Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
Estrenos 2017 Reggaeton Maluma ✘ Nicky Jam ✘ Shakira ✘ Enrique Iglesias ✘ J Balvin Y MAS !!! - Duration: 1:01:54.Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
Juego de Carros para Niños - Carrera Tom y Jerry - Dibujos Animados - Duration: 10:56.-------------------------------------------
DCS: M2000C Rockets / Cohetes #17 Tutorial - English subtitles - Duration: 11:29.Hi, welcome again to Revientor Reborn again in DCSw with the Mirage 2000
Today I don´t bring to you a special cammo but if you want a special cammo please do not hesitate to ask for it
today I am going to speak about rockets
it´s the last thing to speak, about the different systems of the plane
Master Arm on as usual
Pilot on
time to select the rockets (RK3)
let´s see what is loaded
4 stations of rockets
18 rockets each
external view
there they are
nice sun
rockets selected
there are several ways to do this
the rockets is selected and this 2 buttons ara ON
because there are 2 pairs of stations
and we can select EXTerior or INTerior launchers
I have to comment some bugs here
now If i unselect the rockets, master arm in safe, now select again rockets
master arm on
both EXT and INT are on
un selected and selected again the RK3, only the exterior launcher is ready
if I select the unnamed station, now the INT is the ready to launch rockets
you always can manually select which one you want
the important is you can select EXT, INT or both, RP is the fuel tank
TAS and RS works as the others modes, CCIP, CCRP and guns
TASis the radar in charge to the maths
RS is based on the radio altimeter
TAS and RS are off for now
the X in the HUD is you shouldn't release the weapon, the piper is like the cannon when is not available
radar on
RS activated
let´s see the HUD info
the piper
the center point is where you are aiming, and the circle is the range
and slang range to know the distance of the target
as you can see when the piper look the ground it starts giving numbers
the piper can not be regulated
the secondary gunsight, that one I taught you about the distances 60 100 120, you can use it here
now let´s see the different values of the circle
2,6 km is the upper mark
I will pause to show the data
2.8km the first mark
since now, the measure of the piper is true, the weapon will impact there
the next line is at 2km, the following one 1,5km and the next 0,6km
and the final one of course 0 meters xD
2,6 km 2km 1.6 km and 0,6 km
that is basically aim the target and shoot
something that you can set up with this weapon
you can select PAR or TOT
remember that PAR is a sequence
a sequence pre programed with the mission editor
or you can change it with the engine off and the plane on the ground
with shift+K
you can see the kneboard
matra 155 bust count only can be modified when engine off
the rocket quantity
the default value is 6, when you fire will be fired 6 rockets
6 rockef from each station
because the stations are pairs, you will fire 6+6 = 12 rockets
if we fire the 4 station 6+6 =12+12=24 rockets
you have that in mind when you set INT and EXT
the selection mode you can choose it before the attack easily
this values do nothing
only works what is programed from ground
since the engine is on, you can not change the salvo
Shift Left + ALT Left + 1 will cycle the burst quantity
there are some default values, 3, 6, 8..¿?¿? I am not sure
the important thing is that station will release the amount of rocked pre-selected
be careful with that
that all, there is no more to talk about this mode
we talked about all...
this was a very short video, I will perform a demos how to strike with the rockets
first I will shoot with the EXT rockets, this is the normal thing because you will have less weight in your "wing tips"
let´s try to hit that cross road before the bridge
in range
i forget to tell you, that you have to keep pressed the trigger
if you push and release the trigger
only a few rockets will be released
if you keep it pressed the full burst will be released
that is the PAR mode
this is the same as the cannon, in TOT mode
while you keep pressed the trigger, more and more rockets will be released
pause and external views
let´me focus the stations
as you see only the external pylons has fired
from behind you can see it better and you can see only 6 was fired
other six here
now its time do EXT and INT
looking for something to destroy....
where was that bridge??
