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Rajasthani song ko play karna ab bilkul aasaan
letest hit rajasthani song
Citroën C3 1.4i airco, el-pakket, lm-velgen, audio,etc - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
日産 新型 GT-R 50 by Italdesign イタルデザインと共同開発 50周年記念限定プロトタイプ 2018年7月12日 世界へ向けてデビュー - Duration: 4:56.-------------------------------------------
Suzuki Swift 1.3 Cool Comfort 5drs AIRCO - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
BELÉM Lisbona: l'incredibile monastero, la torre e le famose Pastel de nata 4K | ENG Subs | - Duration: 5:52.Hi guys...
welcome to this new day, with this new sun ...
and always with the same wind
Today we came to visit the beautiful Belem ...
district of lisbon .. with so many beautiful things to see
there is also a very famous pastry shop
... but let's start immediately visiting the monuments
see you later
... and then we will go to taste the famous pasta
The monastery of Giromalo is the extravagant monastery that was subsidized in the past in spite of spices that arrived in Portugal!
The remarkable wealth deriving from the trade
he prolonged the structure for 50 years
to create one of the most decorated religious buildings in Portugal ...
Padrao dos Descobrimentos it is one of the most iconic monuments of Lisbon
built to strengthen self-esteem and honor its fantastic explorers
and we thank our friend for the background music
The tower of Belém, which today has become the emblem of Lisbon
once stood in the middle of the Tagus estuary
and protected the city from attacks from the sea
The Belém tower is inspired by North African design
and includes Moorish watchtowers and decorative ramparts
think that the interior shows for the first time the presence in Europe of rhinos
in the form of stone carvings!
we have confirmed the rhinos !!!
we show you an institution of Belém, the Pastéis pastry shop in Belém
We have chosen to sit inside ...
... and has wonderfully decorated rooms with Azulejos
now we show you how we are seeing it!
I can say a thing? live sweets
Little curiosity we discovered, often the pastry shops stood near the monasteries
because in ancient times the monks used the albumen to starch the clothes
but they did not use the egg yolks, so they were delivered to the pastry shops
this is why Pasteis de Belém is located near the Girolamo monastery.
Ok guys, Ale has a full stomach, is happy, he ate the pastries and they were delicious ...
We greet you and see you at the next video!
週刊ジャガーEタイプ 1/8スケール 5月発売 デアゴスティーニ - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
Фильмы, которые люди не понимают до сих пор - Duration: 4:12.-------------------------------------------
Estos trucos te ayudarán a la hora de reconocer dolores de cabeza peligrosos rápidamente. - Duration: 15:07.-------------------------------------------
COMENTÁRIO DE CAROLINA DIECKMANN NO ALTAS HORAS CAUSA POLÊMICA. SAIBA TUDO! - Duration: 6:59.-------------------------------------------
Larissa Manoela causa na web ao fazer comentário sobre decisão do SBT - Duration: 2:09.-------------------------------------------
CONFIRA O NOVO TRAILER DE CAPITÃ MARVEL! - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
😬 BURN OUT ? 5 CLÉS POUR ÉVITER LE SURMENAGE 😀 - Duration: 10:07.-------------------------------------------
Spoiler Il Segreto, puntate dicembre: Julieta fa l'amore con Fernando - Duration: 9:58.-------------------------------------------
জিৎ | Model and Actor | Jeet | Photo Video | Photo Shoot | Film Actor | Official - Duration: 1:05.PhotoVideo
অধরা ঐশী | Model and Actress | Adhora Oishi | Photo Video | Photo Shoot | Official - Duration: 4:35.PhotoVideo
♂ Симптомы простатита и современные методы его лечения. Простатит симптомы и лечение. 12+ - Duration: 8:27.-------------------------------------------
Renault 4 R 4 GTL SUPER STAAT !!! - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
लेटेस्ट राजस्थानी झुरावा सॉन्ग || जैसाणे री बाई || Hit Rajasthani Folk Song || jesane ri baai - Duration: 12:30.please subscribe youtube chennal
Rajasthani song ko play karna ab bilkul aasaan
letest hit rajasthani song
