Sunday, December 23, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 24 2018


Where I live there are animals.

Every day, we have to feed the animals.

My favorite cow's name is "Chubby cheeks",

And she has a little female calf that's already kind of big.

In my community, Pircuta, we don't only learn the classical school subjects.

but we also learn how to harvest,

how to feed the animals, plant and transplant.

Two hundred.

And three hundred?

Kimsa pataka.

And how do you say water well?




Phuch'u, not Puchu.





Not chu.






My school receives all those who speak Aymara and Spanish.

Before, it was more difficult to learn; everything was in Spanish.

Tasting, tasting.

Tasting, tasting.

Rummaging, rummaging.

You have to listen

to know what you have to do.

To know what you have to do.

Okay, listen up.

Our language Aymara

is ours.

Whose is it?

It's ours.

It's ours.

And the Spanish language

is not ours.

That's the language that comes from outside.

Now, we all want to learn in both Aymara and Spanish.

For this day that you give us.

And also for this food,

that we are about to eat.

To have strength.

To learn easily.

As I learn in Aymara, I learn better.

I want to be a pilot.

Why do I want to be a pilot?

Because I want to travel to other countries. See the ocean.

The Pacific Sea, The Indian Ocean, The Atlantic Ocean.

You can name the Sky and the Earth in both Spanish and Aymara.

For more infomation >> Serie Documental - Cap 4: "Raúl Y las Palabras" (Sub. Español, inglés y Danés) - Duration: 7:27.


Santa Claus ya se puso en marcha para llegar puntual en la nochebuena - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Santa Claus ya se puso en marcha para llegar puntual en la nochebuena - Duration: 0:50.


Greyhound aclara a los clientes su política ante redadas de ICE - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Greyhound aclara a los clientes su política ante redadas de ICE - Duration: 2:18.


Se popularizan las "fiestas de bótox" - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Se popularizan las "fiestas de bótox" - Duration: 2:13.


Espíritu navideño: sirven una paella gigante a migrantes de la Caravana - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Espíritu navideño: sirven una paella gigante a migrantes de la Caravana - Duration: 2:08.



For more infomation >> *NEW* KRAMPUS SKIN SHOWCASE WITH ALL FORTNITE DANCES & NEW EMOTES! (Fortnite Season 7 Skin) - Duration: 16:47.


Camille Gottlieb: así se reparte entre Estefanía de Mónaco y Daniel Ducruet - Duration: 1:46.

Raymond Gottlieb, una pareja que se separó después de mantener una relación de 15 años calificada por Camille Gottlieb, hija de Estefanía de Mónaco y Jean.

Raymond Gottlieb, una pareja que se separó después de mantener una relación de 15 años calificada por la prensa como "bello y tierno romance". Camille Gottlieb, hija de Estefanía de Mónaco y Jean.

Llegan ahora las fiestas navideñas y Camille, de 20 años, ha contado lo bien que se llevan sus padres y cómo se divide para pasar las Navidades con uno y con otro.

La joven pasa la Nochevieja con la familia paterna y el 25 de diciembre con su familia materna.

La princesa Estefanía se enamoró de su guardaespaldas y tuvieron a Camille.

La historia de amor fue una de las que más marcó a la menor de los Grimaldi, que siempre se había mostrado rebelde.

Camille ha dado algunas entrevistas estos días para hablar también de algo que le interesa particularmente.

La joven sufrió un durísimo golpe cuando perdió a una amiga, Alexis, en un accidente de tráfico después de salir de una fiesta, así que junto a dos chicas de su pandilla formó una organización benéfica, Be Safe Monaco, para alertar y prevenir a los jóvenes de los peligros del alcohol que, por cierto, ella afirma no probar apenas.

For more infomation >> Camille Gottlieb: así se reparte entre Estefanía de Mónaco y Daniel Ducruet - Duration: 1:46.


predicador: Roberto Sanchez (Mateo 25:11 /Cuando la puerta se cierra). - Duration: 1:31:11.

For more infomation >> predicador: Roberto Sanchez (Mateo 25:11 /Cuando la puerta se cierra). - Duration: 1:31:11.


NOTICIAS DE HOY - Polémica en La noche de Mirtha: Mauricio D'Alessandro desató la furia - Duration: 14:18.

For more infomation >> NOTICIAS DE HOY - Polémica en La noche de Mirtha: Mauricio D'Alessandro desató la furia - Duration: 14:18.


Car Crash Gameplay - Cars for Kids. Gameplay for Kids/Android - Duration: 8:46.

Car Crash Gameplay - Cars for Kids. Gameplay for Kids/Android

For more infomation >> Car Crash Gameplay - Cars for Kids. Gameplay for Kids/Android - Duration: 8:46.


Let It Pie para casuals - Duration: 4:29.


those decals are sheet

let's buy new ones

with the little i have



10% no damage

30% no damage

Let's test this out

i steel cus im poor xdxd

uhh, so annoying

So i've started to play LET IT DIE again a few months ago.

I wonder if there's coop now (lol no)

tf is going on with the textures?

Coop is REAL bros

ty bro

For more infomation >> Let It Pie para casuals - Duration: 4:29.


The secret game (1917 USA WdeMille) Juego secreto - Duration: 1:07:28.

For more infomation >> The secret game (1917 USA WdeMille) Juego secreto - Duration: 1:07:28.


Música en Inglés 2019 - Las Mejores Canciones De Ed Sheeran, Charlie Puth, Bruno Mars - Duration: 1:12:59.

For more infomation >> Música en Inglés 2019 - Las Mejores Canciones De Ed Sheeran, Charlie Puth, Bruno Mars - Duration: 1:12:59.


Caso Thelma Fardín: Se viralizó un audio del hijo de Darthés - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Caso Thelma Fardín: Se viralizó un audio del hijo de Darthés - Duration: 2:36.



Para los amantes de estas fechas, la Navidad queda inaugurada en el momento en el que se adorna el hogar.

Las luces y el árbol protagonizan gran parte de la decoración, en la que no faltan los detalles.

Precisamente en ellos nos hemos fijado para descubrir los adornos favoritos de los miembros más destacados de las diferentes familias reales europeas.

Como siempre, entre los detalles más diferentes y trabajados está el de la Casa Real británica, que ha personalizado con mimo y cariño cada adorno de su árbol.

La reina Isabel II tiene claro que la Navidad es un momento de recuerdo y agradecimiento por lo vivido durante el año y,

sin duda, la boda de su nieto Harry es uno de los eventos más importantes que la familia ha tenido en este 2018.

De ahí, que el corazón con las iniciales oficiales de Meghan y Harry cuelgue entre las ramas de su árbol.

Bordadas con hilo dorado, aparecen en el centro de este corazón enmarcado por un corazón de diamantitos y una corona de laurel dorada en forma de corazón.

Muy especial también es la figura de la reina Victoria, tatarabuela de Isabel II. También destacan doce piedras azules.

Ambas son las dos mujeres que más años han permanecido al frente del Estado británico.

Si la boda de Harry y Meghan ha marcado este 2018, también la llegada del príncipe Louis.

El tercer hijo de los Duques de Cambridge ha traído la alegría de nuevo a la Casa Real británica, que ha querido recordar este momento con este carrito de bebé en tonos blancos y dorados.

