Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Youtube daily report May 24 2017

the good thing about turpentine is it

doesn't kill the parasites inside the

body what it does it's turpentine make

an environment that the parasites they

want to get out to the body and the

proper size have histamine all kinds of

toxins I'm heavy metal that they carry

so if you kill them then you have

another problem the body to get rid of

the parasites inside the body that all

the protocols that I know of that exist

that's the way they do it

also you have the stoppers which are

electrical devices the same thing it

kills them inside the body then you have

to get rid of that surface sign they say

where is the door I want to get out of

your body now we have in two months one

kid that went down from 19 the a Tech

which is autistic to seven in two months

this are I hope this year this has been

going on since three months ago we

started with this project

the lady in Victoria Suns in Spain she's

the one that's been talking to autistic

parents and they are the ones that are

doing this with the turpentine every one

of these kids has gone down in record

time this has never happened with any

other protocol and so I have some scores

here for example for it eight years old

this started in April with a score of 67

in three months is down to 26 okay Holly

eight years old from 70 to 48 same thing

three months here's another one

42 41 Yahoo there's Brian from 19 to 7

he lost he's no longer artistic this

one's he's 12 years old

Tiziano mignons from 47 to 17 francisco

10 years old from 20 or 21 29 to 18

Esther saw Gary from 62-36 Cammie five

years old

37 to 21 Marcela Athenian 28 to 17-mile

Itamar Sunita from 26 25 to 17

Samwell estará from

26 to 13 the list goes on and these are

real numbers this is not an opinion so

this is true this is we never seen this

before this is all with turpentine key

points as he says drop the sugar drop

all the bridge no bread no caffeine and

zero day we melt not milk products melts

our Ford car you know cows that's it

except mother's milk which is that's it

those are the basic rules do that an

autistic the autism that they say oh

there they are born no they are not

going our way they are born fine and all

of a sudden they put the vaccines in

it's a problem with the vaccines and the

parasites and Candida and all the

chemicals it throws them off and the

other problem is since I still remember

it from under a scalpers conference this

is not the only brain we have in this

area so much there are even more neurons

in the area than in the brain toxins of

PARs I think they get down there and

it's like what do you feel when you're

going out with your loved one and evil

so with another girl where do you feel

it down here in the gut like this one

okay so that's all the toxins that's

where they mess up the kids and that

they go out to space so when you put the

turpentine in there we've seen a record

in today's eye to eye contact just in

two days from the first day protect

Parkinson's disease okay so you think

timer I would easily yeah but do you

know for indeed not all of those are

India we have a forum I'm going to the

Dames right now there is an important

Facebook there is a group called SPD

tools there are trementina that's the

name it's a close group just requested

and we grant access right there we are

almost 2,000 people there in less than

two months

that's how fast we're growing we need to

our agreement Tina that's the name

already there is another group which is


trementina in our dish know which is

from the same we made another group

specially for autism

because we were getting you know so many

people for parole Parkinson's

Alzheimer's plus autism and is it let's

put another group for autism so all the

mothers are getting into that group

there is a forum which is trementina dot

ml that is the website which is outside

the Facebook and of course everything

about turpentine and within one parent

II have um - ma ma zouri where instead

of comm or.net is dot ml that's the name

of the site okay oh yeah well then to

the Candida in turpentine when really

kills it kills the Candida okay the far

side it makes them go out of the body

Yuri doesn't kill them because you okay

let's talk about the doses that we use

here okay this is Jennifer Daniels

protocol okay dr. Daniels you start the

for you only have to do this once it's

four days in a row it's only in many

liters that you're going to take the

turpentine with quite sure it has to be

with white shirt because that is the

bait for Candida in the system this can

be done the body goes I got right into

the white sugar so when you put

turpentine on it okay that the candy

that eats the sugar and it dies that

fast so the maximum dose by dr. Daniels

is 5 ml five millilitres maximum dose we

don't recommend that much all right

it makes you kind of dizzy 99% of the

people you know about that right okay so

we brought it down to three ml maximum

per dose so what you know for kids there

is a protocol in the spirituality

mantilla are intermittent aunty so as a

PDF file with the protocol for it

depends on their weight and and

basically if you it's all written there

you'll find it in the group and how many

one have anything any turpentine certain

design your youth needed to be re total

benzene and with me to ethereal and

turpentine right to experiment energy

Spanish yes

how much consumer why okay I'm on the

sugar okay you don't use for a template

the idea would be if you could get the

little square remember the sugar dough

mean envelope so here I haven't been

able to get them so I just use regular

sugar one milliliter is 24 drops okay

that's the rule from a regular proper so

you put enough sugar to saturate you

know those 24 drops no less you can put

a little bit more sugar but not less

sure some people suggest to use honey no

don't do that because even dr. Daniel

says sugar is better because it is the

worst sugar and the one that candy that

goes right after it why should you can

you start sugar to burn sugar the basic

you know moisture is the best sure okay

I neither this four days in a row just

one time you don't need to do it more

than once it's four times and they ask

you that you do it twice a week if you

have any condition you just keep on

twice a week until whatever the

condition is gets resolved okay I do it

once a week for maintenance I have some

pictures of me sure they're there I'm in

the forum what it does to dogs you give

that to a dog and you're going to see

live parasites coming up that and she

knows about it and they see our dog I

mean there you see them life come on

through a little wrinkled sofyan putting

them in five in four by three month time

for lifetime if you want you can have it

a week twice a week you can have it

twice a week once a week I do it for

maintenance purpose once a week to three

milliliters ensure once a week that's

all I do

dr. Daniel said you can even do it once

a month but the problem is we keep

eating here you know vegetable to stop

it you can have little eggs in there

okay so if I I don't want to wait a

month so I used to it once a week just

to make for maintenance purposes we'll

do it on my white does it so the arrival

will be four days in row one time then

twice then twice a week if you have any

condition if you're trying to treat

something if you're sick if you have a

cancer or a tumor because

dr. Daniel says she has thousands of

cases of tumors and cancers she has a

paralysis people have been on a crutch

walking from now they don't need it

that's how strong this is dr. Daniel he

mentioned the story a little bit she was

in New York she's a medical doctor and

she started treating her patients

this has been for the last 30 years and

all of a sudden you know she started not

giving at processions then the doctors

you know they start coming after her hey

why are you all prescriptions here

you're descending and you want to be to

get our x-rays they literally forced her

out she said - what is it as they call