let´s attack that houses
lets fire all to that building
this was in TOT mode and all the rockets was fired
as you saw as much you have the trigger pressed more and more rockets will be fired
that was all, I hope you enjoyed this class
give me a like, subscribe
tell me which skin you want for the next videos in this plane ur other one
the DCS mirage 2000 serie is almost getting to its end
there a few videos left one of them about ins cosole
that is a important one for that a special video for it
if you request a video of other thing I will create it if I know how xD
bye bye and... if you see my webcam....
there are a new thing... what it is???
if you saw the unboxing videos you know what it is!!! XD
Simply Supplements para Peso saludable - Duration: 0:16.-------------------------------------------
CONOCE A NUESTRO ARTISTA 2D - Gunstar Studio - Duration: 3:03.Juan Damián Reina Anaya
I am in charge of defining the concepts of the visual aspect, of developing the interface of the game
and the concept art.
With good humor and willingness to help, that means working well and helping everyone.
They called me when I was doing the groceries. I couldn't believe it!
Then, when I was aware of what was going on I called my team
We were so happy.
What I like the most, for me almost everything.
My work is so creative. It's like painting in something alive, it's constantly changing.
What I least like is the part that I have to get myself out of there, out of the creative field.
Like the integration with a program. They're less creative stuff, more technical.
This project was a commitment for us, that's when we decided to dedicate ourselves to this.
It wasn't premeditated, at least in my case.
I spent years playing videogames, but only playing, not developing.
The beginning, I think it's an anecdote that almost everyone will tell.
We started at my house, in a very small room.
It was REALLY small, we were so narrow.
After that we went to a rehearsal room, where there was a large amount of anecdotes.
For example, a heavy metal band rehearsing in the morning.
Our anecdotes are very funny.
Por Esto Creo | yesHEis Latin America - Duration: 1:31.-------------------------------------------
Vale Saber/// Lic Héctor GómezdelaCortina, el destino unió nuestras vidas - Duration: 6:43.-------------------------------------------
Peppa Pig en Español | Paseando en Bicicleta | Capitulos Completos 2017 | Dibujos Animados - Duration: 4:45.-------------------------------------------
The Last Guardian 003 - Duration: 20:50.-------------------------------------------
FIRST Vlog ABOUT MY CHANNEL AND FIDGET SPINNER | Dotz Vlog #1 - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
AP Source: Ex-CEO of Steelcase to head Ford - Duration: 1:36.3
Clean your mustache at home 100% simple life without needing to eliminate mustache - Duration: 8:21.-------------------------------------------
Cứ 100 Người Thì 99 Người Không Biết Củ Lạc Là Thần Dược Sống Thọ Không Bao Giờ Được Quên - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
China killed CIA informants, US officials say - Duration: 3:36.-------------------------------------------
What are Preprints? - Duration: 3:36.Hi there.
I am John Bond from Riverwinds Consulting and this is Publishing Defined.
Today I am going to discuss preprints.
In scholarly publishing, a preprint is a version of a paper that is posted at a repository
and likely precedes publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
The preprint allows early exposure of the work and allows for discourse about the findings
of the paper earlier than the 6 to 12 to 18 months it might take to get the paper reviewed
and accepted in a scholarly journal.
Using one of the preprint services is very straight forward.
The author posts the complete paper and appropriate figures etc. in one of the standard formats.
This procedure is very similar to uploading a paper to a journal's website for consideration
for peer review.
Some points to consider about preprints.
First and most important is that the material is not peer reviewed.
Next, an author may still (and will likely) pursue publication in a journal.
Most journals will still consider articles posted in these repositories, but a small
group of journals will not.
I will post some links below to lists of which journals will not consider a preprint; but
check with the journal's policies.
Also, preprints usually do not count toward tenure.
Finally, the posted paper will persist even after an article is published in a journal.
Because of this lag time journals may take to peer review manuscripts and the desire
for peer feedback, preprint services have seen impressive growth in the number of services
or repositories and the number of posted of papers.
