Put out a fire
Weekend VLOG #1 (In English con Subtitulos en Español) - Duration: 14:42.-------------------------------------------
MMD - Daddy | Elsa from Frozen - Duration: 0:36.-------------------------------------------
RAZONES PARA NO COMER QUESO ENTREVISTA A DR. BARNARD PARTE 9 | PR 312 - Duration: 2:57.-------------------------------------------
BREAKING Top Democrat Senator Threatens Barron and Melania Trump's Safety - News - Duration: 2:21.-------------------------------------------
Tips On How To Attract Guy And Keep Him Around Forever - Duration: 2:04.Finding the man who is RIGHT for you isn¡¯t that difficult. Here are a few essential dos and don¡¯ts on how to attract a guy:
3. Do be self-confident.
Confidence about your personality, your choices, your likes and dislikes, and y ourself, are really attractive. If you know yourself, your self-confidence gets an instant boost that is pretty subconscious, and it¡¯s sexy as all get out.
Even if you don¡¯t know who you are, or are trying to find yourself, it¡¯s fine. Being on that path to self-discovery is a huge shot in the arm to your self-confidence.
2. Don¡¯t chase him.
Chasing a man, despite knowing he¡¯s not interested, isn¡¯t at all attractive. Genetically speaking, men are hardwired to chase women, because they¡¯re hunters, while women are gatherers.
So give in to your biological urge to be selective in your mate, while men do all the chasing. Do not lower your standards just because you¡¯ve reached a ¡®certain¡¯ age or time in your life.
1. Do be vulnerable.
This is a hard pill to swallow. Nobody wants to show their weaknesses to another person. However, for someone to get to know the real, genuine you, then you need to let your guard down and let them in.
It¡¯s not healthy to keep everything inside. You need to let things out, talk, communicate, and share your thoughts, feelings, and emotions with your partner to let them know the real you.
Vino el amor | Juan le jura a Graciela que se vengará por la muerte de Perla - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
Sim Dara - How to find your Passion | Success Reveal - Duration: 22:47.Sim Dara
How to find your passion
Mr. Sim Dara
subscribe for more video...
We Have And Are Going Through A Universal Dimensional Shift! - Duration: 10:40.We
Are Going Through A Universal Dimensional Shift!
by Anastacia,
This is Beyond information �coming through� or �being given� as to what has/is occurring
currently in Humanities Ascension in Real-Time.
I am sharing here what I saw and felt in Spirit/Soul, in 6D human embodiment as this Universal Dimensional
Shift actually happened.
I was guided to write what I saw and felt as it was occurring.
As when one reads & feels what is shared (of the Divine) as I am experiencing it & then
visualises like reading a script for a move, it brings this/a profound healing energy through.
This is so monumental, what I am sharing here is what I personally felt and saw as I experienced
this as it happened � as an Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer/Oracle � in having linked my Spirit to my Soul
in the Human of the Divine coming from *two* souls of being in 6D Embodiment � in Real
Earths/our planets and humanities *first* ever planetary experience of our Universal
Dimensional Shift actually happening � a Universal energy expansion.
�For those who choose to do so before reading: Picture yourself sitting or lying down and
then see the sky above and then see the astrals/multidimensional energy �above� � as you read this.
As in 6D it is images and visions and yes much more, yet this is a new way of experiencing
ascension that has not been in human embodiment before in 6D.
So allowing these images when one feels deeply in Spirit and Soul, allows 6D healing energy
to flow through*
�The jigsaw pieces are coming together!�for so long I have seen jigsaw pieces filling
the size of the whole sky looking out�
�They are coming together and are now forming a shape of a human body!�
�It�s in shadow now as the pieces are being put together�.they are in the shape
of a human�
�As they �click� (that word was very specific) together the shadow human body form
is reactivating�
�And now shifting to glowing�
�I can now see a huge �Golden Egg!� � of abundance was the message!
How exciting is this!�
�This is in process right now�
As the pieces come together I can now see an old template from underneath is shattering!
�This is on a Universal Level!!
I have not seen or felt this before�I wish I could show you what I am seeing�the �ring�
has expanded outwards to include our whole universe!!
