hi and welcome again to escuadron111. this is the section today discover and today I'm going to speak about... a kind of panel
it´s the right wall, and SSC
the stick
the curiosities of the right wall
opening the canopy, it´s not needed but better
you can see this black handle
you can see it, with a bar in vertical down there
this is for the forearm of the pilot to grip the stick and keep a comfortable position
because the stick is a force sensor, have almost no movement
with that the pilot avoid keep pressure on the stick inducing movements in the plane not desired
there is other handle, in bms is retracted
the pilot could extend it and have more comfortability
this is when you have a dogfight and you have your arm very tired xD
the forearm support can be leveled up or down
someone taking off
now it´s time to the stick
the red button, weapon release, is to release missiles and booms
this white hat, is for trim the plane
trim left, right up and down, yaw is not here
under the red button, is the TMS, target management system
with that you control the radar, lock targets, drop it, set the TWS mode, for dogfight mode to switch the radar operation
depending where is the soi placed coud do more things
this need a study with each weapon
foe example in TGP doing double right you switch between the modes
under the trip one, is the DMS, display management system
this is really comos un se right and left options here to switch the info on the MFDs
dMS down change the SOI from one MFD to the other
and TMS up is SOI for the HUD
in the TFR will make a quick view to the turn side
this other one 4 way hat, is the CMS, in the upward position will drop the program of flare and chaff
in the backward posit will give consentiment to the system to drop countermeasures in semi and turn on the ECM
right position will deny the consentiment and turn off the jammer
the left posit will drop the countermeasure program nº6
you can not see from here, but you can see some red thing here and the label camera/gun is the cannon and laser trigger
it have two position the first one to fire the laser and the second one to fire the cannon
you can see this label NWL a/r disc msl step, that is to activate the NWS when WOW, disconnect from the refueler probe or change the different models of missiles in AA mode
on push just switch the station of the same missile model, a long one will change the missile mode in AA, in AG only the station
down here there is other trigger, the paddle switch, is for the autopilot to momentary disconnect it while this button is pressed
behind that paddle, there is other button the pinky is for example in aa radar to make zoom or the maverick to make some zoom also
in BMS you can asing with those pinky that activate the second function of all the hotas buttons while pressed
small bonus for you to see the whole video, see the MLU have the light panel different, the DED light works as same
instrument panel is the same, consoles the same. Plus there is a new switch to nvg
I don't know what does that individual lightning...
and the air condition have the knob
I hope you learned a lot enjoy your life and subcribe your friends to my channel they need BMS xD
be happy
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