Where are you all?
Won't you give me food?
What happened?
Eat this my dear..
Younger daughter-in-law, won't
You disturb us a lot..
..as soon as it's morning.
It's not morning now..
Debesh, no one has given me
Will you please look
Definitely they will give you..
Hey, Badan.
What did you bring from the market?
All these..
That's a big chicken..
..will you please ask the
Not much..
Again you are talking about
They insult you so much, master..
I have got this for you..
What's the matter, Babloo?
What did you bring from
You can see that when Badan comes.
Father, have you brought chicken?
Of course I have brought.
How many did you bring, uncle?
Father, did you bring eggs for me?
Yes, of course.. I have brought
Oh no.. you have smeared
Uncle, where is my lozenge?
Stupid boy, eat whatever is given
What are you doing, Ramesh?
Your father is very naughty.
Master.. master.
What have you done..
Sister-in-law, come and
Sister, go and hold something
Ramesh, help him..
Stupid, you are good for nothing..
Aunty, that small bowl
Master, please remove the
Here you are daughter-in-law..
If you don't help us in the morning
..before the men of the
I am coming right away,
I am sorry for being late.
What about my food,
Now listen to that.. he is shouting
Mintu, listen.
Come, grand son.. come to me.
That's not possible..
But you mother is inside the house..
Do you want? Okay then.. you close
Why so late?
Go.. go away.
Master, did Mintu go away without
It's not his fault.. the whole
I have brought food for you.
Have a bite.
You also eat.
Shall I?
I am still getting to eat
..otherwise they have prohibited me
..saying that I am a patient
You eat.
Come on.. drink this..
Why aren't both of you talking?
What's the matter?
Why are you standing silently,
I can't understand anything.
Well.. I see.
So you have again asked Badan to bring
Badan, did you again bring food
Why don't you understand?
Did you get time to come to me now?
What else can I do tell me?
I had to finish all work.
What do the daughter-in-laws do?
I understand everything..
Debesh, I can't stay under the sun
Please take me inside the house.
I am getting late for the office..
He'll take you inside the house.
You are giving the excuse of your
Hey, Ramesh..
I can't bear the sun anymore..
You could have told elder brother.
I had told him too..
Did he?
But I have an important
Bibhuti is coming.. tell him..
Now look at this..
Bibhuti, I am almost roasted in the sun..
Hey Swati, take grand father inside
Do you understand?
Now see this.
He'll take half an hour to stop
And he walks so slowly that
..to take him inside his room.
Badan, take grandfather inside
What a family! God, you are taking
Why are you ignoring me?
Hey Badan
Please take me inside.
How can I manage to do
I am so busy since morning.. do
Do you think that I'll start spinning with
Please take me in.
Your sons and grand children
Now this Badan is left
Why don't you understand?
Their dresses will get spoiled.
Badan, we are getting
As if I don't know that how much
Let me have a look.
Did you see my aim, Babloo?
What a mischievous kid!
Hey Sada, how come you are
Are your daughter-in-laws trying
Mr. Nutu, please take master
I have to take the kids to school..
Let's go now.. why did you throw
Today I'll teach you a good lesson..
Nutu, can you give me some poison?
Do you want to commit suicide?
And that too is possible
What has happened to us?
What else will happen? I have brought
..and today they ignore me.
There is no point lamenting over this..
..we won't be of any use..
I have 3 sons and all
But if I ask for money from them
...all three of them avoid..
If I had 2 lakhs of rupees
..shaved my beard before they grew.
Hey Nutu, hey Sada.. it is out.
What is out, Charu?
It's so surprising.. it's so wonderful.
..and found all of them.. wait..
What's the matter, Charu?
Scientists have already done a lots
..now they are doing research..
..on tissues and cells.. one day
..you have become young for ever.
I don't think that it'll
Of course it'll be..
Those people who are travelling
..how can you not believe them?
But are we going to live till then?
Of course we will..
I understand..
I am suffering from arthritis.
I have told you earlier.. ask your
Go and take 2 dips in a hot
Why only hot springs?
