Monday, September 18, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 19 2017

I was just leaving anyway

So then...


Sorry. Sorry for crashing in on you like that.

You live here. So, now and then that's okay.

Well, when Vanessa is here with you, I'm glad to interrupt

Unfortunately, you're too late for that. She left right after our tutoring session.

Hm, I'm sure not by choice

Excuse me??

Oh, nothing

So then, did you talk things out with Hanna?

Between us there's really nothing left to say

All I mean is, I would be really happy for you guys

And for me. After all, you're my friend and she's my aunt.

I believe, for the next little while, I'm going to think about myself for a change

Thank you, sweetheart


What is it, sweetheart?

It's not like that bothers me, but... maybe it would be easier for you if you found yourself a girlfriend?

Oohh... that's EXACTLY what a man wants to hear from his fiance

Well now, you allow ME so many liberties, why should I be close-minded?

Well now, then I guess I'll give it some thought

How was your day, sweetheart?

The usual dose of venom from Sylvia Jones

Oh, I'm sorry about that

Me too. Yeah, I had pictured my entry into the Lahnstein Holding somewhat differently.


How much?

I don't want money, I want to ask you something important

== Good evening to you, too, Vanessa. == Carla.

Right, Vanessa, that's impolite. You can't just burst in here like this. One doesn't do that!

== I thought I was welcome here at Königsbrunn?? == It's all right, don't worry about it.

After all, your daughter shouldn't be short-changed. Upbringing is important.

Especially with Vanessa

Well, what then?

Okay. My professor Lars Schneider is giving me some tutoring.

But lately he's been so distracted. Whenever I'm trying to study with him, Hanna, his stupid ex, drops in and--

Hanna Novak


You and Lars, you know each other really well

Can't you tell him, kinda between guys, that he should concentrate on his job?


That is his private business. Ww..what gives you such an idea?

Because I want to pass my tests

I just want you to be proud of me

Hey. Lars is in the shower.


You of all people are arriving early for tutoring...?

I take my studies seriously

== Or did your Daddy perhaps threaten to block your credit cards, hm? == Think whatever you want.

You're right. Due to the ice cream parlor, it's been weeks since I saw the inside of the university.

Are you at least having fun?

Hmm, not really - not without Alexa

Oh, she should be getting back from her tour soon, shouldn't she?

Not for a while, but maybe I...

Uh, Vanessa? Wouldn't you rather wait here?

Uh, I'm sure Lars won't mind

If you say so. See you later, bye.

What are you doing here?!

Uh... I'm enjoying the view




'Respect for personal privacy'

We don't get to that till next semester

Fine, then I'll see you in a minute


So, let's get started

I think you still weren't clear on options

Right, and we didn't have any more time yesterday

Sorry for throwing you out like that

It's all right. Did you guys at least make up?

Definitely not

She really hurt you badly, didn't she?

I don't get it. You're such a wonderful man.

If I found a boyfriend like you, I would treat him a lot differently

A LOT differently

You have too much imagination!

Hey, I'm your professor, nothing more!

Okay. See you then.

I'm meeting my father this afternoon, and then we'll discuss how we'll proceed regarding you

How many times do I have to tell you? It was not ME who drove up the Gordon Productions stock price.

Only three people knew about that transaction: my father, me, and you

Maybe you were the one who spread the rumor?

Yeah right

I've been a thorn in your side from the beginning. So you're casting suspicion on me in order to get rid of me.

Oh, and cause damage to the company?

Not hardly

But quite obviously you DO let yourself be guided by personal feelings like that

I am not a traitor!!

Ms. Jones, spare yourself the theatrics

You prejudged me from the beginning

Let me put it this way -

Yes, I did in fact have doubts about your loyalty from the beginning

Of course I've also considered other possible ways in which that information could have made it to the stock market

However, you know the results of my investigation

Oh, and uhm...

If I may give you one last, well-meaning piece of advice...

My father, too, prizes people who know when it's time to step down

Wonderful. But I have nothing to feel guilty about.

Mhm, give it some thought anyway

And with that, the Sylvia Jones chapter should be over and done with forever

Oh, I'm sorry, sorry!

