Sunday, December 23, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 23 2018

La famosa actriz cubana Aylín Mujica por poco y enseña de más en provocativa pose que hace para una fotografía que le toman. No deja nada a la imaginación.

Si hay algo que a la bella de Aylín Mujica le gusta hacer en la vida es ir a la playa, y cada vez que tiene oportunidad de hacerlo la visita.

En esta ocasión, Aylín consiente a sus miles de seguidores en redes sociales con una imagen no apta para cardiacos.

En ella sale de espaldas y cubriendo únicamente la parte delantera de su cuerpo. Fotografiarse es otras de sus pasiones en la vida.

Aylín, quien también es cantante y conductora, por poco y enseña de más, ya que la foto quedó justo en la espalda baja.

Wow princesa qué linda espalda, todo en su lugar, te amo"; "Pero, qué bella"; "Hermosa"; "Mis respetos para la mujer más hermosa",

fueron tan solo algunas de las frases que recibió la cubana en su cuenta de Instagram.

Aylín Mújica Ricard es el nombre completo de la artista, quien es originaria de La Habana, Cuba (24 de noviembre de 1974); actualmente radica en Los Angeles,

La bella cubana es conocida por sus interpretaciones como villana en telenovelas como "La Dueña", "La Heredera", "Aurora", "Marina" y "Corazón valiente".

California, Estados Unidos.

For more infomation >> Aylín Mujica por poco y enseña de más en provocativa pose - Duration: 2:06.


Silvia de Suecia cumple 75 haciendo frente a sus dramas y sin ganas de dejar el trono - Duration: 3:53.

Este 23 de diciembre, en vísperas de las celebraciones navideñas, la madre de los príncipes Victoria, Magdalena y Carlos Felipe festejará una fecha muy especial Con una cifra tan redonda como esta,

era de esperar que hubiera distintos actos de celebración del 75 cumpleaños de la reina Silvia de Suecia.

Así, esta semana el Palacio Real fue el escenario de una recepción con distintas autoridades y representantes de distintas organizaciones y posteriormente se celebró un concierto navideño en la iglesia Hevig Eleonora, en el que estuvo acompañada por su marido, el rey Carlos Gustavo.

Suele decirse que el mejor regalo es tener cerca a su familia, así que en eso Silvia de Suecia puede estar contenta, pues su hija Magdalena,

que vive en Miami con su marido, Chris O'Neill y sus hijos, ha vuelto a casa por Navidad con los suyos para celebrar este cumpleaños tan especial y estas tradicionales fiestas.

Y, por cierto, los que sean muy monárquicos pueden acceder a la web de la familia real para hacer los pertinentes regalos a la reina, eso sí, no para ella sino para una de las distintas organizaciones benéficas a las que presta su apoyo.

Esta semana la reina Silvia ha sido objeto de numerosos titulares, sobre todo por una sorprendente entrevista en la que ha hablado sobre el pasado nazi de su padre, Walther Sommerlath, un empresario alemán que había formado parte del partido de Adolf Hitler en 1934.

Un escándalo que se destapó en 2002 y que ella no quiso creer, aunque cuando tuvo frente a frente los documentos que lo probaban no le quedó otro remedio que aceptarlo: "Cuando tuve ante mí la evidnecia negro sobre blanco tuve que aceptarlo".

Eso sí, en esta entrevista ha tratado de justificarlo de alguna manera: "No quiero distanciarme del hecho de que se hizo miembro del partido, pero habría que pensar por qué lo hizo.

Si lo hubiera sabido, no creo que lo hubiera hecho". Él y otros muchos no sabían lo que vendría después.

Su padre, por cierto, murió el 21 de octubre de 1990, doce años antes de que la verdad viera la luz.

Quiero decir al pueblo sueco que estoy relajada con este tema. "Han pasado ya treinta años de su muerte, así que pienso que ya es suficiente.

Sé que mi padrfe no es la persona que otros han retratado", concluyó sobre uno de los episodios que más escándalos más grandes que tuvo que afrontar y también el dolor que supuso esta noticia.

En las declaraciones que ha concedido con motivo de su 75 cumpleaños manifestó también que no tiene intención de retirarse y que seguirá al lado de su marido, Carlos Gustavo, trabajando mientras se sienta capacitada para ello.

La entrevista, que tuvo también un marcado carácter social, mostró la preocupación de la reina por problemas como las drogas y la violencia entre la juventud.

Una causa en la que ha depositado muchas de sus energías desde que se casó con el rey Carlos Gustavo en 1976, pues ha trabajado con distintas organizaciones benéficas para ayudar a los niños y a los adolescentes a encontrar su propio camino.

El suyo no ha sido fácil, pues además del escándalo de su padre, tuvo que lidiar con las infidelidades de su marido, a quien, tenemos que dar por hecho, habría perdonado.

For more infomation >> Silvia de Suecia cumple 75 haciendo frente a sus dramas y sin ganas de dejar el trono - Duration: 3:53.


World of Tanks: 10 años de historia - Duration: 37:41.

For more infomation >> World of Tanks: 10 años de historia - Duration: 37:41.





For more infomation >> COMO DIBUJAR UN PRINCIPE KAWAII FACIL PARA NIÑOS | Dibujos - Duration: 5:35.


La hoja de ruta de los Reyes para estas navidades - Duration: 3:11.

Don Felipe y doña Letizia ya han puesto punto final a su agenda y han empezado su descanso estival.

Don Felipe, doña Letizia y sus hijas ya están de vacaciones. Esta va a ser una Navidad diferente para la Familia Real.

Unas vacaciones que se prolongarán para los Reyes hasta el próximo 6 de enero, día de su reaparición con motivo de la Pascua Militar, y para sus hijas, hasta el 8, cuando empiecen de nuevo las clases.

Poco se sabe de cómo tienen pensado pasar estos casi veinte días de descanso, ya que la información oficial es cuanto menos escasa.

Sin embargo, hay tradiciones que se mantienen desde hace ya muchos años, como la cena de Nochebuena y la comida de Navidad, que se celebrarán en Zarzuela y en el Pabellón del Príncipe.

El día 24, toda la familia, incluida la infanta doña Cristina y sus hijos -que este año regresan a casa por Navidad- cenará junta en el Palacio de la Zarzuela.

Una velada a la que también suelen asistir la infanta doña Elena y sus hijos, la infanta doña Margarita y su familia y la infanta doña Pilar.

El 25, la tradicional comida de Navidad tiene lugar en el Pabellón de los Príncipes y es en ese momento cuando don Felipe y doña Letizia celebran las Fiestas con la familia Ortiz Rocasolano.

El resto de miembros del clan Borbón tiene sus propios planes aunque antaño era doña Pilar quien celebraba un almuerzo en su casa.

A partir del día de Navidad, el secretismo impera en torno a la Familia Real, al menos hasta la Pascua Militar.

Es habitual que antes de Fin de Año, la Familia asista a algún espectáculo en Madrid, en el que suelen estar tanto doña Sofía como la infanta doña Elena y sus hijos, así como doña Letizia y las niñas.

Este año, como novedad, podrían acudir también la infanta doña Cristina y sus hijos.

Los Reyes suelen aprovechar estas fechas para realizar algún viaje privado al extranjero, normalmente para disfrutar del esquí,

una de las grandes pasiones de don Felipe, de la que también disfrutan sus hijas.

Hace ya algunos años trascendió que estuvieron en la exclusiva estación de Courchevel, quizá este año opten por algo similar o prefieran un destino más cálido.

El día 6, después de que los Reyes presidan la Pascua Militar, se celebra en casa del padre de doña Letizia una merienda por el día de Reyes.

Una cita a la que la Familia Real no falta y que pone fin a las Fiestas y supone la vuelta tras sus vacaciones privadas.

For more infomation >> La hoja de ruta de los Reyes para estas navidades - Duration: 3:11.


Casado: "Sánchez ha convertido al Estado en un títere de los separatistas" - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Casado: "Sánchez ha convertido al Estado en un títere de los separatistas" - Duration: 2:39.


Elimi Bırakma 23. Bölüm Fragmanı - Duration: 1:14.

Remember to subscribe to our channel and open notifications. Good Cruising.

Do not give up my hand Chapter 23 Trailer

Hi all my friends. We made the 23th episode fragment estimation. 1,500 likes of all Azra and Cenk lovers and expect 1,500 comments. Type '' AZCEN '' in the comments. Good looks.

Feride Hanımı's bad attitude also affected the company badly. Serap's attitude affected everyone badly. Cenk'i and Feride Hanımı sad. He broke the gap between Azra and Cenk.

The break between Azra and Cenk does not seem to improve. Azra does not consider returning to Cenk without taking Mert. Cenk is stuck in a corner. He doesn't know what to do. He's back from the dead.

Will Azra and Cenk be lovers again? Will Cenk be okay? All of Azra and Cenk lovers expect 1,500 reviews and 1,500 comments. Type '' AZCEN '' in the comments. New videos will be uploaded. Stay on track.

Remember to subscribe to our channel and open notifications. New videos will come.

For more infomation >> Elimi Bırakma 23. Bölüm Fragmanı - Duration: 1:14.


De Leonardo da Vinci a los Juegos Olímpicos: todos los dramas a los que se han enfrentado Christian - Duration: 5:41.

La feliz pareja se ha sentado con Bertín Osborne en "Mi casa es la tuya" para su primera entrevista conjunta en televisión.

Christian y Almudena hicieron un repaso sobre los momentos más importantes de sus vidas.

A veces se tiene tendencia a pensar que la vida de los famosos son caminos de rosas.

Ese planteamiento muy pocas veces se ajusta a la realidad y en el caso de Christian Gálvez y Almudena Cid, menos.

El matrimonio se ha enfrentado a lo largo de sus vidas con duros reveses que han querido compartir con Bertín Osborne en su programa "Mi casa es la tuya".

También han conocido el éxito, cada uno en su campo profesional.

Sobre ello, sus triunfos y fracasos, su felicidad y sus dramas, han hablado largo y tendido.

Aunque llegaron juntos al programa, el primero en sentarse junto a Osborne fue Christian.

El presentador hizo un repaso sobre su carrera profesional.

Recordó con cariño, aunque también con dureza, los múltiples y largos castings a los que se enfrentó en su infancia y adolescencia.

Su primera oportunidad se la dieron en "Medico de familia".

A partir de entonces, y en palabras del presentador, todo sería "coser y cantar". Pero no fue así.

A los 21 años tuvo su primer gran éxito con "Desesperado Club Social", con el que ganó el premio Ondas.

El programa acabó siendo cancelado y se tuvo que poner a trabajar en una tienda de juguetes. La televisión volvió a llamar a su puerta.

"Caiga quien caiga" fue su nueva oportunidad, programa del que guarda un recuerdo agridulce: "¿Nunca te ha pasado avergonzarte de algo que has hecho? Eso me ha pasado con "Caiga quien Caiga".

Me aportó mucho, aprendí mucho, pero me di cuenta que no todo vale.

Hacer televisión no es reírse de la gente, pero si con la gente".

Solo después llegó "Pasapalabra", con el que lleva 11 años.

Fue gracias a este programa que conoció a la que hoy es su mujer, la gimnasta y escritora Almudena Cid.

Ya Almudena pensó que solo se trataba de un presentador simpático. Según Gálvez, fue un flechazo en toda regla.

Incluso pensó en un primer momento que fuera gay, algo que la pareja se toma con humor hoy en día.

Almudena: la mujer detrás de la deportista Almudena Cid es una de las más grandes deportistas españolas.

La gimnasta ha tenido una vida de esfuerzo, lucha y competición que le han llevado a grandes logros deportivos.

Pero una vez más, no todo es oro lo que reluce.

A medida que iba cumpliendo años, y tras una dolorosa lesión, desde la federación le enseñaron discretamente la puerta de salida.

Pero la deportista no se rindió.

Aunque ya no tenía el cuerpo de una niña, Almudena quería demostrar que aun tenía mucho que dar en su modalidad y no bajó los brazos.

Tal y como expresó, "quería que un deporte de niñas se convirtiera en un deporte para mujeres.

¿Porque me tengo que retirar cuando me dicen y no cuando yo quiero?".

El tiempo acabó por darle la razón y su carrera deportiva duró bastante más de lo previsto.

Almudena terminó acudiendo a cuatro Juego Olímpicos.

