Saturday, December 22, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 23 2018

El Palacio de Buckingham ha dado a conocer algunos de los detalles de la celebración, como el escenario elegido, que guarda un especial significado para la Familia Real británica El pasado 19 de septiembre,

los príncipes Michael de Kent anunciaron con gran alegría el compromiso de su hija, Lady Gabriella Windsor, con el financiero Thomas Kingston.

Apenas tres meses después, el Palacio de Buckingham ha dado a conocer los primeros detalles de la gran boda real que tendrá lugar en 2019 y que vendrá a completar la tríada nupcial que iniciaron el príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle el 19 de mayo de 2018 y, meses después, la princesa Eugenia de York y Jack Brooksbank -el 12 de octubre de ese mismo año-.

También como ellos, Lady Gabriella Windsor y Thomas Kingston se jurarán amor eterno en la Capilla de San Jorge del Castillo de Windsor, un lugar cargado de historia, de simbolismo y de significado para la Familia Real británica y que en menos de un año va a acoger hasta tres bodas reales.

Se trata de un lugar de culto cuya construcción comenzó en 1475 bajo Eduardo IV y que se concluyó en 1528, ya con Enrique VIII.

Es uno de los más bellos ejemplos del estilo gótico de todo el país y acoge, entre sus criptas y capillas, los restos de diez soberanos, entre ellos el rey Jorge VI y al citado Enrique VIII.

A pesar de que los novios siguen así los pasos de los duques de Sussex y de Eugenia de York y Jack Brooksbank, el 'sí, quiero' de Lady Gabriella Windsor y Thomas Kingston será ciertamente distinto.

De ahí que únicamente asistan los familiares y amigos y no un sinfín de rostros conocidos como ocurrió en las dos bodas anteriores. Y es que, tal y como afirma ¡HELLO!, el enlace será costeado por los príncipes Michael de Kent.

Tampoco habrá procesión ni desfile de los recién casados para saludar a la multitud allí congregada, ni se cursarán invitaciones a los ciudadanos para que puedan ser testigos de la celebración desde los terrenos del castillo.

Eso sí, en esta ocasión no faltará la correspondiente recepción posterior a la ceremonia, que tendrá lugar en Frogmore House y no en el interior de Windsor.

Sus abuelos, los duques de Kent, están enterrados en Frogmore, mientras que Windsor es el lugar en el que la novia, de 37 años, ha pasado muchas navidades. Los dos escenarios elegidos tienen para la propia Lady Gabriella un significado de lo más especial.

Por si eso fuera poco, cabe recordar que ella nació un 23 de abril, día de San Jorge, y que fue dama de honor de su prima Lady Helen Taylor en dicha capilla en el año 1992.

Por otro lado, aunque todavía no están enviadas las invitaciones, de los datos facilitados por el Palacio de Buckingham se desprende que el 'sí, quiero' de Lady Gabriella Windsor y Thomas Kingston,

graduado en Historia Económica en Bristol y director de la compañía Devenport Capital, tendrá lugar a finales de la próxima primavera.

Para entonces, un nuevo miembro habrá llegado a la Familia Real británica: el hijo de los duques de Sussex, pues está previsto que Meghan Markle dé a luz a su primer hijo precisamente en esa misma estación.

For more infomation >> El emblemático lugar que han elegido Lady Gabriella Windsor y Thomas Kingston para su boda real - Duration: 3:38.



For more infomation >> TSUNAMI EN INDONESIA POR LA ERUPCIÓN DEL VOLCÁN KRAKATOA tv hyperdimensional - Duration: 24:58.


Natti Natasha enamoró aún más a seguidores sin una gota de maquillaje y cantando a capella - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Natti Natasha enamoró aún más a seguidores sin una gota de maquillaje y cantando a capella - Duration: 2:20.


La reflexión de Baby Etchecopar: "Tengo que cambiar la cabeza" - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> La reflexión de Baby Etchecopar: "Tengo que cambiar la cabeza" - Duration: 4:10.


Lo más destacado que dejó la fase de grupos de Champions League 2018-2019 - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Lo más destacado que dejó la fase de grupos de Champions League 2018-2019 - Duration: 4:16.


Glacier NP announces status during government shutdown - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Glacier NP announces status during government shutdown - Duration: 0:43.


Ngủ nhiều mà vẫn mệt 3 cách để có giấc ngủ ngon và chất lượng - Duration: 9:15.

For more infomation >> Ngủ nhiều mà vẫn mệt 3 cách để có giấc ngủ ngon và chất lượng - Duration: 9:15.


Este martes Álvaro Salas vuelve a la televisión - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Este martes Álvaro Salas vuelve a la televisión - Duration: 1:14.


Dulce María derrocha sensualidad - Duration: 1:11.

Dulce María desató suspiros, elogios y piropios por parte de sus fans, apareciendo como pocas veces se le ha visto en sus redes sociales.

Así como lo hacía en los inicios de su carrera, la actriz compartió en Instagram una sexy fotografía en la que dejó ver que sus 33 años de edad le sientan más que bien.

En la imagen, la cantante aparece con un bikini negro luciendo el cuerpazo que se carga, pues resalta su sensual cintura, además de sus bellas y torneadas piernas.

Dicha foto ya cuenta con más de 170 mil "me encanta", mismos en los que se encuentran sus fieles fanáticos que la siguen desde que se convirtió en una RBD.

For more infomation >> Dulce María derrocha sensualidad - Duration: 1:11.


❄️🌨🌬 547. Рады СНЕГУ зверь и птица и конечно человек.❄️☃🌨 - Duration: 3:05.

The snow is spinning Snow falls




Welcome to the snow beast and bird And of course, man!

Glad gray titmouses: In the cold freezing birds

Snow fell - frost fell!

Cat snow washes its nose.

Have a puppy on a black back White snowflakes are melting.

The sidewalks are covered up, All around white-white:


Enough for shovels, For shovels and scrapers,

For big trucks.

The snow is spinning Snow falls




Welcome to the snow beast and bird And of course, man!

Janitor only janitor

Says: - I am this Tuesday I will never forget!

Snowfall for us - trouble!

All day scraper scraper, A broom sweeps all day.

I got a hundred pots off And all around is white again!


For more infomation >> ❄️🌨🌬 547. Рады СНЕГУ зверь и птица и конечно человек.❄️☃🌨 - Duration: 3:05.


Tyson's 100 IQ Search - Duration: 0:42.

yahahhawhawhaha movie makers live hahaha am so good at editing crap

wow this place again, lit

waijfwiajwfajiwfajfwaij smooth crap lol what

epic non sfx sr pelo table slam

seems like someone searched up the n word without the n word pass

insert smooth thing incoming!111

i mean it was somewhat smooth ok

wow what the heck what is this sudden change of resolution!1111

woah what the heck why 2 t-poses the heck get away from me

spoopy turn

less smooth thing rip in chat

wow you just ruined it why u did that

what that fried potato was a frog the heck

wow less smooth animation wajgawjijfwaw

whawijfijwajij nani where the gun came from

someone's internet and computer not ok

epic fart from the mouth wtf

hey wheres the outro on this wtf this video bad

For more infomation >> Tyson's 100 IQ Search - Duration: 0:42.


#TheOpenHouse - incidental xmas party - Duration: 5:46:39.

For more infomation >> #TheOpenHouse - incidental xmas party - Duration: 5:46:39.


{check the link in the description} go to first link] - Duration: 0:22.

sub and leave a like go to the link to see some hd quality thank you

For more infomation >> {check the link in the description} go to first link] - Duration: 0:22.


Art Attack I Scijinks - Duration: 11:45.

I'm Johnny Galecki and as always we've invited some science students and enthusiasts to be

with us here today.

Also we have two of my incredibly smart friends,

Jason Latimer.

Tamara Robertson.

So today we're talking about conservation of energy which for all I know, means taking


Conservation of energy is a law that states that the total amount of energy in a closed

system is gonna remain constant.

We could explain a closed system but it might be more fun just to show you.


Would you guys like to see it?



Alright, I'm gonna stand over here...

I'm getting out of the way.


In a closed system like this bowling ball and the wire it's suspended from, energy remains

constant and when the ball's released it can't get any higher than it started.

It can't add energy, therefore it can't hit me.

I can place this bowling ball up to my face and I can get go.

Pretty cool, but perfectly safe.

And Johnny, you're next.

Yeah, no.

I don't blame you.

Conservation of energy can be pretty destructive.

Don't believe me?

Take a look at this.

We set up our hidden cameras at an art gallery.

Now the hatred is there.

No, no!

Matt is playing the talented but eccentric artist.

Tamara's playing the gallery curator and Jason's working alongside our unsuspecting gallery

employees Dale and Angela who think they've been hired to help set up the exhibit.

So we're telling the story.

It's a narrative, right?

Did you want us to rearrange them?

I want you to feel...


This experiment is going to cause... an art attack.

You guys have your gloves on, right?

Our artist Matt requires that no hands actually touch his art and your names again?

Hi, I'm Dale.

Dale, I'm Tamara.

Matt is back from an artists residency.

He was down at the prestigious Sinton School for the last three years.


He is actually debuting his piece Consequence, which is the largest piece in the room.

To start out what I would like you guys to do is to set up the Mona Pizza.

It has eight total canvasses and he will be coming by at some point, he always likes to

come by a little early, check everything out.

If you have any questions I'll be back in a little bit to check on you.


What do you think about art?

I love art.

I hope I'm setting it up the right way.

I mean, as the artist, he probably wants it a certain way.

I'm definitely like all into abstract art.

This looks pretty abstract.

Yeah, I mean this is abstract.

I think that would be a good definition of it.

Guess this goes here.

I mean, some of them are horizontal, some of them are vertical.


You're him.


Yes, I'm the artist.

Nice to meet you.

Very nice to meet you as well.

I'm Angela.

Very nice to meet you, Angela.


Loving the art.

Well, let me know if there's anything I can help you adjust your gallery.

I'm feeling sort of destruction and instead I wanted sheer and utter madness.


Um... what would you...

how can I help you?

Well, let me walk this back a little bit.

What the… did you guys do?


Let me ask you first instinct, top right...

What do you see?

Don't be afraid to dream.

I kind of see a person in the...

Mm hm, and what's that person doing?


He's dying.

Yeah, I can see it.

When you look at that piece... not you, I'm talking to him, when you look at that piece,

what does it tell you?

He's just... he's not balanced.

That's exactly it.


It's unbalanced.

Tamara, she, she told us to put the remaining pieces up.

Tamara, oh, Tamara's the small idiot, right?


I think the first thing that we need to do, is we need to change the energy immediately

in this room and what I really wanna see is pure and utter rage.

Ha ka ka!

I think the energy's already better, so do me a favor and go over there and grab that

one, if you will, and I want you to switch with him.

Maybe we need to flip that energy upside down, Matthew.

Exactly, that's exactly what I wanted, Dale.

Now the unbalanced soldier, ie, the unbalanced kid in his room alone, all day, with no-one

to play with, is right where he's supposed to be.


It's perfect, it's right where it's supposed to be.

So you're happy?