The popularity for a preprint services is many times credited to arXiv.
arXiv was created by Paul Ginsparg in 1991 at Los Alamos National Laboratory for distributing
theoretical high-energy physics preprints.
arXiv is now a force to be reckoned with in academia and scholarly communications, as
over 8,000 papers a month are posted with there, as of 2016, according to their statistics.
The success has led to many other such hard science repositories such as engrXiv and bioRxiv
and many others.
In 2016, SocArXiv debuted in the social science arena.
There are many other preprint services; too many to list here.
There are some great lists by discipline.
I will also post links in the notes below.
And there are more debuting all the time such as Peer J's Preprints, and
Figshare to name a few.
Helping with this growth is the fact that several large non-profits are supporting preprint
repositories both in a funding and recognizing the content in awarding grants.
Preprints have had a significant impact on research and scholarly pursuits, particularly
in the open science and open access era.
A continued recognition over this content not being peer reviewed is very important.
The role these repositories will play in scholarly communication and in publishing will continue
to evolve.
Having these papers assigned a doi (or digital object identifier), be in CrossRef, fully
indexed, and noted as not peer reviewed with search engine results will be essential.
Well that's it.
Hit the Like button below if you enjoyed this video.
Please subscribe to my YouTube channel or click on the playlist to see more videos about
And make comments below or email me with questions.
Thank so much and take care.
22 Mayıs 2017 - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
Audi A4 Avant 2.0 Automaat / Oetinger uitgevoerd - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Nightcore - I'm The One x How To Love (Female Version Mashup)(Lyrics) - Duration: 2:25.Yeah, you're lookin' at the truth
The money never lie, no
I'm the one, yeah, I'm the one
Early mornin' in the Dawn
Know you wanna ride now
I'm the one, yeah, I'm the one, yeah
And you sick of all those other imitators
Don't let the only real one intimidate ya
See you watchin', don't run outta time now
I'm the one, yeah mmm...
You had a lot of crooks trying to steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn't never figure out
How to love
how to love
You had a lot of moments that didn't last forever
Now you in a corner tryning put it together
How to love
How to love
For a second you were here, now you over there
It's hard not to stare the way you're moving your body
Like you never had a love
Never had a love
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh
I'm the only one
you're lookin' at the truth
The money never lie, no
I'm the one, yeah, I'm the one
Early mornin' in the Dawn
Know you wanna ride now
I'm the one, yeah, I'm the one, yeah
And you sick of all those other imitators
Don't let the only real one intimidate ya
See you watchin', don't run outta time now
I'm the one, yeah mmmm....
You had a lot of crooks trying to steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn't never figure out
How to love
how to love
You had a lot of moments that didn't last forever
Now you in a corner tryning put it together
How to love
How to love
For a second you were here, now you over there
It's hard not to stare the way you're moving your body
Like you never had a love, never had a love
never had a love
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh
I'm the only one
Bob i Sverige #8 - Let's Observe - Duration: 7:52.Okay, so we just arrived on the site of the observatory
We unpacked our bags in the cabin were we will sleep 2 nights.
And we are preparing our-self for the observations of tomorrow
But look were we ended up!
I COLORED MYSELF! -Color Run in Tourves, France- - Duration: 3:26.What's up guys?
BigBigFlo here!
Today we are going to Tourves.
If you don't know where it is, it's about here.
I have some friends helping out at a Festi' Colour and I wanted to check it out by myself.
If you've never heard of it, well I'm gonna drive there will you check out what it is.
Alright, here we are, now let's see if we can find them.
So I have found them but apparently we're gonna be waiting for the racers
with the yellow colour.
That's gonna end up in their face!
Except that we are not allowed the face, but that's gonna end up in their face anyway.
Alright, we're getting ready, we're getting ready!
It is really fun!
It's really awesome!
3.. 2.. 1.. GOOO!
That's over.. We cleaned up everything.
I mean "cleaned up"…
Yeah, we put everything away.