Los unicornios para los pequeños príncipes George y Charlotte tampoco han querido faltar en la decoración navideña de ese árbol.

Otros de los detalles que podemos ver en el árbol de la monarca británica son su trono, tapizado en color rojo y con piedrecitas en la parte superior del respaldo y en la delantera del sillón.

El monograma de Isabel II aparece de nuevo en el centro del adorno.

Aunque, sin duda, todo el protagonismo se lo llevan los perritos de la Reina, Vulcan y Candy.

Estos dos corgis, son los actuales animales de compañía de la monarca, aunque a lo largo de su vida ha llegado a tener hasta 30 perros de esta raza.

Por supuesto no podían faltar la corona de Isabel II, en la que se puede ver el monograma de la monarca.

La 'E' es de Elizabeth (Isabel en inglés) y la 'R' de regina (reina en latín). También su carroza, bordada en sus detalles con hilo dorado.

Si la reina Isabel II cuida los detalles al máximo, la familia real Noruega no es menos.

Con cuidado y mimo, este año han querido colocar algunos de los detalles navideños de su árbol, en los que no faltan las clásicas bolas o lazos en color rojo o dorado.

Entre adornos, comprobamos algunos tan especiales como este caballito realizado en paja e hilado con lazos rojos.

La princesa Marta Luisa de Noruega, hija de los reyes Harald V y Sonia y hermana del heredero Hakoon,

es una gran apasionada de estos animales, por lo que no descartamos que tenga algo que ver en este detalle.

En el caso de la familia real danesa, las velas son las grandes protagonistas de su decoración navideña.

En un minimalista árbol del que solo cuelgan algunas bolas de colores, estas velas con llama artificial iluminan y adornan el Salón de los Caballeros, en el Palacio de Brockdorff ( también llamado el pabellón de Federico VIII), en Amalienborg, residencia de Federico y Mary de Dinamarca.



Con esta fotografía, Antonella Ríos confirmó que se reconcilió con su pololo - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Con esta fotografía, Antonella Ríos confirmó que se reconcilió con su pololo - Duration: 2:20.



For more infomation >> *NEW* KRAMPUS SKIN SHOWCASE WITH ALL FORTNITE DANCES & NEW EMOTES! (Fortnite Season 7 Skin) - Duration: 16:47.


【2018】クリスマスの朝に娘「ユズ」の枕元に例のアレが - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> 【2018】クリスマスの朝に娘「ユズ」の枕元に例のアレが - Duration: 10:42.


Monster Hunter 3U | Wii U | Village #31 (Gameplay) - O Retorno de Lagiacrus - Duration: 30:52.

For more infomation >> Monster Hunter 3U | Wii U | Village #31 (Gameplay) - O Retorno de Lagiacrus - Duration: 30:52.


Dejó su último programa: así fue la despedida de Andrea Arístegui en 'Estado Nacional' - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Dejó su último programa: así fue la despedida de Andrea Arístegui en 'Estado Nacional' - Duration: 3:59.


7 Signs She's Crushing On You IN KHMER - Nivorth101 - Duration: 2:53.

7 Signs She's Crushing On You IN KHMER - Nivorth101

For more infomation >> 7 Signs She's Crushing On You IN KHMER - Nivorth101 - Duration: 2:53.


Car Crash Gameplay - Cars for Kids. Gameplay for Kids/Android - Duration: 8:46.

Car Crash Gameplay - Cars for Kids. Gameplay for Kids/Android

For more infomation >> Car Crash Gameplay - Cars for Kids. Gameplay for Kids/Android - Duration: 8:46.


Lab Notes - Eucalyptol Testing (Fail) - Dec 23, 2018 - Duration: 7:52.

Greetings fellow nerds.

I've been continuing to research the production of sodium these past couple of weeks using the alcohol catalyzed magnesium reduction approach.

We had a lot of problems but we worked through them.

Including trying to find a workable solvent, reaction times, processing methods in dioxane, preventing glassware destruction,

trying to dry the solvents using easy to obtain drying agents like aluminum and lithium metal.

Putting together our research into a mechanism.

And finally finding some very easy to obtain off the shelf catalysts like menthol, tetrahydrolinalool, dimetol and borneol.

Menthol in particular is a massive breakthrough in that it's extremely ubiquitous and this makes sodium production easy.

I can't emphasize how huge of a hurdle we've cleared by finding an off-the-shelf catalyst.

Now something i've been exploring is alternative solvents.

There are actually two solvents used in our sodium production process.

The reaction solvent that we actually perform the sodium production reaction in,

and the purification solvent where we separate sodium from the leftover magnesium as well as any bits of magnesium oxide.

For the reaction solvent we're currently using mineral oil or baby oil and to be honest, i don't think we're going to get much cheaper than that.

But maybe we can find a solvent that runs the reaction much faster.

A slightly higher expense would be justified in that case.

Now, for the purification solvent we're using dioxane.

Dioxane is easy to make for the amateur and we in fact did so ourselves in a previous video.

But because it's slightly carcinogenic it would be preferable to find an alternative.

Granted, substances like paint thinner and gasoline are probably even more carcinogenic, but still we want to try and reduce our exposure.

Anyway, it would be awesome if we could find a single solvent that does both.

Reaction and purification.

The reason why we can't use dioxane for the sodium production reaction is that the boiling point is too low.

We need to reach at least 160 celsius before the reaction even starts.

At 101 degrees celsius, the boiling point of dioxane is just not enough.

Higher pressure might work but the dangers aren't worth it for the amateur.

Anyway, a solvent i've been looking at is another essential oil, eucalyptol.

It's very easy to buy although it is somewhat expensive since we're using it as a solvent.

It has a nice high boiling point of 176 celsius.

While this is lower than our ideal temperature of 200 celsius, it should at least start.

What's most interesting is that it has a bridging ether group.

This makes eucalyptol a somewhat polar solvent and according to our mechanism,

most of the active species are polar so a polar solvent should speed up the reaction.

The ether group also makes eucalyptol an ethereal solvent similar to dioxane, so perhaps we can replicate the purifying properties as well.

Okay, enough talk, let's actually give it a try.

Now eucalyptol essential oil is not pure eucalyptol, it's usually just 80% or so eucalyptol.

So before we can do our testing we'll need to purify ourselves.

So to my 500mL of eucalyptol i'm adding in 10g of sodium metal.

Then i set up a reflux condenser and turned on stirring and heating to reflux.

What i'm doing is reacting the sodium with any impurities that can react with sodium.

If it reacts with sodium then we don't want it and if doesn't then it doesn't matter.

Now i know it seems circular to use sodium to purify a solvent with the intention of making sodium.

But right now we're just researching eucalyptol and if it does work, we can figure out alternative purification processes later.

Anyway, i left the eucalyptol to reflux overnight.

The next day i rearranged the apparatus to a distillation apparatus and distilled off the eucalyptol.

Anything that was destroyed by sodium would be left behind.

Now after i had distilled eucalyptol i decided to take a sample of 100mL and reflux it with 3g of sodium metal.

I wanted to see if there were any leftover impurities or if the eucalyptol itself slowly reacted with sodium.

You might not remember but several months ago when we began this project

it was determined that tetrahydronaphthalene could not be used as a solvent because it very slowly reacted with sodium to produce tar.

