Saturday, December 8, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 8 2018

Hi, my name is Stephanie and today I'm going to be talking about the truth

behind St. Nick. Santa Claus! The big guy in the red suit coming from

the North Pole to bring children presents, or the guy you were forced to

sit on in the mall to take a picture because your mom thought that it would

be good to send to relatives. However you see him, we all know the classic idea of

Santa Claus. He's some jolly old guy who comes down the chimney on Christmas Eve

to leave presents underneath your tree (even if you don't have a chimney, he breaks

and enters without a trace). He's got jingle bells on his sleigh

pulled by reindeer that can fly through the sky, and he apparently enjoys

milk and cookies. But you'll want to be good because he's got a list that he

checks twice to see who's been naughty or nice. Would it surprise you to

find out that St. Nick is very much not what you've heard of. Instead of some

jolly old man with magic reindeer flying through the sky, he was actually a normal

human being who suffered persecution. In fact, Saint Nicholas was actually a real

person, not just a myth made up to make people behave. He was actually a devout

Christian and loved Jesus with all his heart. In fact, he took the command to

sell all that you have and follow Him very seriously and literally did that. He

gave everything to assist the poor, sick, and suffering. Saint Nicholas experienced

a lot of pain in his life. His parents both died in an epidemic when he was

young. They had raised him to love Christ and he had given everything for those

less fortunate, yet he was persecuted and a thrown in jail instead of thieves. Now,

there are many stories told of him that can't necessarily be authenticated, but

one of the most popular ones explains why we hang stockings at our

fireplace. So, the story goes that, basically, a poor man had three daughters

and since he was poor, he didn't have a dowry for them, which was basically a

payment and that's how they would be able to get married off. So, instead, they

were facing possibly going into slavery. So, the story goes that basically Saint

Nicholas anonymously put money in their house, like, threw it through the

window and at one point or another, some of the money fell into socks hanging at

the fireplace to dry. And that's why we would put stockings at the fireplace for

stocking stuffers and stuff like that. And, of course, the reason he gave the

money was to help them have a dowry so they wouldn't be sold into slavery. While

some groups worship this man as a saint, believing he protects children and gives

gifts and stuff like that even though he's dead now, he is the original Saint

Nicholas - the Santa Claus that we hear about today. Now, I don't believe in

worshiping a man, as Nicolas was, but I do believe in that it is honorable that

he took his relationship with God so seriously and wanted to do right so much

that he endured persecution and gave everything that he had. So, while you're

out and about this holiday season, remember the real Saint Nick, who was

willing to give everything to God and to serve others. Let's do the same and

follow the example of Christ as we celebrate this time together. Thank you

so much for watching. If you enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs up and let me

know your thoughts in the comments below. if you want to read up more on Saint

Nicholas, I have some links in the description below, some of which I got my

information from and others just for more reading purposes. If you like to

hear from me, go ahead and hit that subscribe button if you haven't already

and ring the notification bell. That just is going to let you know when I upload.

Now, during December, I am uploading every single day up until Christmas Eve or

Christmas Day, however my normal schedule is Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday so, at

least you will hear from me three times a week if you subscribe. I hope that

you're having a wonderful week and be looking forward to my next video. Bye!

For more infomation >> Ol' St. Nick Isn't Who You Think - Duration: 4:09.


สรุปข่าวลิเวอร์พูล วันที่ 9 ธ.ค. 2018 - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> สรุปข่าวลิเวอร์พูล วันที่ 9 ธ.ค. 2018 - Duration: 2:44.


梁靜茹雙眼爆血絲!「哭了一天」原因曝光網全嚇壞 - Duration: 9:18.

For more infomation >> 梁靜茹雙眼爆血絲!「哭了一天」原因曝光網全嚇壞 - Duration: 9:18.


Kia Picanto 1.1 LXE automaat. 5drs. - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.1 LXE automaat. 5drs. - Duration: 0:38.


Peugeot 207 1.4 16V 5DRS Color-line - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 16V 5DRS Color-line - Duration: 1:11.


Peugeot 206 +, 5drs, 1.4 Millesim 200 - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 206 +, 5drs, 1.4 Millesim 200 - Duration: 1:04.


Peugeot 207 1.4 5DRS XT CR.CONTROL/TREKHAAK/CL.CONTROL - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 5DRS XT CR.CONTROL/TREKHAAK/CL.CONTROL - Duration: 1:02.


INCRÍVEL Como afinar a CINTURA e perder gordura deixando a cintura fina SEM exercícios - Duration: 10:59.

For more infomation >> INCRÍVEL Como afinar a CINTURA e perder gordura deixando a cintura fina SEM exercícios - Duration: 10:59.


8 Passos Simples que faz Você Recuperar Naturalmente o Colágeno Perdido! | Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> 8 Passos Simples que faz Você Recuperar Naturalmente o Colágeno Perdido! | Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 3:58.


Caique Aguiar vence prova e é o primeiro finalista de 'A Fazenda 10' - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Caique Aguiar vence prova e é o primeiro finalista de 'A Fazenda 10' - Duration: 2:09.


✅ Stefano e Benedetta, piovono critiche al Gf Vip 2018: "Bellezza priva di contenuto" - Duration: 3:35.

Foto gentilmente offerta da Ufficio Stampa Mediaset Stefano e Benedetta in finale: Platinette intervistato dalla Gentilin a Ultime dalla casa  Mauro Coruzzi, più noto come Platinette, è stato ospite del programma Ultime dalla casa di Emanuela Gentilin e ne ha avute un po' per tutti, nel senso che, come al solito, non si è tirato indietro quando ha dovuto criticare fortemente qualcuno e lo ha fatto offrendo dei punti di vista interessanti e condivisibili

Le critiche di Mauro sono state indirizzate tra gli altri a Stefano e Benedetta che questa settimana sono al televoto; entrambi infatti si stanno giocando il posto per la finalissima, già occupato da quattro persone: Silvia Provvedi, Francesco Monte, Andrea Mainardi e Walter Nudo

Solo uno tra Sala e la Mazza potrà aggiungervisi e sarà senz'altro una sfida all'ultimo voto, anche se forse il vincitore pensiamo di conoscerlo

Platinette critica aspramente Stefano e Benedetta: "Bellezza priva di contenuto"  Dovessimo scommettere infatti scommetteremmo su Stefano che è riuscito a emergere molto di più rispetto alla Mazza

Ma veniamo al dunque: le parole di Platinette su Stefano e Benedetta sono state dure, anche se non si può dire siano state azzardate o inappropriate

 "I belli – queste le parole dette alla Gentilin – si giocano la carta. Sembra più un televoto tra belli, qui vince chi è più bello o chi è più bella

A parte le vicende del ragazzo… La cosa più inquietante è che la bellezza sia in questo caso totalmente priva di contenuto

Nel senso che non abbiamo capito durante la loro permanenza chi sono. Che vinca il più bello!"

Non è la prima volta che vengono mosse critiche del genere a Stefano e Benedetta, e le ultimissime su Dasha e Stefano hanno riacceso i riflettori proprio su di loro e sulla loro relazione: non sappiamo cosa deciderà di fare Sala ma è certo che la sua decisione sarà criticata a prescindere da cosa deciderà di fare

Gf Vip 2018, per Platinette "frattura tra chi ha qualcosa da dire e chi no"  La stessa cosa è già successa a Francesco Monte, le cui ultime parole su Giulia Salemi hanno fatto parecchio discutere il popolo del Web

Insomma nessuno sarà mai esente da critiche negative e questo lo sappiamo bene tutti dopo anni e anni di reality e talent show

Per Platinette inoltre quest'edizione è stata anche quella di chi ha qualcosa da dire e  di chi invece proprio non ha dato nulla: "Pregi di altra natura – queste le parole di Mauro sui pregi del programma – sono di aver determinato una frattura molto netta tra persone che hanno qualcosa da dire e Vip cosiddetti che non hanno nulla da dire"

E se pensate che anche Andrea Mainardi, finito in ospedale per via di un incidente, sia stato uno dei bersagli di Platinette vi sbagliate di grosso

Le belle parole su Andrea Mainardi: "Il voto popolare pende verso di lui"  "È l'uomo ideale – queste le sue parole –, è completo in ogni suo aspetto

Ha sempre lavorato sottotono, non ha generato polemiche semmai le ha commentate. Non è uno di quelli che ami o odi, puoi solo volergli bene oppure disinteressartene

Ed è più credibile ed è anche un probabile vincitore. Si premia alla fine anche colui che in qualche modo ti rappresenta un po' di più

 Il voto popolare pende verso Andrea". Chissà se sarà davvero così! Certo non è da escludere

Intanto avete saputo del primo presunto concorrente del Grande Fratello 2019? E soprattutto avete letto della grande avventura televisiva che vivrà una gieffina amata da tutti?

For more infomation >> ✅ Stefano e Benedetta, piovono critiche al Gf Vip 2018: "Bellezza priva di contenuto" - Duration: 3:35.


Volkswagen Golf e-Golf 4% bijtelling /17 inch Madrid / Active Info Display / Warmtepomp/ Keyless Acc - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf e-Golf 4% bijtelling /17 inch Madrid / Active Info Display / Warmtepomp/ Keyless Acc - Duration: 0:51.


CLÁSSICOS DO BRASIL: Você Escolhe o Próximo Carro #2 - Duration: 4:06.

Hello !!

Old car lover !!!

Welcome to our Channel...

I am Markin Rocha

and in today's video,

we're going to launch another poll for you to vote...

because the next car to be honored,

you are the one who chooses!!

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Markin Rocha Channel is a great family

and because of this,

we want your help to choose the next car

that will be honored here on the Channel.

If you are passionate about cars,

you will surely know that there was a time

when they dominated the national market ...

they were already very much wanted by the Brazilians...

especially those with big family ...

and before the arrival of the minivans

and SUVs

They were very successful !

Do you know who we're talking about?

Of the Station Wagons, of course!

And now it's their turn here on the Markin Rock Channel.

And who decides

which of them will be honored in the next video

is you !!!

We selected 4 great classics from the past

for you to vote for...

Let's go to the options:

If you want to know the history

of the Station Wagon derived from the "Corcel"

of the famous Ford BELINA

vote on option 1

If you are a Chevrolet "Chevette" fan

and would like to know more about the history

of Chevrolet MARAJÓ

vote for option 2

But if you want to travel further in the past

and relive the good times of the late

Volkswagen VARIANT

vote for option 3

Or if you are passionate about our small Fiat Uno

you will certainly want to check the success history

of our Fiat ELBA

so, just vote for option 4

To choose the car you want to see in the next video

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A hug to everyone

and until the next video!

For more infomation >> CLÁSSICOS DO BRASIL: Você Escolhe o Próximo Carro #2 - Duration: 4:06.


Cassye Jaye fala sobre como e por que deixou de ser feminista - Duration: 14:48.

For more infomation >> Cassye Jaye fala sobre como e por que deixou de ser feminista - Duration: 14:48.


Peugeot 308 1.6 E-HDI 120 PK 6-Bak SW Blue Lease Active 14% bijtelling - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 1.6 E-HDI 120 PK 6-Bak SW Blue Lease Active 14% bijtelling - Duration: 0:53.