And that was pretty damn cool *idiotic friend screaming*
Alright… *moronic friend screaming AGAIN*
I will… see you guys… later!
And now we relax!
I'm gonna hide that..!
Hyundai Tucson 2.0I Style/ Navigatie/ Climate control/ Tel. bluetooth/ Cruise control/ Trekhaak - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Rune i Debatten om SKAT - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Trend | Pano.dak | Cruise | Climate - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai ix20 1.6I I-CATCHER Clima / Cruise / Navigatie / Camera / Lederen bekleding Staat in Hardenb - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
How My Old Company Went from a $130 Million Valuation to Worth $0? - Duration: 4:08.I got off a sales call the other day
with a guy who runs an agency
and he's in dire straits
because his partner was the sales guy of the agency
and now he's having medical problems
and can't sell effectively.
And it really got me thinking
because I was at a business before
called Inspire Beats
that actually failed for similar reasons
and in today's video,
I wanna talk about one reason businesses fail.
That I haven't heard talked about too often,
which is illness.
And I'm gonna tell the story
of what happened at Inspire Beats.
So Inspire Beats, if you don't know,
I've referenced it in a few other videos.
I used to be the chief marketing officer over there.
They were a lead generation start-up.
They sold cold emailing to start-ups.
We were decently large.
I was on Entrepreneur on Fire talking about it;
a bunch of these other podcasts talking about it.
But the company failed, basically over night.
And the reason why that happened,
is the founder ended up in the hospital for two months
and the way that the systems were set up at the business,
everything had to go through the founder.
So I was here doing marketing,
doing some sales for the company
but clients would be mad because production wasn't going,
so I'd message the founder,
he'd be in the hospital,
no message would get passed through.
Then the clients would come back to me
and ask for a refund
and I would agree that they needed a refund,
message the founder,
no message would go through
because he was in the hospital,
he couldn't message anyone.
And that happened enough times
that eventually all the clients left
over the course of a month or two months
because it was all month to month contracts
and the company went under.
Simple as that.
So, one thing that I've been trying heavily to implement
at Experiment 27,
are systems to avoid that kind of thing happening.
For instance,
one of the big systems
is making sure
that all of the people on the team know each other
and can talk to each other.
One of the biggest issues at Inspire Beats
is we couldn't talk to each other.
My main point of contact was the founder.
I didn't really talk to the head of production.
I didn't really talk to any of the other sales guys.
It was just me in my own bubble
and then him in his own bubble
and everybody else just talking through him.
So he was that person that everybody had to go through
so when the business lost that one person,
the whole thing kinda fell apart.
At Experiment 27, we spread that out.
I've got myself, I have Robert, whose my co-founder,
we both talk to everyone,
we both have access to all of the systems.
So if one of us ended up in the hospital
or if something terrible happened to one of us,
we would be able to keep the business going,
like it would keep surviving.
That's one of the main reasons
I think co-founders are so powerful for businesses.
I don't think we would've been able to last
at Experiment 27 this long
if I didn't have Robert as a co-founder
and it's because, it's not just accountability,
right, it's not just that the co-founder
gives you accountability and keeps you in the business
but it's also this sort of thing right,
if one of us got sick, the business would keep going.
So if I were you, I would take this video as a warning.
If you don't have a co-founder in the business
or you don't have somebody that knows
everything you know in the business,
to start teaching them now,
because you never know when something bad's gonna happen.
At Inspire Beats everything was great
for about a year, almost a full year
and then all of a sudden it fell apart
because of these health issues.
So you never know when something like that's gonna happen.
It happened to the guy I was talking to out of nowhere,
on the sales call, a few days ago as well
and now he's left holding the bag
trying to re-build this sales team
and he's in a cash crunch because of it.
The other thing that you can do
to prevent this sort of thing happening,
is to document all the systems,
so one of the things we also have at Experiment 27
is pages and pages of how we do everything;
right, and that not only raises our value
if we were ever gonna sell the company
but it makes our jobs a lot easier
because step by step,
somebody on the marketing team can go through
and figure out step by step what we're doing.
