Friday, September 1, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 1 2017

peppa and her family are going on a beach holiday. they will fly in the Peppa Pig

air jet.

come on George let's get in our seats

I'm coming Peppa. I like flying I'm

not afraid anymore

one bag two bags

that's the luggage in we're all set

mummy pig good job daddy pig

this is your pilot speaking is everybody ready?

We are Ms Rabbit.

we're about to take off sit back relax and enjoy your flight

Look George I can see the beach

Look Peppa I can see the sea

Seat belts everybody. were about to land.

Peppa and her family arrive at the beach. we got the perfect day to

start our beach holiday

You are right Mummy Pig, the sun is shining

the sand is nice and warm under our feet,

and the sea is glittering

George lets go play in the sand.

yes Peppa, yes

George lets build a big sand fort

Great idea here's the first bucket of sand.

Good job George.

Here's one [giggle]

two, three

I'll build the other side.

Peppa I finished my wall [giggle]

It's perfect

and I built my wall.

Oh I love the beach.

Its so relaxing.

No body yelling Daddy Pig, Daddy Pig

Daddy Pig, daddy Pig, come and look at our fort

Oh Peppa I was just relaxing.

It's amazing

Oh ok.


good job Peppa George I'm impressed that's the biggest Sand fort I've ever

seen that must have taken a lot of beach Sand.

thank you daddy pig it did take a lot of sand [giggle]

come on children let's all go collect

some seashells

hurray daddy pig I love collecting seashells

me too daddy Pig.

and now Teddy you mind our sandcastle

now where are those seashells? they have to be around

here somewhere

oow, what's this over there?

I found an orange seashell. Its so beautiful.

Whats that over there?

I wonder what it is.

let me dig it out.

I think its a sea shell.

Wow its amazing.

Its a blue sea shell

Look over here Peppa

Coming george

Whats this?

Peppa I think there's two seashells here

Let's dig me out.

Oh my goodness.

mine's purple. so beautiful

and mine's a lovely teal colour.

let me dig it out.

it's pretty george. try to open it

I think there is something in it.

oh my goodness

There's a pearl inside of mine.


There's a pearl in my shell too.

It's so lovely

Daddy Pig daddy Pig come

it's so oh my peppa and George you are very lucky to find pearls in your

seashells I bet mermaids left them there

Oh daddy pig let's go explore the sand dunes there might be more treasure there

How will we climb up the sand dunes they're so high?

George you will need

the Peppa Pig Holiday Dune Buggy.

and its even has a flag with the sun on it.

Have a great time exploring Peppa & George.

Here we go George.

These sand Dunes are so high

That was so much fun lets go again

This sand dune is so high.


we almost fell over.

peppa that was scary I got a big fright

don't worry George I will go slow this time

you will like it.

Come on George that was great fun but I'm really hot now. let's go into the water

Great idea Peppa

ah it's so nice to be relaxing in the cool water after driving around on the

hot sand dunes

yes Peppa it was so hot and I'm so happy that were in the water relaxing

I'm going to go diving now George and touch the sea bed watch me.

there......that was so much fun.

I'm going to splash you peppa

I'm going to splash you back.

Peppa I'm really tired after all that splashing.

I'm gonna just relax on my dinosaur floaties

ok George

I'll go do some more swimming

soon George fell asleep. The waves carried his floaty out to sea

Swim, swim, swim.

George where are you? George George George

Where's George?

Oh no the tide has taken George's floaty out to sea

Mummy Pig, Mummy Pig, daddy Pig

George George I'll save you

come here George let's get this floaty back into the shore

you're safe now don't worry come with me come with me daddy

Oh George you gave us a terrible fright you know you're not supposed to swim out

into the deep Walter I'm using my dinosaur for tea and I fell asleep and

took me there there George you are safe now

but you must make sure mummy pig or I are with you when you are in the Walter

now I know just the thing to cheer you up

now where is it

the peppa pig holiday lighthouse beach set it comes with a wonderful lighthouse

a water ski go to a daddy take a place for you enjoys to take your photo

Oh daddy pig the beach lighthouse and play center Peppa isn't it wonderful

what in sight come on Peppa George I'll give you the full tour first kids you

can try out the rumble and roll right it's perfect for a giggle oh come on

George let's get in I've never been on this

ride before this is wobbly hold on tight

come on George and Peppa let's take your picture say cheese with a great funny

enjoy it now Peppa George let's look inside the

lighthouse look at this room George it's got lots of beach choice George we can

see all about some no water can see a red bow it's huge

go on the balcony you'll see a lot more boat from there oh my goodness George we

can see for miles around up here and I can see my boat down there it has a

pirate flag good so close now speaking of boots I have a surprise for you

we love surprises follow me children

mummy pig and Daddy pig thank you for the best day ever at the beach I loved

building a sand castle candies demising it I like collecting seashells didn't

expect to find a pearl we were so lucky and died of rising the

Sun buggy on the sand dunes that was exciting and the beach knocked out with

my favorite rambling room made me so dizzy and my favorite was the

waterskiing hooray for the beach pagon I really hope you enjoyed this thing the

beach story all the fun have a big toy I'm this giant Peppa Pig surprise egg so

don't forget to hit the like button if you want to see more videos Wow

here's our other peppa pig holiday video and north hat the big story don't forget

to subscribe it's free

For more infomation >> Peppa Pig Beach Holiday 2 Giant Surprise Egg Opening! New Peppa Pig Episodes - Peppa Pig Toys - Duration: 13:25.


Sampaoli: "Messi estuvo enorme" - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Sampaoli: "Messi estuvo enorme" - Duration: 2:26.


Claire Chazal – Pourquoi a-t-elle été larguée par Xavier Couture ? Il répond- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Claire Chazal – Pourquoi a-t-elle été larguée par Xavier Couture ? Il répond- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 4:25.


Oscar Torres - On the move with RME and Orchestral Recording - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Oscar Torres - On the move with RME and Orchestral Recording - Duration: 2:26.


Obsèques de Mireille Darc : Johnny Hally­day et Laeti­cia sont rentrés de St Barth - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Obsèques de Mireille Darc : Johnny Hally­day et Laeti­cia sont rentrés de St Barth - Duration: 1:58.


Aprendiendo a bucear Gran Canaria - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> Aprendiendo a bucear Gran Canaria - Duration: 5:48.


