♥ Bored but oh well - Duration: 6:27.-------------------------------------------
Russian Lullaby - Mother Bear Lullaby. Umka cartoon. Chords and lyrics. Lullaby TV - Duration: 4:25.Spooning the snow, The night is going great
Why are you, silly, not sleeping?
Your neighbors are sleeping, white bears
Sleep and you my baby!
Your neighbors are sleeping, white bears,
Sleep and you my baby!
We are sailing on an ice floe, like a brigantine
On the gray, stern seas
And all night long the neighbors, star bears
Shine distant ships
And all night long the neighbors, star bears
Shine distant ships
Spooning the snow, The night is going great
Why are you, silly, not sleeping?
Your neighbors are sleeping, white bears
Sleep and you my baby!
Your neighbors are sleeping, white bears
Sleep and you my baby!
Serpentine Belt Breaks on Highway and I lose Power Steering - Duration: 6:58.hey guys how are you I'm actually live
in my car I just picked it up I'm going
to be live at CHUM FM really soon
but there's been so many comments about
my scary night live so I just wanted to
talk to you about it it was it was it
was insane I will tell you I was on the
407 this happened two nights ago so it
happened on Thursday and hey Lauri how
you doing I'm talking about my scary
night with my car so on Thursday night I
had gone out to the Vaughan Film Festival
and I was on the 407 heading home and
when I noticed that my steering wheel
was completely locked my brakes and I'd
looked at my brakes and I pressed down
on my brakes and nothing was there
so imagine driving on a highway you're
doing 100 kilometres an hour and then
you realize you have no power steering
and no brakes and now I have
to figure out how to get off so yes
Laurie I was absolutely crazy I'm okay and
you know that I'm crazy right Lori so I
had to stay calm at that
moment so if you're in your car I just
want to I just want to show you because
this can happen I know life is are like
what's your make what's your model make
sure you get your voice to out Taylor! It
doesn't matter how old your car is it
doesn't matter what make or model your
car is it's called the Serpine belt and
I might be saying wrong so if there's a
mechanic that's watching as well let me
know I did ask my mechanic to come on
but it's Saturday of the long weekend
and he wanted to get it was at the
dealership he wanted to get his managers
approval because you know here's Taylor
Kaye with with her camera in his face
going I want you to make people aware of
what's happening
so it's call Serpentine belt I'm just
reading and Anna tensioner so it can
happen in any car and what it does and
and again some people can correct me
what I'm trying to tell you it just
shuts down your entire car so your power
steering your power brakes everything
completely shuts down so if you look at
my wheel now it's it's moving a bit it
was not moving at all and you know if I
turn on like
I'm in park now you can move you know
I've got my power steering on its back
but when I was driving it looked where I
couldn't move it at all so while I was
on the while I was on the 407 I was in
my mind I'm like okay I have to figure
out how to get off of this highway
safely and not rule the car because I
was going at 100 kilometers an hour
serpentine belt Thank You Heidi that's
what it's called so obviously I went off
the gas I try to get over into the slow
lane and 407 is not the best highway to
be on and I think any highway is not the
best to be on late at night when you're
by yourself so I kept going past each
exit thinking can I make this exit can I
can I make this exit without rolling my
car that was and that was in my head I'm
like can I turn here without me rolling
the cart no I'm going too fast so I
would past exits on the 407 knowing I
can't get off here until at a point
where I was I would slowed the car down
to probably around 50 kilometers an hour
no cars are around me and I was able to
get off on one turn and literally I'm
not joking I was like in a million lanes
because I had no I had no steering so
thank God no cars were around me and
again my brakes were gone so when your
power brakes are gone I literally was
standing up in the car like this with my
foot try to get any brake and that's
what your emergency brake is for so I
did obviously use my emergency brake to
stop and and and then I was able to stop
safely get to a location then freak out
and go what the heck just happened oh my
god I almost died
I can't imagine thank goodness there it
wasn't that rush hour I know a bunch of
people my girlfriend Lisa this has
happened to her she let me know on her
Facebook when I posted this earlier on
Facebook so this could happen to anybody
I will say when you go to get your car
tuned up I'm pretty adamant I do get my
car I get it checked twice a year it's
like my little baby I'm lucky my little
babies run in the car so this is just
something Hey
one hi hi Karen this is your something
that you should talk to your mechanic
about oh yes well I am in the parking
lot because they just finally got my car
and then I'm going to be coming in to do
Chum soon but this is something that you
can ask your mechanic whether you're at
a dealership or a friend of the tow
truck driver that did drive me he tells
me that he changes his serpentine belt
pretty regularly like once or twice a
year because this is something again
that this one thing has control over
your entire car and can shut everything
down and they showed me inside of the
hood of my car there were other pulleys
and belts completely shredded so I'm
lucky again I'm like I'm alive
everything's good and I'm safe was it
scary as hell
yes anytime it's your brakes your
steering wheel don't work so anyway
that's I just wanted to let you guys
know that it doesn't matter to make it
doesn't matter it doesn't matter about
the model of the car just go get it
checked out and and just be aware
because this one thing controls your
entire car so whether you commute or do
anything and I had no idea I thought
okay if one thing goes not everything
can go but I had no steering no brakes
nothing I had my emergency brakes so
thanks guys for all your comments I am
live at Chum FM this weekend so I'm
hoping you can join me and if this has
happened to you what did you do I'd like
to know Anna lorises during something
like this just turning the vehicle off
you could turn the vehicle off right you
could but I I couldn't turn it off
completely I was on the highway don't
want to turn it off I I was able to get
off the highway as best I could and then
I was able to turn it off dan says I'm
going to check a mine as well thanks
glad you're okay and again this was
advice from from the tow truck driver
that that picked me up and I actually
had my girlfriend Antonette Kenna Nachi
who I was out with come with her husband
and friends and they opened the hood of
my car they were the first people to
notice oh my gosh this belt is
completely shredded in your car so just
something to think about if you're
driving around if you commute you know
that's that's just something to think
about anyway okay thanks guys so much
for watching and
wladim safe and hopefully you can join
me on Chum FM this weekend and now
nobody wants to come to my car anymore
it's safe my car safe and clearly I'm a
good driver I was able to coast it right
off the highway without doing anything I
think anyway okay guys have a great day
Crucificare A Mi Cristo // Shall I Crucify My Savior [Acapella] - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
How To Deal With Stress? ♡ A Quality Life - Duration: 17:32.Hello everyone
it's Cassie again
aww... look at you, chilling~
hi guys
as you can see I'm no longer under stress today, I'm so happy instead!