[Official Audio] 인순이(Insooni) - 거위의 꿈 Goose's Dream (Original) - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> [Official Audio] 인순이(Insooni) - 거위의 꿈 Goose's Dream (Original) - Duration: 5:43.


Setup your BMW ConnectedDrive Account - BMW How-To - Duration: 1:16.

to save all your personal settings just create a driver profile whenever a

driver's profile is activated all personal settings are restored

conveniently enabling your individual driving experience you can create more

than one driver profile in your car please note that if you do not create a

driver profile all settings are stored in the guest profile if you later decide

to create a driver profile you will start with default settings again each

profile is then paired with the person's BMW ConnectedDrive account if you do not

have a BMW ConnectedDrive account yet you can use the QR code in the control

display to visit the BMW ConnectedDrive portal and set up an account

when activating the driver profile all personal settings are restored even in a

rental car you can access your personal driver profile with your BMW

ConnectedDrive account

continue watching our how-to series to get the most out of your BMW


For more infomation >> Setup your BMW ConnectedDrive Account - BMW How-To - Duration: 1:16.


The Truth About Stabil Fuel Additive for Your Car - Duration: 5:14.

rev up your engines, Thomas Rossi says what are your thoughts on Stabil, I'm

wondering whether to put the stable gas treatment into my vehicle, I'm storing

them okay, it does work, modern gasoline isn't made to last all

that long, so if you got something that's sitting for six months or more it's a

good idea to read the directions on the Stabil can, put that in to keep it from

deteriorating while it's sitting there, now that said I've read the Stabil

instructions and normally they're telling you that it's only good for

maybe a year or year and a half, so if you storing it for a real long period of time

you're better to empty a whole fuel system out and leaving nothing in it

then you are leaving fuel and expecting it to be good, because modern gas

is a lot weaker than it was when I was a young mechanic in the

sixties, back then you could have a motorcycle let it sit for three or four

years with the gas in the tank and then just crank it up and it would start right

up drive it around a little and then fill

up with new gas that'd be okay, modern gasoline isn't that stable, it won't last

that long and even with the stabilizer stuck in it, it's still not going to be all

that long life and they even warn you on the directions if you read the directions,

horse says scotty how reliable are Honda cr-v 2003 compared to other cars, well

actually that's one of Honda's best vehicles, the CRVs can run a long time, I

got a customer's one it's got three hundred twenty thousand miles and still

runs like a clock sure it rattles a little here and there

you know, I mean anything that old is gonna start rattling, but they can run forever

if you take care of those things, change the oil regularly, don't overheat the

engine, you know those things were solid built vehicle, I'm amazed at some of the

abuse that my customers ones have take some of them the only thing they do is

change the oil they don't do anything else and they're still running down the road, they

are very good vehicles you know, the only real problems that I've seen with the

cr-v's are, I live in Houston and it's real hot down here all the time, that their air

conditioners were poorly made on some of them and air conditioning compressors

would blow right off, the shafts were too small and they'd snap and you had to

replace the air conditioning compressors but other than that they're pretty

decent vehicles, Jeremiah says Scotty I have an

2001 Dodge Ram 1500 5.9 liter and the tranny went out, the engine runs great

should I get a junkyard transmission for five hundred and fifty dollars Thanks,

you gotta put your thinking cap on for this one, those have horrible

transmissions, but it's 18 years old if you buy an 18 year old junkyard

transmission that's one of the few things that's gonna fit, the new ones

won't fit that old vehicle, you're taking a

real gamble, I mean 550 bucks isn't all that much money but then you got to put it on

do all that work and if it doesn't work you're back to square one, most guys that

they like the vehicle, they'll get a factory manufactured one, put it in and

then it can run for quite some time, they do a decent job at the factory

remanufactured once, but just buying one from a junkyard, now let's say it was a

Toyota, I'd say sure cuz the toyota transmissions hardly ever break, so if

you buy used one in a junkyard odds are it's gonna still be pretty good but the

Chrysler's, they break all the time and if you buy you used transmission you're

really taking quite a bit of gamble right there, I personally wouldn't do it,

F quiz says hey what brand-new two-door car would you recommend or any

regular sedan out there and the market, get a Toyota Corolla those things can

run forever, they make them with various doors of course but you can still get a

two-door or a Honda Civic, if you like standard transmissions the Honda Civic

would be a better choice, because they're really zippy little cars but their

automatic transmissions are a little iffy, so if you're talking about a

two-door automatic transmission car, I'd say get a Toyota Corolla that would be

the best thing that you could get, it's going to

last a long time not have any problems and still not cost all that much money,

if you like a Camry yeah they're even better but they cost a lot more money

than the Corollas do, some guy says Scotty what do you think about older Suzuki

cars like the Baleno sedan 97, I heard Suzuki makes great engines but the rest of

the car is weaker, yeah that is true Suzuki was originally a motorcycle company,

actually before that they made looms to make fabric and stuff but they ended up making

motorcycles and they make great motorcycles, killers I had a Suzuki 750

that thing was bulletproof 170 miles an hour, I mean no problems at all and their

car engines they're decent but the rest of the vehicles are kind meh, they pulled

on the United States decades ago because they had so many problems with people not

being able to fix them and with them breaking down and with themm their

motorcycle engines of course are small and put out a lot of horsepower for

two wheels, but for four wheels there were underpowered vehicles, but I mean if you

like the Baleno sedan 97 you can get one cheap enough, if you're somewhere else in

the world besides the United States go right ahead,

it's just that here you can't get parts for Suzuki cars it's a pain in the butt, so I

would not advise anybody to buy a Suzuki car in the United States because they're

just so hard to get parts for, so if you never want to miss another one of my new

car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> The Truth About Stabil Fuel Additive for Your Car - Duration: 5:14.


Sailor Moon Crystal - Despierta Hotaru - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Sailor Moon Crystal - Despierta Hotaru - Duration: 1:50.


Ol' St. Nick Isn't Who You Think - Duration: 4:09.

Hi, my name is Stephanie and today I'm going to be talking about the truth

behind St. Nick. Santa Claus! The big guy in the red suit coming from

the North Pole to bring children presents, or the guy you were forced to

sit on in the mall to take a picture because your mom thought that it would

be good to send to relatives. However you see him, we all know the classic idea of

Santa Claus. He's some jolly old guy who comes down the chimney on Christmas Eve

to leave presents underneath your tree (even if you don't have a chimney, he breaks

and enters without a trace). He's got jingle bells on his sleigh

pulled by reindeer that can fly through the sky, and he apparently enjoys

milk and cookies. But you'll want to be good because he's got a list that he

checks twice to see who's been naughty or nice. Would it surprise you to

find out that St. Nick is very much not what you've heard of. Instead of some

jolly old man with magic reindeer flying through the sky, he was actually a normal

human being who suffered persecution. In fact, Saint Nicholas was actually a real

person, not just a myth made up to make people behave. He was actually a devout

Christian and loved Jesus with all his heart. In fact, he took the command to

sell all that you have and follow Him very seriously and literally did that. He

gave everything to assist the poor, sick, and suffering. Saint Nicholas experienced

a lot of pain in his life. His parents both died in an epidemic when he was

young. They had raised him to love Christ and he had given everything for those

less fortunate, yet he was persecuted and a thrown in jail instead of thieves. Now,

there are many stories told of him that can't necessarily be authenticated, but

one of the most popular ones explains why we hang stockings at our

fireplace. So, the story goes that, basically, a poor man had three daughters

and since he was poor, he didn't have a dowry for them, which was basically a

payment and that's how they would be able to get married off. So, instead, they

were facing possibly going into slavery. So, the story goes that basically Saint

Nicholas anonymously put money in their house, like, threw it through the

window and at one point or another, some of the money fell into socks hanging at

the fireplace to dry. And that's why we would put stockings at the fireplace for

stocking stuffers and stuff like that. And, of course, the reason he gave the

money was to help them have a dowry so they wouldn't be sold into slavery. While

some groups worship this man as a saint, believing he protects children and gives

gifts and stuff like that even though he's dead now, he is the original Saint

Nicholas - the Santa Claus that we hear about today. Now, I don't believe in

worshiping a man, as Nicolas was, but I do believe in that it is honorable that

he took his relationship with God so seriously and wanted to do right so much

that he endured persecution and gave everything that he had. So, while you're

out and about this holiday season, remember the real Saint Nick, who was

willing to give everything to God and to serve others. Let's do the same and

follow the example of Christ as we celebrate this time together. Thank you

so much for watching. If you enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs up and let me

know your thoughts in the comments below. if you want to read up more on Saint

Nicholas, I have some links in the description below, some of which I got my

information from and others just for more reading purposes. If you like to

hear from me, go ahead and hit that subscribe button if you haven't already

and ring the notification bell. That just is going to let you know when I upload.

Now, during December, I am uploading every single day up until Christmas Eve or

Christmas Day, however my normal schedule is Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday so, at

least you will hear from me three times a week if you subscribe. I hope that

you're having a wonderful week and be looking forward to my next video. Bye!

For more infomation >> Ol' St. Nick Isn't Who You Think - Duration: 4:09.



Subscribe to the channel and turn on the notification bell. So you never miss an update

Hello guys, I'm kodi best build and I'm back with you again with another video. I wish you all the win

well having a great time with your friends with your family or

Anyone enjoy in your your week. So today is

Saturday and I wish you doing well and having a great great time at home preparing your dinner or lunch

Or whatever. So here guys

Yesterday I revealed this great amazing build. So it's crap chill silver build

From the melty build Cody wizard. So I chose this Guns N Roses

Skin, so you got a list. I showed you there is a lot of skins

Arsenal skin Liverpool Chelsea

So you can choose whatever you want, so I love baganz and roses band so that

That's why I choose this great

Skin, so right you guys let's back to the normal skin of Cody go to system


Then then press on skin and press on skin right here


Back to is tre and press on. Yes

so that way

You choose the normal skin of Cody right here

You can choose any color you want if you want gold green as I told you. I love green color

So I'm gonna pick the green one

So here guys

We are in the home menu of Cody

So here today, we're gonna install a great bill from you Cody one wizard

So to get it press insist on settings right here on the top

Then pressed on system settings

So here allowed to install from announcer says press on add-ons and then press on

This little icon right here and press on

Yes - allo to install anything from unknown sources. So here press on file manager and

then scroll down to

to add source

Right here press on add source

Press on none and here just copy and paste the source as you can see right here. So

Press on. Ok here. We'll get it repo

So press on ok

So here we got it added to your files. So let's back

Back one more time to the homepage of Kodi and scroll down to add-ons

Then press on this little box in the top and here click on install from zip file then

Scroll down to your file if you get a lot of files for sure, if you don't have a lot of files you will get

only few files and then you can see your

Repo so right here get it pressed on it

So here we got repository UK one click on it now. Don't forget guys to subscribe to UK

one or you Cody one community channel on YouTube, so it's near to

8000 subscribers

let's make it 8,000 subscribers guys, and then it's gonna grow to

10,000 it's doing a really amazing work for curly for Cody community for

For the final user to get builds to get add-ons to get a lot of great things working

So we'll really appreciate this great wizard. It's a friend of me

It's really honest person and doing a really amazing work. So right here scroll down to you

