Extreme Stomach Pain Does Not Eat Red If You Do not Bear After Effects
Khim Sokheng - Thinking Skill | Success reveal - Duration: 15:28.Success Reveal
Khim Sokheng
Thinking Skill
Mr. Khim Sokheng
founder of Learning for Success Institute
Extreme Stomach Pain Does Not Eat Red If You Do not Bear After Effects - Duration: 12:01.Extreme Stomach Pain Does Not Eat Red If You Do not Bear After Effects
Sachin Tendulkar phone SRT PHONE SACHIN RAMESH TENDULKAR PHONE SMARTON SMARTPHONE REVIEW HINDI/ URDU - Duration: 10:17.Hi friends please subscribe my youtube channel
What I do in Japan and Advice to Future Students - Duration: 8:29.So it's the weekend, you know what that means, right?
Leila gets a chance to come to the lab with me and feed my fish.
When she was much younger, she was a bit scared to come to the lab because it was loud.
And water is running everywhere.
But now, she's much more comfortable coming to the lab with me.
Usually, she would come during holidays, because the nursery is closed.
And during weekends, usually Sundays.
Because the nursery is also closed on Sundays.
So yeah, she gets to come and see what mommy is doing.
Hello everyone!
This video is to briefly go over what I do in Japan.
I am actually a phD student at Kagoshima University.
I am studying aquaculture.
Which is something I hope to make my career in the future.
So initially, we have to make our own feed.
For both fish and shrimps, we have to make it in form of pellets.
This makes it easier to quantify how much food we are actually giving the fish or the
Of course, we use all natural ingredients.
The food is perfectly safe to give to both the fish and the shrimps.
I think that's the reason why I actually chose Japan.
Japan's aquaculture industry is really good and safe.
And Japanese people trust it so much that they take the fish out of the water in aquaculture
farms and eat it raw like that, you know.
After preparing the feed, we have to set up the tanks and get everything ready for the
fish or shrimps we are trying to grow.
I especially love working with shrimps, especially from the larval stage, straight up.
Because you get to see them grow from very small, to very big so fast.
Of course, the best part of growing fish is eating it right?
I'd like to give some advice to anybody coming to Japan to study.
I graduated from the Bahamas with my Bachelor's degree and I did a little bit of studying
abroad in Canada for about 4 months.
I was more used to having exams and tests and those kinds of things.
Here, you get mainly homework and reports.
In Japan, everything is more hands-on, they want you to do more practical work.
They want you to focus more on your research as opposed to having to study day and night
trying to cram notes inside your head.
Here, you get more reports and homework, as opposed to tests and exams which is great
so you can focus more on your research, on actually learning something.
because with me, I learn better by doing as opposed to being told what to do.
And I learn better by seeing it being done as opposed to reading it in books.
So that study style is much more appropriate for me.
If you're more of a bookworm and you prefer staying in the library and studying, then
maybe you would probably feel a little bit lost at first when you come here.
But if you're more of a hands-on person, learning by seeing and touching, then you will feel
right at home here.
When you come to Japan to study for your master's or your phD, find out the rules of your laboratory.
In terms of what is required of you.
Communicate with your professors and your senpai and learn about what is needed, in
terms of getting the grades and getting the required stuff to graduate.
As long as you attend all the classes and the seminars.
And you participate in laboratory work, you should be able to do well in Japan, I think.
Make your study abroad experience, an experience by going outside and seeing different things.
By not eating in the same restaurants, by not going to the same places.
Like me, I did several things that I never thought I would do, or that I never would
have done in my home country.
Like, I dressed up as a maiko in Kyoto.
I had tea ceremonies in different places.
I dressed up in kimonos.
I went to the robot restaurant in Tokyo.
I went to Miyajima.
They had deers wandering around.
And they pretty much ate all my maps that I had in my hands.
Because when you first go, you can get some brochures and maps of the whole island, and
they ate that.
Also, we went to Kyoto, and we went to Fushimi Inari, which is a very famous shrine.
And we climbed all the way to the top of the mountain.
And it was so exhausting.
They had elderly persons, passing us by, saying "Ganbatte ne".
They're so used to climbing up the mountain with such energy.
And we were like... ugh.
So tired.
It took us, I think it took us an hour and a half.
I don't remember.
But it took us a very long time to climb up the mountain.
When we finally reached, we felt so happy with ourselves.
So those kinds of things make you enjoy your experience in Japan, in my opinion.
I think if I was stuck in my room all day or seeing the same things everyday.
Going to the same places everyday.
Not exploring my neighborhood.
I would be so depressed being here because I'm the kind of person that needs adventure.
I need to go out.
I need to see different things.
I get joy out of just going out in nature.
And just exploring different things.
Getting my hands dirty and having fun with that.
So, in that sense, I think I would have been so depressed if I just stayed in my room all day.
But, any weekends that I had off or any major holiday that we have in Japan.
Or any free time I had.
I would take that occasion to explore a little bit.
When you go to a foreign country, it's very important to explore and get to know where
you're living.
It's good to have memories, like pictures and videos.
To remind yourself of different things.
I think, physical memories like buying souvenir is good also, but you tend to lose those.
But if you have the pictures and the videos to remind yourself of the experience.
You tend to feel more nostalgic of it all.
And you get to relive your experience by looking at the videos and pictures.
Make your study abroad experience an experience.
That's my motto coming to Japan.
that's what I had set out to do when I first came.
I think I'm accomplishing that as I'm going along.
And I'm lucky that I have my family with me.
But even if I was alone, I would still do the same.
I like to explore by myself or with my family, it doesn't matter.
Yeah, have fun.
Don't be stuck in the same place.
Any free time you get, go out, enjoy, just smell different air.
See different things.
Keep trying different foods.
Don't be scared to ask questions as to why certain things are being done,
so that you can get a better understanding as to why it's being done.
And that's it.