This is just sensational to see!�
�We are creating such an abundance that has not been created before on such a global
scale expanding out to a universal level � I can feel my energy has expanded out as well
with this in being part of seeing and feeling this in the human and in Spirit, being part
of this!�
�We have to link spirit to soul to get this!!
That is everything!!�
Following this, more information came to light:
A deep shadow part of ourselves that we were not even aware of is being released � the
overall conglomeration of the �shadow� of the human puzzle pieces now forming together
for a new �glowing� human and spirit.
Chakras with souls who are moving into a bigger phase and �stepping it up� energetically
who are ready to take the next step up and out with and for humanity (starting with ourselves)
many have had their solar plexus or heart chakras (or others) shatter due to this.
Due to this, old faint �echos� of the past have come up and out to be released�and
to navigate through this we need to stay true to where we are at now�if we do this, and
shift, shift, shift our energy as written in a recent post, then we �move� through
this quite �quickly�.
The doors of the old are now closed in many areas of our lives remember � BB Pt 6.
We are �unable� to go back to the old, the old time-line is no longer.
There has been with this many �dark� dreams in the last two nights of what we are actually
also doing �above� to do with old dark negative energies/entities/shadows that we
are releasing as well.
There is more to this yet this was done at such a �high� level that a lot of it is
very distant.
But very �full on� I can tell you that�as many would have experienced this as well.
It is about releasing something in/for our new lives � a death of fear of the old that
needs to be released.
A stepping/shifting into a NEW LARGER EMPOWERMENT beyond a planetary level a UNIVERSAL level
People can feel �something is going on�, well this is going on!
It was/is a very emotionally overwhelming feeling (in a wonderful way) and Diane Canfield
wrote of this on the 27/4 as well: �A Dimensional Shift has Taken Place and Is Still In Progress�
� It means the Universe has catapulted us into a new state of consciousness, a new awareness.
This has occurred because of the over flowing expanded consciousness that has taken place
with the many beings of earth.
This occurred because of the overwhelming Love that now exists in the Earth Realm�.
WE are now on a brand new *Universal* timeline�BB posts Pt 6 covered a time-line of leading
up to this.
This is Beyond a Huge Shift of anything we have ever reached before and it takes time
for us in the human consciousness to allow this process for each of us to shift through
for ourselves.
Just know that we have had a UNIVERSAL DIMENSIONAL shift of EXPANSION BEYOND ANYTHING we have
ever reached before�that in itself is so massive, more so than our �minds� can
As this beyond our minds, this is so much more than that�this is a feeling of in the
Human and Spirit and Beyond.
This is a Universal Dimensional Shift and that says it ALL.
This is part 1 and I will share more as it comes through in experiencing this in Real-Time
for and with Humanity in service to the Divine and Gaia.
Please know that this has been �done� energetically (that you have been a part of,
in all you are) � for you to do what you �need to� with where you are at in your
soul/spirits Ascension.
As in, what your personal experiences are for your Soul and Spirits growth/ascension.
The Golden Egg of abundance means it IS HERE energetically for you to again, experience
all you are needing to, as remember it is a �process�.
While many are continuing on with the �closed doors� and all that entails and more, as
shared in Pts 1-6 of previous BB Ascension Timeline updates.
It is the knowledge of feeling/resonating that this HAS occurred!
The �path�, the �way� has been cleared energetically, for you to continue on and
achieve all you are in your Ascension.
This is the �very latest� unique information that is coming through to our planet and there
is no �pressure� here for anyone to put themselves under.
As �Ascension cannot be rushed, fooled or cheated�.
You are a Master, and this is needing to be �grown into� as a human being here and
now AND we are needing to link our Spirit to our Soul to do so.
Of coming from and growing into 5D Christ Consciousness of Unconditional Love, Truth
& Honesty.
Of unconditionally deeply loving ourselves firstly and yes this takes time but we �have
time��as the journey and all our experiences of reaching this for ourselves, is what is
healing the collective!
So much has been personally endured by so many and we thank you for your personal sacrifices
that we no longer need to do this way anymore.
It is digging very very deeply to find Faith and Trust in all you are now experiencing.
That there IS a bigger picture and that you will endure all you are experiencing.
Sometimes we need to just hand it all over.
As the �ways� of the old are no longer � energetically.
You/We have a fresh *new* start with a very new Universal Dimensional shift, like NO OTHER.