One as you can see right here click on it, then press on program add-ons

So here we get the wizard click on it and press on installed

So here we got

version point point zero point six

You got too many features on this great wizard

You can clean cody you can save and restore save the backup. You can restore it

You got a lot of great things

So here guys as you can see the wizard its installed so now press on

Remind me later or press on dismiss

So here if you want to go through the builds directly just press on continue and

Here press on click here. Just not used

Somehow guys when you back to the home page of Kodi guys

So dismiss all the messages and go back to the home page and here scroll down to add-ons

So press on program add-ons and then go to the UK for your kodi one wizard

So just open the wizard

So if you got a faster internet it won't work wait that long as

We so I have a four megabytes. It's the lowest internet in the world

From suffering with it to show you guys how things works and to help all of you

But don't forget to subscribe to my channel and share it with your friends with your family. So

Here guys get the wizard press on builds and

Here you get a huge list of dudes

So he can't choose any field you wanna install it. We got dragon fire

We got y'all feel we got a lot of great amazing deals

So here also got the cinema max as you can see, I love this build I cannot review

By PR guru you can


So or Frank they think Frank yeah, you can follow Frank on Twitter

So here guys if you got a previous bill do a fresh install

if you don't have anything yet going to go be pressed on the normal one spot so I gotta

be still

So you guys as you can see the download process is going got breast cancer

Space right here. Just keep it like this

So we can

So we already have the demo process done and now it's installing your files up into your building

So do not turn off your device

Or press and cancel right here. Just be patient and wait

So here guys get everything done, right

So right here guys we are in the end of the video

So, this is Cody best bill new channel. Don't forget to press

unsubscribe as you can see right here and

press on the Bell icon right here to get every update or

every video at a post on the channel

So don't forget also to check my other videos in videos check

Section and if you want to subscribe to my other great channels right here we can do that

So thanks for watching me and see you soon for another

great video

For more infomation >> NEWEST & BEST KODI 17.6 BUILD DECEMBER 2018 🔥 CINEMAX KODI BUILD 🔥 FROM UKODI1 WIZARD - Duration: 14:39.


Pensioni 2019, quando arriveranno gli assegni mese per mese ? - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Pensioni 2019, quando arriveranno gli assegni mese per mese ? - Duration: 4:12.


Nightcore - Truth Tea (Zolita) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:09.

Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Truth Tea (Zolita) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:09.


"Hosanna" [Thy Savior Hath Come - Lamb of God] by Rob Gardner (BYUH Concert Choir) - #LighttheWorld - Duration: 4:35.

On the Sunday before Passover, as Jesus came nigh unto Jerusalem for the feast,

he sent two of his disciples, saying, go ye into the village; into which he shall

find a colt tied: loose him and bring him hither.

And they brought the colt to Jesus: and they cast their garments upon him,

And a very great multitude spread their Garments in

the way; others cut down branches from the trees, and strawed Them in the way.

And when he was come nigh, even now at the descent of the Mount of Olives,

the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and Praise God with a loud

voice for all the mighty works that they had seen.

For more infomation >> "Hosanna" [Thy Savior Hath Come - Lamb of God] by Rob Gardner (BYUH Concert Choir) - #LighttheWorld - Duration: 4:35.


Gusttavo Lima mostra primeira vez do filho com animal: "Papai fica todo bobo" - Área VIP - Duration: 2:43.

 O sertanejo Gusttavo Lima e sua mulher Andressa Suita costumam encantar a web com clicks super fofos de seus filhos, Samuel e Gabriel, além de mostrarem alguns vídeos dos pequenos

 Neste sábado, 08, Gusttavo explodiu o fofurômetro ao compartilhar um vídeo de seu filho Gabriel, ao ver pela primeira vez um cavalo

No vídeo, o pequeno está montado no cavalo e a alegria de Gabriel é contagiante.  Na legenda, o sertanejo babou pelo filho: "Primeira vez que ele viu um cavalo ao vivo, e o papai ficou todo bobo …", escreveu ele, acrescentando 2 emoticons com olhos de coração

 Confira o vídeo, que teve mais de 375 mil visualizações:    Nos comentários uma chuva de elogios, ao momento super fofo, de seus seguidores e fãs

 "Todo amor do mundo por esse menino", "Gente olha a inocência desse Gabriel! Deus abençoe viu", "Tal pai, tal filho, rexxpeite", "Se esse menino não for o mais lindo do mundo eu desconheço", foram alguns dos comentários

 Andressa Suita, mãe do pequeno, também se derreteu pelo momento entre pai e filho: "Vocês são lindos demais"

  Andressa Suita pega no flagra seu filho caçula; Veja o vídeo  No último dia 05 de dezembro, Andressa mostrou um momento de seu caçula Samuel, de apenas quatro meses

O pequeno estava assistindo TV, em um bebê conforto, quando de repente ele tenta ficar sentado sozinho, a cena se repete por quatro vezes

Confira o flagra da loira!  Gusttavo Lima mostra detalhe especial em jatinho particular; Veja  Gusttavo Lima usa um jatinho particular para poder cumprir sua agendas de shows e na madrugada desta sexta-feira (7), o cantor mostrou um detalhe especial na aeronave para os seguidores do Instagram

 Na foto que Gusttavo postou no Storie, tem uma almofada onde ele aparece com os filhos no colo, Gabriel, de um ano e Samuel, de 4 meses, que fica em cima de uma cama improvisada no avião

Confira o registro! Confira também:

For more infomation >> Gusttavo Lima mostra primeira vez do filho com animal: "Papai fica todo bobo" - Área VIP - Duration: 2:43.



For more infomation >> OBESIDADE MENTAL: COMO TER UMA MENTE FITNESS - Duration: 3:07.



For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 New T8 TWIN ENGINE R-DESIGN SCAN.LINE/LUCHTVERING/NAPPA LEDER/21INCH - Duration: 0:57.


Volvo V40 1.6 D2 R-Design (115pk) Xenon /Climat /Cruise /Elek. pakket /Blueth. /Leer-Alcantara /Amst - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 1.6 D2 R-Design (115pk) Xenon /Climat /Cruise /Elek. pakket /Blueth. /Leer-Alcantara /Amst - Duration: 1:03.


Renault Clio 0.9 TCe Pack R-LINK (90pk) Navi!/ Airco/ Cruise/ Elek. pakket/ Bluetooth/ Isofix/ LED/ - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio 0.9 TCe Pack R-LINK (90pk) Navi!/ Airco/ Cruise/ Elek. pakket/ Bluetooth/ Isofix/ LED/ - Duration: 1:07.


Lulu Santos assina linha de alianças luxuosas de quase R$ 10 mil para casais LGBT - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Lulu Santos assina linha de alianças luxuosas de quase R$ 10 mil para casais LGBT - Duration: 1:25.


Ol' St. Nick Isn't Who You Think - Duration: 4:09.

Hi, my name is Stephanie and today I'm going to be talking about the truth

behind St. Nick. Santa Claus! The big guy in the red suit coming from

the North Pole to bring children presents, or the guy you were forced to

sit on in the mall to take a picture because your mom thought that it would

be good to send to relatives. However you see him, we all know the classic idea of

Santa Claus. He's some jolly old guy who comes down the chimney on Christmas Eve

to leave presents underneath your tree (even if you don't have a chimney, he breaks

and enters without a trace). He's got jingle bells on his sleigh

pulled by reindeer that can fly through the sky, and he apparently enjoys

milk and cookies. But you'll want to be good because he's got a list that he

checks twice to see who's been naughty or nice. Would it surprise you to

find out that St. Nick is very much not what you've heard of. Instead of some

jolly old man with magic reindeer flying through the sky, he was actually a normal

human being who suffered persecution. In fact, Saint Nicholas was actually a real

person, not just a myth made up to make people behave. He was actually a devout

Christian and loved Jesus with all his heart. In fact, he took the command to

sell all that you have and follow Him very seriously and literally did that. He

gave everything to assist the poor, sick, and suffering. Saint Nicholas experienced

a lot of pain in his life. His parents both died in an epidemic when he was

young. They had raised him to love Christ and he had given everything for those

less fortunate, yet he was persecuted and a thrown in jail instead of thieves. Now,

there are many stories told of him that can't necessarily be authenticated, but

one of the most popular ones explains why we hang stockings at our

fireplace. So, the story goes that, basically, a poor man had three daughters

and since he was poor, he didn't have a dowry for them, which was basically a

payment and that's how they would be able to get married off. So, instead, they

were facing possibly going into slavery. So, the story goes that basically Saint

Nicholas anonymously put money in their house, like, threw it through the

window and at one point or another, some of the money fell into socks hanging at

the fireplace to dry. And that's why we would put stockings at the fireplace for

stocking stuffers and stuff like that. And, of course, the reason he gave the

money was to help them have a dowry so they wouldn't be sold into slavery. While

some groups worship this man as a saint, believing he protects children and gives

gifts and stuff like that even though he's dead now, he is the original Saint

Nicholas - the Santa Claus that we hear about today. Now, I don't believe in

worshiping a man, as Nicolas was, but I do believe in that it is honorable that

he took his relationship with God so seriously and wanted to do right so much

that he endured persecution and gave everything that he had. So, while you're

out and about this holiday season, remember the real Saint Nick, who was

willing to give everything to God and to serve others. Let's do the same and

follow the example of Christ as we celebrate this time together. Thank you

so much for watching. If you enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs up and let me

know your thoughts in the comments below. if you want to read up more on Saint

Nicholas, I have some links in the description below, some of which I got my

information from and others just for more reading purposes. If you like to

hear from me, go ahead and hit that subscribe button if you haven't already

and ring the notification bell. That just is going to let you know when I upload.

Now, during December, I am uploading every single day up until Christmas Eve or

Christmas Day, however my normal schedule is Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday so, at

least you will hear from me three times a week if you subscribe. I hope that

you're having a wonderful week and be looking forward to my next video. Bye!

For more infomation >> Ol' St. Nick Isn't Who You Think - Duration: 4:09.


สรุปข่าวลิเวอร์พูล วันที่ 9 ธ.ค. 2018 - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> สรุปข่าวลิเวอร์พูล วันที่ 9 ธ.ค. 2018 - Duration: 2:44.


梁靜茹雙眼爆血絲!「哭了一天」原因曝光網全嚇壞 - Duration: 9:18.

For more infomation >> 梁靜茹雙眼爆血絲!「哭了一天」原因曝光網全嚇壞 - Duration: 9:18.


Kia Picanto 1.1 LXE automaat. 5drs. - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.1 LXE automaat. 5drs. - Duration: 0:38.


Peugeot 207 1.4 16V 5DRS Color-line - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 16V 5DRS Color-line - Duration: 1:11.


Peugeot 206 +, 5drs, 1.4 Millesim 200 - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 206 +, 5drs, 1.4 Millesim 200 - Duration: 1:04.


Peugeot 207 1.4 5DRS XT CR.CONTROL/TREKHAAK/CL.CONTROL - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 5DRS XT CR.CONTROL/TREKHAAK/CL.CONTROL - Duration: 1:02.


Professional Teleprompters Available

For more infomation >> Professional Teleprompters Available


Fiat 500X 1.4T MULTIAIR 140 BUSINESS CROSS RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Fiat 500X 1.4T MULTIAIR 140 BUSINESS CROSS RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:12.


