Wellcome to Rio Kids
Rマドリード2発快勝 首位セビリアへ暫定3差<スペインリーグ:Rマドリード2-0バレンシア> - Duration: 3:38.-------------------------------------------
Động Thăng Thiên (PARODY) | HSN VLOGS COVER - Duration: 8:07.-------------------------------------------
马蓉母女被王宝强殴打住院? 这种暴力的现实是什么? 原因暴露! - Duration: 13:12.-------------------------------------------
解除误会,《凉生》迎来大结局,最后终步入婚姻殿堂 - Duration: 8:42.-------------------------------------------
Primeros Pasos Para Dominar Los Pedales Automáticos – Cómo Utilizar Pedales Automáticos - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
Incredibly Popular Unique Custom Built Tiny Home - Duration: 1:46.Incredibly Popular Unique Custom Built Tiny Home
როგორ გადმოვწეროთ ბომჟი მაინკრაფტში ?! 😱 - Duration: 4:39.-------------------------------------------
原来你还在这里:程铮苏韵锦的爱,一个承受不起,一个感觉不到! - Duration: 6:21.-------------------------------------------
【副業】副業の始めた理由とデメリット。知って特する副業情報! - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
Chega ao fim namoro de Kéfera e DJ Eme, diz jornal - Duration: 1:46.-------------------------------------------
PÁLPEBRAS CAÍDAS Diga ADEUS a Esse Problema em 2 Minutos Com Apenas um OVO - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
Pep Guardiola, alucinado e interesado en dos futuribles del Barça - Duration: 3:52.-------------------------------------------
CITIES that ITALIANS can't PRONOUNCE! - Duration: 12:02.
Hi everyone, welcome to this new video
you're probably wondering what I'm planning to do
with these people?
good boy.
today I'm here with 3 hot girls ...why?
because today's with is another video about different pronunciations in the world
I'm here with Korean Unnie, who is Korean
*little vixen*
Batinna, who is American
And our new entry, Crystal
who is... Chinese!
today we're gonna learn
names of towns
that we don't pronunce in the correct way
even you, YOU, listen
you, mispronuncing these names of towns that I'm going to tell you
and the hot girls right here tells the right pronunciation *Can I go away?*
Do you want to know that?
Yes, you do. Otherwise why did you click on this video for?
You clicked for one reason. so... 3, 2, 1
Let's begin with an itch to scratch
that is the most annoying
I got it every day, it hurts... I need to get rid of it
let's begin with Korea
from Seoul
because, it's not "Seoul" but..
Thank you. Applause.
how do you say it, Batinna?
You haven't told it yet
In Chinese?
They say "Sure"
How do you say Pechin in Chinese?
Like "Pechin express", do you know the reality?
Let's listen the original pronunciation
Original, I got it
It's got nothing to do with Pechin *Yeah, but calm down*
got it?
your pronunciation is the strangest
Next city ... wrong... in
... next city!
is.. Shanghai, another Chinese city
and we're gotta find out the right pronunciation
let's begin with Korean
wait... so it's right
... because in Korean is in that way
so I thought it was wrong in Italian
no okay sorry guys... YOU
you... pronounce that right.... NEXT
let's move upward and go to
... Hong Kong
How is Hong Kong in Korean?
Let's go on with America, so Batinna is happy
bad...very bad
Next region...no
you thought I was wrong
next nation is...Italy, so this one
you, spectator who is watching, you should pronounce it right
for example, Milano in Korean
Florence, the city
famous for
...tower of...
... Florence *Good boy*
How is Florence in Korean?
How is Florence in Korean?
Oh, it's the same as Italian, guys
if you speak Italian come here in Korea
if you're not Korean there is no problem... it's the same
if you're not Korean there is no problem... it's the same
*let's get ready*
Let them finish the shooting.
the next one, I have the feeling
that is the same for everyone so let's go quick
I mean Rome cannot be so different, is the capital...3,2,1.. ROME.
The last thing...
that I'm going to tell you
it's not properly a city
since in the world is known as an island
I'm talking about Sicily
Sicily is famous in the world...
in more losers villages a little less though
SICILY... I know it's not a city
okay? don't write it down here "Sicily is not a city"
since I know someone of you will do that .. NO
it's the same I'm right
Go China, don't let us down
with the last wor..wor... word, why I get confused with... WORD
China, don't confuse us with....
Go China, don't let us down with the final word
How is Sicily in Chinese?
with the last wor..wor... word, why I get confused with... WORD
China, don't confuse us with....
Go China, don't let us down with the final word
*Leave me alone*
*Leave me alone*
That's.... *sounds of toy swords*
Wooil: he's using the lightsaber
... How can you have a 40-year-old-person
who is playing with
a plastic lightsaber?
speaking of which Wooil who playing with lightsaber
i reming you that on 19 of December
there is benefit concert
with Wooil, me
and a lot of special guests, it will be
a good way for wish Merry Christmas but, especially, for a good deed
I'll leave you all the infos in description, and let's continue with the final
That's it for today's video
I hope you learned all good things
I hope, if you need to learn only one, from this video
learn that is "SEOUL"
no... is SEOUL
just saying, true example from the real life
the opening, you know?
My sister,
took 3 years and half to say "Seoul"
remember that Korean Unnie has her own channel
Batinna has Instagram as well, and maybe she will do Youtube in the future
Crystal is a famous reporter here in Korea
Adriana Sant'Anna posa ao lado do marido e dos filhos: 'Minhas razões de viver' - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
Elis Regina e Eder Jofre adiam minissérie com Fagundes para abril - Duration: 5:27.-------------------------------------------
10 momenti di sensualità - Duration: 5:21.-------------------------------------------
Romina Power si è fatta male, sangue al volto: ecco cosa è successo alla cantante.... - Duration: 15:15.-------------------------------------------
Learn 50+ Dinosaurs Names For Kids | Dinosaurs for Kids | Dinosaurs for children - Animals Names - Duration: 7:44.Learn Many Dinosaurs Names For Kids | Dinosaurs for Kids | Dinosaurs for children - Animals Names
Tural Ali - Seni Sevmiyecem (ft. Könül Xasıyeva) - Duration: 3:17.-------------------------------------------
便宜的聖誕驚喜包 VS 貴的驚喜箱 哪個CP值高 ? 還有謎之物?! [YYTV/ 許洋洋愛唱歌] - Duration: 5:24.-------------------------------------------
Altroché BLACK FRIDAY! Truffe o affari ai VIDE-GRENIERS Francesi? | Vivere in Costa Azzurra VLOG - Duration: 7:33.-------------------------------------------
TÜRKİYE''de SEKS - BBC (Türkçe Altyazı) - Duration: 50:18.-------------------------------------------
iPhone X Screen Replacement #iphonex #gsmiletişim - Duration: 7:57.How to replace iPhone X screen
You can watch it via video.
