Tish e Alberto Urso insieme: a Natale i due cantanti di Amici sorprendono i fan I fan della storia d'amore tra Alberto Urso e Tish saranno senz'altro felici di sapere che i due cantanti di Amici 2018 non hanno alcuna intenzione di nascondere il loro affetto
Non sappiamo ancora cosa succederà tra i due nel corso del programma, soprattutto al Serale quando vivranno assieme nelle casette, ma al momento ci sono tutti i presupposti per dire che arriveranno solo notizie positive
Di cosa parliamo esattamente? Ci è bastato dare un'occhiata al profilo Instagram di Tish e ai commenti sotto alla sua ultima foto per capire che c'è qualcosa di molto gustoso che bolle in pentola
Veniamo subito al dunque. Amici 18, Alberto e Tish sempre più affiatati anche durante le festività Come sapete, Alberto Urso è entrato nella scuola nella prima puntata con l'approvazione di tutti i prof che forse lo avevano riconosciuto dopo la sua partecipazione a un altro importante talent show
Tish invece è entrata dopo aver fatto alcune sfide e, come Alberto, pur non avendo partecipato ad alcun talent show in precedenza, si è fatta notare per il suo talento e per la sua voglia di emergere e far bene il suo lavoro
D'altra parte con dei concorrenti come Giordana, Alessandro, Giacomo Eva, Mameli e qualche altro c'è davvero poco per cui star tranquilli
Entrambi avevano iniziato a stuzzicarsi sin da subito ma nessuno avrebbe mai immaginato che a un certo punto avremmo potuto parlare di storia o frequentazione in termini amorosi
Le cose invece sembrano stare proprio così. Alberto e Tish di Amici, scambio di cuori su Instagram per i due cantanti Proprio poco tempo fa vi abbiam parlato delle novità nella vita privata di Einar Ortiz e di ciò che sta accadendo invece a Emma Muscat e Biondo
Oggi invece siamo qui a farvi notare che sotto alla foto di Tish che vi stiamo per postare Alberto ha commentato mettendo un cuoricino che la piccolissima Tish ha subito ricambiato
Un bel gesto di Natale quindi che i fan, come potete ben vedere, hanno molto apprezzato
Vi piace questa coppia? A noi moltissimo! La foto la trovate qui di seguito:
For more infomation >> ✅ Alberto Urso e Tish, a Natale un gesto che sorprende i fan: i due di Amici tenerissimi - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
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Aprendendo Pandeiro com Túlio Araújo - Choro - Duration: 13:56.
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening!
I'm Tulio Araujo and welcome to another...
...Pandeiro lesson!
If you don't speak Portuguese don't forget to activate the English subtitles.
And don't forget to go to my website tulioaraujo.com
where you can get all my social medias to follow me
and if you're watching this on Youtube
don't forget to subscribe and click on the "little bell"
to receive notifications from all the videos I post periodically!
Today I'm gonna teach, finally
a rhythm that everybody ask me since I started to do these video lessons.
I'm talking about the Choro!
That's right. This rhythm that is a passion in Brazil
and an international passion too.
It's incredible how people around the world are falling in love with Choro more and more each day.
Just a tiny talk about the history
for you to understand how Choro was created.
Around 1805, 1806... in beginning of the 19th century
the Portuguese court, running away from Napoleon Bonaparte's french invasion
comes to live in Brazil, specifically in Rio de Janeiro.
When they arrived here
they found 300 years of cultural mixture
between our native Indians
and the African people brought as slaves.
They created things like the Lundú and Umbigada.
Together with the Portuguese elite
came the European musicians
who had a classical background
bringing things like Valsa, Polka and Ragtime.
From this fusion between Africa and Indians with Portuguese and Europeans
Choro was born.
Choro started to grow within this cultural cauldron
nothing gets more Brazilian than this.
Now you already know the history of Choro
let's see the notations, the hits and movements we must learn to play the Choro!
To start, 2 little guys that are always in our lessons
HI note on bottom and top
always extracted from the edge of the Pandeiro, so we don't get any unwanted LOW frequency...
Ok, we also have a LOW note on bottom, with the thumb
and LOW on top with these 2 fingers...
Wonderful, that's it: HI on bottom and top, LOW on bottom and top!
First thing we must know: Choro is a binary rhythm, 2 pulses in each bar
we have the 1...
...and 2.
What we're gonna do is put 4 notes in each pulse, the 16th notes
so where we have 1
2, we'll have
1, 2, 3, 4...
2, 2, 3, 4...
1, 2, 3 4...
2, 2, 3, 4...
1, 2, 3, 4...
2, 2, 3, 4... 1.
Ok, we'll play 8 notes per bar
2 groups of 4.
Let's start doing this:
Let's put a LOW on bottom, with the thumb
HI on top
HI on bottom
LOW on top in the 4th note
then we repeat the exact same thing in the 2nd pulse
LOW on bottom
HI on top
HI on bottom
and LOW on top.