So if you come with me, Dale, we're going to start prepping the actual exhibit.

We have a few pieces that we sold prior to opening.

If you'll just mark them actually you'll see on the name tags as sold.

Ok, you just want me to put sold on them, yeah?


Thank you guys, and again, if Matthew comes in, just smile.

This is his night.

This stuff is insane.

I'll take a picture of you right here.

You've got the little globe behind you, if you go like this and say can you line it up

with the globe.


One, two... just touch the dot if you would.

Just push on the dot.

There you go.


Move you...


Oh, oh, holy... oh, oh...

Oh, oh...

Oh, oh...

Oh no!

Oh my god...

Oh, oh...

Oh my god, oh my god, no, no, no, no...

Oh, oh, oh!

What do we do, what do we do?

Oh my god... oh!



Dude, how the ... did that happen?

Whoa... oh my god...

Oh my...


What do we do?

This guy's gonna kill us, he's gonna kill us.

What did you do?


This is not good.

Oh my god, what was that?

Oh my...

How did this happen?

I don't really know.

Something fell and it literally just hit everything.

I was just here to take a picture.

And then it... like it was like...

It's a little hot.

It was almost like, it was just like...

I think it just expanded somehow.

Set up perfectly like dominoes.

When the ball fell off..


The, the ball just dropped and then it just like...

You know, it's all a little hazy right now.

It all just like came down.

He bumped into that.

No, I...

You bump...

Ricocheted everything...

Oh my...

I don't, no, I don't think I actually...

It just, it fell.

Oh my god, Matt is gonna freak out.

You guys have got to get this up.


Guys, come on!

Matt'll be back any minute.

I remember like little kids in the front.

Oh, there's like so much stuff.

I just don't want him to walk in here, he'll die.

Just tape...

I think we could just tape it and...

The energy just... it really…unleashed here, Matthew.

That ball fell off the top of that, and then it was like... this.

You know how you were talking about that rage?

You were right.

Do you mind if I cry?

I spend my whole life trying to build and this is what I get?

Bunch of shattered, little Legos...

I gotta get a drink.

We got some water.

I don't need water.

Because none of it matters!

The only thing I want you to do, Dale, is keep the rage alive in this room.

Keep the dysfunction flowing.

All right.

Okay, so should we like... what do we do?

Do we go?



I think he's okay with this rage stuff.

It's helping him cope with his childhood stuff.

I think we should go.

I don't think we should be here.

We should go?

I mean, why would we stay?

We have to stay.

And do what?

We're on a TV show and we have a schedule.


You're on a TV show.

I'm on a TV show?

Okay, I thought I was gonna get fired and never be able to work again.

It was like I can't believe I ruined this guy's life!

I'm with her, man, I would have been tail lights as soon as that first bowling ball

started to move.

I would have been out of there.

This is one of those moments that you you kind of feel bad because Dale was convinced

he was never going to get to work in LA again, like he was like...

I really want to get in this world...

And as we do we shattered his dreams.

It... yeah.

Oh, I'm just gonna say what everybody's thinking, that art was terrible!

Seen worse.

You're also wondering where's the conservation of energy.

All that art was actually curated to form a perfect Rube Goldberg machine, so those

are the machines that have all the crazy chain reactions.

It's a silly name but a cool contraption.

Basically one leads to another one leads to another one.

It's pretty exciting.

We had a feeling you wouldn't want to be part of the bowling ball demonstration so what

we figured we would do is get you a stand in.

Do you want to meet Johnny Pinyati?

I love the vision in purple, look at that.

I have so many questions and I want none of the answers.

In the name of science can I have a little drum roll, please?

I admit it, I cheated.

Instead of dropping, I pushed the ball and that little push added energy to the system

and therefore Johnny Pinyati took one for the team.

Yeah, sometimes being a team player can hurt.

Skateboard delivery can be fast.

But it can also be... disastrous.

Don't think he's gonna try that again.

For more infomation >> Art Attack I Scijinks - Duration: 11:45.


Car Cruise & Nature Canyon 🌳 ASMR 🌳 Soft Spoken - Duration: 15:23.

Welcome to this video of ASMR in Canyon. Today we are going to visit a natural

place in Southern California called San Gabriel Canyon Road, connecting the

the cities of Azusa and Crystal Lake. It is a one-way road spanning twenty-five miles, passing

through the scenary of San Gabriel Reservoir and recrectional area of

Falling Springs. It is a great location to safely drive around to get away from

the urban life that sometimes gave us some negativities and complications. The

slight curvature of the road not only helps us to focus on the relaxing drive,

but it also let us to greatly appreciate the soothing nature surrounded by trees

mountains. With the sunset to complement the nature, the colorful tone

of the giant mountains catches our attention as we continue further on our

little get-a-way journey.

As other cars are passing through from the opposite directions, some may have

traveled for the similar reasons of trying to find peace and tranquility, a

state of mind in which anyone can enjoy in large magnitude. I like to take a drive

at around sunset because it is not too bright or too dark to see everything

outdoor around me, and it's not too hot or too cold to feel the little breeze

flowing between the mountains. It is just at the right brightness and temperature for

myself to do some self reflection. I brought an extra jacket just in case

I would like to stay a bit longer.

Here is one of the big turnouts of the San Gabriel Canyon Road after driving about

8 miles in, where the sun is setting behind this hill, giving a red and

d orange tint to everything this place has offered us. Seeing around at a semi-

high attitude, you could hear a mixture

of natural sounds and urban engine sounds as cars are passing by, one after another in both directions. People from different

cultures and interests together enjoy this canyon in many different forms. Some

are here to bringing their camping belongings to stay in the nature for a

couple days.

And some who are car enthusiasts and enjoy driving at long distances are here with

their companies to drive all the way to the end of this canyon road.

This is the San Gabriel Reservoir. Thankfully, we have been having rains

throughout the seasons in Southern California this year, so the reservoir is

filled with fresh water. I also sometimes like to physically feel the nature as it

is something that I don't do very often in the city, even if it is just a nameless

plant growing on the edge of the turnout. Although we can't hear the sound of

touching the plant, hopefully it still gives you visual relaxation in some

potential ways. As the sun continues to set on the West, we start to see that

the sky is becoming more and more colorful, and temperature begins to drop a

little with incoming current flowing along the path of the reservoir. Although

cars are returning back to the city as it gets darker, we are continuing our

journey to the next stop.

Passing through mountains after mountains, the pavement takes us to the

next stop where we could see different parts of the nature, isolating ourselves

from any negativities we may have experienced and feeding ourselves with

positive feasible energies in this very moment of essence. All the elements of

the canyons let our soul and spirit to be at a very affirmative, calmed state, a level of

tranquilty in which everything that is negative seems to be insignificant at

this instant.

Seeing and drive through turns after turns, curves and bridges, we are getting

farther and farther away from where we supposed to be for our daily lives,

but not necessaily where we supposed to belong to relax ourselves. I believe that

most people have taken the advantage of driving somewhere far away to pay more

attention to ourselves, to our bodies and souls, and most importantly our

mental health. To me, driving is one of the relaxing techniques that I use

to regain positive attention to myself, especially as a car enthusiast having a

modified car.

We are slowly arriving to the next turnout spot, as the scenery is turning from

white to orange, and from orange to reddish tint.

The physical combination of tiny rocks, trees, plants, and soil appear as the main

elements of this next spot that we are seeing right now,

with the natural sound of water falling and insects all around us.

By step out of the car for a little while, we explore what's around us by

going through these predesigned, unpaved route so that hopefully we could

find different perspectives in life.

Minutes passed, and the sunset is more than half way in its progression, allowing

us to see the most beautiful side of the canyons. This particular turnout is

about 2000 feet above sea level, giving us a wide, far view of what is below us,

and even the full moon is here to welcome us on this relaxing, soothing

journey. And now let's have us experience the beautiful visual, the cold breeze,

and the natural sounds around the canyons.

Day is slowing turning into night, nevertheless we are continuing to

explore and to hopefully find another dimension of what this place has to

provide us. We go up and down along a unspecified path, and every turn and every

move that we make will lead us to a destination, where we could also see

other destinations had we made different turns and moves.

I enjoy this little get-a-way canyon trip here and there sometimes. It helps me to

stop and take a little break on what I am doing everyday, and give myself more

time to enjoy the ordinary world.

Standing at a higher altitude, we definitely see a different perspective

of this place that continues to help us to relax.

And as the day is coming to an end, I like to sit on the ground and enjoy everything

around me once more before the perfect sunset gradually disappeared.

Thank you so much for joining me on this little canyon trip. I hope that this

trip is pleasant and relaxing for you in some potential way, and I hope that it

provides you a new technique to relax yourself to regain positivity.

Have a goodnight.



For more infomation >> Car Cruise & Nature Canyon 🌳 ASMR 🌳 Soft Spoken - Duration: 15:23.


Stoney Christmas ㅣ An Original Christmas SongㅣMerry Christmas! - Duration: 4:04.

to all my friends, what are you upto

as for me, i recently started youtube

we don't talk 'cause i tell you i'm busy

i'm really not, i'm always home (this is actually filmed on the roof)

i feel like i'm becoming a recluse

i lock myself in my house, my room

even when the phone rings i glance at it and dont pick up

sorry to my parents, my pops and my moms

you're almost 30 now, wtf you doin

i'm the first to admit i dont have my shit together

i'm 6'2'' but still feel tiny

just a lazy alligator who only opens his mouth to eat

so i borrow the energy of christmas

i don't have many skills for my age

started to learn video editing, shout out videoclass hajeun

For more infomation >> Stoney Christmas ㅣ An Original Christmas SongㅣMerry Christmas! - Duration: 4:04.


How To Play The New Cassiopeia Like A BOSS - Duration: 4:35.

With this new meta of league of legends and cassiopeia actually being S tier now

I figured you noobs would actually finally want to learn how to play this champion

Now, before going into this video I must warn you

You need to scrap everything you thought you ever knew about this champion

Because I'm about to turn your life upside fricking down

Now you're wondering right now, what runes do I take?





There are 5 easy steps to playing cassiopeia like a rank one challenger player

Step 1:

Give the enemy a false sense of confidence

Don't look at death as a bad thing

It's really even more important than killing your enemies

If you don't die then the enemies aren't getting cocky and they aren't thinking you're bad

Look at this twitch for example

He's just going to keep on coming into my lane because he thinks i'm dogshit

Well you know what? jokes on you twitch cause I am dogshit

Step 2

Get yourself a really good duo partner

You're probably wondering why I've decided to duo with this absolute monkey

Like look at him he's a literal retard

He's also playing fucking Nunu, like what could be my reasoning behind playing with this thing.

One word


Oh my


Oh my GOD

Penta penta penta penta penta penta penta

What! what is this. WHO IS HE?! WHO IS HE?!

My heart is racing

What was that play!


Step 3

Make sure to verse a dogshit midlaner

I think it goes without saying, but if you get put up against a good midlaner and you are not mastery 7 rank 1 cassiopeia

You aren't going to get the dub that match

Especially if you're versing a slippery enemy who can dodge all your abilities

Luckily for me, that was not the case

So I sort of did say there was 5 steps

But if you do manage to master those 3 you'll win every match anyway

I hope that this guide will hellp you get all the LP that you've ever wanted on the rift with cassiopeia

If you did happen to like the video please leave a like down below, subscribe, turn the notifications on to get notified of whenever I upload another video and peace out guys!