her a terrorist right it's like a

medical tourists computers she has to

move to Panama she lives in phenomena

that's not being handled more or less

the same thing audience exactly because

she was curing everyone with turpentine

this is not new she's done it for 30

years so this and basically acted on

this powerful stuff I wanted to ask you

about the ECMA s if you were to do

something with because DC and is is

number of this money an antiparasite not

so much if you follow cars I turn it up

a little bit so it is good to clean

yourself with with this and then go into

ECMs how it makes you mentioned the

other things I have to go with this and

as I mentioned in my seminar the

geniuses that came to Chicago that have

been curing autism for years because you

can't get into the United States and try

to change that medical system there it's

too powerful okay but these geniuses the

number one thing they all said it in

their seminars was the stopping of

crystalline or refined sugar you have to

stop that for this to be successful okay

and that's what this GcMAF that we had

here today okay does this stops the

craving for refined sugars

pineapples papayas cherries berries all

these other antioxidant types and

complex sugars are the perfect food

these are ones were what we're in the

Garden of Eden okay overdose on them if

you give too much pineapple is going to

be in the toilet okay your body when

these little boxes we were talking about

the signal boxes when they're full the

rest of it if you eat the ten pounds of

carrots or three pineapples most of it's

going to be in your urine or in your

mouth it just will not accept anymore is

when it tops off it says I don't need

this and that's what your kidneys are

for that compounds that are in your

kidneys are the compounds of the body

does not need and also some contaminants

so when you do your therapy as those

contaminants come in they go to the cell

I don't have that contaminant put it on

the matrix and now you have this

immunity and the antibodies to this we

all have them that's why we're here

today because we have to get your

function otherwise you recommend the

serpentine the cesium and and we came

here as the three most hey listen I am

stopping refined

this is where the Candida comes this

Italian guy knows all about enacting

yeah the monarchy when he kept it on

okay Rosanna yep she knows all about

this guy he's he and I it's all over the

internet too that this stuff starts with

Candida okay now who Carol mentioned how

the parasites tried to read the body I

had this experience okay

I took three drops of turpentine and I

put them under my tongue no sugar just

the three drugs and as a researcher

along my nerve lines

like like this line right here for my

pocket and this here and this year okay

for these red dots these parasites were

jumping out of my body yeah at these

junctions yeah yeah whoo come on I did

have a patient this guy was a black

copper and he was an alcoholic and he

was real sick

I gave him the turbine and I what I

would do is mix these four bottles

I put the turpentine in the bottle put

the sugar in a bottle with a cap on it

and prepare these for my patients

because you know you tell him to do it

and he might do it they might do it

wrong they might not even do it okay so

I would prepare these four bottles and

bring them to them okay and after the

first bottle this guy called me up and

he said he saw a clear parasite in the

toilet wiggling around in there it

jumped out of his body to his rectum

okay and I don't think people there I

mention about the girl that had it's in

the forum you were going to go her

Facebook your own after this following

day when she took the turpentine and

sugar a worm came out of her eye that's

one we have I don't want another one

from her nose they're all posted in the

group you see the pictures there so if

you're if you're gonna want to say yeah

oh yeah we are here the patient in

Californian state that mailed me photos

of a worm that crawled out of her eye

generally the same day a big maggot

about maybe half an inch long again so

if you're an autistic children and

you're being treated with turpentine and

then how often we use the GC MA

how often would you do I just ended

seven it was never going to use it not

these four nominees I wonder the time I

know you're all excited about what's

going on here okay these questions and

we want everybody to hear the answers


this can't get this autistic it's done

okay done you're done medicating I mean

if you if you have a headache and you

take some aspirin and the headache goes

away you don't think you take any

aspirin is what I'm saying is while

you're in the treatment when you're

starting to use the turpentine and

everything yeah then how often would you

use it

GCM and then you can use it in

conjunction with it okay and like once a

day oh I see what you're saying

no that GcMAF we only use it at bedtime

and only three drops under the tongue

okay now you people want to have an

autism you don't have cancer you don't

have diabetes okay but you can take this

stuff okay because you want to reinforce

your gut okay refit and Rehab your gut

and this is where everything starts okay

let's say your center of your nutrition

nothing else let's go straight to the

brain and you start metabolizing your

food that's where that Center there is

of these of this triangle when these

three joint that's what GcMAF does but

it would be simple and he'll make you

get cured yeah could this wheat or

something like you don't usually ah ah I

don't make it every day I've got it on

my desk in Chicago once in a while I

took a little sip of this stuff okay you

don't but when you get healthy other

things start falling in a line you know

you show me yours sugar addict okay this

doesn't make a lot of sense what already

there's the kid our that is in the

Presidio bottles of turpentine which is

only two weeks two days a week and he's

going down

how about then using the days that he's

not taking the turpentine to do the

sublingual GcMAF

and alternated or can actually you know

every day it's all

research okay when I start getting cured

like that she says you come you're like

pudding like I say you put a coat of

paint on five coats of paint

okay are we taking more aspirin after

your headache is done

you let the body start doing it okay

this is what what all these medications

are about when you get hooked on

medications what it does especially like

this one I find as an example is

diabetes the medications for diabetes

destroy the liver they destroy the

kidneys they destroy the pancreas and

then this person dies because they have

to have the sugar they just cannot stop

their sugars and when a doctor says well

what are you doing here

well I'm addicted to sugar well okay

they figure that this person so stupid

they can't change their lifestyle so

when you want to have a piece of pie or

a bottle of coke or something like that

just take more insulin just you know

you're stupid

you got to this condition you've been

doing it for years you can't change so

medicate it okay I just little girl in

Idol she was a sugar freak her mother

used to find candies under her pillow

okay she went to the doctor and the

doctor said let her eat it okay

just give her more insulin a

twelve-year-old girl just shoot her up

with some more insulin which yet when

you find her with the candy I'd like to

shoot the factor comment with the

question what will make that for me

which remaining basic scrolling quoting

in the body first with her pants on

because you want to remove all the

parasites and then nourishing the body

would be visually and I can do it yes

sirree she in the body with that would

that make them really cleaning the body

first and then orange in it

well when I'm contact you know this is

this like the Marines on FedEx

if you take GcMAF it goes to work very

very fast so you don't have to take it

for maintenance it just does its work

and you're done

okay then now it's up to your lifestyle

bananas marries in water a good night's

