical response after a 911 call was made alerting emergency responders to her condition on Sunday afternoon in Massachusetts

 According to the audio, officials noted that she was suffering from a fish allergy, and was 'losing consciousness

' It was added she had very low blood pressure. Fish is one of eight allergens with specific labeling requirements under the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004

Under that law, manufacturers of packaged food products sold in the U.S. and containing fish or a fish product as an ingredient must identify on the ingredient label, in clear language, the specific type of fish used

 This is not the first time Frankel has had a fish scare.During a season 10 episode of RHONY she suffered an allergic reaction when in Cartagena, Colombia

  'Is there fish in that soup?' Frankel asked during her dinner. 'I'm itching. My throat is itching

I thought it was chicken, f***.'The star then vomitted.'It's the worst feeling, your throat gets itchy, you feel like you're going to throw up,' she said

'It's like poison inside of you.'Earlier this year Frankel suffered a major loss when her longtime friend and on/off boyfriend Dennis Shields died


For more infomation >> Bethenny Frankel is seen in New York for first time after nearly DYING - Daily News - Duration: 4:45.


✅ O deputado federal eleito Alexandre Frota responderá por ataques a magistrada em redes sociais - Duration: 3:17.

 O deputado federal eleito Alexandre Frota (PSL-SP) e um grupo de seguidores de sua página na rede social Facebook serão investigados por ofensas à juíza federal Adriana Freisleben de Zanetti, da 2ª Vara de Osasco

 Na última terça-feira (18), a magistrada condenou Frota por injúria e difamação por ter publicado em suas redes sociais uma foto do deputado federal Jean Wyllys (PSOL-RJ) com a frase "a pedofilia é uma prática normal em diversas espécies de animal (sic), anormal é o seu preconceito"

Wyllys nunca disse tal frase.  A magistrada condenou Frota a 2 anos e 26 dias de detenção, considerando que ele atentou contra a imagem do deputado, mas transformou a pena em uma multa de R$ 295 mil e prestação de serviços à comunidade

O deputado eleito pelo PSL deverá picotar folhas de papel de processos antigos que estão sendo descartados após a informatização da Justiça de Osasco

 Após ser comunicado sobre a sentença Alexandre Frota, ainda na terça, se manifestou no Facebook colocando em dúvida a imparcialidade da magistrada atribuindo a ela vinculação partidária

"A justiça de Osasco reduto do Pt me condenou (sic)", diz o texto de apresentação que fez ao compartilhar a notícia da sentença

 Alexandre Frota também publicou um vídeo zombando da decisão. Na gravação ele corta folhas de papel com uma tesoura e finge chorar

Imediatamente centenas de pessoas comentaram as publicações, grande parte com ofensas à magistrada

 Na quarta-feira (19) de manhã, Zanetti foi informada por colegas sobre os ataques e passou a fazer cópia das manifestações agressivas

Levou-as ao conhecimento do Ministério Público Federal no mesmo dia. Com a representação feita por ela, foi aberta uma investigação sobre injúria funcional, quando o agente público é insultado ao desempenhar sua função

 A Procuradoria solicitou ao Facebook a preservação do conteúdo das mensagens ofensivas à magistrada, já que usuários poderiam apagar suas postagens

Em seguida, o caso foi encaminhado ao juiz federal Rafael Bispo, de Osasco, que determinou que o Facebook informe a identidade de cada pessoa por trás dos perfis que atacaram a juíza

O caso agora corre sob sigilo.  Os investigadores estão trabalhando para que um grupo de pessoas acusadas de ofender a magistrada seja intimado a prestar esclarecimentos à Justiça Federal logo no início de janeiro

A juíza Adriana Zanetti também irá processar o futuro deputado na esfera cível, por danos morais

 A Ajufe (Associação dos Juízes Federais), que irá auxiliá-la no processo, divulgou nota em apoio à magistrada dizendo que repudia "as agressões e reitera total apoio à magistrada"

"O respeito às decisões judiciais e ao Poder Judiciário é fundamental para a preservação do Estado Democrático de Direito", diz a carta assinada pelo presidente Fernando Mendes

 Esta não é a primeira vez que Frota entra em colisão com um integrante do Judiciário

Em julho, ele foi condenado a indenizar em R$ 50 mil Luiz Eduardo Scarabelli por dizer que "o juiz não julgou com a cabeça, julgou com a bunda", um processo movido por ele contra uma ex-ministra do governo Dilma Rousseff

alexandre frotadeputado federaljuízaofensasredes sociais

For more infomation >> ✅ O deputado federal eleito Alexandre Frota responderá por ataques a magistrada em redes sociais - Duration: 3:17.


