Monday, September 18, 2017

Youtube daily report w Sep 19 2017

Despair is accompanied by a funeral cortege.

It seems like falling into despair, feeling a deep emotional pain is something terribly alienating.

Well, it's not true. It turns out that focusing on the big picture we can see that despair is accompanied by a funeral cortege.

These are the people who keep saying: nothing can be done about this situation.

The only thing you can do is give in to sadness and despair.

It is worth identifying this funeral cortege with people who shake their heads and keep saying: What a shame!

She/He used to be so cool, they kept improving their abilities, so much was there to happen yet.

But it's all over now and they're not gonna make it.

It's all all over. They're done.

Jesus touched the stretcher where the mother's distress had been put - her late son, her only child.

He stopped those who were carrying the stretcher, touched it, stopped the funeral cortege and not until then did he resurrect that child.

Look around and see who is in your funeral cortege of hopelessness. Then turn to the Lord

who is inviting you to a new cortege. He's presenting you the new way where you are going to look for the signs of hope.

Above all by being in His arms which He puts where all your hopelessness is stored.

For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP - 19 września 2017 - (Łk 7, 11-17) - Duration: 2:25.


Meet Kiersey Clemons: Name to Know | The Fall Issue | Who What Wear - Duration: 1:29.

Hey, I'm Kiersey, and welcome to my Who What Wear shoot.

K is for kisses.

I like to give kisses.

I'm an intimate person.

I is for indulgent.

I am passionate about everything.

Friends, food, fun.

E is for emotional.

I'm an actor.

I'm emotional.

R is for a radical.

S is for sexy.

I can't say it.

That's a tongue twister.

E is for extraterrestrial like E.T.

Someone said I looked like E.T once, but I also just feel like I'm from another planet.

Y is for yas.

That's a wrap.

For more infomation >> Meet Kiersey Clemons: Name to Know | The Fall Issue | Who What Wear - Duration: 1:29.


Batman: Gotham By Gaslight - Movie - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> Batman: Gotham By Gaslight - Movie - Duration: 0:26.


WWE: SummerSlam 2017 - Movie - Duration: 3:46:13.

For more infomation >> WWE: SummerSlam 2017 - Movie - Duration: 3:46:13.


Negative - Movie - Duration: 1:39:11.

For more infomation >> Negative - Movie - Duration: 1:39:11.


A "Domenica Live" bufera sui ritocchini estetici di Asia Nuccitelli | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> A "Domenica Live" bufera sui ritocchini estetici di Asia Nuccitelli | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:11.


Las aventuras de Sir Thomas Browne en el siglo XXI - Hugh Aldersey-Williams - Siruela - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> Las aventuras de Sir Thomas Browne en el siglo XXI - Hugh Aldersey-Williams - Siruela - Duration: 6:04.


Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds - Learn Dinosaurs Names - Squishy Dinosaurs | NomNom TOYS - Duration: 9:51.


Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds - Learn Dinosaurs Names - Squishy Dinosaurs | NomNom TOYS

For more infomation >> Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds - Learn Dinosaurs Names - Squishy Dinosaurs | NomNom TOYS - Duration: 9:51.


Maria se transforma em furacão rumo às Antilhas e a Porto Rico - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Maria se transforma em furacão rumo às Antilhas e a Porto Rico - Duration: 3:49.


Naghmat e Raza Episode 19 - Haji Abdul Habib Attari - Duration: 24:36.

Subscribe Now!

For more infomation >> Naghmat e Raza Episode 19 - Haji Abdul Habib Attari - Duration: 24:36.


YouTube TV Now Available

For more infomation >> YouTube TV Now Available


GOP Gives Up On Bipartisanship, Backs New Obamacare Repeal | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 9:47.

For more infomation >> GOP Gives Up On Bipartisanship, Backs New Obamacare Repeal | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 9:47.


Husband and Wife Love After Marriage - EP 2 - Duration: 1:25.

