Use a socket №17
Use spanners № 14
Before installing new shock absorbers it is strongly recommended to pump them over for 3-5 times manually
Segmento 5 Al Rojo Vivo, martes 12 de septiembre 2017 | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 5:21.-------------------------------------------
Segmento 1 Al Rojo Vivo, martes 12 de septiembre 2017 | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 18:23.-------------------------------------------
Segmento 4 Al Rojo Vivo, martes 12 de septiembre 2017 | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 8:52.-------------------------------------------
Un paseo por Aguilar de la Frontera. Córdoba - Duration: 2:19.-------------------------------------------
Cómo limpiar manchas de pintura del suelo · Handfie DIY - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
Segmento 3 Al Rojo Vivo, martes 12 de septiembre 2017 | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 4:45.-------------------------------------------
Los tentáculos de Blef - Miedo. Acompaña a Blef en su primer día de colegio - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
Como reduir lentitud (Lag) en juegos en linea - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
[VLOG/TRAVEL] Climb with me in San Diego, California | 미국 여행 | 샌디에고에서 같이 암벽등반하러 가요! - Duration: 4:39.-------------------------------------------
Le fils de Jean-Claude Van Damme arrêté- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:07.-------------------------------------------
Edgar Wright's "Hot Fuzz"-------------------------------------------
Natalia Szroeder u Wojewódzkiego: "Nawet jeśli jestem dziewicą, to mam jeszcze dużo czasu" - Duration: 8:09.-------------------------------------------
How to get back in swimming shape - Duration: 3:07.Getting back in shape is difficult in any sport but it is specially difficult in swimming.
I believe that it is because humans are not made for swimming but we are very good adapting
to new environments.
So the more time you spend in the water the more you will develop a feel for how to move
effectively through the water.
As Michael phelps said
I went 5 straight years without missing a single work out.
365 days.
Every single day I was in the water.
And in the sport of swimming when you miss one day it takes you two days to get back.
So I was already that much, continuing to built up on that throughout that time.
Chances are you already know this if you have missed practice or had a couple of weeks off.
so what is the fastest way to get back in shape?
Well if you have missed one week or so, then there is no way around it.
You just have to power through the first few practices and then everything gets progressively
However, if you have missed a month or more of swimming practices and you are used to
swimming almost every day or every other day then you should take it slow.
I know that your first instinct will be to sprint at the first chance you have, but that
is when you are most likely to get injured.
Your body has gotten used to not swimming, so you need to take it a little slower.
For the first few practices you need to swim at 70 or 80% effort.
You need to develop that feel for the water again and that only comes after spending a
few hours in the pool.
After a week or so you will feel better in the water but you will still need to develop
This is when you need to focus on your goal and just keep going.
If you are going to miss practice and want to suffer less to get back in shape, you can
do some aerobic work while you are away from the pool, like running or jumping rope.
However keep in mind that there is nothing that substitutes swimming.
So the easiest way to get in shape is to try to avoid being away from a swimming pool for
Remember, if you have been away from the pool for a while you will feel awful, but keep
in mind this is temporary.
Hold on and keep swimming.
This video was inspired by on of your comments.
Let's keep this conversation going.
Let me know in the comments what you struggle with, either mentally or physically.
thanks for watching, see you next time!
Swim fast!
Cómo limpiar manchas de pintura del suelo · Handfie DIY - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
Brilliant Bowling By Roman Raees Got 2 Wickets - Duration: 2:03.PSL 2017 Playoff 2: Karachi Kings vs. Islamabad United - Rumman Raees
Rumman Raees Best Bowling PSL
The Real Story Behind Rumman Raees Signature Celebration Style PSL Cricket
PSL 2017 Match 14: Lahore Qalandars vs Islamabad United - Rumman Raees
PSL 2017 Match 4: Lahore Qalandars v Islamabad United - Rumman Raees
Rumman Raees Psl and Bpl bowling
Ruman Raees To Marry On 6th September 2017
Rumman Raees Killer Bowling Skills
Rumman Raees Taken 2 Wickets Against Lahore Qalanders
The Attributes of Jehovah-------------------------------------------
Child Maintenance - How do I register for Employer Self Service? - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
Child Maintenance - How do I make a payment? - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
MSPO Kielce 2017 - MSBS "GROT" Fabryka Broni "Łucznik" Radom I WMASG Events - Duration: 5:09.Hi. crew here.
Welcome to 25th International Defence Industry Exhibition in Kielce, Poland.
This year we have also visited Polish Armaments Group (PGZ), where
the newest version of MSBS are presented. The name was changed this year.
More information will be covered by the manager of this project.
