Pond lol
Talleres - Horizontes (2da Parte) - Duration: 1:18.I really want to thank a lot to the team of Ollin SynBio and HORIZONS because thanks to their workshops
I got closer to my major, I saw much more about the fields in which my major is based
and I really like the empathy of the team.
Hi, my name is Margarita, I think this project named HORIZONS is a good idea because in my opinion, youth is the future of our country and the world.
They taught us certain topics that helped us to learn and reinforce our knowldge in order to create a better future,
in which our main purpose is to become a better society and better people in order to build a better country.
Thanks to HORIZONS and to this first workshop of "Approach to biotechnology", they really inspired me to study this major,
is very inspiring what we can do, is a really good job what this team is doing. I hope I can keep participating in this kind of workshops.
Parapente, club vuelo libre Jabalcón, Zújar. Granada - Duration: 1:25.-------------------------------------------
Maduro firma convocatoria a una "Asamblea Nacional Constituyente" en medio de protestas de oposición - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
Create a publication in Samplesymas - Duration: 10:59.-------------------------------------------
Congreso de EEUU llega a acuerdo sobre el presupuesto que no incluye el muro ni castigo a santuarios - Duration: 2:04.-------------------------------------------
Piramide Con Decenas Sorteo Miercoles 3 de Mayo 2017 Loteria Nacional : Loteria del 3 de Mayo 2017 - Duration: 1:25.-------------------------------------------
Potato Extract Withdrawal Potato Extract - Duration: 12:04.Potato Extract Withdrawal Potato Extract
We Almost Died Watching This !!! - Duration: 10:56.-------------------------------------------
Baahubali 2 Movie Vfx Effects ! Baahubali 2 Animations Before And After - Duration: 3:12.Baahubali 2 Movie Vfx Effects ! Baahubali 2 Animations Before And After
North Korea Warns Of 'Catastrophic Consequences' | RT China - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
President Trump Abruptly End CBS Interview Over Wiretapping Questions - Duration: 2:04.President Donald Trump cut an interview with CBS anchor John Dickerson short after being
asked about his claim that former President Barack Obama wiretapped his campaign.
Dickerson pressed Trump on claims the president made with no evidence back in March that Obama
had wiretapped Trump Tower, claims that intelligence community officials, Obama aides, and even
prominent Republican lawmakers have disputed.\par Surveillance of our citizens, I think that
is a very big topic, and it a topic that should be number one, and we should find out what
the hell is going on, Trump began.
I just wanted to find out re the President of the United States you said he was sick
and bad,' Dickerson responded.\par You can take it any way you want, Trump said.
The Face the Nation host then pressed the president.
m asking you because you dont want it to be fake news.
I want to hear it from President Trump.
You don\rquote t have to ask me,Trump responded.
You don t have to ask me.
When asked why, Trump added because I have my own opinions, you can have your own opinions.
Dickerson replied, But I want to know your opinions.
You re the president of the United States.
That enough, Trump said, walking away from Dickerson and sitting down at the Oval Office
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Following the interview, CBS anchor Gayle King asked Dickerson if he was escorted out
of the Oval Office.\par I think it was pretty clear that I was to
escort myself out, or I would be escorted out, I would be moved along, he said.
It was time for our conversation to be over.
Potato Extract Withdrawal Potato Extract - Duration: 12:04.Potato Extract Withdrawal Potato Extract
No Me Avergüenzo Del Señor // I'm Not Ashamed To Own My Lord [Acapella] - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
BMW X5 3.0I EXECUTIVE - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Gryffindor Inspired Makeup • QUERRAMELLCA - @Indobeautygram Collaboration - Duration: 6:41.@delaniamarvella
Special thanks to :
@jeffalandra @samuelsem32
@devaradiovaly @lorenzoenso
Mouths Bruno Mars - That's What I Like
Remember Meteor Garden OST
Jeff : Oke Febeles
Raa makes the face x1
Raa makes the face x2
Raa is acting up
*Dev laughs*
From here, just drop it to my palm
Dev : Ohhh yea yea sure
Zo : 1...2...3...
