Saturday, December 8, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 8 2018

sponsor of this video!

For more infomation >> 7.20d Dota 2 NEW Tips and Tricks! - Duration: 6:27.


Bjørnar Moxnes (R) om tvangssammenslåing av fylker - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Bjørnar Moxnes (R) om tvangssammenslåing av fylker - Duration: 4:57.


Renault Clio TCe 90pk Dynamique R-link, Climate, Cruise, Park. sens., Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio TCe 90pk Dynamique R-link, Climate, Cruise, Park. sens., Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:07.



For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 New T8 TWIN ENGINE R-DESIGN SCAN.LINE/LUCHTVERING/NAPPA LEDER/21INCH - Duration: 0:57.


Achadinhos de Natal: 10 presentes que custam menos de R$ 50 - Duration: 3:48.

 Quando vão chegando as festas de fim de ano, a missão de comprar os presentes parece uma gincana

Há quem goste de escolher lembrancinhas sustentáveis, e muita gente que adora ganhar produtos de beleza

É importante, na hora de presentear, se estar pelo menos um pouco familiarizado com o gosto da pessoa que vai receber o presente

Se for um amigo secreto, combine com os participantes que todos sugiram algum presente que gostariam de receber e uma faixa de preço

Na nossa galeria há dez sugestões de presentes variados (para todos os gostos) dentro da faixa de R$ 50, para você se inspirar na hora de presentear nesse Natal

  Roupas e acessórios garantem sorrisos  A maioria das mulheres ama ganhar um mimo de vestir que tenha seu estilo e complemente bem seu closet

A boa e velha t-shirt, por exemplo, nunca é demais no guarda-roupa de ninguém, já que combina com tudo e todos os estilos

Há, ainda, quem ame ganhar um chinelo novo de presente. O modelo da nossa galeria é bem feminino e deve deixar feliz quem ama um look estiloso e confortável para o verão

Já aquelas fãs de uma bijoux vão amar ganhar de presente um par de brincos coloridos que têm a cara do verão

Confira mais sugestões de itens de vestir e acessórios que prometem fazer bonito no amigo secreto

Maquiagem e produtos de beauté não têm erro  As loucas por beleza vão ficar felizes ao receberem de presente um belo produto de maquiagem, por exemplo, ou algo com um cheirinho delicioso para passar no corpo

Aproveite que o batom vermelho está em alta, por exemplo, para presentear com um exemplar da cor aquela amiga que não fica de fora de nenhuma tendência de make

Quem ama um brilho vai gostar de ganhar um lápis de olho dourado e entrar na onda da maquiagem em tons de ouro nos olhos

Já as amantes de um cheirinho bom ou aquela amiga que quer encontrar um namorado em 2019 vai curtir receber de presente sabonetes com cheirinho para fazer um ritual para atrair paz e amor! Opções para aquelas amigas mais práticas  A pessoa que você vai presentear ama uma coisinha para a casa? Um conjunto de canecas pode, de repente, agradar em cheio aquela amiga que está se mudando ou montando casa nova

Já quem é festeiro, gosta de cozinhar ou só de beber, mesmo, pode gostar de ser presentado com uma bela garrafa de vinho justamente para aproveitar as festas de fim de ano e entrar no clima de confraternização em que todos se encontram nessa época do ano

Confira tudo na nossa galeria!

For more infomation >> Achadinhos de Natal: 10 presentes que custam menos de R$ 50 - Duration: 3:48.


Как то спрашивает меня ватник: «Как будет на укромове «город»?» А я ему и отвечаю... - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Как то спрашивает меня ватник: «Как будет на укромове «город»?» А я ему и отвечаю... - Duration: 3:08.


FIAT TORO LEVANDO 1045 KG de tijolos - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> FIAT TORO LEVANDO 1045 KG de tijolos - Duration: 3:16.


台湾名嘴刘骏耀患胰脏癌辞世 年仅52岁 - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> 台湾名嘴刘骏耀患胰脏癌辞世 年仅52岁 - Duration: 5:08.


VanEck社動く!ビットコインETF申請が進展!?仮想通貨最大の好材料が…BTCやXRP価格に影響は?2018年2019年12月1月bitcoin、ripple最新ニュース!最前線暗号通貨最新情報 - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> VanEck社動く!ビットコインETF申請が進展!?仮想通貨最大の好材料が…BTCやXRP価格に影響は?2018年2019年12月1月bitcoin、ripple最新ニュース!最前線暗号通貨最新情報 - Duration: 5:51.


Стрим по Роблоксу и Forza Horizon 4 И бесплатный пиар!! - Duration: 49:09.

For more infomation >> Стрим по Роблоксу и Forza Horizon 4 И бесплатный пиар!! - Duration: 49:09.


COMMENT PORTER UN PULL MOCHE DE NOEL #uglysweater - lookbook | Ariana mvl - Duration: 1:39.

Hi youtube !

On this new and first 2018 christmas video,

I'll show you how to take your christmas fever outside on yourselves,

by integrating your ugly sweater - ugly christmas sweater - on "normal" outfits.

If you like this video please don't forget to give it a like and to subscribe to the cannel.

Do you also wear ugly christmas sweaters ?

Which outfit did you like the most ?

See you soon, bye bye !

For more infomation >> COMMENT PORTER UN PULL MOCHE DE NOEL #uglysweater - lookbook | Ariana mvl - Duration: 1:39.


The Outer Worlds ● От создателей Fallout: New Vegas - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> The Outer Worlds ● От создателей Fallout: New Vegas - Duration: 3:49.


【副業】副業で会社を首に!? 副業で稼ぐための知識 - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> 【副業】副業で会社を首に!? 副業で稼ぐための知識 - Duration: 4:56.


Hyundai i10 1.1 Airco/5Drs/Parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.1 Airco/5Drs/Parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:06.


Car Building Rescue Cars Meet Up, Xe Xây Dựng Giải Cứu Xe ô tô, car for kids || Hello Kids TV - Duration: 11:53.

For more infomation >> Car Building Rescue Cars Meet Up, Xe Xây Dựng Giải Cứu Xe ô tô, car for kids || Hello Kids TV - Duration: 11:53.


BMW 218 - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> BMW 218 - Duration: 0:53.


Hyundai i10 1.1 Active 5drs NAP - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.1 Active 5drs NAP - Duration: 1:03.


Ford Mustang - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Ford Mustang - Duration: 0:50.


Ford Mustang - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Ford Mustang - Duration: 0:44.


Ford Mustang - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Ford Mustang - Duration: 1:07.


'Piada idiota e desnecessária', diz Ivete Sangalo sobre polêmica de Silvio Santos e Claudia Leitte - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> 'Piada idiota e desnecessária', diz Ivete Sangalo sobre polêmica de Silvio Santos e Claudia Leitte - Duration: 3:21.


Como e le sue ville - Duration: 3:38.

Como is a city very beautiful in the North of Italy

charm and delight of the inhabitants

and travelers from all over the world

Navigating its streets and its tourist attractions

it's really simple

Arrived in Piazza Duomo

here is the Cathedral next to the Palace of the Broletto

The Palace of the Broletto was built in 1215

and his current appearance

returns the visitor back

the period of the great Renaissance

The construction of the Cathedral has required three centuries

giving life to a harmonious union

of the gothic and renaissance

Piazza San Fedele is one of the historical squares of the city

Formerly the site of the roman Forum

today it is one of the tourist destinations more suggestive

with its houses of the renaissance period

with wooden beams and terracotta herringbone

and the beautiful romanesque Basilica of San Fedele

which should be the name

Piazza San Fedele is located in the heart of the walled city

in the pedestrian zone

two steps from the Duomo and from the long lake

perfect for a walk immersed in the story

and a shopping trip

Always in Como can be admired, the Volta Temple

a building from the neoclassic forms

which houses a museum dedicated

Alessandro Volta

and that was built around 1920

referring to the Pantheon of Rome

Continuing on, you pass near many of the villas

including the majestic Villa Olmo

one of the most beautiful neo-classical villas and romantic

of the whole of Italy

For more infomation >> Como e le sue ville - Duration: 3:38.


Xuxa procura 'a nova voz do Brasil' e anuncia o novo programa da Record - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Xuxa procura 'a nova voz do Brasil' e anuncia o novo programa da Record - Duration: 3:21.


FIAT TORO LEVANDO 1045 KG de tijolos - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> FIAT TORO LEVANDO 1045 KG de tijolos - Duration: 3:16.


Impianto aspirazione fai da te insonorizzato // Fai da te e sicurezza - Duration: 7:39.

For more infomation >> Impianto aspirazione fai da te insonorizzato // Fai da te e sicurezza - Duration: 7:39.