Seat Ibiza 1.0 TSI FR Connect 5drs /NAVI/ XENON/ LED/ FABRIEKSGARANTIE T/M 10-11-2020 - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Seat Ibiza 1.0 TSI FR Connect 5drs /NAVI/ XENON/ LED/ FABRIEKSGARANTIE T/M 10-11-2020 - Duration: 0:55.


Iconic Liquors Your Home Bar Absolutely Needs - Duration: 4:27.

Everyone loves heading out to the local bar or pub for a night out, but let's be honest

sometimes, staying in is just so much better.

Whether you're opting for a quiet night in or you're hosting a gathering of friends,

you also can't deny the value of a well-stocked liquor cabinet.

Don't get caught lacking: here are some iconic bottles every home bar should have.

Don't let the name fool you, because the jar of neon red maraschino cherries that's been

in the back of your fridge for seven years?

Luxardo Maraschino is nothing like that.

It's made from ripe Marasca cherries, a sour variety, and they impart a subtle bitter almond

flavor and floral notes into the liqueur.

If you're expecting a sugary sweet taste, you won't find it here.

What you will find?

Deliciousness, decades in the making.

If you're going to make the classic Pimm's cup, you're going to need Pimm's No. 1.

This gin-based liqueur is full of botanical notes, thanks to herbs and citrus, and it

pairs wonderfully with sparkling lemonade and tons of fruit that make up the eponymous


Use cucumber, strawberries, and oranges, and here's the bonus: You'll get a serving of

fruit during happy hour.

Here's an amaretto that ticks all the boxes — not too boozy, not too sweet, and goes

down easy in such a wide range of drinks it'll quickly become an invaluable addition to your


Disaronno, a name synonymous with amaretto, is an Italian liqueur with that almond flavor

so heavenly, they claim the recipe has been unchanged since 1525.

Don't worry, if a sour isn't your thing, it's perfect for amaretto and cream, too.

Every home bar needs triple sec, and if it's in the budget, Cointreau is the way to go.

This French orange liqueur, made with sweet and bitter orange peels, is used in so many

different cocktail recipes your head will spin… but in a good way.

Just get a bottle, and you'll be able to find something new to try every time you crack

it open.

If you're only pulling out the Irish whiskey for its yearly appearance at St. Patrick's

Day parties, you're doing it wrong.

Any well-stocked bar should have a good Irish whiskey, and why would you skip the one that

set the bar for all others, Jameson Original.

It's triple distilled, aged for a minimum of four years, and has floral, spicy, and

sweet notes.

If you already have a bottle of Kahlúa, it might just be one of those bottles that gets

shoved to the back of the cabinet because you don't realize just how versatile it is.

That's a shame, because it should be front and center.

This Mexican liqueur, made with Arabica coffee and sugarcane rum, can be used in so many

super-simple cocktails you'll be glad you have it.

One of the basic cocktails to build on is a black Russian, which is just Kahlúa and

vodka over ice.

Then, you can add cream for a white Russian, or mix it up a bit by adding some Irish cream

liqueur to your Kahlúa and vodka for a mudslide.

For the Scotch drinkers, you'll want to have a great single malt on the bar and for that,

you can't go wrong with The Glenlivet.

The Glenlivet 12 is the "entry level" bottle from this producer, with notes of vanilla,

grass, honey, and fruit, and a clean flavor.

If you become a Scotch connoisseur after tasting the 12, check out the more aged varieties.

You're in for a treat.

Please step away from the Cuervo Gold, and in the process, you'll leave all your bad

tequila memories behind, too.

Your margaritas deserve better, after all, and Don Julio blanco tequila, will absolutely


This silver tequila is made with 100 percent blue agave, and is clean and dry with notes

of citrus.

There's none of that overpowering flavor that makes all tequila drinks taste the same, and

the bonus?

Even if you're not mixing this into cocktails, you'll like sipping it straight, too.

Made with aged Scotch whisky, herbs, spices, and heather honey, Drambuie offers a unique

and complex flavor profile.

It's a top secret recipe, but common guesses at some ingredients include saffron, anise,

and nutmeg.

The most recognizable cocktail made with Drambuie has to be the Rusty Nail, which is exactly

as strong as it sounds.

It's 1 part Drambuie and 1 part Scotch whisky, so sip slowly… and enjoy.

Limoncello is a liqueur made from lemons of the Amalfi coast, and just happens to be the

quintessential after-dinner drink.

It's light, bright, and just the right blend of sweet and tart to be a perfect post-meal


Keep a bottle in the fridge (not the liquor cabinet) so it's always ready to drink, whether

it's straight up or mixed with sparkling water.

With the old fashioned cocktail at the top of everyone's go-to, every good home bar needs

a great bourbon on hand to be complete.

Maker's Mark fits the bill, just as it has for a long time.

It's been made in Kentucky since 1953, using red winter wheat instead of the typical rye

for a sweet and balanced finish, and each 90-proof bottle is still hand-dipped in that

iconic red wax.

For more infomation >> Iconic Liquors Your Home Bar Absolutely Needs - Duration: 4:27.


The Untold Truth Of Teen Mom Star Ryan Edwards - Duration: 4:34.

Teen Mom OG star Ryan Edwards has been the black sheep of the MTV reality show since

he made his then-pregnant teenage girlfriend Maci Bookout check out a flat tire on his


"I'm not going to go until you look!"

"Oh God, you're such a pain, Ryan."

Things haven't really improved from there.

This is the untold truth of Teen Mom's Ryan Edwards.

Animal cruelty

One of the more disturbing details about Ryan Edwards' life is his alleged cat-killing spree

in August 2016.

The controversy started when he took to Instagram to write:

"Use to be the cat hangout but I been putting them down with the ol' air rifle [...] #deadcats"

Despite the backlash, he defended his decision by supposedly claiming the cats were living

underneath his house and wreaking havoc.

He could've just been trolling, but even so, color us horrified.

Sidewalk wedding

Sure, Teen Mom OG fans remember Ryan and Mackenzie Edwards' beautiful November 2017 wedding,

but what they probably won't forget is the couple's first ceremony that took place in

May 2017.

It was a rushed event that happened on the sidewalk outside of their local aquarium.

The only guests in attendance were Ryan's parents, Jen and Larry Edwards.

To add insult to injury, his mom broke down in tears right before the two said "I do."

"Yeah but the most important people aren't here."

What happened before the wedding was even more distressing.

When MTV aired footage of Ryan Edwards driving to that same sidewalk wedding while under

the influence, viewers were understandably concerned.

The disturbing footage - which generated a ton of headlines - showed Ryan nodding off

and slurring his words while behind the wheel.

He denied he had taken a Xanax but later acknowledged the severity of his actions.

Multiple rehab stints

One of Ryan Edward's ex-girlfriends claims that his struggles with addiction go back

for a long time, saying that he secretly entered rehab for a week in December 2012.

After MTV filmed him driving to his first wedding while allegedly under the influence

in 2017, he entered a Texas-based rehab facility.

He left treatment after only three weeks into his 30-day rehab stay, but the problems weren't

over yet.


Ryan allegedly sought out women on Tinder in August 2017, just three months after his

sidewalk wedding ceremony.

The dad-of-two reportedly sent racy photos, along with some cringeworthy explicit messages

to entice his potential hookup.

His wife supposedly contacted the woman in question via text message after the dirty

conversation took place, asking the woman to stop contacting Edwards.

But in March 2018, he allegedly reached out to additional women on the dating app once


Missed his son's birth

News of Mackenzie Edwards' pregnancy broke in March 2018.

Fans weren't sure if the couple was ready for a baby, given Ryan's previous rehab

stints and his reluctance to becoming a father for a second time.

"Yeah, call me when he's about three."

Things took a dark turn when Ryan reportedly entered an Alabama-based rehab facility in

September 2018.

The timing could have been better, given that Mackenzie gave birth to their son, Jagger,

on October 9th.

An insider also hinted to Radar Online that Ryan supposedly missed out on his son's


Breaking the law

Edwards has a very long rap sheet, which may explain some of his erratic behavior, starting

with his first arrest in March 2017 for possession of drug paraphernalia.

It all went down after Edwards was pulled over in Tennessee for driving a car with expired


He was put on probation, which he allegedly violated in March 2018.

As a result, he was placed under arrest and later released on bail.

Even worse, the arrest came just one day after he and his wife announced their first pregnancy.

He was arrested again on July 23rd, 2018 for simple possession of heroin.

He later denied the arrest was drug-related and claimed it was all a big misunderstanding.

Disturbing threats

When Ryan's ex-girlfriend Maci Bookout first met her husband, Taylor McKinney, everything

was hunky dory with Edwards.

But, for whatever reason, the goodwill fell apart in March 2018 when Edwards allegedly

threatened to "put a bullet" in McKinney's head.

"Who does that?"

According to People magazine, a judge granted Bookout a two-year order of protection against

Edwards, which prevented him from being within 100 feet of his ex, McKinney, and their two

children, Jayde and Maverick.

Goodbye, MTV

Ryan and Mackenzie Edwards announced their departures from Teen Mom OG just three months

before the Season 7 premiere in 2018.

Mackenzie told E! News it was because the network didn't want to show Ryan as a recovering

addict, but the network allegedly wanted to film scenes with their new baby and Ryan's

parents only.

Although MTV didn't comment on Mackenzie's claims, an insider told The Ashley's Reality

Roundup that the pair was booted due to other cast members speaking up about Ryan's sobriety.

Ex-girlfriend and mother of Ryan's child, Maci, threatened to quit the show if Ryan's

descent into addiction was going to be immortalized on TV for their son to see.

MTV chose Maci.

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Teen Mom Star Ryan Edwards - Duration: 4:34.


Nightcore - Truth Tea (Zolita) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:09.

Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Truth Tea (Zolita) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:09.


TimTheTatman Reacts to Our Montage "We Enhanced TimTheTatman in this Fortnite Edit" - Grumbae - Duration: 7:16.

We enhanced Timna tapman with this a fortnight editor

Hey ya know my computer had our moments in a rock stars way

That define who he is where there was darkness

Timlin tappman. Hang on a minute

There is no it's going to be old wild we can't let him die

Hey, I need to take a break

Why are you bullying me?

Son have you heard of Amazon Prime

Why they called the wild card yo you like

Watch a shot

Can you see me - dude - Switek, please just win

Damn at least I killed myself. No one gets to kill me, but

This brain is down upon they still yep. Yep, they're on top of that

Before in their bed

900 IQ chat

Dad's that seats him

What this money to look back how like much better people can build my name now I

spoke my name

Who is it? I'm your biggest fan

Look up you eight smite me Oh

This it


Feel honestly dude, I feel bad for all the other dads that are gonna be like this in school with my kid because I

I'm pretty tough to top that top. No, I'm cool

Look at me great great physique

Male physical peak that crane drive a great great great vehicle Jeep Wrangler

You know have a I have a fantastic taste in music

These poor other dads, you know what I'm saying?

I feel bad

I'm not you know, I think I won't go to career day how long all these dads are gonna be like, woo do

What do you do? I'll be like online male entertainer. They're gonna be like get out of my kid's room. Like whoa, let me explain

That's cool those funny

Basically sums me up so

Here I'll put their Twitter on there too, that's their Twitter I thought that was really funny

That was cool, that was cool. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for doing that. Appreciate you guys and girls

For more infomation >> TimTheTatman Reacts to Our Montage "We Enhanced TimTheTatman in this Fortnite Edit" - Grumbae - Duration: 7:16.