It was slow enough not to be noticed by myself or other amateurs during our early potassium work.

But was severely detrimental for making sodium.

Unfortunately after a few hours i started to see a color change.

Either there were impurities or eucalyptol was reacting.

So I refluxed the eucalyptol stock again over sodium overnight and again distilled it.

Once again i ran the test and again it was a failureů looks like the eucalyptol itself reacts with sodium.

This is not good.

But i noticed that the sodium still remained shiny rather than be covered with tar.

The side products of this decomposition seem to be different than with tetrahydronaphthalene.

While decomposition would certainly lower our sodium yield, maybe we can still use the solvent anyway.

So i decided to run the sodium production reaction anyway using a half-scale setup and a menthol catalyst.

I went through the drying and startup cycles as usual and interestingly enough i got successful hydrogen formation so it seemed like it was working.

Maybe eucalyptol is viable after all.

Now normally this would take around 30-40 hours to finish using a menthol catalyst.

But i noticed the reaction becoming very slow at just 14 hours.

Maybe most of it reacted.

But i waited until gas formation stopped completely at 24 hours to be certain.

After cooling i decanted the slurry and it looks like we got sodium.

This is the first working alternative solvent to mineral oil and it even works faster, completing the reaction in 14-24 hours.

This gives some evidence that a polar solvent helps to speed up the reaction

and we should look for that property in future alternative solvents.

Now looking at the sodium i can see that magnesium is still attached to it.

So as a purification solvent it doesn't seem to be working in situ.

But maybe the excessive amount of magnesium oxide by products was interfering.

So I added in fresh eucalyptol and refluxed it like i would with dioxane.

But after running it for four hours it was clear it wasn't working.

We can see the metal is still badly shaped indicating magnesium embedded in it.

I then added in dioxane this time and refluxed it and the magnesium separated out with the same efficiency as dioxane always provided.

I decanted off the sodium and we can see from the magnesium left behind that eucalyptol was not very effective if dioxane was able to remove this much.

So it's clear that eucalyptol fails as a purification solvent.

But we did learn something, the fact that an ethereal solvent fails to purify sodium means that ether functionality alone isn't enough.

Dioxane with its two ether groups might be special because it has chelating properties that eucalyptol does not have.

More testing will need to be done but we can start constructing a theory on that now that we have the eucalyptol results.

Anyway, as a reaction solvent, eucalyptol works very well and we even got 13.9g or about 94% yield.

So the decomposition must be happening very slowly.

But as a viable solvent for the amatuer i think eucalyptol isn't acceptable.

Without the crucial sodium purification property eucalyptol's only merit is that it's faster.

But considering how expensive it is and that we need to purify it first makes it less cost and labor effective than simply buying a better catalyst.

Nonetheless i still think these couple of weeks were time well-spent since the eucalyptol results help us learn more about the reaction conditions and mechanisms.

Anyway, thanks for watching.

Progress on the sodium project continues.

For more infomation >> Lab Notes - Eucalyptol Testing (Fail) - Dec 23, 2018 - Duration: 7:52.


Miliardář Janeček se rozvádí. Poděkoval manželce i milence - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> Miliardář Janeček se rozvádí. Poděkoval manželce i milence - Duration: 9:07.


【番外編】母主のお気に入り映像 - Duration: 3:06.

Nice to meet you is his wife ^ ^ This time is the uncut version of the image used in the second work.

The fact that the camera was out of focus, my husband's tin hair reflected and it was unpublished.

For the image of my favorite Mamedaihuku, I will publish it. I am glad if you warmly watch.

Mamedaihuku is impatient for milk to drink soon…

My husband laughs in spite of seeing such a form:)

Thank you for watching until the end♡

Subscribe thank you♪

For more infomation >> 【番外編】母主のお気に入り映像 - Duration: 3:06.


Arsenal are right behind Ozil, insists team-mate Kolasinac - Duration: 3:51.

Sead Kolasinac insists Mesut Ozil has the backing of everyone at Arsenal and that he and his team-mates ignore any negativity aimed at the German forward

Ozil's performances are often in the spotlight, given he is the highest-paid player at the Emirates Stadium

Gunners head coach Unai Emery insisted last week that he could not guarantee Ozil a starting berth in his side - only to then name the former Real Madrid man as captain for Saturday's 3-1 Premier League win over Burnley

Ozil's future at Arsenal remains unclear as Emery refused to rule out a January exit for the 30-year-old, who provided a couple of moments of class to help down the Clarets

While his displays may be over-analysed and his critics vocal, Kolasinac revealed no-one within the club takes any notice of Ozil's detractors

'That's the case when you're a big star, like Mesut is,' the Bosnia-Herzegovina international said when asked if Ozil gets unfair criticism

'Of course there are always negative headlines but, as a team, we don't pay attention to them and Mesut doesn't either

'That's what's most important. We're all behind Mesut - all the staff, all the players

'If negative things are written, then that's just what happens. In life, not everything is positive - sometimes there are negatives written about you too, and he's had that

But with his performance (against Burnley) he's quietened a few critics.'Kolasinac was named man of the match in the win having played a part in both of Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang's opening two goals

The 25-year-old got on the end of a perfect Ozil pass to cross for Aubameyang's opener and admitted he would not have even made a lung-bursting run into the box if any other player had been in possession at the time

'It was unbelievable,' he said of Ozil's pass.'We all know Mesut's qualities and I only actually made that run because I saw that he had the ball

Not many players would have been able to play that pass.'He can, and when I saw him get on the ball, I knew he was going to find me

It was a brilliant pass from him.'Ozil may have to fight for a place in Emery's team but he has led Arsenal out as captain four times this season

While Kolasinac admits Ozil is not the sort of skipper to dole out rollickings, the former Schalke man believes he commands respect in a different way

'Mesut's not the sort of player who will scream at you in public just to show the people on the outside that he tries to push us on,' he added

'He'll speak in the dressing room, he'll go to every player individually. With his quality, he brings a lot to this team

He's very important for us as a captain and as a player.'

For more infomation >> Arsenal are right behind Ozil, insists team-mate Kolasinac - Duration: 3:51.


Los Santos First Person SWAT Patrol | GTA 5 LSPDFR Episode 310 - Duration: 19:16.