Husband and Wife Love After Marriage - EP 2

Husband and Wife Love After Marriage - EP 2

Husband and Wife Love After Marriage - EP 2

For more infomation >> Husband and Wife Love After Marriage - EP 2 - Duration: 1:25.


Mudites and Anti-Mudites - Duration: 5:47.

Christians I say are to look at the hope of their calling these are the

things are the result of sin and division the world was never meant to be

divided into Jew and Gentile barbarian and Scythian bond nor free high or low great

and small that's men that sin that's the devil and we must never look back at

those things we must look forward to the hope of our calling and that is one and

that is always the same but let me put it like this also in the second

principle we must not only not look back and dwell upon that from which we were

saved we must not even dwell upon our conversion experiences I mean now the

actual experience of conversion I am no longer speaking of the life out of which

you've come but the actual event of the actual experience of conversion because

here again you see is something that inevitably tends to divide us there are

some people who had a very dramatic conversion they may have undergone

agony's of repentance and remorse it may have lasted a long time and at

last in some most dramatic moment they saw the light and were saved there were

there are others who rarely cannot give you the exact moment the exact time

of their conversion it was quiet it was almost unobserved they can't I say

identify any particular event or moment but what they do know is that whereas

they were once yet they're now alive they know that they love the Lord Jesus

Christ and they desire him above everything else and want to be with him

and to be like him but you see the two types of experience are very different and as

a pastor and minister I can testify to the harm and the damage and the

divisions and the distinctions that stressing the form of conversion

experience has in the life of the church

it works in many ways sometimes it does great harm to the man himself who's had

the dramatic conversion he becomes proud of it

he becomes the kind of showpiece and he's a different Christian from the

others and he tends to despise the man who isn't quite sure of the way in which

it happened or when it happened and on the other hand this person who

said the quiet experience he sometimes is made to think that perhaps is not a

Christian at all because his experience doesn't conform to the dramatic pattern

he's given the impression in meetings that only the dramatic is the truth

because the quiet people are never called forward and so he says well I

wonder whether I really am a Christian am I really in the kingdom or not and

you have divisions and distinctions flashing experiences quiet

experiences and thus these wrong and sinful divisions and schisms enter into

the life of the church perhaps again I can best put this by repeating something

I once heard the famous John McNeil say in this connection and I think it was

very good he was imagining a conversation between two of the blind

men that were healed by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ he was imagining a

conversation between the blind man whose healing is recorded in the 9th chapter

of John and the blind man whose healing is recording the 8th chapter of the

Gospel according to St. Mark you remember the differences don't you in

the case of the man in the 9th chapter of John our Lord spat upon some clay on

the ground and he mixed it and he anointed the man's eyes with a mixture

of clay and spittle and told him to go and wash in the pool of Siloam

in this case of the man in the 8th of Mark he did nothing of the sort

and John McNeil was imagining these two men meeting later on and having a

conversation together and he put it in his own inimitable way like this the man

in the 9th of John said to the man in the 8th of Mark he said "what did

you feel like when he put on your eyes that mixture of clay and spittle?"

"clay and spittle?" said the man in Mark 8. "I don't know anything about clay and

spittle." "What," said the other man, "don't you remember while when he spat upon the

ground and he made the mixture and then put it on your eyes well I'm asking what

did you feel?" but he said there was nothing put on my eyes and on and on the

conversation went the man in the 9th of John bringing out his questions and the

other man displaying ignorance and at last the man in the 9th of John said

to the other look here he said I don't think you've been healed at all you must

still be blind if he didn't put the clay on your eyes it's still a fact that you

can't see quite right in other words said John McNeil because they were both

looking back at their experiences two religious denominations came into being

at once the Mudites and the Anti-Mudites

For more infomation >> Mudites and Anti-Mudites - Duration: 5:47.


PROOF That DESTROYS Heliocentric Model - Part 1 - Duration: 18:22.