"iPhone X screen replacement"
successfully done.
Primeros Pasos Para Dominar Los Pedales Automáticos – Cómo Utilizar Pedales Automáticos - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
Navigate Very Fast with DNS Cloudflare! | Easy & Fast Guide - Duration: 3:05.Navigate Very Fast with DNS Cloudflare! | Easy & Fast Guide
Ex-BBB Marcos Harter é aprovado em primeiro lugar em faculdade - Duration: 1:25.O cirurgião plástico Marcos Harter, polêmico participante do BBB 17 e A Fazenda - Nova Chance, usou as redes sociais na sexta-feira, 30, para dividir com os fãs que passou em primeiro lugar na faculdade de direito em Sorriso, no Mato Grosso
"Porque absolutamente nada do que conquistei nessa vida foi fácil, de graça ou sem estudo
Segue a luta e não tá morto quem peleia", escreveu ele na legenda da imagem. No Stories do Instagram, ele ainda provocou: "Haters, cadê vocês?" A imagem recebeu mais de 25 mil curtidas e diversos elogios parabenizando o moreno pela conquista
Para quem não se lembra, Marcos foi expulso do reality show da TV Globo após ser acusado de agressão à estudante Emilly Araújo, com quem mantinha um relacionamento dentro da casa
Fani Pacheco surpreende ao dar "palestra" sobre masturbação no Instagram - Duration: 3:56.-------------------------------------------
Eladio convence a David q trabaje con él |Legenda:Português - Duration: 1:53.-------------------------------------------
# 1 - I only wanted to open a museum - The first steps - Duration: 13:00.We've launched the teaser of this little series some days ago
Here we are now, ready for episode ONE
This episode is going to be more static because there are few things to explain before we start
but the next ones will be more exciting
This series is called "I only wanted to open a museum"
and it will tell you the story, the adventure
and difficulties, problems, dreams and ambitions we're living
since we've decided to transform a medieval tower in the middle of the Sassi di Matera
into a contemporary art Musem.
It could have become the best B&B in town and in Europe
but since we're assholes
we've decided to make something that could have a real and long lasting impact on the city and the Region.
This experience is way bigger than us but we can do it
We'll tell you all the backgrounds but also all the difficulties, all the steps we're facing
We'll tell the story of the space we're working in that is an unbelievable location
I've seen for the first time the location in December 2017 and it was in indescribable conditions
A forest was grown up inside in the many years of abandonment.
It looked like Jumanji.
I'll show you up some videos we realised during those days
so that you can have a better idea of how the space looked like.
The first thing I said to myself when I stepped in for the first time was:
"What can you do in a medieval tower placed in the middle of one of the most beautiful surroundings of the world?"
"Well, let's make a Contemporary art Museum"
That was the first seed.
Finally we're starting the renovation and this pushed me to launch this vlog
BUT before to start I need to introduce you some people that are by my side in this project.
This is the core group that will realize one of the most ambitious project I could have ever yearned for.
We'll firstly meet Debora
that will tell us what she's done in her life, what she's going to do but also her fear, dreams ambitions for this project
Then, we'll meet the "owner" of the tower that will tell us some infos about the space
Then we'll start with all the other things…LET'S GO!
We're joining Debora in Piazza Sedile
Before to arrive, i quickly give you some infos about her
she studied in Bologna and Bari and now she's deeply involved in this project: she can't escape from it!
She immediately joined the team and now we're waiting for her here
Here she is! Before we start let's get a coffee
We deserve it, we're morning people! We'll chat later!
I've also put make up on because I knew you were recording! Let's fly high!
We have to go there
Do you remember the first time we have spoken about the project?
Yes, I do! I was writing the final dissertation and I immediately said yes! I was desperate, maybe
You thought "We're going to start soon" but then more than a year is passed away
But the enthusiasm is still strong even if we had many issues and difficulties
We will open a special section to education and entrainment especially for children and schools
Yes, museum didactics. I would love to continue in this sector.
Since the idea is to produce all the exhibition, we don't have a private collection at the moment,
there are lots of possibilities for education because we can write the structure as we want
We're trapper!
So, here we are with the number ONE partner in this project
Here she looks like Edna from "Incredibles".
July '78 and you owned the tower since 6 years
- That one is his great-grandmother - And the one on the right? - I don't know
So close to a great-grandmother there's a completely unknown person.
Could be Hitler's mom? No, come on.
If one of you recognizes the lady on the right as an ancestor let us know, we can give this photo back but we need proof!
Before going to the tower we went to Rita's studio;
she doesn't want to be call "aunt" because she thinks it's not serious enough
We don't want to look like southern italian people who work only with the family
She's the owner of the tower.
At least part of it, because the other part has been bought some years later by my mother.
My grandmother initially bought the tower and the garden
and then my mother bought two more spaces around to complete the location in an homogenous way.
They both bought in periods in which the Sassi were completely abandoned
because of the evacuation at the end of the '50; in the '70 they were empty.
My mother bought the rooms in the '90 when there was more attention but it was still possible to buy
Nothing to do with the actual situation: it's impossible to buy spaces like this today.
My mother she tried to make her house there, my father tried to install the studio but he failed
So, the things seem easy because they all failed and we have decided to fail too. We'll try.
No, we'll do it. We'll break the curse. Closing the circle.
I tell you the story of the tower.
When I fell in love with the tower we used to have the "clubs" in the Sassi
The clubs were places where young people used to meet to dance, smoke and some used to have sex
What the hell! We want to open a museum, Rita don't give us those spicy informations!
We want culture!
It was cultural, in its own way!
By the way my friends were intellectuals and they rented the tower as a photographic studio.
So we didn't go there to make the things i said before BUT we went there to print photos
So there's a link with culture!
So i entered in this space and I felt in love!
When i turned 18 I asked my parents the tower as a present!
