Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 13 2017

After a season off our lives

returns the digital canon.

Hello my name is Angel and I Shoes I'll tell you a little what it is

the new, to call it something, digital canon. If indeed becomes the digital canon

our lives and this time it seems that to stay.

Retakes the old mode and now per CD, mobile and tablet, etc.

supports, have to pay an amount extra to compensate for the copy


But why now becomes the canon digital? Very simple, because the

European justice He lay down the last two charges.

So the legislature has made lace Bobbin for societies that

manage copyright charge these amounts, with the state as

intermediate collector again. But this Once a bit has changed the rules of

game and have done to make it as possible for more complicated

users. Still, we will try to explain it.

For starters they have released a list of devices that have to pay. You

Examples story: Printer € 5,25 multifunction recorder

€ 0,33 discs, disc recorder Versatile specific or mixed 1,86 €,

rewritable disc 10 cents, and and even much more.

For example, external hard disks by 6,45 €,

hard drives integrated by 5.45 euros, which did not understand what

is the difference between an internal and an external and why a euro difference.

But hey, they have put them ... We will not discuss it. And, for example,

3.15 euros tablets or mobile 1.10 euros.

Of those rates to meet the European standard,

According to them, there are exceptions to public bodies and companies

they can demonstrate their activity professional.

Also, if already taken, Returns may be made to

people who demonstrate the use Professional device, although that

they have put so make this request is very complicated.

The rest of the citizens do what we do have to pay period.

And very careful because they have changed fully the definition of private copying.

But this does not end here, because everything I have told is provisional.

Government within a year is given to update the standard and make it

up with the idea of ​​including new means exist today as

the SmarTV or systems cloud storage; because who

record a cd today? What if taxed with digital canon

the media, who would be the big losers? As new

pay per view platforms as Netflix or HBO may be affected

by these movements, just those that They have achieved the level of consumption

original audiovisual content They have grown at the expense of others

methods. In short, the past becomes the canon

digital to stay, for now the Device list is provisional and

this has just begun. One thing is clear: the money will go to

end of the pockets of consumers.

And with this we have completed the video today. If you liked the video,

subscribe to the channel, put your comments on this topic,

above all, share video and be happy, that's always the most

important. See you in the next video.


For more infomation >> The return of the digital Canon. What it is and how it affects us. - Duration: 4:47.



When I first got here, I took a while to really like this city

I thought this was a weird city city....

But then I found out that I had to feel the real energy of this place

Today, I love Amsterdam!

Wanna know why?

Amsterdam has a huge contrast

Between the tradition of flowers, cheeses and architecture

And the modernism of a city always ahead of its time

Tolerant, open minded

And that, even in the 17th, built a complex system of dams and mills

To contain the rush of the water to the city

Since it is located below the level of the sea

These dams made the canals, which are Amsterdam's most famous attraction

The Netherlands are known for its respect for the individuality

They were one of the first countries to allow same gender marriage

to regulate drugs consumption,

and legalize prostitution

At Red Light District, prostitution is a legalized profession, treated like any other

Here, just like in every part of the Netherlands,

prostitutes have rights, pay taxes and fight for better work conditions

It is formed by small streets around a church (hahaha)

At Red Light, there are bars, coffee shops, clubs, sex shops, a museum dedicated to sex

and prostitution properly said, when the woman exhibit themselves in red showcases

A curiosity is that, during the day, families, old people and even kids pass by Red Light District

Due to all of this, young people grow in Amsterdam

on an environment of respect and tolerance to the diversity

The Netherlands drugs policy also calls attention

State regulates conditions in which drugs can be sold and consumed

And coffee shops (where drugs are sold) can't do advertisements

Dutch people think that it is impossible to completely stop drugs consumption

So, they allow coffee shops to sell until 5g of soft drugs to one person

This approach allows the police to concentrate on the big criminals

Big criminals are, in this case, the ones who sell drugs illegally

On the trip, I knew Eu lin

A german girl who, when firstly got to Amsterdam,

was fascinated by its special energy

This made her feel at home

When I moved here to spent a few months, I had a bike with me

I used to go to work every morning by bike

what is a typical dutch thing:

Go everywhere by bike

Doing this, I had a feeling of freedom

And I was 100% sure that I was living like I was born to live

When I ask what makes her want to move here,

She answers: The fact that here I feel truly free

Here, I feel that I have the freedom to express myself the way I want

I can be 100% myself

She describes young people of Amsterdam

as really open minded

It is a super tolerant city

with a lot of freedom for people to express

and that offers young people a lot of possibilities

Specially for an artist like me

I ask: What do you think your generation should change in the world?

She says: I think the big difference between our generation and the previous one

is that our minds are free

and we feel like we can do everything

which is totally the definition of Generation Y!:

But even if we can do everything, she warns:

We have to be responsible for what we do

whatever the thing we want to do

we have to think in what we bring to the world with this

Vitor: "You're so Amsterdam"

Eu Lin: "Thank you!"

When I ask her how she sees herself in 20 years, she instantly answers:

Living in Amsterdam

Plus, she says: I am not sure,

But I think I am the kind of family person,

So I might have children

But in 20 years

But it's not on the top of my list

Eu Lin: "I want to..."

"...Be happy."

And that's why I love this city!

Here, everybody is respected

In Amsterdam, you can be everything...

...Be young, old, an artist....

...be free, open minded....

Be anything

Even Yourself!

Like, comment, share and subscribe :)

For more infomation >> GERAÇÃO INTERNACIONAL: AMSTERDAM! - Duration: 4:56.


MY SKY TEASER@1 OFFICIAL Will Subs FULL HD HD - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> MY SKY TEASER@1 OFFICIAL Will Subs FULL HD HD - Duration: 0:47.


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दिल को छू लेने वाली कविता 2017 | सरहदों के पार रमेश शर्मा - Duration: 12:29.

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For more infomation >> दिल को छू लेने वाली कविता 2017 | सरहदों के पार रमेश शर्मा - Duration: 12:29.