sleep a relationship you know the things

that did life is made about because

these things weren't available to 3,000

years ago

okay people had a lifestyle there was no

coca-cola there was no McDonald's okay

there was grains out there that were

actually very very nourishing now

they're all genetically modified they

have note no substance superb thinking

and the stress that we have out there

the emotional stresses the financial

stresses the religious stresses the

family stresses these are all acidic so

we have to offset them with an alkaline

behavior okay so whatever way you want

to maintain it but you don't have to

keep medicating it once you get into a

healthy lifestyle say and oxygen your

immune system get stepped up your

nutrition and it all meets in the middle

at this metabolism that something to get

in your meryl and then make a new brain

cell a new I so no hard sell okay that's

that's what life is all about and then

your body when the cell you take a

healthy cell and you're divided okay it

comes out healthy then come out sick

okay you take a six cell you divide it

it's probably savings so once we make

this purification in the body do you

start making new cells okay and this

reverses the aging process okay

there's not anybody that I know of that

will guess that I'm 71 years old nobody


I'll bet the farm okay what have I done

with these endorphins the tapping my

lifestyle changes over the last 17 years

okay I reverse the aging process and

these cells are coming out brand new

every day

okay they're going to be rapid other

than just I want to leave a couple of

names here just okay so it for any

additional turpentine information as far

as I know these three people here that

are currently working on it

Damaris is from BLT into the altar area

do one for autorai area okay and myself

local area I don't know anyone in the

island so eventually I guess you know

we'll work together and expand this

forward so that's what we have a farce

turpentine those are the groups

For more infomation >> Dr. Mike Witort ● Turpentine ● Parasites ● Protocols - Duration: 22:17.


CAMILA NO TIENE UN PLAN | Sentimientos - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> CAMILA NO TIENE UN PLAN | Sentimientos - Duration: 2:03.


The creation of Dementia Is it fusion? | (THEORY) Villainous / Villanos - Duration: 2:49.

Theory. The creation of Dementia. Is it a fusion?

Let's start.

Look at this, see?

There is an image that seems to be the plans of Demencia,this could be a joke or might suggest that it is a creation.

Also look at this:

There is a line that seems to divide it in half.

Which could mean that its design is not only purely aesthetic.

Just look at it well.

Different shoe color on each foot, different types of gloves on each arm, sock ripped on one leg.

Her outfit is not symmetrical and this could be just because she's crazy and likes to dress like that, but that's not all.

Look at his eyes. One pupil is completely different from the other.

Also take into account that she has two-colored hair, green and pink. This may not be a coincidence.

Now let's get back to the blueprints. The words written there are indistinguishable except for some letters, but there is something that draws much attention me.

Which is up underlined in large letters should be the name of the project, or rather of Dementia,

but in those little understandable words hardly says her name, but it can be something clearly distinguished and is that there are two names or at least two words in the title.

Whatever it is, for what is here, she is much more mysterious than we think.

Will it be an artificial human? An android? A modified human? Could Dementia be the fusion of two different people? Is this the cause of his madness?

We hope to know soon.

It's just a theory.

If you liked the video, give it Like and Suscribe to see more videos as well.

Do not forget to leave your opinion in the comment box.

For more infomation >> The creation of Dementia Is it fusion? | (THEORY) Villainous / Villanos - Duration: 2:49.


Plant based Athlete interview/ Entrevista con Plant based Athlete - Duration: 14:31.

For more infomation >> Plant based Athlete interview/ Entrevista con Plant based Athlete - Duration: 14:31.


El Diario De Una Niña De 5 Años Mi amiga imaginaria lisa - Duration: 3:17.

On the Internet there are many stories and myths urban, nobody knows who made them and the day

from today we have a series of drawings are of those

CREEPYPASTA. It is said that a girl wrote this diary with drawings, where he talks about his

imaginary friend "Lisa" who follows everywhere. It's a terrifying story so

that nothing else to say let's start

She is Lisa is my friend, my mom and dad They can not see it, so they said it is a

imaginary friend.

Today I wanted to plant a flower in the yard. I tried to do so in the sandbox, but Lisa

He said that's where his dad is sleeping. So I planted in a pot.

Lisa is at school with me today, I brought for "show and tell" but Miss

Monroe was angry because he can not see Lisa. Lisa was so sad that hid the draft

the board. Yesterday was my birthday party. mom brought

pizza but nobody came. Lisa said people He came to the porch and then left. They left

gifts. I got 3 dolls and some shoes and 5 dollars. Lisa and I played with

the dolls. Miss Monroe did not come to school.

The substitute teacher called Miss Digman. She's cute and good and let us eat

after the lunch hour daily. Me would that be Miss Digman

as our teacher. Lisa and I went yesterday to give us a long walk

until the moon rose. Dad got angry Lisa lot and she said that was false and stupid.

Lisa was sad and disappeared. Not today He came to school but Miss Digman

He said Miss Monroe will not return. Dad was at work all day

Yesterday. Or he did not come home for dinner. today todavúa is there. Mom packed me a pudding for

the lunch today. I love pudding. I miss Lisa. Dad is very busy

the job. He did not come home at all weekend of week. Mom is mad at him. I go

to write a letter to Lisa.

Dear Lisa, I miss you. Please come back. I am sorry that my dad was wrong with you,

you're my best friend.

Lisa returned yesterday. I apologized for I have gone and told him that my dad did not come

to home. Lisa said Miss Monroe and he is sleeping like his dad. I hope

awaken soon ...

For more infomation >> El Diario De Una Niña De 5 Años Mi amiga imaginaria lisa - Duration: 3:17.


Baby Learn Colors Superheroes Hulk | For Kids Funny - Duration: 2:59.

Baby Learn Colors Superheroes Hulk | For Kids Funny

For more infomation >> Baby Learn Colors Superheroes Hulk | For Kids Funny - Duration: 2:59.


Common Mistakes In English: Wear and Use - Duration: 3:19.

Should I wear or should I use?

What do you think?

Hey, guys teacher Prix here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in English.

In this video, I want to help you student, English speaker to understand the different

between use and wear.

This is a very common mistake we make in any level ok?

beginner, intermediate, pre-intermediate, advanced speaker, we all make this mistake

every now and then.

So, I'll tell you the difference and show you some examples.

So, if you enjoy this kind of video leave a thumbs up, click like and share this video

with your friends, why not.

But here we go, let's talk about use.

We use the verb use to describe general objects, general situations use a cell phone, use the

computer, use the bathroom.

Hey, can I use your phone?


Ok, cleaning the phone, Jesus!

I can't remember the last time I used this app, delete!

These examples show how you can use "use" in conversations in sentences and if you pay

attention at the examples they are all very general, ok?

Now, let's talk about wear.

Anything you put on your body, anything you put on you, if you need to talk about that

in English you will use the verb wear.

Quick observation here there are other kinds of verbs that are used to describe "wearing"

ok but I will focus on "wear" which is the most common mistake students make, ok? but

there are phrasal verbs we can use to describe things we wear.