..in the western region
And the water of those springs
You better go for a
No point.. they don't take good
So it's quite natural that they
Let's go to my room.
Let's go.
It'll be done! Yes.. it'll be done.
What are you murmuring?
What? It will be possible
What will be possible?
If it works for an old man then why
Come.. see this.. scientific
Can you see this man lying on
And this man standing beside
..is Dr. Hudson..
..and bring back his youth..
..then we won't have to suffer
why are you smiling?
What if it happens?
We'll think about it when it'll
Barley? Not again.. will I ever get
What else can I do? Do I myself
But you are not well..
..from something or other.
Hell with diseases.. even though
..to live for few more years..
No one will even let me
All of you have made me sick.
Now you are getting angry with me.
Why will I get angry on you?
Give me.
Since the son took his father's
..so king Yayati got
Since the son took his father's
..so king Yayati got
Babloo.. Babloo..
Coming, grand father.
Yayati.. it seems that whatever
..these days, it was same
What happened, grand father?
Come closer to me.. please bring
Why? do you want to ask
No.. no.. so king Yayati got
Of course he got.. wrong things
Of course.. now if I want to
..who will take my diseases and
I mean who will take my
Why? Father can take it..
I don't think it'll be
No son will be ready to take
..and give him back his youth.
You don't bother about that,
I'll go right away to my father
Babloo.. Babloo..
Oh no.. no.. don't touch the coins.
I haven't come to take coins.
Then what do you want?
Will you take grandfather's
Grand father wants to become young.
Young? How will he become?
Why? the same way as
Well.. you have left your studies
No.. it didn't work, grand father.
What did he say?
Father said that he won't
I knew it before.
No problem.. if father doesn't want
I don't like going to
But would you like to become old?
Why not? I'll smoke tobacco..
Well said.. I'll wear shorts
I'll go to my uncle's
That's what Rabindranath
But.. do you know how did
They have written everything,
That's the reason we are
If it was the British..
What would they do, grand father?
They would have written everything..
..so that more people
Babloo what are you doing here?
Go and study.
Grand father, I am ready,
What were discussing, grand father?
Grand daughter-in-law..
Please ask Bibhuti to
I have told Debesh and
I am tired of telling them now.
Okay, I'll tell him.
Bibhuti has a friend
I have heard that he stays
Please send me there.
Okay.. I'll tell him.
Where is your grand mother?
Grand mother has gone
I see.. today is a full moon
The moon looks so beautiful.
Grand daughter-in-law.
Yes, grand father-in-law..
Please switch off the light.
'Go and take 2 dips in a hot spring..
'There are so many good springs in
And the water of those
Eat this, master.
Shall I eat this fried stuff?
Yes.. since you are going for a
Forget barley.
I hope nothing will happen.
Nothing will happen.. eat now..
Oh my god.. there is a chilli..
Move aside.. let me go.
Oh my god!
Where do so many people come from?
Master, it's too much crowded..
Master, do one thing..
Oh my god, he has fainted..
O master.. you have fainted..
Remain like this.. please come and
Hold his head.. move aside..
..getting down from the train..
Master, sit here..
I don't need water..
Now I have got down from the train.
Master, I have found Mr. Chaterjee..
Master is fine now.
What is this grand father?
But the atmosphere and water
You'll be absolutely fine
Where is grand mother?
How will she come?
How can she come leaving her family?
And the daughter-in-laws
They are so merciless.
I see.. anyways.. let's go.
Why? In my car..
I have parked it outside the station.
Let's go then.
Wear your shoes..
I am bringing them.. no..
Master, this car is shivering
Grand son, what kind of car is this?
Actually, this has become one
My grand father used to ride this..
And now I ride this.. probably
Look at this! He loves
And in our family they don't
You have said right..
Why are you going backward? Master.
My god! I hope I won't fall down..
..broken into pieces..
Now I am feeling like sneezing.
Grand son..
Yes.. what happened?
Are you planning to travel
You just sit and watch..
Is it going to fly after all these?
There is too much of dust..
Watch out! Hey, what are you doing?
Someone, save me.. help.. master.