Don't Ignore These Early Symptoms of High Cholesterol - Duration: 10:11.

five Signs and Symptoms of High Cholesterol You Should Know

If levels of Low-Density Lipoproteins Cholesterol are Too High or levels of High-Density

Lipoproteins Cholesterol Are Too Low Fatty Deposits Build Up in your blood Vessels

These Deposits Will Make It difficult for enough blood to flow Through Your arteries

This could cause problems Throughout Your Body particularly in Your Heart and Brain or it could Be Fatal

People often ignore the Warning Signs of Cholesterol

Until The problem Becomes severe it is important to be aware of these signs as Addressing The problem Early can Save you from future

Complications if you have multiple signs and Symptoms of This problem ask your doctor to check your Health levels the best

Cholesterol Treatment

Here are the common Signs of Cholesterol That You Should -

no.1 Frequent Tingling Tingling in The Hands and Feet Is a Sign of low Blood Circulation

This occurs When the Blood flow Becomes Slower Because of The high levels of Cholesterol in the Blood

Poor Blood Circulation Causes Nerves in Your Hands and Feet not to get enough Nutrients and Oxygen Which Gives you the Tingling Sensation

Tingling in the Hands and Feet are the implications of Disfluencies Blood Flow in Certain parts of The body

Tingling associated With Nerves do Not Get the Blood Flow

This is because the Blood Flow Becomes thick due to high levels of Cholesterol in the Blood

Leg Cramps Memnos or spasms That Hit you during the night

Usually in the Heel Toes or forefoot May also indicate high cholesterol iF

You Hang your foot off the bed or sit up in a Chair it Should Start to feel Better as gravity Forces Blood Flow back

Into your Feet

Too frequent Headaches

Frequent Headaches in the back of the head might be a result of Clogged Blood Vessels in the area Around the head

This occurs due to clogging of Cholesterol Plaques Start Forming in Blood Vessels

If this Condition Is Left Unchecked the Blood Vessels can rupture and Lead to a stroke

Headaches are Most common in People with Hypertension

This Is a Very Dangerous condition Because the possibility of Blood pressure is very High

Blood Flow that it's too tight for the arteries can cause Ketchup like Leak or rupture

If It occurs in the Brain then It can cause damage to blood Vessels

Headaches can Also Be a Sign Of a stroke That Becomes the Initial indication of a Newly Emerging Attack

3 your Hands and Feet are Always cold

Before we continue this video do not Forget to subscribe my Channel to see if They're useful Health videos iF

Your extremities are getting cold For no reason It could relate to poor Blood flow iF

You notice One Foot or hand is cold and the other is not it's especially important to bring it up to a doctor

Feeder Legs That Feel Cold or are cool to the touch may be an indicator that you have peripheral arterial disease?

but it's not Really the best

indicator That's Because This is a common problem and It can Happen to anyone as he h's even someone without peripheral arterial disease

However if you Feel Like One Leg or foot is called But Not the other it could Be time to talk to your doctor

for Left Chest Pain

Left Chest Pain Is another son of high cholesterol Levels

Even a Minimal Plaque Creation in Any Part of The body can decrease Blood Flow

The Heart Works more to restore normal Blood flow and this can cause pain or Palpitation

This pain can Also be a Sign Of a Heart Attack

Left chest Related to the Heart That acts as a Blood pumping

Blockage of Blood Vessels Around The Heart can cause pain Like Impaled the pain May even Spread up to the neck chest

Pain Can Also Be a Sign Of a Heart Attack

This Condition can Be a Sign That Blood Cholesterol Levels are too high

five High Cholesterol Symptoms and men

erectile dysfunction in men caused by High Cholesterol Is one of The manifestations of Blood Vessel damage caused by high cholesterol

your cholesterol Levels can Affect The quality of Your erections

Most Cases Of erectile dysfunction Edie are Caused By Impaired Blood Flow to the Penis the

Medications That Treat Edie Like Viagra Allow The smooth muscle cells lining the Blood Vessels to relax so that Blood can Flow more Easily

When a man has high cholesterol levels not Only is cardiac

Circulation Impaired Blood Flow Throughout The body is impaired and This can Affect Erection quality in

Fact Many doctors consider It to be a sort of Canary in the coalmine

Signal in men under 40 and May suggest

Cardiac Tests to determine if a Young man With Edie is at risk for or in the Early Stages of Cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease Is more Treatable The earlier it's cut Here are the top Natural herbs to lower cholesterol

One Oatmeal

Having a Bowl of Oatmeal for breakfast Daily Is another easy Way to lower your high cholesterol Level

The High soluble fiber content in oatmeal Helps Lower ldl

It produces The absorption of Cholesterol Into your Bloodstream

Fiber Also Fills You Up quickly and Helps you avoid Mindless eating in

Addition eating Oats Regularly Is associated With a Reduced risk of Cardiovascular disease and Type 2 Diabetes

Eat a Bowl of Oatmeal for Breakfast Daily

you can Also Add Oatmeal To smoothies or use it in baked goods

to almonds

Before we continue this video do not Forget to subscribe my Channel to see if They're useful Health videos

The Heart-Healthy Monounsaturated

Fats Polyunsaturated fats and Fiber and Almonds Help Raise Good hdl cholesterol and Reduce The Bad ldl levels a

2011 Study Published in nutrition Review Found that Consumption of tree nuts Like Almonds Helped Reduce Ldl Cholesterol a

Primary Target For Coronary disease Prevention By 3, to 19% in Addition a

2015 Study Published in the Journal of American Heart

Association States That Daily Almond Consumption May be a simple Dietary strategy to prevent the onset of cardio metabolic Diseases

Almonds are a Great Snack or topping for Salads Cereal and Yogurt

Eat a Handful of Almonds a day and Remember Moderation Is Key

Other nuts and Seeds Such as Walnuts and Flax Seeds are also Beneficial for Reducing Blood Cholesterol Levels

Three orange Juice

Sweet tangy and Juicy oranges are another superfood That has Cholesterol Lowering properties

in a 2000 study published in the American Society for Clinical Nutrition Journal

Researchers Found That orange Juice Improves Blood Lipid profiles in People who have hypercholesterolemia

This happens due to the presence of Vitamin C soiling and Flavonoids Like Hesperidin in oranges

Drink 2 to 3 cups of orange Juice Daily

Freshly Extracted Juice Is a Good option

you can Also Drink Plant Sterols Fortified orange Juice

Phytosterols Also Help Lower Total Cholesterol to some extent

alternatively You can Eat a Few oranges demi for


The Omega-3 Fatty Acids Called Epa and Dha found in Salmon provide Protection against high cholesterol It Helps Lower