$4.25 Survey Available Now

For more infomation >> $4.25 Survey Available Now


3 godine putovanja u 3 minuta (lekcije i avanture) - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> 3 godine putovanja u 3 minuta (lekcije i avanture) - Duration: 3:00.


WWE Raw / WWE Raw Woman Championship 2 September 2017 - Duration: 2:03.

Woman Championship

For more infomation >> WWE Raw / WWE Raw Woman Championship 2 September 2017 - Duration: 2:03.


Peugeot 308 BLUE LEASE 1.2 PURETECH 110 PK 5DRS ZEER SCHERP GEPRIJSD - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 BLUE LEASE 1.2 PURETECH 110 PK 5DRS ZEER SCHERP GEPRIJSD - Duration: 0:54.


Planet x Nibiru update 1st September 2017 is when MORE EVIDENCE THAT OUR SKIES ARE CHANGING - Duration: 30:24.

For more infomation >> Planet x Nibiru update 1st September 2017 is when MORE EVIDENCE THAT OUR SKIES ARE CHANGING - Duration: 30:24.


Em Gái Xinh Đẹp Làm Món Cá Lóc Nướng Giấy Bạc || Đơn Giản Mà Ngon - Duration: 14:49.

For more infomation >> Em Gái Xinh Đẹp Làm Món Cá Lóc Nướng Giấy Bạc || Đơn Giản Mà Ngon - Duration: 14:49.


TOP 10 - bizarních faktů - Severní Korea - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> TOP 10 - bizarních faktů - Severní Korea - Duration: 2:52.


Đánh Bay Sỏi Thận Chỉ Trong 7 Ngày Nhờ Vào Nắm Rau Dại Mọc Đầy Ven Đường Mà Ít Ai Ngờ Tới - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Đánh Bay Sỏi Thận Chỉ Trong 7 Ngày Nhờ Vào Nắm Rau Dại Mọc Đầy Ven Đường Mà Ít Ai Ngờ Tới - Duration: 5:07.


Peugeot 2008 GT-LINE 1.2 PureTech 110 PK | PANORAMADAK | NAVIGATIE - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 2008 GT-LINE 1.2 PureTech 110 PK | PANORAMADAK | NAVIGATIE - Duration: 0:59.


Suština Dželsa Salane - Duration: 17:19.

Prava Suština Dželsa Salane

Da postignete određeni cilj morate napraviti potreban korak da se krene prema njemu

Duhovnost nije poklon preko noći to zahtjeva od vernika

da krene na ozbiljno putovanje i prevazilaženje različitih prepreka za postizanje tog cilja

Na sličan način, takođe, preduzimamo putovanje prema duhovnom gradu, kako bi

bili korak bliže podmlađivanju i čišćenju naših duša da bi postigli maksimalnu korist

Kao što je slučaj iz godine u godinu Ahmadi Muslimani nestrpljivo čekaju godišnji

skup poznatiji kao Dželsa Salana. Dželsa Salana igra ključnu ulogu u

obnovi vjere i lojalnosti prema Allahu i sa ovim motivom

imajući u vidu hiljade Ahmadijja Muslimana širom svijeta daju ogromni

prioritet ovog događaja i prema predskazanju Obećanog Mesije (a.s)

Ovi Ahmadi Muslimani će da putuju uzduž i poprijeko da bi postali dio duhovnog utočišta no ovoj zemlji

Ponekad se ljudi koji nisu Ahmadi pitaju zašto vi putujete toliko daleko

činjenica je da Ahmadi Muslimani su druga vrsta ljudi,

možete ih zvati van zemaljci

oni su različiti ljudi

oni skupljaju pare cijelu godinu

i onda potroše za avio karte, vrlo su skupe. Putuju do Londona

spavaju u punim kućama, ponekad spavaju pod šatorima

spavaju na podu, oni su znači u totalnoj ne udobrnosti

dugo putovanje, manjak sna. Ali zašto mi radimo sve ovo? Razlog je, mi tamo putujemo da bi

uhvatili pogled Halifatul Mesiha

Žarište Dželse je prisutnost i glas Halife

Halifini govori su glavno jezgro ili glavna tačka Dželse

i ovo je nešto sto je najvažnije, naravno budu i drugi govori

koji upodpune program, ali najvažniji dio Dželse su govori od Hazreti Emirul Mu'minin

Dželsa zahtjeva puno rada, i radne snage

uz pomoć različitih profesionalaca i dobrovoljaca

da bi sastavili takav ogromni događaj. Muškarci, žene i omladina iz svih krajeva zemlje,

dodjele svoje dragocijeno vrijeme da bi dobrovoljno radili i napravili ovaj skup fenomenalan.

Ljudi uzmu danima slobodno sa svojih poslova da bi dobrovoljno radili

neki dobrovoljno rade tri dana u toku Dželse dok neki dobrovoljno rade i mjesec dana

ova želja da služe džemat se povećava svake godine

širenjem Dželse dolazi do širenja istrajnosti ovih dobrovoljaca

želja da služe goste Obećanog Mesije (a.s) je bez sumnje za divit.

Kako god, veoma bitno je da uzmemo u obzirk koja je glavna svrha Dželsa salane, a to je radi koristi Ahmadi Muslimana

Institucija Dželsa Salane, koja znači godišnji skup je započeta 1891 godine od Obećanog Mesije (a.s)

Od početka je napravio vrlo jasno da ovo nije ovosvjetski skup

nije zabava i nije neko veselje

Ustvari to je vrlo svečani duhovni skup vjernika

i ljudi bi trebali da dolaze sa tim ciljem tako da zaista mogu imati koristi od ovog skupa

On je spomenio vrlo jasno da ovosvijetski ljudi se skupe radi mnogih različitih svrha

ali glavna svrha Dželse

koju ja započinjem je da ljudi trebaju da se skupe gdje će povećati svoje vjersko znanje

i da budu blizu mene (Obećanog Mesije a.s) i da imaju koristi od mog druženja sa njima

i trebaju da povećaju svoju vjeru, jer ovo je duhovni skup

i glavni dio su bili u to vrijeme govori od Obećanog Mesije (a.s)

a sada govori od Hazreti Halifatul Mesiha

Osnivač Ahmadijja Džemata i osnivač Dželsa Salane jasno je rekao: Glavni cilj ovog skupa je

da omogući svakoj iskrenoj osobi da lično osjeti vjerske koristi;

da poboljšaju svoje znanje i radi njihovog bića koje je blagoslovljeno od Uzvišenog Allaha, njihovo prepoznavanje Allaha se može povećati

Također je opisao ovaj skup kao fenomen koji je blagoslov od Boga samo za širenje Islama.