Dispatch we have a suspect oh man we're taking fire we're taking fire taking cover

let's get my mp5 out here where are they where are they open fire boys suspect is

down I repeat suspect is down why did my windshield break right away

Oh oh geez let's just have this guy right there get

in the car get in the car okay thank you bulletproof windows get down on the


Welcome to mikegolden Games welcome to another episode of LSPDFR this episode

was subscriber requested by Max is my name and he wants us to do a first-person

SWAT Patrol so here we are we got my SWAT team members over here and we got

this armored Mercedes-Benz SUV so hope you guys will enjoy this episode

basically it's got bulletproof glass in case we start taking fire and we can at

least you know get a few rounds taken by the glass before it breaks

so hopefully we'll be able to take up bad guys before the glass breaks so

anyways let's get out on patrol here I'm missing body armor give me one second I

gotta grab that bottom from the trunk you got an escaped prisoner Roger that

our boys load up we get an escaped prisoner

stand by for information Roger that dispatch I boys loaded up alright let's

head out so you guys about a half a mile away from us actually about a quarter

mile from us man this thing is quick my bad boys my bad okay let's head around

this way he looks like he must have just got off the expressway let's get around

here so it looks like they were transporting him out fricking

this freaking guy are you kidding me where do you go you know whatever oh

he's up here where is he going okay I can't pull him over cuz I'm not

in a police vehicle but we're gonna just ignore that guy it may he's long gone

we need to try and find this escaped prisoner dispatch I have a visual on the

suspect he's across the street from us then that bright jump horn that bright

orange jumpsuit let's get across the street here coming through move out of

the way SWAT move out of the way move out of the way people move out of the

way SWAT sir this is a SWAT team get down on the ground right now watch your

hands watch your hands before you get yourself shot let's go down on the

ground on the ground right now don't screw around or you will get shot on the

ground it's gonna take him forever to get down on the ground now put your

hands behind your back let's get my sidearm out here slowly put your hands

behind your back thank you for cooperating there we go

suppose we got a Kyle green in custody again gonna search him right now Kyle

sake you're gonna search it out don't throw anything I'm gonna search you

right now don't try anything stupid see if he's got anything on him mosquito

repellent painkillers and wire cutters okay

dismissed he didn't really have anything he had wire cutters he used them to get

out of the truck somehow pretty smart man using wire cutters to get out of a

transport van I'm gonna wait for transfer you can pick this guy up and

then we'll get back around control hope you guys are enjoying the episode so far

if you do enjoy it hit that like button that really does help me out when you do

that and if you haven't already maybe consiste subscribing so where is

this damn transport unit they are stuck in traffic over here this way otherwise

come on load up guy reports of a stolen money truck all right boys we've got a

stolen money truck let's load up kids into this Bucci Roger that dispatch

we're loading up now we're gonna head over there

my boys load up what was that these cars are freaking

driving insane uh hold on where are they did it did it crash okay apparently that

call-out crashed on us so that kind of blows Portsmouth psycho with a gun Roger

that dispatch dispatch we're responding to that code three flip down this way

drift around that corner oh my boys get down to the next road oh my bad boys my

bad come on flip back over that was a close one

okay yikes nobody saw that right let's get over this way it looks like they're

on the beach by the way SWAT team move out of the way especially were having on

scene now switching my sidearm drop the weapon right now shuts fire

shots fired drop the weapon right now open fire open

fire so expect this down I repeat suspect is down

move it is secure the weapon move out of here ma'am get out of here get out oh

wow oh stop that car damn it where'd they go where'd they go really guys

you're just gonna let them get away they're gone they're long gone

what's up the bodies go Wow seems to be kind of glitchy and first-person today

anyways well let's make sure we reloaded and holster that okay let's get back on

on patrol I guess damn hope the guys aren't telling the episode by the way

let's get back inside our armored vehicle a little shit got random shots

fired Roger that dispatch

looks like they're over disgrace whoa whoa whoa where do we get a shot from

will they have shooting at us this pow pow

one of our SWAT members just switched on us what is he doing

opening fire opening fire needs this show units down here taking sober

thinking cup oh you were getting chuffing bullpens I am dead I have no

idea why that guy turned on us wow that blows alright boys let's try that again

we got another crazy shooter over here so hopefully we're not gonna get

ambushed by one of our own again yeah I don't know why he turned on us like that

especially have a suspect oh man we're taking fire we're taking

fire taking cover let's get my mp5 out here where are they where are they fire

boys suspect is down I repeat suspect is down why did my windshield break right

away this thing's supposed to be bulletproof

see look that that took a bunch of rounds well that could have been really

bad I didn't take any damage but that could have been really bad let's get up

here and let's secure the suspects weapon and then we're gonna let local

law enforcement deal with the every corner and all that good stuff crisis I

secured that money as evidence and there we go

and local law enforcement like I said we'll deal with that we're gonna get

back to the station get this windshield replaced really quick and we should be

good to head back out Wow Oh what the heck was that

Roger that dispatch it looks like we have an armored car robbery boys so

we're gonna be respond to that code 3 oh man they're right behind us whoa we go

what's going on behind us the shots fired behind us and in front of us this

bitch we're arriving on scene now we have the visual on the armored van

get out here boys get out here get my rifle out here

and fire open fire watch your fire boys clear I move up was

move out move out oh my back Wow we clear

looks like we're code four Wow I got hit by the freaking car behind me you boys

all right all suspects are neutralized dispatch

we're gonna get back on on Patrol local law enforcement will deal with the

cleanup of that with EMS and the coroner if needed

Oh boys let's load up get reports of an active threat Roger that dispatch let's

try and get through here without hitting anybody looks like they're not too far

again dispatch Roger that get respond code 3 Spence we are about a quarter

mile from the suspects location we're gonna get over there now freakin idiots

man these people do not know how to drive I just we're having on scene now

we have a visual on the suspect I'm gonna flip around here oh we're taking

fire I repeat way to taking fire get out here keep my side I'm out here

you know I get my easy out mp5 where is he

watch your watch your fire boys watch your fire take cover we got civilians in

crossfire take them out take them out whoa watch out

watch your fire boys suspect is down all right let's load up we're gonna get over

there and secure the guys weapon did suspect is down we are code for to get

up here secure the guys weapon yeah yeah and he had an ache a and secure that

money for evidence and we will holster that there I was let's continue out man

we got hit quite a few times again this is why we're patrolling in an armored

vehicle as you can see there there are some bullet holes there but it is

bulletproof glass so it did not go through the glass post load up got a

bank robbery barricade hostage situation Roger that dispatch we are responding on

that we're heading north on Rockford Drive we are just about a quarter mile

from the location try and squeeze through here let's try and get through

here dispatch we're having on scene now

that's uh here there's the bank right there get over here and speak with the

officer in charge the news team is over there all right speak with the suspect

or subject what do we have here today this is a sniff food bank robbery

check your computer system for the full debrief how many suspects are there

information is incomplete but we have identified at least one suspect how many

hostages are there we do know of at least three hostages okay what

information do we have about weapons where are where suspects may have

pistols and shotguns okay the shotgun could be dangerous well I

mean pistols too but I mean close range that shotgun is gonna be really bad has

there been any communication with the suspects yet now freeze on scene so at

least one suspect but a threat of violence was made so they fell back to

the perimeter are there any CCTV cameras we can access

we have arranged security company to get live feeds from the six cameras how many