Zo : Eh wait wait..
Raa makes the face x3
Raa to Zo : You're fired.
Raa to Dev : As my friend you're supposed to accept me the way I really am
Raa : JEFF
Jeff : *from afar* HUH?
Raa : Dev can't stand it when I make fugly faces
PEOPLE : OOOoooOooooOOooooOooo
Dev if you're reading this it was a joke and u still ma homie yo <3
*Dev wants to go back home*
Jeff : Well saidddd
Raa : That was a good one right *high five*
Raa : Come we continue, it's only 9pm we are on time!
Jeff : Huh who said it was 9?!
Raa : It's only 9pm!
Raa : 9.17 ......
Turkmenistan's taekwondo team gearing up for Ashgabat 2017 - Duration: 2:27.Turkmenistan, a former Soviet Republic that gained independence in 1991, is set to hold
its first international sports event this September.
Korea's martial art, Taekwondo, is among the 21 indoor games and martial arts set to feature.
Our Kim Hyesung reports.
"Ashgabat 2017, the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games is less than five months away,
and here at the Ashgabat Olympic Complex, Turkmenistan's national Taekwondo team is
training hard."
Front kick, spinning, left and right, with a shout.
Young, fit, Turkmen Taekwondo masters in their crisp white "Dobok" uniforms practice various
moves, a sport that requires balance, speed and technique.
"2017 Indoor and Martial Arts games is very important game for me.
Especially, from Korea, our coach Jaesoong Lee, we have training with him everyday, in
morning and every evening, in morning, we do running we do physical training and with
him evening, we do basic training, technique training, spinning.
I hope that on the competition, I will take a gold medal."
Turkmenistan formed its Taekwondo national team in 2000, but the Central Asian country
has yet to win a medal in an international event.
Yet coach Lee Jae-soong, who joined the team in February, is very optimistic.
"The Turkmen athletes have great potential as they are very young.
Some even have experience in international events like the 2014 Incheon Asian Games.
I'm trying to train them techniques that suit their body type.
For tall athletes, higher kicks to the head, for shorter athletes, back kicks, which now
also get you two points."
The main objective of Taekwondo is to kick the opponent on the scoring areas like the
head and the body during three two-minute rounds.
The rules changed earlier this year; kicks to the head are still three points and punches
one point, but kicks to the body are now worth two points instead of one, making the sport
more dynamic and active.
The fifth Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, showcasing 21 different sports, will take
place from September 17th to the 27th in Ashgabat.
Kim Hyesung, Arirang News, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
Urad Dal Papad - Duration: 11:08.-------------------------------------------
[2017 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION] Meet the Candidates #5 Superwoman, Simcrush Justice Party SIM Sang-jung - Duration: 10:30.Eleven days to go.
In less that eleven days time, the nation will head to the polls to elect a president.
It's a presidential election taking place in this nice, spring weather for the first
time in South Korea's election history.
It's an election that precipitated from a sudden impeachment of ex-president over an
alleged bribery scandal.
And, now Koreans will have to make a decision based on a cut-short verification period.
To help you better analyze each candidate, we've been meeting with the candidates.
Today, I sit down with the presidential nominee of Justice Party, Sim Sang-jung.
Notice: Airdates of Bareun Party and Justice Party nominees have been switched due to filming
Sim Sang-jung, presidential nominee for the progressive Justice Party running in South
Korea's 2017 presidential election, thank you for squeezing time out of your absolutely
hectic campaigning schedule.
You've been a prominent labor activist and you are a three-term lawmaker.
Why are you running for the presidency this time around?
Over the last five months nearly 17 million candles were lit across this nation.
The Korean people came together to voice their disappointment.
They cried, "What kind of a country is this?
Let us survive together."
My goal is to boldly reform the current, 60-year old political system and transform Korea into
a nation of justice and equality, where anyone and everyone can make a living if he or she
works hard.