I know I'm really late, but naturally Arno wanted to know everything

It's no big deal, not a problem

Carla was kind enough to help me out

Oh, I see, great

Geez, Hanna, I'm really starting to feel guilty, though

You're constantly jumping in here for me, then you give me a trip to Milan...

You're my best friend!

And Florian was really happy about it

How about if I cook for the three of us this evening?

== Yes! == As atonement, so to say. It would be, uhm... homemade gnocchis?

Yes, I won't say no to that!

Sorry, but I have to go back to the office later. But I'd be happy to another time.

Oh, going down. Right, where else.

== Well, if you're coming, get in. == Oh, I'd rather not, your downward trajectory might be contagious!

My God, then don't

So, tell me, are you going to abdicate voluntarily, or are you going to wait until you GET abdicated?

What, how do you know...?

Oh, so then the rumors are true

YOU circulated that information

Oh, please. Me, an insignificant employee...

... tolerated by the family. How am I supposed to have come into possession of such highly explosive information?

By the usual means. Blackmail, threats, whatever.

Oh, I don't resort to YOUR means! Good news simply spreads fast here.

Suspiciously fast

But if you're gambling on getting my position, you'll NEVER succeed

Step down. While you still have a job to step down FROM. May I?

Enjoy the ride

How do you know...?

Of course!


You dirty little rat

Can we go? Or is something else going to occur to you that you absolutely must take care of?

Carla, I told Isabell yes. And furthermore, I can't leave her this messy workplace.

Okay, fine. If it means that much to you, then the three of us will have dinner together tonight, all right?

Thanks, but now I don't feel like it anymore. I don't want you to feel obligated.

Well girls, you can't tear yourselves away

Sure we can. But you can still use a little help, right?

Yeahh. Well, if you guys could prepare these orders for me, before you leave, that would be really nice of you!

Yeah sure, no problem

Hanna, I don't understand you! First you say you want to be with me, and in the very same breath you accept that invitation!

Carla, ever since we got together, I've been turning down Isabell's offers

Our friendship is going to end up on the rocks. I don't want that!

== I know how important the friendship is to you. == Yeah, and despite that you still don't say yes.

I simply don't want to have to keep disguising my feelings in front of others!

You think I enjoy it??


I do it too - for you, your family, your friends

For ME there is a lot at stake!

Yes, for me too

Hanna, please, let's not fight. Come on, we'll go somewhere else that's more private, all right?


Carla, I LOVE you, and I want to share in your life

It's just really too bad that you don't have any interest in MY life


It's unlocked

Maybe you're right and I really have been too concerned about myself in our relationship

Mhm, and where did this sudden change of heart come from?

A relationship only works when each shares in the other's life

A very intelligent friend once told me

I really would like to get to know Isabell

Even if you have to hide your feelings the whole evening?

If that doesn't bother you?

It does. But the three of us spending the evening together is simply more important to me.

But for now it's still just the two of us

== Without Isabell. == Yeah.

Everything okay with your eye now?

Yes, it seems to be out now

Sorry for being a pest again, but it seemed like everybody paid with bills today, you know?

No problem. Do you have enough coin rolls?

Mhm, yep. I went to the bank today.

All right then....


I... was on the phone with my office earlier

The meeting this evening has been postponed

So, if the invitation is still good...?

Yes, sure, absolutely! I'm glad.

Me too

Well, then we'll see each other tonight

== Bye. == See you later, bye.

I really am glad

So. Have you ever had Hanna's cooking before?

I mean, has she cooked for you? She's really good.

== Oh yeah? == Mhm

Maybe I'll have the pleasure someday

So, do you at least get to see each other often?

Seldom. We're both very tied up professionally.

Yeah, bummer, isn't it? I mean, when something's always interfering.


And Hanna and I, we've really survived a lot of things together

We have. And so many times I've asked for her advice...

Yes, I can well imagine that. Hanna has quite a few qualities.

Yeah right, but... - Here we are...

She always tells me her opinion, even if I don't like hearing it

Yes, and you do the same!

And by now we know everything about each other

Well, almost everything

Mm!...I could do with another glass, girls, what do you say?


== Yeah? == Mhm

And it just so happens we have a pub in the house!

Back in a minute

So, is it more or less bearable, or are you just bored?