English (CC)

Hi everyone- Rich, Mr. Thrive & Survive... Here is the long-awaited series

which is going to be, uh, which will absolutely debunk and get rid of the

heliocentric model as presented to us by NASA and by science. By the end of the

series anybody with a working brain cell and willing to accept logic and proof

over cognitive dissidence and any other sort of mental disorder which keeps

people from the truth and I believe there's more than one cause; will have

to admit that the truth is that the heliocentric model is absolutely

decimated just from the evidence alone presented to us from the Eclipse in

North America on August 21st 2017. What I did was I had an interview with Chris

"Monk"; that is one name he's known by. Chris Sealy! You will find him in the "Sun

and Moon Group" he's there fairly often. Not all the time. I am actually in the

"Sun and Moon Group" at times as well and I will try to let you guys know in

advance more often when I'm going to be there. However all you have to do is

listen to Chris for about five minutes or so and the actual letters that come

after his name for the degrees he has in engineering and different things like

that make no difference whatsoever because you can tell by the way he talks

he is highly educated. I would put the...Uh, thing with the Sun and Moon group is

they have a couple of what I consider 'ultra geniuses' in the group; at least two.

What I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be interjecting into this series the

interview I had directly one-on-one with Chris which is what's going to be

presented here in part one and I will be interjected other evidence that came

from other people randomly and also someone else in the Sun and Moon group

at least one other person who has presented them a model from Google's own

data and combining these forces together we can actually tell what the model of

the earth really is. It's that strong of an evidence and as I alluded to before

this is evidence that once it's presented and what it's once it is

understood the masses may not understand this because it is not simple science.

Those of you who are willing to put some effort into it at almost any intellect

level will be able to understand it. Keep an open mind! Don't accept it just

because I'm presenting it to you. Use critical thinking! I have a critical

thinking series here that's quite long unfortunately but it's necessary to show

how to use critical thinking. I will link to that here as well in a 'card' but as

you will see I will... I've decided to take an interview that I have with him that

lasted I'm just guessing an hour, hour and a half or something like that and I'm

going to condense it down into several different hopefully 15 to 20 minutes

parts so the people can digest it all at once. Many people do not want to watch a

two-hour video and unfortunately that is just the reality of the way it is today.

Everything needs to be compressed down for people to get it. Most people won't

even want to watch 15 minutes at a time or 20 minutes but that's what I'm going

to try to to to do in this series. I don't know how many parts is going to

end up being my guess is it's going to be about five to seven parts? In any case,

this is going to be part one the evidence here presented is exclusively

to do with the Eclipse again August 21st 2017 over North

America it is known as the Great American or the North American Eclipse.