The sound will be like this...
Look how it goes, really slow...
Could you notice I don't muffle, not in here or here
I let the LOW dings
because, for now, the lesson is only about where to put the LOW notes
Now I'll show how to muffle the leather so we can get a more Choro groove
muffling and opening in the right moments.
The secret is this:
During the 1st pulse
where we're hitting a LOW on the 1st and 4th notes
we'll keep muffling, during the entire pulse
or here
so the 1st pulse sounds like...
On the 2nd, we'll open the muffle during the entire pulse
So putting all together will sound like this...
Got it?
Let's practice, slowly...
Did you notice how it begins to sound like Choro?
As you practice and speed it up
it will become more understandable!
Ok, almost done.
Now I'm teaching you a tiny detail
that sounds like silly
but it's the most important thing
to transform this more "robotic" playing
into the real Choro playing!
I'm talking about the 2nd note we're hitting a HI on top
Aren't we doing 1st a LOW, 2nd HI, 3rd HI and 4th LOW?
So, we'll do this
accent the 2nd note we're hitting the HI on top.
When I say accent I mean to hit it stronger than the other notes
the LOW is already being accentuated
but the HIs are not
I want you to hit the 2nd note stronger
and the secret... I'm staying aside
the secret to hit this note
is to bring the Pandeiro
it starts horizontal and when you hit the 2nd note
it goes vertical
so I hit 1st with LOW
and when I hit the 2nd
I bring the Pandeiro to my hand.
Check this very important exercise, before we add the LOWs we've already learned
only HIs
accentuating the 2nd note...
Got it?
Now we just need to apply the LOWs we've learned
muffling and opening the way we've learned
muffling on the 1st pulse
opening on the 2nd
and put all together!
I'm gonna play it slower, so you can follow me
Got it?
Now a little faster to become more groovy.
Check it out...
Got it?
It's so cool and it's important to listen to a sound we like to sing around here in Brazil...
Check it out...
Listen to this...
And that's it!
Choro is basically this
practiced several times
and the most important:
You must go to the "rodas"
to understand the "codes"
that Pandeiro connects with the Cavaquinho
that 7 strings Guitar has more freedom
the soloists has their own way to interprets melodies
that's what I call "codes" and it's crucial to understand it
we must learn first to construct
to then deconstruct and put our own identity
specially on the Pandeiro, one of the most important instruments on a "Roda de Choro"
Rarely you see a "roda" without a Pandeiro.
That shows how important the Pandeiro is.
And like I always say:
Find a musician or a teacher close to you.
Music is made from a human to another human
it's impossible to practice human connections without another human being
help a musician to live by his/her art!
I'll meet you in the next lesson and I hope you enjoy this!
Feliz Natal! |Saúde Minuto| - Duration: 5:52.
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How Is Christmas celebrated in the Netherlands/ Comment celebre t on Noel au Pays Bas - Duration: 5:35.
Hello every one, welcome to my channel, i am Rebeka
I really want to thank all my new subscribers first
Thank you for the subscription to my channel
I welcome you to this channel and i hope you will enjoy my coming videos
Please stay connected to my channel for my new videos
Hello to my old subscribers , thank you for your patience and support
this video is
a collab with my youtube sister
Her channel s name is
Vass Fam Vlogs
I will leave her link on the information bellow
Please go visit her channel too and subscribe
She is making vlogs
With her family, very nice to watch
She just had a baby, hi sis!
Today is Saturday and few days before Christmas
Next week we will celebrate Christmas
I just wanted to share
How Christmas is celebrated here in the Netherlands
In the Netherlands we have two Christmas days
25 th and 26 th December
Dutch people celebrate Christmas
Most of time they buy a Christmas tree and
That they set in the house and decorate it and the house as well
In the evening they have diner with a lot of food on the table
They invite family members, Christmas is a family fest
we all eat together
We Share presents
After diner, listen to Christmas songs
It is basically a family celebration
They also have as tradition to send Christmas cards
I sent mine already
In the Christmas season
Two or One week before Christmas, we send cards with wishes
To family, friends and acquaintances
Christmas in the Netherlands is not a religious fest anymore
Because here in there are
2/3 of the population are not religious
Who say they do not believe in Jesus
Christmas is just a family fest
with close friend and we celebrate together
Where i come from in Africa
We grew up in a Christian family
We know Christmas as a christian fest
It is the birth of Jesus Christ in this world
25th of December is not his birthday but
It is a remembrance of his birth
We consider it more Christian than just
A family fest, we also celebrate with our family
We go to church
We also cook a lot of food and some people exchange presents
But is a Religious fest at first
I just wanted to point out
This difference that i saw here that Christmas not religious
It is just a family fest they are together and share presents
To share quality time together
It has nothing to do with Christ
I would also like to
Tell other Christians not to forget
It is really good to have quality time with family
to decorate, share presents and cook nice food
Let not forget that this fest
draws his origin from The Christ
To remember that he came to save humanity from sin
His coming has marked time
If we say today before and after Christ
It is because he was there
Let remember this
And put him in the center of this Christmas celebration
This was what i wanted to share
I wish you a pleasant Christmas fest
I hope you will have a super new years eve 2019
And hopefully we will meet next year for new videos
Take good care of you and bye bye
Renault Scénic 2.0-16V T Tech Line Bj 2008 Clim.contr. NAP - Duration: 1:07.