But of course, your priority when coming to Japan as a student is actually studying.
So make sure that you have all your grades.
That you know all the requirements for graduation.
And that you have all the classes done.
And that everything is being done, all the reports are being done.
That communication with your professor is also solid before you go into any adventure.
So, I hope that this helped you a little bit.
Thank you so much for watching.
Take care.
Elaine's Elation (1x04) [The Rockford Scheme] - Duration: 0:40.Priest: (Dialogue on screen).
*Weird Grumbling Noises*
Ben: That was bizarre, Elaine.
What was wrong with our priest?
Elaine: I don't know Benjamin.
Let's keep walking.
Ben: I hear people SCREAMING in there!
Elaine: I said... LET'S KEEP WALKING.
What is she saying?(26) (Listening Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:54.Hi, everyone!
You're watching ForB English.
I'm Gabriella and today we are doing "What is she saying?"
So you are going to guess what I'm saying.
Are you ready?
Beef or fish?
Beef or fish?
Beef or fish?
Can you guess what I'm saying?
Let's try it now with a hint.
Are you ready?
Beef or fish?
Beef or fish?
Beef or fish?
Could you get it this time?
Let's try it a little bit slower now.
Are you ready?
Beef or fish?
Beef or fish?
Beef or fish?
OK, I'm going to reveal the answer now.
The answer is "Beef or fish?"
Beef or fish?
So, this is probably a typical question somebody might ask you in a restaurant
when you are ordering food.
They might say, "do you want beef or fish?" but in reality, we pronounce this expression
very relaxed and a little bit quicker.
So maybe you thought I was saying letter "b" from the alphabet
but actually, it was beef so the "f" sound was a little bit less pronounced so "beef or"
and then "for" becomes a kind of weaker sound,
we call this a weak schwa sound in English.
Basically, just a relaxed "uh" sound, so beef "uh" instead of "for" but it's the same word as for,
beef "uh" fish, fish.
So the stress is on fish at the end of the expression.
So let's practice this a little bit together now. Natural, relaxed native speed.
We'll start slowly.
Please repeat after me.
Beef or fish?
Now, a little bit faster.
Beef or fish?
And native speed.
Beef or fish?
Very good.
Now let's try it three times at native speed.
Are you ready?
Beef or fish?
Beef or fish?
Beef or fish?
Great job!
OK, thank you very much for watching.
Now you can understand whether someone is asking if you want beef or fish.
And, um, I hope you choose the right one.
So good luck!
Thank you very much for watching.
Please click like if you liked the video and subscribe to our channel.
Fox's Democrat Bob Beckel Gives Democrats A Brutal Warning, Even Greg Gutfeld Thinks It's Spot On - Duration: 2:12.Fox's Democrat Bob Beckel Gives Democrats A Brutal Warning, Even Greg Gutfeld Thinks
It's Spot On
Fox's Democrat Bob Beckel seems like he was finally influenced by his Republican friends
into thinking straight.
He gave Democrats a huge warning that even Greg Gutfeld thought was spot on.
"Let me just say, I'm going to anger my Democratic friends, they're already mad
at me about this," Beckel started.
"We continue to say we're the party of labor, women, minorities — you know, LGBT
— whatever it is.
I gave a speech at the Democratic National Convention.
I said, 'We've got to stop doing that and get back to where we were built — which
is, helping people who are working people.'
And they don't identify with that," said Beckel.
"And the idea that Republicans would get anybody who is a working person to vote for
them is amazing to me, but the Democrats deserve a lot of the responsibility," said Beckel.
Greg Gutfeld also commented.
"You know how you know your religion — which is identity politics — is toxic?
It's when you can't tell the difference between the real story and the parody,"
Gutfeld said.
"Like when you think it might be an Onion story — it might be a joke — but then
you find that it's actually real that somebody believes this, that somebody says if you serve
tacos at a party it's cultural appropriation," said Gutfeld.
Check out the video below.
Trey Gowdy Just Destroyed Susan Rice And Hillary In The Same Sentence Video - Duration: 2:40.Trey
Gowdy Just Destroyed Susan Rice And Hillary In The Same Sentence [Video]
Congressman Trey Gowdy has a long history with two time failed presidential candidate
Hillary Clinton, since he was the one who brought her email crimes to light as part
of his investigation into the role she played in creating the Benghazi tragedy.
Now Gowdy has dived deeper into the behind the scenes scandal that is playing out with
former National Security Advisor Susan Rice and how she tried to help Hillary Clinton
attack officials in Donald Trump's presidential campaign in a failed attempt to sabotage his
Gowdy managed to destroy both Hillary and Susan in the same statement.
Gowdy appeared on Fox News and host Bill Hemmer asked him about how Susan Rice turned down
an invitation to offer testimony about how Trump officials were unmasked.
Gowdy said, "There are other ways to invite people other than via a letter.
There are things called subpoenas.
You shouldn't have to use them with a former national security advisor, but if you do,
you do."
He also called Rice a "very important witness," and added, "Members of Congress don't
pick the witnesses, lawyers don't pick witnesses…facts pick the witnesses…"
Without skipping a beat, Gowdy then made clear his thoughts on Hillary Clinton's accusation
that FBI Director James Comey's reopening his investigation into her at the end of October
is what cost her the election.
Continued Gowdy, "I don't think [James Comey] told Secretary Clinton to have her
own server.
I don't think he told her to give disingenuous answers to questions throughout the campaign.
I don't think he told Anthony Weiner to communicate via text with underage girls."
He then added, "Secretary Clinton, at some point, ought to do a little self reflection."
Fo you agree with James Comey?
Watch below:
Help Expand O'Neil's Music!!! (GoFundMe Campaign) - Duration: 4:02.To make someone believe what you believe, you must in part let them feel what you feel.
If I could tell you the amount of times that I've been on my bed, worrying about where
I am going in life,
With all of the work that I've done as a musician and content creator, that has been my premise.