So, without further ado, I will start part 1 here and I will again release

different parts as I get them ready and I may do videos in between

so that the intricacies that are presented are fully understood. Because

as I said :"NASA and the scientists who have been hiding the truth from us all

along do not want you to know this". And this is

evidence that shatters their model, absolutely shatters it! This is why they

don't want you looking up at the Sun under any circumstances during eclipse

so I will open this video here now and have more commentary in the follow-ups

to it thank you guys a good spot to start might do this right

here we were talking about the Eclipse my research and the basic findings so

before the Eclipse on August 21st 2017 I spent like a month or so in advance of

that building several models to try to simulate the Eclipse and this is a

screenshot of one of them I did them in blender so it's 3d solid modeling and it

has a particle system in it so it scatters light properly according to

common physics light scattering particle systems and if you had a solid ball

which is what this screenshot image is here so you there's actually a solid

sphere here and simulating the moon this is the Sun coming through the firmament

through the air particulate and or space if you're following the heliocentric

model it's all the scale and what happens is you would expect to see a

shadow pretty much like this which is not much different than them you know

normal light coming from a flashlight except you're seeing a shadow or like

rays of Sun coming through a barn door and all kinds of dust I think you'd

expect to see this very sharp approaching shadow as the moon or the

object whatever it is conten eclipse approaching the sun-like source it

should look like this so this is part of the control and as it approaches

totality you would also see this very nice Crescent and what I did is I once I

got it into totality and posted a diamond ring that everybody's always in

awe I believe that most common image people

take a picture of I took that into it a photo forensic photo shot plate software

and then analyzed how light in this image which is simulated three

three-dimensional solid models into a photographic rendering to simulate how

light you scatter in reality during an eclipse you'll see the bounces out the

front leading edge creating creating you know standard with refraction waves or

diffraction waves diffraction bouncing of wave fronts which is what you would

expect in this type of system and you can see that in this dark image you

can't really see the backside of the Crescent is rendered and then analyzed

you crank up the levels a little bit you can see that you would actually be able

to pull out a real object and it was half their own Crescent length of

distributions in the system so that was basically the control control and then

what did further to that I first started looking at was real photos and I looked

at hundreds and hundreds of high quality forming foam eclipse yeah this is one

here that you saturated a little bit so I took this and saturated this is not at

totality is just as it starts to it starts to come into its face and you can

see that there's just a little smiley face you know the compression on this

side of the leading edge of the light as it starts to come into the partial


don't same things repeat over here so it's a compression into a darker zone

and then there's this is obviously we're starting with a block of sunlight when I