So carry on and continue on in all you are in Faith and Trust of the Divine and YOUrself.
As �you got this�, other wise with the closed time-line, you would not be here.
So it is ONwards and UPwards from here in all you are and I honour each
and everyone of you.
Love Has Won.
Weekend VLOG #1 (In English con Subtitulos en Español) - Duration: 14:42.-------------------------------------------
Adventure Time Elements Clip HD I Skyhooks 2 I Jake Real Form I Indo - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
MMD - Daddy | Elsa from Frozen - Duration: 0:36.-------------------------------------------
DIY - How to Make a Rustic Table Decorations - Duration: 6:19.Hi today I want to show you. How I will
make this table decoration napkins holder
and I will use again recycling material.
I will take of the springs from the clothespins.
and I will fix this two parts together.
Now I start fix these parts together
with glue narrow part to the center.
and I will finish the half of circle.
and I need this half circle twice and I will
and I will glue two pieces together
and this is will be base for holder
and I will fix the base to the one part of holder.
and now I use ribbon to the decorate holder.
and I will make a shorter ends and I will
fix the ends from ribbon with glue.
Now I will fix two parts of holder together
and now I will make a decorations for holder
and for this I use rope and I will wrap the
rope to the circle and I will fix it with glue.
I will cut the end
and I will make the same from other side
and I will make this decoration few times.
and here is my decoration from rope
and I will fix these decorations to the holder.
and now I use same small flowers
and I have finished and I finished it my
new table decoration and it looks nice.
Please subscribe to me or leave me message
what you think and you can leave me message
what you want see next time - next video.
See you next time. Bye
Blender Tutorial | Basic Lighting In The 3D Viewport | OpenGL Rendering Tutorial - Part 1 - Duration: 3:34.Hello and welcome.
I am going to teach you a simple way to create shadows and relatively realistic illumination,
all of which will be visible in the material shading mode of the 3D viewport.
After watching this three parts tutorial, you will be able to create shadows and illumination,
both of which will be rendered instantly with the use of the OpenGL rendering.
Yes, indeed, with the technique that I will teach you, you will be able to render shadows
much faster than if you were using the render engines, because you will be rendering directly
exactly what is seen in your 3D viewport.
Your render times will never be the same, once you learn those techniques.
So, let's begin with the illumination.
I will assume you already have a scene to test this technique.
Just so you have an idea of the size of this scene, this object is approximately 3 kilometers
To give you some more perspective, I will zoom in on the characters.
As you can see, this scene is entirely dark, as there is no illumination yet.
These two characters will have their shadows appearing on the floor directly on this 3D
So, make sure that you are on the Blender Render engine, using the material shading
display mode for the 3D viewport, and then activate ambient occlusion in the world tab.
Also, activate the environment lighting.
Set the energy value to 0.090, using the sky texture as the source.
Now, you will notice that there is some faint light on the scene, which was generated by
the sky background texture.
Activate indirect lighting.
Ok, now I will show you the position for the main sun lamp.
I assume you already know how to create a lamp object, so I have created my lamp beforehand.
The sun lamp needs to be at a distance of 6 to 7 kilometers from the center of the scene.
You can adjust the angle of your sun lamp, in whichever way you feel like.
To get the best results, try to position it with an angle close to 45 degrees or so.
Ok, now go to the sun lamp's object data tab.
You may notice that my scene is still dark.
This is because I haven't activated my sun lamp yet.
When I click the specular checkbox, the sun lamp is now generating specular illumination.
Now, if I click the diffuse checkbox, the sun lamp will allow me to see the diffuse
color information for the objects of the scene.
As you can see, we have some pretty good illumination going on.
Note that the energy value for the lamp is 1.8.
On this next segment, I will teach you how to create the high quality 3D viewport shadows
for the characters of this scene.
Gallaudet Fence - Duration: 4:56.One thing that bothers me:
Gallaudet community says that the fence around campus should remain.
If the fence comes down,
hearing people will go on campus and use the space as their own.
That would de-centralize Deaf ownership of the campus and become hearing-dominated.
I understand that point…
But Gallaudet was founded in 1864, and at that time there was no fence.
At the time Gallaudet was on the countryside at the edge of the city of DC.
Florida Avenue, formerly called Boundary road defined the division.