hostages are there what information do we have communication we get in contact

with the suspect we could try ringing the internal phone

lines or we could call a cell phone that we know is inside the building

all right we shut the alarm off I'll have a tech team get in contact with the

alarm company immediately thank you don't I know you from somewhere I can

neither confirm nor deny that officer what it's captain Wells isn't it

no comment officer but when I say I'll file an incident report soon you better

believe it'll be soon okay now I'm not sure if this is the same call-out is the

other bank robbery if not it might be a by a different mod creator and he

basically used the name of the character from the other mod which is kind of

paying homage to that mod creator I guess anyways let's try ring the

internal phone lines so we are ringing the internal phone lines no one picked

up the phone speak to the command post officer two tried another approach okay

let's check the CCTV feed really quick camera one we got at least two guys in

here one with a shotgun and one with a pistol okay so we got just two guys

three guys there are three hostage takers that's not good

okay so there's nobody in the vault okay

so are there any less-than-lethal facto weapons available I'm glad you've been

on the advance throwing techniques course you'd be better than anyone else

to toss these CS grenades in there in case it comes to that okay let's try a

cell phone see if we could get that to work okay it's nobody gonna answer the

damn phone okay we got somebody on the line Who am I speaking with please I'm

so scared they might shoot me you have to help we're gonna get you out of there

how many suspects are there how many of you being helped there what can we do to

resolve this peacefully they say get us some food glorified pizza boy we can

probably do that but we need a hostage to be released oh my god they're going

to kill us help let's talk with this guy I please arrange delivery of food okay

food is on the way okay so they are gonna deliver some food I really didn't

want to do that I kind of just want to be like okay let's just go in there with

the SWAT team take them out because you know we are the SWAT team but it doesn't

look like I can do that at the moment I have to progress through the difference

that storyline I guess whatever you want to call it oh man we did get shot up

pretty good in there last call out okay we've done our bit now can you do what

was agreed no I don't owe you anything they're arguing amongst themselves I

don't think this is working our boys right let's move in we're going weapons

hot it's tossed a grenade in grenade out and open up

I'm gonna suspect down move in move in move in

watch your fire boys watch your fire sauce without reloading reloading you

got a guy there suspect is down move up move up move up moving in moving in

let's go clear clear all the way clear probably clear

drop the weapon dude down on the ground let's go

looks like this guy decided to surrender and what about this guy do you have a

weapon did you wanna get on the ground to form a stop please

thank you I don't know what you're doing back here so I'm gonna have you get down

on the ground thank you now I am gonna secure this guy first all right we got

Lucas Diaz in custody dispatch I'm gonna need a pet check on him really quick Pet

check - 21 1982 Lucas Diaz suspect is wanted okay so I'm gonna search you now

man get anything illegal on you anything the shirts could stab me poke me stick

me do you want your lawyer lawyers not gonna do you much good you got three

dead buddies out there and well well I mean you're in the middle of a bank

robbery like that that's just not good for you men okay Stan so I'm gonna

search you now see if he's got anything illegal on him here a pet collar that's

it okay and you I'm gonna arrest you as well because I don't know what you're

doing let's do it this way then go around this side here we go

all right buddy let's see Jason Trask tenzou the command officer to remove the

barriers am I stuck okay let's get a pet check on this guy special I need a

paycheck on Jason Trask born 12 25 1986 license valid no active warrants I'm

gonna search you now and then if you don't have anything illegal on you I'm

gonna let you go you were just hostage so let's get you searched here hopefully

he doesn't have anything on him not sure if he a handgun okay you have a

handgun on you man you didn't tell me about that okay so you are definitely

one of the suspects let's get around here boys let's see this guy okay so it

looks like we are code for dispatch can you tell me what happened

am i safe now I don't feel like I will ever feel safe again don't worry man we

got an ambulance on the way so just hang in there you are safe now though I can't

move out of the way let's go move out of the way let's get out here okay gasps oh

I am gonna leave this episode here I hope you guys enjoyed it

lemony what I thought in the comments below you did enjoy it you know really

hit that like button that does help me out and if you haven't already maybe

consiste subscribing have a great day guys and see you next time and if you

have any suggestions you know let me know in the comments below for it maybe

any you know different patrols you want to see have a great day guys and see you

next time

For more infomation >> Los Santos First Person SWAT Patrol | GTA 5 LSPDFR Episode 310 - Duration: 19:16.


The Mookie Show S2, E227 (12-23-18 Sunday Sesh ) - Duration: 47:58.

For more infomation >> The Mookie Show S2, E227 (12-23-18 Sunday Sesh ) - Duration: 47:58.


We Asked UFC Fighters What They Wanted From Santa This Year - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> We Asked UFC Fighters What They Wanted From Santa This Year - Duration: 3:26.


The three stages of fluency (O três estágios da fluência) - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> The three stages of fluency (O três estágios da fluência) - Duration: 5:44.


This Happened On Our Earth 19 - 24 December 2018 - WORLD OF SIGNS - END TIMES - BREAKING NEWS - Duration: 18:23.


For more infomation >> This Happened On Our Earth 19 - 24 December 2018 - WORLD OF SIGNS - END TIMES - BREAKING NEWS - Duration: 18:23.


她再度被抛弃?谢霆锋搬出女友别墅重回她和亲儿的身边! - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> 她再度被抛弃?谢霆锋搬出女友别墅重回她和亲儿的身边! - Duration: 8:19.


'Survivor' Finale Reunion: Why Is Alec Merlino Missing From The Live Show? - News Today - Duration: 3:32.

Those who tuned into the 'Survivor: David vs. Goliath' finale noticed one jury member missing from the live reunion show

So…where the heck was Alec Merlino!?  To kick off the final episode of Survivor: David vs

Goliath, host Jeff Probst came to viewers live from L.A., where the entire cast was gathered to watch the show and gear up for the final tribal council

However, when cameras panned to the jury members, there was one person not in attendance: Alec Merlino, the ninth person voted out of the game earlier this season

Jeff didn't acknowledge Alec's absence, and instead, just introduced the jury members as if everyone who was supposed to be there was there

Of course, this led to some confusion on social media.    Speculation that Alec might not be there for the live reunion began long before the season even started in September

The lovable competitor reportedly posted a photo of himself and fellow castmate, Kara Kay, to his Instagram page with the caption, "F*** it

" Since the cast for the new season hadn't been announced yet, this violated the NDA the contestants signed when they agreed to film the show, which said they could not follow each other on social media or post photos together, according to TMZ

 After the scandal, Alec deleted the photo from his Instagram, but the damage was already done

Producers reportedly disinvited him from the reunion show and decided to withhold all his appearance fees

However, since the penalty for violating the NDA was reportedly $5 million…this wasn't a majorly harsh deal for Alec

 When Alec was voted out of the game, he briefly addressed the controversy in an interview with Entertainment Weekly

"It's been the main bone of contention for my entire Survivor experience," he admitted

"The thing is, with social media, I feel things can be misconstrued, but I have nothing but respect for CBS, for Survivor, for Jeff

I went out there and had the experience of a lifetime. My biggest dream was to go out there and be on Survivor, so to go out there and have the experience, that's what I'm going to hold close to my heart and that's what I'm going to cherish


For more infomation >> 'Survivor' Finale Reunion: Why Is Alec Merlino Missing From The Live Show? - News Today - Duration: 3:32.


Hanauma Bay 2018 - Oahu - Hawaii - fish - snorkeling - family fun - Duration: 6:53.

we were the first ones here

You were the first one here gimme knocks

Beautiful Hawaii, Ready to go play on the beach "B"

We are walking down to Hanauma Bay

Do some snorkeling go see some wildlife

It's gonna be a beautiful day

Hawaii is

Beautiful first impressions. I love it

Brenton, what do you think? Salty

Salty? You love salteens, don't ya?

did you see how big that fish was? yeah

oh my heck, it was huge.

he was as big as my leg

and I got terrified.

what did you think? did you have fun?

yeah it's fun

a lot of fun

that was way fun

ask all the kids what beach we are at.

they will all have a different name for it

are you telling them all different names? no, Iam just asking them

All right, we had a blast out on the water

Everybody have a blast on the water. Yeah

cleaned off

We're gonna head we're gonna grab something to eat

We're we're headed out to the nut farm anyway

All right when we were snorkeling

I'm out of breath

But that was so much fun. I'm not really done that before like that in that way. I

Felt like I was in a movie

Like my mask was my screen

And it was awesome

Once I got over the fact that there were fish in the water and I could see them then I was terrified

when I decided to choose to

Let go of that was kind of hard it really

it was really cool

it was, it was a lot of fun. very cool

you liked it? yeah

For more infomation >> Hanauma Bay 2018 - Oahu - Hawaii - fish - snorkeling - family fun - Duration: 6:53.