not sure if any of you experienced this of the late, but I've been facing a lot of problems all at once
if you believe in Astrology such as I do, you probably would have heard of the term "Mercury Retrograde"
when this happens everything goes backwards, followed by a series of unfortunate events
your plans shatter, your communication fails
so I had been stressed, you guys could see that I lost some weight
thank you guys for sending so much love and care ♡
much love~
I'm really happy today and I also started eating healthily again
today I wanna share with you the things I do in order to relieve stress
to get back on track in no time!
Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you. -- Frank Tyler
First of all, your environment, which is your house
I've heard of this term quite a few times, that is "Tidy room, tidy mind."
when your house is clean your mind becomes clear
not sure if it makes sense when I say it in Vietnamese, that's why I always use English because it makes more sense
but I will try to use more Vietnamese for your understanding
the first thing I would do when I'm under stress is cleaning my house
getting your house in order would help you relieve a lot of stress
to be honest, I'm such an unorganized person
I always leave such a mess in my living space
but luckily I've just made a walk-in closet so I had to clean up things and organize them into this closet
I know for some of you who hate to do housework like me, having to clean the house would only cause more stress
I'm not trying to say that you should do anything that requires too much work
You can just look into a mess and see if there's anything you're not using anymore
One of my tips to clean house is to throw away stuff that I don't need
All the stuff that I haven't touched in a long time, or I haven't been using
I can either give them away, or if they're torn or out of date they can go straight to the trash bin
Only keep those that I still actually want to use
Then my house becomes cleaner and spacier, my mood lifts
I feel that I got my life together, got a hold of my life, and took control over it
When you organize your house, it's like a metaphor that you're organizing your life
The second thing to do when I'm under stress is to spend more "me" time
Besides cleaning your surrounding, take a moment to trace back to your inner self and spend more time with it
in our life we have so many things to pursue, so many responsibilities to take
so when you pursue life
oh God so deep...
you'll feel stressed, and you cannot complete all the tasks that you're set out to do
when you cannot get them well done, you'll feel even more stressed, you'll
that's why spending time for yourself is really important
in this busy life you'll forget to hit pause and take a step back to enjoy your own company
I named it "switching off"
First we switch off our phones
living in a world of technology, it's hard to do switch off your phones or your computers
surfing the internet has become an everyday habit
I counted myself too, since I work on blogs and videos I need to be on my devices most of the time
so switching off is terribly hard
in order to do this I'll think about what else do I enjoy to do besides editing videos and surfing the internet?
back in highschool we called it "outdoor activity"
when I switch off my devices I will do yoga
you can go for a walk, a run, do some exercises but for me, to relax my body I love to do yoga
when you work too hard, you may neglect your body and your body will become too exhausted
when you're tired physically it will affect you mentally, your brain, your thoughts
they both have impacts on each other
Yoga is a great way for you to relax your body
an exercise that helps me a lot in calming myself down
I use an app called "Yoga Studio"
there are different levels, different sets of exercise
depending on what my body needs on a particular day
for example, on days that I feel stressed I would go for relaxation or flexibility
when your body is more flexible your mind will be too, and you'll solve your problems better
when you're under stress you'll feel dispirited, and this feeling is quite annoying
when you have too many things to do but you don't feel like doing them
you just wanna drop everything and be lazy
too bad it's not an option
when I'm uninspired I will look for things that inspire me
it can be reading an inspiring book, a book that helps growing you, teaches you something to become a better person
when you enhance your knowledge you'll become a better version of yourself
and when you feel good about yourself you can deal with other external things
you will find the best solution for all your problems
I also spend about 15~20 minutes a day to meditate
you probably find this strange because I'm kinda young for that
meditation sounds like something only the monks or old people would do
at least that's what I thought before I actually did it
but truly, I think the young people need meditation the most
because when we're young, we have passions, we have dreams, we follow all the external factors
and we forget our inner self
after awhile it'll become a mess inside and put us under stress
in our society young people get stressed a lot
so I suggest you to take at least 5~10 minutes a day to meditate if you're new
calm your soul and then you're figure out the way!
I also like to do home spa
I love home spa because when you do that it means you're taking good care of yourself
and of course your mood will be lifted
having that strength to conquer the world
feel good, good vibe~
one of the things I would do is taking a hot bath
if you have a bath at home I suggest you to use it today
I know a lot of you own one but you might forget to use it since you already have too many things to worry about
you probably don't have time for it, BUT you should really make time for yourself!
to prepare the bath I'm going to use this scented candle from Bath & Body Works
you can get them at Yankee Candle too
and this candle with crystals on it is a gift from Swarovski
candles are a great and simple way to enhance spa feeling at home without too much efforts
I love to have scented candles because they bring scents to your home and they look quite romantic too
I'm going to use this moisturizing coconut mask from Innisfree
music plays an important part in my life, so I'll listen to calming tracks to chill myself out, you can easily find these tracks online
next I'll pop this bath bomb from Lush
this bomb will change the water color, it also smoothes out your skin
done~ these are a few easy steps that I use at home to make it a relaxing spa
so chilled~ it doesn't really differ from the spa does it?