As I was saying, any accessory even the perfume you, you should use the verb wear.

Wear glasses, wear an earring, wear a bracelet, wear a ring, ok you should use the verb wear.

let's see more examples: hey, do I look cool wearing these sunglasses?

Hey, can you believe last night I went to Jackie's party and she was wearing the same

dress I was wearing.

Can you believe that?Damn it, small town!

Tomorrow is mother's day, I'm thinking of getting my mom a new watch.

She loves to wear watches.There you go, some examples to show you the difference between

wear and use, ok?

I hope you liked the examples and the video.

Don't forget to share this video with your friends and give it a thumbs up and if you

wanna write your phrases with wear and use so that I can correct leave it in the comments

and I'll make sure to check it out!

Thanks, guys and I'll see you next time!


For more infomation >> Common Mistakes In English: Wear and Use - Duration: 3:19.


Chỉ 4 Củ Tỏi + 4 Quả Chanh Quét Sạch Mỡ Máu Thần Kỳ Cứ 100 Người Thì 99 Người Bỏ Phí Công Thức Này - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Chỉ 4 Củ Tỏi + 4 Quả Chanh Quét Sạch Mỡ Máu Thần Kỳ Cứ 100 Người Thì 99 Người Bỏ Phí Công Thức Này - Duration: 3:39.


Sh*t I Never Knew: WD40 On Chrome, Final Update #4! - Duration: 7:04.

- We had previously,

if you go back and watch

WD-40 Protection for Painted Wheels,

we have proven that works.

It works like a dream.

We still have, pretty much,

every vehicle we have here covered with that product,

with WD-40 on the black painted wheels.

It's workin' great.

But we wanted to try it on chrome wheels,

because everybody was asking.

I happen to have these newish chrome wheels

on the H2 Hummer.

So I figured why not give it a shot this winter.

See what happens.

So this one had been coated.

It looked good after about six weeks.

We washed it,

re-coated it again,

have run it now for about three, four more weeks.

And now I'm about to just wash it up

and kind of see where we're at,

and see if we're doin' good as far as

corrosion and pitting and keepin'

all that salt and stuff off of here.

Typically, you cannot run these at all in Wisconsin

because they'll have huge pits in them in about four weeks.

So we're definitely doing better

than if we wouldn't have protected 'em.

But this will be my chance

being that this wheel was completely

perfect when we started.

It had no pitting whatsoever.

To see if the WD-40 is holding up against winter.

We'll get her washed up

and tell you how we're doing.

Back at the Custom Offsets Ranch, winter's over.

Sun is shining.

It's gonna be 70 today.

So it's time to wash these wheels up

and tell you how I did.

You guys had the idea,

and I don't know if,

A-man, you're probably going to show 'em the beginning

of this movie, right?

So now we're at the end the movie?

You guys had the idea,

told me to put WD-40 on some other products

on my chrome wheels to see if they'd do well in the winter.

And we'll see what the results are.

I can tell you from a little sneak peek,

it didn't go well.

So let's get into it.

(slow mellow electric guitar, synth beat)

So the right way to wash wheels

is if you saw Kirk's video,

I should have a two-bucket system.

Dirty bucket, clean bucket.

I should probably use new water for each wheel.

The Hummer's my winter beater.

We're not havin' that kinda party.

So I spray water on it.

I use the same bucket all the way around.

By the time I get the last wheel

it has the most likely chance of being scratched,

but I'm okay with that.

I'm gonna show you the biggest reason why.

Because your WD-40 idea.

Am I hit?

Your WD-40 idea actually wrecked all of my wheels,

so we'll get to that.

(slow mellow electric guitar, synth beat)


Now they're semi-clean.

And I'll show you why you do the two-bucket system.

Even though we're gettin' a little off topic.

As you get to the bottom of the bucket,

I don't think you're gonna be able

to see that, A-man.

Can't really see the sediment.

It's dirty as (beep).

Okay, (beep) the two-bucket system.

Total waste of time.

(slow mellow electric guitar, synth beat)

So this wheel was the one perfect wheel

because, remember, this was a used set-up

that I threw on here,

but this wheel was perfect when we started winter.

And when you guys tricked me

into doing a WD-40 test on chrome

because we know it works on painted,

but we wanted to try it on chrome.

It was your guys' idea.

I kinda liked it, though.

I fell for it.

So I'm gonna use some Dirty Lip on the chrome here.

I already washed 'em with the,

I'm sorry,

I already washed 'em with the Dirty Lip.

I already came back with the New Rubber

that's all soaking in now.

Now I'm gonna use some Floss Gloss

and just get 'em back to a new shine

and see how much damage we caused.

(slow electric guitar, synth beat)

You never wanna apply this stuff in direct sunlight,

but as you know,

if you're at a show,

and you have to,

you have to.

And then what you do is just try to move

as quickly as possible.

Get it on there.

Get it off.

You could do a small section.

I'm just, I don't have the patience for that.

So I threw it on real quick.

I'm intentionally sitting,

so I'm shadowing a good majority of the wheel.

But I want you guys to be able to see it.

That's why I'm doing it in the sunlight.

But I can already see that I'm in deep doodoo down here.

This whole entire thing is starting to pit.

So this whole area.

Hopefully, you can see that A-man.

Is got, like, little little tiny speckle pitting going on.

So the whole finish is being attacked.

You can see it up here.

And it's right on the inside where I would expect

most of the salt and chemicals to get stuck.

Like we talked about in the beginning of this video.

So you won't need to go any further to know

that I've wrecked these wheels

and that spraying WD-40 on them,

chrome wheels in the winter,

just doesn't work.

The painted wheels.

It's still working great.

We could clean up any one of our vehicles here

and show you that they're still in mint condition.

But with chrome with painted with chrome,

it's a no go,

and these are pretty well shot.

Like I said,

they were used and my intention is to powder coat

these anyway, so I didn't mind wreckin' 'em this winter.

I didn't wanna take 'em off,

and I wasn't in the mood to get 'em powder coated yet.

So it was a good time to do an experiment,

but the best thing to run on your chrome wheels

in the wintertime is a different set of wheels

that aren't chrome.

Put the chrome wheels away.

Get a protectant on 'em.

Bring 'em back out in the spring

so you can look fresh again.

Or plan on wrecking them so that you can powder coat them.

'Cause I basically have prepped these

now for powder coat.

So that's winter wheel wonder chrome style.

Don't do it.

Don't ever do it.

Don't do it.