Triglycerides and Boosts Good Hdl cholesterol Slightly Thus Lowering The risk of Heart disease in Addition

Salmon Is low in cholesterol and Saturated Fat

Eat At Least 2 Servings of Salmon each Week

Baked and Grilled Salmon are The best options a

Serving of Salmon is about 2 to 3 ounces you can Even take fish oil Supplements after consulting Your doctor

5 Soybeans and soy products

Soybeans and Other soy products offer a complete Plant-Based Protein That is Great for those Who suffer from high cholesterol

Although Soy may not Lower total Cholesterol to a Great extent It can Still lower Bad ldl cholesterol

This High-Protein Food Contains high Levels of Polyunsaturated

Fats Fiber

Vitamins and Minerals as Well As Low Levels of Saturated Fat a

Study Published in 2011 in the Journal of American college of Nutrition Found That eating one to two servings

15 to 30 grams of soy protein Daily Has a Significant impact on serum lipoprotein risk factors for Coronary Heart disease

to help Lower Your stroll include more Soybean Tofu soy flour Adam a Man Enriched soy milk in your diet

For more infomation >> Don't Ignore These Early Symptoms of High Cholesterol - Duration: 10:11.


সরাসরি আজকের সারাদেশের বাংলা খবর..Channel 24 News 13 September 2017 Bangla Tv News Today Latest News - Duration: 11:14.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সারাদেশের বাংলা খবর..Channel 24 News 13 September 2017 Bangla Tv News Today Latest News - Duration: 11:14.


Spotify® RapCaviar

For more infomation >> Spotify® RapCaviar


Citroën Saxo 1.0I 538, APK TOT 12-10-2018, 188.054 KM NAP - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Citroën Saxo 1.0I 538, APK TOT 12-10-2018, 188.054 KM NAP - Duration: 0:48.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I Dynamic | Navigatie | Automaat | 7 persoons | - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I Dynamic | Navigatie | Automaat | 7 persoons | - Duration: 1:00.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I Dynamic | Panoramadak | Cruise & Climate Control | - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I Dynamic | Panoramadak | Cruise & Climate Control | - Duration: 1:00.


Toyota Urban Cruiser 1.3 VVT-i Dynamic Navi, Ecc, Keyless entry, Lmv - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Toyota Urban Cruiser 1.3 VVT-i Dynamic Navi, Ecc, Keyless entry, Lmv - Duration: 1:01.


LED bulbs that flicker, and CFLs that almost never did - Duration: 15:13.

This is a stroboscope disc used to verify the speed of a record player's turntable.

You can easily find these online and print them out.

Under fluorescent lighting, these alternating white-black bars will appear stationary even

though the turntable is rotating.

This happens because the A/C electricity powering the light is a 60 hz sine wave, and each time

it crosses the zero line, the light briefly goes dark.

Essentially, fluorescent lights actually flash 120 times per second, and the spacing of these

bars is calibrated so that if the turntable is going the right speed, they will move the

same distance as their width with each pulse of light, which makes a blurred pattern appear

that's completely stationary.

Slight variations in speed will cause the pattern to appear to move.

You can see this as I switch the turntable between 33 and 45 rpm.

You may have noticed a similar effect while driving at night under common street lighting,

particularly the orange-gold glow of high pressure sodium lamps.

These lights also pulse 120 times per second, in the US at least, which can make slow-moving

patterns appear on the wheels of vehicles driving past you.

Sometimes the patterns move backwards which is particularly trippy.

This stroboscopic effect is the primary reason that some people are sensitive to fluorescent


Though it's not directly visible, it can give some people headaches and cause eyestrain.

But it's important to note the the fluorescent-ness of the light source is not what's causing


What I mean by this is that it's very very wrong to assume that all fluorescent lights

produce a strobing effect like this.

In fact, nearly all CFLs used in your home don't.

Here's the same disc on the same turntable with a garden variety CFL providing illumination.

This time, the disc's lines just blur together.

CFLs have worked like this for a looong time.

In fact, here's an old IKEA fluorescent lamp.

It's so old it starts like this.

(forced coughing)

And yet, the lines still blur together.

You might notice a very slight pattern in there that looks stationary, but even an incandescent

light will produce such a faint pattern.

In reality, these CFLs are just as flicker-free as the old bulbs of yore.

But in an odd twist, many newer LED bulbs are re-introducing this stroboscopic effect.

Some are far worse than others, and first let me say that I'm glad the CFL is being


I am in no way trying to say that LED bulbs are bad, and CFLs are somehow better.

Of course, a huge reason to be pro LED is the lack of mercury in the bulbs.

And the list goes on--the slow warmup and poor operation in cold weather of CFLs was

annoying, and LEDs don't suffer from these problems.

Poor color rendering indexes were common with cheap CFLs which caused their perceived quality

of light to be not-so-great, whereas LEDs almost always have better color rendering


Dimmability of CFLs was generally questionable at best, and new LEDs go so far as to mimic

the warming effect that incandescent bulbs naturally produce as their filaments burn

less intensely.

There's virtually no reason to hold onto the incandescent lamp anymore.

Even clear LED bulbs which look like they have filaments are cheap and widely available.

So to explain why CFLs don't flicker and LEDs sometimes do, it's important to look

at the electronics that drive each of these technologies.

Fluorescent lights, along with all other discharge lamps such as sodium vapor lamps or metal

halide bulbs, have a pesky electrical characteristic known as negative resistance.

Provide a set voltage to the lamp, and it will consume more and more current until it,

well basically explodes--or if it can manage it, exhausts its electrical supply and trips

a breaker.

A ballast is therefore required to both strike the arc and start the lamp, and most importantly

to limit the current it can receive and keep things nice and safe.

In older fluorescent fixtures, this ballast was nothing more than a specialized inductive

transformer, so-called magnetic ballasts.

These are what is responsible for the humming or buzzing sound in older fixtures.

A magnetic ballast sends the same 60 hz electricity to the tube, but with a limit in place.

This means the light will pulse on and off 120 times per second, which generally isn't

directly perceptible, but can cause eye strain in sensitive individuals.

Now, magnetic ballasts have two huge drawbacks.

One, they're generally bulky, and two, the fact that they send straight AC current to

the tube means the tube doesn't run as bright as it could because it spends a not-insignificant

period of time producing no light at all.