Citroën C3 1.4i airco, el-pakket, lm-velgen, audio,etc - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
日産 新型 GT-R 50 by Italdesign イタルデザインと共同開発 50周年記念限定プロトタイプ 2018年7月12日 世界へ向けてデビュー - Duration: 4:56.-------------------------------------------
Suzuki Swift 1.3 Cool Comfort 5drs AIRCO - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Opel Corsa 1.6-16V T OPC 193 pk - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Man Utd news: Paul Pogba has to play vs Arsenal for ONE reason - former Red Devils star - Duration: 3:09.That's the view of former United midfielder Owen Hargreaves, who believes Arsenal could be favourites for the clash
It's the first meeting between Manchester United and Arsenal this season with the Gunners searching for their first league win at Old Trafford since 2006
Jose Mourinho's side did the double over Arsenal last season, though Paul Pogba was sent off at the Emirates
The Frenchman is rumoured to have fallen out with Mourinho amid a season of struggles at Old Trafford
United sit eight points behind the Gunners, who are 19 games unbeaten in all competitions
And with reports claiming Pogba could miss out tonight, Hargreaves believes he should play because he can prove the difference
"Pogba is their best player so he should be playing," Hargreaves said. "I don't know what is going on behind the scenes and I can't think of an Arsenal team going to Old Trafford and potentially being favourites but his performance against Southampton was poor to say the least
"When Pogba plays poorly he takes too many touches but as much as he is struggling, the team is struggling and they need him because he is their best player and I don't understand the benefit of having him on the bench
" Manchester United go into the game having been held to a 2-2 draw by Southampton at the weekend
Arsenal were 4-2 winner over north London rivals Tottenham and pundit Paul Merson believes they can take the confidence gained from that to Manchester
"Oh very much so (it's must-win for United)," Merson said. "What would it be (if they lost)? Probably about 11 points behind Arsenal in fourth
"I've gone for Arsenal. I've watched Man United over the last few weeks and there is something massively missing, massively missing
"When that game went 2-2 against Southampton, Man United (normally) just go on and win that game, you don't think twice
"You think 'this is over'. It never materialised at all. "They do arrive for these big games, they do
But I just think Arsenal are buzzing at the moment, massive result on Sunday."
'교통사*고' 당했다며 병원 데려온 아기 고양이 '엑스레이' 보고 오열한 수의사 - Duration: 2:17.가 모두 으스러진 채 병원을 찾은 고양이는 간신히 목숨만 부지하고 있었다.
지난 3일(현지 시간) 영국 일간 메트로는 주인의 반복적인 폭행에 두개골이 박살나버린 아기 고양이의 안타까운 사연을 전했다.
동물 병원을 운영하는 한 수의사는 얼마 전 긴급하게 병원 실려온 아기 고양이를 진료했다.
당시 병원을 찾아온 남성은 약 4개월 정도 되어 보이는 아기 고양이를 데려와 "교통사고를 당해 크게 다쳤다"고 말했다.
눈도 제대로 뜨지도 못한 채 비틀비틀 서 있는 고양이의 모습에 심각함을 느낀 의사는 바로 치료를 시작했다.
하지만, 이후에도 주인은 고양이가 큰 사고를 당했다면 두 번 더 병원을 방문했고, 이에 의사는 이상한 기운을 감지했다.
분명 처음에는 머리가 다친 상태였지만 두 번째 방문에는 녀석의 갈비뼈가 5개나 부러져있었기 때문이다.
세 번째 방문에 고양이가 죽기 직전의 상태를 보이자 의사는 더 이상 동물 복지단체에 신고 전화를 걸었다.
매주 뼈가 부러져 병원을 찾는 고양이의 X-ray 촬영 결과물을 유심히 살펴본 의사는 주인의 확신했다.
보도에 따르면, 주인은 새끼 고양이를 지속적으로 폭행해왔고, 뼈가 부러져 힘이 없자 녀석을 병원에 데려와 치료해주는 잔인함을 선보였다.
이에 고양이 일삼았던 남성은 결국 12주간의 실형과 10년간 애완동물 금지형을 선고받았다.
한편, 소식을 접한 누리꾼들은 "어떻게 저런 사람이 다 있지?", " 병원에 데려간다고?", "너무 잔인하다", "고양이 불쌍해서 어떡하냐" 등 다양한 반응을 보였다.
Naina Chautala Charkhi Dadri मैं बजाया Dushyant Chautala के नाम क डंका सुण क आप हो जाओ गए हैरान DLS - Duration: 2:03.naina chautala
dushyant chautala
I APPLIED TOOTHPASTE AND VASELINE ON MY FACE AT NIGHT FOR 5 MINUTES, WATCH WHAT HAPPENED AFTER - Duration: 2:39.Hi friends, today I will share with you, an instant white and glowing skin face pack at
If you Apply this face pack On The Face at night for 5 Minutes, your skin will be spotless,
brighten and glowing.
This is a very special face pack because it removes rashes, dark spots, blackheads and
works deeply on your skin to make whiter.
So before starting, please subscribe my channel for more videos, and press the bell icon for
notifications, so that you don�t miss any of my new videos.
To make this face pack, we need toothpaste.
We have to use white toothpaste.