For more infomation >> How To Play The New Cassiopeia Like A BOSS - Duration: 4:35.


Top 10 Stories of 2018 - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Stories of 2018 - Duration: 3:30.


Adini Sen Koy/Season2/Episode194 (English translation) By Ayah - Duration: 58:29.


Don't cry

Please let me

Let me go

Otherwise never


I will never be able to leave

Don't go

I can't stay

I can't stay..

Don't you understand me?


for me,

for us

Very heavy

It is already very hard

I cannot go against my father

I don't want that

Now, for the last time

I ask you for the last time to help me

Otherwise I can't succeed

When, I get out of this door

Don't do anything

Don't say anything

to be able to go

So long


What are you doing here?



I am looking for Zehra

I saw her in the morning,

after that she disappeared.

Where is she?



She Left.

To where?

She had a job to do before. She is gone after of the funeral,

she will take care of it

Why are you asking about Zehra?

I am going to sister Hediye's side I want her to be with me as well

Tomorrow there is brother Okkesh memorial service

I will ask sister Hediya if there is something she wants to do

It's tomorrow , right?

Brother, we will manage it

You look after your work

How many days are you running?

We will do the rest here

Alright, dear Ayse.. Thanks

What can we say brother?

Whatever we do for Brother Okkes, it will be little


I am going to sister Hediye

Will you tell me when Zehra gets back?

Dear Ayse

Zerhra might not come

She might not come

Yes.. As I told you

she has a job she needs to solve it

I understand brother, there is no problem

Anyway, I have to go

Don't look at me like a kitten

This is the first time you said something good to me

Do you realize that?

That is not our topic

Later we discuss the subject

Whatever the matter is

Oh my head

That is the evening punishment, brother

This girl is not a job, not a dream.. she is real

O my god

There is a witch in my house

A witch who can enter the place she wants at any time


They will never leave me alone

Were not you leaving? Hey!!!


I am talking to myself

Is there someone ?

No there is not.. There is not

Who will be ?

You always have such strange attitudes and have mysterious behaviors or something

Do you know what your problem is?

You are like this and like that ( different state all the time)

What are you doing here?

Get out of here! This is my intimate place (private space)

Your privacy?

Are you alright?

Your Here, Does it make you look good? Get out?

You are really not leaving?

Would you go out, please?


let's make changes

Come and stand here, we talk

Say it I am listening

Isn't there anyone who worries about you?

Someone who wants to know where you are

You are here for days

And you come in late hours

Your father and your mother don't worry about you?

I didn't hear what you said

I'm not saying anything

I will not answer

It is obvious, they want to get rid of you

but I won't ask why, because I see.. The answer is a clear way

Is that what you meant by talking?

I swear, I too don't love talking to you

Your abnormal state of your body

The solutions are obvious,

Then you shut up... you can't throw words at me

That is the complete solution darling to be done

When I say darling, it is not in the sense of love

You get out of my house... Leave me alone and comfortable

Be patient Sabah.. Outside is dangerous

This idiot will talk and talk,

then he shuts up... mix up his head ..

Distract his attention

I did not hear.. Did you say something?

Does your ears has a problem today?

You don't understand anything I say

The smell of it may have disrupted his ears

I was going to take a shower when you came

Do you leave a human with a mind


When the mind is low, of course

Do not talk too much...You look at me, it is because of you I became this way

I am going to the shower,

but when I come out

When you come out, I will be here

You are cold... cold (attitude is frigid)


It is you aunt Shukra

Girl, Your face became in bad state

Come.. Get in ... Come

Get in girl

My father did not come, didn't he?

He did not come yet.. he did not come Don't worry

The poor man stayed in the workshop till dawn

My inside is eating me up for lying to him

Are you okay my daughter?

Did you lie to go for a ride? (for a promenade )

You went to do your last task of mercy ( went to pay respect to the deceased )

I still can not believe he died

Appreciative divine ( God's faith) my daughter

Every living thing, all of us, dies

Brother Okkes, is

very very good person


He is not like the employee of that house family

He is like a part of them

He is like a father

So everyone is so sad

And Sister Hediye

If you saw her, she was miserable

Aunt Shukran..

It is that way daughter..

It's like that.. I understand

The pain is very recent.. Very fresh

God gave her patience over time

After, you too are by her side


How are the other? The ones in the mansion

Ayse was miserable..

You know

She was sick

I was so afraid that it would happen to her again (she meant; she will suffer a relapse of cancer)

God forbid! God forbid!

Her husband and her brother are by her side, anyway


He became mesirable



Mr. Omer

The brother of Ayse


I understand


Mr. Omer

My daughter, are you alright? Isn't there a nuisance? isn't it?

Look Zehra! if there is any,

You can talk everything with me

But everything

I'm your aunt, I counted as a mother

I know aunt Shukran,

Thank you

Alright then daughter

I am listening to you, tell me

What... what shall I say aunt Shukran

Daughter, you are still young

You are at the spring age

If there is any who touches your heart

Good deed, I mean

I've been duly with your father.. I talk

Aunt Shukran

So I tell him, Look Salim

Things are not like you know

The children have different feelings for each other (they love each other)

The matter is not as you think, It is not just on paper or something

I mean, Let the man know the situation,

So he won't break other's heart.. Right?

Don't do it aunt Shukran!!!

Be careful...You do something like that

If you tell him. How I will look at my father's face from my shame

In fact, there is nothing like that

Then, I can't upset my father again

You know better, daughter

I mean

Alright..Whatever you want

So be it

We closed that matter

We said our last word

You close this matter in a way we never open it

What is he doing here?

What's wrong with you? What is your problem?

What's up?

I only want to say some few sentences

The talk is finished

But I want to say my talks

I said my last word


I will not insist

but, until you talk to me I'll stand here

I don't understand

Till you talk to me,

I will not leave this place

In this Big World

You are trapped with that man, Sabah

Isn't it good?

He , the tassel, is looking for an opportunity to chase you out of the house

Aw yes

The men

Open the door, at least get one job done

Don't open

Excuse me I said don't open,

Don't open

I am saying, that there is something that I know

You don't die If you listen to me

I will ask you , if I open the door or not in my own house?

Alright, Let's see through the peephole in the door

To understand who is that

I mean, from where we will know if he is a thief or an oblique?

Maybe, someone who wants to break in

But, why is it unfortunately we will learn?

Because there is no peephole in our door

Also, our silent vision

go two steps back

What is that? It is impossible

How something like that happened?

What happened?

You tell me

The restaurant brought the orders

A kitten

You are afraid of cat, that's why you didn't open the door.

You , the animal enemy

I'm not an animal enemy

Anyway, I mean I love them from far

But we have a remote distance relationship

Sister, why don't you love this cat

How nice this cat is

Actually, I did not say, I don't love them

I am afraid

Does not she has "the all of a sudden reflections"

such as scratching

In fact, the real danger is you

It is not certain, when nor where you will come out

Give me this , brother

Here brother

Take it to the kitchen, be at least useful for one job

Take this

Thank you Thanks to you too

I say something Is the cat yours?

No..I saw her by your door


Thank you

I am hungry.. very hungry

what will I do?

Ya.. They know their job here!

Are you looking at the smell

I am hungry as a wolf, do you know?

You are not hungry, aren't you?

No, I am not.. Thanks

If you feel hungry, you order one..

This is enough for me

Welcome daddy

Thank you daughter

Did something happen dad? are you okay?


I am fine daughter.. Good

Has anyone been calling and asking?


Who will call ?

No one, dear

So I just asked

Okay daddy

You sit down, I prepare the breakfast

No, I won't eat anything.

I will wash my hands and face., I am a little tired

I take a little nap

Alright, call me when you get up

Then, I take care of it

She locked herself in the room

Like if it is her own property.

All of her stuff are everywhere


Come on , let see

Come on ..Let see what we have

Sabah Aksu

What was that?

There's something called privacy, you know right?

One word, privacy

This thing called privacy, did they just discover it?

I mean, when you were messing up with my wallet , it did not exist

That was different..I did not know who you are

I know who you are now

If you don't like it the door is here

Look an iron door...Come on, get out

Walk out

Why was is she so scared?

I wonder if she is hiding something

There is something called internet

Let's have a look at the social media sites

What was her name?

In what period of time this girl lives?

She does not use the social media

For sure she uses wrong name

Yes yes,

In fact she is like a dream, she has no one

They would have called her

I have to get rid of this issue, to evacuate her from the house

But how?


A cat


You are afraid of cat, that's why you didn't open the door.

You, the animal enemy

I am not an animal hater

Anyway, I mean I love them from far

But we have a remote distance relationship

I am very lucky

What kind of cats are you?

Your name will be Ortak "it means Partner"

We have a little job with you

There is a witch who lives in this house. She is scared of cats

We push her away from our head (chase her out and get rid of her)

You will succeed in what I did not succeed

Come on.. let's see

You embrace me

Don't be afraid, Hediye

Thank you Mrs. Cevriye

Come here dear sister


If you don't bother yourselves, daughter

Is that possible?

What bothers?

Should I go to the doctor?

Nihat took care of this job sister

Please don't think about it

May Allah bless you

May Allah bless you too, dear Hadiye


I am going to the kitchen to check on the newcomer. girl

She will go insane


Where is the drop of water, daughter?

She will might not come today, by grace of god...

Oh god?

What happened?

The water drop I know,

In a day like this, my beautiful girl would come,

even if her two hands are covered with blood

I mean, tomorrow there is the service ceremony

I guess, She has a business to attend that she had planned before

Anyway, let her take care of it so it won't stay in her mind

In fact we will need her here tomorrow

Although she don't do any thing pleasant, her presence is enough, daughter

It is true what you are saying



Why did you come?

I don't know

Stop, give it to me

When you hang it

My work is done

Leave it to me

This one here


You think I will not be able to do it?

Hold on, hold on.. be careful

Alright... Alright

There is nothing, I am fine


Not like that

How ?

The other way

From here

from the other side

like that

It is like a dream

Very strange

With all those

I know it is real


But, I can't believe it

Do you know, when I danced with you for the first time, I felt the same way?

For the first time, you were in my arms

For the first time, I smelled your perfume inside me

But you were

Very close to me

To me,

that day, you were for me

From one side real

and in the other way.. you were not

Do you remember it?

I never forget anything

I cannot

I am sorry

I am very sorry

Everything is over



That much good

That much gracious

That much beautiful

How can you be like this?

Are you feeling cold?

Me? No


You are shaking

It is only a little bit chilly

Open it

Very beautiful

It suits you very well

It became very pretty

Really it is very beautiful..

Thank you very much

This place is so beautiful

I could spend the rest of my life in here..

Please leave me

let me go

Otherwise never


I will never be able to go

Don't go

I cannot stay

I cannot stay

Don't you understand?