Sales team, it's the same way.
Including client facing tasks
like account management
and direct client sales.
It's all in this book, so everything is documented
and that's extremely important.
If you liked this video,
please be sure to like it on YouTube
to encourage this type of content.
Subscribe for more B2B sales training
and if you want marketing support
for your digital agency,
check out
CASTAWAY DAY - Duration: 1:35.I'll clean it and then...
Urban EDC- everyday carry pocket dump 2017 Belgium. Episode13 - Duration: 3:48.edc everyday carry | EDC | Every | day | carry | best | pocket dump | every day carry | edc gear | toolguy |
Hi mr. Sharp here and welcome to my video
about my everyday carry system of 2017
and pocket dump I do believe in video's
about everyday carry because we
can learn from each other keep on
watching first I will show you my key
system and this of course of course my
car key and attached to it is the
Leatherman squirt ps4 I do like this
little multi-tool because the because of
the little pliers this is the key smart key
system I do like this system because all
the keys are coming out like the Swiss
Army knife they're very silent into your
pocket they don't make a tingling sound
they're compact and the keys don't
clutter into your pocket next I will
show you my everyday carry knife that
I'm carrying since a few months ago this
is of course the Victorinox Pioneer
the black version and I do love it it is
fairly compact only two layers very
light a very good knife and I do like
the snapping sound of the Alox ones
yeah I use it every day
this is the victorinox swisstool in the
black version i'm in love with this
multi-tool i already did a review about
this multi-tool but yeah I do carry it
along in my backpack I won't carry it
carry this in my pocket this is my phone
the Samsung s8 I won't do a review about
this it is my everyday carry this is my
wallet and if you can see it is fairly
compact on the inside you have two more
cards holders and you have a money clip
why do I like this little thing it is
like weighted it is fairly small if you
compare it with my previous wallet yeah
it's really small it has a card
protector and yeah it has a nice feature
and that this one yeah I do like it what
do you think about these guys I can
recommend it it's a secret a Secrid
wallet you can see Secrid wallet is made
in Holland these are the bracelets I
wear everyday
and I do have a little pocket with
change yeah this is the everyday carry
system of 2017 thanks for watching my
video of my everyday carry system of
2017 leave a comment in the box below or
give me a like or subscribe if you like
this video I will see you in my next
video bye guys
edc everyday carry | EDC | Every | day | carry | best | pocket dump | every day carry | edc gear | toolguy |
Racepark Schulenberg - Stempelstieg [ gopro RAW ] - Duration: 2:03.that tree... is a problem
now I'm going for that off camber section!
I approve the soil!
people lying around! why are there people lying around?
got conducted by the roots
4 Week Diet Progress | My First Cut - Duration: 4:41.Hey youtube, welcome back to my channel.
Um, in this video I'm going to be sharing with you my progress over the past 4 weeks
of dieting and I'm excited to do this video and give you guys an update on my progress.
If you've been watching my other videos you know that I am in the middle of a 12 week
cut and I've been kind of documenting the whole thing here on youtube.
So if you haven't had a chance to watch those videos, you should definitely go back and
check out that playlist now.
I will link it here.
So, basically, the news you're all waiting for is how much weight did I lose in the first
four weeks of dieting?
And I lost about 3 pounds.
And that doesn't seem like a lot, but I'm actually really, really happy with that because
I've lost those 3 pounds and I've also been able to up my weight on nearly all of my exercises
in the gym.
So, that means I'm continuing to build muscle and i'm losing a little bit of fat.
So, I'm pretty happy with that progress and over all I'm not trying to lose a ton of weight
during this whole 12 week cut.
Um, I want to do it slowly and safely and my whole goal for this cutting phase is to
lose weight in a healthy way.
So, losing 3 pounds is kind of right on target with where I want to be.