Esta Planta SUGA o Açúcar do Sangue! Quase Ninguém Sabe Disso! - Duration: 3:57.

know the benefits of this plant that will govern your cells and

syrah surprise you see the nettle benefits to treat

hair loss the nettle capsules can be consumed to treat the loss

to massage hair with oils Nettle also helps in the growth of

hair rinse hair with extract nettle and water results in the new

growth of lost hair and also helps restore the original color to the sheet

of nettle helps in the treatment of acne It helps in the treatment of

skin like eczema insect bites and smallpox your extract can be applied

tically to treat eczema is also beneficial for burns in the

skin to treat prostatic hyperplasia benign nettle does not reduce the size of

prostate gland but is effective in treatment of the disease in its

and helps stop growth that influences this disease to

treat oral problems rinse mouth with the nettle it acts on diseases such as

gingivitis and antibacterial plaque and prevent other diseases of the gums

to treat your arthritis pain anti-inflammatory properties

serves for rheumatism and bursitis tendinitis the use of nettle the oil of

Nettle can be used in pain relief joints

tea can be consumer increase to To relieve pain the nettle can also

to treat urinary tract infections stimulating the libido and increasing the desire

this plant is a generator of because iron is rich in iron

of a bowl of nettle soup regularly is a good remedy for

treatment of anemia and diabetes The plant absorbs fats contains some

compounds which absorb fats from techniques present in the blood

to maintain cholesterol levels under control and maintain heart health and

of the antioxidant arteries the antioxidants present in

Nettle eliminates toxins and damages caused by free radicals increases the

immune system is a great cell regenerator that maintains the

young and healthy cells is used to Cure Alzheimer's Disease Is Beneficial

in the treatment of nasal congestion cough bronchitis and other diseases

how to use you can consume nettle tea use it in

their meals as per that soups or sauces the extracts of dried leaves

can also be used as a tonic without beauty treatments where to get you

you can get this wonderful plant in health food stores

Nettle leaf increases pressure is a potent diuretic that

combined with other medicines diuretics can lead to dehydration if

Do you take medicine? your doctor

If you liked, leave your opinion on comments leave your like sign up

on the channel and share this video with your friends

see you later

For more infomation >> Esta Planta SUGA o Açúcar do Sangue! Quase Ninguém Sabe Disso! - Duration: 3:57.


Como desenhar maquiagem | Desenhando e coloração para crianças | Glitter Coloring Makeup for kids - Duration: 7:33.

For more infomation >> Como desenhar maquiagem | Desenhando e coloração para crianças | Glitter Coloring Makeup for kids - Duration: 7:33.


7.20d Dota 2 NEW Tips and Tricks! - Duration: 6:27.

sponsor of this video!

For more infomation >> 7.20d Dota 2 NEW Tips and Tricks! - Duration: 6:27.


BOX TANK! - Duration: 11:27.

this video is sponsored by gold for tanks download the app from the Google Play

Store today in start earning free gold and premium tanks use our invite code

for a starting bonus check the video description and ping comment for more

information so watch for the motherland brilliant Oh looks watch how orginal

let's go to page one h1 come on Oh have a little damage Thank You story

gameplay maybe maybe yes eleven damage 11 damage now that's not a

lot of damage I think carava shooting good huh

oh there we go we add on yuusha pullback I can kill him what he might spot you

yay nice watch I need to give it to it oh he got me blind and I bounced him how

is there all this 51 looks for it sews watch us this is a just 7 game I suggest

we load a premium AP which has more damage but less penetration

I do like penetration though yeah me too the damage is also nice yes indeed

specifically a lot of damage did you see tree oh there is far up oh

why do you miss watch below that shit man now that's now that's a thousand

damaging two shells pliat oh damn it challenger yep aim a nice watch on you

little challenger go to gulag Seco nuclear hello McDonald's it's time

indeed it is

yes very nice hello VK how would you like some super balanced Night Watch who

might be able to win this come here a mix no go up again very good thank you

really oh there's the turban

oh don't go mr. Carey

come on come on boy come on boy nice get ripped man this shell swatch is

to share that wins the game there is there is brick swatch place you had one

job oh how are we gonna swatch we're low

cheer yet again then watch out for 30 German like tank oh god hey what are you

- you gotta watch out for that thing it's very dangerous

watch let's go and bleed someone please

hello t92 did I spot you and you didn't spot okay no mind you do spot me man yet

damage donut are you - oh he's stuck as well rip

1392 let me finish you let very nice he was which is standing the open I'm gonna

join you swatch join the defense girl gotta protect the motherland

yeah I mean da Purnima spaghetti let's wreck him come here he was he was he was

like rice bucket little I'm gonna do an epic flanking hell okay me okay he's

coming here yeah Jamie oh oh oh got side shots yeah I

missed fuck cert shit but there's an 88 were down there man yeah what did you

expect get him sweater get him let's get his 88

I wonder what he ate today Oh Oh goddess oh my god yes balance

Oh God's watch top damage yet

I mean for fuck's sake artillery leave me alone don't start any freaking open

man I want a piece of that pie yeah it'll lead the charge on a tank

made of cardboard oh hello kb2 how are you like a free pen of penetration

something - I burst and he one shot at me you Friday P why are you going okay

great okay okay it's coming let's do it it's wrecking I knew that would happen

calculator calculator oh no oh there's a BK in my ass apparently I'll rip you

okay it's Corp in angle - ass looks watch

it's also tier 8 tanks oh ho ho if I get spotted here I'm dead oh yay please

don't see me I wasn't spotted fantastic

2:37 sporting deal he is hello light tank you want some parents

have it nope and he gets track just as I fire give it to the dog how is that guy

how is your life shoot him they're not gonna show you how it's done

yes please how is he still alive what is he doing

oh did like tank he's back and he's just driving in you're looking yes finally

finish woof yes damage that's nice what was he doing

in there why didn't anyone else shoot him

those retorted why do you have like four guys standing in based like that to look

nice their tanks maybe wiggle Spectre wheel before maybe a little bit more oh

no pixel forget oh forget are you open Oh another victim another victim of the

Soviet Union come on finish him reload no no maybe a blind maybe blind

please truck yes come on come on shoot fire nice very good I'm so how are we

not supported I have no idea where you're standing up your leg retards to

be damaged oh come on Oh

yeah all right let's go of course are 7-1 our friends like tankers one one

would be a shame if we accidentally drove in teams watch Hello AMX wonderful

day for drive that was my bad is gave it to us perfect camping fine eruptive okay

screaming nice artillery I had to apologize to the AMX 12t here yes oh he

responded no problem you see people if you apologize it's okay to team kill

seriously though don't team kill thank you so much for watching please nuke the

living crap out of that like button and spam the comments section with

suggestions to what we should play next see you later scrubs

shut down

For more infomation >> BOX TANK! - Duration: 11:27.


改造起泡泥(起泡膠)! 哪些公主是迪士尼藍? [YYTV/許洋洋愛唱歌] - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> 改造起泡泥(起泡膠)! 哪些公主是迪士尼藍? [YYTV/許洋洋愛唱歌] - Duration: 2:49.


TRAILER SAISON 7 FORTNITE 2018 - Duration: 1:14.

*Festive music*

For more infomation >> TRAILER SAISON 7 FORTNITE 2018 - Duration: 1:14.


✅ Giulia Salemi: aereo al Gf Vip per Monte? Ecco perché non lo ha ancora fatto - Duration: 2:23.

Foto gentilmente offerta da Ufficio Stampa Mediaset Giulia Salemi dopo il Gf Vip non smette di pensare a Francesco Monte: la richiesta di aiuto ai fan  Giulia Salemi, uscita dal Grande Fratello Vip, non ha che occhi e orecchie per Francesco Monte

L'italo-persiana, pur avendo ammesso di essere stata sommersa dagli impegni dopo il reality, continua a seguire il suo amato servendosi dell'aiuto dei social e dei fan

Giulia sta infatti continuando infatti a mandare su Instagram richieste di aiuto ai suoi follower, chiedendo di essere taggata in foto e video che raccontano e mostrano quello che Monte fa in sua assenza in Casa

Agli utenti che la seguono la Salemi si è rivolta anche per organizzare una sorpresa a Francesco

Che cosa? Giulia aveva pensato di mandare un aereo/messaggio al tarantino. La sorpresa, però, pare dovrà attendere

Grande Fratello Vip, Giulia Salemi non riesce a mandare un aereo a Francesco Monte: la sorpresa si fa attendere  Un aereo al Gf Vip per Francesco Monte? "Me lo state chiedendo tutti

È da martedì che ci provo… non c'è verso" ha spiegato Giulia Salemi con un video pubblicato su Instagram stories

La showgirl, a tal proposito, ha confessato di aver chiesto aiuto anche ai suoi fan (le Fiabe, i Fralemi, e tutti i team e i gruppi che hanno seguito e supportato lei e Francesco Monte al Grande Fratello Vip)

"Non si può mandare un aereo, non ci sono aerei" ha poi aggiunto "Abbiamo guardato anche altre compagnie ma niente"

    Giulia Salemi prende le distanze da Fariba: Mia madre? "Non invitatela più in TV"  Giulia Salemi fuori dalla Casa del Gf Vip ha chiaramente preso le distanze da quanto detto e fatto dalla madre Fariba in TV mentre lei era ancora una concorrente del reality

In un'intervista rilasciata al settimanale Spy Giulia ha dichiarato: "Non ho apprezzato il comportamento di mia madre fuori dalla Casa

Prendo le distanze da lei. Anzi, faccio un appello: non invitatela più, vi prego

Sono capace di difendermi e di sostenermi da sola, le chiedo solo di lasciarmi vivere"


For more infomation >> ✅ Giulia Salemi: aereo al Gf Vip per Monte? Ecco perché non lo ha ancora fatto - Duration: 2:23.


Visa free Countries for Nepalese Passport Holders 2018 - Duration: 4:59.

Subscribe Now

For more infomation >> Visa free Countries for Nepalese Passport Holders 2018 - Duration: 4:59.


0649 - Não tenha medo, tenha fé - Duration: 13:25.

For more infomation >> 0649 - Não tenha medo, tenha fé - Duration: 13:25.


05 - Silence - Confusion - Duration: 29:57.

For more infomation >> 05 - Silence - Confusion - Duration: 29:57.


COMMENT PORTER UN PULL MOCHE DE NOEL #uglysweater - lookbook | Ariana mvl - Duration: 1:39.

Hi youtube !