Car Crash Gameplay - Cars for Kids. Gameplay for Kids/Android - Duration: 8:46.

Car Crash Gameplay - Cars for Kids. Gameplay for Kids/Android

For more infomation >> Car Crash Gameplay - Cars for Kids. Gameplay for Kids/Android - Duration: 8:46.


卵なし簡単チョコレートムース・ケーキの作り方~ASMR cooking - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> 卵なし簡単チョコレートムース・ケーキの作り方~ASMR cooking - Duration: 3:33.


손흥민, 에버턴전 '맨 오브 더 매치'.."어려운 각도에서 첫 골" - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> 손흥민, 에버턴전 '맨 오브 더 매치'.."어려운 각도에서 첫 골" - Duration: 4:58.



Hi, i'm Sheren Debby and welcome to my channel

so according to the title, Christmas greetings from around the world

why did I make it from around the world? because I don't make Christmas greeting alone

but me and some of my friends from abroad

and they say it using their own language

Russian, Thai, Korean

while I am from Indonesia, so I use Indonesian

and what I want to say is Merry Christmas, may this Christmas bring peace to all of you who celebrate it

and Happy New Year 2019

I'm curious, are you curious? what my friend's video will look like

want to know ? want to know ? want to know ? I also want to know

just keep on watching

Hello, my pleasure, my name is Adriele and i'm Brazilian

and I came to talk a little more about my Christmas traditions

or generally what happens in Brazil, it's in these times of year end we always reunite with the family

in a house of a great barbecue and we do some typical dishes that he has custom of doing

and usually when it is midnight on the 24th. For the 25th, from the 31st to the 1st, the explosion of the fireworks takes place

and it is the thing that gives the air of renewal, of peace and union.

and usually at this party, it happens to unite the family

or to miss the homes of some who are far away or who live far away in other cities.

this is a bit of my traditions and i have a habit of doing at the end of the year

and that's it. And i hope you like it or not, it's up to you. I hope so

Hundredth, hello therefore we are from France and we wish you a Merry Christmas (Mina,Coralie - France)

Hi everyone, my name is Benz from Thailand.

Merry Christmas!!! wish you a very happy Christmas, I hope all your wishes come true

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas

Merry Christmas ~bye bye~

Hello, I'm Claudia from Germany and I wish you a Merry Christmas

many beautiful moments with your family

and friends and a Happy New Year. Merry Christmas

Hello guys, I'm Dexter from the Philippines. And my Christmas wish is that every sad person in 2018

would have a big twist that will make them happy again

Hello everyone, my name is Ilayda and i'm coming from Germany and i wish you all a Merry Christmas and a wonderful Christmas time

(Emine - Turkey) Merry Christmas. I hope everybody have happiness, peace and health in the new year

Merry Christmas, My name is Kim Haeleon. this is Cho Ha eun

I hope you have a happy Christmas and blessed New Year. I love you all

Hello, my name is Ashley and I from Korea. it's very close to Christmas day. so Happy New Year everybody. and wish you a Merry and Happy Christmas

I'm Federica, I'm Italian. I wish you a Merry Christmas

Hi, my name is Galya, from Russia. I want to wish for the New Year : health, happiness, love and good friends

Hello, my name is Jessie Victoria. and I'm from Brazil. I wish you a Happy Christmas

Hi guys, my name is Jia and I'm from Germany. and I would like to say Merry Christmas on my own language

and in Germany we said Fröhliche Weihnachten. so please enjoy a Christmas with your friend and family. and have a nice day

Hello, I'm Julia from Brazil and I wish you all a great Christmas. may the Christmas spirit be with each one of you. Bye~

Hello, how are you ? My name is Julie and I'm from Brazil. I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, a lot of health, peace and harmony

among families and that you can enjoy this moment for be next to who you love, I wish you all good and Merry Christmas

Hello my name is Julie, I live in Paris in France and my wish for Christmas would be to go to South Korea ~ciao ciao~

Hi, Merry Christmas from America (Kristyn)

Hello everyone, how are you ? Merry Christmas from Texas (Maizon)

Hi, it's Nadja from Italy and I wish you Buon Natale, which means Merry Christmas

Hello Sheren, business get new friendships and health in the new year with you. I love you~ Greetings from Turkey

Hello, New Year, new business Sheren. new friendships and get your new health happiness. I love you, greetings from Turkey

Hello everybody! I present my self. my name is Salomé, I'm 22 years old. I live in France at Albertville a little city in South-est of France

and then I wish for all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Goodbye!

Hi everyone, I'm Samuel. I'm from Brazil. I wish you all a Merry Christmas, much love, peace, unity and that you aye happy. see you bye!

Hi, here is Shauana from Sao Paulo, Brazil. and I'm going to the beach spend some little time in there

but this video is only to wish a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year from Brazil, bye-bye

Hi, I'm Shauana and we're from Brazil. and this is my cousion Ceci. Kid : I have, I did my Moana's drawing. Me : it's her Moana's drawing

and we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year, alright Ceci ? Kid : Yeepp, bye~

Hi guys, my name is Taylane and I'm talking about Brazil and I wish you a Merry Christmas

Hi I'm Teresa - Jasmine, we're from Italy. Buon Natale

Hi everybody. I'm come from China. I'm Zhu YuanRui. you can call me Rui. Merry Christmas

Hi, I'm Belle. I'm from Thailand. Merry Christmas. This Christmas here's wishing you all the joys of the season.

Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas! and important, I'm glad to have a friend with you. Merry Christmas

Hi, I'm Karen. I'm from Mexico and my wishes for this Christmas are that all your goals and dreams can be fulfilled and also that your channel continues to grow a lot

Hey, I'm Manny. I'm from the USA. you know, i want wish you guys a very happy holiday. Merry Christmas to all of you guys

Hi everybody. I'm Miso from Thailand. Merry Christmas

Hi guys, this is Putri Cahya here. Good Morning. so i just wanna wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.

so hope this is your best Christmas ever. so hope you and your family have a blessed day. Merry Christmas (Indonesia, Bali - Texas)

Hi, I'm (Chloé) from France and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Hello Everyone, my name is Laura. I'm French I live in the north of France in small town.

I wish to all of you to spend a good Christmas. and I hope to see you soon bye~

For more infomation >> CHRISTMAS GREETINGS FROM AROUND THE WORLD | PART 1 | ENG SUB - Duration: 11:22.


VA3GFY 7.200 3.860 - Duration: 4:38:32.

For more infomation >> VA3GFY 7.200 3.860 - Duration: 4:38:32.


아시안컵으로 떠나기 전 6경기..손흥민 어디까지 몰아칠까 - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> 아시안컵으로 떠나기 전 6경기..손흥민 어디까지 몰아칠까 - Duration: 6:19.


