uhhh, Good morning! uhhhhhh
Good morning! Uhm, it's Thanksgiving Day. I don't really celebrate Thanksgiving...
but today, we're gonna make, uhh my knees hurt. Okay but today we're gonna make my
favorite, well one of my favorite, dishes.
It's called Karekare
Uh, it's pretty much just peanut butter soup. Like the base of the soup has peanut butter in it
and so we're gonna make that today and it is currently like not even 9 o'clock
in the morning but I am awake. So we're gonna start prepping the ingredients for
it and yeah so I don't know if this is gonna be like a cooking video or
whatever it is but I'm just trying to keep myself busy and not go insane for
is it gonna adjust? uh, hello
oh, that window is gonna be bad for the lighting
But okay so, uhm, first of all, every time I cook the first thing that we
always do is chop up onions or garlic or uhhh what is it called in English? Ginger!
Or tomatoes but for this dish we only need garlic and onions I believe.
This is also the first time I'm making it so I just want to document like how well I do this
and see like for future reference what I need to change.
Uhh, so yeah, uhh
So right now, we're just gonna cut a bunch of sh-stuff and yeah I need a knife.
Okay, so, uhm
I don't know where this video is gonna go honestly.
Okay so for garlic... Okay
The thing with Filipino culture is we rarely, at least within my family, we rarely
actually measure how much we like use. We kind of just feel for everything.
And I feel like that's a lot of different cultures like when you get, when you
learn from your family recipes, it's rarely like the actual be detailed
enough to be like "Okay, use 5 cups of this like." No, like I start- I start doing
stuff and like, until I hear a whisper in my ear from like my ancestors
Going like "You've done enough like this is, this enough. Like you put enough in."
Ok, uhm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. ok so I have 9 thingies I don't know
what they're called but they're the garlic thing.
so I will be back after I
finish cutting these garlics so I will... peace.
Ok, so I'm back and I'm pretty sure my
phone moved so that pisses you off that it moved same. So um, I finished like
peeling the garlic and I'm about to start cutting the onions and I wanted to
have this documented just to see how long it takes for me to cry.
So ummm
I might cut up the video but I'm gonna try and remember how long it takes for me to cut
this onion. Cuz this is a big boy!
[Beyonce - Single Ladies]
my dad might actually watch this video so
he's probably gonna laugh at me cooking.
He's just gonna be like you did that wrong I'm
like I know I know!
Ooh my eyes. Ooh I'm feeling it oh I'm feeling it
Oh no, ma'am, you are not! Oof.
oh my eyes
Isn't it like an amateur thing to still cry at cutting onion? Jesus Christ
ugh my eyes
Uhh my eyes!
I can do this. I can do this. COME ON! I CAN DO THIS!
We got an entire onion done!
[oh my god my eyes]
okay uhm
so for this meat, uh eh
For this meal or dish whatever I'm supposed to actually use oxtail but
I live in Westwood and that's not a thing. That's not a thing in Westwood
unless I wanted to order it which I'm not gonna order it so I got
something that's kind of close to it because the be- uhh
the best part about oxtail is that it's there's like the tendons is v- uhh, very gelatinous
and that's the good part about it so I try
to find other cuts of meat that actually have like a bone in it they. So then
that would give it some taste I think.
I'm gonna wash these meats and also
wash the vegetable that I actually got for this dish which is just one.
So I'll be back.
And I'm pretty sure I have everything laid out that I need but I'm
prob- I prob- I'm probably forgetting something so right now we have the choice
of meat right? We have the garlic that I chopped up, the onions that I chopped up,
then we have bok choy. Then we have this thingy which is pretty much where a lot
of the taste is gonna come from. Peanut butter cuz that's the base. Corn starch I
don't know if that's good I've never actually used corn starch but it's to
make the this soup less watery and then this is for more taste and then this is
Uhh and this is for sauteing
so yeah
Um we're gonna start cooking soon-ish. I think I'm gonna go make rice first.
I lost my train of thought but yeah so the rice is done
cooking and I will start cooking in a bit
okay so can we just talk about how beautiful this game is?
like this is probably the fourth time I'm playing
through this Kanto game but like it's such a beautiful game and I can't like
fathom like how beautiful the next game is gonna be.
Okay so I am starting to
cook. I got a pan, oh, I got a pressure cooker
turned on the heat. Add cooking oil so we can saute I would say about I don't know, if I'm
gonna give it a quantitative number like two teaspoons? two tablespoons? enough to
like cover the ground.
I need a utensil to mix.
Okay so I have a utensil to mix.
Okay I think the oil is hot enough.
so we're not gonna put all of the onions there's a lot of them but I think we're gonna put about like two scoops?
Then we add the garlic, because we really didn't have that much.
Totally doing this on the fly like I don't know the recipe for this so like I really don't know.
Okay so it's a bit browning now. So what I think we have to do next is
I think what we have to do next is add the meat. Let's add the shank, I think that's what it's called, first.
Mix it in a bit. Okay so you're basically frying the meat so
it looks brown meaning like you lose a lot of the red
we're gonna add the other meat
oooh that's blood
that was blood
This might be, this might be too small. I think, I think my pot is too small
But we're gonna try
This'll be fun
okay so I put everything in there. Now I'm just going to mix, so everything gets a chance at being fried.
