Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
Music To Purify The Mind - Effective Music For Deep Meditation - Duration: 1:00:14.Music To Purify The Mind - Effective Music For Deep Meditation
Lector de Gastos automático - Duration: 1:15.-------------------------------------------
SHOFAR | Rosh Hashana Prayer Hevenly Father & cello - Duration: 6:38.(Luke 11) 2. ...Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
3 Give us day by day our daily bread.
4 And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us.
And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.
Our Father which art in heaven...!
TRUCOS ESENCIALES PARA LA COCINA QUE TE SORPRENDERÁN - Duration: 7:03.-------------------------------------------
« Emmanuel Macron est très attentionné avec Brigitte. Il l'embrasse souvent… » - Duration: 4:13.-------------------------------------------
Hugo 2 Part 1 - Snowboard | PS1 (No commentary) [EN] - Duration: 6:29.Hugo and his family were on their way home after Hugo
Has saved them from the wicked witch Scylla who had kidnapped them
But it was not to be that simple
Scylla has discovered an acient book of magic with which she
Planed to capture Hugolina
She decided to cast a spell on the clouds
So they would abduct Hugolina for her
Hugo wondered at the sudden change in the weather but
Did not know that Scylla was behind it
Scylla gained control of the large black cloud
Which could chase Hugo's airplane
And kidnapp Hugolina
Scylla laughed evilly
While the children were playing in the backseat
The cloud came closer and closer
When Hugo saw the cloud
It was already too late
The cloud managed to kidnapp Hugolina
And now it was on its way to Scylla's cave with her
When Hugo discovered that Hugolina was gone
He knew that it had to be Scylla who's behind it all
But before rescuing Hugolina, he had to save the children first
They were given parachutes and don't turn jump out of the plane
The plane crashed
First Hugo had to find the children and then rescue Hugolina from Scylla
Oh, I just love the winter
Everything is so quite and peaceful
Only me and my snowboard
So far, so good
Now let's freeze out the witch
Estado Novo - Duration: 4:01.Long live the New State!
Long live Portugal free and independent!
Salazar! Salazar! Salazar!
Mr. President of the Republic and Mr. Navy Minister
Officials and Soldiers
People of the Minho and of Portugal
It is now 10 years, in this same city
Under the orders of Gomes da Costa
Whose optimism and bravery almost were not virtues
For they sprang spontaneously from the soul, as demanded from nature itself
The Portuguese Army had unleashed a movement
Triumphant, without a fight
Glorious, without blood
For in truth, the voice of command was only the military expression of an irresistable order of the nation
And started the new era
Hear now what happened
To the souls torn by the doubt and the negativism of the century
We sought to deliver the comfort of the great certainties
We don't debate god and virtue
We don't debate the fatherland and its history
We don't debate its authority and its prestige
We don't debate the family and its morals
We don't debate the glory of work or the duty of it
Thus were laid the great pillars of the edifice and were built the peace, the order, the unity of the Portuguese
The strong state, the prestigious authority, the honest administration
The reinvigoration of the economy, the patriotic sentiment, the corporative organization and the colonial empire.
Sirs. Ends today 10 years that constituted but an era of restoration in the fatherland's history
Another 10 are to begin that shall constitute an era of elevation
To build upon tougher sacrifices, higher heroism and surer dedications
I should not like to go from here without knowing who has the courage to come with us
Salazar! Salazar! Salazar!
Carmona! Carmona! Carmona!
SORTEO EPICO - Duration: 35:23.-------------------------------------------
Thierry Ardisson révèle l'identité l'homme avec qui il a eu une expérience homosexu - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
Weekly Travel Vlogs-------------------------------------------
[ENG SUB] Making Film 정세운Jeong SeWoon JUST U MV - Duration: 4:47.This place is
Hwaseong city's (Gyeonggi)
indoor tennis court
I am Jung Se Woon
My first debut mini album 'EVER' has been released
Q: Please do a simple introduction of your album and your title song
My first debut mini album that is being released before my debut
is divided into 'PART.1' and 'PART.2'
The album name of 'PART.1' is 'EVER'
which has the meaning of
"I will continue to showcase my music for a long time"
I am preparing really hard for 'PART.1''s'EVER'
and I am also filming it's MV
Q: Could you tell us more about the artists that were featured?
Many people participated
The composition of the song was done by 'GroovyRoom'
and 'Sik-K' senior did a featuring
so I feel very reassured
Q: Please do a simple introduction of 'JUST U' MV content
This MV is about
A boy who is unable to handle the emotions
of falling in love
We are using exciting sets and props to express this song
and I've been given the role of the male main character
Q: How is it like filming your first MV?
Because this is my first time filming
I am trembling and quite nervous
but since the directors and the staff are teaching and instructing me alot,
I am learning much more
And there are many pretty sets and many different scenes
so I hope that you can anticipate it and overlook some of my shortcomings
Q: What was the most interesting episode that you experienced while filming?
After all
It's my first time filming an MV
so when the scene was first cut and I went to monitor that cut,
it remained in my memory
because it was so funny it left a deep impression
since it was the first time, I tried acting by only showing the back of my head
but even that looked so awkward
so I knew I was in trouble
Oh and I didn't know that I'll be filming in sets because
I thought I'll be going to film in locations where all of this was already there
but since the sets were specially customised,
it was very fascinating
and after awhile it got very exciting
Q: Show us one of the expressions you practiced that you are most confident in!
In the MV, its the 'blank' expression of the boy who has fallen in love
Its something like looking in the far distance
and falling deep into his thoughts
I'm confident with that kind of acting
This is because I'm usually quite like this so I'll show it to you
Do I look here? 1,2,3
(lmao hahaha)
This is all for now
Q: What do you want to do the most after debuting & Whether it feels real that you're debuting?
What I want to do the most after debuting..
Since I was given the environment that allowed me the freedom to compose
I gained lots of new insiprations and themes to work with
and through this experience of writing parts of songs,
I'm looking forward to what I'll make in the future
I also really want to and look forward to meeting my fans personally at (fan)signs
Singing live for my fans is also what I want to do
Articles that announced my debut
were very fascinating
and my brothers and mom uploaded these pictures of the articles (in their family chatroom)
so I felt that it was all very strange
Q: Any last words for those who are listening to your songs?
Everyone, finally
with the name "Jung Se Woon", my album has been released
As much as you have ancicipated and given me love
I will become strengthened and I will work harder to repay it with my music
so I hope that you'll anticipate it
and if you listen, cherish and love this album's title song 'JUST U' alot
I'd be very thankful
and do show me alot of love
Thank you!
Wishing you happiness~ (pun on the 'wishing' with his name)
Forgotten Realms Lore - Amn - Duration: 6:13.Hello everybody Jorphdan here the PH is silent.
Let's continue to talk about Amn!
Amn has a population of about 3 million.
Over 80% being human and the rest mostly halflings.
Amn made it's wealth through trade.
The cities here specialize in importing and exporting goods from neighboring regions.
It is a nation of merchants, the place where caravans start and end.
Ships leave for exotic ports and return with gold.
Amn really took off with the discovery of Maztica which lies to the far west, across
the ocean.
Creating a new city in maztica called New Amn, Amn maintains a large colony on the distant
tropical continent and profits great from its trade.
People in Amn are obsessed with wealth.
The wealthy seem to control everything, which was made especially true when the wealthy
merchants reformed the government during the creation of the Council of Six.
But currently by 1479 DR the Council of Six has been regrouped as the Council of Five.
Amn is home to Lake Esmel, which is a dark blue lake that plummets to unknown depths.
Rumors speak of an aquatic monster that lives in the lake.
Much like the Loch Ness Monster.
The western shallows have a sea green color as mineral springs flow into Lake Esmel.
Many believe the tales of the sea monster to be nothing more than Balagos, a red dragon
that lives in the area.
And although it's true that Balagos often bathed in Lake Esmel the monster of the lake
is actually more than a dozen Pythosaurs who live in the deep cold waters.
They've been there since the days of the creator races.
The Pythosaur isn't in the 5th edition monster manual, but I did find it in the AD&D book
"Lands of Intrigue: Part2 Amn."
It's 120 feet long with a 70 foot neck.
A really large animal that has the ability to swallow the victim whole.
The major cities exist along the ocean, rivers or Lake Esmel.
The capital city is Athkatla and is one of the busiest ports in all of Faerun.
Mainly due to the trade routes with Maztica.
The marketplace here is twice the size of Waterdeep's.
That is before the spellplague when Maztica was lost to Faerun, being transported to Abeir.
Gold flows freely in Athkatla transporting vegetables, slaves, jewelry, strange relics,
pirated goods and more.
Above the bay is Goldspires, a temple to the goddess Waukeen nearly as large as a small
Mentioned in my last video Amnians have a very poor view of arcane spellcasters.
This is due to certain wizards that released a series of plagues and monsters, some by
accident others intentional.
Divine spellcasters are looked upon favorably though.
Many deities are worshiped in Amn but some of the bigger ones include Bane, Chauntea,
Cyric, Selune, Sune, and Waukeen.
Amn has a high agricultural region that worships Chauntea in hope for a good harvest.
Sune for artist or actors, anyone who tries to create and bring beauty into the world.
Waukeen is particularly interesting and very popular goddess in Amn.
Known as the merchant's friend or the golden lady her portfolio includes everything related
to commerce and the accumulation of wealth through free and fair trade.
Many merchants worship and pray to her.
During the Time of Troubles Waukeen walked Faerun like the other deities, but was determined
to get back to her Celestial spot.
She ended up paling around with another goddess named Lliira the goddess of joy.
Since Waukeen couldn't travel freely back to the outer planes she decided to smuggle
herself back in.
She found a path through the Astral Plane and then in the Lower Planes.
She would have to make some deals with creatures of the lower planes to allow her safe passage
through their territory.
Believing that her divinity was trapped on Faerun and not her physical self she handed
over her divine portfolio to Lliira for safe keeping.
She managed to contact a greyhawk deity named Celestian the God of Wanderers who agreed
to transport Waukeen to the Astral Plane.
The plan worked and her physical self was transported to the Astral Plane.
Once there she contacted Graz'zt an Abyssal Lord to negotiate safe passage through the
Abyss into the Outlands.
In return Waukeen would give Graz'zt the location of a number of secret treasure hoards
on Toril and across the planes.
And on top of that she would give him super useful information on the financial deals
of the rival Demons and Devils.
Giving Graz'zt an edge in the Blood War.
Graz'zt lied about his end of the bargain and ended up trapping Waukeen in the Abyss
for an indefinite future.
Calling her his guest while they "renegotiated" the deal previously agreed upon.
Graz'zt's goal was to substitute his daughter in place of Waukeen, hopefully without anyone
Back on Amn the worshipers of Waukeen saw their lack of divine powers and their prayers
However Lliira appeared to the worshipers of Waukeen in dreams and stated that she would
step in for Waukeen until her return.