You are supposed to hold me tight..
I am coming to you, master..
Be careful..
Watch out.
Yes, sir..
Grand father, you are
I'll come at times from the
Yes, sir..
This gentlemen will stay here..
Do you understand.. now take down
Grandson, what's his name?
Dhanutari.. come down now..
Be careful..
Come with me..
You stupid.. take that down..
The bedding must have fallen down.
120.. 121..
122.. 123.. master,
I got up 9 times..
And sat down 22 times..
So you have sat more than getting
Hey Badan, I can't get up any more..
What's that, master? Your limbs
Okay you can do the rest tomorrow..
Leave that to me, master..
Move away.. I am working
And do you want to say that I can't
Apply some more strings, master.
That's right.. pull it..
Oh you fell on your back.
I can see that.. the stick
I have fallen down..
Now let's go inside the house..
I have fallen down..
Wonderful, master.. you are
Indeed the change is
Of course it's working.. but
Nothing, master.. I am eating
I can see that.. you'll suffer
Have you ever seen butter
Yes, sir..
she used to give me pickles
Sir.. sir.. it has arrived.
Is it?
Master.. what's the matter?
There is something..
I see, master.. so you
Why won't I? it's much better
But do you have the habit
Of course.. I used to ride Arabian
That's enough.. you'll definitely
Dhanu, why does the
Actually it's an old horse.
I understand.. so this is the
Come this side.. come..
Wait master,
Yes, it's alright.
Shall I get on now.
Yes.. put your leg here.
Yes.. put your leg on his back..
Have you sat properly? Good.
Now the horse has woken up..
It will run now.. hold the rein
Now it will run..
You have brought this old horse..
It's an old horse.. it needs push..
Push it.. push it from the back..
Badan.. hey Badan.
How did this happen?
Look at my skin.. my complexion..
Who took away my old
Power! Hail king, Yayati!
Old master, have you gone mad?
How dare you call me old?
Will you say me old, again?
Feel my muscles.. why are you
Come.. fight with me..
No, sir.. oh my god! What is this?
Feel it..
No, sir.. o my god!
Why are you getting scared?
No.. no, sir..
Dhanu.. Dhanu.. Badan..
"O my mind."
"O my mind."
"O my mind."
"O my mind."
"If you want to live then find
"Yes, my dear, if you want to live
"You just had to dip in it once."
"You just had to dip in it once."
"Dip once, give a dip."
"Dip into it, my mind,
"O my mind."
"So many wonderful incidents
..in this sea of happiness."
"So many wonderful incidents
..in this sea of happiness."
"Change your old age in that tide."
"Dip once, give a dip."
"Dip into it, my mind,
"O my mind."
"The life saving water of
"The life saving water of
"It breaks the barrier of rules
"It breaks the barrier of rules
"The life saving water
"O my mind, you'll be able to
"O my mind, you'll be able to
"With your own eyes, yes.."
"You see your rebirth
"You see your rebirth
"Dip once, give a dip."
"Dip into it, my mind,
"O my mind."
"If you want to live then find
"Yes dear, If you want to live then
"You just had to dip in it once."
"You just had to dip in it once."
"Dip once, give a dip."
"Dip into it, my mind,
"Dip into it, my mind,
Badan, look at me..
Look at me..
Look, I have become strong..
But how did this happen?
Look at my hair and beard..
They are all black..
I am young..
O master..
The old man has become young..
You are a liar..
You drink during the day..
You smoke marijuana..
Whatever you have said is lie..
Come with me..
No, sir.. please spare me..
Shut up and come with me..
Pardon me, sir.. please..
Come with me, I say..
How am I looking?
Wonderful, master.. I am wondering
..once you reach home..
I'll indeed give them a surprise..
Master, will you come along with
Actually I haven't gone
I'll also surprise them..
Okay.. what ever you
But they are not here..
They must have fled, sir..
What? What will happen now?
How can they leave with
What will I tell Bibhuti..?
'Dear Rakesh, I have changed fully.
I am so happy.. this place is
..which can make lives eternal..