Leonardo da Vinci, la gran pasión de Christian Gálvez El presentador y actor es un auténtico admirador de la figura de Leonardo da Vinci.

Hasta tal punto que es comisario de una exposición en exhibición en la Biblioteca Nacional de España.

Su mayor pasión se ha convertido, sin embargo, en su mayor polémica.

El Comité Español de Historia del Arte le ha acusado de "intrusismo laboral" y de carecer de "rigor histórico" en sus investigaciones.

El programa se grabó antes de que estallara la polémica.

Junto a Bertín, Christian se explayó hablando de su gran pasión por el artista y inventor italiano, ajeno por aquel entonces, a los sinsabores que le ha traído esta nueva incursión.

For more infomation >> De Leonardo da Vinci a los Juegos Olímpicos: todos los dramas a los que se han enfrentado Christian - Duration: 5:41.


Emmanuel Macron ne sort plus sans se maquiller, le président de plus en plus affecté - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Emmanuel Macron ne sort plus sans se maquiller, le président de plus en plus affecté - Duration: 1:42.


Cómo derivar funciones trigonométricas con raíz. Derivar el coseno de una raíz paso a paso - Duration: 3:16.

Derivation of trigonometric functions

with root. Welcome to the

math with John and see what

such a beautiful function: the cosine of a

root So let's make this derivative, it's

I mean, we're gonna derive a function

trigonometric that has root.

two things you have to know to solve

the derivative of this

function First thing, first thing, the

cosine of a function

has the following derivative: the

less sinus of the function by

the derived function.

Yes very well and on the other hand, on the other hand


for roots, if you have the root of

a function, because its derivative is going to be

equal to the following.

And that's it.

These two things we are going to apply here.

The derivative of the function is going to be

the derived cosine, which is less sine,

and this multiplied by the derivative of

the root. This is the rule of the chain.

Well, the derivative of the root is going to be,

applying that expression there 2

root of this, x square minus 3x + 2 y

multiplied by the derivative of what

there's inside the root

and this derivative is going to be equal to 2x minus 3 and already

is. We can write this a little, such

in a more orderly manner. Well, come on,

let's do it. We can write this like this:

less square x root sinus less 3x

plus 2

and this multiplied by 12x minus 3,

all divided by 2x square

minus 3x + 2.

Here would be the solution, here would be the


The video is over but there is more

videos. Go to the next video from

derived, continuing with this theme.

All I have to do is say goodbye. Subscribe

to my channel, hit the bell. See you

soon. See you later, come on, come on. Goodbye,





For more infomation >> Cómo derivar funciones trigonométricas con raíz. Derivar el coseno de una raíz paso a paso - Duration: 3:16.


IF YOU DO NOT RAP ➡ YOU HAVEN'T LIVED IN 2K18 !💀 *Best Of 2018*😍 - Duration: 11:31.

I still see your shadows in my room

Can't take back the love that I gave you

It's to the point where I love and I hate you

And I cannot change you so I must replace you (oh)

Easier said than done I thought you

Aye, aye

She say, "Do you love me?" I tell her, "Only partly"

I only love my bed and my momma, I'm sorry

Fifty Dub, I even got it tatted on me

81, they'll bring the crashers to the par..

For more infomation >> IF YOU DO NOT RAP ➡ YOU HAVEN'T LIVED IN 2K18 !💀 *Best Of 2018*😍 - Duration: 11:31.


GTA 5 MONEY GLITCH, *SUPER EASY!* GTA 5 SOLO MONEY GLITCH - $1,700,000 (GTA V Money Glitch) XBOX PS4 - Duration: 11:58.

what's happening everybody and welcome to this segment right here on your boy a

sheriff you guys ask the question a solo unlimited money glitch that makes you

Millions and here it is right here it's working it's Christmas Merry Christmas

it's my gift to you guys I'm gonna explain everything that you need in

order to do the solo unlimited money glitch before I get into it I do ask you

to drop a like on the video make sure you enter the giveaway that we have for

Christmas we have a couple of winners left to pick and we need you guys to

represent like the king squad always does a question when it's asked earlier

by a user saying are the new vehicles better than the retro allergy and I'm

here to let you know yes they are we're going to get into it right here drop a

like and let's do this baby

so we're gonna take this from the beginning okay in my case I ordered that

brand new mini that's meat for the arena meas Bank war and because I have the

money I was able to customize it and make it fully modified okay

so let's say you have the money you modified the entire car now we're gonna

go ahead and tell you everything that you need for this glitch upfront you

don't waste your time the first thing you need is definitely a bunker my

advice to you is a spawn in the bunker because it's gonna save you some time

this is glitch while other youtubers don't tell you it has a little bit of a

kink in it it might feel a couple of times we'll get into that later and I'll

tell you how to fix it the other thing that you're gonna need is a CEO tower

the CEO tower is very important because it's the only way you can launch a job

that we are also going to explain down the line the third thing that you need

is a nightclub that's right so now you need three properties okay so you pretty

much need to be hooked up in order to do this glitch I'm sitting here waiting to

snipe on a glitch that comes toward me on the ps4 my character is still brand

new so I'm struggling this one is not the one for me

this one is more for the veterans people that might just want to maximize their

money or just test it for the hell of it okay so that's the requirement let's get

into the first step for you guys to start doing this okay the first option

I'm gonna give you right here is go into a free game lobby this works the

advantage for two reasons one it's gonna make you not have to drive all the way

to the bunker when we get a little bit deeper into this glitch but the better

reason for you in to be into free game lobby is a little bit less people coming

and attacking you that's what you're aiming for you cannot be in passive mode

on this glitch and if you're not in passive mode somebody can kill you this

glitch will get cancelled if you are killed in the middle of it

okay now I'm gonna tell you a few things in the beginning before I get into all

the steps right here there is a failure rate on this glitch it's not very stable

it's one of the things that might turn you off on the flip side of it there is

a ton of money to be made if you do hit the glitch and you get comfortable with

it and maybe like myself you could be sitting watching a TV show besides

somebody that you love and you're just messing around with the game on the side

so if that's the case this could be the glitch for you if this is not the case

just be ready to be disappointed here and there I'm gonna do my best in order

to explain it to you guys and this way you don't have to run into problems okay

let's get into it right here the first thing that we're gonna do is we are

spawning inside the bunker okay this is gonna save us some time if we

fail again and we have to find a new session we don't have to keep driving

all the way until here in the bunker you are gonna have that brand new vehicle

that is the mini equipped for the arena war fully modified say hello to the

brand-new king that is the most expensive vehicle in GTA 5 online this

car is super expensive from here you need to have this car inside your MOC

take it out of the MOC and you can drive it around inside the bunker it's not a

problem whatsoever after you're done having your fun driving into those mini

carts beside it and everything just step out of the bunker now for you to get

from the bunker all the way to your CEO tower the only way for you to do it

super fast is to register as a CEO and spawn a buzzard you can't call on one of

your vehicles if you call on a single vehicle of course the the mini that's

inside the bunker is going to go back inside the MOC and that's what we don't

want now take the Buzzard go all the way to

your CEO tower once you're inside the CEO tower and because you registered as

a CEO you can sit down on the chair and start any mission but before we do that

we're gonna head into something that it causes you some problems here in

there you're gonna pull up the phone you're gonna go down toward activities

and you're gonna pick an activity that you want it to populate there's two

things you could do right here you can sit down on the seat and listen for the

lobby that it's about to populate or you can do a visual check of it and make

sure that it tells you populating lobby so it's whatever you're comfortable with

I advise you listen to the sound but if you're not comfortable with it you can

always do it while you're just doing the visual check once you see it's a

populating lobby you're gonna click right on the d-pad you can sit on the

CEO seat you're gonna try to launch a mission from the ones that are for the

special vehicles once you do so you're supposed to be on a blurred screen now

let me stop here for a second and tell you exactly what happened to me a couple

of times one time I got pulled into a job superfast if that happens to you you

need to find another Lobby and you need to start from the beginning because if

you get pulled into a job basically that mini that's inside the bunker is now

gone from there so you can't really do that I went back and checked it wasn't

in the same spot I had to find a different session a second time I tried

to do it the glitch was not stable and it actually put me in a tennis court and

I froze I wasn't able to get free of it okay so that was two tries and again I

had to find another lobby at third time I had to go ahead and do it and I got

stuck in a chair for the longest time ever okay I got the blurred screen the

animation of the character getting up and then sitting back down and I got

stuck there for a really long time by the time I finished the glitch

I got killed trying to run to my nightclub and that makes me tell you

don't get killed when you're doing this glitch because if you do you're

definitely gonna ruin it and you're not gonna be able to hear it

okay but let's say now that I told you all the possible scenarios everything is

going a-okay you managed to populate Lobby you

on the chair and you said let's start one of the special vehicle mission and

you managed to start it now you got the blurred screen you're gonna sit here for

a while if this glitch is working good and it's not giving you a hard time it

should take around maybe a minute a minute 30 you're gonna see your

character get off the chair and then you're gonna get a black screen that

tells you there is no activity available would you like to host so what you're

gonna say is yes I would like to host that's gonna take away the screen and

you'll be able to click right on the d-pad in order for your character to

stand up in the CEO Tower now you have a blurred screen and you're gonna go

toward your assistant when you go toward the assistant don't click anything yet

just pull up the phone then go toward a quick job menu you will disappear when

you do that for you to get back into the game just disconnect your controller so

me playing the Xbox one I took away the battery I disconnected the controller

and I connected it right back once you do so you're back inside the CEO tower

don't worry about the blurred screen all right from here right click in order to

talk to the assistant and get yourself one of the helicopters that you can

request get in the helicopter you'll see the animation completely messed up and

you need to go toward your nightclub level garage that you have a social club

allergy in it that's not modified because that's the one we're gonna

replace a problem right here for some of the players that are not familiar with

this game is the mini-map is not visible and this part you need to be fast in it

they say you have around five minutes of grace period after that you might get

pulled into a job so you can pull up the phone go toward the internet in order to

look at the map so you can figure out where your club is in my case I was

familiar where my nightclub is I parked the chopper and I ran toward it in order

to get into garage level two it doesn't matter which level as long as you have a

social club allergy in there get into the car and gas it once you do so your

car is gonna disappear the ones around them and

gonna get kicked out of the car if you stay a little bit here in the garage you

will get kicked out as well so in my case I got kicked out and this is the

part that the 3m Lobby comes in handy you need to start a job off of the map

right beside your bunker so you don't have to do that drive all over again if

you want to do the drive you can go ahead and spawn a buzzard and just fly

over to your bunkers whatever you like from there you can try to join a friend

in a different targeting mode and once you do so it spawns you right beside

your bunker walk into the bunker on foot and from there you're gonna see the car

still sitting there now we're gonna get into the car but you're not gonna see

any changes on the plate because the plate is hidden on this car it's not

really visible so once you sit in it it will do the change get out of the car go

back into your MOC on foot once you're in the MOC

on foot walk back out get into the car and take it inside the MOC

you've just duplicated a vehicle okay so I need you guys to pay attention to how

much this bad boy is gonna sell I went ahead and I took the one inside the MOC

and I took it over to the mechanic low and behold the brand new king of

duplication in GTA 5 online is this vehicle right here which is pure madness

it has a ton of upgrades on it and it sells for a very big price all right you

guys if you have any problems with this glitch you want me to explain anything

you know what to do drop your name drop a comment we'll try to help you out we

have a great community right here on the channel if the video was helpful you

know what to do drop a like man let the video get out there to gamers that want

to have a good tutorial on this glitch I'll see you guys on the next segment

peace baby

For more infomation >> GTA 5 MONEY GLITCH, *SUPER EASY!* GTA 5 SOLO MONEY GLITCH - $1,700,000 (GTA V Money Glitch) XBOX PS4 - Duration: 11:58.


Top 10 Pictures You Have To Look At Twice - Christmas Edition - Part 2 - Duration: 5:39.

Christmas is a very festive holiday filled with cheer, joy and laughter.

There are a lot of pictures all over the internet relating to Christmas however, some of them

need a second look.

So here is the top 10 pictures you have to look at twice – Christmas edition part 2.

Hey how's it going you guys.


Starting things off in at number 10 with this picture of a very creepy Santa Claus.

Santa, what are you doing sneaking up on this poor mother and child?

Why does he look like some sort of peeping Tom?

And aren't you supposed to be on the roof, why are you creeping from outside the window.