back out of that a little bit you can see that it's actually quickly prominent

here here's a little smiley face table effect again with the shadow now is

being cast upward so it's actually not coming in the right direction the way

we're exactly - it was just telling us that there's something else going on

here this implies that object or whatever it

is has a thickness that's refracting light practically getting all these

little blue orbs everybody caught and they were scattered to the ground so

whatever it is whether it's the firmament and the dome itself is degree

in the magnetic field is cancelling out the light and compression and Electric

electromagnetic wave front which could do that that it's basically a plasma

container is what happened to my cold plasma take the plastic effect here back

here let me bring up another picture here I was actually going on with time

cuz I got some from the high altitude everything you've all probably seen this

take the image see there's a dark spot this is an altitude this from higher

altitude aircraft and these little rings see all the lights coming through and

being scattered here but this is actually a compression of the light into

a ring and these donuts these ones here up here like ghost images in the glass

one of these has to be real in order to project that forward

and the other thing we know this during the Eclipse was that the same Crescent

seems forward projected forward projected so this image here this image

here this blue Crescent was what was projected forward rejected now I'm

interrupting Chris's presentation here because I want to show you a live video

feed this was actually taken off a news network and but I want you to pay

attention to is this anomaly right here which I called on my camera on my little

iPhone here in Arizona and Chris will go into explaining this shortly but I want

to eliminate any and all doubts that this is some kind of lens flare when you

see it live in an actual live presentation you can tell that it is not

a lens flare this is a lens fair flare right here watch how this behaves

compared to how this is and as the person in this video states and I will

have the link to this video as well which is entitled something like you

should watch this before September 23rd I think so it doesn't have anything

directly to do with the eclipse which is even better they weren't trying to pull

this out but watch this and then we'll go back to Chris's presentation and you

will see that it is absolutely 100% proof here that this is not an anomaly I

caught it in my camera both still and video captures and so have many many

others there are thousands literally of people who have caught this anomaly so

let's take a look at it

hey guys this is chamber with the impossible channel it's amazing what's

really going on out there we're gonna show you a lot of clips

right now this is just out of this world from people for example catching what's

supposed to be two suns during the Eclipse everywhere folks on television

on the live television this is for example coming from live TV from Chris

he was recording to television while he saw this right so a lot of people saw

and are seeing still anomalies all over the world and this really started

happening a lot more after the great American Eclipse


this lucrative most forward projected forward projected and hit the ground hit

the ground by the hundreds of thousands hundreds of millions from all different

angles what's important to notice about this is that as each one interferes with

another one they're being stacked they're being so it's actually an

addition of light intensity so as each one lands on top of the next one it's

actually adding the light together because you'll notice you'd be zooming

on some of these this was not free quality but you can see where they cross

over for each other you can see that right there's no one crosses here

crosses over here wherever they cross are they're actually right here can you

explain why that is not that is not something that is what masses chain like

ten holes how we can tell that to the Eclipse right so NASA skirt explanation

is the pinhole camera effect so this is what a pinhole camera actually does and

every artist we know that if you take a pinhole projected image through a

pinhole it's a really simple process the entire field of view will be inverted

and spread out behind you up here on the plane behind it and then it's actually

upside down - such as this right so if a pinhole comes in bounces off mirror the

entire field is replicated upside down which is really cool easy - there's no

really trippy below it's the whole field of view is replicated not singular

billions of singular images in the ground in different places so this this

means that each one of these image images on the ground which is a

replication of this blue orb forward projected hitting the ground all these

different angles

each one is an individual image coming through an individual crystal through an

individual angle of almost infinite possibilities of angle these Frank looks

like like no crystal down through the center of it and it's being projected

forward like a laser during the Eclipse event like this is it the picture here

Ryan hand just to get a better view of what was happening and I took some shots

of some high-altitude 360 cameras way up there way up in the air 75,000 to 80,000

feet similar things were caught up there depending on where you were looking in

the camera okay guys I'm going to end part 1 here and we will continue with

this the things to remember here is well probably the best thing to do is I

should go back and watch this again so you catch all the little things he's

saying each one acting as a layer as a laser rather through different crystals

is extremely important and just everything in this video is important

you will see one concept builds on the other and as we probably get to part

even as early as part two or three of this you're going to see that the NASA

model just absolutely falls apart and this will be the only thing that

actually can explain what was observed by many many people many different

witnesses on the Eclipse day as you will see when it's all presented NASA's model

is dead and we are most definitely living in an electromagnetic universe

much closer to Teslas world than Einsteins world that's for darn sure

so I will end it here and look forward to part two guys I look forward to your

feedback god bless take care

For more infomation >> PROOF That DESTROYS Heliocentric Model - Part 1 - Duration: 18:22.


NYT: Paul Manafort Wiretapped Under Secret Court Orders | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> NYT: Paul Manafort Wiretapped Under Secret Court Orders | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 10:23.


Every Salaried Man Ever | Being Indian - Duration: 4:41.

How can they not give us the salary?

I'll burn down the whole office…

Sorry..I'm just joking.

Bye Bye

I don't have change sir.

Did I ask you for the change?

Did I?

Did I?

You are coming in the evening right?

Don't come by bus take an auto and come I'll take care and don't get your wallet

Hey Hottie!

You are looking beautiful, I know I can't see you So what!

You are coming in the evening right?

Take an ola I'll play.

Let's go to Imagica over the weekend?

I have already booked the tickets bro.

Oh credit card?

Yeah Actually I have my own startup.

Whats is your name ?

What are you doing?

Shopping T-shirts?

I don't have t-shirts.


Since Childhood I'm very passionate about photography

Dog Collar?

You don't have a dog

I'll buy it in Jan.

Let me check if I get it online.

Hey, go watch a movie with your girlfriend

You have given me 200 rs less sir.

Keep the change bro

Keep it bro Keep the change

Keep the- No no give me back the change

Why are you ordering from an idiotic hotel?

Order from Delhi Darbar.

Order Dum Biryani for me and Keema pao for you.

Anyone else?


Drinks on me.

If anyone of you dares to look at their wallet,

I'll take out your eyeballs and play with them.

How dare you!

How dare you give bill to the ladies!

Get lost from here.

Hi ladies

Get lost from here you Beggar!

I will pay for your education.

I'm not feeling well, I have fever you guys carry on.

Don't order food from a restaurant it's all a scam.

I have got special home made food for you.

It's so tasty that the smell is still in my fingers.

Get lost!

Yes bro I am coming just pick me up from the bus stop.

Listen brother if you can lend me 500

What is it?

Will you keep this mug on my head?

Keep it here

Can you give me 500rs?

They have cut the electricity supply of my house.

Can you give me 20rs more?

I need money to reach home also.

Can you pay for the coffee also?

During month end, you should sit at home only.

Give me 2 small Foursquare.

Sir the note is fucked up Here my condition is also fucked up

Where are you going?

Can you take a bus please?