In the 1900's… to the 1940's,
Trinidad developed into a residential neighborhood.
Ivy City, the area up north of Gallaudet was there before Gallaudet was founded.
It used to be a railroad community with a strong African-American population,
and it has been there for a long time.
Union Market was established in the 1920's with a peak in the 1945's, 1950's
even through World War II, there were a lot of people there.
Notice that the years I shared were all before the 1968 riots.
The 1968 riots, triggered with MLK's assassination,
was an uproar that included the burning of H Street,
leading to military and government intervention.
Most of the city was destroyed, as with many other cities.
By the 1970's, most white people left the cities ("White Flight").
They abandoned the ruins from the riots, closed their businesses, and left the city
—leaving the destroyed city mostly to the African-American community.
Afterwards, the city was viewed as dangerous.
In 1971, Gallaudet put up the fence around campus.
In 1971—
so keep in mind that before 1971 Gallaudet didn't have a fence,
but they had Union Market, Ivy City, and Trinidad,
all thriving neighborhoods full of life and things going on.
But with the White Flight and the economical crash from the riots,
Gallaudet barricaded itself with a fence.
Gallaudet didn't become substantially involved with the neighboring community since then,
up until the 6th Street Project…
which Gallaudet owns a little parcel of land outside its fence.
It wants to establish retail, to host Deaf-owned businesses—
and will they?
Gallaudet can't really promise that
as they need to partner with Deaf-owned businesses,
there needs to be some that express interest in the 6th Street development, too.
Back to the point,
the 6th Street development is making people say that they DON'T want the fence to come down.
Deaf and hearing people have cohabited in the area up until 1971.
That is more than a hundred years that Gallaudet operated without fences.
Now with Union Market being redeveloped,
Ivy City making a comeback,
and Trinidad always being there,
we say we don't want the fences to come down out of fear that hearing people will take over.
No. That is what I call leading out of fear.
I believe that Gallaudet community should move forward showing what the Deaf community has to offer
showcase Deaf talents, resources, and retail.
We should make profit from that,
showing others that we claim this space,
showing others how Gallaudet moves forward.
Not by staying behind our fence
and telling others to stay out because this is our space.
What kind of relationship is that?
Gallaudet hasn't been there for the DC community,
and don't want the fences to come down.
It shows that Gallaudet still doesn't have anything to offer,
but taking down the fence will force Gallaudet
to take charge of developing relationships with the hearing community.
That is a reality we need to connect.
Those people who say we need to keep the fence…
for safety issues…
Many DC universities are a part of the city,
and crime rates there are similar to Trinidad.
If you really want to know what is going on here in DC…
well, there's A LOT.
A lot of places are being developed, and we need to keep up.
Where are the Deaf people involved in these plans?
I encourage you, including myself, to become more involved with that.
Gallaudet fence should one day—soon—be taken down.
Painful wheelie fail - Duration: 1:17.Painful wheelie fail. This is me trying to learn how to wheelie the FZ-07 during the first or 2nd week I had the bike. Just getting use to the wheel coming off the ground. Well lesson learned. Next time I'll make sure I'm sitting further back on the seat or I'll have to wear a cup to protecting my balls!!!
FANTASTIC 4 KINGS TRICK! Learn the Ascanio Spread! SHOUT OUTS! CONTEST WINNERS! - Duration: 12:20.Hello and Welcome back to Cool Magic ForUm!
I'm Cuz Red of course you can call me Cuz. and Today we've got all kinds of fun to have!
I've got a great trick involving the 4 kings that I want to show you guys.
I've got shout outs to do and of course we've got the April contest winners to announce!
so stick around, Let's get this started!
Good to have you here at Cool Magic ForUm!
I'll tell you what if it is your first time here, go on down there and click on that Subscribe
button for me would ya!?
I really would appreciate it very much!
Like i said I've got a really quick trick I wanted to show you involving the 4 kings.
This is really strange.
If I take them and shake them up like this.
One of the kings turns upside down.
the king of clubs is now face down in the deck.
Pretty strange!
Now watch, take and square em up, give em a good shake again, now watch this, two of
the kings are now turned face down.
Now watch this, once again take and square em up, give em a good shake.
Three of the kings are face down!
Only the king of hearts is face up this time.
Now watch this.