You can use any other brands of toothpaste, but it should be white.
At first take some toothpaste.
Baking soda is a perfect solution for many skin problems.
Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda with it.
Then add 1 tablespoon of Vaseline.
Then mix them well.
Before applying, clean your skin with water.
Now apply the mixture on your face gently.
Apply the mixture on your full face with your fingers.
Then take a toothbrush and brush your skin gently.
Brush your skin in circular motion for 5 minutes.
Brush your skin on your blackheads and dark spots area.
After brush your face, wash off your face with water.
Then dry your face with a towel.
After then, you must apply moisturizer on your face.
You should use this 3 to 4 times first week, then you should use 1 time in a week.
If you have sensitive skin, please use a little amount for 1 time in a week.
Regular use of this facepack, it will remove rashes, dark spots, blackheads and works deeply
on your skin to make whiter.
'다이어트'하느라 쫄쫄 굶은 주인 안쓰러워 '사료' 나눠준 천사 댕댕이 - Duration: 2:02.다이어트로 힘들어하는 주인을 천사 같은 강아지는 그냥 두고 볼 수 없었다.
맛있게 밥을 먹다 문득 주인이 떠오른 녀석은 고민 끝에 자신의 소중한 먹이를 들고 얼른 주인에게 다가갔다.
최근 온라인 미디어 나우루커는 사랑하는 주인이 걱정돼 따뜻한 배려를 선보인 강아지의 사연을 전했다.
매체에 따르면 통통한 몸매를 가진 웰시코기 케지(Keji)는 오랫동안 주인의 모습을 유심히 살폈다.
최근 폭풍 다이어트를 시작한 주인이 녀석이 알고 있는 평소 모습과 달랐기 때문.
독한 마음을 먹고 다이어트에 돌입한 주인은 먹을 것을 잘 먹지 않는 것은 물론 시시때때로 찾아오는 배고픔에 힘들어했다.
이 모습을 곁에서 지켜보던 케지는 주인에게 안타까운 마음이 들었나보다.
마음이 약해진 녀석은 자신이 먹던 사료 그릇을 입에 물고 찾아와 주인에게 건넸다.
주인이 조금이라도 기운을 차렸으면 하는 케지의 진심이 담긴 표현이었다.
자신을 걱정해주는 녀석의 기특한 모습에 주인은 크게 기뻐하며 감동의 눈물을 흘렸다.
사료를 양보하는 녀석의 사랑스러운 모습은 수많은 누리꾼에게 깊은 울림을 전했다.
사연을 접한 누리꾼들은 "강아지가 먹이를 나눠주다니 주인을 정말 사랑하나 보다", "녀석의 마음이 너무 착하다",
"열심히 사료 그릇을 물고 오는 모습이 대견하다" 등 반응을 보였다.
Diddle Diddle Dumpling | Cartoon Songs for Kids | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:30.Diddle diddle dumpling my son John...
Went to bed with his stockings on
One shoe off and one shoe on ...
Diddle diddle dumpling my son John...
Diddle diddle dumpling my son John...
Went to bed with his stockings on
One shoe off and one shoe on ...
Diddle diddle dumpling my son John..
曾志偉藍潔瑛事件後終遭報應,兒子敗家不爭氣,揮霍曾志偉資產! - Duration: 2:33.-------------------------------------------
Teammates Ask Warriors' Stephen Curry for Instagram Followers | - Duration: 4:03.Teammates Ask Warriors' Stephen Curry for Instagram Followers |
There's no denying that Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry is one of the NBA's elite players and has built an impressive following over the years.
He's not only one of the league's best outside shooters but has built his game into one of the more well-rounded out there.
The craziest part is that he only seems to be getting better as well.
Obviously, some of Curry's younger teammates are well aware of his massive following, specifically on social media.
That's why it wasn't all that surprising to see both Jordan Bell and Quinn Cook trying to get their teammate to help them out with followers on Instagram (courtesy of CBC Athletes).
It may not have been surprising, but the effort by both Warriors players was still hilarious.
For what it's worth, you can't really blame Bell or Cook for trying.
Curry has 23 million followers on Instagram while Bell has 371,000 and Cook has 564,000 (after this post).
If it makes either player feel better, most non-celebrities probably have a few hundred, maybe thousand, at most.
Stephen Curry's Impressive Start to Season.
The 30-year-old All-Star has been red-hot to start the year, and through first 14 games he played in, posted averages of 29.4 points, 5.6 assists and 4.9 rebounds per game.
All of this came while he posted career-bests shooting the ball, knocking down 51.6 percent from the field and 49 percent from beyond the arc.
Although Curry was forced to miss 11 games due to a groin injury, he hit the ground running in his first two games back.
