Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
¿Cómo terminó en llamas este manifestante en Caracas? - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
SPRING MAKEUP TUTORIAL 💁🏽// Greysel - Duration: 5:19.-------------------------------------------
Pop Latino 2017 - Nacho, Luis Fonsi, CNCO, Daddy Yankee - Mix de Reggaeton 2017 - Duration: 1:00:30.Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
Krosmaga – Krosm'Addict #2 - Duration: 1:20.Hello! My name's Kewl and I'm a video game tester at Ankama.
So I test the games we develop.
Mostly Krosmaga, which I inevitably became a fan of after meeting Nedab.
My favorite god is Xelor.
It's a pretty versatile class which, thanks to its reserve system, lets me use certain combos.
And it's also very control-oriented, since I'm hopeless at aggro.
My favorite cards are: Sinistro, Joris 2 stars, and Timekeeper.
My Xelor gameplay is based around Sinistro. It's a small item you can place on your Dofus,
And it will inflict damage on the enemy Dofus every turn.
Joris 2 is a unit that works in combination with Sinistro, since it reduces spell damage by 2.
Which means that your opponent can't hurt your Dofus and, in doing so, destroy your Sinistro.
And Timekeeper is Xelor's ultimate sanction, if I start to build up my reserve and make it to 10 AP.
My opponent thinks that, at any moment, I can destroy one of their Dofus.
So, these are my favorite cards. Tell us which are yours in the comments.
I wish you all a good game and I hope our paths will cross in Krosmaga.
***PSICOMOTRICIDAD EN EL NIVEL INICIAL - I.E.I. N° 104 SIMÓN BOLÍVAR *** - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
Interview of our Fruit Specialist Mr. Evangelos Mainos in Freskon 2017 - Duration: 3:34.Good evening Freskon 2017, Thessaloniki. We are accompanied by Mr. Evangelos Mainos
Mr. Evangelos Mainos is an i-CON.SHARE consultant
We are here after your presentation we would like to share with us your impressions of the event
In Haifa's stand
In my opinion it is undisputable that Haifa's stand had the biggest traffic overall
Even if it is the first day of the event there was a good feedback
Would you like to tell us a little bit about your presentation subject?
We have analyzed as closely as possible the trend that exists at this point in Greece
As long as early and semi-early varieties are concerned
and the meaning of this commercially for the near future
We have analysed that at this point due to the early and semi-early varieties
Greece is one of the leaders in the early varieties market in whole Europe
Due to the fact that it is the only country that can produce massively quantities really early in May and export them
On the contrary, all the other counties can export massively after 15-20 days
This implies commercially better prices, and expanded partnerships with big super markets
Also for late fruits of the summer season like grapes, nectarines, peaches e.t.c.
There are inherent weaknesses
We are trying to approach them and solve them
We tend to believe that if the Greek producers and in general the Balkan producers believe in this
By having the knowledge
First of all the knowledge and later on the right choices
They are going to have a much better income than the one that they already have
with early sweet cherry varieties
Finally, we would like to learn about the frosts that occured during spring in Greece and the commercial impact
We had two chronologically different stages with severe weather conditions
The first was during the winter in January to February were we had temperatures until -18°C
These temperatures have positively influenced sweet cherries since we had absolute dormancy
Therefore, there weren't any problems
Τhe second wave that occured during 21 and 22 April was something unexpected
There aren't any records for the last 15 years of such an intense frost in terms of duration and low temperatures
This situation has completely affected the physiology of the trees
resulting to damages not only to the expected production but also to the plant capital losses
We are still in the evaluation stage. We can't conjecture that something is going to change
But also we can't know with absolute certainty what has happened
Week by week and day by day we are evaluating further more the situation
and we tend to believe that after 10 to 15 days we will be able to draw safe conclusions about the expected yeild
Thank you very much
Pop Latino Megamix 2017 - Fiesta Latina - Latin Hits - Latin Video Hits Mix - Duration: 1:00:11.Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
HM - Kumbayá - Duration: 3:01.-------------------------------------------
You are my Sunshine - The Civil Wars | LIVE Ukelele cover | Spanish Subtitles - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
#Point lectures : Horreur, Manga, SF, Thriller 📚 - Duration: 17:03.-------------------------------------------
Professional Kit for the Restoration of Plastic Headlights - Duration: 7:06.ULTRA2000
headlight repair recondition tools
The kit includes:
sandpaper. Grain size from 400 to 1500
Compact polishing machine
Protective Face Mask
Steam generator
Power Supply
Liquid solvent
Silicone tube
The headlight is in poor condition. Let's start to repair
We protect the car body with scotch tape
We begin to polish the headlight with sandpaper number 400
Required water
Continue grinding until large scratches disappear
We repeat this procedure. Sandpaper number 600
number 800
number 1200
Pour a small amount of solvent into the steam generator
Connect the power or battery
Waiting for 2 minutes
From the tube there should go steam
We apply solvent vapor to the headlight. Slowly
The solvent vapor makes the plastic absolutely transparent
It's like magic
The rest of the solvent is poured back into the bottle
Excellent result. Headlights like new
Thank you for watching
El Aceite De Germen De Trigo Como Remedio Natural Para El Cabello - Duration: 5:15.-------------------------------------------
PASTA AL PESTO VEGANA (SIN ACEITE) | ¡Cremosa y buenísima! 🍝 - Duration: 3:40.Hello everyone! Welcome back to my channel.
In this video I'm going to show you how to make vegan pesto pasta
You can make this recipe under 15 minutes
It is quick, delicious and filling
For this recipe you are going to need the following ingredients:
kale or spinach,
walnuts or cashew nuts (I used both),
nutritional yeast,
lemon, garlic and black pepper
First, you need some boiling water to cook the pasta,
While it cooks, we are going to prepare the pesto
I'm using my blender to prepare it but
a food processor is also fine
So in the blender goes
a handful of basil (the more the better). I didn't have much this time so I added all I had.
two cloves of garlic
half avocado
"Please be good..."
To be honest, it's a miracle that an avocado is this good in England
a few walnuts or cashew nuts (as many as you like),
about two or three cups of kale or spinach,
two tbsp of nutritional yeast
the juice of half a lemon
and some black pepper and salt to taste
add some water so it blends well
You don't need much,
I probably used more water than I needed
but you never know with my blender
And there you have your pesto sauce!
The pasta should be ready by now,
so what I've done is drain the pasta and put it back in the pan
so I can pour the sauce all over it
and there you have a creamy, delicious, green and healthy pesto pasta
As a final touch, I added some of this
vegan parmesan that I got in my last Vegan Tuck Box
It's not the healthiest, but it honestly tastes and smells
like the real thing
I also added some chives on top
And here you have an awkward taste test
So yeah, it was really good
"I mean I'm sure it's not like (the real) pesto
"more or less!"
Fiesta Latina 2017 - Wisin, Pitbull, J Balvin, Maluma, Luis Fonsi, CNCO - Reggaeton Summer Mix 2017 - Duration: 1:02:20.Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!
Ratifican aumento de un 20% al salario minimo pero dividido. - Duration: 11:14.Mininal Wage Increase
Crawling (Live @ Road To Revolution)(Legendado PT-BR -- CC) - Duration: 4:58.-------------------------------------------
[Sub ITA/Romaji] 96Neko - Napo Napo Return Match - Duration: 3:58.-------------------------------------------
Made IN INDIA mobile phone Smartron /srt mobile new lonch 2017 - Duration: 6:03.
Peugeot 308 SW 1.6 THP SIGNATURE - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
Professional Kit for the Restoration of Plastic Headlights - Duration: 7:06.ULTRA2000
headlight repair recondition tools
The kit includes:
sandpaper. Grain size from 400 to 1500
Compact polishing machine
Protective Face Mask
Steam generator
Power Supply
Liquid solvent
Silicone tube
The headlight is in poor condition. Let's start to repair
We protect the car body with scotch tape
We begin to polish the headlight with sandpaper number 400
Required water
Continue grinding until large scratches disappear
We repeat this procedure. Sandpaper number 600
number 800
number 1200
Pour a small amount of solvent into the steam generator
Connect the power or battery
Waiting for 2 minutes
From the tube there should go steam
We apply solvent vapor to the headlight. Slowly
The solvent vapor makes the plastic absolutely transparent
It's like magic
The rest of the solvent is poured back into the bottle
Excellent result. Headlights like new
Thank you for watching
#HealthyGeeks: The Starter Zone - 3 Quests To Power Up A Healthy Mindset - Duration: 5:06.hello healthy geeks I'm Miranda Blu and
today we're in the starter zone with
three quests to power up a healthy
mindset! Let's face it what goes on in
these brains of ours can really
determine how our day or our life is
going to be. Well guess what, we have the
power to take control of these brains of
ours and completely upgrade our life
it's all about our mindset! We can have a
positive mindset or a negative one. We
can have a healthy mindset or an
unhealthy one. Rebooting our mindset is
the same as forming new habits or
breaking those bad ones, it takes a
little time
about three weeks ought to do it. But
seriously that's nothing compared to the
rest of our lives, after all we have a
lot of adventures to do. So here are
three quests to complete so you can give
yourself a much deserved upgrade! Quest
number one, The Responsibility Reboot. The
very first thing you're going to have to
master is taking responsibility for your
personal health and happiness. It's up to
you and only you. You can't give this to
your best friend, your family, your doctor
or anybody else. It's all on you but it's
not as hard as you think
I promise. Right now declare it to
yourself "I will take control of my
personal health and happiness and no one
can stop me" Mwha ha ha ha! Diabolical laugh
is optional! Repeat this mantra every day
until you get it down pat.
Complete this quest and you've earned
yourself 10,000 experience points! Quest
number two, Live by the Prowess of
Priority. The second thing you're going
to need to master is prioritizing
yourself. We have so many things we have
to do throughout the day that most of the
times we take care of ourselves last or
worse we don't even get around to it at
all. Do you have a smartphone? Of course
you do
Set a reminder or calendar event for one
thing you can do every day for yourself.
Start small, Rome wasn't built in a day
after all. Book a 10 minute stretch
session or schedule yourself a 15
minute walk after you eat dinner and do
this every day until it becomes a habit.