I decided to run for president to fulfill the desires of the Korean people.
Your campaign slogan is "A nation where labor is dignified."
Explain to us, what is a country where labor is dignified?
Korea has been constantly undergoing change over the past 60 years; 30 years of industrialization
and 30 years of democratization.
Through those changes Korea has now become one of the top ten economic powers in the
world and the nation's per capita income has increased by about 400 times over the course
of 60 years.
It is safe to say that no other nation in the world has ever achieved such rapid economic
growth and no other nation will ever be able to top that record either.
But the important thing is that the majority of Koreans are not happy.
Of the 20 million salaried workers, 10 million barely earn an average of US$ 2,000 per month.
As for medium and small traders and manufacturers, one in three can barely make US$ 1,000 per
And, the farmers in this country make an average of only US$ 940 per month.
Such struggles faced by the Korean people are all due to the policies made by the government
in favor of the chaebol.
The Korean government has treated labor as merely an expense to fulfill their needs and
solely focused on the growth of the chaebol.
A democracy without respect for its laborers cannot create a society where the majority
of people can live happily.
First and foremost, it is my goal to reform the conglomerates that have held so much power
over the past 60 years to create a Korea where we can get rid of temporary positions and
provide our youth with quality jobs.
Economic growth and jobs.
I think it's an issue that comes up every election season and not only here but all
across the globe.
Do you have a blueprint of how you would steer Asia's fourth-largest economy so that the
benefits will trickle down to the ordinary people, too?
First of all, we are all well aware that the 4th Industrial Revolution is quickly becoming
a reality.
Therefore, I strongly believe we need to invest in ecological economics and in developing
new, renewable energy sources.
Just as former president Park Chung-hee built the Gyeongbu Expressway back in the 70s to
facilitate high-speed growth, and just as former president Kim Dae-jung installed fiber
optic cables to make Korea a leading nation in IT, I pledge to set up "solar electric
charge stations" nationwide and promote the use of new and renewable energy sources to
usher in the age of ecological economics.
Second, it is important to note that the manufacturing industry is lagging behind.
By implementing the changes that the 4th Industrial revolution will bring about, I will modernize
the manufacturing industry with cutting edge technology and make it more service-oriented
to bring about a second revival of manufacturing.
And most importantly, I will establish an SME cluster to strengthen SMEs by having companies
work together with the Korean people to promote growth from the bottom up.
When it comes to improving the economy, my plan is to start by supporting the Korean
people, with the goal of increasing the GDP by at least 10%.
Finally, my vision for the Korean economy lies in peace.
I aim to promote peaceful economic relations across the Korean Peninsula, a system that
I hope will eventually reach out all the way out to Europe.
The Korean peninsula at the moment is under international radar.
There's been a rapid escalation of tensions in this part of the world.
Continuous provocations by North Korean regime.
What is your policy vis-a-vis Pyongyang?
Above all else, I aim to cooperate with our allies and the international community to
ensure that any strategic military decisions in response to provocations from North Korea
will not result in a crisis situation.
On that note, as president I will not simply seek a countermeasure to the nuclear issue
of North Korea, but rather a fundamental solution.
There are clearly limitations to military action as even U.S. President Trump has said
he would no longer take a strategic approach in dealing with North Korea,
Military actions and THAAD are not enough in dealing with the North's nuclear issue.
That is why my immediate plan is to engage in peaceful diplomacy to freeze the North's
nuclear programs with the ultimate goal of denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.
A North Korean nuclear freeze entails putting a stop to any nuclear and missile tests essentially
removing future nuclear weapons.
The second step in this denuclearization process would be to negotiate any measures with Kim
Jong-un to remove any existing nuclear weapons.
This is not only my idea, but also one proposed by the impeached former-president Park.
To conclude, I will promote a step-by-step process to achieve denuclearization which
I consider to be the fundamental solution to this issue.