All of the art that I create hangs on how I feel about life and how I feel about God.
In a world where self-hate, depression and anxiety are running rampant, I've set my heart
to lift up the hearts that are around me - whether it be through my conducting and teaching,
the videos I make on YouTube, as a worship leader at my church, or through my primary
voice: songwriting.
With the songs I write, I inspire, motivate and encourage.
As a songwriter, I express the depths of my heart, as dark and as bright as it gets.
I pass on the permission for people to be authentically themselves, not a carbon copy
of someone else.
But I don't want to stop there.
I want to expand my horizons.
I want to not just produce and write my own music, but allow others' voices to be heard
through their own songs.
I want to do my own music, live, with all of the nuances and explorative techniques
I see in my head.
I want score music for films and TV shows.
I want to teach people how to sing and create their own music like me.
I want people to experience the authentic joy that Jesus has given to me.
When I released my first album, Different Rhythm Volume 1 in 2013, I didn't want to
charge for it.
It was the same thing in 2014 when I released Volume 2.
Now, I'm releasing new music.
But, my ability to create and inspire is hindered by my technology.
My laptop is now 4 years old.
Now it's no longer able to withstand the power of what I have to accomplish.
It often shuts down without warning, weird sounds pop up when I'm trying to edit and
two of the USB ports don't even work anymore.
I would get these things fixed, but it doesn't make sense to invest in this workstation anymore.
Therefore I want to get the laptop that will be my studio, my video editor, my composition
and scoring base, my live instrument setup and everything else.
Basically my own production headquarters in a box.
Along with all of the tools that I need to function at the professional capacity that
I now know is in me.
For my 25th birthday, don't take me out.
I lied.
If you wanna take me out, that's fine.
I love all of my friends and family.
But I just wanted to let you know how you could best help me at this time in my life.
I'm learning more and more that so many people want to support and celebrate me.
And this is me letting you.
I've always found it hard to ask for help, but I think if there ever was a time to do
it, it would be now.
I have a world to impact.
So, to give, you can head to my GoFundMe page and make a one time donation.
And you can also subscribe to my Youtube channel.
You can check out the breakdown for my goal of in the description box of this video!
Happy birthday to me and I hope you enjoy this new music that I'm going to be bringing
to you!
I thank you so much for your support.
Sachin Tendulkar phone SRT PHONE SACHIN RAMESH TENDULKAR PHONE SMARTON SMARTPHONE REVIEW HINDI/ URDU - Duration: 10:17.Hi friends please subscribe my youtube channel
How to Plasti Dip Motorcycle Rims - Duration: 2:42.So you want to Plasti dip your rims.
Me Too.
Let's begin
So the First thing you'll want to do is clean the dog piss out of your rims.
Literally, and metaphorically.
Dry the rim thoroughly with a clean rag.
Tape off your bearings with transparent tape, and block the threads that mount your brake disks.
I was able to stuff it with random paper & plastic that was laying around the garage cause after
all, I am a professional.
After you've prepped both sides, it's time to get to spraying.
Make sure you're in a well lit, ventilated area, where the rim has no contact with the
The last thing you want is some asshole star from 93 million miles away to fuck up your
paint job.
After shaking the can vigorously for a full minute like it just told you your bike was
slow, you're going to want to give it a test spray on a piece of cardboard, paper, your
cat, or your test piece of choice.
For the first coat you want to start off with a light coat of about a 50%-60% coverage.
Much like spray painting, this thin layer will help create a much better bond than if
you were to disperse a full coat.
Be sure to spray in short bursts, and always move the can while spraying.
After you let the first coat dry for about 30 min.
Spray the second coat at about 95%-100% coverage.
The main goal here is to apply the coat evenly across the entire wheel.
Allow another 30 min to dry.
Based on your particular Plasti Dip project the can may have enough for a fourth coat.
Although I could've sprayed a fourth layer, I decided to empty the can for the third coat
for a thicker layer.
Finally, to achieve an attractive shine to match my bald head, and provide protection
form the elements, I added 1 coat of Plasti Dip Enhancer Glossifier.
After about an hour, remove the excess Plasti Dip from your tire.
Contrary to what I've done here, I suggest using painters tape for the chicken strips
during preparation.
If you choose not to, you can use something like brake cleaner to remove the Plasti Dip
that's too thin to peel off.
Finally, take the time to pat yourself on the back, admire your work, & Let it cure
for about 8 hours before you install the tire.
Alright guys so I think it came out looking pretty fan fuckin tastic.
I hope you guys got some kind of value out of the video.
If you did spread some love, like, ask some questions, I'll respond.
And, if you wanna see pictures I'm gonna post some pictures on my instagram probably by
tomorrow when I actually get it on the bike.
But, yeah.
Thank you guys for watching, and we'll catch you guys later.
Alright guys that's...
Alright guys, I hope you guys hahaha If you guys did enjoy the video be sure to
like comment subscribe god damnit.
Hahahaha, oh shit.
Rep Raul Labrador Exposes The Stunning Fact About The GOP Healthcare Plan That The Media Wants Hidd - Duration: 2:13.Rep. Raul Labrador Exposes The Stunning Fact About The GOP Healthcare Plan That The Media
Wants Hidden
Now that the American Health Care Act was passed by the House the mainstream media is
acting like President Trump just committed a genocide.
However Raul Labrador exposed the fact about this Health Care Act that the media wants
to ignore.
"We're not doing anything to injure or hurt anybody with a pre-existing condition
— I wish you guys would report that instead of reporting that is just the Democratic talking
points, which is pretty shameful," Labrador said at a conference.
"So we're not doing away with helping people with pre-existing conditions — in
fact, what we're doing is we're helping all Americans.
The question is how do you pay for people with pre-existing conditions?" said Labrador.