One dip and human beings
Good bye, grandson. Thanks
Mine? Eternal life? Pond? Dhanu..
Yes, sir..
Yes, I am telling the truth..
When I came out of the water,
..and beard have become black..
Look at my dress.. they are
After all they are all ready made..
If he was here then I wouldn't
Get out.. get out I say..
What a wonderful son you are! You
You idiot!
I'll give you one tight slap..
Are you going to hit me? if you
Did your see that?
Did you see that, Ramesh? Did
..step by step?
I'll throw him out of the house..
Elder brother, listen..
What's there to whisper? You
And now I have returned
I'll beat you and break your bones..
Brother.. elder brother..
Saro.. Swati, please come and
Don't you dare call the women
Women.. do you still suspect me?
What do you want to know?
What's my age?
49 years 3 months and 3 days..
And what is my age?
You will be 54 years in this April..
Do you want to know more? Bibhuti
Swati has light eyes.. Bharati
Elder daughter-in-law
The ring finger of younger..
And your mother has a mole on her
You have heard everything.. do
This is your father's photograph,
What do you think?
Forget all those stories..
Pond? Of course..
You can also take a dip then.
Okay then..
..the pond, we'll consider
Temporary father..
Okay.. Swati..
No.. no.. you can't get inside..
This is a temporary arrangement..
So I'll be staying here.. and if
..call me temporary father?
Yes, we'll call you
Is your name Rakesh Roy?
Yes.. my father's
...his father's name is
His father's name is Panchu Gopal
Shut up!
Gour Gopal Roy..
Nonsense! I don't have time to
Don't you have?
No.. you have written in the report
Tell me what's so urgent about it?
Well.. I am telling.. this one and
Say quickly..
It's a complicated
This mud and this water..
What!? I'll have to do a research
My grand father.. not mine..
Please don't stare at me that way,
Say quickly..
Yes.. he is 80 years old.. yes.
80 years.. but after
..he has become young..
Nonsense.. get lost from here..
Now what?
Please believe me.. this
No, your brain.. we are
..for quite a long
..find a solution yet.. and now
..in a pond made him younger..
So you are not believing me..
What is this?
That person's letter..
Will you go or not?
Don't throw away the water, sir..
I say, get out!
What happened? Come inside..
If some one sees, then?
But you are my wife..
Say it from there..
Come with me..
Of course to the pond.. can't
..so young and handsome?
No.. I don't want all that..
No.. please don't say no.. let's go..
I came back for you and
I don't know anything..
..my children and grand children.
Hell with your grand children..
..thinking about them.. Saro,
..at least think about yourself..
Bring that..
I am coming..
Come. Come.
Sir, I have come again..
I'll make you believe then
Make me believe?
What are doing? That's
Yes, it's an old and wounded
What do you want to show?
Come on Nagtara.. Nagtara..
Hail goddess Nagtara..
Oh my god.
Shut up! Oh my god!
Oh my god! What do I do now?
Oh my god!
Shut up I say..
Oh it's hurting.. oh god..
Thanks.. sit down..
Well Mr. Rajesh.
Is there trees around the pond?
Yes.. it's almost a jungle..
Because the place is infested
Whenever someone goes there the
That's why the name of
I see.. is the pond just
A little away..
Little away?
So if it rains does the water
..and fall in the pond?
Does it?
Yes.. why only water? Stones,
..phosphorus, snakes, frogs
..and fall in the pond..
It's really strange.. we must
..that what's in that water..
You do whatever research you want..
..water for you..
Let me start doing a business..
I'll sell the water and
What do you mean?
I think you don't know
No.. no.. no..
It's nobody's personal property..
Yes.. it's a public property..
Yes, I am saying the right thing..
it belongs to the people
So now it belongs to people?
Of the universe.. that's why
My god!
Yes, speaking.. Chipkinis? What's
What? What are you saying?
Old man became young?
There is a great news, sir..
An old man took a dip in a pond near
Yes, sir..
No, sir.. Chipkinis himself has
..it is one of world's best
What are you saying?
Yes, sir..
A pond full off youth?
Yes, sir..
I'll go there..