My name is Adam Suliga. I am the CEO of Arms Factory "Łucznik" Radom.
Yestered we signed a contract for supplying Polish Armed Forces with MSBS rifles.
It's a huge contract. We will deliver 53.00 units.
The value of the contract is 500.000 PLN (~140.000 USD)
We have changed MSBS market designation, but for everybody, who
have been involved in this project it will be still same MSBS.
MSBS stands for Modular Firearm System.
But we have added "Grot" name to all of that.
So, it's simply the addition, isn't it?
The weapon is going to be known as MSBS, but now it's just getting additional name?
Well, it has caused some confusion in the Internet.
It will be MSBS "GROT" or simply "GROT".
Why "GROT"? (eng. ARROWHEAD)
Formerly weapons used to have blades.
And because we are manufacturing weapons
It's a reference to weapons that used to be common before.
It's also the reference to gen. "Grot" Rowecki - commander of Polish resistance in World War Two
This explanation would clarify all the doubts according to the name.
In my opinion it's kinda catchy, yet
I am surprised with abbandoning the tradition of naming firearms after minerals (i.e Beryl, Glauberite, Onyx). Why?
I will put it this way - currently we live in such a world
that the only unchangeable things are constant changes.
Well, understand. So - one more step ahead, just after really huge contract.
Very fruitful, by the way.
Simply leaving the old behin and going foward.
That's right. A great challenge is standing ahead Arms Factory.
The great chance for development.
I would like to remind, that in August, the Factory signed a loan agreement.
We are purchasing new machines
to modernize our production lines and increase manufacturing capabilities.
It was also connected with our forecasts to sign this contract.
I am really glad to learn Arms Factory is developing, but I must ask two more questions.
One is omre connected with our portal, other a bi less.
There are still questions about version available at civiliand market.
The project of civilian version is very advanced.
I am unable to give a specific date now
because we must deal with contract for Polish Armed Forces first.
Still, I want to ensure that Arms Factory Board is not abbandoning the civilian market.
GROT is going to be launched for civilian customers.
It's great to know it.
The next question regards not really about firearms, rather training weapons.
Airsoft replica - if and when?
It's going to be created, but again - I am unable to give a date, even estimated.
So, this year is out of question?
This year is indeed out of question.
One of the reasons is our development and a fact that we need to replace a great part of our production lines.
That's a priority task for us.
I am sorry to announce, we are not selling at civlian market simultaneously.
But again - I ensure you we are not abbandoning this idea and Arms Factory weapons will be available for civilians.
In greater numbers and greater selection than now.
So, my congratulations. I must emphasize once more, I am glad to learn
the signed contract will give Arms Factory such a signifcant boost in development.
What may cause a positive revolution at Polish firearms market.
- Thank you very much. - Thank you very much.
Hyundai i20 1.4I Dynamic Trekh - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Kia cee'd 1.6i-16V X-ecutive ECC-Airco Radio-CD/MP3 Trekhaak Dealeronderhouden - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
How to get back in swimming shape - Duration: 3:07.Getting back in shape is difficult in any sport but it is specially difficult in swimming.
I believe that it is because humans are not made for swimming but we are very good adapting
to new environments.
So the more time you spend in the water the more you will develop a feel for how to move
effectively through the water.
As Michael phelps said
I went 5 straight years without missing a single work out.
365 days.
Every single day I was in the water.
And in the sport of swimming when you miss one day it takes you two days to get back.
So I was already that much, continuing to built up on that throughout that time.
Chances are you already know this if you have missed practice or had a couple of weeks off.
so what is the fastest way to get back in shape?
Well if you have missed one week or so, then there is no way around it.
You just have to power through the first few practices and then everything gets progressively
However, if you have missed a month or more of swimming practices and you are used to
swimming almost every day or every other day then you should take it slow.
I know that your first instinct will be to sprint at the first chance you have, but that
is when you are most likely to get injured.
Your body has gotten used to not swimming, so you need to take it a little slower.
For the first few practices you need to swim at 70 or 80% effort.
You need to develop that feel for the water again and that only comes after spending a
few hours in the pool.
After a week or so you will feel better in the water but you will still need to develop
This is when you need to focus on your goal and just keep going.
If you are going to miss practice and want to suffer less to get back in shape, you can
do some aerobic work while you are away from the pool, like running or jumping rope.
However keep in mind that there is nothing that substitutes swimming.
So the easiest way to get in shape is to try to avoid being away from a swimming pool for
Remember, if you have been away from the pool for a while you will feel awful, but keep
in mind this is temporary.
Hold on and keep swimming.
This video was inspired by on of your comments.