"The way Obamacare paid for it was by raising everybody's premiums and making health care
almost unaffordable for the average American and then covering people with pre-existing
What we're doing is we're reducing the cost of health insurance for most Americans,
well actually, for all Americans and a few select people are going to receive subsidies
from the government to pay for their higher premiums," said Labrador.
"We're covering more Americans.
We're making [it] more accessible for more Americans — it's actually a better plan,"
he said.
Why do you think the media is hiding the fact that people with pre-existing conditions are
Download a Youtube video in less than a minute (Easy!) - Duration: 1:08.Sup Toxic here.
So you need to download a video, right?
So this tutorial is going to teach you how to download a video as quick as you can.
In less than a minute, at least.
That is my goal so far.
Let's get started.
So choose the video that you are going to download.
In the URL, put 'my' between the 'you' and 'tube'.
Click enter and it will redirect to fetch tube.
Click on download, if you wanted a video, click on MP4 HD.
Or if you wanted an audio, click on MP3 New.
If you click on MP3 it will redirect you here.
Click here to start the download.
It depends on how long the video is, for the amount of time that it will take to process
Since this is shorter, it will process it fast.
Save, and there it is.
I am not going to open it because it will play and I am going to have copyright issues.
And I do not want that.
So...( PEACE OUT!)
Feds Reveal Sick Proof How Loretta Helped Hillary Avoid Jail, It's Even Worse Than We Thought - Duration: 2:41.Feds Reveal Sick Proof How Loretta Helped Hillary Avoid Jail, It's Even Worse Than
We Thought
Embattled FBI Director James Comey, who was named to his position by liberal former President
Barack Obama, is discovering that his career is in jeopardy as more evidence comes out
about the massive cover-up that saved Hillary Clinton from going to jail because of her
email crimes.
Now Comey's own agency has uncovered a piece of hard evidence that demonstrates just how
far former Attorney General Loretta Lynch went to conceal Hillary Clinton's wrongdoing.
Comey, in testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, has tried to play off his involvement
to save Hillary as the product of intimidation by Obama.
Said Comey about Loretta, "Her meeting with President Clinton on that airplane was the
capper for me, and I then said, you know what, the [Department of Justice] cannot, by itself,
credibly end this."
The FBI then acknowledged the existence of an email written by a Democratic operative
that showed that Lynch's clandestine meeting with Bill Clinton was just the tip of the
iceberg of Lynch's involvement.
According to Fox News' Catherine Herridge, the email stated that Lynch would do "whatever
it took to prevent criminal charges to be brought against Hillary Clinton in the email
Stated Republican Senator Chuck Grassley, "The New York Times recently reported that
the FBI had found a troubling email among the ones the Russians hacked from Democrat
Chuck asked Comey, "The email reportedly provided assurances that Attorney General
Lynch would protect Secretary Clinton by making sure the FBI investigation 'didn't go
too far.'
How and when did you first learn of this document?
Also, who sent it and who received it?"
Comey refused to answer Grassley's question, stating that he could not do so "because
it would call for a classified response."
Do you think Loretta Lynch is guilty?
857 - Les Feldick Bible Study - Lesson 2 Part 1 Book 72 - The Big Picture: Pre-Tribulation Rapture 1 - Duration: 28:33.-------------------------------------------
[Clash Royale] Snow White and the Seven Goblins (Princess bait deck) - Duration: 9:52.Wassup my name is Sasky
and welcome to another Clash Royale episode
today I'll be revisiting my old spell bait deck
with the addition of Dart Goblin
and the Goblin Gang
(That's a lot of Goblins)
Anyway the strategy for this deck is relatively
simple you just have to keep pressuring
your opponent and to make a lot of positive elixir trades
So without wasting anymore time
let's go watch some games
Cool, alright
Our first opponent is Spartan20
from North American clan
He will be playing a Hog Cycle deck
which is a little bit similar to us but
it has it's strengths and weaknesses
I think the main difference between him and me
is that I use the Knight
and he uses the Hog
I feel like we already have a lot of offensive power so
we don't really need the Hog rider
I've tried this deck with the Hog Rider instead of the Knight
and I always felt that the Knight worked much better
So here my opponent with a really aggressive push
Using the Inferno Tower to take out the Hog Rider
A Log to take out the Goblins
easily wiped out
It always feels a little bad to use the Inferno Tower against a Hog Rider
because it's a negative elixir trade
which is not what this deck is looking to be doing
But we have no choice
Hog Rider causes so much pain
Our opponent's angry for *some* reason
Ok so we are both just idling
waiting to see who will make the first move
I think our opponent here will
be the one
No, it's us
Skeleton Army and Hog Rider here
So difficult to stop
The Log will take out his Goblin Barrel
and his Skeleton Army
and my Goblin Gang will take out his Hog Rider
His Goblin Gang will eat up
my Knight
Ok our Princess just marching on our opponent
I love the Princess she's my favorite card in Clash Royale
full stop
Because she has such good defensive potential
that can translate into a counter-offense
She's also really easy to counter
So that's rather sad
My opponent loves to use his swarm units with his Hog Rider
it's really painful
and annoying to deal with
I should have used the Log over there
My opponent angry again
My opponent seems to hate Goblin Barrel even though he's using Goblin Barrel as well
What a hypocrite
Inferno Tower of his own
So his deck is really similar to mine
He uses Mega Minion instead of Dart Goblin
That's a debatable choice
I'm fine with both
I prefer Dart Goblin
because he functions like a second Princess
And the point of this deck is to bait out the opponent's spells
So the Princess baits the Log
The Dart Goblin baits the Log
The Skeleton Army, Goblin Barrel, all of these are Log baits
and your opponent only has one Log
so he can't deal with all of them at once
Inferno Tower there making a negative elixir trade
It's not fantastic against such a deck
It's better against Giants, Golems, Royal Giants
and stuff which you can make a positive or even elixir trade