Those for me

For us

Very heavy

It is already very difficult


Daughter!!! Should I leave money for shopping?


Do you want something dear dad?

Will you give me a glass of water?

Thank you daughter

This is for the grocery shopping

Alright daddy

I'm going to the shop soon.

If it does not, come by

It would be enough. It is very much though

Okay daughter

I make you potato waffle and bring it to you at noon

You have it with tea

You love it

Never mind

Don't bother with the waffles

And also, you brought them to me two days ago , my girl

Because you love that

No daughter, no

Leave it today

Come on, Good bye

Okay father

Good luck at your work

You role is very simple...look

You will only stand

The witch will come back soon

There is no need to scratch her

Come on..let see


Such a beautiful sound

I saw it on the Internet,

A person who was scared,

he held the fear and he freezes

You look like him

Take this out of this room, immediately

Right now....

This? she has a name


Isn't it, girl? I was looking for you....You were here

You... The thief !!!!

This cat was front of the door ....You brought her in , isn't it?

What it has to do with it ? (How relevant it is?)

kitty cats, all look alike

You thought I am scared of the cats but

It is not like that

You are not afraid

What has to do with it?


Then let her stay here

No no...Cannot stay

Take her, she will get bored here

I take her, but she seems comfortable staying here.. she stays

Take this out, immediately

The name is Partner

Would you take your partner and leave?

I would request, as a human


Ya..She has rights and I respect her rights

I cannot upset her

No.. Don't go

Ya.. The tassel had left



Your name is not Partner

The tassel who named you recently

Ah.. Let it be


You are very sweet

Very lovely

Come on, you... You go away

Go for for a walk

I had the worst memories with cats

Maybe the subconscious

Come on my girl


Come on , please.. Come on , go

You go

Don't be ridiculous Sabah

Don't be ridiculous

All what it is, she is just a cat

You look, she is very lovely What can she do?

There is scratching

And that's all about it

Better like this

Calm down

Calm down

You are very sweet

Beautiful kitten

Cutie kitten

I'm not really afraid of you

I'm a bit shy


I do not mind, but

something different

My dear

You hold on

I have an account to wrap up with the tassel inside

I will put a sock around your head

Is he still here?

How long can he wait?



Should I leave money for shopping?


Do want something, dear father?

O god ..O god

She should had left the room screaming, while ago

I wonder what happened?

There is no sound

Or she lost conscience from the fear?


The crazy cat did something to her?

No .. Not to that extend

Could she ran away from the window?

Of course

She ran away from the window from fear

Finally, I was saved from the idiot

Now, you start listening behind the doors

Ortak, you?

Her name is not Ortak, Minnosh

How come?

Come on girl,

It's time for you to go to the toilet

Where is she going to make it?

Isn't she your cat?

Did not you teach her where she shall do it?

Don't hallucinate and talk no sense

She will make all the places dirty.. Remove her

Ah Ah.. Are you serious? On your sofa?

One minute...Where is the cat?

How shall I know?

She was here .. She will show up soon, now

Ortak, daughter

Call her Minnosh, You will find her

She does not like the name Ortak



No no no no... The Jacket I love the most

It is impossible, she peed on it

Where is she?

You didn't like them

The time is getting late, and I still don't have food

What will I take to my father?

You gather yourself now

Look after your work

What am I cooking

I make something in half an hour

Dear brother, you call that number right away

Very easy

You will say, Miss Sabah, a thief entered your shop

OK I will tell you

Come on, call right now

It was no cat, but I'm gonna find something to pull you out of this house.

We said Ortak to put pressure

it ruined everywhere

If she stays a little longer, what will happen?

Where is my handbag?

It is here

What happened? Is something happened?

They call me from the neighborhood, a thief had entered my shop. I have to go

Oh it is bad

I will say something

Take Ortak outside the door... I mean on your way out

When it did not work out for you, you put the animal front of the door.. isn't it?

You don't work out for me, somehow, I cannot put you out of the door

I don't have time to discuss with you

But you are in my mind, don't worry

That was very easy

I thought she is a little smart

I need to change, they all look dirty

I forgot them

Those here, I have to pass them

I have to go to the shop

I don't have any other choice

Is there?

They will follow me there certainly

Watch them!

What will happen, let it happen ?

What will they do to me in the daytime?

No brother, she did not go out

but she will come out.. What should we do when gets out

It will not happen this way

Take her at the first opportunity

Let her be our guest for some days

To understand how serious the situation is

Brother she is coming out, we take her

Who sees you face, he enters heaven Miss Sabah

Our eyes have been on the road since yesterday (watching the roads)

Look at those types

You get direct friends

Certainly, they are her friends?

But, what is my concern?

You go and don't come back again

Home sweet home

Finally, you remains to me

You guys, why don't you understand in talks?

I said there is no money..


There is no money, isn't it? Alright...Then, how come you stay in a place like this ?

What it has to do with it?

For example, I cannot stay in such a villa

Look, you are lying to us

Neither the boss nor we love such things

I tell you that you will regret it

I understand...You will not understand the talking

Brother, we take her to the boss. He does with her what he will want to do


Leave me.. I am telling you to leave me

She is running away, run

For more infomation >> Adini Sen Koy/Season2/Episode194 (English translation) By Ayah - Duration: 58:29.


2019 NEW Just For Laughs Gags | FunnyTV Prank BEST [#38] - Duration: 10:40.


For more infomation >> 2019 NEW Just For Laughs Gags | FunnyTV Prank BEST [#38] - Duration: 10:40.


Spiced Rich Fruit Cupcakes |Really easy to make! - Duration: 7:54.

you'll need a weighing scale for this recipe

so the very first step

is to measure out

the weight of eggs

I'm using three eggs for thi recipe

and they weigh about

156 grams

next step is

to measure out

the flour

all-purpose flour

to exactly 156 grams

the brown sugar


and 156 grams of butter

for the dry ingredients

take the all purpose flour

add in

half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder

half a teaspoon of ginger powder

half a teaspoon of allspice powder

and one teaspoon of baking powder

as always a pinch of salt

use a whisk

to mix it up

that's ready

you would also need dry fruits

soaked in rum

or orange juice

so this is about 156 grams of

dry fruits that have been soaked in rum

I have here

some tutti fruitti raisins

and cranberries

take a large bowl

add in the butter

and the brown sugar

you could use regular sugar in its place

that's the castor sugar

or superfine sugar

and just beat

the two

till they are well combined

that's how it looks after five minutes

time to add in the eggs

one at a time

just mix this egg

till it is thoroughly combined

and we'll add in the next one

use a spatula and just scrape the sides

and the bottom

give it a mix

add in the last egg

and mix it in

that looks a bit curdled

but don't worry too much

as soon as we add in the flour

all that will be rectified

add in a third of the flour

just mix it

and run the


I'll add in a teaspoon of vanilla essence

and a little milk

and just give it a mix

that's it

add in the rest of the flour

just reserving a little

for later

again try and mix it

without running the motor

that's about it

now we take things forward

and mix everything by hand

so just clean up your blades

and put the batter back into the bowl


add in a bit of milk

and just fold it in

that's ready

to the leftover flour

just add in the dry fruit

toss it in the flour

add them to the batter

and just lightly fold them in

the batter smells nice and festive

and spicy too

that's ready for the mold

line the cupcake molds with liners

I'll use an ice cream scoop

to fill in the cupcake batter

time to get them into a preheated oven

bake at 160 to 180 degrees C

so bake for 15 to 20 minutes

or till they are done

once they have cooled down slightly

I'll just show you

just see how they look from inside

soft moist

and spongy

in winters

you could store the cupcakes in an airtight box

for up to a week

and yes

they do taste better the next day

For more infomation >> Spiced Rich Fruit Cupcakes |Really easy to make! - Duration: 7:54.


[YTP] - A Point-Less SöÖöS Abåut SomethingginhtemoS // Waterparks YouTubePoop :D - Duration: 2:23.

Hey what's up we're the band paterWarks (see what I did there?)


SuS sIs sAOAs

He's gonna cum ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

He's gonna cum too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I'm gonna cum a whole lot more than you're used to ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉) (whoa I'm uncomfortable now)

Stupid immature jokes for the win :DDD

I'm an awful person.


*Slams table*

*Slams table in reverse*

*Slams table again* (Jesus what have you got against that table Otto ffs what did it ever do to you??? #prayforthetable2018)


¡Your computer has been infected with a virus! Please reboot and subscribe to GawstenTrashCan to resolve the issue

Otto: (in broken word mixingese) FeLonY SteEev(e)

♪ Bitch-


♪ -Does it look like I-


♪ -I wanna eat carrots with you? (these lyrics though???)

N O Otto doesn't approve :'(


もういいって!!! (I agree lets move on)

*blows whistle* <--------- this is not an innuendo for anything I swear

*insert pointless pitch shift here

*insert pointless visual effects here*

O dam. It's Cory in the House.

♪ RUNNING IN THE 90S Wait, haven't I used this joke before???

See "Teh Water Slides PART II" for more information





Ismo Laitela: hOmO.

Ismo Laitela: voi helveTTI- *Explosion*

O shit i forgot you guys weren't Finnish k nobody's gonna get that and I've just wasted like 4 seconds D:

You should be ashamed GTC -_- Ft. Your Lung from Bananah Shark (Comment f to pay respects to Eiji Okumura T_T <3 )

Moving on…



♪ THE OTHER SELF (some furious violining and guitaring by E-Zuka)

Look at them speedy toes~ Majestic.

G E O F F ' S D I C K

O T T O ' S A S S

your parents F U C K E D in the wrong S P O T



Goddamn Geoff is hot <3 (Basically every Gawsten fanfiction though.)

Buuuuuut I agree <3_____<3

SaaAaaS SueyeuS sIs

Like, I dunno if you can see this or not, but Otto bit my hand open in 9th grade-


-he always bites me, snaps at me, barks at me…? *continues to list off every single thing Otto does to torture him*

Otto: (internally) I didn't sign up for this abuse Awsten -_-

Drunk Geoff: hey man B L Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö R G G G H

H G G R Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö L B nam yeh


*Pukes in Glitch* (And I am disappointed in myself in 24 different languages)

Your version of thunderscoregerff.exe is outdated. Update and restart compter?

Oh shit we're at Hogwarts now???

Young Daniel Radcliffe is acting like he's about to be sick O_O

Too much pudding at lunchtime, Potter? :DDD

Looks like he's gonna be SeeS!


He's got the Snitch!!!!


♪ Nya~ Nya~ Nya~ Nya~ Nya~ Nya~ Nya~ Nya~

Random guy: Sauce-ten (or is it Sauce Tin???_)

You need- you need to stoaosstop

*incoherent "drunk" slurs accompanied by unnecessary pitch shifting*

ow my ears

Huh~! Huh~! Huh~! (a.k.a. laughing)


S˥∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩ɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹԀԀԀԀԀԀԀԀԀԀԀ Fucking same, cuz I always flip upside down too when slurping on meth juice :3

His slurping caused an explosion???? LOGIC: NOT FOUND. TRY AGAIN NEVER.