Let's keep this conversation going.
Let me know in the comments what you struggle with, either mentally or physically.
thanks for watching, see you next time!
Swim fast!
Upgrading Your Laptop - Duration: 2:59.-------------------------------------------
Unboxing of Patanjali Badam Pak & Toothpaste - Duration: 2:49.
sorry 162 inr
Reducing Defense to 0, Defense Penalty in PvE & PvP? (Renewal & Classic-revo Ragnarok) - Duration: 4:14.-------------------------------------------
Mom Hands Cop Two Walmart Bags And Scurries Away. But Cop Sees Note On Receipt, Searches After Her - Duration: 2:08.Subscribe to our channel for more : Visit our website :
Mom Hands Cop Two Walmart Bags and Scurries away.
But Cop Sees Note on Receipt, Searches after Her
SWAT Officer Michael Wayne of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, was sitting in his police car Wednesday,
August 9 when a woman approached him with two Walmart bags.
The woman, Shameka Batiste, seemed nervous as she handed the goodies to Wayne before
scurrying away.
Among many other things, Wayne was gifted with two bananas, a liter of Coke, and a giant
A handwritten note was also attached to the receipt.
"The note thanked me for choosing to be who I am and said that her [10-year-old] son
Rashad wanted to be a SWAT Officer one day," Wayne wrote in a viral Facebook post.
He was so moved by the gesture that he scoured the parking lot until he found Batiste.
The new acquaintances had a brief conversation about Wayne's 9-year career on the force.
Batiste mentioned how she teaches her children to not see color.
Most importantly, she praises the experiences she's had with law enforcement.
According to Wayne, their meeting ended on common ground.
"We exchanged several long hugs … she told me to stay safe and that she loved me,"
Wayne said.
After such a great encounter, he couldn't wait to meet Batiste's son.
Several days later, Wayne and Rashad came face-to-face.
The SWAT officer learned that the young boy sells cakes to help people in need.
Wayne made a $40 donation to Rashad's charity, "Baby Bears Bundts," and also gave him
a Star badge to wear.
He expressed how happy he was to have met the two.
"I have much love for Shameka and Rashad, and I look forward to building a wonderful
relationship with their family," he wrote.
"Love over hate…"
In a separate Facebook post, Batiste also shared the same sentiments.
According to her, love always wins.
"Take a stand against the hate & anger!" she wrote.
"Share your love today!"
Occupied - Lyric Video - Meri Amber - Duration: 2:23.watching dancing llama things on the internet
searching for Clooney pics on the Instagram
raiding the fridge straight after scoffing down food
I may not seem occupied
but I'm far too occupied to see you
learning how to speak Pikachu in a day
filling out the things I like on my Facebook page
tooting out ABBA tunes through a kazoo
I may not seem occupied
but I'm far too occupied to see you
cause I would rather watch a rock in the hope that it would grow
into a beautiful butterfly farting out rainbows
there was a time where I would stop what I would do
but now I'm just too occupied
far too occupied to see you
it's a pity Doctor Who needs to be rewatched
and my novelty pens need to be restocked
and I've decided I'm going to learn Kung Fu
cause though I may not seem occupied
I'm far too occupied
and what a shame I've gained an interest in how to tie knots
and I'm starting a blog of drugged up Bieber shots
then taking a virtual trip to Peru
cause though I may not seem occupied
I'm far too occupied to see you
cause I would rather watch a rock in the hope that it would grow
into a beautiful butterfly farting out rainbows
there was a time where I would stop what I would do
but now I'm just too occupied
and I would rather watch a rock in the hope that it will grow
into a beautiful butterfly farting out rainbows
there was a time I would prioritise you
but now I'm just too occupied
far far too occupied
always too occupied for you
APNIC44 - Policy SIG 1 - Duration: 1:30:56.-------------------------------------------
Marcus and Martinus dla - Duration: 3:02.-------------------------------------------
VLOG #16 - KRAKAU, Poland Vlog PART 2 ZebbyZelf | SUBTITLE BAHASA INDONESIA - Duration: 12:23.-------------------------------------------
어린아이 두고 내린 240번 버스 CCTV 화면.gif - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
2018: Seven New Wonders | Unforgettable Jokes - Duration: 1:07.Why Does Beyonce sing "To the left, to the left"
... Because black people have no rights!
Difference between Niagara & Viagara Niagara Falls...!
My friend thinks he is smart.
He told me an onion is the only food that makes you cry, so I threw a coconut at his
I asked a Chinese girl for her number.
She said, "sex, sex, sex, free sex tonight!"
I said "Wow..."
Then her friend said, "She means 666 3629"
When asked if they would have sex with Donald Trump?