My Spear Goblin there finishing off the Princess
aaaannndd it will be a GG
for us
Ok so our next opponent will be
Zhang from Beijing
Hu Luo
Whatever that means
some place in Beijing
To open things
I'm going to start by throwing a Goblin Barrel on my opponent's tower
You want to get Goblin Barrel in your opening hand
Princess is another decent opener
you can place her at the bridge to start chipping away
at the opponent's tower
Opponent opening with the classic split Elite Barbarians
and a Hog Rider
It's gonna cause so much pain
but here, our Inferno Tower
finally being able to make a positive elixir trade
Well, more or less
My Princess there as you can see
again, this is why I love the Princess
so much
She's not amazing on defense or offense
but she can defend safely
and survive to make a push
unless the opponent Logs her
then it's pretty sad
The Mini Pekka here
is being destroyed by our Skeleton Army
My opponent plays a Wizard
I don't know why but ever since I picked up this deck
I have been playing against a lot of Wizards
Like every time I choose this deck and go into battle
I get paired up against Wizard players
and Wizard is so good against
this deck
And that is why we play the Knight
for stuff like the Wizard, stuff like the Valkyrie
stuff that just wipes out all your swarm troops
Elite Barbarian there causing a little bit of damage to us
I had the feeling that the opponent was low on elixir
so I dropped my Princess
on the bridge
But apparently I was wrong
Thankfully I had the Skeleton Army here
if the Mini Pekka had reached our tower
I think we would be in a lot of pain
Skeleton Army is a pretty good offensive unit
if your opponent has used his spell
but otherwise it's mainly a defensive unit
You can easily swap out Skeleton Army for
something else like Mega minion or Archers
It's your choice
With the introduction of the Goblin Gang I feel like Skeleton Army has lost a bit of its power
Ok I'm wrong, it has lost a lot of power
My Goblin Barrel there taking out the tower
The Minion Horde is no problem for us
We have the Princess and we have the Dart Goblin
So Dart Goblin and Princess
unfortunately doesn't match up very well against Elite Barbarians
But the Inferno Tower and the Knight
will do some work in defending us against these cancerous units
Here the Princess on the opponent's side of the arena
A pretty rare sight
but she's still very safe
because the opponent is hard on pushing the left lane
and our Princess will be able to defend very safely
look at how many shots she got off!
and she wasn't even hurt at all
in the process
I would say that one of the only
irreplaceable cards in this deck would have to be the Princess
aaand I missed the two-crown over there
Ok, so none of my videos will be complete without a game against an overlevelled Royal Giant
so here we go
Our opponent is Fox
And he is of course a Royal Giant player
and here we go, Princess opener
we didn't have the Goblin Barrel
so the Princess is a decent opener
another optional opener you can do is Knight in the back
I prefer not to use Dart Goblin
as the opener because he doesn't really do that much
damage by himself
The tower can reach him
but the Princess is difficult to deal with
they either need to have a Log or commit a unit to the bridge
which allows you to make positive elixir trades
by countering them
as the units are going to move towards your side
So their level 12 Royal Giant here
easily stopped by the Inferno Tower
And again, we have the Wizard
making an appearance
the Wizard is so good against our deck
Goblin Barrel here
If you want to pick up this deck
and there's one card that you should focus on leveling up
it will be the Goblin Barrel
because the Goblin Barrel does a lot of damage if it's overlevelled
The rest of the deck
they can be low level
You can level up the Knight or something
The Royal Giant here used defensively
which is pretty annoying
because it allows him to build up a small push
and he has the Wizard
so he can support the Royal Giant really well
Inferno Tower here placed a little bit too early
the Royal Giant didn't get to cross the bridge
If the Royal Giant was allowed to cross the bridge both my Inferno Tower and arena tower will be able to fire on him
which would have wiped him out more quickly
Fortunately for me
my opponent didn't play a supporting unit for the Royal Giant
for some reason
So his Royal Giant basically got wasted
Here the Knight, a little bit late
not before the Wizard wiped out our Goblins
This is a pretty decent strategy to use
with this deck
Once your Knight crosses the bridge
and the arena tower is shooting at the Knight
you can drop your Goblin Barrel
So the Goblins get to make many many hits on the tower
while the tower is shooting at the Knight
If unchecked
this single push will be able to take out an arena tower
all by itself
Opponent using the Miner here defensively
on our Dart Goblin
The Skeleton Army is a pain for
this deck
Sometimes you have to drop a Log after your Goblin Barrel
to predict a Skeleton Army
I didn't get a game where I had to do that
You can use your own judgment for this
So again the Knight tanking for the Goblin Barrel
and you can see the Goblins just whacking away on the tower
dropping it down to 80hp
and here I'm just gonna cycle for my Log
and close the game
There's no way my opponent will be able to deal 800 damage to my tower
in such a short period of time
and it will be a win for us
Alright I hope you enjoyed this deck
If you liked this video please drop a thumbs-up and a subscribe down below
and as always, love yourself and take care
Bye bye!
Why?!#@$%^&*( - Duration: 10:52.sorry for static :(
Elizabeth Warren Demands That We Never Elect A Male President Ever Again, See How The Crowd Reacts - Duration: 2:07.Elizabeth Warren Demands That We Never Elect A Male President Ever Again, See How The Crowd
Elizabeth Warren made a very sexist and disgusting comment about President Trump.
She claimed that because her and her followers don't like President Trump, that America
won't be ready for a male president ever again.
"We're going to shatter the glass ceiling into so many pieces that the Donald Trumps
and Mitch McConnells of the world will never be able to put it back together again!
The way things are going, if the next three years and 261 days are like Donald's first
100 days — I wonder if America will ever be ready for a male president again," said
It seems like she is trying to insult people who claim that because Hillary Clinton was
so bad, America won't be ready for a woman president for a while.
Somehow Democrats aren't able to see Hillary Clinton as anything other than a 'woman'.