25% Of Elected Officials Accused Of Sexual Misconduct Are STILL IN OFFICE! - Duration: 5:01.

According to a new study from Georgetown University since the 2016 election, 138 officials in

governments all over this country, both elected and appointed, 138 have been accused of some

form of sexual misconduct or abuse in the last two years.

One hundred 38.

That startling enough.

What's even more startling is the fact that 25 percent of those accused are still sitting

in a public office.

Again, this includes people who were both elected to their positions and those who were

appointed to their positions.

You know, people like Brett Kavanaugh, nonetheless, 25 percent of that 138 that they were able

to accurately identify some of whom have had more than a dozen complaints lodged against


Twenty five percent are still in office today.

Here's what this means, and the report actually does a good job of explaining this.

Most of the men, and they were actually have that 1:38.

Only three of them were women.

So yes, it's pretty safe to say that you got 135 predators out there, 25 percent of whom

are still in office, but most of these men will never face any kind of consequence whatsoever

other than having to resign from their position or not being reelected.

Uh, I think they point out that there is a seven civil lawsuits and 12 criminal charges

total that had been filed against the 138 individuals who were accused.

But that's small potatoes.

That is a tiny percentage of the total number of people who have been accused of this atrocious,

disgusting behavior.

Most of them will never see charges filed against them.

Most of them will not see lawsuits filed against them.

And here's why.

According to the rules for most elected officials, this happens to be the case in Washington

DC and in many state governments all over this country, there are no rules protecting

interns, protecting independent contractors.

It only protects these specific staff employees of a particular elected or appointed official.

So when the harassment occurs and it's against an intern or it's a against a contractor,

that person doesn't necessarily have any recourse add into that the fact that roughly 70 percent

of instances of sexual assault and harassment and other misconduct go completely unreported

and you're looking at a major epidemic here in the United States just among our elected


We have to do better as a country.

We have to start protecting women literally as the Georgetown report points out.

The way this country is structured is that the laws protect the accused and the accusers

have virtually no recourse in many of these instances.

That has to change, but the odds of getting that changed while these same harassers are

sitting in office are next to none.

We need to know more about this issue.

We need to know every single politician that has been accused and what they've been accused

of and there needed to be investigations.

They need to be fully vetted.

You know, maybe there are some instances where it's not true.

Willing to bet there's more than a quite a few that are 100 percent accurate though.

In fact, I think the false allegations would be very rare to find if you could even find

them at all, but we have to know more.

We have to do more, we have to get better as a country, and as long as we let these

predators continue to write the laws, we have virtually no chance of getting these crazy


I mean, God, look, this is an issue that is so disgusting to me and it's absolutely appalling.

And so yeah, sometimes it gets a little hard to talk about these things without just absolutely

going on an unhinged tirade against these people.

But I will say this, if we don't know who these people are, if we don't know who the

predators are, if we don't know the stories and if we don't investigate them, then we

have 100 percent failed as a country because again, the longer these people stay in office,

the more they control the laws and the more they get away with this kind of disgusting

conduct that apparently is becoming commonplace amongst our elected officials.

For more infomation >> 25% Of Elected Officials Accused Of Sexual Misconduct Are STILL IN OFFICE! - Duration: 5:01.


People Actually Ate LEGO In The Name Of Science - Duration: 4:41.

Pediatricians actually ate pieces of lego and pooped them out all in the name of science

Welcome to Inform Overload, Im your host Johnny Rogers and if youre new to the channel, we

find the most interesting news stories on the internet and we make them more entertaining

Ahhh science what will they come up with next.

A small group of pediatricians got together to solve the age old question of - how long

does it take to poop out lego pieces.

The answer is on average it takes 1.71 days to poop out those little yellow lego heads.

For the sake of science six pediatricians all volunteered to consume a lego head and

search through their poop to find the evidence.

Before undergoing this serious scientific endeavour the healthcare professionals had

to have not had gastrointestinal surgery and has to be perfectly fine with going through

their own feces.

The final results were published in the Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health in an article

they titled - Everything is awesome - Dont forget the lego.

Shoutout to the lego movie fans who had a good laugh at that title like me.

It gets better though and this is the kind of funny news you just cant write.

The volunteers were monitored for their pre-ingestion bowel habits to account for any differences.

The standardized test is called - The Stool Hardness and Transit or the SHAT score.

Wait.. wait..

It gets better - The time in which it takes for the lego piece to travel from the mouth

to the toilet bowl is called The Found and Retrieved Time also known as the FART score.

Ahhh and just like that I feel like a kid again.

Poop jokes are always funny.

Like I said it takes approximately 1.71 days for the lego piece to leave the body and a

FART score that falls between 1.14 and 3.04 days.

Unfortunately for one of the male volunteers he never found the lego head he consumed.

Which lead the researchers to come to the conclusion and I quote - Females may be more

accomplished at searching through their stools than males.

Although this test seems crazy, hilarious and whatever else you want to think about

it, the study was done with a purpose.

The reasoning for this scientific study is to put the minds of parents at ease when their

child decides dinner just wasnt enough for them.

Now with this study they can be sure that consuming a lego piece wont have nasty health

complications for their child.

The authors of the study also wrote something worth keeping in mind though.

They said - It is possible that childhood bowel transit time is fundamentally different

from adult, but there is little evidence to support this, and if anything, it is likely

that objects would pass faster in a more immature gut.

This will be of use to anxious parents who may worry that transit times may be prolonged

and potentially painful for their children.

The authors also urged parents that if a child does eat something like this and it doesnt

show up in the feces to not go looking for it.

Also I urge you as funny and important this study is, we do not give you the greenlight

to start eating lego pieces.

If an experienced PhD couldnt find the piece in their own stool, you should not expect

that you could.

With that I want to leave a question for you, do you think this study is important or was

it a waste of time Now lets move on to some featured comments

from the video titled - Youll never use a mcdonalds touch screen again after hearing

this TheSage 2020 says - Theres fecal matter everywhere

no big deal from your phones to your toothbrush -Gross, but also true.

I need to sanitize my body now Mr. walrus says - Well that's a crappy situation

-Haaaaaaaaa love a good pun J-hope Hobi says - Well good bye McDonald's

and hello Burger King -Or or and bare with me here, get grass-fed

beef from a local butcher and make homemade burgers.

Itll taste better, it will be cheaper in the long run and youll be supporting local businesses.

Plus its just better meat Tanzanite The One says - GROSS!


-Hey I feel the same way.

Poop on McDonalds touch screens is gross The De Sean Allen says - real talk who really

goes inside a fast food restaurant its drive thru only over here.

-This man right here is a genius.

Why did we ever leave the drive-thru.

I guess if you live in a city its hard to find them, but just talk to the cashier.

They work at McDonalds, im sure as gross as you think your order is, theyve seen worse.

Thank you for watching Inform Overload, Hit that thumbs up button if you enjoyed this


If youre new here dont forget to subscribe.

If you want more videos like this one just click the playlist on the screen and if you

have hot tips on any new and exciting stories that you want us to cover just find my instagram

in the description below and send me a DM.

From Inform Overload, Im Johnny Rogers and until next time take care.

For more infomation >> People Actually Ate LEGO In The Name Of Science - Duration: 4:41.


America's News HQ 12/08/18 5PM | December 08, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:24.

For more infomation >> America's News HQ 12/08/18 5PM | December 08, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:24.


Minecraft: Christmas Hide And Seek Multiplayer - Duration: 30:23.