It was 1800…?
I mean, some people ask the motorbike while you asked a tower for your 18s.
How it looked like in 1972?
It was a ruin, we only had water to print the photos.
At least you had water, we haven't
My parents used to go there, collect the water from the well to water the garden
My grandmother planted some ornamental plants.
She planted the "lamp seeds" that are flowers used for the candle lamp.
It's difficult but we'll try to plant them again
we have a botanical advisor.
We have a botanical advisor! Can you feel how lofty we are?
We don't have lots of things but we do have a botanical advisor!!!
You also told me the story about my grandmother and the strange plants in the garden
The five fingers plants?
They told me that one day the worker entered in garden that was open and accessible to everyone
He entered in the tower, then in the garden...
and he found a lot of marijuana plants.
He worried a lot and he run to alert my grandmother!
She got scared about this "parallel" business and they took everything off.
But this plantation could have been good to start,
at least we had a way to make money!
You are confident this time! We can do it!
We need to do it and we can't lose more time
It's a promise to my mother
We can do it. No way
Now, in April we're open
- Let's start the renovation, first
The tower is part of my heart and I give it to you, Mauro
Now we go down at the tower, see you later.
See you later, ciao!
They've said "Good luck with the works"
Finally, here we are.
We're in front of the tower...
that we will show you…
in the next episode!
Draw and color letter R with Rio kids🎨Learn simple alphabet💖Rio Kids - Duration: 5:19.Wellcome to Rio Kids
Rマドリード2発快勝 首位セビリアへ暫定3差<スペインリーグ:Rマドリード2-0バレンシア> - Duration: 3:38.-------------------------------------------
Động Thăng Thiên (PARODY) | HSN VLOGS COVER - Duration: 8:07.-------------------------------------------
马蓉母女被王宝强殴打住院? 这种暴力的现实是什么? 原因暴露! - Duration: 13:12.-------------------------------------------
解除误会,《凉生》迎来大结局,最后终步入婚姻殿堂 - Duration: 8:42.-------------------------------------------
Primeros Pasos Para Dominar Los Pedales Automáticos – Cómo Utilizar Pedales Automáticos - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
Incredibly Popular Unique Custom Built Tiny Home - Duration: 1:46.Incredibly Popular Unique Custom Built Tiny Home
როგორ გადმოვწეროთ ბომჟი მაინკრაფტში ?! 😱 - Duration: 4:39.-------------------------------------------
原来你还在这里:程铮苏韵锦的爱,一个承受不起,一个感觉不到! - Duration: 6:21.-------------------------------------------
【副業】副業の始めた理由とデメリット。知って特する副業情報! - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
Revolutionize Your Productivity By Reducing Labor Costs & Decreasing Primer Dry Time.-------------------------------------------
75458 t - Duration: 2:57.-------------------------------------------
Breakfast with Edward, Black eye of Zeus - Duration: 8:24.Why not have b2ru step in?
I'm amazed by the form of your... I wanted to say eyes.
I admire you for that, Vanya. You are so sophisticated, unlike those esports guys.
So you had a fight with Alexey, you punched him in the ear.
Danya, what happened there?
This is no time to be depressed.
Astralis might secure $1 million, and no one has been able to stop them so far.
I was going through the comment section of the previous video and stumbled across this one by Dimasik karasik:
"Why not have b2ru step in?"
Why not, indeed?
I will be hosting this vlog for you.
As you know, Alexey Kostylev got quite seriously sick,
so go ahead and hit him on DM with supportive messages, he'd really appreciate it.
Let's get started, shall we?
How do you like breakfast here?
It's pretty good. Very decent.
Vanya, how do you look so young? Tell me your secret.
I drink babies' blood, obviously. That's the only secret.
Tell me, have you finished renovating your place?
Not yet. I'm amazed by the form of your... I wanted to say eyes, but those are not eyes.
Your device...
Really? Does it suit me?
Everything suits and looks good on you, you know.
Your hesitation gave you away.
If you liked it for real, you would've immediately answered with certainty.
Oatmeal with jam.
Why haven't you finished the renovations?
Yana, I didn't really have the time.
I'm hardly ever home, so the place isn't furnished yet and lacks warmth and coziness.
It needs a woman's touch, Ioann.
They offer everything to every taste: croissants, yogurt, salads.
Couscous, Bavarian sausages, sate.
Here we have curd pancakes, classic pancakes, eggs - anything one might want.
Everyone can come here in the morning and have breakfast, it'd cost you less than $10.
Vanya, how are you so cheerful in the morning? Did you just wake up?
I woke up at 5 a.m, did some exercises for a few hours, and then I slept some more.
Sport exercises?
Sports, exercises, read a book, took a shower, a lot of stuff.
I admire you for that, Vanya. You are so sophisticated, unlike those esports guys.
I was reading comments today and I really liked some of them.
I'm going to ask you a couple of questions from the viewers.
Georgij said, "Edward, when I saw you, I remembered a phrase from The Diamond Arm:
Why did you shave off your mustache, dumbbell?
I have the same question for you, why did you have off your beard? It looked good on you."
I said, why did you shave off your mustache, dumbbell?
What can I say...
It's just a head.
Maybe you really should try leaving only the mustache?
Shave off the beard and leave the mustache.
Vanya, you would look awesome with a handlebar mustache.
No, I won't do anything like that,.
I feel more comfortable with a short beard and when the mustache isn't thick either.
I guess it was pretty long, so I needed to go to a barber.
Why did you decide to cut off your man bun? I remember you were sporting one recently.
Yes, I was and now I'm not.
Even my hair on top is short now with this haircut.
- Well, I like it. - And I really like it, too.
- What do you like exactly? - I like the fact that you like it.
Not my head, it's giant.
I checked out the hotel's Instagram page.
I'm a simple woman, I see a half-naked muscly guy with long hair, I press like.
Look at this bod.
I dropped a like, but you guys don't do that.
Danya, I have a question regarding your picture that you posted on Twitter.
There are two theories as to how you got this bruise according to the viewers.
The first theory is you and Lyoha had a fight, which explains him taking a sick leave,
you punched him in the ear and he gave you the black eye.
And the second one is that the hotel owner beat you up over a joke about his haircut.
- Does he have a bad haircut or what? - Well, a bowl cut, you know.
Which one sounds more accurate?
Well, neither, really.