Otto Drinking Alcooohool loohoooclA gniknirD ottO

Sample Glitch

iT#s tIME 2 STAPH (2 right bro)

Otto: tf, this tastes like cat piss like ew

*plops shot glass into a bigger shot glass*

Lol I found the reverse tool :DDDDDD ft. Mario

I want friends (u can be my friend Otto <3)

I want your QUICHE (specifically your quiche, none of that Tesco Value shit)

I want your SPARKLERS


BOO DOO BAA DEE DEE :D *explosion* ^ Another pointless pitch shift





I couldn't be bothered to pitch shift this.

Too much effort.

SweoewS SaS seAes

As long as I'm… In the shadows.




yarp *OvO*


In The Shadows (is a good song)

'Kay …


… yaK' s 'Kay …

L U K E (ow fuck my ears x2)

He's gonna get you looking like shadows and sounding like shadows and looking like shadows and sounding like shadows and looking like shadows (that's a hell of a lot of shadows)

It's all gonna be shadows, right here on


*explosion* :D

For more infomation >> [YTP] - A Point-Less SöÖöS Abåut SomethingginhtemoS // Waterparks YouTubePoop :D - Duration: 2:23.


Tyson's 100 IQ Search - Duration: 0:42.

yahahhawhawhaha movie makers live hahaha am so good at editing crap

wow this place again, lit

waijfwiajwfajiwfajfwaij smooth crap lol what

epic non sfx sr pelo table slam

seems like someone searched up the n word without the n word pass

insert smooth thing incoming!111

i mean it was somewhat smooth ok

wow what the heck what is this sudden change of resolution!1111

woah what the heck why 2 t-poses the heck get away from me

spoopy turn

less smooth thing rip in chat

wow you just ruined it why u did that

what that fried potato was a frog the heck

wow less smooth animation wajgawjijfwaw

whawijfijwajij nani where the gun came from

someone's internet and computer not ok

epic fart from the mouth wtf

hey wheres the outro on this wtf this video bad

For more infomation >> Tyson's 100 IQ Search - Duration: 0:42.


Voting Poles - Duration: 0:31.

[Music: Scrapbook by Silent Partner] *The text of the video is in the description.*

For more infomation >> Voting Poles - Duration: 0:31.


연말쇼핑하울🎁 득템의 시즌! Miu Miu(미우미우), Burberry,(버버리) Cartier(까르띠에) - Duration: 6:29.


For more infomation >> 연말쇼핑하울🎁 득템의 시즌! Miu Miu(미우미우), Burberry,(버버리) Cartier(까르띠에) - Duration: 6:29.


BALI VLOG INDONESIA! 🌞 (UBUD & CANGGU Travel Diary Video) - Duration: 5:34.


Let's go to...

OK, OK, K, K, K, K!

I've just landed in BALI, you know?

Then, now I have to find my...

Has anyone seen my...

Friendly Driver Friend?!

*angry shock!*




It's nice to meet you, you know?

Mr. Friendly Driver Friend!


OK, K, K, K!

Now, we are driving to...

UUUUUU-BUD-BUD-BUD... etc., etc.


Then, now we are in the UBUD–

in UBUD!

And then we are in the hotel, you know?

And then, I'm next to the rainforest, you know?

It's a real rainforest, you know?

Has a river...

and then I'm living next to it, you know?

This is the–

the beautiful bed.

And then that's–

th– that's a TOILET over there.

No, NOT toilet!

That's a BATHTUB, you know?

OK, n– n–

Now, let's go out into the...

CITY AREA, you know?!

Let's go! Let's go!


HELLO, I just met a–

A very friendly HUMAN FRIEND, you know?

Wha– what's your name?

HUMAN: My name is BOBBY, too!

That's my name, you know?

Are you–

Are you copying me?

*joking* HUMAN: No.


But I DO want to be like YOU, Bobby!

You want to be a...


*pleased* Yes!

I want to be a YouTube star like you, Bobby!


is the BEST sheep out there!


*shy* Th– thank you everyone!

HUMAN: Bye! Say thank you!

Bye, guys!

Thank you, human!

LADY: Bye!

Sh– she's filming me, you know?

Are you the paparazzi?

LADY: I am! I'll go away!

Peace out! Bye, Bobby The Sheep!

You can shake my HAND, you know?

Wh– where's your hand?

I don't have a–


I don't have a hand...

and any...

PRIVATE PARTS, you know?




How does that work?!

*no clue*

OK, bye bye!


OK, K, K, K!

Now, I'm going to try the beautiful...

It's a very handsome food, you know?

And then I–

I dunno what is this.

And I–

I dunno what is this also!

But I think I want to try my dinner now!

Thank you very much!

*eager hunger!*

Now, we are at the...

Ubud Art Market, you know?

Then, I'm gonna say HELLO to...

all the FRIENDLY HUMANS, you know?


H– how is your day...


*friendly greeting*

How is your day...


LADY: *sheep greeting*


You're a very friendly human, you know?



Hello, nice to meet you!


Hello, Friendly Driver Friend!

(high-pitched) Hello!

So, where are we going now?

(high-pitched) We are going to...

(normal voice) OH!

You got a very STRANGE voice, you know?

Where are we going?

We're going to...

OK! Let's go watch the rice grow, you know?

Let's see!



Look at the beautiful RICE TERRACE, you know?

It looks like...

Do you think it looks like MINECRAFT?


OK, now–

Now I'm along the...

Look at the beautiful ocean!

Hello, Mr. Ocean!

Then, there's a LOT of humans wearing...

I dunno why also?

BUT then...

because I'm a SHEEP, you know?

Anyway, I really love the Bali beach, you know?

Because it's– it's very–

Very beautiful, you know?



Say bye, bye to everyone!

He's very friendly, you know?

Then, he has been driving me around the...


of Bali, you know?

Then, I think he's a very good driver, you know?

If other people want to come to Bali...

you can just CALL him, you know?

If you like to go to Bali...

just come with me!

I'm a driver!

I know everything about Bali!

I'm a friendly man!

Just FOLLOW me!

Click on the LINK, you know?

Then you get in touch–

You get in touch with him, you know?

Give me a call!

I will take you anywhere!

K! Say bye bye to everyone!


Sampai jumpa! (See you later!)


OK, that's it for now!

I'm going back already!

I really enjoy–

I really enjoy my time in Bali, you know?!

You know or not?



I'll see you next week!

Don't forget to LIKE my video...

and SUBSCRIBE to my channel!


*thank you!*

OK, I love...


And I love all the BALINESE, you know?

See you next week!





Oh no, Ms. Drone!

Are you OK or not?

You don't–

You don't look so well, you know?


You know or not?

*worried laugh!*

For more infomation >> BALI VLOG INDONESIA! 🌞 (UBUD & CANGGU Travel Diary Video) - Duration: 5:34.


Toji no Miko Kizamishi Issen no Tomoshibi Fall Event Complete Your Day Off Mission - Duration: 35:02.

Maki: Everyone, the mission schedule for this month is ready.

Yume: Got it! Are we doing anything interesting this time? Hurry up and let me see, Maki onee-san!

Suzuka: Last month we had fairly packed schedules; it was hard enough to find half a day to rest. How does it look this time?

Maki: It's another pretty busy month, but it's arranged so each of us gets full days off at least.

Maki: I'll send you all the data so you can go over it yourselves.

Yomi: Thank you.

Suzuka: It's true, there's just enough gaps between missions for some time to ourselves.

Yume: So I get this day off, and this one too~? Huh? Suzuka onee-san, don't we have the same day off?

Suzuka: Would you look at that; that's quite the coincidence.

Yume: Then, we should go play somewhere together!

Suzuka: I'd be glad to. It's rare for our time off to match up like this, so we should take advantage of the opportunity.

Yume: I can't wait~! Maki onee-san, and Yomi onee-san too, if you have the same day off you should come with us!

Maki: Well, there's no way our schedules would line up that conveniently...

Maki: That's strange, I have the same day off...

Yomi: I do too...

Yume: Hooray~! Now we can all go out together! This is the best! This is the best!

Maki: We never get the same day off like this, so what happened here...?

Suzuka: Yukari-sama must be planning something.

Yume: Don't think so hard about it, onee-sans~! We all got the day off together, so we should just have fun with it.

Yomi: In any case, I'm going to confirm with Yukari-sama that this wasn't some mistake.

Yukari: All of you have the same day off?

Maki: Yes. Since we don't get much time off, I'd think all of us getting the same day would never happen.

Suzuka: I was wondering if you were planning something by this, Yukari-sama...

Yukari: I don't recall making any specific order here. Isn't it just that all of you happened to be without missions that day?

Maki: It's true that all of us should have our work done for the time being that day...

Yukari: Then that day is simply the most efficient time to give all of you a break.

Yume: See, see~? I said you were overthinking it, didn't I?

Yume: Oh yeah! Can you take that day off too, Yukari-sama? Then we can all have fun together!

Yukari: Unfortunately, I have a pile of duties steadily accumulating that need to be dealt with. You'll all have to enjoy yourselves without me.

Yume: Well that sucks~. But at least the four of us are together, right!

Suzuka: Yes, I'm glad we could clear up that it wasn't all some big mistake at least. Though...

Yomi: Will it really be alright for all of us to be absent on the same day?

Suzuka: We can have our time off whenever, so wouldn't it be best if we adjusted the schedule now?

Yume: Ehh, but I thought we were all going to go hang out together...

Yukari: Wait, there's no need for you to change your schedule. If you go making adjustments without good reason, it would throw other people's plans into disarray.

Yukari: Since you have no work to do, you should enjoy your time off. So long as you fulfill the obligations you're given, you have nothing to worry about.

Suzuka: Y... Yes ma'am.

Maki: ...Yukari-sama might have said all that, but I'm still not sure about this.

Yume: Yaaay! Yukari-sama said it's okay, so we're all gonna go play together, right!

Suzuka: Well, we did get approval from Yukari-sama... And it would be nice for all the elite guard to spend time together.

Maki: You're right, you never know if we'll see another chance like this.

Yume: Alright-! So let's think of where we're going!

Yomi: ...

On the day everyone had off--

Yume: Maki onee-san, Suzuka onee-san! They're starting the line for the roller coaster! We should get up in front.

Suzuka: Don't run like that, Yume. It's dangerous.

Yume: I'll be fine-! Who do you think I am!

Maki: There sure are a lot of people who came to the amusement park today, aren't there?

Suzuka: I know, it's already so crowded. If only Yomi had come along with us...

Yomi: ......

Yukari: Hm? Yomi, don't you have the day off?

Yomi: Yukari-sama. Good work. Is something wrong?

Yukari: To begin with, Yomi, I'm talking about you. What are you doing here?

Yomi: Yes, I was doing my usual duties, reviewing paperwork that needs to be settled...

Yukari: I'd heard Maki and the others went to an amusement park. You didn't go with them?

Yomi: They did invite me, but I remembered I still had paperwork to take care of.

Yomi: Approved, unapproved... Approved...

Yukari: That paperwork, it's not something that needed doing right now, was it?

Yomi: No...

Yukari: Then, on your day off, when your comrades invited you out, why would you refuse them and force yourself back to work?