(slow mellow electric guitar, synth beat)

For more infomation >> Sh*t I Never Knew: WD40 On Chrome, Final Update #4! - Duration: 7:04.


I'm giving this away! (500 sub Fidget Spinner Giveaway!) - Duration: 3:37.

What's going on everybody?

I've got several more exciting videos coming out real soon.

I've got more fidget spinners I'd like to share with you guys.

Kinda give you my first impression on them.

I've also got a couple more ideas for some DIY fidget spinners.

I really appreciate all the kind words and support on my previous videos.

And I really appreciate every one that's clicked the subscribe button.

All 650 or 660 of you so far.

I really appreciate it.

So to celebrate my 500 subscribers which I hit over the weekend I'm going to be giving

away this fidget spinner right here.

This is the four corers EDC five gear fidget spinner.

This is another one sold by Banggood.com I think it's right around 20 US dollars.

And it comes in five different colors.

They've got blue, gold, red, purple and then here I've got the black one.

Now this is not an ultra cheap-o budget spinner like some of the ones I've showed on this


You're gonna get eight minutes, almost nine minute spin times out of this one.

Last time I spun it right before making this video I got eight and half minutes exactly.

So it's got a really nice ceramic bearing in the middle and then it's really heavy.

It's steel and aluminum.

I think most of this is stainless steel and then the thumb caps I believe are made out

of aluminum.

The bearing it says is ceramic and aluminum alloy and it says on their website that it

can be spun for over four minutes but like I said I'm getting almost nine minutes out

of it.

So I'm really impressed with that.

So if you would like to win this fidget spinner all you have to do is be subscribed to this

channel and then leave a comment below.

I'll be using comment picker just to randomly pick one person that leaves a comment.

You can say anything that you would like.

Everyone has an equal chance of winning and I will send this to wherever you are at.

I'm gonna be picking the winner in probably a week so make sure you are subscribed to

this channel and leave a comment below if you would like to win this one.

And also I'm going to be doing another giveaway once I hit a thousand subscribers.

It'll be even bigger giveaway!

So thanks for watching!

Appreciate it!

For more infomation >> I'm giving this away! (500 sub Fidget Spinner Giveaway!) - Duration: 3:37.


[Eng Sub] MAP6(맵식스)_I'm ready_MV REACTION VIDEO_UKK DANCE - Duration: 3:51.

So we have some Reaction videos prepared for you


Yes we are hardworking and have to wait for the others to train.

This one would be Map6 with "I'm ready" and we are ready too L.O.L

Sounds nice already

That's again some good old old school kpop - YES I LOVE IT!

with that little set - ugh i love it

They aren't even that long in the business

They started around 2015

we both don't know them - Teru does tho..

How many are there? - Five

I thought there would be 6 cuz MAP6

oh no but there are only 5

4Minute also had 5 members ...

Yes I like it!

The dance is also great

For a second he looked like Youngjae (BAP)

He is ready

So i officialy like that song

He just ate Ramen infront of her XD

They really don't look like typical idols!

I like that sound it's so catchy

It's really cool

so simple but cool

This song is so catchy


omg he can dance?!

And the rap of everyone is really good too

I've really missed that sound in the past few comebacks

It's easy enough so that it gets stuck in you head

Circle of maaadness

I would be slightly creeped out if all the boys would enter this small room.

The choreo is really good! Especially with the background dancers!

They remind me abit of BAP in their beginnings.

Well yeah the MV was great thank you very much!

Now if it didn't record i will kill you

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] MAP6(맵식스)_I'm ready_MV REACTION VIDEO_UKK DANCE - Duration: 3:51.


Learn colors for children with Captain America driver MCQUEEN CARS in Mack Truck Cartoon 3D - Duration: 2:47.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Learn colors for children with Captain America driver MCQUEEN CARS in Mack Truck Cartoon 3D - Duration: 2:47.


Common Mistakes In English: Wear and Use - Duration: 3:19.

Should I wear or should I use?

What do you think?

Hey, guys teacher Prix here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in English.

In this video, I want to help you student, English speaker to understand the different

between use and wear.

This is a very common mistake we make in any level ok?

beginner, intermediate, pre-intermediate, advanced speaker, we all make this mistake

every now and then.

So, I'll tell you the difference and show you some examples.

So, if you enjoy this kind of video leave a thumbs up, click like and share this video

with your friends, why not.

But here we go, let's talk about use.

We use the verb use to describe general objects, general situations use a cell phone, use the

computer, use the bathroom.

Hey, can I use your phone?


Ok, cleaning the phone, Jesus!

I can't remember the last time I used this app, delete!

These examples show how you can use "use" in conversations in sentences and if you pay

attention at the examples they are all very general, ok?

Now, let's talk about wear.

Anything you put on your body, anything you put on you, if you need to talk about that

in English you will use the verb wear.

Quick observation here there are other kinds of verbs that are used to describe "wearing"

ok but I will focus on "wear" which is the most common mistake students make, ok? but

there are phrasal verbs we can use to describe things we wear.

As I was saying, any accessory even the perfume you, you should use the verb wear.

Wear glasses, wear an earring, wear a bracelet, wear a ring, ok you should use the verb wear.

let's see more examples: hey, do I look cool wearing these sunglasses?

Hey, can you believe last night I went to Jackie's party and she was wearing the same

dress I was wearing.

Can you believe that?Damn it, small town!

Tomorrow is mother's day, I'm thinking of getting my mom a new watch.

She loves to wear watches.There you go, some examples to show you the difference between

wear and use, ok?

I hope you liked the examples and the video.

Don't forget to share this video with your friends and give it a thumbs up and if you

wanna write your phrases with wear and use so that I can correct leave it in the comments

and I'll make sure to check it out!

Thanks, guys and I'll see you next time!


For more infomation >> Common Mistakes In English: Wear and Use - Duration: 3:19.


Learn colors for children with Optimus make POLICE driver Police Accident - Finger Family songs - Duration: 2:12.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Learn colors for children with Optimus make POLICE driver Police Accident - Finger Family songs - Duration: 2:12.


bride and peacock henna demonstration with frequently asked question narration : bridal episode 25 - Duration: 17:08.