The Church of Waukeen desperately wanted her back, and through some divine visions her
true location and predicament was revealed.
Knowing they could not wage war on the Abyss it was decided that a small band of powerful
adventurers would cross the planes and rescue Waukeen, returning her to the Faerunian pantheon.
This is outlined in the AD&D Module "For Duty and Deity."
You the players must climb the Infinite Staircase, use it to make your way to the Abyss.
Rescue Waukeen and break her out while being pursued by Abyssal demons.
Ultimately returning the goddess to the Outlands, her home.
The heroes are successful and Waukeen is returned home.
Lliira hands over Waukeen's divine portfolio elevating her back to divine status again.
Priests and Priestess rejoice at the return of their god.
All is set right with Amn once more.
Today Amn is ruled by five noble families, the council of five
The Nation is richer than Baldur's Gate and Waterdeep, it's influence is curtailed
by the unwillingness of its rulers to work together in the nation's best interest.
The spellplague removed their financial success with Maztica, but after the Sundering trade
with the reappeared Maztica has begun again.
Control has reached as far south as Chult, where Amn oversees port trade centers.
And that's it for Amn.
There's more to talk about I'm sure but those are the highlights I found interesting.
Let me know if you think you'd start a game in Amn, or maybe a Waukeen cleric from Amn.
Thanks for watching everyone and I'll see you next Wed.
Boston Is Reportedly The Front-runner For New Amazon Headquarters - Duration: 0:20.-------------------------------------------
Latest holywood News|Jennifer Lopez plays role model to daughters|Paul Walker Birthday Pics - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
BTS THEORIES: Serendipity and Little Prince - Duration: 10:24.The amount of comments and private messages with questions about Serendipity theory gave me no other choice but to create such video
It wasn't that easy... So just find out why!
Serendipity is based on the Little Prince book
You probably remember this book from your childhood and school
Many people don't know that this book is for adult people, not children
This is why I don't understand why we read it in school
There are many connections to the Little Prince in Serendipity
So I just have to analyse all of them
The Little Prince is about faithful love, true friendship, asking questions about the life values and about sense in human bonds
It probably sounds familiar because in BTS videos we also can find references to the life values and human relationships
If any of you doesn't know The Little Prince's story, I will tell you shortly what is it about
A Little Prince was a young boy with light hair and serious eyes who always had a golden scarf with him
He lived on B-612 asteroid and he took care of his little planet everyday
He got rid of the dangerous baobabs
If we talk about the baobabs, I will read a quote from the book:
Indeed, as I learned, there were on the planet where the little prince lived-- as on all planets-- good plants and bad plants.
In consequence, there were good seeds from good plants, and bad seeds from bad plants. But seeds are invisible.
They sleep deep in the heart of the earth's darkness, until some one among them is seized with the desire to awaken.
Now there were some terrible seeds on the planet that was the home of the little prince; and these were the seeds of the baobab. The soil of that planet was infested with them.
A baobab is something you will never, never be able to get rid of if you attend to it too late.
It spreads over the entire planet. It bores clear through it with its roots.
And if the planet is too small, and the baobabs are too many, they split it in pieces...
It's not about getting rid of those plants literally
this is why the author wrote that this book is for adults
It's just full of metaphors
The seeds from the quote relate to good and evil
Good seeds symbolize good, good actions and good values
And we should cherish them
Baobabs and bad seeds symbolize evil, bad actions and bad features
and, what's the most important, the sin
Sin motive appears in BTS videos since a really long time already
The truth is - we are infected with the sin seeds
If we don't replace this evil with good, it'll be too late and we'll be never able to deal with it
Just like you heard in the quote - the evil will fill us in
Especially when the planet is little, when we are little
we are subject to evil
and the evil can fill our lives
We can compare the baobabs to the forbidden fruits - apples
We saw Jimin with apples very often
But the forbidden fruit was also a popular motive in Demian
And here we go with another quote:
You must see to it that you pull up regularly all the baobabs, at the very first moment when they can be distinguished from the rosebushes which they resemble so closely in their earliest youth. It is very tedious work
When you're young, good and evil are very tempting
We cannot distinguish them from each other
This is why we have to be careful and we got another lesson from the Little Prince:
Peugeot 2008 SUV Allure 1.2 PureTech 110 PK EAT6 | ZEER COMPLETE UITVOERING | - Duration: 0:44.-------------------------------------------
How To Travel The World For Free - Duration: 4:58.Hello My beautiful people my name is Hilda and today
We're gonna talk about on how to travel the world for free
but before don't forget to share like and subscribe to this channel before we start I wanted to talk about these socks because
Everybody's always asking me only instagram
And what are those? why you use that for ? and I wanted to talk about it because I use them every day I use every
Time I go for a run or to work out
But these are compression socks you use them when you feet higher when you feet trier when you feel
Aching these help you a lot like to relieve that pain
And I really really like them when you use them you have better blood circulation
They prevent cramping reduce fatigue soreness, and so I love this suck so much
You can use everywhere not only like to run or to workout. You can use the like in your work
There are pressure when you're traveling especially in airplane because you know you don't have like good blood circulation this helps a lot
So I'm gonna leave the links down below. They come in pairs
Different colors, you know my like my favorites are like blue and black so yeah, I'm gonna leave the link down below
So don't forget to buy it, so how can you travel the world for free the first option is a pair a pair?
It's like an interchange where you go to another house to learn a language and also to practice like
And to practice your language with the the new family you're gonna be staying in
One thing you have to know is that you're not working you have to do some some like
shores make the loop and clean a little bit. It's not like your work in there
you are part of the family you learn like the culture the language and
Usually a pair is mostly because people want their kids to learn and practice
the the language so you have to like like kids because usually most of the
au-pair interchange is for people with kids because they want their kids to
Learn and practice another language and also. I wanted to say that this place
They give you
An allowance like every week to get an allowance it depends on the place you go when you enter to the page you can check
The their language how much how much money they give you but this is like super nice
And I have met a lot of people that do they actually they take for life
They have freedom weekends, so you can travel the world with the money
They give you you can say it's a really cool experience because you are in a new country
And you can splurge and you know I totally I taller
Totally recommend this one the second option is being a house sitter
Dog sitter this option is really popular and especially
Lately a lot of people are doing this one because it's like really good
And you get to stay in like a space
Expensive houses this one is where owners are looking for people to see dogs or their houses like
Country houses or where they're going back Asian
they need someone to travel to their house and
Stay like me for a month a year. It depends on what the people are looking for so our option if
I don't know how to pronounce this. I just gonna leave the link here, so this is our
Organization that look for people that want to work with culture like far. They're gonna give you like where to stay and you
The only thing you have to do in exchange
it's like to work in a fire if you have a holiday baby centers a lot of countries like Australia that you can work and
You know and get paid by doing this before this one
I really love. There's a lot of cruises looking for people like to work in the cruise you can be a bartender
Entertainer there's a lot of options. It's one you get paid and you travel the world to a lot of player profile
It's work away on this one
They're looking for people to do handy job like construction
plumbers like to build stuff
They gonna give it where to stay and food and you just have to do the job
free if you have a holiday based site you can also look for the st
job for them to pay you
but if you only want to spend maybe a month or a week or something like that you can apply in work away and
just like have a place to stay and
food and number six
It's war Parker's this one is my favorite because I feel like you can find a lot of things to do not only it's like
Farming or like handy jobs and stuff like that this one you can social media
engineer like whatever like
Thing you like to do you can find here remember all this thing you do for free and most of them
They give you like where to stay and free food some of them
They only give you like were to stay and I love this place because you can find a lot of options you can search
whatever place you want to go and I
Totally recommend this one well guys that was all don't forget to share it like and subscribe to this channel
See you next time to top
आईफोन 10 विशेषताएं | iPhone 10 Features | Hindi/Urdu | Latest Release iPhone X - Duration: 2:43.Size: 143.6mm x 70.9 x 7.7 mm
Weight: 174g
5.8-inch OLED True Tone display with 2436 x 1125 resolution at 458 ppi, 625cd/m2 brightness, and 1,000,000:1 contrast ratio (Super Retina display)
six-core A11 Bionic chip with 64-bit architecture, neural engine, and M11 motion coprocessor
3GB of RAM (not confirmed)
64GB, 256GB storage options
Camera: dual-lens 12-megapixel wide-angle camera with f/1.8 aperture and 12-megapixel f/1.8 camera with f/2.4 aperture, optical zoom up to 2x, dual optical image stabilization, six-element lens
7-megapixel FaceTime camera with f/2.2 aperture
TrueDepth camera for Face ID 3D facial recognition
Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi‑Fi with MIMO LTE Advanced Bluetooth 5.0
iOS 11 Apple EarPods with Lightning port
IP67 splash, water, and dust resistance
Battery: 21 hours (talk time), 12 hours (internet use), 13 hours (video playback), up to 60 hours (audio playback)
fast-charging support – up to 50% charge in 30 minutes Qi wireless charging support
$999 FOR 64 GB = 65,000 INR
Available from November 7
Subscribe,Like and Share if you like it
Put Me Behind and Enjoy Your Life – Bosch China (NL-subs) - Duration: 2:38.-------------------------------------------
NASA Confirm 14th September, 2017 is when Three End ,Time Signs of the Lord's Return - Duration: 16:54.-------------------------------------------
Zaalima | Raees | Shah Rukh Khan &Mahira Khan | Dance Cover by Arkestra | Desi Wedding Dance - Duration: 4:21.Zaalima | Raees | Shah Rukh Khan &Mahira Khan | Dance Cover by Arkestra | Desi Wedding Dance
Top 10 Hottest and Sexiest Girls in The World!ha ha ha....... - Duration: 1:42.
Marvelous The Movie 2018-------------------------------------------
Hillary Clinton: 'I Was Dumbfounded' By James Comey Letter On Oct. 28 | TODAY - Duration: 11:45.-------------------------------------------
BTS THEORIES: Serendipity and Little Prince - Duration: 10:24.The amount of comments and private messages with questions about Serendipity theory gave me no other choice but to create such video
It wasn't that easy... So just find out why!
Serendipity is based on the Little Prince book
You probably remember this book from your childhood and school
Many people don't know that this book is for adult people, not children
This is why I don't understand why we read it in school
There are many connections to the Little Prince in Serendipity
So I just have to analyse all of them
The Little Prince is about faithful love, true friendship, asking questions about the life values and about sense in human bonds
It probably sounds familiar because in BTS videos we also can find references to the life values and human relationships
If any of you doesn't know The Little Prince's story, I will tell you shortly what is it about
A Little Prince was a young boy with light hair and serious eyes who always had a golden scarf with him
He lived on B-612 asteroid and he took care of his little planet everyday
He got rid of the dangerous baobabs
If we talk about the baobabs, I will read a quote from the book:
Indeed, as I learned, there were on the planet where the little prince lived-- as on all planets-- good plants and bad plants.