I'm that type of person that would lose appetite under stress
but I would always do skincare and take care of my beauty
because you should stay pretty under any circumstances, whether you're happy, sad or stressed!
whatever it is you must stay gorgeous
when you take care of your beauty, even if you're stressed you won't be even more stressed by looking terrible
Besides everything that I mentioned is a good night sleep
when you're stressed out it's hard to have a good night sleep
all the things that you haven't finished working on, you'd work on them at night when you go to bed
you'll toss and turn and cannot fall asleep
if you don't sleep well you'll become more tired, it adds to your stress
so these are the things I would do at night in order to make sure that I'll sleep well
15 minutes before tucking in, I'll prepare the fragrance oil
fragrance oil brings relaxing scent to your bedroom, makes you wanna go to sleep
you can replace it with scented candles or sprays
then I'll turn on my air purifier, it cleans the air and keeps moisture so that your skin won't dry out
finally I'll turn on my air conditioner
walking into a cold, dark room with calming scent and fresh air, who wouldn't wanna go to bed already?
you should change your cellphone's brightness to night shift
it reduces fluorescent light, helps you better fall asleep
and remember not to use your phone too much on bed because it's a place to sleep
put it aside and get ready for a good night sleep
Last but never least, your mindset
when I'm stressed I only do things that I wanna do
that's the reason why I did last week's haul video
I know there were problems with the lighting, and I was using too much English
to be honest I only wanted to something that didn't require too much efforts since I was already too stressed
hence I made a video that was exactly what I was capable of doing, exactly what I wanted to do
and we should forgive ourselves doing that
it's okay, there will be times that you cannot do things the way you always do
and you still have a long future ahead to keep making it better
therefore it doesn't matter
maybe today you can't do it well, tomorrow you can try again
forgive yourself
don't blame yourself and don't listen to others
don't listen to people telling you what to do
put it aside, do what you wanna do
it's your life, your choice
you get a hold of your life and you have fun with what you do
don't let it stress you out too much
if it's too stressing why would you wanna do it?
you live to be happy, not to be stressed
you should think more for yourself when you're under stress
when I'm stressed I only wanna be myself
the more myself the better
do whatever that I enjoy doing
And I also want you to know that in our life
everything happens for a reason
when I finally understand this I become less stressed
just let it go
*Lindsie singing ♫*
let everything go
when you understand this concept you will feel more at ease, calmer, and know better how to deal with life
because what will be will be
just come at me, I'm ready for you, anytime
At different stages, life challenges are the lessons, the strength that each of us as individual has to acquire
Don't view them as bad stress but make them a GOOD one
which helps you learn, grow, become a better and stronger version of yourself
and most importantly, become happier and more content with life!
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
and after the rain comes the sun ♡
Alright so that's everything I wanna share with you today
I hope that this video would somehow help you go through worries and pain
and remember to treat yourself after feeling well again
eat an awesome meal, go get a massage
Remember all the bad vibes are from here, so fix them here
don't forget to give me a thumbs up guyssssss and please SUBSCRIBE ♡
it's raining today so the lighting wasn't that good, my apology~ (will get a ring light soon)
don't know how to say it in Viet but yah...
07 habits that drag you down from success - Personality Development | Become successful - Duration: 10:23.-------------------------------------------
Baby Alive Clothes - Finding old baby and doll toys in storage! - Duration: 3:53.Suscribe for more videos!
[eng] 지성박수 jisung clap compilation | produce 101 season 2 ep 7 cut - Duration: 0:30.-------------------------------------------
The 'Hanging Garden' of Seoul, Seoullo 7017 opens - Duration: 3:53.South Korea's busy capital has a brand new tourist attraction.
In some sense it's more like a successful transformation.
Instead being discarded, a disused overpass, has been given a new lease in life.
Our Hwang Hojun introduces to us the garden that's hanging in the sky.
December 13, 2015 was the day the Seoul Station Overpass was once and for all closed to car
The overpass was built in 1970 to cope with a surging population and to alleviate traffic
jams, but in 2006, it failed to pass the annual safety inspection, getting a "D," and that
led to calls for it to be completely torn down.
But instead of getting rid of the overpass, Seoul decided to give it a drastic facelift.
For 45 years the Seoul Station overpass was a symbol of industrialization, with tens of
thousands of cars using it on a daily basis.
And after 18 months of construction, the road for cars is now a road for people.
It also has a new name: Seoullo 7017.
The name "Seoullo" translates to Seoul Street.
7017 references the road's birth and reincarnation -- built in 1970 and re-opened in 2017.
But the number 17 carries even more meanings than that.
The overpass is 17 meters off the ground, and connects to 17 different pedestrian roads,
which lead to many tourist attractions via walkways, elevators and escalators.
A variety of performances and exhibitions will also take place throughout the year.
"Seems like a botanic garden right in the middle of this concrete jungle.
So, I really like it....modern cities nowadays you get more and more cars, more and more
pollution, more and more traffic, less and less nature, less and less green, so reestablishing
this former automobile bridge into something actually people living here, enjoying the
quality of the city.
It's amazing, truly amazing."
"I used to drive often on the Seoul Station Overpass.
So I was a bit worried when the city first decided to close it down for construction
because I thought it would worsen the congestion nearby.
But now that I'm actually here, on the opening day with my family, I'm personally quite glad
because it feels like the city is becoming more people-friendly, providing a place like
this for people to enjoy."
Also sporting the nickname "Sky Garden," the overpass was designed by a renowned Dutch
architect named Winy Maas,... who took first place in Seoul's 2015 international design
Just like its nickname, the kilometer-long pedestrian park features more than 24,000
trees and plants of 228 species, most of which are arranged throughout the overpass in the
order of the Korean alphabet, Hangeul.
"We have cities where many people have different characters.
And that's the same for our plant world....
So we really thought, that we would make,.. to show that explicitly to Korea and to make
this kind of library, where you could go and see what you want to have."
The project focuses on two long-term visions for the city,... which are to encourage urban
restoration and tourism on foot.
"If development in the past was about completely demolishing an old bit of infrastructure to
build something else on top of it, urban restoration is about keeping and making use of the structure,
thereby cutting down on waste and revitalizing the local economy as well.