Today's video is a demonstration video

I created this video to show you how to use filler elements,

that i keep sharing with you through special filler elements videos

So this video will demonstrate few filler elements

that i shared with you in my last filler elements video

New viewers if you don't know what am i talking about then please check destruction box

i have posted all important links there

my regular viewers knows what am i talking about.

few new elements have used in this design

but for sure i will share their techniques in my upcoming videos

ok i want to inform very important matter with all of you

that i have drawn bride in this video

This bride i have learn recently from the classes i attended last month

This is my ideology that whatever i have learn my self from my experiences

or experiment only those things i will share on this public platform

i will not share someone else's valuable knowledge that they have shared with me

i don't feel its right to share that knowledge on this public platform

this is something against my ideology my rules

that means whatever i have learnt from kinjal or Harin sir i will to create tutorial for those things.

i know many people won't like this

specially those who wants to learn all this elements

This are my emotions and rules and i don't compromise with my belief and ideology

And for that reason i seek your forgiveness from the beginning

Because i know after watching this video i will get many request for the tutorial of this bride drawing

I have already created few videos on "how to draw brides" but they are all explaining my style

you can use that style and taking inspiration from this demonstration

can create your own version of bridal drawing

however, i won't share sir's technique on this public platform

Actually i forgot to warn that in this entire video i am going to talk a lot

because many people are requesting

that they are not enjoying videos with music rather they want me to give narration

because they want to listen my voice...and they suggested that i can talk anything

but same time there are few people very small percentage of them

find my voice irritating and talk rubbish

so for those people who think i should shut up, sorry its delay warning but you can mute this video

if you don't know how to mute this video then you can see speaker icon on video

just click on that .....:)

i have been told that whatever i talk they like listening my talk.

Actually i have little busy schedule lately

And that is the reason i have posted small videos with musics

Because i am giving online mehendi classes using Skype

And few students come to my place to learn basic mehendi

thats my my majority times goes towards that

And due to that reason i get very little time to create videos

So whenever i have time i record videos

narration is time consuming

And its not only narration because there are many people

who does not understand hindi so i have to do english subtitles too

the time i spent for subtitles in that i can do many more other stuff

like learn something new, create videos or practice for myself

I think instead of talking useless stuff,

i answer to those questions that i have been asked very frequently

Then it would be more valuable

like one question that many people asked that we are practicing since very long though we are not improving

Second question is from where to start if they are beginner completely new,

And third question is that when we apply mehendi our hand shakes a lot

Those who are not improving after lots practice i always asked them to send

their work so i can understand where they are going wrong

The one thing i found common they are practicing full fledge complicated intricate designs

I have told this many times that if you are beginner then practice lines and small elements

If you cannot draw confident lines or small elements then how can you draw intricate designs

If you want to learn perfectly with proper progression

Thats why i have created many videos that explain small elements and their use

In those videos also i have kept stress on practicing small elements first then go to big designs

What happens ...becuase you cannot draw lines and small elements perfectly

and then you try complicated designs.

And thats why your designs does not look beautiful and then you feel disappointed

and it affect your confidence

If something does not turn out perfectly even after your hard work then

you start feeling dishearten and disappointed and in the end you give up

I will advice same thing all the time whenever have been asked this question

This leads to my second answer

Being beginner from where should we start?

Start from small elements and if you want guidance

then please refer to my tutorial playlist in its sequence

Treat it like my first tutorial is like my lesson and follow it like are taking classes

slowly you will realise that you are improving

practice to improve just don't practice for the sake of practicing

you can find the link of my tutorial play list in the description box

even homepage of my channel has all organised playlist in proper orders

So beginners, start from lines and small elements

follow my tutorial playlist and then watch embellishment playlist

now third question that our hand shakes when we do henna

If i tell you the truth ..my hand also shakes when i start new designs

ya still it happens with me

it happens more when i am stressed

or if i am applying henna after very long break like after holidays

but how you over come this with practice thats important

second reason behind these tremors is if you are giving too much pressure on cone

and due to that pressure your hand is shaking

now why are you using high pressure may be

because the paste you are using is too thick and that need more effort

Thats why you have to find out the reason behind tremors in your hand

is the cone you are using is very big size?

mostly it happens when you use ready made cone

because its my own experience with ready made cones

big cones gives me jitters because i don't know how to handle them

If thats the situation then create your own paste and cone

by any reason if you cannot make your own cone

then transfer mehendi into your own small cone

many times it happens that ready made cones are old supply

and thats why their consistency is not right so check the consistency of henna paste

so i have attempted these three main questions in this video

I hope my all answers are helpful to all ..mainly beginner henna artist

If you have any queries and you think i have the answer then

I like videos where artist is interacting with audience thats why i am going to do this regularly

the love and appreciation i am getting from all of you that encourage me that i have duty towards all of you

and i should attempt all important queries through my narrations

if i answer in comment that could be helpful to only the person who asked that question

instead if i include it in video that could be helpful to many

Actually i should be thankful to Atulya who inspired me that i should talk in my videos

She actually suggested that if not about henna then i can talk about anything like recipe, how to

for the beginning i will share stuff related henna and experience me and my fellow colleagues had as henna artist

For more infomation >> bride and peacock henna demonstration with frequently asked question narration : bridal episode 25 - Duration: 17:08.


'Bruce Finds a Home' Kickstarter - Duration: 2:11.

Hi I'm Kathryn, and this is Bruce. I was

walking home from work one day in the

rain when I saw a little creature on the

ground. I picked him up and took him home

and named him Bruce after that other famous

orphan, Bruce Wayne. My husband and I

entered this strange, sleep-deprived

world of three-hour bottle feeds trying

to keep Bruce alive. It was touch and

go for a while - he spent a lot of time at

the emergency vet. But he made it, and now

he pretty much runs the show.

Bruce's story went viral and now he has

a network of over 30,000 fans all over

the world who tune in every day to check in

on him and see his progress.

I'm a writer and illustrator and I really wanted to

tell Bruce's story so that children

could learn about caring for animals. So

I've written 'Bruce Finds A Home', an

illustrated children's book based on

the story of how Bruce was found. I've

now written and illustrated the book and

it's being designed by award-winning

book designer Anna Egan-Reid. Now

we just need your help to publish it.

With your help we'll print a hardcover

book on lovely paper and distribute

it all around the world to spread the

message about being kind to animals. You

can pre-order your copy on our

Kickstarter page and we've got some other

great rewards that we think you'll love,

including some ways to help other little

kittens in need... just like Bruce.

Hi I'm Sharon from the Animal Rescue

Network. You can choose to buy a book for

yourself or you can donate one to our

charitable trust and we will use it for

fundraising purposes help rescue more

kittens like this wee one. If you haven't

come across Kickstarter before it's a

way of connecting people all over the

world with projects they love. Kickstarter

is all or nothing, so you won't be

charged unless this project reaches its

funding goal.

it also means we need to reach our goal

in order to make this book. So please

pre-order your copy today. So if you love

animals... If you love children's books... Or if

you love Bruce the Cat... we hope you'll

support us in any way you can. Thank you!