Ach, not at all

Are you just saying that so you won't spoil my evening?

Oh come now, I wouldn't lie to you!

I find Isabell to be really personable

And I can well understand why the friendship is so important to you


... Isabell and I were not always completely candid with each other in the past

We wanted that to never happen again

I see

If I keep on lying to Isabell, it's going to ruin our friendship

You want to tell her about us


I'm sure she wouldn't say anything

Why are you starting with this again? I have always told you that it has to be this way or not at all.

Have you ever asked yourself what it's like for me?!

Hanna, please!

Carla, you turned my whole life upside down, fine

It took me long enough to figure things out myself. And now I'm supposed to put on an act for my best friend??

If it's any comfort - I know exactly how you feel

I went through the same thing myself!

No. If you really want to know, it isn't any comfort to me.

Then I'm sorry

I can't change my sentiments

I can't change ME

For more infomation >> 041 Carla & Hanna - Duration: 15:49.


Las aventuras de Sir Thomas Browne en el siglo XXI - Hugh Aldersey-Williams - Siruela - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> Las aventuras de Sir Thomas Browne en el siglo XXI - Hugh Aldersey-Williams - Siruela - Duration: 6:04.


Dinosaur Movie For Kids Color Dinosaur Videos 3D King Kong Vs Dinosaurs Epic Battle For Children - Duration: 11:18.

Dinosaur Movie For Kids Color Dinosaur Videos 3D King Kong Vs Dinosaurs Epic Battle For Children

For more infomation >> Dinosaur Movie For Kids Color Dinosaur Videos 3D King Kong Vs Dinosaurs Epic Battle For Children - Duration: 11:18.


Endetté, Johnny Depp prêt à s'embarquer pour Pirates des Caraïbes 6 - [Actualités 24h] - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Endetté, Johnny Depp prêt à s'embarquer pour Pirates des Caraïbes 6 - [Actualités 24h] - Duration: 1:50.


Albert de Monaco adopte la fine moustache en hommage à son père (photo) - [Actualités 24h] - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Albert de Monaco adopte la fine moustache en hommage à son père (photo) - [Actualités 24h] - Duration: 1:18.


Brigitte Bardot se livre comme jamais face Franz-Olivier Giesbert (vidéo) - [Actualités 24h] - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Bardot se livre comme jamais face Franz-Olivier Giesbert (vidéo) - [Actualités 24h] - Duration: 1:01.


Tamba Hali - Chief

For more infomation >> Tamba Hali - Chief


football - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> football - Duration: 2:51.


Сорта безвременника и виды (весеннецветущие и осеннецветущие) - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Сорта безвременника и виды (весеннецветущие и осеннецветущие) - Duration: 5:27.


Dù 1 Ngày Ăn 6 Bữa Mẹ 1 Con Vẫn Giảm 12Kg Ngon Ơ Chỉ Nhờ Cách Siêu Đơn Giản Này - Duration: 10:45.

For more infomation >> Dù 1 Ngày Ăn 6 Bữa Mẹ 1 Con Vẫn Giảm 12Kg Ngon Ơ Chỉ Nhờ Cách Siêu Đơn Giản Này - Duration: 10:45.


Potato & Corn Cheese Balls - Easy Snacks Recipe | Cook With Fariha (2017) - Duration: 4:41.