On the diplomatic front - South Korea not in the best situation currently.
There is a new president in the White House - very different from the last president with
a seemingly different approach to the North Korea issue.
There is China to the north, in a clash of interest with South Korea.
How would you best situate yourself so that South Korea puts the best foot forward in
this complex relationship?
The peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula has now become an international problem.
However since South Korea has been walking on eggshells between the U.S. and China, the
nation's diplomatic relations with neighboring countries has been deteriorating.
I would like to say that South Korea is in the crisis of falling down because previous
governments couldn't make up their minds on which super power to side with.
What I want to emphasize today is that the Republic of Korea currently has no voice when
it comes to the issue surrounding the Korean Peninsula despite the fact that this is its
own problem.
And so, I will create set a new stage wherein South Korea can take an active role in deciding
the future of the peninsula.
I will do this by first making the U.S. and China ensure peace within the peninsula by
acting as facilitators.
After this, I will also open an Asian chapter of the Helsinki Process which will strive
to balance the strategic benefits of neighboring world powers.
Now, my final question - a common question to all candidates.
Why does the Republic of Korea need Sim Sang-jung as president in 2017?
I have a message I would like to send to our nation's voters in and out of the country.
Up to this point, South Koreans have had the tendency to support the leading candidate
when it comes to voting.
But where did these leading candidates guide the nation to?
How has South Korea changed?
I want you to think about it carefully.
There is no such thing as a wasted vote.
I want all of you to reflect on whether it is really worth it to vote for the second-best
candidate just for the sake of a party change in power.
Take a minute to contemplate whether your lives have changed as a result of such a decision
when you vote in this election.
Some worry that your vote will go to waste if you vote for me, but I assure you once
again; there is no wasted vote.
I believe a wasted vote is one that's just given to the one leading opinion surveys.
I hold the key to reforming the nation.
If my approval rate turns out to be low, I would like to stress, in that instance, whoever
else ends up becoming the next president can easily betray the public sentiment represented
by candlelights.
I, Sim Sang-jung, will make the Republic of Korea a place where laborers can stand up
for themselves.
I will make our nation a place where the youth can fall in love again.
I ask for your full support, and promise to become a president who works toward changing
your lives.
Thank you.
Plant Dyed Goods Exhibition of Masao Ishikawa at Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery - Duration: 4:32.I visited the Plant Dyed Goods Exhibition of Masako Ishikawa held at Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery and
interviewed with the plant-dyeing artist Ishikawa, who lived in Fukui.
I was born in Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture.
But when I was a baby, I moved to Osaka and grew up in Osaka.
I moved to Fukui from Osaka in 1989.
My daughter was two years old at that time and
she had atopy.
Hopefully, I wanted to grow vegetables without use of pesticides and
raise my child in a place with clean air and water.
I became to watch what we eat and what we wear as well.
So I thought that I could dyeing at least and
I started it for my daughter.
Are the clothes you are wearing now all your woks?
Yes, my socks are indigo-dyeing.
I feel comfortable wearing them.
That's why I cannot stop.
My customers said that when they wear my works, they felt warm.
And I have worn this hunting cap since three years ago and
I cannot stop wearing because everybody says it's cool.
The colors around here look plant-dyeing-like.
Especially cherry trees create soft color.
The works around here are by cherry trees called Edohigan.
I am often asked "Do you dye with cherry blossoms?".
In fact, it contains the cortex and
there seem to have pink color in the middle of the branch.
This is camomile.
This is mugwort .
It's a little subdued.
This is devil's tongue.
Devil's tongue
As for devil's tongue, I use its leaves.
And its roots are medicative as they are used for oriental medicine.
Devil's tongue's vines were used as clothes in old times.
Vines are so strong.
You cannot break them by fingers.
Now they are treated like a nuisance.
Yes, they are.
There is enough devil's tongue to use as dye because they will spread abundantly.
There are thick colors surprisingly.
This is called lac and
it's a kind of coccids.