They don't care that she's a crook, they only care that she's a woman.
President Trump is obviously more than just a 'man'.
But maybe Warren's sexist brain can't see that.
"Donald Trump might call us names.
Mitch McConnell [R-Ky.] might tell us to sit down and shut up.
We will not back down.
We will not play dead.
We will resist.
We will persist.
And we will win," said Warren.
Check out the video below.
Suzumiya Haruhi no Tsuisou - 356: The Regular Supporting Members (Part 132) - Duration: 3:09.Now we've decided on what we're doing, now we just need to get it done. Which meant starting with Asakura and I phoning every member of our class.
Most of our classmates had already gone home. It simply wasn't practical for them to come because of Asakura's request.
In the end the only ones we got into the classroom were Taniguchi and Kunikida, who were coincidentally still only making their way down the hill towards the station. The SOS Brigade's regular supporting members.
Taniguchi: Oi oi, seriously~? The North High Festival ends tomorrow and we're changing our exhibit now?
Kunikida: Asakura-san, I get where you're coming from, but it's ridiculous to go changing things at this point.
Asakura: I know it's ridiculous, but I'd regret not even trying. Please, help us.
Taniguchi: But there's no way we'd make it.
Kyon: Taniguchi, just shut up and help. No matter what you say, Asakura's doing it.
Taniguchi: Seriously?
Asakura: That's right. I am. There's no time to hesitate. We need to get started ASAP.
Kunikida: Do you know what we're doing?
Asakura: I've got it sort of planned out in my head.
Kunikida: I see. So, what can I do?
Taniguchi: Uoh!? Seriously, Kunikida!?
Kunikida: I'd turn her down if she had no plans whatsoever, but she has some idea what she's doing. So I'll do what I can.
Asakura: Thank you, Kunikida-kun!
Kunikida: It's too soon to be thanking me yet. Shall we get to work, Kyon?
Kyon: Sure. Asakura, where should we be starting from?
Taniguchi: Eh? W-wait, what?
Asakura: Firstly, can you copy the survey results for "Name an author whose work you're interested in but haven't actually read" onto a banner? First place is Shakespeare, while it doesn't matter what you put in second place and below.
Kunikida: Just whatever? That's surprisingly audacious for you, Asakura-san.
Asakura: A lot of people falsified their surveys anyway, so it's fine.
Kyon: Shakespeare apparently really was number one though.
Kunikida: Huh, wouldn't have expected that.
Taniguchi: Uh, hello?
Asakura: Also, this is important, could you also show with the question "Among Shakespeare's works, which one holds the most interest?" with Hamlet as number one?
Kunikida: Right, got it. I'll do what I can to put it together.
Asakura: If you would. Kunikida-kun, you're a fast worker so I can rely on you. Now, next up...
Taniguchi: Oh fine, I'll help already!
Kyon: You're finally up for it, huh?
Kunikida: He was feeling left out.
Taniguchi: Shut up! I said I'm helping, okay!
Asakura: Thank you, Taniguchi-kun. It means a lot!
Taniguchi: Don't mention it. Alright, let's get cracking, Kunikida.
Kunikida: Right. I think we've got some left over material in the locker.
Asakura: Right, now we can go ahead and discuss the script.
Kyon: Yeah.
Love Live! SIF EN - Limited Step Up Scouting - Duration: 8:37.hey guys and welcome back in this channel
in awill channel here and we back again in
this game school festival
EN servers um so we back in scouting
videos and this is unexpected box that
come out and and servers I think this is
a good value because the discount of
10+1 is like reduced like 20
loves gems and you still get the 10+1
and the other side if you do
that ten plus one you get one free um
blue coupons I mean the blue tickets I'm
sure that everyone is your loves
gem is not ready and especially no is
score match Umi bubble versions
is live now so let's get started I just
don't want to waste this chance
hopefully I can get UR of course I
want curious about my luck
like last scouting in JP
lets try luck in my EN and so I'm gonna do I have to
2 10+1 so let's get started here we
all right that's really worse hahahaha
one is SR all right
and as you know in this box is really an
old only old card you can check in the
details on that so we get this
kimono off Eli it's really old version
and so we got one SR and not sure
this is really
clickbait for scouting but I just want
to get blue coupons hope so second one
we go and another one SR
oh nice I mean I don't know what kind set
she is that Honoka really cute
I love it
all right under the waves not sure what
kind set she is so yeah that's it oh and
I'm gonna do this blue scouting because
I'm really curious about my blue tickets
scouting like last scouting and my JP
um before that I think I need to do to
scouting again um we're going to use
this 2 scouting ticket to fill up my
stars and there you go
alright guys so 20%
I started totally a lie or that.. never
mind let's do this everyone just wish me
luck Oh
all right one is SR
we got the cooking set Eli, to bad
she is a stamina card, not sure iam gonna use
it or later maybe for a seals let's
see what we got in the second once Oh
another SR and we got Pool Nozomi
not bad.. not sure, oh lord
lets see another one.. I KNEW IT
not sure what she kind set she is this
Nico is... but..that it
this is really clickbait from KLab
EN, to do this, 10+1 only
1 SR but I think it's really um good
value if you want get a less love gems
to scout especially if you can do five
more scouting and you get the other blue
tickets with less gems like I said
in earlier and actually know my blue Tickets
is really really
SR CURSED and from now I think I'm
not going to do that or five more to the
blue tickets don't wanna waste my blue tickets
to SR are so I prefer maybe collect ten
or twenty five later to get more benefit
cards like SSR and UR oh thank you
guys for watching this video
I'm not sure if you enjoyed this video
because it's all SR scouting so if
you'll enjoy to watch this video you can
give a thumbs up in this video and you
new this channel please give to
subscribe to our channels and ok see you
guys in the next video
DJ Khaled - Biography,Net Worth,Awards,Cars,House,Education,Lifestyle[BUSTED] - Duration: 6:40.-------------------------------------------
Work From Home Giveaway - Register Now! - Duration: 0:56.If you currently work from home, want to work from home or manage others working from home,
I have an announcement you will definitely be interested in.