✅ Deise, do Fat Family, sai da UTI e planeja passar o Natal em casa - Duration: 1:08.

 Deise Cipriano demonstra melhora no tratamento contra um câncer de fígado

Em um momento de superação, a cantora do Fat Family recebeu alta da UTI e planeja passar as festas de fim de ano em casa, na companhia da família

 Pelo Instagram, o jornalista Felipeh Campos, do SBT, deu a notícia e disse que Deise saiu do hospital conseguindo falar, mas ainda precisa se alimentar por meio de sonda

Ele ainda lembrou as dificuldades enfrentadas pela cantora durante o período em que ficou internada

Deise, do Fat Family, sai da UTI e planeja passar o Natal em casa   8 FOTOS  A integrante do Fat Family estava internada desde setembro e não respondeu bem ao início do tratamento

Ela precisou ficar na UTI e entrou em coma por 19 dias.  

For more infomation >> ✅ Deise, do Fat Family, sai da UTI e planeja passar o Natal em casa - Duration: 1:08.


Como tener Carga Inalámbrica en cualquier teléfono Android - Duration: 3:48.

hello friends today let's see how to load wireless form telephones that do not have

wireless charge and let's see how it works These devices to charge without wires.

well then to have inlamamarca load we need first a receiving card like the one

You see, it's very very fine, this one you see puts which delivers up to 1 amp of maximum load,

Then I'll check if that's true.

and well there are basically two types one with the short cable like this that you see and another with

the longest cable, the longest cable you may put the sensor on

fingerprints if you have it back like me so I bought the short cable that is this

what do you see?

we are also going to need a load base wireless that is this that you see that should

obviously being powered by a charger and what you see puts that is capable of delivering

9 volts and 1.1 amps or 5 volts and a amps, to deliver those 9 volts

two things have to happen one you have to connect it to a fast charge charger but

will not deliver those 9 volts and the second is that the inlamabrica card must allow

fast charge to 9 volts thing that this that I have not allowed so I will charge the phone

at 5 volts and a maximum of one ampere

so we connect the base through the connector type c and connect the card to the connector

load we see that it has an adhesive to fix it to

phone but I will not use the sticker then I want to try the card in several phones

to see how it works anyway with the cover is not going to move so we put

the cover and being transparrente the card is seen but the thickness of the phone hardly varies

in this xiaomi my 8 that has the black case it goes totally unnoticed you have to look

a lot to realize unless you look the connector that there if you notice that there is

something connected

well I will use an application that is called ampere and what it does is measure consumption in

milliamps at the moment that charges the battery and also calculates the milliamperes to the

that the battery is being discharged like now that marks me about 170 mA approximately, what

I start loading and we have to wait until the application detects and marks about 700 800 milliamperes

approximately that is pretty close to amp that appears in the specifications,

for those who do not know much of milliamps maybe you will have noticed that when you connect the

phone to a computer takes a lot in charge the phone so if we put the application

in operation by connecting the phone to a pc we see that it marks about 340 milliamps

as much as I dial 400 so with the charger wireless would take half of

time with a pc and in a battery of size Current average of about 3200 mA charges a 50

one hundred in one hour so we have time enough to charge the phone at night

In some internet forum I read that putting these chargers did not work well the antennas

could not work the nfc good I've tried it on several phones and it works

perfect Obviously what we are going to lose is the

connectivity of the charging port so this type of devices I recommend it on phones

that with your daily use you arrive at night without load it during the day and load it calmly

when you are sleeping if you are one of those who usually connect your phone

to pc to share your pc files to phone or vice versa you can do it without connecting

by cable and I leave you a tutorial that is very easy to follow and in fact is what I do

I currently when I want to pass files photos or videos of the phone to the pc

Well, here's the proof of these chargers wireless that are pretty good for

decrease load port wear Well, practically every day we have

to connect and disconnect the charger I say goodbye until a next video.