I think that it lives on tree resin and
the lump of resin is lac.
It is a traditional dye for
dark red robes for Lamaism monks
like Dalai Lama.
When I receive them from India, they are like this.
They were in clumps and the pigment-containing amount is different.
The price is also different.
Chinese indigo in Japan has decreased.
Indigo is durable.
So they were used for diapers in old times.
Among the treasures at Shosoin, indigo-dyeing remains.
The indigo-dyeing looks like it has just dyed.
But I don't think that light colors last a thousand years.
So everyone dyed them strongly in the past.
How do you use the pattern?
Basically, I put sticky rice glue on the pattern.
So when I turn it over, it's like this.
When I put glue, it is pasted on the cut part and
he part isn't dyed.
So when I dye with indigo, it turns deep blue and white.
Plant Dyed Goods Exhibition of Masao Ishikawa is being held from Mar. 17(Fri) – Apr.2(Sun) 2017 at Fukui Kougeisha Craft Gallery
Open : AM 10:00 – PM 7:00
Also, a workshop of plant dyeing by cherry tree for stole will be held there.
Please check the dates and times, join it.
What created my Character? | Demetra Jiova - #AskDemetra Series(6B) - Duration: 4:54.The way I define it, and I actually
name: character and personality traits,
the same thing, is for me the
combination -that group- of convictions
that the Ego, you know, is made of, so to
speak and it was created between the ages
of 0 years to five years old. The reason we
say "0",
-let's just add this information- it's
because even when you are in the womb
of your mother, you start formulating
ideas, mostly sensations, you don't really
have ideas there, but you have sensations
about life, so if let's say your mother
was constantly scared, you know, you start
having this fear of life, being fearful,
without even knowing it, it's not a thought
in the fetus but it senses that, you
know, constant anxiety and fear so that's
the first small indication of a
conviction. So you know, it happens all
the time since you were conceived, in a
sense, now having said that, I want to add
something more and I want to hear your
opinion about it. So if we are, if the
character as we call it, if the personality
traits, are this combination of all those
convictions that were created between 0 and 5,
then are we our character and is it true
those sayings that say: "you can't teach
an old dog, new tricks", or that "you can't change
a man's character"? Are they really true?
Some people thought it was connected
with the DNA and that's why they were
saying it. It was almost like: you were born
that way, you were born with that character!
Where does it come from?
They did't know, they said it was the soul...,
that it had to do with God, it had to do
with many things, and they thought you
were born with that and that was it. You can
never change it, you could maybe control it
a little bit through wisdom, but that you could
never change it, right?
Yes. You, can never change anyone else,
You can't change that person unless that
person wants to change, can you have a
different experience of them? Yes! Because
it goes back again into the idea:" if you
act a certain way and I label you as
<<cranky>>, then I will keep seeing that side
of you, no matter what you do or say, I'll be
seeing it through that filter. Now, even
though I cannot change your <<crankiness>> let's say in that moment, even
though Quantum Physic-ally you can, but
let's stick to what most people
experience, in that moment if you're
<<cranky>> and I put this new idea in my
head: that, you know, you are cranky because
you're tired. Now all of a sudden I have a
reason for it, it's not identified with you,
it's just a condition and now because
I don't expect you to be born <<cranky>>,
let's say, or that you're always like that, I
say: Well, she was tired, she was
anxious or whatever...
Now I have a reasoning, I have a new idea,
I have a new belief about you, I have a new
expectation, so the moment you rest,
according to me, you're going to be a
different person. So now, I kind of
changed you, even though I didn't. At the
end of the day, if we are, you know, if our
character is not who We Really Are, but
it's just an aspect of us, does it mean:
We can never change? According to my
research, according to my experience, and
the years I've been working with my
clients and students: The easiest thing
to change is your Character and
Personality Traits, because I consider
them as clothes, as items in your wardrobe,
where of course when you wear something,
I wear, you're wearing today, something
similar, right? So we have a perception of
each other, right? I think we look good in
black. So we have a perception of each
other, but if all of a sudden, we worn, you
know: white. A different kind of perception:
I'm seeing you with a different light, a
little bit, right? Because that add
something but you're still the same
person, right? It hasn't changed.