And then before you know it you can
stretch those into longer periods of
time or add additional things throughout
the day that are just for you. Me time is
a must so you have to make yourself a
priority. Complete this quest and you've
earned an additional 15,000
experience points! Quest number three
Become User-Friendly. Finally you must
embrace the positivity that's all around
you. It is everywhere really,
unfortunately negativity can slime its
way around us like the freaking blob all
day long and I say ENOUGH! So this is a
two-part quest. The first thing you
need to do is shut off new sources,
don't make them a priority for your day
all day long. If there's something that
we really need to know we're going to
hear about it so just limit the amount
of news that you watch all day it can
really bum us out. Or just stick to your
favorite 30-minute news show that you
like and you're going to get most of
everything you need to know there. And
also Google some good news sources. There's
good news out there too and just finding
little things throughout the day that
are good news that makes us smile is a
really good way to help us become user
friendly. And the other thing you need to
pay attention to is your social media
accounts, look for positivity they're
also. The second part of this quest is to
become the source of positivity. Smile
all the
time, laugh as much as you can, make
somebody else laugh. Do these things and
keep an attitude of gratitude as you go
throughout your day and it's going to
make you feel really good and the more
you feel good the more you're going to
want to do more things that are going to make
you feel good so I think that's a pretty
awesome habit. Complete this quest and
you will have earned another 25,000
experience points. Practice
these tips every day you can start with
one and work your way through them one
at a time and then, Congratulations,
you've leveled up! If you enjoy this
episode and you want more lifestyle
design tips please subscribe. If there's
something that you would like to see in
a future episode please leave me a
comment below, I would love to hear from
you. That's all for today healthy geeks,
thanks for watching and I'll see you
next time, Bye!
Hair Fall Control Tips in Urdu | Hair Fall Treatment in 7 Days | Balon ka Girna band - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
It's All Faked – Even Death - Duration: 13:45.It�s All
Faked � Even Death
By consciousreminder
Sometimes I wish I had the perception of a 5-year-old.
I still have a vivid memory of that state, in which everything that happens is more or
less just a phenomenon � nothing really to be concerned about.
When I look at it now, I see how liberating it is to be without any opinions or concepts
� I�m just there, a witness, monitoring every movement, every action without attaching
any specific meaning to it.
Good mood or bad mood
I can still see the people in my head, having fierce, loud debates on topics, I didn�t
know anything about.
However, the laughter, the anger, I can remember, because those are emotions, and for understanding
emotions, you don�t need to have experience.
One thing, however, was a miracle to me � how fast people got carried away with their emotions,
because of a single remark or gesture.
I always hoped things wouldn�t turn out too bad, because then everybody would get
in a fight and my father would decide that we had to leave immediately.
My calculation was easy; as long as the adults were in a good mood, I knew I would be able
to play with the other kids, but the moment things got tense � the game was over.
Playing their game
I gave this as an introduction to an understanding which arose in me on my way home.
When we are kids; we wish to grow up as fast as possible to be able to take part in those
conversations, to be taken seriously as an adult.
In fact, we want to have knowledge like they do, and have our own opinion to defend.
Until then, we are not allowed to have an opinion, so we wait � impatiently � for
the day to finally interact in this game in which we are not allowed to play.
I had, of course, no idea that this whole game wasn�t, in fact, a game, but an exhibition
of disturbed personalities whose only aim was to be �right�.
They never cared about what anybody said, but waited for the smallest possibility to
roar out their claustrophobic viewpoints.
Sometimes, there was indeed laughter, but mostly anger shifting into frustration, because
of someone�s inability of converting everybody else in the room to their own private little
For most people, this was unacceptable, since they had the exact same agenda in their minds
� the same words coming from different lips.
Even today it is the same; people gather to exchange their opinions in these recurring
events called �conversations�.
As adults � so they say.
In my view, their clothes and their body height are the biggest difference to their counterparts
playing in the sandpit � their kids.
Although I must say that kids are very reasonable and down-to-earth beings in comparison.
They speak their minds and have no hidden agenda behind their smiles (which they are
still unable to fake).
When someone says: �He�s still like a kid� � what does this actually mean?
He�s not literally a kid, nor does he act infantile � does he?
No, he looks unspoiled, he acts unspoiled, uncorrupted, and yet not na�ve.
This is what we mean.
A clean approach; open-hearted, open-minded.
Somehow soft, but not weak.
Clean eyes, clean smile � no add-ons.
However, this is very rare, of course.
The standard person transitions into a nightmare � seamlessly � without being aware of
it � in most cases, even to their deaths.
They have no idea of who they are, what they are doing here, and where they are going from
So they smile � artificially � but they do smile.
You can�t blame them � it�s everywhere.
They are nothing special; the average person.
Not from this world but born into this world
Isn�t this how it feels like?
You do all this stuff with all these people, you do what you are told, but somehow you
are not doing it for yourself, but for others.
First your parents, then all the others who have lined up to tell you what to do.
Somewhere in between, there is a moment when the natural smile loses hold; it slides into
a grimace which feels heavy on the face.
The same for laughter.
What signals you that you are an adult?
Your age?
Your credentials?
Your mustache?
Your ex-wife?
I never understood the concept of it.
For most people, it is a purely physical thing.
They look in the mirror and see they are not kids anymore � but grown-ups with hemorrhoids.
It was a long way which passed quickly � to get to this face in the mirror.
All these little hints tell us we are adults.
The part which interested me was: where does magic fit into this picture?
The magic you felt as a child: the druids, the fairy tales, the awes of this world?
Where is that?
The biggest handicap while growing up is that no one tells you anything significant.
The magic is gone � everything is fake and only �in your head�.
You get this repeated so many times that you start believing it.
Everything turns grey, since everything is �relative� and �unsure�.
Being a big boy
The biggest deception of adulthood is probably the idea that we are a complete person just
lacking a bit of luck and experience.
This completeness is a concept, because no one told us what we are supposed to do, but
to collect all this stuff that we buy, and all this knowledge that we gather, on one
big pile with our name attached on it.
This pile � this is us.
The only low point is that we have to die, and we sense that, this injustice.
Not so much the physical aspect; it�s more the fact that this person is gone, which we
have painstakingly built over the years.
It makes no sense.
Good to know is that we are evolved primates who have come a long way, who have a history
and ancestors, and kids (or not), and that everything is not lost � after all � because
�we� will continue to live through our descendants.
What a relief.
Now we can die in peace.
Nothing was in vain � everything will be fine.
The last trip
This is what most people know, that somehow you are here just by coincidence (it could
have been someone else, but you were lucky), and that this coincidence has a downfall which
we don�t like to talk about, because it does not fit into the picture.
And how do we deal with things that don�t fit into the picture?
We ignore them with contempt, or fear.
It depends on the day and circumstances.
Then why do we live so destructively, when we know that we are going to die anyway?
Aren�t we doing this for our kids?
For a better tomorrow?
Again, it is completely illogical to destroy ourselves and this planet for our children.
I think that some of this stuff might sound confusing � because it is.
People are confused � completely � they have no idea where they came from, they have
no idea what they are doing here, and they have no idea where they will go from here
� but they are very serious about their lives.
There was one spiritual teacher who once said that most people live in total fear throughout
their lives and even on their deathbed � they die in fear, because they have not the slightest
idea of who they are.
So many recognize that they ran away from that fact, and that they are unprepared for
this last journey, because it is not in the script � so what now?
The doctor looks at you (because nowadays you die in a hospital) and has nothing to
say but to comfort you that �everything will be alright� � how the hell does he
It�s all faked � even death.
They lie to you from day one, but not on purpose; they believe this stuff, but it catches them
too � untimely.
You never know
It�s so funny; we get taught all this stuff, but no one tells us how to live.
It�s like a well-kept secret that only you know nothing about.
And so you occupy your mind with senseless work not to think about the unthinkable.
You engage in all kinds of conversations if God exists or not, or maybe some sort of higher
intelligence that will save your ass eventually.
But the satisfaction isn�t really there.
It helps � in the moment � as a tranquilizer, but the minute you�re alone you know that
all your convictions feel weak and empty.
This is unjust.
Even the understanding that all matter in its most basic form is energy hasn�t changed
much, because: what if it�s wrong?
You know how scientists are; one day they claim one thing, and the other ��.hm,
I guess, it�s all relative.
Living on auto-pilot
I think adulthood is just a consensus reality; a switch turned on if certain parameters are
The players themselves have no clue what it is about � but what they do know is � they
need to get there, because it will bring them power which they don�t have as kids.
Power and influence on their own lives and on the lives of others.
They want to have their own car, their own flat, their own phone; however, their inner
world hasn�t really changed much.
And this is the main problem � this whole life is a copy paste situation.
We saw it when we were kids, and all we do is replicating the stuff into our lives.
Experiences come and go, but we don�t know how to deal with them, because no one taught
us what to do.
It�s just this endless stream of things happening to us and our same-old reactions
to same-old situations.
It�s automatic, on auto-pilot, all we can do is watch it happening all by itself.
And this is what frustrates us; it seems as if we can�t do anything about it � and
it is true, because we have all this knowledge how to impress this world with whom we are,
but we are incapable of dealing with ourselves.
We don�t understand it; it is too complicated.
Being yourself
When I look at animals, I see the perfect attitude.
There is no doubt in their minds of who they are.
But we are full of fear and doubts, because doubt comes from fear, and this fear comes
from the fact that we don�t know who we are.
This is why very young children have this magic in their behavior which we adore so
It�s looking at ourselves the way we were � before getting an identity to deal with.
We�ve created this mold which we need to fill in every day, and there�s no time for
us anymore.
It�s only this role that we have to play � kids don�t have that.
They do whatever comes to their minds; they can switch roles and professions whenever
they want to; they don�t comply to anything but their inner guidance, which always knows
what is right for them.
The art of life is to have this spontaneity alive at all times, because then adulthood
is only an idea filled in by a playful presence which knows exactly what to do at any given
This �thing� never identifies entirely with the current role.
It can play with it � but it knows that it is not it.