Seoullo 7017 is both the starting point and the model for such efforts."
Seoul is known for its dynamic atmosphere, as seen in the coexistence of modern technology
and a long history.
With the reopening of Seoullo 7017, the Korean capital is now setting an example for how
an urban eyesore can be transformed into a beautiful oasis and an escape from the city.
Hwang Hojun, Arirang News
Jimmy Kimmel Predicts the Winner of The Bachelorette with Rachel Lindsay - Duration: 2:33.-------------------------------------------
>> OH GOD.
ABOUT $500.
Rajasthani Korme Ka Paratha | Korma Paratha | Paratha Tiffin Recipe | राजस्थानी पराठा बनाने की विधि - Duration: 12:02.-------------------------------------------
♥ Bored but oh well - Duration: 6:27.-------------------------------------------
The Secret of Strengths - Bovine Eggs, Insulin and Muscles, Steroids and Growth - Duration: 3:50.Hello, you SPORT SCIENCE Questions and answers.
If you have an interesting question - necessarily write
it in the comments below this video.
Do not forget to prolaykat other people's questions, so
we will be able to choose the most interesting ones.
Here are the most interesting questions, who scored more
the number of likes.
Grammar and punctuation in your questions saved
as it is.
Fank790 fan asks: "Good Day, Super Channel!
Tell the effect of insulin the growth of muscles and in general on
body. Thank you.".
Hello and thank you, try)
We already had a full-fledged the release of insulin.
Link to it by tradition will be in the description of this
Insulin is a a peptide hormone
responsible for reducing glucose in our blood.
It has a pronounced anabolic and anti-catabolic effects.
Regulates the action of insulin glucose transport
and uptake by muscle amino acids and fat cells
and glucose.
In addition, the regulated protein synthesis and transport
such important elements as potassium and magnesium.
Thus this hormone really helps
build muscle tissue faster, but because of the existence of
risk gipoglikimii We highly recommend not
it for use by inexperienced athletes.
Simon D. asks: "Heard the opinion that taking
AAS helps stop growth if it's true? ".
Recently we talked about, growth hormone during
up to 25 years can significantly increase the height of a man.
Now we need to briefly tell you how
non-physiological effect testosterone concentration
in our blood on growth ripening period.
It would seem that testosterone increases protein synthesis
and positive impact at the general strengthening of the bone
fabric - all this at first opinion should at least
not to interfere with, and as a maximum help a person to grow
(In terms of increased growth bones in length).
But there is one thing.
The fact that a high testosterone concentration
Blood in our delay a large number of bones
calcium and phosphorus, which causes ossify open germ
zone and, as a consequence, to stop man's height.
In one held experiments 14 summer
Teenagers received small dosage of artificial
testosterone during which their average growth was below
6 centimeters from the forecast performance against
with a group of children who do not receive artificial sex
From this research can be inconclusive
- if you do not want to go foot under the table all their
life, it is not wedged in the work of his hormone
system at least 25 years.
Enver Settarov asks: "Good day of sport since, a question heard
that many members of the power extreme eating raw bull
eggs, since it contains bovine growth hormone and many
vitamins, laykayte friends. "
If we consider the bull eggs from the point of view of food
the product during thermal processed hormones and vitamins,
contained therein are destroyed, and because the resulting high-energy
dish contains in its part of such mineral
substances such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese,
cobalt, fluorine, tin, sulfur, zinc and iodine.
100 grams of finished product It contains about 230 calories,
large number of protein and enough
To food get contained
This product hormones and vitamins B-group must be
use it in a damp a.
And though we always advise you do not ring the eggs - it
not here the case.
Potential risks the use of this product
raw full cover possible
positive effects from its use.
Although scumbags ... sorry, gourmets, there are all sorts,
but if that - we warned you.
Well, do not be a redneck, Like already put under
this video, ask you a question, share
release with your friends and zhmyaknite this zadolbala
all bell.
But what you want to whom it is now easy)
Former president Park Geun-hye makes appearance at first hearing in corruption trial - Duration: 2:28.We start this afternoon at the Seoul Central District Court...
Korea's first-ever impeached president Park Geun-hye, is currently attending her first
trial hearing.
She faces charges of bribery, abuse of power, coercion and leaking government secrets.
This is her first public appearance since her arrest in late March.
Let's connect to our Lee Ji-won who is standing by at the court.
Ji-won,... what do we know so far?
Mark, we are now a bit over two hours into former President Park Geun-hye's first trial
When being seated in the courtroom, Park looked straight ahead,... not even taking the slightest
glimpse at her longtime confidante Choi Soon-sil when Choi came into the room.
Choi on the other hand, gave a simple nod to Park.
The two, however did not make eye-contact.
The justices ordered the cameras out once the hearing was about to start.
And as you were saying, this is Park's first public appearance in 53 days since her detention.
It's mandatory for the accused to attend the hearing,... unlike the two preliminary hearings
where Park was remained at the detention center.
The ousted president is facing 18 charges, including receiving or demanding around 53
million U.S. dollars in bribes from conglomerates such as Samsung and Lotte.
But we are hearing that Park has reportedly denied all her charges against her.
Yes,... not really surprising considering that the former president is facing some very
serious charges.... and could face a long stint behind bars if found guilty.
You briefly touched upon Choi Soon-sil being there,... she is the woman at the heart of
the scandal,... but she isn't the only high-profile figure in the dock today...
That's right, Mark.
Park met Choi in the courtroom for the first time, as well as Lotte Group Chairman Shin
Choi is charged with receiving bribes, while the Lotte chief Shin is accused of handing
out bribes.
Going back to Choi,... the awkward encounter between her and the former president comes
as the court is set to decide today, whether it will merge Park's bribery trial with Choi's
case,... as their charges largely overlap.
Park's legal team objects to the move as they claim the pair were not colluding with each
When asked whether they wanted a trail by jury,... all three declined.
That's all I have for now.
Back to you Mark.