For more infomation >> 'Bruce Finds a Home' Kickstarter - Duration: 2:11.


My 1st Vlog!! - Duration: 10:17.

hi it's Claire

don't really know how to do one of these

but if you're on my Instagram you

probably saw that I told myself today

that I would do either a vlog or an FAQ

and I chose to do the vlog of going

shopping with Percie of course don't

really know what to say in these um we

are going to Ulta I have a better chance

of getting everything I need at Ulta

than Target and I want to minimize any

shopping that I have to do and if I

sound out of breath it's because I'm

nervous about vlogging for the first

time so I'm sorry I'll figure this out

as I go so please please bear with me

because I really don't know what I'm


um okay thanks alright let's go

all right there is Percie peeing in all her

glory well that was short I forgot the

keys hey I didn't tell you can go come

here good girl okay you're free! floofy

you have a floofy booty? do you have a

floofy booty? What, silly?

let's go get in the car! is that a

weird position hopefully not because I

can't really drive while I'm holding my


big smile just kidding I hate shopping

Oh Ulta is just like the major hangout

for young teenage girls it's just a

stressful situation I think everyone can

relate to that because

what's more intimidating than a teenage

girl when you're a teenage girl I don't

know what like a like a walking chainsaw

that's intimidating but no no. Made it!

alright so we are going in

all of this packaging is so bright

you're nice hi oh and my friend today told me

that this was good, shoutout Georgia.

maybe I should get some shape tape

Oh, I really want some of this Born this Way foundation.

shout out Georgia again apparently this

nice. hey Percie

do you see how much she's panting this

is not stress and if you're going to

tell me it's stress I will literally

just walk to your house and tell you in


you don't know my dog. whoa check out

this lighting this must be why people

have the ring lights. all these people are

watching me but it's okay I'm getting more

confident as this goes on so many people

look at me it's okay I'm used to it

because I'm gorgeous not because I have

a big fluffy dog next to me at all times

or anything like that you know. I don't

have anything I know I'm boring


back back back forward

Percie, between! yeah

quite a good girl let me see that smiling

face. how could anyone call that

face ugly

oh oh I'm sweating so much because this

is so stressful but I'm actually doing

it so kudos to me and to that baby

but um I forgot what I was going to say

thank you to the people who were super

supportive when I was kind of upset and

hurt that people would say that um a

lot of people you know came to my side

and I appreciate that because the

service dog community in particular gets

a really bad rap and for the most part I

think that's fair because it's a really

vicious place you know there is still

good in this world. is that too cheesy?

okay I'm gonna stop now and actually go

shopping this nice lady helped me pick

out this smoky eyes 28 color eyeshadow

palette from BH Cosmetics he also picked

up this Real Techniques powder brush

because my powder brush was eaten by

someone when she was a baby

so here's Percie's eCollar and i actually

attached the leash to her collar

because we're transitioning off the prong

are you a pretty girl? hi pretty girl

don't you dare sniff anything

what a good girl


down. good! froggy legs.

let's go! good girl

can you get it you can do it oh thank


drop ah-ah, drop yes that was bad but good you

dropped it you. hmm my trainer

and I are actually working on her having

a better hold because she likes to chew

now if I'm gonna be honest what I really

care about are these oh that one

I care about that one


well I didn't get everything I wanted

but I think this is the max of what I

can do

I'm just ready to get out of here

right Percie? you wanna go home?

Just checked out I did it we did it Percie we did it

she's so tired she had a long day

I spent 58 cents more than I intended to

so I think that's pretty good

I'm gonna drive home and then I'll

finish up the vlog yeah okay hopefully

this turns out let's show everyone what

we got

oh no she looks so unhappy when I do


Percie says.. should I show them what we


oh-ho first thing I got was this, look

that's so pretty

I'm excited! i also got just regular

drugstore mascara

how are you real you're so cute

sorry for that brief interruption

I'll finish up quickly at this cuz I

want to go get my sushi. oh nude

Physicians Formula. oh this was in that

section that is the "trap" section it gets

me every time it's the little stuff you

think is cheap but it's not. this is the

better than sex mascara. oooh! and my favorite part

so this is the drying lotion by Mario

Badescu. I also got say yes to Tomatoes

detoxifying charcoal mask. and a blackhead

remover. this mask by Tony moly rice

mask sheet clear skin. so this pretty much

concludes our vlog and are you so

tired? are you so tired?

actually I kind of enjoyed this

see this is what I mean by she's panting

all the time because she's hot

we're getting into summer and she does

not like that

you're very greedy you're very greedy

she just wants to be pet all the time

and look how shiny her teeth are

thank you very much for watching our first blog I

hope it wasn't too difficult to watch

thank you for watching and if you want

to contact us the best way is through

Instagram if you have any questions I

will respond but I take a long time because

there are a lot and I also have a lot to

do but it's summer so hopefully I can

answer more questions and make more

vlogs like these and videos yay internet

friends okay we are going to go eat some

sushi and yeah thank you for watching

my parents are doing yoga across from me it's

so cute

For more infomation >> My 1st Vlog!! - Duration: 10:17.



For more infomation >> [VIETSUB] SWEET SUMMER GLOW MAKEUP TUTORIAL - Duration: 7:24.


Piano Asuka Noda "Omoiyari no Kaze(the wind of thoughtful consideration to others)" - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Piano Asuka Noda "Omoiyari no Kaze(the wind of thoughtful consideration to others)" - Duration: 4:38.





Family Finger (Daddy Finger), missing Sesame Street and improvising with donut holes in Sedona! - Duration: 1:21.

[intro music]

>> Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Mommy Finger, Mommy Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Brother Finger, Brother Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Sister Finger, Sister Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Baby Finger, Baby Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

[closing music]

For more infomation >> Family Finger (Daddy Finger), missing Sesame Street and improvising with donut holes in Sedona! - Duration: 1:21.


Tristesse de la lune - Ninive Subtitulos al español. - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> Tristesse de la lune - Ninive Subtitulos al español. - Duration: 4:44.


Plant based Athlete interview/ Entrevista con Plant based Athlete - Duration: 14:31.

For more infomation >> Plant based Athlete interview/ Entrevista con Plant based Athlete - Duration: 14:31.


Baby Learn Colors Superheroes Hulk | For Kids Funny - Duration: 2:59.

Baby Learn Colors Superheroes Hulk | For Kids Funny

For more infomation >> Baby Learn Colors Superheroes Hulk | For Kids Funny - Duration: 2:59.