Lyoha and I would never go around throwing punches at each other. We're on the same team after all, aren't we?
Maybe there's a third one that Lyoha could come to avenge his brother if he was being ganged up on.
I woke up today and realized that after what happened,
I'm no longer in possession of my credit card and two chains but with two shiners.
Danya, what actually happened to you?
I'd rather it remained secret for now.
This is no time to be depressed.
Well, those are material things.
Yes, they were, it's just sad because those were gifts from close ones.
How is the preparation coming along? What aspects are you working on?
Sorry, hold on. Can we move him a bit further away?
I wouldn't say we're practicing until late hours,
but rather we've adjusted our schedule so that we get up early.
We start at around 1 and finish at 11 p.m, which makes it 10 hours of practice a day.
So 10 hours of constant practice?
Yes. Usually, the guys also practice individually on top of that,
however, to ensure we don't get too tired, because this way it'd be more than 10 hours a day,
we decided that this time around we'd devote less time to individual practice and focus more on our team play.
And when we wrap up our bootcamp and arrive at the tournament,
I think they'll be spending as much time as possible practicing individually and improving their skills.
How do you feel about having to go to Denmark?
The Denmark tournament is important because Astralis might secure the Intel Grand Slam's $1 million prize,
and no one has been able to stop them so far.
I think we'll be the best hope to do that at this tournament.
They've been on an amazing run this year and it'd be great if it ended with that victory, but our task is not to let it happen.
Watch in the next episode:
Should we play a game of Dota then?
No, no Dota.
Or we can just win and that'd be it.
I call dibs on mid Invoker.
I'm the new Dendi.
We've all been together for a while now and even got tired of each other in some ways.
I want to punch you in the face so bad.
Let's drink to that.
- Good job changing the topic, by the way. - What were we talking about, anyway?
Esports and politics are unconnected. Has it personally affected you in any way, or are you worried about it?
Fancy Cathedral ~ Vlogmas Day 1 2018 - Duration: 2:35.-------------------------------------------
Mourinho 'calls Man Utd star "a virus" in sensational dressing room row' - Duration: 3:24.Jose Mourinho launched a scathing attack on Paul Pogba, calling the Frenchman "a virus" following Manchester United's 2-2 draw with Southampton, it has been claimed
It is understood the midfielder then bit back at the Red Devils boss in a dressing room row that took place in front of the entire team
The visitors went behind early on against Southampton, conceding twice in 20 minutes at St Mary's stadium
But the visitors rallied back with goals from Romelu Lukaku and Ander Herrera in a first half that saw four goals
It seemed as though United would go on to win the game but their display in the second half was flat and uninspiring
At one point, cameras were on Mourinho when Pogba lost the ball by attempting a fancy flick
The United boss responded to the sloppy play by throwing his arms in the air and shouting angrily from the dugout
According to the Daily Record , Mourinho gave the 26-year-old a major dressing down in the away changing room at full-time
A source from the dressing room has claimed Mourinho called Pogba "a virus" and told him he showed a lack of respect toward his team-mates and fans with the nature of his performance
The World Cup winner is said to have hit back at his boss and replied: "You don't play
You don't respect players and supporters. And you kill the mentality of the good honest people around you
" Mourinho was critical of United's midfield at full-time. When asked why his side struggled against Southampton, he told BT Sport: "I think because we lost so many balls in midfield
We lost so many balls in the last third it was difficult to have that continuity
"I think that was the only reason. "What we did so well in the last 15-20 minutes of the first half was to connect with the attacking players by transporting the ball, leaving the ball in the right moment, the right choice of pass, playing simple, accelerating the game
"The second half we went back to that dynamic, again, of where we lose too many balls in midfield
"And the players don't understand that simplicity is genius, especially in some parts of the pitc
They keep and keep and keep going to complicated football and it is difficult to have that continuity
Girl's hypnotised at Q-Con Cos play event but can't believe how fast the hypnosis happens - Duration: 2:50.[Feel Good Hypnosis music plays]
What we're going to do is, put our hands out like this here, this is a different one
about a foot apart and keep your fingers tight together, about a foot apart
keep your fingers tight together, fingers tight, together, OK,
now what I want you to do now is stare at a point
I'm gonna put my finger there and stare at a point right
between those two your hands right in the middle of those two hands.
As you stare at that point just close your eyes down now and continue to stare at that point
close your eyes down and continue to stare at that point.
Right between your eyes .. right between the two hands okay
now when I click my fingers your hands are gonna feel like magnets your hands are
going to feel like magnet, start pulling together keep your eyes closed now, just
feel those your legs will support you, your back will support you just feel your
hands pulling together, pulling together, pulling together
and the more those hands pull together
[Girl] I can feel it!!
Just feel those hands, that's right, continue to let those hands pull together, pull together, pull together.
[girl] it's real!!
that's right
and notice now that they
just start and lock and stick together lock and stick together the more
those hands pull together just feel them locking and sticking together,
locking and sticking together, locking and sticking together, that's right
they're almost as if it's one single piece of wood, as if those two hands are
just carved from one single piece of wood, that's right and in a minute I'm
gonna just say the word sleep and when I say the word sleep and touch you
your legs will support you, your back will support you but you'll just go into a
wonderful deep relaxing sleep, so sleep now deeper, deeper, deeper relaxed, way down
and continue go down even deeper as you just stand there all by yourself
and sleep now, deeper, deeper, deeper relaxed way down way down and continue
to hear my voice just go down even deeper still just, way down sleep
deeper, deeper, deepr relaxed continue to let you back support and your legs support you
as you go down even deeper as you continue to hear me continue to hear me
listening to my voice now and sleep now, sleep now.
So relaxed, that's it
in a minute I'm going to count from 1 to 3 on the count of three you'll be able
open your eyes you'll be back with us but every time I say the word sleep or
deeper sleep, you can just go down into this feeling of relaxation go 10
times deeper so 1 2 3 open your eyes.
Isn't that cool.
and, look at me, look at me, and ..
sleep now.
Way down, way down deeper, way down more relaxed
deep, deeper, deeper relaxed
ok and 1 2 3 open your eyes
Isn't this really fun.
[Girls] What the heck!! Weird!!
Isn't it!
[Girls] What? Weird!!
And, look at my finger, look at my finger, look at my finger,
sleep now
way down, way down deeper, way down more relaxed.