On this new and first 2018 christmas video,

I'll show you how to take your christmas fever outside on yourselves,

by integrating your ugly sweater - ugly christmas sweater - on "normal" outfits.

If you like this video please don't forget to give it a like and to subscribe to the cannel.

Do you also wear ugly christmas sweaters ?

Which outfit did you like the most ?

See you soon, bye bye !

For more infomation >> COMMENT PORTER UN PULL MOCHE DE NOEL #uglysweater - lookbook | Ariana mvl - Duration: 1:39.


Kedy da Elaj By Doctor Lapata|Funny video |Manzoor kirlo aur airport |kerlo|airpot|Pendu Bachy 😛😀 - Duration: 7:27.

For more infomation >> Kedy da Elaj By Doctor Lapata|Funny video |Manzoor kirlo aur airport |kerlo|airpot|Pendu Bachy 😛😀 - Duration: 7:27.


"O problema do Facebook é ser tão conveniente que estamos dispostos a abdicar de alguns princípios" - Duration: 14:43.

For more infomation >> "O problema do Facebook é ser tão conveniente que estamos dispostos a abdicar de alguns princípios" - Duration: 14:43.


Peixe abóbora angel island ilha do anjo fishing Hook anzol de pesca - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Peixe abóbora angel island ilha do anjo fishing Hook anzol de pesca - Duration: 3:39.


7.20d Dota 2 NEW Tips and Tricks! - Duration: 6:27.

sponsor of this video!

For more infomation >> 7.20d Dota 2 NEW Tips and Tricks! - Duration: 6:27.


Bjørnar Moxnes (R) om tvangssammenslåing av fylker - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Bjørnar Moxnes (R) om tvangssammenslåing av fylker - Duration: 4:57.


Renault Clio TCe 90pk Dynamique R-link, Climate, Cruise, Park. sens., Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio TCe 90pk Dynamique R-link, Climate, Cruise, Park. sens., Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:07.



For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 New T8 TWIN ENGINE R-DESIGN SCAN.LINE/LUCHTVERING/NAPPA LEDER/21INCH - Duration: 0:57.


Achadinhos de Natal: 10 presentes que custam menos de R$ 50 - Duration: 3:48.

 Quando vão chegando as festas de fim de ano, a missão de comprar os presentes parece uma gincana

Há quem goste de escolher lembrancinhas sustentáveis, e muita gente que adora ganhar produtos de beleza

É importante, na hora de presentear, se estar pelo menos um pouco familiarizado com o gosto da pessoa que vai receber o presente

Se for um amigo secreto, combine com os participantes que todos sugiram algum presente que gostariam de receber e uma faixa de preço

Na nossa galeria há dez sugestões de presentes variados (para todos os gostos) dentro da faixa de R$ 50, para você se inspirar na hora de presentear nesse Natal

  Roupas e acessórios garantem sorrisos  A maioria das mulheres ama ganhar um mimo de vestir que tenha seu estilo e complemente bem seu closet

A boa e velha t-shirt, por exemplo, nunca é demais no guarda-roupa de ninguém, já que combina com tudo e todos os estilos

Há, ainda, quem ame ganhar um chinelo novo de presente. O modelo da nossa galeria é bem feminino e deve deixar feliz quem ama um look estiloso e confortável para o verão

Já aquelas fãs de uma bijoux vão amar ganhar de presente um par de brincos coloridos que têm a cara do verão

Confira mais sugestões de itens de vestir e acessórios que prometem fazer bonito no amigo secreto

Maquiagem e produtos de beauté não têm erro  As loucas por beleza vão ficar felizes ao receberem de presente um belo produto de maquiagem, por exemplo, ou algo com um cheirinho delicioso para passar no corpo

Aproveite que o batom vermelho está em alta, por exemplo, para presentear com um exemplar da cor aquela amiga que não fica de fora de nenhuma tendência de make

Quem ama um brilho vai gostar de ganhar um lápis de olho dourado e entrar na onda da maquiagem em tons de ouro nos olhos

Já as amantes de um cheirinho bom ou aquela amiga que quer encontrar um namorado em 2019 vai curtir receber de presente sabonetes com cheirinho para fazer um ritual para atrair paz e amor! Opções para aquelas amigas mais práticas  A pessoa que você vai presentear ama uma coisinha para a casa? Um conjunto de canecas pode, de repente, agradar em cheio aquela amiga que está se mudando ou montando casa nova

Já quem é festeiro, gosta de cozinhar ou só de beber, mesmo, pode gostar de ser presentado com uma bela garrafa de vinho justamente para aproveitar as festas de fim de ano e entrar no clima de confraternização em que todos se encontram nessa época do ano

Confira tudo na nossa galeria!

For more infomation >> Achadinhos de Natal: 10 presentes que custam menos de R$ 50 - Duration: 3:48.


Как то спрашивает меня ватник: «Как будет на укромове «город»?» А я ему и отвечаю... - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Как то спрашивает меня ватник: «Как будет на укромове «город»?» А я ему и отвечаю... - Duration: 3:08.


FIAT TORO LEVANDO 1045 KG de tijolos - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> FIAT TORO LEVANDO 1045 KG de tijolos - Duration: 3:16.


台湾名嘴刘骏耀患胰脏癌辞世 年仅52岁 - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> 台湾名嘴刘骏耀患胰脏癌辞世 年仅52岁 - Duration: 5:08.


VanEck社動く!ビットコインETF申請が進展!?仮想通貨最大の好材料が…BTCやXRP価格に影響は?2018年2019年12月1月bitcoin、ripple最新ニュース!最前線暗号通貨最新情報 - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> VanEck社動く!ビットコインETF申請が進展!?仮想通貨最大の好材料が…BTCやXRP価格に影響は?2018年2019年12月1月bitcoin、ripple最新ニュース!最前線暗号通貨最新情報 - Duration: 5:51.


Стрим по Роблоксу и Forza Horizon 4 И бесплатный пиар!! - Duration: 49:09.

For more infomation >> Стрим по Роблоксу и Forza Horizon 4 И бесплатный пиар!! - Duration: 49:09.


COMMENT PORTER UN PULL MOCHE DE NOEL #uglysweater - lookbook | Ariana mvl - Duration: 1:39.

Hi youtube !

On this new and first 2018 christmas video,

I'll show you how to take your christmas fever outside on yourselves,

by integrating your ugly sweater - ugly christmas sweater - on "normal" outfits.

If you like this video please don't forget to give it a like and to subscribe to the cannel.

Do you also wear ugly christmas sweaters ?

Which outfit did you like the most ?

See you soon, bye bye !

For more infomation >> COMMENT PORTER UN PULL MOCHE DE NOEL #uglysweater - lookbook | Ariana mvl - Duration: 1:39.


The Outer Worlds ● От создателей Fallout: New Vegas - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> The Outer Worlds ● От создателей Fallout: New Vegas - Duration: 3:49.


【副業】副業で会社を首に!? 副業で稼ぐための知識 - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> 【副業】副業で会社を首に!? 副業で稼ぐための知識 - Duration: 4:56.


Hyundai i10 1.1 Airco/5Drs/Parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.1 Airco/5Drs/Parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:06.


Car Building Rescue Cars Meet Up, Xe Xây Dựng Giải Cứu Xe ô tô, car for kids || Hello Kids TV - Duration: 11:53.

For more infomation >> Car Building Rescue Cars Meet Up, Xe Xây Dựng Giải Cứu Xe ô tô, car for kids || Hello Kids TV - Duration: 11:53.


BMW 218 - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> BMW 218 - Duration: 0:53.


Hyundai i10 1.1 Active 5drs NAP - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.1 Active 5drs NAP - Duration: 1:03.


Ford Mustang - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Ford Mustang - Duration: 0:50.


Ford Mustang - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Ford Mustang - Duration: 0:44.


Ford Mustang - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Ford Mustang - Duration: 1:07.


Eddy Mitchell ignore Laura Smet, pourquoi a-t-il raté le mariage de sa filleule ? - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Eddy Mitchell ignore Laura Smet, pourquoi a-t-il raté le mariage de sa filleule ? - Duration: 1:32.


Opel Zafira 1.4T 140pk Business 7-pers.uitv. Navi, Airco - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Opel Zafira 1.4T 140pk Business 7-pers.uitv. Navi, Airco - Duration: 1:12.


Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI Go! 2016 - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI Go! 2016 - Duration: 0:54.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk DIG-T Connect Edition - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk DIG-T Connect Edition - Duration: 1:14.


7.20d Dota 2 NEW Tips and Tricks! - Duration: 6:27.

sponsor of this video!

For more infomation >> 7.20d Dota 2 NEW Tips and Tricks! - Duration: 6:27.