Oh Tim didn't he's here when he starts hitting us when he ain't about to hit us

hit him 3 2 1 go go go go dad you gotta get over oh my gosh

what's going on guys Dallas here along with Denton and woods and in today's

video we are going to playing some hive I mean we're playing some Christmas hide

and seek on the hive what thanks live yep the hive so lies our

peers in new we upload videos Saturday Sunday and photos videos on wind today

if I upload it so let's get into this they're in a party and we have to wait

for lobby area hey dolls alright you guys me drag this is a good

one I think I got a jukebox you know you can follow the jukeboxes alright you

might hit right what I think it's like my gosh yeah your hurry you got 14

seconds one day I've always learned about hide-and-seek if you run farther

and further away from that front person then it's gonna meet a longer time till

I find you let me end okay so we gotta hide

no way this is oh my gosh your gum the person whoever are running around wait

flowerpot who's a flowerpot you cannot go solid here I don't care if

I'm glad going solid oh oh my gosh what are you doing are you trying to give me

away go on

you're now hitting denting I can't get it gone

Oh No why did I say I was a pika I'm not actually a beat

you're not beacon at all bottom all right I cannot show you either I can't

show either you my spot multiply this I'm in the more spot that know I

expected you box to be a min okay I'll say that what were you that a beacon I

just got killed oh my gosh so now I know where you are

thanks a lot you seeker killer oh my gosh oh oh oh no oh no don't turn around

don't turn around don't turn around those kind of stairs oh no left click to

whistle last time I own Oh rainbow guy I was a

flower just read the thing to hiders left so I was that I was that there's a

jib box and pumpkin alike way a pumpkin yeah that's actually quite easy yeah I

kept watching out to you guys so I was actually that um so I should have been

yeah but you can also kill your sword also wait a juke box and a pumpkin yeah

I think it's because you're Pro cuz pros only get it peel appliance so I was the

flower pot on top of the stairs Oh up there's bunk enough clothes

come on I wish that was the hider that that dude we're looking for

you smell like oh jeez no one spotted me yet you know what yes no wait if you

love Clete the juice boxes hit me maybe it doesn't make noise that's not him

all right it doesn't mean noise killed

well I hear him listen he's making no he's easing and taunting noise put your

headphones on you two oh my gosh hey what just turn up your volume and you

get here taunting I'm giving you high to the button there's only two fucks where

is he I'm opening the secret door what's behind here this is a wall wait what I

know where he is you won't know where he is he's doing the secret room Biff

Tannen woods where are you there's a whole new section of map I didn't notice

about where you can go across the water oh the ship ship follow me okay wait

what we need open this secret room there are some buttons what I broke though I

broke the one I saw a room in there I don't know oh okay wait lamb meat is

view 1 forget this and I gotta go like this yeah jump up here alright it's like

the block

I'll be hey Belle okay maybe a furnace

oh I should have a hay bale Oh in crushed

oh my gosh pucks out game grass you're a seeker we

may a seeker

did I wake you what nobody's fooled oh my gosh

I'm gonna put some skip because ice alright are you doing duh-duh-duh what

what somebody could save me No

flames raining what a secret no no I'm a crafting table my gosh I think I think

I'm about to run I accept this lady that's running if I run out the door my

block keep up keeps on like yeah we got make a wish behind you know ah come on

here we got four crafting when I do the other bookshelf is wait which houses I

going I know I know where he is okay so remember I crossed the water like this

over here and I entered in I was gonna like jump up here but I did Emo's right

can't remember that was originally there

John what that be also that spot yeah I got this kitchen finish covered then we

then we're gonna know when when we see him

wait I saw it run its own block earlier I mean a redstone block one more of

those things and redstone block wait there's 200 left oh I'm gonna be looking

for a redstone block done

hmm this is hard game over seekers are the winners all right on hi

Denton yeah you cannot invite in big ball yeah you guys are offline policy

I'm willing to be me courts how many courts I like it commented OC tough

wait yes yes what oh I made a terrible decision wait alright I can't be out in

the open ah you what do I want just not really

pleased what's Bruce I'm going downstairs

I can't handle being out upstairs now my boy upstairs never I can't handle the

upstairs wait boom you are hitting

digit in woods right click on your animals okay right click on your

emeralds right click the emerald and select 1 wait I'm ready to vote huh

I do I do a right-click on your thing right click on the emerald I don't think

I don't like with understands it I hear someone walking upstairs

wait here just your potions Tintin yeah I'm here you way are you seeker wait

were you oh my gosh you're on the other side my gosh wait we're right next to

each other always you're on the other side we know what's has come

that's my point I think we're good well the thing is

wait how are you still in the game woods

you moved the showpiece pot oh no I see someone yeah they're coming stores what

was in it is an anvil sitting told you here next ready do you hear some time

with you here okay what boy used to work yeah when you get under attack run and

we'll just write it we have much help in came what sort of for someone oh you

guys are dudes okay Charenton would you I'm out of

there I'm blowing but he's eyeballin I'm back

yes he's right there the lazy camp what milliseconds let's go there's talk

here oh my gosh guys I can only get what's what I need you the tale of right

no that kid are you still alive what's no oh no oh no did it did it do down

here core is a great deal have a gigantic order if you leave oh my gosh I

moved for a second

don't say anything yeah I want to have in does anyone want some bacon dumb look

I'll shut up stairs wait when we type stairs upstairs sympton 40 seconds okay

anything wait do you either like 12 touchdowns two tickets you do that no

there's so much boys I'm doing it

ditching you word right there you were killed by him I was right next to you

no didn't you like her no get come to you place is massive

no I lost by three seconds oh my god thanks this ain't one

what if I if I choose and on what you share you were all right what you're

gonna show me where you were hiding okay well are you gonna be dancin what's

first one okay doll stuff so call me Bobby I'm jumping I'm jumping I'm

jumping okay you see me yes okay let's go

are you going straight yes hey yo this weight in time we're not gonna weigh I

can use okay we're gonna follow me those stairs

yep oh yeah we only have 14 seconds let's hurry I know modulus I found this

spot earlier oh don't look at this look at this where this I can't see you we're

inside each other I did me wait while we while we do this a minute

no no yeah yeah yeah double 3rc wait are you saying a saint like the show okay

everyone by next episodes Woods will record her perspective there's an ice

cube step nobody only record minecraft you only recorded what you're doing okay

Daniel shout you're looking young

wait yeah well it's hot explosion

they're free

Gidget in Denton put your swords out well like see it no so the dudes we're

gonna do it if someone starts if someone starts swinging at you or me

we're bulbs gonna attack it okay you cannot take on choose brush people wait

wait did Tim we should go find wood and stay with her because the duel in her

room he almost hit her oh you ready you ready to PvP like you've never been here

before oh oh yeah let's go there's like four

people in here also they were psych there's only quick template shooting at

you there was an ice ax named beacon look there's only one seeker the beacon

just ran right by him there's 80 hiders of what seeker wait wait wait wait if we

have one seeker then we can go whine once every Sambor of the room dogs then

oh wait oh what a guy hey wait Oh two seekers one find wood and take

her out I wish I wish woods was the second player found I mean the first

person found by that really bad hider and seeker how funny would that it was

three but then he stopped me when they left

taunt taunt the explosion Oh Oh Jim didn't he's here when he starts hitting

us when he ain't about to hit us hit him three two one go go go go go go oh my

gosh we got em we got em wait you might respond yes you guys follow me oh wait

there was three people that room if we see him again we kill them or anybody

else okay no in this spot right here Danson did you not be having any more

would you perfect it yeah go there it's so much since I feel bad for you Yeah

right there it becomes another secret comes over here and tries killing

us we'll kill them again wait that's actually pretty funny dancing oh geez oh

yeah what coming up coming up now let's get your swords right did your swords

ready don't seek scratching he's lacking hey don't seek Carmack's feet I want to

kill someone

here comes Dean did there's someone there coming over here is the same dude

um no not when he comes near you kill okay will be a miracle okay do it again

right now cuz he's won no I wanna I wanna get one good no we can't get

double xp Hey what's running around

idiot we're over here we win oh um did sit we want to be killed someone - what

do you gonna be oh look at this good stuff we're gonna be hurry

hi chose the crafting table is calling to me

boring boring light more like boring boring more hey wait wait oh my gosh

it's the beach one no what do you wanna hide into wait

melon who I'm sorry forever did the Belen I'm so I'm sorry to myself

I'm a furnace there's no furnace don't wait I got a furnace - oh no oh no and I

can't water water wait is that water bad yeah

there is no water do you think anyone expected us on a boat what I told you oh

my gosh I got the perfect spot I do - I'm hiding behind the secret building no

I can do it there's only one seeker so um he's

chasing like three dudes he's also right next to me

wait I feel so sorry for him that's to do that we killed no yes

melon stop is what he made we did where are you I wants me you are well you're

near me I'm behind the where are you they will not come why thought exactly

the building last ahead in last time whoops hey tell us three secrets left I

mean there's three secrets now oh oh no I shouldn't have done that there's two

things next to me I saw the firework

what what do you want oh he's busy bubbles busy bubbles it was killed by

DBS shutter level two first I hear a secret there he is

Titans maybe that's what I do you win I heard you got a warranty but the warrant

wouldn't allowance does they work cuz they were because the warrant was by the

warrant in the warrant was against quiet riots the quiet The Quiet Riot we need

to quiet the warrants had come out come back down

Jaime Lane Jane Doe Jane Lane we had I'll help everyone I grew a sheep in the

air no no one's coming for hi dear I know I did - look at my spot what yeah

Vincent look at my watch Jim look at my screen hi boys hi words wining a furnace

I would my words no I was really don't go check it my god laughter oh my god

that do it right there he just turned around it just look at my screen didn't

would you expect this at all I'm going on oh my gosh it's actually pretty good

yeah I was like aren't you into that boat you it's only there was a very poor

wait there's a boat here Miska don't rest okay oh yeah oh yeah I told the

damn block he's on a rope so be careful there's ways to get up on

the road and clean the ladder that was in that room that you do not realize

it's 99 it woods don't look on that bridge you're on no it's a wait I can't

can we watch me 9 oh my god really gonna be oh my god

no crappy deal get out of here Oh No what does it look Ziya Tony went away it

was this empty on no no you're right in I'm gonna run what look up in the air go

outside and look for the cruise ship I'm on the cruise ship

I'm turned here or less lookdowns mine

I'm into this next round I hope this works oh no no no so what's

on the ship oh my gosh on the ship oh my gosh hi

what hey what hey what hey what hey what hey what did you guys what no no I'm

talking was to die oh I did not die come on would follow me to my crew shot I

bought the skirt no what did you think Woods

what do you think about that I told you go over here oh wow nice Michael it's it

doesn't look then like I was on that cruise ship I'm here and what was there

she was hitting me anyone I was behind the thing that's garbage

the way you lost yeah I I ran there's someone on my boat I booked it

I was running straight they gave up on me he went for someone else and then I

saw Woods on a budget hey what say what she hit me once gave me an elbows into a

wall I ran her down and I won any Trump

alright guys hope you guys enjoyed that video LightScribe you guys did that was

one heck of a haunting asik I've never experienced something quite like that so

you guys didn't enjoy that lion scram you guys say if you did if you did nice

crime and I hooked see y'all next time bye bye


For more infomation >> Minecraft: Christmas Hide And Seek Multiplayer - Duration: 30:23.


Learn How to Sell a Home By Owner 🏠 - Duration: 6:43.

Hi everyone. This is your Tampa Bay realtor Lance Mohr and I'm going to go

over a question I get asked quite often from homeowners and that's how do I sell

a house or how do you sell a house for sale by owner and that's what I'm going

to go over in this video so being in the business over 20 years I get asked this

question quite often especially when we're in a good real estate market like

we are now people want to save money so they want to try to sell their house

themselves now I'm not going to get into is it a good ideas and a bad idea and

all that stuff I'm just going to tell you what you need to do and it comes

down to just what real estate agents need to do it's the three P's its price

presentation and promotion so let's start off with the price you need the

price right you have to price it to where a buyer's gonna want to buy it

now sometimes buyers are looking by themselves they're not looking with a

real estate agent because they want to save money they figure they're doing all

the work they do this because they want to save money so you need to understand

this you need to take your seller hat off and put on a buyer hat and start

thinking how buyers are thinking so what I would do is I would get up either a

market analysis from one to three different realtor's or even get an

appraisal something in writing from a state certified appraiser might cost you

three hundred three hundred fifty dollars but then when you're negotiating

with the buyer if they're lower than that you could say hey look this is what

the home's worth it comes from a state certified appraiser not a real estate

agent so I would do that get the price squared away it has to be priced right

the second is presentation presentation simply how does the home look does it

look good you want to have a really really good presentation you want to

again take your seller hat off you want to put your buy your hat on you want to

go out to lunch go out to breakfast pull up to your home park across the street

like a buyer would and walk up look at it is the grass moe

is it edge or they're any weeds or the really nice plants or shrubbery or

flowers outside when you walk up is the door than the entrance in really nice

condition or they're problems when you walk inside

how does it look how does it smell how does it sound

do you have nice pleasing music on that's neutral music for the buyer go

through and do a room-by-room analysis of every room in the home and go over

and make sure that they're not cluttered anything that you need to store

somewhere either rent a storage unit or put it in a box and put it in your

garage and then go out to the back yard how does your lanai look if you have all

an eye how does your how does your back yard look so how does it look what's the

presentation like is it going to make them wanna buy the house it's no

different than when you sell a car when people sell cars what do you do we all

go out we wash them we wax them we might put armor on the tires or inside we'd

want it looking really good what's this it's the same thing with the house but

you just have to do more of it or in many cases you have to do more of it

and then the last is promotion now this is the hardest for sellers because you

don't really have a way to promote it now a lot of times when I do training to

other agents I do marketing I always tell them what they need to do but the

Devils in the details and the detail is how you do it so that's the question

that's the problem you could get you could get a company to just put it on

the MLS but that isn't everything you have to take really really good pictures

you have to have pictures that are going to knock people socks off so when they

look at the pictures online then it's gonna make them want to come out and see

the home you're going to have to do a lot of social media advertising a lot of

multi media advertising and you're gonna not only don't have to know how did what

to do but you're gonna have to know how to do that again the Devils are in the

details that's why in my business is a real estate agent you have so many real

estate agents there failing in the first five years statistically 95% of the

railroaders we'll be out of the business it's

because they might know what to do but they don't really know how to do it so

you just have to go to every Avenue you're gonna need to go to any social

media like I said anything's like Craigslist eBay anything websites call

up the newspaper I know a lot of people don't get the newspaper but a lot of

people do so you want to just hit every avenue and blanket it with marketing

marketing marketing marketing the more people that look at your home the more

people are gonna come in and see it and a better chance you haven't it gets sold

quickly and for a higher price so it's not rocket science but what you need to

do it's like a three-legged barstool if you kick one of the legs out you're

gonna have a hard time so I know being a seller being a homeowner promotion is

the hardest but if nothing else make sure it's priced right make sure it

looks fantastic and just get out there spend some money and get it solved and

that there I always tell people when they come to me as a real estate agent

if they want to do for Sale By Owner I'm like hey do what you need to do at the

end of the day you always have to figure where you're gonna get you know a better

bang for your buck using a real estate agent I use in a real estate agent I

personally have sold some of my homes in Jacksonville I'm in Tampa and I've

actually hired a real estate agent just because I know I can get more money if I

use a really really good agent even being a real estate agent I don't know

not market and I'm not going back and forth up there certainly to let people

in but you need to do what's in the best interest for you and your family follow

these three things and you'll be a lot for their head if any other for Sale By

Owner you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out shoot me an email

I'll leave my contact information below I wish you the best of luck getting your

home sold and thank you for watching these videos have a wonderful day


For more infomation >> Learn How to Sell a Home By Owner 🏠 - Duration: 6:43.