Square em up, give em a good shake again.
All four of the kings are now turned face down!
Now this is really strange watch.
If i give em one good shake again.
Look, watch this they all turn into all four of the aces!
Pretty neat trick huh!?
You guys like that!?
You wanna learn it!?
Definitely do stick around!
We're going to get into the tutorial right now!
Let's get into the tutorial for this trick.
Now don't forget, right after the tutorial, I've got some shout outs to do for some of
my friend channels here on Cool Magic ForUm and then we've got the April contest winners
coming up as well as announcing the May contest!
So do stick around!
Hang out!
You're gonna want to learn this trick anyways.
The rick takes a little bit of a set up.
I'm gonna show you what it is.
Of course you're gonna need four of the kings and the four aces out of the deck.
This is gonna be your set up.
Gonna have two kings, four aces upside down and then the two other kings face up.
That's your setup.
Now you want to keep all these close together because you're passing off eight cards as
four f them here.
But, fairly easy to do.
this little move takes a little bit of practice and you'll get this.
I just learned this actually yesterday.
and got to practice it just a little bit today.
But This is called the Asconio Spread.
It works like this.
You would pinch out the top and the bottom cards at the same time, sliding them out there,
forefinger and thumb.
Then with your middle finger dragging out the bottom one from here.
From this pack.
the pack of four., You're just gonna drag that out.
Like that.
So that's the situation that you've got right there.
then you're gonna pull this pack out and this pack being the one with the king and all four
You pull that out and that goes right on top.
Then you give the cards a shake and say, Now watch this one of the cards has turned upside
drag that and see one of the cards is face down now.
take that out and put that on top.
Give the cards another shake, the look do the same thing, the Asconio Spread.
Now two of the cards are face down!
Now this time you're gonna change it up a little.
Instead of taking that pack out you're gonna take the top card and put it on the bottom
of the pack.
the you do the same thing.
You're just gonna do the same thing over and over again , The Asconio Spread.
Now only one card is face up.
Square em up, take that one and put it down on the bottom and do the Spread again.
Like that and now all four of the kings are face down.
Then you can do any kind of turn over move or anything like that you can.
I think it looks a little strange if you're going from the back of the cards to the front
of the cards.
so i would just really keep it really simple and just say What I can't figure out is if
I give the cards one final shake and i turn them over, they become all four of the aces!
and you just do that same spread for em.You gotta keep that concealed, You're hiding that
that's actually five cards right there.
But, yea, looks pretty legit.
Pretty simple, Pretty quick trick.
Like I said practice the Asconio Spread.
Nothing too hard.
Grab the top and bottom cards at the same time reach over there with your middle finger
and you're just sliding that card out.
See what i'm talking about?
pretty quick simple trick!
I hope you guys like that! i hope you really learn it!
Let's get into doing some shout outs as well as talking about the April contest winners!
May contest tom be announced in just a few moments as well so do hang out for that.
But, If you guys don't know already, i am a part 8 Ball Magic! which is a great little
channel that Anonymous Magician started up.
We got several fantastic channels that are involved with this project.
and Everybody contributes videos over there.
So if want to see a whole bunch of great videos, go over there to 8 Ball Magic, I'm gonna leave
you a link down below in the description as well as the links to all the channels that
are involved with 8 Ball Magic!
That being Anonymous Magician, Card FX, Something With cards Magic Trickster, Magicas - Giveaways
And More, LoVell Illusions, Magic Man Reviews, The Magicianist and Krenil 2000.
Good team of people over there on 8 Ball Magic!
Like i said everybody is contributing videos over there so if you really want to go look
at a good collection of videos from a bunch of different magicians.
That's a great place to go and that channel is gonna grow so go get in n that one quick!
I'm having a good time with it already!
Great bunch of channels and people over there and I'm really glad to be part of 8 Ball Magic!
Links will all be in the description box below!
And Oh i gotta do some other shout outs for just some really good people that I think
have really good channels out there that I enjoy them being part of Cool Magic ForUm!
That being Daniel's Magic, clevertricks101, Maleni Magic, CannonPooore.
Pascal ZIVACCO, pascal has a great channel over there and Magic tricks 101 as well has
a great channel!
So yea, I'm gonna leave the links for all those down in the description box below.