Over the post-injury span, the Warriors guard averaged 28.5 points with 40 rebounds while knocking down 52.6 percent of his shot attempts.
If Curry can stay healthy and continue this level of play moving forward, he'll likely find himself at least in the NBA's Most Valuable Player conversation.
Unfortunately, he has some brutally tough competition this year.
Even still, when playing at this level, the Warriors are a tough team to beat, and paired with Kevin Durant and Draymond Green (when healthy), they're still the favorites to win the West.
READ NEXT: Lakers' Recent Drama May Doom Their Push for Kawhi Leonard?.
Christmas ABC Song | Junior Squad | Nursery Rhymes For Babies | Xmas Time With Kids TV - Duration: 25:51.A B C D E F G
T U and V
Now will singing our A B C..
Come on everybody sing with me..
T U and V
Now will singing our A B C..
Come on everybody sing with me..
Come on
T U and V
Now will singing our A B C..
Come on everybody sing with me..
Bus driver saves student - Duration: 0:48.-------------------------------------------
ESO: Tamriel's next Topmodel - [Episode 6] - Necromancer - Elder Scrolls Online Fashion Show - Duration: 12:27.Hello everyone, my name is Tianlein and today i present you
the 6.Episode of Tamriels next Top Model for the Elder Scrolls Online
Todays Outfit theme is "Necromancer" A big Thank you to all participants for their
great outfit submissions
As always you can find timestamps in the Video
description if you are only interested in a specific topic
The first Outfit is created by Knuddelazubi who plays ESO on PC
He used for
the head the Medium Sapiarch Style the chest the Light Ebonshadow Style
the shoulders the Light Ebonshadow Style the hands the Medium Xivkyn Style
the waist the Medium Ebonshadow Style the legs the Heavy Sapiarch Style
and the feet Light Ebonshadow Style
As weapons he uses a staff in the Ebonshadow and Pyandonean Style
As dyes he used Noxophilic Black, Julianos White, Tombstone Gray
The Application Cost for this Outfit is 18900 Gold
The following Outfit is from Gisleyiin
Although calling the Celestial Architect a
necromancer might be a misunderstood choice of words, he still resembles one, but in a
different manner.
When Magnus, the one who designed Mundus, saw its costly price, fled.
He predicted that many of his fellow Magna-Ge, will follow him and they will leave rifts
in between the two worlds, the rifts were to become stars.
In a last ditch effort Magnus' last project was the Architect, which he was told to maintain
the constellations so that Mundus will not be obliterated by the many powers that will
leave this plane.
When the balance of the delicate powers seemed to reach equilibrium, The Celestial Serpent
usurped his position and the place in the sky, because of this, the Celestial were able
to cross the barrier and enter the mortal plane.
It now rests within the heroes of Nirn to end this threat.
The Architect saw this as an opportunity, the Serpent never values mortals and their
strength, thus giving the Architect a moment of freedom, and he began forming a plan to
escape his prison - and that was the Spirit of the vile Viper
The oldest ghost knew, that if the Snake were to be imprisoned back into his stone, so will
And now, he must resurrect the stars, so that they might know of his plan.
One way or another, they will be brought back.
As weapons he uses a Staff in the Psijic Order Style
As dyes he used Hunding's Gold, Tainted Turquise, Antique Brass
To enhance his look even more gis used the Worm Wizard personality
The Application Cost for this Outfit is 15000 Gold
The next Outfit was created by the Esutick.
Elymyre doesn't know where she came from, no one does.
but she's found out since she was little she had a talent for waking the dead.
She'd find little rodent left overs from gryphon youngsters come back to live when she picked
them off the ground.
She's been living most of her life in the wilds secluded from all.
One day she got arrested and put in Imperial City Prison.. trying to find a way out the
empire was being overrun by deadra, ever since she's been hiding amongst them
She used for the chest the Light Primal Style
the shoulders the Light Primal Style
the hands the Prisoner Chains Style
the waist the Light Fang lair Style
the legs the Light Imperial 3 Style
and the feet the Light Light Primal Style
As weapons she used a Battle Axe in the Soul Shriven Style
As dyes she used Cold Harbour Ash black and Liars linen
To enhance his look even more Esutick used the Vampirism stage 2, Covenant war-locks
hair, Dark emphasis eyelashes and nocturnal inidgo lip tint
The Application Cost for this Outfit is 9370 Gold
The next Outfit was created by the Nomak67.
He was an orphan, who took a job on a local farm, plucking feathers.
When he was about 10, Molag Bal attacked the farm, and destroyed it and the rest of the
world and kidnapped the young lad.
He was enslaved till he was about 12 or 13, when the daedric lord befriended him and started
to train him.