The pauses in light production reduce its overall light output considerably.

When the Compact Fluorescent Light came along, the compact nature of these compact bulbs

meant less actual glass tube was available in such a compact space.

To compact a 16 watt 2 foot linear tube into a space as compact as an ordinary light bulb

required some creative compacting action in the form of glass bending acrobatics.


First was the curly-q nature of the tube itself.

Forming the glass in a repeating spiral pattern increases its surface area tremendously, while

still confining it into a small volume.

Then there was the problem of the ballast.

Remember, magnetic ballasts are bulky and heavy.

A better solution was needed both to overcome size constraints and to increase the light

output of such a small lamp.

Enter the electronic ballast.

These guys work entirely differently from magnetic ballasts and were, uh what's the

word, oh, compact and lightweight.

Electronic ballasts work similarly to the switched-mode power supplies you find in virtually

everything today.

Their first goal is actually to convert the incoming 60 hz AC power to DC, where it's

filtered with a capacitor.

The ballast then converts this DC into very high frequency AC power, around 20 thousand


It's this high frequency power that's sent to the tube.

The phosphors that line the inside of the glass don't react instantly to UV emissions

from the mercury vapor.

In fact, there's a delay between when they stop receiving energy from the excited mercury

molecules and when the stop emitting visible light.

You can actually see this--the green phosphor is the usually the slowest, and you might

have caught a slight green flash of light when turning a off a light fixture with a

CFL if you've ever moved your eyes right at the same time.

You see this because the red and blue phosphors stop producing light in a tiny fraction of

a second, but the green phosphor hangs around a little longer.

Anyway, the high frequency AC entering the tube of a CFL is literally too fast for any

of the phosphors, and the delayed action bridges the gap between pulses.

The result is that the light provides nearly constant illumination, and the stroboscopic

effect is essentially eliminated.

Which can be proven by using one of these do-dads.

Most newer linear fluorescent fixtures also use an electronic ballast.

Even the old fashioned T12 tube will see a significant increase in light output and efficiency

if high frequency A/C switching is applied.

For this reason, ceiling light fixtures using linear tubes are nearly always equipped with

an electronic ballast these days.

Meanwhile, LED bulbs require a different kind of circuitry to make them work.

LEDs only work with direct current, so for a bulb on an AC supply, this AC needs to first

be rectified into DC using a bridge rectifier.

It's not as simple as sending DC power through the chips, though.

Without the proper voltage, the LEDs with either be instantly destroyed or they won't

work at all.

See LEDs have a very narrow range of operating voltage, bumping it up by as little as half

a volt will dramatically increase current consumed.

Drop it much below and it won't light up at all.

Because of this, they also need a ballast of sorts.

Usually these are referred to as drivers.

The most important thing the driver has to do is limit the current that passes through

the chips.

Without a way to limit the current, any voltage above an LED chip's forward voltage will

cause an exponential increase in current flow, which will make the diode run extremely hot

and severely shorten its life.

In many conventional LED bulbs meant to replace a 60 watt incandescent, there will be 9 or

10 chips, each rated around a watt.

These are usually arranged in a circle, and are attached to a heat sink.

The heat sink absorbs the heat they produce, and spreads it out over a wide area.

This bulb contains nine chips.

Each of these chips actually contains three diodes in one package, so there's a total

of 27 diodes arranged in series.

Most of the blue diodes used in white LED chips--the yellow circle is a phosphor which

converts some of the blue light into red and green, thus producing apparently white light--have

a voltage drop of just over 3 volts.

The driver therefore needs to produce at least 81 volts, and indeed it produces about 85.

The driver must also limit the current going through this chain of diodes to ensure they

don't overheat and waste energy.

It also uses a large capacitor hidden in the base to store and release some energy between

the pulses of AC power coming from the socket through bridge rectifier.

This helps to eliminate the stroboscopic flicker.

This capacitor is rather large and it's one of the biggest component of the driver.

But there's also a way to cheat a little bit.

LEDs can be driven off a direct voltage supply if the voltage is equal to the voltage drop

across the LED chip.

Many so-called "filament" LED lamps are designed with a bunch of blue diodes in series

along a glass rod covered in the yellow phosphor, and the voltage drop across them adds up to

just about the same as the AC line voltage powering the lamp.

If you dim one of these, you can see the individual diodes along the filament's structure.

These tiny diodes will also have a voltage drop of about 3 volts, and since 120 volts

is what's coming into the socket here in the US, that could be divided across 40 individual


Each of these rods has 20 diodes or so in a line, and two rods are wired in series,

with another series-pair being in parallel.

In European countries running on 230 volts, all four of these rods will be wired in series.

This cheat is what allows the driver to be so small that it can be crammed into just

the space inside the socket.

This creates a beautiful bulb that you might not even know it's an LED unless someone

told you.

But there's one huge drawback.

There's so little space for the driver that it doesn't really do all that much.

In reality, nearly all it does is use a bridge rectifier to convert the AC into pulsed DC.

That's just taking this waveform and flipping the bottom half back up.

This means these bulbs will often exhibit stroboscopic flicker just as bad or worse

as a fluorescent bulb running from a magnetic ballast.

In fact, that footage from earlier?

It was from this bulb, just with the color temperature messed up a bit.

And now, a note from the editor's desk.

Oh, hello, I'm the editor, and this is my desk.

I'd just like to clarify that I'm sure the driver is doing more than just rectifying

the AC into pulsed DC.

It's actually a complicated little thing with a driver chip, an inductor of sorts,

and other goodies.

What's more likely the cause of the flicker is simply that the driver's tiny little

filter capacitor, a requirement with the driver concealed in the socket, can't store enough

charge to provide completely steady DC voltage throughout the system as the incoming AC voltage

crosses the zero line.

The system voltage thus dips slightly between each incoming pulse.

This is also probably the cause of the slight flicker produced by the CFL, but the immensely

larger filter capacitor is able to provide much more stable DC voltage to the rest of

the ballast.

In regards to the number of diodes along the glass, I'm sure that's geared towards

line voltage as it is common for European bulbs to have all the rods wired in series,

but the driver is probably still providing a different voltage for them.

I'm thinking it just makes the design of the driver a whole lot simpler and cheaper

if it's got to produce roughly the same voltage as it receives.

If we have a qualified electrical engineer in the comments, please do tell us if I've

got this all wrong.