Volvo V70 2.5T 240PK AUT Summum | XENON | Winter Line | Trekhaak Afn. - Duration: 1:11.
Nissan X-Trail 1.6 Dig-T 163 Pk 7-Pers. ECC/Navi/Leder/360 Camera/Trekhaak/Panoramadak/19" LMV/76.70 - Duration: 1:09.
🧠 5 Popular Drugs That Cause Anxiety, Nervousness & Panic Attacks - Duration: 8:06.
Hi, it's Dr Sam Robbins,
Most people, including doctors, don't realize how powerful drugs are - including even the
over-the-counter ones that once used to be prescription only.
Not only are drugs addictive, but as you may already know, they're just loaded with negative
In fact, between 2011-2017, the FDA received over 5.5 million reports of adverse problems
related to prescription drugs.
And I can guarantee there were many more people that didn't report anything, even though
they had negative effects.
However, what's disturbing is that these reports also included OVER 1 million deaths!1
That's far more than what "illegal, street" drugs cause!!!
Now, today's topic is about 5 popular drugs known to cause anxiety, nervousness and panic
And I'm doing this topic because I recently did two separate videos entitled,
What Type Of Anxiety Do You Have & How To Fix It
How Do You Know If You Have Anxiety?...
A Simple Quiz
I'll give you links to both of these videos in a minute.
The problem with anxiety is that when you have it, you also tend to beat yourself up.
It can also lead to depression.
People blame themselves and think there's something "wrong" with them.
However, the CAUSE could simply be due to an external source, such as common prescription
Thus, YOU are not the problem -- these drugs may be the REAL cause of your anxiety.
So, with that said, let me quickly go over them and see if you are taking any of the
following drugs or have recently within the past 12 months.
Caffeine is the most used and abused drug on the planet.
It's very powerful and one that most people take for granted and don't even think of
it as a "drug".
Let me put it this way, Coca Cola's original formula contained Cocaine, hence where the
name "Coca" came from.
When cocaine became illegal and they needed to find an alternative, so they used caffeine
as the substitute… thus, it's very effective and powerful
Obviously, lots of "natural" products contain caffeine -- coffee, energy drinks,
cola's, tea and so forth.
However, so do a few medications, especially those used for headaches and migraines.
For example, Excedrin contains aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol) and caffeine.
Just make sure you read the label the next time you take a pain medication, especially
for your headache.
Corticosteroids Corticosteroids are a class of steroid hormones
produced in the adrenal cortex, by both men and women.
These are not like "anabolic" steroid hormones, that athletes and bodybuilders take
to build muscle.
These are, in fact, the opposite … they are "catabolic".
Anabolic BUILDS and catabolic "TEARS DOWN"
You've probably heard of the stress hormone, Cortisol… which is a corticosteroid.
Anyway, as bad as these stress hormones are, they are vital for survival and one of the
benefits they have is they help regulate inflammation.
Many drugs which treat asthma, allergies, arthritis, bronchitis and also pain, contain
or are prescribed a form of Corticosteroid.
Cortisone injections or topical creams…
Prednisone and Dexamethasone are all popular corticosteroid hormones in drug form.
In addition to causing weight gain, high blood sugar, hypertension and muscle loss… they
also cause irritability and anxiety.
ADHD Drugs ADHD drugs are one of the most often prescribed
drugs in America.
They are stimulants, an "upper", very similar to an amphetamine.
They due cause temporary euphoria in many people because of the dopamine interaction.
However, they also cause nervousness, rapid heart rate, anxiety and panic attacks.
Two popular drugs that you may have heard of Adderall (Amphetamine/dextroamphetamine)
and Ritalin (Methylphenidate,Concerta).
However, other drugs which contain different forms of similar stimulants, all have the
same negative, "anxiety causing" side-effects.
Asthma Medications There are actually two primary forms of asthma
One that gets treated with a Corticosteroid, which I discussed earlier.
The other is with a beta-agonist stimulant, such as Ephedrine, Albuterol and Salmeterol.
They can cause mood disorders, depression and anxiety.
This includes both pill and inhaler (bronchodilators) forms
Thyroid Medicine Many people's thyroid glands tend to be
underactive and thus, "Hypothyroid".
This can happen due to aging and lack of iodine and/or tyrosine.
This is especially true for people on lower calorie diets, ketogenic and low carb diets
and even intermittent fasting diets.
Women tend to have lower thyroid production as well and are more susceptible to hypothyroidism.
And because of this, your doctor may prescribe some form of thyroid medication.