Teaching him how to fight and craft armor.
In the evenings he taught him watercolor paintings, thats why his armor is so beautifully colored.
He ran errands for the lord for years, but never forgot the farm destroyed and the lives
lost, including his very special pet pig, Gesundheit.
he used for the head the Molag Kena Style
the chest the Firedrake Style the shoulders the heavy Ebonheart Style
the hands the Firedrake Style the waist the Firedrake Style
the legs the heavy Fang lair Style and the feet the Firedrake Style
As weapons he uses a Staff in the Molagkena Style
As dyes he used Hist green, Divine gold and Cold harbour ash black
To enhance his look even more Nomak uses the Mindshriven skin
The Application Cost for this Outfit is 10500 Gold
The next Outfit was created by the Sankta.Nova.
Mor Luna Nova wasnt born.
One cold night she crawled out from the bog, cloaked in a thick fog, tasting the air around
feeling her surroundings rather than seeing them.
She might pass for a human, though she couldnt be farther from that.
She has no alliance, though draws from the wyrd as well as the reach, balancing between
the living and the dead, and belonging to neither.
Her clothing represent her raw primal essence.
Black earth and grey clammy fog.
Wild hair, piercings and dark lips to emphasize that.
I like to think that her Half mask has an enchantment to it, that allows her to see
with one eye.
she used for
the chest the light Fang lair Style the shoulders the heavy Fang Lair Style
the hands the heavy Xivkyn Style and the feet the light Fang lair Style
As weapons he uses a Staff in the Pyandonean Style
As dyes she used Warriors steel, Cold Harbour Ash Black
To enhance her look even more she used Barbaric Windblown hair, Royal Purple lipstick, Blind
left eye, Wire cage half mask, Fierce Pierce facial rings and Vampire skin
The Application Cost for this Outfit is 10300 Gold
Now i share with you the Outfit from Jimzer Ashwald was once known as Lord Ashwald, a
noble in the Breton Kingdom of Glenumbra.
He was a kind man, had a nice family and was loved by his servants.
His family had always been known for its strong ties to magic, Ashwald however never cared
for it since he was busy enough governing his people.
One day rumors started to spread about Ashwald's family magic being Reach magic, people started
distrusting Ashwald and this led to some nobles conspiring against him.
One early morning they raided his estate, captured Ashwald and seized all his belongings.
Ashwald and his familiy were put in a cage and were transported to the nearest prison.
On the way there a angry mob of farmers who had been suffering under reachman attacks
ambushed the caravan.
They directed all their hate for the reachman towards Ashwald's family and torched the cart
carrying the cage Ashwald and his family were locked in.
Ashwald was the only one who survived that attack, he can still hear his families cries
in his sleep.
On that day he vowed revenge against the breton people, embrached Reach magic and joined the
bloodthorn cult to study under Angof the Gravesinger.
Now he is known again as Lord Ashwald, a necromacer with a burning hatred for the Breton people.
he used for the head the Light Morag Tong Style
the chest the Light Minotour Style the shoulders the Heavy Wood Elf 4 Style
the hands the Medium Barbaric Style the waist the Light Barbaric Style
the legs the Heavy Skinchanger Style and the feet the Medium Barbaric Style
As weapons he uses a Staff in the Draugr and Skinchanger Style
As dyes he used Coldharbor Ashblack, Noxophilic Balck and Windhelm steel
The Application Cost for this Outfit is 11 425 gold
The next Outfit is created by Knopantz83.
Her name long since lost to history, the Widow was a frontier woman whose husband had died
of an illness, leaving her to raise their two sons alone.
Years later, tragedy struck again when her sons were ambushed and killed by brigands
while returning home from Daggerfall.
Desperately afraid of being alone, the Widow embraced dark magics in an attempt to resurrect
her sons.
When their bodies returned to life, not as the vibrant and energetic children she loved,
but as hollow and mindless undead, the Widow went mad with grief.
She fled into the wilds of Glenumbra, her ghastly children shuffling after her.
Legend suggests she still lives, her life and the bodies of her sons preserved through
unnatural power until she can find a way to make her family whole again.
He used for the head the Stag-Heart Skull Sallet
the chest the Light Primal Style the shoulders the Heavy Barbaric Style
the hands the Light Primal Style the waist the Light Barbaric Style
and the feet the Medium Wood Elf 1 Style As weapons he used a Maul in the Barbaric
2 Style and a Bow in the Nord 1 Style.
As dyes he used Adventurer Brown, Dried Blood Brown, Orichalc Green and Varla White
To enhance his look even more he used the Heroic Personalty and Necromantic Sigil Body
Tattoos The Application Cost for this Outfit is around
2,325 gold
The following Outfit is created by lowercase Nidellir was always a brilliant mage.