What Happens to Your Body if You Drink Hot Water With an Empty Stomach - Duration: 4:08.What Happens to Your Body if You Drink Hot Water With an Empty Stomach
How do you normally start your day?
With a cup of tea or coffee?
Well, I probably did not know that the best way to start the day is with water.
The human body is composed mainly of water, 75% - muscles, 90% - brain, 22% - bone and
83% of our blood is water.
Understanding this means that we must be aware of the importance of consuming water daily,
especially in the morning.
We should consume 1 to 4 glasses of water each morning.
Below in the article, you will find 10 reasons why you should follow this amazing tip.
Why you should drink water on an empty stomach (10 reasons).
Water is one of the most important things for a healthy life.
Our whole body needs water to run smoothly and to be healthy.
- 1 or 2 glasses of water in the morning, before eating anything, is doing miracles
for your health.
It is the removal of toxins and all the waste products we do not need.
Thanks to this, water helps prevent diseases and increases metabolism at the beginning
of each day.
- During the night the body works by repairing cells and cleaning, therefore, drinking a
glass of water on an empty stomach is very beneficial because this will give a boost
to the body and will release all debris, through the urine.
- Drinking a glass of water or more on an empty stomach helps minimize the harmful effects
of some substances such as alcohol, tobacco, pollution, junk food, among others.
- Water is a great ally for the skin and very beneficial to your health; 2 cups of water
on an empty stomach will help maintain the elasticity and tonicity of the skin and prevent
premature wrinkles.
- Drinking water in the morning protects and hydrates our vital organs and makes them healthy
and keeps them functioning.
- 2 to 3 glasses of water on an empty stomach is ideal for weight loss.
In addition to removing toxins from the body, water helps to burn fat and calories, so it
reduces feelings of hunger by avoiding gaining weight by overeating.
- Water in the morning helps maintain overall good health by helping us maintain healthy
lymphatic system, intestinal transit, helps us control cortisol and defends us against
- Drinking a glass of warm water on an empty stomach is a good way to start the day with
energy, eliminating the sensation of sleep and fatigue that we usually experience in
the morning.
- Drinking water before breakfast is ideal to combat and prevent constipation by stimulating
bowel movement.
- If you experience problems like gastritis, water can become your best ally in treating
this problem.
Drink at least 3 glasses of water on an empty stomach and this will help reduce the level
of acidity in your stomach and the cramps that can cause gastritis.
- It is recommended to start with small amounts of water if you are starting with this habit.
Start with 1 glass of water on an empty stomach and can gradually increase to 2 or 3.
- The water you drink should be of good quality.
So check if the water coming out of your faucet meets drinking water quality standards, otherwise
you should get one that is healthy.
- You can also enjoy the health benefits of lemon with water.
Just add the squeezed lemon juice into a glass with water and enjoy.
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You Friends & Family.
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…det var ikke tyver, det var politiet. - Duration: 3:38.-------------------------------------------
Thiền Đốn Ngộ -Sách Nói Phật Giáo - Duration: 1:42:12.-------------------------------------------
빛나라 은수 121회 - I Still Love You Ep 121 - Duration: 30:30.(Still Loving You)
(Yoonga Food)
Mr. Yoon. Mr. Yoon.
You're late for work, Mr. Lee.
Mr. Yoon, we have a problem. Look at this.
What is this?
It's a new product that Eunha Food will be releasing next week.
But it's similar to our new product.
That's not possible.
I went to Eunha Food and checked.
I think our idea got leaked. What should we do?
Okay, I'll also look into it.
Let's talk about this again later.
What should we do?
What? Okay.
I'll call you back.
Is Eunha Food really releasing a new product that's similar to ours?
What did the factory workers say? Did you talk to them?
Yes, I just did. They've already completed the primary production.
Then do we need to release the product as it is?
Yes. We can't just get rid of what's already made.
I can't believe this.
We'll just have to think of a different marketing plan.
The content of the product is similar,
so we'll just have to come up with better packaging or marketing.
Everything will work out fine. Don't worry too much.
Okay. Thanks.
- What's wrong with you? - Stop it.
Soo Min didn't used to be like that.
It's all because of that punk.
What could be a good idea to separate him from Soo Min?
Take this money and promise that you'll break up with him.
- Is this how you handle things? - That's it.
- Do you think money solves all? - I should try that too.
- You've just wasted your time. - That's it.
Next patient, please enter.
You don't have any more patients, but you have a guest.
Would you like a cup of tea?
No, thank you. The reason I came to see you today is because...
I went home and gave it a lot of thought.
Mochi... No. Soo Min, I don't think you're the right person...
for Hyung Sik.
I will...
- do my best... - That's what everybody says.
That's what marriage is.
Nothing works out as planned.
To be frank, you can't even do anything for Hyung Sik.
Do you know how to do housework?
Do you know how to raise kids?
I'd like Hyung Sik to marry someone who can take care of him.
In that sense, you're not the right person for him.
I know...
that I lack in many ways.
but if you're disapproving of me based on assumptions,
you're wrong.
I don't want to hear this.
I care about Hyung Sik, Woo Ri and Na Ra...
more than anyone else.
Please don't oppose to our marriage.
Does your family approve of it?
Hyung Sik may not be the best eligible man,
but he shouldn't be treated this poorly.
You know how sweet and trustworthy he is.
Of course. That's why I like him.
I truly love him...
and I don't want to let him go.
Are you still staying with Hyung Sik?
Yes, I'll soon move out.
You seem done with work. Let's go together.
I cooked some food for the children.
Yes, coming!
Who could it be?
Who is it?
What brings you here?
Is Soo Min here?
Say hi. This is Soo Min's mom.
I know. Hello.
- Hello. - Hello.
Can you go out and play while the adults talk?
- Dad. - It won't take long.
I'm sorry. Come on in.
Have a seat.
This is where I live.
Does it have one room?
Where does Soo Min sleep?
She sleeps in the room with the kids and I sleep out here.
You've seen this somewhere, haven't you?