Kad je Obećani Mesija (a.s) započeo Dželsu Salanu

glavni razlog koji je on naveo bio je duhovnost

Znači da bude duhovni skup, pomalo društven

ali najvažnija stvar bila je da Ahmadi Muslimani širom svijeta

se skupe na jednom mjestu i da razgovaraju jedni sa drugima

svoje duhovne doživljaje, i kako oni pomažu jedni drugima u svijetu

da uspostave mir, harmoniju i ljubav. I još jedan vrlo važan aspekt Dželsa Salane je bio i trenutno je

širenje poruke Islama i da dovede ljude vrlo blizu njihovog Stvoritelja, Svemogućeg Allaha

i vrlo je važno spomenuti da je Obećani Mesija (a.s) poslanik ovog vremena

ako pogledamo kroz historiju ostalih poslanika, glavni razlog zašto su se ti poslanici pojavili bio je da

uspostave vezu između čovječanstva i Stvoritelja

vezu između ljudi i Uzvišenog Allaha

Znači glavni razlog Dželsa Salane je isti kao što je razlog dolaska Obećanog Mesije (a.s)

koji je da uspostavi vezu između ljudi, Ahmadi Muslimana i također ne Ahmadi Muslimana

i da uspostavi vezu između njih i njihovog Stvoritelja.

Sa pogledom na ove osnovne ciljeve

npr. vjerske koristi, poboljšanje znanja, blagoslov širenja Islama, svaki Ahmadi koji prisustvuje na Dželsa Salani

mora da se preispita da li ili ne njihovo pristuvanje

se drži očekivanja Obećanog Mesije (a.s)

Čak i sa jakim naglaskom na važnost žrtvovanja svog vremena

i ispunjavanjem naših dužnosti, ako ne osjetimo potrebnu promjenu

koja bi trebala biti rezultat od našeg truda

onda je jasno da se moramo preispitati i naći način da ispunimo ova očekivanja.

Poslije kad podpuno shvatimo suštinu Dželsa Salane

vrlo je važno da razmislimo kako da ispunimo standarde koji su nam dati od Uzvišenog Allaha

preko blagoslovljenih riječi od Obećanog Mesije (a.s)

S obzirom da ovaj skup ima veliku važnost kao ni jedan drugi u svijetu

lahko je da shvatimo da Dželsa Salana pruža priliku za sve prisutne da budu u blagoslovljenoj prisutnosti

od Halife vremena

Idu tu da se osvježe, da vide uživo Halifu

Želim da kažem da oni koji odu tu, trebaju da zapamte, da su otišli tu praznih ruku

ali moraju da se vrate da njihov nivo od bogobojaznosti (TAQVA) mora biti viši nego prije.

Njihova bogobojaznost mora biti viša!

Jer je to glavni cilj osnivanja Ahmadijja džemata

da nivo pobožnosti, dobrote, nivo ponašanja prema vlastima

nivo odnosa sa njihovom djecom

sa svojim ženama

sa svojim muževima

to su nivoi koji su zaista važani

Zato mi svi idemo tamo, i ako ti nivoi nisu podignuti, onda Bože sačuvaj, naši odlasci su uzaludni.

Uzvišeni Allah je omogućio članovima džemata da

kroz duhovno poboljšanje, kao što su ashabi Poslanika (savs) radili u toku njegovog života

Držeći u vidu da jedan od ciljeva Dželsa Salane stvaranje svijesnosti Uzvišenog Allaha

Moramo shvatiti da Halifa vremena ima najbližu vezu sa Allahom na današnjici

I naša veza sa Allahom se može ostvariti da budemo povezani sa našim voljenim Imamom

Ljudi trebaju da se sastaju iz svih krajeva,

i da uče vjerske stvari, da povećavaju svoje znanje i svoju duhovnost

i da pokušaju da imaju koristi od druženja sa vjernicima

a posebno da imaju koristi što su bili u društvu poglavice zajednice Hazreti Emirul Mu'minin

Ovo je zaista šta Časni Kur'an želi od vjernika kad kaže :" držite se čvrsto Allahovog užeta"

Tako Dželsa Salana pruža platformu za sve Ahmadi Muslimane da dožive duhvnu bliskost

sa Uzvišenim Allahom, preko blagoslovljene prisutnosti Halife

Želim da spomenem jednu stvar, dešava se često,

zato što su ljudi smješteni u velikim grupama pod šatorima i kad neki dječaci koji imaju 12 godina

ili neki 80 godina stari ljudi počnu učiti SALI ALA NEBIJJINA SALI ALA MUHAMMEDIN

rano izutra da probude druge za Tahadžud molitvu

Vidio sam i čuo sam od drugih da kažu zato što svi idu na Tahadžud molitvu i mi želimo da idemo

i ovo su koristi od ovakvih skupova, ovo su koristi od Dželsa Salane

Kad čitava grupa stotinama i hiljadama su skupa, klanjaju Tahadžud

onda idu na Sabah namaz, slušaju vazove i zajedno prisustvuju na svakom programu Dželsa Salane

Automatski se stvori atmosfera gdje možete popraviti svoju duhovnost, uzajamno razumjevanje, pomaganje jedni drugih i takve stvari.

Nema nigdje bolje nego kod kuće, osjećaj sigurnosti i bezbjednosti koju osjećamo kod kuće

se nemože nigdje naći.

Jedna od naših ambicija jeste da postanemo dio onoga šta god mi radimo

I da osjećamo da potpuno pripadamo gdje god se mi nalazili

Zato ne samo da je Dželsa Salana duhovni dom za sve Muslimane

ali za kratko vrijeme je fizičko prebivalište za jedinstvo, ljubav i bratstvo za sve Ahmadi Muslimane

Učeći nas da naš cilj je da umnožimo ovo utočište u cijleom svijetu

Drugi cilj Dželse je da ljudi iz različitih država bi trebali dolaziti da upoznaju jedni druge.

Obećani Mesija (a.s) je spomenuo da Uzvišeni Allah je stvorio takve nacije

koje će se pridružiti ovoj Dželsi

i to se dešava na današnjici. Kad ovi ljudi se sastanu zajedno oni se sastaju kao duhovna Islamska braća.

Znači osjećaj bratstva i kad su blizu jedni drugih povećava njihovu bliskost.