Yes, sir..
I myself will go there..
Yes, sir..
If people come to know then
..any water in the
What difference will
You are so stupid.. are we going
Won't we get old?
Of course we will be..
Then.. how will you get
Then what do we do?
You please go there.. go right
..and fill the empty tank..
..which is kept on our terrace.
And when we will grow old we'll
You are right.
Father and elder brother are
I am 50 now.. one dip will make
What a fool you are! You are
Have you ever thought
What possibilities?
You'll be able to earn thousands..
no.. lakhs of rupees..
Why will you know that?
Convince father
Convince father?
Yes.. take father over there
Then pour the water in bottles,
You'll be a millionaire
You are right.. I could never
Why will you? Listen..
you silently take him and go there..
Will you be successful?
You just wait and watch what I do..
What's the point ironing your
They will pour water in bottles and
He is going to take father over
So they are making
Of course.. they are not stupid
..reduce their age and
I haven't thought of this before..
You don't have to think anything..
What will you do?
Why? I'll convince father-in-law..
Father-in-law, please
I have brought desert
No.. no.. don't et that,
that is made of buffalo's milk..
I have brought desert for you made
She has mixed milk with rice
Don't listen to her..
You shut up.. please eat this
You'll like it's taste..
No, father-in-law,
Don't eat her desert.. you'll have
Father-in-law, eat my desert..
Father-in-law, eat my desert..
Father-in-law, eat my desert..
Don't et her desert.. that will
Leave me.. leave me..
..you both will kill me this way.
You stupid woman, how come you
..of him all of a sudden?
You don't ask me.. why have you
Don't talk much otherwise I'll
I'll pierce your eyes..
Will you? Shall I disclose
What will you disclose?
Why? won't you pour the water
..stick labels on it and sell them?
Of course I'll do.. it's my
I have to go now..
Father-in-law, come to my room..
No, my room..
No, my room..
No, my room..
Saro, they will tear my
Come to my room..
No, come to my room..
What are you doing?
They both were almost
What happened earlier?
..so much of affection before..
I have no one in this world..
..so that I can earn my living..
Okay.. Napa take her fees
Come this side, old woman..
Go that side..
Let me see how much money you
Let me see how much money
Badan, she has only 21 rupees..
Take whatever they give you..
What can I do? After all I have
Look you can't just get your work
I know that you have money..
Go there, give money and get your
Go fast..
Go now.. what are you doing?
But will I succeed?
Yes.. don't be late
Will I be able to do it..
Oh goddess, if we get that pond..
..then I'll give you a
Go now.. why are you wasting time..
I am going.. why are you pushing me?
Go now.. and listen if father-in-law
..with this towel and take him
Do I have to tie him?
And what if he shouts?
If he shouts then tie
O goddess, help us get thee pond..
Don't shout and come
Where is father?
Come fast.. quick..
How can I walk so quick?
I see..
What are you doing?
I'll carry you..
You want to carry me..?
Is that possible? Will you
Strange! Lord Shiva had roamed all
And do you mean to say that I won't
Nagtara.. Nagtara.. come on..
Nagtara.. Nagtara.. come on..
Mr. Dutta, have you cordoned
Yes, sir..
I hope police is on guard..
Yes, sir.. moreover I haven't..
..allowed anyone to
..since yesterday.. so the water
Very good.. very good..
He is the chairman of municipality..
And he is the local inspector of
Come.. come..
The property doesn't belong to them
What does that mean?
I said that there is no material
This pond used to be mine.. but I
..of the country.. for human
Did you understanding anything?
He is a mad man..
You are right.. he is
Have you seen the reflection of the
It's not only the water of
Your heart is dancing as well..
I can't walk anymore..
We were coming by the right
..but police has cordoned the whole area
Why will they stop you? After
My god! It'll take me
..are you going to live till then?
Come now.. let's go.. look ahead.
Have you seen that?
So many people..
Look who all are coming..
I see.. Nutu and Charu.. so
Have you seen that old man? He is
Not a problem.. everything will be fine
Can't you see me? But have
Seems like he is a rich man..