70% of women said, "Not Again"
Q. Is Google male or female?
A: Female, because it doesn't let you finish a sentence before making a suggestion.
Q. Whats the difference between England and a teabag?
A: A teabag could stay in the cup for longer.
Glass House vs. Family Pad - Duration: 40:05.-------------------------------------------
No Way Out - Duration: 22:31.-------------------------------------------
Virksom inkasso - Duration: 0:38.-------------------------------------------
Huricane Irma: Why Florida avoided catastrophe - NEWS WORLD 24/7 - Duration: 5:26.-------------------------------------------
Recomendado pelo YouTube-------------------------------------------
La catalana Munich se busca la ruina por diseñar unas zapatillas a favor del 1-O | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 2:27.-------------------------------------------
Why is Aaron Carter so Skinny? - Duration: 4:10.-------------------------------------------
How Aaron Carter Deals with Stress - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
MSPO Kielce 2017 - MSBS "GROT" Fabryka Broni "Łucznik" Radom I WMASG Events - Duration: 5:09.Hi. crew here.
Welcome to 25th International Defence Industry Exhibition in Kielce, Poland.
This year we have also visited Polish Armaments Group (PGZ), where
the newest version of MSBS are presented. The name was changed this year.
More information will be covered by the manager of this project.
My name is Adam Suliga. I am the CEO of Arms Factory "Łucznik" Radom.
Yestered we signed a contract for supplying Polish Armed Forces with MSBS rifles.
It's a huge contract. We will deliver 53.00 units.
The value of the contract is 500.000 PLN (~140.000 USD)
We have changed MSBS market designation, but for everybody, who
have been involved in this project it will be still same MSBS.
MSBS stands for Modular Firearm System.
But we have added "Grot" name to all of that.
So, it's simply the addition, isn't it?
The weapon is going to be known as MSBS, but now it's just getting additional name?
Well, it has caused some confusion in the Internet.
It will be MSBS "GROT" or simply "GROT".
Why "GROT"? (eng. ARROWHEAD)
Formerly weapons used to have blades.
And because we are manufacturing weapons
It's a reference to weapons that used to be common before.
It's also the reference to gen. "Grot" Rowecki - commander of Polish resistance in World War Two
This explanation would clarify all the doubts according to the name.
In my opinion it's kinda catchy, yet
I am surprised with abbandoning the tradition of naming firearms after minerals (i.e Beryl, Glauberite, Onyx). Why?
I will put it this way - currently we live in such a world
that the only unchangeable things are constant changes.
Well, understand. So - one more step ahead, just after really huge contract.
Very fruitful, by the way.
Simply leaving the old behin and going foward.
That's right. A great challenge is standing ahead Arms Factory.
The great chance for development.
I would like to remind, that in August, the Factory signed a loan agreement.
We are purchasing new machines
to modernize our production lines and increase manufacturing capabilities.
It was also connected with our forecasts to sign this contract.
I am really glad to learn Arms Factory is developing, but I must ask two more questions.
One is omre connected with our portal, other a bi less.
There are still questions about version available at civiliand market.
The project of civilian version is very advanced.
I am unable to give a specific date now
because we must deal with contract for Polish Armed Forces first.
Still, I want to ensure that Arms Factory Board is not abbandoning the civilian market.
GROT is going to be launched for civilian customers.
It's great to know it.
The next question regards not really about firearms, rather training weapons.
Airsoft replica - if and when?
It's going to be created, but again - I am unable to give a date, even estimated.
So, this year is out of question?
This year is indeed out of question.
One of the reasons is our development and a fact that we need to replace a great part of our production lines.
That's a priority task for us.
I am sorry to announce, we are not selling at civlian market simultaneously.
But again - I ensure you we are not abbandoning this idea and Arms Factory weapons will be available for civilians.
In greater numbers and greater selection than now.
So, my congratulations. I must emphasize once more, I am glad to learn
the signed contract will give Arms Factory such a signifcant boost in development.
What may cause a positive revolution at Polish firearms market.
- Thank you very much. - Thank you very much.
Aaron Carter Talks DUI and His Gaunt Appearance - Duration: 4:57.-------------------------------------------
Turgo Garrett - Duration: 0:43.-------------------------------------------
Judwaa 2: शूटिंग के दौरान वरुण ने किया तापसी को इंजर्ड - Duration: 2:35.-------------------------------------------
Cómo cambiar amortiguadores traseros TOYOTA YARIS XP10 INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 6:00.Use a socket №17
Use spanners № 14
Before installing new shock absorbers it is strongly recommended to pump them over for 3-5 times manually
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