His father always taught him that knowledge is power, and Nidellir couldn't agree more.
Nidellir sought out to increase his already incredible power.
Nidellir spent many months researching how to achieve this goal, but after a long search
he finally found the solution.
Nidellir made contact with Molag Bal, the deadric prince of dominance.
In exchange for his soul and a various number of innocent souls, Molag Bal would learn Nidellir
the dark secrets of necromancy, and would make him one of the strongest mages of Tamriel.
Nidellir agreed to his bidding and pledges his soul in exchange for ultimate power.
Some say Nidellir and his 10 thousand sacrifices are just a myth.
But in the deep forests of Valenwood, the crystal clear coasts of Summerset and the
dry dunes of Elswyr they still tell the tale of the Necromancer of the West.
As weapon he used a Staff in the Worm cult Style
As dyes he used coldharbour black and lycantrophe grey
The Application Cost for this Outfit is 12550 Gold
The next Outfit is created by RinElle Arielle is a Breton who was born into a noble family
When she was young, her entire family was killed by bandits while they were on a trip.
Only Arielle survived.
Afterwards she dedicated her life to learning necromancy to find away to bring her family
back one day and to ensure no one else she loved would be taken away by death.
She has spent years traveling and studying necromancy with anyone she could find who
she could learn from, including joining the Worm cult for a short time.
Arielle is still prefers elegant outfits, but her style has been shaped by her travels.
She has incorporated skull and bone mementos she kept from some of her first successes
in necromancy into her outfit.
She used for the head the Light Barbaric Style
the chest the Light Primal Style the shoulders the Light Worm Cult Style
the hands the light Worm Cult Style the waist the light Barbaric Style
the legs the light Daedric Style and the feet the light Daedric Style
As weapon she used a Staff in the Primal 3 Style
As dyes she used Thalmor Black, Clothier Purple and Starlight Gold
To enhance her look even more she used the Wire Cage Half-mask; the Morag Tong Face Tattoo
and Barbaric Windblown Hair
The Application Cost for this Outfit is 5700 gold
The next Outfit is created by I_GREENHAWK_I who plays ESO on the PS4.
He used for the head the Lich Set Hat
the chest the Light Primal Style the shoulders the heavy woodelf 4 Style
the hands the medium morag tong Style the waist the light Fang Lair Style
the legs the Medium morag tong Style and the feet the Medium morag tong Style
As weapon he used a Staff in the Soul Shriven Style
As dyes he used Black, Purple and White To enhance his look even more he used the
psijic imprintmarkings, the zombie skin and oracle eyes.
The Application Cost for this Outfit is 5 000 Gold
Sadly it got with every episode harder to receive enough Outfit submissions.
Because of that i decided that for now this will be the last episode of Tamriels next
This doesn't mean it is the end of the series, but for now we take a break of Tamriels next
But i want to send a big Thank You to all the wonderful and lovely people who shared
their Outfit creations with us.
Thanks for watching and it would be wonderful if you subscribe, like or leave me a comment
Have a good day and until next time.Tschüss!
State of JavaScript, React 16 and DOM: FrontEnd news (5 Dec'18) - Duration: 6:10.Hi!
Let's talk today about State of JavaScript, React version 16, and DOM.
I'm Anatol and you are watching the Good Parts of the Frontend development.
If this is your first time here and you wanna learn Frontend and JavaScript, start right
now by subscribing and don't forget to turn on the subtitles.
[Music playing]
The State of JavaScript 2018 is live.
React is still the dominant front-end framework.
Jest and Mocha are the most popular test frameworks, and Python is the most common another language
for JS developers to use.
Dan Abramov posted The React 16.x Roadmap.
This article explains all the new concepts of in the React ecosystem like hooks and 'Suspense'
and depicts the big picture and future proposals.
Take a look.
One more article regarding this topic is "React Hooks for GraphQL" by Nader Dabit.
Here you can read how to create custom React hooks to handle common GraphQL operations.
"Building an Interactive Infographic with Vue.js" is a thorough guide to building a
dynamic and interactive infographic using Vue.js, SVG and GreenSock.
Using JavaScript to run JavaScript generated by JavaScript is a quite educative task that
can help understand JavaScript better.
In the article "Building Your Own Interactive JavaScript Playground" you can learn how to
replicate the underlying functionality of sites like JSBin or Code like CodeSandbox
or CodePen if you wanted to.
[Music playing]
"A Quest to Guarantee Responsiveness" from Chrome Dev Summit explores two strategies:
main thread scheduling, and moving work into background threads (via Web Workers).
Here you can see the latest performance research on multi-threading JavaScript.