The most popular is T4 (thyroxine), such as Synthroid (levothyroxine).
There's also T3 (triiodothyronine) thyroid, such as Cytomel (liothyronine)
Finally, there's Armour Thyroid, which is a natural blend of both T4 and T3.
These drugs increase your metabolism and also your heart rate, which can cause nervousness,
shakiness and anxiety.
You don't want to stop taking thyroid medication, but if you are feeling anxiety, you should
have a talk with your doctor about adjusting the dosage.
But do so very slowly.
Summary So there you have it, 5 of the most popular
drugs which can cause or increase anxiety, panic attacks, nervousness and worry.
You may want to watch this video again, if you take any of these drugs since I did list
a bunch of names.
Please also share this video with anyone you know, who takes any of these drugs.
Like I said, most people aren't aware that these common and popular drugs, can actually
be the cause of their anxiety… or at least, makinging things much worse
Unfortunately, you can't just get off of these drugs.
There aren't natural alternatives that work as well, especially durings times of emergencies
-- such as asthma medications or Corticosteroids.
However, many of these drugs ARE over prescribed and over-dosed.
If you're taking these or similar drugs and are having anxiety or similar feelings,
speak to your doctor about changing medications or adjusting the dosage.
And remember, these drugs have lingering effects.
Just because you haven't taken them for a few weeks, doesn't mean that it's still
not in your system.
Your body just needs more time to adjust.
So, please be patient.
However, if you want to help in naturally improving your anxiety levels quickly, easily
and naturally, I have some important links below this video, in the description area.
Including a proven solution that has helped thousands of people for almost 20 years, which
can help quickly reduce and "erase" feelings of anxiety, panic and depression.
I've also posted links to the two other videos I mentioned at the beginning.
BLACKPINK [ENG sub] ลิซ่า โดนกระแทกอย่างจัง !! Lisa, Blackpink attacked by a fan. SAVE BLACKPINK - Duration: 2:35.
Lisa, Blackpink attacked by a fan.
Blackpink has a concert Blackpink Arena Tour 2018 in Japan on 24 Dec 2018.
When the girls arrived Japan, the fan attacked Lisa.
Let's see that picture; it says that the fans tried to reach them.
This is that second, Lisa was attacked by a group of fans.
Let's see what social fan commented about this.
"You love her, why did you hurt her?"
"I am so angry while I saw this picture. Unsuitable action"
"Why hurts her? Why don't make them feel good when meeting the fans"
"Are that the anti-one?"
Some twitter fans said something about BLINK Thailand, about the compliment from BLINK Korea and BLINK INTER.
About the idols respect, and left the comment to BLINK Thailand that in soon, BLACKPINK gonna have a concert in Jan 2019.
If you love them, save them. They are our beloved idols.
We all know, our lovely idol, to respect and save them is very important.
Whatever BLINK or the other idols' fans. Let's make the good things to make them impress and happy. The will have nice memory to us.
I don't know what you guys think about this. Give me comments. Click like and share.
Don't forget to subscribe to get K-POP updates.
Living in Peace with People Who Drive You Crazy - Mike Bechtle - Duration: 24:56.
it drives me crazy when you're in a conversation with someone and you could
tell they're not paying attention to a thing you're saying they're just
thinking of the next thing they're gonna say my mother she likes to accuse people
of taking things when she just lost them it drives me crazy when my husband
doesn't understand that I have a very short attention span my aunt Vicki
constantly thinks that she has the worst life ever I personally can't think of
anything because I think if there was something that really drive me nuts
about the person I wouldn't be friends with them
welcome to the focus on the family broadcast helping families thrive
well maybe you can relate to that we all seem to have one or two or maybe more
challenging people in our lives and dealing with them can really just
increase your blood pressure and upset your schedule even ruin your day but
don't despair today I'm focus on the family we're
gonna help you explore some ways to manage those relationships better and
we're gonna help you find peace in the midst of chaos John I don't know about
you I struggled to think of somebody that really sets me off that drives me
crazy you know they're there but I tend to have such a low-key approach to some
things I just kind of move out of the way and then it kind of goes away from
me I don't know that that's the healthiest way to approach it I know for
you you know folks often talk about the holidays and that crazy relative that's
coming and man that person drives me nuts
and we get that and actually we want to talk about that today in order to equip
you and to do a better job understanding how to live and work and deal with folks
that push your buttons yeah this is the time of year when we often rub shoulders
with people we don't see a lot and we get together and there can be some
friction well you know right there in Romans 12:18 it says if possible so far
as it depends on you I love that you know live peaceably with all and as
Christians we are told to love one another and that sometimes is really
hard I mean even to love our enemies that kind of service and sacrifice only
comes from an indwelling of the Holy Spirit and that's what we want to try to
do today is can I open those floodgates for the Lord to work through you well
our guest is dr. Mike Bechtel and he's an author a speaker a corporate
consultant and a ministry coach he was with us earlier this year offering
advice to wives about better understanding their husbands it was a
great conversation today we'll hear more about his book people can't drive you
crazy if you don't give them the keys Mike welcome back to Focus on the Family
oh thanks it's always approval okay where'd you get it where'd you come up
with that one I have no I appeared on the page I thought that's
not bad we can die all identify with it okay but when you crack the pages open I
love the story you shared there and of course we're talking about you know
people that drive us crazy when we talk about crazy people but you talk about a
tuba I thought that I'm gonna use that tonight with my boys my teenage boys
