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INLINE SKATING FLOW - SOLO SESSION IN A MODERN OFFICE AREA IN CAPE TOWN // VLOG 152 - Duration: 20:46.I don't have keys black or purple swingy deco so windy
Olá tube my name is Ricardo lino and I'm a wheel addict
it's try not to fall here it's Saturday afternoon
and I was kinda bored at home Janice was about to start dinner we have
our niece at home so I just thought while they're together
just talking I'm gonna go out okay it's a little bit but damn it
Sweeney so I'm skating to these area this industrial area where I've skated
before and I'm gonna try to get a few clips with a GoPro I'm skating them
I'm skating the 125s the orange ones with a completely stock I'm skating the
skates completely stock check it
hopefully hitting here because there's bigger buildings there won't be that
much winch stop men are doing I'm good I'm good
and this is how it's cool here
the other day I did a few tea stops through these gates so the wheels are a
little bit more used and make it a lot easier to start doing some slides and
shit let's see if I don't get you run over by
a car
no more cars coming my way get this here no cars coming kid
it's windy so we're I can't gate
I've never skated here on the right so I might try to get some leaves just get
around building that shit
let me go this right over here
ooh that's cool more buildings here
try find some stairs or something okay now maybe it's kind of weird to roll
down stairs with 125 harder three will okay three times 125 are harder - that's
quite cool that's cool that's what I was gonna three times 125
check these matches I've made of wood but check this
it's amazing here we honor skates check this one
never been used check this
anyway I'll go through the other place that I just told you right now just type
this a little bit more good happening here
fuck that was that stuff good sex I was looking for
some stairs or stairs
there's here
someone just said that's so cool it isn't
if we get confused when they see someone skating like that we were hunting rails
I'll be cool to ski with your graphics page but I don't have any so this is
what I got right now
fuck panting and check what I found
that's a cool sponge
because I can't do it that way I'll do it this way brisket
that part is cool now let's see what else you got here
here to check this
ah look that's the spot that I showed you before it's right here waiting for
cars King it even if you're really fast on
skate like a roller control it's actually good to wait for no cars
because you never know when you're gonna get like a little stone or something you
would just for safety wait a little bit more
sometimes it gets super boring but it is what it is there's no more cars now so
I'm going in three two one
it's words lady
okay let's see what we got here much stuff and there's some stairs they're
gonna roll down those stairs now
the word this week like that take it the other way is gonna be cool
this wind is killer
cute right checklist
another thing come back in here
so my god think I'm stuck here let's see my only way is going through the
shopping mall
see second in a row in the shopping mall
just waiting on the security to tell me I can't skate so it's gonna happen at
any moment
under a better it's this sorry man I need to leave so I
stood alone maybe it wasn't a smart move to say a lot of security I'm living now
how's it good - behind me amen it's not enjoying it
I would say there will be a security
that's security right behind me I'm about to leave right now
check out the great day behind
yep liddie man I don't have any other shoes yeah I know I'm living now I'm
leaving sorry man I'm living that's how you advertise skating you go to a full
shot Big Mo
there's a little bit mad at me hey okay no great
hopefully I will get the wind in my back
might need to go a little bit the wrong way here under the net it's all good
now it's downhill from now here all the way down there should be down here with
the wind in my back so that should be quite fast just need to move to my side
of the road because right now right way to do it see there's a car
coming don't do that's not good
and I'm faster okay
that was fun and a lot faster then on the way up
Silla much easier and that's how you go from one side of the shopping mall to
the other and skate that's fun
a little bit more wind in my back so I'm gonna use it
so people looking for a good all-around skate not too expensive 125 millimeters
think with this video the goal was to show you these stock skate
that's it for today I'm about to get home once I go in the right road because
I just turn in the wrong road I'm gonna turn around in there but
the goal with this video what
throw this case and I did so
okay so it is being said we're about to finish this I hope you enjoyed this
video if you did don't forget to subscribe to this channel now I'm in the
right 3t right Road and don't forget the don't forget to give me some thumbs up
if you liked it thumbs down if you didn't like it let me know why I didn't
like it and just don't forget why we also asked any because it's fun cheers
New Cartoon Cars All Series Contract New Cartoons for Kids Collector Cartoons of 2017 - Duration: 42:03.-------------------------------------------
Daniel Skye - Feelin' You feat...-------------------------------------------
5 Most Healthiest FOODS For Human BODY in the World || Healthy Food List and Their Benefits - Duration: 4:12.
Green Beans Topping off on green beans, and other high-fiber
nourishments, can enable you to anticipate weight put on or even advance
weight reduction—without abstaining from food—recommends new research
in The Journal of Nutrition.
Scientists found that ladies who expanded their fiber
allow for the most part shed pounds while ladies who diminished the fiber in their
eating methodologies picked up.
The researchers heated up the discoveries into a solitary weight reduction equation:
boosting fiber by 8 grams for each 1,000 calories devoured brought about losing
around 4 1/2 pounds through the span of the examination.
Attempt it for yourself.
In case you're devouring 2,000 calories for each day, plan to build your fiber
by 16 grams.
Raspberries, chickpeas and strawberries can likewise enable you to get your fill.
2: Salmon The omega-3 unsaturated fats in sleek fish,
for example, salmon and fish—can help your skin's protections against UV harm.
In an examination distributed recently in the American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, scientists found that the individuals who ate somewhat more
than 5 ounces of omega-3-rich fish every week diminished the improvement
of precancerous skin injuries by just about 30 percent.
Researchers think the omega-3s go about as a
shield, shielding cell dividers from free-radical harm.
Watermelon Research demonstrates that eating sustenances
that are brimming with water, for example, watermelon, helps keep you fulfilled
on less calories.
(Strikingly enough, drinking water close by nourishments doesn't have
the sheltered impact.)
At 92 percent water, watermelon is a decent wellspring of vitamin C. At the point when
it's the red assortment (some are orange or yellow), it likewise has
lycopene, a cell reinforcement that may help secure against coronary illness
and a few sorts of disease.
Different nourishments that are influenced for the most part of water to
incorporate cucumbers (95 percent), plate of mixed greens (90 percent)
and strawberries (91 percent).
4: Blueberries Eating simply under a measure of blended berries,
(for example, red raspberries, strawberries, blueberries)
day by day for two months was related with expanded levels of
"good" HDL cholesterol and brought down pulse—two positives with
regards to heart wellbeing—as per a current report in the American Journal
of Clinical Nutrition.
The various scope of polyphenols—wellbeing advancing plant exacerbates
that incorporate anthocyanins and ellagic corrosive—gave by the blend
of berries is likely in charge of the watched benefits.
5: Tomatoes Eating more vitamin-C rich nourishments, for
example, oranges, tomatoes, strawberries and broccoli, might be a mystery
to smoother skin.
Research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
joins expending a lot of vitamin C-rich sustenances with young skin.
The discoveries propose that a higher admission of vitamin C from nourishments
is related with a lower danger of having wrinkled skin and age-related
skin dryness in moderately aged ladies.
Vitamin C's young consequences for skin might be because of
its cell reinforcement properties, which help secure against bright beams,
and its part in keeping skin firm through collagen blend, say the specialists.