It's fun sitting on the top seat of a double decker bus.

When are you throwing your birthday party?




I can't hear you?


I'll meet you in the evening.

Why are you selling of your camera?

Are you my dad?

I'm not telling you.

Hey should we drink whiskey?

No we should have rum.

We drink expensive whiskey rum everyday, lets have something cheap.

Do you have money?

Sir I don't have change.

What do you mean you don't have change?

Do you think i'm mad?

Get off I'll tell you.

I'm sorry bro, you keep the change.

For more infomation >> Every Salaried Man Ever | Being Indian - Duration: 4:41.


It Happens Only in Pakistan That You Won't Believe | Funny Videos - Try Not To Laugh - Duration: 8:58.

It Happens Only in Pakistan That You Won't Believe | Funny Videos - Try Not To Laugh

For more infomation >> It Happens Only in Pakistan That You Won't Believe | Funny Videos - Try Not To Laugh - Duration: 8:58.


Videogame Victory Dances In Street Fighter Megaman Punch Out Final Fantasy Sports Game Is Guts Pose! - Duration: 5:45.

This is ABC!

.....actually its GTV!

Street Fighter II, Megaman, Final Fantasy, Punch Out!!. All these games have the characters

doing weird little movements. Did you ever notice that?? And it's not just these, there's

a lot of games old and new that are full of these strange little actions.

When you play video games for most of your life, you tend to notice things. You start

to see patterns, things kind of imitate each other, or look the same. It's not quite copying,

but everything comes from some origin point right?

You might just say, "oh, it's just a victory dance, don't think about it." But there's

something more. All of these animations have a specific name in the Japan, where all video

games are made. And they all reference to one singular point. The name is "Guts Pose."

And the origin of that as a popular expression and action in Japan began on April 11th, 1974.

If you think I'm crazy, just sit back and let me explain the whole thing.

The term "Guts Pose" is attributed to a professional boxer named Guts Ishimatsu.

His real name is Yuji Suzuki, but he took the stage name Guts at the start of his career

in 1966, to show that he was a gutsy fighter. The term guts, referencing ability or fortitude

was not well known in Japan at the time. The earliest use of the term is found a publication

known as Weekly Guts Bowling, which was in print in the 1960s, around the time that Yuji

Suzuki took the name Guts Ishimatsu. Did he steal his name from this magazine? Well, he's

never admitted it. One issue, dated November 30th, 1972 highlights different stances bowlers

would take after scoring a strike. The term Guts Pose was used to describe it. However,

the magazine, that issue and the word Guts was not well known outside of the Japanese

bowling world. While Guts Ishimatsu and his in ring style WAS becoming well known around

the world.

Overall his career win loss record wasn't so great. He would often throw matches if

he felt that was going to lose. By 1974 he stood at 26 wins with 14 by KO, 11 losses

and 6 draws but was able to secure a title match for the WBC Lightweight championship

against then champion Rodalfo Gato Gonzales. Gonzales, with over 50 wins on his record,

was the heavy favorite. But in the 8th round was able to knock out Gonzales and take the

title. The win was such and upset, that Guts, his crew and his family started celebrating

as fans stormed the ring! In this middle of all the excitement, Guts, made a weird, strange

motion with his hands. In his post fight interview, he said that the movement in his right hand

shows his own joy of winning a fight, while the left hand shows his gratitude to the audience.

This boxing match, held in Japan, and won in a dramatic fashion by a Japanese fighter,

naturally made headlines across the country. With Guts Ishimatsu becoming somewhat of a

national hero. And so the term "Guts Pose" became a household word. Guts was the WBC

Lightweight Champion until 1976 and retried in 1978. With a record of 31 wins, 17 by KO,

14 losses and 6 draws. Soon after he became a TV and movie actor and even released a novelty

song, which is common in Japan. The Song's title, OK Bokujou, also became Japan's word

of the year in 2004.

The term Guts Pose was carried over into other sports, as Baseball and Soccer players soon

adopted the move when making crucial plays. It then spread further into society. You often

see politicians striking a Guts Pose in their posters to show they can be an effective leader.