I'm not even going to get into how these bulbs work with dimmers because there's

enough in there for a whole other video.

So then, here's my point.

If you are an individual with photosensitive epilepsy who has legitimately been affected

by fluorescent lighting in the past, this type of LED bulb probably isn't for you.

But if you've casually avoided compact fluorescent lights believing them to cause eye strain

and you've been around these lights and haven't noticed a problem, perhaps it wasn't

the, as I said, fluorescent-ness of the light that caused your headaches.

As I've demonstrated, most CFLs produce light just as well--meaning consistently and

without flicker--as an incandescent bulb.

But some newer LED lamps actually produce really strong strobing light.

If these don't affect you, that's great!

But it also means that perhaps you shouldn't have been so averse to using the CFL.

One easy way to tell if a bulb has high flicker is by bringing a smartphone camera right up

to the bulb.

With bright light the camera has to increase its shutter speed a lot, which when combined

with the way it captures the light via a rolling shutter, will make alternating bright dark

bands appear all over the image.

If bands are barely visible, then the flicker is very minor.

Me again.

I discovered while shooting the B-roll for this video that the old IKEA bulb exhibits

less flicker than an incandescent.

You can even see that going back to the stroboscope disc footage.

These pictures shot with my phone confirm it.

While we're looking at pictures, light bulb manufacturers have figured out how to produce

flexible filaments, and this one on display in a retailer is shockingly bad!

However, one cool thing about the flexible "filament" is that you can see the printed

circuit in the dark portion provided by the absurd flicker of the bulb, and you can see

here that the diodes are wired as two series chains, with each trace skipping every other


This means there are two parallel circuits in each piece of filament spaghetti.

Now, I've long maintained a personal theory that the folks most opposed to the compact

fluorescent were really more averse to the blueish light of daylight color temperature


In fact, I hate those things.

I have a whole drawer full of them because the previous owner of my place loved them,

and I just can't stand the coldness of their light.

I won't go so far as to say they give me a headache, but I dread being around them.

Because a well-made warm-white balanced CFL is often indistinguishable from an incandescent,

particularly if the bulb is hidden behind a shade, these people might have never noticed

that they were under fluorescent lighting unless it was a cool white or daylight color

temperature, where it couldn't possibly be an incandescent.

But that's just conjecture.

In reality, the CFL is on its way out, and I'm happy to hear it.

So many great designs of LED bulbs are on the market today, not even mentioning smart

bulbs or color-changing bulbs that are only possible with LEDs inside.

But the CFL was a great innovation that helped us start saving energy at home years before

LEDs came down in cost.

And if people just took the effort to recycle them, the mercury wouldn't have been much

of a concern.

But I'll admit, a 100% recycling rate is a pipedream.

Best avoid the problem all together.

Thanks for watching.

I hope you learned something interesting today!

I'm closing this video out with a thank you and announcements.

To my subscribers, wow, I'm so thrilled this channel has passed 35 thousand!

It still doesn't seem real.

Having a successful YouTube channel has always been a dream of mine, and it's slowly becoming


But as you know, making videos is really hard.

I'm doing my best to keep videos like this headed your way, but I work full time and

it's hard to do two things at once.

Which is why starting at the end of November, I'm gonna stop doing two things at once.

I'm gonna concentrate on videos.

Hopefully I'll be making weekly videos by the start of next year, as I'll have 4 days

a week to do this, and not just 2 if I'm lucky.

There's a lot of stuff up in this noggin and eventually it will make its way out and

to your eyeballs and ears.

If all goes to plan, my next video will be on Philo Farnsworth and the invention of electronic


I'm overwhelmingly flattered that some people have asked if I have a patreon page.

Well, I wanted wait and see if these types of videos could earn me a following.

Apparently they have and now, I do have a patreon.

In fact, it's right over there.

I'm really new to this whole thing and don't really know what I'm doing, but if you'd

like to become a patron you will immediately be rewarded with thanks and good vibes.

My biggest struggle right now is finding time to do more management stuff, like make playlists

and set up a Patreon.

But if it works, I'll be spending all of my time making videos for you.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> LED bulbs that flicker, and CFLs that almost never did - Duration: 15:13.


투신자살 하려는 여중생을 구한 교장 선생님 (영상) - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> 투신자살 하려는 여중생을 구한 교장 선생님 (영상) - Duration: 4:19.


SELL ID - Duration: 1:32.

wechat id : vincentwongwengseng

For more infomation >> SELL ID - Duration: 1:32.


Kaia Gerber w seksownej stylizacji na gali w Nowym Jorku. Podobna do mamy? - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Kaia Gerber w seksownej stylizacji na gali w Nowym Jorku. Podobna do mamy? - Duration: 2:03.


The Present Perfect Tense | English Grammar Lesson - Duration: 13:43.

Okay! Get your notebooks ready! In this lesson, we're focusing on the present

perfect tense - what it looks like, how to use it and when to use it.

Hello! I'm Emma from mmmEnglish. If you don't feel confident using the present perfect

tense in English yet, there's probably a few reasons why. There's those nasty

irregular verbs in past participle form. Or maybe you feel unsure about when to

use the present perfect and when to use the past simple tenses.

Even if you're quite good at using the present perfect tense in English, it's definitely worth

reviewing this tense to jog your memory - that expression means to remind yourself.

So are you ready to start? Grab a notepad and a pen and let's go over this

beautiful tense right now so that you can feel more confident using it.

Oh and if you can think of a friend who needs to review this tense too, make sure you

share this lesson with them. Click the share button just underneath this video,

they'll thank you for it! First thing, the grammatical structure. What does it look like?

Well, it looks like this: Subject "have" or "has" and your main verb in past

participle form. So, the subject, you already know this. You can use a proper

noun or a pronoun. I, she, they. In the perfect tenses, the verb "have" is an

auxiliary verb, it's a helping verb. It's not the main verb in the sentence

and that means that it's usually unstressed and often contracted when spoken.

So "she has" becomes "she's" "I have" becomes "I've" - but I'll talk more about that soon!

But then comes the main verb. In the present perfect tense, the main

verb is in past participle form, not in past simple form. Now, this is no problem

for regular past tense verbs. For regular verbs, the past participle form is the

same as the simple past. So you just need to add -ed. "watch" in the present tense

becomes "watched" in past simple and it's also "watched" in past participle form.