Give you guys a whole bunch of great channels to go and check out!
Watch them, hit like on their videos, Subscribe to those channels, give them all of your support,
would you please? and Now it's time to talk about the contest winners!
These are the prizes being given away this month on Cool Magic ForUm!
Like I've been talking about all month, got a four pack of Bicycle playing cards that's
been up for grabs.
That's going out very soon to Alex B! is the winner of the four pack of Bicycle playing
Congratulations Alex!
Alex is a great commenter here at Cool Magic ForUm!
As well as Congratulations to the winner of the set of red and blue Russell & Morgan playing
cards going out to TheCardist 505!
Congratulations to TheCardist 505!
You are the winner!
Both of the winners, what you need to do is send me a direct message here at Cool Magic
Just go the the channel and you see the little About section, go there and you'll see a little
box to click there that says Send Message.
You can do that or real easy just send me an email at coolmagicforum@gmail.com and send
me a message and send me all the pertinent information I need to get these cards right
out to ya! congratulations very much to TheCardist 505 and Alex B!
Our winners of the April contest!
For the month of May contest I think so far there is just going to be one winner of the
four pack of Bicycle playing cards and the only reason why is I live in small town area
and there's just a handful of places i can buy cards.
and right now as far as I can see that's probably about all I'm gonna be able to get right now.
Is the four pack of bicycle playing cards.
i may give away a couple more and i may have a weekly contest come up during the month
of May.
something a little bit special.
We'll decide and see.
It just depends on what cards are available.
I definitely always want to do a contest!
I know some of you guys need cards.
So definitely a four pack of Bicycle playing cards will be up for grabs for the month of
As well as maybe another prize.
We'll figure out something fun!
Also now to get in on the contest, you have to like this video, Be a Subscriber to Cool
Magic ForUm, only Subscribers win here.
Then every video i ask you a question and to help you get qualified for the contest
you leave your answer below in the Comment section.
That has been a lot of fun for me!
I'm having a great time with this channel!
You guys are really fantastic and interesting to see the different opinions and just different
answers to the questions I've been asking you.
You guys are really great at that!
I appreciate your involvement with this channel!
Believe it or not that helps me out a whole lot!
When you guys are interactive on my channel that does help me!
So I really do appreciate you getting involved with Cool Magic ForUm!
That's what it's here for!
But this video the question I think I'm gonna ask, a little bit of a funny different question,
What is your opinion of ASMR card trick videos?
Now if you don't know what ASMR card trick videos are.
Put up in the search box all caps ASMR card tricks. and You look at those and then come
back and give me your opinion on them.
I'll get some interesting answers here!
Go out and check out ASMR card tricks very interesting subject this one! i want you to
go take a look and tell me what you think.
that will help get you qualified into the May contest As we start the May contest.
WE'll be giving away a four pack of Bicycle playing cards to a winner! and Probably something
We'll figure out something for the month of May!
I hope you guys enjoyed this video!
I hope you enjoyed that trick!
I hope you practice that move and nice little trick with the four kings.
Really a lot of fun to do!
Really simple and easy to learn!
You guys practice that one!
Thank you very much for watching this video! i will see you in my next one!
welp - Duration: 0:35.See -- I'm -- the problem is, I'm looking through my Camera.
* Sierra gets hit by Milk Jug*
Sierra: *laughing & also crying* I wasn't even ready to throw it like --
*Jessie dying of laughter in the background*
Sierra: You nailed me right in -- *dies of laughter, while Jessie continues to die from laughter* You nailed me right here!
Sorry (#NotSorry)
*Sierra clears her throat as Jessie dies inside*
*Jessie and Sierra continue to die of laughter because Sierra was dumb and got hit by a fucking Milk Jug*
* Sierra gets hit by Milk Jug... Again*
Whitebait lunch at Mochimune port 生シラスに縁がない用宗港の竹造でランチ:Gourmet Report グルメレポート - Duration: 1:57.Which do you eat?
Why do you choose miso ramen?
Then I will not choose it.
I eat Kamaage-Shirasu.
This is not a rice cake but a fish paste.
Is it good?
Raw Whitebait.
Raw Sakura shrimp.
Do you eat this?
No thank you.
Sakura shrimp.
White miso.
I have finished eating.
Did you eat?