This is just too creepy, what kind of photographer thought that this would make a good Christmas


Moving right along into number 9 with this Christmas family picture.

At first glance, things appear to be normal.

We have two parents and their three children.

But what a second, all of them have cigarettes.

That isn't very jolly, or healthy.

Like I'm pretty sure the kids are under 18 so why are the parents giving them cigarettes.

"Here kids take a cigarette, Christmas came early."

Those cigarettes aren't even the fake Popeye candies.

I think for Christmas this year a social worker should be called in to evaluate the parents…

Now in at number 8 we have a ridiculous "photoshop" attempt.

Most families who celebrate Christmas like to take a family portrait in front of the

Christmas tree.

And although there is nothing wrong with that, I'm going to have to call this family out.

Because look at this terrible attempt to add Dad into the picture.

I don't know whose bright idea this was but they must be proud of it because they

posted it online.

I feel like if they smoothed out the bottom and if the girl in the red moved over a bit

more – they might've gotten away with it but why wouldn't they just wait till

Dad could physically be in the picture.

Well I guess they almost had me fooled.

Number 7 brings us to this picture of an amazingly decorated house.

Take a look at this picture, it appears as though they have a gigantic Christmas tree

going through their house from the first floor to the second and through the roof.

I think this looks pretty sick but once you take another look and try to rationalize how

this is done, you realize that it's not just one big Christmas tree.

They divided the lights between each floor and roof.

But still, this is a pretty cool decoration idea.

This awkward Christmas picture takes us into number 6.

My eyes can't even process this picture.

I think I'm going to need to take at least ten more looks at this.

No seriously, can someone please explain what is going on.

It looks like the girl on the left has a weird thing going on with her legs.

Or it looks like the blonde girl is holding the other girl up.

There are too many legs in this picture so I just want to move on and pretend that this

picture doesn't exist.

Landing into our number 5 spot, we have a lovely family who are about to feast on their

Christmas dinner.

Wait a minute?

Are they about to eat dad's head?

Even the dog gets a place at the dinner table, isn't that special.

I bet they used this for their Christmas cards that year.

Actually, I bet they always have the weirdest Christmas cards and this one was their most

normal one.

Alright now in at number 4 we have two very happy dogs?

At first this picture just appears to be one very happy family who are all giggling but

when we shift our eyes to the bottom of the picture, we see two even happier members of

the family.

It couldn't of happened at the most perfect time.

They probably set the timer and once that light started to flicker the dogs were like

"Ye, it's go time."

Number 3 takes us over to another lovely family portrait.

But wait a minute, is that Obi Wan Kenobi?

What's he doing there?

Oh, and Yoda is there too?

Shouldn't they be defending the galaxy against the Empire and not spending Christmas on Earth

with this family.

But I guess everyone needs a vacation sometimes.

Next up in at number 2 we have this picture of three young boys who are acting as the

three wise men for the nativity scene.

Oh, and look, they each brought Jesus a gift.

But wait a minute, the one in the middle brought a bedazzled bong!

I think baby Jesus is going to get himself into more than he bargained for.

It's almost like this boy was like "Mom, Dad.

I need to bring in a prop for the play, what can I bring?" and they scrambled around

but couldn't find anything else besides this bong, stuck a few jewels on it and expected

no one to notice.

And finally, in at the number 1 spot we have this picture of Santa with three kids.

Seems normal enough until you take a closer look at Santa.

He has a nasty looking black eye.

Did you have one too many spiked eggnogs last night and got yourself into a brawl at the

local pub up in the north pole?

Did someone try to steal your reindeer?

If you take away the three kids, this looks like it could actually be Santa's mug shot.

Maybe Santa should put himself on the naughty list this year.

Well there you guys have it…

For more infomation >> Top 10 Pictures You Have To Look At Twice - Christmas Edition - Part 2 - Duration: 5:39.


Stormworks: Build And Rescue; Building The Megaraft - Duration: 5:32.

Hello there everyone

My name's directionally challenged

Indeed I am or take you on a bit of a trip a bit of a fun little trip bees

Today, we're gonna be building the world's most

Amazing Rath a raft I should say

Now I know where you'll be thinking now directionally challenged. Can you actually be building a raft?

It's the world's most amazing

And I'll be telling you are might be able to build that most amazing raft

even you be letting me


Will you be letting me build this raft I?

Think we can do it. Hey, that's not my guy

That's not my guy at all oh

I gotta make a new guy. Oh


No, oh, oh


Thank you, oh

No, I know the tutorial I know what I'm doing


Out the door I need to build something very special


I've made a special song

Just for this occasion

Just to build this special special boat. All right, my neck itches don't mind me

Cue the montage


It's done the mega raft leaves now, oh

We can't spot it

Or can we the mega raft? There's no way to get on this thing?

Mega raft, huh?

It's done

Also, look it's got a ladder now it's got a ladder now so you can just climb on up it

See ladder ladders good now, I should have gotten rid of that

Goo mega raft Oh God

My big arrests

Look at all of the propellants look at all of it girl

He has some mega raft it works

Can it turn


The mega raft

that's my

turkey problem

but it goes

It go straight real good

Turkey isn't its thing it straight. That's what it does if you need to get

Straight somewhere the bigger hat is

It works I'm fine with it

I think it's bogging down the game

Well that does it for this video the mega raft works it's designed to go straight

Gonna tweak it a bit more join me in the mega wrath part 2. I'll see you later navigators

Hey, thank you for watching

If you like this video leave a thumbs up

If you didn't like it leave a thumbs down either way tell me in a comment down below

If you have any ideas for games, you'd like to see me play on the channel

Go ahead and leave them in the comments down below and subscribe to become a navigator so I can finally know where the hell I'm


For more infomation >> Stormworks: Build And Rescue; Building The Megaraft - Duration: 5:32.


[Бойфренд] Encounter◂Wings▸ - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> [Бойфренд] Encounter◂Wings▸ - Duration: 2:18.


Tver city of flowers, cartoons and contrasting architecture Тверь город цветов и мультиков - Duration: 10:24.

"gate of love"

"gate of happiness"

something like the picture is twitching

so does not twitch


not without pride I present to you: Russian Pinocchio - Buratino, and Tortilla Turtle!

and a new hero please - crocodile Gena. you can catch up with him

and of course Cheburashka, he is traditionally small

somewhere at the level of his belt to me

these guys really liven up the atmosphere here

very cool here: Malvina, Pierrot and the dog Artemon

and the most thug in this park is the Russian hero of the books Dunno, and I go to him, let me take the number

region number 23 is the south of Russia

yesterday we were on the other side of the river Volga

today is monday morning. nevertheless there are some people present

and even horses on the waterfront

"sparkling water"

"how long time passed u didnt see your grandmother?"

Tver, friends, is the only place in Russia where there are no Chinese. and generally foreigners. but the main thing is no Chinese

maybe "Tver" for the Chinese is a swear word. or vulgar

maybe yes, they have "Tver" something bad mean in Chinese, so they are afraid of karma


== old river station ==

interesting object with the words "local"

what is it at all? one-eyed stone

something like a unit in Chernobyl after the explosion on the one hand

on the shore in Sevastopol (in the Crimea) you can see these beautiful buildings with a column

not so collapsed

against the background of these little houses absolutely amazing this big object

pay attention - absolutely terrible porch and new black double-glazed windows

"canteen". Well, there is no information. dining room to the left and correspondence for firms

it seems to me that this is something like a business center, an office center

Now the announcement, the grandmother necessarily sits, and the announcement: the Saltykov-Shchedrin museum is closed

it turned out that this building is

went to the local medical center for one reason, called "Center Honey"

visited a neurologist, costs 700 rubles, is very inexpensive compared to Petersburg, and without an order, we managed to get to him immediately

all at European level guys!

I really liked the post office of Russia because of this architectural solution with a globe

it turned out to be a terrible building we just approached from the back

"Legislative Assembly of the Tver Region"

front looks much more representative

we stumbled upon a bunch of sand, kidding. on such a temple, is it a mosque

we stumbled upon a bunch of sand, kidding. on such a temple, is it a mosque

"Tatar mosque. Built in 1906. Architect B. Polyak"

As if fate knows that we are going to Tatarstan

opposite the Stalin Empire, small copy of the Moscow high-rise

another monument that can dream tonight

what it is

"Square of Heroes of Chernobyl"

noting Basseynaya Street, which is in Petersburg

remember Marshak's poem: "This is what is scattered / from the Pool Street"

To be honest in such places Tver reminds Moscow

because private houses and quiet streets in the center are very Moscow-like

chic house, you can look inside, albeit scary

nobody sleeps

well, true, pure Moscow style

Moscow of Yesenin poet

the house is rich in shutters and roof cladding

old and new near

but there is no poverty here. the place is such that the owners here are not lost anyway

For more infomation >> Tver city of flowers, cartoons and contrasting architecture Тверь город цветов и мультиков - Duration: 10:24.


Manuel Cicco - All I Want For Christmas Is You (Mariah Carey COVER) 🎄 - Duration: 4:08.


For more infomation >> Manuel Cicco - All I Want For Christmas Is You (Mariah Carey COVER) 🎄 - Duration: 4:08.


✅ Judging My Subscribers Hair - Giving My Honest Opinion... - Duration: 21:32.

- Hey guys and welcome back to my channel.

My name's Thomas if you're brand new here,

and I make style and hair-related videos

every single week, so if that's your kinda thing,

make sure you hit the subscribe button

and come back to me every Monday.

Welcome to today's video.

We're gonna be judging my subscribers' hair.

Now, I know the title and the image,

everything was calculated.

It was a little bit of click bait.

I'm not gonna be judging people on here,

I'm just gonna be giving my judgments

on what people ask me and what I see in the images.

So, what gave me this idea?

I have a Facebook group called Hairstyles in Action,

and we get lots of good ideas come through there,

and somebody put in there, you should do a video

where you judge your subscribers' hair,

and I thought that was actually

a really great idea, because when I create content,

I always try to go from an engaging perspective,

an informative perspective, and an open perspective,

so I thought I could tick all three of those points

by, A, engaging directly with you guys

with content that you've sent me,

and also, I can inform you by letting you ask a question

and I can answer it right here in real time.

Well, it's not in real time, but like,

you get what I mean.

The idea is you guys have submitted the content

and you're included in this conversation as well.

Now, I put, like, a call-out on Facebook,

on the YouTube community, everywhere,

just saying hey guys, if you wanna be

featured in my next video or in

one of my upcoming videos,

just submit your pictures to the link,

and so many of you did.

There was probably about 160 entries come through,

and I was almost dying of overwhelm

because there was so many to choose from.

And not only that, I liked so many of the hairstyles

and I was like, how the fuck am I gonna pick this?

So, if I go back to being informative,

I actually ended up picking ones that have questions,

because I feel like I could review the hair,

give someone a shoutout, but also give some feedback

for anybody else in the community,

because yeah, I feel like that's really important.

I really, really, really did actually enjoy

sitting down and seeing your faces.

There's something about that that's like, I don't know,

'cause usually it's Kim and I filming the videos,

and I don't really get to see you guys a lot,

like actually see your faces, so to have entries

come in from you directly to me,

it's just like, it's a really weird experience.

So yeah, and I didn't know how long

this video was gonna go for,

so I just picked seven out of the 160.

Now, I just have no idea how long it's gonna go.

I'm very keen to do more of this

if you guys like it.

But yeah, it's just a bit of trial and error,

and I've picked seven lucky ducks.

I did like a lot of your entries,

and thank you so much to everyone who did enter.

I'll be keeping all of them on file

in case we do more of these videos.

But without further ado, let's get into it,

because I'm excited.

Okay, so the first submission is from Franklin.

So, Franklin asked a question,

and before we show his hair, his question was

"I've been growing out an undercut

"and don't know whether or not

"I should cut the back shorter

"to get even with the top.

"Do you think I should?"

Now, when I looked at his images,

so I'll look here at image one,

we'll click that one first.

So, this is image one here.

You can see he's taking a picture of

the back of his head with his phone in the mirror.

It's quite trippy, actually.

Go Franklin.

I can see what you mean here, Franklin.

Like, your hair on top is actually shorter than

the hair at the bottom,

and let's have a look at image two now as well.

So, if we look at image two here,

yes, I can see that that layer,

your top hair is shorter,

it's not matching up with the bottom,

and I think you should keep growing it like that,

because I'll tell you why.