68歲TVB資深演員升級做老爺 兒子結婚勁開心 - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> 68歲TVB資深演員升級做老爺 兒子結婚勁開心 - Duration: 3:04.


Favola - Eros Ramazzotti cover Luke Faith Singer #beitalian #cover #ramazzotti - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Favola - Eros Ramazzotti cover Luke Faith Singer #beitalian #cover #ramazzotti - Duration: 4:51.


The three stages of fluency (O três estágios da fluência) - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> The three stages of fluency (O três estágios da fluência) - Duration: 5:44.


#deliJezusa Advent 2018: O čudovita ponižnost - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> #deliJezusa Advent 2018: O čudovita ponižnost - Duration: 1:59.


O, Holy night - A. Adam - Duration: 5:09.

V Roquemaure na konci roku 1843 byla oprava varhan konečně dokončena.

U této příležitosti požádal kněz místního básníka a též obchodníka s vínem Placide Cappeau, napsat vánoční báseň.

Cappeau , který o náboženství nikdy moc nejevil zájem, souhlasil.

a jeho vánoční koleda "Cantique de Noel"- Angl. "O, Holy Night"

Adolphe Adam zkomponoval hudbu a píseň se ihned stala světoznámou

For more infomation >> O, Holy night - A. Adam - Duration: 5:09.


Monster Hunter 3U | Wii U | Village #31 (Gameplay) - O Retorno de Lagiacrus - Duration: 30:52.

For more infomation >> Monster Hunter 3U | Wii U | Village #31 (Gameplay) - O Retorno de Lagiacrus - Duration: 30:52.


«Cuidado Que Está a Chover, e Quando Chove, a Central Telefónica Costuma Cair!!!» - Duration: 23:16.

For more infomation >> «Cuidado Que Está a Chover, e Quando Chove, a Central Telefónica Costuma Cair!!!» - Duration: 23:16.


卵なし簡単チョコレートムース・ケーキの作り方~ASMR cooking - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> 卵なし簡単チョコレートムース・ケーキの作り方~ASMR cooking - Duration: 3:33.


Countdown to Christmas! It's Here! Playmobil Advent Calendar - Duration: 10:40.

hey Naomi hey Callie! are you finishing up their daily exercise yeah I'm just

finishing up their morning walk that's great can you believe we're on the last

countdown of Christmas I know. and we're not ready yet no no we're not but we

are much closer than we were before I really hope we can get everything done

in time we just need to stay focused on what's important hello we imagine

friends the countdown does continue we have done week 1 week 2 week 3 and we're

on the final week of opening our advent calendar from Playmobil for Christmas we

do need to get the horse farm all ready in time and we left off in that last

week with number 18 so we need number 19 do you see it oh and there it is right

up there let's get it open and see so we'll push and pull what do you think

we're gonna get this time I don't know oh good it's the new ornamentation for

the horse that we got last week for all of its tack let's get it out

well here's our container and here is our sticker so we know which

ornamentation goes to which horse so let's put our sticker on just like that

and then open it up look at the decorations for this horse they're

yellow butterflies and it looks like red roses those will be so pretty so let's

put them in our container and we'll get them to the horse farm so they can get

finished getting our latest horse already Callie we just got in the

decoration for Lady;s tack oh good do you want to help me get her all

decorated oh you bet

what what's so funny Callie? well it's kind of like decorating the Christmas

tree yeah you look so pretty Lady you look like you're getting ready for that

very special moment she does really look pretty doesn't she yeah and I think she

likes it that was 19 right and after 19 is 20 do

you see it oh right there and we'll push and pull oh look it's

another rider. there she is with her blonde hair she's getting here just in

the nick of time before Christmas so we'll put on her little cap we'll give

her her training stick and her grooming brush well when there's no time to spare

we better get her right to the farm hi melody I've been expecting you hey Naomi

thanks for allowing me to come out well you're very welcome we're glad to have

you and we can use the extra hands we're very busy getting ready for Christmas

let me introduce you to our senior rider Callie. Callie I'd like you to meet

Melody. Melody's new to the area hi Melody. hi Callie.

well Callie's been heading up all the preparations and getting the farm ready

in time for Christmas oh okay is there anything you'd like me to do

sure why don't you go ahead and grab a brush. the baby here could use a good

brushing oh so sweet come here girl Oh

aren't you sweet do you think you've got that Melody? yeah I think so

okay well cuz we have got so much to do yet oh it is getting so much closer so

exciting oh I know and the countdown continues 19 20 21 21 right over there

oh I see it okay push and pull what is it what is it I don't

know I don't know Oh perfect it's a wheelbarrow you can't get all

your work done on the farm without a nice wheelbarrow and looking here this

is so funny but this is definitely part of a horse farm do you recognize what

that is it is horse droppings we got to clean out the stalls I'm sure that

they're gonna be very happy to get the wheelbarrow and get it put to work hey

Callie can I help? oh yeah if you want to take this finish

taking this and go dump it that would be a great help I've got more stalls to

scoop okay oh I'll do it thanks Melody. sure no problem

I'm back to scooping and stalls then Boy, you sure seem like you got a lot to do I

just want everything to be ready let's see if we can continue to help Callie

get everything ready in time so 21 and now we need 22 yes 22...22... there it is

22 push pull and oh good it looks like we've got a feed bucket

and some fresh greens and yeah oh this will help with feeding time that's for

sure here you go not fresh alfalfa tastes pretty good

doesn't it? hey Naomi can I ask you a question? sure Melody,

what is it well it's about Callie she's like working super hard to get

everything ready in time for Christmas why is that? Melody I think that may be

something you need to ask Callie herself oh we're getting so close we are getting

so close so that was number 22 here's number 23 and we'll push it open

and pull oh look oh my goodness it's a little family of the hedgehogs. Oh,

look look at the little mama and her babies oh super cute well what do

you say we get them on the farm right away Oh looky there

we'll put them over there next to the other barn with the rooster the little

baby horses found some friends isn't that sweet and now it's time for the

very last surprise of our advent calendar number 24 just in time for

Christmas let's get it open are you so excited I

can't wait me either so let's push and it's such a

big two doors whir what is it what is it I can't wait I can't wait how wonderful

look at this beautiful horse how pretty

look at this dapple gray oh my goodness and his white hoofs white mane and tail

and his head goes up and down and he came with his own tack and saddle this

has to be the perfect arrival for the horse farm Callie

yes melody can I ask you a question sure what is it I've been watching you work

and you have been working super hard and you say it's all to get the horse farm

ready for Christmas that's right well can I ask you why exactly is it so

important to be ready well for me it's getting the animals ready because

animals have always been a part of Christmas are you are you talking about

like the reindeer and stuff no actually I'm talking about the very

first Christmas you know when Jesus was born there were animals there

I mean yeah animals were there because if you think about it when he was born

he was placed in a manger. what's a manger? well it's actually what

we would call the feeding trough. you know where you could put the hay and the

animals would eat from? That was his first bed.Oh...

and so I figure if he was placed in the manger there had to have been animals

around and besides that you know Mary and Joseph had a donkey that they

traveled but that donkey carried her to Bethlehem oh and in addition to that

the Angels didn't go and tell like everybody in the government and all the

high royalty people even. They told the shepherds the shepherds who keep the

Sheep so the Shepherd's went to see Jesus. and, you know they had to take some of

their sheep along with them when they went. oh wow.

and so to me I think the animals knew that they were a part of something very

special I think that the animals, they knew they were seeing God the Creator in

baby form. oh wow well that makes a lot of sense. well and that's why I've just

been working so hard and because you know so many people weren't ready when

Jesus came even though they had been told he was coming and since we

celebrate Christmas I just always want to be ready

Wow Callie thanks. you've given me a lot to think about

I'm definitely gonna look at Christmas a little differently. Callie... Callie! yeah. he's

here! he's here! look he's arrived. oh he's beautiful!