Nut Roll - 5 minutes. Easy and Quick to Prepare - Duration: 2:40.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Touran 1.6 Optive - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
New Cartoon Cars All Series Contract New Cartoons for Kids Collector Cartoons of 2017 - Duration: 42:03.-------------------------------------------
Wie TOYOTA YARIS XP10 Radlager vorne wechseln TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 14:59.Use a socket №30
Use a socket №17
Using sidecutting pliers remove the cotter pin
Use a combination spanner №17
Use a special puller to take the tie rod end out
Use an open-end wrench №19
Remove the ball joint with a special puller
Use a socket №19 and a combination spanner №19
Use round nose pliers to take the locking ring out
Press out the wheel bearing using a hydraulic press
3rd Prototype _Together_ Get In _Time (7 viên ngọc rồng _NCS release music) - Duration: 10:50.-------------------------------------------
The Story of Lucy - Give Life ...-------------------------------------------
When I young was - Als ich jung war - Binaural Version - please use headphones - Duration: 2:47.-------------------------------------------
New Desk Storage and Stationery · Workspace Organisation Pt. 1 · Shelves - Duration: 3:36.Alright you lot, so as I mentioned in last weeks vlog, I've been rearranging my desk
area and the storage, updating my stationary as well.
And I thought I'd show you how I'm getting on with this first half, there's also the
drawers but I'm not done there, but I can still share my progress so far with the shelves.
This all started with these shelving units I got from IKEA.
They're like a new, cheaper version of the square KALLAX shelves that they have which
I know have been a storage staple for a lot of people in the past and they each cost £17!
They're deep and tall enough for folders and books, which is great for me as I primarily
got them to store paper and more officey, adminny things like my business paperwork
and all my postage stuff.
I'm also using one of these to support my desk, replacing my trestles as legs giving
me more leg room and storage possibilities that the trestles didn't.
The other side of the desk is supported with these adjustable legs I bought on amazon.
I also went to IKEA with the plan that I'd buy a tonne of storage boxes to keep on the
Obviously this isn't entirely necessary but I personally prefer to have things tucked
away out of sight.
I'll have info and links below for each specific item I'm using.
There are these lovely sturdy magazine folders that I use for different types of paper; watercolour,
mixed media, marker, coloured, and even a couple of pockets for scrap paper and magazine
Then there are different size boxes for things like my packaging extras for example.
While we're on the topic of not having everything on show, for the stuff that is on show, I
like it to all be cohesive, which is easier than it might sound.
One tip is to group things together by similar colour like I've done with these books.
I'm quite selective with what I have out and you'll see how I store a million other
notebooks I have that I don't display in the next storage video, but this small selection
works really nicely and is great for easy access when I'm working at my desk and need
to make notes.
I love the look of these notebooks, which were actually designed with a minimal aesthetic
in mind.
These were sent to me by a company called Approach who have just launched a Kickstarter
for these beautiful, well-made and functional notebooks.
They come in different colours and I'd love for you to check them out.
There will be a link in the description along with everything else.
Stationary-wise, I like to have at least a pen, pencil and rubber to hand for taking
These are all from Aliexpress, it's my first time shopping there, I've always been wary
of the quality and ethics around items that are so cheap, but I heard great things and
thought I'd give them a try.
These were honestly primarily for aesthetic, I wanted tools I could use but that would
look nice out on my desktop.
The rest of my more commonly used things are in this pencil case also from Aliexpress.
And all of it is on this desk tidy which I got from Amazon.
In terms of the little decorations, you can find out more about that in my room or workspace
tours, this cabinet is a medicine cabinet I got from Sainsbury's years ago because
it was cheap and never had a place for it until now.
A lot of the boxes on the shelves are empty and the space unused, which is actually what
I wanted.
The most important thing for me at the moment is having room to grow.
I'm looking forward to expanding my art empire and now I feel like I have room to
dream bigger.
So that's your first look!
Next time, I'll show the rest of my stationary and how I store all my art supplies in these
Thanks for watching!
Ashley's Song - Duration: 2:20.♫♫♫
Who's the girl next door living in the haunted mansion?
You'd better learn my name, 'cause it's...
She knows the darkest spells
And she brews the meanest potions...
You might be the ingredient I seek!
Don't let yourself be fooled by her innocent demeanor...
You'd better be afraid of the great
She doesn't play with dolls
And she never combs her hair...
Who has time for girly things like that?
Eye of newt...
I cast a hex on you!
Grandma's wig...
This'll make you big!
Kitten spit...
♡ Soon your pants won't fit...
Pantalones Giganticus!
Oh no, not again!
Don't let yourself be fooled by her innocent demeanor...
You'd better be afraid of the great
Just remember this when you see her on the street...
I'm the coolest girl you'll ever meet!
I was going through my spells...
And, yes it's true, well...
I don't have as many friends as you.
But I think you're nice, and maybe we could be friends?!
And if you say no, you're toast!
Who's the girl next door living in the haunted mansion?
You'd better learn my name, 'cause it's...
Just remember this when you see her on the street...
I'm the coolest girl you'll EVER meet!
VLOGG #4 SER BOYS24 JIHYEONG?! GALEN KVÄLL I HONGDAE - Duration: 10:13.-------------------------------------------
I won't mind // Павел & София (Отель Элеон) - Duration: 1:40.After everything I've done for you
you betrayed me
you supported that...
Pavel Arkadievich, I didn't mean to
you're fired
by the way, Sofia is very nice
I don't know. She's not my type
Sofia I want to thank you once again
Thank you
It means a lot to me
Pavel Arkadievich, don't do this
Why can't you even imagine
that we can be together
I'm sorry, Pavel Arkadievcih, but
you don't deserve Sofia Yanovna
I like you,
you like me,
or not?
marry me?
ALL I WANT COVER!!! Milano sights - Duration: 2:33.-------------------------------------------
|PORTAL 2| DUB READY ENDING - Duration: 0:58.Wheatley "WHAT THE!"
"Aah! Space!"
Space Core "Space? SPACE!"
"And you are NOT COMING BACK!"
Ben Brode - It's Everyday Brode ft. Jeff from the Overwatch Team - Duration: 1:27.-------------------------------------------
Golden Frost Dragon Ball Super THEORY - Duration: 3:36.Hi, Please watch until the end
because at the end I will have important stuff to say.
10/09/2017 theres no DBS episode - meaning I got little bit more time.
When you got more time, you think of weird theories.
One of them got to me while watching DBS 107 preview.
Can Frost achieve new form?
Something like Golden Frieza.
While U6 and U7 tournament we could see Frost fighting for survival.
Sadly, he wasnt strong enough.
On the arena of Tournament of Power there are only strong warriors.
To live, Frost has to go beyond his limits.
U6 and U7 are twins.
Since Frieza got his new form why cant Frost?
Frieza chose this name to mock Saiuyans golden hair.
In U6 Frost didnt got any problems with Saiyans
So if Frost gets new form
it doesnt havcve to be Golden
I got 2 ideas.
First is purple, because Frost had to do with Hit.
To mock him he will be Purple Frost.
Second one, more possible
is Silver Frost.
as after gold is what...? Silver!
Those colours are somewhat twins.
What you preffer? Let me know in comment section.
Looking at DBS 108th title
I can say that Frost and Frieza
will cooperate.
You can find video about that in desc.
To achieve his goal
Frieza can teach Frost how to break his limits
to achieve new form.