Yomi: That's because...

Yomi: Yukari-sama. I appreciate your consideration for allowing all of us to take the day off at once... However, I can't bring myself to leave the Origami household without any members of the elite guard.

Yukari: Is that something you discussed with the others before deciding?

Yomi: No... They looked so happy planning where to go on their day off that I couldn't bring it up, so I told them I remembered I still had work left to do.

Yukari: I see. Yomi, your devotion to your duties is one of your admirable qualities, however...

Yukari: How about this. I have an assignment for someone as dedicated as you that needs to be taken care of today.

Yomi: Understood, I'll do whatever you ask of me.

Yukari: In that case, take the day off at once.

Yomi: Eh...?

Yukari: Making use of the breaks in your work to rest is an invaluable part of self-management. Your mission today is to enjoy your day off to the fullest.

Yomi: But, Yukari-sama...

Yukari: Put away those papers at once, and begin your mission. That's all I have to say.

Yomi: Yukari-sama! ...She's gone.

Yomi: Yukari-sama gave me this mission, so I have to carry it out, but how...?

The fall vacation mission begins! 11/1 - 11/11

Collect Yomi's day-off reports to exchange for shop items

In addition to shop items, there will be special Yomi balls as rewards for completing event missions. What are those Yomi balls for you ask?

BAM! They are to limit break the fabulously aloof, Casual Clothes Yomi!

She might dress like a grandma, but those clothes do bring out a certain grace in her.

Both the 3* Casual Yomi and her specific 3* limit break orbs are limited to this event so get them while you can!

There will be special harvest missions in the future that grant more Yomi reports and other challenge quests with completion rewards. Please look forward to them.

Yomi: Enjoy my day off to the fullest... That's what Yukari-sama told me, but what does that mean, and where could I do it...?

Yomi: ...

Yomi: Ah, that's right. If I join Shidou-san and the others, who should still be at the amusement park, Yukari-sama must be able to accept that.

Yomi: First, to see if joining them is still a possibility. I'll call Shidou-san.

Yomi: She won't pick up... In that case, someone else...

Yume: Hey heyyy~! Yomi onee-san? It's Yume!

Yomi: Tsubakuro-san, I wanted to talk to Shidou-san...

Yume: Maki onee-san went to go buy some ice cream. Get this, I'm about to ride a roller coaster with Maki onee-san and Suzuka onee-san!

Yomi: I'm glad you're having a good time. When Shidou-san gets back, could you please tell her to call...

Yume: Ah, she's back! I'll put her on!

Maki: Hello, Yomi? Sorry I couldn't get back to you. This place has been packed all morning. I wish you could've been here with us.

Maki: Anyway, what's the matter? Did something come up with work?

Yomi: No, it's not like that...

Public Announcement: Sorry to report... ber of visitors... restricting entry... der of the day...

Maki: Oh, huh...

Yomi: What was that?

Maki: It's nothing. I was just thinking it was so crowded today, when they announced they're restricting entry from now on.

Yomi: They're... Restricting entry?

Maki: Ah, I think Suzuka has something she wants to ask you. I'm putting her on.

Suzuka: Hello, it's me. Yomi, which do you prefer, chocolates or cookies?

Yomi: I don't mind either of them...

Suzuka: When you answer like that, it only makes this decision harder... The souvenir shop here has all sorts of delicious looking sweets.

Suzuka: It's a shame you aren't with us, Yomi. We could have had fun picking them out together.

Suzuka: Oh, it's our turn to get on the ride, so I'll have to hang up now. We'll buy you souvenirs on our way back, so do your best at work, Yomi.

Yomi: ......If they're restricting entry, I won't be able to join them at the amusement park, will I...

Yomi: In that case, where could I go to enjoy my day off to the fullest...?

Yomi: Now that I think about it, I was never taught how to spend free time... What do I do...

Yomi: If I look into it at the library, I might be able to find a book that can help.

Yomi: Ways to spend free time... Ways to spend free time...

Passing Toji A: Hey, next time we get a day off, wanna stop by Harajuku?

Passing Toji B: Sounds good. Harajuku it is~!

Yomi: (I see, Harajuku...? I remember other toji often talking about having fun during their time off there.)

Yomi: (If I go to Harajuku, I might find a way to enjoy my day off to its fullest. I should go now, for the sake of my mission...)

Yomi: Sigh, I've finally arrived. This is my first time coming here outside of suppressing aradama. It's crowded during normal hours.

Yomi: Now that I'm here to enjoy Harajuku on my day off... What exactly should I be doing...?

Yui: Heyy, good looking~! Is something bothering you? Why don't I show you a good time~!

Yomi: A good time? Are you talking to me?

Yui: Ah-! You're from the elite guard... Satsuki Yomi-san!

Yui: My bad! You know me, as soon as I see some cute girl I can't help myself. I had no idea you were one of the elite guard...

Yui: I'm really sorry about this! Anyway, I'll leave you alone now...

Yomi: Please wait. Weren't you going to show me a good time?

Yui: Eh?

Yomi: In that case, by all means, let me accompany you.

Yui: EHHHH-------------!!!!!

Yomi: That is, will you teach me the fundamentals of "a good time in Harajuku"?

Yui: You should loosen up first, Satsuki-san!

Yomi: I'm sorry. I don't have a good understanding of what it means to spend free time.

Yomi: If you don't mind, I want to join you on my day off and have you teach me how to enjoy Harajuku. Would that be acceptable?

Yui: Hnnng, I couldn't be happier, getting a request like that! Of course I'm okay with it! It's my lucky day, taking Satsuki-san on a date around Harajuku~!

Yui: I'll give you the full tour, so you can see exactly how I get the most out of Harajuku~!

Yomi: I'll be in your care. What should we be doing first...?

Yui: When it comes to Harajuku, the thing that stands out most is crepes!

Yomi: I've heard about those before...

Yui: And observing cute girls eating them!

Yomi: Observing...? Is that right...

Yui: Of course! We shouldn't waste any more time! Let's head to where they're selling some~!

Yui: Okay, now we'll begin our lookout in front of that crepe stand!

Yomi: Understood. When it comes to observing girls eating crepes, what should I be looking for specifically...

Yui: Just trust in your instincts, and when you see a girl who grabs your attention, look verrry closely at her behavior and expressions!

Yomi: My instincts... I see.

Yui: Ah-, that one's so cute! No, wait! Her friend next to her's good looking too~. I don't believe it, are they twins~? That's adorable~!

Yomi: Stare...

Yui: So what do you think, Satsuki-san? Can't get enough of those glittering "Which crepe should I eat" eyes, can you~?

Yui: Just seeing that is enough to keep me coming back to Harajuku!

Yomi: I see, their eyes were glittering? Understood, I'll focus on that point from now on. Is there anywhere else I should pay attention to...

Yui: Let's see~, for example... Like if you see a cool looking girl suddenly start passionately explaining the appeal of chocolate mint, while she licks away at it!

Yui: Getting to see that kind of gap in attitude is the real thrill of coming to a crepe stand!

Yomi: The enjoyment of witnessing the moment schoolgirls categorize their tastes, contradicting your expectations... Am I understanding it?

Yui: Mmm~, you don't have to make it sound so complicated, or even really understand it. Just so long as it makes you feel good, it's all alright!

Yomi: To be honest, I can't seem to find the same excitement in this as you can, Yamashiro-san. But in order to make a meaningful report to Yukari-sama, I'll try my best.

Yui: Ahaha, you're so weird, Satsuki-san! I know! To celebrate us meeting up today, how about I buy you a crepe?

Yui: Sorry that took a minute. Here you go! I only have pocket change on me, so I had to buy the cheapest cream crepe though.

Yomi: Thank you for your consideration.

Yomi: Chew, chew... This is simple, but very delicious.

Yui: That's great~. I feel like I'm dreaming, getting to see Satsuki-san eating up close like this! Ahhh~ I'm being healed~.

Yui: This is what time off is all about! Thanks to you, I had the best vacation. Now I'm refreshed and ready to give my all starting tomorrow!

Yomi: (Yamashiro-san seems to have fully enjoyed her day off, but is this actually what Yukari-sama asked me to do...?)

Yui: Satsuki-san, it's time for the next attraction: observing the girls standing in line at the bubble tea stand! Let's go!

Yomi: Understood.

Yui: You know, with the streets this packed, there's cuties every where you turn. Fun huh~.

Yomi: (I'm not sure if the way Yamashiro-san enjoys her day off will satisfy what Yukari-sama asked of me...)

Yui: Wait-! Those two cute girls that were together just now...

Yomi: Ah, Yamashiro-san, please don't leave me behind.

Yui: Sayaka-chaaan! Mai-chaaaan!

Sayaka: Yui.

Mai: Fancy running into you here.

Yui: I know, it's like I won the lottery today~! I'm about to start tearing up! So, so? What're you two doing in Harajuku?

Mai: Sayaka-chan and I had the day off, so we thought we'd go shopping here.

Sayaka: We drank bubble tea too.

Yui: Nnn~ I can't get enough of it~ This "girls day out" feeling! I can't believe I also managed to run into you two today~.

Sayaka: Also...?

Yomi: Good, I caught up with you. Yamashiro-san, why did you run away?

Sayaka: Satsuki Yomi...

Yomi: Yanase-san and Itomi-san.

Mai: You two are an unusual pair. What were you up to?

Yomi: Today, I was having Yamashiro-san teach me meaningful ways to spend my day off.

Sayaka: Teaching you how to spend your day off...?

Yui: Satsuki-san said she wanted to know how to have fun in her free time, so I'm coaching her in my way of enjoying Harajuku to the fullest~.

Mai: Coaching? What did you teach her? I want to know too.

Yui: Stuff like sitting in front of a crepe stand and observing the cute girls going by!

Sayaka: Observing...?

Yomi: I learned to watch a person's eyes as they make purchases. And that it's essential to measure the gap in deviation between a person's style and their tastes.

Yui: There's no better way to spend your day off than joining a cute girl to watch cute girls, don't you think~?

Mai: I-I guess that's one way to spend it...

Sayaka: Satsuki Yomi, did you have fun doing that?

Yomi: I'm diligently trying to. But I'm still unfamiliar with spending time off.

Sayaka: I don't think... That's how people normally spend their day off.

Yomi: That isn't normal?

Yui: Huhhhh? You're kidding? I do this stuff for fun practically every day though...

Yomi: If what Yamashiro-san does in her free time isn't normal, then what does a normal day off consist of...?

Yui: Satsuki-san, I'm sorry! I was having the best time with you, but I think I might've not really been all that helpful?

Yomi: ...

Mai: Um, if you don't mind, why don't the four of us enjoy ourselves together?

Yomi: Could I join you?

Sayaka: If Mai says so, we'll do it.

Yui: Eh, no way-! Somebody pinch me! I'm surrounded by cute girls! Forget having a good day off, I must be dreaming!

Yomi: Yanase-san, and Itomi-san too, I'll be counting on your guidance.

Sayaka: ...

Mai: To start with, why don't we wander about and look at the western clothes on sale?

Mai: This dress is cute, isn't it?