AbSucralfate (Sucralfate) Product Review Paulina and Atrakcja - Duration: 0:37.Hi today I would like to recommend to you
AbSucralfate from abler.com.
Before using the product my mare was very
grumpy and girthy, she lost a lot of weight
and she was very very sad. After 2 months
of using the product she finally gained
some weight, she's a lot happier and I
can see the difference in her appearance.
Her coat is very shiny so I can
recommend this product for for those who
have horses with ulcers
Cold War Era 1950's Silver Certificates Found in the Old Family Safe! Finance 101! - Duration: 0:26.1 dollar silver certificates.
Look at them all! oooh oooh oooh.
There's some 5's.
That's pretty cool.
BREAKING Top Democrat Senator Threatens Barron and Melania Trump's Safety - News - Duration: 2:21.-------------------------------------------
Farming Simulator 17 John Deere 7030 And Farmtech Durus 2000 Trailer Pack - Duration: 6:16.HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You The John Deere 7030 And Farmtech Durus 2000 Trailer Pack.
John Deere 7030 Front Loader 2 Engine Setup 3 Wheel Setup
Farmtech Durus 2000 Trailer Pack Two Models 26.000l 32.000l The Big trailer have 2 Wheel Setup
I will load some silage to see if the trailer is ok
If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb
⦾ Fantasy Grounds 'Rolemaster' ⦾ (Stream #33) - Duration: 2:45:36.-------------------------------------------
Muscle Boy Wrestler Scott Putski vs Chris Kanyon - Duration: 5:36.-------------------------------------------
A Day in the Park with Barney at Universal Studios Florida - TV Commercial - Duration: 1:27.There's only one place in the whole
world, where you can see him every day of
the year. Kids from all over the planet
come to Universal Studios Florida to see
their favorite dinosaur.
(Girl) BARNEY!!!
(Song) I Love You
you love me
we're a happy family
with a great big hug
and a kiss from me to you.
Won't you say you love me too.
I love you
you love me
we're best friends like
friends should be
with a great big hug
and a kiss from me to you
won't you say you love me too.
(girl) I love you Barney.
You'll love Barney, live in person every
day at Universal Studios Florida and new
this year, Universal Studios Islands of
Adventure our second colossal theme park
at Universal Studios Escape.
come on
COD BO3 DLC 5 ZOMBIES CONFIRMED!?!? - Duration: 5:40.can you guys say HYPE for me today
comment down HYPE in the comments because
today guys
DLC 5 for call of duty black ops 3 has
been confirmed more news will get a get
into that after the intro but as well I
always do this in the beginning of the
video leave a like and let's see if you
had at least 15 likes in the maximum
lateen begins as oh maybe 25 or 25 or
over something like that anyways just
leave a like if you have an account you
don't create an account leave a like
subscribe you ever do you want to do but
anyways let's roll this intro so guys
the reason why I think this is
officially confirmed is because call of
duty black ops 3 zombies chronicles has
gone a ESRB rated thinking you know how
usually on a game on the bottom right
corner says rated E for Everyone rated M
for Mature something like that well
there has been a listing so the ESRB
rating board and the US has officially
put up a listing of call of duty black
ops 3 zombies chronicles for PlayStation
4 Xbox one and PC and it got rated for M
for Mature now the rating has gone live
today but it has gone down today as well
that is just another sign that this is
real why would they put it up and take
you down right everything makes sense
it's real it's official stasia oh shit
when you take it down but the crazy
thing is ESRB usually only raised games
that are you know it's separate for
example my black ops training for the
warfare knows what get you no ratings
but you know say like a DLC would I
really get a rating unless you know to
tour the game then it would get the game
rating because it's just a map basically
what this means is that zombie
chronicles could be separate it could be
at other retailers think about you pick
up zombie chronicles maybe - maybe it's
an adult but also it's like a CD like
for all of remastered zombies Maps or
something yes RB ratings go live when a
new product is close to launch meaning
zombie Chronicles should be releasing at
some point in the near future this month
next month this summer it has to go live
either this month or this summer you
best believe when it goes live or what
live-streaming that shit
the rating summary does not officially
reveal what's included in the zombie
chronicles but I didn't make a video on
this a while ago where I said it was
like a zombie TV lc5 something real like
no it's not your dumbass why did you do
that but hey what did I tell you guys
and there was a listing and Mexico and
somewhere and Paris I think so hey it's
officially confirmed now to me it is
maybe some of you will all you will
Activision has been confirmed that I
don't care ESR be the people who rate
games confirmed this okay also like I