NINJA REACTS TO SEASON 7 BATTLE PASS! (Fortnite FUNNY & THICC Moments) - Duration: 11:29.

let's freaking out we are back battle pass hath been purchased let's go let's

go and see what we got

all right first skin Zenith very ready player one ish I love it okay okay okay

okay okay okay Arctic camo wrap mistletoe

is that a gift gift-wrapped a k47

oh that's cool

faceted paper I love that ooh

festive Christmas music Oh golf clap you know I actually invented that so I

should probably

tactical slave alright love it

ah dude is that timtam sir bag of call sring lights I like that trail tote

sergeant winter dude Santa the llama mask on oh man sergeant winter

you don't want to be on his list that's adorable

oho ultra red wrap I spot little toy I drop the puck you royal air of course

crack-shot do it cracking

get a girl equals swole Santa changed my mind I'll check out the new ones here

let's I'm gonna rock a Xena

go get rapped ak-47 oh no

I forgot where it is already jeepers

the bottom yeah perfect present

the tactical display

I like the stream lights

you find it

I like icy heart

this is their way of adding skins to the game huh I'm not gonna sit here and say

that I'm not in love with it that is clean dude give me that oh yeah

Wow the skull trooper dog Kevin

a derby Eddie


8-bit dude that's that's also dough background

epps in the chat



do i but do I feel like why would I do it do I buy this cuz I got to earn these


I'm gonna earn them

there it is the block can't believe they took out risky I just started to perfect

the risky reels landing I was so good at it you're my Dark Horse undercover I

should win that Bank

five total seats seats for passengers

how's the amount the Machine gonna be careful can overheat I'll be careful go

players will go into skydiving state with actually following export storming

use the role 'button source our parents and the double-tapping role buttons

we'll do a barrel roll can boost an airway pressure mobility balloons have

been work so that you are there while they are equipped as fast as long as an

item just player if I just gonna attach up to three balloons there back lifting

up off the ground when the third balloon is attached press jumbled on the air it

really swings at one time Bruce from 2010 update scope to crosshair on scope

er and thermally are valued items each of season gives an opportunity value

evaluate the current item rotation are both to have a recent number of items to

learn while avoiding duplicates or overlapping functionality based on

recent and upcoming item additions

vaulted items we've selected the following for vaulting shadow stones

porta for chiller clinger dollar shock when shock wave Wow gameplay map updated

iceberg applicants cup I services can be found in snowy areas players will slide

on certain frozen services as if I'm QE found are on the iceberg in the

exhibition how post latch on it zip from one to the other am fire or use items

all all conveniently traveling hunted lines mini-map updated saw that increase

the chance of final struggles ending on outer edge of the map okay fix about

causing weapon impacts to play when she didn't leave on okay events that's cool

wow they're going for 700 500 300 very cool

players receive one hundred fifty fifty wood stone metal on elimination

performance optimized spotting pick up some players nominated optimizer pawns

of the Donna McGee's switch audio performance improvements falling sound

so longer hitch audio reduced volume of bullets impact impact audio and signing

island and make a notification audio cue when a vehicle arrives to damage clam

lead Iraq dr. challenges have been moved to new section added filtering an

updated layout of Locker I love that I love that vehicles not have a unique

damaged number pop of color posh so our layout to support a large number of

nameplate so longer super mobile okay that's 60 FPS on mobile for iPad pro

cool the performance on all galaxy no 9 devices those North American myriad of

galaxy sign plus creative okay

For more infomation >> NINJA REACTS TO SEASON 7 BATTLE PASS! (Fortnite FUNNY & THICC Moments) - Duration: 11:29.


Psych of a Guy Who Doesn't Ask Out | Love Playlist | Season3 - EP.02 (Click CC for ENG sub) - Duration: 14:58.

Where is Jun Mo?

I know too...

that I'm a moron.

Hey, Jun Mo!

(2018 UmUmUm Emergency Contacts)

This isn't the time to make an emergency contact list.

-Your life is an emergency! -Why?


(Jun Mo's Story)

(Love Playlist, Season 3, Episode 2)

You have amazing stamina, Jae In.

You drank until this morning,

yet you're still making it to your first class.

I know.

Do Young, thanks for covering last night's roll call.

Whenever you spend the night with your boyfriend,

I'll cover for you too.

My boyfriend?


You've flirted with her for a whole year?

Does that make sense?

You still didn't ask her out?

It's not like guys should always ask girls out first.

I guess you're right.

But do you really think

Do Young will ask you out first?

No, forget that.

She doesn't even talk that much usually.

I know.

But I can't do it.

I don't know how I should start at which timing.

I'm totally lost.

How does everyone express their feelings?

Whenever I'm with you, I always become a coward.

Jun Mo, you idiot.

You pretended to be busy dating all the time.

You weren't even dating then.

Can't you just keep flirting?

That's possible. Why not?

But if you're going to keep flirting,

you can't do anything for the other person

or receive anything either.

You can't get mad or feel upset.

Both of you don't have that right.

That's not true.

Me and Ha Neul

get mad at each other and feel upset all the time.

So just admit that you two are dating then.

Goodness. I told you we're not like that.

This is 100 percent friendship.

I don't care if Ha Neul drinks all night

with a girl from his department.

I don't care if Pu Reum

goes on a blind date seven times.

I think I really did go on seven blind dates.

How did you know that?

Are you like that too? Is it okay if

Do Young drinks with another guy and goes on blind dates?

No! That's unacceptable!

So even if you think there's not much to dating,

it all has a meaning.

I'll help you.

Just do as I say.

First of all,

send this text to her.

Do Young, can you translate this since you major in English?

I want to have a more serious relationship with you.

I want to have a more serious relationship with you.

Right. That's what I want to say to you.

(Do Young has left the chatroom.)

Are you insane?

Why not? It could go well.

Since Do Young's major is English Literature,

he should ask her out by using English too.

Do you think I'm stupid?


Do Young, I love you. Will you go out with me?

Hey. Girls totally hate those types of events.

I'm already frustrated enough,

and these guys aren't being helpful at all.

Guys, stop kidding around.

Okay, fine.

Hey. I have a real tip for you.

Buy her something to eat every day.

Then your feelings for each other will grow naturally.

Check this out.

Do you know So Yoon and Ji Hye?

They always ask me if I can buy them lunch.

My goodness, you poor thing.

Do Young always wants to split the bill with me.

Does that mean she doesn't like me?

Gosh, listen.

Just ignore everything they're saying.

Jun Mo, just do as I say.

You have to set the right mood when you ask her out.

Watch a romantic movie late at night.

You can ask her out then.

Or, when you're walking her home

and when you both don't want to go home, ask her then.

If not that, you can have a drink with her and tell her.

I always trusted Jae In, but she's not helping either.

What is it? Don't tell me

you've already tried all of that.


Do Young, do you want to watch "Ruby Sparks" today?

Jun Mo, I don't usually watch romance movies at the theater.

I have something to say...

Do Young.

Do Young.

You did a good job today, Do Young.

You too.

We're all here.

Thank you for walking me home, Jun Mo.

It's alright. I enjoyed walking with you.

Come on, we're late.

Do Young...

Jun Mo, it's almost time for my curfew.

-I have to go. -Okay.

Good night.

That's right.

I'm the one who should ask her out.

How can they possibly help me?

Hey. Isn't Do Young coming to our club get-together

tomorrow night?

Yes. After getting off her part-time job.


Then we'll set the mood for you.


Um Um Um! (*The name of the club)

It's been a long time.

On top of that,

I made another stupid mistake.

-Over here. -Hey.

Good evening.

You're already here.

You came too.

Yes. I called him.

Hey, I should come too since I'm a club member.

Why? I can't be here since I'm a returning student?

Of course not.

This is Dong Min Kim from the class of 14.

-Hi. -Hello.

-Hi. -Hello.


Hey, where's the bathroom?

It's outside, around the corner.

Okay, thanks.

-Darn you! -Are you crazy?

Why him, out of all people?

Why? He's our senior, so I thought I should call him.

Why do you guys hate Dong Min so much?

That jerk Dong Min chases girls all the time

and I know many girls who cried because of him.

Hey. He's notorious in the Business Management Department.

All the girls fall for Dong Min so easily,

but he dumps them for another girl soon.

What's wrong with that? It means he's good with girls.

That's not the end of it.

He even spreads bad rumors about his ex-girlfriends.

He's trash.

Calm down.

Still, he's a senior of our club

so let's treat him with respect. It's all in the past.

Hey. Don't you even have brains?

What's wrong with you? He's our senior.

-You know, right? -I do.

-You didn't know? -I didn't.

Hey, Do Young.

Why didn't I think of that?

That Dong Min's next target...

might have been you.


How are you coming in together?

-Oh. -Oh.

Was she in our club too? No wonder.

We were headed towards the same table.

Yes. She's Do Young from the English Literature Department.

Oh, Do Young.

Hi. I'm Dong Min Kim from the class of 14.

Hello. I'm Do Young Kim from the class of 17.

Do Young, there's an empty seat next to Pu Reum.


I didn't expect...

to see such a pretty girl in our club.

It's nice to meet you, Do Young.

Guys, why don't we play a game? Let's play.


Sure, let's play a game.

Let's play Soo Jeong's favorite random game!

-The number game. 1! -2.

-3. -You two have to drink.

Let's play the spelling game!

-G and J! -Gam Ja(Potato).

-H and S. -Hoi Sa(Office).

-Hak Saeng(Student). -Hong Shi(Persimmon).

-Ho Su(Lake). -Wi-Fi, Hak Sa(Undergraduate).

(*Wi-Fi: When it's too far to reach, shouting it is accepted.)

-Wi-Fi, Hwa Sa(Bright). -Wi-Fi, Ha Sa(Staff Sergeant).

Drink up!

Keep drinking, bottoms up!

We don't have time to waste.


it seems like Do Young hardly drank.

You must be very good at games.

I guess I'm not bad at it.

I like girls who are good at games.

I felt worried and frustrated

and thought about taking you outside.

But honestly...

what could I possibly do?

I'm not even your boyfriend.

(College Club Association)


I didn't know the girls in here were so pretty.

You're very handsome too.

You have a knack for flattering people.

I mean it. They call guys like you a "Face Genius".

In short, an FG!

Thank you.

A Face Genius?

Do Young.

Since we're in the same club,

let's be good friends from now on.


Do Young, there's something on your face.

Is it food?

I can do it.



She's in your department.

Do Young Kim, from the class of 17.

Does she have a boyfriend?