Glavni cilj Dželse je duhovnost. Nije skup gdje ćete uživati, nije kao ovosvjetski zabavni skup.

Ali je duhovni skup i ljudi bi trebali dolaziti, i pokušati da budu što bliži Halifi

Vidjeti ljude da dolaze sa svih strana svijeta ,različite nacije i različiti smjerovi života

kako god svi da budu ujedinjeni ispod jedne zastave Islama, i ispod istog krova

pokazujući iste vrijednosti i iste namjere je ljepota koja se doživi svake godine na Dželsa Salani

Sastavni dio ove Dželsa salane je obnavljanje naše zakletve prema Ahmadijjatu

I kad svi Ahmadi Muslimani pokažu ovaj fenomen

pod vodstvom jednog duhovnog vođe, nema boljeg primjera jedinstva na svijetu

Moram spomenuti internacionalni bai'at ceremoniju

to je vrlo posebna ceremonija, gdje možete osjetiti kao da je cijeli svijet postao jedno.

Ljudi iz blizu 80-90 država, njihovi predstavici su prisutni i kad je prikazano na MTA onda cijeli svijet je povezat zajedno

I svi se zaklinju u jedan glas, da će potpuno biti poslušni Halifi i da će ispuniti 10 naređnja od bai'ata

Znači ovo je duhovni trenutak, koji stvarno povećava ljudsko stanje na pogledu duhovnosti

I lično sam vidio da ljudi plaču, poslije podpunog pokorenja Uzvišenom Allahu

I to je skup gdje Uzvišeni Allah očisti njihova srca preko njihovog prisustvovanja ove ceremonije.

For more infomation >> Suština Dželsa Salane - Duration: 17:19.


2017 Honda Civic Type R

For more infomation >> 2017 Honda Civic Type R


I've verified Power legit. (Proof video) - Duration: 10:52.

If you don't want to read this, read the description and go to 6:03.

I don´t know how I'll do this vid. to be honest I don't know


Probably I'll put english subtitles because this vid. is for english people (Or that people that talk english)

Don't for spanish people

"Bad explanations" (Nothing important)

This vid is a vid for proof that I've verified Power legit

Because some mods (TrueSquall), a day ago

In his streaming, he sent my level to RobTop

But he doubt if send or not, because he hasn't a proof video of verifying

I have a video but It was recorded with No-Clip because Power lags me too much when I'm recording

You know, I have problems with lag and I have lag always when I'm recording demons.

But Power has +44.000 objects

And that increase too much the lag, I can't record it

I've noticed of it when i died in 77% (Because lag, btw)

I did 77% in the second day of verify (I was playing 2-3 hours per day to this level)

That 77% was totally unexpected

After that fail, I stop recording that level because lag

And I'll beat it without recording and without lag too

I prefer to beat it faster, than record the video with lag

So, I did it, 77% and after that I keep playing it withou recording. (In the 9th day I beated it)

I died in 77% because lag

In the 75%, I had a pull of lag, and because that I died at 77%

And I did not click for go up with the ship, and I died xd

But, in this video I'll give you proofs

77% video, a video that I recorded after verify Power, and a last progress that I just did.

"This things that I'm talking isn't relevant"

I'm explaining that I didn't hack. Go to 6:03 for start watching the 3 proofs videos.

For more infomation >> I've verified Power legit. (Proof video) - Duration: 10:52.


3 godine putovanja u 3 minuta (lekcije i avanture) - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> 3 godine putovanja u 3 minuta (lekcije i avanture) - Duration: 3:00.


(Motor)BIke Live accident on camera - Duration: 3:08.

Oh, my **** God...

Oh, my **** God...

Are you ok?

Let me help you.

"It's ok"

Take it


I don't know if you can repair them..

Take them, maybe you can use them again

But they are plastics.

Take them

See what's happening if you are stupid?

Do you know me?

No, but you're stupid.

Let him... He's angry already

Maybe you'll rent some money

I got money

For sure

You got money but you're stupid.

Let him..

For more infomation >> (Motor)BIke Live accident on camera - Duration: 3:08.


Suzuki Jimny 1.3i FREESTYLE 4WD AIRCO !! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Jimny 1.3i FREESTYLE 4WD AIRCO !! - Duration: 1:00.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i 99pk 5D Aut Aspiration - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i 99pk 5D Aut Aspiration - Duration: 0:58.


Toyota Prius 1.5 VVT-I | Navi | Cruise | ECC | Trekhaak | PDC - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Toyota Prius 1.5 VVT-I | Navi | Cruise | ECC | Trekhaak | PDC - Duration: 0:42.


Seat Arosa 1.4i S APK TOT 07-04-2018 - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Seat Arosa 1.4i S APK TOT 07-04-2018 - Duration: 0:54.


Hyundai i30 1.4i-16V HP/109pk Dynamic Airco Navigatie Trekhaak Dealeronderhouden - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.4i-16V HP/109pk Dynamic Airco Navigatie Trekhaak Dealeronderhouden - Duration: 1:03.


Opel Astra Cabriolet 1.8i-16V Comfort - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra Cabriolet 1.8i-16V Comfort - Duration: 0:58.


I LIKE YOU // Tớ thích cậu - Duration: 0:15.

Since the time when we were small,

I've seen you as a man who's strong.

I didn't realize I had wanted us to get along~

So embarrassing!

Oh! Why is it happening?

Now I don't know how to say it out cuzH(U@VRO*pư;

For more infomation >> I LIKE YOU // Tớ thích cậu - Duration: 0:15.


Seat Arosa 1.4I STELLA / *APK TOT 5-2018* / EL. PAKKET / RADIO-CD / LMV - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Seat Arosa 1.4I STELLA / *APK TOT 5-2018* / EL. PAKKET / RADIO-CD / LMV - Duration: 0:56.


TG5- Regole per vaccinare i bambini per il rientro a scuola - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> TG5- Regole per vaccinare i bambini per il rientro a scuola - Duration: 1:36.


Sequel September TBR | 2017 - Duration: 7:15.

Hey guys it's Trina and this is my September TBR - to be read list - so these

are the books that I'm planning to read in September and this month I'm doing

the same thing that I did last year on my channel which is what I've been

calling Sequel September. This is not part of any other read-a-thons or

anything, I just did it last year randomly. There were actually plans in

the work to make this a real read-a-thon this year where anyone can join. Myself

and Isi from the channel Isabeau's Literary Musings were trying to set this

up and then a couple of other people actually beat us to it and they're doing

the exact same thing. Personally, I didn't want to put a lot of time and effort

into setting up like a community-wide read-a-thon when literally the exact

same thing already existed twice so I'm just doing this on my own again. The

first two books I'm putting on my TBR for September actually are not sequels

but I do want to read them this month because I was sent these advanced

copies and these are both books coming out in September so I need to get on it.