If you get everything cut to the same length,

it makes your head very triangle.

Like, if you make every hair

on top of your head the same length,

it actually doesn't match up at all.

Like, it's terrible.

You're better off getting it layered.

So, I've just been to the hairdresser

to get my hair trimmed up by Josh,

and he actually made these layers in the back

a lot shorter so that my bottom hair

looked a lot longer.

So what you've actually naturally got going on here

seems to be perfect.

All you need to do is get it to the length you want,

and then you go to the hairdresser and get it layered up

so it evens out a lot more.

I really hope that answers your question.

And another thing I wanted to mention about

your hair as well is I really like

the mousey brown colour.

I'm so jealous of people with lighter hair.

I think it's because I've always had such

really, really dark hair, and my hair's so brittle

I can't really dye it because,

on top of it naturally being brittle,

when I dye it, it gets even more brittle,

and it just doesn't work,

so I'm kinda envious of people with lighter hair,

especially the mousey brown, blonds,

like, fuck you all.

The next subscriber whose hair we're judging

is from Nate Matias, I think that's

how you say it, Nate Matias.

Nate also didn't give me his Instagram handle,

so that's a shame, but here's my favourite image from Nate.

I love this hair so much.

So, apart from the fact that

I really like Jay Alvarrez's hair,

and Nate's hair looks very similar to it,

this is why I chose this one,

I just thought the look was really cool.

I love the white sweater, I love the crazy curls

and the surfy look.

It's really cool.

Again, envious 'cause I've never had it.

But if we look at Nate's question,

Nate has actually asked,

"What are the best products to keep your hair moisturised

"during the colder time of the year?"

And I went, when I was looking at this first image,

my favourite one, I was like, that hair looks

quite moisturised and healthy already.

But if we look at image two and three,

we can actually see the hair is a little bit dry.

Now, to keep this moisturised in colder weather,

you're gonna need something a little bit more heavy duty.

I always, always, always use leave-in conditioner,

but the next thing that I found up from that,

especially for curly, coarse hair like this,

is Jane Carter solution.

So, it's like a shea butter.

You can actually, it's moisturiser

that you can use on your hair,

you can use it on your skin,

but you've gotta be very careful with it,

because if you use too much, it looks greasy.

But if you use the right amount, it looks perfect.

And I think something like Jane Carter Solution

would be a really good fix for you.

It enhances curl, it moisturises the hair really well,

and it lasts for a long time as well.

Like, leave-in conditioner will usually buzz off

after 24 hours, but Jane Carter Solution,

you put it in, and then you can go like

three days without needing to add any more moisture to it.

So, I would get on that.

I might leave a link in the description box for you.

But that's my best advice for keeping

particularly what I'm seeing here moisturised,

because yeah, it does look a little bit dry,

and if you bleach it, that's probably

the real reason why it looks dry.

Like, a Q&A that I just did before, like,

I think maybe a month ago now,

when I did the Q&A, my hair looked

very greasy on camera.

In real life, when I was actually filming that video,

I thought it actually looked fine,

but that's the trick.

Like, with Jane Carter Solution,

just a little bit too much, fuck.

Out of pure fear of getting this name wrong,

the next submission is from.

I'd try and say the name, but I don't wanna be offensive,

do you know what I mean?

And that might be more offensive, me not saying it.

I'm gonna try and say it, hold on.

Anubhav, okay?

Anubhav, I think that's how you say it.

Okay, and if I got it wrong, I'm so sorry.

So, this is Anubhav's hair.

So, this is my favourite image from him,

his side profile with his low man bun.

I don't know what it is about this one,

but I think it looks just really, really cool.

The hair looks well-moisturized,

the bun placement is really nice,

and for the first time ever, I actually think

the werewolf bits on this man bun look good.

Like, the werewolf bits that sit down the back.

Like, mine are pretty overgrown right now.

I cannot stand these pieces on me,

but in this image, I don't know,

there was something about the whole side profile

that I really liked, and the werewolf pieces

kinda looked good with this,

and the bun in general, it looks nice and full,

and I think it's a really good job.

So, that is my favourite image that Anubhab sent.

So, if we have a look at image two,

he's rocking his Batman shirt.

I like that, I like a little superhero stuff.

The curls look nice and moisturised in this.

The bottom right here, I can't really tell

because it's a photo,

whether that's a little bit over-greased

or if that's just 'cause it's wet

with a bit of product in it.

For the most part though, I really like

the curl pattern of this guy's hair.

And if we look at image three as well, like,

the curl pattern, it just looks cool and crazy,

like that real crazy bob length.

Really, really a big fan of it.

And I just wish, in this image,

the hair was a little bit clearer,

just so we could really have a look at

how shiny and moisturised they were.

But for the most part, I think it's,

I think that this is cool hair,

and I really love your bun, that's awesome.

Nice job.

So, Anubhav's question was, "After shampooing my hair,

"my hair becomes a curly, unmanageable mess.

"Any tips or products I can use to tame my mane?"

Great question, because I do get that as well.

After I wash my hair, I get this really poof,

it's like, I call it the poof.

I get really bushy hair, and the way I counteract that

is by using a hard hold product.

It'll usually be a mixture of my leave-in conditioner,

and then also one of the BluMaan products.

So, the two that I've gravitated towards the most are

Hybrid Cream Clay and Monarch Matte Paste,

particularly because they give

such a good texturizing feel,

and I call them a grouper.

They group the hairs together,

which is really what you need when you've washed your hair

and it's all big and bushy.

It's because the hair's so clean and,

it goes like that.

You need something to bring it all back in

and group all those curls back together.

So, I really recommend a product like that,

along with leave-in conditioner

to keep that moisture and, yeah,

make it really nice and beautiful.

So, if you haven't tried any of those BluMaan products,

you don't necessarily have to use BluMaan ones,

but Monarch Matte Paste and the Hybrid Cream Clay,

both really two good contenders for grouping hair together

and taming that shampooed poof.

So, I hope that answers your question,

and let's move onto the next one.

So, the next one is from Mylo Hoy.

I really like that name, Mylo.

Can we insert a tin of Milo here?

That stuff's yum.

Hello, Mylo, thank you so much for doing a submission.

Mylo's Instagram handle for anybody

that wants to go check him out is mylohoy999,

and let's go and have a look at

my favourite image from Mylo.

Ah, yes, I really, really liked Mylo's buns

because he's got the lowered undercut.

Now, when I looked at the first image,

I just saw his really long hair,

and then when I saw the third one,

I was like, ah, cool, he's got that lowered undercut.

So, you guys know, when I started growing my hair out,

I was really obsessed with this particular hairstyle,

and since I've grown all my hair out,

I've decided that I wanted to keep it,

but I still really admired that look,

and the reason I chose Mylo's was because,

A, the undercut was really cool,

but also, he's got really long hair,

so if we go and have a look at image two,

we can actually see Mylo's hair is

really similar length to mine,

like it's down to his collarbone.

Usually, most of these entries that came in,

they were all like Nate and Anubhav,

like they have more of the mid-length bobby sort of hair,

but Mylo's hair is actually a lot longer.

It looks like it's even longer than mine.

So, it's cool, he's got really long hair

with the lowered undercut, and I just really dig the look.

For Mylo, when we look at image number three,

I'm just looking at the wave in his hair here.

Now, the top of it looks pretty cool,

but then, as we get down further into the wave,

they kind of go a little bit like this,

and my one tip that I would've had for you, Mylo,

would be maybe try, again, something like Monarch Paste

to give that a little bit more texture.

That's what I think you're lacking in there a bit.

I feel so critical.

You might be perfectly happy with how it looks,

but this is just like, for me, looking at it,

like if I go oh, what would I do with this hair,

that's probably the number one thing I would do

is look for texturizing products

to give you more definition in the hair.

Just try that out if you want.

That's just my recommendations.

Mylo also did ask me a question,

and it's not hair-related.

So, his question was,

"Would you ever visit Northern Ireland?

"Not 100% sure if my photos came through,

"but if I get picked," how would you get picked

without a photo?

Like, come on.

Would I ever go to Northern Ireland?

I have, I think I've been to Northern Ireland before.

I was very young, I was probably about 14,

and my dad took us on a Euro trip,

so we went around to Northern Ireland, Ireland,

England, Spain, France, all those places.

So, I have been there, but to be honest, like,

it doesn't stand out on my list of, like, yes,

Northern Ireland is the next place I'm going!

But when I did visit, it was very gorgeous.

Very green.

So, the next one is from Sreenoj,

another really tough one for me to say, I'm really sorry.

Sreenoj's IG is ramsreenoj or Sreenoj.

I don't know if you pronounce the J or not.

So, this is my favourite image from him.

The reason I like this one is

I cannot believe how freaking full this guy's hair is.

Like, look at it and look at those curls.

They just look so tight, they look so full, so thick,

and it's just amazing hair.

Before we move onto the other two pictures, though,

let's look at his question,

because his question was "I'm having dry,

"curly, and fuzzy hair.

"I need more tips and suggest me something for wet look."

Okay, so once I read that question,

I was kinda like, okay, let's have

a real good look at this hair and see what we got,

'cause the first image, or my favourite image,

like that one's cool, I really, really like the look of it,

but as we look at the other two images as well,

this is like Nate as well,

we can see that dryness, that fuzziness.

And my number one tip specifically for you

is try a keratin treatment.

This, guys, like look at these two pictures,

images two or three, this hair,

this particular hair right here

is ideal for a keratin treatment.

This is the exact type that you wanna do,

because those cuticles,

like especially looking in number three and number two,

you can see that extra fuzz happening,

and what a keratin treatment does is

it shuts those cuticles so that fuzz doesn't happen.

Like, even with my hair right now,

my hair is like this, except it's just

not as thick and full.

But look at my hair right now,

after having a keratin treatment.

Look at that shine.

And all the fuzz, it just pisses off.

And this type of hair is the epitome of hair

that needs a keratin treatment.

All right, moving onto the next one.

So, this one is from Grey Lund.

Grey Lund's IG account is gray_ashleigh.

So, this is my favourite image from Grey Lund.

The reason why, again, look,

we're looking at a lowered undercut,

but this is a different one.

This one's specifically just around the neckline.

I really like this one too.

There's something about it.

There was a trainer that I had when I was at Zone,

his name was Archie, and he had that

in the back of his hair as well.

It looks freaking cool, actually,

and this might actually be

a really good thing to try out

just to test the waters with the lowered undercut,

because if you get it cut, you're not really

missing too much hair, so.

You've given me an idea.

But anyway, I really dig this look.

I love the shape it's given your head,

and I think it looks really trendy.

Let's look at his other pictures.

Okay, so if we look at image number two,

this is Gray's front-on image.

So, another bob length.

I've noticed so many of you are at this bob stage,

like it's just up to about here, which is cool.

And actually, I'm wondering, like,

are you guys growing it longer?

What's the deal with it?

The reason I liked Gray's hair, again,

was A, the length, the colour looks cool,

the curl pattern looks nice as well,

and specifically, like, the winner chicken dinner here

was that undercut.

I just thought it looked so groovy,

and you're giving me ideas, man.

So, if we go and look at image three,

this is him lying on a bench with it dangling over

so we can really see that length.

The curl pattern looks nice.

This photo does look like the hair's

a little bit greasy though.

Have you been using a bit too much

Jane Carter Solution as well?

Naw, I'm just kidding, but honestly,

you could look really good in real life,

and then in the photo it looks so greasy.

But I just, when I looked at this,

it just looked a little bit greasier than the other two.

It looks like in the other two photos,

your hair's quite naturally moisturised,

so yeah, this third image, I don't know if

it's the shine or whatever, but just curious.

Gray's question to me was do you have

any tattoos or do you plan on getting any?

Ooh, okay, no, I don't have any tattoos,

and here's the reason.

So, I just, I don't know if I have commitment issues.

No, I do not have commitment issues at all.

Like, I'm committed to lots of things.

I just think with tattoos, they are

such a permanent thing,

and if you can just take a tattoo off

and put it back on like with clothes,

I'd probably be all for it,

but because it's so permanent, I don't know,

and I'm a real art fan as well,

so I might go and get a big pirate ship

with a kraken taking it down on my bicep,

but then I might go, aw, but maybe a sparrow

would look really good there.

I'm just really indecisive like that,

and not having the ability to customise

really makes me feel a little bit restricted,

so if I were to get a tattoo,

it would have to be something with

a very, very solid meaning,

and yeah, I don't have any right now.