Should I make a move?

Hey, what's wrong with a returning student?

Returning students are way more popular nowadays.

We completed our military service.

Forget it. Have fun in the army.

Talk to you later.

All the girls fall for Dong Min so easily,

but he dumps them for another girl soon.

I know many girls who cried because of him.

I like girls who are good at games.

Should I make a move?

If you're going to keep flirting,

you can't do anything for the other person

or receive anything either.

You can't get mad or feel upset.

Both of you don't have that right.

Do Young.

I don't know much about dating.

I just want to protect you

and do nice things for you.

I want to get angry at guys who try to flirt with you.


if that's possible

only when I'm your boyfriend...

Do Young.

Be my girlfriend.


I just got goosebumps.

(The best timing to express your feelings)

(is 'right now'.)

You mean you two aren't dating yet?

Well... Jun Mo keeps preparing

to ask me out, but he hesitates in the end.

I kept waiting.

He might feel upset if I ask him first, don't you think?

Seriously, both of you are so frustrating.

But I'm just thinking about asking him out first.

Good idea.

Hey, wait.

I asked my ex-boyfriend out first too.

But every time he had a chance,

he teased me about it.

You should wait a bit longer. Let me

take care of it for you.

For more infomation >> Psych of a Guy Who Doesn't Ask Out | Love Playlist | Season3 - EP.02 (Click CC for ENG sub) - Duration: 14:58.


"I'm Ugly" - Duration: 2:31.

plz put on ear phones and watch this video

For more infomation >> "I'm Ugly" - Duration: 2:31.


Most 'likely signing, £15m star 'good' enough- Latest Arsenal transfer rumours - Duration: 6:28.

 On the pitch, Arsenal's impressive start to life under Unai Emery shows no sign of slowing down, with the Gunners extending their unbeaten run to 20 games in all competitions

 But off the field, the January transfer window is only around the corner and transfer rumours involving Emery's side are beginning to heat up

 The north London side added a mixture of youth and experience in the summer transfer window, with Lucas Torreira, Matteo Guendouzi, Bernd Leno and Sokratis complementing the addition of Stephan Lichtsteiner on a free transfer

 The new faces have strengthened an already talented squad, and played a key role in the long unbeaten run stretching back to August

 But what business will be done in January?  Well, we've taken a look at the latest transfer gossip surrounding the Gunners in the past 24 hours

  Nelson Semedo claims Ousmane Dembele is happy at the Nou Camp  Nelson Semedo has stated that Ousmane Dembele is "totally committed" to Barcelona following talk regarding a move away from the Nou Camp

 Signed in a big-money deal from Borussia Dortmund ahead of last season after making a huge impression in the Bundesliga, the Frenchman has been unable to replicate his form in La Liga

 The winger has been linked with a move to north London in recent months, but Semedo claims his teammate is ready to stay and remains committed to the cause

 "He is an excellent player, with a lot of potential and will help us a lot," he said

 "He is totally committed to the team. Now he is more responsible and is showing it in the field

 "It must continue like this, and I am convinced that it will."  Miguel Almiron latest  The Atlanta United midfielder has been in fine form this season, playing a crucial part in the club's run to the MLS Cup final

 The 24-year-old was previously linked with a shock January move to the Emirates Stadium, as well as London rivals West Ham

 But as reported by the Chronicle, Newcastle United had stolen a march with head of recruitment Steve Nickson flying to the United States to hold talks with Atlanta and Almiron's agent about what it will take to lure him to St James' Park in the new year

 When questioned about the Paraguayan in his pre-match press conference, Magpies boss Rafael Benitez insisted Newcastle have not made an offer for Almiron yet

 "I could hear somebody say we made an offer but we haven't.  "I don't talk about players

If we make an offer, they will know, we will know."  Moraes 'good enough to move to Arsenal  Club Brugge manager Ivan Leko has claimed that Wesley Moraes is good enough to play for Arsenal amid talk of a January transfer

 Linked with a £15million move to the Emirates following his fine form in Belgium, Fiorentina and Valencia are also believed to be keen on the 22-year-old

 Scoring 10 goals in 22 appearances for his club this season, including one against Thierry Henry's Monaco side in the Champions League, it has been reported that Unai Emery could be tempted to bring in the forward following Danny Welbeck's injury

 "I'm sure that Wesley has the level to play for Arsenal," said Leko, as reported by Sport Witness

"He can be proud of what he's done in the past six months.  "He's working hard and reaping the benefits, but to play in the Premier League, he needs to work even harder, and every day

 "Am I worried for the rest of the season? There are intelligent people in the club who prepare the future and anticipate departures

 "I'm not worrying about what happens with Dennis, Wesley or Vanaken during the next transfer window just yet

"  Chambers clause explained  According to the Standard, Arsenal cannot recall Callum Chambers from his loan at Fulham

 The defender joined the west London club on a season-long loan in August, but according to the report, there is no clause allowing Arsenal to bring him back midway through the season

 The Gunners could be left short in defence after the serious injury to Rob Holding, with the centre back being ruled out for up to nine months with a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament

 Laurent Koscielny has only just returned from a long-term achilles injury.  Arsenal's 'most likely' signing  The Gunners have already been linked with a host of names ahead of the January transfer window, and according to Bookmakers Betway their most likely signing will be Ousmane Dembele

 While Arsenal will want to find someone to fill the gap Danny Welbeck's injury has created, Dembele is likely to cost a pretty penny, with rumours of the Catalan giants wanting in the region of €100million

  Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> Most 'likely signing, £15m star 'good' enough- Latest Arsenal transfer rumours - Duration: 6:28.


jin's confidence | 방탄소년단 석진 BTS - Duration: 6:27.

Fan: You're handsome! *Jin becomes a shy boy uwuwu*

Jin: I'm nervous.

JK: Hyung, you're worldwide handsome. (As a way of encouraging/comforting him)

Jin:You're handsome too, but me more handsome.

ARMY goes wild!!!!!

ARMY still wilding because Epiphany is a bop

See how confident Jin is about his vocals.

Jin's dance for Tomorrow became much smoother and he clearly is more confident in doing the dance.

and wow... stage presence for Fake Love is one whole glow up

Fan: Seokjin!


Jin, calmly nodding and acknowledging his beautiful looks. So different from the video where he hid his face.

For more infomation >> jin's confidence | 방탄소년단 석진 BTS - Duration: 6:27.


When Does Spider Man Far From Home Come Out | Spider Man 4 Trailer CountDown Start - Duration: 2:05.

SpiderMan Far From Home

For more infomation >> When Does Spider Man Far From Home Come Out | Spider Man 4 Trailer CountDown Start - Duration: 2:05.


The 5 Lies About Fitness and Health You Should Stop Believing - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> The 5 Lies About Fitness and Health You Should Stop Believing - Duration: 3:39.


VOYAGER et défendre les DROITS DE L'HOMME | Interview - Duration: 20:28.

- So who are you?

- Okay. Hi! Okay. My name is Chunyuan. I'm 22 years old. I'm from Taiwan.

And but, I graduated last year and I just gave myself two years to work, intern, volunteer

hopefully in four continents - yeah - before applying for master.

- And why are you in Amman now?

Why am I here is because I got internship in the human rights organization here.

So that's why I came here for all together four months.

But after I arrived here starting to do a lot of things like volunteers and

with two organizations and also working in a hotel.

Yeah that's basically... - Oh in Jordan?

- Yeah in Jordan. - What did you study in Taiwan?

- My major was Chinese literature so it's totally like... irrelevant to what I'm doing right now. Yeah.

I would say not many students would do some what I'm doing right now like taking a gap year or just...

to do some traveling, finding what your interests like...

Most of my friends either go to masters, a graduate school or they start working yeah.

- Do you choose to take the time to do what you want?

- Yeah because like, I want to continue my study but I really don't know like...

what fields I want to like go deeper in, yeah. I mean it's good to specialize in someplace

but it doesn't mean that you cannot approach as many as you want

especially if like me, if... I really don't know what I want.

So it's very for me to just see everything first, try to see everything first.

- What are the main topics that you work on here? - My NGO is a Human Rights NGO.

But we focus mainly on freedom of expression, women like gender issues and death penalty.

So we tend to, we like to work with parliamentarians

and just to try to keep some recommendations and some research to help law revision like that.

- And you, you work on a special topic? - The one I'm currently working on is transgender rights.

It's LGBT rights here. - Wow. Is it hard here? Is it going well?

- Actually I discussed with the president of my organization for quite a long time

and we kind of had argument about it because it's not that easy to do that here.

Yeah and especially my president is worried that I will write like a lot of aggressive campaign

or something about it. It's probably well...

I don't know what would happen to me or to the organization, but he has concerned about it.

So right now what I'm working on is mainly research based.

So it's safer but I still hope that this is essential for, to understanding the transgender rights here in Jordan.

- And, it's not transgender but is it allowed like to be gay here? Like gay marriage?

- Gay marriage is still no. But Jordan is actually kind of like more liberal country on this in the Arab world.

- Oh really? - Yeah yeah! Actually it's good news.

And for example like you can change your sex gender without surgery.

Or like events here like, events pertaining to LGBTQ is allowed here.

But it's allowed in law but sometimes... - It's not applied.

- It's probably still not accepted by the society.

And two years ago or one year ago, there's a magazine called My Kali.

It's the first LGBTQIA inclusive magazine here and they got blocked.

- Oh no! - Yes. Even if it's like..

- They still try. - Yeah they still, it's still not

that easily accepted by the community

- Why did you choose Jordan? - I chose here because the location

because it's surrounded by conflict zone Iraq, Syria, Palestine, so...