Hello Friends

Today we are going to make Potato & Corn Cheese Balls

It will be delicious

I'm using 1 bread slice soaked into water and sqeezed

I'm using homemade bread crumbs which you can easily make at home

Take 3-4 bread slices and grind them

Let's start now

Add potato in bowl

Sweet Corns


1 bread slice, I have squeezed properly

Chopped onion

Red Crushed Chili

Salt to Taste

Chat Masala

Mix it properly

Always Wash Your Hands Before Making Anything

Make it mixture like this

Now take Maida (All Pupose) Flour Mix With Water

I'll show you how thick batter should be

Which we'll use for coating cheese balls

We have to coat our corn balls as we have used cheese in mixture

So cheese will not come out while frying

It should be thick like this, I have used 4 tbsp water

Now we'll make balls

You can adjust the size of ball

It can be made easily by hands

Make all one by one

It taste really good

You can make for your kids or serve as snacks

We'll do the coating now then we'll fry

We'll dip into the maida flour batter

It'll help to stick

There will be no problem while frying

Cheese will not come out

It's better to use homemade crumbs

Take 3-4 breads slices and grind them

Make coat of crumbs properly

And fry them

It will take 4-5 minutes and our cheesy balls will be ready

Change sides while frying

It's getting ready beautifully

No shapeless

Once it turns into gold brown color

We'll take out

It's ready

It's ready, you can serve with Mint/ Coriander Sauce

Or With Ketchup

I'll show you from inside as well

Must try, if you like this then do thumbs up, comment

Tell us how it goes,

If you like my videos

Then Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel

Thanks For Watching, Good Bye

For more infomation >> Potato & Corn Cheese Balls - Easy Snacks Recipe | Cook With Fariha (2017) - Duration: 4:41.


Spotify® RapCaviar

For more infomation >> Spotify® RapCaviar


This is me when i game - Duration: 9:28.

Hey guys its me Van

Hey guys its me van

And today we are playing surf (omg cringy much)

idk some wavy hand movement

Im alright i think but why?

what is this..

I usually go on the other side

Its way easier


that face tho xD

For more infomation >> This is me when i game - Duration: 9:28.


Toyota Prius 1.5 VVT-I Aut. Hybride Comfort/ Climate control/ Cruise control/ Trekhaak/ Pdc achter/ - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Prius 1.5 VVT-I Aut. Hybride Comfort/ Climate control/ Cruise control/ Trekhaak/ Pdc achter/ - Duration: 1:00.


Renault Mégane 2.0i TCE 180 pk 5-drs Dynamique met Clima / Navi / Xenon / Panoramadak / PDC. - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane 2.0i TCE 180 pk 5-drs Dynamique met Clima / Navi / Xenon / Panoramadak / PDC. - Duration: 0:59.



For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6I DIFFÉRENCE / CLIMATE-CONTROL / C.VERGR.AFSTANDBEDIEND / ELEK RAMEN / RA - Duration: 0:59.



For more infomation >> Citroën C2 1.4I VTR 1e EIGENAAR / ELEK RMN / C.VERGR AFSTANDBEDIEND / CRUISE CONTROL / LM VELGEN / - Duration: 0:56.



For more infomation >> Chevrolet Tacuma 2.0i CLASS AUTOMAAT AIRCO ECC ELECTROPAKKET TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:54.


Dinosaur Movie For Kids Color Dinosaur Videos 3D King Kong Vs Dinosaurs Epic Battle For Children - Duration: 11:18.

Dinosaur Movie For Kids Color Dinosaur Videos 3D King Kong Vs Dinosaurs Epic Battle For Children

For more infomation >> Dinosaur Movie For Kids Color Dinosaur Videos 3D King Kong Vs Dinosaurs Epic Battle For Children - Duration: 11:18.


BOAT FROM A GIANT PILLOW - DIY - Duration: 10:17.

Hi guys, what's up?

I'm the interesting

and I'm Ficus

Today we'll have an amazing experiment

I came across such a big thing called Flexi tank

This is a gigantic bag in which fluids are transported

And I came up with the idea of using this giant tank for sailing

So that you understand its 30,000 liters, freaking 30,000 liters in volume

That's huge, in fact a mega huge pillow which we'll try to inflate

And what we get out of it, you'll see it later

So let's go to pick the giant pillow

What do you think? Will it be huge?

No, I think its volume will be compressed

They sent us someone's body

You are as always with positive energy, dude

looks interesting

But what's that?

It's like a huge container. Need to take it to mom, you know how much potatoes she can store in it.


Now the most important and difficult task is to find a way to inflate this pillow because it's not designed for air filling.

It's used for transporting liquids. Well, now we need to find some connector for the pump to inflate it.

It's too tight

Whoa! What's there?

I understood

Hey, it clacked

I think we need to screw this somewhere here so that this thing doesn't break it when it'll be inflated.

In order to make it easier for us to move around our pillow, we took the ropes to tie it around, so that we can grasp it if we suddenly fall

And we also took a lot of paint because this time we'll have the largest YouTube button ever. It'll be just huge.