Look how they are taking
As if they are taking curd
Those people are carrying
Yes, he wants to become young..
..many more years, once
Why are those people bringing
He hasn't died.. he is taking
He'll become young once they
Poor thing.. let him take a dip..
It's our demand..
You have to fulfil..
You can't..
We must be allowed..
You can't..
Silent.. keep quiet.. otherwise
How can they arrest us? We want
Of course you have the right..
but who will let you take
Can't you see that the
I'll apply some strategy
..to take dips at
What strategy will you apply?
Come with me.. all of
Okay.. come all of you..
Sit down.. sit down..
This is our company..
It's a new company.. it's 'new
We couldn't get it printed
Now tell them about our programme..
We will take each of the old men
..a tunnel, help them take dips,
..introduce them to the world..
I see..
Now tell them about the rate..
5.. no.. 10 rupees..
Per person..
Yes, 10 rupees per person.
If you don't help us take dips
And after you become young
Go. Go away..
No.. no.. take it..
Put a stamp on him..
Why are you hitting me?
I am not hitting you.. I
We'll take you to the pond later..
I see..
Now you come? Do you have money?
Put a stamp on him.. why are you
It'll break his ribs..
Take him away..
Now you come.. quick.. do
Do it slowly.. do you
What's the news?
Some rich people are trying to bribe
..the police and take
What are you saying?
Is the washroom ready?
Everything is ready.. you
Hey Jaga.. put stamps on rest
You come with me..
Why won't it happen even
Yes, money..
I have already told you that it's not
Why do you go to the wrong place?
Black water?
What is that?
We have arranged for that water but
..without letting anybody
I see.. so how much do we have
5000 rupees per head..
That's too much..
We'll give you per head 2500
You'll become half young
That's not a good thing..
Are you sure?
Everything is pure..
Come with me..
Come.. come.. come, Sethji..
I have given money first..
No, I have given money first..
Silence! Look Badan, what
What happened?
Keep those old men aside and
I have given you money
Of course it'll happen..
They are all influential people..
Then your turn will come. Sethji..
Where is the money?
Don't worry about that..
Look I am telling you one thing..
Wait.. I'll show you..
This was a banyan tree before.
But after sprinkling water on it..
Why are you getting angry?
Is someone there in that black
Has the zamindar of Dharashpur,
I'll check..
Half a minute more.. he
Come with me.. you can
Let's go..
Come.. come.. see that..
Gentleman what was your age before?
My age?
Yes, age..
I was about to die.. do you
I was this before.. and this
It's okay.. you can
Hold it. Hold it.
Look there.. who is he?
What's the matter, Badan?
Master.. madam has also
Let it be..
So Badan you have become
Yes, master.. my assistant Jaga,..
..told me that if I won't
..I won't look like a gentleman and
What great do you want to do?
Why? I'll earn some money taking
Everybody is earning money now..
But it's really a problem..
Your madam hasn't been able
Master, nothing happens in
Everything is done in a crooked
Sit over here.. I'll be back right
Why are you so late?
Don't ask me, master.. it took
Yes.. come and see.. I have
Come.. come.
Come and sit here..
No.. I won't be able to do that..
I'll begin with you.. don't be
No.. I can't..
Don't be afraid.
We have kept so many people on
Hey, who are you? Come this side..
Did you see the aim, master?
Now her age is not more than 17-18..
How much money do you get?
Did you take a dip at this
At my 70 years of age..
70 years?
Yes, sir.. 70 has been
For the time being..
..keep her in the camp.. then look
..in to the water and punish them.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Chaterjee.. arrest them.
Right, sir..
Badan, they are saying that they
..what will happen now?
You shut up.. how will they
But what will happen to my wife?
We have to rescue her..
But how?
We'll go there and say that our
..in the pond.. we ask them
At times you talk nonsense.. they
So they will arrest me..
I won't go straight to them.. I'll
How will you go?
I'll make an underground tunnel
What's happening? Is it
No.. no..
Shut up!
Dutta.. Mr. Dutta..
Dutta.. Mr. Dutta..
Mr. Dutta..