I used to be disgusted when I saw it in dramas,
but now that I'm in this situation,
I understand how the moms must have felt to do this.
Do you dislike me that much?
Yes, that's right.
This money...
is as much as I could get my hands on.
Please break up with Soo Min.
I'm the father of the children in Soo Min's belly.
We can't break up now.
Don't worry about them.
I'll raise them as my own.
I don't want to hear you call me mother!
What is this?
It isn't what I think it is, is it?
Are you serious?
Did you really bring this?
Yes, I'm doing everything I can to tear you apart.
I emptied out my emergency fund.
Is this all you brought?
You should stop acting high and mighty.
can bring you more money if you want.
Just tell me if you need more. I'll give it to you.
How long will you keep this up?
What do you mean?
How dare you talk to me like this?
Look at what you're doing.
Are you serious?
No human being...
Actually, if you're my mom,
you can't do this to me.
I'm so upset and embarrassed.
How could you be so selfish?
You don't care how this is killing me inside, do you?
I'm the one who's upset. You don't care though, do you?
- I'm just saying... - If you...
care about me at all, you can't act like this.
You can't treat me like this.
What would you do...
if you had to choose between us two?
What do you want from me?
I love Hyung Sik...
and it's needless to say I love you.
Why are you putting me in a corner?
Please let me have what I want.
I'll beg you like this. Please.
What are you doing here?
I knew this was coming.
I was just here to give you food, but I've changed my mind.
I'm going to stay here for a few days.
Hye Mi.
How is it going?
I feel rushed, but my brain can't keep up.
What is your strength?
You know to look at the product from the customers' ...
and consumers' perspective.
If we want to be competitive...
even when we release a product at the same time as other companies,
I need to come up with a new menu no one else can think of.
I don't have any innovative ideas.
Last time...
you said each region has a different kind of paste.
Like rice and liquor that represents each region,
why don't we make doenjang that fits the characteristics of each area?
Like Yesan doenjang for Yesan, Naju doenjang for Naju...
and mujang in Seoul?
Yes, people are becoming more an more interested in food.
Now various ingredients are required.
All right, I'll give it a try.
- Let's try it! - Let's try it!
Be careful! There have been several burglaries at arcades recently.
Why isn't he here yet?
Oh, no.
Soon Jeong, it's me. Soon Jeong?
Are you okay?
- Oh, my. - Seung Hoon.
Soon Jeong.
What took you so long?
I was scared to death!
You must've been scared.
It's okay now.
I'll stay with you.
Seung Hoon, don't go anywhere.
You have to stay by my side from now on.
All right. Don't cry.
What's this?
(Wedding Invitation)
Why are you sighing as if the world is coming to an end?
Beom Gyu, have some juice.
- Thank you. - You too.
I guess they're finally getting married.
Who's getting married?
I recently had a school reunion.
A friend told me that her daughter's going to get married to a lawyer.
She finally sent me a wedding invitation.
They're getting married at the best hotel in Seoul.
This is why I'm so upset.
My friend's daughter doesn't even have a job.
But her soon-to-be husband is a lawyer with a promising future.
Soo Min, on the other hand, is a doctor.
But she wants to get married to...
a good-for-nothing webtoon artist who had two kids.
Does this even make sense?
How did your friend's daughter...
meet her fiance ?
I think they met on a blind date.
Did they promise that they'll open a law firm for him?
Well, my friend's rich.
That's such a loveless marriage.
I may not know exactly, but it does smell fishy.
I'm against that. No.
Your friend's practically selling her daughter away.
It's much better than what I'm going through right now.
My goodness. I think Soo Min has the better deal.
Soon Jeong's right. I don't agree with that kind of marriage either.
Yes? What?
Are you taking Soo Min and that punk's side?
What? Well, no.
That's not what I meant.
We need to talk.
Hey, what did I do wrong?
Just go and... Never mind.
Just tell her that you're sorry.
She's so hot-tempered.
What's going on?
Father's always so careful around Mother these days.
I agree. Mother's always yelling at him too.
Don't you feel apologetic towards Soo Min?
What do you mean?
We gave Mother such a hard time.
That's why she was so persistent about choosing a guy for Soo Min.
Don't you agree?
That does make sense.
I suddenly feel sorry towards Soo Min.
That's why I told you that we can't become in-laws.
You shouldn't have gotten married to Soo Ho.
Are you blaming me for everything?
I do have a point, don't you think?
When will you ever admit to what happened eight years ago?
I'd like to say more about this,
but I'm going to let it go because you're pregnant.
What else can she do?
- Move over. - Sorry?
At this rate, you won't be able to feed the kids breakfast.
I told you to just focus on your job as a doctor.
I'm going to take a cooking class starting next month.
I don't plan to have a competent sister-in-law.
I already know because I work at an insurance company.
It's not easy to have a career and do housework at the same time.
So just look for a guy who can afford to hire a maid...
so that you can continue to keep working as a doctor.
I also...
don't plan to become a superwoman.
That's not what I have in mind.
But I'm just saying that I'd like to...
give it my best for my family.
Reality is different.
You really don't understand me, do you?
- We'll see you after school. - Okay.
Have a good day.
It's hard, isn't it?
I'm going to live at my friend's house starting from today.
No way. Where do you think you're going?
If I stay, it'll be hard for both you and the kids.
I already settled things with my friend, so don't worry.
Soo Min.
Don't put on a sad face.
We need to cheer up.
There are so many people watching us.
At times like this, we need to show them that we're okay...
and that we're happy.
You're a lot more mature than I am.
Can you bring me some fried tofu rice balls later?
I want to eat your handmade fried tofu rice balls.
Okay. I'll make them for you.
- Bye. - Bye.
- See you later. - Okay.
Because of that, we'll need to develop a new product again.
We need to submit a project proposal until next weekend.
Let's do our best and give it another try.
- Okay. - Okay.
How are the consumers reacting to our dehydrated soy paste...
that got released along with Eunha Food's new product?