The first of those is Warcross by Marie Lu. I am currently between chapters

of this. I am on chapter 4. This is a YA sci-fi about this videogame that has

basically taken over the world. Our main character is a hacker and she ends up hacking

her way into the system and gaining the notice of the game's creator himself who

then recruits her to like be his personal spy and like track down a

criminal or something. Sounds very intriguing to me so I was definitely

interested in this book already before Penguin Teen sent me this ARC and I'm

really happy to have it. This one comes out on September 12 so I

am planning to read it before then and I will post my review on Goodreads

whenever I am finished. The other ARC on my list this month is Jane, Unlimited by

Kristin Cashore, which was also sent to me by Penguin Teen and this one comes

out on September 19th so again I'm needing to read it before then to post

the review on Goodreads a little bit early. This is about a main character who

was raised by her aunt and she's promised her aunt that if she ever gets

invited to this thing she'll go, and then her aunt dies and she gets invited to

this thing so she goes to fulfill that promise to her aunt and apparently what

it is is she's invited to go to this mysterious island

one really knows much about and while she is there she's gonna have to make

five choices that will greatly impact her life. This is a book that I'm

actually just really itching to read otherwise it would not be on my TBR this

month because I want to make more room for sequels but like I am dying to read

this book. On to the sequel portion of this TBR. So the way that I am doing this

is I knew I wanted to focus on sequels this month, I checked a bunch of them out

from the library that are part of series that I'm really interested in, so I have

eight sequels here and I'm gonna show you all eight that I have but I'm only

gonna make it a goal for myself to read four of these this month. And since there

are so many I'm gonna try to run through these pretty quickly so if I don't give

you guys a good description I will put Goodreads links down below. So the first

sequel that is on my radar this month is The Ends of the World by Maggie Hall

which is the third and final book in the Conspiracy of Us trilogy. I just started

this trilogy this year. It's one that you can really breeze through so I am hoping

to finish this book this month and actually knock out and like complete an

entire series. That would be really amazing. Then I have A Gathering of

Shadows by VE Schwab. I own this book, I've owned it since the day it came out

because I went to the launch party for this book and I have not read it yet.

This is the second book in the shades of magic trilogy so I'm two books behind in

this series. Next I have The Savage Dawn by Melissa Grey, which is the third and

final book in The Girl at Midnight trilogy. This is a series that I really

enjoy. There is a Latinx own voices main character. I love the group of characters

in this book and I really can't wait to see how this series ends. It's such an

underrated series but it's very intense. Again, hopefully I can get to this one

this month and actually finish a series. That would be awesome. I also have

Obsidian and Stars by Julie Eshbaugh which is the sequel to Ivory and Bone. I

think that there are gonna be three books in this series. I'm not totally

sure on that but this is a prehistoric YA series. The first book had some

Pride and Prejudice elements to it. I have no idea where the story is going in

this second book but I did really enjoy Ivory and Bone so I'm just kind of

looking forward to more of that prehistoric setting because it's not

something I've read much about. Then I have two books by Sophie Jordan

because I'm behind on two of her series. The first is Unleashed and this is the

second and final book in her Uninvited duology and it's like a dystopian sci-fi

about genetics. Scientists have pinpointed the gene for violence and our

main character finds out she has it and society all of a sudden treats her like

she's gonna be a murderer one day so let's go ahead and treat her like she

has already committed these crimes. So it's like a great examination of the

Pygmalion or the Golem effect. I really loved the first book and it has been

years since I read it so I've put this one off for so long for absolutely no reason.

And I have Rise of Fire, which is the second and final book in her Reign of

Shadows duology. This book only came out this year, I'm just a few months behind, just

a few. Like, it came out in February so that's probably more than a few months

but I really enjoyed the first book. It has like a post-apocalyptic survival

type vibe to it. I just really really enjoyed both of Sophie Jordan's first

books and really have no excuse to not have finished these because they're only

duologies. I also have Like a River Glorious by Rae Carson, which is the

sequel to Walk on Earth a Stranger. This is part of The Gold Seer trilogy. I think

it's just going to be three books. This is like a historical fiction set during

the California Gold Rush. The main character can sense where gold is in the

ground and she's trying to keep her power a secret. I really loved the survival tone

of that first book. I really enjoyed it, so again no good reason why I haven't

continued the series other than I'm just a slacker. And my final option here is A

Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir, which is the sequel to An Ember in the

Ashes. I think this is the second book in the trilogy - I think there's just going

to be three books, or actually there might be four books,

I don't remember, I'm not exactly sure but I did really enjoy the first book

and I'm at a point where I think I'm starting to forget the things that were

big plot points and of a lot of importance in the first book and I

really need to continue this series before I like totally forget things. So

these are my options for sequels that I might read this month and in addition

was The Ends of the World by Maggie Hall which is a digital copy. I have that one

on audiobook which is why it's not in this stack, but out of these books I'm

hoping to read four of them this month. So four sequels and then these

two ARCs. That is my TBR for the month. A total of six books. If you guys are

behind on any of these series let me know that too and then I won't feel as

alone. And I would especially like to know if you've read any of the sequels

that I showed, if you listened to them on audiobook let me know how the audiobook

was. I would also love to know what series you guys are behind on that you

really want to hurry up and catch up on. I will check in with my TBR at the end

of the month in my reading wrap-up so check back with that to see how I did

with these reading goals for September. Thank you guys so much for watching,

happy reading, and I will see you in the comments. Bye!

[music only]

For more infomation >> Sequel September TBR | 2017 - Duration: 7:15.