Hey.. tie his mouth..
Hey, what are you doing?
Police.. police.. Dutta.. Dutta..
Police.. I am going that side..
Police.. police.. arrest.. arrest..
Police.. police.. arrest.. arrest..
Have you seen what they have done?
We can't take rest..
You are right, sir..
But this is not the
..more and more people will come..
Actually sir, only one
..is being found in
Can old people sit at their homes?
No.. no.. if thousands of old
..in the pond then the
They will soak the water
We have to restore this
This water contains great power..
Sir, since the old people have
We have to hold them back.. because
We can't shoot them either..
Then sir, gas..
Gas? Where will you spread gas?
..at least you don't do it..
Then what, sir?
Fishing net..
Sir, fishing net..?
Yes.. cover the pond with fishing
..they will get caught in the net..
But sir, as they have entered
..similarly if they make a tunnel
Not possible.. before floating in
..as soon as water will start
Go, get in the van..
Why are you arresting us,
Shut up.. you thief!
Those gentlemen have stolen the
Shut up.. get in the van..
Sir.. my children will starve to
Didn't you remember this when you
I am sorry.. I won't do it again
..and throw in the water..
Constable, arrest him and take him
Hey, saint.. hey holy man..
Hail Mahamaya.. every illusion
Why are you standing here, sonny?
I am on duty..
Good.. show me your right palm..
I can see so many broad lines..
What are these lines for?
..you are going to be a king..
Tonight is a no moon night, right?
Tell me is it no moon
Yes, holy man.. tonight, go to the
When you'll come out of the
..you have become young..
Yes, young.. yes.. don't laugh..
Walk straight toward the town..
..once you'll reach there you'll find that
..do you understand?
Yes.. what time will
At 2 a.m..
Yes.. at 2 a.m.. every illusion is
Why are you putting that veil on
Listen.. now I'll buy you high
..I'll buy you lipstick..
I'll buy you blush on..
You'll wear those saris and
No.. I can't apply those colours on
Don't say like that.. the whole
..and why won't you?
Wonderful music.. now
I don't know how to sing..
Sing whatever comes in your
"If you were the sky then I would
"If you were the sky then I would
Now you sing..
No way..
Don't feel shy.. please sing..
Sing again then.. - Okay.
"If you were the sky then I would
"If you were the flour then
..for breakfast out of you."
"If you were the flour then
..for breakfast out of you."
"..for breakfast out of you."
"If you were the nectar of the lotus
"If you were the nectar of the lotus
"I would become a bumble-bee and
Why do you feel shy?
"If you were the tamarind then I
"If you were the tamarind then I
"..I would eat you along with rice."
If you would come more closer
..captivate you in my poems."
"If you would love
Then what?
Shall I say?
Yes, of course.. after all
"I would make more
"I would make more
"If you would open your braid
..red flame of the forest flower
"If you would open your braid
..red flame of the forest flower
"I would have become a red flame..
..of the forest flower in
"If you were really red
..that you are an
"If you were really red
..that you are an
"..that you are in
This is a wonderful song!
What are you doing?
What will happen now? They
Wait.. I'll teach them a lesson..
No.. we won't be able to succeed..
We have to do some other trick..
you hide yourself.. I'll fool him..
Where will you escape now?
Shut up..
You shut up.. you have
Now only the marine police
Shut up..
Leave me.. leave me, I say..
What happened? You have high fever..
Bibhuti.. Bibhuti,
Your grand father has got
Come sonny..
Please take him in his room..
The people of this house
I had gone to the
..and this man was left
No one even bothered
It's same like before.. then
What did you see? Grand son, what
No, Saro.. I am not talking
You know what I saw? I saw that
Is that so?
Yes.. and not only me.. even
Both of you..? anything
This is the age of scientific
..someday you'll wake
..and see in the newspaper that
That should come true.. god
I wish that even the worst of my
"So many wonderful incidents
..in this sea of happiness."
"So many wonderful incidents
..in this sea of happiness."
"Change your old age in that tide."
"Dip once, give a dip."
"Dip into it, my mind,
"O my mind."
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