This is the moment when life is no longer that serious anymore � then when you know
that you are not the dancer � but the dance.
Im going to get my nails done today-but i ran across a Artist on the Rise-CNCO - Duration: 4:56.Im going to get my nails done today-but i ran across a Artist on the Rise-CNCO
Hyundai IX20 1.4I I-MOTION, LPG G3 - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Descendants 2 - Trailer Ufficiale | HD - Duration: 0:41.only three days to the world cotillion
how does it feel to be the most envied
girl in Oregon everybody wants me to be
this lady of the court and have no idea
how to keep up the act don't you ever
miss screaming at people and just making
them run away from you not really this
isn't the Isle of the Lost now believe
me I know that comeback style I'm back a
little traitor who grabbed everything
she wanted and left me nothing but I
give my chance to rain them that you've
alone auradon how I'll take it
SURPRISING MY WIFE WITH HER DREAM CAR MADE HER CRY CHRISTMAS 2016 - Duration: 5:38.i picked that out by the way i told him what to get daddy give me my credits told me where
to get something we all can't fit in the hallway D'Angelo right whats in the hallway if its
a puppy i don't want it I'm just going to say that
right now i don't want the puppy is it a puppy i aint hear no barking ready?they left it
on the porch?
go you act like you scared *screaming* are you serious bro i told you i told you so you
didn't forget about me i thought you forgot about me pull it out so i can see
your a good young man where is it is that really mine bro kj is in the front seat WOW
OH MY GOSH be careful is this really mine your husband loves you girl oh my gosh what
the heck what the heck boo boo you better not mess it up either you better put some
towels on it i know i know your a good husband its a 3rd row Jas wait a minute did you see
the tvs you need to get out and look wow look this is not so we really not getting my truck
fixed or something for what I'm just confused how did it happen when its a surprise so what
happened to my truck jasmine oh my gosh he's so slick he think he so slick wow go on in
there boo boo look at your new playroom aw i want to drive it...bye go
Hannity Releases CHILLING Obama Video - Duration: 2:37.Hannity Releases CHILLING Obama Video
During Barack Hussein Obama's sham of a presidency, he repeatedly claimed to be a
proud Christian.
However, actions speak louder than words, and Obama's actions show that in reality,
he was likely a Muslim.
This week, Sean Hannity released a disturbing montage showing Obama repeatedly praise Islam.
After watching the footage, it's nearly impossible to deny that Obama is indeed a
Here are some of Obama's quotes from the video, courtesy of Breitbart: BARACK OBAMA,
PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The United States is not and will never be at war with
And I'm also proud to carry with me the goodwill of the American people and a greeting
of peace from Muslim communities in my country, As Salaam Aleikum.
Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism, it is an important part
of promoting peace.
Our enemies respect no religious freedom.
Al Qaeda's cause is not Islam.
It's a gross distortion of Islam.
The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.
ISIL is not Islamic.
No religion condones the killing of innocents, and the vast majority of ISIL's victims
have been Muslim.
We've reaffirmed again and again the United States is not and never will be at war with
Islam teaches peace.
Remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds
in the name of Christ.
Slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.
On Easter, I do reflect on the fact that as a Christian, I am supposed to love, and I
have to say that sometimes, when I listen to less than loving expressions by Christians,
I get concerned.
SHARE this story so we can spread this video!
''The Demon Servant'' Chapter 2 / Bölüm 2 Miraculous Ladybug Comic / Çizgi Roman - Duration: 1:26.-------------------------------------------
Ida Marie Skydsgaard - Hvad gør I allerede i dag for at få flere børn til at spille? - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
Mogens Jensen - Hvordan kan endnu flere børn komme til at spille i musikskolen? - Duration: 1:39.-------------------------------------------
NEW Homemade Ice Cream (No Machine): Neapolitan, Kulfi, Green Tea & More! Bigger Bolder Baking - Duration: 9:00.Hi Bold Bakers!
It's almost summertime so you know what that means!
It is ice cream time!
Now I have five brand new flavors for you and the theme is ice cream from all around
the world.
So I want you to stay tuned to see if I do an ice cream from your country.
Okay, lets get started.
Okay, before we get this party started, the recipe for this ice cream can be found on and if you're new to my channel, welcome, and don't forget
to subscribe.
Okay, ice cream.
We're gonna start out by making our base.
Now it is really easy, it is just two ingredients and you don't need an ice cream machine.
You're just going to use a hand mixer or a stand mixer.
Now we want to go ahead and pour in some whipping cream into our machine.
Now we're gonna mix this up on a medium speed until we get soft peaks.
So now the cream you want to use for this is double cream or whipping cream, anything
that whips up nice and thick.
You can't use powdered cream for this ice cream.
Okay its been whipping up for around three to four minutes; its nice and soft, so this
is the stage where we add in our next ingredient.
Now our next ingredient is condensed milk - not evaporated milk - condensed milk.
Now if you can't buy this I have a video of how you can make, it is really easy and
all it is, is milk and sugar simmered together to get this lovely, thick mix.
So you just wanna go ahead now and pour it into your cream.
So you wanna make sure your condensed milk and your cream are really cold when you're
making this ice cream because it will whip it up so much better.
So now at this stage you can add in some vanilla extract if you like.
Once that's in there you're gonna turn your machine back on to a medium high speed
and were gonna whip this up until you get stiff peaks.
Okay, lovely.
Now this has been whipping for around three to four minutes, it's nice and stiff, so
let me show you what your texture should be, just like this: stiff peaks, it holds a nice
shape, this is what you want.
Okay now we have our ice cream base, now were gonna start to make our flavors.
So for our first flavor we are taking a trip to Italy, and we're gonna make tiramisu
ice cream.
This flavor was inspired by Helena, who left a comment on YouTube.
So were gonna start out in a medium sized bowl.
Into your bowl add your ice cream base.
So next is an essential ingredient for tiramisu, and it is coffee.
Now I like to use dissolved granulated coffee that has a really strong flavor.
Just go ahead and pour that in there.
Oh, my gosh.
That is dark.
It's gonna be really rich.
So now the cakey parts of a tiramisu are ladyfingers and I crushed a few up, and I'm gonna put
them in there.
They're really nice in this ice cream because they kinda soak up the ice cream and get nice
and soft.
Next is one of my favorite flavors, grated chocolate, and you have to have chocolate
when it comes to tiramisu.
It kind of balances out the coffee, its gonna be really lovely.
Then, just go ahead and mix all your ingredients together.
So I do have a little bit of a tie to Italy because Gemma is actually an Italian name.
I am named after a saint, which makes perfect sense to me that I would be named after a
Okay so this is nice and mixed up, now we're gonna go ahead and add it to our ice cream
Now, these ice cream tubs are available on my website, and they're really handy to
have, and they're disposable so they're great.
Now, just go ahead and fill up your tub with your ice cream.
So because I love to decorate all of my desserts, I'm gonna sprinkle over a few cookie crumbs,
crushed, and then a little bit of extra chocolate just so you can see exactly what flavor it
And then, of course, I have my stickers.
Now, these are also available on my website to download.
You just wanna go ahead and stick it on the front.
Now I aptly named this ice cream Tiramisu Delizioso, 'cause it's Italian!
Now were gonna pop this into the freezer, its gonna take a minimum of four hours to
freeze and if you don't eat it really fast, it will last in your freezer for up to two
So for our next flavor, Lora asked for banana ice cream, so I thought we would hop over
the pond and make a banoffee pie ice cream.
Banoffee is a combination of banana and toffee so you just know its gonna be delicious.
So into a medium bowl we're gonna mash a banana really nice and fine.
Then, were just gonna go ahead and like the others, add in some of our ice cream base.
Next were gonna add in some digestive biscuits.
Now it is what's traditionally used in a banoffee pie but if you don't have digestive
biscuits, you can always use graham crackers or any kind of a plain cookie.
Next is our toffee part.
So here I have some sauce, it's yummy and creamy.
I'm gonna drizzle that generously on top.
You can use store bought or homemade that's up to you.
Oh, delicious!
And then what were gonna do, just like the others, is fold all the ingredients together.
So what I like to do is keep a few of those swirls of caramel 'cause it looks really
good in your end result.
So now were gonna take our tub and fill it up.
All the way to the top, and then of course we have to have a sticker.
So just to give it a little extra oomph, I'm gonna put over a little bit more caramel sauce,
'cause you can never have enough, and some slices of fresh banana.
Now this ice cream I called Bold Banoffee Pie because it definitely is that.
It's loaded with bold flavors.
Now this recipe actually makes around two and a half tubs of ice cream so you're gonna
have plenty to go around.
Okay, I'm gonna pop this guy into the freezer.
So Japan is our next stop and we're going to make a very popular matcha ice cream, and
I wanna say thank you to Ashley for the great request.
So into our bowl we're gonna add in our ice cream base.
Next, were going to add in our matcha powder.
Now, matcha powder is ground up green tea and it has kind of an earthy, kind of a minty
It's actually really good.
And then just fold your powder in and you'll see it start to turn a lovely green color.
So you can see by now how easy it is to customize your own flavor.
You don't have to make the flavors that I make, come up with any kind of combination
that you like.
It is just so simple.
Lovely, so once it's all combined, into our tub we go.
All the way to the top.
I love how this ice cream is really lovely and thick and holds that lovely ribbon.
And then pop on your label.
This turned our to be a really pretty green flavor.
Now I have to say, Kevin named this one, and it is called Moment of Zen Matcha.
It's gonna taste delicious.
Now, our next flavor you're going to love so wait till you see where were going next.
So our next stop on our culinary journey is India, where were going to make a kulfi ice
Now this kulfi ice cream I'm gonna put a lot of pistachios in it and some spices, but you
can get it with kind of tropical fruits.
It's really lovely, kind of a floral perfumed ice cream.
So into our bowl were going to add in our ice cream base.
Next were gonna add in my favorite nuts, which are toasted pistachios.
You wanna make sure that they are toasted so that you get that extra flavor.
Into this we are going to add in some ground cardamom.
Like I said, it has kind of a floral flavor.
It's really nice.