In the article "Writing memory efficient software applications in Node.js" you can learn how
to optimize your Node.js programs by 98% using automatic back pressuring.
In the post "Why you should isolate Express from the rest of your Node application" Corey
Cleary conveys the message: Express is the entry point, not the entire app.
The author describes how loosely coupling your app logic from the Web side of things
could help you with testing, structure, and more.
In case you're working with Node, you probably know that testing third-party APIs and mock
them might be a challenging task.
In this overview, you can learn how to use "nock", or "network mock", a library for mocking
HTTP server requests.
The very next point in my list is "The Power of Web Components."
This is a very accessible tutorial that looks at the state of play and how to create your
own components with HTML and JavaScript.
[Music playing]
"An Extensive Guide to Progressive Web Applications" by Anita Masand wraps up all the pieces that
are involved in the creation of Progressive Web Applications starting from Service Workers
and ending at IndexDB.
"What, Exactly, Is The DOM?"
In this guide, Ire Aderinokun breaks down what the "Document Object Model" actually
is, how is a web page built, how is the DOM created, what the DOM is not, etc.
One more interesting article from Ire titles "What is First Input Delay?".
Here Ire explains what causes a slow First Input Delay and how to track it.
Have a look.
"Five Years of PostCSS: State of The Union."
In this post, Andrey Sitnik tells the story behind the project, the past, present and
future of PostCSS, in a "state of the union"-style address on its 5th anniversary.
Nick Babich in his turn posted an article titled "The Magic of Paper Prototyping."
Paper prototyping is a great way to create and test new designs quickly.
The author describes Practical tips for paper prototyping and Practical recommendations
for Testing with paper prototypes.
You can find details at UX Planet.
[Music playing]
If you like this video give it "thumbs up", share it with your friends, subscribe to the
channel and watch other episodes.
Thanks for watching and stay curious.
余文樂老婆曬結婚照,滿足網友好奇心!沒想到潮流男神這麼顧家! - Duration: 4:25.-------------------------------------------
James Harden is Having a Hard Time with Utah Weather | - Duration: 4:11.James Harden is Having a Hard Time with Utah Weather |
James Harden arrived in Salt Lake City Tuesday night in preparation for the Houston Rockets' Thursday night matchup against the Utah Jazz.
Though it's only early December, winter is in full swing in SLC and temperatures are reaching as low as the early 20s at night.
Apparently this was a bit of a shock for Harden as he arrived from balmy Houston, Texas, because he immediately tweeted about it:.
It's freeezing in Salt Lake City.
This can't be normal," he wrote. It is.
Winter temperatures are often frigid in Salt Lake, one of the winter capitals of the world and host of the 2002 Winter Olympics.
It's lucky for Harden that he plays an indoor sport.
The Rockets Play the Utah Jazz on Thursday Night.
The Rockets are in Salt Lake City for a few nights before their eventual matchup against the Utah Jazz on Thursday night.
The Rockets are 11-12 and still sit just above the Jazz in the Western Conference rankings (the Jazz have an 11-13 record).
Neither team expected to be doing so poorly this far into the season (if at all), and both need to get every win that they can right now as the season approaches its midpoint.
The Rockets have only won two of their last seven games, and the Jazz had a devastating loss in Miami on Sunday that left them demoralized in addition to their overall struggles.
When they face off on Thursday on TNT, the Jazz will be looking to continue to improve their defense and finish out the fourth quarter.
Sunday's game was promising for the Jazz, and all five starters reached double figures.
Ricky Rubio led with 23, Jae Crowder had 19, and Donovan Mitchell pitched in 18.
Ingles and Gobert contributed 11 and 12, respectively, as well, though the team failed to pull out the win in the final seconds.
The Jazz at times seem jumbled on defense and will need to iron out the kinks if they want to shut down James Harden and Clint Capela, who had 29 and 24 points, respectively, on Monday against the Timberwolves.
Chris Paul struggled in that game and only scored 5 points in his 36 minutes.
That's an anomaly, though, as he's averaging 16.6 per game on the season.
READ NEXT: Fultz Diagnosis Brings Motorcycle Injury Back Into Question.
4X4 Messum Crater to the Huab, Namibia, Ep 167 - Duration: 3:16.This adventure takes place in Northwest Namibia
and starts out from the old German town of Swakopmund.
After checking out the wreck we turned inland
towards the Brandberge Range.
Late in the day we found a sheltered spot
to setup camp for the night.
We were camped in the middle of nowhere. to setup camp for the night.
We were camped in the middle of nowhere.
Today's objective
is to go to the Ugab River
The Messum Crater was formed by the collapse of a volcano,
it's around 135 million years ago.