was going to say earlier today they
updated the the the news website and
they said that there has been an update
on the ESRB website they have now
removed a listing because it has gone
live earlier than they should have
thought basically it I don't know how
this happens but they put it up earlier
than they like even they should've and
they're like oh crap would you take it
down but anyways let's take a look at
the rating summary so guys the rating
somebody says is a first-person shooter
and which players assume a role of a
futuristic military unit attempting to
thwart the plans of a cartel now this is
weird I don't know what zombie
chronicles is gonna be maybe it's gonna
be like a story mode for zombies and you
have an extra three modes or something
like that maybe it's like a full call of
duty zombies game this is something that
people have talked about since black ops
1 so I don't know maybe it's fully
happening but I'm not sure what's going
on right now let's continue reading
players use machine guns pistols
shotguns grenade launchers and various
cyber core abilities drug control
confusion for human enemies to kill
robots and soldiers amid futuristic
urban environment actions forensic and
frequent gunfire explosions present
paint and blood splatter effects some
attacks a lot of players to blow up
enemies or blow up their arms and legs
a handful of cutscene depict figures
being being tortured or stabbed some
stabbings are defecated fairly up close
during the course of the game players
can select emblems from the menu screen
for care 13 customization a few emblems
are suggested of marijuana now guys I do
not know why now I'm confused
this is not related to the black ops
zombie storyline at all I don't know how
it's going to connect to it at all but
what does the cartel doing here I mean
I'm always going on if you guys have any
who tell me in the comments but right
now I literally have no clue maybe this
is a another you know summary for they
for another game or maybe this is the
summary for the black ops 3 campaign
like a region okay I don't know I mean
that's what I'm guessing because it says
nothing about zombies here it just talks
about this is a first-person shooter and
you're you basically what you're doing
is you're in a futuristic military unit
attempting to thwart the plans of a
cartel so I'm not cool with the
summaries about black ops 3 call duty
black ops 3 zombies chronicles has been
confirmed tell me which thing in the
comments down below leave a like for
this guys leave a like that we're going
to get extra DLC far this is what DLC 5
is it all makes sense now right I mean
we got the black jack gun game meaning
that all the DLC weapons are done we've
gotten this listing today and has been
taken down it's just all falling into
place anyways guys to get agendas here
make sure to leave a like in the video
that maybe I say healthy and uh yeah
I'll see you guys on the next one
Theresa Pasag at University of Maryland, College Park - What I Want You to Know - Duration: 2:15.Last semester, I attended a panel of four women social entrepreneurs. Although I
only vaguely remember their names and the companies they founded, I remember one piece
of advice from Emilie Aries, which was "Follow Your Curiosity", and it's now my motto.
I remind myself to follow my curiosity to make sure I unapologetically explore anything
and everything I'm interested in, even if others think it's unconventional.
I use this motto to drive my passion in working in multicultural organizations and trying
to weave innovation and entrepreneurship into them.
Because of this motto, in this past school year alone, I have been able to incorporate
design thinking in three events at UMD, one for the Filipino Cultural Association
(FCA), another for my internship at the Office of Multicultural Involvement and Community
Advocacy (MICA), and a third for the Asian American Student Union (AASU).
I plan to continue to use design thinking, innovation, and entrepreneurship even more
next year since I have been recently elected into the executive boards for both FCA and
AASU for the 2017-2018 school year.
Lastly, I want to conclude with saying how important multicultural organizations are
to me because embracing our identities is empowering.
Multicultural organizations breed diversity and empathy, and these are essential in solving
social issues.
If you ask me, there is no better place to look for changemakers than in multicultural
organizations because these students are passionate.
These students are determined to dedicate all their time in sharing their cultures even
if they think they can't bring these skills and knowledge with them post-grad.
But if selected as a University Innovation Fellow, I hope to change this.
I hope to apply innovation and entrepreneurship in multicultural organizations to make this
"code switch" or the translation/transfer of skills for post grad easier for student
leaders and student members of multicultural organizations.
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