For more infomation >> Como tener Carga Inalámbrica en cualquier teléfono Android - Duration: 3:48.


Multishow muda horário de "Chaves" e "Chapolin" em janeiro porque BBB19 - Duration: 7:56.

For more infomation >> Multishow muda horário de "Chaves" e "Chapolin" em janeiro porque BBB19 - Duration: 7:56.


👅 Remédio Natural Para Impotência | Maca Peruana é afrodisíaca? Veja este e mais 10 benefícios. - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> 👅 Remédio Natural Para Impotência | Maca Peruana é afrodisíaca? Veja este e mais 10 benefícios. - Duration: 7:43.


Como dibujar un OSO PANDA kawaii facil para niños | Dibujar OSO PANDA - Duration: 4:43.



For more infomation >> Como dibujar un OSO PANDA kawaii facil para niños | Dibujar OSO PANDA - Duration: 4:43.


✅ Marina Ruy Barbosa posta foto com marido em bastidor de especial:'Sempre comigo' - Duration: 2:41.

 Marina Ruy Barbosa fez sucesso ao dividir os vocais de "Na Paz do Seu Sorriso" com Roberto Carlos no especial apresentado na Globo na noite de sexta-feira (21)

E, ainda no clima da atração, a ruiva mostrou aos seguidores que teve uma companhia para lá de especial durante a gravação: seu marido, o empresário Xande Negrão, a acompanhou

"Sempre comigo", legendou a jovem, casada há 1 anos e dois meses. Apesar de ser tímido, o marido da atriz não abre mão de marcar presença em compromissos de trabalho dela sempre que tem a oportunidade

  'Não soube disso', afirma Marina sobre personagem ter sido empecilho  Assim que o nome da artista foi cotado para o dueto com o "rei", foi indicado que o lado supersticioso de Roberto Carlos teria colocado em dúvida o convite por ela viver uma jovem mística na novela das nove

Questionada sobre o rumor, Marina disse desconhecê-lo. "Não soube disso

Ele foi muito generoso comigo. Disse que acompanhou 'Deus Salve o Rei' e que está vendo 'O Sétimo Guardião'

Roberto é noveleiro, todo mundo sabe. Ele falou que minha personagem é de muita luz", afirmou a jovem

Durante a atração, o dono do hit "Emoções" até brincou sobre o gato Léon

"Você precisa me explicar algumas coisas: como fala com aquele gato lá sem telefone?", perguntou

"Tem que ter um pouquinho de prática, mas não é difícil", respondeu Marina, mantendo o tom bem-humorado: "Você quer ajuda do gato?"

Antes de cantar "Negro Gato", negou a pergunta da ruiva, fazendo com que o questionasse novamente: "Minha ajuda serve?"

Ele topou e, aos risos, agradeceu a participação dela: "Obrigada, Marininha"

Atriz foi presenteada com música: 'À capela'  Em conversa nos ensaios em estúdio com o cantor, Marina revelou que a música "Menina", atualmente fora do repertório de Roberto, era uma de suas favoritas e foi surpreendida por ele

"Ele começou a cantar à capela para mim, ali no estúdio. Eu fiquei chocada

Era um particular, com algumas pessoas da banda presenciando e fiquei babando

No dia da gravação, ele fez uma surpresa para mim, cantou essa música antes que eu subisse ao palco

Tive que me controlar para não me emocionar mais ainda. Com certeza foi um dos momentos mais importantes e inesquecíveis da minha vida", relatou

 (Por Marilise Gomes)

For more infomation >> ✅ Marina Ruy Barbosa posta foto com marido em bastidor de especial:'Sempre comigo' - Duration: 2:41.