I'm giving away two work from home books that are critical to your success.
Tim Ferriss' latest Tools of Titans and the foundational work from home book by remote
work gurus Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson Remote: Office Not Required.
Winning the hardcover or ebook version is easy.
Just go to workfromhome.sharedesk.com and register to win (link is in the video description).
And for every person you refer I will enter you three more times.
So for every work from home friend you encourage to sign up, I will multiply your entry times
Don't wait, this ends soon.
Mini-Lawn Gets A Little Off The Top - Duration: 3:24.Time for a haircut.
Should we be using clippers?
No, you're too sophisticated for that.
How about some scissors?
Too big?
How about some smaller ones?
Still too big?
How about, some that've never been used before.
This isn't how they are supposed to be used, you say!
That's okay.
So what style are you looking for?
Hmm? A little off the top?
A little at first.
You ask if I went to school for this?
No, no, not at all.
I've no hairdressing training at all.
Are you having second thoughts about your haircut?
Just a little trim.
How's this so far?
What, what?
Not liking it?
You still think it's way too long?
Warmer weather is coming.
Time for shorter hair!
Of course it's almost even!
Still have a little much going on in the back?
That's okay.
We can fix that.
What? You say you feel lighter already?
Take a look and see if you want any other changes.
You're liking it?
Okay, so how about a little bit of a spritz?
What? You might go to another hairdresser?
You don't plan on recommending me to your friends?
Oh, well.
Have a nice day, anyway.
[Printemps] - Puwa Puwa-O! - Subs Español ~ Romaji - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
Tutorial : Como fazer o corpo de um personagem (Tutorial : How to make a body of your character) - Duration: 1:23.Today's Tutorial: How to make a body of your character
Step 1: Make the body like this:
MAGIC!! :0
Step 2: paint everything
Step 3: Put Details (4?)
Step 4: Draw a Smile (5?)
Step 6: See what your character found ... >:(
Homilia Diária.527: Sábado da 3.ª Semana da Páscoa - Tu tens palavras de vida eterna! - Duration: 5:39.-------------------------------------------
Lenovo Yoga A12 || Multi Touch Convertible Android Tablet Review 2017 - Duration: 12:04.Lenovo Yoga A12
Lenovo Yoga A12
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What if Excalibur was real? - Episode #11 - Stuff About Ace Combat - Duration: 9:01.Have you ever wondered what would happen if those Strangereal superweapons from
the Ace Combat games were real?
If you're like me you probably did and that's exactly the topic of this video -
What if Excalibur was real?
Let's take a look at some of the specifications of this Strangereal superweapon and see how
it would play out in a real world scenario assuming, of course, if we had the technology
and the resources to build a real live version of Excalibur.
First and foremost we need to understand the strategic concept of this super weapon.
Excalibur is laser firing complex developed by the Belkans during the 1980s and built
in the 1990s with the goal of intercepting and destroying ICBMs thus serving as a shield
to protect the country in the event of a nuclear war.
As you have also seen during the Belkan War, Excalibur can also be used, to a certain degree,
as an anti-aircraft weapon against large and slow aircraft such as bombers and transports,
however Excalibur isn't effective against fast and manoeuvrable aircraft such as fighters
who are able to quickly change direction and therefore evade its attacks.
According to mission 8 of Ace Combat Zero, a single attack from Excalibur's laser beam
is enough to destroy any aircraft.
To get some more information about the weapon I measured how long each laser beam lasts
and what is the interval between them - the period the weapon needs in order to cool down
- and I got a beam of about 7 seconds long and an interval of 5.3 seconds between two beams.
I did the same in mission 9 and the results were quite different, in mission 9 the laser
beam lasts 9.1 seconds long and the cooling interval is almost 17 seconds long.
Because the two measurements differ, I will use the ones from mission 8 since Excalibur
is supposed to be a long range weapon.
Using these numbers we get about 5 beams per minute if the time for the cooling is taken into account.
According to Acepedia, each laser beam requires 1.21 gigawatts of electricity.
But I need a nuclear reaction to generate the 1.21 gigawatts of...
1.21 GIGAWATTS?!?!
- that is approximately the same as the output of the Torness Nuclear Power Station in the UK
and that is a lot of energy!
Now that we know how much energy it takes to fire Excalibur, what about its range?
How far can we target something and hit it with Excalibur?
There are actually two different ranges for Excalibur, they are the ranges with and without
satellite support and you can clearly see the difference between them because in Mission 8
the beam is vertical, therefore it goes Excalibur - Satellite - Target, and in mission 9
the laser comes straight out of Excalibur.
Let's first take a look at the range without satellite support, in this scenario Excalibur
would work based on the line of sight principle, meaning that there needs to be a straight
line between Excalibur and the target, and because Earth isn't flat the curvature of
the planet must limit the range of Excalibur at some point.
In order to calculate the range without satellite we can use this formula to calculate the distance
to the horizon from Excalibur, and the only thing we need is the height of Excalibur, which we can simply
measure by flying beside it and is about 3000 feet.
Now that we know the height of Excalibur compared to mean sea level, I've plugged in the numbers
into this online calculator and we get a range of 107 kilometres.
Keep in mind though that this comes under the assumption that all the terrain around
Excalibur is not higher than the mean sea level which of course isn't true but this
would give us the maximum possible range if Excalibur was built by the beach.
As you can see in the diagram, the shaded region represents the area that is out of
range of Excalibur due to the curvature of Earth but note that it can still hit aircraft
flying at certain altitudes - and if you want to know the range of Excalibur for certain
altitudes you can plug in the altitude right here in and you will get an specific firing
range for that altitude.