Not sure if I'm really doing this correctly
But you want all the meats to pretty much be
somewhat cooked
like browned
What we're gonna do is close it and cook it for about two minutes
because that's what my heart is saying me t- that's what my heart is telling me to do.
Where's the cover?
Okay so we're gonna let it sit there for about two minutes without touching it
Just letting the heat, in the thingy
Okay it's been about two minutes and I just like we opened it and now I'm gonna
reshuffle everything. Oh my god. Okay so I'm learning something new even though this
is this entire thing is pretty much new to me and I'm learning that I need to
choose better cuts of meat that actually work with this dish because this-
This beef shank that I got is so big and it's so hard to actually like maneuver.
I'm not, this isn't a recipe video this is literally just like
documenting my experience with cooking this dish
This ain't it fam. There's other videos online where they
do a better job than me. So we're gonna let this sit here for about two more
minutes and after that like my head water I think.
So we're gonna add a lot of water
Two cups
Turn up the heat and we're going to boil this bad boy
Okay so that's happening we're gonna use this it's, uh, I don't know what it's called it's
pork um broth?
oh I don't actually know. It's like a cube not really.
Like a candy, and then you just drop it in
cause it helps with the base even though we already have like a ton of bone in
here cuz of all the meat choices I made I feel like this sh*t, this is gonna just
be absolutely flavorful. So we're gonna attempt to mix it a bit.
Our job now is to just pressurize cook it
So um
Pressure on
and then little cap thing that we need
and it's on high
I'm taking a wild guess since that it's beef that it needs to boil like
it needs to like make a sound for about 15 minutes and then it should be good
let's hope that my kitchen doesn't explode in the meantime.
Okay so it's been about 15 minutes since I put that on max heat and put a cover on it and stuff
So I turn off the heat but it's still gonna be pressurized so don't be
alarmed. If you are following this video why are you doing that? Uhh
But it's pressurized if you're not using a pressure cooker this would probably take
about 2 or 3 hours of just simmering stuff to get everything tenderize but if
you do it this way then it's faster you only have to do it for 15 minutes but
I'm gonna let it sit there for about five minutes until I open it or until
like I release the pressure cap and then after that I don't know what I'm gonna
do honestly. so we'll learn.
Okay so it pretty much stopped making noises for a while now so I'm gonna open it and we're gonna see it
together how I did. Oh, freak
That is a lot darker than I thought
okay so the meat is definitely cooked
by the standards of me I'm pretty sure this is cooked I mean it's not
burned but I'm pretty sure. oh my god that looks so bomb. Okay I can't wait to
add flavor to this. Oh my god! my mind! okay!
so I need to set this phone down because having a hard time flipping meat.
Okay so
we're gonna try and mix stuff around.
now what?
Okay so we're gonna turn on the heat again
then we're gonna use this thingy
okay I don't know how much we're supposed to put in I'm gonna guess about half
Pretty much the entirety of it has been me winging it. ooh my god that smell, oh it's smelling good!
I think my dad ended up adding the
entire bag so I'm gonna do that cuz like you can't really go wrong with too much flavor
especially for this dish
so now we're gonna add the peanut butter
Um we're gonna add pretty much the entire jar because yeah
So, umm, if you have any peanut
allergies you're not supposed to eat this cuz like you'd probably die
We are actually still gonna add the cornstarch I don't know how much
I'm guessing about two spoons
okay it's gonna probably like
stay together, if I don't mix it fast enough so yeah
ooh my god, oh my god, that's smell! Oh, do you smell that? You don't but like
OOH my god, oh my god, my mind, AH!
I don't think I missed anything to be honest
I feel like I did this pretty thoroughly so we're gonna finish it off by adding the bok choy
okay so I pretty much lowered the heat to low and I added the bok choy in
and I mixed it a bit so um this is what it's supposed to look like I think oh
you can't really tell because there's a lot of like steam coming out but yeah so
it's very like not watery I think cuz yeah
I'm gonna eat pretty soon.
Okay so a bit of an update, I tasted it for a little bit like I tasted
a spoon of the soup, of the base and it's pretty good so I did a good job uhh
We're gonna see how well it pairs with the rice though because that's really the
main test for it but I have high hopes for it
because I don't know I just feel very hopeful about this food
because it's one of my favourite dishes
okay so this is the finished like product so I just put
rice that I cooked this morning and then on top of it I just poured a bunch of them
I think the hard part about it which is getting the meat off the bones
So this is it and I won't better have my first bite and it's probably gonna be bomb
because you know I'm amazing so yeah
okay so
you cant really see but the plate is right here
Okay so we're gonna take a bite, get a piece of meat
oh my god that's so soft okay the perks of using pressure cookers
Okay then grab a bit of rice
[blow blow]
hmm my god
oh my god
okay I get it
I don't know if this is the ending of this video
I don't know if I'm just making it a cooking video or whatever
but so if this is the end, I just want to say Happy Thanksgiving to everybody who celebrates it
I'm probably posting this late so it's probably gonna be like a
month later so if it's gonna be a month later I just want to say Merry Christmas
to people who celebrate it, Happy Hannukah to people who celebrate that
uhh, I forgot the other one, there's another holiday in December that uh
other cultures celebrate but I hope like you guys have a wonderful holiday season and
I hope that I'm having a good winter break so until next time
I will see you guys later :P
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