[Feel Good Hypnosis music plays]
Le CITTÀ che gli ITALIANI non sanno PRONUNCIARE! - Duration: 12:02.
Hi everyone, welcome to this new video
you're probably wondering what I'm planning to do
with these people?
good boy.
today I'm here with 3 hot girls ...why?
because today's with is another video about different pronunciations in the world
I'm here with Korean Unnie, who is Korean
*little vixen*
Batinna, who is American
And our new entry, Crystal
who is... Chinese!
today we're gonna learn
names of towns
that we don't pronunce in the correct way
even you, YOU, listen
you, mispronuncing these names of towns that I'm going to tell you
and the hot girls right here tells the right pronunciation *Can I go away?*
Do you want to know that?
Yes, you do. Otherwise why did you click on this video for?
You clicked for one reason. so... 3, 2, 1
Let's begin with an itch to scratch
that is the most annoying
I got it every day, it hurts... I need to get rid of it
let's begin with Korea
from Seoul
because, it's not "Seoul" but..
Thank you. Applause.
how do you say it, Batinna?
You haven't told it yet
In Chinese?
They say "Sure"
How do you say Pechin in Chinese?
Like "Pechin express", do you know the reality?
Let's listen the original pronunciation
Original, I got it
It's got nothing to do with Pechin *Yeah, but calm down*
got it?
your pronunciation is the strangest
Next city ... wrong... in
... next city!
is.. Shanghai, another Chinese city
and we're gotta find out the right pronunciation
let's begin with Korean
wait... so it's right
... because in Korean is in that way
so I thought it was wrong in Italian
no okay sorry guys... YOU
you... pronounce that right.... NEXT
let's move upward and go to
... Hong Kong
How is Hong Kong in Korean?
Let's go on with America, so Batinna is happy
bad...very bad
Next region...no
you thought I was wrong
next nation is...Italy, so this one
you, spectator who is watching, you should pronounce it right
for example, Milano in Korean
Florence, the city
famous for
...tower of...
... Florence *Good boy*
How is Florence in Korean?
How is Florence in Korean?
Oh, it's the same as Italian, guys
if you speak Italian come here in Korea
if you're not Korean there is no problem... it's the same
if you're not Korean there is no problem... it's the same
*let's get ready*
Let them finish the shooting.
the next one, I have the feeling
that is the same for everyone so let's go quick
I mean Rome cannot be so different, is the capital...3,2,1.. ROME.
The last thing...
that I'm going to tell you
it's not properly a city
since in the world is known as an island
I'm talking about Sicily
Sicily is famous in the world...
in more losers villages a little less though
SICILY... I know it's not a city
okay? don't write it down here "Sicily is not a city"
since I know someone of you will do that .. NO
it's the same I'm right
Go China, don't let us down
with the last wor..wor... word, why I get confused with... WORD
China, don't confuse us with....
Go China, don't let us down with the final word
How is Sicily in Chinese?
with the last wor..wor... word, why I get confused with... WORD
China, don't confuse us with....
Go China, don't let us down with the final word
*Leave me alone*
*Leave me alone*
That's.... *sounds of toy swords*
Wooil: he's using the lightsaber
... How can you have a 40-year-old-person
who is playing with
a plastic lightsaber?
speaking of which Wooil who playing with lightsaber
i reming you that on 19 of December
there is benefit concert
with Wooil, me
and a lot of special guests, it will be
a good way for wish Merry Christmas but, especially, for a good deed
I'll leave you all the infos in description, and let's continue with the final
That's it for today's video
I hope you learned all good things
I hope, if you need to learn only one, from this video
learn that is "SEOUL"
no... is SEOUL
just saying, true example from the real life
the opening, you know?
My sister,
took 3 years and half to say "Seoul"
remember that Korean Unnie has her own channel
Batinna has Instagram as well, and maybe she will do Youtube in the future
Crystal is a famous reporter here in Korea
The Bathtub | A Short Film by Tim Ellrich - Duration: 12:56.The Bathtub
(Two people arguing outside the room)
Something simple Niklas,
would have been enough for Mom.
And the folk band for her 60th was normal or what?
Don't start this again!
- Anything new to say? - Okay it's fine!
That's a good idea for once!
This is a terrible idea! - Come On, Georg.
- Don't play hard to get! - Ah, forget it!
Now look at this.
This can't be true.
I won't let you make a fool out of myself.
And your're taking part in this!
Do you have something to hide?
Very funny.
And now?
Now what?
You want me to go skinny dipping in the bathtub with you?
It's amusing!
Just for you.
Do you know this one?? A priest goes to the doctor... - Please, shut up.
Don't be angry with me. But this is just too stupid.
I don't have time for this!
Fine, we'll do it without you.
But have to explain to the family tomorrow why you're not in the picture!
That propably causes more attention.
Are you blackmailing me now?
No, we just want to convince you, okay?
Are you really too special to do something nice for mom?
Let's do this.
You're such clowns.
Why does it have to be exactly this photo?
Well, I think it's funny.
When was the last time you took a bath anyway?
I have my doubts that we all fit.
You just have to sit in front and hug Niklas.
- I know the photo. - I stand in the back like a clown, okay?
You know what?
What's it gonna be, Georg?
If I degrade myself to do this with you,
you two need to make sure,
Mom doesn't show it around tomorrow.
It's totally inappropriate for everyone to see me naked.
The politician is watching his reputation.
At least i have one to lose!
But seriously, you owe me big time for this one!
Okay, big brother! It's a deal!
Now, come on.
You are such a moron.
I already removed the bottles Nikki,
but we'll have to put up the curtain together. -Yeah, but wait a sec.
In what did I involve myself?
Oh ok.
It's a cuckoo's nest for me.
Don't ask me how long I was looking for this.
I had to search all over Berlin.
Mom told me that you two moved?
Yes, Clivia wanted to get out of there.
You know that woman.
Into the green?
- Did you move out of the city? - No, into a damn small shared apartment. I guess.
Oh, you guess so?!
And how are you and the kids? - Unfortunately, they cut our promotion.
Now, we can only look after half of them, but they're great.
Could you get in?
Are those piglets on your boxers? What are those?
Stop smiling, you pervert! - Kinda like this, right?
Almost! A little bit lower...
Yes, that's good.
- Okay! - Hold it like that!
Get in there, Georg.