The problem is its getting cold in here, its 18 degree outside, but we really want to sail today on this pillow.

And another big problem is with the pump, we can't find a pump for rent, to pump up the pillow.

It's really a big problem, the compressors don't fit because they have a small vent, but we have got a big inlet, you saw it.

And the ones for trampoline - they don't give anything on rent. Although, we found a guy who is ready to give us a pump but he seems to be so busy that he can't even take out some time

I even offered him to pay a double amount for renting the pump but he is really busy. And the third problem is that, we don't have a nozzle, which is needed to connect with the pump to inflate this pillow.

And we have a very little time, since we had bad weather for last couple of days, it was raining.


So we've just 3 days to film this video

Its again cloudy outside, but we want to sail doesn't matter cold or not.

We've plan to sail in the Dnieper River (this is a very large river) and we want to sail across and along the river, in general we have very insane plans, and I hope that we'll be able to do it today and the weather won't create problem for us.

I found 10 hryvnas in a puddle. Sergey laughs at me and says that I'm greedy, but I know how hard it is to earn this money. I'd rather give it to some homeless person.

Sergey, would you have picked it up?

Well bloggers don't really earn so much, so yes; I would have picked it up.

An old granny sits over there on the corner and always asks for money

Then give it to her

Hope she's there today.

In the meantime we are puzzling over how to inflate our pillow

Because we've got such a pump - a square shape one with a big vent and we have here such an inlet in our pillow, which is smaller and round.

Will this thing fit? Well, I even don't know, we'll try, because we have no other options.

The pillow is very heavy and I wonder when we fill it with air - will it be harder?

I think it'll be from that fence to this pit in length.

Guys, it's huge, I can't imagine how cool it'll be on it on the water. It's like a huge Steamboat

And now I'm going to make the YouTube icon, the biggest one in the history of our videos, and I think for YouTube as well.

But why exactly now?

Because when it'll be inflated, it will be textured and will be harder for me to draw the icon smoothly and beautifully. Therefore, it's better to do it right now.

Are you hiding from the rain?

Yes, I'm expecting a downpour

Yeah, it's a heavy rainfall.

We decided to make a connector here, as we said, from the pipe

Well, I think everything will be fine, just need to make sure that the other side is nicely fixed to our pillow.

As in in the movie "Ghostbusters", now I'll blow off the ghosts.

And I was just thinking where I could get the rake to take it all away.

Now there will be a trial version. Ficus, are you scared?


It's inflating

Guys, see how quickly it inflates, it's a very powerful pump

It's growing like a yeast and resembles a large dumpling

We realized that we can't carry it to the river, because the river is far away, and the pillow has become very heavy, so now we have to deflate it and carry it to the closer place

Giant ball

What a terrible cloud and coming towards here


We release a bit of air from the pillow,

Come on

All right?

Not able to climb up

It looks like a simulator

After a couple of minutes there was a heavy rainfall and we had to hid in the car, was bit disappointed that couldn't sail much and had to end the filming.

After a while the rain stopped and I went to deflate the pillow but for the last time I decided to climb on it, and you won't believe - I sailed.

Guys, we managed to sail on this pillow and this was the main objective of this video

Yes, and we achieved it and managed to curb this pillow

Although it was difficult and we almost gave up

If you liked this video, make sure you hit the likes

Well also don't forget to subscribe to our channel.

And if you have got some ideas then write them in the comments, one of them we can implement in our next videos

Yes, and also write if we gone wrong somewhere and what else can be done with this pillow because we still have it with us.

Well, thanks for watching, Guys.

See you soon

For more infomation >> BOAT FROM A GIANT PILLOW - DIY - Duration: 10:17.


"오늘 결혼했어요~"…이지혜, 행복한 새신부 - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> "오늘 결혼했어요~"…이지혜, 행복한 새신부 - Duration: 2:59.


ミス・ティーン・ジャパン:グランプリの佐藤梨紗子さんは"黒木メイサ似" 「存在感のあるモデルになりたい」 - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> ミス・ティーン・ジャパン:グランプリの佐藤梨紗子さんは"黒木メイサ似" 「存在感のあるモデルになりたい」 - Duration: 3:54.