"laugh" becomes "laughed" and is also "laughed". "dance" "danced" "danced"

"call" "called" "called"

and even some irregular verbs use the same verb for past simple as the past

participle form. "have" in the present tense becomes "had" in the simple past

and it's also "had" as a past participle. Easy, right? "win" "won" "won"

But these really irregular verbs are the ones that cause all of the headaches because there are

three different forms that you need to remember. "go" in the present tense becomes

"went" in the past simple and in the past participle form, it's "been" or "gone".

Some more examples. "fly" "flew" "flown" "throw" "threw" "thrown"

"do" "did" "done" "become" "became" "become"

"speak" "spoke" "spoken" I'm sure you can think of many more examples but with

these verbs, there's no pattern, there's no rule to follow. You just need to

memorise the past participle form - but keep an eye out for my next video next

week, which will help you to practise and memorise these past participle forms of

irregular verbs. In fact, if you subscribe to this channel - click the red button

here - then you'll find out as soon as it's ready. But to use the present

perfect tense well, you may need to polish up on some useful irregular

English verbs and remind yourself about their past participle form.

But let's get back to the structure! You have the subject, ylou have "have" or "has" and our

past participle verb. "I have asked my parents to loan me some money."

"You have been really helpful today." "They have flown to the capital to meet with the officials."

"He has saved enough money to buy a car." "She has forgotten where her hotel is."

Now, in this structure often "have" and "has" are contracted to


"I've asked" "You've been" "They've flown" "He's saved" "She's forgotten"

Got it? Good. So when should you use the present perfect tense? Well, when there is

a connection between the present and the past. Think of it like a bridge that's

connecting the present and the past. For example, when something started in the

past and continues in the present. "They've been married for three years."

You can use it to talk about an activity that you've done several times in the

past and that you continue to do now. "She has read many books." And she'll probably

read more. You can also use the present perfect to talk about life experience.

"He hasn't travelled overseas before." Now before I give you some more examples

let's talk about when to use the past simple tense and the present perfect

tense because this is often the confusing part about this tense.

To answer this question, you need to think about time, finished time and unfinished time.

So think about last week - that's a good example of finished time. Last week

is finished, it's over. But what about this week? Is this week finished?

No, not yet. That's an example of unfinished time. There is still more of this week to come,

it's not finished yet. Yesterday, last week, last month, last year, 1991. These are

all examples of finished time. Time that is complete. When you're talking about a

time period that has finished - like these - you need to use the past simple. But when

you're talking about a time period that is unfinished, like today,

this week, this year, this month, use the present perfect tense. So let's compare

some examples. "Last month, I visited my brother three times." "This month I have

visited my brother twice." But the month isn't finished yet and I may visit him again.

Try an example with me. "He borrowed my car yesterday." So this sentence is in

the past simple. It's finished time. Now, try to change it to the present perfect yourself.

What do you need to do?

Two things. You need to add the auxiliary verb. "he has"

"has" not "have". It changes because our subject is he. "He has

borrowed my car today" or this week. lWe need to change the time expression too

for our sentence to work in the present perfect tense.

It must be unfinished time. Okay so those were all examples of the present perfect

in positive sentences. But what about negative forms? Of course, we need to add

"not" to our sentence, to our structure. Subject plus "have" or "has" plus not

and then our past participle verb. So compare these sentences. "Last month, I visited my

brother three times." "This month, I haven't visited him at all."

but the month isn't over, yet. I may still visit him. Again, see that this structure

is usually contracted in spoken English. "Haven't" This is the most common way to

contract the negative form but you may also hear people say "I've not visited him."

Both ways are acceptable but you can't contract all three words together.

I've n't. You can't do that! It's one contraction, or the other. Another example,

"He ate so much yesterday! Notice the time word that we're using. So in present

perfect negative, we can say "He hasn't eaten a lot today" but there is still

more day so he could eat more food. One more example. "They were at school yesterday."

In the present perfect, "They haven't been at school all morning."

But the day's not finished yet and they may arrive in the afternoon. Of course,

you need to ask present perfect questions too, right? As with all English

question forms, our auxiliary verb needs to change position. So we have "have" and

"has", our subject and our past participle verb. "Has he cleaned the bathroom?"

"Have you eaten enough?" "Has it rained today?" "Have they finished yet?"

Now compare these two questions. "Did you go to Thailand last year?"

This is a past simple question so the auxiliary verb "do" takes the tense

it becomes "did" but now compare it to "Have you been to Thailand?"

This means at any time in the past, it's your life experience, but of course,

you're still alive, so you may go in the future. The difference is the time

reference. There is a lot to think about when using the present perfect tense, right?

But I hope that this lesson made everything a little easier, especially

the basics. If you're clear on the basics, it's a good thing. Make sure that you're

subscribed to the mmmEnglish Channel because the next few lessons that I make

will help you to practise using the present perfect tense. You don't want to

miss them! Just click that red subscribe button just there. You can watch more

mmmEnglish lessons right here or you can improve your pronunciation and your

English speaking skills by practising with the imitation technique right here!

Thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next lesson. Bye for now!

For more infomation >> The Present Perfect Tense | English Grammar Lesson - Duration: 13:43.


How to suppress avocado discoloration - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> How to suppress avocado discoloration - Duration: 0:27.


Don't Ignore These Early Symptoms of High Cholesterol - Duration: 10:11.

five Signs and Symptoms of High Cholesterol You Should Know

If levels of Low-Density Lipoproteins Cholesterol are Too High or levels of High-Density

Lipoproteins Cholesterol Are Too Low Fatty Deposits Build Up in your blood Vessels

These Deposits Will Make It difficult for enough blood to flow Through Your arteries

This could cause problems Throughout Your Body particularly in Your Heart and Brain or it could Be Fatal

People often ignore the Warning Signs of Cholesterol

Until The problem Becomes severe it is important to be aware of these signs as Addressing The problem Early can Save you from future

Complications if you have multiple signs and Symptoms of This problem ask your doctor to check your Health levels the best

Cholesterol Treatment

Here are the common Signs of Cholesterol That You Should -

no.1 Frequent Tingling Tingling in The Hands and Feet Is a Sign of low Blood Circulation

This occurs When the Blood flow Becomes Slower Because of The high levels of Cholesterol in the Blood