Since saiyans form U6 have better potential
and progress faster
Why can't Frost do the same?
There's still question about power of new Frost.
We know that Golden Frieza is stronger than SSJBlue
Frieza lost only
because he didnt get used to his new powers.
and lost stamina too quickly
If he fought 100% from start he would
beat Goku
in Resurrection of F
I think if Frost get Silver or Purple form
It wont be stronger than Golden Frieza
but we can assume it
will be equal to SSJBlue
It would mean that Frost and Frieza
join forces
They would not be easy to beat for anyone in ToP
Maybe except for Jiren :)
What you think about it?
Can Frost even achieve new form? Should he?
Let me know in the comment section. I hope for a nice discussion.
"HOPELESSLY DEVOTED TO YOU" - Olivia Newton-John // Male "Grease" Cover by Daniel Lowe - Duration: 3:23.Guess mine is not the first heart broken My eyes are not the first to cry
I'm not the first to know There's just no getting over you
You know I'm just a fool who's willing To sit around and wait for you
But, baby, can't you see There's nothing else for me to do?
I'm hopelessly devoted to you
But now there's nowhere to hide Since you pushed my love aside
I'm out of my head Hopelessly devoted to you
Hopelessly devoted to you Hopelessly devoted to you
My head is saying, "Fool, forget him."
My heart is saying, "Don't let go.
Hold on till the end."
And that's what I intend to do I'm hopelessly devoted to you
But now there's nowhere to hide Since you pushed my love aside
I'm out of my head Hopelessly devoted to you
Hopelessly devoted to you Hopelessly devoted to you
Hey guys, I'm Daniel and thankyou for watching my cover of Olivia Newton-John's "Hopelessly
Devoted To You".
If you enjoyed it, please be sure to like, comment, subscribe and share.
And thankyou for watching - bye!
I'm not gonna write you a love song, Cos you asked for it,
Cos you need one You see I'm not gonna write you a love song,
Cos you tell me it's make or breakin' this If you're on your way
I'm not gonna write you to stay...
EVERY FOX NEWS INTERVIEW W/MUSLIM (FT HAMZA TZORTZIS) - Duration: 11:07.What's this book about? Cookbook or?
it's called 'The divine reality: God Islam and the Mirage of Atheism'
The what?
okay so we can't plug, you can cover the title so
Hamza Tortoise has released this book
just get the PDF, it's cheaper that way
welcome to BPC
Here we have a Muslim with us today, his name is Hamza. How you doing Hamza?
-good -so Hamza is a British public speaker
and a researcher on Islam
-Thank you for having me... A british Muslim convert
of Greek heritage, he has a post-grad in philosophy
-thank you for... -and he has studied Islamic thought and
theology under qualified scholars
thank you for having me
-He is a popular, scholar... wait -I'm not a scholar
-I'm not a scholar -Sorry
he is a popular scholar at universities and
has conducted many debates amongst notables such as Krauss and Peter
Simmons and he makes a mean a British breakfast. How do you make those sausages
considering their Haram?
well they're not haraam
we're gonna move on
gotta say Humza Arshad it's really
nice meeting you. How's Diary of a badman going?
-Let me get straight to the point yeah
My name is Hamza Tzortzis
-Hamza Tortoise? -Hamza Tzortzis
Is this guy taking the mick? What, he's saying his name's...ok
My name is Hamza Tzortzis, Mohamed Arshad is somebody else
so we obviously got you on a show because you're here to represent all of Islam
yeah? so you got a big thing on your shoulders you have to represent them
so women covering up. Do you make women cover up?
Me, No
you don't make women cover up?
so your wife is able to go out and you know do what she needs to do to get
through there ain't nothing I can't take a chainsaw to
What are you talking about?
Exactly so he admits he gets his wife to cover up.
-no -there you go
-Terrorism. Do you know what terrorism means? -yes it's...
so he knows what terrorism means he's aware of it
Have you seen acts of terrorism take place?
-No -you haven't ever seen acts of terrorism taking place
-only on TV -you've seen it? So you have seen it?
-yeah -so your witness and you don't do anything about it?
-but so you being a Muslim you see terrorism
and you don't do anything about it yes or no?
Isis tell me about Isis
-Have you seen them? -No
You've never seen them on TV?
-well yeah -so you are aware that they exist
-yes -so you have links with them?
-No! -you don't have links with them -Off course not!
-You've never used the Lynx deodrant before?
-I have -so you do have Lynx?
Yeah but not Lynx/links with Isis -You have links with ISIS then!
okay we're gonna move on there's clearly an emotional attachment with Isis
I always knew that Hamza was a Muzlamic funded guy
because he always used to take an empty water bottle with him to the toilet
I always knew there was something odd about this Hamza guy
and now he's been shown to have extreme and terrorist views it all
adds up. I mean once I remember I saw him trying to feed pigeons some crayons and
he also kicked a dog.
Woah, I'm Meg Tiddleston and i'm bringing you the weather with this super-slick hairdo
There has been an awful lot of rain lately, experts have linked this to a rise in immigration
Isis has in fact claimed responsibility for their actions but
little is known about whether the muzlamic community will in fact
condemn these actions
my name is Meg Tiddleston And no that's not a girl's name
back to you
music and dancing is that haram?
-So can I get up and start dancing to Bon Jovi mate? -Who's that
Bon Jovi? All right...Adelle or any of you Tyler Swift guys
Can I bang on a track and you're gonna dance with me?
-you want to dance with me? -I wanna dance with you
is it allowed within Islam yes or no?
Well you can dance with me.
so it's allowed you're gonna dance with me with music?
-In order... -Is Music permissible?
So this is a fatwa (did I pronounce it properly?) -What?
This is a fatwa from an islamic scholar... can you please come into the shot
and please lower your voice sir because
it's coming across quite rude and I'm feeling very intimidated as it is so
-I'm not a scholar -All the Muslims is now permissible
we do not want Sharia law... can you tell your people that we don't
want Sharia law in Britain can you look at the camera
-In order for you to understand... -Shariah law, can you look into the camera please
the segment is very short. Can you please give us a quick answer?
Sharia law, no Sharia law...go
-no... -we Beliv... we believe we believe in the rule of law -okay there you go
no Sharia law you heard him, here, no Sharia law please
Do you believe in evolution of Darwin yes or no?
-Darwin's dead -that's got nothing to do with question
you can see Muslims love their (you know going) beating around the bush
that's how they've assimilated into our societies
you do Taqiya isn't it? -Who
yeah which is hiding the truth from the
disbelievers, you're not even allowed to be around disbelievers. Is this, is this
space okay? Are you allowed is this permissible by your scriptures?
-Can you eat my food that's... Can you eat this? Is that permissible -I can but...
Can want to eat this? -No! -You can't
There you go, this is what Muslims are doing, they're coming
into our country and they're just messing everything... they don't even want
to eat our food. You can see clearly the guy said no to the food and
I'm being very kind and generous yeah -I'm not hungry
I'm being merciful, I'm being accommodating, these guys just don't want to integrate
But i'm not hungry
-Yeah? I don't even see he's not even shaking my hand? -I am!
Do you see he's refusing to shake my hand, this is what's going on, I think we
should cut to the break let's go to the break
(Behind the scenes) Good interview, very good. You done,
you done excellent. So how long you here for?