Сорта безвременника и виды (весеннецветущие и осеннецветущие) - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Сорта безвременника и виды (весеннецветущие и осеннецветущие) - Duration: 5:27.


料理研究家・鈴木あすな氏、妊娠を報告 夫は元プロ野球選手 - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> 料理研究家・鈴木あすな氏、妊娠を報告 夫は元プロ野球選手 - Duration: 2:08.


Potato & Corn Cheese Balls - Easy Snacks Recipe | Cook With Fariha (2017) - Duration: 4:41.

Hello Friends

Today we are going to make Potato & Corn Cheese Balls

It will be delicious

I'm using 1 bread slice soaked into water and sqeezed

I'm using homemade bread crumbs which you can easily make at home

Take 3-4 bread slices and grind them

Let's start now

Add potato in bowl

Sweet Corns


1 bread slice, I have squeezed properly

Chopped onion

Red Crushed Chili

Salt to Taste

Chat Masala

Mix it properly

Always Wash Your Hands Before Making Anything

Make it mixture like this

Now take Maida (All Pupose) Flour Mix With Water

I'll show you how thick batter should be

Which we'll use for coating cheese balls

We have to coat our corn balls as we have used cheese in mixture

So cheese will not come out while frying

It should be thick like this, I have used 4 tbsp water

Now we'll make balls

You can adjust the size of ball

It can be made easily by hands

Make all one by one

It taste really good

You can make for your kids or serve as snacks

We'll do the coating now then we'll fry

We'll dip into the maida flour batter

It'll help to stick

There will be no problem while frying

Cheese will not come out

It's better to use homemade crumbs

Take 3-4 breads slices and grind them

Make coat of crumbs properly

And fry them

It will take 4-5 minutes and our cheesy balls will be ready

Change sides while frying

It's getting ready beautifully

No shapeless

Once it turns into gold brown color

We'll take out

It's ready

It's ready, you can serve with Mint/ Coriander Sauce

Or With Ketchup

I'll show you from inside as well

Must try, if you like this then do thumbs up, comment

Tell us how it goes,

If you like my videos

Then Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel

Thanks For Watching, Good Bye

For more infomation >> Potato & Corn Cheese Balls - Easy Snacks Recipe | Cook With Fariha (2017) - Duration: 4:41.


How much more research do we need before we have a National ICAC? - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> How much more research do we need before we have a National ICAC? - Duration: 3:28.


Heidi Daus "Deco Master Clasp" Necklace/Bracelet Set - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Heidi Daus "Deco Master Clasp" Necklace/Bracelet Set - Duration: 4:14.


[ENG SUB]170919 EXO-KAI "안단테" 제작발표회 대기실" Andante" Press Conference Backstage - Duration: 17:13.

I'm Kang Ahrang,

an announcer from KBS.

This is the press conference

for the drama "Andante".

We're going to speak to the actors today.


Hello, I'm Kai from EXO

who plays a boy who transfers to the country.

I'm Kim Jinkyung,

who plays a student who is mysterious.

Hello, I play a student who dreams of becoming a doctor.

Hello, I'm Lee Yehyun.

We have a lot of great actors today.

What kind of drama are you in?

The drama "Andante"

is about a boy called Sikyung

who learns about the meaning of life

and love as he runs into unfamiliar situations.

Please tell us more, Jinkyung.

It's about friendship and love

so I think you'll really like it.

I think it's going to be great.

You guys can't seem to stop smiling.

We have a lot of comments.

Do you see any good ones?

They're going up too fast.

It's incredible to have so many viewers.

"Andante, fighting!"

People seem to be really looking forward to it.

There are so many emoticons.

Do you see any good ones?

They're saying that Kai is cute.

There are lots of international fans also.

Can you say something for thme?

Please look forward to the drama.

I'm going to ask you a few questions

and you can point to the person

that you think it relates most to.

Who is the brightest on set?

Kai has 2 votes.

Are you pointing to Kai?

I chose him because

he jokes around a lot on set and makes people laugh.

I think he brightened the atmosphere a lot.

You chose Chulmin.

He's very playful also

and I felt that he brightened up the room.

While we were shooting

we had a lot of difficulties.

It was cold sometimes

and it would get depressing.