Then next were gonna add in some saffron.
Now, if you want to leave this out, you can.
As you can see I dissolved it in a little bit of water so you get the flavor out of
the strands and you get lovely color too.
Then all I'm gonna do is mix these together.
Now some people like to put rose water in their kulfi ice cream and you can do that
no problem, it will make it taste really good.
So I get a lot of requests for Indian desserts.
Priya asked for this one and I'm glad she did 'cause it's a really lovely ice cream.
So we have made a lot of ice cream on Bigger Bolder Baking but I want to hear from you
what flavors you want to see coming up and we'll try and get them made.
Once it's all mixed up, into our tub.
So this might seem like a funny flavor of ice cream but its nice and spicy with all
the nuts and everything.
It's really good.
Now for a little bit if extra decoration, I'm gonna sprinkle on some chopped toasted
We're gonna call this ice cream Kulfi Dream.
I have to say I'm pretty excited to try this one because I love pistachios.
Now I know we've made a lot of lovely flavors already but I think I might have saved the
best one for last.
For our next flavor we are gonna bring it home to the United States and make a Neapolitan
ice cream.
Neapolitan ice cream is a lovely combination of strawberry ice cream, vanilla, and chocolate.
Krystal requested this once and I'm glad she did 'cause its one of my favorite flavors.
I have some melted chocolate here at room temperature, its not too hot, now I'm just
gonna take some our ice cream base and then just gently fold it into the chocolate, and
as you can see, it will blend all the way throughout.
Just keep on folding, mixing it all in.
so now at this point move swiftly and combine the chocolate with the ice cream base 'cause
you wanna make sure you chocolate doesn't set.
Keep on mixing until it's like this, lovely and brown.
Okay great!
That is our yummy chocolate flavor.
Now we're gonna move onto our strawberry flavor.
So for this flavor all you want to do is blend up some strawberries to get a lovely puree
at the end.
And then to this, were gonna fold in our ice cream base.
So this flavor was very popular in the 80's.
Then in another bowl just add in some plain ice cream base.
Okay so this is the fun part.
In our tub were going to take a spoonful of each flavor and layer them all up.
Now what were going to create is this lovely ripple effect so when you go to scoop it you
can see all of the flavors and get a little bit of a taste of each one.
Keep on going, layer upon layer of delicious ice cream.
Now this ice cream is very aptly named Triple Treat Neapolitan.
It's gonna be so delicious.
I'm gonna pop him into the freezer and let him get nice and hard.
Once your ice cream is frozen, it is time to scoop yourself a big serving.
No matter what country you are from or your favorite flavor, I guarantee you there's
an ice cream here for everyone.
So here's the deal about no machine ice cream: it is so easy to make, you just need
two ingredients and you can make any flavor that you want.
I know that you're really, really going to enjoy this recipe.
Thank you so much for watching, don't forget to subscribe to my channel, and I will see
you back here next week for more Bigger Bolder Baking.
Mogens Jensen - Hvilken rolle spiller musik i dit eget liv? - Duration: 1:39.-------------------------------------------
Mogens Jensen - Hvilket rum for musik drømte i om med Folkeskolereformen? - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
Mogens Jensen - Hvilken økonomi vil I prioritere til musikskolen? - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
3 nice Singletrails - Trail hunting en alsace with jatschek -subtitled- - Duration: 12:40.If I remember correctly it starts rough and steep and gets smoother afterwards
well if I remember correctly... - rough and flow..ok - exactly starts right there
ok cool
sick! - yeah that was nice
I think someone will loose the front end...
and that'll be you - maybe we both! - I don't wanna...
there's an ugly piece of wood in the rut
which line? - I'll just try it and see where I end up
yeah lower line
deep sand!
now there are ruts...
this way!
just realised that
well... trail ends...
yeah!! so cool
like surfing... little bit of drifting all the way down
go right
like I searched for the entrance before
very nice
sharp right... I mean left
pretty dusty
can't see
nice riding
you can't allow yourself to leave the rut
better not jump... landed in some ruts
down there
rut again
sick! one more segment
there was the little rock
unfortunately it's over
this is so nice
the last part is the best.. - there has to be rain soon...
so the ruts are getting filled with the loose stuff
or it will be like at our trails with the big rut
yeah no fun with the big rut - sliding out as soon as you leave it
I'm riding through a dust cloud
it's this high I can't see a thing
this is a rough section
bam bam
I can see the dust he mentioned
sick! - whats next? oh ok
secretly practicing???
you said this one wouldn't be as fun as the other one?
I was wrong!
really nice
now I understand
pretty dusty
ok now I can't see a thing
this was sick!
haha ... this looks cool
epic sh!t
I threw a stick after your front wheel in that corner .. almost in your line
thank you! very unfortunate
just a small one - no big deal...
he was a good boy... just wanted to play
is it over? no one more segment
I have no sight with this guy in front
very nice
huh? ... narrow
really nice trail - yeah
oh well...
this is what jatschek likes - this feature
tech hack by radde
you remember the greenery at the hohe loog ten years ago? it wasn't that lush ever since
they never came back..
I think they should be there at the moment
don't think so - lacking rain
weee.. cool!
whatever lets go for it-- maybe we'll find another cool trail
I have my doubts tho...
(talking about trail marking)
we need trhe red circle
doesn't look like it there
oh yeah this is it
you want to try?
this looks good
this is more like it!
probably washing out soon
front grip struggles..
oh switchback!
oh wtf? bark mulch
I bet there comes another switchback
uargh... bug in throat
this is what I call a flowtrail
that was too much nollie
this is it?
up there? - don't think so
also a nice trail! - yeah - what a day!
2 built trails and a natural one..
very nice. I'll have a look on the map
Marathon trip in Beidaihe ,China, part 1/4 (Pascal Briand vlog 40) - Duration: 5:49.-------------------------------------------
Schrödinger's Cat - Duration: 5:53.(The cat is dead.)
We will all come back
at the end of time.
As a brain in a vat,
floating around,
and purely mind.
I'm just back from the future
and I'm here to report
we'll be assimilated,
we'll all join the Borg.
We'll be collectively stupid,
if you like that or not.
Resistance is futile,
we might as well get started now.
I never asked to be part of your club
so shut up
and leave me alone.
But we are all connected
(the cat is alive)
we will never die.
(The cat is dead.)
Like Schrödinger's cat
we will all be dead
and still alive.
(The cat is dead.)
We are all connected
(the cat is alive)
we will never die.
(The cat is dead.)
Like Schrödinger's cat
we will all be dead
and still alive.
(The cat is dead.)
We will never forget,
and we will never lie.
All our hate,
our fear and doubt
will be far behind.
But I'm not a computer and I'm not a machine,
I am not any other,
let me be me.
If the only pill that you have left is the blue and not the red,
it might not be so bad to be somebody's pet.
But we are all connected
(the cat is alive)
we will never die.
(The cat is dead.)
Like Schrödinger's cat
we will all be dead
and still alive.
(The cat is dead.)
We are all connected
(the cat is alive)
we will never die.
(The cat is dead.)
Like Schrödinger's cat
we will all be dead
and still alive.
(The cat is dead.)
Since you ask, the cat is doing fine.
Somewhere in the multiverse, it's still alive.
Think that is bad? If you trust our math,
the future is as fixed
as is the past.
Since you ask.
Since you ask.
We are all connected
(the cat is alive)
we will never die.
(The cat is dead.)
Like Schrödinger's cat
we will all be dead
and still alive.
(The cat is dead.)
We are all connected
(the cat is alive)
we will never die.
(The cat is dead.)
Like Schrödinger's cat
we will all be dead
and still alive.
(The cat is dead.)
In quantum mechanics, particles don't have to decide what they want to do.
At least not until you measure them.
They can go both, left and right.
They can have spin up and spin down.
They are in what we call a "superposition" of states.
An object in such a superposition can do many things at the same time.
If cats were quantum objects, they could be both dead and alive,
at least until you measure them.
Then they suddenly have to decide, what to do.
This might seem strange.
I'm sure you have heard that quantum mechanics is often referred to as "spooky" or "counterintuitive."
But countless experiments have confirmed
that small particles - electrons and even molecules -
indeed behave this way.
And it's not what makes quantum mechanics so strange.
It's that we never observe any of this in daily life.
How can it possibly be,
that we are made of small particles that can be in superpositions
and yet we never see anything in a superposition?
The dead-and-alive cat is a "Gedankenexperiment"
- a thought experiment -
imagined by Erwin Schrödinger.
He took a truly quantum process - the decay of an atom -
and tried to magnify it to macroscopic scales
that are observable with the eye.
The decay of an atom is fundamentally random.
We cannot predict exactly when an atom is going to decay,
we can only predict that it will decay with a certain probability
in a certain amount of time.
So, suppose we take an atom
that has decayed with 50% probability.
Before we observe it, it has both decayed and hasn't.
It's in a superposition.
Now, Schrödinger says,
let's take the atom and put it in a box together with a cat
and a trigger mechanism.
When the atom decays, it hits a detector
and a poison is released that kills the cat.
Now if the atom has decayed with 50% probability,
the cat is both dead and alive.
It seems absurd, doesn't it?
And it is absurd.
It wasn't well understood in Schrödinger's days,
but quantum superpositions are very fragile.
They get destroyed easily.
Especially in warm environments, like on Earth,
everything interacts constantly with something else:
with air, with light, with the box.
The smaller a particle is, the easier it is to isolate it,
and the longer quantum superpositions can survive.
This works for electrons and atoms, but not for cats.
The process that causes these quantum-typical superpositions to get destroyed
is called "decoherence."
Thanks to decoherence,
Schrödinger's cat is either dead or alive, but not both.
A Song for M E - Duration: 6:16.The Doctors they huddle in fear and in fright.
This illness so strange that they balk and they fight.
They tell get up, get out and get fit.
They tell us "or else" you we will commit.
Are we wrong?
They must be right?
Cuz doctors are never wrong?
To bed I am bound.
To bed am I bound.
To my bed I am BOUND.
M.E.'s an illness cares not who you've been.
An illness of millions denied and unseen.