In consequence, there were good seeds from good plants, and bad seeds from bad plants. But seeds are invisible.
They sleep deep in the heart of the earth's darkness, until some one among them is seized with the desire to awaken.
Now there were some terrible seeds on the planet that was the home of the little prince; and these were the seeds of the baobab. The soil of that planet was infested with them.
A baobab is something you will never, never be able to get rid of if you attend to it too late.
It spreads over the entire planet. It bores clear through it with its roots.
And if the planet is too small, and the baobabs are too many, they split it in pieces...
It's not about getting rid of those plants literally
this is why the author wrote that this book is for adults
It's just full of metaphors
The seeds from the quote relate to good and evil
Good seeds symbolize good, good actions and good values
And we should cherish them
Baobabs and bad seeds symbolize evil, bad actions and bad features
and, what's the most important, the sin
Sin motive appears in BTS videos since a really long time already
The truth is - we are infected with the sin seeds
If we don't replace this evil with good, it'll be too late and we'll be never able to deal with it
Just like you heard in the quote - the evil will fill us in
Especially when the planet is little, when we are little
we are subject to evil
and the evil can fill our lives
We can compare the baobabs to the forbidden fruits - apples
We saw Jimin with apples very often
But the forbidden fruit was also a popular motive in Demian
And here we go with another quote:
You must see to it that you pull up regularly all the baobabs, at the very first moment when they can be distinguished from the rosebushes which they resemble so closely in their earliest youth. It is very tedious work
When you're young, good and evil are very tempting
We cannot distinguish them from each other
This is why we have to be careful and we got another lesson from the Little Prince:
Okręty podwodne i współpraca przemysłowa. Saab na MSPO 2017 [ TV] - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
BRITAIN pt.1 - Let's kayaking with 15 degreese! - Duration: 4:18.We are now in the plane,
moreover it's a really small plane,
and we met Carola, who is here behind me
aaaaaaand, nothing, Arnaboldi doesn't want to be filmed
but I already know that she will appear like fourteen times in the video
and well
England, we are coming
Guys, we just landed in England
We'll se in September
We just arrived in the airport of..?
And this girl came to take us...
Well she seemed friendly, didn't she?
Sasha, Saskia?
Now we eat something because I am SO hungry
We are now in the car
And it's like, super cool
Because we totally forgot that the driver's seat in England is on the right
And it's so funny and strange!
Okay, we arrived in the college some hours ago
And well, we had some activities,
we met new people, there are some really friendly girls
And now, as you can see, I'm unpacking my lagguage
And then we'll go to bed 'cause the curfew is at 10 p.m.
And well, nothing, goodnigt.
-Today we are going to kayaking and we are taking the bus
which seems made with paper...
-It doesn't seem made with paper!
By the way, first trip: kayaking
It's freezing
As you can see, pants and long-sleeves jumper
But well, we all go kayaking...Cool.
-I'm dry!
-Yes, Francesca, damn her,
Just because her diving suit was a bit...
- It was all wet! I didn't want to wear it!
- Oh, poor you! Because we are dry!
Loo at my shoes, they are spilling water!
- It's a choice of life, I didn't want to wear it
Okay, I'd say that for today I'm done with water sports
It was cool
But I have to admit that water was quite cold
Because it's like 15 - 20 degrees here, I don't now exactly
and I still have seaweed in my hair
I'm destroyed and I think I ll' skip straight to tomorrow
Sooo... Se you tomorrow!
Knitting Help - Removing Mattress Stitch Seam - Duration: 7:44.Recently a question came up on the audio podcast, where a gal wanted to know if she could take
out a mattress stitch seam.
And of course, you can.
It's knitting.
You can undo just about anything you do, other than steeking, cutting your work.
So I answered the question as best I could in the audio podcast, but I thought it was
worth a video.
So in this video, I'm going to show you a...break down the mattress stitch, exactly what it
is and how it works, and then how to take it out if you want to redo the seam, or you
decide that you have put together the pieces of a sweater, and you want to undo it and
use that yarn for something else.
That's what this gal wanted to do, is completely unravel an entire sweater, to use the yarn
for something else, which is great.
Process knitters.
I love it.
Let's go ahead and take a look.
What I have here are two swatches that are seamed together with the mattress stitch here.
You can see it's a beautiful seam.
People ask me, "Stacy, I'm making a blah, blah, blah.
What seam should I use?"
The answer is almost always, "Mattress stitch."
This is the all-purpose seam for almost everything you knit.
If you're knitting something, anything, if it doesn't specify what seam to use, you want
to use this one.
The pattern will specify to use a different seam if it doesn't want you to use this one.
So this is what it looks like from the front.
And from the back, it does leave a ridge, but it is a good, sturdy seam that's not going
So let's go ahead and take a look at it in a different color and run through how this
I'm gonna kind of...I'm not gonna go into a lot of detail here.
So if you want to see my mattress stitch video, I will go ahead and link to that here.
Just click the little "I" in the upper-right-hand corner.
You can see a really broken-down version of this stitch.
So with the right side of the work facing, I'm using a different color of yarn.
You'll see it doesn't really matter.
My work has been steamed out flat, so that it's easy for me to see the edge stitches.
I'm going to leave a column of stitches inside the seam.
That's what makes the ridge on each side.
So between the first column and the second column of stitches, I'm going to grab two
ladders between the columns of Vs. Oops.
I'm on the wrong side though because my yarn is coming from over here.
So between the two columns, I'm going to grab two ladders over here and then jump back over
to the other side and grab two ladders over here.
That's just a quick review.
That's how the mattress stitch works.
After you get a little bit done, you can tighten it up, and you can see it tightens up so nicely,
and there isn't a break in the work.
It's sturdy.
It's perfect.
Now let's talk about taking this back out again.
I have my two columns of edge stitches here that are part of the seam.
So what I want to do is separate those.
I'm making that too easy on myself.
Let me do it from this side, because it's loose over here where I haven't secured the
Separate those two columns, and pull it apart.
Because I've done it in pink, you can see the strands here that are running from one
side of the work to the other, that are in pink.
I've got something going on there.
I'm not sure what.
One stitch isn't pulling.
There we go.
It looks a little bit different.
So I would not have cut that.
But these strands that are coming through, connecting the two sides in the pink here,
that's obvious.
That's the obvious color that I want to cut.
That is my seam.
But we don't usually do a seam in a different color.
So I just wanted to point out that that's how you find it.
You pull it apart, and the single strands running back and forth are the ones that are
okay to cut, but let's make it a little more difficult on ourselves.
So I have this piece.
We're pretending this is a totally finished sweater.
I'd even woven in the ends.
So let's start from there.
This end, I haven't woven in, but we'll look at this right here.
So if you are consistent with the way that you weave in ends, it becomes pretty easy
to figure out how to undo it.
So in this case, I have my end right there.
I'm gonna give it a little tug, and I can pull the end out.
I know exactly where I went next because I always do a figure-eight when I'm weaving
in ends in wool.
I'll give you a link to my video on weaving in ends, if you want to see more of that.
But if you're always consistent, it isn't a mystery how to undo something like this.
So I've unwoven my end.
Of course, I'm using bulky yarn here.
Then when I come to the top of something, I always do a little trick.
I have a video called...I think it's called "Fixing the Jog in Circular Knitting."
I'll link to that.
So that's the next little bit that I know how to unravel.
So in this case, I just unraveled the...or undone the end woven end, unwoven in the end.
Is that what I'm looking for?
That makes it easy because I can just pull out the mattress stitch this way and just
pull it out instead of cutting it.
But if it's in much finer yarn, and it isn't that easy, you do have the option of finding
those horizontal bars, the ones that were pink in the other sample, and really wrench
on it to make sure that what you're looking...that the horizontal bars you're seeing are indeed
a single horizontal bar that is connecting one side to the other.
Once you find that, and you're confident, you can snip it, and then it becomes really
easy to unravel with the cut yarn.
I'm gonna...about to have two swatches here.
Then I can unravel this yarn and do it, use it for something else, or if I was just unhappy
with my seam, I can redo my seam at that point.
Anyway, I think that's it.
Review of working the mattress stitch and then how to undo it.
I hope that helps.
Good luck.