But what about the range with satellites?
Fortunately we don't need any formula to figure that out.
According to Acepedia, Excalibur's theoretical range with satellite support is about 1,200km
– that is the same as Stonehenge's - and that's a 1093 kilometer increase in range when you put the satellites together with Excalibur.
With these specifications in mind let's look at some real life scenarios and tactics regarding Excalibur.
Real World Scenarios
With an attack radius of 1,200 km and covering an area of about 4,500,000 square kilometres
(which is larger than India), Excalibur could completely cover any Western or Central European
country and have enough range to attack the neighbouring nations.
If Excalibur was to be built anywhere in Europe, it would drastically change the whole geopolitical
system in place in favour of the country who controls the weapon.
Meanwhile if it was built in Eastern Asia, it would be able to protect either South Korea
or Japan from a North Korean nuclear attack.
If it was built in the capital of the United States, it would be able to cover
most of the eastern coast, an area so large that would include parts of Florida and Canada.
Excalibur's Defenses
As mentioned before, Excalibur is primarily a defensive weapon against ICBMs with some
limited anti-aircraft capabilities.
If Excalibur was real it would be almost impossible to destroy it due to its defensive capabilities.
First, you cannot use missiles or bombers because those
can be destroyed by Excalibur from long range.
Second, you would need to get through the 1,200 kilometres firing range which is something
only fast and agile fighters would be able to do by using the estimated firing location
technique as it was used in mission 8 of Ace Combat Zero.
Third, when you get into the range without satellite support, Excalibur will be able
to cover a wide area in a single beam as you can see in the diagram here.
Fourth, by the time you get close enough to Excalibur you will have to deal with the jammers
and anti-aircraft weapons such as the Rail-based tactical laser systems.
In short, the only way of destroying Excalibur would be by either deploying stealth aircraft
that could remain undetected while flying to Excalibur or using conventional aircraft
that could use the terrain, such as hills and mountains, as cover while flying towards Excalibur.
Attacking with Excalibur
Despite the extended range Excalibur has, one major flaw of the weapon is that it needs
some kind of radar coverage in order to track and hit targets.
Without that Excalibur would only be able to attack and hit non-moving targets such
as cities or airfields.
Where to build it
First things first, you're going to need a lot of energy in order to operate Excalibur
so building it close to a good source of energy is recommended.
Other than that, it should be built in a central region of a country, far from any borders,
in order to better defend itself against any surprise attack from a neighbouring country
and to cover more area of the home country.
Also it is recommended to build it in a plain or flat region so that enemy aircraft cannot
use the surrounding terrain as cover.
These were my thoughts and considerations about the constitution of Excalibur and how
it would play out had it been built on Earth.
Of course we will never see an Excalibur here on our planet Earth but I hope that this video,
although being a "what if video", helped you understand the true power and magnitude
behind Excalibur which I think is the most underrated superweapon of the Ace Combat series
since it can attack enemies in the air, ground, sea and even space as long as they are in
line of sight or in the 1,200 kilometres range.
Before we finish it up, I'd like to give my thanks to the folks from Acepedia for some
of the data that was crucial in the creation of this video and as always, stay tuned to
the channel for more Ace Combat!
Rap do Itachi (Naruto) | Letra: Rap of God's | Dreamy RapTributo 01 - Duration: 2:58.-------------------------------------------
Help Expand O'Neil's Music!!! (GoFundMe Campaign) - Duration: 4:02.To make someone believe what you believe, you must in part let them feel what you feel.
If I could tell you the amount of times that I've been on my bed, worrying about where
I am going in life,
With all of the work that I've done as a musician and content creator, that has been my premise.
All of the art that I create hangs on how I feel about life and how I feel about God.
In a world where self-hate, depression and anxiety are running rampant, I've set my heart
to lift up the hearts that are around me - whether it be through my conducting and teaching,
the videos I make on YouTube, as a worship leader at my church, or through my primary
voice: songwriting.
With the songs I write, I inspire, motivate and encourage.
As a songwriter, I express the depths of my heart, as dark and as bright as it gets.
I pass on the permission for people to be authentically themselves, not a carbon copy
of someone else.
But I don't want to stop there.
I want to expand my horizons.
I want to not just produce and write my own music, but allow others' voices to be heard
through their own songs.
I want to do my own music, live, with all of the nuances and explorative techniques
I see in my head.
I want score music for films and TV shows.
I want to teach people how to sing and create their own music like me.
I want people to experience the authentic joy that Jesus has given to me.
When I released my first album, Different Rhythm Volume 1 in 2013, I didn't want to
charge for it.
It was the same thing in 2014 when I released Volume 2.
Now, I'm releasing new music.
But, my ability to create and inspire is hindered by my technology.
My laptop is now 4 years old.
Now it's no longer able to withstand the power of what I have to accomplish.
It often shuts down without warning, weird sounds pop up when I'm trying to edit and
two of the USB ports don't even work anymore.
I would get these things fixed, but it doesn't make sense to invest in this workstation anymore.
Therefore I want to get the laptop that will be my studio, my video editor, my composition
and scoring base, my live instrument setup and everything else.
Basically my own production headquarters in a box.
Along with all of the tools that I need to function at the professional capacity that
I now know is in me.
For my 25th birthday, don't take me out.
I lied.
If you wanna take me out, that's fine.
I love all of my friends and family.
But I just wanted to let you know how you could best help me at this time in my life.
I'm learning more and more that so many people want to support and celebrate me.
And this is me letting you.
I've always found it hard to ask for help, but I think if there ever was a time to do
it, it would be now.
I have a world to impact.
So, to give, you can head to my GoFundMe page and make a one time donation.
And you can also subscribe to my Youtube channel.
You can check out the breakdown for my goal of in the description box of this video!
Happy birthday to me and I hope you enjoy this new music that I'm going to be bringing
to you!
I thank you so much for your support.
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