All right, and the final one that we have for today

is from Emil Gabriel Schrauber.

I think that's how you say that.

Again, another one, I just can't get it.

We've actually got a very big variety of people in here.

We've got some people with shorter hair,

some people with bobs, darker hair, lighter hair.

I tried to include a good amount of people.

So, if we go and have a look at Emil's photos,

so this is my favourite image.

I think because, out of all the images that you submitted,

I could just see your face properly,

and I don't know, this one looks like

it's got the most character in it.

But when we go and have a look at image two and image three,

we can see you are rocking a man bun,

it's like a tiny little man bun there.

Looks cool.

And you've also got another one

with your hair out in front of your face with the fringe.

If we go to Emil's question, Emil said,

"Do you have any tips to look

"as masculine as possible with long hair?

"'Cause I already look pretty feminine and that sucks.

"I'm 18 years old, but I wanna get long hair anyway,

"so do you have any tips for me?"

Emil, I do have some tips for you.

So, just upon review here,

I can see that you've got quite a baby face,

and it shows, like, you're 18,

and I guess at 18 years old,

you're not really expected to have this full beard.

So, in these images that you provided,

like, you've got a very pixie cut hairstyle,

and a pixie cut hairstyle is usually worn by girls.

Now, with a baby face and a pixie cut,

it's gonna be a mix-match for that,

and on top of that, you do have really light features,

so light eyes, light eyebrows,

so it's kind of the opposite of

a masculine look so far.

And even the colour.

So, the colour of your hair as well,

it all ties in together to give you your look.

Now, if you've got a baby face,

what you kinda wanna do is focus on

what you can do to sort of enhance

the masculine look of that.

So, my first recommendation would be

to maybe darken your features,

like your eyebrows a little bit.

You could potentially even try darkening your hair,

because this light hair colour as well,

with your light features, it's all very light,

and there's no darkness in there, there's no boldness.

If you're trying to inject a bit of masculinity in there,

I'd try maybe darkening everything,

like all of the features.

And perhaps consider getting some shaven sides,

like an undercut, and maybe growing the top long.

I know that you want long hair.

However, when you consider all your different features,

like being 18 years old with no facial hair,

shaven sides might be the best thing for you right now

until later on.

I'm just trying to think in terms of

how you could sort of solve this problem,

because what I'm seeing here is the light features,

the sort of pixie cut, and the light hair,

they're things that will accentuate the feminine look,

so I know it might not be what you want,

but if you really want that masculine look more so,

you've just kinda gotta weigh up your options,

and yeah, kind of go from it.

You don't need to take my advice,

but that's what I've got for ya.

All right, and that's it.

That's me making my judgements on my subscribers' hair.

How did I do for my first time?

That was actually a little bit nerve-wracking,

because I knew when I went through and picked them,

I was like, oh, I like this about that one,

I like this about that one,

but actually coming and saying it, like,

it actually is a little bit awkward to,

I don't know, like give my opinion directly to people.

Do you know, like, when I sit here

and talk in my own thought, it's very easy,

but when I know that there's gonna be

someone else on the other end of the camera

taking in this information,

I just felt like I didn't wanna be too horrible,

but look, the idea of this isn't to judge people

and bring them down, it's actually to bring them up

and give them my feedback on what I am seeing.

So, it's all in love, not judgement , okay?

Like, I just wanted to make you guys

feel as good as you can, and the real purpose of this

was to just get a little bit more inclusive

with what's going on, and allow us to see our faces.

Like, these guys are you.

Like, that's actually you guys watching these videos,

and to me, being able to see that is just

so rewarding and so cool that

I actually have a network like this.

It allows me to put faces to names

and really know that what I'm doing

is having an impact on people.

So, that's the really big message here,

and I'd love to do so much more with this stuff.

The more ways I can engage with you, the better.

So, amen.

Thank you so much for the submissions.

I'll be keeping all of the ones that came through,

and if this video does well or if you guys

wanna see more of this, I will be

digging back into that pile

and featuring some more of you guys in there,

'cause this was really good fun, and yeah,

I can't wait to see you in the next video.

All right, make sure you hit the subscribe button

if you haven't already, join the Facebook group,

which will be in the link in the description box,

and make sure you check out my first episode

of Sexuality Mondays, which was about

how to deal with homophobic people.

All the links will be in the description, okay?

Thank you everybody, have a really good day

and a really good week, and I'll see you next time.



For more infomation >> ✅ Judging My Subscribers Hair - Giving My Honest Opinion... - Duration: 21:32.


~Look up, on the torii~ 【O𝐂】SPEEDPAINT (I messed up, time codes in desc.) - Duration: 9:18.

For more infomation >> ~Look up, on the torii~ 【O𝐂】SPEEDPAINT (I messed up, time codes in desc.) - Duration: 9:18.


I Can't Stop Loving You - Guy and Ralna - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> I Can't Stop Loving You - Guy and Ralna - Duration: 2:44.


VLOGMAS#9 SPRZĄTAM POKÓJ. POKAZUJE DO I PO 20-21.12 - Duration: 9:42.

For more infomation >> VLOGMAS#9 SPRZĄTAM POKÓJ. POKAZUJE DO I PO 20-21.12 - Duration: 9:42.


【ハムスター】悲劇!クリスマスケーキに夢中になりすぎてまさかのハプニング!おもしろ可愛い癒しHamsters should not be absorbed in Christmas cakes - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> 【ハムスター】悲劇!クリスマスケーキに夢中になりすぎてまさかのハプニング!おもしろ可愛い癒しHamsters should not be absorbed in Christmas cakes - Duration: 2:38.


Jessica & Stefan | Talking With Strangers - Duration: 4:33.

We've got a stalker. - Where?

Look over there.

He's checking you out.

He's checking you out.

No, you! And he's cute.

Am I supposed to be scared? - Yes.

If it were my choice...

I'd wanna be with you forever.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I'm good.

Why don't we go somewhere and talk about it?


I'm late for dinner.

But you're here. 'Cause you're crazy about him.

I get it, okay, I mean...

What's not to love?

We're gonna get through this.

I know that it's-that it's hard to understand..

But I'm doing this for you.

Okay, listen to me very carefully. Do not under any circumstances

talk to him again. I'm serious.

Who did this?

I did everything possible to push you away.

It's my fault.

It's all my fault.

This is my school, it's my life and I'm not gonna let you ruin it!

I hate her!

I'm so sorry.

You can leave.

There are all different ways boys mess with girls.

And some of those ways...


We let them do it.

For more infomation >> Jessica & Stefan | Talking With Strangers - Duration: 4:33.


O começo no futebol (SL Benfica , Sporting CP , Manchester City , Barnsley , etc) #IAMPEDROCARNEIRO - Duration: 11:07.

This was where it all started

it was on this street that I started playing football

I grew up in here

it was on this street , on this ring

my window was up there

It was here that I started playing football with my grandad

It was here that I also started playing with the older ones

I only went home at the end of the day like it was usual back in the days

But no doubt that when I can I enjoy coming here to play

with all the people from here

Because this was where it all started

it's here where I am from

and I never want to lose that

It is a special street for me

it will always be my refuge

it will always be from where I am from

and where I was born

And it is a place where I hold with love in my hearth

Back then things were different

I was smaller

I didn't use to have a chance to play with the older ones

because they picked who would play

Then I started getting better , I started playing a bit more every day

And ended being my routine after school and at the weekends

I stayed here almost the entire day

when I was on break from school

And of course, I care a lot about this

street football

that it doesn't get played that much this days

But it will always be important to me

But this is my street

this is where I am from

I AM Pedro Carneiro

and this is where all started

I used to play with my granddad here

I played a lot , I ended all my days here

Now they are doing a playground for he kids

that I think it is a great ideia

Nowadays kids only want Youtube ( Laugh )

Its important to have this things built

and we always have to preserve this

This is where I first started footbalL

around six years old

If I'm not mistaken it was in that pitch over there

Here it stays more for the upcoming years

It was in there where I would come all weekends

where my dad would bring me every Saturday

It was in there where I started training more regularly

And it was an amazing experience

for only one year before moving to competition

In between I came to foot 21

in here one of the football clubs where I had the most fun

and without a doubt a very special club to me

And ended up coming to Sporting

with Aurelio Pereira invitation

one year after doing a great season at foot 21

and it was an amazing experience

I had a lot of fun in this club also

In the meantime this has grown , at the time we used to play in this pitch

in there I played with a lot a players that are in big clubs right now

Eriberto , Pedro Delgado , Andre Pedrosa etc

that I had the opportunity to share the changing room it was without a doubt an amazing experience

I trained with a lot of quality

it was in here that I started doing my first press ups and pushups

the first bases from physic preparation

And it was an amazing experience that I hold this club with love

I was in here for two years

And sharing the changing room with such amazing  players

it was an amazing experience for me

that gave me strong bases for years to come

After Sporting I came to Estoril

at the time I had to leave Sporting because of school

because I had school in the afternoon

so I decided to leave sporting

Here the training was a little bit later

hat's why I ended up coming to Estoril

I came here every day with a colleague of mine , from the other side of the bridge

It wasn't easy , while we were coming we used to do homework in the car

I only had time to train , do the homework and sleep

because the next day it was all the same

A club that received me so well like the others and that I enjoyed playing here

I was here for one year

before moving to England

I did friends for life in here

it was different for sure , it was calmer , but without a doubt a serious team

and it was a club that made me feel at home very quickly

It was a club that made me have fun and enjoy football

and that I have great memories from it

inside and outside the pitch

From the changing room jokes , my colleagues , my coaches , everything amazing

and I wish the best to this club that received me really well

Here we are , at the Manchester city academy stadium

it is an amazing place

Every possible conditions so we can be the best players in the world

it was in here that I grew up

Very different that it was back in Portugal but without a doubt an amazing place

This was my team

I don't remember why I wasn't here but I remember playing with most of the guys in the picture

it was amazing

Barnsley was a really important club in my career

it wasn't the easiest nor the most friendliest

but it was without a doubt the club that made me grow the most inside and outside the pitch

Maybe the Manchester experience for me it was harder because I was too young and not used to the country change

Basically, the overall conditions were different , I already spoke English , I knew the country…

It was in here that I ended up when I came back from England

After being six months without a club it was a complicated period

but I learned a lot

specially about my body

I  had a very though injury and ended up recovering really well

In the mean while I ended up coming back to Portugal

unfortunately I did not have the market that I thought I was going to have

A shock with the reality I had earned

and it was like this that I ended in Casa Pia in January

At the time I was eighteen years old, I was the youngest of the squad

and without a doubt a team that received me really well

I came from England , in human levels , professional levels , financial levels , everything was different

I had grown slightly different because of the experience that I had while abroad

but really important for me so I could learn a little bit more about this reality

And the shock

changing rooms really different , the pitch , the boots from my colleagues , everything!

Maybe things that I had taken for granted

And today I have a lot of respect , because at the time I didn't think a lot about

salaries were a lot different

and that also helped me  understand the reality that I lived was different from the reality back home in Portugal

it was really good and I had a lot of fun

I only did two games with this team but I scored two goals

it was really good for me , like I said , especially outside the pitch

because inside I didn't have the chance to give my best contribute , that I wished

but I`m happy that I could play for this club with so much history , that Casa Pia has

And Cova da Piedade , was where I came to play , after a hard year that passed

it was a big step in my career , my city club

I had the chance to shared the changing room with such amazing people

Evaldo , Paulo Tavares that used to play in England and was caption for Vitoria de Setúbal , Rui Sampaio , played in serie A, and other amazing players

Pedro Alves , Cleo that helped me a lot

Dieguinho , I could be here all day , Miguel Rosa , Hugo Firmino a series of players that helped me so much

also the youngers but with a lot of quality on the pitch

Rafael Floro , Tiago Lima Pereira , Francisco Chen , a series of amazing players

that this year I had the pleasure to catch up with , Moreira

it is a club that I will always keep next to me

ike I said it is my city club and a club that helped me give big step in my career

For more infomation >> O começo no futebol (SL Benfica , Sporting CP , Manchester City , Barnsley , etc) #IAMPEDROCARNEIRO - Duration: 11:07.