✅ Bruna Marquezine vive clima de romance com ex de sua maior inimiga - Duration: 1:46.

 Solteira desde o término com o craque Neymar Jr., Bruna Marquezine deu a entender que está vivendo um romance

De acordo com o colunista Leo Dias, do jornal O Dia, o novo pretendente da global tem nome e é ex-namorado da maior rival da atriz na TV Globo

 Conforme Dias, Bruna e Gian Luca Ewbank, irmão da modelo Giovanna Ewbank, protagonizaram um clima apaixonante durante o aniversário do fotógrafo Elvis Moreira, ocorrido na quarta-feira (19/12), no Rio de Janeiro

O casal teria se abraçado a noite inteira. Bruna Marquezine vive clima de romance com ex de sua maior inimiga   8 FOTOS     Ainda segundo o jornalista, o relacionamento de Bruna com Gian ocorre desde o mês passado, quando ambos curtiram férias em Fernando de Noronha (PE)

Na época, os primeiros rumores de que um possível namoro estava se desenrolando percorreram a internet e agora parecem ter se confirmado

 Ligações perigosasVale ressaltar, contudo, que Gian é ex-namorado da atriz Giovanna Lancellotti, arqui-inimiga de Bruna na emissora carioca

Após o fim do casal Brumar, internautas apontaram que o jogador de futebol estava ficando com Giovanna, mas a global desmentiu a história

 A confusão entre as atrizes aconteceu devido à separação de Giovanna

Ex-namorada de Arthur Aguiar – atualmente casado com a coach Mayra Cardi –, a ruiva teria sido traída pelo ator

Bruna foi apontada como a possível amante e pivô do rompimento da relação


For more infomation >> ✅ Bruna Marquezine vive clima de romance com ex de sua maior inimiga - Duration: 1:46.


Dünyanın En Küçük Ülkeleri | Mikro Ülkeler - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> Dünyanın En Küçük Ülkeleri | Mikro Ülkeler - Duration: 6:19.


✅ Breaking News - Chelsea 0-1 Leicester: Vardy goal seals win to ease pressure off Puel - Duration: 7:20.

This was the day that confirmed what most at Chelsea may already have known. This season, Chelsea are not in a title race

They may possess the league's outstanding talent in Eden Hazard but they are not, yet, an outstanding team under Maurizio Sarri

Chelsea began this match 11 points behind Liverpool and that is the deficit that stands at Christmas

In truth, a side that fell so far under Antonio Conte last season were always unlikely to reclaim the Premier League title but it is still striking to see Chelsea's ambitions reset to a battle for Champions League football before the turn of the year

This was a match to perfectly demonstrate Chelsea's enduring flaws. They lack an outstanding centre-half, as underlined by how Jamie Vardy broke free of Antonio Rudiger and David Luiz to score the Leicester winner, and Sarri requires a world-class frontman to liberate Hazard and take games away from middle-tier opposition

The Leicester City goal was, it should be a said, a sheer delight. Pedro lost possession carelessly on the left-flank and Ricardo Pereira jinked onwards, sidestepping two home players and finding James Maddison in space

Maddison took a touch and slid a perfect reverse pass into Vardy, who took the ball on the run first-time and drove it past a static Kepa Arrizabalaga

In truth, Leicester's lead might have been more handsome. The goal, struck on 51 minutes, destabilised Chelsea

Sarri's side lost all manner of composure, conceding the ball repeatedly inside their own half

Their play was pockmarked by anxiety and all fluency evaporated. On the sidelines, Sarri grew irritated

On the hour mark, he hooked Willian and Matteo Kovacic, introducing Ruben Loftus-Cheek and Olivier Giroud, but the changes only served to unsettle the home side more

When Loftus-Cheek gave away the ball and Cesc Fabregas took a booking, Sarri unzipped his jacket and threw it into the dugout

Leicester chances came and went. Vardy might have scored a second. Mark Albrighton's low cross skidded across the surface and Kepa spilled the ball in his attempt to parry

Vardy attempted an impudent back-flick and the goalkeeper was spared by an excellent block by Cesar Azpilicueta