You have a feeling that you can find something that you want to know here.

- There's a lot to do. - Yeah I especially I focus on humanitarian issues.

So either here or Lebanon.

- How did you find your internship? - Google! I just typed in Jordan

and I want to know about human rights. And my organization its name is

"Amman Center for Human Rights Study" It's the first one.

And then I clicked the website and I saw there's an internship option so I just sent the email

That's not hard isn't it?

- Do you feel safe when you travel? Do you feel safe as a woman? Do you feel safe as a Taiwanese?

- As a woman not really. I mean I can only speak like because I'm a woman.

As a women I don't feel really safe, in some countries.

Especially like when you walk path and people are just shouting at you

and trying to talk to you, even trying to touch you.

Yeah so I feel like really bother.

I really don't know what they would do to me.

Even though they probably just want to be friendly but to me it's like...

I feel like you're violating something like my personal space.

- What do you think about here like the place of the woman here in Jordan?

- Okay, story sharing.

I have met one couple and they have children.

But it's like the wife is a teacher. I mean she teached before.

But it's like her husband said something like "Okay I will let her to teach.

Only because like she has nothing to do with her free time."

So it's like the word "let" which means it's like... you can still feel the inequality here.

And the stereotype that women should stay at home and raise the kids like that.

And if they get to do something it's because they are "allowed" by men.

Like this is the story that really really kind of like... make me feel a little bit upset about it.

But this is what we want to change.

- If you have your worst and best experience of travel?

- The worst part is probably like I almost got raped. - What?

Yeah like when I did couchsurfing.

- Where? - In Dubai yeah.

It was the time that we both drink a little, drank a little bit wine.

And so I felt tired, so I just went to sleep. We were in the same room but different beds.

And I went to sleep and I can feel that he came.

Yeah. And the rest is like

he started to do something and I... you know I pushed him away like that.

Yeah but it's still awkward because it's so late and we were still staying in the same room

but just he left to his bed and I stayed in mine.

We just stayed there until morning, and I left.

- Okay so you just slept until...

Yeah because like I just fell asleep.

But actually I didn't do like very well like... the next day I've tried to pretend nothing happened.

Because you don't know how to face him.

- Actually I haven't lived something like this but... I was in a situation in a couchsurfing in Tel Aviv.

And this guy... like he tried... he tried to that something happen between us.

And I was so uncomfortable like to say no to him

because I had nothing... nowhere to go and nobody to help me.

So I just wanted to stay nice with him because I wanted to sleep there.

And I wanted him to be ok with that.

It's so scary when you are in couchsurfing.

You are supposed to... they are welcoming you so you are in a weak position. You know?

- Yeah indeed. - Do you remember a good experience?

- Good experience! Hahaha!

Good good experiences... yeah.

Oh oh I will probably set my trail in Wadi Rum. So it's like pretty pretty recent.

I think it was amazing.

I always wanted to do some adventurous things and this, that was it.

Like you trail in the desert and I mean for me it's challenging myself

and see the magnificent landscape of the desert.

And there are only two people. You feel like there are only two, only you and... me and my friend.


(speaks Mandarin) I think not many people in Taiwan have the courage to do things I am doing now.

Nor their family could support them.

Two years is a long time.

Actually, I am very nervous, afraid and wonder that

things I am doing within these two years will become something useful for the future

Or I am simply doing something I irrationally think that it will eventually be useful.

Though I do understand it is still an amazing learning opportunity

I am still deeply anxious, scared and worried if the master application won't go well.

Then, regarding family and how I fund my travels

Basically I apply for government projects or grants

which is also another challenging thing

But at the same time it makes me feel contented.

Because I need to research immensely, work really hard

to have my application accepted, think about what projects I want to do

I had chances to interact with people due to these projects

and be responsible for this project

If I am going to invite or recommend people to do what I am doing now

I will urge everyone to utilize every chance they could find

Ok, wait. I mostly talked about like how I support. Like how my trip was supported by all the project.

(speaks Mandarin) I have no idea why I really really want to say

Even though I spend a lot of time outside of Taiwan, it doesn't mean that I do not care about this land.

I solely think that the world is so big and there are so many things I don't know.

So I want to explore.

I want to know what is really happening there.

Lots of people will ask me if it means that I don't love Taiwan or I don't care about Taiwan anymore

because I spend so much time abroad.

I have never felt like that.

It breaks my heart thinking about how those people perceive you.

But that is simply not true.

I am not sure whether things I am doing now will create positive impacts for Taiwan.

And I don't know how to answer when people ask if I will go back to Taiwan and work in the future.

I am not trying to prove I love Taiwan through this video.

I just want to share a thing with you all.

Not every person who has passion for foreign things, forget where his/her home is.

Though I am not sure if things we are doing will help Taiwan,

Taiwan is always in my heart.

I will keep thinking about how to create more opportunities for Taiwan.

I truly hope one day Taiwan will be able to present its own name on the international stage.


- That's so beautiful when you speak with your heart!

- Yeah, I mean... - Even if I don't understand it's...

- Okay I can translate this part to you. It's basically... - We can translate after, if you don't mind.

We will take more time.

- Yeah. - Maybe women maybe men...

they don't want to travel alone and they don't want to travel in "not safe countries" like Jordan.

So do you have someting to say about it?

- Hum... I have to say like...

Unless it's like the country is in a war, if like the situation is really bad.

Otherwise I would say it's dangerous everywhere.

There are always people traveling somewhere and even in Africa, Oceania or the countries

that we used to think that is very dangerous.

I have met one female traveler.

She travels to like South America, Africa, alone.

And, I mean...

Just be careful about everything.

And I wouldn't say "you will be fine" because I wouldn't know like if any of the viewer will be fine.

I hope so, but just be careful and...

Do not think too much before you actually do anything.

Like I would never know here, until I actually got here. And I can see how I feel about here.

So if you're really interested about something you can just do it.

But just do some research you will always be alert and...

regardless of if you're a male or a female.

And another thing is that if you want to travel but you don't have enough budget,

or you need some financial support,

there are actually a lot a lot of international grants that you can apply to

like... I applyed once to go to Lebanon to produce this short film.

Even though I don't know if I will get this update, but there's a chance,

a lot of chances for you to do volunteer, for you to do art works.

Just do some research and you'll find there are so many opportunities out there

waiting to support you to do whatever you want. Yeah.

- Actually I have a last question that I just, that came to my mind.

To someone who don't want to travel. What does it bring to you to travel...

like to be more open-minded....

like why do you travel? What do you like about it?

- Why I travel is because, in Mandarin I would say

*speaks Mandarin*

which means "The world is so big and there are so many things I don't know."

I just want to know what it's like there.

For me it's just because this very very simple reasons like I want to know what it's like elsewhere.

But I wouldn't say travelling will definitely make a people be more open-minded.

I don't know. You know sometimes it would just be because people see the difference

and they feel good about themselves.

So like... but what's wrong when it can benefits you

is like you actually see and be in immersion the environments that you are not familiar to.

And no matter what that brings to you that's a shock for you that's it, a stimulation for you.

So if you are getting too used to your own environment just change it.

You don't have to go abroad but just try to change it and probably you will find...

that you're different yourself when you are in different situation. That happens to me too.

Like I feel like I'm different when I'm in different situation.

- Like outside of your safe space.

- Yeah or comfort zone like some people say. Yeah comfort zone.

But even though this is very hard to like actually to define what comfort zone is.

And sometimes I feel comfort right here.

But probably sometimes when I have certain situation

even back in my home country I wouldn't feel comfortable anymore.

So if but just give you some advices that...

Going abroad is probably the easiest way to find something different.

But if you cannot do it, it's fine. Just do something else.

Why your face is like that?

- I'm so sad that's finished. That was such a good time. I have no more questions.

- Okay. Yeah.

To the camera? - Yeah maybe.

- How to say "Bye" in french? - Haha "Aurevoir".

- "Aurevoir" it's a little bit hard to pronounce actually. "Au-re-voir".

- That's it.

- "Aurevoir"? "Aurevoir".

"Aurevoir"! And hope the best for everyone who's watching this and

yeah you can comment below like what I should eat you when I go to France

because... You know what I ate when I go to Paris? The first meal I had is kebab!

- Hahaha! - So please comment below

like what I should eat when I go to France And hope I could get next time.

- Thank you so much! - Yeah.

For more infomation >> VOYAGER et défendre les DROITS DE L'HOMME | Interview - Duration: 20:28.


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For more infomation >> Greatest Hits Love Songs All Of Time - Best Romantic Love Songs Collection - Best Songs For Love - Duration: 1:21:23.


How to Get Countless Referrals From "Virtual Lead Partners" | by DYB Coach Ron Ramsden - Duration: 4:53.

Employees that do not work for you, do you have any of these?

I am not talking subcontractors.

I want to share with you my three that I have employees that do not work for me, but give

me a lot of work.

I am Ron Ramsden and a DYB coach, also a painting contractor up here in beautiful New England.

Upon the ski slopes today, just finished riding one of these and I was thinking of this, and

I wanted to share it.

So, employees that do not work for us.

We all belong to a lot of networking groups, we find a lot of value there, but we also

have other employees, let me show you what I mean.

Well, I have an insurance agent who is not in my networking group, but this is my insurance

agent I have had for 20 years.

I have so much insured with him, liabilities, the vehicles, Workmans Comp., our houses

and our Umbrella policies and he probably thinks I am insured for, I do not even know

what I am insured for.

But anyway, they do not refer me any work, but I give them checks every single month,

so I asked to talk to the owner who I knew from about 20 years ago, their agency has

grown substantially since back then.