To be honest this Hamza geezer
I met him once at a barbecue and
the way he was turning over that meat and
digging he's folk into it and cutting it up into pieces
I looked at the fella
and I said, this is a bit extreme, he's enjoying it a bit too much
he erm was flexing himself, his muscles in the office
I mean it's no doubt I mean
that this is, we saw this coming a mile away
Are you someone who likes poo?
Stool? Or crap? Whatever you youngsters are calling it nowadays
Don't worry, we've turned it into a friendly little pillow
you can sleep with this pile of poo right next to you
That rhymes: I'm a poet and I didn't even know it
okay guys we are back with this recovering Muslim terrorist
He's renounced all of that. He doesn't want Sharia law and he's
happy with taking some chicken as well
-Thank you -there you go
how does it feel being a recovered a terrorist and extremist that wanted to demolish
British society. How do you feel?
-I never wanted to demolish any society -That's very interesting
I'm really listening to what you have to say
Look, yes or no doesn't represent me and it doesn't represent you. Do you believe
in abortion yes or no? How many days in a week yes or no? What's your name
-yes or no? -well my name...
What are your views on social political affairs yes or no?
Does yes really represent who you are?
Would you agree that socialism, fascism, social Darwinism,
Stalinism, communism... all the perceived evils right
Do you believe that they are as a result of a secular model?
Well, I think we've developed over time so
irrelevant, the point is: Are these 'isms' and 'schisms' the result of secularism?
let me remind you about what happened under Stalin, communist-ruled, killed six million Christians
Correct? And that's a product of separation of church and state
So is this type of communism secular yes or no?
well um it's difficult to give yes or no answers!
Oh so it's difficult to give yes or no answers because they don't
represent you. But when you turn the tables and you expect me to say yes or no
then you think it's fine.
Listen my friend, if yes or no doesn't represent you
then how is it gonna represent me?
in order for you to understand anything about Islam
you have to understand its concept and if you're
sincere, and I believe you're sincere
then you really want to connect with me
and find out what the true answers are
Muslims and terrorism...
do you agree with it yes or no?
Muslims don't believe in terrorism
and in order for you to understand why they don't believe in terrorism
you have to understand the
concept of Islam are you gonna give me time to explain the concept?
Course I'm not gonna give you time mate yeah
because on the live show
because you're the BPC
yeah one thing that really affected me and that really
showed me he's a little bit extreme
well I walked into the toilet. It was the public
toilets and I walked in and
Hamza's peeing in the sink
from that day I knew that something isn't right in his head
The only Hamza i know is a terrorist
Tell me. Tell us right now what the concept of Islam is Go!
the concept of Islam is that we believe in one creator who created everything that deserves to be
worshipped which means to love him, to know him and to express all gratitude
and direct our acts of worship to him alone and this will create peace in
ourselves and peace in society, so therefore we are an expression of that
worship which is an expression of peace and harmony, not just for Muslims but for
everybody, as the Prophet Muhammad upon whom be peace said love for Humanity
what you love for yourself, so no, we don't believe in terrorism doesn't
That doesn't sound too bad, I'd like to hear more after this show concludes
and the guy who's behind us disappears but we're going to continue
Hamza Tortoise
Diary of a badman, Wing Chun artist and full English
I'll be coming to your restaurant. Where is your restaurant?
I don't have a restaurant
Doesn't have a restaurant...he's being so humble and modest
so check out his book
What's this book about? Cookbook or...
it's called 'The divine reality: God, Islam and the Mirage of atheism'
-The what? okay so we can't plug... you can cover the title
so Hamza Tortoise has released this book
it's up to you to check out but
just get the PDF, it's cheaper that way
nice to meet you.
Next time on the BPC
Wymiana łożysko koła przedniego TOYOTA YARIS XP10 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 14:59.Use a socket №30
Use a socket №17
Using sidecutting pliers remove the cotter pin
Use a combination spanner №17
Use a special puller to take the tie rod end out
Use an open-end wrench №19
Remove the ball joint with a special puller
Use a socket №19 and a combination spanner №19
Use round nose pliers to take the locking ring out
Press out the wheel bearing using a hydraulic press
ON THE ROAD AGAIN | live @ De Gouden Pet - Duration: 3:04.I am on the road again I don't know where to go
There's so many paths unknown that I would never walk alone
So come and join me friend and pick your favourite instrument
Skip and jump and pick and strum and join my ragtag band
- Let me stop you right there, I've got percussioning to do
That is fair, no judgment there for you, 'cause now it's one, two, three, four
I am on the road again and letting the time fly by
Wandering in circles, hey! I think I need a guide
We hum a tune that we both know, wooohooo -Woo!
-Thanks! I'm glad to have my musical ASSISTANT on the go
-Try to harmonise alone!
I can!
-Oh no, you can't Well, I'll just whistle for a while to send us on our merry way again
We are on the road again and we don't care who plays
Music is what moves us and there are so many ways
to make a different chord, a riff of sorts, an unexpectant turn
-An UUUNn.. No! It's my moment!
I sing, you 'shhh'
We are on the road again with so much left to learn They have so much left to learn
You know what..
-We are on the road again just singing the same old song
about how we found our awesome sound and somehow we get along
"Somehow we get along?" We don't get along!
I don't like any of these people!
They stole my instrument, she's just like 'uhlll'
she's sitting on a chair, this is not funny at all.
You know what, no, it's mine, it's mine, no you're doing it wrong.
It's like this.
That's better.
Ejen Ali Season 2 trailer (English Subs)[CC] - Duration: 1:01.Project: Iris has actually been long abandoned.
Early tests have revealed an unexpected huge risk.
Starting today, you are M.A.T.A.'s property.
Your agent training begins.
Everything is going acoording to plan.
Make sure that you are all ready.
They...almost separated the I.R.I.S. from Ali.
Why I.R.I.S.?
You know why.
Override Mode.