because I think this is a great framing tool and for all the all the folks who
play tuba or a player in their home this isn't intended for you but the tuba kind
of overwhelms everybody that's the point and you applied that in this word
picture well I think it's true with an orchestra we love hearing an orchestra
because there's so many different instruments that come together and when
they blend their sound you get a sound you can't in any other way it's the
uniqueness of the instruments together but if you have the tuba in the middle
of a concert it goes off and does his own thing it kind of changes the whole
dynamic you can't really hear the violin you can't hear the plude you can't hear
the violin and you don't know what to do with the two boats like tubas gone wild
where do we go with this so when you apply that are you talking the tuba
represents those people in our lives that are just off key and just
overwhelming the whole room well yeah you're not sure what to do with them and
a lot of times it's because they're family there's a lot of people in our
lives then do that but especially around the holidays we do see people we don't
see all the time sometimes it's family members and they can change the whole
dynamic when they come in and you've got a tuba player well let's play it safe
let's end with family the discussion today let's start we'll talk about
strangers first the outer ring you had a story in your book that was hilarious
about an airport observation somebody that wasn't getting the service they
felt they deserved tell us what happened there well it's goes back to the whole
idea of what you can control what you can't control and when you can there's
things you can't control like the stock market like late delayed flights and
that's what happened here mechanical problems exactly and we can get really
upset even though we can't do anything about it
it was years ago I was sitting in the gate area and the flight was delayed and
this man was at the counter and he was just berating at the top of his lungs he
was yelling at the gate agent and he must have special privileges and
he was going after it was pretty embarrassing for everybody and finally
he just said Do You Know Who I am and then he repeated it do you know who I am
and so she got on the microphone very calmly and just said ladies and
gentlemen we have someone at the counter who doesn't know who he is
recognize him please come up and let us know I hope she got a raise or a bonus
or something she's got a big round of applause everybody
oh really yeah I just think that's a funny way to handle it what did he do
were you observing this would when she said that what was his reaction he just
turned around and I think it was a little sheepish because he had been
caught he was so angry and when everybody started applauding he was the
center of attention and he just sort of disappeared well let me let me go there
because what creates in us that specialness that we feel we need to be
treated differently than everybody else don't you know who I am Mike come on
well I think we all have a certain comfort zone I call it a setpoint it's
kind of like a thermostat something where nobody's bugging us and they're
not messing with our lives and we feel comfortable and that's where we like to
be and when somebody comes in and messes with our lives it takes us away from the
set point it's like changing the thermostat we want to keep it a certain
way because we're comfortable and then they come in and they change a
thermostat for us and we feel like wait no this is about me yeah and we tend to
focus on what all the other people are doing and in some way we feel a little
untitled because they're messing with us why are they driving me crazy yeah you
know I'm just as you're saying this it's interesting that Jesus of course who is
our model for those of us who claim faith in Christ he had every opportunity
to say hey don't you know who I am yeah in front of Pontius Pilate that was
there any of the rulers of the day and our wonderful leader the son of God
never chose to approach a person that way yeah how can we do any different
right it's so interesting because he is our model for that and he didn't go
around trying to fix people he got involved with people and took him where
they needed to go everything every situation was different why that is so
good explain this quote from your book you
said we love to watch crazy people as long as
we don't have to interact with them personally and again when we talk about
crazy people we're talking about those that are just driving us crazy well it's
kind of like being on vacation you don't come home from vacation and tell stories
about reading the newspaper on the lanai and Hawaii you talk about the storms and
the close calls that you had we love drama when it's past tense and when it's
third-person and with these types of events to be able to to watch other
people that's why we do it on TV there's always a villain or there's somebody in
the reality shows you're thinking they are just crazy and we like watching it
from the security of our living room with our Cheetos to actually be there
and have that conversation how do you confront somebody like that it's
uncomfortable it really is you had an experience with your son that I thought
was really insightful you're in I think trying on ski goggles yeah yeah describe
what happened there in terms of our ability to understand reality well I
think we tend to see things through our own lenses and we assume that we're
right because that's what we see I mean if I really believe that I'm right do I
want your opinion and so we went in the sporting goods store my son was probably
about ten and we tried on ski goggles I tried on a pair that had blue lenses he
tried on a pair that had red lenses and I saw a jacket hanging across the room
and I said Tim what color is that jacket and he said well it's blue I said no
it's red and he looked at me like I lost my mind he said it is not it's blue and
I said no it's red and we went back and forth I couldn't convince him because he
was seeing one color I was seeing the other color it's what we saw so we
assumed were right we took off our lenses and the jacket was white so we
didn't see the jacket the way it was we saw it through our perspective sure yeah
it's a great simple illustration of how to do that make it more complicated
though in our personal experiences that way how do we create lenses that give us