I've been following an If it fits your macros approach.
So, that means I've been able to incorporate some of those fun foods or quote-un-quote
unhealthy foods throughout my diet and um, I've found it helpful to keep my sanity and
to make this diet phase more enjoyable.
I'm not restricting any particular types of foods, I'm just allocating my calories accordingly.
So, of course it makes more sense to eat higher volume, um, lower calorie foods so that I
can feel fuller longer, but if I do want to eat something like ice cream, I can, but I've
found that it's really not worth it because I end up really hungry later because the volume
of ice cream that you can eat for the calories is not nearly the same as say, like a large
plate of egg whites and vegetables with a salad.
So, I've naturally been shifting towards healthier foods just so I can feel fuller and satisfied.
But, over all pretty happy with the amount of food that I've been able to eat and not
feeling super deprived.
So that is definitely a plus.
That being said, I am going to change my um, cutting technique a little bit for the next
4 weeks.
So, up to this point I have not added in any cardio.
I've just been doing my regular strength training workouts and I was sticking to the same macros.
So for now I'm going to keep my macros the same and um, just up my cardio a little bit.
So, I'm going to be doing two HIIT sessions um, of cardio per week--about 20-25 minutes
If you want to hear more information about HIIT and how I'm going to be doing it, I also
have a video on that that you can check out, but right now the plan is to keep my calories
and my macros the same and to just increase my cardio a little bit to try to burn more
fat and keep my body from plateauing.
So, here is a look at my current physique.
There's not a huge visual difference, but I have to say that I do feel a lot better.
Um, I wouldn't say that I necessarily had like major digestive issues, but I feel like
I'm definitely getting less cramping, bloating, um etc.
And I'm just really happy with how I'm feeling over all.
My skin is a little bit clearer and over all just feeling healthier and more well-energized.
So, I'm excited to continue on with this cut and if you guys want to see what happens next,
make sure that you hit that subscribe button so you can follow along the journey with me.
Alright, bye guys!
La Vie en Rose || SHANiA's Music Monday - Duration: 1:04.Hold me close
and hold me fast
when you press me to your heart I'm in a
world apart i what
when world
Oh cute you give your heart and soul to
me and life will always be
Exam Skills: 4 tips for listening exams - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
Learn Colors with Captain America in Colors Buckets | Superheroes Finger Family Colors Learn - Duration: 1:29.Don't Forget to Subscribe After Watching :))
Montage af VELFAC 237 ENERGY skydedør med 25mm bundkarm - Duration: 8:45.-------------------------------------------
Kayseria Eid Collection 2017 - Duration: 2:59.Kayseria Eid Collection 2017
Kayseria Eid Collection 2017 Kayseria Eid Collection 2017; Perhaps you are searching for Eid Collection 2017 by Kayseria, however alongside that, i will share some other stuff of garments too. The greater part of the clients address about the outfits quality and some different things also. The Dresses are made under the supervision of acclaimed planners so there is probably about stuff and nature of the garments. Kayseria Eid Collection 2017
Kayseria Eid Collection 2017
Misurare la circonferenza del cranio - Un video per la formazione del personale sanitario - Duration: 6:29.-------------------------------------------
American Gods 1x05 Promo "Lemon Scented You" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
What are Preprints? - Duration: 3:36.Hi there.
I am John Bond from Riverwinds Consulting and this is Publishing Defined.
Today I am going to discuss preprints.
In scholarly publishing, a preprint is a version of a paper that is posted at a repository
and likely precedes publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
The preprint allows early exposure of the work and allows for discourse about the findings
of the paper earlier than the 6 to 12 to 18 months it might take to get the paper reviewed
and accepted in a scholarly journal.
Using one of the preprint services is very straight forward.
The author posts the complete paper and appropriate figures etc. in one of the standard formats.
This procedure is very similar to uploading a paper to a journal's website for consideration
for peer review.
Some points to consider about preprints.
First and most important is that the material is not peer reviewed.