Some call us lazy think languor in bed.
Some call us crazy or mental instead.
Are we wrong?
They must be right?
Cuz doctors are never wrong?
To bed I am bound.
To bed am I bound.
To my bed I am BOUND.
M.E. is crushing to your heart and your soul We who are lost are a sight to behold
We lie there in pain, suff'ring in silence We lie there disdained but our hearts hold
Are we wrong?
They must be right?
Cuz doctors are never wrong?
To bed I am bound.
To bed am I bound.
To my bed I am BOUND.
So little is known of our illness M.E.
Research it is rare but we know it's the key.
Come free us from ign'rance of doctors unfair.
Come free us from pain and the suff'ring we bear!
To bed I am bound.
To bed am I bound From my bed I'll rebound!
Hi everyone, this is CJ umm you saw..just watched my video of my song
and what you don't understand was that was me
on a really good day.
That was me using up every ounce of energy that I had
to try to make a song that uh that you guys could understand all my words.
This is me on a more normal to not so good day
At least I mostly able to speak today umm but even since I've finished that recording
it's been over a week of me trying to be uhhh strong enough
to actually do this part of the video.
When you see most people out that do have M.E.,
it's a day that we've probably been saving our energy up for.
It's a day that we know that we will pay for, so don't judge me by my best days.
THIS is the face of M.E.
I um when I'm done this video I will go back to listening to
an audiobook with a uhh shade over my eyes because
even today that this is too bright and uncomfortable for me.
THIS is the face of ME and M.E.
About Screen Printing with a White Underbase Wed Q&A The Print Life with Cam Earven - Duration: 11:27.hey there you if you're new I'm
Cam welcome to the print life
I got a couple of things on the agenda
today the first thing is our QA which
I'll be doing shortly and I'm also going
to start setting up the art file for the
print project that I'm going to do
tomorrow and I'm hoping this will be a
regular occurrence at least for as long
as I can do them without further ado
let's get started on some artwork excuse
the interruption sim courting yeah I
just wanted to let you guys know I was
just informed that the login is fixed
thank god that's it just wanted to let
you know could spend like two days so I
figured you guys would want to know the
status of that so there you go
back to work
could be a good one this is a neutral
density kit yeah so far I like that
camera the only thing there's a couple
things I don't like the autofocus on
that little point and shoot sucks ass
and also the audio on this thing is
atrocious especially in the shop because
it's kind of echoey in here but that's
cool whatever
again again it's not my primary camera
this is just so that like when I go out
in public and shit I don't have to you
know be carrying this big thing I can
just bust this out and be all fuckin
James Bond style do my little blog and
then be done junk mail junk mail junk
mail junk mail every time I check that
mailboxes and a lot of it has vital
information on it fuckin purity man
while I wait for the questions to come
in on the comment section of my youtube
let's look into applying is the neutral
density filter it starts out transparent
and the more you turn it the more opaque
it becomes it's just a plate that I'm
assuming it to stick right here yeah the
first thing you want to do is take this
outlaw pad and rub the Pronk over the
lands steal the bug just stuff this to
the top let's see if everything still
works now I'm going to screw my neutral
density filter on what this basically
allows you to do is keep a shallow depth
of field even out in brats liking broad
daylight and the g7x does have a built
in in these altered but these are the
better the only really crappy thing
about this now is it kind of it'll be
harder to fit it in your pocket so I
don't know if I'll end up running with
that forever but pronounced pretty good
I like it
alright I think it's about time for a
Q&A let's see if anyone actually
submitted questions the same day that I
asked them to I got my computer right
here so that I can read them easier all
right well okay so what the shit got
words today so I'm thinking maybe spring
Jessie and I'm sorry okay all right
let's start this Q&A up let's start this
QA off with a bang Longview garage ask
question will you marry me
oh I'm flattered but I'm taken by
another so your offer would have to be
incredible for me to even consider it
Mike B from YouTube check him out he
asks yo cam quick question do you guys
have your own line of shirts if so
what's the link
matter of fact Mike I don't even though
Monument limited started out as a
clothing line ten years ago I've pretty
much given that up but I will be given
away like promotional shirts for the
print life and for Monument limited over
the course of the next couple months so
stay tuned stay subscribed watch every
video and make sure to like all of them
and I'll hook you up Ranade s from
YouTube asks how's the camera working
out I know a lot of people switch to
Sony for the video quality and the
compact design anyway have you decided
on the new direction for the vlog post
keep up keep us posted
I don't know I bought the g7x because
it's like five hundred dollars cheaper
than the Sony rx100 but my understanding
is the Sony is a lot better but I just
didn't want to spend the money on it
because I know I'm not going to use it
that often and have you decided on a new
direction for the blog post excuse me in
oh I definitely have you may not notice
it the direction I mean there's not a
whole lot I can do to change that I've
tried to kind of put a little bit more
story into the daily vlogs that I'm
going to do Monday and Tuesday I'm
adding a QA every Wednesday Thursday
will be my print project where I
actually go out into the shop after the
guys have left and do my own print
project that day and then Friday what am
I going to do on Friday I can't remember
actually let me look I wrote it down
yeah so and then Friday's I'm going to
do like we're going to have an end of
the week meeting with all three of us
will also be doing I'm going to do like
a business advice section on Saturday
I'm going to shoot a tutorial and upload
that I'm going to try to do one every
Saturday it'll either be a tutorial or a
t-shirt review so there's that's what
I've done differently I've kind of made
a plan and a roadmap and I'm going to
really try to stick to it but it's like
fair warning dishes hard I had no idea
how hard it would be to do a video every
day so hopefully that kind of answers
your question without going too far off
into left-field there was another place
I wanted to go right there but I'm not
going to go there anyway thanks for the
question Renata like what I see from
YouTube says nice one again one note
though the other cam is way better video
and sound I totally agree I'm not going
to be using this all the time it's just
for when I'm like out running around
another thing that's always nice for
somebody like myself who's creating
content every day is if you see
something that you like that I've
included in a particular blog be sure to
let me know because then I'll I'll put
more effort in or I'll focus more of my
attention on creating more of that in
the future I like what I see thanks for
the comment this next question is from
creative design Inc that's I NK so like
screen printing ink
hey cam not sure if you saw my question
last week but here it goes again
verbatim awesome videos man like the way
you edit them from the intro to the end
I recently got into screen printing and
fell in love with it I'm a freelance
illustrator graphic artist yeah I'm
going to I'm going to put some of his
work in the thing right here check it
graphic art is focusing on sports
branding as much as I like illustrating
I probably like screen printing more
production itself my question has to do
with applying underbase ink when is it
really necessary
and does the underbase have to be the
same size as the artwork sorry for the
dude that's I mean I think this is where
most people just starting out do get
confused is on that whole underbase
thing so first off colored inks
specifically yellow and red and orange I
like a lot of light blues greens they're
translucent so there's semi opaque a lot
of the times and because there's some
i/o peg if you lay them on to a dark
garment without a white underbase in
most cases they won't show up or you'll
have to hit them two maybe even three
times to get them opaque enough to be a
passable product so under basses are the
way to go now does the under bass have
to be the same size of the artwork and
you don't want that you're going to want
to choke you're under bass depending on
what program you're using a couple of
pixels in Photoshop or if you're using
Adobe Illustrator and applying a stroke
apply a one-point stroke and that'll be
more than enough under bass choke I hope
that made sense dude okay and this one
is from Cole on YouTube he says who are
some of your competitors and then I go
on to reply in the comments oh god where
do I start not talking about custom ink
or teespring or anything like that just
like some lower level companies that
most people don't really know about
honestly man this industry is just
competitive there's so many people in
the space trying to fucking get involved
in it
everyone anyone that starts a new
praying company is our competition just
like we're the competition to a company
that's huge or really small I mean it's
just a very competitive space it starts
from the littlest things like being the
first ad on Craigslist or being the most
prominent ad on Craigslist all the way
to the local Google search and who shows
up on the first page of that everyone's
competing for that space to AdWords
where everyone's bidding on clicks and
literally the bids of god is so high
especially in the screen printing
industry that you can pay upwards of
eight dollars just to have someone click
on the link that will take them to your
site so the competition is fierce and
entering into this you can do it on a
small scale kind of like where we're at
right now
but if you're trying to go to the next
level the budget requirements are just
astronomical hopefully that answers your
6:13 p.m. so that's going to wrap up our
Q & A for the day tune in next Thursday
love it tune in next Wednesday use
mother fucker
leave your comments on next window leave
your questions on next Wednesday's video
and I will reply to them on that
Thursday's video hope that makes sense
stays Wednesday no no it's not right
leave your comments on next Tuesday's
video all right so moving forward leave
your comments on next Tuesday's video
and I will reply to them on Wednesday
and you'll be able to watch my replies
on Thursday
thanks for all the questions talk to you
next time peace cell
BB-8 Pregnant Belly Art! May the Fourth Be With You! BB8 - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
Redmond's EARTHPASTE Review (Organic Toothpaste) - Duration: 1:41.Have you been feeling unexcited about your
toothpaste? Have you felt unfulfilled? ...
Hey guys it's me Tara! Have you
guys ever heard of Earth paste?
All natural toothpaste from the earth we
don't add titanium dioxide to make it
white. Keep it real. That's not my line
that's their's. Essential oils in it! I'm a
lover of the essential oils and
wintergreen essential oil is...
I'd like some
in my toothpaste.
Here we go!
It looks different ...a little bit like mud the
lighter version
It tastes like there's a wintergreen in my mouth
which I'm into ..
It says it has Tee Tree Oil
I love tea tree oil!
Do a little wipe down
You could eat this it's actually food grade
I'm not going to eat it because I need
it to brush my teeth...
That's what it is!
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That's white?
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Get up, let's get happy
Are you bored with the toothpaste you've
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Thank you idiot army for watching!
Subscribe if you haven't already!
Love you idiot army
Cartão de crédito TRIGG é melhor do que o NUBANK e o DIGIO?! (sistema cashback) - Duration: 5:54.-------------------------------------------
João & Sérgio 31 The Clash With Parents (EN.ES) - Duration: 21:34.It was terrible, Tiago! I thought they already knew it! - And after all, you were the one telling them the news...