I won't hold this for fifteen minutes! - Wait up.
Okay, I've got half an hour.
Then, please get in.
We'll be done in ten minutes.
We'll see about that. Let me take a look!
Exactly the same angle. Pretty good, right?
Yes, but you have to zoom in more.
It's fine like this.
Get your hands off! - You have to zoom in more.
Dammit, just trust me for once!
Just sit your ass down in the tub, okay? I am doing this.
Don't get cocky, boy!
It's all screwed up now.
Don't blame me if you always fuck up.
What did you just say?
If you do something, you either do it right or not at all!
I'm sorry. I forgot you decide what's right. - No, I don't. Look at the photo!
The photo decides.
See, you can tell exactly by the tiles.
There, there, there and there.
It doesn't match at all.
You always have to act up like our Dad.
Hey, hey!
If you're missing some slaps, I can give them to you.
That's what i mean! - It's free of charge!
Hey, hey, hey, hey! - That's not what I came here for.
Can we try it out once and set up the camera later, okay?
Yes, talk to your brother.
So, underpants on or what?
You can go without if you like. No, please don't!
Now, it's right!
Are you done now?
Yes, now we're done.
Would you be so kind to give me a lift? - Yes, get in.
Stop it.
Look, they've beards in Berlin, too.
Now get in and and be quiet. - Where did you get it?
I can't believe what I'm doing. If anyone sees this.
Don't you dare post that on Facebook.
Great idea. - I swear, I'll kill you.
Well, I have to fit somehow. Where should I put my legs?
- What should I do? I can't sit up otherwise.
Calm down! Have a look.
Alex, can't you get on your knees?
I would love to, but i need more space. - Yes, that would be great.
Your knees are in my back and it hurts!
This is also very important. - Can you get more stupid?
No! This must be captured.
You guys have to make more space.
Stop it and let me out.
I had enough, thanks.
It's such a kindergarden. I told you so, Niklas!
Just when things revolve around you, you engage.
You don't care what we want! - Am I not around and take part in this bullshit?
I just don't believe mom will like it.
What do you even know about mom?
You always take the simple way out.
You're never around.
The only responsible one here is me!
Admit it get's you off! - I didn't ask for this! I had to!
And you both benefit from it!
You're mixing things up here.
The only one who comes to you is that guy.
I'm fine without you.
As if i can reject my own brother? What do you know about life?
How should he learn with you sticking money up his ass.
But I'm not watching him mess up his life. - Stoooop! Stop!
What a bullshit!
Sure, mom would have loved our picture.
Because all three of us would have been in it.
But all you can do is fight
when we try to do something together once.
Why are you looking at me?
Did you just listen to yourself?
How do you talk about me?
And you?
I'm doing fine right now.
I would've enjoyed this, and so would have Mom...
But now...
you ruined it.
Thank you.
Are you ready? - Everything's alright.
where's the snorkel? Ah, here.
Thank you.
Watch out.
I need a little more space.
So, what did the priest say to the doctor?
What was the joke about?
The priest didn't say anything.
But he has a turtle sitting on his head.
And it says, 'I have a tumor on my ass.'
A what?
A tumor.
A tumor?
How lame is that? Are you extra funny today or what?
Is this supposed to be funny?
I think it's funny.
You're not even laughing yourself.
'I think it's funny'.
It's really sweet.
Wait... A politician with a turtle on his head goes to the doctor.
And it says, ,I've got a giant tumor on my ass.'
I think you need to go for a dive.
And I've got two tumors on my ass.
Whatch it please!
I have one in front and behind me, ey.
Oh no, I wasn't supposed to see this.
Hold on, please.
You would like to have something like that.
Not really!
What would 'your boyfriend' say about you splashing around with us?
He always asks about you.
You idiots.
Did it even take a picture yet?
This would be hilarious.
Oh shit!
We have to do it again.
It didn't work.
Come on, it's enough.
Really, we don't need another one!
I give up, you cowards.
You think Mom has some beer at home?
This would be something.
Let's check. - Yes, let's do so.
Как зарабатывать в интернете от 2000$ в месяц. Этого ролика скоро не будет - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet ("Black Pete") Racism Controversy - Duration: 15:47.The Zwarte Piet(Black Pete)
racism controversy.
Next week my people
the Dutch people are gonna
celebrate Sinterklaas
and Zwarte Piet.
But not everyone is gonna celebrate it
Because it's racism
According to protesters.
Before we take a deep dive in this story.
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I'm Heathcliff, your host
and this is Lions Ground.
Now let's continue with the story.
First of all, I don't why people change
Black Piet into Black Peter or Pete.
From now on I pronounce
how you should pronounce it
and that's "Zwarte Piet".
Sinterklaas, an annual children's party
I grew up with.
Before bedtime
I did some carrots or sugar
in my shoes for the white horse
and the next day
there is a present in my shoe
with some candy.
I talk about the centuries-old
Dutch tradition 'Sinterklaas'.
But this tradition
makes a
small group of people pissed off
because they believe
That's racism
and can be linked to
the slavery history of the Netherlands.
Is the link to racism and slavery accurate?
Sinterklaas is based on the bishop
Nicholas of Myra
the then capital of Lycia in Asia Minor
an area along the south coast of Turkey
and then Roman province of the
Roman Empire.
For example, stories about him were found
Telling he's a good person
For example, he managed to save
three girls from prostitution
because the family were poor
he threw some bag of money
through a window
at night
of the house where the family lived.
He saw how happy the poor man reacted
and threw more money
through the window the next day.
This happened around the
16th or 17th century.
One of the first mentions of Zwarte Piet
was written in 1850 in the book
Sint Nicolaas and his servant
by the Dutch teacher Jan Schenkman.
A Negro with frizzy hair
became the sidekick of Sinterklaas
as a servant in Dutch we say
as you can see in the cover.
A servant is not a slave.
So today in the world of farmers
think 'stableman'
which is a servant, or
butcher's servant
The Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet concept
was born around 1850
inspired by a book
before that, Sinterklaas was alone
in 1863 slavery was abolished.
So the core of the plot derives
from Africans
so slavery, right?
Or not?
In 1499 the Spaniards disturbed
the Indians in Suriname.
50 years later there were rumors
that gold could be found.
The Spaniards imported
a stronger variety of people
to dig gold
namely the Africans and
that's the beginning of Surinamese people.