I met with him, we had a quick coffee, and then he allowed me to share to the rest of

his company one breakfast.

I brought in some donuts, some coffee, and they let me introduce myself and most of them

knew me because I am in there a lot anyway, but no one ever refers me.

So, I asked them if the people who come in with water complain or some water damage,

or maybe some smoke damage, who do they refer to?

And they usually have a self-pro or something like that, one of the big companies, what

happens if they are smaller claim?

They do not refer anybody.

I asked them if they would please refer me, or if they at least think of me and pass on

my card and my information, which they have.

And in the last 6 months, we have received 6 different referrals from them and some of

them have been substantial after we dug into the proposal a little further.

Second, my local plumber and electrician; these two guys I see at the coffee shop all

the time.

As you know, some of you who have been following me, I give out pies, these guys were there,

and then we struck up a conversation, I asked them when you guys do all that damage to

a wall, cutting in for pipe or electricity, who fixes it?

They said, not us And I know you have been in the painting trays for long enough, sometimes

they cut holes that are not needed because they are searching for something.

Well, I told these two that they could be in my club 50, I explained to them what that

was, where I give them $50 for every successful job that I sold, that they referred me.

Well, guess what?

About a year ago this all started happening, and I have been handing them $50 bills when

I see them at the coffee, quite regularly.

They are so happy when I hand them the $50, you know, the next time they cut a hole in

that wall, who are they going to hand a card to and give them all my information?

They actually now text me with the information of the client who they have just given me

the information.

And then thirdly, we all want our paint rep to give us work, you know, Benjamin Moore,

Sherman Williams, we think about it, when we give them all these work and they never

refer us to anybody.

Well, you have got to understand that some of these reps have 300 painting clients underneath

them, and if they find out that someone needs a house painting or something like that, they

cannot always give it to 300 people.

But if you do something unique in your company, and I am going to give you an example.

We did some dry ice blasting for a customer, I never knew what dry ice blasting was, but

we did some research, which was actually using power ice, dry ice and blasting it to strip


Well, we shared this with him, we shared the videos with him, we took it, we sent it to

him and I did some follow-up with him.

You know something?

Less than 3 months later, I got called for a dry-ice blast from this rep, that they had

a problem, they needed someone to take care of it, and I was the first one that they thought


You know, he cannot be handing out this exterior paint for every contractor he has, but if

you have something unique that you can show you are a professional at doing, share that

with him and he will be thinking about you the next time something comes up.

Anyways, I hope this helped?

I would love for you to share some of the employees that do not work for you.

In this, please make a comment so that other people watching this video, they can see,

and maybe they can add to it and they can get some great ideas.

Anyways, I am Ron Ramsden and I am a DYB coach, also a painting contractor way up here in

New England and I am about ready to go back on the slopes.

If you would like to reach me, it is, and you can also reach me on Facebook, send

me a message and I would love to chat.

Have a great day, and hire some non-employees, bye...

For more infomation >> How to Get Countless Referrals From "Virtual Lead Partners" | by DYB Coach Ron Ramsden - Duration: 4:53.


Beautiful 20 Wanderlust Tiny-house Based On Tumbleweeds Linden Model | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Beautiful 20 Wanderlust Tiny-house Based On Tumbleweeds Linden Model | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:59.


Создание игры на Юнити, без навыков программирования #2/2 | Unity + Playmaker - Duration: 19:15.

Hello everyone, I am Ducat!

In the past, we see you did the character animated

he was taught to run, jump, Aim and shoot!

I highly recommend before watching this video

- see previous video link to which

I will post in the description as well also in the tip in the top

right corner.

This is the second part in which we will learn to create one-sided

platform, make the camera move after character

we will create unpretentious the enemy, exit the level as well

same key that will allow we leave the level!


We have a platformer with you, right?

Then let's add a platform!

Just duplicate our improvised land and customize it

size so that we were convenient with it in the future

to interact.

Do not forget to fit the collider under the physical size!


If we leave everything as is, then our character is not

will be able to jump on it from below.

He will beat his head.

It does not suit us.

Therefore, we remove the component Box Collider, and add component

Edge Collider 2d.

The difference is that new collider represents

just a segment straight, not closed geometric

having noticed.

Such a collider can be done whatever form

We only need a segment straight.

Here there are points between which the collider itself

and built.

We configure points so as we need!

Then, we add the component Platform Effector 2D.

Our new collider we tick the box

Used by Effector - this will allow the Platform Effector component to influence

on the collider.

And immediately we get the result is that character

without much difficulty may jump onto the platform

from under her.

The platform is just necessary to place so that

jump height enough :) But, as you can see, the hero

can cling to a corner platforms.

To prevent this from happening - you need to slightly reduce

angle in which it acts platform rule.

Not 180 degrees, but, for example, 160

I will repaint our one-sided the platform in a different color,

so that they are slightly different from solid ground.

Well, rename it accordingly.


We have one sided platform!

Now, it would not hurt to do so that the camera follows

for our character!

I will create a new gameobject, call his CameraHolder, drop his position

to 0 and stuff it inside our camera.

Our object CameraHolder - we add a new fsm and let's say

her that she should follow for the player!

To let the camera know where there is a player - we will create

new global variable in which we will push

player at the start of the game.

For this, in some FSM, for example Movenment - we are in

Setup state, add an action Get Owner, and tell him to

it folded the owner this fsm to global variable



Now, in the FSM itself, which hanging on CameraHolder, we are able

FollowPlayer, add an action Smooth Follow Action.

Let's tell him that our target Object is a global player.

Distance 10, Height 0, attenuation at height 0, attenuation at

rotation - 0.

We check - and we understand that our sight for some reason

far from the mouse.

What happened?

What happened is that the camera we got very

lazy and does not want to move, she wants only to rotate.

Do not forget that we have Unity, two-dimensional space

only nominally, in fact, we always work with three-dimensional


The camera generally behaves not as we planned.

Fix it we can fix her rotation.

So we will do!

We add to our state, Set Rotation action.

We tell him to do camera spinning in all

axes on zeros, space, regarding which

it should be happening - put Self, and do not forget

About the box Every Frame.

Check and see that the camera is now moving

for player only axis X, it would not hurt that she

still watched him along the axis Y

For this, in action Smooth Follow Action - we will enter a value

Height Damping - 10 We check and everything works

almost perfect!

This is enough for our goals.

It is worth mentioning that such the camera is a crutch

and mind, you should do everything differently.

But this is probably already in another lesson

For now, everything suits me.

Now, we need an enemy, with which we will fight!

We will do it on the basis of our same character!

Just duplicate the hero, let's call him Enemy, and repaint

all his sprites in say Red color!

How cunning and original, is not it?

Immediately go to FSM Turning, and change his turn conditions!


Instead follow the cursor - let him watch

for the player.

Instead of a global variable Cursor - set global

Player variable!

Like this!

Even variables to it to rename I will not, so as not to get confused!

We are checking.


Vrazhin now rotated in our direction.

But still, he is still aims at the cursor.

Right now we will fix this case for him!

But before that, remove the FSM Jumping and Movenment from his stack

components so that it does not duplicated our movements.

Next - go to FSM Aiming, and also in action Get Position,

change global variable cursor on global

player variable.

Run - the enemy looks into the player as planned!


So that the player does not push the enemy - you need to add your enemy

own layer to then set up this case

in the physics settings.

Add a layer of Enemy, and not forget to assign the enemy

this layer.

And then it happens to me :)

Then go to the Edit tab - Project Settings - Physycs 2D

At the intersection of layers Player and Enemy - remove the checkmarks.

Check - works!

Now player no problem passes through the enemy.

But our enemy is shooting at the same time. with the hero - right now we are doing

fix it!

Go to our FSM Shooting the opponent and everything connected

with pressing the fire button - delete.

This applies to a fortune. Check, and Get Button Down actions

able to listener.

By the way, do not be afraid at all edit same

FSM at different objects, if these are not prefabs of course

and not FSM templates that will act like

attached to objects scripts in C #.

Playmaker believes that everyone individual object

your individual fsm.

Therefore, if you create two different prefabs of the enemy,

for example, and you will begin to edit FSM in one of them - in the second

there will be no changes.

So it goes.

Well, we continue!

Our opponent needs know when to shoot!

To do this, add a detector to it. player.

Create a new GameObject, in which add component

Circle Collider 2D Increase the radius of the collider

to 4, and be sure to put tick him is trigger

the collider will work as a trigger.

Back in FSM Shooting, and able to listener add

Trigger2D Event action In which we say that

if a global player enters in the trigger - you need to go

on the Fire event.

Shooting condition occurs, then the FSM goes to the timer,

and after the timer - dies on shooting.

But in shooting condition, after all the action, we

will check, not gone whether the player is from our trigger.

To do this, copy the Trigger2D Event, and in the parameter Trigger - set

On Trigger Exit 2D value If this happens - go

on StopFire event in Listener.

Let's check.

Nifiga does not occur.

Do you know why?

Because we said earlier so that the enemy layer does not intersect

with a player layer.

If we deliver to our radar default layer - all

will start working!

Check - the enemy bummed once.

To make everything work perfectly - we will do the following.

Copy again the action Trigger2D Event, but this time,

In the Trigger value, select Point On Trigger Stay 2D, and Event

let's assign him Fire!

This means that if a player remains in the trigger of the radar

- means the enemy will shoot farther.

Let the event Fire with us in the timer.

We check - everything works perfect!

If you noticed - our guy constantly standing in raskoryaku.

This is what he should be your animation controller.

So far, he has a controller player.