[Pained grunt]
[CC] My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - We're Not Flawless (English) - Duration: 2:14.I never claimed to be perfect
My mistakes are all written in ink
None of us claimed to be perfect
And it's sad if that's what you all think
Our flaws helped to make us special
They bond us and keep us strong
Our flaws are what brought us together
So stop actin' like somethin's wrong
We're not flawless
We're a work in progress
We've got dents and we've got quirks
But it's our flaws that make us work
Yeah, we're not flawless
We're a work in progress
So tell me what flaws you got, too
'Cause I still like what's flawed about you
They say I'm a big shot
That my ego's the size of a whale
My confidence comes off as cocky
But it gives me the courage to fail
Sure, I can be a drama queen
A bit stuck-up, it's true
And I can be too eager to please
There's such thing as being too honest, too, 'cause
We're not flawless
We're a work in progress
We've got dents and we've got quirks
But it's our flaws that make us work
Yeah, we're not flawless
We're a work in progress
So tell me what flaws you got, too
'Cause I still like what's flawed about you
Ponies think I'm all bubbles and laughter
That I don't seem sincere
I might joke around a little too much
But I'm just so happy you're here
It took me a while to be confident
To really come out of my shell
But nopony has to be perfect
By now, don't you know us so well? Because, yeah
We're not flawless
We're a work in progress
We've got dents and we've got quirks
But it's our flaws that make us work
Yeah, we're not flawless
We're a work in progress
So tell me what flaws you got, too
'Cause I still like what's flawed about you
Rtv dupur er sonbad // 10 september - Duration: 10:38.SArmin erfat
Rtv news
mayanmar army
bangladesh army
help rohingga
rape rohingga female
save rohingga
war in mayanmar
bangladesh help mayanmaar
The World's Best Food For Diabetics to Eat - Duration: 6:03.Green pea soup for diabetes peas are low-fat but having everything
else a cup of peas has a lot of nutrients fiber and proteins peace
prevents stomach cancer piece are anti-aging and are having high immune
system boosters peace regulates high blood sugar high fiber in it slows down
and protein slows down the antioxidants present in peas reverse insulin
resistance all carbohydrates present in peas or natural sugars and starches with
no white sugars or chemicals pace prevents heart diseases prevents
constipation one cup of peas contains 44 percent of vitamin K which is essential
for bone health it reduces bad cholesterol now let us prepare a soup
with green peas to get rid of diabetes ingredients one teaspoon of olive oil
1/2 teaspoon of cumin seeds 1 by 4 the TSP fennel seeds 2 bay leaves 1 cinnamon
stick 4 black peppercorns 4 garlic cloves 1 by 4th cup onion chopped 1
green chili 1/2 cup green peas 1/2 cup water salt 5 to 6 mint leaves and 1 tbsp
lemon juice take a pan add 2 spoons of olive oil
let the oil get hot cinnamon stick pepper
fennel seeds then add cumin seeds then add sliced
garlic some onions
one chilly
let the onions get brown in color
bay leaf
take one cup of green and add to the onions and stir well
add some water say 1/2 cup
add some salt allow it cook for five minutes put off the flame add some mint
leaves add some lemon juice and mix it well
let it cool down put it into the blender and remove cinnamon stick and bay leaf
and blend well take the soup into the pan and warm this for five minutes
Green Peace soup is ready take it into a serving bowl yummy tasty delicious green
peas soup is ready by taking this soup regularly you can reduce high blood
sugar levels piece are low-fat but having everything else a cup of peas has
a lot of nutrients fiber and proteins peas prevents stomach cancer piece are
anti-aging and are having high immune system boosters peace regulates high
blood sugar high fiber in it slows down and protein slows down the antioxidants
present in peace reverse insulin resistance all carbohydrates present in
peace or natural sugars and starches with no white sugars or chemicals piece
prevent heart diseases prevents constipation one cup of peas contains 44
percent of vitamin K which is essential for bone health it reduces bad
cholesterol the peas or the seed now some will argue they are vegetables
while others say they are legumes but by definition of fruit ease the sweet and
first product of a tree or other plant that contains a seed and can be eaten as
food how do you grow pea pods by drying out the peas and planting them they are
deceived contained within the fruit so this fruit falls into the category of
starchy vegetable which at first glance may cause us to pass and think before
eating them one cup has 134 calories and most of those calories come from 25
grams of carbs including 9 sugars so the question becomes why eat peas with all
those carbs and that since peace or a starchy vegetable should not they buy
avoided the cops and peas are complex are not simple carbohydrates that along
with the fiber tends to slow down the absorption of the carbohydrates so piece
are less likely to spike to your blood sugar as a matter of fact peas have a
very low GL of just 22 and the glycemic load is just three green peas are a very
good source of vitamins kb1 beet b6 and C as well as manganese dietary
fiber copper phosphorus folate niacin zinc protein magnesium iron potassium
and : so our green pea is good for diabetes there most certainly or any
food with a GL under 10 is a good food for those of us with diabetes even
though this fruit is labeled a statue as it is advisable for diabetics thank you
for watching this video like and subscribe for more videos
Azan Khan - Cant let go (Official Cover Music Video) - Duration: 3:22.
Alternative Treatment For Diabetes - Duration: 5:37.Acupressure points to cure diabetes acupressure is one of the natural ways
to cure your diabetes and has been sought-after over allopathy due to its
healing properties by using body's own energy
diabetes is of two basic types type one where the pancreas in one's body does
not produce enough insulin to digest sugars and type 2 where the cells become
immune to the insulin and thus do not digest sugar that's outside the blood
either ways blood sugar levels are affected giving results to a lot of
adverse reactions in the body but the good news is diabetes can be controlled
to a large extent if not totally cured outer pressure is an alternative
treatment to cure various diseases there are hundreds of acupressure points in
our body by putting physical pressure on the right acupressure points one can not
only relieve the stress and tension but can also get rid of various diseases
including the blood sugar acupressure is helpful for both the pre-diabetics and
the Tibetans our Capricia along with healthy diet and
her'll blood sugar management medicines can help following acupressure points
cannot only help relieve the pain for the diabetics but can also help to
prevent blood sugar wrists handy this occupation point basically lies near the
wrist the side of the wrist where the little finger of your hand lies the
right side of your wrist on your left hand and the left side of your wrist on
your right hand is where this point lies as shown in video massage and apply
occupation on this point every day before your meals for five minutes which
will control your diabetes automatically feet there are specific points on the
feet that control problems like hypertension while treat diabetes as
well as insomnia this occupation quite lies on the front
side of your foot a little before your largest two
on the second toe apply pressure under the big toe with the help of your
fingers since it is hard for you to do this alone ask a friend to help the
pressure points under the big toe will help in giving a long-term relief from
blood sugar pressing this point for 2 to 3 minutes every day will help relieve
symptoms of blood sugar repeat on both feet the occupation points will help you
manage diabetes symptoms by managing the metabolic process and maintaining the
insulin level mild pressure exertion on occupation points along with proper diet
and exercise improves metabolism and insulin levels bitter gout how to make
the juice of bitter gout a common vegetable used in day to day Indian main
course put the juice in a white bucket then immerse your feet in the juice and
keep paddling very softly on the juice for about fifteen to thirty minutes
every day for minimum twenty to twenty-five days the duration to soak
the feet in the juice is till when you feel the bitterness spit all the way to
your tongue s you read it right the bitterness feeling will rise from your
feet all the way to your throat giving you a bitter feeling as if you just had
raw bitter gout this is a proven and tested method to reduce blood sugar
level up to 100 to 150 points this method is 100% natural cure for type 2
diabetes patients were 100 people have reported they got cured 99% by applying
to this method however to get maximum benefit from this method it is also
suggested to drink bitter gourd juice half glass every day early in the
morning immediately after you are awake before you even brush you teeth a
routine physical activity like walking or slow jogging for at least 20 to 30
minutes having enough sleep minimum seven arts
sleeping early at least at 10 p.m. and waking up early avoid sleeping late if
you have any work which you need to finish better wake up early undo it
this way your body will thank you and you will help to focus more on your
tasks before applying to this method test your blood sugar keep a record of
it then test every three days and see the difference this method will also
show good results for people with type 1 diabetes the blood sugar level decreased
significantly after applying to this method please do apply the above
described a method in your routine warning this information is solely for
informational purposes it is not intended to provide medical advice and
should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own
doctor thanks for watching this video like and subscribe for more videos
Corbellini Hachette - Interior Lighting - Duration: 18:33.*** NOTE: These subtitles were later made with respect to the video ***
*** to make it more understandable ***
*** Discrepancies between audio and subtitles are wanted ***
*** to correct or make the voices spoken more clearly ***
Thanks a lot and GOOD VISION!