Regular people started doing the action in their daily lives as an expression of happiness.

And while not a national holiday, April 11th is celebrated Casually as "Guts Pose Day"

where people can freely show off the best Pose. Since 1974, you can find different examples

of the Guts Pose in almost everything. Including videogames, where it's done all the time.

So now when you narrowly defeat a boss in Final Fantasy or pull off a come from behind

win in Street Fighter, you know where it came from, why it's done and the backstory of the

man who made one strange term into a permanent fixture.

For more infomation >> Videogame Victory Dances In Street Fighter Megaman Punch Out Final Fantasy Sports Game Is Guts Pose! - Duration: 5:45.


Her Last Will - Movie - Duration: 1:31:45.

For more infomation >> Her Last Will - Movie - Duration: 1:31:45.


Clean up your /st/ pronunciation! - Duration: 7:32.

Hi, my name is Sarah

Lobegeiger de Rodriguez, and I'm the chief speech pathologist at Voice Science Melbourne's premier accent reduction and

communication Center located on Collins Street in the Melbourne CBD

Today I want to go into the next step for creating a clear /s/


The /s/ sound is one of the most common sounds of English in terms of the

consonants and there are so many different contexts where we need to release it.

Today we will look at how to release /s/

followed by a /t/

to increase clarity

If you remember the first video that I've made about the /s/

sound you'll note that if the tongue placement is incorrect a lisp can result.

So before we start

going into a bit of a drill, let's just do a quick refresher on the /s/ sound.

/s/ for English is very strong. I activate my abdominal diaphragmatic muscles so that I can release a strong

fast flowing velocity of air pressure.

My tongue is concealed completely by either my bottom teeth or my top teeth

depending on which way I position the tip.

To achieve a clear /s/ sound for most languages of the world it is important that the tongue is completely

concealed and either buried at the base of the mouth or

pushed to the vault of the mouth at the very top behind the top teeth.

If any little gaps are received where the tongue comes out the sides like (noise) we'll get

quite a lot of distortion which lies outside the standard English speech patterns.

Now let's look at the sound that we want to combine /s/ with, the T sound.

Fortunately T is also voiceless so that makes it much easier for us to coordinate the sounds with our voice.

The T sound is short, it must explode and in order to create it so that it resembles

distinct English qualities we want to elevate the tongue behind the teeth

but don't let the tip of it touch the back of the front teeth. So most European and

Oriental T sounds are released with a soft air pressure, and this is achieved by letting the tip of the tongue

contact the rear of my top teeth "t" "t" and in many instances the voice will vibrate slightly

The English T is very

distinct from this sound, have a listen! Here is my target : /t/

Here would be an error: "t"

At a word level we would hear "time" as the target versus "time" (sounds more like dime) as

as an error or


When we coordinate /s/ with

/t/ we have one core consideration to think of and that is

maximal velocity of air flow and pressure.

This is a very distinct sound for English and it must explode with the strong force.

Given that the T sound is formed behind the back of the top front teeth

I would highly recommend that your S sound co-articulates to that position as well.

So you want to start with an elevated tongue position.

Many speakers will typically place the tongue at the base of the mouth to form S

But if you've gotta carry it upwards for the T that can create a lot more work for you

And hey, communication needs to be quick, efficient and fun. So lift the tip of the tongue behind the top front teeth,

/s/ Release a duration of airflow /s/

at strong pressure.


Let's try the T sound.

Elevate the tongue tip,

ensure it doesn't touch the back of the front teeth /t/ and

Pop the air

You might want to place your hand in front of your mouth so that you can feel that you're building up enough pressure.

Okay, let's now connect the sounds. So first we'll sustain S with lots of airflow : /s/

Then insert the T: /t/

You might have a little segment at first to make sure that you get an accurate T and an accurate S.

It's good to take a little pause in the middle: /s/ ... /t/

Repeat after me: /s/... /t/

Now, let's try and create a link: /st/

Where do you feel the most air pressure at the tongue?