Next, an author may still (and will likely) pursue publication in a journal.
Most journals will still consider articles posted in these repositories, but a small
group of journals will not.
I will post some links below to lists of which journals will not consider a preprint; but
check with the journal's policies.
Also, preprints usually do not count toward tenure.
Finally, the posted paper will persist even after an article is published in a journal.
Because of this lag time journals may take to peer review manuscripts and the desire
for peer feedback, preprint services have seen impressive growth in the number of services
or repositories and the number of posted of papers.
The popularity for a preprint services is many times credited to arXiv.
arXiv was created by Paul Ginsparg in 1991 at Los Alamos National Laboratory for distributing
theoretical high-energy physics preprints.
arXiv is now a force to be reckoned with in academia and scholarly communications, as
over 8,000 papers a month are posted with there, as of 2016, according to their statistics.
The success has led to many other such hard science repositories such as engrXiv and bioRxiv
and many others.
In 2016, SocArXiv debuted in the social science arena.
There are many other preprint services; too many to list here.
There are some great lists by discipline.
I will also post links in the notes below.
And there are more debuting all the time such as Peer J's Preprints, and
Figshare to name a few.
Helping with this growth is the fact that several large non-profits are supporting preprint
repositories both in a funding and recognizing the content in awarding grants.
Preprints have had a significant impact on research and scholarly pursuits, particularly
in the open science and open access era.
A continued recognition over this content not being peer reviewed is very important.
The role these repositories will play in scholarly communication and in publishing will continue
to evolve.
Having these papers assigned a doi (or digital object identifier), be in CrossRef, fully
indexed, and noted as not peer reviewed with search engine results will be essential.
Well that's it.
Hit the Like button below if you enjoyed this video.
Please subscribe to my YouTube channel or click on the playlist to see more videos about
And make comments below or email me with questions.
Thank so much and take care.
How to Create Piraputanga Fish in an Aquarium - Duration: 3:01.-------------------------------------------
Export fatto internamente alle PMI o delegato? - Duration: 7:30.-------------------------------------------
Breaking News , President Trump Latest News Today 5/22/17 , Judge Jeanine Pirro , Kellyanne Conway - Duration: 29:29.-------------------------------------------
LAST DAY - HO CHI MINH CITY - MARKET, MUSEUM & TIPS - Duration: 4:44.This is Ben Thanh Market
And it's funny because when we're walking they come and say
Hello, buy something...
And negotiating is a good tip
For example, he was looking for a frame to put on our house
And she said 1 million 8 hundred and he said oh, thanks I don't have this money, i'm just travelling..
Then she said 8 hundred... 1 million less hahaha
You always have to chat and see if you can get a better price
And 100% sure you'll get a better price
I just bought this 2 things because money is short as you can imagine
But I couldn't change cities without a little gift
Here they have a information point that you can choose places you want to go
And it shows the list of places
I'm sweating so much and look at this person
They can use sweaters... I'm sweating more just by seeing
We're here at Wat Remnants Museum and is absurd. It makes me wanna cry.. Very sad
We are lost...
There are no words..
Oh, I don't even know what to say... I cannot say anything
Hey everybody
Today is our last day here in Vietnam
If you watched everything, thank you!
I loved everything we did
And I also think you need to see the museum
We stayed here for 4 days and this is day number 5 but we're going to spend most of today inside the bus
because it's 7 hours to Cambodia
But I believe that 3 days are fine here in Ho Chi Minh City
As I said, we're going to Cambodia and we'll do the VISA on the way there
So, If you want to see if we're really going to Cambodia and what we'll be doing there
If you liked the video and how we presented to you give us thumbs up
Now we're getting a 7 hour bus to Cambodia
We'll stop in Phnom Penh
I have no idea if I'm pronouncing it right..