Rustic St. Petersburg Tiny House- Featured On Hgtv | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Rustic St. Petersburg Tiny House- Featured On Hgtv | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:59.


Ol' St. Nick Isn't Who You Think - Duration: 4:09.

Hi, my name is Stephanie and today I'm going to be talking about the truth

behind St. Nick. Santa Claus! The big guy in the red suit coming from

the North Pole to bring children presents, or the guy you were forced to

sit on in the mall to take a picture because your mom thought that it would

be good to send to relatives. However you see him, we all know the classic idea of

Santa Claus. He's some jolly old guy who comes down the chimney on Christmas Eve

to leave presents underneath your tree (even if you don't have a chimney, he breaks

and enters without a trace). He's got jingle bells on his sleigh

pulled by reindeer that can fly through the sky, and he apparently enjoys

milk and cookies. But you'll want to be good because he's got a list that he

checks twice to see who's been naughty or nice. Would it surprise you to

find out that St. Nick is very much not what you've heard of. Instead of some

jolly old man with magic reindeer flying through the sky, he was actually a normal

human being who suffered persecution. In fact, Saint Nicholas was actually a real

person, not just a myth made up to make people behave. He was actually a devout

Christian and loved Jesus with all his heart. In fact, he took the command to

sell all that you have and follow Him very seriously and literally did that. He

gave everything to assist the poor, sick, and suffering. Saint Nicholas experienced

a lot of pain in his life. His parents both died in an epidemic when he was

young. They had raised him to love Christ and he had given everything for those

less fortunate, yet he was persecuted and a thrown in jail instead of thieves. Now,

there are many stories told of him that can't necessarily be authenticated, but

one of the most popular ones explains why we hang stockings at our

fireplace. So, the story goes that, basically, a poor man had three daughters

and since he was poor, he didn't have a dowry for them, which was basically a

payment and that's how they would be able to get married off. So, instead, they

were facing possibly going into slavery. So, the story goes that basically Saint

Nicholas anonymously put money in their house, like, threw it through the

window and at one point or another, some of the money fell into socks hanging at

the fireplace to dry. And that's why we would put stockings at the fireplace for

stocking stuffers and stuff like that. And, of course, the reason he gave the

money was to help them have a dowry so they wouldn't be sold into slavery. While

some groups worship this man as a saint, believing he protects children and gives

gifts and stuff like that even though he's dead now, he is the original Saint

Nicholas - the Santa Claus that we hear about today. Now, I don't believe in

worshiping a man, as Nicolas was, but I do believe in that it is honorable that

he took his relationship with God so seriously and wanted to do right so much

that he endured persecution and gave everything that he had. So, while you're

out and about this holiday season, remember the real Saint Nick, who was

willing to give everything to God and to serve others. Let's do the same and

follow the example of Christ as we celebrate this time together. Thank you

so much for watching. If you enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs up and let me

know your thoughts in the comments below. if you want to read up more on Saint

Nicholas, I have some links in the description below, some of which I got my

information from and others just for more reading purposes. If you like to

hear from me, go ahead and hit that subscribe button if you haven't already

and ring the notification bell. That just is going to let you know when I upload.

Now, during December, I am uploading every single day up until Christmas Eve or

Christmas Day, however my normal schedule is Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday so, at

least you will hear from me three times a week if you subscribe. I hope that

you're having a wonderful week and be looking forward to my next video. Bye!

For more infomation >> Ol' St. Nick Isn't Who You Think - Duration: 4:09.


BMW X1 1.8i sDrive High Executive AUT/Leder/Navi/Stoelv/Blue T/LED - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> BMW X1 1.8i sDrive High Executive AUT/Leder/Navi/Stoelv/Blue T/LED - Duration: 1:09.


The End of Love - Duration: 9:42.

Hey guys, welcome back to Down Under and South of The Border!

I'm Jacob Harrison, your host and

today we're going to be talking about my trip from Mexico City to New Orleans, and from New Orleans back to Australia.

That's when shit kind of got bad, when I got back to this...

Beautiful country. Where all that terrible shit that has happened in my life happened!

I left Mexico City, I got to New Orleans, my god!

It's so beautiful! It was about half an hour drive from the airport, I got to the hostel. It used to be like an asylum,

this hostel that I was staying at. An asylum and a

veteran's home during

the Civil War.

It had been like everything!

It was like the creepiest, most haunted place in the world, with some amazing characters that just kind of lived there as well.

Man, that was cool. Wow. What a beautiful city! On Halloween I

went out during the day, went and did the cemetery tour. I visited a lot of the bars in the gay district and in Bourbon Street, of course.

It's just a beautiful place! I went into Dr. John's voodoo shop and bought myself a mojo bag,

which I just realized last night, a

good year and a bit later, that I haven't been been using it correctly! No

wonder all this terrible shit's happened to me! Ah!

What an idiot! So that's cool, Halloween night I just partied and carried on.

But I couldn't carry on too much. Well, you see, it was time for the holiday to come to an end.

Yes sadly,

all things must.

I flew from New Orleans to LA,

and from LA back to Sydney.

It was not the

same feeling at all, it was dread I was feeling, that I was coming back to Australia and leaving Bernardo, missing my beautiful boyfriend.

My future husband, as we used to say.

No, it was lovely at the time. So, my mum and dad were there to meet me at the airport. That was great

I gave them present and we did all that.

And it was very lovely, lovely, lovely. A few days later, I caught up with everyone and told them about my beautiful man.

Everyone was so happy for me, and everything was lovely.

Then I had work starting on Monday the next week, this is Friday I

arrived, Monday I go back to work. After this whole thing, I didn't decompress. I wasn't even sleeping right. That's no good for someone with bipolar.

It's really not. It was only a temporary job, but I couldn't keep it, it was

ridiculous, I was falling asleep at work. It was a mess. I decided I'm just going to rest for the rest of the year.

Unfortunately, so this is the beginning of November 2016, and that's when things start to go very bad for me. I didn't get back on my

medication because

I had used medication in the past when I was with Valdamort

to numb everything, and I did not want to numb the love I felt.

But I didn't want to be

acting crazy,

drinking way too much again, for no reason. Because I missed him, because it was a Saturday, because it was anything.

And then, a friend of mine passed away, and that made things worse. I don't

know, it was just a kind of constant up and down, up and down.

And Bernardo couldn't understand what was going on. And you know, when I'm

in that way, I can't even communicate. I'm too anxious. I'm too drunk, I'm too


Just fucked.

I was sleeping with a knife next to my bed. Oh my God, the anxiety was terrible!

I almost wanted to break up with Bernardo just because I did't want to

put him through it, and I was getting anxious if I couldn't contact him and everything else.

We live in two different countries, with two different, very different cell phone etiquette.

If you get a message from someone you message them right back!

But you know, he didn't know me as a cell phone guy because I lost it in my first night.

Maybe I should lose it more often. Yeah, things were kind of up and down for me,

and for me and Bernardo. He couldn't understand what was going on. Why was I drinking like that?

This was scary for him because he had issues with men in the past who had drank and

that scared him and that scared me. I

ventured out for help. I got hypnosis,

I started seeing a counsellor, but by this stage it was kind of getting too late.

Christmas came around. I

was really hung over. I

managed to call Bernardo and

his family

through Skype and that was lovely.

I couldn't really do much with my family because I was so hung over. Then, New Year's Eve! Oh my God!

It was such a fun night, I was at my cousin's place, overlooking Sydney Harbour, wow!

It was so beautiful, lI said to myself, "Wow 2017 is going to be my year! It's going to be hard work,

but me and Bernardo are going to do it." Then all the fireworks went off and I thought

"Yes, this is it! This is it! I've made it! I've made it! Finally, this is what I'm supposed to do,

this is where I'm supposed to be!"

So I was okay. Everything was fine. I was good. I was good. And then, I got this job telemarketing.

It was not so fun. It was very stressful. I was selling printers at an office place. Not good for me. Not good.

I wasn't sleeping. Yeah, I was not okay and

Bernardo was trying to talk to me. Probably from the beginning of 2017. I


Off the planet. I wasn't making sense in my own mind. I

should have been in hospital, between drinking and anxiety and depression and just

wanting to hurt myself and not feel anything which is insane because I was so fucking in love!

It got to Australia day and I had the day off, because that's what we do, we go and get drunk and do Australian things.

I got drunk,


Bernardo said he wanted a break.


I got very, very,

drunk after he said that. I

was scared what that meant. I

didn't think we would ever get to that point.

And I wanted to die, because I couldn't see my life without him.

After my flatmates kind of realised how bad I was, an

ambulance was called.

I ended up in the hospital. I was scheduled, which means

you can't leave,

legally you have to stay at the hospital or they will send the police out for you. I

was on a lot of medication. I had a fall

while I was at hospital.

I fell out the bed in the emergency department and onto one of those machines which I face planted.

I had two giant black eyes. I couldn't open up one eye for a whole week. It was disgusting,

it was horrible. A few days later, after I managed to compose this story of me and Bernardo's relationship,

and what we can to look forward to in the future.

I was honest about what I need from him and that we can have honest communication now.

But it was too late. It was way too late.

I should have told him that I needed help. I should have told him that

I have issues too, but

I'm going to work through them with him.

But no, he left me.

He said I love you,

but I can't be with you.

I can't really remember very much from the break-up call because I was that

medicated. It was the worst pain I've ever felt.

Many episodes ago I said, "I don't know what's worse, trauma of

physical pain, of accidents, of people treating you terribly or the pain of going through something so wonderful and having it end."

When Bernardo broke up with me I lost a future that I'd written in my head. I'd lost a

soul mate, so I thought. I lost

myself in a way, or

who I thought I'd become. I actually thought I died. I was successful in my

suicide attempt and

had gone to hell, that's how bad I felt.

I thought it was all my fault, and it was and it wasn't.

For someone who says that they're going to be with you forever,

to just turn around and dump you when you're literally in a hospital bed -

I am worth more than that. It took me a long time to

realise that again,

but I'm worth a lot more than that. So

that was how we ended.

It was going to be the love affair of the century, but it was time to move on to whatever the next stage was,

which ended up being a psychiatric hospital for the next six weeks! More on that next episode.