Stay Positive, Work Hard, Make It Happen - Study Motivation - Duration: 10:02.for sure yeah there's times where I'm just like man this is it's a lot I just
want to go home I'm just like exhausted I'm tired but I just also remember what
I want in life and what I'm driving like striving for and I'm striving for the
most just the best career possible and to have the most people be able to
listen to my music and be touched by my music so you got to do the other stuff
that not necessarily what you love but it it goes along with everything else
how would you behave if you were the best in the world at what you do
how would that change what time you wake up in the morning how would that change
the food you put in your body how would that change the people you hang out with
how you spend your time throughout the day what websites you visit whether or
not you work from a schedule if you were world class and the best in the world at
what you do how would your behavior change it's a really interesting
question that I started asking myself a few years ago and I will tell you it has
changed everything it's one of those singular questions whether you put it on
your screensaver you have a little reminder on your cell phone you have it
on the top of a notebook I guarantee you if you start looking at your world
through this lens it's gonna shift everything now let me ask you this just
to back this up a little bit more are you guys here because you want to be
mediocre mediocre sucks does it not we want to be world-class we want to be the
best and let me ask you this who's in charge of you being the best in the
world yes can I hear an I am a little louder
one more Amen and it's not even a Sunday okay good I talked about faith passion
obviously the drive with the guys that I've been around
guys that surround me every single day but a part of that is having the will to
succeed you know knowing that you put the work in and have the confidence to
let it show what I tell people is just be the best version of yourself and
anything that you do you don't have to live anybody else's story sometimes
people make it seem like you have to have certain prerequisites or a crazy
life story in order to be successful in this world but the truth is you really
don't it doesn't matter where you come from what you have or don't have what
you lack which you have too much of but all you need to have is faith in God an
undying passion for what you do or what you choose to do in this life and a
relentless drive and the will to do whatever it takes to be successful and
whatever you put your mind to make sure you live in the moment and work your
butt off every single day and I hope I inspire people all around the world to
just be themselves be humble and be grateful for all the blessings in your
life you can spend your whole life imagining ghosts worrying about the
pathway to the future but all there will ever be is what's happening here in the
decisions we make in this moment which are based in either love or fear so many
of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality what we really
want seems impossibly out of reach and ridiculous to expect so we never dare to
ask the universe for it I'm saying I'm the proof that you can
ask the universe for it
and if it doesn't happen for you right away it's only because the universe is
so busy fulfilling my order
my father could have been a great comedian but he didn't believe that that
was possible for him and so he made a conservative choice instead he got a
safe job as an accountant and when I was 12 years old he was let go from that
safe job and our family had to do whatever we could to survive I learned
many great lessons from my father not the least of which was that you can fail
at what you don't want so you might as well take a chance on doing what you
what follows the word I am I believe you're inviting into your life so I
think a lot of people don't realize it but playing in their mind and even
sometimes we say it you know you know what I am slow I am unlucky I am you
know not attractive and I think we're inviting negative things in I think
we're supposed to say you know what I'm blessed I'm strong I'm healthy I'm
talented I think you have to invite the right things into your life life is very
short I see people going oh I'm 22 I only have you know I have all the world
in front of me you don't first of all tomorrow's not guaranteed but more
importantly the age with which people are starting to become entrepreneurs I
regret there's a kid he made a nuclear power plant in San Francisco he's 17
years old that's your new competitor so increase
your sense of urgency as an intangible told you the issue is confidence but if
I can make you immune to failure not ashamed to trip and fall if you can have
an opportunity to have somebody invest in you in an early age believe in
yourself have some some experience with free enterprise what's starting
something on your own but is believing in yourself pursuing it no matter what
the outcome an entrepreneurial mindset works whether you're running a household
whether you're running a community center or city government or your own
life or your own business it is the can-do empowerment based what
I'm for not what I'm against mindset that I will do anything from from
anywhere for any purpose at any time that is unique to an entrepreneur that
is always reimagining everything and creating solutions
that's just a winning attitude about life running your own race demands
trusting yourself even when others don't because guess what there are a lot of
people good people people who love you who trust you and who you love and trust
who want the best for you and you'll come to them with some ideas about what
you want to do and how you want to do it and they're gonna say that's crazy just
like when I left my first engineering job at Kraft and was telling my
grandfather I was going back to business school and he said that's a great paying
job that's crazy and when I finished Business School and decided to join the
tumultuous world of Investment Banking my friends and my family and my it was
spoke up with concerns about my sanity and when I left Goldman Sachs right
after we've gone public to set up a private equity firm called Vista my
mentors and colleagues at Goldman Sachs thought I was crazy and to top it all
off when I told I'm gonna start a firm we're gonna focus on enterprise software
and not be diversified like all other private equity firms I was gonna hire a
team of smart young talented people who'd never done this before everyone
knew I was certifiable and I did this of course in the spring of 2000 about two
months before the entire tech bubble crashed well all I can tell you is I've
never been mad at these folks in fact I'm grateful for the advice and their
concern because in their caution I found my courage in their doubts I found my
resolve and in their warning warnings I found my voice and chartered my own
journey and I'm proud of the Vista story we take risks we do things
differently and we listen to our own voice we run our own race and it has
worked we are now considered to be the number one private equity firm on the
planet and have been so for the last decade mediocrity is very common
it means being average average people are average mediocrity is for losers
the reason mediocrity is for losers is given the choice of five places to eat
lunch are you gonna pick the mediocre one given the choice of five people to
hire are you going to pick the mediocre one in fact in our Google fueled
world where you have a choice of a million things for every topic who picks
average who picks mediocre nobody so as a salesperson you have a big problem
because there's all this pressure on you to be average
all this pressure to have a bigger kickback selling more items all this
pressure to call and more and more people offering the more and more to fit
in to wear the same clothes every other salesperson to show up the same ways
every salesperson make the same pitch and be cheaper and guess what nobody
wins at cheaper except for maybe Walmart that the big win is when you refuse to
settle for average or mediocre and you say I'm gonna give up 90% of what I
could do and here's an example if I go to there's a higher than 50
links on that one page a couple years ago if I went to two or three
so Google lost all the opportunities to drive people to finance to drive people
the weather to drive people to this drive people to that and instead they
did one thing and so if someone said where shall I search even though the
searches were very similar everyone said go to Google because they
stood out and so that's when I learned the tough lesson nothing happens
overnight there's no such thing as overnight success and that's the biggest
thing we do to our young people tell them there's a thing
as overnight success you had to bust your ass roll up your sleeves and attack attack
attack attack every single day and that's what I've been telling my film students at NYU for
the last 15 years
Bali Vlog | Do NOT watch this video or you'll cry! - Duration: 13:30.Salam (Hello)
let's go, without being late
to one of the best islands
the first step in bali
take a look
so excited, let me take a round first
it's our second day here in Bali
i didn't shoot yesterday because i wasn't known anything here
and if you think i know anything now, you are wrong :D
i met a new friend
we will go to "double six beach" to take a look there
i still have no idea about anything here
i have to wear this thing, be used to my new look with this helmet
until my stay here, let's go to explore it
let's go!
her name is Sukar, it means Sugar in arabic
here we go
Chalo: (Let's go) in Hindi language
okay, we reached
i couldn't shoot on the way
because we was in the motorbike
so you can't hear anything because of the air blowing
honestly, when you will come to this kind of places
you will feel you were not alive!
S: look! the sun
lol, the sun is there
i am wearing bot
and the water is here
so i can't walk anymore
because the water gonna eat me
eat me? i mean it will come into my shoes :D
i don't know what was that :D
but it's really nice here! (i mean that girl wearing pink :p)
she only know how to do this
there's singers here
one of the good things here
the basic means of transport is the motor bike
but for someone having long hair as me, it's really a big problem
because you have to put the helmet if you are here
so you have to keep fixing, fixing, fixing and fixing it
it's me while shooting
i would love to dance now
but the problem is the songs is so quite
and it's hard on the beach for feet dance
but i really would love to
okay, music here is not bad, really nice!
i am telling her.. i feel sorry
actually it's not the sorry feel
it's bad feel.. i really feel bad
because it's really bad there in my country (Palestine)
In Palestine, life is very bad there though life can be beautiful
My homeland, My homeland
The youth will not tire
till your independence
Or they die, Or they die
We will drink from death
And will not be to our enemies
Like slaves, Like slaves
it's really bad there in palestine..
martyrs without reasons
people in jail without reasons, life there is bad!
Although life is beautiful
My homeland, My homeland
Glory and beauty
Sublimity and splendor
Are in your hills, Are in your hills
Life and deliverance
Pleasure and hope
Are in your air , Are in your Air
Will I see you? Will I see you?
Safe and comforted
Sound and honored
Safe and comforted
Sound and honored
Will I see you..
in your eminence?
Reaching to the stars (Spica), Reaching to the stars (Spica)
My homeland
My homeland
My homeland
My homeland
The youth will not tire
till your independence
Or they die, Or they die
We will drink from death
And will not be to our enemies
Like slaves
Like slaves
We do not want
We do not want
An eternal humiliation
Nor a miserable life
An eternal humiliation, Nor a miserable life
We do not want
But we will bring back
Our storied glory
Our storied glory
My homeland
My homeland
My homeland
My homeland
Glory and beauty
Sublimity and splendor
Are in your hills
Are in your hills
Life and deliverance
Pleasure and hope
Are in your air
Are in your air
Will I see you
Will I see you
Safe and comforted
Sound and honored
Safe and comforted
Sound and honored
Will I see you in your eminence?
Reaching to the stars (Spica)
Reaching to the stars (Spica)
My homeland
My homeland
My homeland
The youth will not tire
till your independence
Or they die, Or they die
We will drink from death
And will not be to our enemies
Like slaves, Like slaves
We do not want
We do not want
An eternal humiliation
Nor a miserable life
An eternal humiliation
Nor a miserable life
We do not want
But we will bring back
Our storied glory, Our storied glory
Reaching to the stars (Spica)
Reaching to the stars (Spica)
My homeland, My homeland
My homeland
Whatever.. we came here to enjoy...
The youth will not tire
till your independence
Or they die
Or they die
See you in next vlog :D
See you in next vlog :D
See you in next vlog :D
An Afternoon in Wat Botum Park, Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Duration: 6:47.Hi, Today we are in Wat Botum Park
In Phnom Penh, Cambodia
This is the Cambodian-Vietnamese Friendship Monument
figures of a Khmer woman holding a baby, flanked by two armed Vietnamese liberation soldiers
This monument commemorates the Vietnamese liberation of Phnom Penh
from the Khmer Rouge in January 1979
I saw kids hitting other's flip flops everywhere in cambodia. it's a popular game.
it's 4 o'clock now. it will be crowded soon
i met my friend and his 2 sons.
Kids are always curious
The younger kid is lost. We are going to find him.
Gym time.
You can see these women in the afternoon in all parks of Phnom Penh.
Cambodia is very hot country
Because of this, Cambodian people like outdoor areas
Look at this cuties :)
She is a litte bit scared of me :)
It's better to move.
Finally i found him...
Or maybe he found me :)
Now i'm heading back.
I'm thirsty
there should be 2 more beers waiting for me...
Gym time for barang boys :)
Barang means westerner in Khmer language
Example: Srey Barang (westerner girl)
sokh sabbay (how are you)
arkoun chraen (thanks so much)
Thank You For Watching
Please subscribe for next videos
Malay Banter (Part 5)( Kinda Offensive) - Duration: 0:36.-------------------------------------------
Reflections on art - AMAZING interview with the guitar master Francisco Araújo - Duration: 15:17.The bad guitarist is the one who has no vision of the whole, he only has a limited vision
and he sees faults everywhere
I can only learn something if the person is different from me. Someone who knows something I do not know...
Hello guys! Today's video is special.
Because it is not every day that we have the opportunity to interview
one of the greatest guitar composers of the present time
and why not? the best of all time. The Francisco Araújo
he is very famous among Brazilian guitarists
He is a composer of about 600 guitar pieces
What beautiful song was that you just played?
- Oh boy, I did not even know you were recording
The song is called "beyond this sea". It is dedicated to a great composer friend named Denise Boppre who is the wife of another great composer named Ricardo Boppre
I did not want to ask you simple questions ... I'd rather ask you more daring and even provocative questions.
The first thing I want to ask you is this:
The guitar was a vehicle for several musical traditions in the last century
For example: Gypsies all over Europe, from Russia to Spain ... part of Asia ...
all musical movements
In practically all musical movements the guitar is involved, culminating in Flamenco. There is no flamenco music without the guitar
- Of course
- There is no serenade without guitar
- In Brazil we have Serenata, Bossa Nova, Samba ...
in the USA we have the blues and the country
And the evolution of the guitar, the "cousin of the guitar", the electric guitar, that was in all the
musical movements of the 60's forward, the Rock and etc, all depend on the electric guitar
So we see this artistic importance of the guitar in the last 100, 150 years
On the other hand, some say that there is another guitar, which would be the "real guitar", which they call "erudite guitar" (classical guitar).
and for them if you do not study this kind of music you do not know how to make music...
Obviously we can not generalize, but there is a certain extreme conservatism in erudite music.
I would like to know what you think about it and what do you think of people who think this way?
People who demean the popular music and value only classical music (erudite music)
- To begin with, in the hands of a talented artist no matter what style he plays, in his hands the popular becomes a classic.
So who thinks that just studying classical music ... let's make it clear, I'm not saying that the person should not study, he should study!