A few years ago he went out as a collection of files
Published by Hachette
A collection called "Build Your Miniature Plastic" or something like that
Many of that collection
They bought certain numbers
Because they gave it to an irresistible price
Ie the price of the individual dossier
Of the single number
Which was about $ 9.99
A car model Corbellini
Now, that model
It had a constructive quality
Not very high
However anyway
Seeing the prices of the other models
Of carriages of period III
That if they do well they can cost 40/50 €
For 10 € you are willing to compromise
And so many bought it
So that it has more object on its own plastic
Also because in the collection were planned 3
3 numbers that included this attached product
Then with the figure of 30 €
He owned three carriages
It's true they were not the top, they were not a Roco or an Acme
But they already had the interiors played
The metal rolling axes
And hooks according to NEM standard with displacement kinematics
So despite the low quality they already had interesting features
Still in Lima for the top item price, still have the eyelet hook that can not be changed
These products... THIS PRODUCT
It already has the kinemates of deportation
That timely when I have to show do not work
This product is low-end
It has a great shortage
It lacks internal lighting
On such a carriage he makes his figure
Talking a while ago with a person
Who asked me if I owned this wagon and if I had put my hands on it
My answer was affirmative, these objects I possessed
All three because I did that collection
It was a no-cost way to approach modeling
Were suggestions, tips
And since I could afford it
I enjoyed doing that collection
And my plastics will still be based on that planimetry
Will be based: I also modified that
One of the ideas I've always had in my head
Was to illuminate these carriages
No being equipped with internal lighting, and not being set up
The biggest problem is to plug it into a power outlet
From my own tests I realized
That the dark dye on the wheels
To make it more credible and more realistic
It actually creates problems
At least in my own tests I realized that it gave rise to problems with the capture
Then a job that will definitely be done
It is with a very fine glass paper
Go and remove this patina
Especially on the various rims
It will become copper-colored
But it will not bother you at the visual level
Also because it will be masked well from the rest of the carriage
Then you will need to insert metal blades
Directly in contact with the wheels
Since the axis that holds them is plastic
Is there you can not do anything
Or use a paint that conducts electricity
Or you have to stick directly to the wheels
And depending on the type of plant on which it will be used
You will have to work
To take the current from the two wheels
Or if you use it on a 3-track system you will only have one contact
Having the door hooks in accordance with NEM
If one wanted, but the expense increased so much
It could be equipped with a bipolar conductor hook
Just replace the end with a bipolar hook
The problem is that the cost of the bipolar hook is about 15 € per pair
With 15 € in carriage are almost 50 € only hooks
And then some components inside will need to be added
Which will be cheap items
Because such an illumination
Which you saw as thumbnail of the last job on the vitrains pilot car
Only a LED strip is needed
A led strip, a condenser and a diode bridge
And the game is done
These carriages have opaque wheels in a dark color
Around the black gray
At aesthetic level, the purpose of uniformity in the color of the underbody
And visually it is definitely more beautiful
This patina however, in some cases
At least I, I had this feeling
Disadvantages the current passage
In fact we can say that this patina is insulating
To allow power outlets to achieve optimal capture
It is my advice, if it is necessary
Remove this patina
To remove this patina will be required of the sandpaper
And rub it on the wheel
On the wheel and on the rim
Also because the metal contact will touch the inside of the rim
Removing this patina should favor the passage of current
Making the lighting more stable
The effect you will have at the end of this treatment
It will be an obvious polishing of the wheels
If that may seem unrealistic
At the moment our carriage is positioned laterally
You can notice how removing the paint will not be noticeable
You might notice a little bit in the circle
On the rims, though in a minimal way
You should have an eye and be very careful
And this operation increases not a little
The wheel is being captured by the current
The opaque paint on the other hand bothers
If you do the tests you realize it's not a problem
You can avoid doing this
Already here I am showing you how I realized the power outlet
These are two simple metal contacts
Glued behind the suspensions to make them less visible
Touching the inside of the wheel
To which a wire is then welded that will go over where the circuits are
In a DC system
The metal contact must be positioned
On both sides of the carriage
Because of the way the two-track system works
In a 3-track system, as will mine
For convenience it will be enough to use only one
Obviously, it is also necessary to bring the +, the "phase"
So you will need a shoe or cable hooks
Unipolar that with 5 € we cave it
In the current configuration
We have both a double socket for the two rails
As you can see all the wheels have been polished
To ensure better capture
Plus, we have the cable hooks
To which a thread is welded
Which will go to the roof of the carriage where the various cabling will be
I'm pushing ahead at the same time
The modifications for either a 3 rails or 2 rails
I mean
In the case of the 3 rails, the carriage wires will be welded together to bridge the two rails
In case the carriage is to be used on the 2-rails system
Conductive hooks are not required
And you will only need the yellow wire and the red thread
Ie separate power sockets for both sides
We will use a diode bridge for this change
This will allow you to use this carriage on both a digital and an analogue track
In a digital path the command signal
Is a square wave semi
And therefore would have the same problems as an alternate signal
That is, the typical flicker
For an analog track instead
The diode bridge will allow us
To always have the lighting
Regardless of whether it is powered by either the right rail or the left rails
This is because it works
Plans to take an incoming signal and only pass the positive part of it
Regardless of whether the positive pole is on pin A or pin B
At this time you see on the diode bridge
A small condenser has already been welded
You can see from the condenser signs
That starting from above we will have
The + output on the condenser pin
this one
Then we will have the input pin A
Which is indifferent whether it is the right rail or the left rails
And then the - outgoing
Where the condenser is present
Then the two pins, let's call them that way
To which internal lighting components will be connected
Pins 2 and 4 (which I called A and B), those left free
Will be those that will be connected to the rails
In case we used an analog system
You have to weld the left rail to one and the right rail to the other indifferently
In the case of an alternate signal
Or digital
Is the same thing
As if the positive part comes from pin 4
Or pin 2 to him does not change anything
Always and only pass the positive component
The condenser has a dual purpose
In digital plastics
It will flicker
As it will be a leveling condenser
There are pages dedicated to Wikipedia
In the case of analog plastics
Will allow that
In case of momentary power outage
The lighting will not go out suddenly
Having such a flicker
But will stay on for those few milliseconds
Needed to return to having an adequate current gain
The principle is the same
I just changed the diode bridge
Because the other one was too often
And it gave me problems with the closure
This is far slimmer
And will then be positioned
So with the condenser in the hollow
So that it does not have any thickness problems
Condenser that has already been welded to pin + and - output
To these pin + and -
Then we'll stick the wires
Which will go to the LED strip
An opportunity to illuminate this carriage internally
Is the use of a strip LED
Ie the classic LED strip
This is a one-color white, warm tonal LED strip
Was attached with double-sided adhesive tape
And fixed with a few drops of Attack
At places where it was possible to get away
I used the wires already in the end
We see how it behaves and how realistic the tone is
This is an example of cabling
As you remember
We have our diode bridge
To which we have connected the positive LED pole
And a 470 ohm resistance
To the negative pole
Being a 12v LED strip
Theoretically should not have problems