I hope you like how gritty and raw this was because I fucking did. I hope you liked it,

tell me what you liked, tell me what you didn't like in the comments below. Please subscribe, it would mean the world to me!

Check us out on Facebook,

Down Under and South of The Border and check me out @KOBJAC on Instagram for all the saucier things in life.

And not so saucy. There's some good content there. You know,

It's Playboy, but yeah, there are some good articles.

At times. Okay. Thanks guys!

I love you all! Adios amigos!

For more infomation >> The End of Love - Duration: 9:42.


FLAMING A CHRISTMAS PUDDING - Set Fire to your Pud - Duration: 1:56.

hi and a big welcome to Steve's Kitchen I've got the Christmas hat on again one

of my subscribers or one of the viewers here bread sandwich now they had a

different name earlier in the year they've changed it to bread sandwich

well it's a great name they asked me whether or not I could show them how to

flame a Christmas pudding the way we do it at Christmas and I promised her quite

some time that I would do this so I'm gonna take one of last year's Christmas

puddings this beauty here and I'm going to flame it we're gonna be taking we're

gonna be taking some brandy I'm gonna be pouring a shot of brandy into a ladle

heating it up over a candle and then we're pouring it over the pudding let me

show you how it's done now picture this if you will it's

Christmas Day it's being beautiful it isn't September is isn't sunny

outside but it's actually Christmas Day we've just had the family around we've

had the big Christmas turkey and the beautiful ham and now everybody's

feeling really over full and then you bring the Christmas pudding out and

everybody knows there's just enough space so we get our brandy on the ladle

we've got a candle on the table if you haven't got a candle you can always do

this over the gas stove and we're just going to heat that brandy through as the

brandy heats through and as we tip the brandy towards the flame if it's hot

enough we should be able to get that flame coming on the brandy take it over

to the Christmas pudding and just pour it over the top and hopefully the camera

is catching this and we sing Christmas carols and serve this up Merry Christmas

that is flaming your Christmas pudding on Christmas Day and then you wake up

and it's not even Christmas at all and you've got to eat Christmas pudding

thank you for watching it's been a lot of fun I hope that's been some use to

you and don't forget come Christmas time there'll be lots happening on Steve's

kitchen so subscribe to the channel and stay in touch of course between now and

then lots going on so thanks for joining me I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> FLAMING A CHRISTMAS PUDDING - Set Fire to your Pud - Duration: 1:56.


30 Day Challenge Weight Loss Workout - Duration: 11:36.

hi everyone today is I'm not sure what day but I'm on my extreme 30 day weight

loss challenge and I'm fasted I ate yesterday at 9 p.m. and it is now 2 p.m.

Saturday December 8th Amber Rose I do workout when fasting sometimes but every

pretty much every single day in December because I'm doing that post office job

and I do steady consistent walking so I'm at 13,000 steps already at 2 o'clock

so let's see we're gonna do a 5-minute hit we're oh if you don't have a lot of

time do Adrian Ryan's 10 minute workout loose with you pump this is the title of

it lose 50 pounds fast and five months key step hit workout number one it's ten

minutes but you're only working out five of those minutes okay so you're gonna

punch when you're resting I'm gonna be over here doing something and then after

five minutes we're going to switch alright

so when it's your 10 seconds just rest

here here you should be can you see this are you

seeing me and huh oh so now I have to do something maybe I don't know this is a

workout too just holding it ah maybe I'll just jump

oh ok I'm not jumping I'm getting a workout just hold out of this I'm not

even looking at the timer oh it's making my arms so like it's getting a workout

six eight your opponent is six eight

this is what he's doing in the video man after this I'm gonna go soak in some

Epsom salt cuz my muscles my legs are sore every day when I leave work right


six minutes on 42nd 647 final round round slow seven minutes okay did you

not hear what I said it's sweaty yeah

okay we're just gonna do something else we're gonna do what he's doing you look

at us we look at

skee step

oh that's so gross he swam so I guess he had a good workout and it's hot in here

who could go faster oh oh let's go jumping jacks this time

next we're gonna do this

you pick what we do next but saying now

may have oh my mankind was a real slow none okay next come over here I don't

need you to tell me the time I wanted you to tell me the time so he could do

five minutes of oxen and I could do fine as a boxer

I needs nice come here because we're doing that portrait song Heinie's

oh you can do whatever you want I might just kick my leg oh I need a

break they come over here oh I need those

ten-second extra ten second break stay over here this is our camera area

you better be hopping with that it all matter what you're doing as long as

you're moving

For more infomation >> 30 Day Challenge Weight Loss Workout - Duration: 11:36.


The Walking Dead Final Season Episode 3 Trailer [Reaction] - Duration: 3:06.


Died a noob death. Hello you guys it's your friend jazz from the Aaliyah Holt channel and the trailer for

Episode 3 of The Walking Dead final season and is now out and we're gonna react to it. So let's roll it

All right

I'm feeling so nostalgic because you can hear Lee's voice

Man, I really miss

Lee why did you do this to me Skybound?

I don't know how to handle this. You guys I don't know how to process this

I'm having so many feelings and I want to quickly interject that Skybound is finishing the season

Because of telltale closing, so yeah

These people really know how to hit you in the feels and pull your heartstrings

That's my favorite line from Clem

I don't know how to deal with this

All right, so that was a really




: 90 seconds

So tell me you guys what do you think about the trailer?

Rate it on a scale of one to ten one being bad ten being good and I feel that they really did a good job

Making you feeling nostalgic putting Lee's voice in the background

it would be great if he was still alive and he could see how well Clem has grown and

Just seeing all the things from season one really makes it powerful

So anyways you guys

Thanks for watching this video and I want to quickly say before I wrap it up that

I'm probably gonna do most of my reaction videos like this just because

When I do where I put the video in the box

It just really lags my editor and it's very hard to work with

So this will have to do at least I get a stronger computer. So hope you're ok with that

So anyways, tell a friend that you're a part of the Holton Army

For more infomation >> The Walking Dead Final Season Episode 3 Trailer [Reaction] - Duration: 3:06.


「We Love Katamari」 Everlasting Love (Subbed) - Duration: 4:46.

The white clouds float in the blue sky, the flower of memories is in full bloom

Our days pass away with harmonious talk

With the soft wind brushing my cheek, feeling its gentleness, I ask a bird

If this endless road is everlasting love

Hold me tight enough to break me

Don't end, happy days

I love you- so much my breath almost stops, yeah

I miss you- hold me tight


It's my love- so much that time almost stops

It's your love- be with me like this


I can sing a song for you and me I can make a song for all who feel love

The white birds swim in the blue sky, the grove of trees blows in the wind

Like the distant mountains, my feelings won't change

Looking up at the big tree on top of the hill and feeling its strength, I ask the trees

If this long road is everlasting love

Doze until you start to melt

Listen again to this gentle song

I love you- so much my breath almost stops, yeah

I miss you- hold me tight


It's my will- easy and loving

It's your will- I just float along

I can sing a song for you and me I can make a song for all who feel love

I love you!

I love you- so much my breath almost stops, yeah

I miss you- hold me tight


It's my love- so much that time almost stops

It's your love- be with me like this


I love you- so much my breath almost stops, yeah

I miss you- hold me tight


It's my will- easy and loving

It's your will- I just float along

For more infomation >> 「We Love Katamari」 Everlasting Love (Subbed) - Duration: 4:46.



Subscribe to the channel and turn on the notification bell. So you never miss an update

Hello guys, I'm kodi best build and I'm back with you again with another video. I wish you all the win

well having a great time with your friends with your family or

Anyone enjoy in your your week. So today is

Saturday and I wish you doing well and having a great great time at home preparing your dinner or lunch

Or whatever. So here guys

Yesterday I revealed this great amazing build. So it's crap chill silver build

From the melty build Cody wizard. So I chose this Guns N Roses

Skin, so you got a list. I showed you there is a lot of skins

Arsenal skin Liverpool Chelsea

So you can choose whatever you want, so I love baganz and roses band so that

That's why I choose this great

Skin, so right you guys let's back to the normal skin of Cody go to system


Then then press on skin and press on skin right here


Back to is tre and press on. Yes

so that way

You choose the normal skin of Cody right here

You can choose any color you want if you want gold green as I told you. I love green color

So I'm gonna pick the green one

So here guys

We are in the home menu of Cody

So here today, we're gonna install a great bill from you Cody one wizard

So to get it press insist on settings right here on the top

Then pressed on system settings

So here allowed to install from announcer says press on add-ons and then press on

This little icon right here and press on

Yes - allo to install anything from unknown sources. So here press on file manager and

then scroll down to

to add source

Right here press on add source

Press on none and here just copy and paste the source as you can see right here. So

Press on. Ok here. We'll get it repo

So press on ok

So here we got it added to your files. So let's back

Back one more time to the homepage of Kodi and scroll down to add-ons

Then press on this little box in the top and here click on install from zip file then

Scroll down to your file if you get a lot of files for sure, if you don't have a lot of files you will get

only few files and then you can see your

Repo so right here get it pressed on it

So here we got repository UK one click on it now. Don't forget guys to subscribe to UK

one or you Cody one community channel on YouTube, so it's near to

8000 subscribers

let's make it 8,000 subscribers guys, and then it's gonna grow to

10,000 it's doing a really amazing work for curly for Cody community for

For the final user to get builds to get add-ons to get a lot of great things working

So we'll really appreciate this great wizard. It's a friend of me

It's really honest person and doing a really amazing work. So right here scroll down to you

One as you can see right here click on it, then press on program add-ons

So here we get the wizard click on it and press on installed

So here we got

version point point zero point six

You got too many features on this great wizard

You can clean cody you can save and restore save the backup. You can restore it

You got a lot of great things

So here guys as you can see the wizard its installed so now press on

Remind me later or press on dismiss

So here if you want to go through the builds directly just press on continue and

Here press on click here. Just not used

Somehow guys when you back to the home page of Kodi guys

So dismiss all the messages and go back to the home page and here scroll down to add-ons

So press on program add-ons and then go to the UK for your kodi one wizard

So just open the wizard

So if you got a faster internet it won't work wait that long as

We so I have a four megabytes. It's the lowest internet in the world

From suffering with it to show you guys how things works and to help all of you

But don't forget to subscribe to my channel and share it with your friends with your family. So

Here guys get the wizard press on builds and

Here you get a huge list of dudes

So he can't choose any field you wanna install it. We got dragon fire

We got y'all feel we got a lot of great amazing deals

So here also got the cinema max as you can see, I love this build I cannot review

By PR guru you can


So or Frank they think Frank yeah, you can follow Frank on Twitter

So here guys if you got a previous bill do a fresh install

if you don't have anything yet going to go be pressed on the normal one spot so I gotta

be still

So you guys as you can see the download process is going got breast cancer

Space right here. Just keep it like this

So we can

So we already have the demo process done and now it's installing your files up into your building

So do not turn off your device

Or press and cancel right here. Just be patient and wait

So here guys get everything done, right

So right here guys we are in the end of the video

So, this is Cody best bill new channel. Don't forget to press

unsubscribe as you can see right here and

press on the Bell icon right here to get every update or

every video at a post on the channel

So don't forget also to check my other videos in videos check

Section and if you want to subscribe to my other great channels right here we can do that

So thanks for watching me and see you soon for another

great video

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