Yui: I know, right! I think it'd look good on Satsuki-san! Here, hold it up to yourself for a second!

Yomi: ...

Sayaka: Satsuki Yomi, do you not like it?

Yomi: The materials seem to lack durability, and the shape of the sleeves would get in the way of fighting.

Mai: Ah, y-you're right... I didn't think of it, from that perspective.

Mai: Th-Then why don't we look in that general store over there? They sell some cute and a little strange mascot accessories. It's a popular place.

Yui: Wow, look at this! This doll's so uglycute~! (dasakawa)

Yomi: Aradama!?

Yui: N-No! That's not what I said-! Not aradama, da-sa-ka-wa!

Yomi: Forgive me. To me, it sounded like you said something else.

Mai: I guess that's proof that your mind is always ready for action. That's the elite guard for you...

Yomi: ...

Mai: What's the matter, you're checking your phone. Is someone trying to get in touch with you?

Yomi: No, it's nothing important.

Yui: In that case, let's go to the next store! Forget about your phone!

Yomi: You're right. Let's go.

Yomi: ......

Sayaka: Satsuki Yomi, you checked your phone again.

Yomi: I feel like I might receive an urgent message...

Yomi: I'm sorry, it's my mission to enjoy my day off to its fullest, but aradama suppression is weighing on the back of my mind...

Mai: Maybe, because things are so busy here in the city, it's hard for you to feel at ease?

Yomi: What do you mean?

Mai: Everyone has different places they feel like they can relax in. In your case, Satsuki-san, if we move somewhere that's more rich with nature, you'll have a better day off, I think.

Yomi: I see, a place with more nature? It's true that Harajuku is so crowded it's difficult for me to calm down. I agree that we should move somewhere quieter.

Yui: In that case, where would be good~? When I think of cute girls in the great outdoors, it's gotta be the beach!

Sayaka: Yui, it's November...

Yui: Shoot. But I wanted to see all of you in swimsuits~.

Kofuki: Huh? What're you guys doing all hanging out here?

Yui: Whoa! Even Kofuki-san's here now! That's it! You should come mess around with us, Kofuki-san!

Kofuki: Mess around? I just got done doing that with some aradama-chan, so I'm headed back to Kamakura.

Yui: Ehhh, it's only noon. What's the harm in hanging out with us for a while~?

Kofuki: The harm's that I hate how packed the stations get at night. And the leaves are in their fall colors, so Kamakura gets a ton of sightseers this time of season.

Mai: Fall colors! That could do the trick. Why don't we all visit Kamakura and go leaf viewing?

Sayaka: That could be good... I agree with Mai.

Yui: Good looking girls under the red leaves! That's the kind of scenery you can't see any other time of year. I'm all for this plan~! What about you, Satsuki-san? What do you want to do?

Yomi: The Origami estate is in Kamakura, so I knew about the leaves in their fall colors. But the idea of visiting there with the intention of sightseeing is very interesting to me.

Mai: If we leave now, the stations shouldn't be crowded. Shichinosato-san, if it's not too much of a bother, could you show us some of the best spots to see the leaves?

Kofuki: Huhh? Why do I have to...

Sayaka: Kofuki. Please.

Kofuki: ...Ughhhh... Fine, have it your way. I'll show you around.

Kofuki: But let me say this, I'm not going anywhere near the usual tourist traps. I find some good places every now and then when I'm on missions, so that's all I'll show you.

Mai: Wow, it's beautiful!

Sayaka: Amazing... The trees are all red.

Yui: Ooh~, that's crazy! It's as pretty as a painting! You know your stuff, Kofuki-san!

Kofuki: Right? If I say it's good, it's good. What do you think, Yomi-senpai?

Yomi: ..................

Kofuki: O-Oi, are you in there? Yomi-senpai?

Yomi: Ah-, excuse me! I was overwhelmed by the sight of all the leaves.

Yomi: This must have always been here in Kamakura, but this is the first time I've felt aware of it...

Yui: Gahhh~, I missed it, Satsuki-san losing herself in the fall colors! I'll get my camera ready, so please do it again!

Yomi: ...Even if you ask me to, it's difficult to repeat it now.

Yui: In front of a backdrop of autumn leavings, the seductive look of a slightly lost Satsuki-san! This works too~! A rare shot that can only be found this time of year!

Yui: Okay, okay~, it's your turn now, Mai-chan, Sayaka-chan! Try gathering up the leaves on the ground, and then whooshing them all up in the air~!

Mai: Eh? Ummm~... Like, this?

Sayaka: The leaves falling down... They're pretty.

Yomi: The ground and the air are filled with such pretty colors. It's beautiful.

Yui: Mmmm~, that's good, that's good~! Beautiful leaves and beautiful girls! Kofuki-san, you need to get in here too~!

Kofuki: No thanks, I'm fine over here!

Kofuki: But you know, if you guys are gonna be this happy about it, I guess it was worth getting dragged along.

Kofuki: Oh yeah, Yomi-senpai, you're from Renpu too, aren't you? Do you know any other good spots?

Yomi: That's right... There was a place I heard about during my time as a student. It should be around here.

Yui: Then, to thank us, you should take us there!

Mai: I don't think you should tell others to do things as thanks...

Yomi: Understood. I'll think back and try to lead you there.

Yomi: It should be this place.

Mai: Wow, it's beautiful here too.

Kofuki: Well what do you know, even Yomi-senpai has some good ideas!

Yomi: I'm glad to hear everyone likes it.

Yomi: Please excuse me...

Sayaka: Satsuki Yomi's stomach growls too.

Yomi: I'm sorry. Thinking back on it, the only thing I've eaten today was a crepe.

Mai: If I'd known we could have had a picnic together, I would have made some boxed lunches.

Yomi: If I'd known this would happen, I would have packed rice balls...

Yui: Well I thought something like this might happen! So while we were passing the shops just now, I bought some tasty looking stuff!

Kofuki: Hey, nice thinking!

Sayaka: Croquettes, senbei, dango. They all look tasty... Satsuki Yomi, which one do you want?

Yomi: In that case, I'll take a croquette.

Kofuki: I want a croquette too! The ones the shops sell here are nice and cold. You've got a good eye, Yui.

Yui: Yay~! I got complimented.

Sayaka: Chew, chew... This dango is tasty. Mai, let me try your croquette.

Mai: Here, you can have half. Can I try your dango too?

Mai: Ahh~, it's so good. Compared to eating crepes in Harajuku, this is wonderful in its own way.

Yomi: Yes. Eating here, surrounded by beautiful scenery, adds a different flavor than normal.

Yomi: I've visited this area many times while on missions, but now that I'm here on my day off, I'm finding things that make it feel like an entirely different place.

Sayaka: Satsuki Yomi, right now... You're enjoying your time off.

Yomi: ...This is what it means to enjoy your time off... I see, I think I finally understand it.

Yomi: Everyone, thank you for joining me today.

The day after their time off--

Maki: Yukari-sama, thank you for giving us our day off yesterday.

Yukari: Were all of you able to enjoy yourselves?

Maki: Yes. We met at 8:00 am outside the entrance to the Origami estate. Afterward, the three of us moved as a group to...

Suzuka: Maki-san, you aren't delivering an aradama suppression report. Why don't we hand them their souvenirs before we tell them about our trip?

Suzuka: For Yukari-sama, we picked out chocolate in the shape of the amusement park mascot. And for Yomi, these cookies.

Yomi: Thank you.

Yume: Yomi onee-san, let me have some of those later.

Maki: Didn't you buy cookies for yourself, Yume?

Yume: They were too good, so I already ate them all! Anyway, let's talk about our trip~. What was your favorite part of the park?

Suzuka: In my case, I won't forget the go kart competition we had.

Yume: Maki onee-san was stepping on the gas so hard it sounded like her kart was going to break.

Maki: Y-Yume! You didn't have to tell them that!

Suzuka: It was like watching a little kid, the way you kept trying to go faster.

Maki: Not you too, Suzuka...

Yume: But I still won in the end. Next time, I wanna race Yukari-sama and Yomi onee-san too!

Yukari: Good, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed yourselves.

Yukari: How did you spend your time, Yomi? I heard you didn't go to the amusement park.

Yomi: Yes. I completed my mission to enjoy my day off to the fullest without incident, and have returned to make my report.

Yomi: The details of my report are written in this document, which you can read through if you wish.

Maki: Mission?

Suzuka: Report...?

Yukari: ...I see. You recorded not just the beauty of the scenery, but the flavor of the dango. This is a fine report.

Yomi: Does this satisfy your conditions for my assignment?

Yukari: Yes. Admiring the changing of the seasons through observing the fall leaves, and sampling the regional delicacies. I believe you fully enjoyed your day off.

Yume: Ehh, you went to see the fall leaves? What the heck, that's no fair that only Yomi onee-san got to go! You should've let me go with you~.

Maki: Yomi, do you mind if we read through that report too?

Yomi: No, go ahead.

Suzuka: Hmm. So this is what you meant by your mission. It sounds like it was a lovely time, going leaf viewing.

Maki: Mmhm. Reading over this, it's making me wish we had gone to see it too.

Suzuka: In that case, if we're lucky enough to get the same day off again, why don't we all go to see the fall colors?

Maki: That sounds like a plan. Another coincidence like this could always come up, even it's unlikely.

Yume: When that happens, Yomi onee-san, you have to show us all the prettiest places!

Yomi: I will. We can all go together next time.

With autumn in full swing, toji of the STT have been called to action to suppress aradama appearing in a leaf viewing spot.

Hiyori: I can see why this spot is famous for leaf viewing.

Sayaka: Amazing... It's like the trees are on fire.

Hiyori: It takes some rude aradama to disrespect a place this beautiful.

Tsugumi: Well, what if that isn't the case? It's possible there are even some tasteful aradama here to enjoy the fall colors.

Hiyori: Ban Tsugumi, was it? You're here with us as a part of your induction training, right?

Tsugumi: That's right. Until not too long ago, I was often going out on missions...

Tsugumi: But in order to devote myself to my research, I temporarily withdrew from toji activities.

Tsugumi: However, with aradama incidents becoming more frequent lately, there's a shortage of manpower. I was soon ordered to return to the fighting. To put it simply, they're throwing me in the deep end.

Hiyori: Oi, that sounds rough...

Tsugumi: Well, I'm used to that sort of rough treatment. And besides, with Kitora-san here watching over me...

Mirja: I'm not exactly here to monitor you... However, I will be providing support as we work together.

Hiyori: Right, I'll be counting on you.

Sayaka: There they are. I'll remove them right away.

Tsugumi: Ah, please wait a minute. Don't you think they're acting strangely?

Hiyori: What are... They doing?

Tsugumi: They're kicking up the fallen leaves, and then covering themselves in them. Could they be playing? This is extremely interesting behavior we're seeing.

Sayaka: Was that a minute? I'll kill them.

Tsugumi: Ah... I wanted to observe them a little longer. Well, there's nothing to be done about it now, is there.

Tsugumi: ...Hmm? Everyone, please, look at this!

Hiyori: What is it? That's an unsettling pattern...

Mirja: It seems to be a leaf that was stuck to the aradama defeated just now.