a false impression of what's real you know I think we look at what other
people do and we see their behaviors and we think if I was doing what they're
doing this would be my motive this is what I was thinking so we assume that
they're thinking the same thing yeah we project though our
on them when they may be thinking something totally different in fact they
usually are to be able to approach that and look at them from their from their
lenses knowing they're thinking differently so we can't make those
assumptions we need to explore and actually talk to them in fact you
mentioned in the book a relational coworker that had a relationship problem
with just about everybody she came into contact with and that probably is one of
the most practical illustrations you can provide all of us what happened in that
case well I remember there's several of us were talking about this one co-worker
and it was starting to get down to the point of gossip and it was someone who
was arrogant someone who was narcissistic and just seemed to have it
in for everyone everyone looked at her behavior and then one of the women in
the group said I wonder what happened he said what do you mean she says that's
not normal behavior it's not a normal way of relating something had to have
happened to her when she was growing up just her environment or whatever that
has caused her to handle life this way and it really threw us all back a little
bit and thought okay we all are a product of everything that's happened to
us in the past the choices we've made the things we've learned and we don't
know why someone has the behavior that they do but there are reasons that got
them there hmm Mike in fact we struggle at times to apply Scripture to our
modern-day lives you know we think these are ancient people living with ancient
customs but this area of how we interrelate with one another how human
beings treat each other is as relevant today as it was two thousand four
thousand years ago when the Scriptures are being written right what are some of
those applications of Scripture the bible does give us practical advice for
everyday living and that's why we can take verses especially out of the
Proverbs things like proverbs 18 7 that talks about hearing both sides one side
sounds good until you hear the other perspective and to be able to not assume
that we know what somebody's thinking proverbs 10:19 about talking less and
listening more somebody said God gave us two ears in one mouth for a reason
thinking before you respond proverbs 18:28 and then just being careful with
what we say proverbs 21 23 I like this from proverbs 10:19 I mean
just think of this all of you listening think of this and how it applies to your
life when words are mini transgression is not lacking but whoever restrains his
lips is prudent let's say a you know maybe the language seems antiquated but
that's a way of saying sometimes the wisest person that were in the room is
the one who's talking the least it's so true it's true well I think that there's
and I don't have the verse in front of me I think it's in Proverbs 24 that we
thought about putting on our guest room wall it says something like don't stay
too long in your neighbor's house lest they grow to hate you that would be a
great plaque on the wall when people stay with you every neighbors understand
that exactly Philippians 2:4 is another one and again this is applying it to
your everyday life it says there let each of you look not only to his own
interests which we all do but also to the interests of others I mean that's
the directly applying to what you're talking about I think that's kind of a
key to the whole thing is that it's so easy to look at everything through our
lenses through our perspective and saying why are these people not doing it
the way they should and really one of the most important things we can do from
all these verses is to stop and listen yeah and just to look through their
lenses not to agree with them just to understand well I'm like that friend
that co-worker that pulled you all back for a moment to say something must have
happened to this person because they're behaving oddly there's got to be some
damage emotionally that was done that drives him or her in that direction that
perception that you talk about versus reality I find it intriguing like that
when Jesus was in front of Pontius Pilate and I'd mentioned this many times
for the faithful listeners you're gonna hear it again but I'm intrigued by the
fact that when Pontius Pilate was pushing Jesus to answer his questions
particularly in the in the gospel account of John that's where the most
robust areas Jesus responds to say I've come to testify to the truth you know if
you think about it as a faithful follower of Christ what would you expect
him who have said I came to testify to
righteousness that's one I came to testify to his grace that'd be another
but jesus said I came to testify to the truth cuz that covers it all doesn't so
good and it is good because it's a great illustration for us we need to know the
truth as best as we can even in our human foibles right way it happens
anytime we have what we call crazy people in our lives that we're basing it
on our assumptions our expectations but not truth and the way to deal with all
of this is to go to truth and Mike the title so aptly describes this next
question you know if you don't give people the keys to your emotional heart
they're not going to drive you off a cliff basically but we can't really
change anybody we can't even change necessarily
external circumstances we can influence those but the only thing we can truly
change is our own attitude towards something and and that's where the key
factor comes in right control the keys meaning your attitude and you kind of
control your emotional stability hand those over to somebody else meaning you
get upset at somebody you know somebody pushes your button and maybe your kids
okay let's get closer to that maybe your spouse who has this ability to just push
the right button at the wrong moment and bam there you are into an argument
describe for us from a Christian perspective what is it handing over the
keys and why how do we keep the keys and keep control I think it's what you just
said at the beginning the realization that we can't fix somebody else and that
we really can't change another person we can influence them there's things we can
do but if my happiness and my security depends on what you do I'm probably