Kepa then intervened as Wilfried Ndidi ran through on goal and the Spaniard made another fine stop to deny Albrighton's low strike from distance

For Leicester, it was a dominant and impressive away performance. They defended superbly, marshalled by the commanding Harry Maguire, while the midfield three of Ndidi, Hamza Choudhury and Nampalys Mendy shielded the backline with intelligence

And how Claude Puel needed this. Ahead of this match, Puel's Leicester reign appeared to be teetering on the brink

The morning newspapers spoke of training ground discord and a man isolating himself from the dressing room

For much of the first-half, Puel's body language was that of a manager under strain

On several occasions, he spun on his feels and vented his frustration towards his assistants on the substitute's bench

His side had won only two of their previous 10 Premier League games and he had baffled sections of the support by choosing to rest a number of first-team players for the Carabao Cup exit against Manchester City on Tuesday evening

Recently, his relationship with striker Jamie Vardy also appeared fragile. Vardy said this week that Puel's more patient style of play is not suited to his game

He did, however, pledge to adapt. This, therefore, represented a major forwards step

The signs of a surprise were there in the first-half, if only in sporadic bursts

Ben Chilwell, one of the most menacing full-backs in the Premier League these days, embarked on a forwards gallop, sliding into the excellent Maddison, who back-heeled a return into space

Chilwell is an enthralling sight when he sprints over short distances and he blitzed onto the ball and strode into the penalty area, where he was narrowly crowded out

During a timid first period, neither side recorded a shot on target in the first half-hour

Chelsea operated with Eden Hazard as the lone frontman but the Belgian was well-shackled for much of the opening period

He broke free only once, rolling Harry Maguire at the edge of the penalty area, jinking free and blasting a strike that rebounded off the crossbar

Chelsea had previously come within a whisker of the breakthrough when David Luiz launched himself towards a Pedro flick-on but the ball narrowly evaded the Brazilian at a set-piece

Leicester's menace was always there. Five minutes before the interval, Ndidi controlled the ball 30 yards out and dispatched a piercing strike towards the top corner and Kepa leapt acrobatically to palm the ball over the bar

It was a magnificent save from one a young goalkeeper who has settled so well into the Premier League

At the other end, Leicester have a superb goalkeeper of their own. After Kepa's save, N'Golo Kante went on the rampage, leading a counter-attack and teeing up Willian, who was denied by Schmeichel

After Leicester took the lead, Schmeichel remained stubborn. Hazard sprang behind the Leicester strike, powering a strike at lightning speed towards the near post but Schmeichel stuck out a palm and it deflected up and over the goal

In the closing moments, Chelsea's threat re-emerged. Rudiger glanced wide from a corner and Alonso sprinted into the penalty area, sliding his finish under Schmeichel but against the inside of the post

The ball rolled sideways back across the goal but agonisingly away from the goal

For Chelsea, it was that kind of afternoon

For more infomation >> ✅ Breaking News - Chelsea 0-1 Leicester: Vardy goal seals win to ease pressure off Puel - Duration: 7:20.


Reading 0-1 Middlesbrough: Friend spares blushes of toothless Boro - Duration: 6:35.

Tony Pulis was delighted with a first ever win at Reading as a manager - as Middlesbrough reignited their promotion challenge

Defender George Friend, 31, answered the call in the 77th minute to spare the blushes of Boro's toothless attack

That ended a damaging run of five matches without a victory for the Teessiders, but was tough on the Royals who gave caretaker-manager Scott Marshall everything

MATCH FACTS Reading: Jaakkola, Yiadom, Osho, Blackett, Richards (Bodvarsson 85), Rinomhota, Bacuna, Sims (McCleary 82), Loader (Swift 70), Barrow, Baldock

Subs Not Used: Mannone, O'Shea, Edwards, McNulty.Booked: Rinomhota, Blackett.Middlesbrough: Randolph, Shotton (McNair 38), Ayala, Flint, Fry, Friend, Howson, Besic (Wing 66), Clayton, Saville, Assombalonga (Hugill 67)

Subs Not Used: Batth, Braithwaite, Tavernier, Lonergan.Booked: Besic,Saville.Goals: Friend 77