875 - Les Feldick Bible Study - Lesson 3 Part 3 Book 73 - Holy Spirit (Pneuma Hagion) - 3 - Duration: 28:33.

For more infomation >> 875 - Les Feldick Bible Study - Lesson 3 Part 3 Book 73 - Holy Spirit (Pneuma Hagion) - 3 - Duration: 28:33.


In First Trip To Israel, Trump Relishes 'Rare Opportunity' For Peace In The Middle East - Duration: 2:32.

In First Trip To Israel, Trump Relishes �Rare Opportunity� For Peace In The Middle East


Donald Trump relished a �rare opportunity to bring security and stability and peace�

to the Middle East when he landed in Israel Monday for the second leg of his first foreign

trip in office.

Upon landing at the Ben-Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv, Trump was greeted by

both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli President Reuven Rivlin.

Trump said he sees the visit as �a rare opportunity to bring security and stability

and peace to this region and to its people, defeating terrorism and creating a future

of harmony, prosperity and peace.�

�But we can only get there working together,� he added.

�There is no other way.�

�On my first trip overseas, I have come to this ancient land to reaffirm the enduring

friendship between the United States and the State of Israel,� he later said in prepared

remarks during a new conference with Rivlin.

�We are not only longtime friends � we are great allies and partners.

We stand together always.�

�This moment in history calls for us to strengthen our cooperation, as both Israel

and America face common threats � from ISIS and other terrorist groups, to countries like

Iran that sponsor terrorism and fund and foment terrible violence.

Together, we can work to end the scourge of violence that has taken so many lives, here

in Israel and around the world.�

During the news conference, Rivlin also said he has �great expectations� for the visit.

�The world needs a strong United States,� Rivlin said.

�The Middle East needs a strong United States.

Israel needs a strong United States.

And, may I say, the United States also needs a strong Israel.�

Donald and Melania Trump then visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem

before going to the Western Wall, when Trump became the first sitting president to ever

visit the wall.

Trump is also the first president to visit Israel this early during his presidency.

Barack Obama waited until his second term before he visited.

For more infomation >> In First Trip To Israel, Trump Relishes 'Rare Opportunity' For Peace In The Middle East - Duration: 2:32.


Mount Olympus the Portal of the Gods | We See Here - Duration: 1:26.

We See Here

We See Here

We See Here

We See Here

The great wilderness

We See Here

On the lower north flanks

Of Mount Olympus its self

The very portal

From which the gods come.

As you can see this doorway is cut straight into the stone.

Allowing them entrance and exit

From this mortal realm.

We are now going to knock on the door,

to see if we can get an answer.

So, come over this way

No, the important thing is,

you think you would do it with your hand

That's not true

You have to use a rock.

Because it's rock.

[Knock, Knock, Knock]


Catch us next time as we try to find the actual doors!

For more infomation >> Mount Olympus the Portal of the Gods | We See Here - Duration: 1:26.


Ro School Killing Game (55) - Duration: 3:06.


Larbin: Everyone Please Admit!! He's not a culprit you understand?

Rico: Fine.. I admit he's Innocent.. Sorry Albert.

Anna: Ya I'm super sorry too, Forgive me?

Anna: I'll let you hang out with my Adorable boys!!

Justin: Hey Albert I have a question for you

Justin: Why did you laugh when we first accused you?

Albert: I was just testing you all...

Sayeko: testing?

Albert: It's just that I kinda wanna Die because we're trapped and I think it's impossible to escape...

Will: What?!! No we still have a chance if you believe it!! We have hope like friends and allies And we proven that ur innocent! ;-;

Will: I'm glad that ur innocent but please dont say you wanna die! We all like you!! Me, soraka, Anna, and Randy!! Including Larbin!!

Randy: Dats Right! You're my best BOI!! I don't want you to die!! We can believe that we are the High level Student So dont give up!!!

Shyvana: If your thinking about suicide, Then after this you can come to my room and I'll help you as an Ultimate Psychologist.

Albert: That's nice of you guys, i appreciate that. Right now we need to solve the true case if we wanna live.

Larbin: Alright Everyone is now admited, Albert is Innocent for sure.

Mohammed: EXCEPT ME BITCH!!!!


Larbin: The heck? Is he really this dumb? Didn't we proven that already?


For more infomation >> Ro School Killing Game (55) - Duration: 3:06.


Homilia Diária.542: Memória de Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> Homilia Diária.542: Memória de Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora - Duration: 5:18.


[Série] Como aumentar o Alcance Orgânico - Parte 1 - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> [Série] Como aumentar o Alcance Orgânico - Parte 1 - Duration: 5:57.





El Diario De Una Niña De 5 Años Mi amiga imaginaria lisa - Duration: 3:17.

On the Internet there are many stories and myths urban, nobody knows who made them and the day

from today we have a series of drawings are of those

CREEPYPASTA. It is said that a girl wrote this diary with drawings, where he talks about his

imaginary friend "Lisa" who follows everywhere. It's a terrifying story so

that nothing else to say let's start

She is Lisa is my friend, my mom and dad They can not see it, so they said it is a

imaginary friend.

Today I wanted to plant a flower in the yard. I tried to do so in the sandbox, but Lisa

He said that's where his dad is sleeping. So I planted in a pot.

Lisa is at school with me today, I brought for "show and tell" but Miss

Monroe was angry because he can not see Lisa. Lisa was so sad that hid the draft

the board. Yesterday was my birthday party. mom brought

pizza but nobody came. Lisa said people He came to the porch and then left. They left

gifts. I got 3 dolls and some shoes and 5 dollars. Lisa and I played with

the dolls. Miss Monroe did not come to school.

The substitute teacher called Miss Digman. She's cute and good and let us eat

after the lunch hour daily. Me would that be Miss Digman

as our teacher. Lisa and I went yesterday to give us a long walk

until the moon rose. Dad got angry Lisa lot and she said that was false and stupid.

Lisa was sad and disappeared. Not today He came to school but Miss Digman

He said Miss Monroe will not return. Dad was at work all day

Yesterday. Or he did not come home for dinner. today todavúa is there. Mom packed me a pudding for

the lunch today. I love pudding. I miss Lisa. Dad is very busy

the job. He did not come home at all weekend of week. Mom is mad at him. I go

to write a letter to Lisa.

Dear Lisa, I miss you. Please come back. I am sorry that my dad was wrong with you,

you're my best friend.

Lisa returned yesterday. I apologized for I have gone and told him that my dad did not come

to home. Lisa said Miss Monroe and he is sleeping like his dad. I hope

awaken soon ...

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