- Luísa used me! She knew I'd get worried and that I'd wanna talk to Dulce! - But, why did she do that?
She could be the one telling it! I'm surprised on how she lost this chance of having that pleasure! - This is typical from her: Letting the others make the bombs explode!
She never shows up, in these moments! She gets the others to do the work for her! That way she's never accused!
- And this way, you're the bad person! - I'm so stupid! I should have got suspicious! She manipulated me and I allowed it! She knew I'd go talk to Dulce!
- You're going to confront her, right? - Sure! But, it must be in person! This won't end up like this! - How are Dulce & Pedro?
- I can't believe this! João? A homosexual? It can't be! - I don't know. I wouldn't be so sure... - How can you say such a thing?
They're accusing your son and you're not defending him!?! - It's not an accusation! - João have dated Mariana! I saw them kissing, more than once!
João does Jiu-Jitsu! No homosexual does that kind of things! - For god sake! It has nothing to do with that!
Once in my office, I had a colleague who was married, he had kids and... - I DON'T CARE!!!
I can't believe this story! Someone wanted to get revenge on João and decided to spread this!
Do you think it was Mariana? - Why her? - Last time she was here, she made a jealous scene... Maybe she started spreading this to get revenge on João!
She's Guida's daughter! Guida told Luísa... - Look, Dulce: I think we should talk to João, first! Ok? - What's your problem, Pedro?
Why are you so hesitant? Do you think it may be true?
- I advised João to talk to my aunt & uncle, as soon as possible.
- I think it's better for his parents to get to know it through him, than through another person. - That's what I told him.
- It's upsetting, it's hard, but it's the best for him to do. - How do you think your aunt & uncle will react?
- I honestly don't know. - I don't think they're extremely conservative, but I don't think they'll face it peacefully, either.
- I guess they'll have to get used to the idea, slowly... - It won't be easy at all for João...
- He'll feel much better and relieved after tell them. It's a matter of time, until things get back to normal. - I do hope so!
- But, it shouldn't be like this! They impose us so many things: We all must be beautiful, thin, successful, with a good marriage...
And if it doesn't happen, it seems like we're put aside! - I don't believe that will happen to João!
- Sure! We're his friends and we're totally fine with the situation. And my aunt & uncle will end up accepting him, either they like it or not. João won't change his taste.
- Yes, but until they get used to the idea, João will have a battle ahead of him... - Kids!...
- I'm just saying that we shouldn't be talking about this, without talking to João, first! - Of course we'll talk to João and I'm sure he'll say that this is a lie!
- What if he doesn't say it's a lie? Have you thought that it may be true?
- Sometimes, I used to find weird the fact that he never had brought girlfriends to our house... But he never did anything for us to suspect...
- What do you want, Dulce? Do you want him to go on the streets with a flag saying: "Hey, guys! I'm a homosexual!"? What if he doesn't wanna talk about it?
- Pedro, I'm the one who doesn't talk about it, while we don't talk to João, first! - That's what I'm saying from the beginning! Where is he? - At Henrique's house.
- Wait, Pedro... Henrique was a dancer, right? - Yes...
- Maybe they mistaken João & Henrique! - Dulce, let's talk to João, first...
- Have you imagined the 2 of us in New York? - It's gonna be spectacular! - While you dance, I'd study Jiu-Jitsu! I can even get my degree as a coach, there!
- Henrique, don't you have to study for the exams to get into college? - I'll do that in a moment. I was just talking to João. - I must go home, anyway.
Mrs. Conceição, goodnight! - Goodnight! - Ciao, Henrique! - Ciao, João!
- Henrique, I'm not liking this, again! Watch out what you do! I've got my eye on you! If you cross the line, you'll see what happens!
- João!...
Have you spoken to your parents about your situation? - No. And I've decided that I won't speak! - It's your life. You're the one who decides what's best for you.
- My parents are not well and I'm not prepared to come out. I'm gonna wait a little longer. - Sometimes, postponing things is not the best option.
There's always the snowball effect. - Yes, but I won't tell my parents, while I don't solve these issues in my mind. I think it's better to have one step at a time.
- I have only one advice for you! Pay attention! There are secrets that can't be kept for long...
- I've to talk to João! I need to understand this story! João being gay must be a lie! - Calm down and watch-out the way you talk to him. Don't pressure him!
Otherwise, he'll end up lying to you. - Why are you saying that? Are you implying that I don't know how to talk to my children? - No. I'm not implying anything.
I'm just saying that you're very nervous and you must be really calm to talk to João. - I'm finding you very quiet... Were you already suspicious about something?
- Why do you say that? - Because you're totally calm! You don't look worried! - I'm just telling you to be calm when you talk to him!
Besides, we were talking about the 2 of us. And this talk was supposed to be quiet, right? - Pedro, we're talking about our son!
- I know that! But, we also need to talk about us! We must solve our life! - But, João is what matters, now! Can't you stop being selfish?
- How can you accuse me of such a thing?
- Hello... - Hey, João...
- You can continue having that talk. I'm going to my bedroom. - No, João!...
Stay here... We were waiting for you, because we need to have a serious talk with you... Now... - But, why?
- João... I need you to answer me this question... Honestly...
Are you a homosexual?
- Who told you that? - It doesn't matter, João... Are you gay or not?
- No. I'm not. - You see, Pedro? I told you! I knew it wasn't true...
- João, don't lie! - Pedro, what are you talking about? João just said he's not gay! Don't you believe your son?
- Aren't you the one who's always saying that you don't want people to lie to you?... Son, come out!...
Don't lie to yourself!... You won't get anywhere, like that!
- João... My son... You have to be honest...
- I'm not sure... - Son, I didn't understand what you said...
- I'm not sure. Sometimes I think I am, other times I think that I don't know... - How can you think you don't know! You've dated Mariana! Or was it all to deceive me?
- No, mom: I dated Mariana in a serious way... But, I just didn't like her... - My dear, that's natural at your age. You're young...
Doctors say that sometimes in teenage years, there's these confusion phases! But, you'll see that it will all pass! - But, I don't know if it'll pass! - João...
Have you been to those gay bars? - Yes, but that doesn't mean anything... I went there just to see how it was... - Pedro...
What do you know that I don't know? - Dad found out a list of gay places... Among my stuff...
- And you preferred to lie to me, making up that story about the sociology project, right? - Why didn't you tell me? We could have spoken about João? - About what?
- João, you're young. It's natural for you to be curious and attracted by forbidden things. - Dulce, stop that! For god sake!
You must see things as they are! - And how are things, Pedro? If your son is not sure, how can you be? - Aren't you the one who's always asking us not to lie to you?
Admit it, once and for all! It's in front of you and you don't wanna admit it! Your son is assuming & admitting it! Just do the same!
- You guys are always fighting! You never do things other way! Leave me alone, once and for all! - João, we must talk! - I've got nothing to say to you guys!
- Are you happy? Did you see what you've done? Congratulations!
- Is there any problem with João? - What happened? - What's going on, Dulce? - We found out something about João...
- What does that mean? - João had a problem at school, due to an exam. - Is it reason enough for all of this fighting? - How can I know, dad?
- Mom, stop pretending! Stop, lying! Now, you know the truth! - This is not the truth!
- Anyway, what are you guys talking about?
- Grandpa... What my mother doesn't wanna say...
Is that João is gay!
- If João is ill, he can be treated! - From what disease? Being gay is not a disease. It's a different sexual orientation.
- I've always heard it was a disease. - João likes girls! - Mom, there's no use in denying it! Things can't be solved like that!
- I'm saying that to your mom since the beginning of this conversation, but she doesn't wanna listen to me. - Are you all against me? Can't you see João has doubts?
- Mom, what doubts? Did you have doubts when you were young? Did you think you liked girls? - That's totally different!
Boys hang out with boys until an older age! Girls start dating much earlier! Boys "wake up" for those things much later! - João "woke up" already!... For boys!
- Boys are interested in each other until an older age, because they spend a lot of time together! That's why they may get confused and think they're gay!
- You're just finding arguments to deny the truth!
- "Truth"? For whom? For you? You're very smart, aren't you? You're the smartest one in this family!
- We all know we have a problem, now! And we won't solve it like this. I think the most important now... Is trying to solve this issue in our minds!
- As every other time! When a subject "doesn't matter", we don't talk about it! We pretend it doesn't exist! We deny it for as long as we can!
Good morning, dad! - Good morning, Ana! - Did you sleep in the sofa? Why didn't you stay in João's room?
- João didn't want anybody there... And considering how things are in this house, I preferred to avoid another fight. - And how is everything between you and mom?
- At first I thought we'd manage to solve things, but with all of this mess due to João, we came back to zero...
- Lately, this house seems like a well of messes and fightings!
- And it doesn't stop... - I guess we should ask for counseling to a witch! It looks like someone is wishing bad things to us!
- I'm going out to buy the newspaper. Do you guys need anything? - No, dad. Thank you. I'm also going out for shopping.
- Today, I've got so many things to do that I think I won't be able to come home to have lunch. I'm gonna take a sandwich.
- Ana, I've washed your sneakers. They're getting dry in the balcony. - Thank you. - Do you want bread, João?
- If you want, I've got ham, here. - I don't want anything! - João, you don't need to be like that... - Ana, shut up!
- There's no use in disguising an issue, that we must talk about. It won't disappear! - Ana is right! - João, I also need to know what's going on! I'm so confused!
- We're here to help you in everything. - Damn! May I have breakfast in peace? - João, we're your family! We must share things between us!
- I'm sick of putting up with you! Haven't you guys realized that I don't wanna talk to you?
- Going like this, I can't imagine the odyssey we'll have ahead of us...
- I can't believe this! You forced me to come home from work to have a fight with you?!? - Don't change subject! We're talking about João!
- For god sake! What do you want me to do? Explain me! - You should ask yourself about what you should have done! You've always been an absent father!
How many times have I told you to speak to João! - Excuse me, but you were always home! You had much more time than I, to speak with them!