So in a sense, who We Really Are: the
Three-Aspect Being, is the same; and we
'wear', you know, our convictions, almost
like clothes and then it changes us a little
bit, but at the end of the day we are not
our convictions, we just 'wear' them and we
can actually change them. Take that cloth
off or that item
of clothing off and wear something else.
That would then change a little bit how we
perceive ourselves how other people
perceive ourselves, exactly like a piece
of cloth, but at the end of the day
it doesn't change the "body", it doesn't
change who WE Really Are. So the good news,
according to me, the easiest thing to
change: Is your character, is your personality
traits. Does it take some effort? Of course.
It doesn't happen automatically but if
you have the intention to, it does happen.
So most of us maybe should stop using
that as an excuse, by saying to a friend:
"You know what? I can't change, that's my
character". I know for a fact that's not
the case because I have changed what, you know,
supposedly was my character.
Opinione su Frank Merenda e Marketing Merenda di Riccardo Amici - [NWG] - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Ольга Бузова приоткрыла тайну своих отношений с Дмитрием Нагиевым (02.05.2017) - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
President Trump Abruptly End CBS Interview Over Wiretapping Questions - Duration: 2:04.President Donald Trump cut an interview with CBS anchor John Dickerson short after being
asked about his claim that former President Barack Obama wiretapped his campaign.
Dickerson pressed Trump on claims the president made with no evidence back in March that Obama
had wiretapped Trump Tower, claims that intelligence community officials, Obama aides, and even
prominent Republican lawmakers have disputed.\par Surveillance of our citizens, I think that
is a very big topic, and it a topic that should be number one, and we should find out what
the hell is going on, Trump began.
I just wanted to find out re the President of the United States you said he was sick
and bad,' Dickerson responded.\par You can take it any way you want, Trump said.
The Face the Nation host then pressed the president.
m asking you because you dont want it to be fake news.
I want to hear it from President Trump.
You don\rquote t have to ask me,Trump responded.
You don t have to ask me.
When asked why, Trump added because I have my own opinions, you can have your own opinions.
Dickerson replied, But I want to know your opinions.
You re the president of the United States.
That enough, Trump said, walking away from Dickerson and sitting down at the Oval Office
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Following the interview, CBS anchor Gayle King asked Dickerson if he was escorted out
of the Oval Office.\par I think it was pretty clear that I was to
escort myself out, or I would be escorted out, I would be moved along, he said.
It was time for our conversation to be over.
Fambam & The Escape Room - Duration: 0:52.I'm Matthew Kelley and I'm here presenting how I escaped
In this version, we will tell you the dos and don'ts of escape
Do -- use your teammates
Don't -- eat your teammates
[alien noises]
Hold on, hold on
I got it, I got it. Hold on.
AATROX 1000 + AP l MỘT Q + E LÊN BẢNG - Duration: 5:54.-------------------------------------------
See Kendall Jenner's Liquid Met Gala 2017 Dress - What's news today - Duration: 3:04.-------------------------------------------
O implante coclear na visão de um otorrino - Duration: 1:28.-------------------------------------------
Urad Dal Papad - Duration: 11:08.-------------------------------------------
Jane The Virgin 3x18 Extended Promo "Chapter Sixty-Two" (HD) Season 3 Episode 18 Extended Promo - Duration: 0:43.This Monday...
Are you attracted to me?
I would love nothing more than to make love to you until you scream with pleasure.
With only three episodes left...
You're having your fling.
You can do this, it's not a big deal.
We have one thing to say to Jane.
Eyes up here!
I hope it is clear now.
Um... uh...
I'm very attracted to you.
Oh, yes it is, thank you.
Jane The Virgin, all new this Monday at 9/8c on The CW.
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