But if it worked on plants from 16 to 20v
It is best to put a resistance to safety
At this point the diode bridge
Allows us to weld independently of the side
The two wires coming from the metal blades
In my case I will use the wires
Which in this case I made a mistake in the colors
The wires of the two cable hooks on one
And the metal contacts put together on the other pin
In case the model will work on a 2-track track
Simply connect the two wires you have
Not 4 as in my case
To the two opposite poles of the diode bridge
We are at the moment of truth
Now let's see which of the two tests I've done is better
As an example we will use the ViTrains coach
With a cooler but modern lighting
While on Corbellini we have two different trials
This is what we have mounted now
It is much brighter
And perhaps even out of place
While the one on the left is the result
Of a play of lights made with an RGB strip
For the control of the LEDs, the blue and the green have a common resistance
While the red does not have it
This is because red requires less current than other colors
Also for safety
A + resistance has been applied to lower the voltage at all
It is notable to use an RGB strip
On certain bright beams in which the green tones are visible
Decide which of the two is more realistic
It's a pretty tough business
Perhaps due to the time when these models circulated
In the 50s maybe even before
I can say that it is more like an illumination on this type of orange
But even the one just made is ugly
Perhaps as shades are more like new ones than those of the era
It is a shame that this is seen today
The Corbellini no longer
Let's say if one uses a LED strip
To provide them with internal lighting
It could be smart and comfortable
Go to a store provided
And see which tone is most consonant
Because it is true that you can use an RGB strip
However being RGB
You would always have the sole of the three colors
At this time you can not see, but from my side on the polished counter
One clearly sees the light beam divided into green and red
This hue is good on orange, I prefer this
However, wiring is also more delicate in order to obtain the optimum tonality
If one instead at the time you buy the strip
Compares a few models
And finds it already on the orange
Maybe 3000k, but I do not know how this is
And therefore it is difficult to estimate
Maybe you choose it personally
And you buy it in the shop, you spend a few extra euros
But it is certain that the tonality will have the correct one
It could also be a solution to which to fold
Maybe a "cold" strip
Which will then be colored
You take a color on the orange with a light lighter brush
And maybe you put that patina on the orange over the led
Diluted and not exaggerating, it does not risk damaging it
And you could have a more uniform and faithful color
As a final result
Given that these models were not predisposed
And so I had to figure out how to put the sockets on
I feel satisfied
This carriage here came better
As it was the third to be realized and I had more experience
This one has only one metal contact on the side
And so it happens that moving the convoy
It has a flickering illumination and if it does not touch well turn it off
While this one has both blades and therefore uses 4 wheels
and much more...
Here's... I was saying.... EPIC FAIL
It should be a little safer
Overall, compared to the original model, I find myself satisfied
Pikmi Pops By Moose Toys-------------------------------------------
Аниме приколы | Anime COUB | Аниме приколы под музыку #3 - Duration: 6:49.-------------------------------------------
Em clique raro, Carolina Ferraz posa com a filha caçula e o marido - Duration: 2:29.-------------------------------------------
Popsicles cu afine și căpșune - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
【MUKBANG】 [Sad News] Ichibanya's Curry [LEVEL 10] IS So Spicy To Eat..! [5.8kg] 14904kcal [Use CC] - Duration: 8:21.Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (English subs by ~Aphexx~)
so today! tadaa I've got some curry
and this ain't no ordinary curry
just looking at the curry roux its riddled with all these red bits. its such a weird different color
this is gonna be super hot
with the bowl it's 5.8kg the bowl is roughly 900g so its about 4.9kg
but if I add eggs and other stuff it should put it at about 5kg
just look at how different the color is of this ~looks sooo spicy~
its topped with some weiners and you can maybe see it its got some spinach as well
I've already gone ahead and readied my drinks
milk would be ideal but I don't have any here so I'll use this soy milk instead
and I'll be weighing the food as I eat itadakimasu
this is going to be super spicy I'll try tasting just the roux
~ahhh... this is suicide~
omg my tongue is on fire
its burning right now my throat is on fire
everywhere the curry roux touched is on fire
and with just that one mouthful I'm already hot the weather may be getting colder but I'm burning up here
my mouth is full of saliva
if I eat it with rice will it make it bearable?
ahhh curry tastes great when you eat it with rice
I'll try my best to go on without resorting to adding extra toppings
its yummy since its not covered in the curry
but those of you who can handle spicy foods I know you won't be able to get enough of this roux
I'll try to eat as much as I can before my will is broken to the spiciness
~so much curry sauce~ I ordered 10 portions worth
omg this level of spice is waaay dangerous
~I thought spice level 5 was super hot ~
and I've been dreading spice level 10 till now but I've been putting this off for so long and
I thought maybe, I could tolerate it now.... ~so spicy~
I'll journey on and try to eat at least 900g
omg this is really spicy
its not hot in here at all but I'm already super sweaty
at first bite sweat just poured out right here ~sooo spicy~
~dang it I still got more to go~
~just a bit more~
I know I was the one who bought this but...
~this heat is pure hell~
I'm going to add the love of my life
tadaa this is about 500g of cheese with 100g of butter and a bunch of mayo as well
I just threw everything together that helped me get through spicy challenges into one bowl
this stuff is just that hot that I needed to do this
~suuuuper hot~
ok I'll now add it
its the cheezy Niagra falls
adding this much cheese would totally change the curry sauce
enjoying the food I eat is the most important thing
5.85kg we've pretty well gone back to the initial weight I started with here
if this doesn't change how hot and spicy this is.... it would mean I just added to my pain and suffering
I'll now try it
this cheese is incredible
its not as spicy when eaten with the cheese
but then again the bite I took was mostly cheese
its that spicy lets properly mix this in
since I put in a lot of cheese its not mixing that well
oh wow its not that spicy at all anymore
despite the cheese not really mixing into the curry
wonder why? its so weird this stringy cheese is....
making it so tough to eat... ~how am I supposed to eat you?~
I win! ~but I totally lost this challenge though!~
its still pretty hot and spicy though
sweat is just pouring out of me
I'll call on my #BFFMayo to help me out here
curry and mayo taste great together
lol this cheese
mayo just might be the strongest thing to tame that spicy heat
come to think of it I've eaten so much curry this week
I had Mos' curry burgers, curry meshi and now coco ichi's curry
I've been all about that curry
despite all those other ingredients that were in here
this curry has got to be one of the spiciest ever
its sooo hot
only 800g remain
I've broken that 1kg mark
last weiner
last mouthful itadakimasu
its erased again
gochisosamadeshita coco ichi's spice level 10 curry was crazy hot
but I'm so happy to have been able to give it a go today
I can finally scratch that off my bucket list
and when you add all sorts of toppings to it it really makes the spice manageable
but eating spice 10 curry without any additions... ~then again I did somehow manage to get though 900g of it~
900g is roughly a portions worth of food
but yeah.... there would be no way I'd be able to manage 5kg worth of this
despite adding all those toppings to fight off the spice my mouth was still on fire
I really sweat so much today
this might be perfect for someone who is looking to break a sweat
and perfect for those of you that love spicy foods everyone... who is looking to try coco ichi's
spice level 10 curry... won't you give it a try? but before you do just see if you can handle spice level 5
and as always thanks for watching if there is something you'd like me to do or eat please tell me about
it in the comment section or via twitter if you liked this video please hit the like and sub buttons BAI BAI
Golden Frost Dragon Ball Super THEORY - Duration: 3:36.Hi, Please watch until the end
because at the end I will have important stuff to say.