- Knowledge is always important
- Knowledge always adds up ... then you should study,
now, to think that if you do not study classical guitar you will not be a good musician, that is an anachronistic vision
I do not think that way, I see the guitar with a multiplicity of languages
Now in the 21st century, the guitar will only survive the times to come and only survived to times past by the multiplicity of languages
So we have to respect the languages of the guitar because they all come to add
If they did not come to add they came to subtract, and if we subtract what we will have? the exclusion of knowledge and the instrument.
I think this is an anachronistic view, I do not think that way and the new generations do not think so either
and even the learned musicians are thinking differently.
Currently the dialogue is possible. Well, I had the same training that everyone had
But I was also happy to meet other styles. I think that we should always see the guitar with a global vision
- You have a statement that says "all artistic movement ..."
- To have musical movement we need two things: tradition and culture.
Without this we have only fad ... So tradition and culture is the DNA of any musical movement
This is an obvious thing! Now, why the samba is the Brazilian brand?
Because there is a tradition. Why did the musical movement of the serenades choose the guitar?
because it has a tradition and culture before the guitar arrive in Brazil. The serenades are from the 18th century and the guitar only comes to Brazil in the 19th century.
Tradition and culture are essential for a musical movement.
- It has often been said that ... the issue of "cleanliness" and purity of sound
What you have to say to anyone who cares too much about it rather than worrying about the song itself?
- Marcos, to begin with, I think this is pure prejudice! a thing with no purpose at all!
you see, there is an aesthetic proposal in each musical style. You will not play Flamenco the way you play a Renaissance music that is ridiculous!
and the reverse is true too! is simply ridiculous!
I play a Renaissance music with the flamenco style or play flamenco with the Renaissance style
what can exist is an influence! but it's a matter of aesthetic proposal
we have to look at this very carefully. Very careful.
we can never make comparisons! and the question of dirty sound or clean sound? cool, so if I play a blues I'll play like this?
no! I have to play:
This is the sound!
The question of "dirty" sound is a purposeless bias! we have to know the aesthetic proposal of each style
the beauty of music lies in this aesthetic proposal and in that tradition
So I think this is pure prejudice, but nowadays this is already outdated.
The person who still thinks like this will be playing for only 10 people and for his girlfriend...
because the artist has to go where the people are! so we can not see things this way
this is pure prejudice! there can be no comparison between one thing and another. It would be the same as comparing Bach with Chopin
are 2 guys from completely diferente times. Or compare Bach with Villa Lobos.
There is no one more brilliant than others. "One is Brazilian but the European is better." This is prejudice
But you see, each one has its aesthetic proposal and its moment
It's pure prejudice! we can not compare
- And there is a context. The context does not exist only in music. If we take pictures ... compare Van Gogh with Michelangelo
- It's an absurd!
- This comparison is impossible! Compare a samba with Beethoven - what is it?!
- You have to consider the context and the aesthetics
- And then someone asks: "who is better? Beethoven or Nelson Cavaquinho?" We can not compare!
- They are extremely different
- for those who do not know Nelson Cavaquinho was one of the great composers of Samba
- Wow! that phrase: "take your smile off the path I want to go through with my pain"
They said to Nelson, "you did a metaphor." Nelson was illiterate but he was great!
He did not know what a metaphor was but he did! and who knew did not! then he must be respected
- let me ask you something else in this same line
Is there good music and bad music? good art and bad art?
- You see, art has an aesthetic proposal. Bad art does not exist
I think art is a good thing. Bad art is something paradoxical
- Making art is good! do not do that is bad !!! - yes
- Now, art being bad or good is subjective
It's a matter of talent and aesthetics
- Because it is subjective to say that I like a style or not
- yes, but that does not mean if I say I do not like Bach does not mean that Bach is bad
I just identify myself ... I'll identify more with other composers.
I will identify more with Villa Lobos, Radamés Gnatalli ... I will identify more with Camargo Guarnieri, Francisco Mignone...
It's a matter of identifying ...
because it is subjective
You may not like it, but you can not devalue it.
Devaluing the genial artist, because there are people who think they are Beethoven
In fact I did a chôro with a name "I think I am Beethoven"
because there are people who find themselves a genius but they are not.
- Now let's change the subject Araujo.
about composition, maybe this is the most romantic subject when talking about an artist
How is your composition process?
Firstly, I think that a composer needs to have intuition and talent
They are two closely related things
We know that there is intuition ... but science can not explain. Believe me.
- The creative process is a mystery - It´s a mystery
Because if you ask this question to 50 composers they will give 50 different answers
- But how do you do it? Is it possible to explain? Do you start improvising or think of something before?
- Or is it different in every song? - Yes
- does not have an answer! - yes! I do not have a precise answer, but there are certain moments ...
certain moments of inspiration and then the ideas are developed
Now, life experience is important. Very important
The artist needs to observe the world, the things around him. If not, what is the artist?
The artist is the guy who translates the moment he lives
His intimate moment
So the composer has to have two things: talent and .... if he has talent he will have intuition
and need to express themselves. He has need, he does not make music out of vanity
In that line of thinking, what do you think is a good guitarist? And a bad guitarist?
The bad guitarist is the one who has no vision of the whole, he only has a limited vision
and he sees faults everywhere
I can only learn something if the person is different from me. Someone who knows something I do not know...
This is the bad guitar player
The good guitarist is one who has an open mind.
It´s who seeks to learn from someone who is different from him.
This will be the good guitarist and ... if he has talent he will be a great composer
because he will absorb from the environment what good that others do
I think so
Very good Araújo. Thank you.
- I thank you for the opportunity to participate in your channel and thank you for having recorded my song "Sertanejo Cidadão"
as brilliantly as you recorded. - thanks
- I'd like to speak with all sincerity
- thanks
So that's it folks, I hope you enjoyed the video. Listen carefully. Share with friends ...
who like music. And we are fighting to spread good music
because art is something that unites people. You say that ... there is no artist without audience
No! I repeat this in all my recitals
"An artist without a public is like a river without water"
The artist needs the audience. The public is the vital health of the artist
So there is the "musical being" ... and "being a musician"
Anyone can be a musician. Learn music, study the academic aspects
But the musical being will certainly be a musician
Why will he be a musician? because it is in his blood
So, the knowledge will make him exteriorize, but it may also be that he has no knowledge and yet be a great musician
They must respect the art and the academicians are obliged, since they know...
respect the one who has talent but has no study of music. Who is the musical being
So what amazing class! And see you soon.
ah! to finish. As the great Brazilian dramaturgist Antonio Abujamra used to say:
"Let me give you a hug that is the only false thing of this show"
- Thank you very much!
Do you ever walk through someone�s home and take note of items that could potentially
be hazardous to their health? I know I do! I don�t mean to judge, but I can�t help
but notice when people have fluoride-filled toothpaste sitting on their bathroom counters
or chemical-ridden cleaners hiding in their cabinets. But, what if some of these items
are sitting in your own home?
Most people have toxic products linked to cancer in every corner of their homes, often
without even realizing it. It�s not like the labels of these products all have a huge
warning sign that reads, �I can cause cancer!�
Nevertheless, whether people knowingly purchase these cancer-causing products or not, we need
to educate one another on their potential harmful effects.
The following list highlights some of the most popular products found in North American
homes that are linked to cancer:
1. Shampoo
One of the most common items hiding in most people�s homes are chemical-ridden hair
products, particularly shampoos and conditioners. Some of the typical chemicals within conventional
shampoos include sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), parfum/fragrance, parabens, synthetic colours,
and more.
Parabens are a known carcinogen, as they�re directly associated with different types of
cancer; for example, one study found that 99% of breast cancer tissues tested had parabens
in them. Some common ingredients in parfum/synthetic fragrances are benzene derivatives, aldehydes,
phthalates, and many other toxins associated with cancer, birth defects, nervous-system
disorders, and allergies.
Head & Shoulders specifically contains fragrance, synthetic colours, and SLS, amongst a myriad
of other chemicals in the toxic cocktail that makes up their shampoos and conditioners.
Some of their shampoo products also contain methylchloroisothiazolinone, a potential mutagen.
2. Non-Stick Cookware
When I first discovered non-stick cookware, I absolutely loved it! That was, until I found
out about the potential health risks that come with cooking with these products. The
issue is that non-stick cookware is created using a synthetic coating of polytetrafluoroethylene,
otherwise known as Teflon, a plastic polymer that will actually release toxins when heated
at 450 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.
One study found that heating cookware coated with Teflon for only two to five minutes on
a conventional stovetop can cause the coating to break apart and emit toxic particles and
gases. Even just inhaling these once can cause people to become sick with what�s known
as the �Teflon flu.�
Some of the chemicals within that coating are also considered potential carcinogens.
3. Artificial Sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners are in so many products, and one of the most prevalent ones used is
aspartame. Aspartame is commonly thought to only be in diet sodas, but it�s often added
to teas, energy drinks, protein shakes, milk products, juices, and other artificially flavoured
beverages. Aspartame has been linked to numerous health problems, including cancer.
There�s been a lot of controversy surrounding the aspartame/cancer link, and many corporations
that profit off aspartame have funded research in efforts to disprove the causal link. However,
a study performed in 2007 showed that aspartame can cause leukemias/lymphomas and mammary
(breast) cancer.
Instead of using artificial sweeteners, try a natural alternative such as maple syrup,
raw honey, Xylitol, Stevia, organic cane sugar, or dates.
4. Plastic Bottles and Food Containers
So much of our �food� comes in plastic bags, containers, and bottles. Even our fruits
and vegetables are commonly wrapped in plastic. Not only is this extremely wasteful and bad
for the environment, but it isn�t very good for our health, either.
If you�re drinking from a plastic water bottle, the chemicals within that plastic
that are touching your lips can literally seep into your mouth, especially if your water
has been sitting in the bottle for a while. Left your bottle in a hot car? That�s even
worse, as the heat expedites this chemical leaching.
You�ve probably noticed more and more �BPA-free� labels on plastic bottles, and that�s because
people have become increasingly aware of how using plastic containers can harm our health,
as many contain BPA, which can cause cancer in people.
An easy solution is to use a refillable water bottle and glassware, which is not only better
for your own health, but the health of the environment, too.
5. Air Fresheners
This is a big one. Air fresheners are all over people�s houses; from bedrooms to bathrooms
to cars, people love them. Typically they�re made with synthetic fragrance, otherwise known
as parfum. Parfum is basically a cocktail of toxic chemicals, but instead of listing
all of these chemicals on the back of products, it�s conveniently labelled as �parfum�
so that companies can keep their signature fragrance a trade secret.
Unfortunately, this also allows companies to hide harmful ingredients, many of which
are known carcinogens, in their products without the consumer even knowing.