- I've always told you that you should be the one talking about those matters! - About sex? Would that change anything?
- At least, he wouldn't be confused now! I've always said it was important to talk to him about virginity! Probably, deed down, he's just afraid of girls!
- It's incredible... There you are: Deluding yourself again! And then you complain that everyone lies to you! But, you're the first one to lie to yourself!
- So, it's my fault that you've cheated on me?!? - YOU SEE? We were talking about João's sexuality and now we're talking about the 2 of us!
- And do you think we can separate our life from our children's lives?...
- Dulce, for god sake... - We must do something! João needs help! - João needs time & space to decide what he wants to do with his life! That's what matters!
And you: Do the same! - I'm worried about him! What can I do? - You've found the perfect excuse not to think about our life! Thank you! I'm gonna go back to work!
- If this continues like that, I'll have to hire an assistant... Someday I'll be working 24 hours per day!
So soon? But, the session was scheduled for 30 minutes later! What's going on?
- Good morning, Alexandre... I'm sorry for coming without notice, but I really need to talk to you.
It's about João...
Once, we were talking there at the house and you tried to tell me that João's a homosexual, right?
- Yes... - Well... That's what crossed my mind at the moment, but I didn't wanna believe it...
It's not easy for a mother...
- I understand. But it isn't easy for João to be gay, either.
- But, this can be just a phase, right?
- I know you'd be more relieved if I said "Yes"... But, that's not true... João is gay! That's it.
- But, he says that he's confused... He has doubts... - He's scared... He doesn't have doubts... - And he has reasons to be scared!
What's waiting for him, is awful! João will never be happy! Alexandre, you know very well what I'm talking about! - Part of his happiness is in your hands.
Your attitude may help João to suffer much less... Support him!
- But, I don't know knew to deal with this kind of things! I never met anyone... I mean... I know you, but...
- But, you have structure to deal with this situation. João doesn't have! That's what worries me. - What worries me is the life that's waiting for him!
- It's the same life of the heterosexuals: He'll work, fall in love... - But, he'll never be able to tell the world how he feels!
Will he be able to walk holding hands on the street? NO! Getting married? [Back in 2005] Telling everyone that he's happy?
You know how it'll be, Alexandre: People will call him names on the streets! - Things have changed.
Nowadays... No homosexual has to pretend that he doesn't exist... Due to the fear of what others may say, with their prejudice!
- That's all very nice to say, Alexandre...
But the truth is that João will end up all alone...
- It'd be better for him to be alone, than living a lie or pretending to be something that he's not!
- I don't know what I want, Alexandre. What I know, is that we live in a world full of prejudices. It's hard to be gay, black, fat...
- The worst of it all is not João being gay. It's people's ignorance!
What were you expecting me to say to Dulce? I couldn't lie to her. - Did she get very shocked?
- She was more surprised than shocked...
- Poor woman... I understand her very well... - She has to do what you did: Understanding!
- Do you think it's easy? Like going to the supermarket and buy a package of understanding, and that's it? - Ok, but one doesn't need to make so much drama out of it!
- Yes, but one doesn't get cheered up either, right? - Mom, I thought the matter was solved, between us. - And it is solved!
But, it's hard for me to see Dulce suffering... I've been through the same and I know what she's feeling...
But, I think I can help her... - How?
- That's up to me!
- You're brother is gay? - Yes. But please, Miguel: Don't tell anyone! Not even Leonor!
- Ok, I won't say a word... It never crossed my mind... He disguises it very well!
- He doesn't disguise anything! Being gay doesn't mean that one has to be feminine... - I'm not saying that...
I don't know... But, sometimes there's a sign, or something grabs your attention... For instance: I went with him to Jiu-Jitsu and I didn't notice anything.
I also just got suspicious because I heard Mariana talking to him...
- But, that's good for you! People say that gay guys have good taste! Now, you can go shopping with him! - Miguel, don't you make fun of this!
This matter is very serious. My house looks like an authentic horror movie! - I'm sorry. I can imagine... - No, you can't imagine...
My brother is always closed in his room, my parents are always fighting, or thinking about fighting...
Now, that I thought that everything would come back to normal... - Do you really think they'll get divorced?
- I don't know, Miguel... I don't even wanna think about that...
- Let's not talk about it, then... Come here...
Generál Bohac o partnerství ČR s Nebraskou a českých kořenech - Duration: 3:41.The origins of the state Partnership
Program were in 1993 and it was an
effort to for those nations that have
made a decision that they wanted to be
NATO members this program was part of
that effort to partner nation states
like then Czechoslovakia or the Czech
Republic with Nebraska and Texas at that
time to help move towards NATO membership
My assessment is
that quality of the relationship is very
very high very strong and it's probably
one of the best state Partnership
Program relationships at least in
Central Europe.
I think it's the strong connection you know heritage wise with
the number of Czechs in Nebraska and
Texas and by the way the Czech Republic
is the only nation that has two National
Guard States involved all the others
only get one. There is a high degree of
mutual respect between the Czech Armed
Forces and Nebraska National Guard,
Texas National Guard and because of that it
worked well. It's not a question of
somebody thinking they're better,
but how can we be better together.
I'm glad to really in some ways be a
representative of the Czech Republic
back home in this and that's very
meaningful for me personally.
My grandfather on my father's side Jan came
to the United States in 1904 and we
actually have a copy of his papers when
he immigrated through Ellis Island and
then and I'm not really sure how they
ended up in Nebraska other than their
already large number of Czech immigrants
that had chosen to settle in Nebraska.
And so it's him and then his wife Mary and
their two oldest daughters followed and
then there were 15 kids total ultimately
in the family so it's a large family and
so that was the beginnings.
The first time I came to the Czech Republic
through the state Partnership Program
was in 1998 and also had was some names
and phone numbers that
my father had given me and I think it
was that afternoon we were in my I think
it's my father's cousin's house Joseph
Boháč here in Prague, it was just
like an immediate connection it was
pretty amazing.
There are several of those kinds of
festivals in the summer in Nebraska
where the Czech culture and heritage's
with parades and music and dancing and
maybe a little bit of beer drinking goes
on so at all these festivals there's
Clark's Nebraska, there's one in Lincoln,
there used to be a Sokol club in
Omaha Nebraska, that's no longer an
organized Sokol organization but it's
a now a concert venue hall but so
there's still you know all these
reminders of the Czech heritage.
When I was growing up nearly every Sunday was
roast duck, dumplings and sauerkraut so
I've learned to make knedliky, I think
is how you say it yes yeah so I can I
can make that. I tried to make the American
version of the kolach but it's a little
bit of a challenge for me.
[in Czech] Jak se máš - how are you.
Na zdraví (Cheers) and pivo (beer).
O que você gostaria de ver no canal Inkiri Piracanga? | What would you like to see on this Channel? - Duration: 3:22.What would you like to see on Inkiri Piracanga's channel?
Our day by day
our way of working
our way of thinking
our way of living here
with our work, our environment
and awekening love
This part of living in a communitary house
with other people, dividing tasks, the compost,
How does the seva work
when the person gets here, what to do
what is the first contact with Piracanga
Things about education
I think this spirit, this joy people have here
I don't know, I think something related to what I like
the area of the arts, the area of culture
I enjoy sports, I would like to see about sports
I would like to see about surf, Inkiri Piracanga surf
I would like to see about the water treatment
and also agroforestry
It would be interesting to see contents about permaculture
It would be interesting to show this to the world
to bring more content from outside, so there is some exchange
Using different plants, to make biodegradable products
like the after sun, the toothpaste, shampoo,
To understand better how is everything working
so people can know.
To be a communication channel to show the whole world what is happening here
in the projects, in the community, the people that are here
the courses that are happening, all of that
So I would like to know how does UNI works today
how people from the university work here in Piracanga
how does the projects work, and all of that, for the UNIS
for the young people that get here in Piracanga
One thing I would like to see on Piracanga's channel
would be people's relationship with money, how does the Inkiri work here in Piracanga
and how do the projects are sustained. That's what I would like to see
Circular dance
also about nourishment, the vegan food from here
To have some tips...
I would like to hear about the Inkiri School
I would like to see about the daily morning Yoga
I would like to see on Inkiri Piracanga's channel
more about the practical spirituality
What about you?
What would you like to see on our channel?
Comment below
O Espetáculo Carnívoro | DESVENTURAS EM SÉRIE #9 | RESUMO EM 1 MINUTO l #CONTÉMSPOILER - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Pimpo$o x Frvnklin x Mc Igu - PICCOLO [Prod. Eddu Chaves] - Duration: 2:18.-------------------------------------------
Diz Que Disse 06 - Kyoto / Quioto - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
A tirania infantil e a perda de autoridade das famílias - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
Linha 7-Rubi [CPTM] - Entre as Estações Campo Limpo Paulista e Jundiaí a bordo do TUE Série 8500 - Duration: 13:08.-------------------------------------------
#WatchBlueSculpt n° 2 - 1st WONDERWOOD Channel BIRTHDAY - Polymer Clay Tutorial - Blue in Wonderwood - Duration: 10:09.Hello Wonderwood People!
Welcome back in Wonderwood Channel! Today
is a very very special day! Why? Because
today is the first birthday of my
Channel! A year has passed since I started
this wonderful journey! So, today, I want
to celebrate this meaningful goal with
you all!
I assembled the cake starting from some clay disks.
Then, for the icing I chose 4 colors: 3 shades of blue and some white.
I used the Sculpey Clay Softener to soften the clay and getting a cream.
It's more than enough a single drop for a small amount of clay.
Then I covered the cake with the icing.
For now without too much precision.
It was a long time I didn't create miniature foods
and I had a really great time! I felt like I was a mini Pastry Chef!
This is the result after the first drafting.
Then with gentle but firm movements
I flattened it - but not too much.
With some wire I created two decorative sticks.
And I created sooooo many decorative tiny balls with the blue shades.
And I applied them all around the base, alternately the colours.
To make the candle I mixed some Premo Opal with a peak of light blue.
And I molded the base to insert in the cake.
Then I added some gold glitter.
With some red clay and white clay I created the YouTube logo.