Poor Blood Circulation Causes Nerves in Your Hands and Feet not to get enough Nutrients and Oxygen Which Gives you the Tingling Sensation

Tingling in the Hands and Feet are the implications of Disfluencies Blood Flow in Certain parts of The body

Tingling associated With Nerves do Not Get the Blood Flow

This is because the Blood Flow Becomes thick due to high levels of Cholesterol in the Blood

Leg Cramps Memnos or spasms That Hit you during the night

Usually in the Heel Toes or forefoot May also indicate high cholesterol iF

You Hang your foot off the bed or sit up in a Chair it Should Start to feel Better as gravity Forces Blood Flow back

Into your Feet

Too frequent Headaches

Frequent Headaches in the back of the head might be a result of Clogged Blood Vessels in the area Around the head

This occurs due to clogging of Cholesterol Plaques Start Forming in Blood Vessels

If this Condition Is Left Unchecked the Blood Vessels can rupture and Lead to a stroke

Headaches are Most common in People with Hypertension

This Is a Very Dangerous condition Because the possibility of Blood pressure is very High

Blood Flow that it's too tight for the arteries can cause Ketchup like Leak or rupture

If It occurs in the Brain then It can cause damage to blood Vessels

Headaches can Also Be a Sign Of a stroke That Becomes the Initial indication of a Newly Emerging Attack

3 your Hands and Feet are Always cold

Before we continue this video do not Forget to subscribe my Channel to see if They're useful Health videos iF

Your extremities are getting cold For no reason It could relate to poor Blood flow iF

You notice One Foot or hand is cold and the other is not it's especially important to bring it up to a doctor

Feeder Legs That Feel Cold or are cool to the touch may be an indicator that you have peripheral arterial disease?

but it's not Really the best

indicator That's Because This is a common problem and It can Happen to anyone as he h's even someone without peripheral arterial disease

However if you Feel Like One Leg or foot is called But Not the other it could Be time to talk to your doctor

for Left Chest Pain

Left Chest Pain Is another son of high cholesterol Levels

Even a Minimal Plaque Creation in Any Part of The body can decrease Blood Flow

The Heart Works more to restore normal Blood flow and this can cause pain or Palpitation

This pain can Also be a Sign Of a Heart Attack

Left chest Related to the Heart That acts as a Blood pumping

Blockage of Blood Vessels Around The Heart can cause pain Like Impaled the pain May even Spread up to the neck chest

Pain Can Also Be a Sign Of a Heart Attack

This Condition can Be a Sign That Blood Cholesterol Levels are too high

five High Cholesterol Symptoms and men

erectile dysfunction in men caused by High Cholesterol Is one of The manifestations of Blood Vessel damage caused by high cholesterol

your cholesterol Levels can Affect The quality of Your erections

Most Cases Of erectile dysfunction Edie are Caused By Impaired Blood Flow to the Penis the

Medications That Treat Edie Like Viagra Allow The smooth muscle cells lining the Blood Vessels to relax so that Blood can Flow more Easily

When a man has high cholesterol levels not Only is cardiac

Circulation Impaired Blood Flow Throughout The body is impaired and This can Affect Erection quality in

Fact Many doctors consider It to be a sort of Canary in the coalmine

Signal in men under 40 and May suggest

Cardiac Tests to determine if a Young man With Edie is at risk for or in the Early Stages of Cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease Is more Treatable The earlier it's cut Here are the top Natural herbs to lower cholesterol

One Oatmeal

Having a Bowl of Oatmeal for breakfast Daily Is another easy Way to lower your high cholesterol Level

The High soluble fiber content in oatmeal Helps Lower ldl

It produces The absorption of Cholesterol Into your Bloodstream

Fiber Also Fills You Up quickly and Helps you avoid Mindless eating in

Addition eating Oats Regularly Is associated With a Reduced risk of Cardiovascular disease and Type 2 Diabetes

Eat a Bowl of Oatmeal for Breakfast Daily

you can Also Add Oatmeal To smoothies or use it in baked goods

to almonds

Before we continue this video do not Forget to subscribe my Channel to see if They're useful Health videos

The Heart-Healthy Monounsaturated

Fats Polyunsaturated fats and Fiber and Almonds Help Raise Good hdl cholesterol and Reduce The Bad ldl levels a

2011 Study Published in nutrition Review Found that Consumption of tree nuts Like Almonds Helped Reduce Ldl Cholesterol a

Primary Target For Coronary disease Prevention By 3, to 19% in Addition a

2015 Study Published in the Journal of American Heart

Association States That Daily Almond Consumption May be a simple Dietary strategy to prevent the onset of cardio metabolic Diseases

Almonds are a Great Snack or topping for Salads Cereal and Yogurt

Eat a Handful of Almonds a day and Remember Moderation Is Key

Other nuts and Seeds Such as Walnuts and Flax Seeds are also Beneficial for Reducing Blood Cholesterol Levels

Three orange Juice

Sweet tangy and Juicy oranges are another superfood That has Cholesterol Lowering properties

in a 2000 study published in the American Society for Clinical Nutrition Journal

Researchers Found That orange Juice Improves Blood Lipid profiles in People who have hypercholesterolemia

This happens due to the presence of Vitamin C soiling and Flavonoids Like Hesperidin in oranges

Drink 2 to 3 cups of orange Juice Daily

Freshly Extracted Juice Is a Good option

you can Also Drink Plant Sterols Fortified orange Juice

Phytosterols Also Help Lower Total Cholesterol to some extent

alternatively You can Eat a Few oranges demi for


The Omega-3 Fatty Acids Called Epa and Dha found in Salmon provide Protection against high cholesterol It Helps Lower

Triglycerides and Boosts Good Hdl cholesterol Slightly Thus Lowering The risk of Heart disease in Addition

Salmon Is low in cholesterol and Saturated Fat

Eat At Least 2 Servings of Salmon each Week

Baked and Grilled Salmon are The best options a

Serving of Salmon is about 2 to 3 ounces you can Even take fish oil Supplements after consulting Your doctor

5 Soybeans and soy products

Soybeans and Other soy products offer a complete Plant-Based Protein That is Great for those Who suffer from high cholesterol

Although Soy may not Lower total Cholesterol to a Great extent It can Still lower Bad ldl cholesterol

This High-Protein Food Contains high Levels of Polyunsaturated

Fats Fiber

Vitamins and Minerals as Well As Low Levels of Saturated Fat a

Study Published in 2011 in the Journal of American college of Nutrition Found That eating one to two servings

15 to 30 grams of soy protein Daily Has a Significant impact on serum lipoprotein risk factors for Coronary Heart disease

to help Lower Your stroll include more Soybean Tofu soy flour Adam a Man Enriched soy milk in your diet

For more infomation >> Don't Ignore These Early Symptoms of High Cholesterol - Duration: 10:11.