For a more natural alternative, try brands like Saje Natural Wellness or DoTerra, or
make your own using essential oils and water! You could even use natural disinfectants like
tea tree and pine essential oils.
6. Conventional Cleaners
Most families have an entire shelf filled with toxic cleaners because corporations convince
consumers they need different products to clean specific surfaces. Even though most
of these products have toxic warning signs on them that clearly state they�re poisonous
and/or corrosive, people continue to, quite literally, buy into this corporate propaganda.
Not only are they breathing in these fumes while cleaning, but so are any of their household
visitors and/or children.
According to the David Suzuki Foundation, some of the common chemicals found in household
cleaning products include 2-BE (causes reproductive problems), ammonia (associated with kidney
and live damage), coal tar dyes (causes cancer and harms nervous system), and the infamous
�fragrance� or parfum. For an all-natural, all-purpose household cleaner, check out Dr.
7. Toothpaste
Commercial toothpastes primarily use toxic substances as a means to �clean your mouth,�
as the ingredients in regular toothpastes can cause enamel damage, dental flourosis,
stomach ailments, skin rashes, and more.
One of the worst ingredients found in most conventional and �dentist approved� toothpastes
is fluoride, a known carcinogen. Fluoride has been a known neurotoxin for a long time,
but the government claims it benefits our teeth. In reality, it hasn�t actually been
proven to prevent the buildup of harmful oral bacteria; however, it has proven to be toxic,
with long-term ingestion linked to brain, heart, and bone issues. You can get fluoride
free toothpaste here.
�In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer deaths than any other chemical.
When you have power you don�t have to tell the truth. That�s a rule that�s been working
in this world for generations. There are a great many people who don�t tell the truth
when they are in power in administrative positions. This amounts to public murder on a grand scale,
it is a public crime. . . . It is some of the most conclusive bits of scientific and
biological evidence that I have come across in my 50 years in the field of cancer research.�
8. Soap
Whether it�s dish soap, hand soap, or body wash, conventional soaps often contain a wide
array of chemicals. Antibacterial soaps regularly contain Triclosan, which is a potential carcinogen,
along with many of the other ingredients often found in typical soaps. Conventional soaps
also often contain parfum/fragrance.
The good news is that organic/all-natural soap is widely available! Dr. Bronner�s
makes a great dish soap, as does Green Beaver, and there are tons of great body products
made by all-natural brands like Andalou and Saje Natural Wellness.
9. Laundry Detergent
Laundry detergents often contain phosphorus, enzymes, ammonia, naphthalene, phenol, and
sodium nitilotriacetate, all of which can cause rashes, itchiness, dryness, and sinus
problems. These chemicals are easily absorbed through your skin from your clothes and bed
sheets. In addition, many conventional detergents contain artificial scents and �fragrance,�
which is a code name for a sweet cocktail of hazardous chemicals and potential carcinogens.
My favourite all-natural detergent is doTERRA�s On Guard Laundry Detergent.
10. Baby Powder
Many baby powders are talc-based, meaning that they contain high amounts of talcum powder.
According to the American Cancer Society, talc in its natural form, which contains asbestos,
can cause cancer. One of the most popular baby powders used produced by Johnson and
Johnson is talc-based. The company has been sued many times and has paid millions of dollars
to those who claimed their baby powder caused their cancer.
A more recent case against Johnson & Johnson involved a California woman who was awarded
more than $70 million in her lawsuit against the company, as she claimed their baby powder
caused her ovarian cancer. Johnson & Johnson, like many other companies, has failed to disclose
the dangers of using their products. Although there are many all-natural alternatives available,
here�s a link to a DIY Natural recipe for baby powder.
Final Thoughts
The great part about all of this is that there are incredible, all-natural alternatives to
all of these products! You don�t need to be living in fear that you�ll get cancer
because there are so many things you can do to prevent it, starting with replacing these
products with all-natural alternatives.
Much love!
squidward has a gun but it's EAR RAPE - Duration: 0:12.-------------------------------------------
Forgotten Realms Lore - Amn - Duration: 6:13.Hello everybody Jorphdan here the PH is silent.
Let's continue to talk about Amn!
Amn has a population of about 3 million.
Over 80% being human and the rest mostly halflings.
Amn made it's wealth through trade.
The cities here specialize in importing and exporting goods from neighboring regions.
It is a nation of merchants, the place where caravans start and end.
Ships leave for exotic ports and return with gold.
Amn really took off with the discovery of Maztica which lies to the far west, across
the ocean.
Creating a new city in maztica called New Amn, Amn maintains a large colony on the distant
tropical continent and profits great from its trade.
People in Amn are obsessed with wealth.
The wealthy seem to control everything, which was made especially true when the wealthy
merchants reformed the government during the creation of the Council of Six.
But currently by 1479 DR the Council of Six has been regrouped as the Council of Five.
Amn is home to Lake Esmel, which is a dark blue lake that plummets to unknown depths.
Rumors speak of an aquatic monster that lives in the lake.
Much like the Loch Ness Monster.
The western shallows have a sea green color as mineral springs flow into Lake Esmel.
Many believe the tales of the sea monster to be nothing more than Balagos, a red dragon
that lives in the area.
And although it's true that Balagos often bathed in Lake Esmel the monster of the lake
is actually more than a dozen Pythosaurs who live in the deep cold waters.
They've been there since the days of the creator races.
The Pythosaur isn't in the 5th edition monster manual, but I did find it in the AD&D book
"Lands of Intrigue: Part2 Amn."
It's 120 feet long with a 70 foot neck.
A really large animal that has the ability to swallow the victim whole.
The major cities exist along the ocean, rivers or Lake Esmel.
The capital city is Athkatla and is one of the busiest ports in all of Faerun.
Mainly due to the trade routes with Maztica.
The marketplace here is twice the size of Waterdeep's.
That is before the spellplague when Maztica was lost to Faerun, being transported to Abeir.
Gold flows freely in Athkatla transporting vegetables, slaves, jewelry, strange relics,
pirated goods and more.
Above the bay is Goldspires, a temple to the goddess Waukeen nearly as large as a small
Mentioned in my last video Amnians have a very poor view of arcane spellcasters.
This is due to certain wizards that released a series of plagues and monsters, some by
accident others intentional.
Divine spellcasters are looked upon favorably though.
Many deities are worshiped in Amn but some of the bigger ones include Bane, Chauntea,
Cyric, Selune, Sune, and Waukeen.
Amn has a high agricultural region that worships Chauntea in hope for a good harvest.
Sune for artist or actors, anyone who tries to create and bring beauty into the world.
Waukeen is particularly interesting and very popular goddess in Amn.
Known as the merchant's friend or the golden lady her portfolio includes everything related
to commerce and the accumulation of wealth through free and fair trade.
Many merchants worship and pray to her.
During the Time of Troubles Waukeen walked Faerun like the other deities, but was determined
to get back to her Celestial spot.
She ended up paling around with another goddess named Lliira the goddess of joy.
Since Waukeen couldn't travel freely back to the outer planes she decided to smuggle
herself back in.
She found a path through the Astral Plane and then in the Lower Planes.
She would have to make some deals with creatures of the lower planes to allow her safe passage
through their territory.
Believing that her divinity was trapped on Faerun and not her physical self she handed
over her divine portfolio to Lliira for safe keeping.
She managed to contact a greyhawk deity named Celestian the God of Wanderers who agreed
to transport Waukeen to the Astral Plane.
The plan worked and her physical self was transported to the Astral Plane.
Once there she contacted Graz'zt an Abyssal Lord to negotiate safe passage through the
Abyss into the Outlands.
In return Waukeen would give Graz'zt the location of a number of secret treasure hoards
on Toril and across the planes.
And on top of that she would give him super useful information on the financial deals
of the rival Demons and Devils.
Giving Graz'zt an edge in the Blood War.
Graz'zt lied about his end of the bargain and ended up trapping Waukeen in the Abyss
for an indefinite future.
Calling her his guest while they "renegotiated" the deal previously agreed upon.
Graz'zt's goal was to substitute his daughter in place of Waukeen, hopefully without anyone
Back on Amn the worshipers of Waukeen saw their lack of divine powers and their prayers
However Lliira appeared to the worshipers of Waukeen in dreams and stated that she would
step in for Waukeen until her return.
The Church of Waukeen desperately wanted her back, and through some divine visions her
true location and predicament was revealed.
Knowing they could not wage war on the Abyss it was decided that a small band of powerful
adventurers would cross the planes and rescue Waukeen, returning her to the Faerunian pantheon.
This is outlined in the AD&D Module "For Duty and Deity."
You the players must climb the Infinite Staircase, use it to make your way to the Abyss.
Rescue Waukeen and break her out while being pursued by Abyssal demons.
Ultimately returning the goddess to the Outlands, her home.
The heroes are successful and Waukeen is returned home.
Lliira hands over Waukeen's divine portfolio elevating her back to divine status again.
Priests and Priestess rejoice at the return of their god.
All is set right with Amn once more.
Today Amn is ruled by five noble families, the council of five
The Nation is richer than Baldur's Gate and Waterdeep, it's influence is curtailed
by the unwillingness of its rulers to work together in the nation's best interest.
The spellplague removed their financial success with Maztica, but after the Sundering trade
with the reappeared Maztica has begun again.
Control has reached as far south as Chult, where Amn oversees port trade centers.
And that's it for Amn.
There's more to talk about I'm sure but those are the highlights I found interesting.
Let me know if you think you'd start a game in Amn, or maybe a Waukeen cleric from Amn.
Thanks for watching everyone and I'll see you next Wed.
Synoptycy ostrzegają: w najbliższych godzinach bardzo mocny wiatr! - Duration: 1:26.-------------------------------------------
Laksefiskeri - MONSTER LAKS FRA GAULA (Part 2/2) - Duration: 9:58.Good morning and Welcome to day 3
With Torben
- And we have.. - Blwlwlwlwlrrr!!!
We've got the best pool this morning
So we are walking trough the Zoo
Which is the neighbors garden..
With all kinds of crazy animals
Now we're just walking to the pool to fish it
And it's my turn to fish it first
Because Torben got a huge fish yesterday
That you can see in the 1. part
I will link the 1. part here in the top, if you haven't seen it
Where Torben catches a MONSTER salmon!
And it's kind of pissing me off, because he's been a dick ever since
He's been so cocky you won't believe it
So now I really want to catch a salmon, so he can shut up already
So yeah, see you by the river
- Holy shit thats awesome bro! - Yess!!
In the sick pool!
Oi oi oi!
- Holy shit, this is entirely different from back home - Yeah!
My arm is already pretty done
It must have been insane with the one you caught
- Oh yeah bro!! - Eyyy, oh damn it's beautiful
- Good job bro! - Holy shit it's a beautiful one
Awesome man!
-What a fish Lyngø! - Damn, would you look at my legs!
- Damn I'm shaking! - That's sick man
- Arh!
- hooly shit man!