We used to joke around a lot to brighten things up.

I think we joked around together.

You guys have similar personalities.

Who do you think was the most different

on set?

Everyone is pointing to Jinkyung.

I choose Chulmin.

When you see Jinkyung, she seems kind of cold,

but she's very bright and honest.

What about you, Kai?

I chose Chulmin

because I remember when we first

did the script reading. He seemed very serious

but once you got to know him he's very playful.

It'd be a shame not to have him.

Since there weren't many male actors on set

it was nice to have Kai on set.

Third question.

Who do you think fits their character the most?

I don't think there is. There isn't?

There's the perfect student, and many others.

They're pointing to Kai.

What do you think?

The character Sikyung

is very different from Kai.

But they're both very playful

and it's kind of what we're used to seeing.

For me also,

I think Sikyung is a bit playful and a bit immature.

I think that's similar to Kai.

Do you think he's similar to you?

I think there are some things that are similar.

We'll look at some of the comments.

People are very excited fore the drama.

The drama airs on the 24th.

We have 11 minutes left.

Let's continue on.

In order to explain more about the drama

can you guys tell us what it's like in one word? I'll go first.

"Andante" is "healing".

Why do you say that?

Because through the drama

I think the audience will receive healing,

and I hope that's what you'll get.

"Andante" is "growing pains."

Why do you say that?

It's about a lot of growing pains

that you feel as a student. What baout you, Kai?

We're very excited.

I can't think of much,;

but "Andante" is "memories".

For me also, it's been a while,

and it gave me great memories

and made me think a lot about my past

in high school regarding my friends and family.

Let's have CHulmin go first.

"Andante" is "family". Family.

Why do you say that?

You'll know it when you watch it,

but it talks a lot about family

and you feel the love between family members

and also between friends.

We got to be like a family while shooting on set.

You can telll they're very close.

I'm very excited for the drama.

Did you think of one

I saw a comment.

"Andante" is "youth".

That's right!

It's really a drama about youth.

There's one more question

and I'm not sure we have time for it.

Who do you think was the most popular back in the day?

Who are you pointing to?

Chulmin has a lot of votes.

3 votes, then 2 votes.

Were you very popular growing up? I don't think I wasn't.

Yes, he was!

Did female students wait for you outside?

There weren't a lot, but maybe once.

What was the best gift you got from girls?

Back in the day,


I see, congraulations!

You seem to have been very popular

as well as the drama when it airs.

Now it's time to tell us

what you'll do if you reach certain ratings.

I think Yehyun seems ready.

Give us a ratings pledge.

I'll think about it.

I think Chulmin is ready. No, I'm not.

There's a fun comment.

"Peper" is "Jongin", they say.

Because I did an ad for it. I see!

Let's hear from Jinkyung.

10% is a good goal.

If we reach 10%,

If we reach 10%,

You could do bungee jumping

or dance in Myungdong.

If we reach 10%,

I'll try out skydiving.

What about you, Kai?

Is there anything you want to see?

Maybe we can ask the comments.

I'll dance in Myungdong

wearing Sikyung's outfit

if we reach over 60%.

If we reach over 10%,

I'll do a free hug in Myung dong.

The 4 actors will do a free hug

in Myungdong if they reach 10%.

They'll wewar the outfits in the poster.

I'll go see you if you reach your goal.

Before we say good-bye,

some of you want to see them up close.

So we'll bring the camera up closer.

We'll have each of you say hello.

You'll see that the drama is very fun,

so please look forward to it. Thank you.

We worked very hard on the drama

in the cold, so I hope that you'll support us.

Please look forward to the drama

and I hope you'll receive a lot of healign

and great memories from it.

Just as they said,

Did you see any fun comments?

They're all cheering us on

and sending us lots of hearts.

They're saying they'll watch the drama.

When is the first airing?

It's on September 24th, at 10am.

This Sunday, please tune in.

Let's finish off with a heart and fighting.

Thank you so much!

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB]170919 EXO-KAI "안단테" 제작발표회 대기실" Andante" Press Conference Backstage - Duration: 17:13.


Most Famous Indian Idol Contestant & Their Amazing Transformation | Then and Now - SM - Duration: 2:30.

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