Yeah, you might have guessed correctly

It's actually on the T sound. The T sound is what we call a "plosive" so it explodes. S

just sort of releases of the high velocity and high volume of air

but we won't feel the pressure until we release it for the T /st/.

The S+T combination occurs in a lot of contexts. We can get it at the front of the word, the middle or the end.

Today because we're just getting started

why don't we do it at the front?

I've tried to select words that occur often.

That one will take more time.

If you're struggling why not insert the sound combination on its own at the front?

/st/ and then insert the word.

That one's tough, that's just to motivate you! So I think you can see practice might be needed.

And finally one of my favourite things...Actually I think this is a bit of a speech pathologist thing.

I hope you found this video interesting

If it was a challenge why not go back and review how to create the /s/ sound on its own. I'll add the link below.

You might also want to check out the voicing video to learn how to

really accurately ensure that your /t/

especially at the front of the words contains no vocal vibration.

Otherwise, be sure to follow us on all our social media accounts we have Instagram and Facebook and of course

hopefully you've subscribed to the channel already.

My name is Sarah, Lobegeiger de Rodriguez

chief speech pathologist at Voice Science.

Have a great day, ciao!

For more infomation >> Clean up your /st/ pronunciation! - Duration: 7:32.


Hiveswap - Keep your head down, Rustblood! [Sax Cover Story ] | subversiveasset - Duration: 3:43.

This message is sponsored by her fuschia radiance, the Heiress.

Subjects of Alternia, I comment you in maintaining your place.

It has come to my attention that some deny the grace of the trident.

I have no doubts that such treachery was hatched from the thinkpans

...of a despicable, vile rustblood.

I wish to remind you all of the bounty of your betters.

Without the aid of the highbloods, your hives would be shambles.

And so, we will remind you all of your place.

Strict curfew will be enforced by the Imperial Drones

...any violators will be culled.


We are interrupting your regularly scheduled programming.

To bring you a message of revolution!

Rustbloods! Cast of the chains of your oppressors!

Though the highbloods may deem themselves our superiors...

...never forget that we have our own abilities and powers!

Join the resistance today; defy the hemospectral dictatorship!

We will take allies of all blood types to create an equal world!

We will combine the telekinetic strengths of burgundy and bronze... paint the town fuschia!

I will rally the troops to action with the blare of a horn!

Every message will be encoded within a song.

We will hide our intentions and appear to be a docile crowd.

until we grow so strong that we cannot be stopped!

Tell your moirails and kismeses

...your matesprits and auspistices

Even Gl'bgolyb itself...

will not withstand a united, commited army of lusii and trolls!

(subscribe today to support the cause!)

For more infomation >> Hiveswap - Keep your head down, Rustblood! [Sax Cover Story ] | subversiveasset - Duration: 3:43.


"L'œil du cyclone est estimé à 50 kilomètres des îles des Saintes", assure le préfet de Guadeloupe - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> "L'œil du cyclone est estimé à 50 kilomètres des îles des Saintes", assure le préfet de Guadeloupe - Duration: 0:41.


Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds - Learn Dinosaurs Names - Squishy Dinosaurs | NomNom TOYS - Duration: 9:51.


Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds - Learn Dinosaurs Names - Squishy Dinosaurs | NomNom TOYS

For more infomation >> Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds - Learn Dinosaurs Names - Squishy Dinosaurs | NomNom TOYS - Duration: 9:51.


SIA - Cheap Thrills (Cover by Alien's Rhythm) - Duration: 1:17.

Come on, come on, turn the radio on

It's Friday night and it won't be long

Gotta do my hair, put my make-up on

It's Friday night and it won't be long 'til I

Hit the dancefloor Hit the dancefloor

I got all I need

No I ain't got cash I ain't got cash

But I got you baby

Baby I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight

Baby I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight

I don't need no money

As long as I can feel the beat

I don't need no money

As long as I keep dancing

Credit goes to Sing2Guitar Karaoke Demo

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