A gold glitter sprinkling over the cake!
With some gold leaf I added some more decorations all around the base of the cake.
And I placed the candle and the YouTube decoration after baking.
With a piece of gold wire I created the festoon string.
Then I painted the sticks.
And I attacked the gold hearts one by one!
I rolled out some black clay and I modeled some mini-cutlery!
Then I fixed more the shapes.
And I created the arch under the handle.
With some gold powder I painted the cutlery.
I rolled out some white clay and I cut some disks to create some little dishes.
After baking I painted the edges with gold paint.
I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your support,
for your enthusiasm that helps me in the
bad days when I was discouraged! I'm very
very happy that this little family is
growing even more! And soon there will be
so much news for you... So, be ready
Wonderwood People! 'Cause even when it doesn't
seem, know that I'm thinking of new
things to bring here on the Channel!
Today more than ever I ask you to share
this video to celebrate with me this
little-big goal! And don't forget to
leave me a big thumbs up and a little
comment! See you tomorrow,
with the usual Friday tutorial! Cheers!
8 Dicas de Como Fazer seu Canal Crescer no Youtube - Duration: 8:53.-------------------------------------------
The Old Republic - Flertando Malavai Quinn 01 - Duration: 3:02.-------------------------------------------
Professional Kit for the Restoration of Plastic Headlights - Duration: 7:06.ULTRA2000
headlight repair recondition tools
The kit includes:
sandpaper. Grain size from 400 to 1500
Compact polishing machine
Protective Face Mask
Steam generator
Power Supply
Liquid solvent
Silicone tube
The headlight is in poor condition. Let's start to repair
We protect the car body with scotch tape
We begin to polish the headlight with sandpaper number 400
Required water
Continue grinding until large scratches disappear
We repeat this procedure. Sandpaper number 600
number 800
number 1200
Pour a small amount of solvent into the steam generator
Connect the power or battery
Waiting for 2 minutes
From the tube there should go steam
We apply solvent vapor to the headlight. Slowly
The solvent vapor makes the plastic absolutely transparent
It's like magic
The rest of the solvent is poured back into the bottle
Excellent result. Headlights like new
Thank you for watching
MEXICO CITY TRAVEL GUIDE- Ten Fun Things To Do ! - Duration: 5:42.What's up amigos it's Jon and after spending five weeks living in Mexico City I'm going to be telling you ten fun things
You can when you visit.
I'm going to miss Mexico City a lot. I didn't think it was possible to have that much fun in a little bit over a month.
Unfortuanetly I had to come home early due to a medical problem.
But i'm going to be linking to my Mexico City Playlist in both the description
and in a card right now above my head.
Do check out that playlist after you're done watching this video.
We're going to lead this list off with something really strange.
Have a cocktail with Tarantula venom in it.
That's right you are not reading this incorrectly.
You can actually have a drink in Mexico City with tarantula venom as the secret ingredient.
This was the most popular thing I did in my original Mexico City vlog.
And you have to go to a place called Luciferina in Barrio Juarez.
To actually find it.
I'm warning you though, your gums are going to go numb.
Tongue, gums feel a little bit numb right now.
Number nine, head to parque mexico.
Now this is located in the Condesa neighborhood
Which I think is worth visiting or even staying at when you go to Mexico City.
But make sure you check out some of their parks.
Which include Parque Mexico.Their is always something going on there.
From flying drones, to hula hoops.
To people performing.
Find a place to escape
The urban jungle.
And even admire some of the street art.
Yeah that's on a bathroom.
Next up go to the mexico city metropolitan cathedral rooftop.
And while i'm not normally somebody who enjoys going to a church or cathedral.
For about One U.S. dollar you can take a walking tour upstairs.
And get some incredible views of the city that most people
Would have no idea existed.
I found this out during my vlog with a local instagrammer.
Number seven wander around Roma Norte.
This was actually the neighborhood that we lived in.
And it was by far my favorite.
From the cafes, to the restaurants.
To all of the street art everywhere.
It reminded me of the east village in New York.
There's also a lot of art galleries and little fairs constantly going on.
So this would be my top recommendation of where to stay if you do visit Mexico City.
Number six, take photos inside the palacio de correos de Mexico.
Now as somebody who's always having mail disappear.
I would never recommend you visit a post office.
Unless it was this one.
The same architect who designed Palacio Bellas Artes
Did this as well.
It's still a functioning post office.
But the archtiecture on the inside is absolutely stunning.
Don't forget your camera when you head inside.
Visit Chapultepec Castle.
But how could their be a castle in the middle of one of the biggest cities in the world?
Well you've got to see it to believe it.
Not only did a Mexican emperor live there.
But it's also home to the National Museum of History.
Which would be worth a visit by itself.
If it wasn't housed in this gorgeous palace.
Give yourself at least a few hours to explore every inch of this place.
Number four attend a lucha libre event.
Lucha Libre is a must do when you visit Mexico City.
Forget American Wrestling.
This is part sporting event, part acrobatic show.
And tickets can be purchased for five dollars or less.
The atmosphere is extremely festive.
And did I mention you can get cool masks like this for less than 10 dollars.
Moving on number three, go to a show at Palacio Bellas Artes.
Not only is this theater incredible to take photos of.
From just about every angle.
But attending a show here is an amazing experience.
We saw ballet folklorico for only ten dollars.
We sat in the mezzanine. The inside of the theater is gorgeous.
I wish I had some video footage of this.
And i'm going to recommend checking out ballet folklorico
If it's still going on.
As you get a real taste of the entire country of Mexico
From the different styles of dance.
Number two head to the Coyoacan Neighborhood.
A neighborhood so cool it took me an entire vlog to get the pronunciation right.
Called Coyoacan.
Coyoacan. Coyoacan?
Coyoacan I finally got the proncunciation correct.
This colonial area surrounded by Mexico City
Has the Frida Kahlo as well as Trotsky museum.
In addition to a huge market filled with all types of food.
Not to mention some of the best coffee i had in Mexico at Cafe El Jarocho.
Take an entire afternoon to soak this place up.
Number one visit the Museo Del Juguete Antiguo Mexico.
Or Antique Toy Museum.
We dedicated a lot of my Mexico City is Weird vlog to this place.
And it may be one of the best museums i've ever visited period.
This place is a treasure chest of unique.
From old toys to antiques.
Games and a secret rooftop
That has hidden street art.
I could have spent an entire day just wandering around.
Make sure to visit the gift shop at the end
If you want to buy some stuff that you absolutely can not find anywhere else.
And the best part, the cost of admission is less than three dollars.
There you have it, ten fun things to do on your next trip to Mexico City.
I covered almost all of them in my Mexico Playlist.
Which i'm going to be linking to down below.
Honestly Mexico City has got to be one of the most underated places I have ever visited.
I can not recommend you going there enough.
Be sure to subscribe to Here Be Barr and leave me a comment down below
Telling me what you thought about this list.
***PSICOMOTRICIDAD EN EL NIVEL INICIAL - I.E.I. N° 104 SIMÓN BOLÍVAR *** - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
The Channel 7Bits! - Duration: 1:26.-------------------------------------------
Hannes Wader - Die Moorsoldaten [Subtítulos en galego, catalán e alemán] - Duration: 4:10.-------------------------------------------
MI PRIMERA VEZ...🙈🙊 - Duration: 3:34.the first time was.....
how to forget it...
it was not nice
it was not special...
I remember like it was yesterday...
because actually...
I think it was yesterday...
How it was so painful
when I felt it inside me, it just didn't felt alright
I remember crying
I even try to get away
but all my attempts were in vain
I knew that someday it had to happen
it was matter of time
I knew that my body would need it
To mature means to take steps, that maybe sometimes you don't wanna take, but soon or later, you will have to take them...
but when it was over...
I felt renewed
I felt energetic
I felt like I was able to do whatever I wanted to do...
I felt like a whole new person
willing to go through all obstacles, from there on...
i definitely feel that my life have change now
and from now nothing will be the same
I have gone from being a girl
to being a women
I can not do anything but thank you
thank you all what you did for me
thanks you...
I have known a world full of vegetables thanks to you
that are making me feel every day better
I know that our beginning was not the best
I know it was hard try to get along
but since now
I promess you I'll try to eat you trying to be happy
I can only thank you....
really thanks you...
give me a hug
I introduce you ...
"la chancla" some kind of shoe that your mom use to take the shit out of you, when you have a bad behavior
I know that you are watching this video because you said omg and then it was clickbait
and well yeah...
it was the first time in something...
i'm not lying
it was the first time to properly eat a salad
PASTA AL PESTO VEGANA (SIN ACEITE) | ¡Cremosa y buenísima! 🍝 - Duration: 3:40.Hello everyone! Welcome back to my channel.
In this video I'm going to show you how to make vegan pesto pasta
You can make this recipe under 15 minutes
It is quick, delicious and filling
For this recipe you are going to need the following ingredients:
kale or spinach,
walnuts or cashew nuts (I used both),
nutritional yeast,
lemon, garlic and black pepper
First, you need some boiling water to cook the pasta,
While it cooks, we are going to prepare the pesto
I'm using my blender to prepare it but
a food processor is also fine
So in the blender goes
a handful of basil (the more the better). I didn't have much this time so I added all I had.
two cloves of garlic
half avocado
"Please be good..."
To be honest, it's a miracle that an avocado is this good in England
a few walnuts or cashew nuts (as many as you like),
about two or three cups of kale or spinach,
two tbsp of nutritional yeast
the juice of half a lemon
and some black pepper and salt to taste
add some water so it blends well
You don't need much,
I probably used more water than I needed
but you never know with my blender
And there you have your pesto sauce!
The pasta should be ready by now,
so what I've done is drain the pasta and put it back in the pan
so I can pour the sauce all over it
and there you have a creamy, delicious, green and healthy pesto pasta
As a final touch, I added some of this
vegan parmesan that I got in my last Vegan Tuck Box
It's not the healthiest, but it honestly tastes and smells
like the real thing
I also added some chives on top
And here you have an awkward taste test
So yeah, it was really good
"I mean I'm sure it's not like (the real) pesto
"more or less!"
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