GTA 5 MONEY GLITCH, *SUPER EASY!* GTA 5 SOLO MONEY GLITCH - $1,700,000 (GTA V Money Glitch) XBOX PS4 - Duration: 11:58.

what's happening everybody and welcome to this segment right here on your boy a

sheriff you guys ask the question a solo unlimited money glitch that makes you

Millions and here it is right here it's working it's Christmas Merry Christmas

it's my gift to you guys I'm gonna explain everything that you need in

order to do the solo unlimited money glitch before I get into it I do ask you

to drop a like on the video make sure you enter the giveaway that we have for

Christmas we have a couple of winners left to pick and we need you guys to

represent like the king squad always does a question when it's asked earlier

by a user saying are the new vehicles better than the retro allergy and I'm

here to let you know yes they are we're going to get into it right here drop a

like and let's do this baby

so we're gonna take this from the beginning okay in my case I ordered that

brand new mini that's meat for the arena meas Bank war and because I have the

money I was able to customize it and make it fully modified okay

so let's say you have the money you modified the entire car now we're gonna

go ahead and tell you everything that you need for this glitch upfront you

don't waste your time the first thing you need is definitely a bunker my

advice to you is a spawn in the bunker because it's gonna save you some time

this is glitch while other youtubers don't tell you it has a little bit of a

kink in it it might feel a couple of times we'll get into that later and I'll

tell you how to fix it the other thing that you're gonna need is a CEO tower

the CEO tower is very important because it's the only way you can launch a job

that we are also going to explain down the line the third thing that you need

is a nightclub that's right so now you need three properties okay so you pretty

much need to be hooked up in order to do this glitch I'm sitting here waiting to

snipe on a glitch that comes toward me on the ps4 my character is still brand

new so I'm struggling this one is not the one for me

this one is more for the veterans people that might just want to maximize their

money or just test it for the hell of it okay so that's the requirement let's get

into the first step for you guys to start doing this okay the first option

I'm gonna give you right here is go into a free game lobby this works the

advantage for two reasons one it's gonna make you not have to drive all the way

to the bunker when we get a little bit deeper into this glitch but the better

reason for you in to be into free game lobby is a little bit less people coming

and attacking you that's what you're aiming for you cannot be in passive mode

on this glitch and if you're not in passive mode somebody can kill you this

glitch will get cancelled if you are killed in the middle of it

okay now I'm gonna tell you a few things in the beginning before I get into all

the steps right here there is a failure rate on this glitch it's not very stable

it's one of the things that might turn you off on the flip side of it there is

a ton of money to be made if you do hit the glitch and you get comfortable with

it and maybe like myself you could be sitting watching a TV show besides

somebody that you love and you're just messing around with the game on the side

so if that's the case this could be the glitch for you if this is not the case

just be ready to be disappointed here and there I'm gonna do my best in order

to explain it to you guys and this way you don't have to run into problems okay

let's get into it right here the first thing that we're gonna do is we are

spawning inside the bunker okay this is gonna save us some time if we

fail again and we have to find a new session we don't have to keep driving

all the way until here in the bunker you are gonna have that brand new vehicle

that is the mini equipped for the arena war fully modified say hello to the

brand-new king that is the most expensive vehicle in GTA 5 online this

car is super expensive from here you need to have this car inside your MOC

take it out of the MOC and you can drive it around inside the bunker it's not a

problem whatsoever after you're done having your fun driving into those mini

carts beside it and everything just step out of the bunker now for you to get

from the bunker all the way to your CEO tower the only way for you to do it

super fast is to register as a CEO and spawn a buzzard you can't call on one of

your vehicles if you call on a single vehicle of course the the mini that's

inside the bunker is going to go back inside the MOC and that's what we don't

want now take the Buzzard go all the way to

your CEO tower once you're inside the CEO tower and because you registered as

a CEO you can sit down on the chair and start any mission but before we do that

we're gonna head into something that it causes you some problems here in

there you're gonna pull up the phone you're gonna go down toward activities

and you're gonna pick an activity that you want it to populate there's two

things you could do right here you can sit down on the seat and listen for the

lobby that it's about to populate or you can do a visual check of it and make

sure that it tells you populating lobby so it's whatever you're comfortable with

I advise you listen to the sound but if you're not comfortable with it you can

always do it while you're just doing the visual check once you see it's a

populating lobby you're gonna click right on the d-pad you can sit on the

CEO seat you're gonna try to launch a mission from the ones that are for the

special vehicles once you do so you're supposed to be on a blurred screen now

let me stop here for a second and tell you exactly what happened to me a couple

of times one time I got pulled into a job superfast if that happens to you you

need to find another Lobby and you need to start from the beginning because if

you get pulled into a job basically that mini that's inside the bunker is now

gone from there so you can't really do that I went back and checked it wasn't

in the same spot I had to find a different session a second time I tried

to do it the glitch was not stable and it actually put me in a tennis court and

I froze I wasn't able to get free of it okay so that was two tries and again I

had to find another lobby at third time I had to go ahead and do it and I got

stuck in a chair for the longest time ever okay I got the blurred screen the

animation of the character getting up and then sitting back down and I got

stuck there for a really long time by the time I finished the glitch

I got killed trying to run to my nightclub and that makes me tell you

don't get killed when you're doing this glitch because if you do you're

definitely gonna ruin it and you're not gonna be able to hear it

okay but let's say now that I told you all the possible scenarios everything is

going a-okay you managed to populate Lobby you

on the chair and you said let's start one of the special vehicle mission and

you managed to start it now you got the blurred screen you're gonna sit here for

a while if this glitch is working good and it's not giving you a hard time it

should take around maybe a minute a minute 30 you're gonna see your

character get off the chair and then you're gonna get a black screen that

tells you there is no activity available would you like to host so what you're

gonna say is yes I would like to host that's gonna take away the screen and

you'll be able to click right on the d-pad in order for your character to

stand up in the CEO Tower now you have a blurred screen and you're gonna go

toward your assistant when you go toward the assistant don't click anything yet

just pull up the phone then go toward a quick job menu you will disappear when

you do that for you to get back into the game just disconnect your controller so

me playing the Xbox one I took away the battery I disconnected the controller

and I connected it right back once you do so you're back inside the CEO tower

don't worry about the blurred screen all right from here right click in order to

talk to the assistant and get yourself one of the helicopters that you can

request get in the helicopter you'll see the animation completely messed up and

you need to go toward your nightclub level garage that you have a social club

allergy in it that's not modified because that's the one we're gonna

replace a problem right here for some of the players that are not familiar with

this game is the mini-map is not visible and this part you need to be fast in it

they say you have around five minutes of grace period after that you might get

pulled into a job so you can pull up the phone go toward the internet in order to

look at the map so you can figure out where your club is in my case I was

familiar where my nightclub is I parked the chopper and I ran toward it in order

to get into garage level two it doesn't matter which level as long as you have a

social club allergy in there get into the car and gas it once you do so your

car is gonna disappear the ones around them and

gonna get kicked out of the car if you stay a little bit here in the garage you

will get kicked out as well so in my case I got kicked out and this is the

part that the 3m Lobby comes in handy you need to start a job off of the map

right beside your bunker so you don't have to do that drive all over again if

you want to do the drive you can go ahead and spawn a buzzard and just fly

over to your bunkers whatever you like from there you can try to join a friend

in a different targeting mode and once you do so it spawns you right beside

your bunker walk into the bunker on foot and from there you're gonna see the car

still sitting there now we're gonna get into the car but you're not gonna see

any changes on the plate because the plate is hidden on this car it's not

really visible so once you sit in it it will do the change get out of the car go

back into your MOC on foot once you're in the MOC

on foot walk back out get into the car and take it inside the MOC

you've just duplicated a vehicle okay so I need you guys to pay attention to how

much this bad boy is gonna sell I went ahead and I took the one inside the MOC

and I took it over to the mechanic low and behold the brand new king of

duplication in GTA 5 online is this vehicle right here which is pure madness

it has a ton of upgrades on it and it sells for a very big price all right you

guys if you have any problems with this glitch you want me to explain anything

you know what to do drop your name drop a comment we'll try to help you out we

have a great community right here on the channel if the video was helpful you

know what to do drop a like man let the video get out there to gamers that want

to have a good tutorial on this glitch I'll see you guys on the next segment

peace baby

For more infomation >> GTA 5 MONEY GLITCH, *SUPER EASY!* GTA 5 SOLO MONEY GLITCH - $1,700,000 (GTA V Money Glitch) XBOX PS4 - Duration: 11:58.


His name shall be IMMANUEL... GOD. WITH. US. - Duration: 5:45.

Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign

Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name



May God teach you the meaning of that name Emmanuel God with us Emmanuel

It is wisdoms mystery God with us

Sages look at it and wonder angels desire to see it

The plumb line of Reason cannot reach halfway into its depths

The eagle wings of signs cannot fly so high and the piercing eye of the vulture of research cannot see it

God with us

It is hell's terror Satan trembles of the sound of it

His legions fly a pace the black winged dragon of the pit quails before it let Satan come to you suddenly

And do you but whisper the word God with us and back he falls

confounded and confused

Satan trembles when he hears that name

God with us

It is the laborers strength, how could he preach the gospel?

How could he bend his knees in prayer?

How could the missionary go into foreign lands how could martyrs stand at the stake?

How could the Confessor acknowledge his master how could men labor if that one word were taken away

God with us

is the sufferers comfort is the balm of his who is the

Alleviation of his misery is the sleep that God gives to his beloved is the rest

after exertion and toil

God with us his eternity sonnet is heavens

Hallelujah is the shout that the glorified is the song of the redeemed

Is the chorus of angels and is the everlasting

oratorio of the great orchestra of the sky

God with us

God with us

God with us

For more infomation >> His name shall be IMMANUEL... GOD. WITH. US. - Duration: 5:45.


Trump Admin Breaking Federal Law By Not Buying American Goods - Duration: 3:11.

According to a new report by the Government Accountability Office, the Trump administration

has routinely been breaking federal law by using government money to buy non American


According to Democratic Senator Chris Murphy, who released a statement along with this GAO

report that he had requested the Trump administration has spent tens of millions of dollars through

the Department of Defense, health and Human Services, homeland security and the va buying

things that they could have bought in America, but instead chose to buy from overseas manufacturers.

That is a direct violation of the Buy American Act.

As Chris Murphy points out and thereby they are breaking the law by spending this money

that could have been spent in the United States over seas.

This is a pretty cut and dry case, although this is not the kind of thing that's going

to warrant a criminal investigation.

Hell probably nobody is going to even be reprimanded for this and Murphy understands that.

What he's trying to do here is point out the hypocrisy of this administration of Donald

Trump who has repeatedly been videoed, literally hugging flags, saying how much he loves America,

and then when he's given the opportunity to do something good for this country, he instead

ship that money overseas just like he does with his own businesses.

This is not surprising in the least.

What surprised me is how low the numbers actually were.

I would expect it to be much higher than tens of millions, but again, that's tens of millions

of dollars that could have gone to US businesses to us workers, you know, trickled through

the local economies where those manufacturing plants are.

But instead he bought parts, aircraft parts, whatever it is, playing parts from overseas


Even though we have plenty of folks here in the United States who make those every single


That's why the Buy American Act came to fruition because people were tired of the federal government

spending money overseas rather than spinning it here and helping out our economy and our

citizens and our workers.

But Trump doesn't seem to care for him.

It's all about how he can get the most for his money and apparently it's a little bit

cheaper to ship tens of millions of our tax dollars to overseas manufacturers than spending

it here at home.

This man does not care about the United States.

He cares about money and that is the point that Chris Murphy, even though he didn't say

that, that's still the point he is trying to make.

He is trying to show Donald Trump supporters that at every possible turn, this man, Donald

Trump has been given the opportunity to help American workers and not one single time has

he ever jumped on that opportunity and done the right thing.

And the reason for that is because nothing will ever be more important to Donald Trump

than money.

For more infomation >> Trump Admin Breaking Federal Law By Not Buying American Goods - Duration: 3:11.


Ben 10k Club - 35,000 Subscriber Special - Duration: 3:21.

Hello guys

For more infomation >> Ben 10k Club - 35,000 Subscriber Special - Duration: 3:21.


Christina El Moussa Marries Ant Anstead In 'Winter Wonderland' Wedding: 'We Couldn't Be Happier' - N - Duration: 2:48.