Damn such a pretty fish!
This is just perfect you know
This totally makes the long drive up here totally worth it
- Should we go home to show off?
- Yeah - Yeeeh!
- That's gonna be good
Holy cow..
Torben is hooked up
1 meter + fish
- Holy shit dude - It took my spinner like 5 meter from me
- You saw it take? - nope
- Ah okay
I just sat around for half an hour, waiting for some guy to fish the pool
As soon as the pool was clear, I took two casts
- BAM - Then it took like 20 meter behind the guy
Thats cool!
- Holy fuck man! - It's big
I cant leave you alone for one second, can I?
Holy shit man!
Did you run fast?
Yeah super fast, or at least as fast as I could
God dammit, why didn't you pick up your phone you idiot!
My waders were outside
And it rang in the waders, but nobody told me
I'll just give you a shitstorm like Kenny does:
- For fuck sake Andreas are you retarded or what, Andreas?!?! - Fuck sake Andreas, what are you doing?!!
It was like 10m close at one point
- But besides that it has just been way out there - Yeah..
- Almost all the way downstream..
Damn, this is above 100cm
Got it!
Damn it's huge as well!
Fuck, what a fish!
- isn't it over 100cm? - Haha!
- It's 1m+ dude
- It's huge!
Holy shit!
Today is day 4
And as you guys could see, we both got a fish yesterday
I got one first, because i fished the sick pool first
But that kind of backfired, because as i took the fish to the hut
Torben took another fish in the pool
And it was..
A Monster!
So now Torben got 2 females
And both of them was pretty much dream fish
- Torben delivers! - What can I say, I feel terrible
- Haha - I feels horrible to be so lucky
- I can't comprehend it - Haha!
Well, to prevent this video from being too long
Lets put all the future action that we'll get..
We've got three whole fishing days to come
And all the action from those days, will come in a second
But first!
We need to drink with the River
To show respect! So we brought Stanley
- Uhh <3 - Yeah
So lets drink to good fishing the next three days
- For the River! - That's some good rum
- It's really expensive rum, so we hope it's..
- We hope it's gonna work - I see it as a great investment
- Hehe
Now we just hope to get a shitload of action, so there will be some fishporn for you guys out there
Here comes all the fights from the next three days of fishing
Well today it's the 1st of September
And we had our last fishing day yesterday, so now we are on our way home
The Salmon season in Norway has come to an end
So we had the pleasure of fishing the very last day of the season
And as you guys could see in the video, all of the fish were very dark
So they are pretty much ready to get down to business
So they just need to have a good time now and do their thing, have loads of sex and enjoy themselves
Which I think is fair enough, because there is no more fresh fish coming to the river now
That we can fish for
So it's good that the colored fish will have time to do what they do best
In our home River - Skjern We still have 1,5 month left of the Salmon season
Which is awesome, because we still have loads of fresh Chromers to fish for
So we'll enjoy the last of the season when we get home
It's been an epic trip, even though the fish were very hard to catch
The team got 13 salmon in total
Many of the flyfishers on the team also had some nice fishing
Some of them went to the closest river called Orkla, which runs close to Gaula
They had some pretty good fishing there and landed some beautiful fish
The section of the River that we've been fishing these days
It's called Frostfly and it's actually some really nice water
And it's not even that expensive
I'll write some contact information to the guy who owns this part of Gaula - Kenny Frost
And throw a link to his website in the description
So if you guys feel like taking a trip to Norway to catch some big ass Salmon
Then I think you should try Frostfly's water, because it's just epic there
Well, that's it for now. Remember to subscribe to my channel
That would really make me happy!!
And then I'll see you guys in the next video!
Cheers! :D
Why I came to Damanhur: Murice Drimia [IT/EN/DE] - Duration: 2:16.I am Murice Drimia
I am 28 years old
I was born in Damanhur,
and I decided to continue living in Damanhur
when I was around 21 or 22 years old
I decided to stay in Damanhur because I liked having
the chance to be a part of, to create, mold and give shape
to a new way of living
I was born in Damanhur, so for me it has always been normal
to live in a big house with lots of people
and call them aunts and uncles
My path for arriving to Damanhur
since it's not taken for granted that children of Damanhur
decide to stay and continue their lives here
my path was pretty long, I must say, my path of growth
I began by going to live by myself
in another community although on my own, and gaining some independence
I understood that this aspect of developing myself
interested me a lot, it really grabbed me
In this community, I was able to begin experiencing myself in a different way
as an adult and not as a child anymore
I discovered that developing myself and the creation
of what was my life, my path, was something that interested me
and I liked it
I needed to understand how much it was part of my upbringing
because I was born here
and how much it was part of my desire
Through my own path of growth
and by evaluating of a whole series of things
I realized that I wanted to continue building a
different society and contribute to this by doing my part
Now I am studying for a degree in architecture
I don't have very precise plans for my future because I am open
to the possibilities that will come to me in this period
to see what all this can bring to me
'240번 버스' 글쓴이의 해명…"마음이 너무 무겁다" - Duration: 5:57.-------------------------------------------
AARGM na MSPO 2017 [ TV] - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
송중기♥송혜교, 웨딩촬영 마치고 오늘(13일) 韓 귀국 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
UNBOXING....SONO UNO STORMTROOPER! #pacchibagnati - Duration: 6:12.-------------------------------------------
My Froggy Stuff + Enchantim...-------------------------------------------
PIOSENKA O ŚWIEŻAKACH - Dej Dej Dej ! - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
[UNBOXING] EXO - The War (B ver & Private ver) - Duration: 3:20.Hello guys!
It's another unboxing
These are my The war extra copies
I bought the version B
I didn't have this one yet
and another private version
This time I bought Korean ver
and I bought it on ebay
I'll leave the link on the description
This seller had the best price
He still have cds on the site
The price is really good
The shipping is free
So it worths buy with him
This two versions I bought because of the photocards
Maybe I'll sell the Korean ver of the private ver
Because I just want to keep the chinese one
Because the Chinese ver has the major parts in english
It was well wrapped
This is the two versions
And now we'll open this
Let's see what photocard I received
I'll start with the private ver
I really really wanted to pull Sehun
or Chanyeol, because I'm missing this two
I pulled Kai the last time
The cd came with
a little mark on the side
But it's nothing
The photocard that I pulled was
Kai again
I really wanted Sehun or Chanyeol
When I opened it
I thought this version was the one that came with stickers
And I didn't see the stickers
But if I'm not wrong is the A ver that comes with the stickers
Let's open the B ver
This one was the version that I didn't have
Because when I bought the others versions they were random
This version is so beautiful
The war are so beautiful
The photocard that I pulled was Suho
I'll trade the two photocards
Who wants to trade with me for Sehun or Chanyeol
Or the Kai B version
I'm looking this amazing photobook
Soon I'll unboxing Power
I bought the two versions
The korean ver and the chinese ver
But I didn't received it
When it arrived, I'll unboxing it
So this was the unboxing
I really hope you enjoy it
Thank you so much for watching
BTS THEORIES: Serendipity and Little Prince - Duration: 10:24.The amount of comments and private messages with questions about Serendipity theory gave me no other choice but to create such video
It wasn't that easy... So just find out why!
Serendipity is based on the Little Prince book
You probably remember this book from your childhood and school
Many people don't know that this book is for adult people, not children
This is why I don't understand why we read it in school
There are many connections to the Little Prince in Serendipity
So I just have to analyse all of them
The Little Prince is about faithful love, true friendship, asking questions about the life values and about sense in human bonds
It probably sounds familiar because in BTS videos we also can find references to the life values and human relationships
If any of you doesn't know The Little Prince's story, I will tell you shortly what is it about
A Little Prince was a young boy with light hair and serious eyes who always had a golden scarf with him
He lived on B-612 asteroid and he took care of his little planet everyday
He got rid of the dangerous baobabs
If we talk about the baobabs, I will read a quote from the book:
Indeed, as I learned, there were on the planet where the little prince lived-- as on all planets-- good plants and bad plants.
In consequence, there were good seeds from good plants, and bad seeds from bad plants. But seeds are invisible.
They sleep deep in the heart of the earth's darkness, until some one among them is seized with the desire to awaken.
Now there were some terrible seeds on the planet that was the home of the little prince; and these were the seeds of the baobab. The soil of that planet was infested with them.
A baobab is something you will never, never be able to get rid of if you attend to it too late.
It spreads over the entire planet. It bores clear through it with its roots.
And if the planet is too small, and the baobabs are too many, they split it in pieces...
It's not about getting rid of those plants literally
this is why the author wrote that this book is for adults
It's just full of metaphors
The seeds from the quote relate to good and evil
Good seeds symbolize good, good actions and good values
And we should cherish them
Baobabs and bad seeds symbolize evil, bad actions and bad features
and, what's the most important, the sin
Sin motive appears in BTS videos since a really long time already
The truth is - we are infected with the sin seeds
If we don't replace this evil with good, it'll be too late and we'll be never able to deal with it
Just like you heard in the quote - the evil will fill us in
Especially when the planet is little, when we are little
we are subject to evil
and the evil can fill our lives
We can compare the baobabs to the forbidden fruits - apples
We saw Jimin with apples very often
But the forbidden fruit was also a popular motive in Demian
And here we go with another quote:
You must see to it that you pull up regularly all the baobabs, at the very first moment when they can be distinguished from the rosebushes which they resemble so closely in their earliest youth. It is very tedious work
When you're young, good and evil are very tempting
We cannot distinguish them from each other
This is why we have to be careful and we got another lesson from the Little Prince:
Reicht unsere Rente? - SPACE CABIN - Duration: 4:08.-------------------------------------------
UNBOXING....SONO UNO STORMTROOPER! #pacchibagnati - Duration: 6:12.-------------------------------------------
Gols Diversos Parte 56 #20 Golaços (Os Melhores Lances do Fifa no Xbox 360) - Duration: 5:42.The best throws of the FIFA in Xbox 360. Presents !
Several Goals Part 56
Thank you for watching,sign up for the channel.
Reflections on art - AMAZING interview with the guitar master Francisco Araújo - Duration: 15:17.The bad guitarist is the one who has no vision of the whole, he only has a limited vision
and he sees faults everywhere
I can only learn something if the person is different from me. Someone who knows something I do not know...
Hello guys! Today's video is special.
Because it is not every day that we have the opportunity to interview
one of the greatest guitar composers of the present time
and why not? the best of all time. The Francisco Araújo
he is very famous among Brazilian guitarists
He is a composer of about 600 guitar pieces
What beautiful song was that you just played?
- Oh boy, I did not even know you were recording
The song is called "beyond this sea". It is dedicated to a great composer friend named Denise Boppre who is the wife of another great composer named Ricardo Boppre
I did not want to ask you simple questions ... I'd rather ask you more daring and even provocative questions.