going to be disappointed because I can't change another person
the only person I really am responsible for is myself and making choices myself
Mike I'm thinking of parents who are saying but I have to train my child and
so where's the room for that in this equation I think training the child is
part of our responsibility and we are guiding them the same time they're real
people your aunt is your child that's right that's right and
we're preparing them to be adults we're we're giving them the tools they need
and part of that is going to be the process of helping them understand what
does it mean to operate from truth all right so do I talk to my child and say
hey you're really driving me crazy here or do I just let them have some space I
can do that I think that's I think it's fair to say you know when you're doing
this I am I am feeling just crazy here I feel
like you're driving me crazy but then we go back to truth of what's really
happening the truth is that you're better than that
and I want to help you get to where you're gonna go it's driving me crazy
but I love you no matter what and I think it's that sometimes that
unconditional love when we have a wayward teenager that's making a lot of
bad choices - to separate the behavior from the person must do to say that they
are the value their value comes from who they are not from what they do for them
to know that they're unconditionally loved could be the thing that brings
them back yeah and that's so critical so many parents are going through that in
fact I think you experience that as a parent right you had to demonstrate it
which always brings a greater credibility to the microphone here so
could you explain any example that you might have had with your own kids sure
my son was making some of the teenage choices you don't want him to make for a
few years and was choosing a path that really wasn't where we had taught him to
go we dropped him off at college and he was driving you crazy
oh yeah yeah that's the trying to be nice but yeah but he was driving us
crazy and then we dropped him off at college and it terrified me because I
thought okay now I'm not there to talk to him to guide him to make those kind
of choices control him yeah okay what I can't fix him right at least I have a
chance when he's in my home but I can now and I remember looking in the
rearview mirror and seeing him walk backwards and he didn't look look back
and at that time I felt like God said okay I love him more than you do you
can't be here but I can't I'm gonna stay with them I'm gonna be working with him
constantly your your job is to pray for and that's hard to embrace it is but I
think it goes best truth yeah everything goes back to truth it's like weak weary
sponsible for the choices we make staying in our side of the court as it
were also Mike you had a quote in the book I want you to explain which said
this we will spend every hour that we have period I was looking for the next
word but that's it we will spend every hour that we have if
we don't determine where we're going to spend it then someone else will decide
for us who deserves the best of your time today and that is convicting yeah
if I had a hundred dollar bill it has no value in itself it's a piece of paper
with ink on it it gains value when I do something with it if I take it to a
restaurant it has the value of food take it to the theater it has a value of
entertainment time is the same way a minute really doesn't have value by
itself it's what we do with that minute and whatever I choose to do with that
minute whoever I spend it with whatever choices I make that's the value that
minute has but the difference between time and money is that money you can
choose not to spend you could save it you can invest it can't do that with
time time justice man every minute and that's why if you don't decide
intentionally make a choice about what do I do with that minute then someone
else is making the choice for you but that's just a good life reminder of
what's most valuable in this life you know I was able to hold a moon rock a
friend of mine had a moon rock from one of the astronauts first of all it's
amazingly light it's like foam but he said to me you know this is the most
precious material on earth and I thought that's really interesting more precious
than diamonds the things that the earth has created because it's outside of the
earth it's a moon rock and there's only a you know a few dozen of them in the
world and you think about that but in the same way that value for time it's
amazing that we negate or we discount the most valuable commodity that we're
given in life it's not money it's time yeah and what we do with our time I love
that calling it out to that one hour how are you going to spend it and that's
what goes back to how do you deal with your crazy people if I can spend an hour
listening to them instead of an ass spending an hour trying to fix them yeah
that's an investment that will pay off well let's move in that direction
you know one of the key things is holidays are always present we said and
promised we'd end with the family side and there might be one or two people
that push your buttons in that area and you're gonna host the Christmas dinner
and 25 people are coming over but that one person when she gets on the
silverware and tells me how tarnished my silverware is or how the plates aren't
just right or how dry the turkey is you're gonna share a name with us no I'm
just guessing I have a friend but but that is really the point and it just
does something to get under your skin and you're saying why do we go through
this every holiday where we invite that relative over yeah what's a different
way to approach it dishes it's with family it it's like swimming with sharks
they're all under why is it because everybody's so comfortable with each
other they're not wanting to behave well I think there's patterns we've developed
for so long and it's it's the way we've always done
it so if they've always had Christmas dinner at your house because you have
the biggest house it's the most central everyone expects that and you expect it
to so suddenly you're saying all right I'm gonna have Christmas dinner but that
person's coming over they complain about the silverware Uncle Joe doesn't like
Turkey so I have to make a ham every year all right tofu Turkey and they'll
be okay now don't write me I get it I'll pronounce it better next time and nobody
complain I mean everybody complains everybody complains about how many