To do this, create a new folder for animations of the enemy,

and create a new one there Animation Controller.

Then drag our newcomer animation controller in

component Animator.

We open the Animator tab, and drag in his field

animation player idle.

Let the enemy always stand in this animation.

Check - everything is fine!

Now, nice to add our enemy is health and

opportunity to die!

Add him a FSM under the name Health, and the first state,

where does Setup go - let it be IDLE state

Next, next create a state Damage.

Go to the Events tab, and manually create a new one there

Damage event.

Right here.

Again, I did not fit in ...

If next to the event put tick - it will mean

that this is a global event, and it can be easily

appeal from the outside.

Then, poke on our state RMB, and in Add Global Transition

- choose the event Damage!

Next, go to the tab Variables, and add manually

Health variable, let it will be variable floating

point in common FLOAT.

Make it available from Inspector, and enter the value

health by hand.

We jump back to the state Damage, and add action to it

Float Operator.

In the first variable field - set our variable

Health In the second variable field

- set a new variable DamageRecieved

In the value of the Operation parameter - choose Substract - I mean

- subtraction.

Then, go through the event Finished to a new state,

which we call Check Here we will compare

adversary health with zero.

Add a float action Compare, and in place of the first variable

We put our health with you.

The second variable remains by zero.

If the variables are equal - we shoot DIE event if health

less than zero is also an event DIE, if health more

scratch is all right and we will shoot the event


We add to our state these events, and divert event

Okay is in IDLE state, but DIE event we take away in new

condition which i will call DIE.

I'll make it red, for clarity.

Inside this state, just add an action

Destroy Self, to make the enemy self-annihilating with exhaustion of health.

Reorganize states in FSM, for more beauty

and visibility.


Now, we need to somehow send the enemy death!

Choosing a bullet prefab, and we go to his only

FSM Movenment.

Now it will not only fly forward and wait 3

seconds to finish with myself, but also continuously

rake forward in search suitable goal!

Add Ray cast action 2D /

Direction let it be 1 to X, Distance 1.

As soon as the reycast touches someone we'll shoot

event hit.

To send death enemy - you must first save

its in a separate variable.

In the parameter Store Hit Object - enter new variable HittedObject

To make the bullets react only on enemies - add

1 layer mask reykast.

And select the layer Enemy

On event Hit - we move to the new state of DoDamage,

in which we have to send a Damage event

in enemy FSM, as well as ask him the damage variable that

he received.

To do this, add actions Set FSM Float and Send Event

In the action Send Event, select target - Game Object FSM.

Choosing an object, great from the host of this fsm, choose

our hitted object variable FSM Name - we have Health

And we send global an event called


The same with action Set FSM Float - an object that

send data - Hitted Object, FSM name - Health, variable name

- DamageRecieved And the value of the rod will be

new variable Damage that we will then make visible

from the inspector, and we introduce manually.

Then, after all the action, let the state doDamage go away

on event Finished in state Destroy.

The bullet made its dark matter and in it we are no longer



Nifiga does not work, everything as usual, somewhere we nakosyachili!

And we nosyachili in FSM health the enemy!

We do not save the result. subtracting damage from health


As soon as we are able Damage assign the parameter

Store Result Health variable - all will immediately work

how to!

Check, it is!

Great, the enemy gets damage and self destruct

in the end!

Now, we want to our character also got

damage from the enemy.

For this, we will copy FSM Health straight to our character!

Open up!

In principle, everything is absolutely same.

There is health, there is received damage, there is death!

Just introduce more. health and ready!

Now we will create a duplicate our bullet and assign it

for the enemy!

Repaint it in blue color, and we go inside it

FSM Inside, able to Movenment

- replace the layer Enemy layer Player, done!

Of course it's important not to forget. give our enemy exactly

new bullets, not those that he was doing it earlier.


Everything works perfectly!

In order to have a graphic idea of ​​how much

we have health - we will create new Canvas!

Inside - create a new one A gameobject that i will name


It will contain everything what we need to display

during the game.

Here we will choose the option to make this object stretched

on the whole canvas.

Inside our facility, shove a new GameObject, which

I will call Health.

Inside it, I create a text the object that will display

numeral value of health player.

Configuring parameters text object so

as we need.

Make it fat and red, so it was clearly visible.

Dock to the top left corner.

To make this text displayed us the value

player health - we will do its global variable.

In the global variables window - create a new variable

Health, let it be float To replace without problems

local variable Health to global, we rename

local in Health1, for example.

Just not to be confused.

And then, in FSM Health, able Damage - we will replace the local one

variable to global.

In the state of Check - let's go similar.

When counter use the health1 variable will turn

to zero - it can be easy to remove.

Now, we are working with global variable.


To make the counter Health show us

number of hit points - we have to hang on

him new fsm So call it and - Health!

To get from variable Float something we can

write as text - you need to convert it

to String format variable - Line

In the first active state, which I will call SetHealthAmount,

we will add the action to convert Float to string

In the Float value - we will select our global health.

String value - we will add new variable HealthAmount

We will not touch the format, it is of no use to us.

Do not forget to tick - every frame!

If anything, then there will be something optimize :)

Next, we add an action. UI Text Set Text

In the GameObject value - add new variable Text

In the Text value, you will get it. our fresh variable

Healthamount Each frame

Let's make the Text variable open. for editing from the Inspector,

and stuff our object there with text.

We check - everything works fine.

Health is taken away and we see his meaning there,

where should see him :)


Next - we need a goal!

Exit the level!

We do!

Duplicate one-way platform so that turned out


Well, purely for beauty.

For organization - I create a new game object that

I will name Level, and I push in it everything related to the structure


To not reign in the hierarchy a mess.

Oh by the way, I forgot to change platforms collider.

Now, he is very different from their physical dimensions.

We quickly fix the situation!

Now, create a new Game. Object that will respond

we have a way out of the level.

Add a sprite to it.

Our favorite rectangular sprite

We make some kind of him doors, purely for clarity.

Do not forget to add him collider that need

make a trigger.

Immediately add to our exit fs b call it


In the first active state - we will wait for the player

in our tenacious paws!

Condition according to tradition we call Listener, and add an action to it.

Trigger 2D event We tell him that when

object trigger enters Something with a tag Player - we shoot

event LevelExit.

For this event, we are leaving to restart level, in which

and add the Restart action Level

Everything, we check - we reach before exiting - the level is restarted!


You can even trim a little exit collider to

he matched more appearance of the object.



What then interest kill the enemy?

That's right - no.

Therefore, we will add to our the stage is the key to exit the level

which we surrender to ours the enemy is under protection.

Add a new GameObject for key.

Add him a sprite, one same square, for example.

Just repaint it in bright color!

Well, let's set the dimensions to it was visible!

Here is such a key card It turned out :)

We take it and put it behind the enemy.

So that the player can interact with it. - add a map collider.

Edit and of course tick Is Trigger

Add a key to the new FSM, in the active state of which

we will repeat all the same as with the exit door

- We wait for the player.

Who forgot - action Trigger 2D event.

Object with tag Player enters in the trigger, and raises the event

Getkey According to it, we turn into

get key state in which we will pick this one


This can be done in different ways. but we will do in a simple way.

Just enter the variable Bool, which will say,

do we have this key

Add a Set Bool action Value

Inside, we set a new global BULKY under the name HaveKey?

Put a tick Bool Value - that mean value

this variable we switch set to true

And in the very first state Setup, we will set this variable

False value - just by copying action, and removing the check mark there.

Next, poke with the clamped control on status of GetKey,

get automatically event FINISHED, and we leave by

him in a new state, in which we will destroy

our key.

We have already raised it, right?

Let's call the state Destroy, and add action to it

Destroy Self!

Now exit from the level should somehow find out that

we have changed the rules and no key player is needed

let go!

Climb into his FSM, and add new checkkey status.

Well, the event that displays us from the state of listener, ok

would rename to not to be confused.

I will call it Check.

Able to check - we are thought check if the player has


Add an action to it Bool test and tell him that

we need to test our global HaveKey?

And if the value of this BOOL True - fire a LevelExit event.

And if the value of this variable False - Sorry, come

when the key will be at you.

We shoot event FINISHED As you may have guessed, the event

FINISHED we lead back to the Listener, and the LevelExit event is correct

- In the state of Restart Level.

Oh yeah, so that the FSM did not go crazy every time - do

him a small timer that will wait 0.1 second,

прежде чем возвращаться в состояние Listener

И в итоге, мы получаем что.

Игрок подходит к двери, но его не пускают.

Мы идем к врагу, проводим потрясающую и сложную перестрелку,

забираем ключ, и теперь выход с уровня нас выпускает!


Волшебство случилось!

Почти полноценная игра.

Осталось наклевпать уровней, добавить гарфона, и можно

на стим ее!

А если серьезно, то я очень рад, что вы тепло встретили

данное видео.

Я даже не ожидал такой реакции.

Судя по собранному фидбеку, надо было сначала провести

небольшой ликбез по Playmaker, рассказать о базовых вещах,

прежде чем кидаться с места в карьер.

В следующий раз так и поступим.

Разберем базовые принципы Playmaker на каких-то простых


А данное видео вышло при поддержке моих крутых товарищей

с Патреона!

Спасибо парни, вы просто бесценны!

Если вы так же хотели бы поддержать выход подобных

видео - в описании к этому ролику есть все необходимые

для этого данные.

Не забывайте подписываться на канал, вступать в группу

ВК, и все такое прочее.

Играйте и разрабатывайте ТОЛЬКО хорошие игры, с вами

был Дмитрий, всем пока-пока!

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