In a 'secret' wedding, Christina El Moussa married 'Wheelers Dealers' host Ant Anstead! Find out about their 'rustic' ceremony here!    Well, this is a surprise! Christina El Moussa, 35, married Ant Anstead, 39, in a "winter wonderland" wedding on Dec

22 at their house in Newport Beach, California, according to People. Apparently, the secret ceremony involved 70 of their closest friends and family, who weren't told about their upcoming nuptials until they waked down the aisle

In fact, they were there under the impression that they would all be going to the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade via a charter bus, which is a pretty amazing cover story

   Among those present were both their families, including Christina's kids, daughter Taylor, 8, and son Brayden, 3, and Anstead's children, daughter Amelie, 15, and son Archie, 12

 "We wanted to make it about the kids," Ant told People. "It's the six of us. We're a blended family so it was really important for them to be a part of it

" Wearing a gorgeous dress by Ines Di Santo, Christina gushed about her ceremony, "We wanted it to be rustic romance

" And when it comes to her new last name, she loves it. "It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" she added

"Christina Anstead. We couldn't be any happier!"  This comes just days after Christina admitted on the TODAY show that there were times she and her ex-husband Tarek El Moussa felt like killing each other (jokingly, of course)

"Yeah, of course. Maybe today might be one of them," she said, after which Tarek replied, "The question is, are there days when I don't want to kill her?"We'll keep you posted with all of the latest news about Christina and Ant

In the meantime, check out all of their most recent photos in our gallery above.

For more infomation >> Christina El Moussa Marries Ant Anstead In 'Winter Wonderland' Wedding: 'We Couldn't Be Happier' - N - Duration: 2:48.


How much Internet Bandwidth does a typical family need? (2018/2019) - Duration: 5:43.

Hello in this video I want to talk about how much internet a typical household family might need

So I have two main providers in my area

I have Mediacom and CenturyLink and I want to look at what they are offering on the website here

I haven't punched my address in but this I

was able to pull this up so they have internet 60 internet 100 internet 200 and internet 500 and gigabyte at mediacom and then

CenturyLink has this up to 20 megabit 40 to 80 megabit and 100 to 140 megabit service

I do know they put fiber in here so I could get gigabit at my house

I don't see it on here, but that doesn't really matter for what I'm talking about

If you're a power user what I'm talking about here is probably irrelevant

If you download super large files all the time, you probably already know what you need for Internet

But this is just someone who's just starting out in a new area. It needs to get internet

How much should they get one place to look here is?

Netflix has this help file and it says internet speed recommendations and they recommend they say you have to have a half megabit is

required and then one point five megabits is

Recommended and three megabits recommended for SD five megabits recommended for HD and 25 megabits

Recommended for ultra HD. So I think most people are going to fall into this a 5 megabit category

So it's 5 megabits per second recommend for HD content. That's very common on Netflix

If we go over to Vudu, you'll see something kind of similar. It says SD requires one

megabit HD requires 4 point 5 mega bit and UHD requires

11 megabit here again 5 megabits kind of a target when you're looking at internet speed

you need to look at you really want to consider video because

text like email text downloading pictures social networking that stuff is going to be lower bandwidth consumption than

Video video is going to take up the most

so what I tend to like to recommend is you get about 5 megabits per

person in the household that could

potentially be streaming video at the same time or Internet users in general if you have a household of four and you have

Two parents a teenager and maybe like a three-year-old

So then you have three people that are probably using the Internet somewhat regularly

I recommend about 5 megabits per person and then add 5 on top just for extra breathing room

so for 3 people

I would recommend get at least 20 megabit download speed if we look here at the marketing here

We have internet 60 it says stream music download files and surf web up to 2 to 4

Devices at a time if we go to 100. It says 4 to 6 devices at a time Internet 200 says 6 to 8 and

Internet 500 said gigabit it says it's perfect speed for everyone in your home

Doesn't give a speed. So let's look at internet 500

Well, when we looked at Netflix that said you need 5 megabits to download HD video

So here it says this is for 8 to 12 people

So if we take 12 times

5 we're getting 60 if you look here the lowest is 60 so in perfect situation

Like if you could get that full 60, this should be plenty to download HD streams for those 12 people

You know the marketing here they act like you need this 500 megabit to do that

Well, you don't the 60 would be fine

Although if you had 12 people you might want to bump up to the hundred just for some breathing room

It's not I'm talking about kind of the minimums. You'd want to get the same here

We look it says up to 100 megabit to connect multiple users and 10 plus devices

Same thing here. So, you know a household of four, you know, I said would probably want 20 megabit

But you look here the price they have this deal where you can get 40 to 80

so I would go with the 40 to 80 there and maybe you

Really have a tough budget and it's cheaper to get the 20 you could start with the 20 one thing to consider is you might

ask when you're ordering it how hard it is to upgrade so you can start with a minimum start at 20 and then if that

Doesn't work go up to the next level in your area because everyone's gonna have different plans

I'm sure for that. Another thing to consider is latency. Like if you're a gamer you want high?

Lower latency, which is the time to connect to sites and that's hard to judge

I don't see that advertised a lot on these you can probably go to sites online

They might have ratings for which Internet is good for gaming. So that might be something to look into

Another thing to consider is that the site you're connecting to may be overwhelmed and you might not get the speed

So say you have 5 megabits dedicated to Netflix


if Netflix was overwhelmed or that the backbone can't handle your 5 megabit and

doesn't matter that you have the five megabit you the other end needs to be able to handle the speed you have so if you

Can't get fast internet where you live. So say you're in a rural area and you can get five megabit

I wouldn't rule out streaming. Well rule out streaming. Maybe you could probably stream one stream pretty good

Maybe a low-res stream but something to consider is to get a tablet like I use an iPad and all the apps all the big

Apps like Vudu Netflix and such you can download your movie

So what you could do is you could set that to download at night and then watch it the next day

That's an option for you. Another thing would be video podcasts. I don't know how popular those are

They used to be pretty popular you can download

Different things like that. This was a quick video

I want to make on internet speed because I know a lot of times people get these mailers I get them all the time in

The mail that say you get some fast streaming and get this gigabit service or whatever

Well, you don't really need that and you know, it's right here in this net flew Netflix page

I'll put a link to this in the description, too

So, you know if you're ever trying to figure out what you need you can reference this

So well if you have any questions

please leave them in the comments if you have any tips or

you know related to this go ahead and add those in the comments also and if you like this video

Please click like if you haven't subscribed my channel, please do that and thanks for watching. Goodbye

For more infomation >> How much Internet Bandwidth does a typical family need? (2018/2019) - Duration: 5:43.


Kygo - This Town (Lyric) ft. Sasha Sloan - مترجمة عربي - Duration: 3:20.

All of my friends are settling down

they're only kids But they married now

Let's follow the lights Follow the crowd

Baby, We gotta get out

Let's get outta this town

I want an ocean view


As long as I'm next to you

I don't care

I don't wanna live my life In circles

I just wanna find an empty road

Let's get away from here

Let's go

All of my friends are settling down

They're only kids But they married now

Let's follow the lights Follow the crowd

Baby, We gotta get out

Let's get outta this town


Nothing ever changes here

I know

Another Day, Another Year Same Old

I don't wanna live my life In circles

I just wanna find an empty road

Let's get away from here

Let's go

All of my friends are settling down

They're only kids But they're married now

Let's follow the lights Follow the crowd

Baby, we gotta get out

Let's get outta this town

Let's get.. Outta this town ️🎶️🎵

For more infomation >> Kygo - This Town (Lyric) ft. Sasha Sloan - مترجمة عربي - Duration: 3:20.


축구 뉴스 - 박항서 감독 "2018년, 내게 기적 같은 한해였다" - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> 축구 뉴스 - 박항서 감독 "2018년, 내게 기적 같은 한해였다" - Duration: 9:06.


How To Get Everything For FREE In Red Dead Redemption Online (RDR2 Online GLITCH) - Duration: 6:02.

what is up guys and welcome to another video today I will be showing you

exactly how to get everything you want in Red Dead Redemption 2 online for

free you do not have to pay anything towards the item that you want you have

to pay a bit of money just so you get the glitch but you will be getting

hundreds and hundreds maybe even thousands of dollars of equipment and

you're only paying a couple dollars here and there if you'd like to see more

videos like this then make sure you hit that like button and also subscribe to

this channel on top of that it will be freaking amazing if you hit that

notification button so you get notified exactly when my uploads go live to do

this glitch you're gonna want to head to Saint Denis I don't know whether or not

you can do this in other locations but for the sake of this video I am gonna be

doing this in Saint Denis you are welcome to try this out in Valentine

strawberry wherever you want as long as you is a tailor shop there pretty much

what you want to do is go into either a gun store the barbers or the tailor shop

and look an item you want this only works if you can hold LT throughout the

whole process now what you want to do is go to the tailor shop go and select an

item that you've want as soon as you find an item that you want you do not have to

be the required level that it says you can go into anything view it and then

back out once you've selected an item you won't go to this location and hold

the D-pad down the left button on there will bring up a catalogue in which

you can buy anything there you're gonna want to go and buy the cheapest thing

for me I've gone for suspenders and I've seen a lot of other people say that

suspenders is one of the cheapest things in there you can buy ten different

colors so that means you can get ten different items of clothing and this is

the only bit that you have to spend money on and the fact that these are

only four seventy-five means that's all you're paying so as long as anything

that you get is more expensive than that you are getting items for free so once you

go and buy the suspenders you are gonna head round to the back of my shop and

then go into the wardrobe yet again you're still gonna want to be holding LT

throughout this whole process now you can't hold LT when talking to the person

behind the counter you can't hold LT when you have to press

the left button on the d-pad and you can't hold LT when you go into the

wardrobe these are the only places where you can let go of LT when you're going

to the wardrobe head all the way down to the item that you bought in this case we

bought Suspenders and as soon as you go into

suspenders and in back out what you have is the item on your body now this is a

visual glitch unfortunately you do not own this item I must say that but you can rock round

with everyone else seeing that you've got this item and as long as you do not

go into your wardrobe and change it you will have this item on your person so

that is how you get something from the tailor but if you want something from

the gun store and I'm not talking about weapons I'm talking about gun belts if

you want something from this is exactly what you do now in this case I went for

a studded bandit gun belt which you have to be 98 rated to get and I'm only level

26 so what you have to do is head all the way around to the gun store and do

the exact same thing go into the shop hold an LT the only time you let go of

LT is when you want to talk to the person behind the counter as soon as you

select him press LT again and go to what you want now I said I wanted to go and

get a studded bandit gun belt and I went to go and get one the white one is

very nice and I did go and change it later but from this case I went to go

and get the black one selected the black one and then just press B on everything

exited the gun store and ran all the way back to the tailor's went to the

tailor's this time you do not want to go and talk to a person otherwise you will

get a completely different item instead go to a location I said last time hold

down the left button on the d-pad go and buy some more suspenders and yet again

you have to keep on buying something it is about what you buy as long as it's

something cheap the gun belt required me to be level 98 unfortunately I was not

that so me spending $4.75 is definitely worth it so spent $4.75 went back into the

wardrobe and yet again this is the other time the third and final time when

you can let go of LT hold down X open up the wardrobe press LT again and then go

into suspenders as soon as you go into suspenders you do not actually have to

select it as long as you go in the category of suspenders and then back out

there you have the gun belt on your person and it is looking very nice I

think the white one is a lot better than a black one but either way they both

look amazing now you can do this as many times as you want at some point if you

like me and you get extremely greedy and you go from all the suspenders there are

another two different categories of suspenders in which there's one for I

think nine dollars and the other one is twenty dollars avoid the one for 20

because you can start buying different ties and all that which are round about

nine dollars as well now like I said they'll begin with the video this is a

glitch but this does not mean this puts this in your wardrobe forever just

because I have this gun belt does not mean that that gun belt is actually in

my wardrobe so if I go and change the gun belt and then try and change it back I

need to do this glitch this will be a long process if you're gonna change a

lot of different items and throughout the whole process make sure you hold an

LT there are only free times and I keep on saying this but it's very important there

are only three times where you can let go of LT want to talk to the person behind

the counter to go and select the catalogue the other one is to hold down the left

button on the d-pad to go and open the catalogue through a book and finally the last

one is to open the Wardrobe when you have to press X everything else you need

to be holding LT if you go to the gun store and you run all the way back to

the tailor you need to be holding LT throughout that whole run it does put

you in some awkward situations because you may be locked onto a player may be

locked onto an NPC but you carry on walking away from eventually that will

not just lock on to them anymore and you can carry on running as normal but when

that does happen you still need to be holding LT all the way to the point of

where you go and do your next button which is either open the catalog or go

and open the Wardrobe anyway thank you very much for watching this video I hope

you guys did enjoy if you did enjoy don't get to leave a like and subscribe

but for now I'm going so see ya

For more infomation >> How To Get Everything For FREE In Red Dead Redemption Online (RDR2 Online GLITCH) - Duration: 6:02.


grown-ish Season 2 | Sneak Peek: Aaron Had a Great Summer | Freeform - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> grown-ish Season 2 | Sneak Peek: Aaron Had a Great Summer | Freeform - Duration: 0:37.


user account control - Duration: 2:24.

i am the admin man and today i am going to use my computer like a normal person and run programs

i am your steam video game client

and i want to install directx

for the 19 billionth motherfucking time

yes you may use the special pass to do stuff to update or whatever i don't really care lololololo

yay thanks i love you yes homo xDXDXDXDX lolololloloololollo

uh who in the actual motherfuckingstmve are you?

i am the very legitimate driver updater from

i am confirmed by 29 totally real websites like


i will update your drivers and totally not syskey your computer

and replace every windows sound effect

with sans undertale ear rape

lol no go kill urself shitty program

i aint gonna let you yeetus deletus my computer xD


im sad now

wahahahahahaahahahahahahahjahahaahanhuejdofhgtuahahashadsuihnafashufijnhzapfru3q8v0rnweusy-t8v 4es7yuq4wjvy08r94weatugj4m-0=ru4wijmotpwehtwrou wreto

For more infomation >> user account control - Duration: 2:24.