raisins there are in the dressing and it's there's nobody helps clean up it's
a setup for a disaster yes and so you dread it you want to be with those
people because you care about him but what do you do in that situation I think
one thing is to call it back to say okay what choices can I make and sometimes it
might be asking Uncle Joe to bring his own ham and maybe saying you know just
announcing saying this year I'm not gonna have it in my house but wherever
you have it I'll help coordinate or I'll reserve a room at a restaurant I'll send
out an invitation how many you know how much it's gonna cost or I could take a
Caribbean cruise that week or have the house tented for termites
that's a drastic move but it's in the repertoire could be it's extreme but
it's the idea that makes sense the message can make some choices I don't
have to say it has to be the way it's always been I can make some simple
choices to get other people involved I can hire a cleaning person that come in
afterward hey Mike how do you differentiate between that line of
what's real and then the admonition in scripture not to be a gossiper well if
you can tell me where that line is I deeply appreciate it wait it's really
hard you have to find it in the moment I think we're because when you're with
family and you've got that crazy relative that everybody knows about
there has to be some discussion about how are we going to handle this what do
we do with this person but when it drops into we're telling stories about how bad
it was that's when it's gotten into gossip yeah so it's a matter of how do
we talk about survival or boundaries without going into that area man that is
good Mike this has gone by so fast and Mike here's the kicker question the
whole half-hour we've been talking I'm thinking what if I'm the crazy person in
another person's life how do we know truth that well to say oh I've got
something I got to do or I've got to change what if we're that person well I
think we are assumption that because so if well yeah right because everybody
else might be crazy to us and they say if you join a group and there's nobody
crazy then it has to be you but in this context to be able to recognize it to
someone else we're moving their setpoint to the degree that I do that that makes
me the crazy person for them that's good hey I'm John fuller and thanks for
watching get more info about focus over here and more from our guests over there
and be sure to subscribe to our channel as well
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Jingle Bells | KinToons | Christmas Songs For Children | Cartoons For Toddlers - Kids Baby Club - Duration: 1:35.
Jingle Bells
Jetta - I'd Love to Change the World (Matstubs Remix) | Electronic Gây Nghiện - Duration: 3:10.
Power Protein Healthy Omelette - Duration: 2:57.
hello and welcome into a new episode of the Catalan kitchen today I am preparing
a healthy protein breakfast but before we start I would like to mention that
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anything I put to sleep up because you are about to stop before anything I
would like to mention that when some nutritions warned you about cooking with
olive oil on high heat they mean it's smoke point and that's between 162 and
190 degrees Celsius and the fact that we are cooking with vegetables which mostly
made out of water plus we are cooking on a low heat so you don't have to worry
about that and now that everything being cleared up let's get back to the recipe
in the pan I'm cooking the spinach and onions for 1 minute on a low heat and in
the dish I'm mixing all the rest of their ingredients one by one as you see
in the video I'm adding them guys just be wise about the salt and keep your
soap daily intake checked and now we're gonna whisk the whole ingredients for a
minute or a couple of minutes and voila it's cooking time guys I'm not gonna say
how long you should cook the eggs because everybody like the eggs cooked
differently I personally don't like it cooked very much food but for the people
who like the eggs to be cooked very much I have an advice for you or a hint put a
cover above the pan and you will have your eggs cooked very good and it's
ready and not only that it smells wonderful I like to add some tomatoes
for my breakfast and also I like to add some avocados avocados has healthy fats
and help lower the bad cholesterol it looks great and it smells wonderful
but bear with me we're gonna taste it in a moment
all right guys it's ready and smell wonderful I can't wait to taste it
so how about we get into it
guys it tastes wonderful you really have to try this you really have to try it
it's it's awesome alright guys that's it for today please
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anything thank you for watching and see in the next video
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DIY CHRISTMAS RAPUNZEL CUSTOM DOLL |Easy Rapunzel Doll Makeup Dressup Tutorial - Duration: 6:41.
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Liverpool transfer news: Jurgen Klopp confirms 'door is open' for January window raid - Duration: 2:02.
Liverpool go into the festive period with a four-point lead over Manchester City after an unbeaten start to the season
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain is the only long-term injury absentee for Liverpool. **PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** While Joe Gomez (fractured leg) and Joel Matip (broken collarbone) are expected to return in the new year
Transfer talk has been quiet around Anfield but after the impact Virgil van Dijk has made since his arrival in January, Klopp could be tempted to make another decisive move in the January window
And when asked about the possibility of transfers, Klopp revealed he was prepared to react if needs be
Klopp said: "I'm very happy with what I've got, but how I said, we don't know. "We keep the door open because if something happens then we have a look
As long as we can react, it's all good. "If something dramatically changes, then we need to look
" Liverpool face Newcastle on Boxing Day on Klopp has told his players to stay "angry" against Rafa Benitez's men
He said: "We need to stay angry, stay greedy, and that's what we need to do against Newcastle
"It'll be the third time we'll be up against a back five. "Rafa can organise a defence really well - not so cool, but good for him - but we will try
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