And there we'll record some more so follow us and thanks for joining
See you all in Cambodia
HACC's Spring 2017 Graduates Say "Thank You!" – Leah Kathleen Fittry - Duration: 0:13.Hi, I'm Leah Fittry and I would just like to thank all my friends, family and
wonderful boyfriend for all that you guys have done for me.
I am truly blessed to have you guys and I love you so, so very much.
Eu quero uma bênção - Padre Alessandro Campos nas Rádios - Programa de 22/05/2017 - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
Você precisa tomar uma decisão! - Dicas do Biga - 795 | Legendas PT-BR SPN ENG - Duration: 2:22.Hello beloved, welcome to the Biga's Tips of this week.
I want to keep talking
about the book that I released, "Staying on the Axles"
and we told that to have a straight life, also last week we talked that
having a life at the center of God's will, we'll need to have a good "shape".
In the context of skating, the "shape" is the solid base, I talked about
it last week, about the axles, what are axles?
They give direction to the skate.
In our lives, in the principles that we want to bring in our history, the axles are
related to the decisions we make.
I want to tell you about some decisions that I took in my life that make me
get where I got.
When I was 16 years old I remember of being in a camping, in a skate
competition, I knew some people that later invited me to go to a camping.
I make a decision in my life and with 16 years I raised my hands,
confessed with my mouth and believed with my hearth that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that
He had a work to do in my life.
It is interesting that I was 16 years, today I am 42 years and I am a pastor of an influent church
in the city.
I have been living the best days of my life, but why?
Because a decision changed the whole story, my whole future and it also changed my
I know where I go after my death.
The question that I ask you, what about you?
Maybe you say "This after death concern is not my business, when I die I
will find out".
Maybe it will be too late beloved, you have a decision, an opportunity of make
a decision in your life that is: "God, is this history is real, I want to surrender
to You.
If this history is real, I want to accept You in my life".
If you want to do it is just to repeat a prayer, just say it: "Lord
Jesus, I ask you to forgive me for my mistakes, for my gap from You and I recognize
that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God and I give to You Lord my heart, my
life and my future".
If you did this prayer, I want to tell you that it was the best decision that you
have ever taken in your life.
I did it years ago and I don't regret it at any time, amen?
Decisions can take you to good places or not, if you made this prayer be welcome
to a new moment in your life.
La Vie en Rose || SHANiA's Music Monday - Duration: 1:04.Hold me close
and hold me fast
when you press me to your heart I'm in a
world apart i what
when world
Oh cute you give your heart and soul to
me and life will always be
Misurare la circonferenza del cranio - Un video per la formazione del personale sanitario - Duration: 6:29.-------------------------------------------
Budućnost transporta iz Kur'ana - Duration: 9:51.-------------------------------------------
All Things Will Die - Alfred Lord Tennyson poem reading | Jordan Harling Reads - Duration: 2:36.Clearly the blue river chimes in its flowing Under my eye;
Warmly and broadly the south winds are blowing Over the sky.
One after another the white clouds are fleeting; Every heart this May morning in joyance is
beating Full merrily;
Yet all things must die.
The stream will cease to flow; The wind will cease to blow;
The clouds will cease to fleet; The heart will cease to beat;
For all things must die.
All things must die.
Spring will come never more.
O, vanity!
Death waits at the door.
See! our friends are all forsaking The wine and the merrymaking.
We are call'd–we must go.
Laid low, very low, In the dark we must lie.
The merry glees are still; The voice of the bird
Shall no more be heard, Nor the wind on the hill.
O, misery!
Hark! death is calling While I speak to ye,
The jaw is falling, The red cheek paling,
The strong limbs failing; Ice with the warm blood mixing;
The eyeballs fixing.
Nine times goes the passing bell: Ye merry souls, farewell.
The old earth Had a birth,
As all men know, Long ago.
And the old earth must die.
So let the warm winds range, And the blue wave beat the shore;
For even and morn Ye will never see
Thro' eternity.
All things were born.
Ye will come never more, For all things must die.
All Things Will Die - Written by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Narrated by Jordan Harling
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