RED BALL 4 RED BALL - cartoon game for kids GUMMY HART vs FREDDY 5 NIGHTS #29 - Duration: 10:35.

For more infomation >> RED BALL 4 RED BALL - cartoon game for kids GUMMY HART vs FREDDY 5 NIGHTS #29 - Duration: 10:35.


hand in hand | hand in hand miku | foot - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> hand in hand | hand in hand miku | foot - Duration: 4:03.


Lets motivate each other for fitness - Challenge to self: To reduce 20 kgs in three months - Day 45 - Duration: 8:25.

For more infomation >> Lets motivate each other for fitness - Challenge to self: To reduce 20 kgs in three months - Day 45 - Duration: 8:25.


필 미컬슨 전 캐디, 美 '캐디 명예의 전당' 입회 - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> 필 미컬슨 전 캐디, 美 '캐디 명예의 전당' 입회 - Duration: 2:07.


DAHAB COLLECTION | New Kurta Kurti Designs | Dress Design For Girls | 2017-2018 - Duration: 3:19.

DAHAB COLLECTION | New Kurta Kurti Designs | Dress Design For Girls | 2017-2018

DAHAB COLLECTION | New Kurta Kurti Designs | Dress Design For Girls | 2017-2018

DAHAB COLLECTION | New Kurta Kurti Designs | Dress Design For Girls | 2017-2018

DAHAB COLLECTION | New Kurta Kurti Designs | Dress Design For Girls | 2017-2018

DAHAB COLLECTION | New Kurta Kurti Designs | Dress Design For Girls | 2017-2018

For more infomation >> DAHAB COLLECTION | New Kurta Kurti Designs | Dress Design For Girls | 2017-2018 - Duration: 3:19.


이빨 드러낸 최강희 '3가지 고민' - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> 이빨 드러낸 최강희 '3가지 고민' - Duration: 7:13.


혼다, 오스트리아·캄보디아 이어 우간다 클럽 인수 - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> 혼다, 오스트리아·캄보디아 이어 우간다 클럽 인수 - Duration: 2:43.


K리그, '15년' 잃어버린 월드컵 '주인의식' 되찾자 - Duration: 10:34.

For more infomation >> K리그, '15년' 잃어버린 월드컵 '주인의식' 되찾자 - Duration: 10:34.


[단독] 피에스타 재이, '나의 아름다운 신분세탁소' 여주인공 발탁-kobiztv - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> [단독] 피에스타 재이, '나의 아름다운 신분세탁소' 여주인공 발탁-kobiztv - Duration: 2:40.


Recomendado pelo YouTube

For more infomation >> Recomendado pelo YouTube


Rozi k Gharibi darwaze kholne ka wazifa in urdu kamran sultan - Duration: 3:40.

Rozi k Gharibi darwaze kholne ka wazifa in urdu kamran sultan

For more infomation >> Rozi k Gharibi darwaze kholne ka wazifa in urdu kamran sultan - Duration: 3:40.


कुरकुरीत डोसा | How to make Dosa | Crispy Dosa Recipe | Dosa Batter Recipe | MadhurasRecipe - Duration: 9:20.

For more infomation >> कुरकुरीत डोसा | How to make Dosa | Crispy Dosa Recipe | Dosa Batter Recipe | MadhurasRecipe - Duration: 9:20.


Kaia Gerber w seksownej stylizacji na gali w Nowym Jorku. Podobna do mamy? - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Kaia Gerber w seksownej stylizacji na gali w Nowym Jorku. Podobna do mamy? - Duration: 2:03.


The return of the digital Canon. What it is and how it affects us. - Duration: 4:47.

After a season off our lives

returns the digital canon.

Hello my name is Angel and I Shoes I'll tell you a little what it is

the new, to call it something, digital canon. If indeed becomes the digital canon

our lives and this time it seems that to stay.

Retakes the old mode and now per CD, mobile and tablet, etc.

supports, have to pay an amount extra to compensate for the copy


But why now becomes the canon digital? Very simple, because the

European justice He lay down the last two charges.

So the legislature has made lace Bobbin for societies that

manage copyright charge these amounts, with the state as

intermediate collector again. But this Once a bit has changed the rules of

game and have done to make it as possible for more complicated

users. Still, we will try to explain it.

For starters they have released a list of devices that have to pay. You

Examples story: Printer € 5,25 multifunction recorder

€ 0,33 discs, disc recorder Versatile specific or mixed 1,86 €,

rewritable disc 10 cents, and and even much more.

For example, external hard disks by 6,45 €,

hard drives integrated by 5.45 euros, which did not understand what

is the difference between an internal and an external and why a euro difference.

But hey, they have put them ... We will not discuss it. And, for example,

3.15 euros tablets or mobile 1.10 euros.

Of those rates to meet the European standard,

According to them, there are exceptions to public bodies and companies

they can demonstrate their activity professional.

Also, if already taken, Returns may be made to

people who demonstrate the use Professional device, although that

they have put so make this request is very complicated.

The rest of the citizens do what we do have to pay period.

And very careful because they have changed fully the definition of private copying.

But this does not end here, because everything I have told is provisional.

Government within a year is given to update the standard and make it

up with the idea of ​​including new means exist today as

the SmarTV or systems cloud storage; because who

record a cd today? What if taxed with digital canon

the media, who would be the big losers? As new

pay per view platforms as Netflix or HBO may be affected

by these movements, just those that They have achieved the level of consumption

original audiovisual content They have grown at the expense of others

methods. In short, the past becomes the canon

digital to stay, for now the Device list is provisional and

this has just begun. One thing is clear: the money will go to

end of the pockets of consumers.

And with this we have completed the video today. If you liked the video,

subscribe to the channel, put your comments on this topic,

above all, share video and be happy, that's always the most

important. See you in the next video.


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