The first thing I want to ask you is this:
The guitar was a vehicle for several musical traditions in the last century
For example: Gypsies all over Europe, from Russia to Spain ... part of Asia ...
all musical movements
In practically all musical movements the guitar is involved, culminating in Flamenco. There is no flamenco music without the guitar
- Of course
- There is no serenade without guitar
- In Brazil we have Serenata, Bossa Nova, Samba ...
in the USA we have the blues and the country
And the evolution of the guitar, the "cousin of the guitar", the electric guitar, that was in all the
musical movements of the 60's forward, the Rock and etc, all depend on the electric guitar
So we see this artistic importance of the guitar in the last 100, 150 years
On the other hand, some say that there is another guitar, which would be the "real guitar", which they call "erudite guitar" (classical guitar).
and for them if you do not study this kind of music you do not know how to make music...
Obviously we can not generalize, but there is a certain extreme conservatism in erudite music.
I would like to know what you think about it and what do you think of people who think this way?
People who demean the popular music and value only classical music (erudite music)
- To begin with, in the hands of a talented artist no matter what style he plays, in his hands the popular becomes a classic.
So who thinks that just studying classical music ... let's make it clear, I'm not saying that the person should not study, he should study!
- Knowledge is always important
- Knowledge always adds up ... then you should study,
now, to think that if you do not study classical guitar you will not be a good musician, that is an anachronistic vision
I do not think that way, I see the guitar with a multiplicity of languages
Now in the 21st century, the guitar will only survive the times to come and only survived to times past by the multiplicity of languages
So we have to respect the languages of the guitar because they all come to add
If they did not come to add they came to subtract, and if we subtract what we will have? the exclusion of knowledge and the instrument.
I think this is an anachronistic view, I do not think that way and the new generations do not think so either
and even the learned musicians are thinking differently.
Currently the dialogue is possible. Well, I had the same training that everyone had
But I was also happy to meet other styles. I think that we should always see the guitar with a global vision
- You have a statement that says "all artistic movement ..."
- To have musical movement we need two things: tradition and culture.
Without this we have only fad ... So tradition and culture is the DNA of any musical movement
This is an obvious thing! Now, why the samba is the Brazilian brand?
Because there is a tradition. Why did the musical movement of the serenades choose the guitar?
because it has a tradition and culture before the guitar arrive in Brazil. The serenades are from the 18th century and the guitar only comes to Brazil in the 19th century.
Tradition and culture are essential for a musical movement.
- It has often been said that ... the issue of "cleanliness" and purity of sound
What you have to say to anyone who cares too much about it rather than worrying about the song itself?
- Marcos, to begin with, I think this is pure prejudice! a thing with no purpose at all!
you see, there is an aesthetic proposal in each musical style. You will not play Flamenco the way you play a Renaissance music that is ridiculous!
and the reverse is true too! is simply ridiculous!
I play a Renaissance music with the flamenco style or play flamenco with the Renaissance style
what can exist is an influence! but it's a matter of aesthetic proposal
we have to look at this very carefully. Very careful.
we can never make comparisons! and the question of dirty sound or clean sound? cool, so if I play a blues I'll play like this?
no! I have to play:
This is the sound!
The question of "dirty" sound is a purposeless bias! we have to know the aesthetic proposal of each style
the beauty of music lies in this aesthetic proposal and in that tradition
So I think this is pure prejudice, but nowadays this is already outdated.
The person who still thinks like this will be playing for only 10 people and for his girlfriend...
because the artist has to go where the people are! so we can not see things this way
this is pure prejudice! there can be no comparison between one thing and another. It would be the same as comparing Bach with Chopin
are 2 guys from completely diferente times. Or compare Bach with Villa Lobos.
There is no one more brilliant than others. "One is Brazilian but the European is better." This is prejudice
But you see, each one has its aesthetic proposal and its moment
It's pure prejudice! we can not compare
- And there is a context. The context does not exist only in music. If we take pictures ... compare Van Gogh with Michelangelo
- It's an absurd!
- This comparison is impossible! Compare a samba with Beethoven - what is it?!
- You have to consider the context and the aesthetics
- And then someone asks: "who is better? Beethoven or Nelson Cavaquinho?" We can not compare!
- They are extremely different
- for those who do not know Nelson Cavaquinho was one of the great composers of Samba
- Wow! that phrase: "take your smile off the path I want to go through with my pain"
They said to Nelson, "you did a metaphor." Nelson was illiterate but he was great!
He did not know what a metaphor was but he did! and who knew did not! then he must be respected
- let me ask you something else in this same line
Is there good music and bad music? good art and bad art?
- You see, art has an aesthetic proposal. Bad art does not exist
I think art is a good thing. Bad art is something paradoxical
- Making art is good! do not do that is bad !!! - yes
- Now, art being bad or good is subjective
It's a matter of talent and aesthetics
- Because it is subjective to say that I like a style or not
- yes, but that does not mean if I say I do not like Bach does not mean that Bach is bad
I just identify myself ... I'll identify more with other composers.
I will identify more with Villa Lobos, Radamés Gnatalli ... I will identify more with Camargo Guarnieri, Francisco Mignone...
It's a matter of identifying ...
because it is subjective
You may not like it, but you can not devalue it.
Devaluing the genial artist, because there are people who think they are Beethoven
In fact I did a chôro with a name "I think I am Beethoven"
because there are people who find themselves a genius but they are not.
- Now let's change the subject Araujo.
about composition, maybe this is the most romantic subject when talking about an artist
How is your composition process?
Firstly, I think that a composer needs to have intuition and talent
They are two closely related things
We know that there is intuition ... but science can not explain. Believe me.
- The creative process is a mystery - It´s a mystery
Because if you ask this question to 50 composers they will give 50 different answers
- But how do you do it? Is it possible to explain? Do you start improvising or think of something before?
- Or is it different in every song? - Yes
- does not have an answer! - yes! I do not have a precise answer, but there are certain moments ...
certain moments of inspiration and then the ideas are developed
Now, life experience is important. Very important
The artist needs to observe the world, the things around him. If not, what is the artist?
The artist is the guy who translates the moment he lives
His intimate moment
So the composer has to have two things: talent and .... if he has talent he will have intuition
and need to express themselves. He has need, he does not make music out of vanity
In that line of thinking, what do you think is a good guitarist? And a bad guitarist?
The bad guitarist is the one who has no vision of the whole, he only has a limited vision
and he sees faults everywhere
I can only learn something if the person is different from me. Someone who knows something I do not know...
This is the bad guitar player
The good guitarist is one who has an open mind.
It´s who seeks to learn from someone who is different from him.
This will be the good guitarist and ... if he has talent he will be a great composer
because he will absorb from the environment what good that others do
I think so
Very good Araújo. Thank you.
- I thank you for the opportunity to participate in your channel and thank you for having recorded my song "Sertanejo Cidadão"
as brilliantly as you recorded. - thanks
- I'd like to speak with all sincerity
- thanks
So that's it folks, I hope you enjoyed the video. Listen carefully. Share with friends ...
who like music. And we are fighting to spread good music
because art is something that unites people. You say that ... there is no artist without audience
No! I repeat this in all my recitals
"An artist without a public is like a river without water"
The artist needs the audience. The public is the vital health of the artist
So there is the "musical being" ... and "being a musician"
Anyone can be a musician. Learn music, study the academic aspects
But the musical being will certainly be a musician
Why will he be a musician? because it is in his blood
So, the knowledge will make him exteriorize, but it may also be that he has no knowledge and yet be a great musician
They must respect the art and the academicians are obliged, since they know...
respect the one who has talent but has no study of music. Who is the musical being
So what amazing class! And see you soon.
ah! to finish. As the great Brazilian dramaturgist Antonio Abujamra used to say:
"Let me give you a hug that is the only false thing of this show"
- Thank you very much!
Sinéad O'Connor: Trotz jahrelangem Missbrauch: "Nothing compares 2U"-Star verzeiht ihrer Mutter - Duration: 4:30.-------------------------------------------
Javalis destroem plantações e revoltam fazendeiros em MT - Duration: 4:43.-------------------------------------------
Back to school OUTFIT IDEAS- Lookbook para la vuelta a clase - Duration: 3:19.
Hi guys! I am Lucía and today I'm with Laura
We are going to show you five different back to school outfit ideas
and you can see five more in Laura's channel, her video is down below
so we hope you like them!
Private Buckaroo (1942) The Andrews Sisters, Dick Foran, Joe E. Lewis - Duration: 1:07:06.-------------------------------------------
GALATASARAY - Uğur KARAKULLUKÇU: " Feghouli Ciddi Bir Hücum Tehditi. Daha Önce Oyuna Girmeliydi." - Duration: 3:25.-------------------------------------------
NÃO SE DESESPERE / PASTOR SERGIO JUNIOR - Duration: is true that you are facing another difficult day
is very likely true that you are facing a much
calamitous, a period of difficulty great difficulty
but it is also true that you do not can despair
you can not blame the moment you agree that you blame
you are living is punishment and oh my god Your God is not a sadist
punisher, sarcastic humanity you need to understand that life is
made obstacles life itself it It offers barriers for us
transpormos, but that does not mean you the worst person that you are the
blame for this opportunity for this circumstance is going on another
thing also its decisions most likely you think that
their decisions may or may be with acacarretar this time for you, but I could get you
say that 90 percent of occasions and circumstantial what happens in every life
of every human being every situation difficult is not her fault, there is a plan
a destination to something that was previously calculated by our God all you
now lives was already calculated was already in God's eternity clipboard
then you can not despair can not at this time losing
balance Breathe ........ feel is right in the middle of the turmoil
tranquility, tranquilize it, think, will be a solution at this time
you think will shine a light at the end of turn
I guarantee to you that after you will still smile this situation
God bless you in Jesus' name
Lector de Gastos automático - Duration: 1:15.-------------------------------------------
GALATASARAY - 13 EYLÜL 2017 - SPOR AJANSI GS GÜNDEMİ - Youtube - Duration: 20:54.-------------------------------------------
GALATASARAY - 13 EYLÜL 2017 - UĞUR MELEKE İLE GÜNDEM - TUDOR & SELÇUK İNAN YORUMLARI - Youtube - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
GALATASARAY - Uğur KARAKULLUKÇU: "Metin Oktay Çok Büyük Bir Figürdü" - Youtube - Duration: 3:50.-------------------------------------------
GALATASARAY - Uğur KARAKULLUKÇU: "Mariano Ligin En İyi Beki" - yOUTUBE - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
31 Impactantes Ideias Para Agricultura do Futuro - Duration: 12:21.-------------------------------------------
Zaalima | Raees | Shah Rukh Khan &Mahira Khan | Dance Cover by Arkestra | Desi Wedding Dance - Duration: 4:21.Zaalima | Raees | Shah Rukh Khan &Mahira Khan | Dance Cover by Arkestra | Desi Wedding Dance
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