Att: 14,943Ref: Stephen Martin (Staffordshire). This was Marshall's last game at the helm, with Portuguese Rio Ave boss Jose Gomes, at the ground, confirmed as the new manager last night ahead of the Day trip to Millwall

Pulis said: 'It is about time I won a match here as a manager, I have been here a few times and it is a very welcome win - but of course mainly for the club and the team

'We came here very disappointed with the last two performances against QPR and Burton, and the lads have shown a lot of character today

'We had got away a little from the strong defensive unit being so desperate to score more goals, but we looked solid today, and created good chances

'When things are going well everybody gets too excited, when they aren't going well they all get down in the dumps

But smile win lose or draw, because the smoke goes up the same chimney.'We had a goal disallowed that was a good goal, Ryan Shotton came from deeper for the set-piece

Season at a glance Championship Championship League One League Two Scottish Premiership Scottish Div 1 Scottish Div 2 Scottish Div 3 Ligue 1 Serie A La Liga Bundesliga 'I will have been a year at the next home game, we got in the play-offs, a major Cup quarter-final, are currently fourth in the league and have stabilised the club after spending £50m last year

'Management is difficult wherever you are, English is so competitive, but we need to find some pace and power, if we do that we can push on

'The outgoing Marshall said: 'I have really enjoyed the experience, being at the front line and feeling the nerves jangling over first team football has been good

'Any new manager is coming into a club with some good players, and there was also spirit and determination and togetherness on show against Boro

'Boro club legend Bernie Slaven pledged this week that he would strip naked in a local shop window if the team make the automatic places this season

He did it once before 20 years ago after his beloved club surprisingly won at Old Trafford

Lightning could yet strike twice.Pulis brought back some big guns that were absent for the demoralising home Carabao Cup defeat to Burton in midweek, including misfiring striker Britt Assombalonga

;But Reading went close to taking the lead early on, as the ball fell to Sam Baldock in the area but his shot was well saved with his legs by Darren Randolph

Boro's Championship-low mark of 16 goals conceded, though, rarely looked under threat

And Pulis threw on Jordan Hugill for the ineffective Britt Assombalonga, and Lewis Wing for Mo Besic

And the vital breakthrough came after 76 minutes when Paddy McNair, a first-half substitute for the injured Ryan Shotton, teed up Friend to fire gleefully home in front of the away fans


For more infomation >> Reading 0-1 Middlesbrough: Friend spares blushes of toothless Boro - Duration: 6:35.


✅ Após cirurgia, Pabllo Vittar posa seminua e choca fãs: "É impossível" - Duration: 1:17.

 A cantora Pabllo Vittar gerou escândalo mais uma vez nas redes sociais ao publicar um clique para lá de sensual nesta sexta-feira (21/12)

Após se submeter a uma cirurgia a fim de corrigir uma lesão no joelho, a drag queen retornou com tudo à internet

 Fazendo jus ao título de uma das mulheres mais sexy do Brasil em 2018, Pabllo surgiu usando um body transparente, mostrando os mamilos

Além disso, ela ousou com uma micro-calcinha preta, escondendo as partes íntimas

Após cirurgia, Pabllo Vittar posa seminua e choca fãs: "É impossível"   9 FOTOS   A peça de roupa deixou os fãs chocados, ainda mais ao refletirem sobre o que a artista oculta na calcinha

Diante disso, internautas a elogiaram: "Gente, mas isso é impossível

Como ela consegue fazer isso tão bem [esconder]?", "Só me monto se for assim" e "Belíssima!" foram algumas das declarações

For more infomation >> ✅ Após cirurgia, Pabllo Vittar posa seminua e choca fãs: "É impossível" - Duration: 1:17.


LUKKE- Závislost (Official Music) - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> LUKKE- Závislost (Official Music) - Duration: 2:04.


|| Zniszczona Miłość || Odc.01 || - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> || Zniszczona Miłość || Odc.01 || - Duration: 4:46.


iPhone XS Max | Givaway Of christmas day 2018 - Duration: 2:21.

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