Wow! Who is that? this is King he is our prized thoroughbred we've been waiting on his

arrival just in time to celebrate Christmas Wow Naomi he's more beautiful

than I even imagined I totally agree what's that

it's starting to snow Oh Merry Christmas Callie

Merry Christmas Naomi Merry Christmas Melody Merry Christmas

Oh Merry Christmas everybody merry merry from us here at we imagine we want to

wish you all the joy and wonder of a very Merry Christmas thank you for

watching and we hope that you'll like comment share and subscribe so you don't

miss out on any of the fun that's our collection for now until next

time. What can you imagine?

For more infomation >> Countdown to Christmas! It's Here! Playmobil Advent Calendar - Duration: 10:40.



For more infomation >> *NEW* KRAMPUS SKIN SHOWCASE WITH ALL FORTNITE DANCES & NEW EMOTES! (Fortnite Season 7 Skin) - Duration: 16:47.


Car Crash Gameplay - Cars for Kids. Gameplay for Kids/Android - Duration: 8:46.

Car Crash Gameplay - Cars for Kids. Gameplay for Kids/Android

For more infomation >> Car Crash Gameplay - Cars for Kids. Gameplay for Kids/Android - Duration: 8:46.


✅ Encontro de musas agita festa na Acadêmicos do Tucuruvi - Duration: 2:04.

A noite do último sábado (22), foi de muita festa na zona norte de São Paulo

Os Acadêmicos do Tucuruvi, escola de samba paulistana realizou a 2ª Festa da Bateria do Zaca

O evento marcou o encerramento das atividades da agremiação no ano de 2018

Entre milhares de atrações, o evento começou com a apresentação do Bloco União da Ilha, sob o comando de Mestre Caju

Logo em seguida, a Bateria do Zaca se apresentou e abriu espaços para a atual campeã do Carnaval do Rio de Janeiro, Beija Flor de Nilópolis

A cereja do bolo veio por último! A maior detentora de títulos de São Paulo, a Vai Vai finalizou a festa com chave de ouro

A fim de prestigiar o evento, grandes nomes marcaram presença, entre elas Cintia Mello, Rainha de Bateria do Tucuruvi e bailarina do Programa do Ratinho no SBT

Para a ocasião, a musa optou por um look com muita transparência e contendo uma enorme fenda dos dois lados, deixando em evidencia as pernas da beldade

Além dela, Valeska Reis prestigiou a festança, a assistente de palco de Rodrigo Faro, do programa da Record TV, A Hora do Faro, caiu no samba e não escondeu a alegria durante as apresentações, com muito samba no pé

No carnaval de 2019, a agremiação levará para o Sambódromo do Anhembi o enredo "Liberdade - O canto retumbante de um povo heroico" e será a 4ª escola a desfilar na sexta-feira de carnaval, dia 1º de março, sendo a primeira noite dos desfiles do grupo especial

Confira: Notícias Relacionadas   22/10/2018 | 03h00m - Pedro Ungheria   21/10/2018 | 15h20m - Pedro Ungheria Lívia Andrade lacra com look poderoso na Festa do Ziriguidum   10/02/2018 | 01h09m - Flávia Almeida Acadêmicos do Tucuruvi vai levar a avenida para uma noite no museu

For more infomation >> ✅ Encontro de musas agita festa na Acadêmicos do Tucuruvi - Duration: 2:04.


ABBA, Air Supply, Bryan Adams Soft Rock Songs - Melhores Musicas Grandes Sucessos - Duration: 1:16:10.

For more infomation >> ABBA, Air Supply, Bryan Adams Soft Rock Songs - Melhores Musicas Grandes Sucessos - Duration: 1:16:10.


✅ Saiba todos os detalhes da noite de Natal de Cacau Colucci - Duration: 1:51.

Cacau Colucci tem motivos de sobra para celebrar o ano de 2018! Após diversas conquistas, tanto pessoais, quanto profissionais, a estrela revelou, durante um ensaio fotográfico, alguns detalhes de como são as festas de final de ano em sua família

Acostumada a celebrar o Natal ao lado dos parentes, a modelo afirmou que seguirá com a tradição

Todos os familiares se reunirão na cidade em que a estrela nasceu, São José do Rio Preto, interior de São Paulo

"Almejo passar com a família unida e que todos tenham muito amor e saúde! Chega até ser brega dizer isso, mas quando falamos em Natal eu não consigo não pensar no amor", declara Cacau

Em tom descontraído, ela ainda contou que aderiram à tecnologia para facilitar algumas coisinhas da comemoração

"Especialmente para o Natal, criamos um grupo no WhatsApp para combinarmos o amigo secreto, as comidas que cada um vai levar, além de fofocar, afinal família adora", pontou a ex-sister

Por fim, Cacau ainda falou o que não pode faltar na ceia de Natal, seguindo com o pensamento tradicional e disse que não abre mão das frutinhas cristalinas: "Na ceia não pode faltar uva passas!  Sei que este assunto já virou até meme

muita gente não gosta, mas eu amo as frutas cristalinas nas comidas e acho que virou tradição

" Notícias Relacionadas   23/12/2018 | 19h00m - Andréia Takano Jesus Luz pretende viajar neste Natal   23/12/2018 | 17h00m - Andreia Takano Ana De Biase escolhe o melhor presente de Natal   23/12/2018 | 16h00m - Pedro Ungheria Saiba o presente que Lorena Improta quer de Natal

For more infomation >> ✅ Saiba todos os detalhes da noite de Natal de Cacau Colucci - Duration: 1:51.


Favola - Eros Ramazzotti cover Luke Faith Singer #beitalian #cover #ramazzotti - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Favola - Eros Ramazzotti cover Luke Faith Singer #beitalian #cover #ramazzotti - Duration: 4:51.


✅ Irmã de Rebeca Abravanel revela que ela já ficou com Henri Castelli - Duration: 1:07.

 Em participação no Programa da Eliana, Rebeca Abravanel, filha número 5 de Silvio Santos, topou passar um trote na irmã, Daniela Beyruti, diretora do SBT

Na ligação, ela disse à irmã que estava grávida e, questionada sobre o pai do bebê, afirmou que seria o ator Henri Castelli

 A reação de Daniela, no entanto, fez com que a história fugisse do controle

"Você não saiu com ele de novo?", questionou à irmã. A ligação foi interrompida na hora

Rebeca ficou visivelmente constrangida, enquanto Eliana caiu na gargalhada

 A filha de Silvio Santos vem flertando de brincadeira com Henri Castelli em aparições em programas do SBT, o que gerou especulações por parte do público

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