Gülperi 16. Bölüm Fragmanı 2. Analizi [Gülperi ile Eyüp Karşı Karşıya ] #Gülperi - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Gülperi 16. Bölüm Fragmanı 2. Analizi [Gülperi ile Eyüp Karşı Karşıya ] #Gülperi - Duration: 2:40.


GRATIDÃO PELA VIDA é a mensagem de SOMEHOW 18 com CHOI MINHO - Resenha - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> GRATIDÃO PELA VIDA é a mensagem de SOMEHOW 18 com CHOI MINHO - Resenha - Duration: 6:00.


O MENINO QUE FALAVA COM OS PÁSSAROS - A Verdadeira Mensagem do Natal - Duration: 15:15.

For more infomation >> O MENINO QUE FALAVA COM OS PÁSSAROS - A Verdadeira Mensagem do Natal - Duration: 15:15.


Nabrisa - Direito de Resposta Parte 1 (Videoclipe Oficial) - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Nabrisa - Direito de Resposta Parte 1 (Videoclipe Oficial) - Duration: 2:48.





Elimi Bırakma 23. Bölüm Fragmanı - Duration: 1:14.

Remember to subscribe to our channel and open notifications. Good Cruising.

Do not give up my hand Chapter 23 Trailer

Hi all my friends. We made the 23th episode fragment estimation. 1,500 likes of all Azra and Cenk lovers and expect 1,500 comments. Type '' AZCEN '' in the comments. Good looks.

Feride Hanımı's bad attitude also affected the company badly. Serap's attitude affected everyone badly. Cenk'i and Feride Hanımı sad. He broke the gap between Azra and Cenk.

The break between Azra and Cenk does not seem to improve. Azra does not consider returning to Cenk without taking Mert. Cenk is stuck in a corner. He doesn't know what to do. He's back from the dead.

Will Azra and Cenk be lovers again? Will Cenk be okay? All of Azra and Cenk lovers expect 1,500 reviews and 1,500 comments. Type '' AZCEN '' in the comments. New videos will be uploaded. Stay on track.

Remember to subscribe to our channel and open notifications. New videos will come.

For more infomation >> Elimi Bırakma 23. Bölüm Fragmanı - Duration: 1:14.


O começo no futebol (SL Benfica , Sporting CP , Manchester City , Barnsley , etc) #IAMPEDROCARNEIRO - Duration: 11:07.

This was where it all started

it was on this street that I started playing football

I grew up in here

it was on this street , on this ring

my window was up there

It was here that I started playing football with my grandad

It was here that I also started playing with the older ones

I only went home at the end of the day like it was usual back in the days

But no doubt that when I can I enjoy coming here to play

with all the people from here

Because this was where it all started

it's here where I am from

and I never want to lose that

It is a special street for me

it will always be my refuge

it will always be from where I am from

and where I was born

And it is a place where I hold with love in my hearth

Back then things were different

I was smaller

I didn't use to have a chance to play with the older ones

because they picked who would play

Then I started getting better , I started playing a bit more every day

And ended being my routine after school and at the weekends

I stayed here almost the entire day

when I was on break from school

And of course, I care a lot about this

street football

that it doesn't get played that much this days

But it will always be important to me

But this is my street

this is where I am from

I AM Pedro Carneiro

and this is where all started

I used to play with my granddad here

I played a lot , I ended all my days here

Now they are doing a playground for he kids

that I think it is a great ideia

Nowadays kids only want Youtube ( Laugh )

Its important to have this things built

and we always have to preserve this

This is where I first started footbalL

around six years old

If I'm not mistaken it was in that pitch over there

Here it stays more for the upcoming years

It was in there where I would come all weekends

where my dad would bring me every Saturday

It was in there where I started training more regularly

And it was an amazing experience

for only one year before moving to competition

In between I came to foot 21

in here one of the football clubs where I had the most fun

and without a doubt a very special club to me

And ended up coming to Sporting

with Aurelio Pereira invitation

one year after doing a great season at foot 21

and it was an amazing experience

I had a lot of fun in this club also

In the meantime this has grown , at the time we used to play in this pitch

in there I played with a lot a players that are in big clubs right now

Eriberto , Pedro Delgado , Andre Pedrosa etc

that I had the opportunity to share the changing room it was without a doubt an amazing experience

I trained with a lot of quality

it was in here that I started doing my first press ups and pushups

the first bases from physic preparation

And it was an amazing experience that I hold this club with love

I was in here for two years

And sharing the changing room with such amazing  players

it was an amazing experience for me

that gave me strong bases for years to come

After Sporting I came to Estoril

at the time I had to leave Sporting because of school

because I had school in the afternoon

so I decided to leave sporting

Here the training was a little bit later

hat's why I ended up coming to Estoril

I came here every day with a colleague of mine , from the other side of the bridge

It wasn't easy , while we were coming we used to do homework in the car

I only had time to train , do the homework and sleep

because the next day it was all the same

A club that received me so well like the others and that I enjoyed playing here

I was here for one year

before moving to England

I did friends for life in here

it was different for sure , it was calmer , but without a doubt a serious team

and it was a club that made me feel at home very quickly

It was a club that made me have fun and enjoy football

and that I have great memories from it

inside and outside the pitch

From the changing room jokes , my colleagues , my coaches , everything amazing

and I wish the best to this club that received me really well

Here we are , at the Manchester city academy stadium

it is an amazing place

Every possible conditions so we can be the best players in the world

it was in here that I grew up

Very different that it was back in Portugal but without a doubt an amazing place

This was my team

I don't remember why I wasn't here but I remember playing with most of the guys in the picture

it was amazing

Barnsley was a really important club in my career

it wasn't the easiest nor the most friendliest

but it was without a doubt the club that made me grow the most inside and outside the pitch

Maybe the Manchester experience for me it was harder because I was too young and not used to the country change

Basically, the overall conditions were different , I already spoke English , I knew the country…

It was in here that I ended up when I came back from England

After being six months without a club it was a complicated period

but I learned a lot

specially about my body

I  had a very though injury and ended up recovering really well

In the mean while I ended up coming back to Portugal

unfortunately I did not have the market that I thought I was going to have

A shock with the reality I had earned

and it was like this that I ended in Casa Pia in January

At the time I was eighteen years old, I was the youngest of the squad

and without a doubt a team that received me really well

I came from England , in human levels , professional levels , financial levels , everything was different

I had grown slightly different because of the experience that I had while abroad

but really important for me so I could learn a little bit more about this reality

And the shock

changing rooms really different , the pitch , the boots from my colleagues , everything!

Maybe things that I had taken for granted

And today I have a lot of respect , because at the time I didn't think a lot about

salaries were a lot different

and that also helped me  understand the reality that I lived was different from the reality back home in Portugal

it was really good and I had a lot of fun

I only did two games with this team but I scored two goals

it was really good for me , like I said , especially outside the pitch

because inside I didn't have the chance to give my best contribute , that I wished

but I`m happy that I could play for this club with so much history , that Casa Pia has

And Cova da Piedade , was where I came to play , after a hard year that passed

it was a big step in my career , my city club

I had the chance to shared the changing room with such amazing people

Evaldo , Paulo Tavares that used to play in England and was caption for Vitoria de Setúbal , Rui Sampaio , played in serie A, and other amazing players

Pedro Alves , Cleo that helped me a lot

Dieguinho , I could be here all day , Miguel Rosa , Hugo Firmino a series of players that helped me so much

also the youngers but with a lot of quality on the pitch

Rafael Floro , Tiago Lima Pereira , Francisco Chen , a series of amazing players

that this year I had the pleasure to catch up with , Moreira

it is a club that I will always keep next to me

ike I said it is my city club and a club that helped me give big step in my career

For more infomation >> O começo no futebol (SL Benfica , Sporting CP , Manchester City , Barnsley , etc) #IAMPEDROCARNEIRO - Duration: 11:07.


CCXP18 | David Michelinie - Criador de Venom e cocriador de Carnage | BLAH! - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> CCXP18 | David Michelinie - Criador de Venom e cocriador de Carnage | BLAH! - Duration: 1:34.





For more infomation >> COMO DIBUJAR UN PRINCIPE KAWAII FACIL PARA NIÑOS | Dibujos - Duration: 5:35.


Blümchen - Unter'm Weihnasbaum (1999) (Xiao An Edit 2018) Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:48.

Longing, hurts so much

I'm eager to see again

I wonder where you are

and if you miss me so

Under the christmas tree

There is a heart for you

For you

We were in love

in my dream just you and I

Under the christmas tree

Lights on every tree

Joy radiates in each room

and tears fall on the white snow

When will I see you again

Under the christmas tree

There is a heart for you

For you

We were in love

in my dream just you and I

It starts to snow outside

When will you be finally back to me?

Under the christmas tree

Under the christmas tree

Under the christmas tree

Under the christmas-night-tree

Under the christmas tree

There is a heart for you

For you

We were in love

in my dream just you and I

Under the christmas tree

There is a heart for you

For you

We were in love

in my dream just you and I

It starts to snow outside

When will you be finally back to me?

For more infomation >> Blümchen - Unter'm Weihnasbaum (1999) (Xiao An Edit 2018) Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:48.


Farina d'avena e papaya riducono il colesterolo e puliscono l'intestino - Duration: 1:49.

Sappiamo che esistono dei frutti che possono fare miracoli, se vengono consumati regolarmente.

La papaya è sicuramente uno di questi in quanto è in grado di disintossicare il nostro corpo e liberarlo dalle sostanze nocive.

Inoltre, se consumato insieme alla farina d'avena, aiuta a normalizzare i livelli di colesterolo e a pulire l'intestino.

In che modo è possibile consumare farina d'avena e papaya insieme? Sotto forma di frullato.

Scopriamo insieme la ricetta! Ecco come prepare un ottimo frullato a base di farina d'avena e papaya.

INGREDIENTI; Mezza tazza di papaya tritata.

2 cucchiaida tavola di farina d'avena. 1 tazza di yogurt bianco magro.

PREPARAZIONE; La preparazione di questo frullato richiede un solo step.

Basterà, infatti, riporre tutti gli ingredienti in un frullatore.

E' consigliabile consumare il frullato appena preparato.

Inoltre, affinchè sortisca gli effetti auspicati è consigliabile consumarne almeno un bicchiere al giorno per 30 giorni, a colazione.

For more infomation >> Farina d'avena e papaya riducono il colesterolo e puliscono l'intestino - Duration: 1:49.


VLOGMAS#9 SPRZĄTAM POKÓJ. POKAZUJE DO I PO 20-21.12 - Duration: 9:42.

For more infomation >> VLOGMAS#9 SPRZĄTAM POKÓJ. POKAZUJE DO I PO 20-21.12 - Duration: 9:42.


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