We released it later than them, so the sales isn't all that great.
We're still promoting the product, but they have a higher market share.
I'd normally tell you guys to go home by now,
but let's give it our best even if it's going to take us some time.
- Okay. - Okay.
Are you still working?
Yes, I'm busy with the new product.
Oh, well.
You always came to my office to read a fairy tale book for our baby.
But you didn't come today.
Gosh, I forgot. I'm sorry.
- Let's take a 10-minute break. - What?
That feels nice.
I really like it when you work hard.
But please take some rest once in a while.
I know the company is important.
But to me, our family is more important.
What will I do if you get sick?
We've changed a lot.
It was awkward to do these kind of things in the past.
Do you think so?
Then should I also...
pick your ears and clip your nails like Eun Soo does for Soo Ho?
Really? I'd love that.
I didn't know that you'd be the jealous type.
Many senior citizens die alone these days.
Without any relatives around...
There are so many stories about old people on the news these days.
They live and die alone.
Then their corpse gets found after many days.
Some elderly people even fight and kill each other.
It's because the elderly population has increased.
I heard it's going to increase even more. I'm so worried.
If more elderly people end up causing trouble like they do,
the younger generation won't respect us at all.
They'll only think of us as an obstacle.
Things like that are happening because they're lonely.
If their children visit and call them more often,
that won't ever happen.
- My goodness. - It has increased by 8.8 percent.
That could also happen to me.
Including revenge...
What's with you all of a sudden?
When I used to live alone, I was so bored and scared.
There was no one I could talk to.
And it's not like I could chat with my housemaid.
Isn't it nice to live here?
At least it's not boring.
Now that we're on the subject,
would you be interested in doing volunteer work?
I've already done it a couple times.
My goodness. I'm not talking about going there a couple times.
We can make side dishes together...
and deliver them to elderly people who live by themselves.
We can also chat with them and keep them company.
Can't I just donate money?
My gosh. Donation itself is also great.
But it'll be rewarding to do volunteer work together.
My gosh, I don't even know how to cook.
You'll be of great help even just by peeling onions.
Let's not just sit around. Let's go to the support center right now.
Get up. Come on.
My gosh.
Aunt Soon Jeong.
I don't believe you. Are you happy about leaving home?
How could you give your roommate a single call?
I'm sorry.
Are you feeling okay?
Of course.
I gained weight and my pants are tight,
but other than that I'm good.
When are you coming back?
As you know, it's as if someone died at home.
Even this morning, Beom Gyu and Seon Young...
where fighting and it was chaos.
Your mom is sick in bed again.
I'm sorry.
You don't have to apologize to me.
You can't...
keep this up forever.
Are you...
planning to move into his place?
I don't believe it. Why aren't you answering?
You can't do that. It's your first marriage.
It's Hyung Sik's first marriage as well.
Your mom feels frustrated because you act like this.
No matter what we say, you stand up for Hyung Sik first.
You should keep your mouth shut in times like this.
How could you have no flexibility at all?
That's who I am.
Soo Min, your fried tofu rice balls are here.
Oh, hi.
You must be playing house.
I brought some fried tofu rice balls for Soo Min.
You should have some too.
I fried the rice and they'll taste good.
No, thank you. You two enjoy it by yourselves.
I don't want to be the third wheel.
Goodbye, Aunt.
I'm sorry for being so late. You must be hungry.
Here. I brought fried tofu rice balls...
and gimbap.
Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.
Soo Min must've felt pretty upset.
No, I'm the adult.
I should tell her what's happening at home.
I'm sorry, but we're closed for...
What brings you here at this hour?
I couldn't keep myself from coming after what happened yesterday.
I'll watch you close and leave with you.
Seung Hoon.
Give that to me. I'll wipe the tables.
No, it's okay.
It's dirty. Have a seat while I finish up.
It's all right.
I'll clean the tables...
while you tidy the counter.
And let's have dinner. I made reservations at a Japanese place.
I finally got lucky at midlife.
Congratulations, Eun Ho.
You worked hard for this.
Thank you.
What did Mom and Grandma say?
They're very happy.
What is it?
Eun Ho passed the civil servant exam.
Congratulations, Eun Ho! I'll treat you out soon.
Nice. Okay, Soo Ho.
He said okay.
I wish I could be there to congratulate you.
It's okay, I'm going to get a beer with Mr. Kim.
Really? That's good. Have fun.
That's impressive.
I heard 40 to 50 people take the test for 1 opening.
It was hard.
He had a part time job driving and even joined a weird company.
It must have all been just part of the process.
Your 20s should be the best time of your life,
but he suffered all kinds of hardships.
What's wrong with me? I'm tearing up.
You're like his mom.
I was always worried about him since Dad died during his puberty.
I feel happier for him than when he got accepted into university.
Only good things await us.
I'll do my best as well.
You're going to cry for me too, won't you?
You're jealous about the weirdest things.
I'll cry my eyes out for you.
- Congratulations once again. - Thank you.
It took a while,
but you achieve your goal.
I'm not sure if this is the right job for me yet.
Is there anything else you'd like to do?
Actually, I'm helping Hyung Sik with his webtoon.
I come up with the stories and help him organize them.
Is that so?
I didn't know you had a knack for that.
I was surprised at first.
I didn't expect myself to have such a talent.
All I did was study before then.
It's an interesting job,
but isn't as stable as a civil servant.
You'll have to make the decision for yourself,
but I'm sure there are pros and cons for everything.
Give it a good thought.
I'll support you regardless of the decision you make.
All right.
Let's go in.
I'm sorry to be sick on your day off.
Will you two be okay going grocery shopping together?
We'll be fine.
Even Soo Ho and his dad have business to take care of today.
Bit Na, think about your baby and be careful.
Okay, Soo Hyun will pick us up after work.
All right. Be careful.
We will. Go in and get some rest.
They said they'll deliver the tofu to us.
Zucchini, vegetables, onions, potatoes...
Do we have a lot to buy?
Are you tired? Let me take that.