Andy's National Trust Travel Blogs: Morwenstow, drift wood cabin, Cornwall - Duration: 8:58.

right there is National Trust property in corner is more is in more and stoke

mo and Stowe is near to Butte

or rather it's not near Luton it not near booth

let's go a long way out and we have a slight issue with this pathway with

quite bumpy and I don't know if we can get to the destination I'm going to

reminds me of the beach we went you go down so failed because we can't get

through the gate and we a look at the gate so one way opens up one way you

have to go through and then shut the gate behind you basically the other

gates are locked so there's no way that we can go through and where we would be

going would be down down here down that sort of bumpy grassy pathway

and then round the corner apparently there's a there is a building oh it did

say if I read this somewhere this time if you have a mobility beggar or first

year for which you need access through the gate

the key is available for loan from the rectory tea rooms and a circular route

from here out to the cliff bathroom turning by farm tractor button is

possible by mobility of vehicle so the key is in fact I just spoken to them I

asked them that's why I've come down here of course leaving no they weren't

aware that I had a scooter so unfortunately the actual the young what

we call it will they call it directory key room which is but there is actually

as I was speaking to her they were just shutting up shop and I

asked what was down here but oh because I was I was stood up and so I was on

this but if you are coming here then you can borrow a key and go through the gate

here so lose a padlocked gate and probably down the down the way there on

the left hand side there is a driftwood built up structure which is a hawker

orchid hut hawk over there passing apparently a Victorian parson overlooks

the sea and obviously up here we are quite higher and sort of the Lancer

dropped away to the to my right here that's very typically Cornish coast line

so we are obviously not far from Butte which is dandy down the way there it

took us a good took us a good 30 minutes to get here

upper upper track conceal it single track and it was lean coming up on way

up we were behind a bus yes a bus was trying to go up here to the actual 13th

century pub which is where I was originally probably over there because

there's a thatched cottage over there and there's a is usually a church a pub

and then some of the real buildings over there I am actually now stuck but what

I'll do is I'll just take a little shot

because obviously young yeah as you do so understandably now you've got the son

beyond me so you want the receive a little and we we will looked at these

these are acceptable losses from the manual because the the entry in

the manual is only very very small so we know that these the venues are such it's

probably not going to be very accessible and as we found out

it isn't so we can say that we've been here I think looking sure if but if I

can find anything on the internet maybe I can find a picture on the internet

about it and be notified as we were coming up the hill the shore trust land

rover and trailer we're just going down so they've obviously finished for the

day they obviously are hanging around this

area helping people because there is a circular walk that you can do which will

take in the coast where um where the hut is now let's situated anyway so I've

tried enough I'm sure that you're bored already because the unless you've seen

anything sounds right behind me again sorry right so I'll say thank you for

watching good bye for now there is actually a driftwood built thing house

pinkier hall somewhere aya where is it I can't see any driftwood built buildings

but that is why we're here he more wind what life equals anyway whatever I say

it was it's basically it's here somewhere


For more infomation >> Andy's National Trust Travel Blogs: Morwenstow, drift wood cabin, Cornwall - Duration: 8:58.


Fall Outfit Ideas | Fall Outfit Inspiration - Duration: 3:48.

Models don't talk before 10 a.m. I talk all the time.

So I'm here with two of my amazing cousins, and we're gonna model some fall outfit ideas for you guys.

Hello, I'm Bekah. My fashion sense is more of like a preppy but like not really

preppy, so I'm like almost there, but not quite. It's a little weird. So I'm wearing Banana

Republic on the top and I'm wearing Tiffany's jeans on the bottom, but

we actually have the same jeans, so, you know, they're basically mine.

And then tell where you got the jeans from. American Eagle. You can see the eagle on the butt.

Birkenstocks, nice. Oh yeah. Wow, it's like you're through a field of flowers.

Should I branch out? Go for it. Hi, I'm Julia.

Um, I go to school in southern California, so my style is very influenced by southern California.

I'm very laid back, little bit Bohemian, but not really cause I can't pull off a lot of the things that they wear,

but you know what, I try.

So today this sweater is my mom's that I stole,

but it's from Francesca's like five and a half years ago.

This tank top, which you have to see the back, ooo! Is from Anthropologie that I got on

sale - holla! - And then my boyfriend jeans were from Topshop. They're so comfy.

And a scrunchy. Always gotta have a scrunchy. Ten out of ten recommend.

Hey and I'm Tiffany and this is an outfit that Julia helped me put together.

It's leggings and I got these at TJMaxx and I love them - these shoes - they're super comfy.

And then this shirt is my husband's. So I've always just worn it over my leggings,

but Julia had the awesome

idea to put her Free People tank top with it and then put the shirt around my waist. So, kinda a big fan.

So I made this shirt by myself. What?! When I saw this fabric I was like, "I need this."

This is super easy actually and I actually have shorts that I can put on

with it and make it a romper, but it's fall, so like not wearing a romper,

so now I can take the two pieces apart and just wear the shirt and then my jeans

are from American Eagle, also from Tiffany's closet because she's an awesome cousin. So yeah that's my outfit!

Okay that's stupid, but we're gonna keep rolling with it. Anyway I got this

shirt at Anthropology on sale. It is so soft so go get yourself one. And then my sweater

is from Target that was also on sale! Sales are the best; always shop clearance racks. My

jeans are from American Eagle. I love my good holy jeans. I wear them on Sundays.

Holy jeans! All day, I'll be here all day! Well just til 1:00, then I'm flying home. But anyways, and my other fall

staple is a pop of color in your scrunchy because scrunchies are good

for your hair and they're cute little wrist accessories, so I always have a

scrunchy on my wrist. So yeah, party town.

So this shirt I got at the outlets at JCrew last year for like $25, which was exciting. And then of course

same leggings, same shoes, which I love. And this scarf a friend sent to me as a gift. It's fun. So yeah!

So thanks for watching, and comment your favorite ideas for fall outfits

down below! And subscribe... oh wait, we don't have YouTube channels! Subscribe to my life. Watch

us on Instagram. Yeah my handle is Bekah Hazleton, and you definitely

can't spell it, so just guess. I'll put links to your like Instagrams and blogs. If you

want to see the full romper, check out my Instagram because the full thing is on there.

It's really cute. If you want to see more pictures of me with scrunchies, let me know.

For more infomation >> Fall Outfit Ideas | Fall Outfit Inspiration - Duration: 3:48.


The Honeymooners — Ending - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> The Honeymooners — Ending - Duration: 0:55.


Neil Ashton: Arsene Wenger has been brutally exposed in the market again, Arsenal are a fading - Duration: 10:31.

Neil Ashton: Arsene Wenger has been brutally exposed in the market again, Arsenal are a fading force and have had another transfer window shambles

THEY have been fleecing the fans for years. For £1,828 a pop — the most expensive season tickets in world football — Arsene Wenger promises to keep Arsenal's best players. Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain left Arsenal to join Liverpool on deadline day.