10/09/2017 theres no DBS episode - meaning I got little bit more time.
When you got more time, you think of weird theories.
One of them got to me while watching DBS 107 preview.
Can Frost achieve new form?
Something like Golden Frieza.
While U6 and U7 tournament we could see Frost fighting for survival.
Sadly, he wasnt strong enough.
On the arena of Tournament of Power there are only strong warriors.
To live, Frost has to go beyond his limits.
U6 and U7 are twins.
Since Frieza got his new form why cant Frost?
Frieza chose this name to mock Saiuyans golden hair.
In U6 Frost didnt got any problems with Saiyans
So if Frost gets new form
it doesnt havcve to be Golden
I got 2 ideas.
First is purple, because Frost had to do with Hit.
To mock him he will be Purple Frost.
Second one, more possible
is Silver Frost.
as after gold is what...? Silver!
Those colours are somewhat twins.
What you preffer? Let me know in comment section.
Looking at DBS 108th title
I can say that Frost and Frieza
will cooperate.
You can find video about that in desc.
To achieve his goal
Frieza can teach Frost how to break his limits
to achieve new form.
Since saiyans form U6 have better potential
and progress faster
Why can't Frost do the same?
There's still question about power of new Frost.
We know that Golden Frieza is stronger than SSJBlue
Frieza lost only
because he didnt get used to his new powers.
and lost stamina too quickly
If he fought 100% from start he would
beat Goku
in Resurrection of F
I think if Frost get Silver or Purple form
It wont be stronger than Golden Frieza
but we can assume it
will be equal to SSJBlue
It would mean that Frost and Frieza
join forces
They would not be easy to beat for anyone in ToP
Maybe except for Jiren :)
What you think about it?
Can Frost even achieve new form? Should he?
Let me know in the comment section. I hope for a nice discussion.
Wymiana łożysko koła przedniego TOYOTA YARIS XP10 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 14:59.Use a socket №30
Use a socket №17
Using sidecutting pliers remove the cotter pin
Use a combination spanner №17
Use a special puller to take the tie rod end out
Use an open-end wrench №19
Remove the ball joint with a special puller
Use a socket №19 and a combination spanner №19
Use round nose pliers to take the locking ring out
Press out the wheel bearing using a hydraulic press
New Cartoon Cars All Series Contract New Cartoons for Kids Collector Cartoons of 2017 - Duration: 42:03.-------------------------------------------
Learn Dinosaurs - Learn Sea Animals Names and Sounds - 3D Dinosaur Puzzle - Dino Eggs | NomNomToys - Duration: 10:33.NomNom TOYS
Learn Dinosaurs - Learn Sea Animals Names and Sounds - 3D Dinosaur Puzzle - Dino Eggs | NomNomToys
Ex-BBB Vivian anuncia fim do namoro com Manoel: "Seguimos em frente" - Duration: 5:17.-------------------------------------------
3rd Prototype _Together_ Get In _Time (7 viên ngọc rồng _NCS release music) - Duration: 10:50.-------------------------------------------
INLINE SKATING FLOW - SOLO SESSION IN A MODERN OFFICE AREA IN CAPE TOWN // VLOG 152 - Duration: 20:46.I don't have keys black or purple swingy deco so windy
Olá tube my name is Ricardo lino and I'm a wheel addict
it's try not to fall here it's Saturday afternoon
and I was kinda bored at home Janice was about to start dinner we have
our niece at home so I just thought while they're together
just talking I'm gonna go out okay it's a little bit but damn it
Sweeney so I'm skating to these area this industrial area where I've skated
before and I'm gonna try to get a few clips with a GoPro I'm skating them
I'm skating the 125s the orange ones with a completely stock I'm skating the
skates completely stock check it
hopefully hitting here because there's bigger buildings there won't be that
much winch stop men are doing I'm good I'm good
and this is how it's cool here
the other day I did a few tea stops through these gates so the wheels are a
little bit more used and make it a lot easier to start doing some slides and
shit let's see if I don't get you run over by
a car
no more cars coming my way get this here no cars coming kid
it's windy so we're I can't gate
I've never skated here on the right so I might try to get some leaves just get
around building that shit
let me go this right over here
ooh that's cool more buildings here
try find some stairs or something okay now maybe it's kind of weird to roll
down stairs with 125 harder three will okay three times 125 are harder - that's
quite cool that's cool that's what I was gonna three times 125
check these matches I've made of wood but check this
it's amazing here we honor skates check this one
never been used check this
anyway I'll go through the other place that I just told you right now just type
this a little bit more good happening here
fuck that was that stuff good sex I was looking for
some stairs or stairs
there's here
someone just said that's so cool it isn't
if we get confused when they see someone skating like that we were hunting rails
I'll be cool to ski with your graphics page but I don't have any so this is
what I got right now
fuck panting and check what I found
that's a cool sponge
because I can't do it that way I'll do it this way brisket
that part is cool now let's see what else you got here
here to check this
ah look that's the spot that I showed you before it's right here waiting for
cars King it even if you're really fast on
skate like a roller control it's actually good to wait for no cars
because you never know when you're gonna get like a little stone or something you
would just for safety wait a little bit more
sometimes it gets super boring but it is what it is there's no more cars now so
I'm going in three two one
it's words lady
okay let's see what we got here much stuff and there's some stairs they're
gonna roll down those stairs now
the word this week like that take it the other way is gonna be cool
this wind is killer
cute right checklist
another thing come back in here
so my god think I'm stuck here let's see my only way is going through the
shopping mall
see second in a row in the shopping mall
just waiting on the security to tell me I can't skate so it's gonna happen at
any moment
under a better it's this sorry man I need to leave so I
stood alone maybe it wasn't a smart move to say a lot of security I'm living now
how's it good - behind me amen it's not enjoying it
I would say there will be a security
that's security right behind me I'm about to leave right now
check out the great day behind
yep liddie man I don't have any other shoes yeah I know I'm living now I'm
leaving sorry man I'm living that's how you advertise skating you go to a full
shot Big Mo
there's a little bit mad at me hey okay no great
hopefully I will get the wind in my back
might need to go a little bit the wrong way here under the net it's all good
now it's downhill from now here all the way down there should be down here with
the wind in my back so that should be quite fast just need to move to my side
of the road because right now right way to do it see there's a car
coming don't do that's not good
and I'm faster okay
that was fun and a lot faster then on the way up
Silla much easier and that's how you go from one side of the shopping mall to
the other and skate that's fun
a little bit more wind in my back so I'm gonna use it
so people looking for a good all-around skate not too expensive 125 millimeters
think with this video the goal was to show you these stock skate
that's it for today I'm about to get home once I go in the right road because
I just turn in the wrong road I'm gonna turn around in there but
the goal with this video what
throw this case and I did so
okay so it is being said we're about to finish this I hope you enjoyed this
video if you did don't forget to subscribe to this channel now I'm in the
right 3t right Road and don't forget the don't forget to give me some thumbs up
if you liked it thumbs down if you didn't like it let me know why I didn't
like it and just don't forget why we also asked any because it's fun cheers
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