Well it looks like we've reached an impasse.
We soon find the riverbed dry and drivable again.
From the Messum Crater this morning
we did a lot of dusty and remote driving
to reach this even more remote camp
on a river not even noted on our trusty map.
I'm impressed.
The last time we visited this area
we managed to travel up the Goantagab River.
But this year we couldn't find a way.
So Ben doubled back to the Ugab River
and will use a ridge trail
that parallels the Goantagab.
Once up on the ridge the track looks pretty good.
Breaking down out here is not an option.
We've dropped down from the ridge
and re-joined the Goantagab.
Out of the river and taking a shortcut towards the Huab River.
Made it to the Huab River.
We need to get to the other side.
Oh oh. The track leads to a deep muddy waterhole.
But Ben is determined to build a route across.
One river crossing accomplished.
Time to setup camp.
薛之谦方就吸毒传闻发律师声明:将对黄毅清造谣司法维权 - Duration: 2:39.-------------------------------------------
VOICES #2 | Schizophrenia | Short film | Eng Subtitles - Duration: 5:56.hello I'm Aaron and today we'll be talking about one of the most
misunderstood mental illnesses of them all. maybe because it's rare and it
affects 1% of the population but schizophrenia is a mental illness that
literally means split mind but the condition has nothing to do with split
personalities it actually refers to a split from reality. schizophrenia is a
chronic condition that usually surfaces for men in their early to mid 20s and
for women in their late 20s they always can be triggered over time or suddenly by
things such as stress or trauma although no specific event can actually cause
the disorder. schizophrenia was once thought of as a single condition but it
is now on a spectrum of disorders all varying in duration and symptoms
schizophrenia is characterized by disorganized thinking emotions and
behaviours that often don't fit with their situations and disturbed
perceptions including delusions and hallucinations. it also typically
involves some kind of loss of contact with reality on some level the resulting
behaviors and mental states associated with this break of reality are called
psychotic symptoms and they usually imply a body function when someone is
experiencing these symptoms their thinking and speech become disorganized
and fragmented this habit to pick up on one train of thought and suddenly switch
to another and then another can make communication very difficult people with
these symptoms can also suffer a breakdown in selective attention. losing
the ability to focus on one thing while keeping the other thoughts out. speech
may become so fragmented that it becomes a little more than a string of
meaningless words a condition giving a name that sounds no idea the definition
words out.
Dude! You go I'll wait here.
Let's go.
Why is he always listening to songs?
Not songs. Some sort interviews.
He is doing a research on some disorder called Schizophrenia.
He keeps listening to podcasts and shit like that.
Recently I came to know that someone I know, has such problem.
I came here to tell him about that. And this idiot is expressionless. Dumb face.
Someone should take him to a doctor.
Basically this started few months ago.
One day early morning, I had a dream.
I saw some people.
They talked about some random stuff.
But, even after I woke I still kept hearing their voices.
Since then, whatever dream I had, I used to listen to that voices even after I woke up.
It kept on increasing.
Then, I met a therapist. We started the Therapy.
Now it is a lot better.
One more interesting thing is
I still remember the faces of people in the first dream I had.
One person looks like you.
May be I saw you somewhere in real life. That could be the reason you were in my dream.
That's how it all happened. Now I'm feeling better.
these solutions can include thoughts from I'm the queen of England
to I won an olympic gold medal for eating hotdogs. all that can become stories of
abuse and paranoia believing the thoughts and actions are being
controlled by an outside force,
An interesting fact is,
Sometimes, even we don't know that we have a problem.
people with schizophrenia
also suffer from hallucinations auditory hallucinations or hearing voices is the
most common form and these voices are often abusive.. it's as if the
conversation that you have with yourself was somehow coming from outside of you
CAPTAIN MARVEL OFFICIAL - Duration: 4:38.War is a universal language
Not no arena gauge so - haesu never occurred to me that one might come from above
Space invasion
Truth be told I was ready to hang it up until I met you today
So you're not from around here it's hard to explain
I keep having these
I see flashes
I think I have a life here
But I can't tell if it's real
We have no idea what threats are out there we can't do this
I'm not what you think. I am
So scrolls are the bad guys
And you're a tree a race of noble warriors heroes noble warrior heroes
Your life began the day it nearly ended
We found you with no memory we made you
one of us
So you could live longer
You were reborn
They keep having these memories thing in my past is the key to all of this
You know how to fly this thing you see that's a yes-or-no question yes
What you really are
Think I had a life here
What are you telling me
You come a long way
but you know as strong as you think
This war is just the beginning I'm not going to fight your war
I'm gonna end it
I'm sure the cutest lovely aren't you? What's your name?
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