Arsene Wenger has had another poor transfer window. He has been found out this time, brutally exposed by the sale of Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain to Liverpool.

Wenger's Emirates empire is crumbling. On the field they are a fading force, falling behind Chelsea, Manchester United and Manchester City as a giant of the modern game. Arsenal, three-time Premier League winners under Wenger, are also-rans now.

At the very least he needs a sporting director to work with him, someone with a network of scouts, agents and administrators. The transfer window has been another shambles for Arsenal.

Wenger must pander to Alexis Sanchez's ego after failing to land Thomas Lemar from Monaco after another last-minute bid. They are becoming a joke for their cack-handed methods.

It is well known that Wenger, despite his ability to hold a room with his charm, is painfully shy on the phone.

Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain ended his stay at Arsenal to move to Anfield.

Arsene Wenger has seen his Arsenal side fall behind Man City, Man United and Chelsea.

Alexis Sanchezs future has dominated the agenda at Arsenal all summer. He picked up on Wednesday when Arsenal's transfer fixer Dick Law had Liverpool dangling on the other end of the line.

Liverpool, with Champions League football assured, are cash rich and eager to do business. They seized upon the vulnerability at Arsenal after Sunday's 4-0 tanking by taking one of their best young players.

Liverpool, with all the momentum, fancy their chances of breaking into the top four for good. Wenger, once regarded as one of the game's great managerial minds, is helping them do that.

His famed micro-management, the obsessive, compulsive methods that once separated him from others, is starting to slide. New back-room staff changed the set-up of the kit room without consulting the manager.

Wenger let it all pass without saying a word. It is not difficult to imagine the reaction of a Sir Alex Ferguson or a Brian Clough if a junior took it upon himself to re-organise the workplace.

Thomas Lemar scored twice against Holland on international duty.

Alexis Sanchez could not force a move to Man City and may leave Arsenal on a free next summer. The overseas tours, the money-making,   brand   awareness   exercises to China, Australia or America, are also forced upon him.

This club is too big for Wenger now. Arsenal were a whole lot easier to manage when it was just a handful of people working behind the scenes when he arrived at Highbury in 1996.

Now there are hundreds of employees, with many of them working around the world in various positions. Up on corporate level Ivan Gazidis, the chief executive picking up £2m a year, is distancing himself from the manager.

He has a bloodied nose after being out-manoeuvred by Wenger following his misguided "catalyst for change" speech to supporters last season.

Gazidis could not follow it through. The CEO, who lined up Massimiliano Allegri to succeed Wenger, is waving everything through without putting up a fight.   Arsenal striker Alexandre Lacazette scores amazing chip goal in France training.

Arsenal were thrashed 4-0 by Liverpool at Anfield on Sunday.   Liverpool 4-0 Arsenal: Firmino, Mane, Salah and Sturridge score as Reds smash terrible Gunners.

He signed off the deal for Oxlade-Chamberlain, making sure it all went ahead when Wenger agreed to sell the England international to Liverpool. When the remaining players return from international duty, those left in the dressing room will be disillusioned.

There is a general acceptance among the group that the Ox left Arsenal to further his career. Those left behind, such as Mesut Ozil, Petr Cech, Olivier Giroud, record signing Alexandre Lacazette and Sanchez, will be short on motivation.

This is no way to run a football club. Wenger survives on reputation, the ludicrous notion that it will somehow all fall into place and they will go on to win their first Premier League title since 2004.

Even with season tickets pegged at £1,828, it will never happen again.

GIVEN the amount of money sloshing around in the game, it seems scarcely believable that Premier League clubs made a net profit of £4million in the January window.

It will be very different when the Premier League announce the figures for the summer window later today, with estimates of a net spend of between £700m and £800m by England's top-flight clubs.

  Arsenal boss Arsene Wengers nightmare Liverpool match explained. CORT UP OVER OX. SOUTHAMPTON patted themselves on the back over clauses in the deal that took Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain to Arsenal.

It is also becoming standard practice to slip Les Reed's mind that it was Nicola Cortese who negotiated the deal to sell Ox to Arsenal in 2011.

As part of the negotiations, Arsenal agreed to pay Saints £25,000 for each appearance up to 100 if he played for more than 20 minutes.

But Cortese noticed Arsene Wenger would often put him on with 18 or 19 minutes left to play. The ex-chairman got his way by arguing that injury time should count when it came to appearances.

That clause brought in another £2.5million for Southampton. Saints' football director has a habit of forgetting these things. Southampton cashed in on Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain during his time at Arsenal.

  Jim White agrees with Kay Burley that as it currently stands Arsenal are SCREWED. CAHILL IS A LEADER. THE England captaincy should be a very simple decision for manager Gareth Southgate.

Instead of turning it into an audition, he should look at the one player in his squad who overcame grave doubts about his ability to lead Chelsea to the Premier League title.

It must have driven Gary Cahill right round the bend to hear people say he could not play without 'Captain, leader, legend' John Terry holding his hand in the centre of defence.

To withstand those pressures and to score some important goals on the way to winning the title deserves a bit more credit. It also deserves the England captaincy.

Gary Cahill is in line to be made England captain. THE FA, who washed their hands of football agents after deregulating the industry, estimate there are between 2,000 and 3,000 trying to make a living at the game.

Gareth Bale's agent Jonathan Barnett, CEO of an agency with a bigger turnover than some Premier League clubs, has some solid ideas on the FA cleaning up the game.

Barnett was at his villa in the south of France yesterday, sounding pretty relaxed as the one-man bands desperately scurried around trying to get some deals done on the last day of the window.

With more than 30 years' experience of transfer dealings at every level, the FA should listen to what he has to say.   Watch the best showboats from Augusts Premier League action.

For more infomation >> Neil Ashton: Arsene Wenger has been brutally exposed in the market again, Arsenal are a fading - Duration: 10:31.


Jesus is the Good Shepherd - Just a Minute! - September 1, 2017 - Duration: 1:01.

My friend Bobby says we are living in the recommendation age.

I know I'm more likely to read a book or listen to a particular leader if a trusted

friend has encouraged me to do so.

And that holds true when it comes to the more critical areas of life as well.

I think most people feel the same way.

So what does this tell us?

Well I think it tells us this, that we all need help navigating this ever changing, complex

world in which we live.

We need a shepherd to lead us, someone to trust who can keep us from going astray.

Listen to these wonderful words from Jesus—"I am the good shepherd, The good shepherd lays

down his life for his sheep."