According to the Europeans
this was perfectly legal
because in the Bible there was a story
about Ham
who had laughed at his own father
and who would, therefore,
be a servant throughout his life.
The English defeated the Spaniards and
In 1667 the Dutch took over Suriname.
Very off topic
but this story is very similar
to the Mesopotamians
and the creation of mankind
by aliens.
Described by 3000 BC clay tablets
talking about gods from space
creating mankind
to do heavy gold digging.
So according to the clay tablets
the people were slaves to the aliens
but in the end
we applied this tradition
to our own species.
This is the complete centuries-old history
compressed in a few minutes.
Every year there is a conflict between
3 groups.
The defenders of Black Piet
a group who are against Black Piet,
and children.
Defenders of Black Piet sees this as an
attack of the Dutch tradition.
The opponents see this as racism
and feel positive this can be associated
with slavery.
These two parties gather during
the Sinterklaas parade.
Streets filled with innocent children
who are being sandwiched
by two roaring groups.
My opinion.
It does not matter whether you are for
or against Zwarte Piet.
This type of barbarous hooligan behavior
is not something you do near children.
The children of 4 to 10 years old
behave even more mature than the
Pro -and Anti-protest groups
they are selfish idiots
who should be ashamed
they behave like that in front of children.
Every adult person has a common sense
that they are a role model in our society
for the children.
This says that
they have no common sense.
They are shameless, selfish, bad people.
Both parties.
Right or wrong, the children has nothing
to do with this adult problem.
You discuss this at the table
or fight it out in a courtroom.
Defenders come up with the argument
that the face is covered with
chimney soot.
This argument is, of course, bullshit
because they were already black
when they arrived
on the steamboat.
The story is that Sinterklaas traveled
from Spain to the Netherlands by boat.
In Spain, there are no chimneys because
it is a warm climate.
So the chimney story is actually
very stupid.
Opponents who are against Black PIET
are actually the greatest racists
by constantly portraying
black people as minority group.
Racial profiling is racism.
People in Curacao celebrate Sinterklaas
with Black Piet.
So that does make them racists too
according to the theory of the Anti- Piet.
People in Curacao do not understand
that black people find this racist
and that this is linked
to slavery.
They say, it is a children's party
this has nothing to do with color.
Indeed, the black Piet is the funny sidekick
of Sinterklaas.
He always comes with full of positivity and
a big bag filled with candy that he throws
to the kids, like delicious pepernoten.
De Zwarte Piet has introduced in the period
that slavery was still legal
in the Netherlands
but despite that
Zwarte Piet was called a servant.
But in the time of slavery
there were servants
and they were black.
Despite being an advocate
I can understand the argument
of the opponents
because this
tradition with Black Pete
was born in a country
where at that time slavery was legal
there is so little documented about
Black Piet
the proper label cannot be given.
But because a country has been
guilty of human trafficking and
slavery does not mean that
black Piet is inspired by slavery.
The Americans compare this with
Wrong, Zwarte Piet has no affiliate
with racism and the American Blackface
was ridiculing
black people.
So people from Cape Verde Islands
the Antilles
and China are racists too
because they
annually paint themselves pitch black?
Here's a fact:
Slaves were drawn nude
or in loincloths
on paintings in the 18th and 19th century.
All persons with skin color and clothing
are in definition of not being a slave
In the painting of 1496
you see a black person wearing
the same clothes as the traditional
Dutch Black Piet.
He was a member of the gondoliers' guild
a brotherhood.
If you look at the black man
it seems that black Piet has been adopted
from the character
in the painting.
That's no slavery
that's a black man doing his job
just like the white men doing the same
Especially in that time
it's unique he has a job.
As you can see, I am not white.
In Christian schools
I have been the only non-white
celebrating Sinterklaas with the
white people.
We moved to an extremely small village
where my mother and I
were the only non-white people.
We also celebrated Sinterklaas
there with all the white people
in that village.
a classmate or
residents of the village
compared me or my mother
to Black Piet
like the misleading VOX video
who is clearly biased
and is against Zwarte Piet.
Presented by a Belgian boy.
That Belgian boy has the nerves
to compare Black Piet, a children's party
with the American
I find it very hypocritical
that this comes out the mouth
of a Belgian guy.
Before I left to Spain
I used to live in Belgium with my girlfriend
for 2 years.
Never in my entire life have I been treated
racist than in those two years in Belgium.
I have been treated Racist for two reasons
Because I am Dutch
Because I am not white
I applied for a job position
and I was invited
for an intake.
My last name PETERS
That arrives from my father.
Because I'm carrying
a typical white western name
the employment agency
did not expect a colored person to walk in.
She stared at my Dutch passport
as if I were a foreigner.
That's how I felt, a stranger.
I met the job requirements perfectly
but they rejected me.
I filed a complaint at the headquarters
of this employment agency for
racial profiling me
which is a violation in the EU.
The employment agency contacted me
to offer an apology and once again
to invite me to drop by.
I accepted the excuse
but I did not wish to use their services.
My girlfriend and I
still lived in the Netherlands.
Found a home in Belgium.
Checked at the town hall if the home
meets the requirements.
According to the town hall
everything was fine.
When we moved in
the town hall refused to register us.
The home didn't even had legal
approvement to be rented.
We have lost the lawsuit regardless
of the evidence on paper
that the home was rented
under false conditions.
We were urgently looking
for another home.
We had an appointment with a broker.
We took place.
The woman who helped us
asked for our documents and said
You have a skin color
where do you come from
My first reaction
is that important?
We did not get the house.
The landlord probably
does not want foreigners.
So before Belgians like that boy
hypocritically label
the Sinterklaas tradition as racism
I advise Belgium to first work on their...
... own problem?
That is racism
not an innocent children's party.
I join the people from Curacao
leave Black Piet black.
How do you think about
the current Sinterklaas tradition?
Do you think this is racism
or not?
Click the label in the top right now
to cast your vote.
The result will be announced
in the next video.
In the video
Tekashi 6ix9ine Pleaded Not
Guilty and Stays in Jail Another Year
I asked you
what the judge will determine.
Will the judge declare 6ix9ine guilty or not?
Here is the result
72% think he will find him guilty
and 13% think the judge will
declare him innocent.