Hiyori: U-Uwaah!?

Tsugumi: O-Ohh!? Th-Th-The leaf is wriggling around! Could this be the aradama's influence? This is a wonderfully valuable specimen!

Hiyori: Uh, it's giving me the creeps... So why are you looking so happy with it?

Sayaka: What should I do? Should I kill it too?

Hiyori: Uh... You too, why don't you try settling things without using your okatana for a while.

Sayaka: Okay. Then I won't kill it.

Mirja: Kohagura Ellen once told me she encountered something similar to this.

Mirja: They don't seem to pose any immediate danger, however, as we have no way of knowing what effects they may have on the area, it would be best if we collected any we find.

Tsugumi: Ah, then I'll be in charge of gathering them. If you find any more, please let me have them.

Hiyori: O-Okay... I'll leave you to that. With that settled, we should begin our mission.

A little while after beginning their aradama suppression mission...

Hiyori: How are you all holding up? We could take a break.

Tsugumi: You're all even stronger than I thought. Thanks to your efforts, I've been able to safely focus on collecting leaves.

Sayaka: Tsugumi, you were very excited about collecting them.

Tsugumi: Of course. This is a rare find, so I thought I'd take them back with me for inspection and observation.

Hiyori: That's right, weren't you originally part of the aradama research department, Tsugumi?

Tsugumi: I was. Every day I would research aradama and worldly phenomena related to them, such as these "red raging leaves", in the laboratory.

Tsugumi: If you ever have any aradama related concerns, please don't hesitate to ask me.

Mirja: It isn't so much a concern, but aren't there an unusual amount of aradama in this area?

Hiyori: I noticed that too. And they're acting strangely.

Tsugumi: Ah, that reminds me, while you were working, I had the chance to speak with the people at the shrine over there...

Hiyori: Oi, what were you doing in the middle of a mission...

Mirja: Forgive me, I took my eyes off her for a moment and she was drinking tea with the priest.

Hiyori: You took a break to talk over tea...! W-Well, what's done is done. So? Did you learn anything useful?

Tsugumi: Yes. From the sound of it, in the past, four okatana were dedicated to this shrine...

Tsugumi: But recently they all went missing, and at around the same time the number of aradama outbreaks increased.

Mirja: Those okatana wouldn't happen to be "Momiji", would they?

Tsugumi: Ah, I think that was the name.

Sayaka: Mirja, do you know about it?

Mirja: Of course I do. Momiji were unsigned and their history remains unclear, but their blades were up to 60 centimeters, making them long for a wakizashi, and designed to capture the beauty of the fall colors with its...

Mirja: The characteristics of the sword are said to famously alter like a woman's heart or an autumn sky. Because its preferences in owners are also intensely difficult to match, receiving permission from the the Sword Administration Bureau is...

Mirja: I had heard that they were entrusted to the shrine here. Once we had finished our mission, I had planned to pay my respects to them, however it's disappointing to hear of their loss.

Tsugumi: (...She's talking so fast that I was only able to understand half of that.)

Hiyori: Do you think losing the okatana and the increase in aradama are connected?

Tsugumi: Hmm~... Hypothetically speaking, it could be a similar case to the okatana sunk off Uraga, the Akabane swords, which ended up being found within aradama...

Tsugumi: Do you think the cause might be that, somehow, Momiji became similarly encased in an aradama?

Mirja: I see. There is a tendency for other aradama to appear and group around a stronger aradama with an Akabane sword inside.

Hiyori: Then that would explain the increase in aradama. So that means, as we continue our mission, we could eventually recover Momiji?

Mirja: ...It's possible. Yes, it goes without saying, we should be doing everything possible on this mission to recover Momiji.

Sayaka: I understand. Every aradama I see, I'll kill.

Tsugumi: And just leave collecting up the leaves to me!

Hiyori: R-Right.

Hiyori: (A-Are things really going to be okay with this group...?)

The fall great leaf viewing operation begins now!

Collect raging leaves to exchange for shop items. Here is the event quest schedule.

Accumulate the amount of points listed on this chart to unlock the special hell mountain quests. There are also special daily quests for more points.

Not only will quests drop raging leaves, but they will also drop copies of the akabane'd saber that are used to forge the legendary pvp, okatana: Momiji.

You must first cleanse the akabane'd Momiji with chaos tears to transform it into 3 possible okatana. You can then awaken that okatana with chaos tears and chaos emeralds to obtain the Momiji [TRUE].

There's also this pointless feature to convert the sword to another type at anytime by feeding it the same amount of materials needed to forge a new one so please use it to your convenience.

The legendary okatana Momiji [TRUE] does double damage to enemies that are weak to its type, but this effect only lasts until the event is over. (Though we might forget to turn the effect off so please understand)

Oh yeah, there is also an event limited 3* welfare Casual Sayaka you can get by accumulating 10,000 points.

Wow check out that vest and dogtag. Who does she think she's trying to impress huh?

Her unique limit break balls and ougi enhancement scrolls are available by accumulating points.

Don't miss this opportunity to max out your welfare! In the future we'll lock limit break orbs behind ranking points so make this count while we're still generous.

As of 11/16 12:00 JST, the raids for the chaos emeralds will open.

To participate in these raids, you will need special event radars

You can get these radars by exchanging raging leaves at the event shop starting at 11/16 12:00 JST so make sure you have some saved up

That concludes the Fall Leaf Viewing Operation event details. Get your Sayakas, get your OK-atanas, get your chaos emeralds!

*These details are subject to changes and are not concrete. The information presented might also not be 100% accurate*

Hiyori: Good, this place is cleared out as far as I can tell.

Tsugumi: Good work, everyone. It's thanks to you that I managed to fill this garbage bag full of "red raging leaves".

Tsugumi: With these, my own leaf viewing is at an end.

Hiyori: It ended up being a pretty unsatisfying leaf viewing, didn't it.

Tsugumi: No, this is more than enough. When I get back, I'll have plenty of fun with these little things.

Sayaka: They make a lot of noise.

Hiyori: Mm, they don't want to settle down...

Tsugumi: I know, they're such lively leaves, aren't they? ...Ah, oh right, speaking of leaves. (Momiji is both the name of the sword and the word for fall leaves)

Tsugumi: I never expected the shrine to hand Momiji over to us.

Hiyori: Ahh, that's true. We'll have to thank the priest for his kindness.

Mirja: The Sword Administration Bureau even officially licensed it. As soon as we get back, we can appreciate them to our heart's content.

Hiyori: You're breathing pretty heavy, Mirja. I'm just going to say this, but don't even think about bringing Momiji out on the train.

Mirja: I-I wouldn't get that carried away.

Tsugumi: Nn? The train...?

Sayaka: Tsugumi, are you bringing those on the train?

Tsugumi: I didn't consider that. Hmmm, what to do. This is a minor public disturbance, isn't it?

Hiyori: Tsugumi... Sorry. I want to sit in my reserved seat and go home.

Mirja: If you do want to bring those with you, I think you might have to give up on taking the train.

Tsugumi: Maybe I can ask the conductor to let me hold them in the vestibule.

Sayaka: Tsugumi, good luck.

Tsugumi: ...You're all pretty humorless, huh.

Hiyori: Anyway, why don't we take in the fall colors one last time on our way back.

On a later day...

Tsugumi: Fufu. I finally managed to get you home, my "red raging leaves". It's time for some fun experiments together.

Tsugumi: Nn? Huh? Where did I put them...?

Kofuki: Yo. You're back. I baked some sweet potatoes. You want some?

Tsugumi: Ah, Shichinosato-san. Thank you. I'll try one.

Tsugumi: Oh, it's sweet and delicious. Chew, chew.

Kofuki: How'd that mission go? You hunt a lot of aradama-chan?

Tsugumi: Yes, plenty in fact.

Kofuki: Man-! Lucky you! I wanted to go play with 'em too.

Tsugumi: If you were there, you would have hunted them all down yourself and I wouldn't have gotten any training done, Shichinosato-san.

Tsugumi: Ah, by the way, I brought back these "red raging leaves" as spoils from that time... You wouldn't happen to have seen them around here, did you?

Kofuki: Nn? You mean all those dead leaves? They were getting annoying rustling around, so I made a bonfire and roasted these potatoes.

Tsugumi: PFFFFFFT---!!

Kofuki: The hell-! Hey, that's gross!

Tsugumi: I went to... Went to so much trouble... Getting them back here... My "red raging leaves"... And you roasted them...

Tsugumi: Roasted them...? Wait?

Kofuki: Oi, what's with you?

Tsugumi: (...These roasted potatoes, just how safe is it to eat them?)

Tsugumi: Ahem, Shichinosato-san. How many of those potatoes have you eaten?

Kofuki: Huh? Well, I ate one before you got here, and then there's this half of one I split with you.

Tsugumi: I see, I see. Ingested 1.5 units...

Tsugumi: Have you noticed any abnormal changes in your physical condition? Your heart beating faster, or suddenly breaking out in sweat, for example.

Kofuki: What? Nothing like that. I'm feeling full now, that's it.

Tsugumi: Okay, okay. Immediately after ingesting, no physical abnormalities have been noticed... Now then, to help your digestion, why not play with some aradama?

Kofuki: Yeah-! I'm all about it! Gimme the strongest one you've got!

Tsugumi: Understood. Then, let's get this "Physical Test to Determine the Effects of Consuming Potatoes Roasted in Red Raging Leaves" underway.

Kofuki: Nn? What's that about?

Tsugumi: Look, here come the aradama~.

Kofuki: Alright! Bring it on!

For more infomation >> Toji no Miko Kizamishi Issen no Tomoshibi Fall Event Complete Your Day Off Mission - Duration: 35:02.


SanaCapricon X Starlittennight Sana Birthday Cafe Fanpack Unboxing!!! - Duration: 4:21.

AND THE 30TH!!!!!!

For more infomation >> SanaCapricon X Starlittennight Sana Birthday Cafe Fanpack Unboxing!!! - Duration: 4:21.


JH's song | Encounter - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> JH's song | Encounter - Duration: 3:02.


台湾, 彩虹眷村 アートで世界を変える方法【海外ひとり旅】台中 in Taichung Episode10 - Duration: 10:13.

For more infomation >> 台湾, 彩虹眷村 アートで世界を変える方法【海外ひとり旅】台中 in Taichung Episode10 - Duration: 10:13.


Jump Force : Que Paso en La JUMP FESTA?!? - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Jump Force : Que Paso en La JUMP FESTA?!? - Duration: 4:01.



For more infomation >> TSUNAMI EN INDONESIA POR LA ERUPCIÓN DEL VOLCÁN KRAKATOA tv hyperdimensional - Duration: 24:58.


限界LOVERS SHOW YA フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> 限界LOVERS SHOW YA フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 4:03.


Kamen Rider Zi-O- Episode 17 PREVIEW (English Subs) - Duration: 0:16.

Kamen Rider Zi-O!

He became a Future Rider?!

It seems that history has been changed...

A different... future?

And you are?

My name is Kamen Rider Woz!

The Creator of the Future!

Sunday @9AM!

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