Jesus is the guardian of your soul.

You can trust whatever he recommends.

For more infomation >> Jesus is the Good Shepherd - Just a Minute! - September 1, 2017 - Duration: 1:01.


Emotional Vampires | 3 more things to do - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Emotional Vampires | 3 more things to do - Duration: 3:30.


Alphabet Detective 2 : An ABC Guess the letter game - Duration: 5:59.

Hello alphabet detectives!


Alright, here's our first case.

Some letter took a bag that wasn't theirs.

I heard it was a blue bag.

Can you guess which letter took a blue bag?

Look closely.

Did you guess the letter B?

You're right.

Look there's the blue bag. He's holding it.

The letter B makes the "B" sound.

Like in bag.

Alright, next case.

Some letter.

Has been taking everyone's hat.


Is there a letter wearing a lot of different hats?

Did you guess the letter H? You're right!

How many hats does that letter need?

The letter H makes the "h" sound.

Like in hat.

Someone got mad.

And got into a fight.

Can you guess which letter is still mad?

What do you do when you're mad? Not punch someone right?


Look closely.

Who looks mad?

Did you guess the letter...


Then you're right!

Look! Look how angry he looks. He's still really mad.


The letter M makes the "m" sound.

Like mad.

Here's the next one. Some letter

has been eating rats.

Can you believe that? Rats!

Disgusting. Yuck! You should never eat a rat.

Unless you really have to I guess. Anyways.

Can you guess who the rat eater is?

hmm. Look closely.

Look for clues.

Did you guess the letter R?

Then you're right!

Look he has

rat tail sticking out of his mouth.

That's disgusting. Yuck!

The letter R makes the "r" sound.

Like rat.

Next case.

Some letter has been chewing gum

and spitting it on the ground.

Just leaving gum everywhere.

Woah. Hey. Did you see that?

Looks like the letter G

Just spat out a gum. Did you guess the letter G?

Then you're right.

Argh. I hate stepping on gum.

The letter G makes the "g" sound.

Like in gum.

Look! There's puddles of water all over the floor.

Some letter has been dripping water all over the floor.

Who did that?

One of these letters must be very wet

to make this many puddles.

Can you guess which one? Look closely.

Did you guess the letter...


Then you're right. Look he's dripping wet.

The letter W makes the "w" sound.

Like wet.

Okay. Here's a tricky one.

Some letter

Took my key.

Is there a letter holding a red key?

Hmm. What does that letter have up its nose?

Did you guess the letter K?

Then you're right.

Look! There's my key. Oh yuck...

Not up you're nose...

Key begins with the letter K.

Some letter took my pen.

It's my special pen that I use to write

very romantic poetry to Mrs Adams.

Hmmm. Look closely.

Do you see a feathered pen.

Did you guess the letter P?

Then you're right!

Look! There it's in his hands and I think

he's trying to write romantic poetry. Give it back!

The letter P makes the "p" sound.

Like pen.

Can you guess which letter is a robot?

Yes, I heard one of the letters here is actually a robot.

Let's see. I heard robots sometimes have glowing red eyes

that shoot lasers.

Oh no! The letter R is actually

a killer robot! Ahhh!

Robot begins with the letter R.

That's very important.


Just look at all these guilty letters.

Good job finding them. You are an alphabet detective.

Thanks for your help and be sure to subscribe

so you don't miss out on catching more letters.

For more infomation >> Alphabet Detective 2 : An ABC Guess the letter game - Duration: 5:59.


Neon Trees - Feel Good

For more infomation >> Neon Trees - Feel Good


58# VERONIKA DIARY - Duration: 9:41.


I'm Aldo and in January 2015 was the beginning of my bike world trip.

I'm a backpacker who travels alone and practically without money.

A story about dreaming, making it happen and having fun.


[ Speaking in Portuguese ] - How are you? - I'm good!

Very well!

Hey, folks! How are you?

It's good!

[ Speaking Czech ] - How are you? - I'm good, and you?

Enjoy your meal?!

[ Brazilian National Anthem ]

Very good!





It's great to see Chris again, even for just one afternoon, to give me a happy birthday hug.

Yeah, bro... this is my 3° birthday on the road and how good it's to have people who already know you.

Btw, it's good to have Veronika here on the grass with me... even if she, in a few days, is returning to the Czech.

As my project takes me farther and farther away,

the blonde girl is waiting for the response from the university she has so much dreamed of entering.

I know... I know.... As much as we live moments of life at opposite ends, the truth is that I want her.



The things I told her here in Italy, every minute the good sense hurts my stomach

and selfishness whispers sweet in my ears

but I lived 33 years, countless naked women in 21 countries to accept that I'm already a grown man...

as I see myself or as I appear in the diary pages of a beautiful and bright girl in love.


SHE: I was approved at university. My classes will start soon...

HE: A new life moment is coming! I'm proud of you!

SHE: I won't forget what you told me in your birthday in Italy.

I'm not ready, I'm very scared, but I KNOW I want you... I'll support you in whatever decision you make!


[Subtitles by Aldo Lammel]

For more infomation >> 58# VERONIKA DIARY - Duration: 9:41.


Niccolò Fabi ha deciso di "allontanarsi" dalla musica - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Niccolò Fabi ha deciso di "allontanarsi" dalla musica - Duration: 3:10.


TOP 10 - bizarních faktů - Severní Korea - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> TOP 10 - bizarních faktů - Severní Korea - Duration: 2:52.


Galatasaray Transfer Haberleri | Spor Ajansı | İlker Duralı GS Yorumları 1 Eylül 2017 - Duration: 36:04.

For more infomation >> Galatasaray Transfer Haberleri | Spor Ajansı | İlker Duralı GS Yorumları 1 Eylül 2017 - Duration: 36:04.


길옥윤 재혼 부인,길옥윤 혜은이 패티김 과거 이야기 - Duration: 8:25.

For more infomation >> 길옥윤 재혼 부인,길옥윤 혜은이 패티김 과거 이야기 - Duration: 8:25.


In the Footsteps of the Past PART 1 - Gmod Machinima - Duration: 3:52.

I have assasination for you.

Two number forty-five




Well done.

See you next time...

I have another assasination for you.

My informer will tell you about your target.

He is waiting for you in Krusty Krab


I want to die

What's up?



Hey! What happened?


You never take me alive!

Have a bowl, Mister Squidward!

I wanna go home


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