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Primeros Pasos Para Dominar Los Pedales Automáticos – Cómo Utilizar Pedales Automáticos - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
FOX Report With Jon Scott 12/02/18 5AM | December 02, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 35:06.-------------------------------------------
Most Beautiful Love Songs Of 70s 80s 90s - Best Romantic Love Songs About Falling In Love - Duration: 1:42:52.best duet love songs new collection, romantic love songs 70's80's playlist, Love Songs, love songs collection, New, Love, Songs, best love songs, Best Songs, love songs music, 70's, 80's, Love Songs 80's, Love Songs 70's, love songs playlist, english love songs 80's 90's, Love Songs All Time, love songs ever, romantic love songs, best english, english songs
Vinegar ☯ - Duration: 2:45.Siddhartha saw each suffering breath
Desire, despair, disease and death
Follow Buddha's blessed math
The Four Great Truths, the Eightfold path
To reach Nirvana, no more pain
Jammin' out with Kurt Cobain
The vinegar is bitter
The vinegar is bitter
How do I find out what this life is?
The vinegar of bitterness
Has it gone sour? Is it just right?
And tell me how to live my life
Confucius say ...or Master Kong
What was is right, what is is wrong
Like vinegar, the world's gone sour
With disrespect, abuse of power
We are not now as we once were
The ancient ways we must prefer
Study hard, do as your told
Love your kids, respect the old
How do I find out what this life is?
The vinegar of bitterness
Has it gone sour? Is it just right?
And tell me how to live my life
Lao Tzu thought that he knew how
To follow heaven and the Tao
But what that is he cannot say
Just walk the Way by wei wu wei
Do not try, go with the flow
Do not learn and you will know
And though the others disagree
The vinegar is just how it should be
How do I find out what this life is?
The vinegar of bitterness
Has it gone sour? Is it just right?
And tell me how to live my life
How do I find out what this life is?
The vinegar of bitterness
Has it gone sour? Is it just right?
And tell me how to live my life.
Tural Ali - Seni Sevmiyecem (ft. Könül Xasıyeva) - Duration: 3:17.-------------------------------------------
Opel Corsa 1.4i Fresh - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
John Stamos' Family: 2 Sisters And Son Billy - Duration: 2:51.A gifted film performer John Stamos was interested in music and acting since early years.
Thus, at the age of just four, he could already play three musical instruments.
After school, he studied literature and arts and at 19, began pursuing a singing career
with a band called Destiny.
Additionally to that he took part in different commercials as the moviemaking industry was
his second passion.
He debuted in a soap opera General Hospital, which literally made him internationally famous.
He was even nominated for the Emmy for the role in this drama series.
After that multiple offers piled up and Stamos could be seen not only in multiple movies
but also TV shows and sitcoms, becoming more and more popular.
Whenever a famous actor talks about his late father William, he always describes him as
the best dad ever.
William was a restaurateur and devoted all free time to kids, bringing them up in an
atmosphere of entertainment and music.
His death in 2001 was a huge loss for the whole family.
The mother Loretta had been a model until she met handsome William and eventually married
Having given birth to three kids, she became a housewife as well as a person who created
a special foundation and charity to help cancer patients.
The movie star has two sisters.
Alaina had been working as a teacher for many years until she became a professor in one
of the colleges in California.
She is happily married and raises four children.
The second sister Janeen also lives in California.
She is a teacher by profession, a mom to two kids and wife to Robert Rehling.
Stamos was married twice with a model and occasional actress Rebecca Romijn being his
first spouse.
They met during the Victoria's Secret show in 1994, where Rebecca was taking part.
After four years of dating, they tied the knot officially.
The union lasted seven years and didn't result in kids.
In 2018, the film performer led Caitlin McHugh down to the altar.
She is well-known in the entertainment world as an actress, TV star and a successful model.
The couple started dating in 2016 and within a year they were already engaged.
The official wedding in 2018 included only the closest people, so very few people knew
about the ceremony.
That same year, they newlyweds have welcomed their first child, a son Billy who made their
dreams of becoming parents come true.
Jind Mahi | Punjabi Folk Song | Jagir Singh and Deputy | Punjab 5 - Duration: 2:47.O jind mahi je chaleyo
O jind mahi je chaleyo Patiyale
Ve othon leyaveen oye...
Hoy othon leyaveen reshami naale
Ve addhey chittey te oye...
Ho addhey chittey te addhey kaaley
Ve ik pal beh jana
Ho ik pal beh jana mere kol, Tere mithde ne lagde bol...
O jind mahi je chaleyo
O jind mahi je chaleyo Karnal
Saanu lay chal oye, Oho...
Saanu lay chal apne naal
Saada pehla-e oye..
O saada pehla-o-pehla pyaar
Ik pal beh jana
Ho ik pal beh jana mere kol, Tere mithde ne lagde bol...
Ho jind mahi ambiyaan te oye... Ohoye...
Ho jind mahi ambiyaan te aa gayaa boor
Jattiyaan de mukhde te oye.. Oyehoye...
Jattiyaan de mukhde te gajj-gajj noor
Jeenu vekh ke oye.. Ohoye...
O jeenu vekh ke chade suroor
Ve ik pal beh jana
Ho ik pal beh jana mere kol, Tere mithde ne lagde bol...
Ho... Ho...
[Nonstop] Merry Christmas 2019 / Phiêu Ảo Bay Lắc Đêm Noel ► DJ Tuấn Béo Mix | XTNon - Duration: 43:55.-------------------------------------------
Moranbong Band - Single minded people (인민은 일편단심) - Duration: 5:07.Following this path from far away
We kept together all as one single mind
On the millions of ri long road we have to go
We will stay united even more
Our ties to the General is as to our own flesh and blood
Like family to our hearts
Always with Him, our whole people as one single mind
Follow the Party all as one single mind
Ah – Cherishing
When going through millions of hardships
We love His embracing bosom even more
Remembered even in our dreams
We defend it with our sincere loyalty
Through the decisive intentions of the General
Our minds stay determined through our lives
Always with Him, our whole people as one single mind
Follow the Party all as one single mind
Ah – Cherishing
Throughout our whole lives we will protect His ideals
Passing them on through generations
Whether in good times or hard times
We will follow this only road
The great deeds of the General we will loyally fulfill
In loyalty supporting His ideals
Always with Him, our whole people as one single mind
Follow the Party all as one single mind
Ah – Cherishing
Ah – Cherishing
Ah -
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