No, it's fine.
You can wait in the car if you're tired. I can manage by myself.
Who pulls the cart like this?
Hurry up and buy the things we need.
Are you hungry?
Come this way.
This is the only place to eat. It's fine, isn't it?
I guess.
Mom told me...
that you love gukbap and intestines.
Here you go.
Thank you.
You said you're hungry. Let's eat.
Sundae is not only good with salt,
but it's even better if you eat it like this.
I know that too. Don't pretend to be so much older than I am.
I'm much older than you are.
Just think of it as advice from someone who's lived longer.
I thought you'd say you wouldn't come to the market so early...
and was surprised you came.
I have a strong sense of responsibility.
How could I stay put when you were planning to come alone?
Look. What were you going to do without me?
We worked pretty well together. It ended faster than I thought.
Don't think of making me work at the restaurant.
I'm really tired.
Oh, no.
Eun Soo.
Eun Soo. Eun Soo!
Eun Soo!
(Still Loving You)
Soo Min. Why don't you just live with us?
Hurry up and get married to our dad.
Why did you cook so much?
Did you cook this for Eun Soo?
It's quite obvious.
Why are you sleeping outside, Beom Gyu?
Did Seon Young kick you out?
What do you want me to do?
Do you think I feel comfortable?
I can't stand seeing my brother get mistreated like that by your mom.
So you better come up with a decision.
二十秒示範電影售票人員 - Duration: 0:27.-------------------------------------------
Bangla Gojol Naat ♥ sondhar tara gulo bole jay amak ♥ Bangla Islamic Songs - Duration: 5:35.Bangla Gojol Naat ♥ sondhar tara gulo bole jay amak ♥ Bangla Islamic Songs
The Secret of Strengths - Bovine Eggs, Insulin and Muscles, Steroids and Growth - Duration: 3:50.Hello, you SPORT SCIENCE Questions and answers.
If you have an interesting question - necessarily write
it in the comments below this video.
Do not forget to prolaykat other people's questions, so
we will be able to choose the most interesting ones.
Here are the most interesting questions, who scored more
the number of likes.
Grammar and punctuation in your questions saved
as it is.
Fank790 fan asks: "Good Day, Super Channel!
Tell the effect of insulin the growth of muscles and in general on
body. Thank you.".
Hello and thank you, try)
We already had a full-fledged the release of insulin.
Link to it by tradition will be in the description of this
Insulin is a a peptide hormone
responsible for reducing glucose in our blood.
It has a pronounced anabolic and anti-catabolic effects.
Regulates the action of insulin glucose transport
and uptake by muscle amino acids and fat cells
and glucose.
In addition, the regulated protein synthesis and transport
such important elements as potassium and magnesium.
Thus this hormone really helps
build muscle tissue faster, but because of the existence of
risk gipoglikimii We highly recommend not
it for use by inexperienced athletes.
Simon D. asks: "Heard the opinion that taking
AAS helps stop growth if it's true? ".
Recently we talked about, growth hormone during
up to 25 years can significantly increase the height of a man.
Now we need to briefly tell you how
non-physiological effect testosterone concentration
in our blood on growth ripening period.
It would seem that testosterone increases protein synthesis
and positive impact at the general strengthening of the bone
fabric - all this at first opinion should at least
not to interfere with, and as a maximum help a person to grow
(In terms of increased growth bones in length).
But there is one thing.
The fact that a high testosterone concentration
Blood in our delay a large number of bones
calcium and phosphorus, which causes ossify open germ
zone and, as a consequence, to stop man's height.
In one held experiments 14 summer
Teenagers received small dosage of artificial
testosterone during which their average growth was below
6 centimeters from the forecast performance against
with a group of children who do not receive artificial sex
From this research can be inconclusive
- if you do not want to go foot under the table all their
life, it is not wedged in the work of his hormone
system at least 25 years.
Enver Settarov asks: "Good day of sport since, a question heard
that many members of the power extreme eating raw bull
eggs, since it contains bovine growth hormone and many
vitamins, laykayte friends. "
If we consider the bull eggs from the point of view of food
the product during thermal processed hormones and vitamins,
contained therein are destroyed, and because the resulting high-energy
dish contains in its part of such mineral
substances such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese,
cobalt, fluorine, tin, sulfur, zinc and iodine.
100 grams of finished product It contains about 230 calories,
large number of protein and enough
To food get contained
This product hormones and vitamins B-group must be
use it in a damp a.
And though we always advise you do not ring the eggs - it
not here the case.
Potential risks the use of this product
raw full cover possible
positive effects from its use.
Although scumbags ... sorry, gourmets, there are all sorts,
but if that - we warned you.
Well, do not be a redneck, Like already put under
this video, ask you a question, share
release with your friends and zhmyaknite this zadolbala
all bell.
But what you want to whom it is now easy)
PROTECCION PERSONAL EN CONTAMINACION ELECTROMAGNETICA La salud del hábitat (Programa 28) - Duration: 59:31.-------------------------------------------
Russian Lullaby - Mother Bear Lullaby. Umka cartoon. Chords and lyrics. Lullaby TV - Duration: 4:25.Spooning the snow, The night is going great
Why are you, silly, not sleeping?
Your neighbors are sleeping, white bears
Sleep and you my baby!
Your neighbors are sleeping, white bears,
Sleep and you my baby!
We are sailing on an ice floe, like a brigantine
On the gray, stern seas
And all night long the neighbors, star bears
Shine distant ships
And all night long the neighbors, star bears
Shine distant ships
Spooning the snow, The night is going great
Why are you, silly, not sleeping?
Your neighbors are sleeping, white bears
Sleep and you my baby!
Your neighbors are sleeping, white bears
Sleep and you my baby!
Bangla Gojol Naat ♥ sondhar tara gulo bole jay amak ♥ Bangla Islamic Songs - Duration: 5:35.Bangla Gojol Naat ♥ sondhar tara gulo bole jay amak ♥ Bangla Islamic Songs
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